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  22. <title>Commercial Insurance in Florida: Types and Costs</title>
  23. <link></link>
  24. <comments></comments>
  25. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Thomson]]></dc:creator>
  26. <pubDate>Fri, 19 Jul 2024 18:05:46 +0000</pubDate>
  27. <category><![CDATA[Insurance]]></category>
  28. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  30. <description><![CDATA[Just as there are insurance policies aimed at protecting individuals against illness,&#8230;]]></description>
  31. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div class="td-post-header td-pb-padding-side"></div>
  32. <div class="td-post-content td-pb-padding-side">
  33. <p>Just as there are insurance policies aimed at protecting individuals against illness, accidents and other situations, there are also some that protect businesses. In this case, we are talking about <strong>commercial insurance</strong> , whose main objective is to support your company against lawsuits, losses and more.</p>
  34. <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Top Commercial Insurance Companies in Florida</strong></h2>
  35. <p>In every city and county in Florida, you'll find a variety of <strong>commercial insurance companies</strong> that offer excellent coverage and benefits.</p>
  36. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>American Florida Insurance Inc</strong></h3>
  37. <p>With the coverage offered, <strong>American Florida Insurance Inc.</strong> is committed to safeguarding the most precious businesses and possessions of the state's residents. This is a highly prestigious insurance company throughout the country.</p>
  38. <ul>
  39. <li><strong>Website:</strong></li>
  40. <li><strong>Contact phone number:</strong> 786-325-3329</li>
  41. </ul>
  42. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Insureon</strong></h3>
  43. <p>In Florida, commercial insurance such as workers' compensation and commercial automobile insurance are mandatory, and professional liability insurance, errors and omissions insurance, among others, are also recommended.</p>
  44. <p>All of these <strong>types of commercial insurance</strong> and more can be found through <strong>Insureon</strong> . This is the #1 digital agency in the country when it comes to getting commercial insurance for small businesses because it has partnerships with the best insurers.</p>
  45. <ul>
  46. <li><strong>Website:</strong></li>
  47. <li><strong>Contact phone number:</strong> 800-688-1984</li>
  48. </ul>
  49. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Progressive Commercial</strong></h3>
  50. <p>With the <em>Progressive</em><em> Advantage </em><em>commercial program</em> , you can customize your commercial insurance policy to fit your business's needs.</p>
  51. <p>If your company has commercial vehicles, then this is definitely your best option. Because it is the most recognized commercial vehicle insurer in the country.</p>
  52. <ul>
  53. <li><strong>Website:</strong></li>
  54. <li><strong>Contact phone number:</strong> 1-888-806-9598</li>
  55. </ul>
  56. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Next Insurance</strong></h3>
  57. <p>Find the coverage your business really needs, with the help of the professionals at <strong>Next Insurance</strong> . It doesn't matter what type of activity your company carries out, because they insure everything from cleaning and beauty workers to architects, contractors, retailers and more.</p>
  58. <p>You can get a quote in just 5 minutes, and when you purchase the insurance, you will receive a certificate confirming that your company is fully insured. Find the policy that best suits you and purchase it with this insurer.</p>
  59. <ul>
  60. <li><strong>Website:</strong></li>
  61. </ul>
  62. <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Best Commercial Truck Insurance in Florida</strong></h2>
  63. <p>Not only should you find a commercial truck insurance company in Florida that is responsible and committed to your well-being.</p>
  64. <p>You also need to be guaranteed the payment of the most affordable premiums, some of the most recognized <strong>commercial insurance agencies in Florida security are:</strong></p>
  65. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Simplex Group</strong></h3>
  66. <p>It is an insurance provider for the transportation industry, which has great recognition not only in Florida, but throughout the country. You will have at your disposal a team of experts who will help you comply with obtaining permits, safety requirements and much more.</p>
  67. <p><strong>Simplex Group</strong> will provide you with a free quote from their website or by calling their phone number . Focus on growing your business and trust the protection of your trucks to the experts.</p>
  68. <ul>
  69. <li><strong>Website:</strong></li>
  70. <li><strong>Contact phone number:</strong> 1-866-931-7990</li>
  71. </ul>
  72. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Strong Tie Insurance</strong></h3>
  73. <p>Don't worry if you have different types of trucks in your fleet, because this insurance company covers any of them. Local, intermediate and long-distance trucks, dump trucks, trailers, dry cargo trucks and more, all of this and more, can be insured.</p>
  74. <p>They are the most economical and at the same time reliable option, and the best thing is that they really know the commercial transport industry, so they know what you are doing and the risks you are exposed to.</p>
  75. <ul>
  76. <li><strong>Website:</strong></li>
  77. <li><strong>Contact phone number:</strong> 866-671-5050</li>
  78. </ul>
  79. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>UniVista Insurance</strong></h3>
  80. <p>This is an Orlando insurance company that specializes in offering any type of coverage at incredibly low prices. If you have no idea which coverage is best for you, they will be happy to help you choose.</p>
  81. <p>With <strong>commercial truck insurance</strong> , you get all the benefits of personal auto insurance, with the added bonus that the risks faced by all commercial truck drivers are taken into account.</p>
  82. <ul>
  83. <li><strong>Website:</strong></li>
  84. <li><strong>Contact phone number:</strong> (407) 569-3239</li>
  85. </ul>
  86. <figure class="wp-block-image size-large"></figure>
  87. <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Commercial Truck Insurance – Which is the Best in Florida?</strong></h2>
  88. <p>If you are looking for the best <strong>commercial truck insurance in Florida</strong> , perhaps the option that best suits you is the policies of Progressive Commercial. After all, it is one of the most recognized companies in Florida and in the rest of the country.</p>
  89. <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>What are the types of commercial insurance in the United States?</strong></h2>
  90. <p>Depending on the activity your company carries out, you may need a variety of commercial insurance, some of the most common types are:</p>
  91. <figure class="wp-block-table is-style-stripes">
  92. <table class="has-background">
  93. <thead>
  94. <tr>
  95. <th>Type of insurance</th>
  96. <th>Description</th>
  97. </tr>
  98. </thead>
  99. <tbody>
  100. <tr>
  101. <td>Civil Liability</td>
  102. <td>Covers damages or losses caused to third parties.</td>
  103. </tr>
  104. <tr>
  105. <td>Against Crimes</td>
  106. <td>Protect company assets from vandalism.</td>
  107. </tr>
  108. <tr>
  109. <td>Commercial property</td>
  110. <td>Covers the company's physical assets (buildings, furniture, etc.).</td>
  111. </tr>
  112. <tr>
  113. <td>Commercial Vehicle</td>
  114. <td>Protect company vehicles.</td>
  115. </tr>
  116. </tbody>
  117. </table>
  118. </figure>
  119. <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>How much does business insurance cost?</strong></h2>
  120. <p>Factors such as the risks of your business activity, the number of employees, and the general needs of your company will determine the price to be paid for the insurance premium. But for a small company, <strong>you can pay between $600 and $1,700 per year.</strong></p>
  121. <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>What is a commercial insurance policy?</strong></h2>
  122. <p>You still don't understand <strong>what business insurance is?</strong> It's simple, it's that type of insurance that protects your assets, employees, and even the damage that the commercial activity we carry out may cause to third parties.</p>
  123. <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>What types of insurance exist in the United States?</strong></h2>
  124. <p>The types of insurance that exist in the country, in general, are:</p>
  125. <ul>
  126. <li>Personal insurance.</li>
  127. <li>Property insurance or service insurance.</li>
  128. <li>Life insurances.</li>
  129. <li>Health insurance.</li>
  130. <li>Commercial insurance.</li>
  131. <li>Car insurance.</li>
  132. </ul>
  133. </div>
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  139. <title>Best Cheap Car Insurance Options in New Jersey (July 2024</title>
  140. <link></link>
  141. <comments></comments>
  142. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Thomson]]></dc:creator>
  143. <pubDate>Fri, 19 Jul 2024 17:58:52 +0000</pubDate>
  144. <category><![CDATA[Insurance]]></category>
  145. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  147. <description><![CDATA[When you are looking for NJ car insurance , in addition to&#8230;]]></description>
  148. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div class="td-post-header td-pb-padding-side">
  149. <header>
  150. <div class="meta-info">
  151. <div class="td-post-author-name td-post-author-no-dot">
  152. <div class="td-author-line">When you are looking for <strong>NJ car insurance</strong> , in addition to finding a cheap policy, you want the company to be one of the best. You also know that it is essential that you take out your insurance because, as in the entire United States, in New Jersey it is an obligation for you to be able to drive your vehicle. Therefore, it is necessary that you take out your insurance with a good insurance company that is also cheap. Below you will find several options to choose from.</div>
  153. </div>
  154. </div>
  155. </header>
  156. </div>
  157. <div class="td-post-content td-pb-padding-side">
  158. <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Best NJ Car Insurance</strong></h2>
  159. <p>Of course the best <strong>NJ car insurance</strong> company will be the most convenient according to your needs, keep in mind the following:</p>
  160. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  161. <p>It is one of the cheapest insurance companies and at the same time adapts to you by personalizing the policies and if you are a new client, it offers you discounts that benefit you by saving on the premium.</p>
  162. <div id="asegu-543605248" class="asegu-contenido"></div>
  163. <ul>
  164. <li><strong>Dirección:</strong> 152 West St Ste 150, South Plainfield, NJ 07080</li>
  165. <li><strong>Phone:</strong> +1 800-274-4499. Hours: Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm.</li>
  166. </ul>
  167. <ul>
  168. <li><strong>Address:</strong> 290 Veterans Blvd #150, Rutherford, NJ 07070</li>
  169. <li><strong>Phone:</strong> +1 800-274-4499</li>
  170. </ul>
  171. <ul>
  172. <li><strong>Address:</strong> 1200 Rogers Walk Ste 110, Mt Laurel Township, NJ 08054.</li>
  173. <li><strong>Phone:</strong> +1 800-776-4737.</li>
  174. </ul>
  175. <p>Hours: Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm.</p>
  176. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  177. <p>It is an insurance company that offers basic and premium insurance policies so that you can obtain broader coverage for your vehicle and assets.</p>
  178. <p>It is also a prestigious company due to its personalized attention with a presence in 20 states in the United States.</p>
  179. <p>His direction is:</p>
  180. <ul>
  181. <li><strong>Dirección: </strong>1306 John F. Kennedy Blvd, Union City, NJ 07087</li>
  182. <li><strong>Phone:</strong> +1 201-829-2004.</li>
  183. </ul>
  184. <ul>
  185. <li><strong>Address:</strong> 31 Bloomfield Ave, Bloomfield, NJ 07003</li>
  186. <li><strong>Phone:</strong> +1 973-662-7006.</li>
  187. </ul>
  188. <ul>
  189. <li><strong>Address:</strong> 2184 John F. Kennedy Blvd, Jersey City, NJ 07305</li>
  190. <li><strong>Phone:</strong> +1 201-829-2005.</li>
  191. </ul>
  192. <p>Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.</p>
  193. <p>It is an insurance company with a wide range of cheap and discounted coverage options.</p>
  194. <p>The address is:</p>
  195. <ul>
  196. <li><strong>Address:</strong> 350 Mt Kemble Ave, Morristown, NJ 07960</li>
  197. <li><strong>Phone:</strong> +1 973-216-3940.</li>
  198. </ul>
  199. <ul>
  200. <li><strong>Address:</strong> 61 Paramus Rd Suite 520, Paramus, NJ 07652</li>
  201. <li><strong>Phone:</strong> +1 201-316-9192.</li>
  202. <li><strong>Address:</strong> 22 Pavonia Ave, Jersey City, NJ 07306</li>
  203. <li><strong>Phone:</strong> +1 201-596-8667.</li>
  204. </ul>
  205. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>New Jersey Manufacturers</strong></h3>
  206. <p>It is an insurance company specialized in:</p>
  207. <ul>
  208. <li>Personal auto insurance.</li>
  209. <li>Commercial auto insurance.</li>
  210. <li>Insurance for renters.</li>
  211. <li>Workers' compensation insurance.</li>
  212. <li>Home insurance.</li>
  213. <li>Rideshare insurance.</li>
  214. <li><strong>Address:</strong> 301 Sullivan Way West, Trenton, NJ 08628</li>
  215. <li><strong>Phone:</strong> +1 800-232-6600</li>
  216. <li><strong>Hours:</strong> Monday to Friday from 7am to 8pm, Saturday from 8am to 1pm.</li>
  217. </ul>
  218. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Travelers</strong></h3>
  219. <p>It is an insurance company that stands out for offering GAP insurance, which is useful if you have not finished paying your loan and is chosen by many users for its low number of claims and discounts that benefit if you are a good student or buy a multi-insurance.</p>
  220. <ul>
  221. <li><strong>Address:</strong> 343 Thornall St, Edison, NJ 08837</li>
  222. <li><strong>Telephone:</strong> (732) 494-3800, hours Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm.</li>
  223. </ul>
  224. <p>Other <strong>best car insurance in NJ</strong> is:</p>
  225. <p>It is an insurance company that offers a comprehensive policy that covers your car's sound system with replacement in case of damage, which is not offered by most insurance companies.</p>
  226. <p>Although it does not offer a car replacement or a discount for purchasing multiple insurance policies, it is convenient with a minimum coverage premium of $735, in addition to offering discounts for safe driving, full payment, airbags and anti-theft systems.</p>
  227. <p>Find an agent near you by visiting <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-wpel-link="external"></a></p>
  228. <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>What are the cheap car insurance policies in NJ?</strong></h2>
  229. <p><strong>Cheap car insurance NJ</strong> as you noticed there are several, but if you are looking for one of the cheapest it is:</p>
  230. <figure class="wp-block-table is-style-stripes">
  231. <table class="has-background has-fixed-layout">
  232. <thead>
  233. <tr>
  234. <td><strong>Insurance company</strong></td>
  235. <td><strong>Options</strong></td>
  236. <td><strong>IQ score</strong></td>
  237. <td><strong>Average quote: liability only</strong></td>
  238. </tr>
  239. </thead>
  240. <tbody>
  241. <tr>
  242. <td>State Farm</td>
  243. <td>In general</td>
  244. <td>4.4</td>
  245. <td>$162</td>
  246. </tr>
  247. <tr>
  248. <td>GEICO</td>
  249. <td>Best value</td>
  250. <td>4.2</td>
  251. <td>$88</td>
  252. </tr>
  253. <tr>
  254. <td>NJM</td>
  255. <td>More affordable</td>
  256. <td>4.5</td>
  257. <td>$69</td>
  258. </tr>
  259. <tr>
  260. <td>Plymouth Rock</td>
  261. <td>Travellers</td>
  262. <td></td>
  263. <td>$105</td>
  264. </tr>
  265. <tr>
  266. <td>Midvale Home and Auto</td>
  267. <td>Families</td>
  268. <td>3.2</td>
  269. <td>$181</td>
  270. </tr>
  271. <tr>
  272. <td>Liberty Mutual</td>
  273. <td>University students</td>
  274. <td>3.7</td>
  275. <td>$166</td>
  276. </tr>
  277. <tr>
  278. <td>AllState</td>
  279. <td>Luxury car owners</td>
  280. <td>4.1</td>
  281. <td>$266</td>
  282. </tr>
  283. <tr>
  284. <td>Progressive</td>
  285. <td>Tenants</td>
  286. <td>3.9</td>
  287. <td>$182</td>
  288. </tr>
  289. <tr>
  290. <td>West Bristol</td>
  291. <td>High-risk drivers</td>
  292. <td>2.2</td>
  293. <td>$114</td>
  294. </tr>
  295. </tbody>
  296. </table>
  297. </figure>
  298. <div id="" class="su-box su-box-style-default">
  299. <div class="su-box-title">Find car insurance near me in New Jersey</div>
  300. <div class="su-box-content su-u-clearfix su-u-trim"></div>
  301. </div>
  302. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Seguros de Progressive</strong></h3>
  303. <p>It is one of the cheapest insurance companies with a premium cost based on your driving characteristics, for example:</p>
  304. <figure class="wp-block-table is-style-stripes">
  305. <table class="has-fixed-layout">
  306. <thead>
  307. <tr>
  308. <th>Driver Type</th>
  309. <th>Policy Price (in dollars)</th>
  310. </tr>
  311. </thead>
  312. <tbody>
  313. <tr>
  314. <td>Good driver</td>
  315. <td>90</td>
  316. </tr>
  317. <tr>
  318. <td>Driver with at-fault accident</td>
  319. <td>242</td>
  320. </tr>
  321. <tr>
  322. <td>Driver after a fine</td>
  323. <td>202</td>
  324. </tr>
  325. <tr>
  326. <td>Bad credit driver</td>
  327. <td>212</td>
  328. </tr>
  329. <tr>
  330. <td>Full coverage policy</td>
  331. <td>159</td>
  332. </tr>
  333. <tr>
  334. <td>Young driver</td>
  335. <td>285</td>
  336. </tr>
  337. </tbody>
  338. </table>
  339. </figure>
  340. <p>Offers discounts for:</p>
  341. <ul>
  342. <li>Good student.</li>
  343. <li>Teenage driver.</li>
  344. <li>No accidents for 5 years.</li>
  345. <li>Car with active anti-theft device.</li>
  346. <li>If you quote online.</li>
  347. <li>Car with smart technology.</li>
  348. <li>Many cars.</li>
  349. </ul>
  350. <p>Another of the <strong>cheap car insurance in NJ</strong> is:</p>
  351. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>State Farm</strong></h3>
  352. <p>It stands out for being a cheap insurance company with different discount options that are customizable and a wide range of coverage.</p>
  353. <p>But above all, it is the cheapest for college students and teenagers living in New Jersey.</p>
  354. <p><strong>Discounts</strong></p>
  355. <ul>
  356. <li>Vehicle with security.</li>
  357. <li>Additional cars.</li>
  358. <li>Multiple lines.</li>
  359. <li>Drive Safe &amp; Save.</li>
  360. <li>Defensive driving course.</li>
  361. <li>If you are 65 years of age or older.</li>
  362. <li>You are an accident-free driver.</li>
  363. </ul>
  364. <p>Find an agent near you in New Jersey by visiting <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-wpel-link="external"></a> where you will see the agent's name, address, phone number and email address.</p>
  365. <figure class="wp-block-image size-large"></figure>
  366. <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Best car insurance in perth amboy nj</strong></h2>
  367. <p>Among the <strong>best car insurance in Perth Amboy NJ</strong> you have:</p>
  368. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Rodriguez Agency</strong></h3>
  369. <p>The insurer offers:</p>
  370. <ul>
  371. <li>Car insurance.</li>
  372. <li>Truck insurance.</li>
  373. <li>Truck insurance.</li>
  374. <li>Classic car insurance.</li>
  375. <li>Commercial auto insurance with collision, comprehensive, and uninsured motorist coverage.</li>
  376. <li>You can get a quote online by completing the form at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-wpel-link="external"></a></li>
  377. <li><strong>Address:</strong> 245 State St. Perth Amboy, NJ 08861</li>
  378. <li><strong>Phone:</strong> 732-934-2335</li>
  379. <li><strong>Hours:</strong> Monday to Friday from 10am to 7pm, Saturday from 10am to 1pm.</li>
  380. </ul>
  381. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Allen Freeman &amp; Associates</strong></h3>
  382. <p>It offers different types of insurance such as:</p>
  383. <ul>
  384. <li>Car insurance.</li>
  385. <li>Off-road vehicle insurance.</li>
  386. <li>Boat insurance.</li>
  387. <li>Motorcycle insurance.</li>
  388. <li>Recreational Vehicle Insurance.</li>
  389. </ul>
  390. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Coberturas</strong></h3>
  391. <ul>
  392. <li>For uninsured drivers.</li>
  393. <li>Against all risks.</li>
  394. <li>Due to collision.</li>
  395. <li>For liability for property damage.</li>
  396. <li>Personal injuries.</li>
  397. <li>Medical payments.</li>
  398. <li><strong>Address:</strong> 629 Amboy Ave Suite 302, Edison, NJ 08837</li>
  399. <li><strong>Phone:</strong> (732) 634-7114</li>
  400. <li><strong>Opening hours:</strong> Tuesday to Thursday from 9am to 4.30pm.</li>
  401. </ul>
  402. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Gary’s Insurance Agency</strong></h3>
  403. <p>It is an insurance company that offers different coverages such as:</p>
  404. <ul>
  405. <li>Due to collision.</li>
  406. <li>Of responsibility.</li>
  407. <li>By underinsured drivers or uninsured drivers.</li>
  408. <li>Comprehensive coverage.</li>
  409. <li><strong>Address:</strong> 618 W St Georges Ave, Linden, NJ 07036</li>
  410. <li><strong>Phone:</strong> (908) 587-1600</li>
  411. <li><strong>Hours:</strong> Tuesday to Thursday from 8am to 7pm, Saturday from 8am to 5pm.</li>
  412. </ul>
  413. <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>New Jersey Car Insurance Rates</strong></h2>
  414. <p>If you've had traffic tickets or violations, you'll likely have to pay more for your car insurance. Insurance companies might view you as someone who takes more risks behind the wheel. Some things that could cause your rates to go up include getting speeding tickets, driving under the influence of alcohol, or getting into accidents where you were at fault. These things can stay on your driving record for several years. Here's how much basic liability insurance in New Jersey could cost per month, depending on your driving and accident history.</p>
  415. <figure class="wp-block-table is-style-stripes">
  416. <table class="has-background has-fixed-layout">
  417. <thead>
  418. <tr>
  419. <td><strong>Insurance company</strong></td>
  420. <td><strong>Record</strong></td>
  421. <td><strong>Accident with fault </strong></td>
  422. <td><strong>DUI</strong> (Driving Under the Influence)</td>
  423. <td><strong>Speeding ticket</strong></td>
  424. </tr>
  425. </thead>
  426. <tbody>
  427. <tr>
  428. <td><strong>NJM</strong></td>
  429. <td>$69</td>
  430. <td>$99</td>
  431. <td>$104</td>
  432. <td>$92</td>
  433. </tr>
  434. <tr>
  435. <td><strong>GEICO</strong></td>
  436. <td>$88</td>
  437. <td>$126</td>
  438. <td>$133</td>
  439. <td>$118</td>
  440. </tr>
  441. <tr>
  442. <td>CSAA</td>
  443. <td>$88</td>
  444. <td>$126</td>
  445. <td>$133</td>
  446. <td>$118</td>
  447. </tr>
  448. <tr>
  449. <td><strong>Plymouth Rock</strong></td>
  450. <td>$105</td>
  451. <td>$150</td>
  452. <td>$159</td>
  453. <td>$141</td>
  454. </tr>
  455. <tr>
  456. <td><strong>Bristol West</strong></td>
  457. <td>$114</td>
  458. <td>$163</td>
  459. <td>$172</td>
  460. <td>$153</td>
  461. </tr>
  462. <tr>
  463. <td><strong>Foremost</strong></td>
  464. <td>$123</td>
  465. <td>$176</td>
  466. <td>$186</td>
  467. <td>$165</td>
  468. </tr>
  469. <tr>
  470. <td><strong>Nationwide</strong></td>
  471. <td>$137</td>
  472. <td>$196</td>
  473. <td>$207</td>
  474. <td>$184</td>
  475. </tr>
  476. <tr>
  477. <td><strong>State Farm</strong></td>
  478. <td>$162</td>
  479. <td>$232</td>
  480. <td>$245</td>
  481. <td>$217</td>
  482. </tr>
  483. <tr>
  484. <td><strong>Liberty Mutual</strong></td>
  485. <td>$166</td>
  486. <td>$237</td>
  487. <td>$251</td>
  488. <td>$222</td>
  489. </tr>
  490. <tr>
  491. <td><strong>Mercury</strong></td>
  492. <td>$168</td>
  493. <td>$240</td>
  494. <td>$254</td>
  495. <td>$225</td>
  496. </tr>
  497. <tr>
  498. <td><strong>Midvale Home &amp; Auto</strong></td>
  499. <td>$181</td>
  500. <td>$259</td>
  501. <td>$273</td>
  502. <td>$243</td>
  503. </tr>
  504. <tr>
  505. <td><strong>Progressive</strong></td>
  506. <td>$182</td>
  507. <td>$260</td>
  508. <td>$275</td>
  509. <td>$244</td>
  510. </tr>
  511. <tr>
  512. <td><strong>Travelers</strong></td>
  513. <td>$209</td>
  514. <td>$299</td>
  515. <td>$316</td>
  516. <td>$280</td>
  517. </tr>
  518. <tr>
  519. <td><strong>Allstate</strong></td>
  520. <td>$266</td>
  521. <td>$380</td>
  522. <td>$402</td>
  523. <td>$356</td>
  524. </tr>
  525. <tr>
  526. <td><strong>Friend</strong></td>
  527. <td>$370</td>
  528. <td>$529</td>
  529. <td>$559</td>
  530. <td>$496</td>
  531. </tr>
  532. </tbody>
  533. </table>
  534. </figure>
  535. <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>What is cheap car insurance in New Jersey?</strong></h2>
  536. <p>Other <strong>cheap car insurance in New Jersey</strong> is:</p>
  537. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Geico</strong></h3>
  538. <p>It is the cheapest considering that liability coverage costs $44, while at the state level the same coverage costs $86 per month.</p>
  539. <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>How to insure a car without a license in NJ?</strong></h2>
  540. <p><strong>To insure an unlicensed car in NJ</strong> you should request a quote from a small, regional insurer or contact a local independent agent. It is best to list yourself as:</p>
  541. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Driver excluded</strong></h3>
  542. <p>In this way, in the event of an incident, you are not covered by the coverage when driving the car. In any case, you must drive with another driver with a valid license who will be the main driver in the policy. This can be your roommate, a family member or your spouse.</p>
  543. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Parked car</strong></h3>
  544. <p>Buy parked car insurance and you get coverage for what is known as a stored car, meaning it will cover damage when your car is in storage, not when you are driving it, so it will cover:</p>
  545. <ul>
  546. <li>Robo.</li>
  547. <li>Flood.</li>
  548. <li>Fire.</li>
  549. <li>Vandalismo.</li>
  550. </ul>
  551. <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Requirements to do Lyft in New Jersey</strong></h2>
  552. <p>The <strong>requirements to do Lyft in New Jersey</strong> are:</p>
  553. <ul>
  554. <li>25 years or older.</li>
  555. <li>Valid driver's license, may be from another state or temporary.</li>
  556. <li>Pass the driver's assessment.</li>
  557. <li>Smartphone to download and install the Lyft Driver App.</li>
  558. </ul>
  559. <h4 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>How much does car insurance cost in New Jersey? </strong></h4>
  560. <p>The average  <strong>cost of car insurance in New Jersey is:</strong></p>
  561. <ul>
  562. <li>Sole liability: $257 per month.</li>
  563. <li>Full coverage: $314 per month.</li>
  564. </ul>
  565. <h4 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>What insurance is good for a car? </strong></h4>
  566. <p><strong>Clearcover is a good car insurance</strong> with an average monthly cost of $135.</p>
  567. <h4 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>What are the best car insurance policies in the USA? </strong></h4>
  568. <p><strong>The best car insurance in the USA</strong> are all those you learned about in the previous review and also:</p>
  569. <p><strong>Amwins Specialty Auto</strong></p>
  570. <p>It is an insurance company that offers cheap personal auto policies with discounts and accepts the purchase of insurance without a license.</p>
  571. </div>
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  576. <item>
  577. <title>What is the best insurance option for pregnant women in the United States?</title>
  578. <link></link>
  579. <comments></comments>
  580. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Thomson]]></dc:creator>
  581. <pubDate>Fri, 19 Jul 2024 17:53:57 +0000</pubDate>
  582. <category><![CDATA[Insurance]]></category>
  583. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  585. <description><![CDATA[Although pregnancy is usually good news, it also means a big change&#8230;]]></description>
  586. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div class="td-post-header td-pb-padding-side">
  587. <header>
  588. <p class="entry-title"><span style="font-size: 16px;">Although pregnancy is usually good news, it also means a big change in your life and the arrival of significant financial expenses. That is why having insurance </span><strong style="font-size: 16px;">for pregnant women</strong><span style="font-size: 16px;"> can be of great help. Before planning your pregnancy, get an insurance that can offer you the necessary financial support. </span></p>
  589. </header>
  590. </div>
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  594. <div class="ub-button-content-holder"><span class="ub-button-block-btn">Insurance companies for pregnant women in the USA</span></div>
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  596. <div class="ub-button-container">
  597. <div class="ub-button-content-holder"><span class="ub-button-block-btn">Pregnant insurance companies near me</span></div>
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  606. <h2 id="Seguro-para-embarazadas-en-Estados-Unidos" class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Insurance for pregnant women in the United States: available options</strong></h2>
  607. <p>There are different <strong>insurance plans for pregnant women</strong> that you can choose from, each one offers different coverage and of course, they have different costs, let's look at some of</p>
  608. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>ObamaCare – Florida</strong></h3>
  609. <p>In Florida, Obamacare is one of the most popular insurance policies for pregnant women. The reason for this is that its coverage includes extensive medical assistance before, during and after pregnancy.</p>
  610. <div id="asegu-278759677" class="asegu-contenido"></div>
  611. <p>This insurance also provides comprehensive care for newborns, and the premiums are the lowest on the market.</p>
  612. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Cigna – Texas</strong></h3>
  613. <p>One of the most comprehensive health insurance plans is Cigna, its health insurance plans have coverage for companies, families, and of course, for individuals.</p>
  614. <p>Hospitalization, medications, and medical visits are part of the assistance you can receive thanks to this insurance.</p>
  615. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Medi-Cal</strong></h3>
  616. <p>For pregnant women who are undocumented and live in California, Medi-Cal is the best insurance option, not only because some coverage is practically free, but also because it does not</p>
  617. <p>With Medi-Cal you will get immediate coverage, even if you are just processing the application.</p>
  618. <h2 id="Directorio-de-seguros-para-embarazadas-cerca-de-mí-en-EE.-UU." class="wp-block-heading">Pregnancy Insurance Directory Near Me in the US</h2>
  619. <figure class="wp-block-table is-style-stripes">
  620. <table class="has-background has-fixed-layout">
  621. <thead>
  622. <tr>
  623. <th>Name</th>
  624. <th>Phone</th>
  625. <th>Address</th>
  626. <th>Location</th>
  627. </tr>
  628. </thead>
  629. <tbody>
  630. <tr>
  631. <td>Arizona Medicare &amp; Insurance Solutions</td>
  632. <td>+1 480-999-4409</td>
  633. <td>456 N Mesa Dr, Mesa, AZ 85201, United States</td>
  634. <td>Mesa, Arizona, USA</td>
  635. </tr>
  636. <tr>
  637. <td>Medicare Insurance in AZ</td>
  638. <td>+1 480-331-7974</td>
  639. <td>3521 E Brown Rd #103, Mesa, AZ 85213, United States</td>
  640. <td>Mesa, Arizona, USA</td>
  641. </tr>
  642. <tr>
  643. <td>HealthSherpa</td>
  644. <td>+1 855-772-2663</td>
  645. <td>244 Kearny St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States</td>
  646. <td>Union Square, San Francisco, California, USA</td>
  647. </tr>
  648. <tr>
  649. <td>Solid Health Insurance Agency</td>
  650. <td>+1 310-909-6135</td>
  651. <td>12121 Wilshire Blvd Suite 810, Los Angeles, CA 90025, United States</td>
  652. <td>Los Angeles, California, USA</td>
  653. </tr>
  654. <tr>
  655. <td>Braojos Insurance</td>
  656. <td>+1 786-306-0634</td>
  657. <td>1756 SW 8th St #204, Miami, FL 33135, United States</td>
  658. <td>Miami, Florida, USA</td>
  659. </tr>
  660. <tr>
  661. <td>Majusa Insurance</td>
  662. <td>+1 786-626-2945</td>
  663. <td>12330 SW 144th Terrace, Miami, FL 33186, United States</td>
  664. <td>Miami, Florida, USA</td>
  665. </tr>
  666. <tr>
  667. <td>Dulcinea Insurance – Georgia</td>
  668. <td>+1 786-910-9487</td>
  669. <td></td>
  670. <td>Atlanta</td>
  671. </tr>
  672. <tr>
  673. <td>Blue Cross Blue Shield Of GA</td>
  674. <td>+1 678-992-1567</td>
  675. <td>817 W Peachtree St NW, Atlanta, GA 30308, United States</td>
  676. <td>Atlanta, Georgia, USA</td>
  677. </tr>
  678. <tr>
  679. <td>Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Illinois</td>
  680. <td>+1 847-818-0688</td>
  681. <td>402 S Arlington Heights Rd, Arlington Heights, IL 60005, United States</td>
  682. <td>Arlington Heights, Illinois, USA</td>
  683. </tr>
  684. <tr>
  685. <td>Medicare 411</td>
  686. <td>+1 815-329-6937</td>
  687. <td>5192 Harrison Ave, Rockford, IL 61108, United States</td>
  688. <td>Rockford, Illinois, USA</td>
  689. </tr>
  690. <tr>
  691. <td>The Medicare Group</td>
  692. <td>+1 201-932-0148</td>
  693. <td>5601 Bergenline Ave, West New York, NJ 07093, United States</td>
  694. <td>West New York, New Jersey, USA</td>
  695. </tr>
  696. <tr>
  697. <td>NJ FamilyCare</td>
  698. <td>+1 800-701-0710</td>
  699. <td>300 American Metro Blvd #170, Hamilton Township, NJ 08619, United States</td>
  700. <td>Hamilton Township, New Jersey, USA</td>
  701. </tr>
  702. <tr>
  703. <td>Health Insurance</td>
  704. <td>+1 203-284-2818</td>
  705. <td>365 Montauk Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11208, United States</td>
  706. <td>New York, USA</td>
  707. </tr>
  708. <tr>
  709. <td>United Healthcare</td>
  710. <td>+1 888-835-9637</td>
  711. <td>275 7th Ave, New York, NY 10001, United States</td>
  712. <td>New York, USA</td>
  713. </tr>
  714. <tr>
  715. <td>Texas Medical Care Plans</td>
  716. <td>+1 915-307-4416</td>
  717. <td>462 N Yarbrough Dr Suite B, El Paso, TX 79915, United States</td>
  718. <td>El Paso, Texas, USA</td>
  719. </tr>
  720. <tr>
  721. <td>Texas Medical Care Plans</td>
  722. <td>+1 915-781-1614</td>
  723. <td>125 N Glenwood St Ste E, El Paso, TX 79905, United States</td>
  724. <td>El Paso, Texas, USA</td>
  725. </tr>
  726. </tbody>
  727. </table>
  728. </figure>
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  730. <div class="ub-button-container">
  731. <div class="ub-button-content-holder"><span class="ub-button-block-btn">Go to the nearest insurance company</span></div>
  732. </div>
  733. </div>
  734. <figure class="wp-block-image size-large"></figure>
  735. <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>What type of insurance is available for pregnant women in the United States?</strong></h2>
  736. <p>Insurance that can benefit pregnant women is classified as follows:</p>
  737. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Medicaid – CHIP</strong></h3>
  738. <p>Medicaid is one of the best options for pregnant women who are underinsured, even for those who are uninsured.</p>
  739. <p>This is a government-sponsored medical program, and while not everyone is eligible for it, those who meet the established requirements can enjoy excellent benefits.</p>
  740. <p>In the case of CHIP, you must also meet certain parameters to be eligible.</p>
  741. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Private insurance</strong></h3>
  742. <p>This insurance option is for people who have sufficient financial resources to cover the costs or monthly fees of insurance for pregnant women.</p>
  743. <p>There are many options to choose from, which offer comprehensive coverage. Choose the one that best suits your medical needs and financial possibilities.</p>
  744. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Coverage offered by an employer</strong></h3>
  745. <p>Pregnant women who have this support usually benefit from the fact that the employer will cover most of the expenses arising from childbirth.</p>
  746. <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Aid for pregnant women in the USA</strong></h2>
  747. <p>In the United States, women have priority medical care, and for those who lack certain resources, the Government offers a variety of assistance, such as those mentioned below:</p>
  748. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Child Care and Development Fund</strong></h3>
  749. <p>Rather than offering assistance to pregnant women, this program has been designed to help mothers who require some type of financial support and who also need child care in order to be able to carry out their work or studies.</p>
  750. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>WIC: Nutrition Assistance for Women, Infants and Children</strong></h3>
  751. <p>Pregnant women require adequate nutrition, and the WIC program seeks to provide them with the additional food they may need. It also provides them with access to medical services and nutritional advice.</p>
  752. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Medicaid and CHIP Coverage</strong></h3>
  753. <p>The <strong>Children's Health Insurance Program,</strong> better known as CHIP, and Medicaid can become the best allies for pregnant women and new mothers. Both programs offer medical services to both children and pregnant women at low or no cost.</p>
  754. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Paid Family Leave (PFL) in California</strong></h3>
  755. <p>In California, pregnant women can benefit from the paid family leave program, which basically offers financial and other benefits to women who need time off to care for a sick family member or their baby.</p>
  756. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>SNAP or Food Stamps</strong></h3>
  757. <p><strong>Food Stamps</strong> , the common name for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, provides support to American mothers who do not have a stable income, allowing them to feed themselves adequately.</p>
  758. <p>With this program, pregnant women and other members of the beneficiary family can obtain sufficient food for proper nutrition.</p>
  759. <h4 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>What type of coverage does pregnancy insurance offer in the United States?</strong></h4>
  760. <p>Although each insurance company offers different coverage, insurance for pregnant women generally guarantees:</p>
  761. <ul>
  762. <li>Monthly gynecological consultations.</li>
  763. <li>Weekly visits to the gynecologist in the last weeks before delivery.</li>
  764. <li>Medical assistance during childbirth.</li>
  765. <li>Medical care for the newborn.</li>
  766. </ul>
  767. <p>Before purchasing an insurance policy, find out in detail about the coverage it offers.</p>
  768. <h4 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>What should I do if I am pregnant in the United States and do not have health insurance?</strong></h4>
  769. <p>Those who do not have insurance can opt for some of the available programs such as Medicaid, for example, which is available in all states, and some offer similar programs in parallel.</p>
  770. <p>Likewise, there are various clinics or health centers where pregnant women can receive assistance free of charge.</p>
  771. <p>As if that were not enough, the National Immigration Law Office guarantees that undocumented immigrants, who are the most vulnerable population, should be treated if they go to the emergency room of a hospital, even if they do not have legal immigration status in the country.</p>
  772. <h4 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>How much money do I need to pay for my delivery?</strong></h4>
  773. <p>Having a baby in the United States can be expensive, starting with visits to the gynecologist, which cost around $30 and must be paid each month.</p>
  774. <p>According to studies, covering the costs derived from pregnancy, paying for delivery, and postpartum expenses, have an average price of $35,000.</p>
  775. <p>When you get insurance for pregnant women, it can take care of covering a large part of the expenses, hence the importance of having this type of insurance.</p>
  776. </div>
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  781. <item>
  782. <title>Insurance Companies for Construction Companies in the United States (2024)</title>
  783. <link></link>
  784. <comments></comments>
  785. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Thomson]]></dc:creator>
  786. <pubDate>Fri, 19 Jul 2024 17:51:09 +0000</pubDate>
  787. <category><![CDATA[Insurance]]></category>
  788. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  790. <description><![CDATA[Insurance for construction companies in the USA and anywhere else in the world&#8230;]]></description>
  791. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div class="td-post-header td-pb-padding-side">
  792. <header>
  793. <p class="entry-title"><span style="font-size: 16px;">Insurance </span><strong style="font-size: 16px;">for construction companies</strong><span style="font-size: 16px;"> in the USA and anywhere else in the world is essential due to the risks involved in working in the construction sector. From falls to incorrect maneuvers with certain machinery, dangers are everywhere. Having insurance will give you the certainty that workers will be supported in the event of any incident, whether it be to cover the costs of transportation and medical care resulting from the accident, or compensation and funeral expenses.</span></p>
  794. </header>
  795. </div>
  796. <div class="td-post-content td-pb-padding-side">
  797. <h2 class="wp-block-heading">Why is insurance needed in the construction sector?</h2>
  798. <p>Some of the most common risks in the construction sector and why it is essential to have this type of insurance are the following:</p>
  799. <ol type="1">
  800. <li><strong>Falls</strong> : These are the main cause of accidents in construction, since work is usually carried out at high heights. These can occur due to the collapse of a scaffold, lack of signage, absence of railings, slippery floors, absence of protective devices.</li>
  801. <li><strong>Struck by objects:</strong> This is the second most common risk in construction companies, and usually occurs due to falling debris, flying swinging objects, or rolling objects.</li>
  802. <li><strong>Electrocutions</strong> : At least 9% of construction accidents are related to electrocutions, the main causes being: exposed electrical cables, water in contact with electrical systems.</li>
  803. <li><strong>Getting caught in objects</strong> : Due to landslides, these are the least common accidents, but they are still a possibility.</li>
  804. </ol>
  805. <p>If any of the construction workers suffers an accident, the construction company will be responsible for covering all expenses, unless they have insurance for the construction business. Likewise, if the construction causes damage to third parties, a good insurance can offer support for different eventualities.</p>
  806. <div id="asegu-1031536786" class="asegu-contenido"></div>
  807. <h2 class="wp-block-heading">Classification of construction insurance</h2>
  808. <h3 class="wp-block-heading">Liability insurance</h3>
  809. <p>It is aimed at protecting against damages caused to third parties as a result of activities carried out by the construction company.</p>
  810. <h3 class="wp-block-heading">Property Insurance</h3>
  811. <p>Fires, thefts, and vandalism can occur in a building. When this happens, it is important to have property insurance that covers the damages.</p>
  812. <h3 class="wp-block-heading">Company vehicle insurance</h3>
  813. <p>In every construction company there are various vehicles and machinery that are prone to damage and are essential for transporting goods and workers. With vehicle insurance, these are protected from any damage.</p>
  814. <h3 class="wp-block-heading">Specialized insurance</h3>
  815. <p>Other insurances that may be useful in construction are the following:</p>
  816. <ul>
  817. <li><strong>Heavy equipment insurance:</strong> Covers the most expensive machinery.</li>
  818. <li><strong>Environmental insurance:</strong> In case the construction generates any impact on the environment.</li>
  819. <li><strong>Cargo transport insurance:</strong> Which protects the different goods used in construction.</li>
  820. </ul>
  821. <figure class="wp-block-image size-large"></figure>
  822. <h2 class="wp-block-heading">Insurance for construction work</h2>
  823. <p>Among the <strong>insurance policies for construction companies</strong> that are designed to protect workers are:</p>
  824. <h3 class="wp-block-heading">Work accident insurance</h3>
  825. <p>As mentioned, the construction sector is full of risks, and many accidents can occur and compromise the safety of workers. This is what work accident insurance is responsible for, covering medical expenses and even the wages of workers who are injured at work.</p>
  826. <h3 class="wp-block-heading">Workers' Compensation Insurance</h3>
  827. <p>Workers who suffer an injury or illness as a result of their work in the construction sector can obtain compensation if they have this type of insurance.</p>
  828. <h2 class="wp-block-heading">Types of insurance for construction businesses</h2>
  829. <p>In addition to all the insurance mentioned above, it is also important to have the following types:</p>
  830. <h3 class="wp-block-heading">Business interruption insurance</h3>
  831. <p>In the event that the construction process is halted due to an accident, catastrophic situation or unforeseen event, the company will incur some losses. This insurance will compensate for the loss of income generated during the time of work interruption.</p>
  832. <h3 class="wp-block-heading">Errors and omissions insurance</h3>
  833. <p>Negligence is a latent problem. Errors and omissions insurance, also known as professional liability insurance, will support the company if claims for damages arise from the negligence of some of the workers or the company in general.</p>
  834. <h2 class="wp-block-heading">Best Construction Insurance Companies in the United States</h2>
  835. <p>Some of the <strong>best insurance companies for construction work</strong> , which offer excellent coverage are:</p>
  836. <h3 class="wp-block-heading">Erie Insurance</h3>
  837. <p>Among the variety of insurance offered by Erie Insurance is contractors insurance, which covers everything from property damage to contractors' liability.</p>
  838. <h4 class="wp-block-heading">Coverages:</h4>
  839. <ul>
  840. <li>The contractor's responsibility.</li>
  841. <li>Of liability for pollution.</li>
  842. <li>Of errors and omissions.</li>
  843. </ul>
  844. <h3 class="wp-block-heading">Progressive Commercial</h3>
  845. <p>This insurance company has more than 50 years of experience and offers 30 different types of coverage, both for automobiles and commercial liability.</p>
  846. <h4 class="wp-block-heading">Coverages</h4>
  847. <ul>
  848. <li>Overall responsibility.</li>
  849. <li>Professional responsibility.</li>
  850. <li>Workers' compensation.</li>
  851. </ul>
  852. <h3 class="wp-block-heading">Chubb</h3>
  853. <p>It is an insurance company specialized in offering personalized insurance aimed at providing support to the different construction companies in the country.</p>
  854. <h4 class="wp-block-heading">Coverages</h4>
  855. <ul>
  856. <li>Primary construction accident insurance.</li>
  857. <li>General and excess liability insurance for the construction industry.</li>
  858. <li>Against builders' risk.</li>
  859. <li>Liability for pollution.</li>
  860. <li>Professional responsibility.</li>
  861. </ul>
  862. <div id="" class="su-box su-box-style-default">
  863. <div class="su-box-title">Insurance for construction companies near me</div>
  864. <div class="su-box-content su-u-clearfix su-u-trim"></div>
  865. </div>
  866. <h2 class="wp-block-heading">Importance of construction insurance</h2>
  867. <p>Beyond knowing <strong>what insurance a construction company should have,</strong> you must understand that these will determine whether workers carry out their work in a safe environment, protected against any eventuality, hence the importance of having the most comprehensive <strong>construction insurance coverage .</strong></p>
  868. <h4 class="wp-block-heading">How much does contractor insurance cost?</h4>
  869. <p>The cost of an insurance policy will depend on many factors, but on average monthly rates are around $90, although some insurance companies can have prices of up to <strong>$35</strong> per month.</p>
  870. <h4 class="wp-block-heading">What does comprehensive construction insurance cover?</h4>
  871. <p>This type of insurance provides coverage for damage to third parties, accidental damage, bodily injury and loss due to catastrophes such as fires.</p>
  872. <h4 class="wp-block-heading">What is a construction policy?</h4>
  873. <p>It is an insurance policy that offers coverage for damages of any kind that occur during a construction site.</p>
  874. <h4 class="wp-block-heading">Are construction insurance mandatory?</h4>
  875. <p><strong>Construction insurance</strong> is not mandatory in all states, but some states will not allow you to operate without construction insurance or workers' compensation insurance, just to name a few examples.</p>
  876. </div>
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  882. <title>How to invest in Tesla shares: How profitable is it? Prices and tips</title>
  883. <link></link>
  884. <comments></comments>
  885. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Thomson]]></dc:creator>
  886. <pubDate>Fri, 19 Jul 2024 17:46:30 +0000</pubDate>
  887. <category><![CDATA[Finance]]></category>
  888. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  890. <description><![CDATA[If you want to know how to invest in Tesla shares , pay&#8230;]]></description>
  891. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div class="td-post-header td-pb-padding-side">
  892. <header>
  893. <p class="entry-title"><span style="font-size: 16px;">If you want to know how to </span><strong style="font-size: 16px;">invest in Tesla shares</strong><span style="font-size: 16px;"> , pay close attention to this article, because we will be sharing a lot of valuable information for you to embark on this new world. We ask for your patience in advance, since if you are new to this world there are things that you will have to delve into or re-read. It is not about rushing to </span><strong style="font-size: 16px;">buy Tesla shares</strong><span style="font-size: 16px;"> , but about understanding and investing safely.</span></p>
  894. </header>
  895. </div>
  896. <div class="td-post-content td-pb-padding-side">
  897. <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><span>What is Tesla stock?</span></h2>
  898. <p><strong><span>Tesla shares</span></strong><span> can be defined as a part of this ownership. You already know that this company from the United States is very popular thanks to the sale of its vehicles and energy.ç</span></p>
  899. <p><span>The symbol for these stocks is </span><strong><span>TSLA (Tesla stock)</span></strong><span> , a fact that you should keep in mind because you will encounter it a lot when you start investing.</span></p>
  900. <div id="asegu-876523026" class="asegu-contenido"></div>
  901. <p><span>This information is enough for now, but as any good investor, we recommend that you learn more about its history.</span></p>
  902. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><span>What is the price of Tesla stock?</span></h3>
  903. <p><strong><span>How much does Tesla stock cost?</span></strong><span> Tesla stock prices fluctuate at any given time, at the time of writing this post it is at </span><strong><span>$245.01.</span></strong></p>
  904. <p><span>However, the real price at the time of reading this post can be found by clicking on the following link: </span><a href=";ved=2ahUKEwj76_2Qj42BAxXIm2oFHZtBDqwQ3ecFegQIOxAf" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-wpel-link="external"><span>Tesla share price</span></a><span> .</span></p>
  905. <p><span>Has it gone up or down? That can be a good sign, it's something we do a lot when investing in stocks, looking at the current value relative to an important date.</span></p>
  906. <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><span>What's going on with Tesla stock?</span></h2>
  907. <p><span>Like any action, there are times when there has been a </span><strong><span>very notable increase or decrease in Tesla shares</span></strong><span> , however, by 2023 it is expected to rise, it is already doing so, so it promises to be a good opportunity to invest.</span></p>
  908. <p><span>At the end of the second quarter, it was possible to conclude with real data that there was an increase of 47% compared to last year. It can even be said that it exceeded what was estimated for this year.</span></p>
  909. <p><span>This is certainly a good sign and news for those who have invested in these stocks months and years ago.</span></p>
  910. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><span>Will Tesla stock rise this year?</span></h3>
  911. <p><span>It's hard to say for sure, however, </span><strong><span>Tesla has been showing good financial health in recent days</span></strong><span> , so it could be a sign that it's preparing to rise.</span></p>
  912. <p><span>Likewise, it is still a risk like any other type of investment. Therefore, we recommend that you carefully study all the necessary factors before investing.</span></p>
  913. <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><span>What is a good price for Tesla stock?</span></h2>
  914. <p><span> . The same price can be good or bad depending on the trend of the stock in relation to the market.</span></p>
  915. <p><span>In this order of ideas, the best thing you can do is study the history of the stock at the time of making the investment and conclude, according to the probabilities, if that price is good to buy.</span></p>
  916. <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><span>How to buy Tesla stock?</span></h2>
  917. <p><span>The first thing you need to do is create a Trading account, and then </span><strong><span>log in to MetaTrader</span></strong><span> . Once this is done, all that remains is to follow the following steps:</span></p>
  918. <ol>
  919. <li><strong><span>Right click on your mouse</span></strong><span> , selecting any type of asset. You do this in the Market Watch table.</span></li>
  920. <li><strong><span>Now select the Symbols tab</span></strong><span> . There, type “Tesla” specifically in the search bar.</span></li>
  921. <li><strong><span>Once it appears, select it</span></strong><span> and click “Show Symbol”. Tesla should be added to the Market Watch Table.</span></li>
  922. <li><span>There you just have to select the buy or sell option.</span></li>
  923. </ol>
  924. <p><span>You can use these same tools to analyze the performance of stocks. However, it may seem difficult at first, but nothing you can't learn with practice.</span></p>
  925. <p><strong><span>In fact, all of these tools have demo</span></strong><span> versions , so you can test them out, but with fictitious money. I recommend that if you use one, you imagine that it is real money so that you take it more seriously and can learn.</span></p>
  926. <figure class="wp-block-image size-large"></figure>
  927. <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><span>Is it a good idea to invest in Tesla stock?</span></h2>
  928. <p><span>Yes, but we must be aware that the economic reality at a global level is unstable, especially in some countries where attempts are being made to stop inflation and bank and market adjustments are being made.</span></p>
  929. <p><span>In other words, we can say that, </span><strong><span>regarding Tesla, we are looking at a stock that is rising</span></strong><span> , but we are in the midst of market uncertainty.</span></p>
  930. <p><span>However, this uncertainty is unlikely to go away, and whenever investment is discussed there are certain risks. So, if you want to invest, it is not a bad idea to do so.</span></p>
  931. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><span>Reasons to invest in Tesla shares in the United States</span></h3>
  932. <p><span>Tesla is one of the best performing companies </span><strong><span>on the stock market</span></strong><span> . In addition, its reputation makes it a profitable idea that offers sustainable benefits.</span></p>
  933. <p><span>Keep in mind that it currently offers geographic diversification in terms of its business. It must also be accepted that, with Elon Musk as the leader, there is much more confidence in its actions.</span></p>
  934. <p><span>And best of all, Tesla offers a good future, it is well projected, offering a competitive and promising vision.</span></p>
  935. <p><span>In short, </span><strong><span>the more you know about Tesla, the more convinced you are that it is a good idea to invest in</span></strong><span> . But it is our responsibility to tell you again and again that, like any investment, there is risk, so don't believe the smoke sellers.</span></p>
  936. <p><span>And finally, we invite you to continue learning. You can take courses, dedicate hours of online study… all of that will be very helpful in being more assertive with the decisions you make from now on.</span></p>
  937. </div>
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  943. <title>What is the best bank to finance a car in the United States?</title>
  944. <link></link>
  945. <comments></comments>
  946. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Thomson]]></dc:creator>
  947. <pubDate>Fri, 19 Jul 2024 17:18:03 +0000</pubDate>
  948. <category><![CDATA[Insurance]]></category>
  949. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  951. <description><![CDATA[Owning a car is not easy, so it is important to know&#8230;]]></description>
  952. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div class="td-post-header td-pb-padding-side">
  953. <div class="td-post-header td-pb-padding-side">
  954. <header>
  955. <p class="entry-title"><span style="font-size: 16px;">Owning a car is not easy, so it is important to know which is </span><strong style="font-size: 16px;">the best bank to finance a car in the USA</strong><span style="font-size: 16px;"> . Here we share information about it, which is very interesting. Not only will you get to know some banks, but we will also answer some very common questions when it comes to talking about</span></p>
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  961. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  962. </div>
  963. <h2 class="wp-block-heading">Best banks to refinance cars in the USA</h2>
  964. <p>Among the banks that stand out the most for refinancing a car we have <strong>Bank of America, USAA, Capital One, LightStream and Consumers Credit Union</strong> .</p>
  965. <p>They are not the only ones, but we can say that they are the ones that stand out the most. Let's learn a little more about them, and other alternatives:</p>
  966. <div id="asegu-1828989990" class="asegu-contenido"></div>
  967. <div class="wp-block-columns is-layout-flex wp-container-core-columns-layout-1 wp-block-columns-is-layout-flex">
  968. <div class="wp-block-column is-vertically-aligned-center is-layout-flow wp-block-column-is-layout-flow">
  969. <h3 class="wp-block-heading">Bank Of America and its auto loans</h3>
  970. <p>The greatest benefit of this entity is its trust, in a world-renowned bank, so you can rest easy. <strong>They offer loans starting at $7,500</strong> , but certain minimum requirements apply: Be at least 10 years old with the car, it must have more than 125,000 miles travele</p>
  971. </div>
  972. <div class="wp-block-column is-layout-flow wp-block-column-is-layout-flow">
  973. <p>If you decide to go with this bank, rest assured that you will receive a very fast and effective response. It is an example of a <strong>fast car loan in the USA.</strong></p>
  974. </div>
  975. </div>
  976. <div class="wp-block-columns is-layout-flex wp-container-core-columns-layout-2 wp-block-columns-is-layout-flex">
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  978. <div class="wp-block-column is-layout-flow wp-block-column-is-layout-flow">
  979. <h3 class="wp-block-heading">USAA and its car financing</h3>
  980. <p>The good thing is that payments are automatically deducted, and the application is not at all complicated. This is a very reliable option, as this organization has been working for more than 100 years.</p>
  981. <p>Once you start the loan, you are given 60 days to start paying, enough time to organize your finances.</p>
  982. <ul>
  983. <li><strong>Phone:</strong> +17192449041</li>
  984. <li><strong>Address:</strong> 1855 Telstar Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80920, United States</li>
  985. </ul>
  986. </div>
  987. </div>
  988. <div class="wp-block-columns is-layout-flex wp-container-core-columns-layout-3 wp-block-columns-is-layout-flex">
  989. <div class="wp-block-column is-layout-flow wp-block-column-is-layout-flow">
  990. <h3 class="wp-block-heading">Capital one</h3>
  991. <p>With this option you can pre-qualify, and <strong>they don't charge any application fees</strong> . It's a convenient alternative, as it's 100% online. The minimum loan amount is also $7,500.</p>
  992. <p>In the case of a variable title transfer, a fee is charged. If you wish to opt for Capital One refinancing, please complete the questionnaire provided by the person in charge.</p>
  993. <ul>
  994. <li><strong>Phone:</strong> +18002625689</li>
  995. <li><strong>Address:</strong> 1550 Wewatta St, Denver, CO 80202, United States</li>
  996. </ul>
  997. </div>
  998. <div class="wp-block-column is-vertically-aligned-center is-layout-flow wp-block-column-is-layout-flow"></div>
  999. </div>
  1000. <div class="wp-block-columns is-layout-flex wp-container-core-columns-layout-4 wp-block-columns-is-layout-flex">
  1001. <div class="wp-block-column is-vertically-aligned-center is-layout-flow wp-block-column-is-layout-flow"></div>
  1002. <div class="wp-block-column is-layout-flow wp-block-column-is-layout-flow">
  1003. <h3 class="wp-block-heading">LightStream</h3>
