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  2885. &#160;&#160; The popularity of sneakers has skyrocketed recently, and collectors and fans are vying for the hottest new styles. However, exorbitant prices that come along with popularity make it challenging for many individuals to get the shoes they want. What are reps in shoes Reps, sometimes known as replicas, are used in this situation. Reps are fake sneakers that appear like popular, high-end shoe models now on the market. China, for instance, produces them at a lower cost than the US or Europe. Online websites or social media platforms frequently offer reps as a less expensive alternative to genuine shoes. Although more affordable, replica sneakers have developed a solid fan base among fashionistas who value having a similar-looking shoe without paying big bucks. What are Reps in Shoes? Reps Shoes Meaning Replicas, commonly called &quot;reps,&quot; are footwear styles that imitate popular and frequently highly wanted replica sneaker types. China is often the source of these shoes, as labor
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