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  3.    <title> Diary for 'Matt from KS'</title>
  4.    <link>;grower=95119&amp;action=L</link>
  5.    <description>Last 20 Diary Entries for 'Matt from KS'.</description>
  6.    <language>en-us</language>
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  16.    <item>
  17.      <title>07/23/2024 - with photo</title>
  18.      <description>2266 Kisamore is the current patch leader ~600lbs</description>
  19.      <link></link>
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  21.      <pubDate>Tue, 23 Jul 2024 19:35:25 GMT</pubDate>
  22.    </item>
  23.    <item>
  24.      <title>07/23/2024 - with photo</title>
  25.      <description>Enjoying a snack.</description>
  26.      <link></link>
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  28.      <pubDate>Tue, 23 Jul 2024 19:33:03 GMT</pubDate>
  29.    </item>
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  31.      <title>07/17/2024 - with photo</title>
  32.      <description>It’s been unbelievably humid. Here’s what a recent cull looks like.  We hit a dewpoint over 80 three days in a row last week following the foot of rain we got to start July.  We are getting cooler/dri...</description>
  33.      <link></link>
  34.      <guid></guid>
  35.      <pubDate>Wed, 17 Jul 2024 19:35:13 GMT</pubDate>
  36.    </item>
  37.    <item>
  38.      <title>07/17/2024 - with photo</title>
  39.      <description>Lost the 20’ of main vine on the 2239.5 Marintzer.  Unfortunately on a portion with the pumpkin.</description>
  40.      <link></link>
  41.      <guid></guid>
  42.      <pubDate>Wed, 17 Jul 2024 19:32:15 GMT</pubDate>
  43.    </item>
  44.    <item>
  45.      <title>07/09/2024 - with photo</title>
  46.      <description>Surprised my 1904.5 Sperry is cream colored.  Oldest/Biggest in the patch ~500lbs.</description>
  47.      <link></link>
  48.      <guid></guid>
  49.      <pubDate>Tue, 09 Jul 2024 23:26:35 GMT</pubDate>
  50.    </item>
  51.    <item>
  52.      <title>07/09/2024 - with photo</title>
  53.      <description>I’m having trouble with getting a pumpkin on my 2054 Strickler.  This one(pictured) aborted around day 15.  Fingers crossed for a backup currently 10 DAP.</description>
  54.      <link></link>
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  56.      <pubDate>Tue, 09 Jul 2024 23:23:49 GMT</pubDate>
  57.    </item>
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  59.      <title>07/09/2024 - with photo</title>
  60.      <description>Perk of having a vine get washed out is you can see clearly how the rooting WAS going.</description>
  61.      <link></link>
  62.      <guid></guid>
  63.      <pubDate>Tue, 09 Jul 2024 23:19:45 GMT</pubDate>
  64.    </item>
  65.    <item>
  66.      <title>07/09/2024 - with photo</title>
  67.      <description>9in of rain in 3 days last week caused some flash flooding.  I grow right on the edge of the floodway so my 1938 Sperry had a few secondaries get washed out.</description>
  68.      <link></link>
  69.      <guid></guid>
  70.      <pubDate>Tue, 09 Jul 2024 23:16:51 GMT</pubDate>
  71.    </item>
  72.    <item>
  73.      <title>06/29/2024 - with photo</title>
  74.      <description>Vine Burying this year: large handful of soaking wet peat moss over Azos/Myco mix w/Clonex on both top and bottom root nodes.  I assume the root cluster in pic is good, it at least looks impressive.</description>
  75.      <link></link>
  76.      <guid></guid>
  77.      <pubDate>Sat, 29 Jun 2024 13:57:12 GMT</pubDate>
  78.    </item>
  79.    <item>
  80.      <title>06/29/2024 - with photo</title>
  81.      <description>2266 Kisamore @DAP16
  82. This plant may be beyond my skill level. Had main twist early, so replaced w/secondary. New main split @10ft after plant was 20ft long.  It seems very sensitive to heat, and has h...</description>
  83.      <link></link>
  84.      <guid></guid>
  85.      <pubDate>Sat, 29 Jun 2024 13:50:12 GMT</pubDate>
  86.    </item>
  87.    <item>
  88.      <title>06/29/2024 - with photo</title>
  89.      <description>2239.5 Marintzer @DAP22
  90. Looking like it will be ORANGE.  Missed the last 8 days in patch on family vacation, so vine bury/weeding will get some attention this weekend.  This is the only pumpkin in the...</description>
  91.      <link></link>
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  93.      <pubDate>Sat, 29 Jun 2024 13:43:38 GMT</pubDate>
  94.    </item>
  95.    <item>
  96.      <title>06/29/2024 - with photo</title>
  97.      <description>1904.5 Sperry @DAP26
  98. Powdery mildew broke out 6/27 on 2266 Kisamore, sprayed patches w/Quinpac(sp) and seems to have halted it.
  99. Rot spots popping up everywhere w/dewpoints in upper 70’s.  Losing main ...</description>
  100.      <link></link>
  101.      <guid></guid>
  102.      <pubDate>Sat, 29 Jun 2024 13:39:17 GMT</pubDate>
  103.    </item>
  104.    <item>
  105.      <title>06/15/2024 - with photo</title>
  106.      <description>DAP 8 2239.5 Marintzer x 2266 Kisamore</description>
  107.      <link></link>
  108.      <guid></guid>
  109.      <pubDate>Sat, 15 Jun 2024 12:47:29 GMT</pubDate>
  110.    </item>
  111.    <item>
  112.      <title>06/13/2024 - with photo</title>
  113.      <description>Western Labs Tissue Report.  I’ll push the recommendations through the drip spread over the next week or two. I’ll drench supportive biology with brews.  After the initial heavy nutrient push, I also ...</description>
  114.      <link></link>
  115.      <guid></guid>
  116.      <pubDate>Thu, 13 Jun 2024 07:30:02 GMT</pubDate>
  117.    </item>
  118.    <item>
  119.      <title>06/07/2024 - with photo</title>
  120.      <description>1806 Sperry x 2239.5 Marintzer 21 nodes out</description>
  121.      <link></link>
  122.      <guid></guid>
  123.      <pubDate>Fri, 07 Jun 2024 11:19:37 GMT</pubDate>
  124.    </item>
  125.    <item>
  126.      <title>06/07/2024 - with photo</title>
  127.      <description>2266 Kisamore x 1904.5 Sperry 20 nodes out</description>
  128.      <link></link>
  129.      <guid></guid>
  130.      <pubDate>Fri, 07 Jun 2024 11:18:54 GMT</pubDate>
  131.    </item>
  132.    <item>
  133.      <title>06/07/2024 - with photo</title>
  134.      <description>2239.5 Marintzer x 2266 Kisamore 19 nodes out</description>
  135.      <link></link>
  136.      <guid></guid>
  137.      <pubDate>Fri, 07 Jun 2024 11:18:00 GMT</pubDate>
  138.    </item>
  139.    <item>
  140.      <title>06/04/2024 - with photo</title>
  141.      <description>Clonex Rooting Gel seems to be doing the job</description>
  142.      <link></link>
  143.      <guid></guid>
  144.      <pubDate>Tue, 04 Jun 2024 09:44:30 GMT</pubDate>
  145.    </item>
  146.    <item>
  147.      <title>06/02/2024 - with photo</title>
  148.      <description>LinkTap has some great data(flow meter) here is the graph of the 4 Zones running for 20min each.  The last zone’s flow is much less b/c it’s has much less drip tap deployed.  Hoping it can help flag w...</description>
  149.      <link></link>
  150.      <guid></guid>
  151.      <pubDate>Sun, 02 Jun 2024 10:26:54 GMT</pubDate>
  152.    </item>
  153.    <item>
  154.      <title>05/30/2024 - with photo</title>
  155.      <description>Nightcrawlers under walking board</description>
  156.      <link></link>
  157.      <guid></guid>
  158.      <pubDate>Thu, 30 May 2024 12:51:44 GMT</pubDate>
  159.    </item>
  160.  </channel>
  161. </rss>

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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda