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  22. <title>Fashion and Sustainable Design</title>
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  25. <pubDate>Mon, 17 Apr 2023 21:30:08 +0000</pubDate>
  26. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  28. <category><![CDATA[Fashion and Accessories]]></category>
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  31. <description><![CDATA[With clothing design both fashion and function come together. In recent years there has also been a focus on sustainability in the fashion industry which goes way beyond just using organic cotton fabric instead of conventional cotton or manmade fabrics. Sustainable design is the term that is used to describe the philosophy of designing objects [...]]]></description>
  32. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> With clothing design both fashion and function come together. In recent years there has also been a focus on sustainability in the fashion industry which goes way beyond just using organic cotton fabric instead of conventional cotton or manmade fabrics. Sustainable design is the term that is used to describe the philosophy of designing objects to comply with the principles of ecological, social and economic sustainability.Whilst in some ways fashion contradicts sustainability because the very nature of following constantly changing trends and fashions can be wasteful and also create much waste, there are some ways that fashion and sustainability can go together. Designers are implementing exciting new initiatives to help reduce the impact of clothing on the environment whilst still making it beautiful to look at and functional to wear.The most innovative designs turn the sustainable features of a piece of clothing into the very thing that makes it desirable, fashionable or stylish. An example of this is the beautiful fabrics that are recycled into new pieces of clothing. It is the vintage nature of the fabrics that make the clothing so beautiful. Recently Christopher Raeburn has used surplus military parachute silk to make very on trend pieces of clothing. There are also various designers pioneering methods to reduce waste in the fashion industry including innovative new pattern cutting techniques which give the garment a characteristic look.The use of sustainable fabrics is also a key part of sustainable fashion design. There are a number of different sustainable fabrics to choose from each having its own unique look, feel and properties. Bamboo is super soft, warm and comfortable and has been likened to cashmere that drapes like silk; it is perfect for leisure wear and also for draping. Designers are also constantly coming up with new materials that look great and are also good for the environment. Innovative dying techniques and use of natural coloured fabrics have also been used to create beautiful designs.Sustainability is not just about what the clothing is made of though. It is about the overall and lifecycle of the product. How long will it last and when it reaches the end of its life can it be easily disposed of? Biodegradable materials are key to reducing waste in the fashion industry but there are also more interesting projects happening for example where shoes can be deconstructed at the end of their useful life and some parts recycled. Any clothing, shoes or accessories can be made more sustainable by designing them to last and for maximum usage. This can include classic and versatile styles that won&#8217;t go out of fashion quickly and multitasking pieces of clothing that can be worn in a number of different ways.Sustainable design is not just about one factor or aspect of clothing that reduces the impact of a piece of clothing on the environment. It is about designing a piece of clothing that takes into account all aspects of the garment from design to sourcing of materials to sale of the product and beyond. In order to be truly sustainable designers also need to take into account social and economic factors. By embracing this philosophy whilst still ensuring beauty and functionality of the clothing, designers are helping to make the fashion industry more sustainable. </p>
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  38. <title>Local SEO and SEM for SMB&#8217;s &#8211; Ten 2011 Predictions Effecting Your WOM Marketing Effort</title>
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  41. <pubDate>Sat, 01 Apr 2023 18:21:23 +0000</pubDate>
  42. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  43. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  44. <category><![CDATA[SEO and SEM]]></category>
  46. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  47. <description><![CDATA[Traditional WOM (word of mouth) is still a huge driver of new business to all small local companies. But internet WOM is already or will be the number one source of new clients in 2011. The single most important component will be Reviews, Testimonials, and Reputation Management. Whether on Yelp, Google Places or your own [...]]]></description>
  48. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Traditional WOM (word of mouth) is still a huge driver of new business to all small local companies. But internet WOM is already or will be the number one source of new clients in 2011. The single most important component will be Reviews, Testimonials, and Reputation Management. Whether on Yelp, Google Places or your own website or blog, folks will use the words of your existing customers to determine whether to buy from you or not.<br />
  49. Email Marketing will continue to be the number one ROI (return on Investment) among all marketing tools available to small businesses. Sending relevant and fun emails to your clients past, present, and future is producing fantastic returns for everyone we know. If you are not currently sending out emails to your own list, make it a priority in 2011.<br />
  50. Google Places will continue to baffle and befuddle with their changes and their buggy applications, but they will also continue to produce huge results for those who are highly ranked under important keywords. Our expectation is that Places will become even more dominant in 2011.<br />
  51. YouTube now sees 35 hours of video uploaded every minute. Nationally YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine and drives business to every kind of company. Every single pundit sees even more emphasis on this category of marketing as smart phones become the number one way to view videos.<br />
  52. Social Media to grow exponentially as SMB tool. Facebook will be a tool we will all need to become more familiar with. During 2010, I jumped into the social media pool with the intention of streamlining the effectiveness of Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Linked In. Most SMB&#8217;s cannot effectively manage all four or sometimes even one. Not enough time. He who figures out how to optimize the use of these four products with the least investment wins.<br />
  53. Websites are, says Google, critical to your ranking on Google Places. Moreover, with Google&#8217;s new Preview tool on search, the front page of your website needs to be an attention getter in two seconds or less of viewing time. This will be a major bonanza for web developers and designers who get it! Most don&#8217;t. The ones who get that you have to weave the marketing and the local SEO into every aspect of the website will become heros to their clients.<br />
  54. Local Networking: WOM from your customer to their friends and neighbors is fantastic. WOM online through social networking, videos, and reviews is really great. But many small businesses fail to appreciate the importance of WOM from peers, suppliers, and community resources in traditional and non-traditional face-to-face encounters.. In 2011, we expect this type of marketing to continue to be increasingly useful and popular. will be an important part of this equation along with Le Tip, BNI, and similar groups.<br />
  55. Local businesses will need to figure out ways to get around Google Places domination under their major keywords. A plumber is going to need to create videos and articles about how to choose a plumber. Bakers are going to need to give online lessons in cake decoration. There just isn&#8217;t enough room for every company in every neighborhood to be on page one for Google Places.<br />
  56. Obviously, even the one man business is going to need visibility on smart phones and IPads. Look for niche players to get into the business of helping SMB&#8217;s get visible on mobile units in 2011.<br />
  57. The biggest unknown for 2011 will be how truly local businesses can get any kind of exposure beyond a five mile radius on Google Places). Will Google find a better way than the current service area concept?These are the biggies for 2011. There are many other important marketing developments that will effect us all in the new year, but if you get these ten right, I suspect business will be quite good. </p>
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  63. <title>Dispelling the Immigration Myths</title>
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  66. <pubDate>Sat, 01 Apr 2023 07:21:35 +0000</pubDate>
  67. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  69. <category><![CDATA[Immigration]]></category>
  71. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  72. <description><![CDATA[In practicing immigration law, I&#8217;ve found that in our society there are several misconceptions related to immigration and the immigrant population. In a series of upcoming columns, I&#8217;ll address some myths.Myth 1: Immigrants take jobs away from Americans.Fact: Economic studies show that immigrants actually increase economic productivity and the wages of American workers.The most common [...]]]></description>
  73. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> In practicing immigration law, I&#8217;ve found that in our society there are several misconceptions related to immigration and the immigrant population. In a series of upcoming columns, I&#8217;ll address some myths.Myth 1: Immigrants take jobs away from Americans.Fact: Economic studies show that immigrants actually increase economic productivity and the wages of American workers.The most common immigration myth I hear is that immigrants are taking all of &#8220;our&#8221; jobs. In reality, studies support the proposition that immigrants, whether here legally or illegally, not only don&#8217;t take jobs from native-born citizens, they actually create jobs and increase the economic output and salaries of American workers. One of the major findings in a 2007 report by the White House Council of Economic Advisors (CEA) to the Executive Office of the President was that, on average, U.S. natives benefit from immigration because immigrants tend to complement U.S. natives and do not substitute for them in the workplace.Foreign-born workers fill gaps left by native-born workers both in high-skilled and low-skilled jobs -jobs necessary for the effective continuation of the present level of U.S. economy and society. A March 2008 National Foundation for American Policy (NFAP) report showed that for every H-1B visa (non-immigrant visa that allows U.S. employers to temporarily employ foreign workers in specialty occupations) requested by an S&#038;P 500 U.S. technology company, overall employment at the company increased by five workers. The NFAP report also found that among the study-sample companies experiencing layoffs, for every H-1B position requested, total employment was estimated to be two workers more than it otherwise would have been. A report released this month by the Technology Policy Institute noted that highly skilled immigrant workers, admitted to the U.S. on H-1B and other visas, benefit the federal budget by paying more in taxes than less skilled workers. In addition, the Technology Policy Institute study found that these types of highly skilled immigrant workers are not likely to receive federal benefits, particularly in the near term.In its comprehensive report published in 1997, the National Research Council (NRC) of the National Academy of Sciences concluded that on average, an immigrant and his or her children generate public revenue that exceeds their public costs over time -approximately $80,000 more in taxes than they receive in state, federal and local benefits during their lifetimes. According to the 2007 CEA report, the predictions made by the NRC a decade earlier were accurate. The CEA report stated that, &#8220;the long-run impact of immigration on public budgets is likely to be positive.&#8221;When immigrants fill lower-skilled, labor-intensive positions, their hard work and lower pay allows higher-skilled U.S. workers to increase productivity and thus increase their incomes. Also, as the native-born U.S. population becomes better educated, young immigrant workers fill gaps in the low-skilled labor markets. Native-born workers are then able to specialize in their profession of choice. This process is exemplified by typical poultry packaging corporations. At most poultry producing companies, the owners, managers and board of directors are able to attend to corporate business because they can hire lower-paid, often immigrant, workers to process, clean and package the product. As has been noted repeatedly by other authors, there are few U.S. workers who are willing to accept these types of low-paying positions and difficult working conditions.The CEA concluded &#8220;immigrants not only help fuel the Nation&#8217;s economic growth, but also have an overall positive effect on the American economy as a whole and on the income of native-born American workers.&#8221; According to the CEA, approximately 90 percent of U.S.-born workers experienced an increase in wages due to immigration. In its 1997 report, the NRC estimated that the annual wage gain due to immigration for U.S. workers was $10 billion each year. In 2007, the CEA estimated the gain at over $30 billion per year.In addition to having an overall positive affect on the average wages of U.S. workers, an increase in immigrant workers also increases employment rates among native-born U.S. workers. According to a study based on U.S. Census Bureau data at the state level performed by the non-partisan research group Pew Hispanic Center, between 2000 and 2004 &#8220;there was a positive correlation between the increase in the foreign-born population and the employment of native-born workers in 27 states and the District of Columbia.&#8221;For example, the Public Policy Institute of California reported that California saw an increase in wages of U.S. natives by about four percent from 1990 to 2004 &#8211; a period of large influx of immigrants to the state &#8211; due to the complementary skills of immigrant workers and an increase in the demand for tasks performed by native workers.Studies performed earlier in the decade by the Brookings Institution have shown that immigrant entrepreneurs and business owners create additional jobs in the U.S. economy for U.S. citizens as well as other immigrant workers.The myth that all of &#8220;our&#8221; jobs are being taken away by immigrant workers is simply not based in fact and should be abandoned. Immigrants play a vital role in our local and national economy, in good times and in bad. Whatever your position with respect to immigration policies or enforcement, it&#8217;s important to recognize the valuable marketplace contributions being made by immigrants in Prince William County.The above information is provided for informational purposes only. The information should not be construed as legal advice and does not constitute an engagement of the Szabo, Zelnick &#038; Erickson, P.C. law firm or establish an attorney-client relationship with any of its attorneys. An attorney-client relationship with our firm is only created by signing a written agreement with our firm. </p>
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  79. <title>Case Management and the Coordination of Care</title>
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  82. <pubDate>Fri, 31 Mar 2023 21:15:32 +0000</pubDate>
  83. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  85. <category><![CDATA[management]]></category>
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  88. <description><![CDATA[The delivery of care that is based upon reducing costs while delivering better outcomes is becoming more and more important today. It is often termed &#8216;value based care&#8217;. It will be the basis of much future reimbursement models whether from private or government payers. Currently, providers are rewarded bonuses for providing this care, especially in [...]]]></description>
  89. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> The delivery of care that is based upon reducing costs while delivering better outcomes is becoming more and more important today. It is often termed &#8216;value based care&#8217;. It will be the basis of much future reimbursement models whether from private or government payers. Currently, providers are rewarded bonuses for providing this care, especially in patient-centered medical homes and accountable care organizations. One of the keys to achieving better care at lower costs is the integration and coordination of care among providers. The use of a case manager is an excellent way to achieve these goals.As stated on the GE Healthcare Camden Group Insights Blog in the article &#8220;7 Steps to Achieving Clinical Integration&#8221;, &#8220;New payment models are making it more important than ever for hospitals to collaborate with physicians. From readmission penalties to bundled payments to ACOs, providers have a growing economic incentive to pool resources, share information, coordinate care and services and cooperate on quality improvement.&#8221; Again, the case is made for effective management among hospitals, providers, and payers.In a recent interview a former manager at a local hospital was describing to me the goals of case managers at a hospital. At the hospital, a case manager is to manage the discharge of the patient from the hospital so as to prevent readmission for the same cause as the initial admission, as hospitals are penalized for doing so. In an interview with my son, who is an RN and was employed as one for a large, national payer, the goal of a case manager was to minimize the costs of medical care for the patient while providing good care. The goal of the case manager in a physician group is to drive down risk, to improve the quality of care, for the patient. The goals of case managers at all three types of sites is the triple aim-improve population level health, improve patient satisfaction and drive down costs.How do case managers at each of these three sites reach their goals? What is their scope of work at each site? In a hospital setting one typically coordinates the discharge of a patient. This is a very complex task and is fairly new to many hospitals. One make sure that patients have a follow-up appointment with their primary care physician or specialist within two weeks after discharge or sooner if medically necessary. At discharge she will confirm with the patient the date and time of the follow-up appointment. If there is a problem with getting transportation to the appointment then the she will work to find ways to get the transportation, including working with the insurer if needed.The hospital case manager will also go over the discharge instructions from the doctor, explaining what the patient needs to do once she is at home. For instance, in the case of knee replacement surgery the manager will explain to the patient what to do to manage pain, what exercise the patient will need to do at home, including visits from a physical therapist if it is covered. He will also discuss the care of the incision site and what to do if an infection develops after discharge. Good ones make sure that the patients understand the instructions and that they are able to accomplish them.My son as a one for a large insurer worked with patients who had high risk scores as defined by the insurer. Most had comorbidities. These patients were contacted and asked if they wanted to work with a case manager. If they answered yes, then he would contact them and provide insights into their conditions through education. If he discovered that they were not receiving all the medical help that they needed according to standards of care for their condition he would offer to make appointments for them with their doctor. If they could not afford their medications, he would work to find a way to reduce the costs. If they needed transportation to an appointment, he would arrange that for them. In other words, he made sure the patients were getting the level of care needed to effectively manage their conditions so as to prevent progression of conditions to a state that would need more costly care.Case managers in physician practices often do the work that a physician wishes he/she had time to do. For instance, a case manager, having access to details of medical records that managers at other sites do not, may track indicators for patients with serious conditions. He/she may track the A1c levels of diabetics. Registries can help with this. If the level is too high the manager will contact the patient to see if further education is needed. Perhaps the manager will have the patient come in for this education and the two will problem solve how to lower the patient&#8217;s A1c level.Managers in the clinical setting also make sure that patients have scheduled appointments when necessary. For a diabetic with poor control they may have the patient come in once a month until the indicators improve. The manager will work with the patient to make sure appointments are available and that the patient can make it to the appointment. For instance, the case manager of the orthopedic clinic that my wife uses has set up two post knee replacement appointments.As one can see, case managers can be of great assistance in helping patients achieve outcomes so that they can lead lives that have high quality. In doing so they will hit the Triple Aim of healthcare.Case managers can be certified. One body that certifies case managers is the Commission for Case Manager Certification. In order to be certified a case manager generally needs:</p>
  90. <p>A license as an RN, LCSW, Rx or a BA in a social studies field</p>
  91. <p>Experience of 12 to 24 months in a case management field</p>
  92. <p>Pass board exam</p>
  93. <p>Not only do patients benefit from the work of case managers, their employers do also. Hospitals avoid penalties for &#8216;Never Events&#8217; such as readmission of a patient within 30 days for a condition that was related to the initial admission. Insurers save money by helping patients get care that is less costly, helping them avoid conditions that require intensive care. Case managers in the physician setting help practices achieve rewards or bonuses offered by payers for providing care that has high value and lower costs. </p>
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  99. <title>Why Spas and Salons Should Make Use of Water Fountains</title>
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  102. <pubDate>Fri, 31 Mar 2023 18:55:33 +0000</pubDate>
  103. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  105. <category><![CDATA[Spa and Wellness]]></category>
  107. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  108. <description><![CDATA[If you own, manage or work in a spa or salon and you feel as though there is something missing with your decor, water fountains may be your answer. Contrary to popular belief, these are actually pieces of decor that everyone can afford. Sure, there are still wall water fountains that can be pricey however, [...]]]></description>
  109. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> If you own, manage or work in a spa or salon and you feel as though there is something missing with your decor, water fountains may be your answer. Contrary to popular belief, these are actually pieces of decor that everyone can afford. Sure, there are still wall water fountains that can be pricey however, there are plenty of budget-friendly options as well.In today&#8217;s world, water fountains are one of the first things visualized when people think of a luxury spa. Just the thought of listening to that soothing, running water in the background instantly transports you to some hideaway, sheltered by the rainforest canopy.Surely, you have walked into an establishment and been swept away by wall water fountains in the waiting area or the private room? Well, even if you are just opening a new salon or spa and the budget is tight, you can find inexpensive models that will make your facility look rich and glamorous while creating a peaceful atmosphere.Why You Need ThemAside from the obvious aesthetic benefits, there are other reasons why you want to add water features to your establishment. The calming effect that these pieces of decor offer allow your clients to immediately feel as ease. Even if it&#8217;s their first time there and they feel a bit intimidated, water fountains will relax them so their anxiety levels decrease and they are able to fully enjoy their experience.Not only that, they politely drown out unwelcome noise. You may not notice how obnoxious phones ringing, conversations, hair dryers, etc., can really be, especially to someone who is looking for a brief quiet escape from their busy life.Which One Should You Choose?Water features are like potato chips, it is extremely hard to have only one! Even if you start with one, you will find that they are contagious and you will want to quickly add additional ones to your collection.Wall water fountains are perfect for entryways, waiting rooms, long hallways or any other rooms where you have a lot of wall space. Floor fountains can also be nice as long as they are out of the way. These are ideal in corners, private rooms or changing rooms where there&#8217;s not heavy traffic.Of course, tabletop fountains can be placed pretty much anywhere. Tables, counters or shelving, anywhere you need a little tranquility, a fountain can make it happen. </p>
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  115. <title>Mind, Body, Spirit &#8211; Healing is Possible</title>
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  118. <pubDate>Fri, 31 Mar 2023 17:09:49 +0000</pubDate>
  119. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  121. <category><![CDATA[Mind Body Spirit]]></category>
  123. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  124. <description><![CDATA[Nearly every day, it seems, I hear from people who have given up. It&#8217;s most unfortunate. &#8220;I have THIS,&#8221; they say. &#8220;The doctor said so. There&#8217;s no cure.&#8221;"I take the pills, but they really don&#8217;t work. I still feel bad, and the pills make me feel worse. There&#8217;s no cure. It&#8217;s hopeless. I am doomed [...]]]></description>
  125. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Nearly every day, it seems, I hear from people who have given up. It&#8217;s most unfortunate. &#8220;I have THIS,&#8221; they say. &#8220;The doctor said so. There&#8217;s no cure.&#8221;"I take the pills, but they really don&#8217;t work. I still feel bad, and the pills make me feel worse. There&#8217;s no cure. It&#8217;s hopeless. I am doomed to a life of pain.&#8221; Or poverty. Or loneliness. The &#8220;affliction&#8221; may be different, but the essence of the situation is the same. Things look grave, and the person is overwhelmed.Here&#8217;s what I really want to know. Where is the doctor, or the relationship expert, or the financial advisor who really said that things were hopeless? Generally nowhere to be found.* The doctor may have genuinely said, &#8220;I don&#8217;t have any more to offer you.&#8221;* The financial advisor could have said, &#8220;You are deeply in debt.&#8221;* The relationship expert might have expressed, &#8220;You sound extremely needy &#8212; like a victim.&#8221;Each of these statements expresses an objective expert view of your current situation, and it may not be pretty. But generally the expert will not suggest that you give up. You conclude that things are hopeless based on the fact that the things you have tried up until now have not worked as you&#8217;d hoped they would.In my world, each of the three &#8220;expert&#8221; statements says the same thing. The conventional way of doing things &#8230; the strategies you&#8217;ve always followed up until now &#8230; have not gotten you where you truly want to end up. Therefore, it&#8217;s time to try something else.A number of years ago I attended a seminar. The gentleman leading our group made a profound statement of perspective. &#8220;If I went to the doctor and he told me I&#8217;d be dead in six months if I followed his advice,&#8221; the gentleman began, &#8220;I think I&#8217;d look for a new doctor.&#8221;What if we were all to follow that logic? The gentleman leading my seminar lived from a position of &#8220;of course there is a solution, I&#8217;ve just got to find it.&#8221; So many of the people I meet could have richer lives than they ever imagined if they could find their way to that place. I suppose we all could, because to a certain extent we are all &#8220;blind&#8221; to our &#8220;blind spots.&#8221;Let&#8217;s consider how life might look from a position of &#8220;Healing is always possible!&#8221;The first thing we&#8217;d want to explore is a definition of healing. Wholeness, they call it. Peace of mind. Expressing the fullness of &#8220;you&#8221; with nothing missing or left out. Wholeness is the domain of the spirit, and it is always within your reach. There are two things to let go of in order to reach the state of wholeness, abundance, or belonging that you may so deeply desire.1. Let go of the illusion that &#8220;you&#8221; are in charge. Allow the reflection of perfection that you call Spirit, Creator, or God to shine through and guide you. You don&#8217;t have to figure this all out on your own. Just be willing to follow directions.2. Let go of thinking that the way you have always done things is the only acceptable way to live. How you&#8217;ve always done things has gotten you where you are today. Granted, you survived and are still here to tell the story. But if you&#8217;re not happy with the story you&#8217;re telling, then consider that there may be another way to be. Just try it. If you&#8217;re not happy with the way things are now, then what could you have to lose?Having let go those two illusions, there is one major thing to adopt. It is a habit of listening. Ask your deep questions. Then create space in which to hear a response. It doesn&#8217;t really matter in whose voice the answer comes back. A radio announcer, a favorite author, an email from a friend, your dog, the Maple in the back yard, or your own familiar inner dialog.Coming from a position of &#8220;anything is possible, I simply need to accept the guidance I am shown,&#8221; adopt the perspective that any fresh insights you may receive today are pieces of the solution. Don&#8217;t judge that they&#8217;re impractical or too expensive or too much work. Just try them on. Assume there is a way, and that the way will be shown.Listen. Heal. It is always possible! </p>
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  131. <title>How Transportation Management Software Promotes Intelligent Execution</title>
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  134. <pubDate>Sun, 26 Mar 2023 08:23:34 +0000</pubDate>
  135. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  141. <description><![CDATA[There is a subset of supply chain management called &#8220;transportation management system&#8221; that refers specifically to transportation operations and is a component within an enterprise resource planning system. This area has evolved quite a bit in recent years thanks to technological advancements, and now transportation management software has made it possible for companies to add [...]]]></description>