  1004. <p>This is a good alternative when you have a good credit score. <strong>They offer refinancing with low rates</strong> , and their process is very easy to carry out.</p>
  1005. <p>If you don't have a good credit history, you will hardly be able to obtain refinancing; they require a score greater than 660 points.</p>
  1006. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  1007. </div>
  1008. </div>
  1009. <div class="wp-block-columns is-layout-flex wp-container-core-columns-layout-5 wp-block-columns-is-layout-flex">
  1010. <div class="wp-block-column is-layout-flow wp-block-column-is-layout-flow">
  1011. <h3 class="wp-block-heading">Consumers Credit Union</h3>
  1012. <p><strong>You can request a loan starting at $1,000</strong> , a more flexible amount than other banks. Their rates are very competitive, and they limit themselves to negotiating with their active members.</p>
  1013. <p>If you have more than 640 FICO points, you can get the best payment options, so don't forget to check out this information regarding <strong>car financing in the USA from </strong><strong>Consumers</strong> .</p>
  1014. <ul>
  1015. <li><strong>Phone:</strong> +18772752228</li>
  1016. <li><strong>Address:</strong> 195 E IL-120, Volo, IL 60073, United States</li>
  1017. </ul>
  1018. </div>
  1019. <div class="wp-block-column is-vertically-aligned-center is-layout-flow wp-block-column-is-layout-flow"></div>
  1020. </div>
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  1022. <div class="wp-block-column is-layout-flow wp-block-column-is-layout-flow">
  1023. <figure class="wp-block-image size-large"></figure>
  1024. <p>This bank offers multiple services, and as for the vehicle, the amount will depend on your credit score.</p>
  1025. </div>
  1026. <div class="wp-block-column is-vertically-aligned-center is-layout-flow wp-block-column-is-layout-flow">
  1027. <h2 class="wp-block-heading">Chase auto loans</h2>
  1028. <p>If we talk about car loans from <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-wpel-link="external">Chase Bank</a> , in this link you can see a video where they explain their financing service, nothing more reliable than their official website. Remember that Chase Bank is a bank from the United States, located in New York. It has a very good track record, and you can trust it without any problem.</p>
  1029. <ul>
  1030. <li><strong>Phone:</strong> +15124620590</li>
  1031. <li><strong>Address:</strong> 1811 S Congress Ave, Austin, TX 78704, United States</li>
  1032. </ul>
  1033. </div>
  1034. </div>
  1035. <div id="" class="su-box su-box-style-default">
  1036. <div class="su-box-title">Find Banks near me</div>
  1037. <div class="su-box-content su-u-clearfix su-u-trim"><iframe loading="lazy" src="!1m16!1m12!1m3!1d13879587.218579957!2d-113.8552148842404!3d31.863884539104188!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!2m1!1sbanks%20cerca%20de%20Estados%20Unidos!5e0!3m2!1ses-419!2spe!4v1694532473903!5m2!1ses-419!2spe" width="100%" height="450" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></div>
  1038. </div>
  1039. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  1040. <p>The bank that best fits these references, we can say that it has the best rate, and if it improves it, with even more reason.</p>
  1041. <p>As you can see, <strong>a good credit score is good for you</strong> , but that can only be achieved by managing your credits very well. If you don't have a good score, with this credit that you are going to request you can improve it. You just have to be punctual with your payments!</p>
  1042. <figure class="wp-block-image size-large"></figure>
  1043. <h2 class="wp-block-heading">What is better, financing or credit?</h2>
  1044. <p>It all depends on your profile. If you have a good credit score, you can opt for large loans, while if it is not very good, you can look for smaller loans.</p>
  1045. <p>Furthermore, it is not about <strong>what you call the financial tool</strong> , but rather the requirements and benefits it provides. You should select the one that suits you best, no matter what it is called.</p>
  1046. <h2 class="wp-block-heading">What type of car loan is best?</h2>
  1047. <p>The loan that best suits you is <strong>one that has low interest rates</strong> , the amount you require, and which you can access because you meet the requirements.</p>
  1048. <p>If they are loans aimed at cars, even better, since they are tailored to your needs, and, therefore, the amount is similar to what you need.</p>
  1049. <p>If you need a large amount, <strong>opt for loans that are more complex</strong> , because they usually finance more money. However, if you need little money, online credits are the best, because of their simplicity.</p>
  1050. <h2 class="wp-block-heading">What is the interest rate for buying a car?</h2>
  1051. <p>If we talk about averages, they are around <strong>9.65%</strong> for used cars, while for new cars the interest rate is only <strong>5.61%</strong> .</p>
  1052. <p><strong>Will car interest rates go down in 2023?</strong> They were expected to go down, but they have gone up. The probability of a drop is still latent.</p>
  1053. <h2 class="wp-block-heading">I've finished paying for my car. What's next?</h2>
  1054. <p>Your car is now all yours, you just need <strong>to ask your bank if there is anything else you need to do</strong> , although in most cases there is not.</p>
  1055. <p>If there is any procedure, they will let you know. But for a more precise answer, call your bank.</p>
  1056. <p>In conclusion, regarding, it depends on your needs. So we invite you to analyze the proposal of each of those we have mentioned, and make a decision.</p>
  1057. <p>Not sure what decision to make? Seek personal advice, but don't sign a contract if you don't know what it's about.</p>
  1058. </div>
  1059. </div>
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  1064. <item>
  1065. <title>Small Business Insurance in the United States</title>
  1066. <link></link>
  1067. <comments></comments>
  1068. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Thomson]]></dc:creator>
  1069. <pubDate>Fri, 19 Jul 2024 17:15:40 +0000</pubDate>
  1070. <category><![CDATA[Insurance]]></category>
  1071. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  1073. <description><![CDATA[Small business insurance in the United States is essential to protecting your company and&#8230;]]></description>
  1074. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div class="td-post-header td-pb-padding-side"></div>
  1075. <div class="td-post-content td-pb-padding-side">
  1076. <div id="asegu-1901950085" class="asegu-antes-del-contenido"></div>
  1077. <p><span>Small business insurance </span><strong><span>in the United States</span></strong><span> is essential to protecting your company and ensuring its long-term stability. In this article, we will guide you through the importance of having the right insurance for your business, the types of insurance available, and how to choose the best option for your needs. Let’s get started!</span></p>
  1078. <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><span>The importance of insurance for small businesses</span></h2>
  1079. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><span>Asset protection</span></h3>
  1080. <p><span>Adequate insurance protects your business assets, such as buildings, equipment, and products. Without this protection, you could face significant losses in the event of a natural disaster, theft, or vandalism.</span></p>
  1081. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><span>Civil liability coverage</span></h3>
  1082. <p><span>Liability is another crucial aspect that small business insurance should cover. If someone is injured on your property or by your products and services, you could face costly lawsuits and damage to your company's reputation.</span></p>
  1083. <div id="asegu-546254241" class="asegu-contenido"></div>
  1084. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><span>Financial security</span></h3>
  1085. <p><span>Adequate insurance provides financial security for your business. It allows you to recover quickly from unexpected events and ensures that your company can continue to operate.</span></p>
  1086. <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><span>Types of insurance for small businesses</span></h2>
  1087. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><span>Commercial Property Insurance</span></h3>
  1088. <p><span>Commercial property insurance covers damage to your property and assets, including buildings, equipment, and products. This insurance is essential to protect your business from unforeseen events, such as fire, storms, or theft.</span></p>
  1089. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><span>General liability insurance</span></h3>
  1090. <p><span>General liability insurance protects your business from claims for personal injury or property damage caused by your business operations. This insurance is essential for any business as it provides coverage in the event of costly lawsuits.</span></p>
  1091. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><span>Commercial Vehicle Insurance</span></h3>
  1092. <p><span>If your business uses vehicles to transport products, employees, or customers, you'll need commercial vehicle insurance. This insurance covers damages and injuries caused by traffic accidents related to your business.</span></p>
  1093. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><span>Workers' Compensation Insurance</span></h3>
  1094. <p><span>Workers' compensation insurance covers your employees' medical costs and lost wages if they suffer work-related injuries or illnesses. In most U.S. states, this insurance is mandatory if you have employees.</span></p>
  1095. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><span>Business interruption insurance</span></h3>
  1096. <p><span>Business interruption insurance provides coverage in the event your business is unable to operate due to an unexpected event, such as a natural disaster or fire. This policy will help you recover lost revenue and pay fixed expenses while your business recovers.</span></p>
  1097. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><span>Other specific insurance</span></h3>
  1098. <p><span>There are other specific insurance policies you may need depending on the nature of your business. For example, professional liability insurance is crucial for businesses that offer professional services, while cybersecurity insurance is important for those that handle sensitive client information.</span></p>
  1099. <figure class="wp-block-image size-large"></figure>
  1100. <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><span>How to choose the right insurance for your business</span></h2>
  1101. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><span>Assess risks and needs</span></h3>
  1102. <p><span>Before selecting insurance, it's important to evaluate your business's specific risks and needs. Consider factors such as location, type of industry, and number of employees to determine what coverages are necessary for your company.</span></p>
  1103. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><span>Compare insurers and policies</span></h3>
  1104. <p><span>Research and compare different insurers and policies to find the best fit for your business. Pay attention to premiums, deductibles and coverage limits, as well as the insurer's reputation and experience in your industry.</span></p>
  1105. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><span>Working with an insurance agent</span></h3>
  1106. <p><span>Working with an insurance agent can make the process of selecting the right policy easier. An agent with experience in small business insurance will help you assess your risks and needs and guide you in choosing the best coverage.</span></p>
  1107. <p><strong><span>Summary</span></strong></p>
  1108. <p><span>Small business insurance in the United States is essential to protecting your company and ensuring its long-term success. Make sure to carefully evaluate your risks and needs, compare insurers and policies, and work with an insurance agent to select the best option for your business.</span></p>
  1109. <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><span>Frequent questions</span></h2>
  1110. <ol>
  1111. <li><strong><span>Is it mandatory to have insurance for small businesses in the United States?</span></strong></li>
  1112. </ol>
  1113. <p><span>Not all insurance is required for all businesses, but some, such as workers' compensation insurance, are required in most states if you have employees. It's important to research local laws to ensure you're in compliance with applicable regulations.</span></p>
  1114. <ol start="2">
  1115. <li><strong><span>How much does small business insurance cost?</span></strong></li>
  1116. </ol>
  1117. <p><span>The cost of small business insurance varies depending on the industry, company size, and specific risks. It is essential to compare different insurers and policies to find the best option in terms of coverage and price.</span></p>
  1118. <ol start="3">
  1119. <li><strong><span>Can I combine different insurances in a single policy?</span></strong></li>
  1120. </ol>
  1121. <p><span>Yes, many insurers offer small business insurance packages that combine different coverages into one policy. This can simplify the administration of your insurance and, in some cases, reduce the overall cost.</span></p>
  1122. <p><span>4. **What happens if I don't have insurance for my small business?**</span></p>
  1123. <p><span>If you don't have adequate insurance for your business, you could face significant financial losses in the event of an unexpected event, such as a natural disaster, accident, or lawsuit. Additionally, you could be breaking local laws if you don't have the required insurance.</span></p>
  1124. <ol start="5">
  1125. <li><strong><span>How often should I review and update my business insurance?</span></strong></li>
  1126. </ol>
  1127. <p><span>It is advisable to review and update your small business insurance at least once a year or when major changes occur in your business, such as an expansion, hiring new employees, or acquiring new assets. This will ensure that your business is adequately protected at all times.</span></p>
  1128. </div>
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  1134. <title>General Liability Insurance vs. Business Owner&#039;s Policy</title>
  1135. <link></link>
  1136. <comments></comments>
  1137. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Thomson]]></dc:creator>
  1138. <pubDate>Fri, 19 Jul 2024 17:12:15 +0000</pubDate>
  1139. <category><![CDATA[Insurance]]></category>
  1140. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  1142. <description><![CDATA[General liability insurance and a business owner's policy (BOP) cover costs associated&#8230;]]></description>
  1143. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div class="td-post-header td-pb-padding-side">
  1144. <header>
  1145. <p class="entry-title"><span style="font-size: 16px;">General liability insurance and a business owner's policy (BOP) cover costs associated with third-party claims for physical injuries, property damage, and advertising injuries. However, a BOP includes additional commercial property insurance protection for your business's physical assets. BOPs are a good option for small businesses looking to bundle their insurance to save money.</span></p>
  1146. </header>
  1147. </div>
  1148. <div class="td-post-content td-pb-padding-side">
  1149. <p>To protect your small business with a customized BOP or general liability, work with The Hartford. Their small business specialists can help you find the right coverage for your needs. Getting a quote online is quick and easy – the application only takes about 10 minutes to complete.</p>
