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  3.    <title> Diary for 'pumpconn'</title>
  4.    <link>;grower=33241&amp;action=L</link>
  5.    <description>Last 20 Diary Entries for 'pumpconn'.</description>
  6.    <language>en-us</language>
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  16.    <item>
  17.      <title>07/25/2024 - with photo</title>
  18.      <description>At DAP 40 the 2465 Sperry x 2222 Gienger is growing at a good pace.  48.2 lbs per day for 10 days.  Good shape too.  Est wt = 1169 lbs.   At DAP 30 wt was 687 lbs.</description>
  19.      <link></link>
  20.      <guid></guid>
  21.      <pubDate>Thu, 25 Jul 2024 12:54:03 GMT</pubDate>
  22.    </item>
  23.    <item>
  24.      <title>07/24/2024 - with photo</title>
  25.      <description>Another road trip...Also stopped by to visit Steve Hallowell in Duxbury, MA today</description>
  26.      <link></link>
  27.      <guid></guid>
  28.      <pubDate>Thu, 25 Jul 2024 05:42:45 GMT</pubDate>
  29.    </item>
  30.    <item>
  31.      <title>07/24/2024 - with photo</title>
  32.      <description>Cloudy wet morning.  Time for a drive.  Visited fellow grower Ed Pappas in Duxbury today</description>
  33.      <link></link>
  34.      <guid></guid>
  35.      <pubDate>Thu, 25 Jul 2024 05:41:26 GMT</pubDate>
  36.    </item>
  37.    <item>
  38.      <title>07/24/2024 - with photo</title>
  39.      <description>The 2222 x 2501 is still growing at a decent rate at DAP 50.  Average wt gain = 45.1 lbs/day for the last 20 days.  Taping 1284 lbs.  Blossom end is slowly disappearing,  Blossom nub was removed and t...</description>
  40.      <link></link>
  41.      <guid></guid>
  42.      <pubDate>Wed, 24 Jul 2024 11:22:09 GMT</pubDate>
  43.    </item>
  44.    <item>
  45.      <title>07/23/2024 - with photo</title>
  46.      <description>The 2501 Bernstrom x 2222 Gienger at DAP40, has a 1019 lb estimated weight.  It was a cube, but now its morphed into "someting else".  lol.   Doing 47/day for the last 10 days.</description>
  47.      <link></link>
  48.      <guid></guid>
  49.      <pubDate>Tue, 23 Jul 2024 13:33:02 GMT</pubDate>
  50.    </item>
  51.    <item>
  52.      <title>07/22/2024 - with photo</title>
  53.      <description>I'm going to miss my good friend Pap, who I enjoyed visiting on my morning weekend trips to the Wallaces.  He was a very giving person.</description>
  54.      <link></link>
  55.      <guid></guid>
  56.      <pubDate>Tue, 23 Jul 2024 08:09:22 GMT</pubDate>
  57.    </item>
  58.    <item>
  59.      <title>07/22/2024 - with photo</title>
  60.      <description>My mighty little 150 Challenge pumpkin (1017 Rondeau x 1017 Rondeau) is taping 557 lbs at DAP 40.
