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  22. <title>Significance of Back Lighting in Cosmetics Product Photography</title>
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  25. <pubDate>Thu, 13 Apr 2023 08:49:53 +0000</pubDate>
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  30. <description><![CDATA[A lot of people try to shoot their products themselves. While it is a good thing to do, they actually do not have the skill set needed to get a good picture. Amateur photographers too due to lack of experience can leave a lack in a good picture. Decade of experience is a great teacher [...]]]></description>
  31. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>A lot of people try to shoot their products themselves. While it is a good thing to do, they actually do not have the skill set needed to get a good picture. Amateur photographers too due to lack of experience can leave a lack in a good picture. Decade of experience is a great teacher than just some photography tutorials. That is exactly where a professional photography service company like EtherArts Product Photography comes in to picture. This is what is necessary along with a professional photography gear and some knowledge of Lights and Reflections. In this article, we will share some light on the reflective Cosmetics product photography &#8211; Liquid Cosmetics in particular and what are the most important factors that you need to pay attention to for a successful photograph.</p>
  32. <p>Lighting the product takes most of the photographers attention. Every photographer would make efforts to light the product up appropriately. Some go beyond this to light it up so much that the product gets overexposed and is washed out in the pictures. Such images are poor photography. A smart and experienced photographer will pay attention to lighting up the product along with something called backlighting. Backlighting essentially means lighting the back portion of the product Or the background of the product. To do this it is necessary to pay attention to the below mentioned aspects of the product.</p>
  33. <p>Product Nature- Most important is the nature of the product to be photographed. Solid products differ a lot than the liquid containing cosmetic products. Hence we need to be careful while choosing the correct set up.</p>
  34. <p>Background- A lot of times, Ecommerce photography requires white background. Amazon requires a seamless white background for all their listings. This is a mandatory requirement. In order to get this white background, a lot of photographers tend to use extreme bright lights or use a high camera Aperture number. This results in the product getting &#8216;white-washed&#8217; and practically disappears in to the light. The contrasts are low and the edges of the products look foggy. For Aroma Oil cosmetics photography, all we need is just the necessary amount of light in the background to get just the correct amount of seamless white. So be careful while trying to get the white background. A photo-editing software will be helpful in clearing what is left of the greyish-whitish background.</p>
  35. <p>BackLighting- Amateur photographers focus less on lighting. They believe that the daylight (sunlight) is the best environment to shoot products in. But they are mistaken. Studio Daylights are different. Use Daylight (white light) bulbs for the lighting. A dark room is a must for product photography. This allows the photographer to control lights as needed, mostly depending on the type of product is shot. For Aroma Oil Cosmetics Photography in particular, try using a low strength daylight bulb as a backlight. This gently illuminates the liquid inside the glass containers giving it the most enhanced look. The yellow or colored oil starts showing a nice color to it, instead of just a black or transparent liquid. This brings out the colors of the oils giving them the much needed wow factor to the photograph.</p>
  36. <p>The author is a Professional Product Photographer for more than a decade now. Working with EtherArts Product Photography, the author now serves Amazon Store owners with their product photography needs. EtherArts Product Photography is now Amazon Approved Photography Vendor and has served a lot of White background Photo requirements and also Lifestyle images. Pricing starts from $15/pic. Affordable pricing with effective product photography is our strength. We serve Nationwide clients. Products, Jewelry, Ghost Mannequin Apparel, Electronics, Supplements, Industrial, Handbags are all photographed with great quality. Quick turnaround time and transparent pricing. We allow our work to speak for itself and have 5 star Google reviews offered by our clients. Email us now for a quote.</p>
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  42. <title>Purchase Stock Photography or Download for Free</title>
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  45. <pubDate>Thu, 13 Apr 2023 08:49:34 +0000</pubDate>
  46. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  50. <description><![CDATA[With the advent of social media, came an influx of image sharing. An image on a social media site is downloaded to the local computer and re-posted on another social media site. This practice creates a serious problem for the owner of the original image and the 3rd or 4th generation &#8220;right-clicker.&#8221; I am a [...]]]></description>
  51. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>With the advent of social media, came an influx of image sharing. An image on a social media site is downloaded to the local computer and re-posted on another social media site. This practice creates a serious problem for the owner of the original image and the 3rd or 4th generation &#8220;right-clicker.&#8221;</p>
  52. <p>I am a photographer and book format designer by trade and often I see images in the body of the work that I recognize as owned by a photographer. When I inquire about the license for the image, I often get, &#8220;I downloaded it from the Internet, can&#8217;t I use it?&#8221;</p>
  53. <p>Many people know it is easy to grab a photograph from the Internet by right-clicking and downloading it to your computer. The image that is saved is not one that can be used in a book or any re-saleable product.</p>
  54. <p>Without going to the source of the photograph and purchasing it, the image is illegal for commercial use. If the image is in the Creative Commons or Public Domain it is free to use in a published work.</p>
  55. <p>Another problem with the practice of right-clicking is quality. Most images on the Internet and of low resolution and that results in a poor quality product.</p>
  56. <p>You may be a blogger, and book writer, or a media creator for your new small business. You may find yourself wanting to enhance the materials you create with photographs.</p>
  57. <p>Before you right-click on an image you find on the Internet, I would like to encourage you to check out the numerous photography sites that offer high quality images that are licensed for commercial use.</p>
  58. <p>Photographers create images. In the same way, your words are created by you and put on a page, photographers put light and color on digital media. Photographers and their agencies own the images and when you &#8220;borrow&#8221; them for your product the photographer is not recognized, appreciated or given any compensation. This is a dangerous practice for you and could end up costing you more than the purchase of a photograph.</p>
  59. <p>Agencies that represent the photographers and issue usage rights licenses have litigated for payment for images used without the proper license. The compensation to the owner, or agency will often amount to a large sum of money. The agency has the right to ask for compensation as the owner of the image.</p>
  60. <p>Photographs have digital signatures called metadata and they can be traced to the owner and photographer.</p>
  61. <p>Stock photo agencies, public domain micro stock sites sell photographs for photographers and the cost is so little. Purchasing an image from the agency does more than give the agency your money. It supports the creativity of the photographers as well. For each image purchased at an agency, a portion goes to the photographer who created it.</p>
  62. <p>The sites I suggest to my clients for free and low-cost public domain images are Pixabay and Public Domain Pictures.</p>
  63. <p>The sites I personally use for stock photography images for products are Dreamstime, Adobe Stock and Shutterstock.</p>
  64. <p>As a photographer, I have a vested interest in the practice of &#8220;right-click.&#8221; My photography has been submitted to Pixabay, PublicDomainPictures, Dreamstime, Twenty20 and EyeEm. Some of my pictures have been sold to customers for book covers and even clothing products. I believe I would sell more if people knew how easy and inexpensive it is to get original, licensed photography.</p>
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  70. <title>Ladies &#8211; Use Bikini Photography to Motivate Your Fitness Workouts</title>
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  73. <pubDate>Thu, 13 Apr 2023 08:49:03 +0000</pubDate>
  74. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  78. <description><![CDATA[When it comes to working out and living the fitness lifestyle, motivation helps you get started, and discipline helps you stay consistent with your diet and exercise. But as time goes on both motivation and discipline can easily start to wane, and an additional boost is needed to help keep you on track &#8211; and [...]]]></description>
  79. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>When it comes to working out and living the fitness lifestyle, motivation helps you get started, and discipline helps you stay consistent with your diet and exercise. But as time goes on both motivation and discipline can easily start to wane, and an additional boost is needed to help keep you on track &#8211; and that&#8217;s where booking a bikini photo shoot can be a big help.</p>
  80. <p>If all you&#8217;re looking for is some shots of you on the beach you can have a friend with a good cell phone or camera shoot some shots of you in your new bikini to post on social media. Those shots are also great for &#8216;Before&#8217; photos, to show where your latest exercise path began.</p>
  81. <p>But for shots that truly inspire you and others, for bikini photos like the pros use, for those shots you&#8217;ll want prints of for posterity, you&#8217;ll want to book your bikini photo shoot with a professional fitness, glamour or bikini photographer. Yes, it will take a lot of work and determination to prepare, but you&#8217;ll find it so worthwhile.</p>
  82. <p>To get the most from your bikini photo shoot, do it the same way the professional bikini models do when they&#8217;re preparing for shoots for publicity or magazine ads. Speak with a few professional photographers who specialize in the field, looking through their portfolios to see their work, and settle on the one you feel most comfortable working with. Discuss the shoot with them, learning the cost, the location of the shoot and what rights you have to using the photos personally and commercially. Then book your shoot for 2 &#8211; 3 months down the road and start preparing for your first professional bikini photoshoot!</p>
  83. <p>Now you start using your bikini photography to motivate your fitness workouts. You have a firm goal date, knowing when and where the shoot will take place. You know the shape you want to be in and how you want to look in your bikini by that date. So get a couple of quick snaps of your current shape, front and back, and decide what changes you want to see over the next 8 &#8211; 12 weeks. Plan your nutrition and design your new workouts to meet that goal.</p>
  84. <p>Write down what you want to achieve between now and then. Then figure out what your workouts need to look like for the next month to be 40% of your way to that goal by the end of the first month. What does your nutrition need to do to support those workouts and those goals? During that first month you&#8217;ll want to achieve 40 &#8211; 50% of the journey because results slow somewhat as time goes on, so getting a jump on it is your best path.</p>
  85. <p>Once your workouts and nutrition are on track and progressing all that you need to add in is to start practicing your bikini posing during the last 6-8 weeks before the photo shoot. You can practice in front of a full-length mirror, but for best results set your cell phone or camera on automatic and try as many poses as you can think of, from prim and proper to as bare as you dare &#8211; remember, no one is going to see these photos unless you choose to show them. Then go through the photos as objectively as you can, choosing the poses you like best and noting any further prep you need to achieve the look you want.</p>
  86. <p>Fine tune your diet and nutrition to meet your goals and continue to practice your posing until it feels natural. And don&#8217;t worry if you&#8217;re not overly creative with your posing &#8211; a professional bikini photographer will be able to guide you throughout your shoot.</p>
  87. <p>Best of all is you&#8217;ll be in the best shape you&#8217;ve achieved to date, will capture that in photos that can last forever, and will be ready to now move on to bigger and better goals, having the confidence this whole experience has fostered within you. All because you used bikini photography to motivate your fitness workouts and keep you on track with your fitness goals and lifestyle. And it won&#8217;t hurt the ego to have all eyes on you at the beach next summer either, right?</p>
  88. <p>Doug Champigny is a certified personal trainer and certified fitness instructor who, with his wife Teri, runs Champigny Photography. Published professional photographers, the pair focus on glamour, lingerie, bikini and artistic nude photography, as can be seen on the Champigny Photography website. To stay up to date with the photography work of Teri &#038; Doug Champigny, be sure to follow Champigny Photography on Instagram.</p>
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  94. <title>4 Reasons Why You Should Opt For Professional Videographers</title>
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  97. <pubDate>Thu, 13 Apr 2023 08:48:51 +0000</pubDate>
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  102. <description><![CDATA[Proficient videography starts a long time before any gear-based creation. Idea survey, execution technique, and storyboarding all add to a system for progress for your substance. Proficient videographers give knowledge into techniques that work and cautiously consider the connection between the subject and the video gear utilized. Aesthetically Pleasing Cinematography The shooting style is the [...]]]></description>
  103. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Proficient videography starts a long time before any gear-based creation. Idea survey, execution technique, and storyboarding all add to a system for progress for your substance. Proficient videographers give knowledge into techniques that work and cautiously consider the connection between the subject and the video gear utilized.</p>
  104. <p>Aesthetically Pleasing Cinematography<br />
  105. The shooting style is the foundation of all video creation. Proficient videography utilizes cinematography that builds up a reliable and strong tone for the total of the creation. Bypassing on inconspicuous messages through a shot organization, your intended interest group identifies with what they are seeing without mulling over everything.</p>
  106. <p>Someone With Great Experience And Equipment Expertise<br />
  107. It&#8217;s nothing unexpected that the right gear is critical to the accomplishment of your video. Experts utilize an assortment of cameras, focal points, and other supporting stuff to acknowledge pre-creation arranging. Excellent videography depends on hardware is taken care of by experienced cameramen and sound professionals. Appropriately shot video saves a great deal of time and cash.</p>
  108. <p>Things That Matter After Creation Of The Video<br />
  109. Quality altering is the last fixing in making a really attractive video. Proficient videography needs shading remedy, sequencing, sound upgrading, and illustrations to put its best self forward. After creation requires a set-up of altering stages and skills to make a cleaned completed item that is ideal for any media channel.</p>
  110. <p>The lawful world has a few strategies to guarantee that the procedures work out positively! Videography is perhaps the main strategy utilized in courts for 10 years. It&#8217;s as yet being used today! With innovative progressions and new methods, the videography quality has expanded complex. Other than courts, it&#8217;s likewise a piece of testimonies and takes into account numerous legitimate issues.</p>
  111. <p>Careful Attention Paid To Every Step Of The Procedure<br />
  112. Commonly, utilized for testimony videography is powerful in monitoring questions, answers, proclamations, and different parts of a preliminary. Each video document is perpetual proof of all that got said, proclaimed, and conceded to at the court. What&#8217;s more, this obliges two significant preliminary purposes.</p>
  113. <p>To begin with, you have video proof of all that the court has acknowledged or denied. And this load of perspectives can work inseparably to affect the decision of a legitimate case.</p>
  114. <p>In Conclusion, At the point when we are talking about legal hearers, confirmation shows that most attendants are probably going to keep significant information that they look for. It is done in contrast with the information that they hear. Furthermore, recordings are considered visual and down-to-earth verification that everybody can see. It likewise works as a way to associate countenances with explanations. Also, this will affect the hearers.</p>
  115. <p>Additionally, recordings are preferred proof over records or voice accounts. With a video, you can examine the look, non-verbal communication, and such that assists decided with choosing better. Recordings express the non-verbal signs better, for example, tone, voice pitch, and the general attitude of an individual. It gives explanations better believability.</p>
  116. <p>Yeroc Media would help you to put your business&#8217; unique story out there through video production Melbourne that has a perspective and vision of your brand. From showcasing your product if services to delivering a full-fledged campaign, we have got your back.</p>
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  122. <title>Why Professional Wedding Photographer?</title>
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  125. <pubDate>Thu, 13 Apr 2023 08:48:39 +0000</pubDate>
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  130. <description><![CDATA[WHY IS HIRING A PROFESSIONAL WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER IS IMPORTANT? I recently had a lovely discussion with a couple during pre-wedding shoot, they question was quite interesting: Why is hiring a professional photographer is important as opposed to having my friend or family member taking photos of our wedding day? Their question has got me thinking [...]]]></description>
  132. <p>I recently had a lovely discussion with a couple during pre-wedding shoot, they question was quite interesting: Why is hiring a professional photographer is important as opposed to having my friend or family member taking photos of our wedding day?</p>
  133. <p>Their question has got me thinking so I decided to write this blog to explain the best I can the importance of hiring professional wedding photography services.I know that taking photographs seems to be very easy every other person is having DSLR and having a professional wedding photographer is an expensive! business. So why?</p>
  134. <p>You only have one chance</p>
  135. <p>You don&#8217;t get another chance<br />
  136. Life is no Nintendo game<br />
  137. - Eminem</p>
  138. <p>Tying the knot is one of the life-changing decisions you&#8217;ll make in your lifetime and you want the ceremony to be as special and memorable. Couples looking to say &#8220;I do&#8221; surely want to have a one-of-a-kind and unforgettable wedding, I strongly believe &#8220;Wedding Photography&#8221; is for those couple who value photography and consider it&#8217;s a work of art.<br />
  139. Wedding photography is all about story telling through photographs.</p>
  140. <p>I&#8217;ve seen couple opt for the money-saving alternatives of some wedding services to cut costs, they ask family member or a friend with DSLR to take the wedding photographs instead of hiring a professional to do the job.</p>
  141. <p>You only have one chance to capture your wedding day, so make sure you trust and have confidence in your photographer.</p>
  142. <p>When the big day is over, apart from memories all you have are photos, photos you shall treasure, photos you shall show to friends, family and grand children.<br />
  143. Just make sure these are positive memories and not a book that reminds you, wish you spent a bit more and hired a professional.</p>
  144. <p>Commitment</p>
  145. <p>Professionals are bound by a legal contract, so they&#8217;re guaranteed to show up on your big day, no matter what the weather is. They can&#8217;t flake out on you like a friend (and they won&#8217;t) because they&#8217;re obligated by the contract to be there unless you say otherwise. In case of emergencies, they&#8217;re sure to have someone who&#8217;s also a professional to come as their replacement.</p>
  146. <p>Assurance</p>
  147. <p>Professional Wedding Photographer have experienced or seen the worst and they prepared themselves &#038; team accordingly. They have a backup camera, batteries, and memory cards, lighting with them so in case something happens with the gear they&#8217;re currently using, they won&#8217;t miss taking photos of any important part of your wedding. Knowing this can help you feel assured and excited at the same time because you know you have awesome photographs to look forward to.<br />
  148. If you&#8217;re looking to save as much money as you can for your big day, you can always spend less on other wedding services.<br />
  149. Don&#8217;t sacrifice your wedding photographs because at the end of your wedding day, the food and flowers will all be gone but your wedding photographs will remain. They&#8217;ll be your enduring proof of one of the most important events that took place in your life so you want to get them right the first time.</p>
  150. <p>Excellent Results</p>
  151. <p>It&#8217;s a professional for them not a hobby. So you can be assured that they&#8217;ll put their best foot forward to give you the best results to make you satisfied and recommend them to your friends and family members.</p>
  152. <p>Experience</p>
  153. <p>Professionals have spent days &#038; years in photographing weddings. They know how to sneak a shot of the bride and groom&#8217;s mothers looking at the couples with tears in their eyes. They know when the bride will through rice in air at the time of vidai, when bride will have that blissful smile on her face. They know when to take a shot of the groom looking at her with so much love and excitement. They know how to get the best shots even in tricky lighting. They&#8217;re capable of all these because they&#8217;ve got experience with weddings.</p>
  154. <p>The Bottom Line</p>
  155. <p>If you reduced the budget on your cocktail, going for carnation instead of lily, and cut a few corners of cakes, hardly anyone would know and they certainly won&#8217;t remember, after a week all these things will be gone. After your wedding you will have wedding photos telling a beautiful story holding lots of amazing memories, you will have this forever.</p>
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  161. <title>Wedding Photography &#8211; Know How to Catch Great Images of Groom</title>
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  164. <pubDate>Thu, 13 Apr 2023 08:48:29 +0000</pubDate>
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  168. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  169. <description><![CDATA[A great distillation of every wedding is always the handsome groom. All the respectable guests gasp while getting a load of his elegance look as he comes out in the section. The professional wedding photographers of the wedding photography of the gige studio keep their mind on this superb-best point of the section in time [...]]]></description>
  170. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>A great distillation of every wedding is always the handsome groom. All the respectable guests gasp while getting a load of his elegance look as he comes out in the section.</p>
  171. <p>The professional wedding photographers of the wedding photography of the gige studio keep their mind on this superb-best point of the section in time by getting the most of the photography to dedicate him.</p>
  172. <p>While the photographer&#8217;s captured images do a good turn to honor the bride&#8217;s good feelings on the most essential of the day, the groom mostly gives the different looks and impressions in these images.</p>
  173. <p>1. The Tradition of Taking photos of the Bridegroom &#8211; Wedding Photography</p>
  174. <p>The professional wedding photographers pay their attention to &#8220;pre-wedding&#8221; photography of the good-looking bridegroom. While concentrating on the pre-wedding photography of the good-looking bridegroom, you better turn a bit to groom&#8217;s celebration as they prepare beautifully for the big wedding day.</p>
  175. <p>The way in which a bridegroom spends his time to be prepared for looking fantastic in the ideal images for his big day with the makeup, hair, and dresses gives a boom and a change for the better wedding record.</p>
  176. <p>On the other hands, the elegance of these moments is above-mark with some great attractiveness and better refinement. These some graceful moments are often lack of intense enjoyment. These lack of intense minutes of enjoyment; the groom and groomsmen bring into the photography.</p>
  177. <p>2. Get the Wonderful Possibilities from A Party Atmosphere</p>
  178. <p>Filled with so much concern and anxiety, the beautiful couple gets a lot of free moment before a wedding goes into different very different and varied methods.</p>
  179. <p>In the wedding, the busy women seem to arrange the sacred things, bustle on little ins and outs, holding back yielding, discussing over every bit part of the beautiful big day. The women make sure everything is perfect and suitable.</p>
  180. <p>Meanwhile, men are so contemporary to women. The men seem to enjoy the wedding apathetic about every piece of work.</p>
  181. <p>Although men are apathetic about doing every work on the wedding yet they take part in spell and jinx before the big day. Of course, they stir up more of a celebration environment in the wedding.</p>
  182. <p>These moments filled with the anxiety and trouble chance on you providing wonderful possibilities to photograph the bridegroom.</p>
  183. <p>Reaching these fabulous photos of the bridegroom and his groomsmen before starting the ceremony of the wedding will show the different ways while telling you the varied matters together than those a new groom and his celebration in the wedding record.</p>
  184. <p>Before their wedding couple&#8217;s nervousness turns into unwariness. The most chances are that the couples seem nervous before their wedding, but, they commonly express it in opposite methods.</p>
  185. <p>Taking photos of the groom gives green signal to the wedding photographers of the gig studio to describe both ends of the tale in the photos by way of distinct pre-wedding photography.</p>
  186. <p>A teary-eyed photo of the beautiful bridal holding her lovely mother or super-cute family before wedding tells a different story than a groom grinning ear to ear as he brings the football accompanied by his friends on the cathedral lawn before the wedding.</p>
  187. <p>Whether it&#8217;s best wedding photography services in Pakistan or event photography in Pakistan, both photographs tell the quite different story by our masterful photographers.</p>
  188. <p>3. Catch Unforgettable Moments -Wedding Photography</p>
  189. <p>It&#8217;s obligatory to take the unforgettable minutes of the senses of fun, expressions, feeling, and even fear through photography, particularly as they came into action unexpectedly. If those minutes are have passed away once then they are gone permanently. If they want to those moments call back then they have to hire a wedding photographer.</p>
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  195. <title>5 DIY Photography Hacks to Capture Amazing Shots</title>
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  198. <pubDate>Thu, 13 Apr 2023 08:48:18 +0000</pubDate>
  199. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  202. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  203. <description><![CDATA[Photography is one of those skills which can&#8217;t be perfected overnight. It is an art, which takes a lot of practice and perseverance to master. However, in the age of the internet and digitalization, most of us are on the constant lookout for easy tips and tricks to learn things quickly. That&#8217;s why we bring [...]]]></description>
  204. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Photography is one of those skills which can&#8217;t be perfected overnight. It is an art, which takes a lot of practice and perseverance to master. However, in the age of the internet and digitalization, most of us are on the constant lookout for easy tips and tricks to learn things quickly. That&#8217;s why we bring to you some cool and amazing DIY photography hacks that will improve your photography skills. If you are an amateur photographer, then this one is for you. Let&#8217;s begin!</p>
  205. <p>String Tripod</p>
  206. <p>A tripod is probably one of the best options while trying to capture still shots. Nevertheless, having to carry around a tripod every time you want to capture perfect still shots is not a feasible option. And it sounds impractical too. Instead, you can use a simple piece of string to click stunning still images. Here&#8217;s how:</p>
  207. <p>Tie one end of a long string to a bolt having 1/4&#8243; diameter<br />
  208. Take a metal washer and tie the other end of the string to it. Make sure that the string is slightly shorter than your height<br />
  209. Screw the bolt to the camera&#8217;s screw mount spot<br />
  210. Now, when you will be capturing the photos, just drop the washer on the floor, step on it, and pull the camera up to create some amount of tension on the string to achieve the steady shooting<br />
  211. Flash Bouncer<br />
  212. Lighting is considered one of the most important aspects of photography. Flash can be used as a great benefit when you are trying to manipulate lighting conditions. On the other hand, using flash brings forth setbacks like harsh shadows and white zombie-like faces.</p>
  213. <p>Dealing with these drawbacks is a pain for professional photographers as well. But, you can avoid these problems by simply sticking a piece of white paper or a business card over the flash module of your camera. It is one of the simplest photography hacks for beginners.</p>
  214. <p>Sunglasses Filter</p>
  215. <p>Did you know that one of the favourite accessories that photographers enjoy using is sunglasses? We see different colours and hues while wearing a sunglass and you can add these colours to your shots. Sunglasses can help in adding a refreshing and funky look to a photograph. Instead of adding filters through a software, you can add nature filters with a sunglass.</p>
  216. <p>Place a sunglass in front of the camera lens to capture funky and quirky pictures with a retro effect. Using a sunglass for capturing pictures will help you improve the colour saturation, reduce glare, or get a neutral density filter on your photographs.</p>
  217. <p>Bubble-wrap light sphere</p>
  218. <p>To create a diffused lighting effect, a great camera accessory is the light sphere speed mount modifier. This accessory will help you make your own light sphere by using a piece of bubble wrap. Here is how you can do this:</p>
  219. <p>Cut a long strip of the bubble wrap (around 2 feet)<br />
  220. Affix a Velcro at the end of this strip. Then wrap it around the flash module so that plenty of room is created on the top<br />
  221. You can add another layer of bubble wrap to create extra diffusion<br />
  222. As we are using Velcro, you can remove this bubble wrap when you don&#8217;t need it<br />
  223. In this way, you can make your own DIY Gary Fong Light Sphere.<br />
  224. DIY Lightbox</p>
  225. <p>A light box, also known as a light tent, is another important accessory which only professional photographers can afford to have in their studios. Nevertheless, you can actually make your own light tent by using these simple steps:</p>
  226. <p>Take a large cardboard box. Cut large windows in the two opposite sides<br />
  227. Stick pieces of long white paper inside the box to create a studio-like backdrop<br />
  228. Put two white fabrics outside the box to cover the windows<br />
  229. Then, place two reading lamps directly in front of the box<br />
  230. It will produce a soft diffused light<br />
  231. Furthermore, you can put more reading lamps facing towards the windows of the box to get more diffused light<br />
  232. Use this lightbox to capture crystal-clear images of products and small objects<br />
  233. This is one of the least known DIY photography hacks which can turn your simple and dull product images into professional ones.<br />
  234. Conclusion</p>
  235. <p>These were some of the most creative and simple DIY photography hacks which can take your photography skills to a new level. Are you ready to experiment on these tips and tricks to see which one works the best for you? These 5 DIY photography hacks are guaranteed to add an element of fun to your photography sessions.</p>
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  241. <title>Crypto Currency Vs Fiat Currency</title>
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  252. <description><![CDATA[Crypto currency vs. Fiat currency Are you aware of the fiat currencies and the crypto currencies? They both are currencies in one form or the other and are open for public use across the world. But they are both different and distinct in their own ways. There is always one group that favors the use [...]]]></description>
  253. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Crypto currency vs. Fiat currency</p>
  254. <p>Are you aware of the fiat currencies and the crypto currencies? They both are currencies in one form or the other and are open for public use across the world. But they are both different and distinct in their own ways. There is always one group that favors the use of cryptos, while the other has a soft corner for the fiat currencies.</p>
  255. <p>In cashless society- crypto money play a huge role</p>
  256. <p>If you have a look at the market of the 1970s and 1980s, you will find that the cash played the dominant role. But, with the change in the technology, electronic transactions have become the usual norm. Today, more and more people are influenced in becoming the cashless society. With the progress towards the cashless society, cryptocurrencies have a big role to play.</p>
  257. <p>Crypto currency and fiat currency are always at loggerheads</p>
  258. <p>Cryptocurrency and fiat currency are popular types of digital currency, especially when it is about an online transaction. They both are currencies currently in use in the market but have some differences in them. There is a hell lot of hypes that you will hear on a daily basis comparing the crypto money and the fiat money. This article will highlight the difference between the two in a more comprehensive and clear manner.</p>
  259. <p>Differentiating in what the currencies stand for</p>
  260. <p>Before going for the difference between the two, you must understand what do they stand for and how are they are defined.</p>
  261. <p>The fiat currency is a legal tender that has the support of the central government, and it operates in the physical form. For instance, US dollars, British Pounds, Euro etc. On the other hand, the crypto currency is a non-legal tender, and doesn&#8217;t have any backup from the central government or bank.<br />
  262. Hence, the difference between crypto currency and fiat currency is noted as follows:</p>
  263. <p>• Crypto-currencies are decentralized and global in nature. There are no one entity or government that controls the currency with their laws and regulations. The Fiat currency is centralized, under the control of the laws and regulations of the banks and government.</p>
  264. <p>• Crypto-currencies have their existence only in the digital domain. On the other hand, you will find that the fiat currencies have a tangible and physical existence.</p>
  265. <p>• There is a limited supply of crypto-currencies with a maximum set of them getting supplied in the market. Whereas, the fiat money has an unlimited supply as the government and bank are entitled to produce coins and paper money whenever the situation is required.</p>
  266. <p>• The Bitcoin and other crypto type currencies are created by the computers, while the fiat currencies are issued by the local government and the banks.</p>
  267. <p>• Cryptocurrencies are presented as the public and private code pieces. On the other hand, the fiat currencies are presented in the form of coins and paper money.</p>
  268. <p>• The value of the crypto currencies is not recognized by the supply and demand of the market. Whereas, the fiat currency value is determined by the market regulations of supply and demand.</p>
  269. <p>The different types of crypto and fiat currencies</p>
  270. <p>In the last one decade, the popularity of crypto type currencies has emerged as a huge success. It was in 2009, when Bitcoin was first introduced, and years after several other types of crypto currencies have emerged. Starting from Litecoin. Dogecoin, Ripple to the Dcash and Zcash, there is a plethora of them. On the other hand, the fiat currency has a rich and ancient roots, with the Great British Pound, that dates back to 775 AD. It is considered as the oldest currency in the world that is still in use.</p>
  271. <p>The differences in the anonymity between the two currencies</p>
  272. <p>When you are using the fiat currencies, you need to undergo a user identification or verification process. You are asked to upload a recent picture of yourself and some of the required documents to be issued as per the public authorities. You don&#8217;t need to undergo any of the required processes with the crypto currencies. Though your personal information and confidential details don&#8217;t get public, but all your transactions are recorded and tracked in both the fiat and the crypto currencies.</p>
  273. <p>Fiat currency vs crypto currency: transparency level</p>
  274. <p>• The transparency level with the crypto type currencies are considered to be more. This is because the revenue streams are displayed in a public chain. Everyone can witness their own and others&#8217; transactions.</p>
  275. <p>• The fiat or govt. currencies are not transparent, as there are not public chains to see the revenue streams of the people.</p>
  276. <p>A comparative historical roots</p>
  277. <p>If you compare the crypto money with that of its counterpart, fiat or government currency, you will find that their existence and creation brings the difference. The Fiat or government currency, dates back its existence as early as 775 AD with the introduction of the Great British Pound. This is why fiat type currency is easily accepted by the people all over.</p>
  278. <p>On the other hand, the crypto coin was perhaps first introduced only a decade ago, with the introduction of Bitcoin in 2009. The challenge that the Bitcoin and other crypto currencies face is catching up with the immense popularity and increasing fan base of the fiat currency. Crypto currency, is no doubt gaining importance and popularity in the economic market, but it has still not been accepted widely in the society as the fiat currency.</p>
  279. <p>A comparative history of the two currencies:</p>
  280. <p>• It was in the 11th century, when the Chinese Song dynasty was perhaps the first one to issue the paper money. It was not allowed to exchange with valuables like gold and silver or silk.</p>
  281. <p>• There were Tally sticks that were introduced as a fiat or government currency. 1100 Tally sticks were introduced as a combat for the shortages in gold.</p>
  282. <p>• 1971, was the year, when the fiat currency received a worldwide recognition. President Nixon introduced it in order to eliminate the dollar pegging system to gold.</p>
  283. <p>• It was in 1998, when the idea of an anonymous electronic cash system emerged by Wei Dai. Bitgold-the very first crypto currency was created by Nick Szabo, but it didn&#8217;t receive as much attention as Bitcoin.</p>
  284. <p>• In 2009, Bitcoin was introduced in the market, that became the first crypto currency that was accepted across the globe. In 2011 and after, a series of several other crypto currencies were introduced. Some of the popular ones include, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Zcash, Dash and so on.</p>
  285. <p>The traits of both the currencies</p>
  286. <p>The potential of the crypto type currencies and fiat currencies, accessing their traits is important. You will find that in some of the criteria, Bitcoin and other crypto currency is superior than the fiat or government currency, and in some cases, the latter surpasses. It is absolutely your call to choose the type of currency (crypto type currency or fiat type currency) based on your personal needs and requirements.</p>
  287. <p>Let us compare their traits with respect to certain factors.</p>
  288. <p>• Both the crypto coins and fiat type currencies are interchangeable in nature.</p>
  289. <p>• As per the portability is concerned both the currencies secure more or less the same position.</p>
  290. <p>• With respect to the non consumable criteria, crypto currency and fiat type currency have the equal status.</p>
  291. <p>• Crypto type currencies have high durability as compared to the fiat-currencies that have moderate level of durability.</p>
  292. <p>• Both the crypto or virtual currencies and the fiat or government currencies ensure secure and safeguarded transactions and exchange.</p>
  293. <p>• Crypto or digital currencies are highly divisible in nature. On the other hand, the fiat type currencies are moderately divisible.</p>
  294. <p>• In terms of the transaction process, the crypto currencies are easy and hassle free. Whereas, on the other hand, the traction process associated with the fiat currencies are easy, but not like the cryptos.</p>
  295. <p>• The crypto based currencies are decentralized and global in nature, unlike the fiat currencies that are centralized and functions under the laws and regulations of the government.</p>
  296. <p>• The crypto based currencies have high scarcity, where as, the fiat currencies are unlimited as the government can issue coins and paper money whenever there is a need.</p>
  297. <p>• The crypto based currencies are based on mathematical algorithms, and are programmable. The fiat currencies are not at all programmable.</p>
  298. <p>• The fiat currencies are sovereign in nature, while the crypto currencies are not.</p>
  299. <p>The process of the functioning of the currencies</p>
  300. <p>You can find the significant differences between the crypto or digital currencies and the fiat currencies with the way they both operate and the transaction process that take place. They are contrasting in nature. The transfer of money using the Bitcoin is very quick, and you absolutely don&#8217;t need any third party association.</p>
  301. <p>On the other hand, if you are involved with the money exchange using Fiat type currency, a mobile wallet is in use. You can exchange an amount of e-money that gets transferred into the equal e-value amount. Both the fiat and the crypto currencies enable you to purchase everything that you desire. But the processes involved are absolutely distinct from each other.</p>
  302. <p>Depending on the things you purchase, you will find that one currency form is better than the other. This is absolutely your choice.</p>
  303. <p>Is Bitcoin, a crypto currency better than the fiat-currency?</p>
  304. <p>The long term benefits and the capability of the Bitcoins is still not established. But it has been predicted by the crypto currency gurus and experts, that they will go a long way, especially revolutionizing the way the online transactions are done. In the current market, the Bitcoin is mainly included in the online casinos and the gambling, but it is not limited to it.</p>
  305. <p>Furthermore, when you compare the fiat currencies, the Bitcoin allows you to seize the power and authority from the banks and the government since it is not controlled. The cryptography based currency has the capability to create or come up with the free market capitals. Fiat currencies are affected by the inflation and the changes in the market, unlike the crypto based currencies. Such aspects make individuals believe that cryptograph based currencies will soon take over the mainstream currencies and bring a transformation in the way the money is used.</p>
  306. <p>Why is Bitcoins considered to be a better aspect than the fiat type currencies?</p>
  307. <p>• Bitcoin gives you the opportunity to re-create a free market capitalism.</p>
  308. <p>• The power of controlling the money is absolutely with the individuals, and not with the banks like the fiat type currencies.</p>
  309. <p>• When there is an inflation, the Bitcoin is not affected. But the Fiat type currency will be easier to lose and get affected by it.</p>
  310. <p>• The Bitcoin currency is easy easier to exchange and transfer as compared to the fiat or government currencies.</p>
  311. <p>• The transaction fees involved with the Bitcoin are way cheaper and easily affordable.</p>
  312. <p>Crypto currencies seem to be a favorable option among the people</p>
  313. <p>The fiat type currencies are the centralized and legal way of exchanging money. But, the crypto currencies have acquired immense popularity in the past few years. There will never be anyone who would act as a middle man, like the case with the banks. Moreover, the cryptos are way cheaper and less expensive that the conventional fiat currencies.</p>
  314. <p>Send money anywhere directly without waiting for the bank&#8217;s approval</p>
  315. <p>You can send money to anyone in the world directly, and it is super fast. The money gets cleared within a few minutes time. You don&#8217;t have to wait for the traditional clearing and verification processes of the banking systems, which might take up to several days to get a clearance. Since it is decentralized and doesn&#8217;t come under the law and regulations of the government, nobody has any power to do anything with your account.</p>
  316. <p>The blockchain technology has a very big role to play</p>
  317. <p>Thanks to the crypto currencies, that gives us the power and the authority to become our very own bank, and take control over our finances. It is because of the blockchain technology that offers a higher level of sophistication while dealing with the finances. In fact, there are some mainstream financial industries that have started incorporating the idea of the technology.</p>
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  326. <pubDate>Mon, 12 Sep 2022 10:35:11 +0000</pubDate>
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  335. <description><![CDATA[What do you do if you want to learn driving a car? You will try to find an expert teacher, isn&#8217;t it? You do not want to avail the services of a novice individual to help you out, but a professional person can provide you the vital tips and most importantly guide you efficiently. Similarly, [...]]]></description>
  336. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>What do you do if you want to learn driving a car? You will try to find an expert teacher, isn&#8217;t it? You do not want to avail the services of a novice individual to help you out, but a professional person can provide you the vital tips and most importantly guide you efficiently. Similarly, when it comes to investing in the stock market for the first time, you require a knowledgeable advice to attain your financial goals and get profitable returns.</p>
  337. <p>If you are a beginner, then it is quite obvious that you may be having no information about the process of buying the right shares in the market. In such a situation, getting the right tips from an experienced financial advisor or a registered advisory company will truly prove to be a great blessing in disguise. However, there are some of the important things that have to be kept in mind while choosing the top stock market advisory company, which are as follows:</p>
  338. <p>How much assistance do you actually require?</p>
  339. <p>Before you make up your mind to hire an advisor, it is imperative that you must first decide about the kind of service you require from them. You may need their help at the beginning or during the time of any issues. This is because an advisor has to formulate a map according to your requirements. Hence, it is suggested to ascertain your needs first and then take further action.</p>
  340. <p>Choose a top ranked advisory company</p>
  341. <p>It is a very important point that has to be taken into the consideration. Availing services of the well known advisory company or a financial advisor is an absolute necessity. Make it a point to carry out a proper background or research work about the company. Check out their credentials, reputation, experience, etc before hiring them.</p>
  342. <p>Asking for a sample financial plan initially makes sense</p>
  343. <p>When hiring a financial advisor, then do not forget to ask for sample plan first. It is imperative to note that there is no such thing called the perfect plan. A sample plan will help you to determine whether an advisory company is actually making sense according your requirements or not.</p>
  344. <p>Conclusion</p>
  345. <p>The financial planners or advisory companies can really turn out to be the greatest asset for you if you choose the best one. They are just like the professional sailors who can help you out to sail through stock investment related problems quite efficiently.</p>
  346. <p>Deepak is a financial advisor who likes to provide quality tips to the people facing any issues with regard to investing in the stock market. He likes to keep himself updated about the stock market by reading articles, news and blogs, etc.</p>
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  352. <title>Fear and Greed in the Market</title>
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  355. <pubDate>Mon, 12 Sep 2022 10:33:26 +0000</pubDate>
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  366. <description><![CDATA[Greed and Fear. Two Emotions that play a bigger factor in the success or failure of humans than any other emotion we experience. Both fear and greed refer to an intrinsic emotional state. Tens of Millions of dollars have been made and lost based on these 2 emotions alone. In trading, in business and in [...]]]></description>
  367. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Greed and Fear.</p>
  368. <p>Two Emotions that play a bigger factor in the success or failure of humans than any other emotion we experience. Both fear and greed refer to an intrinsic emotional state. Tens of Millions of dollars have been made and lost based on these 2 emotions alone. In trading, in business and in relationships. So why do so many educational courses, stock trading books and online courses avoid this topic all together?</p>
  369. <p>Perhaps they are not avoiding the topic of emotions, Perhaps by teaching certain methods and skill sets to their readers they are in fact dealing with the emotional side of trading head on!</p>
  370. <p>It is well known that emotions create a certain amount of pleasure or displeasure. It is also known that emotions are networked with mood, frame of mind, desires and passions. The list goes on&#8230; So how do we as individuals develop a skill set to navigate these emotions in business in trading and in life?</p>
  371. <p>Charles Darwin argued that emotions actually served a purpose for humans and rightfully so, If our emotions have been evolving for over 2 million years. Should we not be using these amazing skills to our advantage rather than placing blame on them for poor decision making? It is my belief the poor decision making has nothing to do with emotions and everything to do with laziness and lack of planning.</p>
  372. <p>A Lesson From One of the Greats!</p>
  373. <p>I would be doing my readers a disservice if we did not mention the strategy of Warren Buffett. One of the most successful investors of our time. Warren Buffet stuck to his strategy and profited greatly. Warren Buffett showed us just how important and beneficial it is to stick to a plan. When deciding whether or not to invest in a company himself, Buffett and his partners follow a few simple guidelines, one of which involves trying to determine the company&#8217;s longevity.</p>
  374. <p>As the market becomes overwhelmed with greed, the same can happen with fear. When stocks suffer large losses for a sustained period of time, the overall market can become more fearful of sustaining even further losses. But being too fearful can be a grave mistake. It is precisely at this time successful investors and traders alike make their move. This is where the real money is made.</p>
  375. <p>Just as greed dominated the recent Cryptocurrency boom or fear dominates the headlines on potential trade war outcomes, investors quickly move around from one &#8220;secure&#8221; investment to another. It becomes a constant game of cat and mouse.</p>
  376. <p>This flooding in of money to the stock market shows a complete disregard for many technical indicators that continue to scream a correction is inescapable. Retail Investors seem overjoyed with the flooding in of headlines that read ALL TIME HIGH. Should retail investors be overrun by fear of a major correction?. Granted, losing a large portion of your retirement portfolio&#8217;s worth is a tough pill to swallow, but even harder to digest is the possibility of missing out on the massive gains the market is currently offering investors of all experience levels.</p>
  377. <p>Having a clear understanding of my own personal goals, a understanding of my success and creating a list of my OWN wants and needs rather than taking dreams of others and trying to reach them has been a colossal factor in putting out the greed flame in my own trading and daily decision-making.</p>
  378. <p>I have also added a link of &#8220;Must Read&#8221; Books that have been advantageous in my journey of reigning in my emotions on decision-making. I will update this as I see fit..</p>
  379. <p>One method I have found to be helpful is to be careful on how I measure success, wealth, goals and most importantly happiness. It is far to easy these days to allow outside influences affect our happiness and success. Social media blasts us day in and day out with the success of others.</p>
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