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  4.    <title>USCCB Daily Readings</title>
  5.    <link></link>
  6.    <description>USCCB Daily Readings from the New American Bible Revised Edition</description>
  7.    <language>en</language>
  8. <copyright>Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States, second typical edition, Copyright © 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; Psalm refrain © 1968, 1981, 1997, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Neither this work nor any part of it may be reproduced, distributed, performed or displayed in any medium, including electronic or digital, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.</copyright>    
  10.    <item>
  11.  <title>Thursday of the Twenty-seventh Week in Ordinary Time</title>
  12.  <link></link>
  13.  <description>
  17.          &lt;h4&gt;Reading 1  &lt;a href=" "&gt;GAL 3:1-5&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  18. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  19.  O stupid Galatians!&lt;br&gt;Who has bewitched you,&lt;br&gt;before whose eyes Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified?&lt;br&gt;I want to learn only this from you:&lt;br&gt;did you receive the Spirit from works of the law,&lt;br&gt;or from faith in what you heard?&lt;br&gt;Are you so stupid?&lt;br&gt;After beginning with the Spirit,&lt;br&gt;are you now ending with the flesh?&lt;br&gt;Did you experience so many things in vain?–&lt;br&gt;if indeed it was in vain.&lt;br&gt;Does, then, the one who supplies the Spirit to you&lt;br&gt;and works mighty deeds among you&lt;br&gt;do so from works of the law&lt;br&gt;or from faith in what you heard?
  20. &lt;/div&gt;
  21.        &lt;h4&gt;Responsorial Psalm  &lt;a href=" "&gt;LK 1:69-70, 71-72, 73-75 &lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  22. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  23.  R. (68) &lt;strong&gt;Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel; he has come to his people.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;He has raised up for us a mighty savior,&lt;br&gt;born of the house of his servant David.&lt;br&gt;R. &lt;strong&gt;Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel; he has come to his people.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;Through his holy prophets he promised of old&lt;br&gt;that he would save us from our enemies,&lt;br&gt;from the hands of all who hate us.&lt;br&gt;R. &lt;strong&gt;Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel; he has come to his people.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;He promised to show mercy to our fathers&lt;br&gt;and to remember his holy covenant.&lt;br&gt;R. &lt;strong&gt;Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel; he has come to his people.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;This was the oath he swore to our father Abraham:&lt;br&gt;to set us free from the hands of our enemies,&lt;br&gt;free to worship him without fear,&lt;br&gt;holy and righteous in his sight&lt;br&gt;all the days of our life.&lt;br&gt;R. &lt;strong&gt;Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel; He has come to his people.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;
  24. &lt;/div&gt;
  25.        &lt;h4&gt;Alleluia  &lt;a href=" "&gt;ACTS 16:14B&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  26. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  27.  R. &lt;strong&gt;Alleluia, alleluia.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;Open our hearts, O Lord,&lt;br&gt;to listen to the words of your Son.&lt;br&gt;R. &lt;strong&gt;Alleluia, alleluia.&lt;/strong&gt;
  28. &lt;/div&gt;
  29.        &lt;h4&gt;Gospel  &lt;a href=" "&gt;LK 11:5-13 &lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  30. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  31.  &lt;p&gt;Jesus said to his disciples:&lt;br&gt;
  32. “Suppose one of you has a friend&lt;br&gt;
  33. to whom he goes at midnight and says,&lt;br&gt;
  34. ‘Friend, lend me three loaves of bread,&lt;br&gt;
  35. for a friend of mine has arrived at my house from a journey&lt;br&gt;
  36. and I have nothing to offer him,’&lt;br&gt;
  37. and he says in reply from within,&lt;br&gt;
  38. ‘Do not bother me; the door has already been locked&lt;br&gt;
  39. and my children and I are already in bed.&lt;br&gt;
  40. I cannot get up to give you anything.’&lt;br&gt;
  41. I tell you, if he does not get up to give him the loaves&lt;br&gt;
  42. because of their friendship,&lt;br&gt;
  43. he will get up to give him whatever he needs&lt;br&gt;
  44. because of his persistence.&lt;/p&gt;
  46. &lt;p&gt;“And I tell you, ask and you will receive;&lt;br&gt;
  47. seek and you will find;&lt;br&gt;
  48. knock and the door will be opened to you.&lt;br&gt;
  49. For everyone who asks, receives;&lt;br&gt;
  50. and the one who seeks, finds;&lt;br&gt;
  51. and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.&lt;br&gt;
  52. What father &amp;nbsp;among you would hand his son a snake&lt;br&gt;
  53. when he asks for a fish?&lt;br&gt;
  54. Or hand him a scorpion when he asks for an egg?&lt;br&gt;
  55. If you then, who are wicked,&lt;br&gt;
  56. know how to give good gifts to your children,&lt;br&gt;
  57. how much more will the Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit&lt;br&gt;
  58. to those who ask him?”&lt;/p&gt;
  59. &lt;/div&gt;
  62. - - -&lt;br&gt;
  63. &lt;p&gt;Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States, second typical edition, Copyright © 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; Psalm refrain © 1968, 1981, 1997, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Neither this work nor any part of it may be reproduced, distributed, performed or displayed in any medium, including electronic or digital, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.&lt;/p&gt;
  64. </description>
  65.  <pubDate>Thu, 10 Oct 2024 04:30:00 EDT</pubDate>
  66.    <dc:creator>USCCB</dc:creator>
  67.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  68.    </item>
  69. <item>
  70.  <title>Wednesday of the Twenty-seventh Week in Ordinary Time</title>
  71.  <link></link>
  72.  <description>
  76.          &lt;h4&gt;Reading 1  &lt;a href=" "&gt;Gal 2:1-2, 7-14&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  77. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  78.  Brothers and sisters:&lt;br&gt;After fourteen years I again went up to Jerusalem with Barnabas,&lt;br&gt;taking Titus along also.&lt;br&gt;I went up in accord with a revelation,&lt;br&gt;and I presented to them the Gospel that I preach to the Gentiles–&lt;br&gt;but privately to those of repute–&lt;br&gt;so that I might not be running, or have run, in vain.&lt;br&gt;On the contrary, &lt;br&gt;when they saw that I had been entrusted with the Gospel to the uncircumcised,&lt;br&gt;just as Peter to the circumcised,&lt;br&gt;for the one who worked in Peter for an apostolate to the circumcised&lt;br&gt;worked also in me for the Gentiles,&lt;br&gt;and when they recognized the grace bestowed upon me,&lt;br&gt;James and Cephas and John,&lt;br&gt;who were reputed to be pillars,&lt;br&gt;gave me and Barnabas their right hands in partnership,&lt;br&gt;that we should go to the Gentiles&lt;br&gt;and they to the circumcised.&lt;br&gt;Only, we were to be mindful of the poor,&lt;br&gt;which is the very thing I was eager to do.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;And when Cephas came to Antioch,&lt;br&gt;I opposed him to his face because he clearly was wrong.&lt;br&gt;For, until some people came from James,&lt;br&gt;he used to eat with the Gentiles;&lt;br&gt;but when they came, he began to draw back and separated himself,&lt;br&gt;because he was afraid of the circumcised.&lt;br&gt;And the rest of the Jews acted hypocritically along with him,&lt;br&gt;with the result that even Barnabas&lt;br&gt;was carried away by their hypocrisy.&lt;br&gt;But when I saw that they were not on the right road&lt;br&gt;in line with the truth of the Gospel,&lt;br&gt;I said to Cephas in front of all,&lt;br&gt;"If you, though a Jew,&lt;br&gt;are living like a Gentile and not like a Jew,&lt;br&gt;how can you compel the Gentiles to live like Jews?"&lt;br&gt;
  79. &lt;/div&gt;
  80.        &lt;h4&gt;Responsorial Psalm  &lt;a href=" "&gt;Ps 117:1bc, 2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  81. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  82.  R. &lt;strong&gt;Go out to all the world, and tell the Good News.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;Praise the LORD, all you nations,&lt;br&gt;glorify him, all you peoples!&lt;br&gt;R. &lt;strong&gt;Go out to all the world, and tell the Good News.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;For steadfast is his kindness toward us,&lt;br&gt;and the fidelity of the LORD endures forever.&lt;br&gt;R. &lt;strong&gt;Go out to all the world, and tell the Good News.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  83. &lt;/div&gt;
  84.        &lt;h4&gt;Alleluia  &lt;a href=" "&gt;Rom 8:15bc&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  85. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  86.  R. &lt;strong&gt;Alleluia, alleluia.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;You have received a spirit of adoption as sons&lt;br&gt;through which we cry: Abba! Father!&lt;br&gt;R. &lt;strong&gt;Alleluia, alleluia.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  87. &lt;/div&gt;
  88.        &lt;h4&gt;Gospel  &lt;a href=" "&gt;Lk 11:1-4&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  89. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  90.  Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he had finished,&lt;br&gt;one of his disciples said to him,&lt;br&gt;"Lord, teach us to pray just as John taught his disciples."&lt;br&gt;He said to them, "When you pray, say:&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Father, hallowed be your name,&lt;br&gt;your Kingdom come.&lt;br&gt;Give us each day our daily bread&lt;br&gt;and forgive us our sins&lt;br&gt;for we ourselves forgive everyone in debt to us,&lt;br&gt;and do not subject us to the final test."&lt;br&gt;
  91. &lt;/div&gt;
  93. &lt;ul class="nested"&gt;&lt;li&gt;Readings for the &lt;a href="" class="item" hreflang="en"&gt;Optional Memorial of Saint John Leonardi, Priest&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;Readings for the &lt;a href="" class="item" hreflang="en"&gt;Optional Memorial of Saint Denis, Bishop and Martyr, and his Companions, Martyrs&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;
  94. - - -&lt;br&gt;
  95. &lt;p&gt;Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States, second typical edition, Copyright © 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; Psalm refrain © 1968, 1981, 1997, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Neither this work nor any part of it may be reproduced, distributed, performed or displayed in any medium, including electronic or digital, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.&lt;/p&gt;
  96. </description>
  97.  <pubDate>Wed, 09 Oct 2024 04:30:00 EDT</pubDate>
  98.    <dc:creator>USCCB</dc:creator>
  99.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  100.    </item>
  101. <item>
  102.  <title>Tuesday of the Twenty-seventh Week in Ordinary Time</title>
  103.  <link></link>
  104.  <description>
  108.          &lt;h4&gt;Reading 1  &lt;a href=" "&gt;GAL 1:13-24&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  109. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  110.  &lt;p&gt;Brothers and sisters:&lt;br&gt;
  111. You heard of my former way of life in Judaism,&lt;br&gt;
  112. how I persecuted the Church of God beyond measure&lt;br&gt;
  113. and tried to destroy it,&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  114. and progressed in Judaism&lt;br&gt;
  115. beyond many of my contemporaries among my race,&lt;br&gt;
  116. since I was even more a zealot for my ancestral traditions.&lt;br&gt;
  117. But when he, who from my mother’s womb had set me apart&lt;br&gt;
  118. and called me through his grace,&lt;br&gt;
  119. was pleased to reveal his Son to me,&lt;br&gt;
  120. so that I might proclaim him to the Gentiles,&lt;br&gt;
  121. I did not immediately consult flesh and blood,&lt;br&gt;
  122. nor did I go up to Jerusalem&lt;br&gt;
  123. to those who were Apostles before me;&lt;br&gt;
  124. rather, I went into Arabia and then returned to Damascus.&lt;/p&gt;
  126. &lt;p&gt;Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to confer with Cephas&lt;br&gt;
  127. and remained with him for fifteen days.&lt;br&gt;
  128. But I did not see any other of the Apostles,&lt;br&gt;
  129. only James the brother of the Lord.&lt;br&gt;
  130. (As to what I am writing to you, behold,&lt;br&gt;
  131. before God, I am not lying.)&lt;br&gt;
  132. Then I went into the regions of Syria and Cilicia.&lt;br&gt;
  133. And I was unknown personally to the churches of Judea&lt;br&gt;
  134. that are in Christ;&lt;br&gt;
  135. they only kept hearing that “the one who once was persecuting us&lt;br&gt;
  136. is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy.”&lt;br&gt;
  137. So they glorified God because of me.&lt;/p&gt;
  138. &lt;/div&gt;
  139.        &lt;h4&gt;Responsorial Psalm  &lt;a href=" "&gt;PS 139:1B-3, 13-14AB, 14C-15 &lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  140. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  141.  R. (24b) &lt;strong&gt;Guide me, Lord, along the everlasting way.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;O LORD, you have probed me and you know me;&lt;br&gt;you know when I sit and when I stand;&lt;br&gt;you understand my thoughts from afar.&lt;br&gt;My journeys and my rest you scrutinize,&lt;br&gt;with all my ways you are familiar.&lt;br&gt;R. &lt;strong&gt;Guide me, Lord, along the everlasting way.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;Truly you have formed my inmost being;&lt;br&gt;you knit me in my mother’s womb.&lt;br&gt;I give you thanks that I am fearfully, wonderfully made;&lt;br&gt;wonderful are your works.&lt;br&gt;R. &lt;strong&gt;Guide me, Lord, along the everlasting way.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;My soul also you knew full well;&lt;br&gt;nor was my frame unknown to you&lt;br&gt;When I was made in secret,&lt;br&gt;when I was fashioned in the depths of the earth.&lt;br&gt;R. &lt;strong&gt;Guide me, Lord, along the everlasting way.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;
  142. &lt;/div&gt;
  143.        &lt;h4&gt;Alleluia  &lt;a href=" "&gt;LK 11:28 &lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  144. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  145.  R. &lt;strong&gt;Alleluia, alleluia.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;Blessed are those who hear the word of God&lt;br&gt;and observe it.&lt;br&gt;R.&lt;strong&gt; Alleluia, alleluia.&lt;/strong&gt;
  146. &lt;/div&gt;
  147.        &lt;h4&gt;Gospel  &lt;a href=" "&gt;LK 10:38-42&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  148. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  149.  &lt;p&gt;Jesus entered a village&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  150. where a woman whose name was Martha welcomed him.&lt;br&gt;
  151. She had a sister named Mary&lt;br&gt;
  152. who sat beside the Lord at his feet listening to him speak.&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  153. Martha, burdened with much serving, came to him and said,&lt;br&gt;
  154. “Lord, do you not care&lt;br&gt;
  155. that my sister has left me by myself to do the serving?&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  156. Tell her to help me.”&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  157. The Lord said to her in reply,&lt;br&gt;
  158. “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things.&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  159. There is need of only one thing.&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  160. Mary has chosen the better part&lt;br&gt;
  161. and it will not be taken from her.”&lt;/p&gt;
  162. &lt;/div&gt;
  165. - - -&lt;br&gt;
  166. &lt;p&gt;Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States, second typical edition, Copyright © 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; Psalm refrain © 1968, 1981, 1997, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Neither this work nor any part of it may be reproduced, distributed, performed or displayed in any medium, including electronic or digital, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.&lt;/p&gt;
  167. </description>
  168.  <pubDate>Tue, 08 Oct 2024 04:30:00 EDT</pubDate>
  169.    <dc:creator>USCCB</dc:creator>
  170.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  171.    </item>
  172. <item>
  173.  <title>Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary</title>
  174.  <link></link>
  175.  <description>
  178. &lt;ul class="nested"&gt;&lt;li&gt;Readings for the &lt;a href="" class="item" hreflang="en"&gt;Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;
  179.          &lt;h4&gt;Reading 1  &lt;a href=" "&gt;GAL 1:6-12&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  180. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  181.  &lt;p&gt;Brothers and sisters:&lt;br&gt;
  182. I am amazed that you are so quickly forsaking&lt;br&gt;
  183. the one who called you by the grace of Christ&lt;br&gt;
  184. for a different gospel (not that there is another).&lt;br&gt;
  185. But there are some who are disturbing you&lt;br&gt;
  186. and wish to pervert the Gospel of Christ.&lt;br&gt;
  187. But even if we or an angel from heaven&lt;br&gt;
  188. should preach to you a gospel&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  189. other than the one that we preached to you,&lt;br&gt;
  190. let that one be accursed!&lt;br&gt;
  191. As we have said before, and now I say again,&lt;br&gt;
  192. if anyone preaches to you a gospel&lt;br&gt;
  193. other than the one that you received,&lt;br&gt;
  194. let that one be accursed!&lt;/p&gt;
  196. &lt;p&gt;Am I now currying favor with human beings or God?&lt;br&gt;
  197. Or am I seeking to please people?&lt;br&gt;
  198. If I were still trying to please people,&lt;br&gt;
  199. I would not be a slave of Christ.&lt;/p&gt;
  201. &lt;p&gt;Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters,&lt;br&gt;
  202. that the Gospel preached by me is not of human origin.&lt;br&gt;
  203. For I did not receive it from a human being, nor was I taught it,&lt;br&gt;
  204. but it came through a revelation of Jesus Christ.&lt;/p&gt;
  205. &lt;/div&gt;
  206.        &lt;h4&gt;Responsorial Psalm  &lt;a href=" "&gt;PS&amp;nbsp;111:1B-2, 7-8, 9 AND 10C &lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  207. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  208.  &lt;p&gt;R. (5) &lt;strong&gt;The Lord will remember his covenant for ever.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  209. or:&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  210. R. &lt;strong&gt;Alleluia.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  211. I will give thanks to the LORD with all my heart&lt;br&gt;
  212. in the company and assembly of the just.&lt;br&gt;
  213. Great are the works of the LORD,&lt;br&gt;
  214. exquisite in all their delights.&lt;br&gt;
  215. R. &lt;strong&gt;The Lord will remember his covenant for ever.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  216. or:&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  217. R. &lt;strong&gt;Alleluia.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  218. The works of his hands are faithful and just;&lt;br&gt;
  219. sure are all his precepts,&lt;br&gt;
  220. Reliable forever and ever,&lt;br&gt;
  221. wrought in truth and equity.&lt;br&gt;
  222. R. &lt;strong&gt;The Lord will remember his covenant for ever.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  223. or:&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  224. R. &lt;strong&gt;Alleluia.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  225. He has sent deliverance to his people;&lt;br&gt;
  226. he has ratified his covenant forever;&lt;br&gt;
  227. holy and awesome is his name.&lt;br&gt;
  228. His praise endures forever.&lt;br&gt;
  229. R. &lt;strong&gt;The Lord will remember his covenant for ever.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  230. or:&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  231. R.&lt;strong&gt; Alleluia.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  233. &lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;
  235. &lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;
  236. &lt;/div&gt;
  237.        &lt;h4&gt;Alleluia  &lt;a href=" "&gt;JN 13:34&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  238. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  239.  R. &lt;strong&gt;Alleluia, alleluia.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;I give you a new commandment:&lt;br&gt;love one another as I have loved you.&lt;br&gt;R.&lt;strong&gt; Alleluia, alleluia.&lt;/strong&gt;
  240. &lt;/div&gt;
  241.        &lt;h4&gt;Gospel  &lt;a href=" "&gt;LK 10:25-37 &lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  242. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  243.  &lt;p&gt;There was a scholar of the law who stood up to test Jesus and said,&lt;br&gt;
  244. “Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”&lt;br&gt;
  245. Jesus said to him, “What is written in the law?&lt;br&gt;
  246. How do you read it?”&lt;br&gt;
  247. He said in reply,&lt;br&gt;
  248. “You shall love the Lord, your God,&lt;br&gt;
  249. with all your heart,&lt;br&gt;
  250. with all your being,&lt;br&gt;
  251. with all your strength,&lt;br&gt;
  252. and with all your mind,&lt;br&gt;
  253. and your neighbor as yourself.”&lt;br&gt;
  254. He replied to him, “You have answered correctly;&lt;br&gt;
  255. do this and you will live.”&lt;/p&gt;
  257. &lt;p&gt;But because he wished to justify himself, he said to Jesus,&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  258. “And who is my neighbor?”&lt;br&gt;
  259. Jesus replied,&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  260. “A man fell victim to robbers&lt;br&gt;
  261. as he went down from Jerusalem to Jericho.&lt;br&gt;
  262. They stripped and beat him and went off leaving him half-dead.&lt;br&gt;
  263. A priest happened to be going down that road,&lt;br&gt;
  264. but when he saw him, he passed by on the opposite side.&lt;br&gt;
  265. Likewise a Levite came to the place,&lt;br&gt;
  266. and when he saw him, he passed by on the opposite side.&lt;br&gt;
  267. But a Samaritan traveler who came upon him&lt;br&gt;
  268. was moved with compassion at the sight.&lt;br&gt;
  269. He approached the victim,&lt;br&gt;
  270. poured oil and wine over his wounds and bandaged them.&lt;br&gt;
  271. Then he lifted him up on his own animal,&lt;br&gt;
  272. took him to an inn, and cared for him.&lt;br&gt;
  273. The next day he took out two silver coins&lt;br&gt;
  274. and gave them to the innkeeper with the instruction,&lt;br&gt;
  275. ‘Take care of him.&lt;br&gt;
  276. If you spend more than what I have given you,&lt;br&gt;
  277. I shall repay you on my way back.’&lt;br&gt;
  278. Which of these three, in your opinion,&lt;br&gt;
  279. was neighbor to the robbers’ victim?”&lt;br&gt;
  280. He answered, “The one who treated him with mercy.”&lt;br&gt;
  281. Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.”&lt;/p&gt;
  282. &lt;/div&gt;
  285. - - -&lt;br&gt;
  286. &lt;p&gt;Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States, second typical edition, Copyright © 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; Psalm refrain © 1968, 1981, 1997, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Neither this work nor any part of it may be reproduced, distributed, performed or displayed in any medium, including electronic or digital, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.&lt;/p&gt;
  287. </description>
  288.  <pubDate>Mon, 07 Oct 2024 04:30:00 EDT</pubDate>
  289.    <dc:creator>USCCB</dc:creator>
  290.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  291.    </item>
  292. <item>
  293.  <title>Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time</title>
  294.  <link></link>
  295.  <description>
  299.          &lt;h4&gt;Reading I &lt;a href=" "&gt;Gn 2:18-24&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  300. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  301.  &lt;p&gt;The LORD God said: "It is not good for the man to be alone.&lt;br&gt;
  302. I will make a suitable partner for him."&lt;br&gt;
  303. So the LORD God formed out of the ground&lt;br&gt;
  304. various wild animals and various birds of the air,&lt;br&gt;
  305. and he brought them to the man to see what he would call them;&lt;br&gt;
  306. whatever the man called each of them would be its name.&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  307. The man gave names to all the cattle,&lt;br&gt;
  308. all the birds of the air, and all wild animals;&lt;br&gt;
  309. but none proved to be the suitable partner for the man.&lt;/p&gt;
  311. &lt;p&gt;So the LORD God cast a deep sleep on the man,&lt;br&gt;
  312. and while he was asleep,&lt;br&gt;
  313. he took out one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh.&lt;br&gt;
  314. The LORD God then built up into a woman the rib&lt;br&gt;
  315. that he had taken from the man.&lt;br&gt;
  316. When he brought her to the man, the man said:&lt;br&gt;
  317. &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;"This one, at last, is bone of my bones&lt;br&gt;
  318. &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;and flesh of my flesh;&lt;br&gt;
  319. &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;this one shall be called 'woman, '&lt;br&gt;
  320. &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;for out of 'her man’ this one has been taken."&lt;br&gt;
  321. That is why a man leaves his father and mother&lt;br&gt;
  322. and clings to his wife,&lt;br&gt;
  323. and the two of them become one flesh.&lt;/p&gt;
  324. &lt;/div&gt;
  325.        &lt;h4&gt;Responsorial Psalm &lt;a href=" "&gt;Ps 128:1-2, 3, 4-5, 6&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  326. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  327.  &lt;p&gt;R. (cf. 5) &amp;nbsp;&lt;strong&gt;May the Lord bless us all the days of our lives.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  328. Blessed are you who fear the LORD,&lt;br&gt;
  329. &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;who walk in his ways!&lt;br&gt;
  330. For you shall eat the fruit of your handiwork;&lt;br&gt;
  331. &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;blessed shall you be, and favored.&lt;br&gt;
  332. R.&lt;strong&gt; May the Lord bless us all the days of our lives.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  333. Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine&lt;br&gt;
  334. &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;in the recesses of your home;&lt;br&gt;
  335. your children like olive plants&lt;br&gt;
  336. &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;around your table.&lt;br&gt;
  337. R. &lt;strong&gt;May the Lord bless us all the days of our lives.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  338. Behold, thus is the man blessed&lt;br&gt;
  339. &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;who fears the LORD.&lt;br&gt;
  340. The LORD bless you from Zion:&lt;br&gt;
  341. &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem&lt;br&gt;
  342. &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;all the days of your life.&lt;br&gt;
  343. R. &lt;strong&gt;May the Lord bless us all the days of our lives.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  344. May you see your children's children.&lt;br&gt;
  345. &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;Peace be upon Israel!&lt;br&gt;
  346. R. &lt;strong&gt;May the Lord bless us all the days of our lives.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  347. &lt;/div&gt;
  348.        &lt;h4&gt;Reading II &lt;a href=" "&gt;Heb 2:9-11&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  349. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  350.  &lt;p&gt;Brothers and sisters:&lt;br&gt;
  351. He "for a little while" was made "lower than the angels, "&lt;br&gt;
  352. that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.&lt;/p&gt;
  354. &lt;p&gt;For it was fitting that he,&lt;br&gt;
  355. for whom and through whom all things exist,&lt;br&gt;
  356. in bringing many children to glory,&lt;br&gt;
  357. should make the leader to their salvation perfect through suffering.&lt;br&gt;
  358. He who consecrates and those who are being consecrated&lt;br&gt;
  359. all have one origin.&lt;br&gt;
  360. Therefore, he is not ashamed to call them “brothers.”&lt;/p&gt;
  361. &lt;/div&gt;
  362.        &lt;h4&gt;Alleluia &lt;a href=" "&gt;1 Jn 4:12&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  363. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  364.  &lt;p&gt;R. &lt;strong&gt;Alleluia, alleluia.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  365. If we love one another, God remains in us&lt;br&gt;
  366. and his love is brought to perfection in us.&lt;br&gt;
  367. R. &lt;strong&gt;Alleluia, alleluia.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  368. &lt;/div&gt;
  369.        &lt;h4&gt;Gospel &lt;a href=" "&gt;Mk 10:2-16 or 10:2-12&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  370. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  371.  &lt;p&gt;The Pharisees approached Jesus and asked,&lt;br&gt;
  372. "Is it lawful for a husband to divorce his wife?"&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  373. They were testing him.&lt;br&gt;
  374. He said to them in reply, "What did Moses command you?"&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  375. They replied,&lt;br&gt;
  376. "Moses permitted a husband to write a bill of divorce&lt;br&gt;
  377. and dismiss her."&lt;br&gt;
  378. But Jesus told them,&lt;br&gt;
  379. "Because of the hardness of your hearts&lt;br&gt;
  380. he wrote you this commandment.&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  381. But from the beginning of creation, &lt;em&gt;God made them male and female.&lt;/em&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  382. &lt;em&gt;For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother&lt;br&gt;
  383. and be joined to his wife,&lt;br&gt;
  384. and the two shall become one flesh.&lt;/em&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  385. So they are no longer two but one flesh.&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  386. Therefore what God has joined together,&lt;br&gt;
  387. no human being must separate."&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  388. In the house the disciples again questioned Jesus about this.&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  389. He said to them,&lt;br&gt;
  390. "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another&lt;br&gt;
  391. commits adultery against her;&lt;br&gt;
  392. and if she divorces her husband and marries another,&lt;br&gt;
  393. she commits adultery."&lt;/p&gt;
  395. &lt;p&gt;And people were bringing children to him that he might touch them,&lt;br&gt;
  396. but the disciples rebuked them.&lt;br&gt;
  397. When Jesus saw this he became indignant and said to them,&lt;br&gt;
  398. "Let the children come to me;&lt;br&gt;
  399. do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to&lt;br&gt;
  400. such as these.&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  401. Amen, I say to you,&lt;br&gt;
  402. whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child&lt;br&gt;
  403. will not enter it."&lt;br&gt;
  404. Then he embraced them and blessed them,&lt;br&gt;
  405. placing his hands on them.&lt;/p&gt;
  407. &lt;p&gt;OR:&lt;/p&gt;
  409. &lt;p&gt;The Pharisees approached Jesus and asked,&lt;br&gt;
  410. "Is it lawful for a husband to divorce his wife?"&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  411. They were testing him.&lt;br&gt;
  412. He said to them in reply, "What did Moses command you?"&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  413. They replied,&lt;br&gt;
  414. "Moses permitted a husband to write a bill of divorce&lt;br&gt;
  415. and dismiss her."&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  416. But Jesus told them,&lt;br&gt;
  417. "Because of the hardness of your hearts&lt;br&gt;
  418. he wrote you this commandment.&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  419. But from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female.&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  420. &lt;em&gt;For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother&lt;br&gt;
  421. and be joined to his wife,&lt;br&gt;
  422. and the two shall become one flesh.&lt;/em&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  423. So they are no longer two but one flesh.&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  424. Therefore what God has joined together,&lt;br&gt;
  425. no human being must separate."&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  426. In the house the disciples again questioned Jesus about this.&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  427. He said to them,&lt;br&gt;
  428. "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another&lt;br&gt;
  429. commits adultery against her;&lt;br&gt;
  430. and if she divorces her husband and marries another,&lt;br&gt;
  431. she commits adultery."&lt;br&gt;
  432. &amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;
  433. &lt;/div&gt;
  436. - - -&lt;br&gt;
  437. &lt;p&gt;Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States, second typical edition, Copyright © 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; Psalm refrain © 1968, 1981, 1997, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Neither this work nor any part of it may be reproduced, distributed, performed or displayed in any medium, including electronic or digital, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.&lt;/p&gt;
  438. </description>
  439.  <pubDate>Sun, 06 Oct 2024 04:30:00 EDT</pubDate>
  440.    <dc:creator>USCCB</dc:creator>
  441.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  442.    </item>
  443. <item>
  444.  <title>Saturday of the Twenty-sixth Week in Ordinary Time</title>
  445.  <link></link>
  446.  <description>
  449. &lt;ul class="nested"&gt;&lt;li&gt;Readings for the &lt;a href="" class="item" hreflang="en"&gt;Optional Memorial of Saint Faustina Kowalska, virgin&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;
  450.          &lt;h4&gt;Reading 1  &lt;a href=" "&gt;JB 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  451. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  452.  &lt;p&gt;Job answered the LORD and said:&lt;/p&gt;
  454. &lt;p&gt;I know that you can do all things,&lt;br&gt;
  455. and that no purpose of yours can be hindered.&lt;br&gt;
  456. I have dealt with great things that I do not understand;&lt;br&gt;
  457. things too wonderful for me, which I cannot know.&lt;br&gt;
  458. I had heard of you by word of mouth,&lt;br&gt;
  459. but now my eye has seen you.&lt;br&gt;
  460. Therefore I disown what I have said,&lt;br&gt;
  461. and repent in dust and ashes.&lt;/p&gt;
  463. &lt;p&gt;Thus the LORD blessed the latter days of Job&lt;br&gt;
  464. more than his earlier ones.&lt;br&gt;
  465. For he had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels,&lt;br&gt;
  466. a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand she-asses.&lt;br&gt;
  467. And he had seven sons and three daughters,&lt;br&gt;
  468. of whom he called the first Jemimah,&lt;br&gt;
  469. the second Keziah, and the third Kerenhappuch.&lt;br&gt;
  470. In all the land no other women were as beautiful&lt;br&gt;
  471. as the daughters of Job;&lt;br&gt;
  472. and their father gave them an inheritance&lt;br&gt;
  473. along with their brothers.&lt;br&gt;
  474. After this, Job lived a hundred and forty years;&lt;br&gt;
  475. and he saw his children, his grandchildren,&lt;br&gt;
  476. and even his great-grandchildren.&lt;br&gt;
  477. Then Job died, old and full of years.&lt;br&gt;
  478. &amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;
  479. &lt;/div&gt;
  480.        &lt;h4&gt;Responsorial Psalm  &lt;a href=" "&gt;PS&amp;nbsp;119:66, 71, 75, 91, 125, 130 &lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  481. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  482.  &lt;p&gt;R. (135) &lt;strong&gt;Lord, let your face shine on me.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  483. Teach me wisdom and knowledge,&lt;br&gt;
  484. for in your commands I trust.&lt;br&gt;
  485. R. &lt;strong&gt;Lord, let your face shine on me.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  486. It is good for me that I have been afflicted,&lt;br&gt;
  487. that I may learn your statutes.&lt;br&gt;
  488. R. &lt;strong&gt;Lord, let your face shine on me.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  489. I know, O LORD, that your ordinances are just,&lt;br&gt;
  490. and in your faithfulness you have afflicted me.&lt;br&gt;
  491. R. &lt;strong&gt;Lord, let your face shine on me.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  492. According to your ordinances they still stand firm:&lt;br&gt;
  493. all things serve you.&lt;br&gt;
  494. R. &lt;strong&gt;Lord, let your face shine on me.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  495. I am your servant; give me discernment&lt;br&gt;
  496. that I may know your decrees.&lt;br&gt;
  497. R. &lt;strong&gt;Lord, let your face shine on me.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  498. The revelation of your words sheds light,&lt;br&gt;
  499. giving understanding to the simple.&lt;br&gt;
  500. R. &lt;strong&gt;Lord, let your face shine on me.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  502. &lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;
  504. &lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;
  505. &lt;/div&gt;
  506.        &lt;h4&gt;Alleluia  &lt;a href=" "&gt;See MT 11:25 &lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  507. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  508.  &lt;p&gt;R. &lt;strong&gt;Alleluia, alleluia.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  509. Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth,&lt;br&gt;
  510. you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the Kingdom.&lt;br&gt;
  511. R. &lt;strong&gt;Alleluia, alleluia.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  512. &lt;/div&gt;
  513.        &lt;h4&gt;Gospel  &lt;a href=" "&gt;LK 10:17-24 &lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  514. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  515.  &lt;p&gt;The seventy-two disciples returned rejoicing and said to Jesus,&lt;br&gt;
  516. “Lord, even the demons are subject to us because of your name.”&lt;br&gt;
  517. Jesus said, “I have observed Satan fall like lightning from the sky.&lt;br&gt;
  518. Behold, I have given you the power&lt;br&gt;
  519. ‘to tread upon serpents’ and scorpions&lt;br&gt;
  520. and upon the full force of the enemy&lt;br&gt;
  521. and nothing will harm you.&lt;br&gt;
  522. Nevertheless, do not rejoice because the spirits are subject to you,&lt;br&gt;
  523. but rejoice because your names are written in heaven.&lt;/p&gt;
  525. &lt;p&gt;”At that very moment he rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said,&lt;br&gt;
  526. “I give you praise, Father, Lord of heaven and earth,&lt;br&gt;
  527. for although you have hidden these things&lt;br&gt;
  528. from the wise and the learned&lt;br&gt;
  529. you have revealed them to the childlike.&lt;br&gt;
  530. Yes, Father, such has been your gracious will.&lt;br&gt;
  531. All things have been handed over to me by my Father.&lt;br&gt;
  532. No one knows who the Son is except the Father,&lt;br&gt;
  533. and who the Father is except the Son&lt;br&gt;
  534. and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal him.”&lt;/p&gt;
  536. &lt;p&gt;&lt;span&gt;&lt;span&gt;&lt;span&gt;Turning to the disciples in private he said,&lt;br&gt;
  537. “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see.&lt;br&gt;
  538. For I say to you,&lt;br&gt;
  539. many prophets and kings desired to see what you see,&lt;br&gt;
  540. but did not see it,&lt;br&gt;
  541. and to hear what you hear, but did not hear it.”&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  542. &lt;/div&gt;
  544. &lt;ul class="nested"&gt;&lt;li&gt;Readings for the &lt;a href="" class="item" hreflang="en"&gt;Optional Memorial of Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, priest&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;
  545. - - -&lt;br&gt;
  546. &lt;p&gt;Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States, second typical edition, Copyright © 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; Psalm refrain © 1968, 1981, 1997, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Neither this work nor any part of it may be reproduced, distributed, performed or displayed in any medium, including electronic or digital, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.&lt;/p&gt;
  547. </description>
  548.  <pubDate>Sat, 05 Oct 2024 04:30:00 EDT</pubDate>
  549.    <dc:creator>USCCB</dc:creator>
  550.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  551.    </item>
  552. <item>
  553.  <title>Memorial of Saint Francis of Assisi</title>
  554.  <link></link>
  555.  <description>
  558. &lt;ul class="nested"&gt;&lt;li&gt;Readings for the &lt;a href="" class="item" hreflang="en"&gt;Memorial of Saint Francis of Assisi, Religious&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;
  559.          &lt;h4&gt;Reading 1  &lt;a href=" "&gt;Jb 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  560. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  561.  The LORD addressed Job out of the storm and said:&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Have you ever in your lifetime commanded the morning&lt;br&gt;and shown the dawn its place&lt;br&gt;For taking hold of the ends of the earth,&lt;br&gt;till the wicked are shaken from its surface?&lt;br&gt;The earth is changed as is clay by the seal,&lt;br&gt;and dyed as though it were a garment;&lt;br&gt;But from the wicked the light is withheld,&lt;br&gt;and the arm of pride is shattered.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Have you entered into the sources of the sea,&lt;br&gt;or walked about in the depths of the abyss?&lt;br&gt;Have the gates of death been shown to you,&lt;br&gt;or have you seen the gates of darkness?&lt;br&gt;Have you comprehended the breadth of the earth?&lt;br&gt;Tell me, if you know all:&lt;br&gt;Which is the way to the dwelling place of light,&lt;br&gt;and where is the abode of darkness,&lt;br&gt;That you may take them to their boundaries&lt;br&gt;and set them on their homeward paths?&lt;br&gt;You know, because you were born before them,&lt;br&gt;and the number of your years is great!&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Then Job answered the LORD and said:&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Behold, I am of little account; what can I answer you?&lt;br&gt;I put my hand over my mouth.&lt;br&gt;Though I have spoken once, I will not do so again;&lt;br&gt;though twice, I will do so no more.&lt;br&gt;
  562. &lt;/div&gt;
  563.        &lt;h4&gt;Responsorial Psalm  &lt;a href=" "&gt;Ps 139:1-3, 7-8, 9-10, 13-14ab&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  564. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  565.  R. (24b) &lt;strong&gt;Guide me, Lord, along the everlasting way.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;O LORD, you have probed me and you know me;&lt;br&gt;you know when I sit and when I stand;&lt;br&gt;you understand my thoughts from afar.&lt;br&gt;My journeys and my rest you scrutinize,&lt;br&gt;with all my ways you are familiar.&lt;br&gt;R. &lt;strong&gt;Guide me, Lord, along the everlasting way.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;Where can I go from your spirit?&lt;br&gt;From your presence where can I flee?&lt;br&gt;If I go up to the heavens, you are there;&lt;br&gt;if I sink to the nether world, you are present there.&lt;br&gt;R. &lt;strong&gt;Guide me, Lord, along the everlasting way.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;If I take the wings of the dawn,&lt;br&gt;if I settle at the farthest limits of the sea,&lt;br&gt;Even there your hand shall guide me,&lt;br&gt;and your right hand hold me fast.&lt;br&gt;R. &lt;strong&gt;Guide me, Lord, along the everlasting way.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;Truly you have formed my inmost being;&lt;br&gt;you knit me in my mother's womb.&lt;br&gt;I give you thanks that I am fearfully, wonderfully made; &lt;br&gt;wonderful are your works.&lt;br&gt;R. &lt;strong&gt;Guide me, Lord, along the everlasting way.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  566. &lt;/div&gt;
  567.        &lt;h4&gt;Alleluia  &lt;a href=" "&gt;Ps 95:8&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  568. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  569.  R. &lt;strong&gt;Alleluia, alleluia.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;If today you hear his voice,&lt;br&gt;harden not your hearts.&lt;br&gt;R. &lt;strong&gt;Alleluia, alleluia.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  570. &lt;/div&gt;
  571.        &lt;h4&gt;Gospel  &lt;a href=" "&gt;Lk 10:13-16&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  572. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  573.  Jesus said to them,&lt;br&gt;"Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida!&lt;br&gt;For if the mighty deeds done in your midst&lt;br&gt;had been done in Tyre and Sidon,&lt;br&gt;they would long ago have repented,&lt;br&gt;sitting in sackcloth and ashes.&lt;br&gt;But it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon&lt;br&gt;at the judgment than for you.&lt;br&gt;And as for you, Capernaum, 'Will you be exalted to heaven?&lt;br&gt;You will go down to the netherworld.'&lt;br&gt;Whoever listens to you listens to me.&lt;br&gt;Whoever rejects you rejects me. &lt;br&gt;And whoever rejects me rejects the one who sent me."&lt;br&gt;
  574. &lt;/div&gt;
  577. - - -&lt;br&gt;
  578. &lt;p&gt;Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States, second typical edition, Copyright © 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; Psalm refrain © 1968, 1981, 1997, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Neither this work nor any part of it may be reproduced, distributed, performed or displayed in any medium, including electronic or digital, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.&lt;/p&gt;
  579. </description>
  580.  <pubDate>Fri, 04 Oct 2024 04:30:00 EDT</pubDate>
  581.    <dc:creator>USCCB</dc:creator>
  582.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  583.    </item>
  584. <item>
  585.  <title>Thursday of the Twenty-sixth Week in Ordinary Time</title>
  586.  <link></link>
  587.  <description>
  591.          &lt;h4&gt;Reading 1  &lt;a href=" "&gt;JB 19:21-27 &lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  592. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  593.  &lt;p&gt;Job said:&lt;/p&gt;
  595. &lt;p&gt;Pity me, pity me, O you my friends,&lt;br&gt;
  596. for the hand of God has struck me!&lt;br&gt;
  597. Why do you hound me as though you were divine,&lt;br&gt;
  598. and insatiably prey upon me?&lt;/p&gt;
  600. &lt;p&gt;Oh, would that my words were written down!&lt;br&gt;
  601. Would that they were inscribed in a record:&lt;br&gt;
  602. That with an iron chisel and with lead&lt;br&gt;
  603. they were cut in the rock forever!&lt;br&gt;
  604. But as for me, I know that my Vindicator lives,&lt;br&gt;
  605. and that he will at last stand forth upon the dust;&lt;br&gt;
  606. Whom I myself shall see:&lt;br&gt;
  607. my own eyes, not another’s, shall behold him,&lt;br&gt;
  608. And from my flesh I shall see God;&lt;br&gt;
  609. my inmost being is consumed with longing.&lt;/p&gt;
  610. &lt;/div&gt;
  611.        &lt;h4&gt;Responsorial Psalm  &lt;a href=" "&gt;PS&amp;nbsp;27:7-8A, 8B-9ABC, 13-14 &lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  612. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  613.  R. (13) &lt;strong&gt;I believe that I shall see the good things of the Lord in the land of the living.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;Hear, O LORD, the sound of my call;&lt;br&gt;have pity on me, and answer me.&lt;br&gt;Of you my heart speaks; you my glance seeks.&lt;br&gt;R. &lt;strong&gt;I believe that I shall see the good things of the Lord in the land of the living.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;Your presence, O LORD, I seek.&lt;br&gt;Hide not your face from me;&lt;br&gt;do not in anger repel your servant.&lt;br&gt;You are my helper: cast me not off.&lt;br&gt;R.&lt;strong&gt; I believe that I shall see the good things of the Lord in the land of the living.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;I believe that I shall see the bounty of the LORD&lt;br&gt;in the land of the living.&lt;br&gt;Wait for the LORD with courage;&lt;br&gt;be stouthearted, and wait for the LORD.&lt;br&gt;R. &lt;strong&gt;I believe that I shall see the good things of the Lord in the land of the living.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;
  614. &lt;/div&gt;
  615.        &lt;h4&gt;Alleluia  &lt;a href=" "&gt;MK 1:15 &lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  616. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  617.  R. &lt;strong&gt;Alleluia, alleluia.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;The Kingdom of God is at hand;&lt;br&gt;repent and believe in the Gospel.&lt;br&gt;R.&lt;strong&gt; Alleluia, alleluia.&lt;/strong&gt;
  618. &lt;/div&gt;
  619.        &lt;h4&gt;Gospel  &lt;a href=" "&gt;LK 10:1-12&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  620. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  621.  &lt;p&gt;Jesus appointed seventy-two other disciples&lt;br&gt;
  622. whom he sent ahead of him in pairs&lt;br&gt;
  623. to every town and place he intended to visit.&lt;br&gt;
  624. He said to them,&lt;br&gt;
  625. “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few;&lt;br&gt;
  626. so ask the master of the harvest&lt;br&gt;
  627. to send out laborers for his harvest.&lt;br&gt;
  628. Go on your way;&lt;br&gt;
  629. behold, I am sending you like lambs among wolves.&lt;br&gt;
  630. Carry no money bag, no sack, no sandals;&lt;br&gt;
  631. and greet no one along the way.&lt;br&gt;
  632. Into whatever house you enter, first say,&lt;br&gt;
  633. ‘Peace to this household.’&lt;br&gt;
  634. If a peaceful person lives there,&lt;br&gt;
  635. your peace will rest on him;&lt;br&gt;
  636. but if not, it will return to you.&lt;br&gt;
  637. Stay in the same house and eat and drink what is offered to you,&lt;br&gt;
  638. for the laborer deserves his payment.&lt;br&gt;
  639. Do not move about from one house to another.&lt;br&gt;
  640. Whatever town you enter and they welcome you,&lt;br&gt;
  641. eat what is set before you,&lt;br&gt;
  642. cure the sick in it and say to them,&lt;br&gt;
  643. ‘The Kingdom of God is at hand for you.’&lt;br&gt;
  644. Whatever town you enter and they do not receive you,&lt;br&gt;
  645. go out into the streets and say,&lt;br&gt;
  646. ‘The dust of your town that clings to our feet,&lt;br&gt;
  647. even that we shake off against you.’&lt;br&gt;
  648. Yet know this: the Kingdom of God is at hand.&lt;br&gt;
  649. I tell you,&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  650. it will be more tolerable for Sodom on that day&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;
  651. than for that town.”&lt;/p&gt;
  652. &lt;/div&gt;
  655. - - -&lt;br&gt;
  656. &lt;p&gt;Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States, second typical edition, Copyright © 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; Psalm refrain © 1968, 1981, 1997, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Neither this work nor any part of it may be reproduced, distributed, performed or displayed in any medium, including electronic or digital, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.&lt;/p&gt;
  657. </description>
  658.  <pubDate>Thu, 03 Oct 2024 04:30:00 EDT</pubDate>
  659.    <dc:creator>USCCB</dc:creator>
  660.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  661.    </item>
  662. <item>
  663.  <title>Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels</title>
  664.  <link></link>
  665.  <description>
  668. &lt;ul class="nested"&gt;&lt;li&gt;Readings for the &lt;a href="" class="item" hreflang="en"&gt;Memorial of the Guardian Angels&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;
  669.          &lt;h4&gt;Reading 1  &lt;a href=" "&gt;Jb 9:1-12, 14-16&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  670. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  671.  &lt;p&gt;Job answered his friends and said:&lt;br&gt;
  672. &lt;br&gt;
  673. I know well that it is so;&lt;br&gt;
  674. but how can a man be justified before God?&lt;br&gt;
  675. Should one wish to contend with him,&lt;br&gt;
  676. he could not answer him once in a thousand times.&lt;br&gt;
  677. God is wise in heart and mighty in strength;&lt;br&gt;
  678. who has withstood him and remained unscathed?&lt;br&gt;
  679. &lt;br&gt;
  680. He removes the mountains before they know it;&lt;br&gt;
  681. he overturns them in his anger.&lt;br&gt;
  682. He shakes the earth out of its place,&lt;br&gt;
  683. and the pillars beneath it tremble.&lt;br&gt;
  684. He commands the sun, and it rises not;&lt;br&gt;
  685. he seals up the stars.&lt;br&gt;
  686. &lt;br&gt;
  687. He alone stretches out the heavens&lt;br&gt;
  688. and treads upon the crests of the sea.&lt;br&gt;
  689. He made the Bear and Orion,&lt;br&gt;
  690. the Pleiades and the constellations of the south;&lt;br&gt;
  691. He does great things past finding out,&lt;br&gt;
  692. marvelous things beyond reckoning.&lt;br&gt;
  693. &lt;br&gt;
  694. Should he come near me, I see him not;&lt;br&gt;
  695. should he pass by, I am not aware of him;&lt;br&gt;
  696. Should he seize me forcibly, who can say him nay?&lt;br&gt;
  697. Who can say to him, "What are you doing?"&lt;br&gt;
  698. &lt;br&gt;
  699. How much less shall I give him any answer,&lt;br&gt;
  700. or choose out arguments against him!&lt;br&gt;
  701. Even though I were right, I could not answer him,&lt;br&gt;
  702. but should rather beg for what was due me.&lt;br&gt;
  703. If I appealed to him and he answered my call,&lt;br&gt;
  704. I could not believe that he would hearken to my words.&lt;/p&gt;
  705. &lt;/div&gt;
  706.        &lt;h4&gt;Responsorial Psalm  &lt;a href=" "&gt;Ps 88:10bc-11, 12-13, 14-15&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  707. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  708.  &lt;p&gt;R. (3) &lt;strong&gt;Let my prayer come before you, Lord.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  709. Daily I call upon you, O LORD;&lt;br&gt;
  710. to you I stretch out my hands.&lt;br&gt;
  711. Will you work wonders for the dead?&lt;br&gt;
  712. Will the shades arise to give you thanks?&lt;br&gt;
  713. R. &lt;strong&gt;Let my prayer come before you, Lord.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  714. Do they declare your mercy in the grave,&lt;br&gt;
  715. your faithfulness among those who have perished?&lt;br&gt;
  716. Are your wonders made known in the darkness,&lt;br&gt;
  717. or your justice in the land of oblivion?&lt;br&gt;
  718. R. &lt;strong&gt;Let my prayer come before you, Lord.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  719. But I, O LORD, cry out to you;&lt;br&gt;
  720. with my morning prayer I wait upon you.&lt;br&gt;
  721. Why, O LORD, do you reject me;&lt;br&gt;
  722. why hide from me your face?&lt;br&gt;
  723. R. &lt;strong&gt;Let my prayer come before you, Lord.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  724. &lt;/div&gt;
  725.        &lt;h4&gt;Alleluia  &lt;a href=" "&gt;Ps 103:21&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  726. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  727.  R. &lt;strong&gt;Alleluia, alleluia.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;Bless the LORD, all you angels,&lt;br&gt;you ministers, who do his will.&lt;br&gt;R.&lt;strong&gt; Alleluia, alleluia.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  728. &lt;/div&gt;
  729.        &lt;h4&gt;Gospel  &lt;a href=" "&gt;Mt 18:1-5, 10&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  730. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  731.  &lt;p&gt;The disciples approached Jesus and said,&lt;br&gt;
  732. "Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven?"&lt;br&gt;
  733. He called a child over, placed it in their midst, and said,&lt;br&gt;
  734. "Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children,&lt;br&gt;
  735. you will not enter the Kingdom of heaven.&lt;br&gt;
  736. Whoever humbles himself like this child&lt;br&gt;
  737. is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven.&lt;br&gt;
  738. And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me.&lt;br&gt;
  739. &lt;br&gt;
  740. "See that you do not despise one of these little ones,&lt;br&gt;
  741. for I say to you that their angels in heaven&lt;br&gt;
  742. always look upon the face of my heavenly Father."&lt;/p&gt;
  743. &lt;/div&gt;
  746. - - -&lt;br&gt;
  747. &lt;p&gt;Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States, second typical edition, Copyright © 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; Psalm refrain © 1968, 1981, 1997, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Neither this work nor any part of it may be reproduced, distributed, performed or displayed in any medium, including electronic or digital, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.&lt;/p&gt;
  748. </description>
  749.  <pubDate>Wed, 02 Oct 2024 04:30:00 EDT</pubDate>
  750.    <dc:creator>USCCB</dc:creator>
  751.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  752.    </item>
  753. <item>
  754.  <title>Memorial of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, virgin and doctor of the Church</title>
  755.  <link></link>
  756.  <description>
  759. &lt;ul class="nested"&gt;&lt;li&gt;Readings for the &lt;a href="" class="item" hreflang="en"&gt;Memorial of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;
  760.          &lt;h4&gt;Reading 1  &lt;a href=" "&gt;Jb 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  761. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  762.  Job opened his mouth and cursed his day.&lt;br&gt;Job spoke out and said:&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Perish the day on which I was born,&lt;br&gt;the night when they said, “The child is a boy!”&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Why did I not perish at birth,&lt;br&gt;come forth from the womb and expire?&lt;br&gt;Or why was I not buried away like an untimely birth,&lt;br&gt;like babes that have never seen the light?&lt;br&gt;Wherefore did the knees receive me?&lt;br&gt;or why did I suck at the breasts?&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;For then I should have lain down and been tranquil;&lt;br&gt;had I slept, I should then have been at rest&lt;br&gt;With kings and counselors of the earth&lt;br&gt;who built where now there are ruins&lt;br&gt;Or with princes who had gold&lt;br&gt;and filled their houses with silver.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;There the wicked cease from troubling,&lt;br&gt;there the weary are at rest.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Why is light given to the toilers,&lt;br&gt;and life to the bitter in spirit?&lt;br&gt;They wait for death and it comes not;&lt;br&gt;they search for it rather than for hidden treasures,&lt;br&gt;Rejoice in it exultingly,&lt;br&gt;and are glad when they reach the grave:&lt;br&gt;Those whose path is hidden from them,&lt;br&gt;and whom God has hemmed in!&lt;br&gt;
  763. &lt;/div&gt;
  764.        &lt;h4&gt;Responsorial Psalm  &lt;a href=" "&gt;Ps 88:2-3, 4-5, 6, 7-8&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  765. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  766.  R. (3) &lt;strong&gt;Let my prayer come before you, Lord.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;O LORD, my God, by day I cry out;&lt;br&gt;at night I clamor in your presence.&lt;br&gt;Let my prayer come before you;&lt;br&gt;incline your ear to my call for help.&lt;br&gt;R. &lt;strong&gt;Let my prayer come before you, Lord.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;For my soul is surfeited with troubles&lt;br&gt;and my life draws near to the nether world.&lt;br&gt;I am numbered with those who go down into the pit;&lt;br&gt;I am a man without strength.&lt;br&gt;R. &lt;strong&gt;Let my prayer come before you, Lord.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;My couch is among the dead,&lt;br&gt;like the slain who lie in the grave,&lt;br&gt;Whom you remember no longer&lt;br&gt;and who are cut off from your care.&lt;br&gt;R. &lt;strong&gt;Let my prayer come before you, Lord.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;You have plunged me into the bottom of the pit,&lt;br&gt;into the dark abyss.&lt;br&gt;Upon me your wrath lies heavy,&lt;br&gt;and with all your billows you overwhelm me.&lt;br&gt;R. &lt;strong&gt;Let my prayer come before you, Lord.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  767. &lt;/div&gt;
  768.        &lt;h4&gt;Alleluia  &lt;a href=" "&gt;Mk 10:45&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  769. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  770.  R. &lt;strong&gt;Alleluia, alleluia.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;The Son of Man came to serve&lt;br&gt;and to give his life as a ransom for many.&lt;br&gt;R. &lt;strong&gt;Alleluia, alleluia.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt;
  771. &lt;/div&gt;
  772.        &lt;h4&gt;Gospel  &lt;a href=" "&gt;Lk 9:51-56&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
  773. &lt;div class="poetry"&gt;
  774.  When the days for Jesus to be taken up were fulfilled,&lt;br&gt;he resolutely determined to journey to Jerusalem,&lt;br&gt;and he sent messengers ahead of him.&lt;br&gt;On the way they entered a Samaritan village&lt;br&gt;to prepare for his reception there,&lt;br&gt;but they would not welcome him&lt;br&gt;because the destination of his journey was Jerusalem.&lt;br&gt;When the disciples James and John saw this they asked,&lt;br&gt;“Lord, do you want us to call down fire from heaven&lt;br&gt;to consume them?”&lt;br&gt;Jesus turned and rebuked them,&lt;br&gt;and they journeyed to another village.&lt;br&gt;
  775. &lt;/div&gt;
  778. - - -&lt;br&gt;
  779. &lt;p&gt;Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States, second typical edition, Copyright © 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; Psalm refrain © 1968, 1981, 1997, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Neither this work nor any part of it may be reproduced, distributed, performed or displayed in any medium, including electronic or digital, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.&lt;/p&gt;
  780. </description>
  781.  <pubDate>Tue, 01 Oct 2024 04:30:00 EDT</pubDate>
  782.    <dc:creator>USCCB</dc:creator>
  783.    <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  784.    </item>
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