  61. With 3 ft side vines I can take pictures like this one.</description>
  62.      <link></link>
  63.      <guid></guid>
  64.      <pubDate>Mon, 22 Jul 2024 09:26:05 GMT</pubDate>
  65.    </item>
  66.    <item>
  67.      <title>07/19/2024 - with photo</title>
  68.      <description>This additional picture goes with the previous post.  It shows the 235 Razo plant.</description>
  69.      <link></link>
  70.      <guid></guid>
  71.      <pubDate>Fri, 19 Jul 2024 10:28:23 GMT</pubDate>
  72.    </item>
  73.    <item>
  74.      <title>07/19/2024 - with photo</title>
  75.      <description>My 218 Baggs and 235 Razo FP's are in good shape.  16-17 ft mains.  Lots of vine burying and training.  Been culling a lot of rogue open pollinations.  Waiting until August 1st to pollinate my keepers...</description>
  76.      <link></link>
  77.      <guid></guid>
  78.      <pubDate>Fri, 19 Jul 2024 10:26:57 GMT</pubDate>
  79.    </item>
  80.    <item>
  81.      <title>07/18/2024 - with photo</title>
  82.      <description>Joe's also got a good sized one for his 150 Challenge pumpkin entry...</description>
  83.      <link></link>
  84.      <guid></guid>
  85.      <pubDate>Fri, 19 Jul 2024 10:01:42 GMT</pubDate>
  86.    </item>
  87.    <item>
  88.      <title>07/18/2024 - with photo</title>
  89.      <description>Also drove to Rhode Island and visited Joe Jutras.  Lots going on at his place.  Looks like Joe is going Green this year.</description>
  90.      <link></link>
  91.      <guid></guid>
  92.      <pubDate>Fri, 19 Jul 2024 10:00:56 GMT</pubDate>
  93.    </item>
  94.    <item>
  95.      <title>07/18/2024 - with photo</title>
  96.      <description>Got out for some mini patch tours today.  Stopped by Alex Noels house in Connecticut.  Great to catch up on stuff.  He has 3 nice sized AG's going in the netted enclosure.</description>
  97.      <link></link>
  98.      <guid></guid>
  99.      <pubDate>Fri, 19 Jul 2024 09:59:10 GMT</pubDate>
  100.    </item>
  101.    <item>
  102.      <title>07/15/2024 - with photo</title>
  103.      <description>The 2465 Sperry x 2222 Gienger at 30 DAP.  Has an OTT of 310....estimated wt of 687 lbs.</description>
  104.      <link></link>
  105.      <guid></guid>
  106.      <pubDate>Tue, 16 Jul 2024 09:37:08 GMT</pubDate>
  107.    </item>
  108.    <item>
  109.      <title>07/14/2024 - with photo</title>
  110.      <description>The 2222 Gienger x 2501 Bernstrom  is going blossom under on me.  At 40 DAP, she has a good daily weight gain of 48 lbs / day for the last 10 days.  Wt est = 848 lbs</description>
  111.      <link></link>
  112.      <guid></guid>
  113.      <pubDate>Sun, 14 Jul 2024 19:20:19 GMT</pubDate>
  114.    </item>
  115.    <item>
  116.      <title>07/13/2024 - with photo</title>
  117.      <description>Finally The patch is almost full.  Just in time...I dont know how much more digging my fingers could take!</description>
  118.      <link></link>
  119.      <guid></guid>
  120.      <pubDate>Sat, 13 Jul 2024 17:58:07 GMT</pubDate>
  121.    </item>
  122.    <item>
  123.      <title>07/13/2024 - with photo</title>
  124.      <description>The 2501 Bernstrom x 2222 Gienger hit 30 DAP today.  "The Cube" has a taped weight of 546 pounds.  A lot of great genetics in this pumpkin, hope she keeps packing on the pounds with her Cal-Mag diet.</description>
  125.      <link></link>
  126.      <guid></guid>
  127.      <pubDate>Sat, 13 Jul 2024 17:37:12 GMT</pubDate>
  128.    </item>
  129.    <item>
  130.      <title>07/12/2024 - with photo</title>
  131.      <description>My little 150 Challenge pumpkin has reached DAP 30.   Taping 334 lbs.   Starting to outgrow much of its gnarly surface.</description>
  132.      <link></link>
  133.      <guid></guid>
  134.      <pubDate>Fri, 12 Jul 2024 19:15:47 GMT</pubDate>
  135.    </item>
  136.    <item>
  137.      <title>07/09/2024 - with photo</title>
  138.      <description>The 2501 Bernstrom x 2222 Gienger has taken on a cube shape  Shown at 26 DAP.
  139. Lets Grow!!</description>
  140.      <link></link>
  141.      <guid></guid>
  142.      <pubDate>Tue, 09 Jul 2024 15:45:15 GMT</pubDate>
  143.    </item>
  144.    <item>
  145.      <title>07/02/2024 - with photo</title>
  146.      <description>The 218 Baggs FP is also kicking into gear.</description>
  147.      <link></link>
  148.      <guid></guid>
  149.      <pubDate>Tue, 02 Jul 2024 20:14:53 GMT</pubDate>
  150.    </item>
  151.    <item>
  152.      <title>07/02/2024 - with photo</title>
  153.      <description>The 235 Razo FP is starting to grow at  a rapid pace now that t he warm weather is here.</description>
  154.      <link></link>
  155.      <guid></guid>
  156.      <pubDate>Tue, 02 Jul 2024 20:13:40 GMT</pubDate>
  157.    </item>
  158.  </channel>
  159. </rss>

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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda