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<title>Ravens PHP Scripts And Web Hosting News - Ravens PHP Scripts</title>
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<title>The 6 Best PHP Scripts Providers for 2021</title>
When looking for the best PHP scripts online, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. There are a lot of different offers out there often with large libraries of products.<br />
<br />
Yet, ready-to-use PHP scripts are one of the easiest ways to add functionality to your site, from contact forms to shopping carts. So, in order to make it easy for you to find what you need, in this post we will go over six of the best directories for PHP scripts out there and what they have to offer.<br />
<br />
more: <a href=",," target="_blank" title="PHP Scripts">WebSiteSetup</a></p>
<author> (neralex)</author>
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<title>WHAT IS NEWS LISTER?</title>
News Lister is a free PHP script, that can be used to create simple news or articles management websites or to be integrated in existing websites to create news sections in them.<br />
<br />
News Lister is also very easy to install and it's not using any database - the news information is stored in XML files and the uploaded images in local folders. This makes the installation very easy - it's just necessary to upload the script files (which you can download from the link below) to your website or folder in which you wish to install it.<br />
<br />
It's also made to be responsive (mobile-friendly), so the website and interface adapt to the different devices like tablets and smartphones and their screen sizes.<br />
<br />
You could find below a brief overview of its main features and online demos.<br />
<br />
more: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
<author> (neralex)</author>
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<title>How To Read A CSV With PHP</title>
Looking how to read a CSV using PHP? What to import a CSV into our database? The code snippet below will help you do just that.<br />
<br />
<a href="" title="fgetcsv"></a> has the manual for the fgetcsv which is used in this example.<br />
<br />
Example<br />
<br />
<code>$row = 1; if (($handle = fopen("test.csv", "r")) !== FALSE) { while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) { $num = count($data); echo "</code></p>
<code>$num fields in line $row: </code></p>
<code>\n"; $row++; for ($c=0; $c \n"; } } fclose($handle); } </code><br />
<br />
Replace test.csv with your own file.<br />
<br />
This snippet will parse CSV into a multidimensional array<br />
<br />
*All code snippets are open source, everyone is free to use.<br />
<br />
<a href="" title="How To Read A CSV With PHP">PhP Tricks</a></p>
<author> (neralex)</author>
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<title>Simple and Responsive jQuery Carousel Slider</title>
Today I will share how to create simple and responsive jQuery carousel slider, although there are various ways to do but i will share the simplest way to achieve this goal.<br />
<br />
JQuery carousel slider is very helpful, we used it several times in our web projects or blogs, you may want to display your blog recent posts, recent clients, recent project in a carousel slider or you may be want to make it your main page slider.<br />
<br />
Steps to Create Simple and Responsive jQuery Carousel Slider<br />
<br />
To create a simple and responsive jQuery carousel slider, we need to follow the below steps.<br />
<br />
More <a href="" title="Simple and Responsive jQuery Carousel Slider">All PhP Tricks</a></p>
<author> (neralex)</author>
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<title>Themes, graphics and more</title>
Nuke Revival has opened it's doors and we are beginning to add downloads to the site. Come visit and help the community grow. If you need a theme or graphics you can make a request and we will do our best to fulfill it. So stop in over at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
<author> (neralex)</author>
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<title>Types of caching in a PHP web application</title>
As a web developer, you must have heard the term "cache" in various situations. To help you fully understand what cache means, we wrote this article.<br />
<br />
Table Of Content<br />
<br />
OpCode Cache<br />
Application Cache<br />
HTTP Cache<br />
Proxy Cache<br />
End<br />
<br />
OpCode Cache<br />
<br />
When running a PHP script. The interpreter will parse the script into a series of operation codes, commonly known as "opcodes".<br />
<br />
By caching the opcode in memory, we can gain significant performance improvement. This is known as opCode cache.<br />
<br />
There is a list of well-know opCode cache engines and they are:<br />
<br />
Zend OpCache<br />
APC User Cache<br />
Alternative PHP Cache<br />
Xcache<br />
<br />
By default, PHP ships with Zend OpCache.<br />
<br />
Application Cache<br />
<br />
When building an application, we can utilize some cache strategies to avoid slow response:<br />
<br />
Store data that is not changed often in a cache.<br />
Store time-consuming computed data in a cache.<br />
<br />
Above are known as application cache.</p>
<author> (neralex)</author>
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<title>PHP Login Registration with Email Verification using OTP</title>
Normally after user registration, we have send email at user register email address for confirm his or her email address. Once User has click on email confirmation link then after that user registration process has been completed with email verification.<br />
<br />
But in this post, we have use OTP (One Time Password) method for verify registered user email address. Email verification is a very required process for check registered user has enter right information at the time of registration and it is also useful to prevent spam registration at our web application. For this reason verify user identity, we have to verify his or her email address. In this OTP method, If User has provide us genuine email address then on that email address our system will send one email confirmation email with OTP number. User has to just copy that OTP number and enter in email verification page which will be load after submitting registration form data. In that web page, User has to enter OTP number and submit form. After submitting form user email address will be verified.<br />
<br />
more and videos: <a href="" title="PHP Login Registration with Email Verification using OTP">Webslesson</a></p>
<author> (neralex)</author>
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<title>Master PHP Array Functions</title>
You are probably using array every day as a PHP developer, because it is the default collection type of data structure in PHP. What you might not be aware is that PHP provides tons of built-in array manipulation functions, they are more efficient compared to user land solution, because they are built into the core and designed to handle most of edge cases.<br />
<br />
In this series of tutorials, we will be going through some built-in array functions. Show their possible use cases as comprehensively as we can. Hopefully this series will improve the way you deal with PHP array and make your code better.<br />
<br />
Throughout the whole series, we will be operating on an array called $books:<br />
<br />
more: <a href="" title="Master PHP Array Functions">Star Tutorial</a></p>
<author> (neralex)</author>
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<title>PHP Simple Encryption</title>
A PHP library that makes encryption and decryption of text easy.<br />
<br />
Requirements<br />
<br />
PHP 7.2+<br />
Openssl PHP extension<br />
<br />
Installation<br />
<br />
Simply add a dependency on stymiee/php-simple-encryption to your project's composer.json file if you use Composer to manage the dependencies of your project.<br />
<br />
Here is a minimal example of a composer.json file that just defines a dependency on PHP Simple Encryption:<br />
<br />
more: <a href="" title="PHP Simple Encryption">GitHub</a></p>
<author> (neralex)</author>
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<title>Patch, Or Your Solid State Drives Roll Over And Die</title>
Expiration dates for computer drives? That’s what a line of HP solid-state drives are facing as the variable for their uptime counter is running out. When it does, the drive “expires” and, well, no more data storage for you!<br />
<br />
There are a series of stages in the evolution of a software developer as they master their art, and one of those stages comes in understanding that while they may have a handle on the abstracted world presented by their development environment they perhaps haven’t considered the moments in which the real computer that lives behind it intrudes. Think of the first time you saw an SQL injection attack on a website, for example, or the moment you realised that a variable type is linked to the physical constraints of the number of memory locations it has reserved for it. So people who write software surround themselves with an armoury of things they watch out for as they code, and thus endeavour to produce software less likely to break. Firmly in that arena is the size of the variables you use and what will happen when that limit is reached.<br />
<br />
Sometimes though even developers that should know better get it wrong, and this week has brought an unfortunate example for the enterprise wing of the hardware giant HP. Their manufacturer has notified them that certain models of solid-state disk drives supplied in enterprise storage systems contain an unfortunate bug, in which they stop working after 32,768 hours of uptime. That’s a familiar number to anyone working with base-2 numbers and hints at a 16-bit signed integer in use to log the hours of uptime. When it rolls over the value will then be negative and, rather than the drive believing itself to be in a renewed flush of youth, it will instead stop working.<br />
<br />
more: <a href="" title="Patch, Or Your Solid State Drives Roll Over And Die">Hackaday</a></p>
<author> (neralex)</author>
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