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  102. <a class="fadee" href="/EN/antalya-airport-antalya-downtown-transfer" >
  103. <img src="/uploads/640px/ayt-antalya-transfer.png" width="100%"/>
  104. <p>ANTALYA AIRPORT (AYT)<br />
  106. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_EUR ">25 €</h3>
  107. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_USD none">25 $</h3>
  108. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_TRY none">900 ₺</h3>
  109. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_GBP none">22 £</h3>
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  117. <p>ANTALYA AIRPORT (AYT)<br />
  118. KONYAALTI</p>
  119. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_EUR ">30 €</h3>
  120. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_USD none">30 $</h3>
  121. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_TRY none">1000 ₺</h3>
  122. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_GBP none">25 £</h3>
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  129. <img src="/uploads/640px/ayt-lara-transfer.png" width="100%"/>
  130. <p>AIRPORT ANTALYA (AYT)<br />
  131. LARA & KUNDU</p>
  132. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_EUR ">25 €</h3>
  133. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_USD none">27 $</h3>
  134. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_TRY none">900 ₺</h3>
  135. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_GBP none">22 £</h3>
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  142. <img src="/uploads/640px/ayt-kemer-transfer (1).png" width="100%"/>
  143. <p>ANTALYA AIRPORT (AYT)<br />
  144. KEMER</p>
  145. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_EUR ">50 €</h3>
  146. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_USD none">55 $</h3>
  147. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_TRY none">1750 ₺</h3>
  148. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_GBP none">45 £</h3>
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  155. <img src="/uploads/640px/ayt-belek-transfer.png" width="100%"/>
  156. <p>ANTALYA AIRPORT (AYT)<br />
  157. BELEK & BOGAZKENT</p>
  158. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_EUR ">40 €</h3>
  159. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_USD none">45 $</h3>
  160. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_TRY none">1400 ₺</h3>
  161. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_GBP none">35 £</h3>
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  169. <p>ANTALYA AIRPORT  (AYT)<br />
  171. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_EUR ">55 €</h3>
  172. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_USD none">60 $</h3>
  173. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_TRY none">2000 ₺</h3>
  174. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_GBP none">50 £</h3>
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  182. <p>ANTALYA AIRPORT  (AYT)<br />
  183. SIDE & KUMKOY</p>
  184. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_EUR ">50 €</h3>
  185. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_USD none">55 $</h3>
  186. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_TRY none">1750 ₺</h3>
  187. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_GBP none">45 £</h3>
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  195. <p>ANTALYA AIRPORT  (AYT)<br />
  196. ALANYA</p>
  197. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_EUR ">80 €</h3>
  198. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_USD none">90 $</h3>
  199. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_TRY none">2800 ₺</h3>
  200. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_GBP none">70 £</h3>
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  208. <p>ANTALYA AIRPORT  (AYT)<br />
  210. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_EUR ">55 €</h3>
  211. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_USD none">60 $</h3>
  212. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_TRY none">2000 ₺</h3>
  213. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_GBP none">50 £</h3>
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  221. <p>ANTALYA AIRPORT  (AYT)<br />
  222. OLYMPOS & CIRALI</p>
  223. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_EUR ">80 €</h3>
  224. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_USD none">90 $</h3>
  225. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_TRY none">2800 ₺</h3>
  226. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_GBP none">70 £</h3>
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  233. <img src="/uploads/640px/ayt-adrasan-transfer.png" width="100%"/>
  234. <p>ANTALYA AIRPORT  (AYT)<br />
  235. ADRASAN</p>
  236. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_EUR ">80 €</h3>
  237. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_USD none">90 $</h3>
  238. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_TRY none">2800 ₺</h3>
  239. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_GBP none">70 £</h3>
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  246. <img src="/uploads/640px/ayt-finike-transfer.png" width="100%"/>
  247. <p>ANTALYA AIRPORT  (AYT)<br />
  248. FINIKE</p>
  249. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_EUR ">100 €</h3>
  250. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_USD none">110 $</h3>
  251. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_TRY none">3000 ₺</h3>
  252. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_GBP none">90 £</h3>
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  259. <img src="/uploads/640px/ayt-pammukale-transfer (1).png" width="100%"/>
  261. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_EUR ">210 €</h3>
  262. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_USD none">210 $</h3>
  263. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_TRY none">6500 ₺</h3>
  264. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_GBP none">200 £</h3>
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  272. <p>ANTALYA AIRPORT  (AYT)<br />
  273. KAS</p>
  274. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_EUR ">200 €</h3>
  275. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_USD none">200 $</h3>
  276. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_TRY none">6500 ₺</h3>
  277. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_GBP none">175 £</h3>
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  285. <p>ANTALYA AIRPORT (AYT)<br />
  286. FETHIYE</p>
  287. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_EUR ">200 €</h3>
  288. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_USD none">200 $</h3>
  289. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_TRY none">6000 ₺</h3>
  290. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_GBP none">175 £</h3>
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  297. <img src="/uploads/640px/airport-marmaris-transfer.png" width="100%"/>
  298. <p>ANTALYA AIRPORT (AYT)<br />
  299. MARMARIS</p>
  300. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_EUR ">250 €</h3>
  301. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_USD none">250 $</h3>
  302. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_TRY none">7500 ₺</h3>
  303. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_GBP none">200 £</h3>
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  311. <p>ANTALYA AIRPORT(AYT)<br />
  312. GOCEK & DALAMAN</p>
  313. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_EUR ">200 €</h3>
  314. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_USD none">200 $</h3>
  315. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_TRY none">6000 ₺</h3>
  316. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_GBP none">180 £</h3>
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  324. <p>DAILY RENTAL <br />
  326. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_EUR ">150 €</h3>
  327. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_USD none">150 $</h3>
  328. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_TRY none">4500 ₺</h3>
  329. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_GBP none">150 £</h3>
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  338. CAR RENTAL</p>
  339. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_EUR ">100 €</h3>
  340. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_USD none">100 $</h3>
  341. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_TRY none">3000 ₺</h3>
  342. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_GBP none">100 £</h3>
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  350. <p>DOWNTOWN - LAND OF LEGENDS<br />
  351. ROUND TRIP </p>
  352. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_EUR ">40 €</h3>
  353. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_USD none">40 $</h3>
  354. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_TRY none">1200 ₺</h3>
  355. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_GBP none">40 £</h3>
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  363. <p>ANTALYA AIRPORT  (AYT)<br />
  364. MAHMUTLAR</p>
  365. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_EUR ">90 €</h3>
  366. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_USD none">100 $</h3>
  367. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_TRY none">3200 ₺</h3>
  368. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_GBP none">85 £</h3>
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  376. <p>ANTALYA AIRPORT  (AYT)<br />
  377. DEMRE</p>
  378. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_EUR ">150 €</h3>
  379. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_USD none">150 $</h3>
  380. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_TRY none">4500 ₺</h3>
  381. <h3 class="total_kur_ total_GBP none">130 £</h3>
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  420. </div>
  421. </div>
  422. </div>
  423. </div>
  424. <h2 class="entry-title" style="text-align: center; font-family: Bebas Neue; color: #00a4d8;"><span style="background-color: #ffffff; color: #333333;">Exactly on Time</span></h2>
  425. <h1 style="text-align: center;">Antalya Airport Taxi Service - Antalya Airport Private Transfers - Airport Transfers - Airport Private Transfers -&nbsp;Airport Transfer Services</h1>
  426. <h3 style="text-align: center;">Transfers from Antalya Airport&nbsp;Transfer to antalya airport</h3>
  427. <h3 style="text-align: center;">The most recommended Antalya Airport transfer transportation company by our guests.</h3>
  428. <ul>
  429. <li class="p1" style="text-align: center;">
  430. <h3> is your address for high quality airport transfer and shuttle services.</h3>
  431. </li>
  432. <li class="p1" style="text-align: center;">
  433. <h3>From AYT Antalya&nbsp;Airport to downtown oldtown hotels Lara&nbsp;Beach Konyaalti Lara Kundu&nbsp;Hotels&nbsp;Belek Hotels&nbsp;Kemer Camyuva Kiris Kadriye Avsallar Mahmutlar Tekirova&nbsp;Hotels&nbsp;Side&nbsp;Hotels Alanya&nbsp;Hotels.</h3>
  434. </li>
  435. <li class="p1" style="text-align: center;">
  436. <h3>Transfers to&nbsp;Olympos Adrasan Cirali&nbsp;including&nbsp;Fethiye&nbsp;Kas by VIP Minivan and Minibus</h3>
  437. </li>
  438. <li class="p1" style="text-align: center;">
  439. <h3>From AYT airport to your hotel and from hotel to AYT Airport Transfers</h3>
  440. </li>
  441. <li style="text-align: center;">
  442. <h3>Airport Pick up International and Domestic Terminals - Hotel Pick up</h3>
  443. </li>
  444. </ul>
  445. <p style="text-align: left;">Located on the Turkish Mediterranean coast, Antalya is one of the world's most unique summer destinations, as it is packed with history and breathtaking landscapes. It holds wonderful hiking paths, clear turquoise seas, looming Taurus Mountains, and secluded beaches that lead to ancient cities of former empires.<br /><br />So when landing at Antalya airport (AYT),&nbsp; Airport Antalya Transfers will be the best option to get you to the city centre.&nbsp;</p>
  446. <p>Just let us know.&nbsp;Shopping tour, airport transfer, individual trip or the trip to a business meeting transfers.</p>
  447. <p>Your advantages are:</p>
  448. <ul>
  449. <li>Easy booking</li>
  450. <li>You will be picked up - no matter where and when</li>
  451. <li>Your driver takes care of&nbsp;you and your family</li>
  452. <li>The driver&nbsp;takes over the parking lot</li>
  453. <li>On request we provide all you need, food, beverages, newspaper,&nbsp;</li>
  454. <li>The driver takes care of your luggage</li>
  455. <li>Free child seat</li>
  456. <li>Non stop journey directly to your hotel</li>
  457. <li>and much more&nbsp;</li>
  458. </ul>
  459. <p>Our fleet consists of many different models that always exactly meet your needs and our chauffeurs ensure a pleasant and safe journey.<br /><br /></p>