  142. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> There is a subset of supply chain management called &#8220;transportation management system&#8221; that refers specifically to transportation operations and is a component within an enterprise resource planning system. This area has evolved quite a bit in recent years thanks to technological advancements, and now transportation management software has made it possible for companies to add context to a shipper&#8217;s transportation data. This software oversees four key processes of transportation management: planning and decision making, transportation execution, transportation follow-up, and measurement. Modern transportation management software has the ability to use context to determine whether:<br />
  143. an incorrect invoice charge was caused by a carrier re-weighing their freight or by re-classifying their freight<br />
  144. a shipment arrived late due to inclement weather or due to the consignee not being available to sign for the delivery<br />
  145. These are just two examples of the types of judgments that logistics shipping companies can make with the help of transportation management software. Here are a few more ways that this technology can be used today:Exception Management ProcessThis software can be configured to periodically alert an individual when lanes, carriers, or facilities do not meet specified targets. This is especially helpful because it allows managers to instantly know when the amount of business their company is doing has changed. Before transportation management software, management would have had to wait up to a year before being made aware that targets were not being met. The sooner that management is aware of a problem, the sooner it can begin to look for a solution.Freight ExecutionToday, a single transportation management software product can be used for shipments in all modes, whereas before additional applications had to be added for special cases like small parcels. Additional documents, which are needed for shipments like pallet labels or hazardous materials documentation, can now be printed on-site. In the past, this documentation needed to be printed ahead of time.Improved CommunicationLogistics shipping companiescan provide vendors with a tool that allows them to pre-load shipping business&#8217; rules, carriers, and purchase orders. Using this pre-loaded information, vendors can send shipments to the shipper&#8217;s carriers without having to wait for the carrier to provide this information.DashboardsAll of the aforementioned data can be pulled into a centralized location, or dashboard, that shippers can use to monitor the company&#8217;s freight activity in real-time. The result is an effective measurement of the Freight Payment and Pre-Audit so that it matches the data that is continuously coming in. Put more simply, the ability to monitor this data in real-time means that shipper is finally able to determine what is happening in their supply chain. Only by staying up-to-date on trends and data will a shipper be able to make the most intelligent decisions.When logistics shipping companies decide that they are ready to acquire transportation management software, they have three ways to do so. They can use a traditional purchased license (on-premise licensing,) a remote or cloud-based solution (hosted licensing,) or a blend of these two options (on-premise hosted licensing.) Shippers looking to determine which option is best for their organization should reach out to a transportation management software provider about their preferred opinion. </p>
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  151. <title>Find Cheap Flights and Hotels &#8211; Why Search Engines Will Never Work</title>
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  154. <pubDate>Thu, 02 Feb 2023 06:36:11 +0000</pubDate>
  155. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  159. <description><![CDATA[Find cheap flights and hotels via travel search engines is something common and easy to do. Everybody can do it, they quickly find some of the best options available and you don&#8217;t spend a lot of time using them and you get quick results. But don&#8217;t be innocent. The guys who created the search engines [...]]]></description>
  160. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Find cheap flights and hotels via travel search engines is something common and easy to do. Everybody can do it, they quickly find some of the best options available and you don&#8217;t spend a lot of time using them and you get quick results. But don&#8217;t be innocent. The guys who created the search engines need to get money from somewhere and they don&#8217;t get it via airlines or hotel chains, they get it from you.The best way to find cheap flights and hotels is by using travel search engines to get the relevant information and after that use this information to find the same flight or hotel even cheaper. If you are using a normal travel search engine such as Orbitz or Travelocity, don&#8217;t stop using them, but be aware that the same flights can be found at other places for less.Just to start with, every travel search engine will charge on average $10 more if you purchase your flight with them. In fact, just going quickly to the airlines specified and checking the prices for this itinerary and with the same dates you will find out. Why this happens? Well, from your booking, a part must go to the company that created the search engine and the other part is for all the affiliates that promote their services.Yes, now you remember that article that told you to book through one of this search engines and it was so nice that the author placed a link for you to follow to this search engine. Well, that author basically made you pay $10 more and took a part from them for him or herself. Find cheap flights or hotels via travel search engines is possible, but they will never be the cheapest and you will be paying a fee to other people.Far from trying to complain about the affiliates or the way this companies work, I encourage you to take profit of them without buying from them. Get to know which company flies a route during one day and then go back to this airline and check the prices there. You will notice they are about $10 cheaper at least. Go find good hotels for some dates and then go back and check the hotel chain from their website directly and you will notice their prices are at least $10 cheaper. Book from the official website or by phone if needed, as it will always be cheaper.Another bad point of search engines is that they are not flexible. You look for some dates, and they don&#8217;t give to you others, you need to do one search for each date. Actually, to find cheap flights and hotels online, the airlines and hotels websites already provide normally with a flexible timetable in a way that you can compare with one single search and choose your best fees.In the end, to find cheap flights and hotels, the only thing you need to do is to check a couple of travel search engines, discover the airlines or hotels that provide the cheapest service, and go book directly from this providers. Remember the golden rule that says that the less steps that are involved in the selling of a product, the cheaper the product is. And this is a general truth, as much as things fall because of gravity on Earth. Unfortunately, some people seem to forget about the fact that everybody that is involved in a process wants to get a benefit from it. </p>
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  166. <title>Reasons Why Lenders Work With Payday Loan Consolidation Companies</title>
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  169. <pubDate>Wed, 01 Feb 2023 19:57:27 +0000</pubDate>
  170. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  171. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
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  174. <description><![CDATA[If you are one of the millions of Americans drowning in payday loan debt, chances are you have probably already considered seeking help from a consolidation company. You have done all the work you had to do to gain the upper hand against your payday lenders: researched online for a good and reliable company, filled [...]]]></description>
  175. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> If you are one of the millions of Americans drowning in payday loan debt, chances are you have probably already considered seeking help from a consolidation company. You have done all the work you had to do to gain the upper hand against your payday lenders: researched online for a good and reliable company, filled out all the paperwork, and finally, you are ready to get your finances back in control. Then suddenly, your lenders tell you something that stops you in your tracks. One simple statement that can make anyone in debt feel completely hopeless: &#8220;We do NOT work with consolidation companies.&#8221;Is this true? If payday lenders do not work with consolidation companies, then why do they even exist? Here are the three main reasons why your lenders will eventually work with your consolidation company.1. Before you enroll in a debt help program, the first thing that payday loan consolidation companies will advise you to do is to close the bank account that your lenders have access to. Although consolidation companies send legal documents to your payday lenders to revoke their authorization to automatically debit your bank account, it is necessary that you close your bank account to make sure that there are no unauthorized charges coming out of your account.2. Your payday loan consolidation company will also send legal documents to your payday lenders to cease and desist further communications with you. According to the Federal Trade Commission, lenders have to follow certain rules and regulations when collecting debt. If your payday lenders do not follow these rules and continue to make harassing phone calls, your lenders can be fined $1,000 per EACH phone call that they make. Because most loans are small amounts (between $200-$1,000), calling you becomes a risk that is just not worth taking.3. Many are afraid that they will get sued if they do not pay off payday loans. Majority of borrowers do not know that most payday lenders (especially Internet-based) are not licensed to lend money to people residing in the United States. This means payday lenders do not have the ability to take non-paying customers to small claims court for a payday loan. Payday lenders often use this tactic to scare borrowers into paying them, and is effective because most customers are not well-informed about what lenders can and cannot do.Now, sit back and think of this for a moment: Your payday lenders cannot debit your bank account for payment, cannot call you to ask for money, and cannot sue you for the unpaid loan. How else will they get paid? Who else can they turn to? There is only one answer: payday loan consolidation companies.So why would your payday lenders deny working with consolidation companies in the first place? It&#8217;s simple. People who sign up with consolidation companies obviously have several payday loans. As a matter of fact, people drowning in payday loans usually have between two to twenty payday loans. Usually, consolidation companies work from one lender to another, which means that if you are a payday lender, you would be unsure as to when you would get paid. Payday lenders are aware of this and know that chances are, they could get paid faster if there is no third-party involved. For this reason, they claim that they do not work with payday loan consolidation companies, even though they eventually will.Do not let your payday lenders intimidate you until you know all the facts. If you have tried everything you could to get out of payday loan debt yourself but have failed, maybe it is time to seek professional assistance. After all, who wouldn&#8217;t benefit from a little help once in a while? </p>
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  181. <title>Designing Your Organic Veggie Garden &#8211; An Introduction to the Classic Designs</title>
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  184. <pubDate>Wed, 01 Feb 2023 16:08:03 +0000</pubDate>
  185. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  186. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
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  189. <description><![CDATA[There are a number of different designs you can use when planning your organic vege garden &#8211; and choosing an appropriate design style for your home and personality will ensure your vege garden is an attractive feature within the garden as a whole, rather than a functional sideline.It&#8217;s also important to consider the plants you [...]]]></description>
  190. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> There are a number of different designs you can use when planning your organic vege garden &#8211; and choosing an appropriate design style for your home and personality will ensure your vege garden is an attractive feature within the garden as a whole, rather than a functional sideline.It&#8217;s also important to consider the plants you want to grow. There is little point growing a pile of vegetables you won&#8217;t eat (although providing a local homeless shelter or food bank with homegrown vegetables is a wonderful way to use up surplus produce &#8211; a fantastic project if you have kids, too, as you can get them involved in gardening and charitable giving all at the same time.) You may also want to consider vegetables that you love, but can be expensive to buy. Salad greens often fall into the category with greens such as baby spinach ridiculously expensive in the shops, but so easy to grow at home.Add in any considerations around companion planting and you will have a guideline to laying out your vege garden.While there are an infinite number of garden designs to choose from, a few of the more classic vegetable garden designs are outlined below. You can choose the design that best suits your needs and personality, and then adapt it as you choose.Potager: The word &#8216;potager&#8217; is now widely used in English to describe a formal vegetable garden which combines flowers, herbs and vegetables in an attractive pattern, with a clear structure. Fruit trees, often espaliered, are also used in potagers, together with topiary trees such as bay. Box hedging can be used to edge and define the beds, and can often be used to split the beds into geometric patterns. Pathways are made from traditional elements such as old brick, lime chip or shell, and create an attractive walk between the beds. with attractive pathways made from brick, shell or lime chip in between. You can include arches covered in roses or vine fruit, or highly structural plants such as artichokes. Potagers are ideal designs for organic gardening as the combination of vegetables, herbs and flowers allows for a huge range of companion planting options.If you vegetable garden will be clearly seen rather than hidden away, a potager may be an ideal option for you. However before you begin, take some time to sketch out your design &#8211; to scale if possible. They key to a successful potager is in the geometric detail and this is not something that you can usually play by ear.The Traditional Kitchen Garden: The kitchen garden is usually walled &#8211; stone or brick being the traditional materials, however modern gardens can create the &#8216;walled&#8217; effect using fences or hedging, to fit with the style of your home. The entry to the garden is usually through a gate or archway.Kitchen gardens have a very organized layout. Both paths and plantings are run in straight lines, and pathways are usually made from gravel, or rammed earth covered in straw. Plantings tend to run north to south, to allow even access to sunlight.Unlike potagers, kitchen gardens are primarily functional and don&#8217;t include ornamental elements such as flowers. Herbs, however, have a place and can be used as borders along your paths. Lavender, rosemary and bay all make attractive and fragrant hedges.Vegetable Patchwork: In a vegetable patchwork plants are planted in bold blocks of single plants. In this way you create high visual impact and can design your plantings according to height, color and texture to create an attractive, interesting tapestry.There are usually wider, main pathways through the garden with smaller, narrower paths leading off into the beds to allow easier access to the planting blocks. Again, paths tend to be made from beaten earth or gravel. A patchwork garden is a easy way to manage your crop rotations &#8211; you simply move all your plantings over one block each year.Cottage Gardens: Cottage gardens are beautiful, care-free gardens which are characterized by a seeming lack of structure. Flowers are interwoven with vegetables and herbs to create an abundant, lush garden which can give joy to the senses. However as with all gardens a cottage garden needs some planning to work well.Pathways are meandering and narrow, so there can be as much planting as possible. A casual garden chair can be placed in a small nook &#8211; you can even grow things over it &#8211; and it will look perfectly in place. Paths are covered in straw and you can leave you&#8217;re your garlic and shallots to dry in the sun, which will only add to the atmosphere. The overall feeling is of productivity, vibrancy and abundance. However, when gardening organically bear in mind that your plants need adequate airflow, which can be a problem in a cottage garden. Diseases and pests can also spread quickly due to the intensive planting. Therefore it&#8217;s worthwhile keeping a good eye on your garden for any telltale signs of disease or infestation.City, or Container Gardening. Finally, you can still enjoy the fruits of your labor even if you are not lucky enough to have your own plot of earth. There are a wide variety of plants and herbs which do very well in pots and containers &#8211; including small window boxes.When deciding what to grow in your courtyard, balcony or patio, the type of tubs you use can be a key to your design. If you are simply keen to grow as much as possible then you can purchase organic gro bags from your local garden centre which will work well for a couple of plantings, and allow you to grow intensively. Otherwise choose your containers and pots in keeping with a theme &#8211; old English or Mediterranean, for example &#8211; and you can then grow plants which embrace this theme.You can now buy a huge range of dwarf plants which are ideal for container gardening. Dwarf peas and beans are ideal, as are tomatoes, and they have been bred to crop heavily.Remember, however, that your plants need plenty of sunshine &#8211; 6 hours a day is ideal &#8211; shelter from the wind and sufficient water. Your container plants will dry out far more quickly so will have higher water requirements than plants in a traditional plot.By designing your garden in a style you find personally attractive you will enhance the aesthetic appeal of your garden and discover it is a place where you actually want to spend more of your time. And this, of course, is where you reap the benefits with wholesome, abundant crops you can enjoy with family and friends. </p>
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