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  178.                eleonora. leonardi
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  180.              <div class="meta">started a topic  <span class='timeago' title='Mon, 19 Aug, 2024 at 11:22 AM' data-timeago='2024-08-19 11:22:31 +0200' data-livestamp='2024-08-19 11:22:31 +0200'>
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  187.            <div dir="ltr"><p>Please add Tidycal as a service. Thanks!</p><p><br></p>
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  223.                      Sahar Amini
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  226.                      said  <span class='timeago' title='Fri, 23 Aug, 2024 at  9:42 AM' data-timeago='2024-08-23 09:42:37 +0200' data-livestamp='2024-08-23 09:42:37 +0200'>
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  233.                  <p>Hi Eleonora,<br><br></p><p>We appreciate your input and interest in the service for Tidycal and hope to bring it to you as it gains more upvotes and support from other iubenda users in the future. We also welcome you to explain which purposes you use it for and the data you tend to collect, this way we can ensure that the service meets your expectations.<br><br>In the meantime, you can create a custom service for any missing services by following the steps in our help article mentioned below:<br><a href=""></a></p><p>Should you have any additional suggestions, please continue to share them with us. Your input is invaluable in helping us improve and grow our community.</p><p><br></p><p>Sahar</p><p>iubenda</p>
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  254.                      Ahmed Sayeed
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  257.                      said  <span class='timeago' title='Fri, 18 Oct, 2024 at  8:52 AM' data-timeago='2024-10-18 08:52:35 +0200' data-livestamp='2024-10-18 08:52:35 +0200'>
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  264.                  <div dir="ltr"><p>+1 please</p>
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  286.                      Clauon Baaie
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  289.                      said  <span class='timeago' title='Sat, 2 Nov, 2024 at 11:21 PM' data-timeago='2024-11-02 23:21:23 +0100' data-livestamp='2024-11-02 23:21:23 +0100'>
  290. 7 days ago
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  296.                  <div dir="ltr"><p>&nbsp;One more vote for Tidycal<br></p>
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  1095.                      Passive Income Fusion
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  1097.                    <div class="meta">
  1098.                      said  <span class='timeago' title='Thu, 7 Nov, 2024 at  7:09 AM' data-timeago='2024-11-07 07:09:43 +0100' data-livestamp='2024-11-07 07:09:43 +0100'>
  1099. 3 days ago
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  1104.                <div class="comment__body markdown">
  1105.                  <div dir="ltr"><p>I want to have this as a service too. I would really appreciate it.</p><p><a href=""></a>
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