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  315. <a class="menu-link" href="" aria-label="Navy Suits" title="Navy Suits"><div class="fs-6">Navy Suits</div></a>
  316. </li>
  317. <li class="mega-menu-title menu-item">
  318. <a class="menu-link" href="" aria-label="Red Suits" title="Red Suits"><div class="fs-6">Red Suits</div></a>
  319. </li>
  320. <li class="mega-menu-title menu-item">
  321. <a class="menu-link" href="" aria-label="White Suits" title="White Suits"><div class="fs-6">White Suits</div></a>
  322. </li>
  323. </ul>
  324. </div>
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  326. <div class="tab-pane fade" id="mega-menu-tab-newArrival">
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  330. <style>
  331.        .img-overlay {
  332.            position: absolute;
  333.            bottom: 20px;
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  339.        .img-overlay:before {
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  344.        }
  345.    </style>
  346. <div class="grid-inner">
  347. <a href="" aria-label="Burgundy Slim Fit 2-Piece Men&#039;s Suit Buy for rental prices" class="product-image">
  348. <span><img data-src="/upload/images/product/burgundy-slim-fit-2-piece-shawl-lapel-tuxedo-suit-dan-burg-shawl/burgundy-slim-fit-2-piece-shawl-lapel-tuxedo-suit-dan-burg-shawl-0.webp" class="lazy productImg rounded" height="2000" width="1333" alt="Burgundy Slim Fit 2-Piece Men&#039;s Suit Image 1"></span>
  349. <span><img data-src="/upload/images/product/burgundy-slim-fit-2-piece-shawl-lapel-tuxedo-suit-dan-burg-shawl/burgundy-slim-fit-2-piece-shawl-lapel-tuxedo-suit-dan-burg-shawl-1.webp" class="lazy productImg rounded" height="2000" width="1333" alt="Burgundy Slim Fit 2-Piece Men&#039;s Suit Image 2"></span>
  351. <div class="sale-flash badge bg-dark p-2 d-none d-sm-block">Bundle Sale!</div>
  352. </a>
  353. <div class="product-desc m-0">
  354. <div class="d-flex align-items-center mb-0">
  355. <div class="product-title mb-0"><h3 class="m-0"><a href="" aria-label="Burgundy Slim Fit 2-Piece Men&#039;s Suit Buy or Rent">Burgundy Slim Fit 2-Piece Men&#039;s Suit</a></h3></div>
  356. </div>
  357. <p class="text-muted m-0">Bundle Price
  358. <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-bs-container="body" data-bs-toggle="popover" data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-content="This product bundle includes a jacket, pants, white shirt, choice of bow tie or long tie, pocket square, and socks" class="link-dark popovery"><u><i class="fa fa-circle-info"></i></u></a>
  359. </p>
  360. <div class="d-flex justify-content-between">
  361. <div class="product-price"><del>$349.99</del> <ins>$209.99</ins></div>
  362. <div class="product-rating d-flex align-items-center">
  363. <i class="bi-star-fill me-1" style="color: orange"></i>
  364. <span>-</span>
  365. </div>
  366. </div>
  367. </div>
  368. </div>
  369. </div>
  370. </div>
  371. <div class="col-6 col-lg-3">
  372. <div class="product">
  373. <style>
  374.        .img-overlay {
  375.            position: absolute;
  376.            bottom: 20px;
  377.            right: 20px;
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  379.            z-index: 9999;
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  382.        .img-overlay:before {
  383.            content: ' ';
  384.            display: block;
  385.            /* adjust 'height' to position overlay content vertically */
  386.            height: 50%;
  387.        }
  388.    </style>
  389. <div class="grid-inner">
  390. <a href="" aria-label="Royal Blue 2-Piece Suit for Men Buy for rental prices" class="product-image">
  391. <span><img data-src="/upload/images/product/royal-blue-2-piece-single-breasted-notch-lapel-suit-alex-cobalt/royal-blue-2-piece-single-breasted-notch-lapel-suit-alex-cobalt-0.webp" class="lazy productImg rounded" height="2000" width="1333" alt="Royal Blue 2-Piece Suit for Men Image 1"></span>
  392. <span><img data-src="/upload/images/product/royal-blue-2-piece-single-breasted-notch-lapel-suit-alex-cobalt/royal-blue-2-piece-single-breasted-notch-lapel-suit-alex-cobalt-1.webp" class="lazy productImg rounded" height="2000" width="1333" alt="Royal Blue 2-Piece Suit for Men Image 2"></span>
  394. <div class="sale-flash badge bg-dark p-2 d-none d-sm-block">Bundle Sale!</div>
  395. </a>
  396. <div class="product-desc m-0">
  397. <div class="d-flex align-items-center mb-0">
  398. <div class="product-title mb-0"><h3 class="m-0"><a href="" aria-label="Royal Blue 2-Piece Suit for Men Buy or Rent">Royal Blue 2-Piece Suit for Men</a></h3></div>
  399. </div>
  400. <p class="text-muted m-0">Bundle Price
  401. <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-bs-container="body" data-bs-toggle="popover" data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-content="This product bundle includes a jacket, pants, white shirt, choice of bow tie or long tie, pocket square, and socks" class="link-dark popovery"><u><i class="fa fa-circle-info"></i></u></a>
  402. </p>
  403. <div class="d-flex justify-content-between">
  404. <div class="product-price"><del>$349.99</del> <ins>$249.99</ins></div>
  405. <div class="product-rating d-flex align-items-center">
  406. <i class="bi-star-fill me-1" style="color: orange"></i>
  407. <span>-</span>
  408. </div>
  409. </div>
  410. </div>
  411. </div>
  412. </div>
  413. </div>
  414. <div class="col-6 col-lg-3">
  415. <div class="product">
  416. <style>
  417.        .img-overlay {
  418.            position: absolute;
  419.            bottom: 20px;
  420.            right: 20px;
  421.            text-align: center;
  422.            z-index: 9999;
  423.        }
  425.        .img-overlay:before {
  426.            content: ' ';
  427.            display: block;
  428.            /* adjust 'height' to position overlay content vertically */
  429.            height: 50%;
  430.        }
  431.    </style>
  432. <div class="grid-inner">
  433. <a href="" aria-label="Black Satin 2-Piece Exclusive Suit for Men Buy for rental prices" class="product-image">
  434. <span><img data-src="/upload/images/product/black-satin-notched-lapel-2-piece-tuxedo-suit-bailey-black/black-satin-notched-lapel-2-piece-tuxedo-suit-bailey-black-0.webp" class="lazy productImg rounded" height="2000" width="1333" alt="Black Satin 2-Piece Exclusive Suit for Men Image 1"></span>
  435. <span><img data-src="/upload/images/product/black-satin-notched-lapel-2-piece-tuxedo-suit-bailey-black/black-satin-notched-lapel-2-piece-tuxedo-suit-bailey-black-1.webp" class="lazy productImg rounded" height="2000" width="1333" alt="Black Satin 2-Piece Exclusive Suit for Men Image 2"></span>
  437. <div class="sale-flash badge bg-dark p-2 d-none d-sm-block">Bundle Sale!</div>
  438. </a>
  439. <div class="product-desc m-0">
  440. <div class="d-flex align-items-center mb-0">
  441. <div class="product-title mb-0"><h3 class="m-0"><a href="" aria-label="Black Satin 2-Piece Exclusive Suit for Men Buy or Rent">Black Satin 2-Piece Exclusive Suit for Men</a></h3></div>
  442. </div>
  443. <p class="text-muted m-0">Bundle Price
  444. <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-bs-container="body" data-bs-toggle="popover" data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-content="This product bundle includes a jacket, pants, white shirt, choice of bow tie or long tie, pocket square, and socks" class="link-dark popovery"><u><i class="fa fa-circle-info"></i></u></a>
  445. </p>
  446. <div class="d-flex justify-content-between">
  447. <div class="product-price"><del>$349.99</del> <ins>$249.99</ins></div>
  448. <div class="product-rating d-flex align-items-center">
  449. <i class="bi-star-fill me-1" style="color: orange"></i>
  450. <span>-</span>
  451. </div>
  452. </div>
  453. </div>
  454. </div>
  455. </div>
  456. </div>
  457. <div class="col-6 col-lg-3">
  458. <div class="product">
  459. <style>
  460.        .img-overlay {
  461.            position: absolute;
  462.            bottom: 20px;
  463.            right: 20px;
  464.            text-align: center;
  465.            z-index: 9999;
  466.        }
  468.        .img-overlay:before {
  469.            content: ' ';
  470.            display: block;
  471.            /* adjust 'height' to position overlay content vertically */
  472.            height: 50%;
  473.        }
  474.    </style>
  475. <div class="grid-inner">
  476. <a href="" aria-label="French Blue 2-Piece Suit for Men Buy for rental prices" class="product-image">
  477. <span><img data-src="/upload/images/product/jon-french-blue/jon-french-blue-0.webp" class="lazy productImg rounded" height="2000" width="1333" alt="French Blue 2-Piece Suit for Men Image 1"></span>
  478. <span><img data-src="/upload/images/product/jon-french-blue/jon-french-blue-1.webp" class="lazy productImg rounded" height="2000" width="1333" alt="French Blue 2-Piece Suit for Men Image 2"></span>
  480. <div class="sale-flash badge bg-dark p-2 d-none d-sm-block">Bundle Sale!</div>
  481. </a>
  482. <div class="product-desc m-0">
  483. <div class="d-flex align-items-center mb-0">
  484. <div class="product-title mb-0"><h3 class="m-0"><a href="" aria-label="French Blue 2-Piece Suit for Men Buy or Rent">French Blue 2-Piece Suit for Men</a></h3></div>
  485. </div>
  486. <p class="text-muted m-0">Bundle Price
  487. <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-bs-container="body" data-bs-toggle="popover" data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-content="This product bundle includes a jacket, pants, white shirt, choice of bow tie or long tie, pocket square, and socks" class="link-dark popovery"><u><i class="fa fa-circle-info"></i></u></a>
  488. </p>
  489. <div class="d-flex justify-content-between">
  490. <div class="product-price"><del>$349.99</del> <ins>$229.99</ins></div>
  491. <div class="product-rating d-flex align-items-center">
  492. <i class="bi-star-fill me-1" style="color: orange"></i>
  493. <span>-</span>
  494. </div>
  495. </div>
  496. </div>
  497. </div>
  498. </div>
  499. </div>
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  501. </div>
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  503. <div class="row col-mb-30 mx-0">
  504. <div class="col-6 col-lg-3">
  505. <div class="product">
  506. <style>
  507.        .img-overlay {
  508.            position: absolute;
  509.            bottom: 20px;
  510.            right: 20px;
  511.            text-align: center;
  512.            z-index: 9999;
  513.        }
  515.        .img-overlay:before {
  516.            content: ' ';
  517.            display: block;
  518.            /* adjust 'height' to position overlay content vertically */
  519.            height: 50%;
  520.        }
  521.    </style>
  522. <div class="grid-inner">
  523. <a href="" aria-label="Gray 2-Piece Suit Men Buy for rental prices" class="product-image">
  524. <span><img data-src="/upload/images/product/gray-2-piece-slim-fit-notch-lapel-solid-suit-stephan-chr-gray/gray-2-piece-slim-fit-notch-lapel-solid-suit-stephan-chr-gray-0.webp" class="lazy productImg rounded" height="2000" width="1333" alt="Gray 2-Piece Suit Men Image 1"></span>
  525. <span><img data-src="/upload/images/product/gray-2-piece-slim-fit-notch-lapel-solid-suit-stephan-chr-gray/gray-2-piece-slim-fit-notch-lapel-solid-suit-stephan-chr-gray-1.webp" class="lazy productImg rounded" height="2000" width="1333" alt="Gray 2-Piece Suit Men Image 2"></span>
  527. <div class="sale-flash badge bg-dark p-2 d-none d-sm-block">Bundle Sale!</div>
  528. </a>
  529. <div class="product-desc m-0">
  530. <div class="d-flex align-items-center mb-0">
  531. <div class="product-title mb-0"><h3 class="m-0"><a href="" aria-label="Gray 2-Piece Suit Men Buy or Rent">Gray 2-Piece Suit Men</a></h3></div>
  532. </div>
  533. <p class="text-muted m-0">Bundle Price
  534. <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-bs-container="body" data-bs-toggle="popover" data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-content="This product bundle includes a jacket, pants, white shirt, choice of bow tie or long tie, pocket square, and socks" class="link-dark popovery"><u><i class="fa fa-circle-info"></i></u></a>
  535. </p>
  536. <div class="d-flex justify-content-between">
  537. <div class="product-price"><del>$349.99</del> <ins>$249.99</ins></div>
  538. <div class="product-rating d-flex align-items-center">
  539. <i class="bi-star-fill me-1" style="color: orange"></i>
  540. <span>4.7</span>
  541. </div>
  542. </div>
  543. </div>
  544. </div>
  545. </div>
  546. </div>
  547. <div class="col-6 col-lg-3">
  548. <div class="product">
  549. <style>
  550.        .img-overlay {
  551.            position: absolute;
  552.            bottom: 20px;
  553.            right: 20px;
  554.            text-align: center;
  555.            z-index: 9999;
  556.        }
  558.        .img-overlay:before {
  559.            content: ' ';
  560.            display: block;
  561.            /* adjust 'height' to position overlay content vertically */
  562.            height: 50%;
  563.        }
  564.    </style>
  565. <div class="grid-inner">
  566. <a href="" aria-label="Black 2-Piece Premium Suit for Men Buy for rental prices" class="product-image">
  567. <span><img data-src="/upload/images/product/alex-black-2-piece-single-breasted-notch-lapel-suit/_04I2916.webp" class="lazy productImg rounded" height="2736" width="1824" alt="Black 2-Piece Premium Suit for Men Image 1"></span>
  568. <span><img data-src="/upload/images/product/alex-black-2-piece-single-breasted-notch-lapel-suit/_04I2918.webp" class="lazy productImg rounded" height="2736" width="1824" alt="Black 2-Piece Premium Suit for Men Image 2"></span>
  570. <div class="sale-flash badge bg-dark p-2 d-none d-sm-block">Bundle Sale!</div>
  571. </a>
  572. <div class="product-desc m-0">
  573. <div class="d-flex align-items-center mb-0">
  574. <div class="product-title mb-0"><h3 class="m-0"><a href="" aria-label="Black 2-Piece Premium Suit for Men Buy or Rent">Black 2-Piece Premium Suit for Men</a></h3></div>
  575. </div>
  576. <p class="text-muted m-0">Bundle Price
  577. <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-bs-container="body" data-bs-toggle="popover" data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-content="This product bundle includes a jacket, pants, white shirt, choice of bow tie or long tie, pocket square, and socks" class="link-dark popovery"><u><i class="fa fa-circle-info"></i></u></a>
  578. </p>
  579. <div class="d-flex justify-content-between">
  580. <div class="product-price"><del>$349.99</del> <ins>$249.99</ins></div>
  581. <div class="product-rating d-flex align-items-center">
  582. <i class="bi-star-fill me-1" style="color: orange"></i>
  583. <span>-</span>
  584. </div>
  585. </div>
  586. </div>
  587. </div>
  588. </div>
  589. </div>
  590. <div class="col-6 col-lg-3">
  591. <div class="product">
  592. <style>
  593.        .img-overlay {
  594.            position: absolute;
  595.            bottom: 20px;
  596.            right: 20px;
  597.            text-align: center;
  598.            z-index: 9999;
  599.        }
  601.        .img-overlay:before {
  602.            content: ' ';
  603.            display: block;
  604.            /* adjust 'height' to position overlay content vertically */
  605.            height: 50%;
  606.        }
  607.    </style>
  608. <div class="grid-inner">
  609. <a href="" aria-label="Burgundy 2-Piece Suit for Men Buy for rental prices" class="product-image">
  610. <span><img data-src="/upload/images/product/burgundy-2-piece-single-breasted-notch-lapel-suit-alex-burgundy/_04I2135.webp" class="lazy productImg rounded" height="2000" width="1333" alt="Burgundy 2-Piece Suit for Men Image 1"></span>
  611. <span><img data-src="/upload/images/product/burgundy-2-piece-single-breasted-notch-lapel-suit-alex-burgundy/_04I2136.webp" class="lazy productImg rounded" height="2000" width="1333" alt="Burgundy 2-Piece Suit for Men Image 2"></span>
  613. <div class="sale-flash badge bg-dark p-2 d-none d-sm-block">Bundle Sale!</div>
  614. </a>
  615. <div class="product-desc m-0">
  616. <div class="d-flex align-items-center mb-0">
  617. <div class="product-title mb-0"><h3 class="m-0"><a href="" aria-label="Burgundy 2-Piece Suit for Men Buy or Rent">Burgundy 2-Piece Suit for Men</a></h3></div>
  618. </div>
  619. <p class="text-muted m-0">Bundle Price
  620. <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-bs-container="body" data-bs-toggle="popover" data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-content="This product bundle includes a jacket, pants, white shirt, choice of bow tie or long tie, pocket square, and socks" class="link-dark popovery"><u><i class="fa fa-circle-info"></i></u></a>
  621. </p>
  622. <div class="d-flex justify-content-between">
  623. <div class="product-price"><del>$349.99</del> <ins>$249.99</ins></div>
  624. <div class="product-rating d-flex align-items-center">
  625. <i class="bi-star-fill me-1" style="color: orange"></i>
  626. <span>-</span>
  627. </div>
  628. </div>
  629. </div>
  630. </div>
  631. </div>
  632. </div>
  633. <div class="col-6 col-lg-3">
  634. <div class="product">
  635. <style>
  636.        .img-overlay {
  637.            position: absolute;
  638.            bottom: 20px;
  639.            right: 20px;
  640.            text-align: center;
  641.            z-index: 9999;
  642.        }
  644.        .img-overlay:before {
  645.            content: ' ';
  646.            display: block;
  647.            /* adjust 'height' to position overlay content vertically */
  648.            height: 50%;
  649.        }
  650.    </style>
  651. <div class="grid-inner">
  652. <a href="" aria-label="Royal Blue 2-Piece Suit for Men Buy for rental prices" class="product-image">
  653. <span><img data-src="/upload/images/product/royal-blue-2-piece-single-breasted-notch-lapel-suit-alex-cobalt/royal-blue-2-piece-single-breasted-notch-lapel-suit-alex-cobalt-0.webp" class="lazy productImg rounded" height="2000" width="1333" alt="Royal Blue 2-Piece Suit for Men Image 1"></span>
  654. <span><img data-src="/upload/images/product/royal-blue-2-piece-single-breasted-notch-lapel-suit-alex-cobalt/royal-blue-2-piece-single-breasted-notch-lapel-suit-alex-cobalt-1.webp" class="lazy productImg rounded" height="2000" width="1333" alt="Royal Blue 2-Piece Suit for Men Image 2"></span>
  656. <div class="sale-flash badge bg-dark p-2 d-none d-sm-block">Bundle Sale!</div>
  657. </a>
  658. <div class="product-desc m-0">
  659. <div class="d-flex align-items-center mb-0">
  660. <div class="product-title mb-0"><h3 class="m-0"><a href="" aria-label="Royal Blue 2-Piece Suit for Men Buy or Rent">Royal Blue 2-Piece Suit for Men</a></h3></div>
  661. </div>
  662. <p class="text-muted m-0">Bundle Price
  663. <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-bs-container="body" data-bs-toggle="popover" data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-content="This product bundle includes a jacket, pants, white shirt, choice of bow tie or long tie, pocket square, and socks" class="link-dark popovery"><u><i class="fa fa-circle-info"></i></u></a>
  664. </p>
  665. <div class="d-flex justify-content-between">
  666. <div class="product-price"><del>$349.99</del> <ins>$249.99</ins></div>
  667. <div class="product-rating d-flex align-items-center">
  668. <i class="bi-star-fill me-1" style="color: orange"></i>
  669. <span>-</span>
  670. </div>
  671. </div>
  672. </div>
  673. </div>
  674. </div>
  675. </div>
  676. </div>
  677. </div>
  678. </div>
  679. </div>
  680. </div>
  681. </div>
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  683. <li class="menu-item mega-menu mega-menu-small  "><a class="menu-link" href="#"><div>How It Works</div></a>
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  781. Discover high-quality men's suits at Suitcentury!
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  783. Get your complete suit set, suit bundles are starting from $200.
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  785. We are specialized for every event! You can find your wedding attire, business suit and much more here!
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  838. <p class="text-muted m-0">Bundle Price
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  881. <p class="text-muted m-0">Bundle Price
  882. <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-bs-container="body" data-bs-toggle="popover" data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-content="This product bundle includes a jacket, pants, white shirt, choice of bow tie or long tie, pocket square, and socks" class="link-dark popovery"><u><i class="fa fa-circle-info"></i></u></a>
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  884. <div class="d-flex justify-content-between">
  885. <div class="product-price"><del>$349.99</del> <ins>$199.99</ins></div>
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  967. <p class="text-muted m-0">Bundle Price
  968. <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-bs-container="body" data-bs-toggle="popover" data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-content="This product bundle includes a jacket, pants, white shirt, choice of bow tie or long tie, pocket square, and socks" class="link-dark popovery"><u><i class="fa fa-circle-info"></i></u></a>
  969. </p>
  970. <div class="d-flex justify-content-between">
  971. <div class="product-price"><del>$349.99</del> <ins>$229.99</ins></div>
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  991. <h3>Your Brand-New Men's Suit, Cheaper Than Their Used Rentals</h3>
  992. <p class="text-dark">Begin your ownership experience with our brand new, high-quality suits with a bundle starting from as low as $199.</p>
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  1002. <h3>Variable Payment Options</h3>
  1003. <p class="text-dark">We accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express, Google Pay, Apple Pay. You can pay with Amazon, Stripe and Paypal for your Suit Purchases!</p>
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  1013. <h3>Free, Ready to Shipping</h3>
  1014. <p class="text-dark">Free Delivery inside U.S.A on orders above $199. Fast and efficient returns and exchange for your suits.</p>
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  1024. <h3>30-Days Returns</h3>
  1025. <p class="text-dark">Return or exchange non-tailored and non-used man suits purchased within 30 days.</p>
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  1034. <h3 class="h2 mb-1">What Kind of Event Are You Planning?</h3>
  1035. <p class="px-sm-6 mx-md-5">With Suitcentury's Event Planner, you can create events, invite, assign suits and finalize. We will do the rest.</p>
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  1050. <div class="col-md-6 p-6 my-5 dark">
  1051. <p class="mb-4 h3 lh-base">Plan your wedding, find the best suits that fit you and your friends. It is available to assign groomsman and groom suit or tuxedos.</p>
  1052. <a href="" class="button button-large button-border rounded-pill button-light button-white m-0" aria-label="how it works wedding page" title="How Wedding Works"> How Wedding Works?</a>
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  1059. <div class="col-md-6 p-6 my-5 dark">
  1060. <p class="mb-4 h3 lh-base">Plan your prom party! If you are attending as a group, it is the best to have your suits or tuxedos all in one!</p>
  1061. <a href="" class="button button-large button-border rounded-pill button-light button-white m-0" aria-label="how it works Prom page" title="How Prom Works"> How Prom Works?</a>
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  1068. <div class="col-md-6 p-6 my-5 dark">
  1069. <p class="mb-4 h3 lh-base">Plan your graduation ceremony. Find the best suits for you and your classmates or friends.</p>
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  1071. <div class="col-md-6 lazy" data-bg="/upload/images/event/graduation.webp" style="background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover;"></div>
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  1077. <p class="mb-4 h3 lh-base">We are with you all the time! Charity related purchases with necessary documents are <span class="nocolor text-decoration-underline fw-bold" style="text-underline-offset: 5px;">%15 off!</span>.
  1078. <a href="" aria-label="contact us for discount">Contact us via email!</a> </p>
  1079. <a href="" class="button button-large button-border rounded-pill button-light button-white m-0" aria-label="contact us page for charities">Contact Us</a>
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  1087. <p class="mb-4 h3 lh-base">Time for a gala? Be the best looking team in gala! Suit up your team with our event creator!</p>
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  1094. <div class="col-md-6 p-6 my-5 dark">
  1095. <p class="mb-4 h3 lh-base">As confident as always! Suit up with your team with Suitcentury. Organize your event and suit up your whole team with our event creator!</p>
  1096. </div>
  1097. <div class="col-md-6 lazy" data-bg="/upload/images/event/business.webp" style="background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover;"></div>
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  1102. <div class="col-md-6 p-6 my-5 dark">
  1103. <p class="mb-4 h3 lh-base">Of course parties, why don't you and your friends are suiting up on a party? Create an event for your party now and suit up!</p>
  1104. </div>
  1105. <div class="col-md-6 lazy" data-bg="/upload/images/event/party.webp" style="background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover;"></div>
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  1110. <div class="row align-items-center">
  1111. <div class="col-12 col-lg">
  1112. <h3>Get a Free Men's Suit or Men's Tuxedo By Creating an Event</h3>
  1113. <span>Create a wedding, prom, or special event and receive a free suit or tuxedo for your next purchase. <br> If you have more than 7 orders, you will receive a coupon code. Create your event now!</span>
  1114. </div>
  1115. <div class="col-12 col-lg-auto mt-4 mt-lg-0">
  1116. <a href="" aria-label="Create wedding, prom or special events for groups and get free suit" class="btn btn-secondary btn-lg m-1">How to Get a Free Suit?</a>
  1117. <a href="" aria-label="Create wedding, prom or special events for groups" class="btn btn-outline-light btn-lg m-1">Create Event to Suit Up</a>
  1118. <button data-bs-toggle="modal" data-bs-target=".create_event_action" aria-label="Create wedding, prom or special events for groups" class="btn btn-outline-light btn-lg m-1">How Event Creator for Groups Works?</button>
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  1130. <div class="my-3 h4 text-dark">Don't Know Your Size?</div>
  1131. <h4 class="fs-3 fw-bold text-dark">Get your perfect fit with our Suit Size Calculator! </h4>
  1132. <p class="text-dark bold fs-6">Calculate your suit size with height, weight and jeans size. With Suit size estimator, you can calculate your size in just a simple few steps with suit size calculator!</p>
  1133. <div class="row">
  1134. <div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
  1135. <a href="" aria-label="Suit Size Estimator, Calculator" title="Suit Size Estimator, Calculator" class="button button-white rounded-pill button-xlarge m-0 mb-4 text-center text-secondary fw-bolder">Suit Size Estimator</a>
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  1171. <div class="col-md-6">
  1172. <h2 class="display-4 fw-medium">Create your event for groups with Suitcentury. Suit a Group!</h2>
  1173. </div>
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  1175. <div class="card">
  1176. <div class="card-body bg-success-subtle">
  1177. <div class="m-4 mt-0">
  1178. <h3 class="m-0">Advantages of creating a group at Suitcentury include</h3>
  1179. <ul>
  1180. <li>
  1181. As an event creator with a minimum group of 7 people or more, you will receive a free suit worth $199 as a special offer!
  1182. </li>
  1183. <li>
  1184. Every group member will receive complimentary items, including a free shirt, bow tie, or long tie, and a pocket silk!
  1185. </li>
  1186. <li>
  1187. Regular Email Updates
  1188. </li>
  1189. <li>
  1190. High-Quality Menswear.
  1191. </li>
  1192. <li>
  1193. Seamless Event Coordination
  1194. </li>
  1195. </ul>
  1196. </div>
  1197. </div>
  1198. </div>
  1199. </div>
  1200. </div>
  1201. <div class="row feature-box-border-horizontal border-0 border-dashed col-mb-50 justify-content-center">
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  1203. <div class="feature-box flex-column">
  1204. <div class="fbox-icon mb-5">
  1205. <i>1</i>
  1206. </div>
  1207. <div class="fbox-content">
  1208. <h3 class="text-transform-none text-larger mb-2">Create Your Event</h3>
  1209. <p class="lead">Create Your Event. You can create
  1210. Wedding,
  1211. Prom,
  1212. Special Event,
  1213. Birthday,
  1214. Funeral,
  1215. Charity,
  1216. Graduation,
  1217. Gala,
  1218. Business,
  1219. Tea Party,
  1220. Other,
  1221. Cocktail Party
  1222. Events easily with Suitcentury!
  1223. </p>
  1224. </div>
  1225. </div>
  1226. </div>
  1227. <div class="col-md-4">
  1228. <div class="feature-box flex-column">
  1229. <div class="fbox-icon mb-5">
  1230. <i>2</i>
  1231. </div>
  1232. <div class="fbox-content">
  1233. <h3 class="text-transform-none text-larger mb-2">Add your participants and looks.</h3>
  1234. <p class="lead">With just a few simple and easy steps, you can add participants, create looks, and assign participants to specific looks if needed. Once everything is set, you can proceed to purchase your suit or tuxedo.</p>
  1235. </div>
  1236. </div>
  1237. </div>
  1238. <div class="col-md-4">
  1239. <div class="feature-box flex-column noborder">
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  1241. <i>3</i>
  1242. </div>
  1243. <div class="fbox-content">
  1244. <h3 class="text-transform-none text-larger mb-2">Finalize your event.</h3>
  1245. <p class="lead">
  1246. Send participants invitations, and we will keep track of their status. We will regularly inform you via email to ensure your event planning goes smoothly and flawlessly!</p>
  1247. </div>
  1248. </div>
  1249. </div>
  1250. <div class="col-md-12">
  1251. <a href="" aria-label="Create event for groups to buy everyone suits and tuxedos" class="button button-large bg-secondary button-rounded border-width-1 ms-0">Suit a Group, Get Started! <i class="uil uil-angle-right-b me-0"></i></a>
  1252. <a href="" aria-label="Create wedding, prom or special events for groups and get free suit" class="button button-large bg-primary  button-rounded border-width-1 ms-0">How to Get Free Suit?</a>
  1253. <a href="" aria-label="get help about creating events, faq" class="button button-large bg-success  button-rounded border-width-1 ms-0">Get Help <i class="uil uil-angle-right-b me-0"></i></a>
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  1265. <p class="text-uppercase ls-3 small mb-3">SUIT STYLE BLOG</p>
  1266. <h2>Trending Mens Suit Posts</h2>
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  1274. <a aria-label=" blog page image go to blog" href="">
  1275. <img class="lazy" data-src="/upload/images/blog/suit-size-calculator-how-it-works.webp" width="1498" height="1000" alt="Suit Size Calculator: How It Works? Easy Way to Calculate Your Suit Size">
  1276. </a>
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  1278. <div class="px-md-4">
  1279. <div class="entry-meta mb-3 ls-1">
  1280. <a href="#">13 Mar 2024</a>
  1281. </div>
  1282. <div class="entry-title mb-4">
  1283. <h3 class="text-transform-none ls-0 font-body fw-medium fs-5 lh-base"><a aria-label=" blog page click here to go blog" href="" title=" Blog page">Suit Size Calculator: How It Works? Easy Way to Calculate Your Suit Size</a></h3>
  1284. </div>
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  1289. <a aria-label=" blog page image go to blog" href="">
  1290. <img class="lazy" data-src="/upload/images/blog/what-is-prom-prom-guide-101.webp" width="1500" height="1000" alt="Prom Guide 101 : What is Prom? Affordable Choices">
  1291. </a>
  1292. </div>
  1293. <div class="px-md-4">
  1294. <div class="entry-meta mb-3 ls-1">
  1295. <a href="#">19 Apr 2024</a>
  1296. </div>
  1297. <div class="entry-title mb-4">
  1298. <h3 class="text-transform-none ls-0 font-body fw-medium fs-5 lh-base"><a aria-label=" blog page click here to go blog" href="" title=" Blog page">Prom Guide 101 : What is Prom? Affordable Choices</a></h3>
  1299. </div>
  1300. </div>
  1301. </div>
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  1304. <a aria-label=" blog page image go to blog" href="">
  1305. <img class="lazy" data-src="/upload/images/blog/black-wedding-suits-wedding-suits.webp" width="1500" height="1000" alt="Wedding Suits: Black Wedding Suits For Your Perfect Day">
  1306. </a>
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  1308. <div class="px-md-4">
  1309. <div class="entry-meta mb-3 ls-1">
  1310. <a href="#">08 Apr 2024</a>
  1311. </div>
  1312. <div class="entry-title mb-4">
  1313. <h3 class="text-transform-none ls-0 font-body fw-medium fs-5 lh-base"><a aria-label=" blog page click here to go blog" href="" title=" Blog page">Wedding Suits: Black Wedding Suits For Your Perfect Day</a></h3>
  1314. </div>
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  1324. <div class="heading-block center m-0 mb-2">
  1325. <h3>Latest Product Reviews</h3>
  1326. <p>Don't just take our word for it. See what our satisfied clients have to say about their experience with our suit shop and tailor.</p>
  1327. </div>
  1328. </div>
  1329. <div class="col-lg-6">
  1330. <img data-src="/upload/images/index/testimonial.webp" height="415" width="624" class="lazy" alt>
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  1333. <div id="oc-testi" class="owl-carousel testimonials-carousel carousel-widget dark" data-margin="0" data-items="1" data-animate-in="fadeIn" data-animate-out="fadeOut">
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  1335. <div class="feature-box testimonial fbox-center fbox-bg bg-dark">
  1336. <div class="fbox-content">
  1337. <h4 class="mb-0 mt-3"><span class="text-white">Ethan Thompson</span></h4>
  1338. <h5 class="text-white-50 fw-normal">e*****@*****</h5>
  1339. <p class="m-0" style="color: orange">
  1340. &starf;
  1341. &starf;
  1342. &starf;
  1343. &starf;
  1344. &starf;
  1345. </p>
  1346. <p class="text-larger font-secondary fst-italic mb-0">
  1347. I recently purchased the &quot;Gray 2-Piece Slim Fit Notch Lapel Solid Suit&quot; from Suitcentury, and I must say, I am thoroughly impressed! The fit of the suit is impeccable, hugging my body in all the right places. The gray color is elegant and versatile, making it suitable for both formal occasions and professional settings. The notch lapel adds a touch of sophistication, and the solid design gives it a timeless appeal. The quality of the fabric is outstanding, and the attention to detail is evident. I received numerous compliments while wearing this suit, and it truly made me feel confident and stylish. I highly recommend this suit to anyone in need of a classy, well-fitted option for their wardrobe.
  1348. </p>
  1349. </div>
  1350. </div>
  1351. </div>
  1352. <div class="oc-item">
  1353. <div class="feature-box testimonial fbox-center fbox-bg bg-dark">
  1354. <div class="fbox-content">
  1355. <h4 class="mb-0 mt-3"><span class="text-white">Benjamin Adams</span></h4>
  1356. <h5 class="text-white-50 fw-normal">h*****@*****</h5>
  1357. <p class="m-0" style="color: orange">
  1358. &starf;
  1359. &starf;
  1360. &starf;
  1361. &starf;
  1362. &starf;
  1363. </p>
  1364. <p class="text-larger font-secondary fst-italic mb-0">
  1365. I recently purchased this suit from Suitcentury for a wedding, and I couldn&#039;t be happier with my choice. This suit is a true masterpiece. The slim fit silhouette gives it a modern and tailored look that turns heads. The notch lapel adds a touch of class, and the gray color is both elegant and versatile. The quality of the fabric is exceptional, and the attention to detail in the stitching and construction is remarkable. From the moment I put it on, I felt like a million bucks. The suit not only fits perfectly but also feels incredibly comfortable. I received countless compliments throughout the event, and it made me feel like the best-dressed man in the room. I highly recommend this suit to anyone who wants to make a lasting impression at any formal occasion. Suitcentury has definitely won me over with their exceptional craftsmanship.
  1366. </p>
  1367. </div>
  1368. </div>
  1369. </div>
  1370. <div class="oc-item">
  1371. <div class="feature-box testimonial fbox-center fbox-bg bg-dark">
  1372. <div class="fbox-content">
  1373. <h4 class="mb-0 mt-3"><span class="text-white">William Wilson</span></h4>
  1374. <h5 class="text-white-50 fw-normal">w*****@*****</h5>
  1375. <p class="m-0" style="color: orange">
  1376. &starf;
  1377. &starf;
  1378. &starf;
  1379. &starf;
  1380. &starf;
  1381. </p>
  1382. <p class="text-larger font-secondary fst-italic mb-0">
  1383. I typically wear size 44, and I selected both the jacket and pant in size 44, classic fit. They fit perfectly. Additionally, the fabric is of really high quality.
  1384. </p>
  1385. </div>
  1386. </div>
  1387. </div>
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  1394. <div class="col-lg-9 card">
  1395. <div class="card-body fs-6">
  1396. <h2>About Us</h2>
  1397. <p>Welcome to SuitCentury, where tradition meets innovation, and style meets substance.
  1398. Since the early 2000s, we have been dedicated to redefining the art of men's suit, creating a space where high quality and affordability coexist harmoniously.
  1399. Our journey began with a simple yet profound mission: to make every man feel confident and look perfect, no matter the occasion.</p>
  1400. <h2>Our Story</h2>
  1401. <p>SuitCentury was born out of a passion for fine tailoring and an understanding of the transformative power of a well-fitted suit.
  1402. Over the years, we have honed our craft, becoming specialists in wedding attire and suits.
  1403. Our experience and professionalism shine through in every stitch, every seam, and every button, ensuring that our customers receive nothing short of perfection.</p>
  1404. <h2>Our Expertise</h2>
  1405. <p>With over two decades in the industry, we pride ourselves on being experts in the realm of men's fashion.
  1406. Our team of seasoned tailors and fashion enthusiasts work tirelessly to bring you the best in design, fabric, and fit.
  1407. We understand that a suit is more than just clothing; it's a statement, a symbol of style, and an expression of personality.
  1408. Whether you're looking for a classic black suit for a formal event or a striking blue suit for a special occasion, we have you covered.
  1409. Now we are taking our expertise from physical shop to online suit shop. The tools in our papers now recording digitally with our top technology website.
  1410. </p>
  1411. <h2>Weddings and Beyond</h2>
  1412. <p>Weddings are our specialty.
  1413. We know how crucial it is for the groom and his entourage to look their best on the big day.
  1414. Our collection of wedding suits and tuxedos is designed to make you stand out, offering a perfect blend of elegance and comfort.
  1415. From classic wedding suits to modern wedding suits, we ensure you walk down the aisle with confidence and style.
  1416. </p>
  1417. <h2>Quality and Affordability</h2>
  1418. <p>
  1419. At SuitCentury, we believe that high-quality suits should be accessible to everyone.
  1420. That's why we offer affordable suits without compromising on quality. We take the finest fabric from first hand, tailor from first hand and make ready just for you.
  1421. Our commitment to using the finest materials and craftsmanship ensures that every suit we create is durable, comfortable, and stylish.
  1422. We take pride in offering inexpensive men's suits that rival the quality of high-end brands.
  1423. </p>
  1424. <h2>The Perfect Fit</h2>
  1425. <p>One of our core principles is that a suit should fit like a glove.
  1426. Our suit size calculator is a testament to this belief, helping you find the perfect fit with ease.
  1427. We understand that every man is unique, and so are his measurements.
  1428. Our personalized fitting process ensures that each suit is tailored to perfection, enhancing your silhouette and boosting your confidence.
  1429. Since we are online, if your suit doesn't fit for you, we offer free exchange for the right fit!
  1430. </p>
  1431. <h2>Embracing Diversity</h2>
  1432. <p>
  1433. Our collection is as diverse as our clientele.
  1434. We offer a wide range of colors, styles, and sizes to cater to every taste and body type.
  1435. Whether you're shopping for a black suit for a business meeting or a vibrant blue suit for a celebration, you'll find something that suits your style at SuitCentury.
  1436. </p>
  1437. <h2>A Seamless Shopping Experience</h2>
  1438. <p>We strive to make your shopping experience as seamless and enjoyable as possible.
  1439. Our user-friendly website allows you to browse our extensive collection, use our suit size calculator, and create group events for weddings and parties.
  1440. With detailed product descriptions and high-quality images, you can shop with confidence, knowing exactly what you're getting.
  1441. </p>
  1442. <h2>Join the SuitCentury Family</h2>
  1443. <p>
  1444. When you shop with us, you become part of the SuitCentury family.
  1445. We are more than just a suit shop; we are a community of fashion enthusiasts who appreciate the finer things in life.
  1446. Our commitment to customer satisfaction is unwavering, and we go above and beyond to ensure you have an exceptional shopping experience.
  1447. </p>
  1448. <h2>Conclusion</h2>
  1449. <p>At SuitCentury, we are passionate about helping you look and feel your best.
  1450. With our extensive experience, professional expertise, and commitment to quality and affordability, we are your go-to destination for suits and wedding attire.
  1451. Discover the perfect fit, explore our diverse collection, and experience the SuitCentury difference today.
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