  1150. <h2>Comparing General Liability Policies vs. Business Owners</h2>
  1151. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  1152. <div id="asegu-873241070" class="asegu-contenido"></div>
  1153. <div>
  1154. <table>
  1155. <thead>
  1156. <tr>
  1157. <th colspan="1" rowspan="1">
  1158. <div></div>
  1159. </th>
  1160. <th colspan="1" rowspan="1">
  1161. <div>General Liability Insurance</div>
  1162. </th>
  1163. <th colspan="1" rowspan="1">
  1164. <div>Business Owner Policy (BOP)</div>
  1165. </th>
  1166. </tr>
  1167. </thead>
  1168. <tbody>
  1169. <tr>
  1170. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">
  1171. <div>Risks covered</div>
  1172. </td>
  1173. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">
  1174. <div>
  1175. <ul>
  1176. <li>Third party protection for bodily injury, property damage and reputational damage</li>
  1177. <li>Product liability</li>
  1178. </ul>
  1179. </div>
  1180. </td>
  1181. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">
  1182. <div>
  1183. <ul>
  1184. <li>Third party protection for bodily injury, property damage and reputational damage</li>
  1185. <li>Product liability</li>
  1186. <li>Protection of commercial assets and goods</li>
  1187. <li>Business interruption coverage</li>
  1188. </ul>
  1189. </div>
  1190. </td>
  1191. </tr>
  1192. <tr>
  1193. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">
  1194. <div>Cost</div>
  1195. </td>
  1196. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">
  1197. <div>$400 – $600 per year</div>
  1198. </td>
  1199. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">
  1200. <div>$350 – $3,000 per year</div>
  1201. </td>
  1202. </tr>
  1203. <tr>
  1204. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">
  1205. <div>Eligibility</div>
  1206. </td>
  1207. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">
  1208. <div>Most companies</div>
  1209. </td>
  1210. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">
  1211. <div>Small and medium businesses</div>
  1212. </td>
  1213. </tr>
  1214. <tr>
  1215. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">
  1216. <div>Industry</div>
  1217. </td>
  1218. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">
  1219. <div>Most industries</div>
  1220. </td>
  1221. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">
  1222. <div>Low risk industries</div>
  1223. </td>
  1224. </tr>
  1225. </tbody>
  1226. </table>
  1227. </div>
  1228. <p>When it comes to general liability insurance versus a business owner's policy, business owners should know that they share key similarities. General liability insurance provides basic liability protection for claims arising from bodily injury, property damage, and reputational harm. General liability policies typically pay for the injured party's medical and repair bills, plus their legal fees if they file a lawsuit.</p>
  1229. <p>A business owner's policy bundles general liability and commercial property insurance into one product. Commercial property insurance reimburses you for insured business property or assets that are lost or damaged by fire, theft, or windstorms. BOPs typically also include business interruption coverage to pay for ongoing expenses and lost income if a covered event causes you to temporarily stop operations. A BOP has the same protection as a stand-alone general liability policy and more. If you purchase a BOP, you don't need a separate general liability policy.</p>
  1230. <p>Here is a visual representation of the coverage provided by both policies:</p>
  1231. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  1232. <p>Because BOPs bundle policies, insurance companies can offer them at a discounted rate, costing less than what you would spend on stand-alone policies. Both policies can also be customized with endorsements to meet your company's coverage needs.</p>
  1233. <h2>How General Liability Insurance Works</h2>
  1234. <p>General liability insurance protects your small business from third-party liability claims, including bodily injury, property damage, medical payments, and others, that may arise from business operations. It may also include claims for advertising damages, such as copyright infringement, defamation, and slander. General liability policies typically cover a business's legal defense and any settlements or judgments awarded to an injured party.</p>
  1235. <p>Typically, if a third party (i.e., anyone who doesn't work for your company) is injured in some way while doing business with you, your general liability insurance provides coverage. General liability insurance doesn't cover damage to your business property or assets, allegations of negligence, damage to customer property in your possession, or damage intentionally caused by your business.</p>
  1236. <p>Obtaining a general liability policy and a certificate of insurance to prove you are covered shows that your company is responsible, established, and credible. Customers are more likely to do business with you when they know you have liability insurance for financial protection.</p>
  1237. <h2>How a business owner's policy works</h2>
  1238. <p>A business owner's policy includes the same liability coverage offered in a general liability policy, including protection against liabilities such as injuries to third parties and property damage, reputational damage, and product-related claims. It also includes the commercial property insurance bonus for coverage of business property and the assets owned and used by your business.</p>
  1239. <p>Additionally, BOPs offer business interruption coverage for lost income and ongoing expenses when a covered event forces you to pause operations. Typically, insurers only cover these costs for 12 consecutive months, but they can help you pay for lost income, employee wages, rent, utilities, and relocation expenses.</p>
  1240. <p>BOPs are specifically designed for small or medium-sized businesses, depending on the operator. Your business must meet certain eligibility requirements to qualify for a BOP. These are typically based on revenue, industry, and number of employees.</p>
  1241. <h3>Business Owner Policy Eligibility</h3>
  1242. <p>A business owner's policy combines protection for property and liability risks into a single package. This package is typically sold at a premium that is less than the total cost of the separate policies. The specific coverage included in a BOP varies among providers, but most policies require businesses to meet certain eligibility criteria to qualify.</p>
  1243. <h3>Eligibility Criteria for Business Owner Policy</h3>
  1244. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  1245. <div>
  1246. <table>
  1247. <thead>
  1248. <tr>
  1249. <th colspan="1" rowspan="1">
  1250. <div>Eligibility criteria</div>
  1251. </th>
  1252. <th colspan="1" rowspan="1">
  1253. <div>Typical Balance of Payments Requirements</div>
  1254. </th>
  1255. </tr>
  1256. </thead>
  1257. <tbody>
  1258. <tr>
  1259. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">
  1260. <div>Income</div>
  1261. </td>
  1262. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">
  1263. <div>Some insurers require $5 million or less annually;<br />
  1264. others $1 million or less annually.</div>
  1265. </td>
  1266. </tr>
  1267. <tr>
  1268. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">
  1269. <div>Number of employees</div>
  1270. </td>
  1271. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">
  1272. <div>Some insurers require fewer than 100 employees;<br />
  1273. others fewer than 10 employees.</div>
  1274. </td>
  1275. </tr>
  1276. <tr>
  1277. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">
  1278. <div>Physical location</div>
  1279. </td>
  1280. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">
  1281. <div>Small office or workplace</div>
  1282. </td>
  1283. </tr>
  1284. <tr>
  1285. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">
  1286. <div>Industry</div>
  1287. </td>
  1288. <td colspan="1" rowspan="1">
  1289. <div>Low risk</div>
  1290. </td>
  1291. </tr>
  1292. </tbody>
  1293. </table>
  1294. </div>
  1295. <p>Brandon Gehring, an agent with Insurance Werks Services , generally recommends that a company opt for a BOP when it's available.</p>
  1297. <h2>When to use general liability insurance</h2>
  1298. <p>Most business owners need commercial general liability insurance because it covers the risks they face most often. In fact, it is called general liability because it covers the liabilities that businesses have in common. Although it is not a legal requirement, it may be required by customers and owners.</p>
  1299. <p>Your business may need general liability coverage if:</p>
  1300. <ul>
  1301. <li><strong>Your business has constant traffic –</strong> let’s say a customer trips and falls at your business. A general liability policy can help pay for their medical treatment, and if they decide to sue your business for the accident, it can help pay for their legal defense.</li>
  1302. <li><strong>You or your employees visit clients:</strong> General liability travels with you when you visit clients or places of business outside of your primary business location. For example, if you damage a client’s property in their home, general liability has you covered.</li>
  1303. <li><strong>You want to get more clients:</strong> Clients often consider general liability coverage a prerequisite to working with you because they don't want to be held liable for the actions of your business.</li>
  1304. <li><strong>Your Landlord Requires You to Have It for a Lease: Do</strong> you rent or lease space for your business? Many landlords require general liability coverage to ensure they are not held liable for incidents your business is responsible for.</li>
  1305. </ul>
  1306. <p>The amount of general liability coverage business owners need depends on risk exposure and contractual requirements. Generally, the riskier your business or industry is, the more coverage you need. Additional coverage options may be available depending on your insurer.</p>
  1307. <h2>When to use a business owner's policy</h2>
  1308. <p>Business owners often purchase a BOP instead of separate property and general liability policies to ensure they have the coverage they need. Even if your business has minimal property, you still want to make sure it is protected. You also save money by taking advantage of a BOP's discounted package.</p>
  1309. <p>A business owner's policy offers all the protection of a general liability policy, plus business property and business interruption coverage. If you qualify, it is often cheaper to purchase a BOP than to buy each policy separately. For small, low-risk businesses, a BOP is a great insurance package that offers more protection at a discounted price.</p>
  1310. <h2>When to Add a Commercial Home Insurance Endorsement to Your Homeowners Policy</h2>
  1311. <p>If your business operates out of your home, you may not need much of the packaged protection of a business owner's policy. However, most basic homeowners insurance excludes business liability coverage and only offers limited coverage for commercial property. Talk to your insurance agent about the possibility of adding a business endorsement to your home insurance .</p>
  1312. <p>By adding liability or property coverage as an endorsement to your homeowner's policy, you ensure that you have some protection for your business. A home business endorsement can increase business property coverage limits and address some business liability exposures. Many policies cover damage to business property owned or used by the owner for up to $2,500 on the premises or $1,500 off the premises.</p>
  1313. <h2>General Liability Insurance vs. Business Owner's Policy: Covered Perils</h2>
  1314. <p>When you're weighing coverage options for your small business, general liability insurance and BOPs have many of the same risks covered. This is because general liability is one of the policies included in a business owner's policy. However, BOPs also include commercial property coverage.</p>
  1315. <h3>Risks covered by general liability insurance</h3>
  1316. <p>General liability insurance is a vital business policy because it covers the risks inherent to most operations, namely damage to third parties such as customers and other visitors. That's why most business owners get general liability insurance.</p>
  1317. <p>Standard general liability coverage has three parts. These are:</p>
  1318. <ul>
  1319. <li><strong>Bodily Injury and Property Damage:</strong> Medical or repair bills for someone who is injured on your premises or by your product or service and who does not work for your business</li>
  1320. <li><strong>Advertising Injury:</strong> Losses due to claims for defamation, libel, copyright infringement and more</li>
  1321. <li><strong>Immediate Medical Payments:</strong> No-fault coverage for immediate medical bills, such as an ambulance ride or an emergency room visit</li>
  1322. </ul>
  1323. <h3>Risks covered by the business owner's policy</h3>
  1324. <p>Like general liability, BOPs cover allegations that your business caused property damage or physical harm to a third party. However, a business owner's policy has the added benefit of commercial property insurance to cover your business's property in addition to business interruption coverage.</p>
  1325. <p>A business owner's policy offers the following protection for small businesses:</p>
  1326. <ul>
  1327. <li><strong>General Liability:</strong> Third-party claims involving bodily injury, property damage, and damage to reputation.</li>
  1328. <li><strong>Commercial Property:</strong> Damage to business property, including buildings and their contents.</li>
  1329. <li><strong>Business Interruption Coverage:</strong> Pays for lost profits and ongoing expenses if a covered event forces you to temporarily pause business operations.</li>
  1330. </ul>
  1331. <h2>General Liability Insurance vs. Business Owner's Policy: Costs</h2>
  1332. <p>Depending on the size, type, or industry of your small business, as well as the coverage limits, the price of general liability insurance or a BOP varies. Insurance companies have different prices depending on the industry, but other factors also play a role.</p>
  1333. <h3>General Liability Insurance Costs</h3>
  1334. <p>Most small business owners can expect to pay between $400 and $600 per year for general liability insurance. Industry plays a big role in the cost of your premium. For example, retail stores and restaurants have a lot of foot traffic, so they often pay more for general liability. However, business consultants often pay less because they face a lower risk of lawsuits for damage or injury to third-party property.</p>
  1335. <h3>Business Owner's Policy Costs</h3>
  1336. <p>A business owner's policy, depending on your industry and risks, typically costs between $350 and $3,000 a year. While it's generally more expensive than a stand-alone general liability policy, you're getting additional coverage and protection included in a BOP: liability, business property, and business interruption. BOPs typically cost less than purchasing stand-alone business insurance policies, if your business qualifies.</p>
  1337. <h2>General Liability Insurance vs. Business Owner's Policy: Eligibility</h2>
  1338. <p>General liability insurance and business owner's policy cover many risks for small businesses, but not all businesses may qualify for coverage. Insurers typically reserve BOP for businesses with low revenue, small locations, and few staff because this minimizes the risk of claims.</p>
  1339. <h3>Eligibility for general liability insurance</h3>
  1340. <p>General liability insurance is a basic policy for small businesses, and most companies qualify for it. There is almost no situation or business that does not qualify for general liability, although high-risk industries may find that not all operators are open to providing coverage and may face higher premiums.</p>
  1341. <h3>Business Owner Policy Eligibility</h3>
  1342. <p>BOPs are a popular option for business owners looking for affordable coverage, but not everyone qualifies. Each carrier has different rules, but BOPs are typically reserved for small and mid-sized businesses in low-risk industries. Additionally, businesses typically need to have fewer than 100 employees, less than $1 million in revenue, and small retail spaces.</p>
  1343. <h2>General Liability Insurance vs. Business Owner's Policy: Industries</h2>
  1344. <p>Industry is an important factor that insurers evaluate to determine whether your business will qualify for general liability insurance or a business owner's policy. Your risks are often determined by the industry of your business.</p>
  1345. <h3>General Liability Insurance Industries</h3>
  1346. <p>Numerous industries qualify for general liability insurance because it is such a common protection. If your business is in a low-risk industry, such as accounting or consulting, your general liability costs may be lower because there is little foot traffic and a reduced risk of property damage. Home-based businesses and businesses with small offices are also considered low risk.</p>
  1347. <p>If you're in a high-risk industry, such as cleaning or construction, you'll see much higher costs because your job often involves a lot of foot traffic and visits to other people's property, as well as risky day-to-day operations.</p>
  1348. <h3>Business Owner Policy Industries</h3>
  1349. <p>Generally, only businesses in low-risk industries will qualify for a BOP. A business owner's policy has a cap on policy limits and is often only designed for smaller businesses. The cap is the maximum amount an insurer will pay on a claim. For example, an office-based business, such as an accounting firm, is generally considered low risk. However, a construction company is generally considered high risk due to job hazards and working with heavy machinery.</p>
  1350. <h2>General Liability Insurance Example</h2>
  1351. <p>Let's say you own a painting business and you travel and interact with clients regularly. If you're at a client's residence to paint and accidentally break a mirror, you could be sued for damages. With general liability, your policy can help pay for the repair or replacement of the broken mirror and any other property damage.</p>
  1352. <p>One thing to remember: General liability insurance does not cover any property your company owns. So if your assistant breaks an extension ladder, or you need to paint high ceilings or exterior walls, the cost to repair or replace your equipment would only be covered by commercial property insurance or the property coverage included in a BOP.</p>
  1353. <h2>Sample Business Owner Policy</h2>
  1354. <p>Let's say you own a hair salon. A storm knocks a tree into the roof of the salon, effectively halting all of your operations. A BOP includes business interruption coverage to help you pay your expenses while the salon is closed for repairs. That means you'll be able to pay for rent, employee wages, and lost income.</p>
  1355. <p>A BOP can even help pay for relocation costs to help you settle into a temporary space. A business owner's policy also covers bodily injury or damage to third-party property. And, if any items the salon owns are damaged when the roof collapses, the commercial property insurance in your BOP can help pay to repair or replace them.</p>
  1356. <h2>Sample Homeowners Policy with Commercial Home Insurance Endorsement</h2>
  1357. <p>Let's say you own a home-based business that sells hand-knitted goods online. This means you have regular deliveries and pickups at the post office, which generates a lot of foot traffic to your home. Because these deliveries and pickups are business-related, your homeowner's policy may not cover liability protection in these situations.</p>
  1358. <p>If a delivery person slips out of your home, your business could be held liable. By adding a home-based business insurance endorsement to your existing homeowners policy, you can have protection for these types of incidents. When in doubt, call your insurance company to see what home-based business coverage fits your needs.</p>
  1359. <h2>Approvals for general liability policies and business owners</h2>
  1360. <p>Depending on your business situation, your insurance company may offer additional coverage components to add to your general liability or BOP. Typically, the coverage limits for these endorsements are low, but they offer additional protection at a discounted price.</p>
  1361. <p>Below are some endorsements you could add to your policy:</p>
  1362. <ul>
  1363. <li><strong>Rented and non-owned auto insurance:</strong> Covers legal expenses that arise when you or an employee have an accident with a rented, leased, or employee vehicle.</li>
  1364. <li><strong>Liquor Liability Insurance </strong><strong>–</strong> Covers legal fees and medical costs if alcohol is sold to an intoxicated person who causes harm to others or damages property.</li>
  1365. <li><strong>Cyber ​​liability insurance </strong><strong>–</strong> covers costs associated with a data breach or cyber attack.</li>
  1366. <li><strong>Inland</strong> Navigation <strong>Insurance </strong><strong>–</strong> Covers commercial property, cargo or tools in transit.</li>
  1367. <li><strong>Professional liability insurance </strong><strong>–</strong> covers legal fees when clients claim financial loss due to your negligence or mistakes (also called errors and omissions insurance).</li>
  1368. <li><strong>Spoilage:</strong> Covers the replacement of spoiled perishable inventory after a storage malfunction or power outage.</li>
  1369. <li><strong>Employee Dishonesty:</strong> Covers financial losses due to employee theft and other illegal activities.</li>
  1370. </ul>
  1371. <p>Both general liability insurance and a business owner's policy are highly customizable, depending on your needs. Talk to an experienced insurance agent who is familiar with your industry to ensure you have the right coverage and learn about potential discounts.</p>
  1372. <h2>General Liability Insurance vs. Business Owner's Policy Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)</h2>
  1373. <p>When considering general liability insurance vs. a business owner's policy, business owners may become confused because both are popular options that address their most common risks. Because they share similar qualities, business owners often have questions about how they work or whether it's a good fit for their business. Below are some frequently asked questions about general liability vs. BOP.</p>
  1374. <h3>Can I customize a general liability policy or business owner's policy?</h3>
  1375. <p>Both general liability and BOPs can be customized with most insurance companies. Ask an agent about endorsements that may benefit your business, such as cyber liability insurance for data breach protection or inland marine insurance to protect commercial property in transit. Keep in mind that coverage limits for these inclusions are typically low.</p>
  1376. <h3>Does the law require general liability or BOP for my business?</h3>
  1377. <p>You are not legally required to carry a general liability or business owner's policy. However, liability insurance protects against many common risks faced by business owners, so it makes financial sense to get a policy. Additionally, you may need liability insurance to apply for a professional license, sign a client contract, or enter into a lease.</p>
  1378. <h3>Who is eligible for a business owner's policy?</h3>
  1379. <p>To qualify for a BOP, a business must be in a low-risk industry (e.g., accounting or consulting), have few employees, occupy a small workspace, and have low annual revenue. Requirements vary among insurers, so you should speak with an agent to find out how your business can qualify for a discounted BOP package.</p>
  1380. <h3>Conclusion</h3>
  1381. <p>For small business owners just starting out, commercial insurance is a great investment to protect financial assets. General liability and BOPs offer valuable third-party bodily injury liability, property damage, and advertising injury coverage. BOPs include the added advantage of commercial property insurance and business interruption coverage at a discounted price in one convenient package.</p>
  1382. <p>Protecting your small business is simple with a customized general liability policy or BOP from The Hartford</p>
  1383. <p>. The insurer has small business specialists who can customize a policy for your unique business.</p>
  1384. </div>
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  1390. <title>Best Commercial Insurance Companies in the United States: The Most Recognized in NY, CA, TX and FL</title>
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  1393. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Thomson]]></dc:creator>
  1394. <pubDate>Fri, 19 Jul 2024 17:08:02 +0000</pubDate>
  1395. <category><![CDATA[Insurance]]></category>
  1396. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  1398. <description><![CDATA[To protect a business from any damage or loss, it is always&#8230;]]></description>
  1399. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div class="td-post-header td-pb-padding-side"></div>
  1400. <div class="td-post-content td-pb-padding-side">
  1401. <div id="asegu-1460240522" class="asegu-antes-del-contenido"></div>
  1402. <p>To protect a business from any damage or loss, it is always best to have <strong>commercial insurance.</strong> There are many events or occurrences that can compromise your investment, such as fires, theft, natural disasters, vandalism, and if you do not yet have commercial insurance, we will help you choose it.</p>
  1403. <div id="ub-button-c9b99f6d-02fc-4a05-8f81-399627844db5" class="ub-buttons align-button-center orientation-button-row ub-flex-wrap wp-block-ub-button">
  1404. <div class="ub-button-container">
  1405. <div class="ub-button-content-holder"><span class="ub-button-block-btn">Commercial Insurance Companies Near Me</span></div>
  1406. </div>
  1407. <div class="ub-button-container">
  1408. <div class="ub-button-content-holder"><span class="ub-button-block-btn">Best commercial insurance companies</span></div>
  1409. </div>
  1410. <div class="ub-button-container">
  1411. <div class="ub-button-content-holder"><span class="ub-button-block-btn">Commercial insurance in the different states</span></div>
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  1414. <div class="ub-block-list__layout"></div>
  1415. <figure class="wp-block-image size-large"></figure>
  1416. <h2 id="Compañia-de-seguros-comercial-cerca-de-mi-ubicación" class="wp-block-heading">Commercial insurance company near my location</h2>
  1417. <div id="" class="su-box su-box-style-default">
  1418. <div class="su-box-content su-u-clearfix su-u-trim"></div>
  1419. </div>
  1420. <h2 id="Compañías-de-seguros-comerciales-más-populares-en-los-Estados-Unidos" class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Most Popular Commercial Insurance Companies in the United States</strong></h2>
  1421. <p>In the United States, there are some insurance companies that have become the most popular due to their excellent coverage, prices, and customer service. Do you know which ones they are? Find out more below.</p>
  1422. <h4 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Hixcox</strong></h4>
  1423. <p>This insurance has designed policies for small and medium-sized businesses, it specializes specifically in commercial insurance, which is why it is one of the alternatives with the most varied policies.</p>
  1424. <div id="asegu-477957304" class="asegu-contenido"></div>
  1425. <p>You can be sure that you will be able to purchase the insurance policy that best suits your business needs. Quotes can be obtained quickly from the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-wpel-link="external">website</a> and it is available in almost every corner of the country, except Alaska.</p>
  1426. <h4 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Chubb</strong></h4>
  1427. <p>This company may not be as well-known, because the reality is that it does not invest an excessive budget in advertising, but it is still a reliable alternative.</p>
  1428. <p>Its policies are tailored to the characteristics of more than 1,000 types of businesses, whether it is a small company or a multinational corporation, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-wpel-link="external">Chubb</a> will create the perfect policy for each of them.</p>
  1429. <p>The only drawback of this commercial insurance company is that it does not allow online quotes.</p>
  1430. <h4 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>The Hartford</strong></h4>
  1431. <p>One of the oldest commercial insurance companies in the United States is <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-wpel-link="external">The Hartford</a> , but it is not only the long road it has traveled since 1810 that makes this company one of the best.</p>
  1432. <p>It also stands out for offering quick quotes from its website, has the most solid reputation in the market, and offers policies that can be customized, for example, you can add endorsements to your commercial policy to make the coverage even better. Although it is available in all states, it does not have the same number of agencies in each one.</p>
  1433. <div id="ub-button-2ca08d82-11b4-4961-8d0b-5e7047ba2bff" class="ub-buttons align-button-left orientation-button-row ub-flex-wrap wp-block-ub-button">
  1434. <div class="ub-button-container">
  1435. <div class="ub-button-content-holder"><span class="ub-button-block-btn">Ingresa a The Hartford insurance</span></div>
  1436. </div>
  1437. </div>
  1438. <h4 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Travelers</strong></h4>
  1439. <p>Like Chubb, this company stands out for offering the most reliable and varied policies, because it has thousands of options. In addition, you will find not only commercial policies but also individual ones.</p>
  1440. <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-wpel-link="external">Travelers insurance</a> prices are among the most competitive. This company adapts to the needs of each client, which is why it even allows them to make claims online.</p>
  1441. <h4 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Progressive</strong></h4>
  1442. <p>Thanks to the way this insurance company promotes itself, it has become one of the most recognized. Its commercial auto insurance is one of the most popular, and it also has excellent commercial insurance policies. Some of its policies are civil liability, workers' compensation, professional liability, among others.</p>
  1443. <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-wpel-link="external">Progressive</a> has a claims service available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.</p>
  1444. <div id="ub-button-0bb853b3-4926-4c3b-82d4-69b1495e58c8" class="ub-buttons align-button-left orientation-button-row ub-flex-wrap wp-block-ub-button">
  1445. <div class="ub-button-container">
  1446. <div class="ub-button-content-holder"><span class="ub-button-block-btn">Ingresa a Progressive insurance</span></div>
  1447. </div>
  1448. </div>
  1449. <h3 id="Mejor-seguro-comercial-en-New-York" class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Best commercial insurance in New York</strong></h3>
  1450. <p>Progressive and The Hartford are some of the <strong>most popular commercial insurance companies in New York</strong> , however, another alternative that you can consider if you have a small business is Hiscox, we have already given you some details of what these insurers can offer you.</p>
  1451. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Most Popular Commercial Insurance in California</strong></h3>
  1452. <p>In California, The Hartford also appears to be an excellent option, but it is not the only one. Another alternative we can recommend is <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-wpel-link="external">Next Insurance.</a></p>
  1453. <p>This is an insurance policy that focuses on helping small businesses protect their growing businesses. Its coverage is adapted to more than 1,000 types of businesses.</p>
  1454. <p>In just 10 minutes you can get an insurance policy from their website, which makes the process even simpler. This is precisely what makes them the most trusted <strong>commercial insurance in California .</strong></p>
  1455. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Best Business Insurance in Texas</strong></h3>
  1456. <p>Travelers and Chubb are among the top three commercial insurance companies in the United States, the third option is represented by <a class="wpil_keyword_link" title="Liberty Mutual" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-wpil-keyword-link="linked" data-wpel-link="internal">Liberty Mutual</a> .</p>
  1457. <p>At Liberty Mutual, there is insurance for small businesses, medium-sized companies, large companies and even for industry. From the website you can get help and answers to any questions or requests.</p>
  1458. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Most Trusted Business Insurance in Florida</strong></h3>
  1459. <p>In Florida, there are 5 <strong>commercial insurance companies for businesses</strong> that have earned a spot among the best. Netx Insurance ranks as the best overall, The Hartford stands out for having the most comprehensive coverage.</p>
  1460. <p>Hiscox has earned a spot as the best for independent contractors and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-wpel-link="external">Embroker</a> , which is one of the alternatives we haven't talked about throughout the post, is a great value business insurance.</p>
  1461. <p>This last company has the most competitive prices, customized policies and, in addition, obtaining this insurance is quite simple.</p>
  1462. <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Most trusted commercial auto insurance in the USA</strong></h2>
  1463. <p>If you are looking for <strong>commercial truck insurance,</strong> there are also some very good options. Let's take a look at some of them.</p>
  1464. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>National Interstate</strong></h3>
  1465. <p>This insurance company specializes in commercial transportation vehicles and trucks, and its coverage options stand out for being the most extensive.</p>
  1466. <p>Among the insurance offered by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-wpel-link="external">National Interstate</a> we can highlight: civil liability, physical damage insurance, cargo damage insurance, among others.</p>
  1467. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>NationWide</strong></h3>
  1468. <p>This insurance company is very popular in the country for a variety of factors, starting with the fact that they have a variety of insurance, among these is <strong>commercial auto insurance</strong> .</p>
  1469. <p>Companies dedicated to agribusiness, construction and manufacturing stand out among the priority clients of this insurer. If you want to insure your company's fleet of vehicles, you should definitely consider <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-wpel-link="external">NationWide</a> .</p>
  1470. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Sentry</strong></h3>
  1471. <p>With a history of over 100 years, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-wpel-link="external">Sentry</a> has become the most trusted company <strong>for commercial truck insurance</strong> . Large companies in the construction industry trust this company to insure their vehicles.</p>
  1472. <p>In fact, some of the largest car dealers choose this alternative. Even the smallest companies trust Sentry to take care of their commercial vehicles.</p>
  1473. <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Most common types of commercial insurance in the United States</strong></h2>
  1474. <p>The <strong>types of commercial insurance</strong> that any company in the country should have are:</p>
  1475. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Civil liability</strong></h3>
  1476. <p>This type of policy is intended to provide coverage for losses or damages to third parties caused by accidents arising from poor work performed by one of the company's employees.</p>
  1477. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Against crimes</strong></h3>
  1478. <p>In this case, the coverage is intended to cover expenses arising from theft or vandalism suffered by the insured company.</p>
  1479. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>For business owners</strong></h3>
  1480. <p>This type of insurance is also called BOP, it is basically an insurance made up of multiple policies, which covers civil liability, crimes, among others.</p>
  1481. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Commercial property</strong></h3>
  1482. <p>With this insurance you can have peace of mind and certainty that your company's physical assets are protected. It covers the protection of buildings, inventory, equipment and much more.</p>
  1483. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Cyber ​​​​liability</strong></h3>
  1484. <p>In the event of damage resulting from data leaks, loss of electronic data, cyber attacks, this insurance guarantees the best coverage.</p>
  1485. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Commercial vehicle</strong></h3>
  1486. <p>Commercial vehicle insurance protects the fleet of vehicles that are part of a company, in case they are involved in an accident or theft.</p>
  1487. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Against business interruption</strong></h3>
  1488. <p>If the company were to suffer a stoppage for any reason, any commercial losses that may arise from this will be covered by this insurance.</p>
  1489. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>From accounts receivable</strong></h3>
  1490. <p>Its objective is to cover all losses that may arise due to delinquent clients.</p>
  1491. <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>What is the cost of commercial insurance in the United States?</strong></h2>
  1492. <p>The prices or rates to be paid for your insurance policy will be conditioned by many aspects:</p>
  1493. <ul>
  1494. <li>First of all, the type of business and the activities it carries out.</li>
  1495. <li>The income you earn.</li>
  1496. <li>The coverage limit you wish to obtain.</li>
  1497. <li>The location and size of your business.</li>
  1498. <li>Any claims history you may have.</li>
  1499. <li>Deductible.</li>
  1500. <li>Quantity of employees.</li>
  1501. </ul>
  1502. <p>But to give you an idea of ​​the average cost, here are some rates based on the company's income.</p>
  1503. <ul>
  1504. <li>If your company generates, for example, $250,000, and obtains a liability policy for a total amount of $2 million, the annual premium can be around $1,300.</li>
  1505. <li>However, if the company has more than $3,000,000 in revenue, under the aforementioned liability policy conditions, the premium can rise to $10,300 per year.</li>
  1506. </ul>
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  1510. <h4 class="wp-block-ub-content-toggle-accordion-title ub-content-toggle-title-0d4c0efd-bd11-4202-aba1-b8d0a1a5d512"><strong>What is commercial insurance, what does it consist of?</strong></h4>
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  1513. <div id="ub-content-toggle-panel-0-0d4c0efd-bd11-4202-aba1-b8d0a1a5d512" class="wp-block-ub-content-toggle-accordion-content-wrap" role="region" aria-expanded="true">
  1514. <p><strong>Commercial insurance</strong> is designed to protect your business, its assets, employees, machinery and everything else from potential losses arising from a variety of situations.</p>
  1515. <p>Depending on the <strong>type of commercial insurance</strong> you obtain, you will be able to protect your company and everything it includes from fires, accidents, work stoppages, damages to third parties, among others.</p>
  1516. </div>
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  1520. <h4 class="wp-block-ub-content-toggle-accordion-title ub-content-toggle-title-0d4c0efd-bd11-4202-aba1-b8d0a1a5d512"><strong>What does commercial insurance cover?</strong></h4>
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  1523. <div id="ub-content-toggle-panel-1-0d4c0efd-bd11-4202-aba1-b8d0a1a5d512" class="wp-block-ub-content-toggle-accordion-content-wrap" role="region" aria-expanded="true">
  1524. <p>Coverage will depend on the type of insurance or policy you purchase. Some of the most common coverages of these insurances are:</p>
  1525. <ul>
  1526. <li>Financial losses.</li>
  1527. <li>Robberies.</li>
  1528. <li>Natural disasters.</li>
  1529. <li>Damage caused to third parties.</li>
  1530. </ul>
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  1540. <title>UN adopts Chinese resolution with US support to close AI access gap</title>
  1541. <link></link>
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  1543. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Thomson]]></dc:creator>
  1544. <pubDate>Thu, 27 Jun 2024 08:16:31 +0000</pubDate>
  1545. <category><![CDATA[Ai Development]]></category>
  1546. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  1548. <description><![CDATA[UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The United Nations General Assembly has adopted a&#8230;]]></description>
  1549. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p></p>
  1550. <div>
  1551. <p>UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The United Nations General Assembly has adopted a resolution sponsored by China with U.S. support, urging developed and wealthy nations to close the widening gap with developing countries and ensure they have equal opportunities to use and benefit from artificial intelligence.</p>
  1552. <p>The resolution approved on Monday follows the adoption on March 21 <span class="LinkEnhancement">the first UN resolution</span> ON <span class="LinkEnhancement"><a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" class="Link AnClick-LinkEnhancement" data-gtm-enhancement-style="LinkEnhancementA" href="">artificial intelligence</a></span>    led by the United States and co-sponsored by 123 countries, including China. It has given global support to the international effort to ensure that AI is "safe, secure, and trustworthy" and that all nations can benefit from it. </p>
  1553. <p>The adoption of the two non-binding resolutions demonstrates that the <span class="LinkEnhancement">United States and China, rivals in many fields</span>They are both determined to play a key role in shaping the future of this powerful new technology and have collaborated on important first steps at an international level.</p>
  1554. <p>The adoption of both resolutions by consensus by the 193-member General Assembly demonstrates broad global support for their leadership on the issue.</p>
  1555. <p>Fu Cong, China's ambassador to the UN, told reporters on Monday that the two resolutions are complementary, with the U.S. measure being "more general" and the newly adopted one focusing on "capacity-building."</p>
  1556. <p>He called the Chinese resolution, which had more than 140 sponsors, "big and far-reaching," and said, "We are very grateful for the positive role that the United States has played throughout this process."</p>
  1557. <p>Nate Evans, a spokesman for the U.S. mission to the United Nations, said Tuesday that the China-sponsored resolution "was negotiated in a way that advances the vision and approach the United States set out in March."</p>
  1558. <p>“We have worked diligently and in good faith with developing and developed countries to strengthen the text, ensuring that it reaffirms safe, secure and trustworthy AI that respects human rights, is committed to digital inclusion and promotes sustainable development,” Evans said.</p>
  1559. <p>Fu said that artificial intelligence technology is advancing at an extremely rapid speed and that the issue has been discussed at the highest levels, including the leaders of the United States and China.</p>
  1560. <p>"We look forward to intensifying our cooperation with the United States and, for that matter, with all countries in the world on this issue, which ... will have far-reaching implications across all dimensions," he said.</p>
  1561. <p>The Chinese ambassador, however, strongly criticized the proposed rule by the U.S. Treasury Department, announced on June 21, that would limit and monitor U.S. investments in China for <span class="LinkEnhancement">artificial intelligence, computer chips and quantum computing</span>.</p>
  1562. <p>“We are firmly opposed to these sanctions,” Fu said. China does not believe the rule will be “helpful to the healthy development of AI technology per se, and by extension, it will divide the world in terms of standards and in terms of rules governing AI.” He called on the United States to lift the sanctions.</p>
  1563. <p>The Chinese resolution calls on the international community to "provide and promote a fair, open, inclusive and non-discriminatory business environment," from AI design and development to its use. Fu said China does not believe the U.S.'s actions are conducive to an inclusive business environment.</p>
  1564. <p>Both the US and Chinese resolutions focus on <span class="LinkEnhancement">Civilian applications of artificial intelligence</span>But Fu told reporters that the military dimension of AI is also very important.</p>
  1565. <p>“We believe that it is necessary for the international community to take measures to reduce the dangers and risks posed by the development of artificial intelligence,” he said.</p>
  1566. <p>China is actively participating in the Geneva talks on controlling lethal autonomous weapons, Fu said, adding that some countries are considering proposing a UN General Assembly resolution on the military dimension of artificial intelligence this year, "and we fully support this initiative."</p>
  1567. <p>Both the U.S. and Chinese resolutions warned of the dangers of artificial intelligence while touting its potential benefits in promoting economic development and people’s lives around the world.</p>
  1568. <p>The US resolution recognizes that “the <span class="LinkEnhancement">governance of artificial intelligence systems</span> is an evolving area" that requires further discussion on possible governance approaches. It calls on countries to ensure that personal data is protected, human rights are safeguarded, and AI is monitored for potential risks.</p>
  1569. <p>Fu, who headed the arms control department of China's Foreign Ministry from 2018 to 2022, said Beijing introduced the resolution because of the widening gap in artificial intelligence technology between the developed North and the developing South.</p>
  1570. <p>He said China also wants to highlight the central role the United Nations should play in AI governance as the “most representative and inclusive international forum.”</p>
  1571. <p>The Chinese resolution aims to “bridge the gap between and within countries in terms of artificial intelligence and other digital divides” and promote international cooperation, including knowledge sharing and technology transfer to developing countries.</p>
  1572. </p></div>
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