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  22. <title>Examples of Small Business Ideas With No Money Expenditure</title>
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  25. <pubDate>Tue, 18 Apr 2023 12:13:29 +0000</pubDate>
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  51. <description><![CDATA[To start a business with no monetary expenditure is a preposterous notion, and altogether impossible. Every business needs funding for the operation of daily enterprise, and even more so for the inception, initiation, and commencement of that business. However, in the commerce climate of the 21st century, starting a business has become something which all [...]]]></description>
  52. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> To start a business with no monetary expenditure is a preposterous notion, and altogether impossible. Every business needs funding for the operation of daily enterprise, and even more so for the inception, initiation, and commencement of that business. However, in the commerce climate of the 21st century, starting a business has become something which all entrepreneurs are exploring. Small business ideas with no money, no capital, can be found in a variety of places. Some of these ventures could involve some minimal expenditures, but most likely not ones which would be prohibitive for the neophyte entrepreneur. Let&#8217;s explore some examples of these ventures.1. Writing Service<br />
  53. If writing copy and content is your forte, there is an abundance of niches which require your skills. For instance, the plethora of new websites coming online daily are in acute need of excellent, quality content. Not only do these websites rely on their content to attract search engine spiders, but to attract new customers. A website with dull content, bad grammar, and an abundance of spelling errors is nothing but a turn-off. These websites need an infusion of fresh, interesting content on an ongoing basis. Article writing is another attractive niche. There is a critical need the use of good transitional phrases, advanced vocabulary words, and great content; and all you need is simply a computer, an internet connection, and your killer writing skills.2. Household service<br />
  54. If you are living in an apartment in the city, you already have a captured market in your grasp. Take advantage of your situation; check to see if there is a need for household services. This is a great business idea for stay-at-home moms who have time when the kids are in school. You can offer services such as laundry, cleaning, and even cooking and organizing. What&#8217;s more, you are just adding a little work to what you are already doing, so there are no additional costs of materials and labor. In addition, you will have no transportation costs, and the exercise could be a supplementary bonus. If you are currently using earth friendly, &#8221;green&#8221; household products yourself, you can use these same cleaners when you are working in the apartments of your clients; not only will you continue to use products which are safe for you, but you will most likely be able to educate those same clients in this very important subject.3. Tutorial Service<br />
  55. If you are a mom who helps with her child&#8217;s homework, guiding and teaching other children at the same time could be an excellent supplemental income. Offering tutorial services to your neighbor&#8217;s kids is one business that you can start with no money. It could be that many other parents don&#8217;t have the time which is so critical in helping children with reading, math, history, and geography skills. If you are skilled at this already, then tutoring might just be the niche you have been looking for. </p>
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  61. <title>Recognizing B2B Telemarketing As a Great Marketing Medium</title>
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  64. <pubDate>Mon, 17 Apr 2023 20:48:21 +0000</pubDate>
  65. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  67. <category><![CDATA[management]]></category>
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  70. <description><![CDATA[B2B telemarketing has recently become popular especially for SMBs (Small to Medium Businesses). This marketing medium&#8217;s popularity has reached even the far regions of this earth. From UK, to the United States of America, to even countries like Australia and Singapore. It is used in just about any industry such as commercial cleaning, accounting, financial, [...]]]></description>
  71. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> B2B telemarketing has recently become popular especially for SMBs (Small to Medium Businesses). This marketing medium&#8217;s popularity has reached even the far regions of this earth. From UK, to the United States of America, to even countries like Australia and Singapore. It is used in just about any industry such as commercial cleaning, accounting, financial, information technology, advertising, education, and even healthcare.At times, the only thing that is needed for a telemarketing campaign to be formally initiated is a target market along with their respective information. Businesses can purchase telemarketing lists that will allow them to target those potential clients within the range of their market precisely. For instance, these targets can be a list of hotels, bars, clothing and apparel shops, and other SMBs in between. Regardless of what kind of market a business plans on targeting, telemarketing in a b2b fashion entails numerous and wondrous results from the marketing campaign.There are numerous benefits to an in-house telemarketing campaign. Nevertheless, business owners should not turn a cold shoulder over the fact that there are some negative aspects to bringing up the marketing course in-house.One of these negative aspects includes the massive usage of the business&#8217; utilities. Electricity, cooling, heating, and most especially the excessive use of the telephone always play an integral part of the entire campaign. As a result, the business&#8217; budget can continually drain out cash just because they have to keep the campaign alive with these utilities. One cannot even bear to imagine a telemarketing campaign without access to a nearby telephone.For a more convenient approach for the telemarketing campaign, business owners can acquire the help of professional telemarketers residing in highly dependable telemarketing firms. The required cost for acquiring these services may seem a bit high but it should not threaten business owners for they can get more in return from the success of their marketing campaign. This increase in income is highly possible due to the expertise of the professionals that are taking charge of the marketing course.Not only that these services are highly dependable but they also allow businesses to lower down their utility costs by a considerable amount. Telemarketing firms can take care of their own utility bills. In short, businesses no longer have to worry about their monthly bills so much for the telemarketing firm can handle the bills for their client&#8217;s campaign. Ultimately, the campaign becomes more cost efficient in the long run as opposed to bringing it up in-house.B2B telemarketing is not only limited to bringing in sales by actively calling potential clients into purchasing products and services. As a matter of fact, there are tons of services available for businesses to get from these telemarketing firms. It all depends on what they want to achieve for their marketing campaign. Here are some of the known and popular services that can be acquired from these firms.Telesales &#8211; It is basically a campaign where sales agents call prospects if they are interested in purchasing a product or a service. This is the more direct approach when it comes to selling the business&#8217; goods.Appointment Setting &#8211; Through the aid of these professional telemarketers, they can set up appointments for the business that wants a more direct approach in advertising their products and services to their prospects.Market Research &#8211; Telemarketers use their direct line of communication to gain valuable information from their targeted market for the improvement of their products and services.These three services are merely a preview to the many beneficial services that these telemarketers can offer businesses. By getting the aid of these professionals, any type of marketing campaign can be brought up to its peak efficiency. </p>
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  77. <title>7 Best Online Institutions For Photography That Can Change Your Career</title>
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  80. <pubDate>Sat, 01 Apr 2023 17:47:16 +0000</pubDate>
  81. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  83. <category><![CDATA[Photography]]></category>
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  86. <description><![CDATA[Online institutions for photography are great options for professional and amateur photographers who want to improve their photography skills. Compared to the conventional photography institutions, online schools have various benefits from lower fee structure to efficient time utilization. Our busy schedule today, does not allow everyone to regularly attend a regular classroom program but it [...]]]></description>
  87. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Online institutions for photography are great options for professional and amateur photographers who want to improve their photography skills. Compared to the conventional photography institutions, online schools have various benefits from lower fee structure to efficient time utilization. Our busy schedule today, does not allow everyone to regularly attend a regular classroom program but it is easy for anyone to regularly attend an online photography course. Since the materials can be downloaded and learnt at your own convenience, you can learn during your spare time and weekends.7 best online institutions that you should consider are:1. AS in Digital Photography, International Academy of Design and Technology- For photography beginners, this is probably the best online course because it covers a large range of topics from composition to lighting techniques at a beginner level.2. Photojournalism Program, Boston University- Boston University is a renowned university in United States. When the university officials realized the potential of internet as a great resource for educating students, they came up with a number of fascinating online courses and their department of photography is one among them. The faculty includes professional photographers who have won several prestigious awards and worked with prestigious institutions.3. BFA in Visual Communication, American Intercontinental University- BFA program from AIU is dealing with the artistic side of photography. However, this program also provides very good insight to various photography equipment, photography techniques and the scientific aspects of photography.4. BFA in Photography, Pratt Institute- The photography program from Pratt Institute covers various aspects of photography including the history, color and studio lighting. The program has eight semesters.5. BFA in Photography, Savannah College of Arts and Design- If you are photographer with a strong passion for art, this program works best for you. The introductory classes include drawing and painting sessions to provide you a better insight to colors. MFA in Photography, Savannah College of Arts and Design is one of the best courses for professional photographers and students who want to learn the commercial aspects of photography. The MFA program covers marketing and sales as well as digital photography.6. BFA in Photography, Academy of Art- The San Francisco based institute is well known for their cutting edge art courses and this course is no exception. You will learn about working with clients, organizing portfolios, studio tools and lighting. They also offer an MFA program.7. Visual Journalism, Brooks Institute- The Visual Journalism program from Brooks is the best option for those who are looking for a specialized photography degree. Be it fashion, advertising or industrial photography, the institute has tailor made courses that suits you the best. This course can be the best choice for amateur photographers who want to learn about a particular niche and for professionals who are planning to expand their career to one more niche.There is no doubt that these schools have at least one course to offer that will be quite appropriate for you. </p>
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  93. <title>How to Choose a Trademark Professional</title>
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  96. <pubDate>Sat, 01 Apr 2023 06:44:34 +0000</pubDate>
  97. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  99. <category><![CDATA[Trademarks]]></category>
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  102. <description><![CDATA[Search for specialised professionals: You should search specifically for a trademark professional, rather than a regular law professional. Check to see that your trademark expert is well-versed in Australian trademark law. A trademark professional can provide you with specialised advice on trademark searches, trademark registration, and trademark management.Choose professionals with experience: There is nothing more [...]]]></description>
  103. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Search for specialised professionals: You should search specifically for a trademark professional, rather than a regular law professional. Check to see that your trademark expert is well-versed in Australian trademark law. A trademark professional can provide you with specialised advice on trademark searches, trademark registration, and trademark management.Choose professionals with experience: There is nothing more valuable to you than a trademark expert with experience in the field. Trademark matters concerning your intellectual property require precise navigation and a sound depth of knowledge. An experienced professional will best be able to advise you on protecting your trademark. You should also search for professionals who have experience that is specific to your industry, or experience in business.Look for professionals with good reputations: It is essential that the trademark expert you hire has a solid foundation within the industry, accompanied by a good reputation for service and success. Search for firms that are established within their industry. You should ask around for references, or contact the clients of different firms to ask them about the level of service they received.Search for professionals with connections: Your trademark professional must be well-connected in order to ensure that your mark achieves registration without complication. A well-connected trademark expert can guide you through the registration process and provide you with legal advice in regards to protecting your trademark rights, and continuing trademark management.Why Hire a Professional?You should hire a trademark professional if you are considering using your mark in relation to your products and services, as you will require registration to protect you intellectual property. A trademark professional will file the relevant application: whether you want to register a mark that is already in use, or whether you wish to &#8216;reserve&#8217; a mark intended for use in conjunction with your products and services, you should contact a trademark professional for advice.If you are already using a trademark, you should hire a professional to conduct trademark searches to ensure that you are not infringing on anyone else&#8217;s rights, and therefore are vulnerable to legal ramifications. A trademark professional can assist you in making decisions concerning your marks before you encounter any problems. You should especially contact a trademark expert if you are already aware of potential issues concerning your marks.You should also contact a professional if you wish to register any of your marks as trademarks. A trademark professional will be able to assist you in drafting and filing your trademark application, as well as navigating the entirety of the registration process, including legal action taken against you or adverse reports that you are issued.What Else Will Your Trademark Expert Do?Your trademark professional will not only assist you in searching and registering your mark. They are also capable of assisting you in enforcing your trademark rights. Your trademark professional will help you remedy cases of infringement, as well as identify potential infringers before an issue arises. In addition, if you are issued a &#8216;cease and desist&#8217; notice by another party, your trademark professional will help you to respond. Hiring a trademark professional before you start using your mark can help prevent you losing your mark and your investment in your brand.Your trademark expert can also advise you on whether your mark is available for registration, or whether it infringes on the rights of another party. It is important to know whether your mark can be registered before you file your application.Three Reasons to Hire a Trademark Professional:<br />
  104. Trademark law is complex: it is always convoluted, particularly to someone that is not versed in intellectual property laws. Filing a trademark registration can be difficult, as is managing your application throughout the registration process. If you fail to properly complete, submit, and maintain your application, you will find that it is quickly rejected despite the money you have invested.<br />
  105. Registering your mark with the assistance of a trademark professional works out to be cost-effective. If you file your application yourself and come up against legal issue or contest, you will have to hire a professional to assist you: however, by hiring a trademark professional from the very beginning, you can minimise or even avoid those fees.<br />
  106. Foremost, your professional will help you avoid infringement of other parties&#8217; rights that would otherwise results in legal fees and a loss in your investment.</p>
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  112. <title>The Three P&#8217;s of Project Management</title>
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  115. <pubDate>Fri, 31 Mar 2023 20:43:17 +0000</pubDate>
  116. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  118. <category><![CDATA[management]]></category>
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  121. <description><![CDATA[Project Managers are People Managers. Many of us have heard this over the years, but is that it? Are we nothing more than people managers? I will agree that we are responsible for managing people and that this is a portion of the PM (Project Manager) role. I ask that we take a moment to [...]]]></description>
  122. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Project Managers are People Managers. Many of us have heard this over the years, but is that it? Are we nothing more than people managers? I will agree that we are responsible for managing people and that this is a portion of the PM (Project Manager) role. I ask that we take a moment to look at a couple of facts. Many PM&#8217;s get certification from the PMI (Project Management Institute) which is ISO (International Organization for Standardization) recognized certification. Additionally, one could also receive a Masters Degree in Project Management. With that in mind, are PM&#8217;s really nothing more than people managers? Is there really a perception that PM&#8217;s do nothing more than manage people? Is people management the most important function of a PM?In this article I want to present the three P&#8217;s of project management. The three P&#8217;s are to take into account the elements and structure of project management. As most of us know, there are five project management process groups and nine knowledge areas (please refer to the PMBOK guide for clarification). I can assure you that there is more than people management when it comes to the process groups and knowledge areas. On the other hand, without people and without people management projects can not be accomplished. So people management is important but without the other two P&#8217;s will a project be successful? Let me present the three P&#8217;s of Project Management and follow them with a review.1) People Management<br />
