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  22. <title>The Mindset of a Manager</title>
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  25. <pubDate>Mon, 17 Apr 2023 21:38:06 +0000</pubDate>
  26. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  27. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  28. <category><![CDATA[management]]></category>
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  31. <description><![CDATA[When I first became a manager, I felt a little lost and unprepared as I entered my office on the first day. A few weeks prior, I had been a lower-level employee in a small business. Suddenly, I found myself managing a team of eight individuals in a large corporate office. Although I had experience [...]]]></description>
  32. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> When I first became a manager, I felt a little lost and unprepared as I entered my office on the first day. A few weeks prior, I had been a lower-level employee in a small business. Suddenly, I found myself managing a team of eight individuals in a large corporate office. Although I had experience working with peers within an office environment, the movement from peer to manager brought many unforeseen difficulties.I quickly learned that managers have to learn to take a certain level of criticism from employees, typically pertaining to my own decisions and as well the company&#8217;s choices. These complaints were simply part of the job. Many of my employees felt the need to vent and disagree about managements&#8217; decisions, yet they often failed to take the initiative to address the concerns themselves. They were content critiquing upper-level administrators but failed to provide any proactive solutions for addressing their criticism. As a manager, I had to realize that this type of behavior was common and my willingness to work longer hours and address tough problems is what positioned my job apart from the average employee. It was not an employee&#8217;s job to solve the tough problems; it was mine as member of the company&#8217;s leadership.Although it was easy to address that a problem existed, it became clear to me that solving the problem through critical thinking was a more challenging and crucial aspect of my job as a manager. When a staffing problem arose or a project had a setback, it was my job to make sure the situation was resolved. This meant often engaging in reflective thought and deep, critical thinking-skills every manager must possess. I realized that it was not enough to merely employ the easiest option; instead, I had to think about the advantages, risks and unforeseen possibilities when addressing the situation.I also realized that managers prioritize their responsibilities to ensure they can provide enough time to critically address a problem. Knowing when to delegate menial administrative tasks to ensure time to address more important issues was key to my development as a manager. If a setback arose that demanded my immediate attention, I had no qualms putting aside my current task to tackle the more significant problem. My role as a manager required me to designate what responsibilities were critical to the mission of the business-a task I was not asked to complete as an employee.During the first week at my new position, I sent out more emails than I would have in a whole month at my prior job. Communication between staff, clients and customers became a central component of my work as a manager. I quickly reduced the number of emails I sent weekly by synthesizing information into larger messages. However, communicating effectively meant much more than simply being efficient and responsive to emails. I had to invest in my employees to ensure they were not only motivated but also developing as a professional. Weekly meetings with my employees became a time where I could challenge my staff to improve, provide motivation and ensure any inter-office conflict was resolved. Moreover, I soon found out that managers were the &#8220;face&#8221; of any business. Clients often wanted to hear from me and expected that I communicate in a professional manner. Being able to efficiently answer client questions and concerns while establishing a sales relationship was a vital aspect of my position as a manager.More important than communication, critical thinking or attitude, I realized managers must display an unmatched work ethic in the office place. I had to ensure tasks were being completed-no matter the difficulty of the assignment. Yet, I soon realized that trying to fit every item into an eight-hour workday would prove to be quite difficult. As a manager more was demanded of me, and I had to prioritize my time to ensure everything was complete. Time management became one of the most vital aspects of my job. I had to ensure I set aside time for certain responsibilities, developed a system to keep track of assignments and delegated tasks to my employees based on their skillsets. Suddenly, an extra fifteen minutes in a day made a significant difference in my work output.My transition from an employee to a manager helped me realize that the mindset and expectations of a manager are far different than an employee. Managers have to stay positive, motivate employees, communicate effectively with clients, and manage time in a way employees simply do not. The effectiveness of a department rests on the shoulders of management, and, ultimately they are the ones that have to answer for results.Luckily, the transition is not as daunting as it appears. Most companies provide an ample amount of time for a new manager to adapt and form the necessary mindset for the position. Yet, there remains a significant learning curve involved in moving to a management position and a constant drive to become better is crucial to success. I certainly did not enter into my first manager position with a fully formed skillset; rather, I developed those skills through experience. Comprehending the difference between my role as an employee and manager was crucial to my development, and I only obtained that understanding through a series of both successes and failures. </p>
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  38. <title>Buying Qualified E-mail Lists Plus Few Tips</title>
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  41. <pubDate>Sat, 01 Apr 2023 18:28:57 +0000</pubDate>
  42. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  43. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  44. <category><![CDATA[Mailing Lists]]></category>
  46. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  47. <description><![CDATA[This sub-topic is extremely important for you to read, especially if you are a beginner!Buying qualified e-mails can be very profitable and can mean lots of sales to you. At first I must tell you that before you step into and take action you must optimize your site for the best conversion rates. Read the [...]]]></description>
  48. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> This sub-topic is extremely important for you to read, especially if you are a beginner!Buying qualified e-mails can be very profitable and can mean lots of sales to you. At first I must tell you that before you step into and take action you must optimize your site for the best conversion rates. Read the Landing Page article and test some ideas!A qualified visitor is someone who is interested in your topic or maybe in your products. Before buying an e-mail list consider how qualified are these people on the list. For example if they subscribed because they would like to teach their dog and you have a Dog Training Course for sale is not the same thing as if they were subscribed only because they would like to receive tips about how to keep their dog healthy. The qualification is much more different! Be selective and buy only those list which is highly qualified to your product or service like the dog Training Course.There are lots of scammers and poor services in this area however if you just started in e-mail marketing then it would be a very good option for you to start your e-mail marketing campaign and build up your OWN list.Before buying a list from a list provider always contact them and ask how did they got that list because most of these so called provider&#8217;s lists are1. Too old2. The addresses doesn&#8217;t even exist anymore3. They got the e-mail illegally4. The e-mail address didn&#8217;t allow them to send messages and blocked them out through spam blockers.Do not fall for the numbers like &#8220;E-Mail 3 million people!&#8221; If you see something like that leave immediately! Do not fall for flashy testemonials! A list of 1000 to 15000 people is reasonable. If your conversion is only 5% it will be still a very good money!One of the great sources where you can find good lists is DM news . I highly recommend to visit them regularly to read and learn. Keep yourself up to date!When you buy the list contact the list provider and ask as much as you can about the subscribed people. Where did they subscribe, what offers did they take, how long are they on the list etc. The more you know about the PEOPLE behind the list the more successful you will be!Be sure to pay great attention when you e-mail the list first! Design your e-mail professionally. Do not make it long! Introduce yourself and be kind! Throw them few very useful tips about your topic, and tell them how their life can be much better and easier when they visit your site!Yes you heard it right! Do not try to sell anything in that e-mail! Just tell them in a few almost unvisible sentences that you have a product too. There are meny people who want to sell them everything. Be different! This is a key fact! The sales are the objective of your landing page and website. Just be sure to attract them there!Your site should be interactive. Where the visitors can do free things. You should make the the time enjoyable to keep them coming back. A good idea would be if you own a website about dog training to setup a chat or forum there where people can discuss their oppinions and experiences. Did you know how much time a person averagely come to a site until he or she buy anything? That number is 4-5 so pay great attention to keep everyone coming back!I have great tip for the end of this article. What if you wouldn&#8217;t have to deal with spam blockers because you would e-mail the client directly? This is exactly what you can do with Desktop Marketer. This is a program from which is a brilliant idea. When you use this program people just download a small e-mail software and you will be able to send messages to this software directly. This is not a cheap software but worth its price! You can even make the subscription to a list like that more valuable by giving it a small monthly price. Like $10 or $15 especially if you give away very useful and unique info or a course. This way you can even create more qualified lists!This the end of the e-mail marketing article series. I hope you learned useful things. Of course there are much more in E-mail marketing then in this article series so do not be shy to learn and develop yourself every time! Visit DMnews regularly and read their E-Mail marketing section. </p>
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  54. <title>Patenting Your Invention &#8211; Ten Common Mistakes to Avoid</title>
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  57. <pubDate>Sat, 01 Apr 2023 07:29:47 +0000</pubDate>
  58. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  59. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  60. <category><![CDATA[Personal Injury]]></category>
  62. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  63. <description><![CDATA[So, you think you&#8217;re ready to patent your invention, kick back and watch your millions roll in, right? Who knows, you could become a success, but I&#8217;ve seen a lot of mistakes clog up the process costing inventors valuable time and valuable dollars. At my company we strive to ensure our ideas go as far [...]]]></description>
  64. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> So, you think you&#8217;re ready to patent your invention, kick back and watch your millions roll in, right? Who knows, you could become a success, but I&#8217;ve seen a lot of mistakes clog up the process costing inventors valuable time and valuable dollars. At my company we strive to ensure our ideas go as far as we can take them and over the years we&#8217;ve seen several mistakes appear over and over.Here are ten mistakes to avoid that could prove fatal for new inventors.1. Patenting too earlyIf all you have is a loose idea of what you want, then it&#8217;s probably too early to dish out up to $12,000 in attorney and patent filing fees, not to mention the long term patent upkeep costs that&#8217;ll weigh you down. So, when is the right time to patent? Well, when you&#8217;re prepared. I&#8217;ll tackle that in a minute.2. Taking your invention to a patent attorney when you&#8217;re unpreparedThis is the biggest one. The key to saving money is preparation. The fewer questions a patent attorney has to ask, the less time you&#8217;ll be on his clock, shoveling away money you don&#8217;t have. Always answer their questions before they even ask them. Prevent this up front with detailed engineering drawings, a product sample and an executive summary.This saves valuable time. A patent draftsman will quickly be able to do his work; as well, the attorney will know what your idea is and how it works. With detailed engineering drawings, showing your work in an exploded view, you&#8217;ll also be able to show the inner workings of your invention to the patent attorney. Perhaps there is a certain element involved that makes your patent even more specific. This could force competitors wishing to knock off your product to make an inferior product, because they can&#8217;t get those details (that may have otherwise never been seen if it wasn&#8217;t for real engineering).3. Patenting something that can&#8217;t be madeI know, this one should be obvious, but is it? You may have the best invention in the world, but what&#8217;s the point if it can&#8217;t be made. A manufacturer might end up re-engineering the whole project just to put it all together right. Then you&#8217;ll be left with refiling a new patent to reflect the new product, which brings more money and pain you could have avoided.4. Patenting something that&#8217;s not marketable at a price point anyone would payAgain, knowing how your invention will be manufactured will determine its patentability and its cost for the consumer. If it costs too much to make, then you&#8217;ll have a tough time finding someone to license and sell it at a profit. This all comes back to real detailed drawings for real manufacturing.5. Patenting too late&#8221;First you say, &#8216;don&#8217;t patent too early,&#8217; now you&#8217;re telling me not to patent too late. When am I supposed to get a patent?&#8221;Patenting too late leaves your invention open to becoming public domain. This can happen one year after making a public disclosure. Now, no one wants this. When you invent something, it&#8217;s your baby. You don&#8217;t want it ripped off or stolen and you wouldn&#8217;t mind getting credit and maybe even making a few dollars. Once it&#8217;s in the public domain, anyone can use it without your permission.So, get your ducks in a row. Know what the product is, how it will be made, etc. Once all of that is in line, it&#8217;ll be much easier to commit to patenting.6. Patenting without a working prototypeDid you know there was a time in our great country&#8217;s history when inventors had to take a working prototype to the patent office before they could even consider filing for a patent? Well, today you don&#8217;t need one, but it&#8217;ll make your life easier and the process go quicker.If the patent attorney has any questions left over from the executive summary and the engineering drawings, using the product sample should shut him up and get him to work for you (if the product&#8217;s design communicates well). Remember, you&#8217;re on the clock with an attorney and time and money is precious. Get past the early mistakes and get down to the business, so your attorney can help you protect your invention.7. I have to have a patent&#8221;Wait, so I&#8217;ve read this far and suddenly you&#8217;re going to tell me I don&#8217;t need a patent?&#8221;Not exactly. I think it&#8217;s a good time to remind you that you don&#8217;t have to have a patent. Well, maybe not right now. Big corporations like Westinghouse and Sony patent just about everything they come up with, because they can. But that doesn&#8217;t mean you have to. I wonder if there is another device you could use to get some protection at an affordable price&#8230; well, what&#8217;s this at number eight?8. Ignoring the power of the provisional patentFiling the provisional patent application may be all you need while you try to license your invention, or attempt to take it to market independently. A common misconception inventors continue to kick around is that corporations looking to license won&#8217;t license without a patent already in place. Welcome to the era of open innovation.In the past, many companies wanted to ensure an inventor had a patent for several reasons. First, they want to protect themselves. What if you bring in an idea their R&#038;D division is already working on in secret. Then they turn you down and release their own product on the market. A legal battle may ensue. Second, the corporation just wants to place another barrier between an inventor and their doors.However, today, more and more companies want innovative products to secure markets and ring in additional profits. They&#8217;re more likely to look at a creation with a provisional patent.There are some cautions you should heed with provisional patents. They last only one year unless you file a non-provisional patent within that year. Secondly, your non-provisional patent will only rebate back to the same properties disclosed in the provisional patent. So, if you change the invention too much, the protection won&#8217;t necessarily rebate back for the year.9. Filing countless addendums, when you could have had it right the first timeYou patented your product. You present it to a corporation. They&#8217;re interested, but they won&#8217;t look any further unless you (insert dramatic pause) change your design. Hey, it happens once, twice, or until it&#8217;s right for them to commit. So, what do you need to do, you need to file addendums or even new patents as you move along. Nip it in the bud before it starts.Target your market and work hard through the development and building phase to perceive any design or marketability problems. Try as hard as you can to get it right before you patent.10. &#8220;I got a patent, now I&#8217;ll just wait for my millions&#8221;A patent doesn&#8217;t guarantee you anything. Someone can protest your patent. Someone can wait until your product sells on shelves and take you to court for a patent conflict. Inventing is a tough world and it takes more than just a patent. It takes a great invention, design and the work to get it licensed and put it on shelves. It takes spirit, heart and confidence.I hope this list helps you out. At my organization, we believe strongly in a process armed with the value of good design, engineering drawings, clear executive summaries, packaging and, most important, working product samples. These elements speak volumes and make patenting simpler. </p>
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  70. <title>The Importance of Employee Management Software in a Modern Office</title>
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  73. <pubDate>Fri, 31 Mar 2023 21:23:09 +0000</pubDate>
  74. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  75. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  76. <category><![CDATA[management]]></category>
  78. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  79. <description><![CDATA[Former chairperson and CEO of Xerox Corporation, Anne Mulcahy, once said,&#8221;Employees are a company&#8217;s greatest asset- they&#8217;re your competitive advantage. You want to attract and retain the best; provide them with encouragement, stimulus, and make them feel that they are an integral part of the company&#8217;s mission.&#8221;If you are an organization that uses the Internet [...]]]></description>
  80. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Former chairperson and CEO of Xerox Corporation, Anne Mulcahy, once said,&#8221;Employees are a company&#8217;s greatest asset- they&#8217;re your competitive advantage. You want to attract and retain the best; provide them with encouragement, stimulus, and make them feel that they are an integral part of the company&#8217;s mission.&#8221;If you are an organization that uses the Internet for everyday business practices, then there should nothing stopping you from going one step further and applying technology provided on the Internet to employee management.Under piles of workloads, appointments, and meetings, it often becomes understandably difficult for a manager to give employees the time and attention, encouragement and stimulus that they deserve.<br />
  81. Making use of a company&#8217;s greatest assets &#8211; its human resources &#8211; to their fullest potential sometimes means adopting technology that efficiently tackles time constraints, management challenges, a employee dissatisfaction.Has it Ever Worked? Yes!Ever wondered what goes into making candy? The answer should be a large number of very satisfied workers. Or at least that&#8217;s what the Jelly Belly Candy Company of California believe.The family-owned company takes its employee performance and job satisfaction very seriously.They recently decided to make the switch from its antiquated talent management process to a far more modern and automated system that uses an employee management software to provide accurate performance appraisals.The result?The new automated employee management system has allowed for a more standardized, organized, and formal evaluation process at the Jelly Belly Candy Company.Greater accessibility between employees and managers, better training programs, and more efficient performance appraisals have all allowed the company to reach its business objectives without compromising on employee satisfaction.The Different Tools of an Employee Management Software1. Maintain a database for all your former and current employeesComplete, searchable, and secure records that includes information such as the employee&#8217;s personal details, bank details, emergency contacts, and even a record of his/her sick leaves.2. Reduce the paperworkAn efficient employee management software will allow employees to request time off, submit timesheets or documents and allows employees to audit or approve submissions or requests.<br />
  82. This negates the need to work with HR or submit unnecessary pieces of paper.3. Keeps track of time and attendanceEmployees and managers have an instant record of absenteeism and the number of hours put into work everyday. This allows employees to be more responsible and stay on top of their punctuality and absenteeism rates before it becomes in issue.4. Total RewardsSome employee management software apps allow managers to provide their employees with rewards (financial or non-financial) for good performance.Employees can access their total reward statement through the software, and this often becomes a powerful way of keep individuals motivated and driven.5. Expense ManagementAn incredibly useful feature of most employee management software is that it allows staff to scan or photograph and upload receipts onto a database, therefore allowing managers and employees to keep a permanent account of all expenses.6. PayrollA simple app can process payroll on individuals online based on the number of hours they have put in with just a click of a button.7. Asset ManagementWhen an employee leaves the company, managers can keep track and monitor the return of any equipment that was provided to the employee by the organization.8. Shift PlanningIn an organization that depends on perfect timesheets for its smooth functioning, a tool that schedules the staff, eliminates shift conflicts, and notify employees of work shifts automatically can prove to be extremely convenient.9. Track progress of the companyInformation is constantly being constantly being collected on the employee management software, making it easy to gauge the company&#8217;s progress.<br />
  83. Instead of having to spend time putting together reports to see how the company is doing, a quick look at the information on the software should allow managers to constantly and accurately track the company&#8217;s progress.The Benefits: Employee Engagement and Satisfaction1. Providing constructive feedbackNeither managers nor employees look forward to performance reviews, often a once-a-year event that makes an employee feel like a school kid receiving a report card.Surveys have shown that employees dread annual performance reviews and are therefore less likely to respond in a positive manner to the feedback that is given.An employee management software allows managers can control how frequently and in what format they would like to provide feedback to their employees.Performance appraisal reports can be replaced with configurable dashboards and messaging systems, resulting in feedback that is constructive, efficient, and perhaps flows better with the rest of the company culture.2. Setting goals and motivating employeesAn employee management software makes it easy to remind employees of their goals and drive them towards developing skills and meeting deadlines.This structure also allows employees to work more independently instead of being micromanaged by a manager or HR professional.3. Better accessibility and communicationTime constraints, clashing schedules, and increasing workload makes it difficult for employees and managers to communicate.This can foster resentment and misunderstandings, with managers sometimes being too harsh in their judgement of employees and employees sometimes feeling like they have been judged unfairly.Employee management software avoid help companies avoid such issues, and can help managers clearly communicate their expectations from an employee.4. Better employee-manager relationshipsEmployee management software takes away some of the pressure, anxiety and stress that is often observed between managers and employees.It allows for an environment that encourages low stress communication and help employees and managers work together towards meeting organizational goals.To summarize, an employee management software provides an organization with a plethora of tools for better management, while simultaneously focusing on employee satisfaction and engagement.<br />
  84. If used correctly and to its fullest potential, employee management software provides a company with an automated, efficient management system and a healthier work environment. </p>
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  90. <title>Yoga And Wellness Retreats &#8211; A Bliss For Our Health</title>
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  93. <pubDate>Fri, 31 Mar 2023 19:02:51 +0000</pubDate>
  94. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  96. <category><![CDATA[Spa and Wellness]]></category>
  98. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  99. <description><![CDATA[Stress can be a major factor when considering your health problems. If you&#8217;re an adult living in a big city or working for a big company, certainly you feel that your life is being overtaken by routine. There are a lot of ways to approach such a problem. A lot of people practice sports, like [...]]]></description>
  100. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Stress can be a major factor when considering your health problems. If you&#8217;re an adult living in a big city or working for a big company, certainly you feel that your life is being overtaken by routine. There are a lot of ways to approach such a problem. A lot of people practice sports, like jogging or tennis and others try to spend more time with their friends and family.Most of us however rely on our yearly vacation for relaxation and recharging of our batteries. And the best tip you&#8217;re going to get about where to spend your holiday is to go to a private yoga retreat. Apart from the relaxation and the beautiful landscape, these places will offer you more benefits, like improving your health, both mental and physical.Yoga is an ancient set of therapeutic techniques which are meant to help the mind handle stressful situations with ease. Besides the spiritual and mental training, the special exercises help to enhance the body posture and to increase the overall health and well-being of the body. After using yoga to relieve stress and strengthen our bodies, we will feel younger, more alert, and our mental capabilities will be improved. These exercises can also do wonders for our immune system, which in turn means that we will have to confront a lot less often with common illnesses, like colds or allergies.Going to a yoga retreat will be much more than just going to a spa. You can look at it like a holistic wellness retreat, offering everything your body, mind and spirit need. After such a holiday, you will learn to understand your behavior and change it into a more positive one, develop a positive way of thinking about yourself and the rest of the world.There is a difference between yoga holidays and retreats however. If you are a beginner or just want to learn more about these practices, while combining them with leisure activities, you might want to try a yoga holiday. If, on the other hand, you are already a fan of yoga and want to become a teacher or instructor yourself, then a retreat will be more suited. </p>
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  106. <title>How to Use Reiki and Aromatherapy For Healing the Mind, Body &amp; Spirit</title>
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  109. <pubDate>Fri, 31 Mar 2023 17:17:13 +0000</pubDate>
  110. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  111. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  112. <category><![CDATA[Mind Body Spirit]]></category>
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  115. <description><![CDATA[The healing benefits of Reiki and Aromatherapy pure essential oils combined are well known and respected world wide. Reiki is an ancient form of hand on healing using only energy and the palm of your hands. Aromatherapy pure essential oils are extracted from herbs, flowers, trees, and plants that have outstanding healing properties. When combined [...]]]></description>
  116. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> The healing benefits of Reiki and Aromatherapy pure essential oils combined are well known and respected world wide. Reiki is an ancient form of hand on healing using only energy and the palm of your hands. Aromatherapy pure essential oils are extracted from herbs, flowers, trees, and plants that have outstanding healing properties. When combined together the healing properties can be extremely beneficial and heal on all levels &#8211; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.Reiki energy is of supreme intelligence and knows intuitively where energy is needed to heal the body. All that is required for Reiki to be successful is to place your hand on the recipient and request the energy to come forth for the highest good of all.Reiki and Aromatherapy are both forms of pure vibrational energy healing, which have powerful healing properties and have been used for centuries &#8211; long before traditional medicine was available.The oils may be mixed with oils or cream and place on different areas of the body or burnt in an oil burner. When burning pure essential oils always follow correct procedures for using oils and do not over use, 1-3 drops in a burner is sufficient.As an aroma therapist I do not recommend people place any pure essential oil directly on the skin unless you are qualified, as severe reaction or intolerance may occur.When using oils always ask the recipient if they have any dislike, allergy or sensitivity to the oils you may wish to use, prior to commencing a healing.If you are not familiar with essential oils I recommend you read information about the oils you intend to use, especially the contra-indications prior to use.I personally find the oil burner the safest method of using pure essential oils although candles, pillows and oils and creams are very popular alsoPure essential oils most beneficial when performing Reiki.1. Lavender:Aromatic healing properties &#8211; a tonic with relaxing effects, headache, menstrual pain, analgesic, antibiotic, acne, antiviral and anti-inflammatory.Lavender oil is very good for those suffering from emotional pain or are sensitive and easily hurt, or distressed. Lavender promotes a feeling of calmness, strength and confidence whilst Reiki is building and strengthening Life Force Energy.2. SandalwoodAromatic healing properties &#8211; relaxation, dry sensitive skin, infections and antiseptic.Sandalwood is excellent for inducing relaxation and confidence plus building trust.3. Clary SageAromatic healing properties: asthma, anti-spasmodic, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory muscle relaxant, digestive tonic, stress, tension, menstrual cramps.Clary Sage is beneficial to open blocked channels which need healing. Warning do not use Clary Sage Pure Essential Oil in Pregnancy </p>
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  122. <title>Cyber Crime: A Threat to Financial Institutions</title>
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  125. <pubDate>Sun, 26 Mar 2023 16:08:12 +0000</pubDate>
  126. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  132. <description><![CDATA[The unprecedented growth of cyber crime on financial institutions is alarming. According to the An FBI report it has been revealed that over 400 reported cases of account takeovers by cyber criminals is with an actual loss of approximately $85 million.A disappointing outcome of such cyber crime is the unimaginable burden on the banks, which [...]]]></description>
  133. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> The unprecedented growth of cyber crime on financial institutions is alarming. According to the An FBI report it has been revealed that over 400 reported cases of account takeovers by cyber criminals is with an actual loss of approximately $85 million.A disappointing outcome of such cyber crime is the unimaginable burden on the banks, which puts customers money at high risk. Financial institutions clearly need to identify such threats and potential solutions to prevent the heavy burden of such unsafe events.Challenges of Cyber CrimeCyber Criminals are expert in designing special technology extremely difficult for identification by financial institutions and can easily sway naive customers. Such criminals are highly cautious not to spread their malicious intentions too far to be easily caught and instead use new tricks at regular intervals to trap users.Financial criminals create attractive messages to run across banking websites. Upon clicking such ads, cyber criminals can easily access login details and passwords. These details are majorly misused for conducting fraudulent transactions and transferring lump sum amount of money to various other accounts.ATM services are also prone to fraudulent activities by cyber criminals using various tricks to intercept confidential data in the card including the user&#8217;s pin number. This way criminals can create fake cards to withdraw money from the individual&#8217;s account.Many financial institutions are concerned with the increasing frequency and new sophisticated methods used by cyber criminals. Financial threats are increasing costs to design resources and technology to combat cyber crime taking place on a large-scale. Electronic banking is one of the frequently used technologies by customers. Banks and ATM vendors are under constant pressure to handle attacks on mediums such as internet and ATM machines which today are primary sources to access cash.Financial criminals find it very convenient to attack a single line of business like wire transactions. Frauds on such mediums facilitate the attacker for illegal activities such as money laundering which happens quickly and goes unnoticed. Many FI&#8217;s are failing to employ necessary resources to deal with money laundering and maintain Bank Secrecy Act due to continual criminal challenges.Small and mid-sized financial institutions need to be cautious in keeping their business open to certain industry type. A special risk management strategy needs to be adopted for long-term loans such mortgage, auto financing, energy lending all of which involve high levels of risk.Viable solutionsAt a macro level, financial institutions need to focus on seven major areas of risk management which include: Risk management for new products and services, capital planning, commercial real estate concentration, underwriting of industrial loans, interest rate risk, compliance with anti-money laundering schemes and consumer laws, technology and operational risks.For consistent highly secured operations, financial institutions should outsource services to reliable security companies. This will also reduce the financial burden and cut down additional costs ad efforts to maintain an in-house security department for cyber crime.With ever-increasing fraudulent activities, there is a dire need to buy advanced technologies and design specific applications to prevent all types or risks. These will abundantly minimize costs that arise from perilous acts such as hacking or money laundering.To mitigate risks, it is essential for all financial institutions to increase awareness and access the appropriate resources to minimize risk of cyber threats. It is imperative to combat criminal activities by complying with regulations and keeping in mind the level of risks from all angles.By monitoring financial crimes, a financial institution can immensely prevent criminals from attacking any channel that facilitates transactions to and fro the users. An integrated approach enables an organization to collect and analyze data from multiple areas of potential risk.Cross channel, investigations can help minimize redundant procedures. Combined data can also help prevent malicious strategies an acts as a force multiplier to eliminate similar investigations and easily trap similar cyber attack on varied channels.Software providers of bank websites and ATM services should be fluent with software updates to provide full security to customers. Essentially, financial institutions should not wait for a malware to strike but ensure that systems are highly secured to prevent the attack of malicious criminals.Combating cyber crime is not a one day job or a prevention task after such a problem has occurred. Increased awareness and appropriate use of security resources are key measures to combat cyber crime. Financial institutions should prioritize prudence and formulate apt security measures to effectively combat any type of cyber crime. </p>
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  139. <title>The New and Effective University Management System</title>
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  142. <pubDate>Sun, 26 Mar 2023 08:28:27 +0000</pubDate>
  143. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  144. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  145. <category><![CDATA[management]]></category>
  146. <category><![CDATA[software]]></category>
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  149. <description><![CDATA[How a university is managed and controlled, is often a concern for many people who are associated with it. The list includes students, regulatory authorities, trustees, donors and many more. With time, it was realized that traditional systems don&#8217;t yield results as expected because there are numerous loopholes within the system. This is when software [...]]]></description>
  150. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> How a university is managed and controlled, is often a concern for many people who are associated with it. The list includes students, regulatory authorities, trustees, donors and many more. With time, it was realized that traditional systems don&#8217;t yield results as expected because there are numerous loopholes within the system. This is when software companies came up with specialized ERP software that will cater the overall functioning needs of educational institutions by offering a new University Management System. Such a system will bring the much needed uniformity and stability within an organization.It is quite obvious that such an advanced system will be expensive because the software will thoroughly integrate a university under its wing. However, it&#8217;s like a onetime investment, and universities investing in them will surely reap the benefits. Mentioned are some small benefits of such a system.The management of a university will find much reduction in its work load as every task and job will be completed on real time platform in a determined manner.<br />
  151. Secondly, the productivity of a college will increase to large extent as the new system will implement tested ways of managing everyday tasks.<br />
  152. The security of data and transactions will be ensured to large extent. ERP software generally use a web based server for keeping the daily records, and hence, there are fewer chances of manipulation and mishandling of data.<br />
  153. The management will also have better control over various departments as every department will have to perform for output. It will be easy for the top level management of a university to find the faults within a department and take necessary steps for control and correction.However, before investing in such ERP systems, it&#8217;s crucial for the management to understand and judge a few factors mentioned below.Level of customization: Configuration of ERP college software is not a massive task, but what needs attention is the level of customization offered. The management must ensure that the software is capable of bringing all functions on a single platform. Also, if there are multiple campuses, it&#8217;s crucial that the software offers combined solutions for all. Since, each college and university has its own customized functions, it&#8217;s essential to understand the adaptability of the software.<br />
  154. Options for added modules: Popular ERP software systems have numerous modules that can be incorporated for an added cost, to increase the overall functioning of a university. This may include GPS, mobile platform, and biometric systems among others. While these technologies may seem to be an added expenditure, the benefits are prodigious.<br />
  155. Level of support: While installing, customizing and implementing such complex software, the management must expect the highest degree of support from the software management company.With the new university management system, the modern system of education will reach a new height of excellence. The system will be beneficial to everyone associated in day-to-day running of the university, and will help the admin and management in apt controlling of various functions. </p>
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  161. <title>Lucrative Jobs in Travel and Leisure Industry</title>
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  164. <pubDate>Thu, 02 Feb 2023 06:50:18 +0000</pubDate>
  165. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  166. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
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  169. <description><![CDATA[After leaving college, all of us when we are in our youth, desire to spread our wings. After spending many years in colleges and universities for education we wish a job that broadens our horizons and give us a more comprehensive viewpoint of life. Travel and leisure industry provides the exact prospects to fulfill our [...]]]></description>
  170. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> After leaving college, all of us when we are in our youth, desire to spread our wings. After spending many years in colleges and universities for education we wish a job that broadens our horizons and give us a more comprehensive viewpoint of life. Travel and leisure industry provides the exact prospects to fulfill our wishes.Although travel and leisure industry, like all other sectors of the economy, has taken a hit due to recession, it is showing signs of recovery. This industry requires a love for travelling, creativity, excellent communication skills and an ability to understand people and their needs. The benefits of working in this industry are its lucrative pay structure based on performance, wide appeal and a more creative and fulfilling life. So if you are looking to make a career in this evergreen sector, a few career opportunities along with their requirements are mentioned below.Tour Operations and Escorting Executive &#8211; In this position you are responsible for accompanying a group of travelers and ensure that they have a satisfying experience during all points of their tour including travel, stay and during visit to actual destinations. You should have a craving for travel, a good personality, good handling and escorting skills and strong nerves to handle difficult and unpredictable ground condition efficiently. Although some institutes provide specialized courses for this course but often companies looking to recruit a tour operator do not look for specific degrees. However prior experience in similar position is greatly valued.Travel Writer &#8211; In this job you are required to write interestingly and correctly for newspapers, travel magazines, travel guides and travel websites. As most of the time you are writing about an already well travelled and well described destination, it is expected that you provide a fresh approach to them along with interesting anecdotes. As travel writing involves some strenuous journeys, so being well organized and ability to meet strict deadlines under pressure is desirable. You may work as freelance or on a contractual basis. This is a very competitive job so you may need to have basic training in writing as well as travelling. Some large organization while hiring at this position might specify a degree qualification in communication, journalism or English as a basic requirement for the job.Flight attendants &#8211; Here you work for an airline as member of an airline in order to ensure safety and comfort of passengers during flight. You are also required to conduct cabin checks periodically, especially during night flights to check on the passengers, and listen for any unusual noises or situations. For getting this highly lucrative job you are required to undergo a mandatory training by the airline for a duration of six weeks to six months depending on the airline and the country of operation. A pleasing personality and knowledge of additional languages also helps. Some airlines also have a height and weight requirement.Fitness trainers &#8211; As a fitness trainer you are employed by fitness trainers and health clubs to demonstrate various exercises to the clients and help improve their organizing technique. You are also required to motivate and keep a record of the client&#8217;s exercise regime. As far as qualifications are required you need to have completed your schooling and must have undergone a certification program.Senior Hotel Staff &#8211; whether it be bar manager, maitre&#8217;d or general manager of the entire hotel, increasingly Westerners are being attracted to job roles in hotels in places as varied as China and Jamaica! The role will typically involve the same duties as it would in the UK or the US, but the surroundings are usually completely different! </p>
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  176. <title>Payday Loans &#8211; A Complete Guide to Consider</title>
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  179. <pubDate>Wed, 01 Feb 2023 20:11:01 +0000</pubDate>
  180. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  181. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  183. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  184. <description><![CDATA[Find yourself seriously strapped for cash? Unsure of what to make when financial struggle strikes you? Here, we will provide you significant possible options that will instantly ease your feeling and get rid of your financial worries.One of the best things to do is apply for a cheap payday loans. How? Read on.Well, you have [...]]]></description>
  185. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Find yourself seriously strapped for cash? Unsure of what to make when financial struggle strikes you? Here, we will provide you significant possible options that will instantly ease your feeling and get rid of your financial worries.One of the best things to do is apply for a cheap payday loans. How? Read on.Well, you have stumbled upon an excellent resource to begin comprehending the way these payday loans work. Welcome to the pages of loan advice and guide, a place where you can determine the best way to find the perfect angle out of a tricky financial dilemma.It is very true to all of us, and I am fairly confident in our sentiment that no one likes to face or experience an unexpected financial situation; one which necessitates the need to borrow funds, and borrow them quickly. We all know the generosity of our family and friends can only go so far and it is important not to make borrowing from them a habit. If there is no way to wait for your next paycheck, a payday loans or cash advances is an alternative. You just need to be sure you are aware of all the terms and conditions of borrowing under the system.Most loans company wish to make it clear that the concept behind borrowing on these terms is in &#8216;advance.&#8217; We are merely using the quick payday loan as a tool to speed along the process of receiving your paycheck.So, of course, you need to have some form of reliable income coming in, in order to qualify. This is not a bad stipulation in considering an applicant or a loaner, for the fact that there are consumers or loaners who have bad credit and may use for instance fax less payday loans. Getting payday advances still means you have to pay off your loans.Now, the following are tips to consider before applying payday loans:Tip 1: Save<br />
  186. The society is changing dramatically each day. The prices of common goods are increasing and we cannot cope with the fast increase of the market sales and were getting drowned from different debts, and often we consult to payday loans. One can generally avoid going into series of loans and keep away from paying high interest rate if he or she knows how to save.Tip 2: Credit matters Before anybody can go into loans, his credit standing is considered and can play a significant role in determining the loan terms, so be sure to verify your credit profile. Fortunately, there are many options available for individuals with bad credit and loan providers will often work with you to customize a loan program that matches your individual needs.So, even if you have bad credit you need not get disheartened. Payday loans company provide appropriate response for your needs; however, credit still matters, and be sure if you apply for loans, sources for repaying it will be accessible and available upon the date of repaying it.Tip 3: Know thy regulator<br />
  187. Every country would have some form of regulatory protection to ensure consumers right and to ensure that they do not get ripped into payday loan scams. Be sure to check with your state and city regulatory authorities to understand the laws that protect you.Payday loans, while serving and considered as an optimal solution for short term financing needs, do require attention to certain caveats. Even individuals with bad credit are eligible for payday loans and so these loans are very popular. The most important consideration when applying for any loan is the kind of company you are working with because that is, essentially, lays the foundation for everything else, including loan terms, payment policies, and several other important considerations.Below are the questions posted and must be considered before applying for payday loans:- Do you really need loan?<br />
  188. - What is the length of time you need a cash advance for?<br />
  189. - How much money do you need to borrow?<br />
  190. - Do you meet the criteria for loan?<br />
  191. - Are your wages paid directly into your bank account?<br />
  192. - Can you afford to pay it back?<br />
  193. -  Are you aware of the different processes involved in applying for a loan?<br />
  194. - Are you aware of the cost of a loan?<br />
  195. - Are you in a position where your credit and debts are getting uncontrollable?<br />
  196. - Is a payday loan your best option?One must really think first of the consequences of his actions. Provide at least a little of your time knowing about certain things rightfully, otherwise you might regret later for doing it the other way around. Decision-making is the most crucial thing to be made by someone in his life. Therefore, be a wise decision maker, think 77&#215;7 before handling down your decision to avoid great risk and consequence in the long run. </p>
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