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  22. <title>Gambling In The United States &#8211; The Domino Effect It Helped Create</title>
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  25. <pubDate>Sun, 09 Apr 2023 15:53:31 +0000</pubDate>
  26. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  27. <category><![CDATA[Gambling]]></category>
  29. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  30. <description><![CDATA[Once just a gentleman&#8217;s game, U.S. gambling began its rise to the center of attention around 400 years ago. A time where gambling was the root of all evil, yet it could still help the colonies from financial issues. Deliberation over the subject went on for years and still is today, but gambling never stopped [...]]]></description>
  31. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Once just a gentleman&#8217;s game, U.S. gambling began its rise to the center of attention around 400 years ago. A time where gambling was the root of all evil, yet it could still help the colonies from financial issues. Deliberation over the subject went on for years and still is today, but gambling never stopped to wait for an answer. While challenges were being discussed, different forms of gambling were being created to stave off bankruptcy and other money problems.The first company to hold a gambling lottery was a bank in Jamestown, Virginia, which&#8217; of course&#8217; was an instant success. It wasn&#8217;t like the state lotteries you see today, but still was beneficial for a short period of time. After awhile, England felt as though they weren&#8217;t making a profit from this form of gambling, so they ended up banning it from everyone. However, that wouldn&#8217;t last long as all thirteen colonies eventually were allowed to hold their own without question.Four centuries removed, you can drive along the eastern states and see prestigious universities like Harvard, Princeton, and Yale that were all started by revenue created by state lotteries. As several other venues were being built thanks in part to U.S. gambling, greed started to as people in the colonies wanted freedom and independence from England. While this was over several issues, lotteries were one of the bigger issues never mentioned in history books.Obviously the most prestigious form of gambling at the time, state lotteries weren&#8217;t the only U.S. gambling going on around the country. By this time, horse races had already been around since 1665, but most bets were between owners only and not of a spectator kind. Also making its mark on cities throughout the colonies in the 1800s were casino style gambling with cards and dice. As areas grew, so did the size of gambling halls and local watering holes where games could be played.Then came the Mississippi River and everything it had to offer with barter and trading through several owners. Business this way was quicker, and several well known individuals met on riverboats to play some casino style gambling. This was the true introduction of the professional gambler. Winning enough money in small towns to play on the riverboats with the big boys was a common tale. After awhile, many were thought to be cheaters and many would perish at the hands of people who lost money to them.Just as the state lotteries were part of the reason for the American Revolution War, it was the Civil War that ended the time of professional gambling in the 1860s. While not the main reason, it created a business stand still, which led to no traffic up and down the great Mississippi. For the next sixty years, gambling would be loved by many and hated by that many more. States that had good fortune would create gambling booms like in California and Nevada,As years moved ahead, people like Al Capone and his mob used gambling money to front their businesses, while at the same time sports were becoming one of the major things to bet on during this period. Fast forwarding to the seventies, lotteries held around the country were making over a billion dollars on a annual basis. Gambling in the United States was considered a normal part of living and still is today.Now we&#8217;re in the 21st century and the gambling business is booming with billions upon billions of dollars being made annually. The Super Bowl is the most anticipated gambling event each year, and land based casinos are popping up all over the country. Still, many Americans protest gambling due to family members who have ongoing problems with controlling their addictions. However, the future looks bright and the government will have a hard time trying to give up all the tax revenue that is made off of gambling alone.Which brings us to the future, and online casino gambling. While the United States was one of the leaders in gambling online, President Bush tried to ban them from using debit cards that are bank issued to try to control the outbreak. It didn&#8217;t take long for U.S. players to realize that adding money to different accounts like Netteller or Moneybookers, then transferring it over may take a little longer, but the end result is the same.There will never be a solution to gambling no matter if it&#8217;s online or offline, and others will always protest the morals and what it all stands for overall. A cat and mouse game that will never be solved, and while everyone continues to argue back and forth, the sport of gambling will only become bigger. Hurry, someone go check the odds on that, you might want to bet on it. </p>
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  37. <title>Stuck In A Rut &#8211; Enjoy These Home Improvement Ideas</title>
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  40. <pubDate>Fri, 07 Apr 2023 20:06:41 +0000</pubDate>
  41. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  42. <category><![CDATA[Home Improvement]]></category>
  44. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  45. <description><![CDATA[Well, you&#8217;ve decided to improve your home. Good for you! However, there is so much information that you may not have a clue where to begin. Don&#8217;t worry, home improvement tips are here! Listed below are some tips that will help you get started and organized so that you can become a home improvement expert.New [...]]]></description>
  46. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Well, you&#8217;ve decided to improve your home. Good for you! However, there is so much information that you may not have a clue where to begin. Don&#8217;t worry, home improvement tips are here! Listed below are some tips that will help you get started and organized so that you can become a home improvement expert.New wallpaper can transform a room. Before you add wallpaper, you need to find out what type of wall is under the existing wallpaper. Usually walls are either drywall or plaster smoothed over lath. You can figure out what kind of wall you are dealing with by feeling the wall, plaster is harder, smoother, and colder than drywall. You can also try tapping the wall, drywall sounds hollow while plaster does not.If you are looking for home improvement, don&#8217;t forget the outside areas of your home too. If you love fish, you may want to consider putting in a Koi pond. They look beautiful, and they can be customized to match the look of your backyard or be made the focal point.If you have a small bathroom and not enough space to store your items, you can easily create some space yourself. Buy some wooden shelves and install them on your bathroom wall. Display your lotions, perfumes and other beauty items on the shelves as well as your smaller towels or toilet paper rolls. This will not only give your bathroom a decorative boost, it will also organize it.Before beginning a home improvement project, make a list of the actions you think will need to be taken from start to finish. Obtain a second opinion from a trusted source to see if there are any steps you missed or anything you didn&#8217;t take into account. Plan to set aside plenty of time for your project, as it might take longer than expected.The shingles on your roof will at some point need to be replaced. As asphalt shingles get older, they start to lose the bound granules and curl up on the corners of the sheets. If you are experiencing leaks that have gone through the ceiling, then it is definitely time to lay down a new roof. Otherwise, if your roof has lost several shingles, this is a less drastic but firm indication that it&#8217;s time to replace the roof.When you are getting ready to deep clean your deck, make sure you have all of your materials ready before hand. Some of the things you will need to get together are a pressure washer, a nice sturdy scrub brush, commercial deck cleaner, a hose, and a hefty broom you can use outdoors.Before beginning home improvements apply for the appropriate building permits. Any home improvement that involves plumbing, electricity, or structural changes can require a permit. Check your local laws. If you proceed without a permit then you can be fined or it could make the house harder to sell in the future.When it comes to home improvement, be sure that you are not causing your home to awkwardly stand out from the rest of the neighborhood. This will ensure you will be able to resell it and also, that you will not receive scorn from your neighbors. Be creative, but try to lean toward conservative with colors. With additions, keep your the total size of your home somewhat near that of your neighbors.If you live in an older home with a wooden floor that is beyond sanding and staining, add a few coats of oil-based paint over the planks. Choose a paint that is intended for outdoor use on decks or porches; this ensures that it will be able to withstand the occasional wet spill and light traffic. It can also hold you over until you have the resources to replace the floor altogether.If you want to make your house shine then look to the curb appeal. First impressions are important with people, and they are just as important to your home. Consider repainting if your color is fading or is dated, and choose colors and other details that fit into the era of your house.You should feel better after reading those tips when it comes to home improvement. That was a lot to think and read through, but at least you should have an idea of what to do and where to begin with improving your home safer and smarter. In addition, you can always come back to this list. </p>
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  52. <title>Home Interior Improvement Ideas to Love</title>
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  55. <pubDate>Thu, 06 Apr 2023 15:41:33 +0000</pubDate>
  56. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  71. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  72. <description><![CDATA[Remodeling ideas are often presented as awesome ways for you to modernize and innovate your home&#8217;s interior and keep it up to date with the latest styles, fixtures, designs and convenience in home improvement. Instead of selling your home and moving into a new one, try remodeling your home&#8217;s interior to upgrade the features you [...]]]></description>
  73. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Remodeling ideas are often presented as awesome ways for you to modernize and innovate your home&#8217;s interior and keep it up to date with the latest styles, fixtures, designs and convenience in home improvement. Instead of selling your home and moving into a new one, try remodeling your home&#8217;s interior to upgrade the features you are looking for in a new house. Renovation can be less expensive in the long run, considering huge realtor commissions and all the other fees that are associated with selling and buying a new home. So don&#8217;t bother giving away a home equity to other people and use the money for your home&#8217;s benefit.Home interior enhancements may include remodeling and upgrading existing equipments inside your house such as cabinets, doors, lights, kitchen appliances, bathroom fixtures and so much more. Remodeling can happen anywhere from your home&#8217;s attic to the basement and may also include the removal of non load bearing wall, home water filter system, adding a wall and etc.Improving your Kitchen&#8217;s Design and FunctionalityModernizing your kitchen enhances its function and also makes it more convenient. Here are easy things you can do to increase the value of your residential property.·         Cabinets. Refacing kitchen cabinets is an economical way for you to increase its value and enhance your kitchen&#8217;s functionality. Refacing is only about fifty percent of the cost for a total cabinet replacement. Refacing can come in several forms like replacing door cabinets with glass inserts, wood, and laminates. It can also mean removing some doors or repainting it for a more modern look and feel.·         Hardware. Adding or replacing hardware to kitchen drawers and cabinets is a quick fix and straight forward method for you to upgrade your kitchen cabinets. Replacing the hardware that came along with cabinets will help reflect an owner&#8217;s tastes and is also an affordable way of increasing your kitchen&#8217;s monetary value.·         Lighting. Replace your existing light fixtures with modern lighting models. Old lighting fixtures gets discolored and eventually become outdated.·         Faucet. Install a nice, elegant and water sufficient faucet on your sink. Choosing the right faucet enhances the overall look of any kitchen.Upgrading your Bedroom&#8217;s Function and DesignAdults tend to spend so much of their time in their bedroom for resting, sleeping and other activities. Kids also spend a lot of time in their rooms watching TV, playing computer games and so much more.·         Ceiling fans. These are efficient energy saving fixtures that enable air condition temperatures to be set higher and heated temperatures set lower. You only need a special brace inserted into a ceiling opening for its installation.·         Flooring. Replace your room&#8217;s carpet with high quality hardwood floors and laminates.·         Skylights. These fixtures can transform the atmosphere of a room. Natural sunlight helps brighten up a room and gazing at the dark star filled sky is an awesome past time.Improving Your Bathroom&#8217;s Appearance and FixturesJust like kitchens, bathrooms are among the most important rooms that can add to your home&#8217;s investment value. Make sure you choose the right bathroom remodeling Los Angeles contractor to assist you in upgrading this part of the home. The addition of skylights allows for more natural lighting and ventilation to the bathroom. Replace your old tubs with new models that feature built in Jacuzzis.The secret to success in every home remodeling project is that it should be something that fits the owner&#8217;s taste and style. It would also be helpful to consider which renovations give out the best return of investment and added home value. </p>
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  79. <title>Weight Loss Through the Aid of Health and Fitness</title>
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  82. <pubDate>Thu, 06 Apr 2023 14:29:54 +0000</pubDate>
  83. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  84. <category><![CDATA[Health]]></category>
  85. <category><![CDATA[Acne]]></category>
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  103. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  104. <description><![CDATA[There was a time when only women were conscious of their weight and shape.Gradually, and almost undetected, males have crept into the weight-loss class to join them. Whether or not this has anything to do with the emancipation or subjugation of the global male is open to conjecture. In the final event it may have [...]]]></description>
  105. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> There was a time when only women were conscious of their weight and shape.Gradually, and almost undetected, males have crept into the weight-loss class to join them. Whether or not this has anything to do with the emancipation or subjugation of the global male is open to conjecture. In the final event it may have no bearing on the fact that men have finally come out of the over-weight closet and admitted that &#8216;they&#8217;re fat&#8217;!It is a well-known fact that regardless of whether you are male or female, being too fleshy in certain parts does tend to make one slower of movement. This results in certain daily tasks, which hitherto have been completed with little or no conscious thought, becoming somewhat laborious.DIETFor the average man or woman it starts to become a worry when they realise that they&#8217;re having difficulty tying shoelaces, or that they can&#8217;t actually see their feet anymore (you have to experience an event such as this to really know how devastated it makes you feel). Now, whereas the non-thinkers of the world will totally ignore these warning signs, the rest of us will hunker down and bravely make the cruel decision that a diet of some type is definitely on the calendar.However, it is sad to say that few of even the elite decision-makers will admit to the fact that not only diet must be introduced into their daily lives, but also that other activity they&#8217;ve been avoiding all year &#8211; exercise. That&#8217;s right guys and gals, sorry to disappoint you but the two go hand in hand. Diet and exercise have to be conjoined if we are to see some meaningful and beneficial effects on our neglected bodies.WEIGHT LOSS AND EXERCISEYou don&#8217;t need to go to the gym fifteen times each week to lose weight.If you do have a membership (which is doubtful or you probably wouldn&#8217;t need to lose weight and get fit &#8211; and therefore probably wouldn&#8217;t need to be reading this), you will be well aware of just where the exercise gym finishes and where the right eating habits begin.If you&#8217;re not in the habit of running because you hate the thought, try walking &#8211; if not everywhere, at least a regular daily or three times-a-week brisk 4,000 to 5,000 steps along the beach, country road, or city highway (perhaps not the latter), but certainly anywhere that is suitable for walking. This number of paces roughly equals one and a half kilometres (a mile). If you stick with this practice for a month the change in your appearance will be noticeable.If you&#8217;re comfortable with running you&#8217;ll almost certainly see that change in about half the time. But don&#8217;t overdo it &#8211; desperation never solved anything.HEALTHIt goes without saying that even the token exercise outlined here, if continued faithfully, will show you an improved feeling of well-being. The overall result is what we describe as &#8216;better health&#8217;. As health and fitness improves we find that many of the tasks we used to find difficult actually become a lot easier; our tolerance toward those niggling interpersonal things that occur daily improves noticeably. Problem-solving abilities also soar to greater heights, thus making us more likely to experience greater levels of success in our business activities.FITNESSThat hackneyed response to a friend&#8217;s question &#8220;Are you feeling fit&#8221;? &#8220;Yeah, fit for nothing&#8221;! will become a reply of the past because you&#8217;ll most likely feel fit for almost anything. Weight loss, health and fitness = less stress. </p>
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  111. <title>Tools You Need to Build Up Your Online Marketing Business Successfully</title>
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  114. <pubDate>Thu, 06 Apr 2023 13:34:16 +0000</pubDate>
  115. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  116. <category><![CDATA[internet marketing]]></category>
  117. <category><![CDATA[online marketing business]]></category>
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  120. <description><![CDATA[More and more people these days are looking at one of the extremely well-known surrounding organizations dealing with affiliate marketing. Within this enterprise, you will not find any bosses, interview to go through, or even troubles encountering you at the end of your working day. This is a business where you only need tools and [...]]]></description>
  121. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> More and more people these days are looking at one of the extremely well-known surrounding organizations dealing with affiliate marketing. Within this enterprise, you will not find any bosses, interview to go through, or even troubles encountering you at the end of your working day. This is a business where you only need tools and strong will to work and succeed. You&#8217;ll find essentially five things you necessarily need to help you in developing your internet marketing industry. Below are the main five tools you need to build up your online marketing business:1. Have the desire to learn and find out This is the first good characteristic you need to have and master, in conjunction with a strong determination to work hard and find the information your look for to get yourself more educated. It is certain that trading unfamiliar business is tough at the beginning, nevertheless and once starting the business, you will need to be willing to educate yourself. You also need to own the required will to maintain open eyes ad ears while using your experience to learn more down the road while growing up your business.2. Invest time and effortThis is the second significant feature you may need that focuses on your motivationto dedicate enough time and energy in helping your small business grows, even though you don&#8217;t see instant final results. Actually, even though days may cross without receiving positive feedback on your business, it is quite necessary for anybody who really wants to obtain a particular foot in the industry to allocate significant time and effort towards bringing this industry into the globe of business successfully.3. DeterminationThe next quality you will need is the determination. You need to ensure it is in your radar while doing online marketing namely in terms on advertising and marketing your business for others. You should have the capability to force yourself towards increased and improved performance in order to have better evaluation of your potentials as your capabilities that drive you towards most ultimate levels will certainly tell you of strong potentials you&#8217;ve got4. DisciplineDiscipline is the fourth top quality you will need. If you educate yourself to perform each day effortlessly, then you will be in much better position towards attaining your targets as well as making your dreams come true.5.  ExpectationsThe final good quality you need is expectations. Undesirable thinking should not discourage online affiliate professionals from seeking their particular goals in creating better lives for themselves as well as improving lives of others surrounding them.The attitude you have towards business needs always to be positive as you know you will be the leader of this organization who will affect the lives of the others. If you put the earlier mentioned tricks in good utilization, then you&#8217;ll proceed a greater distance than a person ever considered in terms of online marketing. You need to own the above- mentioned attributes in order to gain success as affiliate marketing online could be a slicing border profession. With a smart utilization of the above mentioned qualities, you will do just great in this industry. </p>
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  127. <title>Art Is for a Purpose and It Is Meant to Serve the Society That Creates</title>
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  130. <pubDate>Wed, 05 Apr 2023 07:34:04 +0000</pubDate>
  131. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  148. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  149. <description><![CDATA[There are certain things in life that if placed in a proper perspective, give more meaning to human existence especially in a society where paramount values guiding the general conduct of people have lost shape. For example, in most traditional African societies &#8216;reason&#8217; was a yard stick used not just in measuring &#8216;the cause&#8217; but [...]]]></description>
  150. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> There are certain things in life that if placed in a proper perspective, give more meaning to human existence especially in a society where paramount values guiding the general conduct of people have lost shape. For example, in most traditional African societies &#8216;reason&#8217; was a yard stick used not just in measuring &#8216;the cause&#8217; but also in justifying the action of an individual. The common ground on which reason for action was being established is that, no action is taken by an individual without a reason. It is to this very end that the Tiv people in Nigeria puts this proverb: Kwagh gbe eren ga, sar kwagh ka a er; which literally translates that: &#8216;Nothing just happens, something must have prompted it&#8217;.Ironically, in today&#8217;s world, many societies care more about what happens without tracing the root cause. For example, it is easier to point accusing fingers to an armed robber without knowing the circumstances that warrant such acts. No wonder, even in the court of law judgments are entirely passed base on facts instead of truth. While it is easy to fabricate facts within a short period of time in defense of the wrong in the society, it takes a relatively longer period for real truth to be revealed. What then can one say of art?For an artist to settle down in his/her studio for several hours or days if not weeks, to create a piece of work of art is clear indication that there must be something behind it. Whether an embodiment of his/her ideas about the society or something that is relatively far from just creating for creating sake. A piece of art, being it a painting, sculpture, song, a write-up, decoration, a play etc, is meant to serve a certain purpose in the society that creates it. By definition, I have often seen art as any product or activity produced for a particular audience which involves the expression of thoughts, feelings, ideas etc in a creative manner through a given medium. Going by the above definition, a song is a piece of art.The rhythms that accompanied it with the sound of musical instruments are the creative attributes of the song. The meaning of the song&#8217;s wordings have to do with the message while the singing in this case is medium which the artiste expresses his/her feelings, thoughts or ideas about the society he/she lives in. Those who listen to the song are automatically the audience. Also, a piece of painting is an art work. Painting itself is a medium which the artist expresses his/her ideas, thoughts, or feelings about the society he or she lives. The manipulation of colours on the canvas to achieve harmony/colour rhythm or good composition is the creativity involved. The viewers of the painting are automatically the audience.Who is the art work made for? A work of art once produced is like a finished product in the market. This does not necessarily mean that the art work must be bought in the same way other products are being purchased in the market. In the art world, art receives its highest reward not by people who by it but those who &#8216;appreciate&#8217; it most. The implication of this word &#8220;appreciate&#8221; is that, there are others who will not appreciate it for obvious reasons, yet that will not affect the art piece itself. This means that, it is not every body that will like it; and again, it is loved by many.Some get attracted to it probably because of the style in which the artist used in executing the work, while some like it just because the title reminds them of something they are familiar with or even experienced in the past. Another person might like it just because of the colours while others will not. To this end, people will react to it differently base on how they view it. But most importantly, people often forget that someone (an artist) creates the work and probably it is his/her comment about something in the society he/she lives. Such a comment is probably meant to correct a wrong or an indirect way of exposing an evil practice for the benefit of a target group or a particular audience in the society.It therefore means that, every art work so long as it created by an artist, it is for a purpose. It either serves the artist that creates it or the society which the artist lives in. Good art for wrong audience: One of the reasons why art is often misconstrued is when a good piece of art work is located in a odd environment. Imaging a grotesque looking African mask of either the Ibibio tribe or Benin people hung in hospital OPD (Out Patients Department) where people are waiting for the doctor to receive treatment for their various ailments. The scary looks of such a mask alone is enough to trigger other sicknesses or more pain than it ordinarily supposed to be. It means that if a work of art is truly positioned in right environment, it will serve the society better than mere occupying a wall/space in the name of decoration.Hence, every art work is created for a particular audience and unless it is positioned in a right place it will lost it essence. In traditional African societies for example, art was highly functional such that where ever a piece of art was found, it has a link to the environment where it is positioned. Taking it out of its original place, changes its meaning contextually against certain beliefs of the community that has such art. In trying to understand the meaning of a particular art piece, two things are paramount in this case. The first is the perceive meaning of the art work and the second is the environment where the art work is situated. The perceive meaning has to do collectively with physical attributes such as the lines, the colours, the form, shape or the portrayed imaging of the work, while the second helps one to understand the environment where the art work is found. In view of this, the art work some times act as a sign which helps in defining the meaning of the place one find him/herself.A work of art: A truth or a fact? A piece of art work can be a &#8216;fact&#8217; as well as &#8216;truth&#8217; when placed in a right environment and can be none of these when found in a wrong place. It can be a fact when the physical components/attributes: the motifs, forms, colours, the styles point to recognizable issues in the society which people are familiar with. It can be &#8216;truth&#8217; when the people understand the message and act in the direction that will correct a wrong or evil in the society they live. Indeed, no art is just created, in one way or the other it is meant to serve a certain purpose in the society that creates it. </p>
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  156. <title>How Smoking Impacts Your Health Insurance Policy</title>
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  159. <pubDate>Tue, 04 Apr 2023 21:17:55 +0000</pubDate>
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  181. <description><![CDATA[It&#8217;s a well-known fact that smoking causes an adverse effect on your health. You must have seen the warning message on all cigarette boxes &#8211; &#8216;Smoking is injurious to health&#8217;. Smoking tobacco is a root cause of 30% of all cancer deaths and causes 16 times higher risk of heart attack.There are almost 120 million [...]]]></description>
  182. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> It&#8217;s a well-known fact that smoking causes an adverse effect on your health. You must have seen the warning message on all cigarette boxes &#8211; &#8216;Smoking is injurious to health&#8217;. Smoking tobacco is a root cause of 30% of all cancer deaths and causes 16 times higher risk of heart attack.There are almost 120 million smokers in India. As per World Health Organization, India accommodates around 12% of the world&#8217;s smoking population. The number of men smoking tobacco has increased from 78 million in year 1998 to 108 million in the year 2015. Tobacco consumption is accountable for the death of 6 million people each year. Direct tobacco consumption accounts for over 5 million deaths and 0.6 million deaths are due to exposure to second-hand smoke. Considering serious public health risks, the Government has banned smoking in public places from 2nd October, 2008.Not only your health, it also causes you to pay higher premiums for a health insurance policy, due to increased health risks and shorter life expectancy. A nonsmoker however, gets premium discounts as a reward to lead a healthy lifestyle. Being a smoker, it is advisable not to hide your smoking habit from your health insurance company, as it helps you to cover the smoking-related health issues.There is a wide curiosity among people, how smoking impacts the health insurance and its cost. Let&#8217;s educate yourself about smoking and its impact on health insurance policy.Smoking &#8211; What It IncludesSmoking includes inhalation of of the smoke of burning tobacco in the form of cigarettes, cigars and beedi. Whether you are an occasional smoker or frequent smoker, you will be considered as a smoker under the health insurance policy.Smokers can buy health insurance, however an insurance company may charge extra premium or reject your application for insurance, depending on the number of cigarettes you smoke on a regular basis. A smoker may also have to go through additional health check-ups that can help an insurance company to ascertain the risk factor and then charge the premium amount accordingly.How Smoking Affects Your Health and Insurance PremiumSmoking makes the serious impact on your health, some of them are detailed below.Circulatory System: Smoking results in increased risk in the heartache and blood pressure. Building up of fatty acids could resulting to atherosclerosis.Immune System: Smoking results in severe and long lasting illnesses. Smokers are more prone to develop ulcers, cancer, pneumonia, high blood pressure, bronchitis, and other viral/bacterial/fungal infections.Respiratory System: Smoking may damage lung functions and breathlessness. It may cause damage to the air sacs of the lungs, increased chance of developing chronic bronchitis.Oral Health: Smoking can lead to tooth loss, tooth staining, gum disease which may increase the risk of tooth decay.Cancer: Smoking for a long time also causes cancer to various body organs.When it comes to a health insurance policy, an insurance company considers the magnitude of illnesses and deaths caused due to smoking and that&#8217;s why, smokers need to pay higher premiums to avail health insurance cover. Typically, the insurance companies charge around 15 to 20 percent higher from a smoker policyholder. Those who smoke would need to undergo additional medical checks, before the insurer issues you the policy.Let&#8217;s understand the difference of premium between a smoker and non-smoker individual.Ritesh (non-smoker) at 30 years of age buys an individual health plan with Rs 5 Lacs coverage, for 1 year policy term, the chargeable annual premium amount is Rs 4,656. However, Raj (smoker) is buying an individual health plan, he is charged with an annual premium amount of Rs 7,552. An increase in premium amount is only due to the fact that Ansh lies in the smoker category of premium. We can see Raj is paying Rs 2896 extra on account of smoking.Smoker with Existing Health ProblemsIf you are a frequent smoker that has caused the symptoms of the declining health condition and getting puzzled whether you can get a health insurance. The answer is yes, the only thing required is to make honest and proper disclosures.The insurance company will then assess the risk associated with your profile and then decide on terms &#038; conditions and the premium to be charged for providing you a health cover. The premiums charged will be higher and a waiting period will be applied for covering your pre-existing diseases. Moreover, if you are seeking an immediate coverage on your deteriorating health condition, you may go for a critical illness policy.Conclusion:Smoking makes an adverse impact on your health and your health insurance policy as well. An insurance company will charge you a higher premium in proportion to the risk associated in providing a health cover. An important point to note that you should disclose all relevant information regarding your health and smoking habits. In case, you are found hiding or providing fake information, the insurance company may decline in settling the claims. </p>
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  188. <title>3 Simple Steps to Find Part Time Jobs in New York City</title>
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  191. <pubDate>Tue, 04 Apr 2023 18:01:31 +0000</pubDate>
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  197. <description><![CDATA[Finding a job or part time job isn&#8217;t easy, but with the right approach, you can do it.While many parts of the country are experiencing difficult times due to the current economy, New York City has been hit especially hard because of the troubled financial sector. Layoffs have led to many people searching for work; [...]]]></description>
  198. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Finding a job or part time job isn&#8217;t easy, but with the right approach, you can do it.While many parts of the country are experiencing difficult times due to the current economy, New York City has been hit especially hard because of the troubled financial sector. Layoffs have led to many people searching for work; both full time employment and part time jobs. Some are looking to change career paths completely while others simply want to find part time work in order to stay afloat while until the economy turns around or other full time work can be discovered.When you&#8217;ve worked in a certain field for awhile, searching for a part time job can seem daunting, but keep your chin up because this article will give you some starting points from which you may discover hidden talents or aptitudes you didn&#8217;t even know existed. Who knows, maybe the part time job you find will lead to a career in something totally unexpected, but even more fulfilling.New York City isn&#8217;t called &#8220;the City of Dreams&#8221; for nothing! Hidden in its nooks and crannies are great jobs just waiting to be discovered. Are you ready to find them? If so, here are the steps to follow:Step 1: What did you want to be when you grew up?Since part time jobs in New York can be found in just about any field, it can sometimes make the search process tricky to jumpstart. Here&#8217;s a great way to being: Grab a pen and paper and start brainstorming about yourself. What are your likes/dislikes, interests, hobbies, and talents? If you were an English major in college and love reading perhaps a bookstore would be the place for you or working as a copy editor. Maybe you enjoy kids and feel like your life experience has given you something to offer. New York City schools are always in need of substitute teachers willing to step in when needed.Those are two examples of part time jobs in New York. Both are extremely flexible allowing you time to continue searching for other work or giving you the time off you want. Either way, spend some time getting reacquainted with yourself in order to narrow down your list of possibilities.Step 2: Consider your needsDo you have a family? Do you need health insurance? Do you need to work in a certain area of the city? Do you need day or night work? These questions and more also play a role when searching for a part time job. Having a family may make it more difficult to just pack up and move somewhere else, so finding work near your home might be the way to go. Maybe you have small children or have other health concerns. Many nationwide retailers such as Target, IKEA, and Starbucks offer health benefits for part time work. Although most require you to work a minimum amount of hours in order to receive these benefits. If you need to work at night then looking for a job which allows you to work from home might be a possibility as well. There are data entry jobs or medical billing jobs which allow you to be home. Or you could put those data entry skills to use at a hospital or other facility open 24 hours.Step 3: Be Bold and network like crazyNow is not the time for the faint-hearted. After you have figured out several possibilities you want to try, stand in front of the mirror and give yourself a good pep talk. Polish off those interviewing skills and remember why you&#8217;ve been hired in the past. Be prepared to &#8220;sell&#8221; yourself to each potential employer and start putting the word out to friends, former co-workers and family that you&#8217;re looking for a solid part time job and are open to suggestions.New York City is a wonderful place to look for work because the possibilities are practically endless! The more people you talk to about your quest the more you can be helped along your way. Confidence is key to landing a great part time job. Employers will be looking at your communication skills, whether or not you&#8217;re honest, and how well you can work in a team, just to name a few. The more you can demonstrate these qualities to those around you, the more likely someone you know may be able to recommend you to a potential employer. View yourself as a product you&#8217;ve just been asked to market. How would you go about establishing yourself as something someone would want to utilize?Finding part time work doesn&#8217;t have to be overwhelming. By following the above steps, you can find one of the many New York part time jobs just waiting to be discovered. </p>
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  204. <title>Crypto Currency Vs Fiat Currency</title>
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  207. <pubDate>Mon, 12 Sep 2022 10:40:25 +0000</pubDate>
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  215. <description><![CDATA[Crypto currency vs. Fiat currency Are you aware of the fiat currencies and the crypto currencies? They both are currencies in one form or the other and are open for public use across the world. But they are both different and distinct in their own ways. There is always one group that favors the use [...]]]></description>
  216. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Crypto currency vs. Fiat currency</p>
  217. <p>Are you aware of the fiat currencies and the crypto currencies? They both are currencies in one form or the other and are open for public use across the world. But they are both different and distinct in their own ways. There is always one group that favors the use of cryptos, while the other has a soft corner for the fiat currencies.</p>
  218. <p>In cashless society- crypto money play a huge role</p>
  219. <p>If you have a look at the market of the 1970s and 1980s, you will find that the cash played the dominant role. But, with the change in the technology, electronic transactions have become the usual norm. Today, more and more people are influenced in becoming the cashless society. With the progress towards the cashless society, cryptocurrencies have a big role to play.</p>
  220. <p>Crypto currency and fiat currency are always at loggerheads</p>
  221. <p>Cryptocurrency and fiat currency are popular types of digital currency, especially when it is about an online transaction. They both are currencies currently in use in the market but have some differences in them. There is a hell lot of hypes that you will hear on a daily basis comparing the crypto money and the fiat money. This article will highlight the difference between the two in a more comprehensive and clear manner.</p>
  222. <p>Differentiating in what the currencies stand for</p>
  223. <p>Before going for the difference between the two, you must understand what do they stand for and how are they are defined.</p>
  224. <p>The fiat currency is a legal tender that has the support of the central government, and it operates in the physical form. For instance, US dollars, British Pounds, Euro etc. On the other hand, the crypto currency is a non-legal tender, and doesn&#8217;t have any backup from the central government or bank.<br />
  225. Hence, the difference between crypto currency and fiat currency is noted as follows:</p>
  226. <p>• Crypto-currencies are decentralized and global in nature. There are no one entity or government that controls the currency with their laws and regulations. The Fiat currency is centralized, under the control of the laws and regulations of the banks and government.</p>
  227. <p>• Crypto-currencies have their existence only in the digital domain. On the other hand, you will find that the fiat currencies have a tangible and physical existence.</p>
  228. <p>• There is a limited supply of crypto-currencies with a maximum set of them getting supplied in the market. Whereas, the fiat money has an unlimited supply as the government and bank are entitled to produce coins and paper money whenever the situation is required.</p>
  229. <p>• The Bitcoin and other crypto type currencies are created by the computers, while the fiat currencies are issued by the local government and the banks.</p>
  230. <p>• Cryptocurrencies are presented as the public and private code pieces. On the other hand, the fiat currencies are presented in the form of coins and paper money.</p>
  231. <p>• The value of the crypto currencies is not recognized by the supply and demand of the market. Whereas, the fiat currency value is determined by the market regulations of supply and demand.</p>
  232. <p>The different types of crypto and fiat currencies</p>
  233. <p>In the last one decade, the popularity of crypto type currencies has emerged as a huge success. It was in 2009, when Bitcoin was first introduced, and years after several other types of crypto currencies have emerged. Starting from Litecoin. Dogecoin, Ripple to the Dcash and Zcash, there is a plethora of them. On the other hand, the fiat currency has a rich and ancient roots, with the Great British Pound, that dates back to 775 AD. It is considered as the oldest currency in the world that is still in use.</p>
  234. <p>The differences in the anonymity between the two currencies</p>
  235. <p>When you are using the fiat currencies, you need to undergo a user identification or verification process. You are asked to upload a recent picture of yourself and some of the required documents to be issued as per the public authorities. You don&#8217;t need to undergo any of the required processes with the crypto currencies. Though your personal information and confidential details don&#8217;t get public, but all your transactions are recorded and tracked in both the fiat and the crypto currencies.</p>
  236. <p>Fiat currency vs crypto currency: transparency level</p>
  237. <p>• The transparency level with the crypto type currencies are considered to be more. This is because the revenue streams are displayed in a public chain. Everyone can witness their own and others&#8217; transactions.</p>
  238. <p>• The fiat or govt. currencies are not transparent, as there are not public chains to see the revenue streams of the people.</p>
  239. <p>A comparative historical roots</p>
  240. <p>If you compare the crypto money with that of its counterpart, fiat or government currency, you will find that their existence and creation brings the difference. The Fiat or government currency, dates back its existence as early as 775 AD with the introduction of the Great British Pound. This is why fiat type currency is easily accepted by the people all over.</p>
  241. <p>On the other hand, the crypto coin was perhaps first introduced only a decade ago, with the introduction of Bitcoin in 2009. The challenge that the Bitcoin and other crypto currencies face is catching up with the immense popularity and increasing fan base of the fiat currency. Crypto currency, is no doubt gaining importance and popularity in the economic market, but it has still not been accepted widely in the society as the fiat currency.</p>
  242. <p>A comparative history of the two currencies:</p>
  243. <p>• It was in the 11th century, when the Chinese Song dynasty was perhaps the first one to issue the paper money. It was not allowed to exchange with valuables like gold and silver or silk.</p>
  244. <p>• There were Tally sticks that were introduced as a fiat or government currency. 1100 Tally sticks were introduced as a combat for the shortages in gold.</p>
  245. <p>• 1971, was the year, when the fiat currency received a worldwide recognition. President Nixon introduced it in order to eliminate the dollar pegging system to gold.</p>
  246. <p>• It was in 1998, when the idea of an anonymous electronic cash system emerged by Wei Dai. Bitgold-the very first crypto currency was created by Nick Szabo, but it didn&#8217;t receive as much attention as Bitcoin.</p>
  247. <p>• In 2009, Bitcoin was introduced in the market, that became the first crypto currency that was accepted across the globe. In 2011 and after, a series of several other crypto currencies were introduced. Some of the popular ones include, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Zcash, Dash and so on.</p>
  248. <p>The traits of both the currencies</p>
  249. <p>The potential of the crypto type currencies and fiat currencies, accessing their traits is important. You will find that in some of the criteria, Bitcoin and other crypto currency is superior than the fiat or government currency, and in some cases, the latter surpasses. It is absolutely your call to choose the type of currency (crypto type currency or fiat type currency) based on your personal needs and requirements.</p>
  250. <p>Let us compare their traits with respect to certain factors.</p>
  251. <p>• Both the crypto coins and fiat type currencies are interchangeable in nature.</p>
  252. <p>• As per the portability is concerned both the currencies secure more or less the same position.</p>
  253. <p>• With respect to the non consumable criteria, crypto currency and fiat type currency have the equal status.</p>
  254. <p>• Crypto type currencies have high durability as compared to the fiat-currencies that have moderate level of durability.</p>
  255. <p>• Both the crypto or virtual currencies and the fiat or government currencies ensure secure and safeguarded transactions and exchange.</p>
  256. <p>• Crypto or digital currencies are highly divisible in nature. On the other hand, the fiat type currencies are moderately divisible.</p>
  257. <p>• In terms of the transaction process, the crypto currencies are easy and hassle free. Whereas, on the other hand, the traction process associated with the fiat currencies are easy, but not like the cryptos.</p>
  258. <p>• The crypto based currencies are decentralized and global in nature, unlike the fiat currencies that are centralized and functions under the laws and regulations of the government.</p>
  259. <p>• The crypto based currencies have high scarcity, where as, the fiat currencies are unlimited as the government can issue coins and paper money whenever there is a need.</p>
  260. <p>• The crypto based currencies are based on mathematical algorithms, and are programmable. The fiat currencies are not at all programmable.</p>
  261. <p>• The fiat currencies are sovereign in nature, while the crypto currencies are not.</p>
  262. <p>The process of the functioning of the currencies</p>
  263. <p>You can find the significant differences between the crypto or digital currencies and the fiat currencies with the way they both operate and the transaction process that take place. They are contrasting in nature. The transfer of money using the Bitcoin is very quick, and you absolutely don&#8217;t need any third party association.</p>
  264. <p>On the other hand, if you are involved with the money exchange using Fiat type currency, a mobile wallet is in use. You can exchange an amount of e-money that gets transferred into the equal e-value amount. Both the fiat and the crypto currencies enable you to purchase everything that you desire. But the processes involved are absolutely distinct from each other.</p>
  265. <p>Depending on the things you purchase, you will find that one currency form is better than the other. This is absolutely your choice.</p>
  266. <p>Is Bitcoin, a crypto currency better than the fiat-currency?</p>
  267. <p>The long term benefits and the capability of the Bitcoins is still not established. But it has been predicted by the crypto currency gurus and experts, that they will go a long way, especially revolutionizing the way the online transactions are done. In the current market, the Bitcoin is mainly included in the online casinos and the gambling, but it is not limited to it.</p>
  268. <p>Furthermore, when you compare the fiat currencies, the Bitcoin allows you to seize the power and authority from the banks and the government since it is not controlled. The cryptography based currency has the capability to create or come up with the free market capitals. Fiat currencies are affected by the inflation and the changes in the market, unlike the crypto based currencies. Such aspects make individuals believe that cryptograph based currencies will soon take over the mainstream currencies and bring a transformation in the way the money is used.</p>
  269. <p>Why is Bitcoins considered to be a better aspect than the fiat type currencies?</p>
  270. <p>• Bitcoin gives you the opportunity to re-create a free market capitalism.</p>
  271. <p>• The power of controlling the money is absolutely with the individuals, and not with the banks like the fiat type currencies.</p>
  272. <p>• When there is an inflation, the Bitcoin is not affected. But the Fiat type currency will be easier to lose and get affected by it.</p>
  273. <p>• The Bitcoin currency is easy easier to exchange and transfer as compared to the fiat or government currencies.</p>
  274. <p>• The transaction fees involved with the Bitcoin are way cheaper and easily affordable.</p>
  275. <p>Crypto currencies seem to be a favorable option among the people</p>
  276. <p>The fiat type currencies are the centralized and legal way of exchanging money. But, the crypto currencies have acquired immense popularity in the past few years. There will never be anyone who would act as a middle man, like the case with the banks. Moreover, the cryptos are way cheaper and less expensive that the conventional fiat currencies.</p>
  277. <p>Send money anywhere directly without waiting for the bank&#8217;s approval</p>
  278. <p>You can send money to anyone in the world directly, and it is super fast. The money gets cleared within a few minutes time. You don&#8217;t have to wait for the traditional clearing and verification processes of the banking systems, which might take up to several days to get a clearance. Since it is decentralized and doesn&#8217;t come under the law and regulations of the government, nobody has any power to do anything with your account.</p>
  279. <p>The blockchain technology has a very big role to play</p>
  280. <p>Thanks to the crypto currencies, that gives us the power and the authority to become our very own bank, and take control over our finances. It is because of the blockchain technology that offers a higher level of sophistication while dealing with the finances. In fact, there are some mainstream financial industries that have started incorporating the idea of the technology.</p>
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  286. <title>Are You Choosing the Right Stock Market Advisory Company</title>
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  289. <pubDate>Mon, 12 Sep 2022 10:35:11 +0000</pubDate>
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  298. <description><![CDATA[What do you do if you want to learn driving a car? You will try to find an expert teacher, isn&#8217;t it? You do not want to avail the services of a novice individual to help you out, but a professional person can provide you the vital tips and most importantly guide you efficiently. Similarly, [...]]]></description>
  299. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>What do you do if you want to learn driving a car? You will try to find an expert teacher, isn&#8217;t it? You do not want to avail the services of a novice individual to help you out, but a professional person can provide you the vital tips and most importantly guide you efficiently. Similarly, when it comes to investing in the stock market for the first time, you require a knowledgeable advice to attain your financial goals and get profitable returns.</p>
  300. <p>If you are a beginner, then it is quite obvious that you may be having no information about the process of buying the right shares in the market. In such a situation, getting the right tips from an experienced financial advisor or a registered advisory company will truly prove to be a great blessing in disguise. However, there are some of the important things that have to be kept in mind while choosing the top stock market advisory company, which are as follows:</p>
  301. <p>How much assistance do you actually require?</p>
  302. <p>Before you make up your mind to hire an advisor, it is imperative that you must first decide about the kind of service you require from them. You may need their help at the beginning or during the time of any issues. This is because an advisor has to formulate a map according to your requirements. Hence, it is suggested to ascertain your needs first and then take further action.</p>
  303. <p>Choose a top ranked advisory company</p>
  304. <p>It is a very important point that has to be taken into the consideration. Availing services of the well known advisory company or a financial advisor is an absolute necessity. Make it a point to carry out a proper background or research work about the company. Check out their credentials, reputation, experience, etc before hiring them.</p>
  305. <p>Asking for a sample financial plan initially makes sense</p>
  306. <p>When hiring a financial advisor, then do not forget to ask for sample plan first. It is imperative to note that there is no such thing called the perfect plan. A sample plan will help you to determine whether an advisory company is actually making sense according your requirements or not.</p>
  307. <p>Conclusion</p>
  308. <p>The financial planners or advisory companies can really turn out to be the greatest asset for you if you choose the best one. They are just like the professional sailors who can help you out to sail through stock investment related problems quite efficiently.</p>
  309. <p>Deepak is a financial advisor who likes to provide quality tips to the people facing any issues with regard to investing in the stock market. He likes to keep himself updated about the stock market by reading articles, news and blogs, etc.</p>
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If you would like to create a text link instead, here is the URL you can use:

Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda