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  31. <title>McDonald’s Quarter Pounder back on the menu after testing rules out beef patties as E. coli source</title>
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  34. <dc:creator><![CDATA[globaladmin]]></dc:creator>
  35. <pubDate>Sat, 15 Feb 2025 21:38:31 +0000</pubDate>
  36. <category><![CDATA[Business]]></category>
  37. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  39. <description><![CDATA[<p>Global news: LOS ANGELES (AP) — McDonald’s announced Sunday that Quarter Pounders will again be...</p>
  40. <p>The post <a href="">McDonald’s Quarter Pounder back on the menu after testing rules out beef patties as E. coli source</a> appeared first on <a href="">global news</a>.</p>
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  42. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Global news</a>: </p>
  43. <div class="RichTextStoryBody RichTextBody">
  44. <p>LOS ANGELES (AP) — McDonald’s announced Sunday that Quarter Pounders will again be on its menu at hundreds of its restaurants after testing <span class="LinkEnhancement">ruled out beef patties</span> as the source of the <span class="LinkEnhancement">outbreak of E. coli poisoning</span> tied to the popular burgers that killed one person and sickened at least 75 others across 13 states.</p>
  45. <p>The U.S. Food and Drug Administration continues to believe that slivered onions from a single supplier are the likely source of contamination, McDonald’s said in a statement. It said it will resume selling the Quarter Pounder at affected restaurants —- without slivered onions — in the coming week.</p>
  46. <p>As of Friday, the outbreak had expanded to at least 75 people sick in 13 states, federal health officials said. A total of 22 people had been hospitalized, and two developed a dangerous kidney disease complication, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said. One person has died in Colorado.</p>
  47. <p>Early information analyzed by the FDA showed that uncooked slivered onions used on the burgers “are a likely source of contamination,” the agency said. <span class="LinkEnhancement">McDonald’s has confirmed</span> that Taylor Farms, a California-based produce company, was the supplier of the fresh onions used in the restaurants involved in the outbreak, and that they had come from a facility in Colorado Springs, Colorado. </p>
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  79. <div class="PagePromo-title"><span class="PagePromoContentIcons-text">McDonald’s improving global sales help to offset US weakness in fourth quarter</span></div>
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  86. <p>McDonald’s pulled the Quarter Pounder burger from menus in several states — mostly in the Midwest and Mountain states — when the outbreak was announced Tuesday. McDonald’s said Friday that slivered onions from the Colorado Springs facility were distributed to approximately 900 of its restaurants, including some in transportation hubs like airports.</p>
  87. <p>The company said it removed slivered onions sourced from that facility from its supply chain on Tuesday. McDonald’s said it has decided to stop sourcing onions from Taylor Farms’ Colorado Springs facility “indefinitely.”</p>
  88. <p>The 900 McDonald’s restaurants that normally received slivered onions from Taylor Farms’ Colorado Springs facility will resume sales of Quarter Pounders without slivered onions, McDonald’s said. </p>
  89. <p>Testing by the Colorado Department of Agriculture ruled out beef patties as the source of the outbreak, McDonald’s said. </p>
  90. <p>The department of agriculture received multiple lots of fresh and frozen beef patties collected from various Colorado McDonald’s locations associated with the E. coli investigation. All samples were found to be negative for E. coli, the department said.</p>
  91. <p>Taylor Farms said Friday that it had preemptively recalled yellow onions sent to its customers from its Colorado facility and continues to work with the CDC and the FDA as they investigate.</p>
  92. <p>While it remains unclear if the recalled onions were the source of the outbreak, several other fast-food restaurants — including Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, KFC and Burger King — pulled onions from some menus in certain areas this week. </p>
  93. <p>Colorado had the most illnesses reported as of Friday, with 26 cases. At least 13 people were sickened in Montana, 11 in Nebraska, 5 each in New Mexico and Utah, 4 each in Missouri and Wyoming, two in Michigan and one each in Iowa, Kansas, Oregon, Wisconsin and Washington, the CDC reported.</p>
  94. <p>McDonald’s said Friday it didn’t pull the Quarter Pounder from any additional restaurants and noted that some cases in states outside the original region were tied to travel.</p>
  95. <p>The CDC said some people who got sick reported traveling to other states before their symptoms started. At least three people said they ate at McDonald’s during their travel. Illnesses were reported between Sept. 27 and Oct. 11.</p>
  96. <p>The outbreak involves infections <span class="LinkEnhancement">with E. coli 0157:H7, a type of bacteria</span> that produces a dangerous toxin. It causes about 74,000 infections in the U.S. annually, leading to more than 2,000 hospitalizations and 61 deaths each year, according to CDC.</p>
  97. <p>Symptoms of E. coli poisoning can occur quickly, within a day or two of eating contaminated food. They typically include fever, vomiting, diarrhea or bloody diarrhea and signs of dehydration — little or no peeing, increased thirst and dizziness. The infection is especially dangerous for children younger than 5, people who are elderly, pregnant or who have weakened immune systems.</p>
  98. <p>—-</p>
  99. <p>Associated Press writer JoNel Aleccia contributed reporting from Temecula, Calif. </p>
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  101. <p>Source:</p>
  102. <p>The post <a href="">McDonald’s Quarter Pounder back on the menu after testing rules out beef patties as E. coli source</a> appeared first on <a href="">global news</a>.</p>
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  108. <title>Bowel cancer prediction test for IBD patients 90% accurate</title>
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  111. <dc:creator><![CDATA[globaladmin]]></dc:creator>
  112. <pubDate>Sat, 15 Feb 2025 09:41:17 +0000</pubDate>
  113. <category><![CDATA[Health]]></category>
  114. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  116. <description><![CDATA[<p>Global news: Bowel cancer prediction test for IBD patients 90% accurate 30 January 2025 Dominic...</p>
  117. <p>The post <a href="">Bowel cancer prediction test for IBD patients 90% accurate</a> appeared first on <a href="">global news</a>.</p>
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  119. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Global news</a>: </p>
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  121. <div data-component="headline-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 eeiVGB">
  122. <h1 class="sc-518485e5-0 bWszMR">Bowel cancer prediction test for IBD patients 90% accurate </h1>
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  124. <div data-component="byline-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 dlWCEZ">
  125. <div data-testid="byline-new" class="sc-b42e7a8f-0 haItSe">
  126. <div class="sc-b42e7a8f-1 cjDa-dM">30 January 2025</div>
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  128. <div class="sc-b42e7a8f-5 evAEAB">
  129. <div><span class="sc-b42e7a8f-7 khDNZq">Dominic Hughes</span></p>
  130. <div class="sc-b42e7a8f-8 jtKrhe"><span>Health correspondent, BBC News</span></div>
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  137. <div data-component="image-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 EXUng">
  138. <div data-testid="hero-image" class="sc-a34861b-1 jxzoZC"><img decoding="async" src="" class="sc-a34861b-0 cOpVbP hide-when-no-script" title="grey-placeholder-12"><img decoding="async" src="" alt="PA A female scientist looks into a microscope in a lab while turning the knob on the device to zoom in" class="sc-a34861b-0 efFcac" title="d7fca460-de60-11ef-9863-c1cbabfba6e7-jpg"><span class="sc-a34861b-2 fxQYxK">PA</span></div>
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  141. <div data-component="text-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 dlWCEZ">
  142. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">A new method for detecting bowel cancer is more than 90% accurate at predicting which higher-risk people will develop the disease, according to research.</p>
  143. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">About 500,000 people in the UK live with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), including Crohn&#8217;s and ulcerative colitis.</p>
  144. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Currently, they are offered regular checks for pre-cancerous growths in their gut, which, if detected, indicate about a 30% chance of bowel cancer developing over 10 years.</p>
  145. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">But the UK research found DNA changes in those pre-cancerous cells, when analysed by an algorithm, were more than 90% accurate in predicting who would develop bowel cancer over the next five years.</p>
  146. </div>
  147. <div data-component="text-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 dlWCEZ">
  148. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">The researchers used tissue samples from IBD patients &#8211; but it is hoped their method can be used to develop a simple blood test to identify those IBD patients most at risk.</p>
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  151. <div data-component="image-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 jFCfG">
  152. <div data-testid="image" class="sc-a34861b-1 jxzoZC"><img decoding="async" src="" class="sc-a34861b-0 cOpVbP hide-when-no-script" title="grey-placeholder-12"><img decoding="async" src="" alt="Craig Foster Craig Foster and his wife Fariba are sitting side by side, both smiling directly at the camera. They are smartly dressed for what looks like a wedding. Fariba has shoulder length brown hair." class="sc-a34861b-0 efFcac" title="926986f0-de3f-11ef-a1ec-2daf984ac4e8-jpg"><span class="sc-a34861b-2 fxQYxK">Craig Foster</span></div>
  153. </div>
  154. <div data-component="caption-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 bdPeAJ"><figcaption class="sc-8353772e-0 cvNhQw">Craig Foster&#8217;s wife, Fariba, died of bowel cancer last year</figcaption></div>
  155. </figure>
  156. <div data-component="text-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 dlWCEZ">
  157. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">&#8220;Research like this will save lives,&#8221; Craig Foster, from Waterlooville, Hants, whose wife, Fariba, died of bowel cancer in February 2024, said.</p>
  158. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Fariba had lived with ulcerative colitis since she was 18, when three-quarters of her bowel were removed.</p>
  159. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">&#8220;It gives me comfort to know that there are scientists working right now so that no-one has to experience the same situation Fariba was in,&#8221; Craig said.</p>
  160. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">&#8220;Fariba died just six months after she was diagnosed. </p>
  161. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">&#8220;Even though it was a short time, it was the worst time.</p>
  162. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">&#8220;Cancer takes no prisoners &#8211; and it doesn&#8217;t matter who you are or from what walk of life, everyone is affected in some way,&#8221;</p>
  163. </div>
  164. <figure>
  165. <div data-component="image-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 jFCfG">
  166. <div data-testid="image" class="sc-a34861b-1 jxzoZC"><img decoding="async" src="" class="sc-a34861b-0 cOpVbP hide-when-no-script" title="grey-placeholder-12"><img decoding="async" src="" alt="The Institute of Cancer Research Professor Graham is standing in a laboratory setting in front of shelves full of jars and boxes. He is looking directly at the camera, wearing a white lab coat and glasses, with blondish hair" class="sc-a34861b-0 efFcac" title="bf8851b0-de40-11ef-a1ec-2daf984ac4e8-jpg"><span class="sc-a34861b-2 fxQYxK">The Institute of Cancer Research</span></div>
  167. </div>
  168. <div data-component="caption-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 bdPeAJ"><figcaption class="sc-8353772e-0 cvNhQw">Prof Trevor Graham says the new test should help identify those at high risk, putting the minds of many others at rest</figcaption></div>
  169. </figure>
  170. <div data-component="text-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 dlWCEZ">
  171. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Prof Trevor Graham, from the Institute of Cancer Research in London, said: &#8220;Most people with ulcerative colitis or Crohn&#8217;s disease won&#8217;t develop bowel cancer. </p>
  172. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">&#8220;But for those that have these conditions and are showing signs of pre-cancer in their colon, there are some tough decisions to make.</p>
  173. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">&#8220;Either they have it monitored regularly, in the hope that it doesn&#8217;t become cancer, or they have their bowel removed to guarantee they don&#8217;t get cancer in the future.</p>
  174. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">&#8220;Neither of these options are particularly pleasant.</p>
  175. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">&#8220;Our test and algorithm give people with IBD, and the doctors who care for them, the best possible information so that they can make the right decision about how to manage their cancer risk.&#8221;</p>
  176. </div>
  177. <div data-component="subheadline-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 eeiVGB">
  178. <h2 class="sc-518485e5-0 kRvAla">&#8216;Hugely exciting&#8217;</h2>
  179. </div>
  180. <div data-component="text-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 dlWCEZ">
  181. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Marianne Radcliffe, of the charity Crohn&#8217;s &amp; Colitis UK, said this was really positive news for those living with the conditions.</p>
  182. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">&#8220;People tell us that one of the hardest things about living with Crohn&#8217;s or colitis is the uncertainty &#8211; in everyday life and in the long term.</p>
  183. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">&#8220;Just as with inflammatory bowel disease, we know the earlier you find out about cancer, the better. </p>
  184. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">&#8220;Anything that enables early detection with quicker, less invasive diagnostic tests, removing some of that uncertainty, is hugely exciting.&#8221;</p>
  185. </div>
  186. <div data-component="subheadline-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 eeiVGB">
  187. <h2 class="sc-518485e5-0 kRvAla">&#8216;Focus resources&#8217;</h2>
  188. </div>
  189. <div data-component="text-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 dlWCEZ">
  190. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Dr Iain Foulkes, of Cancer Research UK, which funded the research, says advances in technology are reshaping understanding of diseases such as cancer.</p>
  191. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">&#8220;Genome sequencing is now far cheaper and more widespread than ever before &#8211; and it&#8217;s changing how we look at cancer,&#8221; he said.</p>
  192. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">&#8220;Getting a full readout of tumour DNA means we can see a much bigger picture of how someone&#8217;s cancer started and how it is likely to change over time.</p>
  193. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">&#8220;With this research, we can focus resources on treating people with IBD who are at really high risk, saving health services valuable time and money.</p>
  194. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">&#8220;We can also give those at lower risk peace of mind and remove the fear of bowel cancer in the future.&#8221;</p>
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  196. <div data-component="tags" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 jVHuOl">
