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  22. <title>Who Are Auto Title Lenders Competing With?</title>
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  25. <pubDate>Tue, 18 Jul 2023 03:27:21 +0000</pubDate>
  26. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  27. <category><![CDATA[Online payday loan]]></category>
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  30. <description><![CDATA[Auto title lending has become quite popular lately with the rise in consumers turning to lenders offering fast, convenient, and simple loans. With the economy calling for consumers to &#8220;reach out&#8221; in an effort to supplement their paychecks, take care of past-due bills, or deal with financial emergencies that aren&#8217;t covered by some sort of [...]]]></description>
  31. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Auto title lending has become quite popular lately with the rise in consumers turning to lenders offering fast, convenient, and simple loans. With the economy calling for consumers to &#8220;reach out&#8221; in an effort to supplement their paychecks, take care of past-due bills, or deal with financial emergencies that aren&#8217;t covered by some sort of savings account, auto tile loans have become more common than ever.But if these types of loans have only recently (1990′s) become a widely traveled avenue for those looking to put themselves back in the &#8220;financial driver&#8217;s seat&#8221;, where were people turning to before to close the gap between financial freedom and budget bedlam. Those lenders who use to gain the business of harried borrowers have now become competition for the title lenders giving consumers more options but less room to breathe in the approval process.U.S. banks such as Wells Fargo &#038; Co. and U.S. Bancorp still offer conventional loans like they always have but they have also jumped in on the short-term, high-risk lending game in an effort to recoup revenue lost from debit-card and overdraft fees. Banks, along with auto title loan and payday lenders are being scrutinized for the use of these short-term loans that offer high interest rates but may not be held accountable to state laws that are subject to interest-rate caps. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. along with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau have taken moves to investigate these bank loans that don&#8217;t use the word &#8220;payday&#8221; but instead titles like Ready Advance and Direct Deposit Advance.While auto title lenders base the amount of your loan on the value and equity of your car, short-term bank loans are based solely on the borrower&#8217;s income and job history. Auto title lenders use the equity in the consumer&#8217;s car or truck to make a decision on loan eligibility and amount which means no credit check is needed when a person applies for these types of loans. Most auto title lenders will not report to credit bureaus in the event the consumer is late on payments or doesn&#8217;t pay back the loan at all. Banks, on the other hand, may choose to let credit agencies know that the consumer has defaulted on the loan as well as having the option to close the borrower&#8217;s account should the loan not be paid back. This alone makes auto title loans attractive to people who have bad credit or little to no credit at all.On the other hand, borrowers of auto title loans will not gain credit worthiness when they make good on their loan payments while payday loans from traditional lending institutions will allow consumers to &#8220;create a credit record that will enable them to graduate to more mainstream credit products, whether with us or with another reputable institution.&#8221; says Jeffrey Lee, executive vice president of Regions Bank.The big draw to auto title loans may be the big amount borrowers can actually take out against the equity of their vehicle. While the average payday loan amount anywhere from $250-$1000 based on state lending caps, auto title loans can put up to $5000 in the borrower&#8217;s bank account because they are based on the value of the consumer&#8217;s car or truck. Keep in mind the lender requires the title or &#8220;pink slip&#8221; to the vehicle before they hand over the cash and in the event that the borrower does not repay the loan? The lender can repossess the vehicle. <br/><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a></p>
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  37. <title>Small Business Ideas With Small Capital</title>
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  40. <pubDate>Mon, 10 Jul 2023 00:25:57 +0000</pubDate>
  41. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  42. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  44. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  45. <description><![CDATA[With unemployment rates on the rise, people are, in ever-increasing numbers, seeking ways to become entrepreneurs, for when you are your own boss, no one else can fire you. This is also a tenuous time in the financial world, because risking money can be intimidating. However, many of the most successful entrepreneurs will tell you [...]]]></description>
  46. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> With unemployment rates on the rise, people are, in ever-increasing numbers, seeking ways to become entrepreneurs, for when you are your own boss, no one else can fire you. This is also a tenuous time in the financial world, because risking money can be intimidating. However, many of the most successful entrepreneurs will tell you that one secret to their success is that they took the risks, and turned those risks into advantages. There are many small business ideas with small capital that one can start, even in today&#8217;s economy. Here are a few of those ideas which might be of interest.1. Online Shop<br />
  47. Perhaps one of the greatest innovations of our time is the internet, which has given businesses access to a large market worldwide, a market of people looking for products and opportunities. The Internet is the perfect medium for finding big business ideas with small capital outlay. The online shop can be very simple, yet very successful, and it does not incur the usual high costs of the &#8221;brick and mortar&#8221; shop. Anyone with an internet connection, a reliable computer, and a couple of hours a day can set up and run an online shop. In addition, when run from the comfort of your home, there are payments for the space, and in fact, the space can become a legitimate business tax deduction. There is also no need to hire employees, though in many cases, &#8220;hiring&#8221; the kids to help out can have many advantages for everyone involved.2. Businesses Based On Your Personal Talents<br />
  48. One great way to start a business is to analyze your strengths, passions, and talents. If art is your forte, and you have the necessary computer skills, there is a high demand for graphic artists, website designers, and advertizing campaigns. Do you have a fabulous Children&#8217;s Book running around in your head that you could turn into an electronic book? The E-Book business has increased 200 fold in just the past year or two, and now many books are not going into print, but are being sold on such literary giant sites as Amazon and Barnes &#038; Noble.3. Home-Based Services<br />
  49. If you have, at one time, been a teacher, but have now chosen to stay at home with the kids, whether you are a Mom or a Dad, you might consider being an after school tutor. Are you proficient in math, science, or languages? Tutors in these areas are in high demand. If you are bilingual, or even trilingual, your tutoring skills could not only be a huge blessing to those wishing to become fluent in another language, but could also bring in some excellent income for something at which you already excel. <br/><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a 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  55. <title>Building an Online Business</title>
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  58. <pubDate>Fri, 12 May 2023 23:41:01 +0000</pubDate>
  59. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  61. <category><![CDATA[best business ideas]]></category>
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  77. <description><![CDATA[Nowadays lots of people want to build an online business. These businesses are very easy and cheap to set up compared to a business in the real world. A beginner can get started online for just the cost of a domain name and a cheap hosting account. If you are thinking about building an online [...]]]></description>
  78. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Nowadays lots of people want to build an online business. These businesses are very easy and cheap to set up compared to a business in the real world. A beginner can get started online for just the cost of a domain name and a cheap hosting account. If you are thinking about building an online business then read this article to discover what you need to get started.A lot of people confuse the terms online business and website. An online business and a website are not necessarily the same thing. You may build a website for yourself and try to sell things to people from it and you may say that you have an online business. While this is true to some extent it is not strictly speaking a business. A business is not a business without customers. So how do you get customers?In the online business world a business needs customers just as a real-world business does. You get these customers by getting traffic to your website. This can be a real stumbling block to a lot of people when they first try to start making money online. So how do you go about getting traffic to your website?Getting traffic to your website can be done in a lot of different ways. There are basically two types of traffic, paid and free. Paying for traffic can be expensive especially for a beginner, so a lot of people try to get free traffic to their website, especially to begin with. You can get free traffic to your website from the search engines, from directories, from article marketing, from social book marking and social sites and a lot of other places. Whole books have been written about the subject of traffic generation.In conclusion building an business online is not difficult. It is cheap to build an online business and you can get started for a very small cost. Once you have built your website you need to generate traffic to it in order for it to get customers. Once you have got customers to your website there really is no limit to how successful your online business can be. If you are really lucky your business that cost only a few dollars to get started could turn out to be the next Google or MySpace. </p>
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  84. <title>Car Finance &#8211; Not Getting Involved in the Politics</title>
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  87. <pubDate>Thu, 11 May 2023 19:10:52 +0000</pubDate>
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  120. <description><![CDATA[Some car companies have revealed that they are launching their own scrappage schemes for consumers, separate from the Government scheme which has boosted car sales significantly.The scheme increased consumer confidence and also gave consumers a boost when it came to car finance, in times where obtaining credit to get products has been increasingly difficult.The Government&#8217;s [...]]]></description>
  121. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Some car companies have revealed that they are launching their own scrappage schemes for consumers, separate from the Government scheme which has boosted car sales significantly.The scheme increased consumer confidence and also gave consumers a boost when it came to car finance, in times where obtaining credit to get products has been increasingly difficult.The Government&#8217;s scrappage scheme, where cars that were 10 years old or older could be traded in for a £2,000 discount of a new car, is estimated to end in October. It is feared that there could be a backlog of consumers who are let down by the scheme as funding for the scheme runs out. The Government is not believed to be planning to re-invest into the scheme once their provisional budget of £300m runs out.However, it has been revealed that some companies have been launching their own scrappage schemes which will go beyond the Government scheme&#8217;s shelf-life of October. Even better, some of these schemes have been revealed to have been offering better deals than the Government-backed scheme that put car sales in momentum.A fine example of this is Mitsubishi Motors, who recently announced that they were launching a scrappage scheme separately. The company&#8217;s financial arm recently confirmed that they had freed up £100m for the scheme which has been gradually gaining interest amongst consumers.The scheme is open to cars which are between five and ten years old, which can be exchanged for a new car with a discount. In addition, the dealership revealed that they were also offering financial support to consumers with a variety of interest rates and deposits.The company revealed that over one-fifth of queries for a new car were coming through the scheme, with that number rising. A spokesman clarified the scheme that Mitsubishi were offering, dwelling on the success that the Government initiative provisionally offered: &#8220;To help maximise on this momentum, we have decided to launch our own scheme, which means a customer can bring in a car as young as 5 years old to any participating Mitsubishi dealer.&#8221;This news comes as Mazda also introduced a car scrappage scheme for prospective customers. Mazda have revealed that they are willing to discount up to £6,000 off the new cars in their range should consumers decide to trade in a car which is more than ten years old. In addition, they confirmed that their offer was open to the public, whether they decided to invest in car finance with the lender or not.Mark Cameron is a representative for Mazda. He said: &#8220;We have taken the opportunity to review Mazda&#8217;s range of supporting allowances to ensure we are offering customers the best possible deals for the summer.&#8221;It is hoped that as these two car manufacturers offer a new scrappage scheme to lure in customers and prevent a dip in consumer confidence and car sales, more car manufacturers will see the benefit in offering such schemes and the market will become a place where buyers can afford to be picky once again. </p>
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  127. <title>Online Loans With Bad Credit &#8211; Why Getting A Loan With A Peer To Peer Lender May Be A Great Idea</title>
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  130. <pubDate>Mon, 20 Mar 2023 11:25:38 +0000</pubDate>
  131. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  135. <description><![CDATA[Online loans, they&#8217;ve become the new fad in lending. Loans have always been popular for many reasons, whether it was for personal, business, auto or mortgage use, loans have always been a way for people who need it to get funding fast. In the past, it was at banks that people generally sought the funding [...]]]></description>
  136. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Online loans, they&#8217;ve become the new fad in lending.  Loans have always been popular for many reasons, whether it was for personal, business, auto or mortgage use, loans have always been a way for people who need it to get funding fast.  In the past, it was at banks that people generally sought the funding they needed, but in today&#8217;s computer and smart phone age, online loans have become the method of funding of the future.If you have average, fair or poor credit, online loans can still be a great option.  While it&#8217;s true that a more traditional lender, like a bank or a private financial institution operating online may not approve your loan, there is still another great option out there when you&#8217;re searching for funding, peer to peer lending.Peer To Peer Lending As online loans became more and more popular about six or seven years ago, someone came up with a brilliant idea, why not let people invest in others?  Why not let people invest in people? This is how peer to peer lending was born.  Peer to peer lending sites are websites which offer people the chance to invest in people.If someone needing a loan goes to a peer to peer lending site and lists that loan, once they decide the amount they want, they can list the loan and give a few details about the reason they would like the loan they&#8217;re asking for. Whether it&#8217;s for business, personal or other use, once they&#8217;ve decided on the reason, they can add any details they like, and list their loan for free.  Once investors see the loan, they have the option to invest in it or not. The loan is listed anonymously, so the &#8220;investors&#8221; never really know the name of the person who is getting the loan.Let&#8217;s say a person needs a loan for $10,000, if they list it on a peer to peer lending site, some people might invest $25, the minimum for most peer to peer lending sites, and some might invest $1,000.  This gives people the option to invest a little or a lot in others and their loans, a great option for having multiple people invest in one particular persons loan.Credit ScoresCredit scores are rated on a scale from AA to F. This works out great because although people with an AA credit score may seem more likely to get a loan, it&#8217;s not always the case.  See, this is where the amazing idea of peer to peer lending works wonders. Those with a supposedly better credit score are going to have a lower interest, and investors are going to earn less money off of the interest when this particular borrower pays off their loan.For people with credit scores that are in the C, D &#038; F as well as E ranges, the person is going to have a slightly higher interest rate on their online loan.  This is an advntage for the investors once that person goes to pay off their loan, as the investors have the potential to earn slightly more money off of a loan with a higher interest rate because the credit score is slightly lower.How does this work out?  It gives people with all types of credit scores the opportunity to get great loans anonymously.  We&#8217;ve compiled a list of benefits to peer to peer lending sites for borrowers, benefits that help offer people a chance to get a great loan online with a lot of time to pay it back.Benefits To Peer To Peer Lending Sites1.) Anonymous BorrowingWhen listing your loan and borrowing money, there are many things you can include.  The amount of your loan, the reason for your loan, any details you would like to add such as comments and any reasons why you would be a good borrower.  When you actually list your loan, you remain anonymous to borrowers.  People don&#8217;t know your name, they don&#8217;t know anything about you, you&#8217;re anonymous to the lenders.2.) The Interest RatesOne of the most important things to talk about is the interest rates.  The interest rates from peer to peer lending sites can really be great because their competing with other traditional loan sites, as well as other peer lending sites to get the best interest rates possible from their borrowers.  How does this help you? Well of course lower interest rates from the website.3.) A Great Alternative To Many Other OptionsPeer to peer lending sites offer a great alternative to payday loan or installment websites for online loans.  Generally these websites tend to charge insanely high interest rates, and with payday loan &#038; installment loan websites you usually have to pay your loan back within a couple months, not the case with peer to peer lending websites as we&#8217;ll outline in our next point.4.) Long Time To Payback The LoanOne of the best aspects to peer to peer lending websites is that you have a long time to pay back the loan, generally two to five years.  By making monthly payments over a long time, your monthly payments will be much lower than they would be otherwise, say if the payback time was only a couple of months or a year.  By having a much longer time to payback the loan, you have a lot more options and of course, very importantly lower payments when paying back the loan.5.) Speed Of Getting A LoanWith many banks as well as other loan sites, it can be a long time until you have your account funded with the loan.  This can really put people in a jam because when people need the funds fast, waiting a long time isn&#8217;t really the best option.  With peer to peer lending sites, online loans are generally funded very fast once they are funded and approved.  This is a great aspect to peer to peer lending sites, having the money in your account fast and not having to wait a long time really helps people use the loan for what they want or need. </p>
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  142. <title>Crowd Marketing &#8211; How to Promote Your Business</title>
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  145. <pubDate>Mon, 20 Mar 2023 09:52:42 +0000</pubDate>
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  150. <description><![CDATA[With the emergence of the Internet and social media platforms with the audience of thousands and thousands of people, the concept of crowd marketing is seemingly a better marketing solution for a lot of companies.What is Crowd Marketing?A popular marketing technique in which a business connects to an influencer, who is in direct contact with [...]]]></description>
  151. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> With the emergence of the Internet and social media platforms with the audience of thousands and thousands of people, the concept of crowd marketing is seemingly a better marketing solution for a lot of companies.What is Crowd Marketing?A popular marketing technique in which a business connects to an influencer, who is in direct contact with the target market of the product that the business is marketing. The proliferation of social media networks including the Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google+ and many other, crowd marketing has gained increased popularity among marketers as being a cheap, effective and the easiest way to reach target consumer. Unlike many other marketing strategies, the target market reach of can be monitored in terms of measurable indicators such as likes, shares, reviews, retweets, feedbacks etc. In essence, crowd marketing techniques are focused on increasing website traffic, lifting search engine rank and strengthening the brand position. The main difference between techniques like Social Media Marketing (SMM), Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and the crowded marketing technique is that the later technique directly approaches to target consumers rather than focusing on the general public. One of the good examples of crowd marketing may be the celebrity endorsement technique. In this technique, a business identifies celebrities that already have a large fan base among the target market niche of the business; the business pays the celebrity to endorse its product among its target consumers. It is an effective way because people tend to be influenced by celebrities, their lifestyles and what they recommend. Such marketing technique is also used to approach the target market directly as long as the influencing celebrity personality, as well as his fan base among the target market population, are properly selected.Crowd Marketing TechniquesThe most popular techniques most recently rely on the social media platform and utilize the power of content marketing to enhance target market reach. Since social media has become an integral part of people&#8217;s lives, one of the most effective platforms is Facebook, which has over 1,500 million active users. Targeting Facebook as a platform to reach the target market has been popular these days. The technique is straightforward -leveraging content marketing method to attract the target market population among Facebook users. In this method, the business creates a compelling content, mostly product or brand-related videos, and finds an effective way to publish it over the Facebook that will ensure most return on investment. Usually, celebrity pages, celebrity accounts where many people keep their attention and the paid advertisement that is boosted by the Facebook to help reach increased customer base are utilized as crowd marketing technique over the Facebook. The number of likes, shares, and comments can be used as a measure of the success of the campaign. The most effective way to reach target market is to utilize the key influence of the business niche. Identifying target consumers, their behaviors and whom or what they follow can make the difference. If the key influencer of the target audience can be identified and can be used to endorse the product or brand, the success of convincing the audience about the reliability and superiority of the business goes higher.The Power of Social MediaAnother effective technique that warrants success is to use tools that help the business with key insights of the marketing as related to social and content marketing wings of crowd marketing. For example, few web applications help the business identify the target audience of a product, their key influencer, their position and location within web domain and provides with the best crowd marketing strategy starting from content recommendation to target markets locating. These tools make implementation of your marketing strategies easier and more effective.The Lego Group, children&#8217;s toy builder company, has been leveraging the concept of crowd marketing since the 90&#8242;s; it has used the Internet effectively to transform website traffic into effective customers and revenues. The key idea to engage target customers from around the world is novel and simple &#8211; it asks toy builders and idea-makers to share their ideas about new toys. These ideas are published on the website and are open to million enthusiastic audiences. Any builder can upload his unique design built out of the combination of thousands of different block pieces. The models are placed to audiences for marking and the models that get highest marks are chosen for the award. Moreover, the company uses fans&#8217; ideas and models to build its toys from. Recently, it has created builds from the theme of the movie &#8220;Star Wars&#8221; and &#8220;Lord of the Rings&#8221;, which are the most popular builds from the company for years. The company has been adopting social media-based marketing campaign to increase its audience reach and enhance revenues. Last year, the company has earned about $4 trillion in revenue, most of which can be attributed to the crowd marketing strategy. Crowd marketing has also enabled it to become a global brand. The success of the company may be set as an example for all businesses who wish to adopt crowd marketing strategies. </p>
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  157. <title>10 Common Online Business Assumptions Made Daily By Solopreneurs</title>
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  160. <pubDate>Sun, 19 Mar 2023 13:45:19 +0000</pubDate>
  161. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  165. <description><![CDATA[Not every online business strategy works for every business. Unfortunately, many Solopreneurs will continue to force themselves into one standard. Don&#8217;t let that be you. Learn some PROVEN tactics to help you avoid these common pitfalls of assumptions and set your brand up for profitable success.With over 4 Billion+ active online businesses, and all of [...]]]></description>
  166. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Not every online business strategy works for every business. Unfortunately, many Solopreneurs will continue to force themselves into one standard. Don&#8217;t let that be you. Learn some PROVEN tactics to help you avoid these common pitfalls of assumptions and set your brand up for profitable success.With over 4 Billion+ active online businesses, and all of them fighting for attention, the Internet has made it possible for companies of various sizes to compete on a level playing field of sorts. The main issue remains that most of these companies are unsure how to gain the buying attention of potential clients for their products or services. Creating a Power Crew will be essential to your success as a Solopreneur because you will have to trust someone to help you handle day-to-day tasks. Check out these 10 common assumptions made in online business that you should avoid in order to have a successful head start.</p>
  167. <p>Skimming on Investing. There is a large difference between spending smart and just being cheap. The Cheap Comes Out Expensive (&#8220;Lo Barato Sale Caro&#8221; &#8211; Judge Marilyn Milian). Reciprocity goes a very long way and helps you build a secure and trusted network. Everyone wants a deal when spending their hard earn money. Most business people have heard the saying, &#8220;you have to spend money to make money.&#8221; Actually when you take your brand seriously enough to invest in it, be it time or money, you will ensure that everyone on your Power Crew is properly compensated. This could be financially or through barter systems. Either way, you should be willing to give as much or more than you take from others.</p>
  168. <p>Remaining Blissfully Ignorant. Are you leaving clients under-serviced because you refuse to explore new opportunities and creative possibilities? Put some investigative action behind your motives. Ask your Virtual or In-House Assistant to check out some new avenues. Hire someone to manage these new avenues for you and add them to your Power Crew. They would usually be focused on these tasks for at least 5 hours a week; 1 hour a day. Ignorance is not bliss, especially in business. there are too many opportunities out there for Solopreneurs to get on track and dominate some corner of their market.</p>
  169. <p>Financing Blindly Without Reason. How can you properly guide your brand into financial success or at the very least avoid bankruptcy if you cannot track how much money is flowing throughout your business? If you are shocked at the amount of money you have spent over a one-year span, are constantly hunting down all of your expenses at tax time, and/or are always living in the red then you&#8217;re doing everything all wrong. Don&#8217;t become accepting of your business being a financial burden on you. You should have a budget in place to help you remain on track. Remember, you started this for FREEDOM not to trade on pair of frustration created shackles for another.</p>
  170. <p>Maintenance Is An Option. I see many clients who believe that paying someone to manage their website is a waste of time, yet these are the same people who&#8217;s websites are constantly outdated behind the scenes and left vulnerable. Your carelessness is a hackers dream key to your Information Buffet. So much of these items can and should be automated, but you have to remain vigilant in protecting your online business. If you are collecting customer information, there is no room to be casual about Website Security and Maintenance.</p>
  171. <p>Keeping Up with the Joneses. Doing all you can to follow what the crowd is doing rather than taking stock in what will work for your brand is ultimately a waste of time for you. This is not to say that watching your competition and friendly peers cannot be a learning experience. you simply have to learn to take the learning knowledge and map out your own destiny.</p>
  172. <p>Online Businesses Don&#8217;t Need A Budget. As an extension of financing your business blindly, you need to realize that just because you have an online business, you are not exempt from having a budget. many believe that because they don&#8217;t have the rent of a brick-and-mortar establishment, they are free to spend wildly. That is not the case. Your &#8220;rent&#8221; is your hosting provider, your domain name, and your SSL Certificate. Your &#8220;utilities&#8221; are your financial manager (accountant/apps), email automation services, payroll, and anything else that helps you run your business. You MUST track these and be sure that you are not using up all of your resources without turning some type of profit to pay the rent or mortgage AND put food on your table.</p>
  173. <p>Disconnected from Reality of Running A Business. Remain grounded and connected to the roots of your business so that you are aware of what is happening and are ready to rework any strategies accordingly. Even when people consider themselves &#8220;successful&#8221; they know there is continuous work involved in maintaining the level of success they enjoy or want to excel to. Taking into account everything we&#8217;ve discussed, these pieces all come together to help you face, head-on, the realities of running a business.</p>
  174. <p>Blaming Others for Your Failures. The Blame game is a waste of time. Don&#8217;t allow Accountability to become some passive catchphrase in your business. Live up to how you would want clients and another business to treat you. If you or your brand fell short or messed up, take that as an opportunity to improve and get back on track. Ask for feedback. Failure is not a bad thing if you don&#8217;t allow it to become a stumbling block or a crutch. Boss up and take responsibility while showing others working with you that they need to do they same. Showing is way better than Telling!</p>
  175. <p>Being Online Is An Automatic Success. No online business is an automatic success and anyone who tells you different is lying to you. I thought that once my website was up and running I would be set. Well, not exactly set, but the bulk of my work would be complete. I was so wrong and didn&#8217;t even realize how wrong I was. I had to become a quick study on e-marketing, copywriting, and product creation to really get my business going. Not an expert, but I had to get my rump in gear fast so that I could manage just enough to get things where I wanted them to be. Automation can make things easier for you, but without you putting ACTION behind the KNOWLEDGE you collect, your brand is dead in the water.</p>
  176. <p>Misinformation. Stay as informed as possible. &#8220;He said, She said&#8221; doesn&#8217;t work when you need to share information with your Power Crew and customers. Never allow yourself to miss out on innovative moves occurring within your industry, or in other industries. If an app or software was not compatible of your business in 2011, check back and see if things have changed. If you didn&#8217;t think Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram were a good fit for your business and your customers would not be interested in a company blog, rethink these moves. Try things out. You may be surprised at the results and new information that flows in from these various options.<br />
  177. Boss UpOnce you have figured out what causes your business to thrive like a well watered plant, you&#8217;ll begin to reap the benefits of a profitable business and brand overall. I think of my business as a well-watered plant because there is energy tied to it. It needs my care in order to survive. My emotions affect my business and I need to maintain them both.Clients want to know that you, as a business owner, care enough to pay attention to small details while maintaining the overall picture of success.The RundownPut your all into your business. After all, most of us are not here for a one-night stand. Instead, we&#8217;re in it to win it! So get yourself out there and arm your brand against these 10 common assumptions most Solopreneurs make in online business.To Your Continued Success &#038; Learning! </p>
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  183. <title>3 Easy Ways to Find Clients for Your Catering Business</title>
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  186. <pubDate>Sun, 05 Feb 2023 03:04:47 +0000</pubDate>
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  200. <description><![CDATA[You hopefully have just about all of the catering business put together. You may be in place to roll out your skills in the market. More or less the actual legal work is out of the way. All the PPE is attained and at this moment all you need is a customer to cater for. [...]]]></description>
  201. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> You hopefully have just about all of the catering business put together. You may be in place to roll out your skills in the market. More or less the actual legal work is out of the way. All the PPE is attained and at this moment all you need is a customer to cater for. You actually will be surprised to learn that the buyers do not normally come to you whenever you wish to have them, specially in the early stages. We may have to get out there and get hold of these people. We have to get found on their radar one way or another. There are a variety of approaches for you to promote your catering business and the prices come with an unlimited range. Just where do you start? Let us peek at 3 methods you can easily find your very first prospect or possibly increase your solid stream of clients.<br />
  202. Optimize your web site<br />
  203. I Am a big supporter of internet marketing, needless to say. It can be one of the cheapest ways to get your name out there. You should have a meaningful website in support of the catering business. If not then I promise you will be losing opportunities. If you are not a techie then you should search for any kind of company that has the ability to make a site seo&#8217;ed for search engines like google. Doing this is unquestionably necessary. Nearly everyone&#8217;s first stop whenever searching for services is google. You have to be found in these topmost search rankings with regard to any key words that folks choose whenever checking for catering services within your company&#8217;s locale. This method is certainly not as complex as it appears and you actually really don&#8217;t have to spend thousands of dollars. SEO or search engine optimization is certainly based mostly on a couple best practices and whenever you have them set up you may start to climb up the ranks of google. Research online marketing service providers which will incorporate nothing but white hat procedures and you can get your site much better for an amazingly low expense or simply find out about SEO in order to take care of this task yourself for free.<br />
  204. PPC advertising campaign<br />
  205. This process is just a great internet marketing practice and is an abbreviation meant for Pay Per Click. At this time there are a good variety of hosts for PPC promotions for example Facebook and Google Adwords. We highly recommend Google AdWords for a start. It&#8217;s an efficient strategy to get potential customers to your own website and hence clients for your company. Look into Google AdWords in order to learn much more.<br />
  206. Be part of a business network<br />
  207. Business networks are generally a terrific way to put a person&#8217;s brand to market. Not only could you get your own name around but an individual can easily locate several incredible business instructors and advisors. BNI is on the list of major business networks and additionally you&#8217;ll find a lot of chapters with one more than likely near your location. Here&#8217;s several the reasons to participate in BNI.</p>
  208. <p>Substantially increased prospects.<br />
  209. Techniques to help network a lot more effectively, which includes a orientation CD giving the &#8220;Formula for Success&#8221; with BNI, a badge, a vinyl card holder to be able to carry members&#8217; business cards, referral slips, marketing materials and content for your chapter and much, much more.<br />
  210. Participation in nearly 52 networking group meetings every year.<br />
  211. Bi-monthly news letters with instructional resources relating to networking, public speaking, and business.<br />
  212. Engagement within business tradeshows (in which you&#8217;ll get a great chance to market your own chapter along with your company).<br />
  213. No-cost periodic training courses about networking.<br />
  214. BNI is not the only business network although it is the main one I have had experience with and consequently I can tell you from experience that your time using this network will pay off.Three methods to try so you can get the first customers. Give them a try and watch your catering business take off! </p>
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  220. <title>Article Marketing Strategy &#8211; Using Article Marketing to Increase Your Businesses Credibility</title>
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  223. <pubDate>Tue, 31 Jan 2023 09:26:04 +0000</pubDate>
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  228. <description><![CDATA[All companies that wish to make it through in the progressively competitive market today should have adequate promos to keep their brands continuously in the minds of customers. The extreme competition in the market, with brand-new companies emerging every other day, offers customers a growing number of options. Customers might be drawn away from one [...]]]></description>
  229. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> All companies that wish to make it through in the progressively competitive market today should have adequate promos to keep their brands continuously in the minds of customers. The extreme competition in the market, with brand-new companies emerging every other day, offers customers a growing number of options. Customers might be drawn away from one brand to another with much better offers and promos stemmed from the imagination of online marketers.Effectiveness of Article MarketingAmong the most affordable methods promoting a brand or company is short article marketing. This is a vibrant web marketing method that is regularly used by contemporary companies to promote their brand, services and items.They might produce extraordinary material to market their company brands and sites as well as items or services discreetly and expertly if online marketers are experienced and significant in composing short articles. They might even compose on any subject to stimulate the interest and interest of their targeted web consumers with fascinating and appropriate contents.Value-added short articles that link to the brand and company serve to promote business profits through more sales and lead conversions. As more customers delight in well composed and high quality posts, more sales would be anticipated as appropriate info would be removed from customers making much better notified choices on the brand, company or services and items.Well prepared and thoroughly executed short article marketing might produce natural leads that would show beneficial in developing a strong e-mail list. Online marketers might delight in numerous imaginative marketing techniques to increase readership in addition to newsletter growth. This consists of benefits and rewards that would lure readers to register or decide into business subscriber list at the site capture page.Using Article MarketingWeb online marketers should comprehend the characteristics of short article marketing to deploy its functions efficiently. The objective is to draw more customers to a greater understanding of the brand and company in the market. Short article authors need to be familiar with the brand and company offers as well as the most current customer habits and market patterns.Competitive keywords need to be determined in every short article with an enticing title that would record targeted readerships. When readers take pleasure in the short article after being mesmerized by the title, these parts contribute to the enhanced reliability of the company and brand.Excellent short articles need to be dispersed commonly to make sure a bigger target boundary that would improve the track record of the author orgasm online marketer or brand and company. Every marketing post need to be made offered at numerous reputed post listing directory sites such as EzineArticles to bring in more possible leads and clients. The broader the scope of readership for a short article, the higher would be the reliability of the brand or company in addition to an online marketer in the market to delight in more sales and revenue.Articles that read from the web might be shared quickly through various channels such as social networks that take pride in countless users. Value-added contents into well composed short articles online are discovered to be pertinent and helpful to targeted customers who would be more encouraging of the brand and company.Online marketers might likewise think about distributing their short articles absolutely free to reach a larger audience and acquire more reactions amongst clients and readers. Online marketers require to be aware of the myriad of post listing websites and channels which they might show or publish their short articles to broaden their readership for prospective company leads and clients. Such actions pay ad campaign for the brand and company.Aspects that Promote Company IntegrityWell composed short articles might draw in large readership. However, online marketers should get the ideal writing abilities or hire composing specialists who are able to promote their company in the market through article marketing.Excellent posts that might improve company reliability should be helpful and appropriate to readers through its well composed contents that are structured effectively for simple reading and understanding. Appropriate keywords need to be thought about with attractive targeted titles to draw more readers to be transformed as possible company leads.The post length needs to be in between 300 and 600 words with apt keywords put tactically to increase understanding and assistance by readers. These competitive keywords or expressions in the short articles likewise enhance greater rankings from popular internet search engine that would draw more web traffic to the web company website. High quality short articles need a vibrant title that consists of competitive keywords that would increase online searches by means of popular internet search engine.Post subjects might be deep and broad depending upon target specific niche readers for certain marketing projects. The targeted specific niche markets would delight in the specifically produced posts to rank them extremely to increase business and brand reliability while incorporated audiences might dislike the short articles offering a lower score that reduces business reliability.Online marketers who are composing vibrant short articles as part of their internet marketing methods and projects would have to comprehend the best ways to consist of backlinks and enhance the posts that would show SEO functions. This would improve online search engine rankings online pages to draw in more web traffic.Articles that are indicated to promote business and brand have to adhere to expert basic structures that would be accepted by readers and market authorities. When such compliance is pleased, even the market authorities would accord a greater market ranking that amounts much better company integrity which benefits business and online marketer.The post needs to stick out above the crowd with originality in title and material. Interesting short articles that are fresh and value-added would hook readers for more; these would keep returning for more. Expert posts need to constantly be grammatically appropriate and structured in conventional composing formats with using strong, italics and highlight where proper.ConclusionModern companies that control the Web to broaden in the market have to think about post marketing that expands the scope of readership for more possible company leads and clients. Online marketers might either establish these intriguing posts personally or contracted out from expert authors in the market.When web readers are mesmerized by a specific composing design, they would decide into the subscriber list for more; a bigger following would enhance company integrity.About the Author: Steve Brown is a champion of small business, entrepreneurial endeavors, and the vibrant American freelance workforce of today&#8217;s world. He is Founder, CEO, and Chief Inspirational Officer (CIO) of 4 cutting edge companies </p>
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  235. <title>Brainstorming The Ideas for Influencing Your Mobile App Audience</title>
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  238. <pubDate>Sun, 09 Oct 2022 13:48:16 +0000</pubDate>
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  253. <description><![CDATA[Once the app is downloaded, you have little time to take a sigh of relief, and then again start focusing on making things easier for the them till their goal is achieved. According to the AppsFlyer, an app marketing company, the global uninstall rate for apps after 30 days is 28%. Entertainment apps are most [...]]]></description>
  254. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Once the app is downloaded, you have little time to take a sigh of relief, and then again start focusing on making things easier for the them till their goal is achieved.</p>
  255. <p>According to the AppsFlyer, an app marketing company, the global uninstall rate for apps after 30 days is 28%. Entertainment apps are most frequently deleted, whereas apps based on Finance is least frequently deleted. No matter which app category you belong to, your strategy should be to remain in the mobile phones of users for a long time, and not just sit around but to fulfill your purpose as well.</p>
  256. <p>If we analyze the encounters of users with an app step by step, it can help us unveil the critical factors that influence mobile app audiences, so that we can work upon those and achieve our purpose. Here are the details:</p>
  257. <p>Step1. Finding Your App in Appstore</p>
  258. <p>For this, we have to first find out what exactly users type to search an app. Based on a research, it has been found that 47% app users on iOS confirmed that they found the app through the App Store&#8217;s search engine and 53% app users on Android confirmed the same.</p>
  259. <p>What have been their search queries? Interestingly, as the per the data provided by the TUNE research, 86% of the top 100 keywords were brands.With little scope for non-branded categories, most of the keywords were either of games of utility apps. Common keywords in the non branded category are: games, free games, VPN, calculator, music, photo editor, and weather.</p>
  260. <p>Leaving brands aside, if we analyze the user-type of a Non-branded category, we will get two types of users:</p>
  261. <p>1. Users are informed, and they know what they are search</p>
  262. <p>2. Users are exploring possibilities, have no precise information in mind.</p>
  263. <p>If you are a mobile app development company, targeting non-branded users, then your efforts must be directed to creating apps that compel these two types of users. To do so, we have to analyze once they are on an app store, what keywords they use to search. Regina Leuwer, with expertise in marketing &#038; communications, bring some light to the subject. She reached out Sebastian Knopp, creator of app store search intelligence tool appkeywords, who shared with her the data of unique trending search phrases. And according to that data, in 2017, there were around 2,455 unique search phrases trending in the US.</p>
  264. <p>Now, if we study these data to get information, we will find that name of the app is critical to attract the attention of the users.</p>
  265. <p>If your app belongs to non-branded category, then make sure your app name is similar to the common search queries but also unique in comparison with your competitors. So that when your app name is flashed, they click it on to it, finding it purposeful and compelling both.</p>
  266. <p>Step 2. Installation</p>
  267. <p>Remember your users are on mobile devices has limited resources, from battery to storage and RAM to Internet. Everything is limited. So better create an application that is easy to download or say get downloaded with 5 minutes. One critical advice here:</p>
  268. <p>1. Keep the application file size small.</p>
  269. <p>If you are a developer, use APK Analyser to find out which part of the application is consuming maximum space. You can also reduce classes.dex file and res folder that contains images, raw files, and XML.</p>
  270. <p>Step 3. Onboarding</p>
  271. <p>After the user has successfully downloaded your mobile application, don&#8217;t leave anything on assumptions. Guide them properly. This you can do through an onboarding process, where users can learn the key functionality and where to begin with the mobile app. Below are the 3 things you need to keep in your mind when creating an onboarding process for your users.</p>
  272. <p>Short and Crisp: The entire guidance of features and functions should be completed within few seconds, with easy options loud and clear option to skip.</p>
  273. <p>Precise Information: Don&#8217;t introduce them to the app. They already know what they have downloaded. The objective to inform about the key functions and features.</p>
  274. <p>Allow Users to Skip: Let the tech-savvy users skip the intro. Your app is to meet their requirement and not to have a friendly session.</p>
  275. <p>Step 4. Purpose and UI<br />
  276. Here, the stage is set for your app and it is the golden chance for you to impress your users. What is needed here is the collaboration between purpose and UI of the app. It totally depends on the problem-solving capability and ease of use of the mobile app. Interface design plays the critical role, allowing the users to access features of the apps easily and quickly to perform the task for what they have downloaded the app. When it comes to interface design, make sure that the design is interactive and task-oriented. Here are some factors that you must take care off while creating mobile app interface:</p>
  277. <p>1. Usability: The Mobile phone is an epitome of convenience and if your users find it difficult to use your app, then there is no way there are going to make the space for it in their mobile phones. From screen size to the color of the app, there are many factors that are equally critical and need attention.</p>
  278. <p>2. Intuitive: To create an intuitive User Interface, you have to read the mind of the users, and develop a model based on that. The next should be precise, clear and &#8216;obvious&#8217; in an interface.</p>
  279. <p>3. Availability: Key features should be hidden in the drop down menu or even if so, it should be obvious for the user to look into the drop-down. An intricate work of design and research is required to make essential features available for the customers and they don&#8217;t need to navigate here and there.</p>
  280. <p>If you need more help with the user-interface and innovative ideas for a mobile app, write to me and I promise to get back to you with interesting mobile app designs.</p>
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