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  12. <title>MeFi Music</title>
  13. <link></link>
  14. <description>The past 25 songs posted at MeFi Music as a podcast feed</description>
  15. <pubDate>Wed, 17 Jul 2024 01:25:36 GMT</pubDate>
  16. <lastBuildDate>Wed, 17 Jul 2024 01:25:36 GMT</lastBuildDate>
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  21. <item>
  22. <title>Afraid of Seven</title>
  23. <description><![CDATA[Acoustic interlude]]></description>
  24. <link></link>
  25. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.9528</guid>
  26. <pubDate>Wed, 17 Jul 2024 01:25:36 GMT</pubDate>
  27. <dc:creator>CarrotAdventure</dc:creator>
  28. <category>acoustic</category>
  29. <category>six</category>
  30. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  31. <enclosure url="" length="8428216" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  32. </item> <item>
  33. <title>Three Halves (Inside Problems)</title>
  34. <description><![CDATA[A short, conflicted song somewhat in the style of my (much older) <a href="">Headphones</a>. This one's about having too much of things.<br/><br/>It's been a while since I finished my last album (<a href="">the one about Blaseball</a>) and I haven't been resting on my laurels but I have a whole bunch of like 15-40% done songs that I need to figure out how to finish (and sift out the good stuff from). This is just me getting into the swing of actually finishing and sharing things again. It's ambitiously titled because I'm hoping there will be a counterpart "Outside Problems" song that I wrote a verse or two of before realizing its melody is quite similar to this one. Through the magic of nomenclature it is now intentional!!!]]></description>
  35. <link></link>
  36. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.9527</guid>
  37. <pubDate>Sat, 06 Jul 2024 21:01:02 GMT</pubDate>
  38. <dc:creator>valrus</dc:creator>
  39. <category>belting</category>
  40. <category>guitar</category>
  41. <category>problems</category>
  42. <category>short</category>
  43. <category>SingerSongwriter</category>
  44. <category>vocals</category>
  45. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  46. <enclosure url="" length="4995122" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  47. </item> <item>
  48. <title>Octopus in Boots</title>
  49. <description><![CDATA[This is a song I just completed. It's about being converted into an octopus and moving into the ocean.
  51. I played all the things on this: drums, guitars, keys, vocals, bass.
  53. Hope you dig it.]]></description>
  54. <link></link>
  55. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.9526</guid>
  56. <pubDate>Thu, 04 Jul 2024 16:32:35 GMT</pubDate>
  57. <dc:creator>willc</dc:creator>
  58. <category>FolkRock</category>
  59. <category>HomeStudio</category>
  60. <category>Psychedelic</category>
  61. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  62. <enclosure url="" length="7878448" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  63. </item> <item>
  64. <title>City of Bummers</title>
  65. <description><![CDATA[About 10 years in the writing, here's a lazy folky summer thing for you. Might add some sfx/synth. Notes always welcome. Lyrics inside.<br/><br/>Cookie-crumb crook caught: hand in the jar. Pause for laughter and applause. Mugging and shrugging for cameras lined up like a firing squad.
  66. It's an old bit, but it kills so keep killing it. Kicked sole's worn thin. If it fits, well shit: it's just the type you're cast in. So do it again.
  68. Free-form magician, all smoke and mirrors, making it all disappear. Cold-call turned long-con. Everyone cheers. Hey, what's that behind your ear?
  69. It's an old bit, kicked souls: worn thin.
  71. City of bummers. It ain't a joke. Not when you ain't got a smoke. "Tell us another!" Fuck it. I'm broke. Come on now. Who's got a smoke?]]></description>
  72. <link></link>
  73. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.9525</guid>
  74. <pubDate>Thu, 04 Jul 2024 00:47:38 GMT</pubDate>
  75. <dc:creator>es_de_bah</dc:creator>
  76. <category>cigarettes</category>
  77. <category>folk</category>
  78. <category>punk</category>
  79. <category>sitcoms</category>
  80. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  81. <enclosure url="" length="5259445" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  82. </item> <item>
  83. <title>White Boy Summer</title>
  84. <description><![CDATA[It's here]]></description>
  85. <link></link>
  86. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.9524</guid>
  87. <pubDate>Tue, 02 Jul 2024 22:15:47 GMT</pubDate>
  88. <dc:creator>CarrotAdventure</dc:creator>
  89. <category>synth</category>
  90. <category>vocoder</category>
  91. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  92. <enclosure url="" length="5305016" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  93. </item> <item>
  94. <title>top hats</title>
  95. <description><![CDATA[Synthy slow jam]]></description>
  96. <link></link>
  97. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.9523</guid>
  98. <pubDate>Mon, 01 Jul 2024 21:03:12 GMT</pubDate>
  99. <dc:creator>CarrotAdventure</dc:creator>
  100. <category>beat</category>
  101. <category>slowjam</category>
  102. <category>synth</category>
  103. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  104. <enclosure url="" length="6779367" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  105. </item> <item>
  106. <title>Splitting</title>
  107. <description><![CDATA[Modular composition with a generative sequence, some tuned noise, and filter feedback.<br/><br/>I haven't posted in a while because I've been spending too much time building equipment and not enough time playing it - hope to remedy that soon!]]></description>
  108. <link></link>
  109. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.9522</guid>
  110. <pubDate>Sat, 29 Jun 2024 15:34:03 GMT</pubDate>
  111. <dc:creator>q*ben</dc:creator>
  112. <category>ambientoffice</category>
  113. <category>Bleepbloop</category>
  114. <category>electronic</category>
  115. <category>modular</category>
  116. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  117. <enclosure url="" length="8965440" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  118. </item> <item>
  119. <title>Quick Dark Place</title>
  120. <description><![CDATA[Here's an original I'm working on for my new album. I play all the parts and try to sing.]]></description>
  121. <link></link>
  122. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.9521</guid>
  123. <pubDate>Sat, 08 Jun 2024 14:44:20 GMT</pubDate>
  124. <dc:creator>willc</dc:creator>
  125. <category>FolkRock</category>
  126. <category>HomeStudio</category>
  127. <category>Psychedelic</category>
  128. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  129. <enclosure url="" length="6794262" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  130. </item> <item>
  131. <title>Hidden Window (high version)</title>
  132. <description><![CDATA[Redid an old tune and then sped up the master file for a hyper-pop style result]]></description>
  133. <link></link>
  134. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.9520</guid>
  135. <pubDate>Wed, 22 May 2024 21:48:06 GMT</pubDate>
  136. <dc:creator>CarrotAdventure</dc:creator>
  137. <category>hyperpop</category>
  138. <category>instrumental</category>
  139. <category>pop</category>
  140. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  141. <enclosure url="" length="8892150" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  142. </item> <item>
  143. <title>Sounds of</title>
  144. <description><![CDATA[Haven't posted anything in more than 5 years. Figured I should try and get back in the habit. Been workshopping this demo with the band. Suggestions very welcome.<br/><br/>Sounds of the rude world heard in the day might sooth me better than the moonlight, dear. Throw the water out because the kid's been dead for ages. We're saving nothing, here. You'll find me hanging out on this limb. Catch me coming down, or don't kid. I'll be hanging out; I'll die on this limb. Catch me coming down. It don't mean a thing.
  146. Take your glasses off. I'll look better fuzzy, baby. It's a long way down. Time enough to have funny thoughts start creeping in like: hey, maybe he'll bounce.
  148. Or don't, kid.]]></description>
  149. <link></link>
  150. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.9519</guid>
  151. <pubDate>Wed, 22 May 2024 07:13:22 GMT</pubDate>
  152. <dc:creator>es_de_bah</dc:creator>
  153. <category>bedroom</category>
  154. <category>demo</category>
  155. <category>techfolk</category>
  156. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  157. <enclosure url="" length="2949802" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  158. </item> <item>
  159. <title>vampire deer - 03 - we paint the wind</title>
  160. <description><![CDATA[this was done with a bunch of softsynths being loaded and played through a frippertronics like effect - totally improvised and i didn't know what kind of sound was up next - done in 2003]]></description>
  161. <link></link>
  162. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.9518</guid>
  163. <pubDate>Mon, 20 May 2024 00:21:17 GMT</pubDate>
  164. <dc:creator>pyramid termite</dc:creator>
  165. <category>project51</category>
  166. <category>psychedelic</category>
  167. <category>vampiredeer</category>
  168. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  169. <enclosure url="" length="19992322" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  170. </item> <item>
  171. <title>vampire deer - 02 - sad clown waltz</title>
  172. <description><![CDATA[another long, long instrumental]]></description>
  173. <link></link>
  174. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.9517</guid>
  175. <pubDate>Sat, 18 May 2024 00:28:29 GMT</pubDate>
  176. <dc:creator>pyramid termite</dc:creator>
  177. <category>project51</category>
  178. <category>psychedelic</category>
  179. <category>vampiredeer</category>
  180. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  181. <enclosure url="" length="16755568" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  182. </item> <item>
  183. <title>vampire deer - 01 hill city jam</title>
  184. <description><![CDATA[a long drone like jam - first of 3 for the new album, project 51]]></description>
  185. <link></link>
  186. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.9516</guid>
  187. <pubDate>Thu, 16 May 2024 22:45:38 GMT</pubDate>
  188. <dc:creator>pyramid termite</dc:creator>
  189. <category>project51</category>
  190. <category>psychedelic</category>
  191. <category>vampiredeer</category>
  192. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  193. <enclosure url="" length="15491224" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  194. </item> <item>
  195. <title>Piano Improv</title>
  196. <description><![CDATA[Piano Improvisation]]></description>
  197. <link></link>
  198. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.9515</guid>
  199. <pubDate>Thu, 09 May 2024 03:18:11 GMT</pubDate>
  200. <dc:creator>CarrotAdventure</dc:creator>
  201. <category>improv</category>
  202. <category>piano</category>
  203. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  204. <enclosure url="" length="3965456" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  205. </item> <item>
  206. <title>pravdup</title>
  207. <description><![CDATA[Bass: Roland JD-XA
  208. Chords: Roland JX-8P
  209. Riff: Roland SC-88
  210. Drums: Korg Drumlogue]]></description>
  211. <link></link>
  212. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.9514</guid>
  213. <pubDate>Mon, 06 May 2024 04:15:04 GMT</pubDate>
  214. <dc:creator>CarrotAdventure</dc:creator>
  215. <category>synth</category>
  216. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  217. <enclosure url="" length="9097995" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  218. </item> <item>
  219. <title>The Ash Grove</title>
  220. <description><![CDATA[It's the melody to an old Welsh song that I'm particularly fond of. Haven't been able to lose my fascination with it for thirty years.]]></description>
  221. <link></link>
  222. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.9513</guid>
  223. <pubDate>Mon, 29 Apr 2024 04:13:13 GMT</pubDate>
  224. <dc:creator>wurl1tzer_c0</dc:creator>
  225. <category>fiddle</category>
  226. <category>FiddleTune</category>
  227. <category>FiddleTunes</category>
  228. <category>LlwynOnn</category>
  229. <category>ReverbRoom</category>
  230. <category>TradTunes</category>
  231. <category>violin</category>
  232. <category>welsh</category>
  233. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  234. <enclosure url="" length="469035" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  235. </item> <item>
  236. <title>Hoverbike</title>
  237. <description><![CDATA[Uptempo synth w/synth lead]]></description>
  238. <link></link>
  239. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.9512</guid>
  240. <pubDate>Fri, 19 Apr 2024 04:33:30 GMT</pubDate>
  241. <dc:creator>CarrotAdventure</dc:creator>
  242. <category>synth</category>
  243. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  244. <enclosure url="" length="6842060" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  245. </item> <item>
  246. <title>The Stars By Day</title>
  247. <description><![CDATA[Dedicated to tomorrow's solar eclipse.<br/><br/>It's looking like it will be cloudy along much of the path of totality tomorrow, but here is another piece from my Solar Eclipse album, the last one being 2017's <a href="">Overture</a>. I am hoping to make the rest of the songs available for streaming on <a href="">my RN site</a> before the big event.  This simple piece is mostly in 3/4 and around 3:!0 you will hear the whole tone scale.]]></description>
  248. <link></link>
  249. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.9511</guid>
  250. <pubDate>Mon, 08 Apr 2024 00:53:06 GMT</pubDate>
  251. <dc:creator>AppleSeed</dc:creator>
  252. <category>cinematic</category>
  253. <category>instrumental</category>
  254. <category>QuasiClassical</category>
  255. <category>waltz</category>
  256. <category>WholeToneScale</category>
  257. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  258. <enclosure url="" length="5659962" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  259. </item> <item>
  260. <title>Punchin&apos; Machine</title>
  261. <description><![CDATA[My friend* is way better at side-scrolling beat 'em ups than I am.<br/><br/>There have been many attempts to come up with a worthy second verse over the past 12 or 13 years, but it never came to pass, so this one comes in at just under a minute.
  263. <small>* friend does not exist</small>]]></description>
  264. <link></link>
  265. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.9510</guid>
  266. <pubDate>Sun, 07 Apr 2024 22:47:06 GMT</pubDate>
  267. <dc:creator>The Great Big Mulp</dc:creator>
  268. <category>chiptune</category>
  269. <category>short</category>
  270. <category>videogame</category>
  271. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  272. <enclosure url="" length="2184053" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  273. </item> <item>
  274. <title>Mystery at the Broken Robot Factory</title>
  275. <description><![CDATA[Starting in my teens, I had a series of dreams about living in the ruins of a subterranean post-apocalyptic society. In one of these dreams, a friend convinced me that we should take over the old broken robot factory to see if we could get it up and running again. It has never been clear if this was a broken factory that made robots or a factory that made broken robots.<br/><br/>I've had this kicking around for some time -- probably close to 10 years at this point. The drums are provided by a Korg DDD1 modded by my old friend <a href="">reklus</a>.]]></description>
  276. <link></link>
  277. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.9509</guid>
  278. <pubDate>Thu, 28 Mar 2024 19:03:41 GMT</pubDate>
  279. <dc:creator>The Great Big Mulp</dc:creator>
  280. <category>circuitbent</category>
  281. <category>ddd1</category>
  282. <category>instrumental</category>
  283. <category>nes</category>
  284. <category>piano</category>
  285. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  286. <enclosure url="" length="5728365" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  287. </item> <item>
  288. <title>Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious</title>
  289. <description><![CDATA[I took <em>Mary Poppins</em>' classic "<a href="">Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious</a>" and mixed it with <a href="">Andy Rehfeldt's metal version</a>. The original song was downtuned a few semitones; and a few snips were made for the sync to be maintained. And I added a slight channel separation so it wasn't a flat mash of noise.]]></description>
  290. <link></link>
  291. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.9508</guid>
  292. <pubDate>Tue, 12 Mar 2024 05:45:20 GMT</pubDate>
  293. <dc:creator>not_on_display</dc:creator>
  294. <category>mary</category>
  295. <category>metal</category>
  296. <category>poppins</category>
  297. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  298. <enclosure url="" length="4835896" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  299. </item> <item>
  300. <title>10 - used to be a runner</title>
  301. <description><![CDATA[this is the last song of the album - which is my 50th album here<br/><br/> didn't get a gold watch, i didn't get a cake
  302. all i got was a tired feeling that i'd had all i could take
  303. i felt like i was watching myself walking through that day
  304. then i put my card through the time clock and walked away
  305. i used to be a runner cause i thought there was a place to run
  306. so many places i could go under the graying sun
  307. but one year plays out another, and places seem the same
  308. and freedom's just desire i haven't learned to tame
  310. well, a young man would do something like head to the setting sun
  311. and a young man would do anything to keep strong on that run
  312. and a young man would have dreams, and a young man would have heart
  313. and an old man winds up with all of that except another start]]></description>
  314. <link></link>
  315. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.9507</guid>
  316. <pubDate>Sun, 25 Feb 2024 17:35:17 GMT</pubDate>
  317. <dc:creator>pyramid termite</dc:creator>
  318. <category>bluebirdbus</category>
  319. <category>psychedelic</category>
  320. <category>vampiredeer</category>
  321. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  322. <enclosure url="" length="15593119" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  323. </item> <item>
  324. <title>09 - shadow blues - vampire deer</title>
  325. <description><![CDATA[shadows are interesting<br/><br/>i am just a little shadow and i don't run to catch up with you
  326. whatever you don't want is mine and i'm never what you do
  327. i tried to call it love, you said it's an arrangement that you like
  328. i can't go back where i was and the end is out of sight
  329. how do you feel when you know i have the shadow blues
  330. the sun's gonna go down one day and you're gonna lose your fuse]]></description>
  331. <link></link>
  332. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.9506</guid>
  333. <pubDate>Sat, 24 Feb 2024 11:33:12 GMT</pubDate>
  334. <dc:creator>pyramid termite</dc:creator>
  335. <category>bluebirdbus</category>
  336. <category>psychedelic</category>
  337. <category>vampiredeer</category>
  338. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  339. <enclosure url="" length="11011242" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  340. </item> <item>
  341. <title>Arp and Piano</title>
  342. <description><![CDATA[Improvising on piano over a synth arp]]></description>
  343. <link></link>
  344. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.9505</guid>
  345. <pubDate>Wed, 21 Feb 2024 06:44:42 GMT</pubDate>
  346. <dc:creator>CarrotAdventure</dc:creator>
  347. <category>arp</category>
  348. <category>piano</category>
  349. <category>synth</category>
  350. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  351. <enclosure url="" length="16230469" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  352. </item> <item>
  353. <title>flowers of edinburgh</title>
  354. <description><![CDATA[an old scottish tune]]></description>
  355. <link></link>
  356. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.9504</guid>
  357. <pubDate>Tue, 20 Feb 2024 05:45:07 GMT</pubDate>
  358. <dc:creator>wurl1tzer_c0</dc:creator>
  359. <category>fiddle</category>
  360. <category>FiddleTunes</category>
  361. <category>reels</category>
  362. <category>Scottish</category>
  363. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  364. <enclosure url="" length="409622" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  365. </item>
  366. </channel>
  367. </rss>

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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda