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  3.    <title> Diary for 'owen o'</title>
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  5.    <description>Last 20 Diary Entries for 'owen o'.</description>
  6.    <language>en-us</language>
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  17.      <title>07/24/2024 - with photo</title>
  18.      <description>RIP</description>
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  21.      <pubDate>Wed, 24 Jul 2024 13:33:46 GMT</pubDate>
  22.    </item>
  23.    <item>
  24.      <title>10/03/2017 - with photo</title>
  25.      <description>So, this is how I am now treated. Since 2002 I have been trying to bring our (not your) hobby to folks, and this is what happens. My pumpkin is the one that has been knocked over, it was intended.</description>
  26.      <link></link>
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  28.      <pubDate>Tue, 03 Oct 2017 16:32:44 GMT</pubDate>
  29.    </item>
  30.    <item>
  31.      <title>09/21/2017 - with photo</title>
  32.      <description>Obviously another dark path. So the bottom line is that you can have a secret weigh off and have pumpkins from a previous weigh off get the prize money. The prominent committee that has allowed this w...</description>
  33.      <link></link>
  34.      <guid></guid>
  35.      <pubDate>Thu, 21 Sep 2017 13:58:38 GMT</pubDate>
  36.    </item>
  37.    <item>
  38.      <title>09/21/2017 - with photo</title>
  39.      <description>Wow, now how dark is this path?</description>
  40.      <link></link>
  41.      <guid></guid>
  42.      <pubDate>Thu, 21 Sep 2017 13:52:48 GMT</pubDate>
  43.    </item>
  44.    <item>
  45.      <title>09/21/2017 - with photo</title>
  46.      <description>Submitting to my diary, not a dark path as a prominent grower has stated. More a reason to question why a "prominent group" refuses to openly address questions. You can hide, but cannot avoid what is ...</description>
  47.      <link></link>
  48.      <guid></guid>
  49.      <pubDate>Thu, 21 Sep 2017 13:35:57 GMT</pubDate>
  50.    </item>
  51.    <item>
  52.      <title>09/16/2017 - with photo</title>
  53.      <description>The 1756 Howell/Jolivette, a time lapse of pictures. This pumpkin has been a joy to grow, the plant was great, started off slow and just never quit. Probably the pumpkin I will ever grow that is assoc...</description>
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  55.      <guid></guid>
  56.      <pubDate>Sat, 16 Sep 2017 12:33:54 GMT</pubDate>
  57.    </item>
  58.    <item>
  59.      <title>09/16/2017 - with photo</title>
  60.      <description>My 2145 McMulllen, this pumpkin will be a EXH because until Ludwigsburg is admonished I will not go there again, I may never go there again, I am having fun, this is still a real pumpkin, regardless o...</description>
  61.      <link></link>
  62.      <guid></guid>
  63.      <pubDate>Sat, 16 Sep 2017 12:19:50 GMT</pubDate>
  64.    </item>
  65.    <item>
  66.      <title>08/28/2017 - with photo</title>
  67.      <description>And rather then address the obvious situation your GPC President would rather let you know how his pumpkins are growing.
  69. Keep the hate emails coming, I got you covered.</description>
  70.      <link></link>
  71.      <guid></guid>
  72.      <pubDate>Mon, 28 Aug 2017 14:21:50 GMT</pubDate>
  73.    </item>
  74.    <item>
  75.      <title>08/28/2017 - with photo</title>
  76.      <description>This was suppose to be the last picture.</description>
  77.      <link></link>
  78.      <guid></guid>
  79.      <pubDate>Mon, 28 Aug 2017 13:37:05 GMT</pubDate>
  80.    </item>
  81.    <item>
  82.      <title>08/28/2017 - with photo</title>
  83.      <description>Another picture of a future grower, explain to him that Ludwigsburg pays growers to bring pumpkins that have previously been weighed.</description>
  84.      <link></link>
  85.      <guid></guid>
  86.      <pubDate>Mon, 28 Aug 2017 13:35:00 GMT</pubDate>
  87.    </item>
  88.    <item>
  89.      <title>08/28/2017 - with photo</title>
  90.      <description>This is what our hobby is all about.</description>
  91.      <link></link>
  92.      <guid></guid>
  93.      <pubDate>Mon, 28 Aug 2017 13:32:10 GMT</pubDate>
  94.    </item>
  95.    <item>
  96.      <title>10/09/2015</title>
  97.      <description>What have I learned?
  98. - Final decisions are not final
  99. - The stem is not part of the pumpkin
  100. - Pumpkins without soft spots are damaged
  101. - You will be blamed by others because they cannot understand t...</description>
  102.      <link></link>
  103.      <guid></guid>
  104.      <pubDate>Fri, 09 Oct 2015 00:58:30 GMT</pubDate>
  105.    </item>
  106.    <item>
  107.      <title>10/08/2015 - with photo</title>
  108.      <description>..</description>
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  110.      <guid></guid>
  111.      <pubDate>Thu, 08 Oct 2015 16:05:13 GMT</pubDate>
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  113.    <item>
  114.      <title>10/08/2015 - with photo</title>
  115.      <description>..</description>
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  118.      <pubDate>Thu, 08 Oct 2015 16:04:43 GMT</pubDate>
  119.    </item>
  120.    <item>
  121.      <title>10/08/2015 - with photo</title>
  122.      <description>..</description>
  123.      <link></link>
  124.      <guid></guid>
  125.      <pubDate>Thu, 08 Oct 2015 16:04:12 GMT</pubDate>
  126.    </item>
  127.    <item>
  128.      <title>10/08/2015 - with photo</title>
  129.      <description>..</description>
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  132.      <pubDate>Thu, 08 Oct 2015 16:03:39 GMT</pubDate>
  133.    </item>
  134.    <item>
  135.      <title>10/08/2015 - with photo</title>
  136.      <description>..</description>
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  138.      <guid></guid>
  139.      <pubDate>Thu, 08 Oct 2015 16:03:07 GMT</pubDate>
  140.    </item>
  141.    <item>
  142.      <title>10/08/2015 - with photo</title>
  143.      <description>Owen is probably to blame here to, check out the lifting device ropes</description>
  144.      <link></link>
  145.      <guid></guid>
  146.      <pubDate>Thu, 08 Oct 2015 16:02:36 GMT</pubDate>
  147.    </item>
  148.    <item>
  149.      <title>10/08/2015 - with photo</title>
  150.      <description>Saved pennies last few years eating own taters maters cucumber peas carrots now I have bigger GH must get soil right.
  152. Now it is on me.
  154. Tool time arg arg.</description>
  155.      <link></link>
  156.      <guid></guid>
  157.      <pubDate>Thu, 08 Oct 2015 11:46:41 GMT</pubDate>
  158.    </item>
  159.    <item>
  160.      <title>10/08/2015 - with photo</title>
  161.      <description>After a couple of days to think about things it is obvious to me that I still have a competitive bone in my body.
  163. So, two tons of worm humus for patch prep 2016, never started this early, goal is c...</description>
  164.      <link></link>
  165.      <guid></guid>
  166.      <pubDate>Thu, 08 Oct 2015 10:19:24 GMT</pubDate>
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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda