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  6. <title type="text">Comments for Rad Geek People&#039;s Daily</title>
  7. <subtitle type="text">official state media for a secessionist republic of one</subtitle>
  9. <updated>2024-12-09T20:05:14Z</updated>
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  15. <entry>
  16. <title>Comment on Free The Unions (and all political prisoners) by Anarquismo metodológico (2022) &#8211; Jason Lee Byas y Billy Christmas &#124; Libértame</title>
  17. <link rel="alternate" href="" type="text/html" />
  19. <author>
  20. <name>Anarquismo metodológico (2022) &#8211; Jason Lee Byas y Billy Christmas &#124; Libértame</name>
  21. <uri></uri>
  22. </author>
  24. <id>,2004://geekery_today.20040501230300#comment-797257</id>
  25. <updated>2024-12-09T20:05:14Z</updated>
  26. <published>2024-12-09T20:05:14Z</published>
  27. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>[&#8230;] W. 2004. «Free the Unions (and All Political Prisoners),» Rad Geek People&#8217;s Daily blog, <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>, consultado el 2/1/19; Hart, David M., Gary Chartier, Ross M. Kenyon, &amp; Roderick T. Long (eds). [&#8230;]</p>
  28. ]]></content>
  29. <thr:in-reply-to ref=",2004://geekery_today.20040501230300" href="" type="text/html" />
  30. </entry>
  31. <entry>
  32. <title>Comment on Translation of Caracas, 15-F: Impressions from the street (Humberto Decarli, in El Libertario) by Kamala Harris Wants to Do to America What Maduro Did to Venezuela &#8211; Scott Lazarowitz&#039;s Blog</title>
  33. <link rel="alternate" href="" type="text/html" />
  35. <author>
  36. <name>Kamala Harris Wants to Do to America What Maduro Did to Venezuela &#8211; Scott Lazarowitz&#039;s Blog</name>
  37. <uri></uri>
  38. </author>
  40. <id></id>
  41. <updated>2024-08-19T17:01:12Z</updated>
  42. <published>2024-08-19T17:01:12Z</published>
  43. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>[&#8230;] Translation of Caracas, 15-F: Impressions from the street (Humberto Decarli, in El Libertario) [&#8230;]</p>
  44. ]]></content>
  45. <thr:in-reply-to ref="" href="" type="text/html" />
  46. </entry>
  47. <entry>
  48. <title>Comment on Bits &#038; Pieces on Free Market Anti-Capitalism: Is this all just a semantic debate? by From &#8220;The Distributive Passions&#8221; - The Libertarian Labyrinth</title>
  49. <link rel="alternate" href="" type="text/html" />
  51. <author>
  52. <name>From &#8220;The Distributive Passions&#8221; - The Libertarian Labyrinth</name>
  53. <uri></uri>
  54. </author>
  56. <id></id>
  57. <updated>2024-05-22T18:19:23Z</updated>
  58. <published>2024-05-22T18:19:23Z</published>
  59. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>[&#8230;] taken another shape in the rewriting, but I was reminded of this version by Charles Johnson&#8217;s comments on the different ways of envisioning markets. The contrasting visions have certainly been around [&#8230;]</p>
  60. ]]></content>
  61. <thr:in-reply-to ref="" href="" type="text/html" />
  62. </entry>
  63. <entry>
  64. <title>Comment on What I&#8217;m Reading: The Roman Republic Is My Roman Empire Edition by What I’m Reading: The Roman Republic Is My Roman Empire Edition &#8211; ? Anarchist Federation</title>
  65. <link rel="alternate" href="" type="text/html" />
  67. <author>
  68. <name>What I’m Reading: The Roman Republic Is My Roman Empire Edition &#8211; ? Anarchist Federation</name>
  69. <uri></uri>
  70. </author>
  72. <id></id>
  73. <updated>2024-01-20T23:00:14Z</updated>
  74. <published>2024-01-20T23:00:14Z</published>
  75. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>[&#8230;] also was increasing about the Latin wars, because now the thirty nations[1] stood well enough together as they were being whipped up by Octavius Mamilius to swear to an [&#8230;]</p>
  76. ]]></content>
  77. <thr:in-reply-to ref="" href="" type="text/html" />
  78. </entry>
  79. <entry>
  80. <title>Comment on Anticopyright by Trust No One Comix &#8211; ? Anarchist Federation</title>
  81. <link rel="alternate" href="" type="text/html" />
  83. <author>
  84. <name>Trust No One Comix &#8211; ? Anarchist Federation</name>
  85. <uri></uri>
  86. </author>
  88. <id></id>
  89. <updated>2023-11-17T22:48:35Z</updated>
  90. <published>2023-11-17T22:48:35Z</published>
  91. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>[&#8230;]  Anticopyright. This was written in 2023 by Rad Geek. Feel free to reprint if you like it. This machine kills intellectual monopolists. [&#8230;]</p>
  92. ]]></content>
  93. <thr:in-reply-to ref="" href="" type="text/html" />
  94. </entry>
  95. <entry>
  96. <title>Comment on Bits &#038; Pieces on Free Market Anti-Capitalism: Is this all just a semantic debate? by On Enewetak (from The Distributive Passions) - The Libertarian Labyrinth</title>
  97. <link rel="alternate" href="" type="text/html" />
  99. <author>
  100. <name>On Enewetak (from The Distributive Passions) - The Libertarian Labyrinth</name>
  101. <uri></uri>
  102. </author>
  104. <id></id>
  105. <updated>2023-10-23T20:41:07Z</updated>
  106. <published>2023-10-23T20:41:07Z</published>
  107. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>[&#8230;] taken another shape in the rewriting, but I was reminded of this version by Charles Johnson&#8217;s comments on the different ways of envisioning markets. The contrasting visions have certainly been around [&#8230;]</p>
  108. ]]></content>
  109. <thr:in-reply-to ref="" href="" type="text/html" />
  110. </entry>
  111. <entry>
  112. <title>Comment on Shameless Self-promotion Sunday #53 by The Incoherence Of &#8216;Consequentialist&#8217; Libertarianism &#8211; Who Plans Whom?</title>
  113. <link rel="alternate" href="" type="text/html" />
  115. <author>
  116. <name>The Incoherence Of &#8216;Consequentialist&#8217; Libertarianism &#8211; Who Plans Whom?</name>
  117. <uri></uri>
  118. </author>
  120. <id></id>
  121. <updated>2023-10-01T06:12:50Z</updated>
  122. <published>2023-10-01T06:12:50Z</published>
  123. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>[&#8230;] That thinking has led him to make such statements as (I confirmed many of the quotes, with slight typographical editing, given here on another blog.): [&#8230;]</p>
  124. ]]></content>
  125. <thr:in-reply-to ref="" href="" type="text/html" />
  126. </entry>
  127. <entry>
  128. <title>Comment on Counter-Economic optimism by Ross Ulbricht e a Coragem de Desrespeitar a Lei &#8211; ? Federaç?@e3;6f;<!--[227,111]--> Anarquista</title>
  129. <link rel="alternate" href="" type="text/html" />
  131. <author>
  132. <name>Ross Ulbricht e a Coragem de Desrespeitar a Lei &#8211; ? Federaç?@e3;6f;<!--[227,111]--> Anarquista</name>
  133. <uri></uri>
  134. </author>
  136. <id>,2009://geekery_today.20090207030100#comment-767128</id>
  137. <updated>2023-07-28T01:35:32Z</updated>
  138. <published>2023-07-28T01:35:32Z</published>
  139. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>[&#8230;] sites de compartilhamentos de arquivo que lentamente tornam inexequível o direito autoral, proteger&nbsp;da deportaç?@e3;6f;<!--[227,111]--> imigrantes sem documentaç?@e3;6f;<!--[227,111]-->, esquivar-se do alistamento militar [&#8230;]</p>
  140. ]]></content>
  141. <thr:in-reply-to ref=",2009://geekery_today.20090207030100" href="" type="text/html" />
  142. </entry>
  143. <entry>
  144. <title>Comment on In which I fail to be reassured by Ross Ulbricht e a Coragem de Desrespeitar a Lei &#8211; ? Federaç?@e3;6f;<!--[227,111]--> Anarquista</title>
  145. <link rel="alternate" href="" type="text/html" />
  147. <author>
  148. <name>Ross Ulbricht e a Coragem de Desrespeitar a Lei &#8211; ? Federaç?@e3;6f;<!--[227,111]--> Anarquista</name>
  149. <uri></uri>
  150. </author>
  152. <id>,2008://geekery_today.20080126225756#comment-767127</id>
  153. <updated>2023-07-28T01:35:13Z</updated>
  154. <published>2023-07-28T01:35:13Z</published>
  155. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>[&#8230;] ações de Ulbricht debocharam do poder do estado, assim como dos procedimentos padr?@e3;6f;<!--[227,111]--> para questionar esse poder, e uma desobediência t?@e3;6f;<!--[227,111]--> deliberada n?@e3;6f;<!--[227,111]--> pode ser [&#8230;]</p>
  156. ]]></content>
  157. <thr:in-reply-to ref=",2008://geekery_today.20080126225756" href="" type="text/html" />
  158. </entry>
  159. <entry>
  160. <title>Comment on Liberty, Equality, Solidarity: Toward a Dialectical Anarchism by Die Besonderheit des Linkslibertarismus &#8211; ? Anarchistische Föderation</title>
  161. <link rel="alternate" href="" type="text/html" />
  163. <author>
  164. <name>Die Besonderheit des Linkslibertarismus &#8211; ? Anarchistische Föderation</name>
  165. <uri></uri>
  166. </author>
  168. <id></id>
  169. <updated>2023-07-27T23:41:02Z</updated>
  170. <published>2023-07-27T23:41:02Z</published>
  171. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>[&#8230;] als Erwiderung gegen Aggression gerecht genutzt werden mag, friedliche, freiwillige Kooperation ein moralisches Ideal mit Implikationen ist, die über einfache Nichtaggression hinausgehen. Linkslibert?@e4;72;<!--[228,114]-->e mahnen an, dass Verbindungen aller Art derart strukturiert sein sollten, dass sie [&#8230;]</p>
  172. ]]></content>
  173. <thr:in-reply-to ref="" href="" type="text/html" />
  174. </entry>
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