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  2. <rss xmlns="" version="0.91"><channel><title>Henri Sivonen’s pages</title><link></link><description>Articles and blogish notes</description><language>en</language><copyright>Copyright Henri Sivonen</copyright><managingEditor></managingEditor><webMaster></webMaster><item><title>Parin vuoden tutkimattomuus</title><link></link><description>Comments on the Chancellor of Justice choosing not to investigate the conduct of the Finnish institute for health and welfare. (In Finnish)</description><modified xmlns="">2022-10-19T04:26:35Z</modified></item><item><title>encoding_rs</title><link></link><description>A Web-Compatible Character Encoding Library in Rust. (Used in Firefox.)</description><modified xmlns="">2022-10-13T21:27:26Z</modified></item><item><title>Asiakirjatonta toimintaa</title><link></link><description>Document requests to the Finnish institute for health and welfare and to Ministry of Education and Culture. (In Finnish)</description><modified xmlns="">2022-07-26T15:07:54Z</modified></item><item><title>It’s Not Wrong that "🤦🏼‍♂️".length == 7</title><link></link><description>From time to time, someone shows that in JavaScript the .length of a string containing an emoji results in a number greater than 1 (typically 2) and then proceeds to the conclusion that haha JavaScript is so broken. In this post, I will try to convince you that ridiculing JavaScript for this is less insightful than it first appears.</description><modified xmlns="">2022-05-28T11:58:38Z</modified></item><item><title>Koulutartuntojen tilastointimenettely</title><link></link><description>Document requests to the City of Helsinki and to University of Eastern Finland. (In Finnish)</description><modified xmlns="">2022-01-23T13:46:37Z</modified></item><item><title>Perusteasiakirjoja hallussapitämättä ikärajoitettu</title><link></link><description>A document request to the Finnish institute for health and welfare. (In Finnish)</description><modified xmlns="">2021-10-16T18:44:11Z</modified></item><item><title>Asiantuntijat ja nukkuva vallan vahtikoira</title><link></link><description>My wishlist for Finnish journalists when interviewing experts. (In Finnish)</description><modified xmlns="">2021-10-09T17:21:51Z</modified></item><item><title>Koronapassilausunto</title><link></link><description>A document request to the Finnish institute for health and welfare. (In Finnish)</description><modified xmlns="">2021-09-24T09:54:06Z</modified></item><item><title>Suppealla tietopohjalla ohimeneväksi väitetty</title><link></link><description>A document request to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. (In Finnish)</description><modified xmlns="">2021-09-24T09:31:17Z</modified></item><item><title>Text Encoding Menu in 2021</title><link></link><description>This post is about a UI feature that I wish no one would have to use. Happily, it is indeed almost unused. Still, I made it more usable in the case when it is used.</description><modified xmlns="">2021-08-24T14:12:16Z</modified></item><item><title>The Text Encoding Submenu Is Gone</title><link></link><description>Firefox 91 is the first release that does not have a Text Encoding submenu and instead has a single menu item called Repair Text Encoding.</description><modified xmlns="">2021-08-24T13:53:33Z</modified></item><item><title>An HTML5 Conformance Checker</title><link></link><description>My master’s thesis</description><modified xmlns="">2021-06-14T19:02:28Z</modified></item><item><title>Not Part of the Technology Stack</title><link></link><description>At XTech 2006, I got a W3C brochure entitled Leading the Web to its Full Potential that had a diagram visualizing the W3C technology stack(s).</description><modified xmlns="">2021-06-14T11:59:57Z</modified></item><item><title>Browser Technology Stack</title><link></link><description>I took a quick attempt at drawing a stack for Web browsing.</description><modified xmlns="">2021-06-14T11:56:06Z</modified></item><item><title>Bogo-XML Declaration Returns to Gecko</title><link></link><description>Firefox 89 was released today. This release (again!) honors a character encoding declaration made via syntax that looks like an XML declaration used in text/html (if there are no other character encoding declarations).</description><modified xmlns="">2021-06-02T07:36:32Z</modified></item><item><title>A Look at Encoding Detection and Encoding Menu Telemetry from Firefox 86</title><link></link><description>Concluding that chardetng should tolerate Big5 byte sequences that the Encoding Standard treats as unmapped.</description><modified xmlns="">2021-03-31T15:06:05Z</modified></item><item><title>Why Supporting Unlabeled UTF-8 in HTML on the Web Would Be Problematic</title><link></link><description>UTF-8 has won. Yet, Web authors have to opt in to having browsers treat HTML as UTF-8 instead of the browsers Just Doing the Right Thing by default. Why?</description><modified xmlns="">2021-03-11T08:57:20Z</modified></item><item><title>Rust Target Names Aren’t Passed to LLVM</title><link></link><description>Rust’s i686-unknown-linux-gnu target requires SSE2 and, therefore, does not mean the same as GCC’s -march=i686. It is the responsibility of Linux distributions to use a target configuration that matches what they intend to support.</description><modified xmlns="">2021-03-01T10:31:27Z</modified></item><item><title>Toimintamalli</title><link></link><description>A document request to the city of Helsinki. (In Finnish)</description><modified xmlns="">2021-02-22T08:29:35Z</modified></item><item><title>Activating Browser Modes with Doctype</title><link></link><description>A document about the essentials of the layout modes of newer browsers.</description><modified xmlns="">2021-02-07T16:56:56Z</modified></item><item><title>Johtopäätöksiä mallin rakenteesta</title><link></link><description>Observations made by reading the source code of the epidemiological model used by the Finnish institute for health and welfare. (In Finnish)</description><modified xmlns="">2021-01-31T20:56:48Z</modified></item><item><title>Tehtävänmäärittelyä kirjoittamatta ja kuolemia laskematta laumasuojamallinnettu</title><link></link><description>Document requests to the Finnish institute for health and welfare. (In Finnish)</description><modified xmlns="">2021-01-27T19:45:18Z</modified></item><item><title>Character Encoding Menu in 2014</title><link></link><description>This post is about a UI feature that I wish no one would have to use. Happily, it is indeed almost unused. Still, I made it more usable in the case when it is used. (The change was more driven by code removal than usability, though.)</description><modified xmlns="">2021-01-18T07:54:59Z</modified></item><item><title>Erillissuosituksen tarpeettomuudesta yleissuosituksen poikkeukseksi?</title><link></link><description>A document request to the city of Helsinki. (In Finnish)</description><modified xmlns="">2020-12-23T11:27:17Z</modified></item><item><title>STM:n maskiaikajana</title><link></link><description>A document request to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. (In Finnish)</description><modified xmlns="">2020-11-04T16:32:27Z</modified></item><item><title>Rust 2021</title><link></link><description>It is again the time of year when the Rust team is calling for blog post as input to the next annual roadmap. This is my contribution.</description><modified xmlns="">2020-09-13T17:45:43Z</modified></item><item><title>Oma-aloitteisesti mallinnettu</title><link></link><description>A document request to the Finnish institute for health and welfare. (In Finnish)</description><modified xmlns="">2020-06-24T19:16:52Z</modified></item><item><title>Kokopinovaatimuksin kilpailutettu</title><link></link><description>A document request to the Finnish institute for health and welfare. (In Finnish)</description><modified xmlns="">2020-06-17T06:17:39Z</modified></item><item><title>chardetng: A More Compact Character Encoding Detector for the Legacy Web</title><link></link><description>chardetng is a new small-binary-footprint character encoding detector for Firefox written in Rust.</description><modified xmlns="">2020-06-08T16:23:51Z</modified></item><item><title>Varauksia paisutellen tiedotettu</title><link></link><description>A document request to the Finnish institute for health and welfare. (In Finnish)</description><modified xmlns="">2020-05-30T13:05:13Z</modified></item><item><title>Perusteasiakirjoitta tiedotettu</title><link></link><description>A document request to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. (In Finnish)</description><modified xmlns="">2020-05-30T12:26:31Z</modified></item><item><title>Always Use UTF-8 &amp; Always Label Your HTML Saying So</title><link></link><description>To avoid having to deal with escapes (other than for &lt;, &gt;, &amp;, and "), to avoid data loss in form submission, to avoid XSS when serving user-provided content, and to comply with the HTML Standard, always encode your HTML as UTF-8. Furthermore, in order to let browsers know that the document is UTF-8-encoded, always label it as such.</description><modified xmlns="">2020-03-03T09:18:38Z</modified></item><item><title>IME Smoke Testing</title><link></link><description>In early 2019, I found myself in a situation where I needed to check that I hadn’t broken IME integration code. Later in 2019, I needed to do it again and now I'm testing this again in 2020, so I’m writing this down.</description><modified xmlns="">2020-02-14T09:16:44Z</modified></item><item><title>The HTML Parser</title><link></link><description>An implementation of the HTML5 parsing algorithm in Java. (Used in Firefox by the means of automated translation to C++.)</description><modified xmlns="">2020-02-11T13:44:04Z</modified></item><item><title>About the Hiragino Fonts with CSS</title><link></link><description>A short document about a couple of observations on using the Hiragino fonts with CSS. (The Hiragino fonts come with Mac OS X.)</description><modified xmlns="">2020-01-12T17:21:59Z</modified></item><item><title>It’s Time to Stop Adding New Features for Non-Unicode Execution Encodings in C++</title><link></link><description>I think the C++ standard should adopt the approach of “Unicode-only internally” for new text processing facilities and should not support non-Unicode execution encodings in newly-introduced features. This allows new features to have less abstraction obfuscation for Unicode usage, avoids digging legacy applications deeper into non-Unicode commitment, and avoids the specification and implementation effort of adapting new features to make sense for non-Unicode execution encodings.</description><modified xmlns="">2020-01-08T08:39:09Z</modified></item><item><title>Rust 2020</title><link></link><description>It’s again the time of year when the Rust Core Team calls for blog posts for input into the next year’s roadmap. This is my contribution.</description><modified xmlns="">2019-11-06T14:13:53Z</modified></item><item><title>The Last of the Parsing Quirks</title><link></link><description>I implemented a single quirk for HTML5 parsing yesterday.</description><modified xmlns="">2019-10-24T18:33:42Z</modified></item><item><title>About about:blank</title><link></link><description>about:blank is probably the hardest Web page to load. In fact, it is so hard that in order to turn the HTML5 parser on by default in Firefox last year, we decided to special-case about:blank to use the old parser in Firefox 4.</description><modified xmlns="">2019-09-19T13:06:53Z</modified></item><item><title>Rust 2019</title><link></link><description>The Rust team encouraged people to write blog posts reflecting on Rust in 2018 and proposing goals and directions for 2019. Here’s mine.</description><modified xmlns="">2018-12-15T19:36:20Z</modified></item><item><title>encoding_rs: a Web-Compatible Character Encoding Library in Rust</title><link></link><description>encoding_rs is a high-decode-performance, low-legacy-encode-footprint and high-correctness implementation of the WHATWG Encoding Standard written in Rust.</description><modified xmlns="">2018-12-05T11:22:15Z</modified></item><item><title>How I Wrote a Modern C++ Library in Rust</title><link></link><description>Patterns that I used to make encoding_rs appear as a modern C++ library to C++ code.</description><modified xmlns="">2018-12-05T11:20:42Z</modified></item><item><title>Using cargo-fuzz to Transfer Code Review of Simple Safe Code to Complex Code that Uses unsafe</title><link></link><description>#Rust2018</description><modified xmlns="">2018-12-03T09:42:34Z</modified></item><item><title>A Rust Crate that Also Quacks Like a Modern C++ Library</title><link></link><description>My RustFest Paris 2018 talk. (Slides about pointers in zero-length slices have been edited after RustFest to avoid spreading out-of-date information.) Video is available.</description><modified xmlns="">2018-06-04T10:28:16Z</modified></item><item><title>#Rust2018</title><link></link><description>The Rust team encouraged people to write blog posts reflecting on Rust in 2017 and proposing goals and directions for 2018. Here’s mine.</description><modified xmlns="">2018-01-11T18:44:27Z</modified></item><item><title>No Namespaces in JSON, Please</title><link></link><description>I think that experience from Namespaces in XML should lead to the conclusion not to repeat the same (or almost same) thing with JSON. I think the developer community as a whole should not pay the cost of the use cases of the part of the developer community that believes (out of the scope of this post if rightly or wrongly) that identifiers in data formats should fit into a global naming scheme and, more specifically, that naming scheme should make every identifier into a URI. Instead, I think that the part of the developer community that believes that it needs to be able merge data thanks to identifiers being URIs should bear the cost of doing whatever name mangling it needs to do upon data ingest given the information of which format a given ingested piece of JSON was in.</description><modified xmlns="">2017-05-31T07:14:40Z</modified></item><item><title>A Lecture about HTML5</title><link></link><description>I was invited to give a lecture about HTML5 on a course titled WWW Applications at the Department of Media Technology of Helsinki University of Technology.</description><modified xmlns="">2016-07-26T16:32:45Z</modified></item><item><title>Julkisesti luotettu varmenne ikidomainille TLS:ää (SSL:ää) varten</title><link></link><description>Aiemmin ikidomainille, kuten, on ollut vaikeaa saada julkisesti luotettua TLS-varmennetta. Uusi voittoa tavoittelematon varmentaja Let’s Encrypt tarkistaa isäntänimen (hostname) hallinnan ja mahdollistaa näin julkisesti luotetun varmenteen saamisen ikidomaineille. (English summary: Previously it was impractical to get a publicly trusted TLS certificate for an iki domain (e.g. Thanks to Let’s Encrypt performing validation on a per-hostname basis, it’s now practical to get a publicly trusted certificate for an iki domain.)</description><modified xmlns="">2016-04-02T12:20:12Z</modified></item><item><title>-webkit-HTML5</title><link></link><description>Apple took some of their Safari Technology Demos from their developer site and published them at as an “HTML5 Showcase”. Christopher Blizzard's blog post about the subject says almost everything I'd have to say, so please read Blizzard's post. I'm posting just my diffs here.</description><modified xmlns="">2015-07-14T11:26:36Z</modified></item><item><title>Lists in Attribute Values</title><link></link><description>Whitespace-separation is good.</description><modified xmlns="">2015-07-14T11:25:29Z</modified></item><item><title>The Sad Story of PNG Gamma “Correction”</title><link></link><description>Why you might not want to use PNG images when you want image colors and CSS colors to match.</description><modified xmlns="">2015-07-14T11:23:23Z</modified></item><item><title>If You Want Software Freedom on Phones, You Should Work on Firefox OS, Custom Hardware and Web App Self-Hostablility</title><link></link><description>To achieve full-stack Software Freedom on mobile phones, I think it makes sense to focus on Firefox OS, commission custom hardware and develop self-hostable Free Software Web apps and an easy deployment platform for them.</description><modified xmlns="">2015-01-24T10:04:16Z</modified></item><item><title>HTML5 Parser Improvements</title><link></link><description>As mentioned earlier, there is an ongoing project for replacing Gecko’s old HTML parser with an HTML5 parser. Significant improvements have landed lately, so if you’ve previously tried the HTML5 parser and turned it off due to crashiness or Web compatibility issues, now is a good time to turn it back on.</description><modified xmlns="">2014-11-21T09:44:53Z</modified></item><item><title>ARIA in HTML5 Integration: Document Conformance (Draft, Take Two)</title><link></link><description>Now a runnable suggestion.</description><modified xmlns="">2014-11-21T09:37:07Z</modified></item><item><title> and Pre-Existing Communities</title><link></link><description>I have been reading tweets and blog posts expressing various levels of disappointment and unhappiness about not using RDFa, not using Microformats or not having been developed in the open with the community. Since other people’s perspectives differ from mine, I feel compelled to write down my take.</description><modified xmlns="">2014-11-21T09:34:49Z</modified></item><item><title>Lowering memory requirements by replacing Schematron</title><link></link><description>For long time, I’ve said is that the Schematron schema in the HTML5 facet of was merely a rapid prototype that should be replaced with custom Java code.</description><modified xmlns="">2014-11-21T09:17:14Z</modified></item><item><title>HTML5 Parsing in Gecko: A Build</title><link></link><description>The effort of putting an HTML5 parser inside Gecko takes a step out of the vaporware land.</description><modified xmlns="">2014-11-21T09:16:00Z</modified></item><item><title>Introducing SAX Tree</title><link></link><description>I chose to write yet another XML tree package.</description><modified xmlns="">2014-11-21T09:13:33Z</modified></item><item><title>NVDL Support in</title><link></link><description>I enabled NVDL today.</description><modified xmlns="">2014-11-21T09:11:12Z</modified></item><item><title>HOWTO Avoid Being Called a Bozo When Producing XML</title><link></link><description>Dos and don’ts about producing XML programmatically.</description><modified xmlns="">2014-11-21T09:08:37Z</modified></item><item><title>An Unofficial Q&amp;A about the Discontinuation of the XHTML2 WG</title><link></link><description>Many of the comments on Zeldman’s post indicate that there are people who are badly misinformed about the matters surrounding this announcement. To help remedy that, here’s some quick Q&amp;A for getting informed.</description><modified xmlns="">2014-11-21T09:03:57Z</modified></item><item><title>Thoughts on HTML5 Becoming a W3C Recommendation</title><link></link><description>Since I’ve participated in the development of HTML5 for a decade now (since before it was commonly called “HTML5”), I’ve been asked for my thoughts about HTML5 becoming a W3C Recommendation. Hence, I figured I’d post something here.</description><modified xmlns="">2014-10-26T19:45:55Z</modified></item><item><title>Four Finnish Banks Training Users to Give Banking Credentials to Another Site</title><link></link><description>A person who turns to me for technical advice was logging in to government service using banking for a bank called Handelsbanken. However, the page that was asking for the Handelsbanken login credentials was not served from https://*! After investigating what was going on, I decided to review how other banks in Finland handle this. Here are my findings.</description><modified xmlns="">2013-12-16T06:55:31Z</modified></item><item><title>Unimpressed by Leopard</title><link></link><description>Sadly, Leopard is not a clear improvement over Tiger.</description><modified xmlns="">2013-11-23T14:13:19Z</modified></item><item><title>Sergeant Semantics</title><link></link><description>So the W3C launched a logo for HTML5. And not just for HTML5-the-spec but for HTML5-the-buzzword. Regardless of the logo itself or what it stands for, I find the choice of the ancillary visual elements weird.</description><modified xmlns="">2013-11-23T14:11:28Z</modified></item><item><title>The Content Sink Inheritance Diagram – 2006-06-30</title><link></link><description>I have discovered that my previous diagram showed only a part of the inheritance graph below nsIContentSink. There is more.</description><modified xmlns="">2013-11-23T14:08:21Z</modified></item><item><title>What is EME?</title><link></link><description>It was suggested at the Mozilla Summit that there isn’t good information around about what Encrypted Media Extensions (EME) actually is. Since I’m on the HTML working group and have been reading the email threads about EME there, I thought that I could provide an introduction that explains things that may not be apparent from the specification itself.</description><modified xmlns="">2013-10-16T13:47:00Z</modified></item><item><title>About Points and Pixels as Units</title><link></link><description>A document about points being often mistakenly though as pixel units. Points are not pixel units. Defining the font size in points on Web pages is considered harmful. This document needs to be updated.</description><modified xmlns="">2012-10-02T12:56:58Z</modified></item><item><title>The Performance Cost of the HTML Tree Builder</title><link></link><description>I’ve been thinking about the performance gap between the HTML Parser and Xerces. What can be attributed to the “extra fix-ups” that an HTML parser has to do and what can be attributed to my code being worse than the Xerces code?</description><modified xmlns="">2012-09-17T12:24:57Z</modified></item><item><title>Social Media Impression Management</title><link></link><description>I asked if they had researched the image formation of social media sites. They hadn’t.</description><modified xmlns="">2012-09-17T12:24:26Z</modified></item><item><title>The spacer Element Is Gone</title><link></link><description>Today, I landed a patch that made the HTML5 parser in Gecko unaware of the HTML spacer element.</description><modified xmlns="">2012-09-17T12:22:30Z</modified></item><item><title>Openmind 2006</title><link></link><description>I attended Openmind 2006 last week. Here are some notes.</description><modified xmlns="">2012-09-17T12:19:16Z</modified></item><item><title>Performance Mistake</title><link></link><description>In the spirit of documenting one’s mistakes…</description><modified xmlns="">2012-09-17T12:17:14Z</modified></item><item><title>XHTML and Mobile Devices</title><link></link><description>Simon Pieters’ mobile XHTML test results need more publicity.</description><modified xmlns="">2012-09-17T12:16:32Z</modified></item><item><title>WebM-Enabled Browser Usage Share Exceeds H.264-Enabled Browser Usage Share on Desktop (in StatCounter Numbers)</title><link></link><description>Looking at StatCounter stats, it occurred to me that they might not match the common narrative about H.264 market share. I decide to run some numbers using StatCounter stats.</description><modified xmlns="">2012-09-17T12:15:57Z</modified></item><item><title>HTML5 Parser-Based View Source Syntax Highlighting</title><link></link><description>A new implementation of the View Source HTML and XML syntax highlighting has landed in Firefox.</description><modified xmlns="">2012-03-14T16:10:01Z</modified></item><item><title>Vendor Prefixes Are Hurting the Web</title><link></link><description>I think vendor prefixes are hurting the Web. I think we (people developing browsers and Web standards) should stop hurting the Web.</description><modified xmlns="">2012-02-10T13:15:55Z</modified></item><item><title>Accept-Charset Is No More</title><link></link><description>Now that Firefox 10 has been released, none of the major browsers send only Chrome sends the Accept-Charset HTTP header.</description><modified xmlns="">2012-02-07T06:56:01Z</modified></item><item><title>Dualroids</title><link></link><description>A two-player asteroid shooting network game written in Java.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T13:27:39Z</modified></item><item><title>Writing Structural Stylable Documents in Mozilla Editor</title><link></link><description>The Mozilla Editor is designed around HTML 4 Transitional. If special steps aren’t taken, it is easy to produce presentational documents that lack stylable structure. This document describes some basic good authoring practices for the purpose of writing structural and stylable documents.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T13:22:32Z</modified></item><item><title>ISO-8859-15 on haitallinen</title><link></link><description>UTF-8 is the way to go. (In Finnish.)</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T13:18:09Z</modified></item><item><title>Hourglass</title><link></link><description>Yet another ray tracing gallery page.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T13:16:08Z</modified></item><item><title>The Scientific Method According to Hixie</title><link></link><description>Quote of the week from the topic of #developers on</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:57:52Z</modified></item><item><title>Maemo Source Code</title><link></link><description>To save others the trouble of requesting the source, here are the contents of the package called “2.2006.39-14-srcs”.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:57:07Z</modified></item><item><title>Karpelan lukkovertaus ontuu</title><link></link><description>Anti-circumvention legislation does not make sense, and it is fallacious to compare circumventing DRM to breaking into an apartment. (In Finnish)</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:56:15Z</modified></item><item><title>Digitaalisesta arkistoinnista</title><link></link><description>Documents about archiving digital documents (in Finnish)</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:51:35Z</modified></item><item><title>ARIA in HTML5 Integration: Document Conformance (Draft)</title><link></link><description>This is not a spec and has not been endorsed by anyone.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:50:37Z</modified></item><item><title>XHTML—What’s the Point? (Draft, incomplete)</title><link></link><description>This document is incomplete, but I put it on the Web in order to avoid retyping the same thing over and over again in newsgroup discussions.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:18Z</modified></item><item><title>Mac OS X Browser Comparison</title><link></link><description>This document is a rough yes/no feature comparison of the Web browsers that run natively on Mac OS X. It does not cover browsers that run on the Classic VM or require an implementation of the X11 windowing system. Severely out of date. For historical reference only!</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:18Z</modified></item><item><title>HOWTO Spot a Wannabe Web Standards Advocate</title><link></link><description>I have seen this too often. (Aussi disponible en français; Auch vorhanden auf Deutsch; jest dostępny po polsku)</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:18Z</modified></item><item><title>An Idea About Intermediate Language Trees and Web UI Generation</title><link></link><description>An idea about Web UI generation I had when I was studying compiler technology.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:18Z</modified></item><item><title>Thoughts on Using SSL/TLS Certificates as the Solution to Phishing</title><link></link><description>Comments on Staying Safe From Phishing With Firefox.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:18Z</modified></item><item><title>Bureaucracy Meets the Web</title><link></link><description>Three things from the past week happened to be related to bureaucracy and the Web…</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:18Z</modified></item><item><title>Europe Day</title><link></link><description>Tuesday 2006-05-09 was the Europe Day. I traveled to Tampere for a show debate.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:18Z</modified></item><item><title>HOWTO Establish a 100% Literacy Rate</title><link></link><description>This is one of my favorite pieces of West Wing script writing.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:18Z</modified></item><item><title>What to Do with All These Photos?</title><link></link><description>I have a lot of photos that aren’t shared properly, which makes them less useful than they could be. Considering that it has been possible to publish photos on the Web for over a decade, I find it interesting and annoying how many unsolved problems there still are.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:18Z</modified></item><item><title>Charmod Norm Checking</title><link></link><description>Charmod Norm is still in the Working Draft state, but if it were to become a normative part of (X)HTML5, it would belong to the area of the conformance checking service that I am working on now, so I prototyped Charmod Norm enforcement as well.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:18Z</modified></item><item><title>Validator Web Service Interface Ideas</title><link></link><description>I am just writing this down so I don’t forget it.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:18Z</modified></item><item><title>DTDs Don’t Work on the Web</title><link></link><description>Last weekend, Slashdot linked to an article that observed that Netscape had removed the RSS 0.91 DTD. I hope this episode has a silver lining and helps in making people realize that DTDs don’t belong on the Web.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:18Z</modified></item><item><title>EFFI’s Day in Court</title><link></link><description>As mentioned earlier, Electronic Frontier Finland (EFFI) was suspected of illegal fundraising. The case was tried today. I went to the court house to observe the proceedings.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:18Z</modified></item><item><title>Speaking at XTech</title><link></link><description>I’ll be speaking at XTech.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:18Z</modified></item><item><title>Security Quote of the Day</title><link></link><description>Cluelessness and incompetence of epic proportions.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:18Z</modified></item><item><title>Out of Context</title><link></link><description>Last week on W3C mailing lists.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:18Z</modified></item><item><title>The html5.parser.enable Pref is Gone</title><link></link><description>Just a quick note to Firefox nightly testers and bug triagers: I pushed a patch that makes Firefox no longer honor the html5.parser.enable pref.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:18Z</modified></item><item><title>Miscellaneous Java Code</title><link></link><description>Utility code.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:18Z</modified></item><item><title>Autozoom Extension for Firefox®</title><link></link><description>When Autozoom is activated, the current document is analyzed for the dominant font size and the view is zoomed by the factor that makes the dominant size match your font size preference.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:18Z</modified></item><item><title>Älä käytä Creative Commons 1.0 -lisenssejä – käytä 2.5-sarjaa</title><link></link><description>The Finland version of the Creative Commons suite of licenses is still at 1.0. The 1.0 series of CC licenses has three serious known bugs (in Finnish)</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:18Z</modified></item><item><title>Tag Soup: How Mac IE 5 and Safari handle &lt;x&gt; &lt;y&gt; &lt;/x&gt; &lt;/y&gt;</title><link></link><description>What happens with the DOM in Safari and Mac IE 5 when the nesting of the markup is broken?</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:18Z</modified></item><item><title>Mustaa valkoisella</title><link></link><description>A document request to the Ministry of Education. (In Finnish)</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:17Z</modified></item><item><title>Is Atom What We Really Need?</title><link></link><description>Atom (formerly known as Pie, Echo and Necho) has been created as a cleaner and better-defined alternative to RSS 2.0, which is underspecified. But is a reformulated version of RSS 2.0 really what we need?</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:17Z</modified></item><item><title>10 Safari 1.0 issues</title><link></link><description>Hyatt requested lists like this.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:17Z</modified></item><item><title>Names of Browser Engines</title><link></link><description>A table of browser names, engine names and script engine names.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:17Z</modified></item><item><title>Natural Hazards: NA</title><link></link><description>Thoughts about nuclear power plants in stormy situations.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:17Z</modified></item><item><title>Who knows prefixed XHTML from a hole in the ground?</title><link></link><description>Remember to test prefixed XHTML as well.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:17Z</modified></item><item><title>Aula 2006</title><link></link><description>Yesterday, I went to listen to the public speeches that were part of Aula 2006 – Movement.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:17Z</modified></item><item><title>Charmod Checking</title><link></link><description>Here’s how I have addressed the requirements of Charmod that apply to content (marked as [C] is Charmod).</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:17Z</modified></item><item><title>Printing Web Apps 1.0</title><link></link><description>This is a quick guide for getting a dead-tree version of the Web Applications 1.0 spec.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:17Z</modified></item><item><title> Gets Out of the Java Trap</title><link></link><description>This week, I upgraded the operating system on the Xen virtual machine that powers and to Ubuntu Hardy.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:17Z</modified></item><item><title>Thou Shalt Not Spec a Feature that Might Inadvertently Compete with RDF when Used Contrary to How It Is Designed to Be Used</title><link></link><description>From the minutes of the TAG meeting on November 2nd 2009.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:17Z</modified></item><item><title>SVG and MathML in text/html in Firefox and</title><link></link><description>I enabled SVG and MathML-related stuff recently on both mozilla-central and on</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:17Z</modified></item><item><title>What Could Microsoft Do about IE6?</title><link></link><description>Microsoft has started a campaign to drive down the market share of IE6. Getting rid of IE6 is a righteous goal. Microsoft’s proposed solution isn’t righteous, though.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:17Z</modified></item><item><title>UTF-8 to Code Point Array Converter in PHP</title><link></link><description>This package contains a PHP include file which provides two functions for converting between UTF-8 strings and arrays of ints representing Unicode code points.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:17Z</modified></item><item><title>HTML Syntax Checker in PHP</title><link></link><description>An HTML linter written in PHP.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:17Z</modified></item><item><title>SaxCompiler</title><link></link><description>SaxCompiler is a tool for recording SAX ContentHandler events as Java code that can play back the events without parsing XML.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:17Z</modified></item><item><title>Photo Group Feed</title><link></link><description>Flickr doesn’t provide feeds for private groups. It doesn’t provide feeds for comments on photos in a group, either. It is reasonable to want such feeds, so here’s a script that generates them on your HTTP server.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:17Z</modified></item><item><title>Photo and Metadata Backup for Flickr</title><link></link><description>This is a photo and metadata backup utility for Flickr written as a self-contained Java command line tool. The metadata is written is an XML file whose format is an aggregation of the response data from the Flickr API.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:17Z</modified></item><item><title>Thoughts About a Print UI for Mozilla</title><link></link><description>Some thoughts about printing from a Web browser.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:17Z</modified></item><item><title>Oops! I broke MathML – 2006-07-05</title><link></link><description>Or, well, one could argue that it was already broken but my content sink changes and a suitably crafted test case just exposed the layout issues that were already there.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:16Z</modified></item><item><title>Week 35</title><link></link><description>The weekly report for week 35.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:16Z</modified></item><item><title>Natural Hazards Again</title><link></link><description>Looking across the street, I can see that there’s something extra in the air between where I sit and the house on the other side of the street.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:16Z</modified></item><item><title>CMS Stuff</title><link></link><description>Papers and code related to a CMS project.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:16Z</modified></item><item><title>Assembling Web Pages Using Document Trees</title><link></link><description>A paper about a template engine that operates on XML document trees. (Source code available.)</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:16Z</modified></item><item><title>Kesäkoodi Starting – 2006-05-23</title><link></link><description>So what’s this Kesäkoodi thing about?</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:15Z</modified></item><item><title>DOM Traversal Performance – 2006-05-26</title><link></link><description>But there is a problem. My JavaScript implementation is slow.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:15Z</modified></item><item><title>Week 21</title><link></link><description>The weekly report for week 21.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:15Z</modified></item><item><title>Week 22</title><link></link><description>The weekly report for week 22.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:15Z</modified></item><item><title>Planning the XML Content Sink Incrementalization Work – 2006-06-10</title><link></link><description>I’ve been researching the problem area of bug 18333.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:15Z</modified></item><item><title>Week 23</title><link></link><description>The weekly report for week 23.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:15Z</modified></item><item><title>Week 24</title><link></link><description>The weekly report for week 24.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:15Z</modified></item><item><title>Week 25</title><link></link><description>The weekly report for week 25.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:15Z</modified></item><item><title>Eclipse CDT – 2006-06-27</title><link></link><description>After working in TextWrangler (and a bit in XCode) for a couple of weeks, I really started to miss Eclipse.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:15Z</modified></item><item><title>Week 26</title><link></link><description>The weekly report for week 26.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:15Z</modified></item><item><title>Builds! – 2006-07-06</title><link></link><description>Now there is something to test. I am providing builds with my preliminary patches for four target platforms.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:15Z</modified></item><item><title>Builds, Take Two – 2006-07-07</title><link></link><description>The builds have been respun with fixes for interrupting Expat properly.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:15Z</modified></item><item><title>Week 27</title><link></link><description>The weekly report for week 27.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:15Z</modified></item><item><title>Week 30</title><link></link><description>The weekly report for week 30.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:15Z</modified></item><item><title>Week 31</title><link></link><description>The weekly report for week 31.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:15Z</modified></item><item><title>Week 32</title><link></link><description>The weekly report for week 32.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:15Z</modified></item><item><title>Week 33</title><link></link><description>The weekly report for week 33.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:15Z</modified></item><item><title>Speaking Gig – 2006-08-28</title><link></link><description>I have been booked to speak at the Openbyte pre-conference of the Openmind 2006 event in Tampere Hall on 2006-10-24.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:15Z</modified></item><item><title>Week 34</title><link></link><description>The weekly report for week 34.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:15Z</modified></item><item><title>On Clipboard Formats – 2006-09-15</title><link></link><description>This stuff is so underdocumented that it isn’t even funny. This document is written so that others might find something when they search the Web.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:15Z</modified></item><item><title>Kesäkoodi Wrap-Up – 2006-09-19</title><link></link><description>The last week of Kesäkoodi stretched to two sparse weeks.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:15Z</modified></item><item><title>Outlining the “Ultimate” Blogging Server</title><link></link><description>I’ve been thinking what a really good blogging system or a news site content management system would be like. Here’s my attempt at outlining the “ultimate” blogging server.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:14Z</modified></item><item><title>How Not to Advertise an Election Candidate</title><link></link><description>On Sunday and Monday elections were held at the local congregation in order to select a new vicar. I didn’t like the campaigning.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:14Z</modified></item><item><title>Unused Icons</title><link></link><description>Unhelpful Microsoft wizardiness</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:14Z</modified></item><item><title>Comedy is the Real News</title><link></link><description>An observation I made last year when watching TV in the U.S.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:14Z</modified></item><item><title>Need a Taxi at a Taxi Station? You Lose!</title><link></link><description>A taxi station is the worst place to be in Helsinki when you need a taxi (unless there’s one already there).</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:14Z</modified></item><item><title>Reality Distortion Fields</title><link></link><description>Where Joel Spolsky’s analysis of the IE version targeting issue goes wrong.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:14Z</modified></item><item><title>XTech 2006</title><link></link><description>I went to the XTech 2006 conference last week.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:13Z</modified></item><item><title>Built-in Accessibility Roles in HTML5</title><link></link><description>A quick table of WAI-ARIA roles and what HTML 5 provides natively for each role as of July 2007.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:13Z</modified></item><item><title> Downtime</title><link></link><description> was down last week.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:13Z</modified></item><item><title>I Want an Affordable Snapshot-Saving Crypto-Backupping RAID NAS</title><link></link><description>This week, I lost over one potential work day to HFS+. And it wasn’t the first time I’ve lost time to HFS+. I want to make arrangements to avoid losing time to HFS+ in the future.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:13Z</modified></item><item><title>SVG Filter Effects in HTML without External References</title><link></link><description>The project of putting an HTML5 parser inside Gecko has progressed. I merged in code from the trunk in order to experiment with cool new stuff such as SVG filter effects for HTML.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:13Z</modified></item><item><title>HTML5 Script Execution Changes in Firefox 4 Beta 7</title><link></link><description>In Firefox 4 beta 7, script execution changed to be more HTML5-compliant than before. This means that in some cases sites that sniff for Firefox or Gecko may break. If your site/app works cross-browser without browser sniffing, you don’t need to read further. (However, if you triage bugs on, you might still want to read on.)</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:13Z</modified></item><item><title>Vihreiden tekijänoikeuslinja ja teosten tekijöiden eläketurva</title><link></link><description>Vihreät julkaisivat äskettäin tekijänoikeuslinjapaperin. On positiivista, että puolue kiinnittää huomiota aihepiiriin niin paljon, että siitä julkaistaan erillinen linjapaperi. Minua kuitenkin häiritsee paperissa suhtautuminen teosten tekijöiden eläketurvaan. (English summary: I’m unhappy that the newly released copyright policy paper of the Finnish Green Party suggests that authors of copyrighted works should get royalties for the commercial use of the works they have created long after the creation of the work in order to get money in the pensioner age.)</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:13Z</modified></item><item><title>Windows 8 App Support Matrix</title><link></link><description>Over the last few days, there’s been quite a bit of speculation about whether Windows 8 on ARM will ship the desktop environment and allow recompiled code written to the legacy Win32 APIs run.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:13Z</modified></item><item><title>Regular Expressions, Computer Science and Practice</title><link></link><description>Disregard of computer science can crash your app.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:12Z</modified></item><item><title>Almost Precedent</title><link></link><description>Why the Gecko Almost Standards Mode shouldn’t be used to justify IE engine version targeting.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:12Z</modified></item><item><title>Access Blocked</title><link></link><description>I followed a link from a message to a spec in the /TR/ space on</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:12Z</modified></item><item><title>Extended Uncertainty</title><link></link><description>I use myvidoop as my OpenID delegate. They used to have an EV certificate. Yesterday, they didn’t.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:12Z</modified></item><item><title>View Originl Bookmarklet</title><link></link><description>It takes way too many clicks to get from a Flickr photo page to the original JPEG file. I wrote a bookmarklet that does it with just one click.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:12Z</modified></item><item><title>Things to Take into Account When Moving to Standards-Compliant HTML and CSS Authoring</title><link></link><description>This is a mixed collection of a few issues that are worth taking into account when writing Web pages according to the W3C Recommendations.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:11Z</modified></item><item><title>Makasiinit</title><link></link><description>So the Makasiinit burned today.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:11Z</modified></item><item><title>Imitating Reflective Caustics in POV-Ray</title><link></link><description>A tutorial on imitating reflective caustics in the official distribution of POV-Ray</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:10Z</modified></item><item><title>RFC 2119 Key Words in Management Textbooks</title><link></link><description>Just a random observation about the vocabulary of management textbooks.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:10Z</modified></item><item><title>Atom Feed</title><link></link><description>I now have an Atom 1.0 feed.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:10Z</modified></item><item><title>ISO Opens Up a Little</title><link></link><description>It turns out that ISO now has some standards on the Web. That’s good, but putting all of them there in a Web-friendly format would be even better.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:10Z</modified></item><item><title>Table Integrity Checker</title><link></link><description>The first non-schema checker prototype is a table integrity checker.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:10Z</modified></item><item><title>Three Styles</title><link></link><description>Well, four styles if you count the original.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:10Z</modified></item><item><title>Thesis Defense on XForms</title><link></link><description>On Friday 2007-01-12, I went to listen to the thesis defense of Mikko Honkala.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:10Z</modified></item><item><title>IM Logs</title><link></link><description>Quote of the week.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:10Z</modified></item><item><title>Browser Sniffing History in the Chrome UA String</title><link></link><description>Google Chrome has the following cruft in the HTTP User-Agent header.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:10Z</modified></item><item><title>Speculative HTML5 Parsing Landed</title><link></link><description>As mentioned earlier, there is an ongoing project for replacing Gecko’s old HTML parser with an HTML5 parser. Today, a significant milestone landed: off-the-main-thread speculative HTML5 parsing.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:10Z</modified></item><item><title>The Old HTML Fragment Parser is Gone</title><link></link><description>Just a quick note to Firefox nightly testers and bug triagers.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:10Z</modified></item><item><title>Big Brother EU</title><link></link><description>On Tuesday 2005-11-22, I went to a public discussion event titled “Big Brother EU”.</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:09Z</modified></item><item><title>Can Anti-DRM Clauses in Content Licenses be Free?</title><link></link><description>Are anti-DRM clauses a good idea? Are the current clauses merely badly drafted and an anti-DRM clause in general could be free? Or is any anti-DRM clause inherently non-free?</description><modified xmlns="">2011-12-22T12:43:09Z</modified></item><item><title>An Introduction to Unicode</title><link></link><description>PDF slides about Unicode.</description><modified xmlns="">2005-07-27T17:07:37Z</modified></item><item><title>W3C DOM -esittely</title><link></link><description>An introduction to the W3C DOM (in Finnish).</description><modified xmlns="">2002-06-28T17:59:02Z</modified></item><item><title>Testing HTML5 Parsing</title><link></link><description>I have been using a browser with an HTML5 parser for both my work and leisure browsing for a bit over a week now. I think in-browser HTML5 parsing is now ready to be tested by others as well.</description></item><item><title>Help Test HTML5 Parsing in Gecko</title><link></link><description>The HTML5 parsing algorithm is meant to demystify HTML parsing and make it uniform across implementations in a backwards-compatible way. The algorithm has had “in the lab” testing, but so far it hasn’t been tested inside a browser by a large number of people. You can help change that now!</description></item><item><title></title><link></link><description>Validation 2.0.</description></item></channel></rss>

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