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<content:encoded><![CDATA[I had been suffering from toe nail fungus - ...
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<title>Foot Health Forum</title>
<description>Information about foot problems and discussions with podiatrists and others</description>
<pubDate>Sat, 15 Feb 2025 23:22:58 +0000</pubDate>
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<title>Discolouration of foot nails after bleach treatment</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 08 Feb 2025 06:16:31 +0000</pubDate>
<author> (sigfoot)</author>
<content:encoded><![CDATA[I had been suffering from toe nail fungus - probably contracted in a swimming pool to my otherwise healthy feet - for quite a while, so was getting kind of desperate. Somewhere I found the tip to try dipping the toes into bleach. At first I was sceptical, but then I remembered that I had made the experience that after swimming in the pool, the symptoms improved (for some time).<br />
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So the common denominator seemed to be chlorine, and I gave bleach a try, during several days. It actually seemed...<br />
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<a href="" class="internalLink">Discolouration of foot nails after bleach treatment</a>]]></content:encoded>
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