  123. 2) Process Management and<br />
  124. 3) Performance ManagementPeople Management is essential in regards to project management. It takes the leadership of the project manager to guide a team towards working together in symmetry to accomplish the objectives of a project. I feel that cooperation and collaboration are a couple of key ingredients when it comes to people management. Without cooperation and/or collaboration by the team or an individual on the team, a project can end up in jeopardy.How do you build a team that fosters collaboration and cooperation? I have found that the best decisions are made by a team not an individual. Early on in a project I bring the team together to discuss the objectives of the project. Then to engage the subject matter experts and the IT resources in a discussion that elicits the best decisions. I ask questions and encourage the team to do the same. Next we look at making a decision. I follow this up by looking for options or alternatives by asking if there is a better way. The information presented here leads to new and better decisions. New decisions are based on new information, get the team to to collaborate and cooperate and the best decisions will be made. The best information will be presented and individuals will be contributors.It is common for any team to go through forming, norming, storming and conforming in order to grow. The PM expects this and is prepared to manage it accordingly so the team performs. It is persuasive assertiveness that, when used effectively, leads the team in overcoming differences and strives for project success.To this point we have only discussed people management, and frankly, teams can be organized for all sorts of reasons and the team leader can use the information above to leverage the team. Is people management another term for project management?Process Management is equally important to People Management. Without either of these, the ability to provide a successful project outcome is severely diminished. To improve the outcome of a project the PM utilizes sound and repeatable processes that lead to a successful project implementation. PM&#8217;s use their knowledge, skills and effectiveness to incorporate the project management process groups and knowledge areas. If the project management process groups and knowledge areas are not effectively managed along with the team there will be project chaos. If your project is in chaos or total chaos, what areas of project management are not being effectively involved in your project? Do you need to look far?I feel that without the utilization of a project management process that projects will wander and drift like a message in a bottle, no charted course and an unknown destination. I have felt the pains of projects without process. They struggled with technology implementations, cost over-runs and the project scope in constant flux. The end result, failure.I found that a similar team managed the next version of an application with a project management process in place, the results were outstanding. There was a solid scope document that provided the necessary information for user acceptance testing. There were five change requests made that went through the change control procedure, four were approved. The plan target date was not only achieved, but the work was completed ahead of schedule. Being ahead of schedule meant cost savings thus the project was completed under budget. All of this was achieved and there were no product defects.Could this have been accomplished with people skills alone? Would you be able to create project symmetry without a project management process? I feel you already know the answers to these questions.Finally there is Performance Management. For the most part, this category falls under process management for all intensive purposes. I like to breakout performance management and look at it from a different perspective. The purpose of performance management is to answer the question &#8230; How is you project coming along? When that is asked it should be able to be address the triple constraints. Is the project on schedule? Is it within budget? Will it meet the project scope? By measuring the triple constraints, a PM can track the actual progress of a project and make adjustments based on this information. Performance management holds the team accountable and keeps the senior team informed.Let&#8217;s take a moment to look back at earlier questions. Are project managers nothing more than people managers? Is people management the most important function of a PM? My response to this is that project managers must balance both people and process management. One without the other will not provide the optimum outcome.Special Note: I want to convey that I am not overlooking Quality. Quality falls under the knowledge areas which is referred to in the earlier process writings. I hope to go into greater detail on this topic in a future article. In addition, I am not overlooking problem management. I feel that problem management falls under people management since problems are found by people and decisions are made by people.With everything that has been presented here, it is important to keep in mind that Project Managers bring so much more to the success of a project than their ability to manage people. The three P&#8217;s of project management, (people, process and performance management) take into account much of the criteria needed for successful project management. As project managers, we are trained, skilled and experienced in this field. If projects are going well we know we are doing the right things. If projects are not going well, reflect on this and take action to correct its course. How well are your projects being managed? </p>
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  130. <title>Spa And Hot Tub Buyers Guide</title>
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  133. <pubDate>Fri, 31 Mar 2023 18:18:57 +0000</pubDate>
  134. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  136. <category><![CDATA[Spa and Wellness]]></category>
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  139. <description><![CDATA[For many consumers buying a spa is a life changing event. It is an event often accompanied by stress, when the intention is to alleviate it. There are so many producers of spas, so many sizes and models, prices and quality levels. Making it more complicated is that many spas look and feel virtually identical, [...]]]></description>
