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<title>Can that be right, I have not seen Stewart Lee for ten years? | Paul Clarkeʼs blog</title>
<meta name="Description" content="Pauly blog post from Wednesday 12 February '25. What's the rule when the headline is a question? I was thinking "that must be a mistake", my gigography type stuff on this page says the last time I s…">
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<h2><a href="/blog/">Blog</a> ≫ <a href="/2025/">2025</a> ≫ Can that be right, I have not seen Stewart Lee for ten years?</h2>
<time datetime="2025-02-12T18:40:55.000Z">Wed Feb 12</time>
<p>What's the rule when the headline is a question? I was thinking "that must be a mistake", <a href="/gig/2025/02/10/stewart-lee-vs-the-man-wulf/">my gigography type stuff on this page</a> says the last time I saw <a href="/wiki/#stewart/lee">Stewart Lee</a> before the Man Wulf show on Monday was in <a href="/wiki/#2015">2015</a>! I know there was a long time when no-one went out and there were no shows, but surely not?</p>
<p>💬 <a href="/gig/2025/02/10/stewart-lee-vs-the-man-wulf/">Stewart Lee vs The Man Wulf</a></p>
<p>⬅️ <a rel="prev" href="/2025/02/12/step-count-took-a-hammering/">Step count took a hammering</a></p>
<div><p>Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Married to Clare + father to two, I am a full-stack web engineer, + I do mostly js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home-automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.</p></div><div><p>🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#stewart/lee">stewart lee</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#gigography">gigography</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#2015">2015</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#comedy">comedy</a> </p></div><p>Yep, <a href="/2023/10/22/thinking-of-shaking-this-site-up-a-bit/">deliberately unstyled</a>.</p>
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<pubDate>Wed, 12 Feb 2025 18:40:55 GMT</pubDate>
<title><![CDATA[Step count took a hammering]]></title>
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<title>Step count took a hammering | Paul Clarkeʼs blog</title>
<meta name="Description" content="Pauly blog post from Wednesday 12 February '25. Mostly I have been doing less exercise this month anyway, but on our big trip to Canterbury by Garmin watch battery died. So, I lost some activities t…">
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<h2><a href="/blog/">Blog</a> ≫ <a href="/2025/">2025</a> ≫ Step count took a hammering</h2>
<time datetime="2025-02-12T13:11:38.000Z">Wed Feb 12</time>
<p>Mostly I have been doing less <a href="/wiki/#exercise">exercise</a> this month anyway, but on our big trip to <a href="/wiki/#canterbury">Canterbury</a> by <a href="/wiki/#garmin">Garmin</a> watch <a href="/wiki/#battery">battery</a> died. So, I lost some activities there. Was quite a bit of walking around, though less than there would have been on a nicer day. It completely failed to charge overnight and the next day too though, so I'm missing about a day's worth. I've managed to reset it now and all is good and it's tracking again. Still not actually walked anywhere though.</p>
<p><a href="">Free Octopus Energy</a> <sup><abbr title="Join Octopus Energy here and we both earn money.">1</abbr></sup> yesterday and today. Must remember to make use of it.</p>
<p><em>Light cloud and light winds, 2 - 6℃.</em></p>
<li>Join Octopus Energy here and we both earn money.</li>
<p>💬 <a href="/gig/2025/02/10/stewart-lee-vs-the-man-wulf/">Stewart Lee vs The Man Wulf</a></p>
<p>⬅️ <a rel="prev" href="/2025/02/11/stewart-lee-vs-the-man-wulf-was-brilliant/">Stewart Lee vs The Man Wulf was brilliant</a> :: <a rel="next" href="/2025/02/12/can-that-be-right-i-have-not-seen-stewart-lee-for-ten-years/">Can that be right, I have not seen Stewart Lee for ten years?</a> ➡️</p>
<div><p>Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe in the far South. Wed + father to 2, I am a full-stack web engineer, + I do javascript / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.</p></div><div><p>🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#step/count">step count</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#octopus">octopus</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#exercise">exercise</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#battery">battery</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#canterbury">canterbury</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#garmin">garmin</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#energy">energy</a> </p></div><p>Yep, <a href="/2023/10/22/thinking-of-shaking-this-site-up-a-bit/">deliberately unstyled</a>.</p>
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<pubDate>Wed, 12 Feb 2025 13:11:38 GMT</pubDate>
<title><![CDATA[Stewart Lee vs The Man Wulf was brilliant]]></title>
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<title>Stewart Lee vs The Man Wulf was brilliant | Paul Clarkeʼs blog</title>
<meta name="Description" content="Pauly blog post from Tuesday 11 February '25. Really good show at the Marlowe Theatre last night, man alive did he look like he was working hard though! He talks about his poor health and then he's…">
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<h2><a href="/blog/">Blog</a> ≫ <a href="/2025/">2025</a> ≫ Stewart Lee vs The Man Wulf was brilliant</h2>
<time datetime="2025-02-11T18:25:16.000Z">Tue Feb 11</time>
<p>Really good show at the Marlowe <a href="/wiki/#theatre">Theatre</a> last night, man alive did he look like he was <a href="/wiki/#work">working</a> hard though! He talks about his poor health and then he's sweating away for parts of the show in this giant <a href="/wiki/#wolf">wolf</a> costume. He has a proper go at other comedians, this is to be expected these days though. Really enjoyed it. Thank you very much for this great present the ife...</p>
<p>Hey we went to the bar in the Marlowe, does this mean it counts for <a href="/wiki/#febrewery">Febrewery</a>..? It might, I will have to line it all up. We went to a few different places.</p>
<p>We got <a href="/wiki/#train">the train</a> to <a href="/wiki/#canterbury">Canterbury</a> in the end as <a href="/wiki/#bus">the bus</a> was going to take an hour and twenty and we'd have to get <a href="/wiki/#train">the train</a> back anyway. It was fine but not cheap! Not as expensive as <a href="/wiki/#work">work</a> of course, but still £33 return for the two of us. We headed out about 9:30, it would have been a bit cheaper to wait until 10:00</p>
<p>We had a breakfast in <a href="">The Refectory Kitchen</a>, quite near the station, as Clare had heard a rave <a href="/wiki/#review">review</a> of it. I had peacamole. Guacamole but made with peas. It was really nice, on toast, with chipotle <a href="/wiki/#mushrooms">mushrooms</a>. We wondered if we should have anything as we had an actual lunch lined up at 1pm, but we knew it wouldn't be a big lunch. I liked the food but I found the little naggy notices about The Refectory a bit offputting, saying don't queue for <a href="/wiki/#toilet">the toilet</a>, don't approach the counter, and we want your table back in on hour. Not sure about all of that.</p>
<p>The rain was horrible and cold. We broke up the walk from the Refectory up to Fenwicks at the other end of town by going in <a href="/wiki/#charity">the charity</a> bookshop and got a couple of Agatha Christies. Then on to Fenwicks to try and look at lights, but they've shrunk that department right down, they had nothing. So to our first pub.</p>
<p>We went in The Old Buttermarket, and it was nice and quiet. Nice to just sit and chat, in a quiet pub, when everyone else is at <a href="/wiki/#work">work</a>. </p>
<p>Next to The Ivy for lunch, because we are posh like that. It was very good, good quality, a bit dainty. They did put <a href="/wiki/#vegan">the vegan</a> starter on the set menu for me so we both had that, tossed Asian vegetables. Then I had the rendang <a href="/wiki/#curry">curry</a> and Clarehad some <a href="/wiki/#pasta">pasta</a> dish with a ragou made of three kinds of meat. We did not drink any booze here!</p>
<p>After lunch to another pub, another walk in the rain to The Parrot. It was OK, we sat near <a href="/wiki/#fire">the fire</a> and played cards. I ddid not remember it being a <a href="/wiki/#shepherd/neame">Shepherd Neame</a>. If it wasn't so much of an effort to go anywhere else (<a href="/wiki/#dolphin">the Dolphin</a> was strangely closed) I might have kept looking. But it was fine.</p>
<p>After this I might have to think and come back to this. We went to The Thomas Beckett and found there were some board <a href="/wiki/#game">games</a> to play. I picked out one called something like Reminisce, it's all old <a href="/wiki/#film">film</a> questions. VERY STRANGELY there was a wallet stuffed with cash in the box! Clare thought it was a prop at first, but no it was real. I say stuffed, there were a few notes in there, more than one twenty I think, plus all the cards and ID. We handed it in at the bar, and they said they tracked the owner down via Instagram.</p>
<p>Still raining when we left but we wanted to go to The Pegasus Taproom. It was better for Clare than for me. I thought they had <a href="/wiki/#real/ale">real ale</a> on before, they did not this time, but a big choice of keg <a href="/wiki/#beer">beers</a>. One in there, it was very quiet and a bit cold still. That is a real theme to my complaints these days isn't it? I'm always cold. We were even sat near a small <a href="/wiki/#fire">fire</a> there but it was more decorative than warm.</p>
<p>Next to The Unicorn, which did have better <a href="/wiki/#beer">beer</a>, and they were doing food. Yes, third meal out of the day! We got a couple of ten pound dinner and a pint deals, very good. I had vegan <a href="/wiki/#chilli">chilli</a> over chips, Clare had a <a href="/wiki/#pizza">pizza</a>.</p>
<p>Next to <a href="/wiki/#theatre">the theatre</a>, which I already covered, then back to the Pegasus after the show, then <a href="/wiki/#train">train</a> home. Taxi back from <a href="/wiki/#folkestone">Folkestone</a> West.</p>
<p>And that is all the writing up I will do on this for now I think! So how does all that affect <a href="/wiki/#febrewery">Febrewery</a>..?</p>
<li><a href="/wiki/#ship">The Famous Ship Inn</a>, <a href="/wiki/#sandgate">Sandgate</a> <sup><abbr title="We didn't mean to but all the cafes were full.">1</abbr></sup>.</li>
<li><a href="/wiki/#potting/shed">The Potting Shed</a>, <a href="/wiki/#hythe">Hythe</a> <sup><abbr title="AND I went back again on Friday. I am not putting any effort into this challenge, revisiting the same pub twice.">2</abbr></sup>.</li>
<li>The Old Buttermarket, <a href="/wiki/#canterbury">Canterbury</a>.</li>
<li>The Parrot, <a href="/wiki/#canterbury">Canterbury</a>.</li>
<li>The Thomas Beckett, <a href="/wiki/#canterbury">Canterbury</a>.</li>
<li>The Pegasus Taproom, <a href="/wiki/#canterbury">Canterbury</a>.</li>
<li>The Unicorn, <a href="/wiki/#canterbury">Canterbury</a>.</li>
<li>The Marlowe <a href="/wiki/#theatre">Theatre</a> <sup><abbr title="Yeah cheating here, but at least I did have a drink here.">3</abbr></sup>.</li>
<p>If I were to include pubs Clare has been to, if we could tag team this, we would also have</p>
<li>Farl, <a href="/wiki/#folkestone">Folkestone</a> <sup><abbr title="New Irish pub on The Old High Street.">4</abbr></sup></li>
<li><a href="/wiki/#beer">The Beer</a> Shop, <a href="/wiki/#folkestone">Folkestone</a>.</li>
<li><a href="/wiki/#pullman">The Pulman</a>, <a href="/wiki/#folkestone">Folkestone</a>.</li>
<p>Really not expecting to complete this in <a href="/wiki/#2025">2025</a>.</p>
<li>We didn't mean to but all the cafes were full.</li>