  197. <div class="sc-4b0aaa-0 dGavUm">
  198. <div data-testid="anchor-inner-wrapper">Health</div>
  199. <div data-testid="anchor-inner-wrapper">Bowel cancer</div>
  200. <div data-testid="anchor-inner-wrapper">Cancer</div>
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  204. <p>Source:</p>
  205. <p>The post <a href="">Bowel cancer prediction test for IBD patients 90% accurate</a> appeared first on <a href="">global news</a>.</p>
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  211. <title>Mystery fires were Russian &#8216;test runs&#8217; to target cargo flights to US</title>
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  214. <dc:creator><![CDATA[globaladmin]]></dc:creator>
  215. <pubDate>Fri, 14 Feb 2025 21:38:31 +0000</pubDate>
  216. <category><![CDATA[World]]></category>
  217. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  219. <description><![CDATA[<p>Global news: Mystery fires were Russian &#8216;test runs&#8217; to target cargo flights to US 6...</p>
  220. <p>The post <a href="">Mystery fires were Russian &#8216;test runs&#8217; to target cargo flights to US</a> appeared first on <a href="">global news</a>.</p>
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  222. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Global news</a>: </p>
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  224. <div data-component="headline-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 eeiVGB">
  225. <h1 class="sc-518485e5-0 bWszMR">Mystery fires were Russian &#8216;test runs&#8217; to target cargo flights to US</h1>
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  227. <div data-component="byline-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 dlWCEZ">
  228. <div data-testid="byline-new" class="sc-b42e7a8f-0 haItSe">
  229. <div class="sc-b42e7a8f-1 cjDa-dM">6 November 2024</div>
  230. <div data-testid="byline-new-contributors" class="sc-b42e7a8f-12 hzPpvx">
  231. <div class="sc-b42e7a8f-5 evAEAB">
  232. <div><span class="sc-b42e7a8f-7 khDNZq">Paul Kirby</span></p>
  233. <div class="sc-b42e7a8f-8 jtKrhe"><span>Europe digital editor</span></div>
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  236. <div class="sc-b42e7a8f-5 evAEAB">
  237. <div><span class="sc-b42e7a8f-7 khDNZq">Frank Gardner</span></p>
  238. <div class="sc-b42e7a8f-8 jtKrhe"><span>BBC security correspondent</span></div>
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  245. <div data-component="image-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 ejjhCR">
  246. <div data-testid="hero-image" class="sc-a34861b-1 jxzoZC"><img decoding="async" src="" class="sc-a34861b-0 cOpVbP hide-when-no-script" title="grey-placeholder-11"><img decoding="async" src="" alt="Getty Images  A vehicle transports air mail over the grounds of the DHL hub at the airport in Leipzig on March 07, 2019 in Leipzig, Germany" class="sc-a34861b-0 efFcac" title="fe036f40-9b58-11ef-a9f5-252f62549e4d-jpg"><span class="sc-a34861b-2 fxQYxK">Getty Images</span></div>
  247. </div>
  248. <div data-component="caption-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 bdPeAJ"><figcaption class="sc-8353772e-0 cvNhQw">Germany&#8217;s domestic intelligence says it was a stroke of fortune that a device in Leipzig had not ignited in mid-air (file pic)</figcaption></div>
  249. </figure>
  250. <div data-component="text-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 dlWCEZ">
  251. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">A series of parcel fires targeting courier companies in Poland, Germany and the UK were dry runs aimed at sabotaging flights to the US and Canada, Polish prosecutors say.</p>
  252. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Katarzyna Calow-Jaszewska revealed late last month that four people had been arrested and authorities across Europe were investigating the incidents.</p>
  253. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Western security officials have now told US media they believe the fires &#8211; which happened in July &#8211; were part of an orchestrated campaign by Russia’s military intelligence agency, the GRU.</p>
  254. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Russia denies being behind acts of sabotage. But it is suspected to have been behind other attacks on warehouses and railway networks in EU member states this year, including in Sweden and in the Czech Republic.</p>
  255. </div>
  256. <div data-component="text-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 dlWCEZ">
  257. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Ms Calow-Jaszewska said in a statement that a group of foreign intelligence saboteurs had been involved in sending parcels containing hidden explosives and dangerous materials via courier companies. The parcels then spontaneously burst into flames or blew up.</p>
  258. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Western officials believe the fires originated in electric massage machines containing a &#8220;magnesium-based&#8221; substance.</p>
  259. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Magnesium-based fires are hard to put out, especially on board a plane. </p>
  260. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">“The group’s goal was also to test the transfer channel for such parcels, which were ultimately to be sent to the United States of America and Canada,” Ms Calow-Jaszewska said.</p>
  261. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Some of the devices originated in Lithuania, and prosecutor general Nida Grunskiene said there had been arrests there too. A pre-trial investigation was under way and law enforcement agencies from other countries were taking part, she told reporters.</p>
  262. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">On three days in July, fires broke out in a container due to be loaded on to a DHL cargo plane in the German city of Leipzig, at a transport company near Warsaw, and at Minworth near Birmingham, UK, involving a package described as an incendiary device.</p>
  263. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">The incident at Jablonow near Warsaw took two hours to extinguish, according to Polish reports.</p>
  264. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">UK officials have given few details about the fire at Midpoint Way in Minworth on 22 July. A Met Police spokesperson confirmed that a counter-terrorism investigation was under way after a package at a commercial premises caught alight, adding that &#8220;it was dealt with by staff and the local fire brigade&#8221;.</p>
  265. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Ken McCallum, head of the UK&#8217;s domestic intelligence agency MI5, said last month that Russian secret agents had carried out &#8220;arson, sabotage and more. Dangerous actions conducted with increasing recklessness&#8221; after the UK had helped Ukraine in Russia&#8217;s war. His allegations were flatly rejected by the Kremlin.</p>
  266. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">A spokesperson for the US Transportation Security Administration said in recent months they have put in place additional security measures for certain US-bound cargo flown in by US and foreign airlines.</p>
  267. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">A US government official also added that there is no current active threat targeting US-bound flights.</p>
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  277. <h2 data-testid="card-headline" class="sc-8ea7699c-3 dhclWg">Russia on mission to cause mayhem on UK streets, warns MI5</h2>
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  286. <div data-component="text-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 dlWCEZ">
  287. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">It is important to separate the known facts from the allegations being made and suspicions voiced by Western officials. </p>
  288. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">What is beyond doubt is that this year has seen a succession of suspicious fires at cargo depots in the UK, Germany and Poland &#8211; suspicious enough to trigger investigations by counter-terrorism police. </p>
  289. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">There have been other incidents across Europe and last month a man was convicted at the Old Bailey under the new National Security Act for an arson attack on a Ukrainian-owned business in Leyton, east London in March.</p>
  290. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">In Germany, the head of the domestic intelligence agency (BfV) has said it was only by a stroke of fortune that the Leipzig device had not ignited in mid-air.  </p>
  291. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">BfV head Thomas Haldenwang has described the device that caught fire at DHL&#8217;s logistics hub at Leipzig-Halle airport as suspected Russian sabotage.</p>
  292. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Taken together, these events are leading Western governments to conclude there is a strong possibility that Russia’s GRU military intelligence agency has embarked on a systematic campaign of anonymous, covert attacks on those countries helping Ukraine.</p>
  293. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">The package that burst into flames in Leipzig is thought to have arrived from Lithuania and its onward flight was delayed. </p>
  294. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">The device that caught fire in Minworth is also understood to have come from Lithuania, where the head of the parliament&#8217;s national security and defence committee, Arvydas Pocius, said it was part of an ongoing campaign of hybrid attacks aimed at &#8220;causing chaos, panic and mistrust&#8221;.</p>
  295. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">DHL has increased security since the recent freight fires. &#8220;DHL Express has taken measures in all European countries to protect its network, its employees and facilities, as well as its customers&#8217; shipments,&#8221; a spokeswoman said a few weeks ago.</p>
  296. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Poland&#8217;s government has already responded to alleged Russian sabotage, with Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski announcing the closure of a Russian consulate in Poznan and threatening to expel the Russian ambassador if it fails to bring an end to its attacks.</p>
  297. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Russia&#8217;s foreign ministry condemned the move as &#8220;a hostile step that will be met with a painful response&#8221;.</p>
  298. </div>
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  301. <div data-testid="anchor-inner-wrapper">Europe</div>
  302. <div data-testid="anchor-inner-wrapper">Germany</div>
  303. <div data-testid="anchor-inner-wrapper">Lithuania</div>
  304. <div data-testid="anchor-inner-wrapper">Poland</div>
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  306. </div>
  307. </article>
  308. <p>Source:</p>
  309. <p>The post <a href="">Mystery fires were Russian &#8216;test runs&#8217; to target cargo flights to US</a> appeared first on <a href="">global news</a>.</p>
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  315. <title>Missouri sports betting ballot measure highlights national debate about tax rates</title>
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  319. <pubDate>Fri, 14 Feb 2025 09:41:19 +0000</pubDate>
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  323. <description><![CDATA[<p>Global news: JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — The ads promoting a November ballot measur e...</p>
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  326. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Global news</a>: </p>
  327. <div class="RichTextStoryBody RichTextBody">
  328. <p>JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — The ads promoting <span class="LinkEnhancement">a November ballot measur</span> e to <span class="LinkEnhancement">legalize sports betting in Missouri</span> tout the potential for millions of new tax dollars devoted to schools. If voters approve the measure, it’s a good bet they will see even more ads offering special promotions for bettors. </p>
  329. <p>Many of those promotional costs — in which sportsbooks provide cash-like credits for customers to place bets — will be exempt from state taxes, effectively limiting the new revenue for education. </p>
  330. <p>The Missouri ballot measure highlights an emerging debate among policymakers over how to tax the rapidly growing industry, which has spread from one state — Nevada — to 38 states and Washington, D.C., since <span class="LinkEnhancement">the U.S. Supreme Court opened the door</span> to legalized <span class="LinkEnhancement">sports wagering</span> in 2018.</p>
  331. <p>“It’s a fledging industry,” said Brent Evans, an assistant finance professor at Georgia College &amp; State University who has taught classes on gambling. “So nobody really knows what is a reasonable tax.”</p>
  332. <p><span class="LinkEnhancement">Since authorizing sports betting</span>, Illinois, Ohio, Tennessee and Washington, D.C., all have already raised or restructured their tax rates. And Colorado and Virginia have pared back the tax deductions they originally allowed.</p>
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  380. <p>Tax rates range from a low of 6.75% in states such Iowa to <span class="LinkEnhancement">51% in states such as New York</span>. That tax gap is even wider, because Iowa allows promotional bets to be deducted from taxable revenue while New York does not. </p>
  381. <p>About half the states allow tax deductions for promotional costs. It’s a common way of enticing people to start — or continue — making bets. But in the short-term, it also can decrease the tax revenue available for governments and schools.</p>
  382. <p>Missouri’s proposed 10% tax rate on sports betting revenue is below the national average of 19% that sportsbooks paid to states last year. Because of deductions for “free play,” there could be some months in which sportsbooks owe nothing to the state. <span class="LinkEnhancement">Missouri’s proposed constitutional amendment</span> acknowledges that possibility, stating that negative balances can be carried over from one month to the next until revenue rises enough to owe taxes. </p>
  383. <p>Unlike in some states, Missouri’s amendment caps the amount of promotional credits that can be deducted from taxable revenue, at 25% of all wagers. But it appears unlikely that cap would come into play. An analysis conducted by consultant Eilers &amp; Krejcik Gaming for amendment supporters projects promotional bets will comprise around 8% of total wagers in Missouri’s first year of sports betting, declining after that. </p>
  384. <p>The Missouri proposal “is very much in line with what has worked and been effective in other states,” said Jack Cardetti, a spokesman for Winning for Missouri Education, the group backing the measure. </p>
  385. <p>After voters narrowly approved it, Colorado launched sports betting in 2020 with a 10% tax rate and full deductions for promotional bets. It logged $2.7 billion of total bets during its first full fiscal year, yielding $8.1 million in taxes, just slightly below legislative projections. But Colorado changed its law starting in 2023 to cap promotional tax deductions at 2.5% of total bets, gradually declining to 1 .75% by July 2026. </p>
  386. <p>Colorado’s sports betting tax revenue has since risen to over $30 million in its most recent fiscal year. That growth led lawmakers to <span class="LinkEnhancement">place a proposal on the November ballot</span> seeking permission for the state to keep more than the original $29 million limit on sports betting tax revenue. </p>
  387. <p>Capping tax deductions for promotional bets is a good step, said Richard Auxier, a principal policy associate at the nonprofit Tax Policy Center. But he questions why some states exempt them from taxes in the first place.</p>
  388. <p>“We don’t give out free samples of cannabis when a state legalizes cannabis,” Auxier said. “Is this something you want to be subsidizing through your state tax policy — to encourage people to gamble?”</p>
  389. <p>The Missouri amendment was <span class="LinkEnhancement">placed on the November ballot</span> by initiative petition after legislation to legalize sports betting repeatedly stalled in the state Senate. The $41 million campaign — a record for a Missouri ballot measure — has been been funded entirely by DraftKings and FanDuel, which dominate the nationwide sports betting marketplace. If the measure passes, the companies could apply for two statewide licenses to conduct online sports betting. The amendment authorizes additional sports betting licenses for Missouri casinos and professional sports teams.</p>
  390. <p>The $14 million opposition campaign has been funded entirely by Caesars Entertainment, which operates three of Missouri’s 13 casinos. Although Caesars generally supports sports betting, it opposes “the way this measure is written,” said Brooke Foster, a spokesperson for the opposition group Missourians Against the Deceptive Online Gambling Amendment.</p>
  391. <p>In some other states, sports betting is run through casinos. Though research is limited, <span class="LinkEnhancement">a study of seven states</span> released last year found that casino gambling revenue declined as online sports betting increased. </p>
  392. <p>“There will definitely be a shift from placing bets in a physical space with a Missouri incorporated casino versus hopping on an app in your living room,” Foster said. </p>
  393. <p>The effect of different tax rates can be seen in Illinois and New Jersey, which spearheaded the court challenge leading to widespread legal sports betting. People in each state placed between $11.5 billion and $12 billion of sports bets last year, resulting in $1 billion of revenue for sportsbooks after winnings were paid to customers, according to figures from the American Gaming Association. </p>
  394. <p>New Jersey took in $129 million in tax revenue, based on a 14.25% tax rate for online sports bets and a 9.75% tax rate with some promotional deductions for sports bets at casinos and racetracks. Illinois took in $162 million of tax revenue — one-quarter more than New Jersey — with a 15% tax rate in most places and no promotional deductions.</p>
  395. <p>But Illinois officials weren’t satisfied with those results. Beginning in July, <span class="LinkEnhancement">Illinois imposed a progressive tax scale</span>, starting with a 20% tax on sports betting revenue of less than $30 million and rising to a 40% rate on revenue exceeding $200 million. </p>
  396. <p>Some sportsbooks representatives had raised the possibility of leaving Illinois if tax rates rose. But that hasn’t happened.</p>
  397. <p>There’s also not much evidence that sportsbooks worsen the odds for wagers in states where they pay higher taxes, said Joe Weinert, executive vice president of Spectrum Gaming Group, a consulting firm. </p>
  398. <p>“The sports betting operators compete vigorously for bettors,” he said, “and how you compete vigorously is to offer attractive odds and good promotions.”</p>
  399. <h2>___</h2>
  400. <p>This story was first published on Oct. 27. It was updated on Oct. 30 to correct that supporters of the sports betting measure have raised $41 million, not $43 million.</p>
  401. </div>
  402. <p>Source:</p>
  403. <p>The post <a href="">Missouri sports betting ballot measure highlights national debate about tax rates</a> appeared first on <a href="">global news</a>.</p>
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  413. <pubDate>Thu, 13 Feb 2025 21:44:04 +0000</pubDate>
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  417. <description><![CDATA[<p>Global news: Ten days in, a look at Trump&#8217;s &#8220;flood the zone&#8221; strategypublished at 01:49...</p>
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  420. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Global news</a>: </p>
  421. <article data-testid="content-post" id="asset:505c6c75-6824-48a1-845e-5bc9a5d575c7" class="ssrcss-2mh2xf-ContentPost e6wdqbx1">
  422. <header class="ssrcss-j2egdy-Header e14e9ror5"><span class="ssrcss-1de7kuz-HeadingContainer e14e9ror1"></p>
  423. <h3 class="ssrcss-ad2rmd-Heading e10rt3ze0"><span role="text" class="ssrcss-189b1h2-HeadlineWrap e14e9ror2"><span>Ten days in, a look at Trump&#8217;s &#8220;flood the zone&#8221; strategy</span><span class="ssrcss-etauer-ServerSideTime e14e9ror0"><span data-testid="timestamp" class="ssrcss-umer6k-Timestamp ekpio9q4"><span data-testid="accessible-timestamp" class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">published at 01:49 Greenwich Mean Time 30 January</span></p>
  424. <div class="ssrcss-iymvnm-Wrapper ekpio9q3"><span aria-hidden="true" class="ssrcss-crgz56-Time ekpio9q2">01:49 GMT 30 January</span></div>
  425. <p></span></span></span></h3>
  426. <p></span></header>
  427. <p class="ssrcss-8kvzjk-Contributor etflsgg2"><span class="ssrcss-1srjmpl-ImageWrapper etflsgg1"><span class="ssrcss-1105681-Placeholder etlorgc0"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" loading="lazy" src="" width="64" height="64" class="ssrcss-11yxrdo-Image edrdn950" title="56476d45-9b9e-4f2c-a2ea-4fd6a6005c2c-jpg"></span></span><span><strong>Kayla Epstein</strong><br />US reporter</span></p>
  428. <figure class="ssrcss-1vfya96-StyledFigure e34k3c22">
  429. <div class="ssrcss-ab5fd8-StyledFigureContainer e34k3c21"><span class="ssrcss-1y71a8i-Placeholder etlorgc0"><img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" alt="Donald Trump speaks at the White House" src="" width="1024" height="683" class="ssrcss-11yxrdo-Image edrdn950" title="c2343f59-15cf-4112-943f-1361fb511a97-jpg"></span><span role="text" class="ssrcss-tvuve5-StyledFigureCopyright e34k3c20"><span class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">Image source, </span>Getty Images</span></div>
  430. </figure>
  431. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">After another day of executive orders and confirmation hearings  adding to the avalanche of measures Donald Trump has already enacted, it&#8217;s worth taking a step back to look at the new US president&#8217;s first 10 days in the White House.</p>
  432. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Ilya Shapiro, a senior fellow and director of constitutional studies at conservative think tank the Manhattan Institute, gave me his assessment of the start of Trump&#8217;s second go-round in the Oval Office.</p>
  433. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">&#8220;In general, the executive<br />
  434. orders are much better done than they were eight years ago, when it seemed<br />
  435. like the Trump administration was flying by the seat of its pants,&#8221; he said.</p>
  436. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">He said that the Trump administration had taken up a &#8220;flood the zone&#8221; strategy, where &#8220;you release so many executive orders it&#8217;s harder for the opposition &#8211; politically or legally &#8211; to respond.&#8221;</p>
  437. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Shapiro believes that Trump and his team had used their transition period after the election effectively, laying the groundwork for executive orders that would establish his administration&#8217;s intentions right out of the gate.</p>
  438. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">We are pausing our live coverage for now, but you can stay up to date on today&#8217;s news below:</p>
  439. <ul class="ssrcss-1ynsflq-UnorderedList e1q8fsc70">
  440. <li class="ssrcss-1uix24b-Stack e1y4nx260">Five takeaways from RFK Jr&#8217;s first confirmation hearing</li>
  441. <li class="ssrcss-1uix24b-Stack e1y4nx260">White House rescinds memo on freezing federal grants and loans</li>
  442. <li class="ssrcss-1uix24b-Stack e1y4nx260">How a US freeze upended global aid in a matter of days</li>
  443. <li class="ssrcss-1uix24b-Stack e1y4nx260">Migrants on edge as Trump administration ramps up raids and arrests</li>
  444. </ul>
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  446. <article data-testid="content-post" id="asset:29993216-6663-4656-b549-d0d34bb27f01" class="ssrcss-2mh2xf-ContentPost e6wdqbx1">
  447. <header class="ssrcss-j2egdy-Header e14e9ror5"><span class="ssrcss-1de7kuz-HeadingContainer e14e9ror1"></p>
  448. <h3 class="ssrcss-ad2rmd-Heading e10rt3ze0"><span role="text" class="ssrcss-189b1h2-HeadlineWrap e14e9ror2"><span>Trump appeals felony conviction in New York</span><span class="ssrcss-etauer-ServerSideTime e14e9ror0"><span data-testid="timestamp" class="ssrcss-umer6k-Timestamp ekpio9q4"><span data-testid="accessible-timestamp" class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">published at 01:36 Greenwich Mean Time 30 January</span></p>
  449. <div class="ssrcss-iymvnm-Wrapper ekpio9q3"><span aria-hidden="true" class="ssrcss-crgz56-Time ekpio9q2">01:36 GMT 30 January</span></div>
  450. <p></span></span></span></h3>
  451. <p></span></header>
  452. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">In other news going back to his time before taking office, Donald Trump has officially filed to appeal his criminal conviction and sentencing in New York, where he was found guilty on 34 felony charges of falsifying business records.</p>
  453. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">His lawyers have filed the bid to a New York state appellate court.</p>
  454. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">The move was expected, as the president&#8217;s lawyers had repeatedly stated their intention to file an appeal during and after the trial last year.</p>
  455. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Trump was sentenced on 10 January to an unconditional discharge, meaning he will face no fine or jail time. But the conclusion of the process still marked him officially as a felon, making him the first-ever US president to have been convicted of a felony.</p>
  456. </article>
  457. <article data-testid="content-post" id="asset:0982999b-effb-4b95-8348-5526701348a6" class="ssrcss-2mh2xf-ContentPost e6wdqbx1">
  458. <header class="ssrcss-j2egdy-Header e14e9ror5"><span class="ssrcss-1de7kuz-HeadingContainer e14e9ror1"></p>
  459. <h3 class="ssrcss-ad2rmd-Heading e10rt3ze0"><span role="text" class="ssrcss-189b1h2-HeadlineWrap e14e9ror2"><span>Trump issues school choice executive order</span><span class="ssrcss-etauer-ServerSideTime e14e9ror0"><span data-testid="timestamp" class="ssrcss-umer6k-Timestamp ekpio9q4"><span data-testid="accessible-timestamp" class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">published at 01:33 Greenwich Mean Time 30 January</span></p>
  460. <div class="ssrcss-iymvnm-Wrapper ekpio9q3"><span aria-hidden="true" class="ssrcss-crgz56-Time ekpio9q2">01:33 GMT 30 January</span></div>
  461. <p></span></span></span></h3>
  462. <p></span></header>
  463. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">President Donald Trump has this evening issued an executive order which the administration says would allow families more choices for children&#8217;s education outside of the standard public school system.</p>
  464. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">It will also end federal funding for curricula that he called the &#8220;indoctrination&#8221; of students in &#8220;anti-American&#8221; ideologies on race and gender, according to the White House<span class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">, external</span>.      </p>
  465. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">The directives are in keeping with Trump&#8217;s campaign promise to reshape the country&#8217;s education system.</p>
  466. </article>
  467. <article data-testid="content-post" id="asset:a851afb6-598c-4a1a-ba42-75a6dfa9f51c" class="ssrcss-2mh2xf-ContentPost e6wdqbx1">
  468. <header class="ssrcss-j2egdy-Header e14e9ror5"><span class="ssrcss-1de7kuz-HeadingContainer e14e9ror1"></p>
  469. <h3 class="ssrcss-ad2rmd-Heading e10rt3ze0"><span role="text" class="ssrcss-189b1h2-HeadlineWrap e14e9ror2"><span>Trump&#8217;s attorney general nominee heads for Senate vote</span><span class="ssrcss-etauer-ServerSideTime e14e9ror0"><span data-testid="timestamp" class="ssrcss-umer6k-Timestamp ekpio9q4"><span data-testid="accessible-timestamp" class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">published at 01:17 Greenwich Mean Time 30 January</span></p>
  470. <div class="ssrcss-iymvnm-Wrapper ekpio9q3"><span aria-hidden="true" class="ssrcss-crgz56-Time ekpio9q2">01:17 GMT 30 January</span></div>
  471. <p></span></span></span></h3>
  472. <p></span></header>
  473. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">RFK Jr was not the only Trump nominee to face Senate committee scrutiny today. </p>
  474. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Howard Lutnick, Trump&#8217;s nominee for commerce secretary, told his hearing that he supports using tariffs to restore &#8220;reciprocity&#8221; to the US&#8217;s trading relationships – saying in general he prefers the idea of across-the-board per-country tariffs to more specific alternatives.</p>
  475. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">And the judiciary committee met to vote on whether to advance the president&#8217;s pick for attorney general, Pam Bondi, splitting along party lines with a 12-10 divide. Her nomination will now head to the full Senate for a vote.</p>
  476. <figure class="ssrcss-1vfya96-StyledFigure e34k3c22">
  477. <div class="ssrcss-ab5fd8-StyledFigureContainer e34k3c21"><span class="ssrcss-ud2cw3-Placeholder etlorgc0"><img decoding="async" alt="Bondi, seated, speaks into a microphone, as people sitting behind her look on" src="" width="1000" height="562" class="ssrcss-11yxrdo-Image edrdn950" title="39bcfb3e-9f95-423b-88ba-d177447734e7-jpg"></span><span role="text" class="ssrcss-tvuve5-StyledFigureCopyright e34k3c20"><span class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">Image source, </span>Reuters</span></div><figcaption class="ssrcss-11b8pqw-StyledFigureCaption e1xtk7to0"><span class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">Image caption, </span></p>
  478. <div class="ssrcss-y7krbn-Stack e1y4nx260">
  479. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Pam Bondi speaking at her confirmation hearing earlier this month</p>
  480. </div>
  481. </figcaption></figure>
  482. </article>
  483. <article data-testid="content-post" id="asset:b28f523b-fe41-47f5-91c0-8faf5ee54d28" class="ssrcss-2mh2xf-ContentPost e6wdqbx1">
  484. <header class="ssrcss-j2egdy-Header e14e9ror5"><span class="ssrcss-1de7kuz-HeadingContainer e14e9ror1"></p>
  485. <h3 class="ssrcss-ad2rmd-Heading e10rt3ze0"><span role="text" class="ssrcss-189b1h2-HeadlineWrap e14e9ror2"><span>Trump signs executive order to tackle antisemitism at US campuses</span><span class="ssrcss-etauer-ServerSideTime e14e9ror0"><span data-testid="timestamp" class="ssrcss-umer6k-Timestamp ekpio9q4"><span data-testid="accessible-timestamp" class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">published at 00:50 Greenwich Mean Time 30 January</span></p>
  486. <div class="ssrcss-iymvnm-Wrapper ekpio9q3"><span aria-hidden="true" class="ssrcss-crgz56-Time ekpio9q2">00:50 GMT 30 January</span></div>
  487. <p></span></span></span></h3>
  488. <p></span></header>
  489. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">More on the executive orders signed by President Donald Trump today now.</p>
  490. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Among the orders is one that intends to combat antisemitism in schools and campuses in the US.</p>
  491. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Trump has pledged to deport non-citizen college students and others who have taken part in pro-Palestinian protests.</p>
  492. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">The order says there has been an “explosion of antisemitism on our campuses” since the Hamas attack on Israel in October 2023.</p>
  493. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">The order directs government officials to use &#8220;all available and appropriate legal tools, to prosecute, remove, or otherwise hold to account the perpetrators of unlawful antisemitic harassment and violence&#8221;.</p>
  494. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">&#8220;To all the resident aliens who joined in the pro-jihadist protests, we put you on notice: come 2025, we will find you, and we will deport you,&#8221; Trump said in an accompanying White House fact sheet.</p>
  495. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">&#8220;I will also quickly cancel the student visas of all Hamas sympathisers on college campuses, which have been infested with radicalism like never before,&#8221; the president added.</p>
  496. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Rights groups and legal experts quickly responded on Wednesday and said the order would violate free speech rights enshrined in the constitution. It is likely to be challenged in court.</p>
  497. </article>
  498. <article data-testid="content-post" id="asset:9407fefe-d2c7-4402-a192-8d7e10dcd44d" class="ssrcss-2mh2xf-ContentPost e6wdqbx1">
  499. <header class="ssrcss-j2egdy-Header e14e9ror5"><span class="ssrcss-1de7kuz-HeadingContainer e14e9ror1"></p>
  500. <h3 class="ssrcss-ad2rmd-Heading e10rt3ze0"><span role="text" class="ssrcss-189b1h2-HeadlineWrap e14e9ror2"><span>Recap: Trump&#8217;s Guantanamo plan and RFK&#8217;s Senate grilling</span><span class="ssrcss-etauer-ServerSideTime e14e9ror0"><span data-testid="timestamp" class="ssrcss-umer6k-Timestamp ekpio9q4"><span data-testid="accessible-timestamp" class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">published at 00:26 Greenwich Mean Time 30 January</span></p>
  501. <div class="ssrcss-iymvnm-Wrapper ekpio9q3"><span aria-hidden="true" class="ssrcss-crgz56-Time ekpio9q2">00:26 GMT 30 January</span></div>
  502. <p></span></span></span></h3>
  503. <p></span></header>
  504. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Let&#8217;s bring you up-to-date with the latest developments from the White House, Senate and beyond:</p>
  505. <ul class="ssrcss-1ynsflq-UnorderedList e1q8fsc70">
  506. <li class="ssrcss-1uix24b-Stack e1y4nx260">
  507.      Donald Trump has ordered the construction of a <b class="ssrcss-cgjb6m-Keyword e2vephq0">30,000-person migrant detention facility in Guantanamo Bay</b></li>
  508. <li class="ssrcss-1uix24b-Stack e1y4nx260">
  509.      He says the facility will house <b class="ssrcss-cgjb6m-Keyword e2vephq0">&#8220;the worst criminal illegal aliens threatening the American people&#8221;</b></li>
  510. <li class="ssrcss-1uix24b-Stack e1y4nx260">
  511.      Trump&#8217;s &#8220;border tsar&#8221; Tom Homan says the existing facility at Guantanamo &#8211; which is separate to the military prison also located there &#8211; will be expanded and run by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)</li>
  512. <li class="ssrcss-1uix24b-Stack e1y4nx260">
  513.      Cuba&#8217;s president has called the Guantanamo announcement an &#8220;act of brutality&#8221;</li>
  514. </ul>
  515. <ul class="ssrcss-1ynsflq-UnorderedList e1q8fsc70">
  516. <li class="ssrcss-1uix24b-Stack e1y4nx260">
  517.      Elsewhere, the White House has rescinded a memo authorising a federal freeze on hundreds of billions of dollars in grants and loans
  518.    </li>
  519. <li class="ssrcss-1uix24b-Stack e1y4nx260">
  520.      The White House has said it is still pursuing a freeze, and that the memo was withdrawn in order to &#8220;end any confusion&#8221; created by an earlier court order that prevented the freeze from coming into effect temporarily
  521.    </li>
  522. <li class="ssrcss-1uix24b-Stack e1y4nx260">
  523.      Earlier in the Capitol, <b class="ssrcss-cgjb6m-Keyword e2vephq0">Robert F Kennedy </b><b class="ssrcss-cgjb6m-Keyword e2vephq0">Jr</b> &#8211; Trump&#8217;s pick to lead the US health agency &#8211; came under attack at a Senate confirmation hearing</li>
  524. <li class="ssrcss-1uix24b-Stack e1y4nx260">
  525.      Democratic lawmakers accused him of <b class="ssrcss-cgjb6m-Keyword e2vephq0">covering up his anti-vaccine views</b> and <b class="ssrcss-cgjb6m-Keyword e2vephq0">embracing conspiracy theories</b> to dissuade use of lifesaving medicine
  526.    </li>
  527. <li class="ssrcss-1uix24b-Stack e1y4nx260">
  528.      Kennedy sought to defend his record and <b class="ssrcss-cgjb6m-Keyword e2vephq0">denied being anti-vaccine</b> &#8211; he faces another hearing on Thursday
  529.    </li>
  530. <li class="ssrcss-1uix24b-Stack e1y4nx260">
  531.      Over in the Senate, Trump’s nomination of <b class="ssrcss-cgjb6m-Keyword e2vephq0">Lee Zeldin</b> to lead the Environmental Protection Agency has been approved by senators by a vote of 56 to 42
  532.    </li>
  533. </ul>
  534. <figure class="ssrcss-1vfya96-StyledFigure e34k3c22">
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  539. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">This video can not be played</p>
  540. <h2 class="ssrcss-ad2rmd-Heading e10rt3ze0">To play this video you need to enable JavaScript in your browser.</h2>
  541. </div>
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  545. </figure>
  546. </article>
  547. <article data-testid="content-post" id="asset:a4f2deb3-2bf1-4f17-9598-294569778652" class="ssrcss-2mh2xf-ContentPost e6wdqbx1">
  548. <header class="ssrcss-j2egdy-Header e14e9ror5"><span class="ssrcss-1de7kuz-HeadingContainer e14e9ror1"></p>
  549. <h3 class="ssrcss-ad2rmd-Heading e10rt3ze0"><span role="text" class="ssrcss-189b1h2-HeadlineWrap e14e9ror2"><span>Senate approves Trump&#8217;s pick Zeldin to lead EPA</span><span class="ssrcss-etauer-ServerSideTime e14e9ror0"><span data-testid="timestamp" class="ssrcss-umer6k-Timestamp ekpio9q4"><span data-testid="accessible-timestamp" class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">published at 23:49 Greenwich Mean Time 29 January</span></p>
  550. <div class="ssrcss-iymvnm-Wrapper ekpio9q3"><span aria-hidden="true" class="ssrcss-crgz56-Time ekpio9q2">23:49 GMT 29 January</span></div>
  551. <p></span></span></span></h3>
  552. <p></span></header>
  553. <figure class="ssrcss-1vfya96-StyledFigure e34k3c22">
  554. <div class="ssrcss-ab5fd8-StyledFigureContainer e34k3c21"><span class="ssrcss-b8s61n-Placeholder etlorgc0"><img decoding="async" alt="Lee Zeldin speaks into a microphone at a confirmation hearing in the Senate office building on 16 January. He wears a dark suit and a red and navy striped tie." src="" width="1000" height="667" class="ssrcss-11yxrdo-Image edrdn950" title="d54d2483-74fe-4359-acfb-08ac992e6769-jpg"></span><span role="text" class="ssrcss-tvuve5-StyledFigureCopyright e34k3c20"><span class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">Image source, </span>EFE/REX/Shutterstock</span></div>
  555. </figure>
  556. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">The Senate has confirmed President Donald Trump’s nomination of Lee Zeldin, a former Republican congressman from New York, to lead the Environmental Protection Agency. </p>
  557. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">The Senate vote was 56 to 42, with Democrats Mark Kelly, John Fetterman and Ruben Gallego voting with Republicans in favour of his confirmation.</p>
  558. </article>
  559. <article data-testid="content-post" id="asset:d79405af-4e09-4cb7-afcc-3e2026d8b838" class="ssrcss-2mh2xf-ContentPost e6wdqbx1">
  560. <header class="ssrcss-j2egdy-Header e14e9ror5"><span class="ssrcss-1de7kuz-HeadingContainer e14e9ror1"></p>
  561. <h3 class="ssrcss-ad2rmd-Heading e10rt3ze0"><span role="text" class="ssrcss-189b1h2-HeadlineWrap e14e9ror2"><span>Trump slams Fed decision to hold interest rate steady</span><span class="ssrcss-etauer-ServerSideTime e14e9ror0"><span data-testid="timestamp" class="ssrcss-umer6k-Timestamp ekpio9q4"><span data-testid="accessible-timestamp" class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">published at 23:21 Greenwich Mean Time 29 January</span></p>
  562. <div class="ssrcss-iymvnm-Wrapper ekpio9q3"><span aria-hidden="true" class="ssrcss-crgz56-Time ekpio9q2">23:21 GMT 29 January</span></div>
  563. <p></span></span></span></h3>
  564. <p></span></header>
  565. <p class="ssrcss-8kvzjk-Contributor etflsgg2"><span class="ssrcss-1srjmpl-ImageWrapper etflsgg1"><span class="ssrcss-1105681-Placeholder etlorgc0"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" loading="lazy" src="" width="64" height="64" class="ssrcss-11yxrdo-Image edrdn950" title="0f8dc4d0-dd43-41fe-ac7d-1d14780aef0e-jpg"></span></span><span><strong>Natalie Sherman</strong><br />New York business reporter</span></p>
  566. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Trump renewed his attacks on the US central bank, hours after officials left interest rates unchanged despite his public calls for them to cut.</p>
  567. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">In a social media post, he accused the Federal Reserve and its chairman Jerome Powell of mishandling the economy, saying they had &#8220;failed to stop the problem they created with Inflation&#8221;.</p>
  568. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">The Fed left key interest rate unchanged at its January meeting on Wednesday, in a range of 4.25% to 4.5%, hitting pause after a string of cuts late last year.</p>
  569. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Some economists have warned that some of those policies could put upward pressure on prices, at least in the short-term, concerns Powell said were shared by some at the bank.</p>
  570. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">In his post on Truth Social, the social media company that he owns, Trump promised: &#8220;I will make our Country financially, and otherwise, powerful again!&#8221;</p>
  571. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">He also accused the Federal Reserve of focusing on &#8220;gender ideology, &#8216;green&#8217; energy, and fake climate change,&#8221; instead of the issue of inflation.</p>
  572. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10"><b class="ssrcss-cgjb6m-Keyword e2vephq0">Read more here:</b></p>
  573. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Trump attacks Fed after no change in interest rates</p>
  574. </article>
  575. <article data-testid="content-post" id="asset:f9d306d6-f51d-4326-a64d-fded38186435" class="ssrcss-2mh2xf-ContentPost e6wdqbx1">
  576. <header class="ssrcss-j2egdy-Header e14e9ror5"><span class="ssrcss-1de7kuz-HeadingContainer e14e9ror1"></p>
  577. <h3 class="ssrcss-ad2rmd-Heading e10rt3ze0"><span role="text" class="ssrcss-189b1h2-HeadlineWrap e14e9ror2"><span>Trump immigration officials say new Guantanamo facility would be an expansion</span><span class="ssrcss-etauer-ServerSideTime e14e9ror0"><span data-testid="timestamp" class="ssrcss-umer6k-Timestamp ekpio9q4"><span data-testid="accessible-timestamp" class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">published at 23:09 Greenwich Mean Time 29 January</span></p>
  578. <div class="ssrcss-iymvnm-Wrapper ekpio9q3"><span aria-hidden="true" class="ssrcss-crgz56-Time ekpio9q2">23:09 GMT 29 January</span></div>
  579. <p></span></span></span></h3>
  580. <p></span></header>
  581. <figure class="ssrcss-1vfya96-StyledFigure e34k3c22">
  582. <div class="ssrcss-ab5fd8-StyledFigureContainer e34k3c21"><span class="ssrcss-slyeqp-Placeholder etlorgc0"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="Top immigration officials Noem and Homan spoke to reporters at an event where Trump signed a new immigration crackdown law" src="" width="998" height="561" class="ssrcss-11yxrdo-Image edrdn950" title="b56a3124-aeef-45fe-9527-4ac0b6453c8b-jpg"></span><span role="text" class="ssrcss-tvuve5-StyledFigureCopyright e34k3c20"><span class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">Image source, </span>EPA</span></div><figcaption class="ssrcss-11b8pqw-StyledFigureCaption e1xtk7to0"><span class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">Image caption, </span></p>
  583. <div class="ssrcss-y7krbn-Stack e1y4nx260">
  584. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Top immigration officials Noem and Homan spoke to reporters at an event where Trump signed a new immigration crackdown law</p>
  585. </div>
  586. </figcaption></figure>
  587. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Speaking to reporters at the White House, Tom Homan, Trump&#8217;s so-called border tsar, said the new plan to house migrants at Guantanamo Bay would &#8220;expand upon the existing migrant centre&#8221; already there.</p>
  588. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Homan said that the migrants could be transported there directly after being intercepted at sea by the US Coast Guard, and that the &#8220;highest&#8221; detention standards would be applied.</p>
  589. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">It is unclear how much it could cost to expand the facility.</p>
  590. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">When asked by reporters at the White House, Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem said the money would be allotted through &#8220;reconciliation and appropriations&#8221;.</p>
  591. </article>
  592. <article data-testid="content-post" id="asset:a59146af-b5b0-4b8e-9a84-5356e87e4c13" class="ssrcss-2mh2xf-ContentPost e6wdqbx1">
  593. <header class="ssrcss-j2egdy-Header e14e9ror5"><span class="ssrcss-1de7kuz-HeadingContainer e14e9ror1"></p>
  594. <h3 class="ssrcss-ad2rmd-Heading e10rt3ze0"><span role="text" class="ssrcss-189b1h2-HeadlineWrap e14e9ror2"><span>Guantanamo&#8217;s history of housing detainees, including small numbers of migrants</span><span class="ssrcss-etauer-ServerSideTime e14e9ror0"><span data-testid="timestamp" class="ssrcss-umer6k-Timestamp ekpio9q4"><span data-testid="accessible-timestamp" class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">published at 22:55 Greenwich Mean Time 29 January</span></p>
  595. <div class="ssrcss-iymvnm-Wrapper ekpio9q3"><span aria-hidden="true" class="ssrcss-crgz56-Time ekpio9q2">22:55 GMT 29 January</span></div>
  596. <p></span></span></span></h3>
  597. <p></span></header>
  598. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Guantanamo Bay &#8211; an area on the southeastern tip of Cuba &#8211; has been home to a US military base since 1898 after the territory was seized during the Spanish-American war. </p>
  599. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">According to historians, European sailor Christopher Columbus landed in the region in 1494 during his second voyage to the Americas.</p>
  600. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">The area came to a play prominent role in the US&#8217;s response to the 11 September 2001 attacks.</p>
  601. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Since the prison camp opened in 2002, nearly 800 people &#8211; most of whom were held on suspicions of terrorism &#8211; have been jailed there.</p>
  602. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Allegations of torture by US interrogators has been levelled by multiple detainees.</p>
  603. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Today, there are 15 still detained, according to US media.</p>
  604. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Efforts by previous presidents to lower the prison&#8217;s population and close it halted during Donald Trump&#8217;s first term, when he signed an executive order to keep the facility open. Trump said efforts to release detainees or close the prison made the US look weak on terrorism.</p>
  605. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Migrants have been housed at the base previously. Reports suggest that around three dozen were held there in recent years, under the Biden administration. </p>
  606. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">In the 1990s, the base was used to house migrants from Cuba and Haiti during an influx of migration to the US from those two countries. </p>
  607. <figure class="ssrcss-1vfya96-StyledFigure e34k3c22">
  608. <div class="ssrcss-ab5fd8-StyledFigureContainer e34k3c21"><span class="ssrcss-5zsoxt-Placeholder etlorgc0"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="Migrants have been detained at Guantanamo Bay for decades, including this group seen at the base in 1994" src="" width="1024" height="576" class="ssrcss-11yxrdo-Image edrdn950" title="b1c8e16a-8c9e-430c-a795-4aa4f0e710bf-jpg"></span><span role="text" class="ssrcss-tvuve5-StyledFigureCopyright e34k3c20"><span class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">Image source, </span>Getty Images</span></div><figcaption class="ssrcss-11b8pqw-StyledFigureCaption e1xtk7to0"><span class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">Image caption, </span></p>
  609. <div class="ssrcss-y7krbn-Stack e1y4nx260">
  610. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Migrants have been detained at Guantanamo Bay for decades, including this group seen at the base in 1994</p>
  611. </div>
  612. </figcaption></figure>
  613. <figure class="ssrcss-1vfya96-StyledFigure e34k3c22">
  614. <div class="ssrcss-ab5fd8-StyledFigureContainer e34k3c21"><span class="ssrcss-1qbaafa-Placeholder etlorgc0"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="A Cuban migrant being registered by US authorities in 1994 after being intercepted at sea on his way to the US" src="" width="1022" height="575" class="ssrcss-11yxrdo-Image edrdn950" title="c4c6633e-0b9a-440f-847a-06d15cf8b634-jpg"></span><span role="text" class="ssrcss-tvuve5-StyledFigureCopyright e34k3c20"><span class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">Image source, </span>Getty Images</span></div><figcaption class="ssrcss-11b8pqw-StyledFigureCaption e1xtk7to0"><span class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">Image caption, </span></p>
  615. <div class="ssrcss-y7krbn-Stack e1y4nx260">
  616. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">A Cuban migrant being registered by US authorities at Guantanamo Bay in 1994 after being intercepted at sea on his way to the US</p>
  617. </div>
  618. </figcaption></figure>
  619. </article>
  620. <article data-testid="content-post" id="asset:03b7152c-250d-443e-8833-bc771889157b" class="ssrcss-2mh2xf-ContentPost e6wdqbx1">
  621. <header class="ssrcss-j2egdy-Header e14e9ror5"><span class="ssrcss-1de7kuz-HeadingContainer e14e9ror1"></p>
  622. <h3 class="ssrcss-ad2rmd-Heading e10rt3ze0"><span role="text" class="ssrcss-189b1h2-HeadlineWrap e14e9ror2"><span>Trump signs Guantanamo Bay migrant detention order</span><span class="ssrcss-etauer-ServerSideTime e14e9ror0"><span data-testid="timestamp" class="ssrcss-1yk290u-Timestamp ekpio9q4"><span data-testid="accessible-timestamp" class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">published at 22:14 Greenwich Mean Time 29 January</span></p>
  623. <div class="ssrcss-iymvnm-Wrapper ekpio9q3"><span aria-hidden="true" class="ssrcss-crgz56-Time ekpio9q2">22:14 GMT 29 January</span><span class="ssrcss-1fw2k9g-Breaking ekpio9q1">Breaking</span></div>
  624. <p></span></span></span></h3>
  625. <p></span></header>
  626. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Trump has now signed the memorandum calling on the heads of the homeland security and defence to expand the migrant detention centre at the US naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.</p>
  627. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">The order directs the officials to bring the facility &#8220;to full capacity to provide additional detention space for high-priority criminal aliens unlawfully present in the United States, and to address attendant immigration enforcement needs identified by the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security&#8221;.</p>
  628. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">&#8220;This memorandum is issued in order to halt the border invasion, dismantle criminal cartels, and restore national sovereignty.&#8221;</p>
  629. </article>
  630. <article data-testid="content-post" id="asset:b0ec859e-a2b0-4686-a0ad-e1139c29c356" class="ssrcss-2mh2xf-ContentPost e6wdqbx1">
  631. <header class="ssrcss-j2egdy-Header e14e9ror5"><span class="ssrcss-1de7kuz-HeadingContainer e14e9ror1"><img decoding="async" src="" alt="Analysis" class="ssrcss-1wkvdf5-ContributorImageComponent e2hr5uu0" title="analysis-77b314ef10b5742f931e"></p>
  632. <h3 class="ssrcss-ad2rmd-Heading e10rt3ze0"><span role="text" class="ssrcss-189b1h2-HeadlineWrap e14e9ror2"><span>What&#8217;s behind Trump&#8217;s decision to house migrants in Cuba?</span><span class="ssrcss-etauer-ServerSideTime e14e9ror0"><span data-testid="timestamp" class="ssrcss-umer6k-Timestamp ekpio9q4"><span data-testid="accessible-timestamp" class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">published at 21:48 Greenwich Mean Time 29 January</span></p>
  633. <div class="ssrcss-iymvnm-Wrapper ekpio9q3"><span aria-hidden="true" class="ssrcss-crgz56-Time ekpio9q2">21:48 GMT 29 January</span></div>
  634. <p></span></span></span></h3>
  635. <p></span></header>
  636. <p class="ssrcss-8kvzjk-Contributor etflsgg2"><span class="ssrcss-1srjmpl-ImageWrapper etflsgg1"><span class="ssrcss-1105681-Placeholder etlorgc0"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" loading="lazy" src="" width="64" height="64" class="ssrcss-11yxrdo-Image edrdn950" title="46a68edf-ce33-4a4c-8f8f-83cabf4a79fa-jpg"></span></span><span><strong>Will Grant</strong><br />Mexico, Central America and Cuba Correspondent</span></p>
  637. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">The US naval base at Guantanamo Bay has been partly used for immigration purposes by the American authorities for decades, in what is known as the Guantanamo Migrant Operations Center or GMOC. </p>
  638. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Principally, it has housed migrants picked up at sea and was recently the subject of a Freedom of Information request by the American Civil Liberties Union for the disclosure of records about the site. </p>
  639. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">The Biden Administration responded that GMOC “is not a detention facility and none of the migrants there are detained”. </p>
  640. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">What differs, then, with the Trump Administrations plans is that the centre will very much be intended as a detention facility. </p>
  641. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">President Trump has said 30,000 beds will be available to house “the worst” undocumented immigrants – in reference to those with criminal records – saying his administration “didn’t trust” their countries of origin to hold them. </p>
  642. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">It has provoked an expected outcry from the Cuban government which has denounced the existence of a US naval base on the island ever since Fidel Castro swept to power in 1959. </p>
  643. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">The Cuban President, Miguel Diaz-Canel, called Trump&#8217;s move “an act of brutality” saying the base itself was on “illegally occupied territory”. </p>
  644. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">The Cuban Foreign Minister, Bruno Rodriguez, said the step “shows contempt for the human condition and international law”. </p>
  645. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Still, none of those comments will worry the Trump Administration much. </p>
  646. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">With the State Department now headed by the former Florida Senator, Marco Rubio, whose family left Cuba in the 1950s, the fact they have inflamed tensions with Havana in the process will doubtless be seen by him as simply an added bonus.</p>
  647. <figure class="ssrcss-1vfya96-StyledFigure e34k3c22">
  648. <div class="ssrcss-ab5fd8-StyledFigureContainer e34k3c21"><span class="ssrcss-1aj9dr5-Placeholder etlorgc0"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="This group of HIV-positive Haitian migrants detained at sea were allowed to enter the US in 1993 after spending 20 months at the migrant camp" src="" width="845" height="475" class="ssrcss-11yxrdo-Image edrdn950" title="530c0fc2-97e7-4604-96c9-fdc3f40cbbcc-jpg"></span><span role="text" class="ssrcss-tvuve5-StyledFigureCopyright e34k3c20"><span class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">Image source, </span>Getty Images</span></div><figcaption class="ssrcss-11b8pqw-StyledFigureCaption e1xtk7to0"><span class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">Image caption, </span></p>
  649. <div class="ssrcss-y7krbn-Stack e1y4nx260">
  650. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">This group of HIV-positive Haitian migrants detained at sea were allowed to enter the US in 1993 after spending 20 months at the migrant camp</p>
  651. </div>
  652. </figcaption></figure>
  653. </article>
  654. <article data-testid="content-post" id="asset:c1b36ff9-c040-4015-919e-83809467ba4a" class="ssrcss-2mh2xf-ContentPost e6wdqbx1">
  655. <header class="ssrcss-j2egdy-Header e14e9ror5"><span class="ssrcss-1de7kuz-HeadingContainer e14e9ror1"></p>
  656. <h3 class="ssrcss-ad2rmd-Heading e10rt3ze0"><span role="text" class="ssrcss-189b1h2-HeadlineWrap e14e9ror2"><span>Cuban president calls Trump&#8217;s Guantanamo Bay announcement an &#8216;act of brutality&#8217;</span><span class="ssrcss-etauer-ServerSideTime e14e9ror0"><span data-testid="timestamp" class="ssrcss-umer6k-Timestamp ekpio9q4"><span data-testid="accessible-timestamp" class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">published at 21:33 Greenwich Mean Time 29 January</span></p>
  657. <div class="ssrcss-iymvnm-Wrapper ekpio9q3"><span aria-hidden="true" class="ssrcss-crgz56-Time ekpio9q2">21:33 GMT 29 January</span></div>
  658. <p></span></span></span></h3>
  659. <p></span></header>
  660. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">The Cuban president and foreign minister have just reacted to Trump&#8217;s announcement of a detention facility for undocumented migrants in Guantanamo Bay &#8211; which is located in Cuba. </p>
  661. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Earlier today, President Trump said the 30,000-person facility would house &#8220;the worst criminal illegal aliens&#8221;. He added that &#8220;some of them are so bad we don&#8217;t even trust the countries to hold them, because we don&#8217;t want them coming back&#8221;.</p>
  662. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">In a social media post written in Spanish, which we have translated, President Miguel Diaz-Canel called it an &#8220;act of brutality&#8221; to place migrants next to &#8220;known prisons of torture&#8221;.</p>
  663. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez also wrote on social media that the plan &#8220;shows disregard for human conditions and international law&#8221;. </p>
  664. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">As a reminder, the Guantanamo Bay is the home of a US military base and a detention camp was established there in 2002 to hold suspects captured in counter-terrorism operations.</p>
  665. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">But various US administrations have also housed migrants at a facility called the Guantánamo Migrant Operations Center.</p>
  666. </article>
  667. <article data-testid="content-post" id="asset:a12583d7-ac3b-4195-a89c-da524428f53b" class="ssrcss-2mh2xf-ContentPost e6wdqbx1">
  668. <header class="ssrcss-j2egdy-Header e14e9ror5"><span class="ssrcss-1de7kuz-HeadingContainer e14e9ror1"></p>
  669. <h3 class="ssrcss-ad2rmd-Heading e10rt3ze0"><span role="text" class="ssrcss-189b1h2-HeadlineWrap e14e9ror2"><span>Democrat: Kennedy &#8216;bobbed and ducked&#8217;</span><span class="ssrcss-etauer-ServerSideTime e14e9ror0"><span data-testid="timestamp" class="ssrcss-umer6k-Timestamp ekpio9q4"><span data-testid="accessible-timestamp" class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">published at 20:54 Greenwich Mean Time 29 January</span></p>
  670. <div class="ssrcss-iymvnm-Wrapper ekpio9q3"><span aria-hidden="true" class="ssrcss-crgz56-Time ekpio9q2">20:54 GMT 29 January</span></div>
  671. <p></span></span></span></h3>
  672. <p></span></header>
  673. <p class="ssrcss-8kvzjk-Contributor etflsgg2"><span class="ssrcss-1srjmpl-ImageWrapper etflsgg1"><span class="ssrcss-1105681-Placeholder etlorgc0"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" loading="lazy" src="" width="64" height="64" class="ssrcss-11yxrdo-Image edrdn950" title="7185d69a-41b3-49e5-8504-82c100991439-jpg"></span></span><span><strong>Rachel Looker</strong><br />Reporting from Capitol Hill</span></p>
  674. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">I&#8217;ve been speaking with Senator Ron Wyden, the top Democrat on the Senate Finance committee where Kennedy testified earlier today. </p>
  675. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Wyden told me he felt Kennedy &#8220;bobbed and ducked&#8221; throughout the confirmation hearing. </p>
  676. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">&#8220;I asked him to describe reconciling his anti-vax and pro-vax statements and he couldn&#8217;t do it, he didn&#8217;t even try,&#8221; Wyden says.</p>
  677. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">During the hearing, Wyden asked Kennedy if he was lying about being pro-vaccine, referencing podcasts and publications where Kennedy appeared to insinuate he was both for and against them.  </p>
  678. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">&#8220;Which one&#8217;s a lie? It can&#8217;t both be true,&#8221; Wyden tells me. </p>
  679. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">&#8220;I think we also walked away wondering if we really understood what the various programmes were all about because he got us all scrambled,&#8221; he said. </p>
  680. </article>
  681. <article data-testid="content-post" id="asset:81eef75e-8653-4397-8c15-af28785c2aa0" class="ssrcss-2mh2xf-ContentPost e6wdqbx1">
  682. <header class="ssrcss-j2egdy-Header e14e9ror5"><span class="ssrcss-1de7kuz-HeadingContainer e14e9ror1"></p>
  683. <h3 class="ssrcss-ad2rmd-Heading e10rt3ze0"><span role="text" class="ssrcss-189b1h2-HeadlineWrap e14e9ror2"><span>Trump says US to set up 30,000-person detention facility in Guantanamo Bay</span><span class="ssrcss-etauer-ServerSideTime e14e9ror0"><span data-testid="timestamp" class="ssrcss-umer6k-Timestamp ekpio9q4"><span data-testid="accessible-timestamp" class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">published at 20:33 Greenwich Mean Time 29 January</span></p>
  684. <div class="ssrcss-iymvnm-Wrapper ekpio9q3"><span aria-hidden="true" class="ssrcss-crgz56-Time ekpio9q2">20:33 GMT 29 January</span></div>
  685. <p></span></span></span></h3>
  686. <p></span></header>
  687. <p class="ssrcss-8kvzjk-Contributor etflsgg2"><span class="ssrcss-1srjmpl-ImageWrapper etflsgg1"><span class="ssrcss-1105681-Placeholder etlorgc0"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" loading="lazy" src="" width="64" height="64" class="ssrcss-11yxrdo-Image edrdn950" title="a1462f87-b5c0-43b2-8a08-2f7c7a8f1bff-jpg"></span></span><span><strong>Bernd Debusmann Jr</strong><br />Reporting from the White House</span></p>
  688. <figure class="ssrcss-1vfya96-StyledFigure e34k3c22">
  689. <div class="ssrcss-ab5fd8-StyledFigureContainer e34k3c21">
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  693. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">This video can not be played</p>
  694. <h2 class="ssrcss-ad2rmd-Heading e10rt3ze0">To play this video you need to enable JavaScript in your browser.</h2>
  695. </div>
  696. </div>
  697. </div>
  698. </div><figcaption class="ssrcss-11b8pqw-StyledFigureCaption e1xtk7to0"><span class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">Media caption, </span></p>
  699. <div class="ssrcss-y7krbn-Stack e1y4nx260">
  700. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Trump says he&#8217;ll use Guantanamo Bay to house illegal immigrants</p>
  701. </div>
  702. </figcaption></figure>
  703. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">News is happening fast today, so let&#8217;s check in on another recent announcement from President Trump.</p>
  704. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Speaking at the White House earlier, President Trump said the US will set up a 30,000 person detention facility for undocumented migrants in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. </p>
  705. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Trump said the facility would double the government&#8217;s capacity to hold undocumented migrants, and added that it would take the US &#8220;one step further to eliminating the scourge of migrant crime&#8221;.</p>
  706. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">The move will come in the form of an Executive Order and will be carried out by the Pentagon, he said. </p>
  707. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Various US administrations in the past have housed migrants at a facility called the Guantánamo Migrant Operations Center, or GMOC. </p>
  708. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Stay with us for more updates on this later. </p>
  709. </article>
  710. <article data-testid="content-post" id="asset:c1c4a959-9050-46f8-b27c-6d933a39a1b3" class="ssrcss-2mh2xf-ContentPost e6wdqbx1">
  711. <header class="ssrcss-j2egdy-Header e14e9ror5"><span class="ssrcss-1de7kuz-HeadingContainer e14e9ror1"></p>
  712. <h3 class="ssrcss-ad2rmd-Heading e10rt3ze0"><span role="text" class="ssrcss-189b1h2-HeadlineWrap e14e9ror2"><span>Senator Murphy on funding pause: &#8216;Problem is getting worse&#8217;</span><span class="ssrcss-etauer-ServerSideTime e14e9ror0"><span data-testid="timestamp" class="ssrcss-umer6k-Timestamp ekpio9q4"><span data-testid="accessible-timestamp" class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">published at 20:25 Greenwich Mean Time 29 January</span></p>
  713. <div class="ssrcss-iymvnm-Wrapper ekpio9q3"><span aria-hidden="true" class="ssrcss-crgz56-Time ekpio9q2">20:25 GMT 29 January</span></div>
  714. <p></span></span></span></h3>
  715. <p></span></header>
  716. <p class="ssrcss-8kvzjk-Contributor etflsgg2"><span class="ssrcss-1srjmpl-ImageWrapper etflsgg1"><span class="ssrcss-1105681-Placeholder etlorgc0"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" loading="lazy" src="" width="64" height="64" class="ssrcss-11yxrdo-Image edrdn950" title="7185d69a-41b3-49e5-8504-82c100991439-jpg"></span></span><span><strong>Rachel Looker</strong><br />Reporting from Capitol Hill</span></p>
  717. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">We&#8217;ve been hearing from lawmakers on Capitol Hill about the recent news that the Trump administration has rescinded a memo that would have frozen funding for a swathe of federal programmes. </p>
  718. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">&#8220;I think the problem is getting worse, not better,&#8221; Senator Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, tells reporters.</p>
  719. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">&#8220;This is happening simultaneous to the firing of all the inspectors general, so the lights just got turned off at the agencies,&#8221; he says. &#8220;We&#8217;ve lost all ability to understand what is happening inside our government and that is absolutely by design.&#8221; </p>
  720. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Trump fired at least a dozen federal watchdogs on Friday. </p>
  721. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Murphy says Republicans are &#8220;feeling the heat&#8221; from this announcement on federal funding. </p>
  722. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">&#8220;They are reeling in part because they see how unpopular this is,&#8221; he tells reporters.</p>
  723. </article>
  724. <article data-testid="content-post" id="asset:f4bd9d3c-3799-4912-9634-2c0794b5564b" class="ssrcss-2mh2xf-ContentPost e6wdqbx1">
  725. <header class="ssrcss-j2egdy-Header e14e9ror5"><span class="ssrcss-1de7kuz-HeadingContainer e14e9ror1"></p>
  726. <h3 class="ssrcss-ad2rmd-Heading e10rt3ze0"><span role="text" class="ssrcss-189b1h2-HeadlineWrap e14e9ror2"><span>Schumer urges Trump to find a new budget chief</span><span class="ssrcss-etauer-ServerSideTime e14e9ror0"><span data-testid="timestamp" class="ssrcss-umer6k-Timestamp ekpio9q4"><span data-testid="accessible-timestamp" class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">published at 20:23 Greenwich Mean Time 29 January</span></p>
  727. <div class="ssrcss-iymvnm-Wrapper ekpio9q3"><span aria-hidden="true" class="ssrcss-crgz56-Time ekpio9q2">20:23 GMT 29 January</span></div>
  728. <p></span></span></span></h3>
  729. <p></span></header>
  730. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">We&#8217;re now hearing from Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, who is speaking at a press conference. </p>
  731. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">He urge&#8217;s Donald Trump to rescind his nomination of Russell Vought as budget chief after the president scrapped a highly controversial OMB order. </p>
  732. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">&#8220;When the Trump administration announced this awful directive on Monday night, we knew immediately it was short-sighted, disastrous, cruel and dumb,&#8221; he says. </p>
  733. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">&#8220;The directive was given without any comprehension of what it actually called for.&#8221;</p>
  734. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">He goes on to say that Vought was the &#8220;architect&#8221; of Project 2025 and the OMB Memo.</p>
  735. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Schumer says he &#8220;assumes&#8221; Trump would hold those behind this memo to account. </p>
  736. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">&#8220;Though the Trump administration failed in this tactic, its no secret they will come back again and again and again,&#8221; he adds. </p>
  737. <ul class="ssrcss-1ynsflq-UnorderedList e1q8fsc70">
  738. <li class="ssrcss-1uix24b-Stack e1y4nx260"><b class="ssrcss-cgjb6m-Keyword e2vephq0"><i class="ssrcss-v0hwvi-AlternateVoice e1geeobk0">For Context: </i></b>Project 2025 is a 900-page policy &#8220;wish list&#8221;<i class="ssrcss-v0hwvi-AlternateVoice e1geeobk0">, a set of proposals that aim to expand presidential power. During the election, Trump repeatedly disavowed Project 2025, after a backlash over some of its more radical ideas.</i></li>
  739. </ul>
  740. </article>
  741. <article data-testid="content-post" id="asset:ba0d2f00-b5f6-4fa3-8ce0-a0dc932c2de9" class="ssrcss-2mh2xf-ContentPost e6wdqbx1">
  742. <header class="ssrcss-j2egdy-Header e14e9ror5"><span class="ssrcss-1de7kuz-HeadingContainer e14e9ror1"></p>
  743. <h3 class="ssrcss-ad2rmd-Heading e10rt3ze0"><span role="text" class="ssrcss-189b1h2-HeadlineWrap e14e9ror2"><span>Trump signs Laken Riley Act immigration law</span><span class="ssrcss-etauer-ServerSideTime e14e9ror0"><span data-testid="timestamp" class="ssrcss-1yk290u-Timestamp ekpio9q4"><span data-testid="accessible-timestamp" class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">published at 19:57 Greenwich Mean Time 29 January</span></p>
  744. <div class="ssrcss-iymvnm-Wrapper ekpio9q3"><span aria-hidden="true" class="ssrcss-crgz56-Time ekpio9q2">19:57 GMT 29 January</span><span class="ssrcss-1fw2k9g-Breaking ekpio9q1">Breaking</span></div>
  745. <p></span></span></span></h3>
  746. <p></span></header>
  747. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Amid a busy day in Washington DC, Donald Trump has signed the first piece of legislation of his second term &#8211; the Laken Riley Act, which requiresundocumented immigrants who are arrested for theft or violent crimes to be held in jail pending trial.</p>
  748. <figure class="ssrcss-1vfya96-StyledFigure e34k3c22">
  749. <div class="ssrcss-ab5fd8-StyledFigureContainer e34k3c21"><span class="ssrcss-1y71a8i-Placeholder etlorgc0"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="Donald Trump signs Laken Riley Act while surrounded by Republican lawmakers and supporters" src="" width="1024" height="683" class="ssrcss-11yxrdo-Image edrdn950" title="382d217d-5b21-414c-a0b0-2e817eb8063e-jpg"></span><span role="text" class="ssrcss-tvuve5-StyledFigureCopyright e34k3c20"><span class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">Image source, </span>Getty Images</span></div>
  750. </figure>
  751. </article>
  752. <article data-testid="content-post" id="asset:b6e605a6-4f24-4ca4-a549-7d928db2843e" class="ssrcss-2mh2xf-ContentPost e6wdqbx1">
  753. <header class="ssrcss-j2egdy-Header e14e9ror5"><span class="ssrcss-1de7kuz-HeadingContainer e14e9ror1"></p>
  754. <h3 class="ssrcss-ad2rmd-Heading e10rt3ze0"><span role="text" class="ssrcss-189b1h2-HeadlineWrap e14e9ror2"><span>A notable backtrack over freeze on grants and loans</span><span class="ssrcss-etauer-ServerSideTime e14e9ror0"><span data-testid="timestamp" class="ssrcss-umer6k-Timestamp ekpio9q4"><span data-testid="accessible-timestamp" class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">published at 19:48 Greenwich Mean Time 29 January</span></p>
  755. <div class="ssrcss-iymvnm-Wrapper ekpio9q3"><span aria-hidden="true" class="ssrcss-crgz56-Time ekpio9q2">19:48 GMT 29 January</span></div>
  756. <p></span></span></span></h3>
  757. <p></span></header>
  758. <p class="ssrcss-8kvzjk-Contributor etflsgg2"><span class="ssrcss-1srjmpl-ImageWrapper etflsgg1"><span class="ssrcss-1105681-Placeholder etlorgc0"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" loading="lazy" src="" width="64" height="64" class="ssrcss-11yxrdo-Image edrdn950" title="8025c513-814f-4824-a231-6907106001a4-jpg"></span></span><span><strong>Anthony Zurcher</strong><br />North America correspondent</span></p>
  759. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">The White House blinked &#8211; even if they are reluctant to fully admit it.</p>
  760. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Just two days after a sweeping, but vague, memorandum put a hold on nearly all federal “grants and loans” – causing confusion over what government services were frozen – it has been rescinded.</p>
  761. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">The reversal is a notable backtrack for an administration that, for its first week, had been pressing forward across multiple policy fronts with little apparent resistance – “flooding the zone” with activity to keep its opponents off balance.</p>
  762. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">The government spending freeze, however, was so sweeping &#8211; and so inadequately explained &#8211; that it quickly became a political liability.</p>
  763. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Talking to reporters on Tuesday, for instance, White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt was unable to answer clearly whether the order affected Medicaid – a government-run low-income health insurance programme that covers 79 million Americans.</p>
  764. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">The order had already been suspended by a federal judge, and a protracted legal battle loomed. In the end, the White House decided to pull back, while insisting that the presidential orders underlying the memorandum still freeze programmes that conflict with Donald Trump’s agenda.</p>
  765. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Democrats will be heartened at the win. They have dented, at least for a moment, the Trump team’s projections of confidence and inevitability.</p>
  766. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">This is just an opening skirmish, however. The big political battles – over the federal budget and spending priorities – remain ahead.</p>
  767. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Many of the programmes that were targeted by the Trump administration in this memorandum may only have a temporary lease on life.</p>
  768. </article>
  769. <article data-testid="content-post" id="asset:2a5593d6-6f36-4300-beac-158486a4d409" class="ssrcss-2mh2xf-ContentPost e6wdqbx1">
  770. <header class="ssrcss-j2egdy-Header e14e9ror5"><span class="ssrcss-1de7kuz-HeadingContainer e14e9ror1"></p>
  771. <h3 class="ssrcss-ad2rmd-Heading e10rt3ze0"><span role="text" class="ssrcss-189b1h2-HeadlineWrap e14e9ror2"><span>Trump comments on funding pause confusion</span><span class="ssrcss-etauer-ServerSideTime e14e9ror0"><span data-testid="timestamp" class="ssrcss-umer6k-Timestamp ekpio9q4"><span data-testid="accessible-timestamp" class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">published at 19:44 Greenwich Mean Time 29 January</span></p>
  772. <div class="ssrcss-iymvnm-Wrapper ekpio9q3"><span aria-hidden="true" class="ssrcss-crgz56-Time ekpio9q2">19:44 GMT 29 January</span></div>
  773. <p></span></span></span></h3>
  774. <p></span></header>
  775. <p class="ssrcss-8kvzjk-Contributor etflsgg2"><span class="ssrcss-1srjmpl-ImageWrapper etflsgg1"><span class="ssrcss-1105681-Placeholder etlorgc0"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" loading="lazy" src="" width="64" height="64" class="ssrcss-11yxrdo-Image edrdn950" title="a1462f87-b5c0-43b2-8a08-2f7c7a8f1bff-jpg"></span></span><span><strong>Bernd Debusmann Jr</strong><br />Reporting from the White House</span></p>
  776. <figure class="ssrcss-1vfya96-StyledFigure e34k3c22">
  777. <div class="ssrcss-ab5fd8-StyledFigureContainer e34k3c21">
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  781. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">This video can not be played</p>
  782. <h2 class="ssrcss-ad2rmd-Heading e10rt3ze0">To play this video you need to enable JavaScript in your browser.</h2>
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  786. </div><figcaption class="ssrcss-11b8pqw-StyledFigureCaption e1xtk7to0"><span class="visually-hidden ssrcss-1f39n02-VisuallyHidden e16en2lz0">Media caption, </span></p>
  787. <div class="ssrcss-y7krbn-Stack e1y4nx260">
  788. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Watch: President Trump says funding freeze was short-term to &#8216;look at scams&#8217;</p>
  789. </div>
  790. </figcaption></figure>
  791. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">We&#8217;ve just heard from President Trump, who is commenting on the confusion over the funding freeze and rescission of the memo. </p>
  792. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Speaking in the East Room of the White House, Trump says that the &#8220;short-term funding freeze&#8221; allowed the US government to look into what he termed &#8220;scams&#8221; by federal agencies. </p>
  793. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">Saying that he is seeking to &#8220;correct any confusion&#8221;, he adds that the memo allowed the White House to look &#8220;at parts of the big bureaucracy where there has been tremendous waste and fraud and abuse&#8221;.</p>
  794. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">&#8220;That process we identified and stopped.&#8221;</p>
  795. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">In his remarks, Trump cites a number of examples, including &#8211; without providing evidence &#8211; that $50m had been sent to Hamas for use in condoms, which he claims have been used to create explosives. </p>
  796. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">He also cites money provided to undocumented immigrants and payments to the World Health Organisation. </p>
  797. <p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">&#8220;We have to find them quickly, because we want the money to flow to proper payments,&#8221; Trump adds.</p>
  798. </article>
  799. <p>Source:</p>
  800. <p>The post <a href="">Trump orders migrant detentions at Guantanamo as Cuba attacks &#8216;act of brutality&#8217;</a> appeared first on <a href="">global news</a>.</p>
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  806. <title>Netanyahu aide leaks may have harmed hostage talks, court says</title>
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  809. <dc:creator><![CDATA[globaladmin]]></dc:creator>
  810. <pubDate>Thu, 13 Feb 2025 09:44:15 +0000</pubDate>
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  814. <description><![CDATA[<p>Global news: Netanyahu aide leaks may have harmed hostage talks, court says 4 November 2024...</p>
  815. <p>The post <a href="">Netanyahu aide leaks may have harmed hostage talks, court says</a> appeared first on <a href="">global news</a>.</p>
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  817. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Global news</a>: </p>
  818. <article>
  819. <div data-component="headline-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 eeiVGB">
  820. <h1 class="sc-518485e5-0 bWszMR">Netanyahu aide leaks may have harmed hostage talks, court says</h1>
  821. </div>
  822. <div data-component="byline-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 dlWCEZ">
  823. <div data-testid="byline-new" class="sc-b42e7a8f-0 haItSe">
  824. <div class="sc-b42e7a8f-1 cjDa-dM">4 November 2024</div>
  825. <div data-testid="byline-new-contributors" class="sc-b42e7a8f-12 fcCDwR">
  826. <div class="sc-b42e7a8f-5 evAEAB">
  827. <div><span class="sc-b42e7a8f-7 khDNZq">Joe Inwood</span></p>
  828. <div class="sc-b42e7a8f-8 fkBIkt"><span>BBC News</span></div>
  829. <div><span class="sc-b42e7a8f-11 gcyJyk">Reporting fromJerusalem</span></div>
  830. </div>
  831. </div>
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  835. <figure>
  836. <div data-component="image-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 ejjhCR">
  837. <div data-testid="hero-image" class="sc-a34861b-1 jxzoZC"><img decoding="async" src="" class="sc-a34861b-0 cOpVbP hide-when-no-script" title="grey-placeholder-10"><img decoding="async" src="" alt="Reuters A woman beats a drum as she marches with others who hold flags and placards bearing the faces of hostages" class="sc-a34861b-0 efFcac" title="2c305840-9aa2-11ef-82c3-45a801b7330b-jpg"><span class="sc-a34861b-2 fxQYxK">Reuters</span></div>
  838. </div>
  839. <div data-component="caption-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 bdPeAJ"><figcaption class="sc-8353772e-0 cvNhQw">Relatives of hostages and their supporters demonstrate by Netanyahu&#8217;s residence</figcaption></div>
  840. </figure>
  841. <div data-component="text-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 dlWCEZ">
  842. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">A mother whose son is being held hostage by Hamas in Gaza has accused Israel&#8217;s government of “a cynical deception operation that is taken from dark regimes”, after it emerged a government spokesperson had been arrested for allegedly leaking documents that may have undermined a ceasefire and hostage release deal.</p>
  843. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">It came after a court in Rishon LeZion said Eli Feldstein and three others were under investigation for feeding stories to European newspapers.</p>
  844. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Radio also reported a fifth arrest in connection with the probe, said to be a major in the military&#8217;s intelligence branch information security department, tasked with preventing and investigating leaks. The Haaretz newspaper said all unnamed suspects were from this unit.</p>
  845. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has denied wrongdoing by his staff, but opposition figures and hostages&#8217; families have accused his government of sabotaging negotiations.</p>
  846. </div>
  847. <div data-component="text-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 dlWCEZ">
  848. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">The stories, given to Britain’s Jewish Chronicle and Germany’s tabloid Bild, were based on partial or false information and came at a crucial time for hostage negotiations.</p>
  849. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Speaking at a protest in Tel Aviv, Einav Zangauker, whose son Matan has been held by Hamas for over a year, said the stories “supported Netanyahu’s propaganda lies to torpedo the deal&#8221;.</p>
  850. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">The documents claimed Hamas was planning to smuggle Israeli hostages to Egypt  &#8211; intent on scuppering any proposed ceasefire deal.</p>
  851. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Some commentators say the revelations were politically useful for Netanyahu’s hardline position on the talks, which have made almost no progress.</p>
  852. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Over 100 hostages out of 251 taken by Hamas on 7 October 2023 remain unaccounted for.</p>
  853. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">After the stories were published in September, the IDF launched an inquiry to discover the source of the leaks.</p>
  854. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">This eventually led to the arrest of Eli Feldstein, along with the three others, whose identities have not been revealed.</p>
  855. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Mr Feldstein had been working as a government spokesperson and was often seen accompanying the prime minister on visits. He had previously worked for the far-right Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben-Gvir, and before that he served as an IDF spokesperson.</p>
  856. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Following news of his arrest, two leading opposition politicians held a news conference.</p>
  857. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Benny Gantz, who until recently was in Netanyahu’s war cabinet, said that if sensitive security information was used for a &#8220;political survival campaign”, it would not only be a criminal offence, but &#8220;a crime against the nation&#8221;.</p>
  858. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Speaking at the same event, the leader of the opposition, Yair Lapid, said that if the prime minister knew about the leaks, &#8220;he is complicit in one of the most serious security offences” and that if he didn’t know, he is not fit for office.</p>
  859. </div>
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  861. <div data-component="image-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 jFCfG">
  862. <div data-testid="image" class="sc-a34861b-1 jxzoZC"><img decoding="async" src="" class="sc-a34861b-0 cOpVbP hide-when-no-script" title="grey-placeholder-10"><img decoding="async" src="" alt="EPA Benjamin Netanyahu stands at a lectern with an Israeli flag to his left" class="sc-a34861b-0 efFcac" title="f0e69ad0-9aa9-11ef-8538-e1655f5a8342-jpg"><span class="sc-a34861b-2 fxQYxK">EPA</span></div>
  863. </div>
  864. <div data-component="caption-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 bdPeAJ"><figcaption class="sc-8353772e-0 cvNhQw">Netanyahu has denied wrongdoing by his staff</figcaption></div>
  865. </figure>
  866. <div data-component="text-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 dlWCEZ">
  867. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">The revelations also led to strong criticism from the families of the hostages, who have become increasingly frustrated with the government’s failure to secure the release of their loved ones.</p>
  868. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">They said it implied an active campaign to discredit them, calling it &#8220;a moral low that has no depth. This is a fatal injury to the remnants of trust between the government and its citizens.&#8221;</p>
  869. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">The documents were published in European newspapers, allegedly to circumvent military censorship laws in Israel.</p>
  870. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">The Jewish Chronicle (JC) was engulfed in a scandal after it emerged it had published stories based on a single anonymous source. The freelance writer behind the pieces was fired, with the articles eventually being taken down.</p>
  871. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">The articles claimed that the late Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar &#8211; who was killed by Israeli troops in southern Gaza last month &#8211; was surrounded by a ring of about 20 hostages, and that plans had been discovered to smuggle both Sinwar and the captives into Egypt. Leading Israeli security journalists questioned the veracity of the reports.</p>
  872. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">A number of high-profile writers resigned from the paper, accusing it of lacking journalistic standards.</p>
  873. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Jonathan Freedland, Hadley Freeman and David Aaronovitch announced they were quitting their columns over what Freedland described as a &#8220;great disgrace&#8221; at the world’s oldest Jewish newspaper.</p>
  874. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">At the time, the JC said it conducted a &#8220;thorough investigation&#8221; into one of its freelance journalists, Elon Perry, &#8220;after allegations were made about aspects of his record&#8221;.</p>
  875. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">It said it was &#8220;not satisfied&#8221; with some of the claims made by the writer, and therefore had deleted his articles and ended its association with him.</p>
  876. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Elon Perry told BBC News the JC &#8220;made a huge mistake with its statement&#8221;. He said he could not reveal his source to JC editors and described a &#8220;witch-hunt against me caused by jealousy&#8221;.</p>
  877. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">The Bild articles, meanwhile, were based on a different set of intelligence documents. While they were found to be authentic, leading security journalist Ronan Bergman found their significance had been greatly exaggerated. </p>
  878. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">It was the publication of this story that triggered the investigation by the IDF and security services, ultimately leading to the arrests.</p>
  879. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Despite the fierce criticism he is facing, few people here think the scandal will prove fatal for Netanyahu’s premiership. He is already facing multiple court cases on charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust, which he denies, yet remains in power, propped up by a coalition of far-right and religious parties.</p>
  880. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">“It’s not like there’s a charge where you can say, ‘Well, they haven’t thrown this yet against the prime minister, this is going to bring him down,’” says Anshel Pfeffer, a leading commentator for the Haaretz newspaper. </p>
  881. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">He told me there was no sign of the government collapsing. “Their line has been that he is the victim of a cabal of lawyers and journalists, and now they’re also adding in the security establishment, who they say are out to get him.”</p>
  882. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Netanyahu has sought to distance himself from the allegations, saying the arrested spokesperson had never had access to classified information.</p>
  883. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Despite that, this is a growing scandal that has further damaged the already frayed relationship between the government and the hostage families.</p>
  884. </div>
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  892. <div class="sc-8ea7699c-0 hcpAqY">
  893. <h2 data-testid="card-headline" class="sc-8ea7699c-3 dhclWg">Stories of the hostages taken by Hamas from Israel</h2>
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  903. <div class="sc-8ea7699c-0 hcpAqY">
  904. <h2 data-testid="card-headline" class="sc-8ea7699c-3 dhclWg">Who are the released hostages?</h2>
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  915. <h2 data-testid="card-headline" class="sc-8ea7699c-3 dhclWg">Netanyahu not doing enough to free Gaza hostages, says Biden</h2>
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  926. <div data-testid="anchor-inner-wrapper">Middle East</div>
  927. <div data-testid="anchor-inner-wrapper">Israel &amp; the Palestinians</div>
  928. <div data-testid="anchor-inner-wrapper">Israel-Gaza war</div>
  929. <div data-testid="anchor-inner-wrapper">Israel</div>
  930. <div data-testid="anchor-inner-wrapper">Gaza</div>
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  934. <p>Source:</p>
  935. <p>The post <a href="">Netanyahu aide leaks may have harmed hostage talks, court says</a> appeared first on <a href="">global news</a>.</p>
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  941. <title>Researchers say an AI-powered transcription tool used in hospitals invents things no one ever said</title>
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  945. <pubDate>Wed, 12 Feb 2025 21:38:34 +0000</pubDate>
  946. <category><![CDATA[Business]]></category>
  947. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  949. <description><![CDATA[<p>Global news: SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Tech behemoth OpenAI has touted its artificial intelligence-powered transcription...</p>
  950. <p>The post <a href="">Researchers say an AI-powered transcription tool used in hospitals invents things no one ever said</a> appeared first on <a href="">global news</a>.</p>
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  952. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Global news</a>: </p>
  953. <div class="RichTextStoryBody RichTextBody">
  954. <p>SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Tech behemoth OpenAI has touted its artificial intelligence-powered transcription tool Whisper as having near “human level robustness and accuracy.”</p>
  955. <p>But Whisper has a major flaw: It is prone to making up chunks of text or even entire sentences, according to interviews with more than a dozen software engineers, developers and academic researchers. Those experts said some of the invented text — known in the industry as hallucinations — can include racial commentary, violent rhetoric and even imagined medical treatments.</p>
  956. <p>Experts said that such fabrications are problematic because Whisper is being used in a slew of industries worldwide to translate and transcribe interviews, generate text in popular consumer technologies and create subtitles for videos.</p>
  957. <p>More concerning, they said, is <span class="LinkEnhancement">a rush by medical centers</span> to utilize Whisper-based tools to transcribe patients’ consultations with doctors, despite <span class="LinkEnhancement">OpenAI’</span> s warnings that the tool should not be used in “high-risk domains.”</p>
  958. <p>The full extent of the problem is difficult to discern, but researchers and engineers said they frequently have come across Whisper’s hallucinations in their work. A <span class="LinkEnhancement">University of Michigan</span> researcher conducting a study of public meetings, for example, said he found hallucinations in eight out of every 10 audio transcriptions he inspected, before he started trying to improve the model.</p>
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  997. <p>A machine learning engineer said he initially discovered hallucinations in about half of the over 100 hours of Whisper transcriptions he analyzed. A third developer said he found hallucinations in nearly every one of the 26,000 transcripts he created with Whisper.</p>
  998. <p>The problems persist even in well-recorded, short audio samples. A recent study by computer scientists uncovered 187 hallucinations in more than 13,000 clear audio snippets they examined.</p>
  999. <p>That trend would lead to tens of thousands of faulty transcriptions over millions of recordings, researchers said.</p>
  1000. <h2>___</h2>
  1001. <p>This story was produced in partnership with the Pulitzer Center’s AI Accountability Network, which also partially supported the academic Whisper study. AP also receives financial assistance from the Omidyar Network to support coverage of artificial intelligence and its impact on society. </p>
  1002. <h2>___</h2>
  1003. <p>Such mistakes could have “really grave consequences,” particularly in hospital settings, said <span class="LinkEnhancement">Alondra Nelson</span>, who led the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy for the Biden administration until last year.</p>
  1004. <p>“Nobody wants a misdiagnosis,” said Nelson, a professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey. “There should be a higher bar.”</p>
  1005. <p>Whisper also is used to create closed captioning for the Deaf and hard of hearing — a population at particular risk for faulty transcriptions. That’s because the Deaf and hard of hearing have no way of identifying fabrications “hidden amongst all this other text,” said <span class="LinkEnhancement">Christian Vogler</span>, who is deaf and directs Gallaudet University’s Technology Access Program.</p>
  1006. <h2>OpenAI urged to address problem</h2>
  1007. <p>The prevalence of such hallucinations has led experts, advocates and former OpenAI employees to call for the federal government to consider AI regulations. At minimum, they said, OpenAI needs to address the flaw.</p>
  1008. <p>“This seems solvable if the company is willing to prioritize it,” said William Saunders, a San Francisco-based research engineer who quit OpenAI in February over concerns with the company’s direction. “It’s problematic if you put this out there and people are overconfident about what it can do and integrate it into all these other systems.”</p>
  1009. <p>An <span class="LinkEnhancement">OpenAI</span> spokesperson said the company continually studies how to reduce hallucinations and appreciated the researchers’ findings, adding that OpenAI incorporates feedback in model updates.</p>
  1010. <p>While most developers assume that transcription tools misspell words or make other errors, engineers and researchers said they had never seen another AI-powered transcription tool hallucinate as much as Whisper.</p>
  1011. <h2>Whisper hallucinations</h2>
  1012. <p>The tool is integrated into some versions of OpenAI’s flagship chatbot ChatGPT, and is a built-in offering in Oracle and Microsoft’s cloud computing platforms, which service thousands of companies worldwide. It is also used to transcribe and translate text into multiple languages.</p>
  1013. <p>In the last month alone, one recent version of Whisper was downloaded over 4.2 million times from open-source AI platform HuggingFace. Sanchit Gandhi, a machine-learning engineer there, said Whisper is the most popular open-source speech recognition model and is built into everything from call centers to voice assistants. </p>
  1014. <p>Professors <span class="LinkEnhancement">Allison Koenecke</span> of Cornell University and <span class="LinkEnhancement">Mona Sloane</span> of the University of Virginia examined thousands of short snippets they obtained from TalkBank, a research repository hosted at Carnegie Mellon University. They determined that nearly 40% of the hallucinations were harmful or concerning because the speaker could be misinterpreted or misrepresented.</p>
  1015. <p>In an example they uncovered, a speaker said, “He, the boy, was going to, I’m not sure exactly, take the umbrella.”</p>
  1016. <p>But the transcription software added: “He took a big piece of a cross, a teeny, small piece &#8230; I’m sure he didn’t have a terror knife so he killed a number of people.”</p>
  1017. <p>A speaker in another recording described “two other girls and one lady.” Whisper invented extra commentary on race, adding “two other girls and one lady, um, which were Black.”</p>
  1018. <p>In a third transcription, Whisper invented a non-existent medication called “hyperactivated antibiotics.”</p>
  1019. <p>Researchers aren’t certain why Whisper and similar tools hallucinate, but software developers said the fabrications tend to occur amid pauses, background sounds or music playing.</p>
  1020. <p>OpenAI recommended in its online disclosures against using Whisper in “decision-making contexts, where flaws in accuracy can lead to pronounced flaws in outcomes.”</p>
  1021. <h2>Transcribing doctor appointments</h2>
  1022. <p>That warning hasn’t stopped hospitals or medical centers from using speech-to-text models, including Whisper, to transcribe what’s said during doctor’s visits to free up medical providers to spend less time on note-taking or report writing. </p>
  1023. <p>Over 30,000 clinicians and 40 health systems, including the Mankato Clinic in Minnesota and Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, have started using a Whisper-based tool built by <span class="LinkEnhancement">Nabla</span>, which has offices in France and the U.S.</p>
  1024. <p>That tool was fine-tuned on medical language to transcribe and summarize patients’ interactions, said Nabla’s chief technology officer Martin Raison.</p>
  1025. <p>Company officials said they are aware that Whisper can hallucinate and are addressing the problem.</p>
  1026. <p>It’s impossible to compare Nabla’s AI-generated transcript to the original recording because Nabla’s tool erases the original audio for “data safety reasons,” Raison said.</p>
  1027. <p>Nabla said the tool has been used to transcribe an estimated 7 million medical visits.</p>
  1028. <p>Saunders, the former OpenAI engineer, said erasing the original audio could be worrisome if transcripts aren’t double checked or clinicians can’t access the recording to verify they are correct.</p>
  1029. <p>“You can’t catch errors if you take away the ground truth,” he said.</p>
  1030. <p>Nabla said that no model is perfect, and that theirs currently requires medical providers to quickly edit and approve transcribed notes, but that could change.</p>
  1031. <h2>Privacy concerns</h2>
  1032. <p>Because patient meetings with their doctors are confidential, it is hard to know how AI-generated transcripts are affecting them. </p>
  1033. <p>A California state lawmaker, <span class="LinkEnhancement">Rebecca Bauer-Kahan</span>, said she took one of her children to the doctor earlier this year, and refused to sign a form the health network provided that sought her permission to share the consultation audio with vendors that included Microsoft Azure, the cloud computing system run by OpenAI’s largest investor. Bauer-Kahan didn’t want such intimate medical conversations being shared with tech companies, she said.</p>
  1034. <p>“The release was very specific that for-profit companies would have the right to have this,” said Bauer-Kahan, a Democrat who represents part of the San Francisco suburbs in the state Assembly. “I was like ‘absolutely not.’ ”</p>
  1035. <p>John Muir Health spokesman Ben Drew said the health system complies with state and federal privacy laws.</p>
  1036. <h2>___</h2>
  1037. <p>Schellmann reported from New York.</p>
  1038. <h2>___</h2>
  1039. <p>AP is solely responsible for all content. Find AP’s <span class="LinkEnhancement">standards</span> for working with philanthropies, a list of supporters and funded coverage areas at <span class="LinkEnhancement"></span>.</p>
  1040. <h2>___</h2>
  1041. <p>The Associated Press and OpenAI have a <span class="LinkEnhancement">licensing and technology agreement</span> allowing OpenAI access to part of the AP’s text archives.</p>
  1042. </div>
  1043. <p>Source:</p>
  1044. <p>The post <a href="">Researchers say an AI-powered transcription tool used in hospitals invents things no one ever said</a> appeared first on <a href="">global news</a>.</p>
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  1050. <title>Nurse dies as Uganda confirms new Ebola outbreak</title>
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  1054. <pubDate>Wed, 12 Feb 2025 09:41:30 +0000</pubDate>
  1055. <category><![CDATA[Health]]></category>
  1056. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  1058. <description><![CDATA[<p>Global news: Nurse dies as Uganda confirms new Ebola outbreak 30 January 2025 Dorcas Wangira...</p>
  1059. <p>The post <a href="">Nurse dies as Uganda confirms new Ebola outbreak</a> appeared first on <a href="">global news</a>.</p>
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  1061. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Global news</a>: </p>
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  1063. <div data-component="headline-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 eeiVGB">
  1064. <h1 class="sc-518485e5-0 bWszMR">Nurse dies as Uganda confirms new Ebola outbreak</h1>
  1065. </div>
  1066. <div data-component="byline-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 dlWCEZ">
  1067. <div data-testid="byline-new" class="sc-b42e7a8f-0 haItSe">
  1068. <div class="sc-b42e7a8f-1 cjDa-dM">30 January 2025</div>
  1069. <div data-testid="byline-new-contributors" class="sc-b42e7a8f-12 fcCDwR">
  1070. <div class="sc-b42e7a8f-5 evAEAB">
  1071. <div><span class="sc-b42e7a8f-7 khDNZq">Dorcas Wangira</span></p>
  1072. <div class="sc-b42e7a8f-8 jtKrhe"><span>BBC Africa Health Correspondent</span></div>
  1073. </div>
  1074. </div>
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  1080. <div data-testid="hero-image" class="sc-a34861b-1 jxzoZC"><img decoding="async" src="" class="sc-a34861b-0 cOpVbP hide-when-no-script" title="grey-placeholder-9"><img decoding="async" src="" alt="Getty Images An image of the microscope picture of Ebola" class="sc-a34861b-0 efFcac" title="eca009f0-df25-11ef-a622-27240dd7c784-jpg"><span class="sc-a34861b-2 fxQYxK">Getty Images</span></div>
  1081. </div>
  1082. <div data-component="caption-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 bdPeAJ"><figcaption class="sc-8353772e-0 cvNhQw">Uganda&#8217;s last Ebola outbreak was in 2022</figcaption></div>
  1083. </figure>
  1084. <div data-component="text-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 dlWCEZ">
  1085. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Uganda&#8217;s ministry of health has confirmed a new outbreak of the Ebola virus in the capital, Kampala, with one reported death.</p>
  1086. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">The victim was a 32-year-old male nurse whose symptoms included &#8220;high fever, chest pain, and difficulty in breathing&#8221; and &#8220;bleeding from multiple body sites&#8221;. </p>
  1087. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">He died of multi-organ failure on Wednesday at Mulango National Hospital, located in the city&#8217;s central business district. </p>
  1088. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">This marks Uganda&#8217;s eighth recorded Ebola outbreak since the first infection was documented in 2000.</p>
  1089. </div>
  1090. <div data-component="text-block" class="sc-18fde0d6-0 dlWCEZ">
  1091. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">The Sudan Ebola Virus Disease (SUDV) is a highly infectious haemorrhagic fever which is transmitted through contact with infected bodily fluids and tissues. It is one of several strains of the Ebola virus known to cause outbreaks.</p>
  1092. <ul class="sc-5c9c90b0-0 cnfHHs">
  1093. <li class="sc-8d73edac-0 ezcCTE">Ebola basics: What you need to know</li>
  1094. </ul>
  1095. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">In the days before his death, the nurse went to multiple health facilities as well as a traditional healer, before the diagnosis was confirmed. </p>
  1096. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">He also went to a public hospital in Mbale, a city which borders Kenya. </p>
  1097. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">The ministry said 44 contacts of the deceased man, including 30 healthcare workers, have been identified for tracing.</p>
  1098. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Rapid response teams have been deployed to try to contain the disease.</p>
  1099. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">But contact tracing may be difficult since Kampala, a bustling city of over four million people, serves as a major hub for travel to South Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and other neighbouring countries.</p>
  1100. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Uganda&#8217;s last Ebola outbreak was in September 2022, which was also caused by SUDV. Centred in Mubende district, it was declared over after four months.</p>
  1101. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">There are six known types of the Ebola virus. Four of them, Zaire, Bundibugyo, Sudan, and Taï Forest, are known to cause disease in humans. </p>
  1102. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">The Reston and Bombali strains primarily affect non-human primates.</p>
  1103. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Unlike the more common Zaire Ebola virus, there is no approved vaccine for the Sudan strain. </p>
  1104. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">Symptoms of Ebola infection include fever, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and sore throat, followed by vomiting, diarrhoea, rash, and internal and external bleeding.</p>
  1105. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that, on average, Ebola kills five in every 10 infected individuals. </p>
  1106. <p class="sc-eb7bd5f6-0 fYAfXe">However, past outbreaks have shown a case fatality rate ranging from 25% to 90%, depending on the circumstances and response measures.</p>
  1107. </div>
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  1113. <li class="sc-8d73edac-0 ezcCTE">How a Ugandan opposition leader disappeared in Kenya and ended up in military court</li>
  1114. <li class="sc-8d73edac-0 ezcCTE">Social media ban in Uganda raises questions over regulation in Africa</li>
  1115. <li class="sc-8d73edac-0 ezcCTE">Top designer vows to regrow dreadlocks cut after Uganda arrest</li>
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  1186. <title>Two more LA Times editorial board members resign after the paper withholds a Harris endorsement</title>
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  1190. <pubDate>Tue, 11 Feb 2025 09:41:49 +0000</pubDate>
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  1194. <description><![CDATA[<p>Global news: LOS ANGELES (AP) — Two more members of the Los Angeles Times editorial...</p>
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  1197. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Global news</a>: </p>
  1198. <div class="RichTextStoryBody RichTextBody">
  1199. <p>LOS ANGELES (AP) — Two more members of the Los Angeles Times editorial board have resigned after the newspaper’s owner blocked the board’s plan to endorse Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris for president. </p>
  1200. <p>Veteran journalists Robert Greene and Karin Klein announced their resignations Thursday, a day after the editorial page editor <span class="LinkEnhancement">Mariel Garza</span> left in protest over LA Times owner Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong’s decision not to endorse a candidate. </p>
  1201. <p>Greene, a Pulitzer Prize winner for editorial writing, said in a statement shared with the Columbia Journalism Review that he was “deeply disappointed” in the decision not to endorse Harris.</p>
  1202. <p>“I recognize that it is the owner’s decision to make,” he wrote. “But it hurt particularly because one of the candidates, Donald Trump, has demonstrated such hostility to principles that are central to journalism — respect for the truth and reverence for democracy.”</p>
  1203. <p>Garza told the <span class="LinkEnhancement">Columbia Journalism Review</span> that she resigned because the Times was remaining silent on the presidential race in “dangerous times.” </p>
  1204. <p>“I am resigning because I want to make it clear that I am not OK with us being silent,” Garza said. “In dangerous times, honest people need to stand up. This is how I’m standing up.”</p>
  1205. <p>Garza said the board had intended to endorse Harris and that she had drafted the outline of a proposed editorial but that was blocked by Soon-Shiong. </p>
  1206. <p>An LA Times spokesperson did not immediately respond to an email requesting comment.</p>
  1207. <p>An editorial board operates separately from the newsroom, and its writers’ job is to present an issue and then take a side and lay out arguments to defend it. </p>
  1208. <p>Editorial writer Tony Barboza, who remains on the editorial board, said in a post Friday on an internal Los Angeles Times message board that the board had planned a series of editorials that would have culminated on Sunday with a Harris endorsement.</p>
  1209. <p>“All of it was killed,” he wrote. “I am deeply disturbed to see these facts mischaracterized, and the owner’s decision not to endorse in this consequential race blamed on his employees.”</p>
  1210. <p>Soon-Shiong said in a post on the social media platform X that the board was asked to do a factual analysis of the policies of Harris and Republican former President Donald Trump during their time at the White House.</p>
  1211. <p>Soon-Shiong, who bought the paper in 2018 and is a member of the editorial board, said the board “chose to remain silent and I accepted their decision.”</p>
  1212. <p>Greene, who wrote about water, drought, and Los Angeles County government, among other topics, said he was also concerned with Soon-Shiong’s assertion that the editorial board had chosen to stay silent. </p>
  1213. <p>Greene wrote that a policy analysis would have to be done by the paper’s news side and that the purpose of an editorial board is “to take a stand and defend it persuasively.” </p>
  1214. <p>“I left in response to the refusal to take a stand, and to the incorrect assertion that the editorial board had made a choice,” Greene wrote.</p>
  1215. <p>Klein said in a statement posted on Facebook that her decision to resign also came after seeing Soon-Shiong’s post on X.</p>
  1216. <p>“The decision to resign was made simple and easy when he posted on X yesterday about his suggestion that the board create an analysis of the positives and negatives of each candidate and let the voters make their own decisions,” she wrote. </p>
  1217. <p>“News side does an excellent job of neutral analysis. That’s not an editorial,” she added. </p>
  1218. <p>In an interview with Spectrum News on Thursday, Soon-Shiong pushed back against criticism that he censored the editorial board.</p>
  1219. <p>“As an owner, I’m on the editorial board and I shared with our editors that maybe this year we have a column, a page, two pages, if we want, of all the pros and all the cons and let the readers decide,” Soon-Shiong said. </p>
  1220. <p>He said he feared endorsing a candidate would add to the country’s division. </p>
  1221. <p>“I want us desperately to air all the voices on the opinion side, on the op-ed side,” Soon-Shiong said. “I don’t know how (readers) look upon me or our family as ‘ultra progressive’ or not, but I’m an independent.”</p>
  1222. </div>
  1223. <p>Source:</p>
  1224. <p>The post <a href="">Two more LA Times editorial board members resign after the paper withholds a Harris endorsement</a> appeared first on <a href="">global news</a>.</p>
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