  140. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> For many consumers buying a spa is a life changing event. It is an event often accompanied by stress, when the intention is to alleviate it. There are so many producers of spas, so many sizes and models, prices and quality levels. Making it more complicated is that many spas look and feel virtually identical, even though they are not. Adding further to the confusion some manufacturers use different names to describe similar features in an attempt to make their products appear distinctive. When confronted with so many choices, consumers often become overwhelmed. This guide will help you make a more informed decision about purchasing a spa by providing you with some basic facts. After reading this guide you will be well on your way to selecting the spa that is right for you, both practically and aesthetically.How do I keep the water clean?Proper water maintenance is vital to the enjoyment of your spa. While some sales people will try to convince you they can sell you a chemical free spa; that is not a practical option for truly clean water. Professional retailers and manufacturers most often recommend: Choosing a spa with an advanced filtration system, purchasing an optional ozone purifier with your spa and using mineral purifiers in conjunction with chemical-based sanitisers. These minerals can significantly reduce the amount of chemicals such as chlorine. Maintenance procedures are not difficult, and knowledgeable retailers will provide the start-up kit and instructions you need. Manufacturers recommend draining and cleaning your spa 3 or 4 times per year, depending on how frequently you use it and how well you maintain your water. In most cases this simple process will only take about an hour to accomplish.How many of the spa&#8217;s jets are adjustable?Real, beneficial hydrotherapy is directly related to being able to adjust each jet where it is needed. This is the standard by which physical therapy and athletic hydrotherapy systems are judged. A common point of consumer confusion is introduced when manufacturers load up a spa with lots of inexpensive, non-adjustable, stationary jets. Look for advanced jets that feature in- built durability such as bearingless technology, which oscillates with no moving parts and so will not wear out. It doesn&#8217;t make any difference how many jets a spa has if they are not properly located and plumbed to provide the correct balance of water, air and horsepower.Is the spa full foam insulated?All major manufacturers agree that completely filling the spa cabinet with polyurethane foam insulation significantly reduces heat loss, thus reducing heating costs. While this process adds to the cost of manufacturing, research has shown that full foam insulation provides substantial savings to the spa owner over time. In addition to greater energy efficiency full foam insulation locks the spa plumbing in place to support the joints when stressed as the jet pumps are turned on and off over time. Some manufacturers eliminate full foam insulation in an attempt to provide product at a lower cost.How expensive is it to operate a spa?The main cost of operating a spa is heating the water. If you have a full foam insulated spa with an insulated locking cover, the average daily cost is less than the price of a small bottle of water. In addition to the energy cost consumers should look carefully at the total cost of ownership. An advanced filtration system in conjunction with ozone will significantly reduce chemical expenses. Bearingless jets will not wear and need replacing. Also look for time saving features to reduce time spent on maintenance, thus increasing the enjoyment of your spa.What do I need to know about horsepower?Efficient plumbing, better jets, and flow control are more important than horsepower. A lower horsepower pump in an efficient spa will produce just as much jet power as a higher horsepower pump in an inefficient spa. Many manufacturers use oversized, high horsepower pumps to compensate for poor design. Other companies employ a more cost and energy efficient system to achieve the same ends.How is the water temperature controlled?Most quality spas have sophisticated digital thermostatic controls. These highly reliable modern systems are capable of keeping the spa water within 1 degree of any temperature you select. While this is important for comfort, it is also important for safety. You should pay particular attention to the control system if you have children who will be using the spa. Better control systems have safety locks and digital readouts combined with automatic cut off should there be any obstruction to water flow. A good indicator of the control system&#8217;s quality is to read and compare manufacturers&#8217; warranties.Is the spa installed indoors or outdoors?A spa can be installed indoors or outdoors, although over 90% are installed outdoors. The two main considerations for installing a spa indoors are: will it fit through the door, and is the structural strength of the flooring adequate? Most importantly an indoor spa must have adequate and substantial ventilation. A typical 3-person spa weighs approximately 1,150 Kg when filled. The recommended foundations are: concrete pad of 75mm or thicker; or wood decking with a concrete foundation.What should I consider for the control panel?Not every spa control panel has the same ease of command, so test a control panel to verify it gives you the type of precision control you desire to fully enjoy your spa experience.Will I have to install plumbing for my new spa?No. All above-ground portable spas are filled with water using a garden hose. Check the spa can be conveniently and easily emptied.Do I choose a synthetic or wood cabinet?All cabinets used to be wood. A recent development in the spa industry is synthetic wood cabinets, which are now provided by many top-notch spa manufacturers. This product extends the &#8220;new look&#8221; of a spas surround, and eliminates the maintenance associated with wood cabinets. Synthetic wood cabinets are durable and UV-resistant, providing your spa with exquisite beauty for years to come.What about the warranty?This is one of the most crucial areas in the spa industry. Here are a few simple rules to keep in mind: A product warranty is a performance and reliability agreement between you and the manufacturer. Avoid spa manufacturers who add prorated and deductible provisions. Make sure you read the manufacturers warranty before buying, and compare coverage with other spas you are considering. Most quality spas will have at least 2-5 year warranties on parts, plumbing and labour without any service call charges.What do I need to consider before purchasing a spa?Consider &#8220;wet testing&#8221; a spa before purchasing. This means getting into a spa with water in it. All reputable spa dealers maintain filled demonstration models just for this purpose. Look for and verify that the seats provide lumbar support. When sitting in any seat, the water should reach at least shoulder level. If it does not, you will not get full hydrotherapeutic value. Lean your head back against the pillows. Make sure you do not have to hyperextend your neck to rest your head. If the spa has a lounge seat, make sure it is deep enough to keep you in the seat. Take notice of the alignment of jets with your muscles. Make sure they are massaging muscle tissue and not your spine. How convenient are the controls to use when you are seated in the spa? Stay in the spa with the jets on for at least 15 minutes. At the end of that time you will know whether the seating and jet arrangements are truly comfortable.How much should I spend on a spa?Quality spas are available in a wide range of prices. Just like cars, spa prices reflect features, materials and workmanship. The information in this consumer guide will help you determine the best spa for your needs based on value and performance. No matter which brand of spa you finally choose, we want you to be an informed consumer and have a satisfying spa experience. </p>
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  146. <title>Mind, Body, Spirit Healing&#8211;Putting It into Practice</title>
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  149. <pubDate>Fri, 31 Mar 2023 16:38:46 +0000</pubDate>
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  152. <category><![CDATA[Mind Body Spirit]]></category>
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  155. <description><![CDATA[Modern Medicine promotes the belief that health and wellness is a crap shoot, genetically driven and at best, pure luck. If the roll of the dice isn&#8217;t in your favor or your genetic make-up has been doomed six generations back, or luck runs out, Modern Medicine has a magic pill, chemical bomb or simply cutting [...]]]></description>
  156. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Modern Medicine promotes the belief that health and wellness is a crap shoot, genetically driven and at best, pure luck.  If the roll of the dice isn&#8217;t in your favor or your genetic make-up has been doomed six generations back, or luck runs out, Modern Medicine has a magic pill, chemical bomb or simply cutting out whatever organ is afflicted as a solution.Norman Vincent Peale declared, &#8220;Change your thoughts, and you change your world.&#8221;  Caroline Myss, medical intuitive extraordinaire states, &#8220;Every choice we make, every thought and feeling we have, is an act of power that has biological, environmental, social, personal and global consequences.&#8221;  Wayne Dyer states, &#8220;We are responsible for everything in our lives, including whether the chemistry in our body works or doesn&#8217;t work.&#8221;  If you believe health and wellness is a crap shoot, genetically driven or pure luck you have set the stage for body malfunction.  If you believe as Norman Vincent Peale, Caroline Myss, PhD and Wayne Dyer, PhD, Deepak Chopra, MD believe your choices, thoughts and feelings are an act of power, and that you are responsible, then you are in control of your health.To be effective Mind, Body, Spirit healing needs to be practiced on a daily basis&#8211;not after your body is being ravaged by a malfunction.  Mind, Body, Spirit healing is a process that maintains and supports health and wellness, thereby prevents body malfunction.  People who practice Mind, Body Spirit healing avoid having cancer, MS, heart attacks, strokes, and the 101 other afflictions from A to Z, which Modern Medicine has conditioned us to be plagued by from birth to death&#8211;for many a premature death.The nine most frequent surgeries in America are Tonsillectomies, myringotomies, Cataract removal, Low-back surgery, Gall Bladder removal, Hysterectomies, C-Section, Sleep Apnea, Jaw pain.As Dr. Myss stated&#8211;&#8221;&#8230;every thought and feeling we have, is an act of power that has biological,&#8230;consequences.&#8221;  In order to change any biological consequence you need to change your thoughts, which changes your feelings. Your new thoughts/beliefs must be shifted to empower you to control your health.To eliminate/avoid the most common reasons for surgery, it is important to know the thoughts/beliefs, which creates  body malfunctions and healthy thoughts/beliefs to prevent or heal it.Tonsillitis, Quinsy, Sore Throat &#8211; cause: Fear, Repressed emotions, Stifled Creativity, A strong belief that you cannot speak up for yourself and ask for your needs, Feeling unable to express yourself. Holding in angry words.Remedy: &#8220;I release all restrictions and I am free to be me. It is my birth right to have my needs met. I now ask for what I want with love and with ease. My good now flows freely. Divine ideas express through me. I am at peace.&#8221;Ear Infection &#8211; cause:  Anger. Not wanting to hear. Too much turmoil. Parents arguing.Remedy: Myringotomies are performed for recurrent ear infection, usually in children under five.  Since your child is incapable of changing the thoughts/feelings you need to take the responsibility to change the child&#8217;s experience and foster the expression of feelings.  Listen to and acknowledge your child&#8217;s feelings.  Avoid talking at your child, talk with your child.  There many excellent books on effective parenting.  If there is turmoil, fighting and arguing between the parents&#8211;seek counseling to resolve your adult issues.  I urge adults who have frequent colds/sore throats to use the following thought patterns.  &#8220;I hear with love. Harmony surrounds me. I listen with love to the pleasant and the good. I am a center of love.&#8221;Cataracts &#8211; cause:  Inability to see ahead with joy. Belief in a dark future.Remedy: &#8220;Life is eternal and filled with joy. I look forward to every moment.&#8221;Gall Bladder problems-cause:  Bitterness. Hard thoughts. Condemning. Pride. Fear.Remedy:  &#8220;I joyously release all hurts from the past. Life is sweet and so am I.Uterus/ovary problems &#8211; cause:  Allowing confusion to reign. Giving power to outside influences. Rejection of the feminine processes.Remedy:  &#8220;I am at home in my body. I am balanced in my creative flow.C-Section-cause:  Belief in old wives tales. Belief&#8211;childbirth should be painless. Fear. Stopping the process.  Rejection of the feminine processes.  Unhealed aftereffects of child sexual abuse/rape or adult rape cause the memory of trauma to interfere with the natural birth process.  If you are a sexual child abuse or adult rape survivor heal the emotional and physical aftereffects. See to find a sexual abuse recovery specialist, traditional therapy is not effective to guide you through sexual abuse recovery.Remedy:   Change your beliefs about childbirth.  