<li>AND I went back again on Friday. I am not putting any effort into this challenge, revisiting the same pub twice.</li>
<li>Yeah cheating here, but at least I did have a drink here.</li>
<li>New Irish pub on The Old High Street.</li>
<p><a name="more" title="More content in the source">🕵️</a></p>
<p>💬 <a href="/gig/2025/02/10/stewart-lee-vs-the-man-wulf/">Stewart Lee vs The Man Wulf</a></p>
<p>⬅️ <a rel="prev" href="/2025/02/11/survived-our-big-canterbury-day-out/">Survived our big Canterbury day out</a> :: <a rel="next" href="/2025/02/12/step-count-took-a-hammering/">Step count took a hammering</a> ➡️</p>
<div><p>Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe in the deep South. Wed + dad to 2, I am a full-stack web engineer, + I do javascript / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home automation + other diy stuff, history, tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.</p></div><div><p>🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#pasta">pasta</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#game">game</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#ship">ship</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#folkestone">folkestone</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#shepherd/neame">shepherd neame</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#potting/shed">potting shed</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#curry">curry</a> </p></div><p>Yep, <a href="/2023/10/22/thinking-of-shaking-this-site-up-a-bit/">deliberately unstyled</a>.</p>
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<pubDate>Tue, 11 Feb 2025 18:25:16 GMT</pubDate>
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<title>Survived our big Canterbury day out | Paul Clarkeʼs blog</title>
<meta name="Description" content="Pauly blog post from Tuesday 11 February '25. Our day off day out with comedy, restaurants, and pubs went well yesterday. Despite the weather. The boys survived without us too, at least they have re…">
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<h2><a href="/blog/">Blog</a> ≫ <a href="/2025/">2025</a> ≫ Survived our big Canterbury day out</h2>
<time datetime="2025-02-11T12:53:41.000Z">Tue Feb 11</time>
<p>Our <a href="/wiki/#day/off">day off</a> day out with <a href="/wiki/#comedy">comedy</a>, restaurants, and pubs went well yesterday. Despite <a href="/wiki/#weather">the weather</a>. The boys survived without us too, at least they have responded to phone messages this morning from grandpa's house, and got themselves off to <a href="/wiki/#school">school</a>.</p>
<p>Busy back at <a href="/wiki/#work">work</a> today will update later.</p>
<p><em>Thick cloud and light winds, 1 - 5℃.</em></p>
<p>💬 <a href="/gig/2025/02/10/stewart-lee-vs-the-man-wulf/">Stewart Lee vs The Man Wulf</a></p>
<p>⬅️ <a rel="prev" href="/2025/02/11/run-stats/">Health stats 11/2/25</a> :: <a rel="next" href="/2025/02/11/stewart-lee-vs-the-man-wulf-was-brilliant/">Stewart Lee vs The Man Wulf was brilliant</a> ➡️</p>
<div><p>Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe in the deep South. Wed to Clare + dad to two, I'm a full-stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubs, running, eating, home automation + other diy stuff, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.</p></div><div><p>🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#canterbury">canterbury</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#school">school</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#day/off">day off</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#work">work</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#comedy">comedy</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#weather">weather</a> </p></div><p>Yep, <a href="/2023/10/22/thinking-of-shaking-this-site-up-a-bit/">deliberately unstyled</a>.</p>
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<pubDate>Tue, 11 Feb 2025 12:53:41 GMT</pubDate>
<title><![CDATA[Health stats 11/2/25]]></title>
<description><![CDATA[Paul Clarke (aka Pauly) Health stats for Tue Feb 11 2025. 🚶 654 steps _Passing clouds. 2℃_. Automated using my stats from Garmin.]]></description>
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<pubDate>Tue, 11 Feb 2025 08:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
<title><![CDATA[Cold start to the day off]]></title>
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<title>Cold start to the day off | Paul Clarkeʼs blog</title>
<meta name="Description" content="Pauly blog post from Monday 10 February '25. Not getting up at 6:30 as per would have greatly improved this day off I think. Rudely awoken by the alarm, we got the boys breakfast and we could be rea…">
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<h2><a href="/blog/">Blog</a> ≫ <a href="/2025/">2025</a> ≫ Cold start to the day off</h2>
<time datetime="2025-02-10T08:37:31.000Z">Mon Feb 10</time>
<p>Not getting up at 6:30 as per would have greatly improved this <a href="/wiki/#day/off">day off</a> I think. Rudely awoken by the alarm, we got the boys breakfast and we could be ready to go out by 9am. It's started cold though, and I don't think it's going to improve much over the day. Aiming to get <a href="/wiki/#bus">the bus</a> out today.</p>
<p>They've changed the menu on <a href="/wiki/#restaurant">the restaurant</a> we're going to though. When Clare went the set menu was about half <a href="/wiki/#vegan">vegan</a>, with lots of choice. Looking again now there's one main and possibly no starters, so maybe it was a <a href="/wiki/#veganuary">veganuary</a> special. I can still get a good range of food just not in the more bargainous fixed price <a href="/wiki/#deal">deal</a>.</p>
<p>We're going to do a little browsing at home interiours too while we're out, I want some new wall lights. This will list about five minutes though until we get fed up and realise we don't agree on anything.</p>
<p>One more <a href="/wiki/#coffee">coffee</a> before we go I think.
<p><em>Estimated 2292 cups of <a href="/wiki/#coffee">coffee</a> from <a href="">my espresso machine</a> <sup><abbr title="As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.">1</abbr></sup> probably comes to £0.95 a cup (including 3+ years of <a href="/wiki/#coffee">coffee</a> beans <a href="">and now servicing</a> <sup><abbr title="As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.">1</abbr></sup> but not the 'leccy).</em></p>
<li>As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.</li>
<p>💬 <a href="/gig/2025/02/10/stewart-lee-vs-the-man-wulf/">Stewart Lee vs The Man Wulf</a></p>
<p>⬅️ <a rel="prev" href="/2025/02/10/run-stats/">Health stats 10/2/25</a> :: <a rel="next" href="/2025/02/11/run-stats/">Health stats 11/2/25</a> ➡️</p>
<div><p>Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe in the far South. Wed + dad to two, I am a full-stack web engineer, and I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home-automation and other diy stuff, history, family tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.</p></div><div><p>🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#canterbury">canterbury</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#restaurant">restaurant</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#day/off">day off</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#veganuary">veganuary</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#coffee">coffee</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#vegan">vegan</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#bus">bus</a> </p></div><p>Yep, <a href="/2023/10/22/thinking-of-shaking-this-site-up-a-bit/">deliberately unstyled</a>.</p>
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<pubDate>Mon, 10 Feb 2025 08:37:31 GMT</pubDate>
<title><![CDATA[Health stats 10/2/25]]></title>
<description><![CDATA[Paul Clarke (aka Pauly) Health stats for Mon Feb 10 2025. 🚶 9191 steps _Drizzle. Fog. 1℃_. Automated using my stats from Garmin.]]></description>
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<pubDate>Mon, 10 Feb 2025 08:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
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<title>Pleasingly round gigiversary today | Paul Clarkeʼs blog</title>
<meta name="Description" content="Pauly blog post from Sunday 09 February '25. Supergrass and The Bluetones at Southampton Joiners, thirty years ago today. Supergrass are touring again. They're doing a UK tour in May, then dates in…">
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<h2><a href="/blog/">Blog</a> ≫ <a href="/2025/">2025</a> ≫ Pleasingly round gigiversary today</h2>
<time datetime="2025-02-09T21:37:20.000Z">Sun Feb 9</time>
<p><a href="/wiki/#supergrass">Supergrass</a> and <a href="/wiki/#bluetones">The Bluetones</a> at <a href="/wiki/#joiners">Southampton Joiners</a>, <a href="/gig/1995/02/09/supergrass/">thirty years ago today</a>.</p>
<p><a href="">Supergrass are touring again</a>. They're doing a UK tour in May, then dates in <a href="/wiki/#australia">Australia</a>, then back in the UK for the end of June, hmm... they're playing <a href="/wiki/#margate">Margate</a>, but that might be a bit of a faff for us. Then <a href="/wiki/#bristol">Bristol</a> on 25th of June and they're free for all of <a href="/wiki/#glastonbury">Glastonbury</a> weekend.</p>
<p>I said to the young people at <a href="/wiki/#work">work</a> who are going to <a href="/wiki/#glastonbury">Glastonbury</a> I thought it was likely they'd play. But they'd not heard of <a href="/wiki/#supergrass">Supergrass</a>, bah.</p>
<p><a href="/wiki/#glastonbury">Glastonbury 2025</a> gates open in 134 Days.</p>
<p>⬅️ <a rel="prev" href="/2025/02/09/gah-the-thomas-tallis-is-closed-tomorrow/">Gah The Thomas Tallis is closed tomorrow</a> :: <a rel="next" href="/2025/02/10/run-stats/">Health stats 10/2/25</a> ➡️</p>
<div><p>Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe in the deep South. Wed to Clare and father to two, I'm a full-stack web engineer, and I do javascript / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home-automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.</p></div><div><p>🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#southampton">southampton</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#bluetones">bluetones</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#supergrass">supergrass</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#joiners">joiners</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#history">history</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#1995">1995</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#britpop">britpop</a> </p></div><p>Yep, <a href="/2023/10/22/thinking-of-shaking-this-site-up-a-bit/">deliberately unstyled</a>.</p>
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<pubDate>Sun, 09 Feb 2025 21:37:20 GMT</pubDate>
<title><![CDATA[Gah The Thomas Tallis is closed tomorrow]]></title>
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<title>Gah The Thomas Tallis is closed tomorrow | Paul Clarkeʼs blog</title>
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<meta property="og:title" content="Gah The Thomas Tallis is closed tomorrow">
<meta name="description" property="og:description" content="Pauly blog post from Sunday 09 February '25. Going to Canterbury tomorrow for the day, and I thought we'd get in a few pubs. The Thomas Tallis micropub is not going to be one of them then, it's clos…">
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<h2><a href="/blog/">Blog</a> ≫ <a href="/2025/">2025</a> ≫ Gah The Thomas Tallis is closed tomorrow</h2>
<time datetime="2025-02-09T20:27:05.000Z">Sun Feb 9</time>
<p>Going to <a href="/wiki/#canterbury">Canterbury</a> tomorrow for the day, and I thought we'd get in a few pubs. <a href="/wiki/#thomas/tallis">The Thomas Tallis</a> micropub is not going to be one of them then, it's closed on Mondays.</p>
<p><a href="">Pegasus Tap Room</a> is open, from 5pm. They have a live <a href="/wiki/#beer">beer</a> menu on that website, it's hard to read though. For the day of our visit it looks like this:</p>
<p><a href="/img/2025/02/_2025-02-09-gah-the-thomas-tallis-is-closed-tomorrow-Screenshot-2025-02-09-at-20.33.29.png"><img width="480px" height="301px" alt="Pegasus Tap Room beer menu" src="/img/2025/02/_bw-2025-02-09-gah-the-thomas-tallis-is-closed-tomorrow-Screenshot-2025-02-09-at-20.33.29.png" style="max-width: 100%" /></a></p>
<p>Maybe we'll go back to one of our old haunts like The Parrot or <a href="/wiki/#dolphin">The Dolphin</a>.</p>
<p>💬 <a href="/gig/2025/02/10/stewart-lee-vs-the-man-wulf/">Stewart Lee vs The Man Wulf</a></p>
<p>⬅️ <a rel="prev" href="/2025/02/09/got-my-new-phone/">Got my new phone</a> :: <a rel="next" href="/2025/02/09/pleasingly-round-gigiversary-today/">Pleasingly round gigiversary today</a> ➡️</p>
<div><p>Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe in the deep South. Married + father to two, I am a full-stack web engineer, + I do mostly js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.</p></div><div><p>🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#real/ale">real ale</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#micropub">micropub</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#beer">beer</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#canterbury">canterbury</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#dolphin">dolphin</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#day/off">day off</a> </p></div><p>Yep, <a href="/2023/10/22/thinking-of-shaking-this-site-up-a-bit/">deliberately unstyled</a>.</p>
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<pubDate>Sun, 09 Feb 2025 20:27:05 GMT</pubDate>
<title><![CDATA[Got my new phone]]></title>
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<title>Got my new phone | Paul Clarkeʼs blog</title>
<meta name="Description" content="Pauly blog post from Sunday 09 February '25. I got the Google Pixel 8a. It is much like my previous phone, the Google Pixel 6, except a) smaller, and b) not broken. Yes I got a new case for it and i…">
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<h2><a href="/blog/">Blog</a> ≫ <a href="/2025/">2025</a> ≫ Got my new phone</h2>
<time datetime="2025-02-09T18:34:51.000Z">Sun Feb 9</time>
<p>I got <a href="/wiki/#android">the Google Pixel</a> 8a. It is much like my previous phone, <a href="/wiki/#android">the Google Pixel</a> 6, except a) smaller, and b) not broken. Yes I got a new case for it and it fits, and will hopefully stop it getting smashed like the last one.</p>
<p>New phone fits better everywhere, being about 1cm or so smaller. It fits in the phone pocket of my <a href="/wiki/#running">running</a> shorts, which is ideal.</p>
<p>Still not quite got it set up right, I don't think it is <a href="/wiki/#scrobbling">scrobbling</a> all the music I listen to. Hmm, <a href="">in fact I just checked</a> and while it knows what I'm listening to on the radio right now it's not logging it yet.</p>
<p>The last one still <a href="/wiki/#work">works</a>, I will keep it as a backup. I might get another <a href="/wiki/#sim/card">sim</a> for it and take it to <a href="/wiki/#glastonbury">Glastonbury</a>.</p>
<p>I got some good use, good value out of the old phone. <a href="/2023/10/03/ive-had-my-phone-for-two-years-now/">I was thinking of replacing it in 2023</a>, that was before I broke it.</p>
<p>⬅️ <a rel="prev" href="/2025/02/09/free-food/">Free food</a> :: <a rel="next" href="/2025/02/09/gah-the-thomas-tallis-is-closed-tomorrow/">Gah The Thomas Tallis is closed tomorrow</a> ➡️</p>
<div><p>Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe, Kent. Wed + father to two, I am a full-stack web engineer, + I do mostly js / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.</p></div><div><p>🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#glastonbury">glastonbury</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#festival">festival</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#running">running</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#work">work</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#scrobbling">scrobbling</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#google">google</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#android">android</a> </p></div><p>Yep, <a href="/2023/10/22/thinking-of-shaking-this-site-up-a-bit/">deliberately unstyled</a>.</p>
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<pubDate>Sun, 09 Feb 2025 18:34:51 GMT</pubDate>
<title><![CDATA[Free food]]></title>
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<title>Free food | Paul Clarkeʼs blog</title>
<meta name="Description" content="Pauly blog post from Sunday 09 February '25. Not been a super busy weekend. Yesterday we went to the Harbour Arm as there was big screen Mario Kart, but it was freezing out so didn't enjoy that much…">
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<h2><a href="/blog/">Blog</a> ≫ <a href="/2025/">2025</a> ≫ Free food</h2>
<time datetime="2025-02-09T18:20:39.000Z">Sun Feb 9</time>
<p>Not been a super busy weekend. Yesterday we went to <a href="/wiki/#harbour/arm">the Harbour Arm</a> as there was big screen <a href="/wiki/#mario/kart">Mario Kart</a>, but it was <em>freezing</em> out so didn't enjoy that much. The boys did, especially T2. While we were there we took a walk up the Old High Street, and went in a new comic shop. They had some nice things in there, bought a graphic novel for each of the boys (T2 is into manga now, and T1 got a GCSE-adjacent one) and a Usagi Yojimbo collection for me. I suspect it must contain some of the same content I already have, I will compare later.</p>
<p>Today not walked anywhere, but went to <a href="/wiki/#tesco">Tesco</a> to get some food for tea. Got some free potatoes, sweet potatoes, and spinach, so that's all contributing to tonight's dinner. I got a free chicken pie, but it wasn't big enough for them to share, so that's going in the freezer and I bought other pies. And that's tea.</p>
<p>Watched new <a href="/wiki/#tv">TV</a> show Paradise last night after the boys had gone to bed. It's good, but we thought it was going to be a <a href="/wiki/#crime">crime</a> and really it's kind of dystopian. Clare thinks she has been tricked a bit. We will carry on.</p>
<p><a href="/wiki/#day/off">Day off</a> tomorrow!</p>
<p><em>Light rain and a moderate breeze, 4 - 5℃.</em></p>
<p>💬 <a href="/gig/2025/02/10/stewart-lee-vs-the-man-wulf/">Stewart Lee vs The Man Wulf</a></p>
<p>⬅️ <a rel="prev" href="/2025/02/09/artists-of-the-week-commencing-sunday-9th-february/">Artists of the week, commencing Sunday 9th February</a> :: <a rel="next" href="/2025/02/09/got-my-new-phone/">Got my new phone</a> ➡️</p>
<div><p>Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe in the deep South. Married and dad to two, I am a full stack web engineer, + I do javascript / Node, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home-automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.</p></div><div><p>🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#folkestone">folkestone</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#harbour/arm">harbour arm</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#mario/kart">mario kart</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#day/off">day off</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#crime">crime</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#tesco">tesco</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#tv">tv</a> </p></div><p>Yep, <a href="/2023/10/22/thinking-of-shaking-this-site-up-a-bit/">deliberately unstyled</a>.</p>
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<pubDate>Sun, 09 Feb 2025 18:20:39 GMT</pubDate>
<title><![CDATA[Artists of the week, commencing Sunday 9th February]]></title>
<description><![CDATA[Pie chart of music listening for this week. rem, motley crue, status quo. SVG fun.]]></description>
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<pubDate>Sun, 09 Feb 2025 12:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
<title><![CDATA[Health stats 9/2/25]]></title>
<description><![CDATA[Paul Clarke (aka Pauly) Health stats for Sun Feb 09 2025. 🚶 4573 steps _Drizzle. Fog. 4℃_. Automated using my stats from Garmin.]]></description>
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<pubDate>Sun, 09 Feb 2025 08:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
<title><![CDATA[Run stats 8/2/25 - 4'45/K]]></title>
<description><![CDATA[Paul Clarke (aka Pauly) Run stats for Sat Feb 08 2025. 🚶 12956 steps 🏃 09:01 Folkestone parkrun - cold, damp, miserable, but faster 5.0K, 4'45/K . Automated using my stats from Garmin.]]></description>
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<pubDate>Sat, 08 Feb 2025 08:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
<title><![CDATA[Possibly more cheap trains]]></title>
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<meta property="og:title" content="Possibly more cheap trains">
<meta name="description" property="og:description" content="Pauly blog post from Friday 07 February '25. After what I said last time I saw the friend on my morning train into London who had told me about the cheaper earlier slow train to London Bridge. She a…">
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<h2><a href="/blog/">Blog</a> ≫ <a href="/2025/">2025</a> ≫ Possibly more cheap trains</h2>
<time datetime="2025-02-07T08:17:18.000Z">Fri Feb 7</time>
<p>After <a href="/2025/02/05/no-more-cheap-trains/">what I said last time</a> I saw the friend on my morning <a href="/wiki/#train">train</a> into <a href="/wiki/#london">London</a> who had told me about the cheaper earlier slow <a href="/wiki/#train">train</a> to <a href="/wiki/#london">London</a> Bridge. She also said it wasn't as cheap as it has been, <em>but</em> she got a cheap ticket for <a href="/wiki/#train">the train</a> I was on, two weeks in advance. Have to keep an eye on this, they are still out there.</p>
<p><a href="/wiki/#work">Work</a> went OK, few people off through <a href="/wiki/#ill">illness</a>. Did all my <a href="/wiki/#work">work</a> remotely despite having paid eighty quid and travelled three hours to go to the office. Got an avocado <a href="/wiki/#buddha/bowl">poké bowl</a> for lunch and it was quite good, had it before. Generally <a href="/wiki/#london">London</a> felt less busy than it has done but <a href="/wiki/#leather/lane">Leather Lane</a> market was busy at the peak time I was there. And hey I just figured out how to type an accent on this keyboard, alt-e and e to make é.</p>
<p><a href="/img/2025/02/_2025-02-07-possibly-more-cheap-trains-signal-2025-02-06-122957_002.jpeg"><img width="480px" height="853px" alt="Avocado poké bowl lunch, £8" src="/img/2025/02/_bw-2025-02-07-possibly-more-cheap-trains-signal-2025-02-06-122957_002.jpeg" style="max-width: 100%" /></a></p>
<p>I was early for my <a href="/wiki/#train">train</a> so had a quick look in Hamleys at the station to see if they had <a href="/wiki/#pokemon">the Pokemon</a> cards T2 wanted. They did not but I paid over the odds for some others that I knew would be a good second place. Hmm should that be <a href="/wiki/#pokemon">Pokémon</a> actually?</p>
<p>Normal <a href="/wiki/#work">work</a> day today, no tech improvement day experimentary. Got some stuff to do on this secret project, this phase has a deadline of Monday 17th, so we need our bit to be all wrapped up this week.</p>
<p>It's cold again today. Might walk before <a href="/wiki/#work">work</a>, but that's not going to make me feel any warmer is it? I might put my <a href="/wiki/#electricity">electric</a> heated chair on even before the 2pm <a href="">free Octopus Energy later</a> <sup><abbr title="Join Octopus Energy here and we both earn money.">1</abbr></sup>.</p>
<p><em>Light rain and a fresh breeze, 4 - 5℃.</em></p>
<li>Join Octopus Energy here and we both earn money.</li>
<p>⬅️ <a rel="prev" href="/2025/02/07/run-stats/">Health stats 7/2/25</a> :: <a rel="next" href="/2025/02/08/run-stats/">Run stats 8/2/25 - 4'45/K</a> ➡️</p>
<div><p>Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Wed + father to two, I am a full stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages etc. I like pubbing, running, eating, home-automation and other diy stuff, history, tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.</p></div><div><p>🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#commuting">commuting</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#octopus">octopus</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#electricity">electricity</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#ill">ill</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#pokemon">pokemon</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#work">work</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#london">london</a> </p></div><p>Yep, <a href="/2023/10/22/thinking-of-shaking-this-site-up-a-bit/">deliberately unstyled</a>.</p>
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<pubDate>Fri, 07 Feb 2025 08:17:18 GMT</pubDate>
<title><![CDATA[Health stats 7/2/25]]></title>
<description><![CDATA[Paul Clarke (aka Pauly) Health stats for Fri Feb 07 2025. 🚶 5577 steps _Passing clouds. 2℃_. Automated using my stats from Garmin.]]></description>
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<pubDate>Fri, 07 Feb 2025 08:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
<title><![CDATA[Health stats 6/2/25]]></title>
<description><![CDATA[Paul Clarke (aka Pauly) Health stats for Thu Feb 06 2025. 🚶 11362 steps _Passing clouds. 2 - 4℃_. Automated using my stats from Garmin.]]></description>
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<pubDate>Thu, 06 Feb 2025 08:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
<title><![CDATA[No more cheap trains]]></title>
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<title>No more cheap trains | Paul Clarkeʼs blog</title>
<meta name="Description" content="Pauly blog post from Wednesday 05 February '25. Looked again, still nothing. That cheap one a couple of weeks ago might have been a fluke, or part of the big train ticket sale I suppose. There are n…">
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<h2><a href="/blog/">Blog</a> ≫ <a href="/2025/">2025</a> ≫ No more cheap trains</h2>
<time datetime="2025-02-05T18:58:57.000Z">Wed Feb 5</time>
<p>Looked again, still nothing. That cheap one a couple of weeks ago might have been a fluke, or part of the big <a href="/wiki/#train">train</a> ticket sale I suppose. There are none for the next month. <a href="/2025/02/03/there-is-no-advanced-ticket-train-bargain-this-week/">That 6:20 train that I saw</a> is of course the slow <a href="/wiki/#train">train</a>, going to <a href="/wiki/#london">London</a> Bridge. So that would save me eight or nine quid, but that's not a lot for the extra time I would need, and then I'd still have to get across from <a href="/wiki/#london">London</a> Bridge to <a href="/wiki/#farringdon">Farringdon</a>, so that's probably another single on the Thameslink, eating more into the saving.</p>
<p>I'm back on the 07:30 tomorrow, ticket booked. Hope I <a href="/wiki/#sleep">sleep</a> well tonight.</p>
<p>⬅️ <a rel="prev" href="/2025/02/05/more-home-automation/">More home automation</a> :: <a rel="next" href="/2025/02/06/run-stats/">Health stats 6/2/25</a> ➡️</p>
<div><p>Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Wed to Clare and dad to two, I am a full stack web developr, + I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home-automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.</p></div><div><p>🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#farringdon">farringdon</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#london">london</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#sleep">sleep</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#train">train</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#work">work</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#commuting">commuting</a> </p></div><p>Yep, <a href="/2023/10/22/thinking-of-shaking-this-site-up-a-bit/">deliberately unstyled</a>.</p>
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<pubDate>Wed, 05 Feb 2025 18:58:57 GMT</pubDate>
<title><![CDATA[More home automation]]></title>
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<meta name="description" property="og:description" content="Pauly blog post from Wednesday 05 February '25. Replaced the batteries in another motion sensor, our house is now basically self aware. This is in the hallway, this is the place you need these guys.…">
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<h2><a href="/blog/">Blog</a> ≫ <a href="/2025/">2025</a> ≫ More home automation</h2>
<time datetime="2025-02-05T18:26:44.000Z">Wed Feb 5</time>
<p>Replaced the batteries in another motion sensor, our house is now basically <em>self aware</em>. This is in the hallway, this is the place you need these guys. It's particularly useful in a three storey hallway like ours, so the sensor upstairs can turn on the light on the top and middle floor and so on.</p>
<p>Also loving my <a href="/wiki/#study">study</a> automation panel. So decadent, so much control, so many sockets for such a tiny tiny room.</p>
<p><a href="/img/2025/02/_2025-02-05-more-home-automation-Screenshot-2025-02-05-at-18.28.26.png"><img width="480px" height="631px" alt="Home assistant panel for the study featuring my heated chair" src="/img/2025/02/_bw-2025-02-05-more-home-automation-Screenshot-2025-02-05-at-18.28.26.png" style="max-width: 100%" /></a></p>
<p>Need that heated chair now (actually a heated throw over the chair of course) but I only have that one in <a href="/wiki/#study">the study</a>. I would buy another but my <a href="/wiki/#ikea">IKEA</a> chair where I sit in the evenings is not near a socket, so would need a bit of a think. I am cold right now, I will eat my tea and put a blanket over myself.</p>
<p>One step forward and another back with the light fittings. We do not like the same things. Clare does not like <a href="/wiki/#antiques">the antique</a> brass that I am veering towards (and while I would have agreed previously <a href="/2025/02/05/pound75-win-on-the-premium-bonds/">I think there are some classy ones now</a>), she says shiny chrome or white. We're going to look at some in a department store on our <a href="/wiki/#day/off">day off</a> on Monday.</p>
<p><em>Partly cloudy and a gentle breeze, 2 - 8℃.</em></p>
<p>⬅️ <a rel="prev" href="/2025/02/05/pound75-win-on-the-premium-bonds/">£75 win on the premium bonds</a> :: <a rel="next" href="/2025/02/05/no-more-cheap-trains/">No more cheap trains</a> ➡️</p>
<div><p>Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe in the far South. Wed + dad to 2, I'm a full stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages etc. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.</p></div><div><p>🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#day/off">day off</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#antiques">antiques</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#study">study</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#ikea">ikea</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#home/automation">home automation</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#weather">weather</a> </p></div><p>Yep, <a href="/2023/10/22/thinking-of-shaking-this-site-up-a-bit/">deliberately unstyled</a>.</p>
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<pubDate>Wed, 05 Feb 2025 18:26:44 GMT</pubDate>
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<title>£75 win on the premium bonds | Paul Clarkeʼs blog</title>
<meta name="Description" content="Pauly blog post from Wednesday 05 February '25. And I'm looking for light fittings and light switches. I was looking before I won the £75, it is not making a huge difference to my decision making. I…">
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<h2><a href="/blog/">Blog</a> ≫ <a href="/2025/">2025</a> ≫ £75 win on the premium bonds</h2>
<time datetime="2025-02-05T08:16:06.000Z">Wed Feb 5</time>
<p>And I'm looking for light fittings and light switches. I was looking before I won the £75, it is not making a huge difference to my decision making. I see <a href="">some switches that I like</a> from <a href=""></a> but I don't see any wall lights to go with them, so I can't just unilaterally buy more components that match nothing else in the room. will keep looking.</p>
<p>I can have these nice <a href="/wiki/#antiques">antique</a>-style toggle switches now because I have that smart light fitting that fits behind it, and keeps <a href="/wiki/#home/automation">the home automation</a> working. I should probably give it a try with an existing non-smart light switch though before I try and refit the house.</p>
<p><em>Sunny and a gentle breeze, 2 - 9℃.</em></p>
<p>⬅️ <a rel="prev" href="/2025/02/05/run-stats/">Exercise stats 5/2/25</a> :: <a rel="next" href="/2025/02/05/more-home-automation/">More home automation</a> ➡️</p>
<div><p>Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe, Kent. Married to Clare + father to two, I'm a full-stack web engineer, and I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home-automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.</p></div><div><p>🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#home/automation">home automation</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#work">work</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#antiques">antiques</a> 🏷 <a rel="tag" href="/wiki/#electricity">electricity</a> </p></div><p>Yep, <a href="/2023/10/22/thinking-of-shaking-this-site-up-a-bit/">deliberately unstyled</a>.</p>
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<pubDate>Wed, 05 Feb 2025 08:16:06 GMT</pubDate>
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