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  22. <title>How Chase Credit Cards For Students Can Ease College Finance Worries</title>
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  25. <pubDate>Wed, 19 Apr 2023 17:30:03 +0000</pubDate>
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  54. <description><![CDATA[Students are traditionally associated with poor finances and poor levels of responsibility, but this stereotype is not altogether accurate. It is a huge endorsement when one of the major banks in the country offers credit cards to college-goers. In fact, &#8230; <a href="">Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">&#8594;</span></a>]]></description>
  55. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Students are traditionally associated with poor finances and poor levels of responsibility, but this stereotype is not altogether accurate. It is a huge endorsement when one of the major banks in the country offers credit cards to college-goers. In fact, issuing specially packaged Chase credit cards for students shows just how valuable college-goers are seen as customers.At first glance, it may seem that Chase Bank is taking on quite a risk, and while there certainly is an element of risk, the move itself is rooted on sound marketing. It is a viable student financing option, allowing them to pay bills and buy essential supplies while also establishing a relationship with professionals of the future.And it can be argued that, while this new relationship arises more from marketing than a sense of care, getting a Chase credit card does provide young people with a chance to master the skills required to properly manage a credit card and avoid financial hardships.VISA and MasterCard OptionsOf course, there is a variety of Chase credit cards for students, with the right one clearly dependent on individual budgets. Provided through VISA or MasterCard, they come with a range of incentives and reward schemes that actually help to lower the cost of living while in college.VISA, for example, are offering two kinds: the Student Free Cash Card; and the Student Flexible Rewards Card. They are rather similar in terms of their use and credit limit, with points gathered when used that can be redeemed either through free merchandise or a cash-back scheme.The Student MasterCard offers another student financing option, and in the process offers users a chance to build a positive credit history. As a result, cash-backs, gift vouchers and other such incentives are not as prominent. Chase credit cards do not offer any free money scheme.Competitive Interest RatesPaying the credit card balance is a challenge for even the most experienced cardholders, so it can be a huge task for low-income students. But, if the interest rate charges are low, then the expense in repaying these debts is not so great. By designing Chase credit cards for students, the bank is providing an opportunity to college-goers to learn this responsibility.Of course, this student financing option comes with an introductory offer of 0% APR for the first 6 months, and a repayment term of 20 days once the bill is issued. This means students have plenty of time to get used to handling the card and its temptations.Neither VISA nor MasterCard offer rock bottom interest rates, with a variable APR of up to 23%. When repayments are delayed, the interest rate increases by 9%, up to 32%. This may seem extremely high for Chase credit cards, but the same rule applies as for normal cards. So, the interest is avoided if the balance is paid on time.How Students BenefitThere are several reasons for offering Chase credit cards for students. From the point of view of the card issuer, they are connecting with future valuable customers. And from the point of view of the students, it means accessing another source of financing to helping them secure low-cost items through cash-back and points systems.The points systems can vary slightly depending on the card package, but in principle are the same. With every dollar spent on a Chase credit card, points are earned that can be redeemed. A minimum 3,000 points must be gathered before any can be converted, but once that level is reached, discounts become available on purchases at department stores and supermarkets.So, credit cards are a very useful student financing option, provided the credit card bill is paid on time, of course. </p>
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  61. <title>Find A Photographer With Experience In Commercial Photography</title>
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  64. <pubDate>Wed, 19 Apr 2023 15:34:16 +0000</pubDate>
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  91. <description><![CDATA[If you&#8217;ve ever been curious about commercial photography and what it consists of, look no further. Plainly explained, commercial photography frequently means advertising, or photography that&#8217;s taken with the express purpose of making money, as opposed to essentially being good &#8230; <a href="">Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">&#8594;</span></a>]]></description>
  92. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> If you&#8217;ve ever been curious about commercial photography and what it consists of, look no further. Plainly explained, commercial photography frequently means advertising, or photography that&#8217;s taken with the express purpose of making money, as opposed to essentially being good art. I would say the end goal is to look for the best design which will sell a specific thing or service, including cosmetic makeup products, cold drinks, foods and even trucks plus more. With commercial photography, truth be told there really are no limits, and this is really a career path that is certainly frequently changing as well as developing.With pictures, the most important end goal isn&#8217;t merely to take an attractive image. The aim of commercial photography goes past the whole picture, and looks within the viewer&#8217;s responses. Commercial photography aims to capture the feeling from the target audience, to show genuine emotion and trust in not only intellect. This kind of advertising photography traditionally will go for an emotional effect, and photographers that can capture this are rare-and remarkable.Shoppers in our world are usually continuously hounded by illustrations or photos and movies clamoring for their attention. Whether it is via the radio, television or magazines, the responsibility of commercial photography should be to quickly catch their attention with a picture and ideally turn their focus into income for the customer.Photographers continuously have to adapt to the changing marketing environment. Consumers have learned to tune out many, if not many, marketing campaigns, so commercial photographers must find new methods for getting their content across to potential customers.Commercial photography is the chance to have an image make an individual want to buy a particular product, and in today&#8217;s marketplace, photography is in all kinds of unconventional places. As opposed to just in a magazine, advertising photography sometimes appears on the walls of buildings, in Web pop-ups and brochures. Organizations of almost any size can usually benefit from commercial photography, and there&#8217;s no better time like now.One type of commercial photography that is becoming more popular is large format photography. Large format photography makes use of special equipment which allows individuals to enlarge the image to almost any dimension. Generally, this kind of advertising is used in retail store windows and on the side of structures to capture attention from a distance.A marketing and advertising strategy that numerous businesses make use of while using photographs is to capture bright and vibrant colors. Whether it&#8217;s the cheerfulness of the photographs or just the vibrant color that draws in attention, this plan is usually fairly successful at getting products off the shelves.If perhaps you might be in charge of promotion for your organization or you are interested in learning to be a photographer, commercial photography is incredibly effective. Regardless of how much advertising changes, photography is able to maintain and present amazing images that can sell your products. When you have a photo that resonates with your buyers, you have instantly developed a correlation that&#8217;s hard to crack. </p>
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  98. <title>How to Get Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures at Affordable Prices?</title>
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  101. <pubDate>Wed, 22 Mar 2023 03:23:41 +0000</pubDate>
  102. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  104. <category><![CDATA[Dentistry]]></category>
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  107. <description><![CDATA[Our confidence always shows up on our smiles. Smiles project our personality, our mood and openness. There are however times when it is so difficult to express how we feel through smiling especially if we have great problems about our &#8230; <a href="">Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">&#8594;</span></a>]]></description>
  108. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Our confidence always shows up on our smiles. Smiles project our personality, our mood and openness. There are however times when it is so difficult to express how we feel through smiling especially if we have great problems about our teeth. I personally have been searching for a good way to give my smile a better spark specifically when dealing with people. So, I one day stumbled upon a discussion about cosmetic dentistry through one of my friends which she considers as the best option in fixing teeth related problems.Cosmetic dentistry provides people more choices in correcting a person&#8217;s teeth and mouth which are later evident through her or his improved smile.The cosmetic dentistry&#8217;s trend has been continuously growing to meet every patient&#8217;s particular need. As the trend is enhanced through development in technology, the demand is also simultaneously increasing.A regular person&#8217;s point of view is that cosmetic dentistry is a very expensive approach in acquiring a more confident smile. This notion is proven wrong. Cosmetic dentistry nowadays is made affordable not only to those who belong to the rich ones but for all.Dentistry abroad reaches to people in all walks of life. They offer cheap cosmetic dentistry and treatments. We usually think that the cheaper the product is, the lower the quality goes. This isn&#8217;t true when it comes to cheap cosmetic dentistry abroad.  These offices abroad are under strict hygienic and medical requirements. Cosmetic dentists are highly professional and have been practicing and continuously improving throughout the years. Dentistry abroad uses a state of the art medical advancement to make sure that the patients are happy and contented with the results. So, the price might be cheap but it is never cheaply done.One good way of saving when you want to avail of cosmetic dentistry abroad is to look for cosmetic dentists who have treatment packages. They provide patients with different extra medical treatments which are priced reasonably.Have time to compare prices over the net. The internet provides us a very wide choice of dentistry abroad &#8211; their procedures and packages which one can benefit from. Be sure to check some unbelievable discounts, too. Cosmetic dentists find ways on how to help more patients into opening their minds into cosmetic dentistry as one good alternative for them in fixing teeth and mouth dilemma. That is why dentistry abroad offers discounts (sometimes, up to 70% if you are lucky) so everyone can get the chance to have a brighter smile.If you have dental insurance, it is recommended for you to contact your insurance company to know if cosmetic surgery is also catered in your benefits. It is good to know how your dental insurance company works and the different types of dental plans they have in line for you. Insurance offices are aware that more and more people are now aware of the advantages they can get from cosmetic surgery. So, there some which are starting to offer financial aid and budgets in routine treatments, dental emergencies and serious dental problems which are possible to undergo cosmetic dentistry. Your dental insurance company might have a way of helping you financially. </p>
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