Take natural childbirth classes. A mid-wife and/or doula can lead you through a healthy delivery in the majority of instances.  &#8220;I trust the process of life. I am safe. I am balanced in my creative flow.&#8221;Jaw Pain-cause: Anger. Resentment. Desire for revenge.Remedy:  &#8220;I am willing to change the patterns in me that created this condition. I love and approve of myself. I am safe.&#8221;Sleep Apnea:  Stubborn refusal to let go of old patterns, overweight or tonsil malfunction.Remedy:  &#8220;I release all that is unlike love and joy in my mind. I move from the past into the new and fresh and vital.&#8221;  Lose weight and follow remedy for tonsil malfunction.Low-Back Pain  L-1 to L- 5 &#8211; cause:  Crying for love and a need to be lonely. Insecurity. Stuck in childhood pain. See no way out. Sexual abuse. Guilt. Self-hatred. Rejection of sexuality. Financial insecurity. Fear of career. Feeling powerless. Insecurity. Difficulty in communicating. Anger. Inability to accept pleasure.Remedy:  &#8220;I am safe in the universe and all Life loves me and supports me.  I grow beyond my parents&#8217; limitations and live for myself. It is my turn now. I release the past. I cherish myself and my beautiful sexuality. I am safe. I love who I am. I am grounded in my own power. I am secure on all levels. I deserve to enjoy life. I ask for what I want and I accept with joy and pleasure.&#8221;Tip: Write these thoughts on a 3X5 card. Read them silently or out loud 3 times upon awakening and before going to sleep.  Have a copy with you, if you notice you are running the old tapes in your head, read the new thought pattern.  Within 30 &#8211; 45 days you will notice you feel better, more energized and have a sense of relief.The food we eat or lack of proper nutrition contributes to physical malfunction.  I will discuss nutritional needs&#8211;titled Holistic Nutrition.Article resource: Heal Your Body, Louise Hay. </p>
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  162. <title>Importance of Trial Version in Project Management Software</title>
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  165. <pubDate>Sun, 26 Mar 2023 07:39:19 +0000</pubDate>
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  168. <category><![CDATA[management]]></category>
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  172. <description><![CDATA[Trail version in project management software plays very important role. If your project management software provides free trial version to your customers then it will definitely help you to boost your business because with this your clients or customers can easily understand the product. A trial version of software is a good way to introduce [...]]]></description>
  173. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Trail version in project management software plays very important role. If your project management software provides free trial version to your customers then it will definitely help you to boost your business because with this your clients or customers can easily understand the product. A trial version of software is a good way to introduce the product in your target market. It enables new users to try the software free of cost for a limited period and gives an opportunity to test the functionality of it and make up their mind whether they shall require it adequately in their sphere of work at a later stage.The companies are equally benefited as it allows for greater user penetration amongst their desired segment i.e. it allows them to spread their software to a far greater audience and generate more scope for revenue in future. It provides an idea about the features exists in the software. If you want to use project management software then it is essential for you that firstly you know what feature this software have and you require those features or not. Trial version is free of cost and this will provide an idea about the functionality of the software that whether it is good or not. With the help of this you get to try the software without paying. People get an overview of the software and can easily see if they can utilize the software for their official purpose.Trial versions are extremely important for any consumer because there is tons of software available; many are not suited for simple usage. With a trial version of an existing software, consumers can fully test the usability of the software, compare with others and finally shortlist which software to use ultimately. This proves that trial version is very important in project management software. Management software is very useful for large as well as small-scale industries. With the help of such software you can easily manage your number of projects simultaneously.For managing your lots of products it is essential that you should choose best project management software. And trial version is such an option which provides you an idea that this particular software suited all your needs or requirements or not. As you know trial version are free of cost that will provide benefit to the company because lots of users are come and use the software. This will increase the number of users on your website and also give you a chance to prove your reliability. There are many free project management software are available on the internet which provides many features. Trial versions can provide you an idea about the functionality, reliability and features of the software. So by using this you can easily choose your software for managing your projects according to your needs and requirements. </p>
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  179. <title>Olukai Mens Shoes For Sale Near Me: Slippers Vs Shoes, Tips And Benefits</title>
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  182. <pubDate>Sat, 25 Mar 2023 15:27:47 +0000</pubDate>
  183. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  186. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  187. <description><![CDATA[Many people make the mistake of categorizing all types of footwear under shoes. You will be surprised to know that many people think slippers, sandals, boots, and other footwear are called shoes. Shoes are different from sandals and it’s important to understand the difference when you search for Olukai mens Shoes for sale near me [...]]]></description>
  188. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Many people make the mistake of categorizing all types of footwear under shoes. You will be surprised to know that many people think slippers, sandals, boots, and other footwear are called shoes. Shoes are different from sandals and it’s important to understand the difference when you search for Olukai mens Shoes for sale near me or Olukai womens slippers near me.<br />
  189. So, what are the difference between shoes and slippers? When you search for information about slippers, you will get a result showing info about shoes; this is misleading. So, without much ado, here are differences between sandals and shoes plus other information.</p>
  190. <p>Generally speaking:</p>
  191. <p>Let’s start with the main difference between shoes and slippers. Firstly, producers create slippers for indoor purposes; they are lightweight while shoes comfort and protect your feet when engaged in outdoor activities. Therefore, people put on slippers indoors and wear shoes outdoors.</p>
  192. <p>Now to the basics:</p>
  193. <p>Slippers:</p>
  194. <p>Apart from being worn indoor, they usually don’t have any fastening features making slippers easy to wear and pull off.</p>
  195. <p>Shoes:</p>
  196. <p>As already stated, shoes protect and comfort the wearer’s feet while busy with different tasks. The product is created with complicated to simple designs. When you search for Olukai mens Shoes for sale near me, you will see shoes displayed beautifully. So, shoes should attract people; no wonder shoppers tend to select physically appealing shoes.</p>
  197. <p>Shoes are produced with toughness in mind because they are worn outdoors and hence subjected to pressures, harsh terrain, harsh weather conditions, and worn for long periods. The pressure shoes undergo every day constitutes the reason they are produced with stronger materials than slippers.</p>
  198. <p>Some shoes are not meant to be worn for a long time or subjected to pressure, but this does not make them any less a shoe; an example is high-heeled shoes. This type of shoes shouldn’t be worn for long because of the heels, but they are still tougher than any slippers.</p>
  199. <p>Some jobs specification dictates the kind of shoes one can wear. For instance, workers in construction sites wear shoes that guarantee their safety.</p>
  200. <p>Slippers protect you from home accidents;</p>
  201. <p>Every family should wear slippers to prevent accidents like stepping on sharp objects, falls on a slippery floor, stumbling, and other home mishaps. As long as you move around the house, wear slippers. Are your slippers causing you any discomfort? Search for Olukai Womens Slippers near me. The slippers are designed to provide ultimate comfort and protection for your feet; they are so comfy, once you start wearing one, you won’t want to take it off.</p>
  202. <p>Slippers ideas:</p>
  203. <p>Get slippers ideas when you search from online outlets like Hansensurf. You will find a wide and attractive display of slippers, shoes, and other footwear in a beautiful display. The color and designs are just incredible, you won’t have problems choosing the type of slippers or shoes you want.</p>
  204. <p>Types of slippers:</p>
  205. <p>The types of slippers you can find in outlets are Slipper boots, novelty slippers, full slippers, etc. So, start your search now and get ready to be inspired.</p>
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  211. <title>Where To Buy Olukai Womens Shoes Online?</title>
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  214. <pubDate>Sat, 25 Mar 2023 15:26:36 +0000</pubDate>
  215. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  218. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  219. <description><![CDATA[To buy Olukai Womens Shoes online nowadays is exceptionally easy. Online shopping has become increasingly more popular in recent years with a huge surge of online shopping when the pandemic struck. With traditional stores forced to shut down and everyone forced to stay indoors to stop the spread, online store revolution saw a huge boost. [...]]]></description>
  220. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>To buy Olukai Womens Shoes online nowadays is exceptionally easy. Online shopping has become increasingly more popular in recent years with a huge surge of online shopping when the pandemic struck. With traditional stores forced to shut down and everyone forced to stay indoors to stop the spread, online store revolution saw a huge boost. There are an estimated 7.9 million online retailers worldwide, 2.1million of them are from the United States. There is an estimate of 2.14 billion people who purchased online. Another interesting fact is that 63% of this shopping occurrence begins online. Aside from physical Olukai stores, there are many retailers worldwide that offer their products. So, if you are going to buy Olukai Womens shoes online, there should be no hassle. Their customer service is excellent too that they would guide you to choose which kind of shoes would perfectly fit you. Visit their website now and experience it yourself.<br />
  221. How Much Would It Cost If You Buy Olukai Womens shoes online?</p>
  222. <p>A pair of Olukai womens shoes online would cost you around $85 to $120. Given it&#8217;s top-notch quality, the said price range is amazingly affordable. Shoe designs on Okulai stores come in different variants to choose from. Nowadays, women who are fashion-oriented also consider the comfort of wearing shoes. Hansensurf knows what the customers want, so they ensure that every product they offer to its loyal customers, passed its rigorous quality control to met this standard. And oh, did I mention that on your first order whether a physical store or online, you are entitled to a 10% discount. A promo of a minimum of more than $50 would entitle you to free shipping also. That&#8217;s a great deal that is hard to resist!</p>
  223. <p>Why Online Purchase?</p>
  224. <p>Due to the covid-19 health protocols, many physical stores like Olukai stores, shifted the majority of their operations online. Of course, nothing beats the experience of shopping in a physical store, especially when it comes to shoes, and especially when the physical store has a cool ambiance like Olukai Store. But how numerous are the benefits of online shopping especially if you want to buy Olukai womens shoes online? For those who do not have much time to go shopping, having a shop open 24 hours a day, with a large portfolio at their disposal and all the comforts of home, is a priceless opportunity. When it comes to shoes, however, many people become engrossed in doubt before making a purchase. Why? Of course, they may think that what if the shoes they ordered did not perfectly fits in? Or somehow did not meet their expectations? What are they going to do? Olukai stores, addressed these issues for customers satisfaction, they ensure that the e-commerce return policy was customer-oriented, provided conversion chart and size guide as a reference prior to ordering, and of course, their customer support team that is willing to assist and guide you through the ordering process. After-sales support is also exceptional. This ease for the customer to have a great experience shopping online.</p>
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