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  253.                            <p><strong>Price:</strong>Contact Us</p>
  254.                            <p class='subcategory'><strong>Items:</strong><a href="/unique-ir-lens.shtml">Infrared contact lenses for sale</a></p>
  255.                            <div><strong>Product Name:</strong>Marked Poker Contact Lenses</div>
  256. <div><strong>Manufacturer:</strong>GS company</div>
  257. <div><strong>Material:</strong>Silicon hydrogel
  258. <div>
  259. <div><strong>Processed Method:</strong>Invisible ink</div>
  260. <div><strong>Size:</strong>9mm, 7mm, 6mm, 5mm, 4mm, 3mm</div>
  261. <div><strong>Application:</strong>Poker Cheating Games &amp; Magical Shows</div>
  262. <div><strong>Delivery Time:</strong>3-5 Working Days</div>
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  269. <h5>Description</h5>
  270. <div id="nocopy"><p>How to purchase a pair of magic marked playing cards contact lenses for playing cards? When we are purchasing a product, any kind of products, it is a little troublesome to make a choice. If we want to choose a high quality marked cards contact lenses, we need some professional knowledge of luminous ink contact lenses. Even if we do not learn the professional knowledge of the infrared contact lenses for playing cards cheating devices, at least we need to understand the basic information of it.</p>
  271. <p>Ultimate infrared contact lenses for playing cards cheating tricks are processed with high quality normal contact lenses. Different kind of infrared marked playing cards contact lenses for sale will offer you different effect.</p>
  272. <p>Using the ultimate invisible ink marked cards contact lenses can see the numbers and suits on the back of the ultimate luminous ink marked cards decks directly, this marked playing cards contact lens are practical and convenient. Our ultimate infrared contact lenses for playing cards cheating tricks can offer you a clear infrared version. This infrared contact lenses for playing cards cheating devices can be used for a long time, if there is any damage within one year, except the human being damage, we can offer you the new one for free.</p></div>
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  437.    <li>Name:&nbsp;<span id="name1">Chris</span><span id="time1">2024-05-13 04:37:03</span></li>
  438.    <li>Content:&nbsp;<span id="content1">Cards and loaded neice is what I’m interested in</span></li>
  439.    <li>Reply:&nbsp;<span id="res_mes1">Please WhatsApp contact +8613642643795 for details of marked cards and loaded dice, please. Thanks!</span></li>
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  442.    <li>Name:&nbsp;<span id="name2">Wilson</span><span id="time2">2024-05-12 06:57:15</span></li>
  443.    <li>Content:&nbsp;<span id="content2">Boa noite, moro no Brazil e gostaria de saber se este produto e para texas holdem naipe grande e se é possivel guardar duas cartas ao mesmo tempo ? E qual o valor ?</span></li>
  444.    <li>Reply:&nbsp;<span id="res_mes2">Entre em contato pelo WhatsApp +8613642643795 para obter detalhes sobre lentes de contato com tinta invisível, por favor. Obrigado!</span></li>
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