  460. <p>At; we understand the importance of ensuring the safety and comfort of your little ones while traveling. That's why we are delighted to offer a special service exclusively designed for families: complimentary baby seats or child seats for all our airport transfers.</p>
  461. <p>We know that traveling with infants or young children can be a challenge, but our goal is to make your journey as smooth and hassle-free as possible. With our dedicated focus on providing exceptional customer service, we go the extra mile to cater to the needs of your entire family.</p>
  462. <p>Our top priority is the safety and well-being of your child. We are proud to offer a wide range of high-quality baby seats and child seats suitable for different age groups and sizes. Our professionally installed seats meet and exceed all safety standards, ensuring your little ones are secure and comfortable throughout the entire journey.</p>
  463. <p>When booking your airport transfer with, simply inform&nbsp;us about the age and size of your child, and we will ensure that an appropriate baby seat or child seat is ready and waiting for your arrival. No need to worry about the hassle of bringing your own seat or compromising on your child's safety while traveling.</p>
  464. <p>We take great pride in our fleet of meticulously maintained vehicles, which are equipped with the latest safety features. Our experienced and licensed drivers are not only highly skilled but also attentive to the needs of families traveling with children. You can trust us to provide a safe and reliable transfer service for your entire family.</p>
  465. <p>At, we believe that family travel should be enjoyable, stress-free, and memorable. By offering complimentary baby seats or child seats for all our airport transfers, we aim to provide parents with peace of mind and ensure that your journey with us is a comfortable and secure experience for everyone.</p>
  466. <p>Book your airport transfer with&nbsp; today and let us take care of the details, so you can focus on creating precious memories with your loved ones. We look forward to welcoming you on board and providing you with an exceptional travel experience tailored to your family's needs.</p>
  467. <h4 style="text-align: center;">Antalya Airport Transfer&nbsp;Companies Near Me</h4>
  468. <p class="p1">Transfer from <a href="/EN/antalya-airport-antalya-downtown-transfer">antalya airport to antalya downtown</a>.Antalya airport taxis Antalya airport taxi servıce. Registered travel agency licenced airport transfer company. Easy reservation transfer from airport.</p>
  469. <h4 style="text-align: center;">Antalya Airport Lara Transfer&nbsp;</h4>
  470. <p class="p1">Transfer from Antalya Airport to Lara &amp; Kundu. Lara &amp; Kundu hotels area is&nbsp;15 km from Antalya airport. <a href="/EN/antalya-airport-antalya-downtown-transfer">Airport to Lara transfer</a> takes 20 minutes by car. Transfer will be done by a Mercedes Vito Van. Airport transfer price is 20 Euro</p>
  471. <h4 style="text-align: center;">Antalya Airport Belek Transfer&nbsp;</h4>
  472. <p class="p1">Transfer from Antalya Airport to Belek.&nbsp;Belek&nbsp;is&nbsp;15 km from Antalya airport.&nbsp;<a href="/EN/antalya-airport-belek-bogazkent-private-vip-transfer">Airport to Belek transfer</a> takes&nbsp;35 minutes by car.&nbsp;Transfer will be done by a Mercedes Vito Van.&nbsp;Airport Belek transfer price is&nbsp;35 Euro</p>
  473. <h4 style="text-align: center;">Antalya Airport Kemer Transfer&nbsp;</h4>
  474. <p>Transfer from Antalya Airport to Kemer.&nbsp;Kemer is 60&nbsp;km from Antalya airport. <a href="/EN/antalya-airport-kemer-transfer">Airport to Kemer transfer</a> takes 60 minutes by car.&nbsp;Transfer will be done by a Mercedes Vito Van.&nbsp;Airport&nbsp;Kemer transfer price is&nbsp;40 Euro</p>
  475. <h4 style="text-align: center;">Antalya Airport&nbsp;Side Transfer&nbsp;</h4>
  476. <p>Transfer from Antalya Airport to Side.&nbsp;Kemer is&nbsp;70 km from Antalya airport. <a href="/EN/antalya-airport-side-kumkoy">Airport to Side transfer</a> takes 60 minutes by car.&nbsp;Transfer will be done by a Mercedes Vito Van.&nbsp;Airport&nbsp;Side transfer price is&nbsp;40&nbsp;Euro</p>
  477. <h4 style="text-align: center;">Antalya Airport&nbsp;Alanya Transfer&nbsp;</h4>
  478. <p>Transfer from Antalya Airport to Alanya.&nbsp;Alanya is 120&nbsp;km from Antalya airport. <a href="/EN/antalya-airport-alanya">Airport to Alanya transfer</a> takes&nbsp;2&nbsp;hours by car.&nbsp;Transfer will be done by a Mercedes Vito Van.&nbsp;Airport&nbsp;Alanya transfer price is&nbsp;70 Euro</p>
  479. <h4 style="text-align: center;">Antalya Airport&nbsp;Olympos Transfer&nbsp;</h4>
  480. <p>Transfer from Antalya Airport to Olympos. Olympos is 100&nbsp;km from Antalya airport. <a href="/EN/antalya-airport-olympos-cirali-private-vip-transfer">Airport to Olympos transfer</a> takes 1 hout&nbsp;45 minutes by car.&nbsp;Transfer will be done by a Mercedes Vito Van.&nbsp;Airport&nbsp;Olympos transfer price is&nbsp;70 Euro</p>
  481. <h4 style="text-align: center;">Antalya Airport&nbsp;Adrasan Transfer&nbsp;</h4>
  482. <p>Transfer from Antalya Airport to Adrasan. Adrasan is 105 km from Antalya airport. <a href="/EN/antalya-airport-adrasan-private-vip-transfer">Airport to Adrasan transfer</a> takes 1 hour&nbsp;45 minutes by car.&nbsp;Transfer will be done by a Mercedes Vito Van.&nbsp;Airport Adrasan transfer price is&nbsp;70 Euro</p>
  483. <h4 style="text-align: center;">Antalya Airport&nbsp;Pamukkale Transfer&nbsp;</h4>
  484. <p>Transfer from Antalya Airport to Pamukkale.&nbsp;Pamukkale is&nbsp;250 km from Antalya airport. <a href="/EN/daily-antalya-pamukkale-private-tour-transfer">Airport to Pamukkale transfer</a> takes&nbsp;3 hours 15 minutes by car.&nbsp;Transfer will be done by a Mercedes Vito Van.&nbsp;Airport&nbsp;Pamukkale transfer price is&nbsp;160 Euro roundtrip is 210 Euro</p>
  485. <h4 style="text-align: center;">Antalya Airport&nbsp;Kas Kalkan Transfer&nbsp;</h4>
  486. <p>Transfer from Antalya Airport to Kas Kalkan.&nbsp;Kas Kalkan is&nbsp;200 km from Antalya airport. <a href="/EN/antalya-airport-kas-transfer">Airport to Kas Kalkan transfer</a> takes&nbsp;3 hours by car.&nbsp;Transfer will be done by a Mercedes Vito Van.&nbsp;Airport&nbsp;Kas Kalkan transfer price is&nbsp;200 Euro</p>
  487. <h4 style="text-align: center;">Antalya Airport&nbsp;Fethiye Transfer&nbsp;</h4>
  488. <p>Transfer from Antalya Airport to Fethiye.&nbsp;Fethiye is&nbsp;205 km from Antalya airport. <a href="/EN/antalya-airport-fethiye-transfer">Airport to Fethiye transfer</a> takes&nbsp;3 hours by car.&nbsp;Transfer will be done by a Mercedes Vito Van.&nbsp;Airport&nbsp;Fethiye transfer price is&nbsp;200&nbsp;Euro</p>
  489. <h4 style="text-align: center;">Antalya Airport&nbsp;Marmaris Transfer&nbsp;</h4>
  490. <p>Transfer from Antalya Airport to Marmaris.&nbsp;Marmaris is&nbsp;350 km from Antalya airport. <a href="/EN/antalya-airport-marmaris-transfer">Airport to Marmaris transfer</a> takes&nbsp;5 hours by car.&nbsp;Transfer will be done by a Mercedes Vito Van.&nbsp;Airport&nbsp;Marmaris transfer price is&nbsp;250&nbsp;Euro</p>
  491. <h4 style="text-align: center;">Antalya Airport Dalaman Transfer&nbsp;</h4>
  492. <p>Transfer from Antalya Airport to Dalaman G&ouml;cek.&nbsp;Dalaman G&ouml;cek is&nbsp;230 km from Antalya airport. <a href="/EN/antalya-airport-gocek-dalaman-transfer">Airport to Dalaman G&ouml;cek transfer</a> takes&nbsp;3 hours by car.&nbsp;Transfer will be done by a Mercedes Vito Van.&nbsp;Airport Dalaman G&ouml;cek transfer price is&nbsp;200&nbsp;Euro</p>
  493. <p>Antalya Airport Transfer price list Antalya airport taxi prices</p>
  494. <table style="height: 398px; width: 333.664px;">
  495. <tbody>
  496. <tr style="text-align: left;">
  497. <td style="width: 113px;">Antalya&nbsp;Airport</td>
  498. <td style="width: 151px;">Antalya Transfer Price</td>
  499. <td style="width: 44.6641px;">25 &euro;</td>
  500. </tr>
  501. <tr style="text-align: left;">
  502. <td style="width: 113px;">Antalya&nbsp;Airport</td>
  503. <td style="width: 151px;">Lara&nbsp; Transfer Price</td>
  504. <td style="width: 44.6641px;">25 &euro;</td>
  505. </tr>
  506. <tr style="text-align: left;">
  507. <td style="width: 113px;">Antalya&nbsp;Airport</td>
  508. <td style="width: 151px;">Konyaaltı&nbsp;Transfer Price</td>
  509. <td style="width: 44.6641px;">30&euro;</td>
  510. </tr>
  511. <tr style="text-align: left;">
  512. <td style="width: 113px;">Antalya&nbsp;Airport</td>
  513. <td style="width: 151px;">Belek&nbsp;Transfer Price</td>
  514. <td style="width: 44.6641px;">35&nbsp;&euro;</td>
  515. </tr>
  516. <tr style="text-align: left;">
  517. <td style="width: 113px;">Antalya&nbsp;Airport</td>
  518. <td style="width: 151px;">Kemer&nbsp;Transfer Price</td>
  519. <td style="width: 44.6641px;">40&nbsp;&euro;</td>
  520. </tr>
  521. <tr style="text-align: left;">
  522. <td style="width: 113px;">Antalya&nbsp;Airport</td>
  523. <td style="width: 151px;">Tekirova&nbsp;Transfer Price</td>
  524. <td style="width: 44.6641px;">45&nbsp;&euro;</td>
  525. </tr>
  526. <tr style="text-align: left;">
  527. <td style="width: 113px;">Antalya&nbsp;Airport</td>
  528. <td style="width: 151px;">Side&nbsp;Transfer Price</td>
  529. <td style="width: 44.6641px;">45 &euro;</td>
  530. </tr>
  531. <tr style="text-align: left;">
  532. <td style="width: 113px;">Antalya&nbsp;Airport</td>
  533. <td style="width: 151px;">Alanya&nbsp;Transfer Price</td>
  534. <td style="width: 44.6641px;">70&nbsp;&euro;</td>
  535. </tr>
  536. <tr style="text-align: left;">
  537. <td style="width: 113px;">Antalya&nbsp;Airport</td>
  538. <td style="width: 151px;">Cirali&nbsp;Transfer Price</td>
  539. <td style="width: 44.6641px;">70&nbsp;&euro;</td>
  540. </tr>
  541. <tr style="text-align: left;">
  542. <td style="width: 113px;">Antalya&nbsp;Airport</td>
  543. <td style="width: 151px;">Mahmutlar&nbsp;Transfer</td>
  544. <td style="width: 44.6641px;">80&nbsp;&euro;</td>
  545. </tr>
  546. <tr style="text-align: left;">
  547. <td style="width: 113px;">Antalya&nbsp;Airport</td>
  548. <td style="width: 151px;">Olympos&nbsp;Transfer Price</td>
  549. <td style="width: 44.6641px;">70&nbsp;&euro;</td>
  550. </tr>
  551. <tr style="text-align: left;">
  552. <td style="width: 113px;">Antalya&nbsp;Airport</td>
  553. <td style="width: 151px;">Finike&nbsp;Transfer Price</td>
  554. <td style="width: 44.6641px;">80&nbsp;&euro;</td>
  555. </tr>
  556. <tr style="text-align: left;">
  557. <td style="width: 113px;">Antalya&nbsp;Airport</td>
  558. <td style="width: 151px;">Kas Transfer Price</td>
  559. <td style="width: 44.6641px;">200&nbsp;&euro;</td>
  560. </tr>
  561. <tr style="text-align: left;">
  562. <td style="width: 113px;">Antalya&nbsp;Airport</td>
  563. <td style="width: 151px;">Gocek&nbsp;Transfer Price</td>
  564. <td style="width: 44.6641px;">200 &euro;</td>
  565. </tr>
  566. <tr style="text-align: left;">
  567. <td style="width: 113px;">Antalya&nbsp;Airport</td>
  568. <td style="width: 151px;">Pamukkale&nbsp;Transfer&nbsp;</td>
  569. <td style="width: 44.6641px;">210&nbsp;&euro;</td>
  570. </tr>
  571. <tr style="text-align: left;">
  572. <td style="width: 113px;">Antalya&nbsp;Airport</td>
  573. <td style="width: 151px;">Fethiye&nbsp;Transfer Price</td>
  574. <td style="width: 44.6641px;">200&nbsp;&euro;</td>
  575. </tr>
  576. <tr style="text-align: left;">
  577. <td style="width: 113px;">Antalya&nbsp;Airport</td>
  578. <td style="width: 151px;">Marmaris&nbsp;Transfer Price</td>
  579. <td style="width: 44.6641px;">250&nbsp;&euro;</td>
  580. </tr>
  581. </tbody>
  582. </table>
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  607. <div class="item">
  608. <div class="indi-review">
  609. <div class="stars">★★★★★</div>
  610. <p>One of the most professional and cost effective transfers provider in Antalya. Booked my airport transfers and a trip to Pamukkale with them. The owner is a gem of a person and so is his team. Very prompt in communication and team is extremely punctual to say the least. Look nowhere else for all your local transfers if you are in Antalya</p>
  611. <figure>B</figure>
  612. <h4>Barun Agrawal</h4>
  613. <h5>2 hafta önce</h5>
  614. </div>
  615. </div>
  618. <div class="item">
  619. <div class="indi-review">
  620. <div class="stars">★★★★★</div>
  621. <p>Fantastic service, quick response, on time, highly recommend</p>
  622. <figure>M</figure>
  623. <h4>Maria S.</h4>
  624. <h5>3 hafta önce</h5>
  625. </div>
  626. </div>
  630. <div class="item">
  631. <div class="indi-review">
  632. <div class="stars">★★★★★</div>
  633. <p>Fantastic service and greatly appreciated. We had a middle of the night flight to catch and our 'rep' just stopped responding and we were left in a problem of not having a confirmed transfer the night before our flight.<br>I contacted Metin based on his reviews, and after a quick 5 min WhatsApp exchange, all was sorted.<br>I had a confirmed price,  time, name and phone number of the driver. Sorted, and at a fair price.<br>The driver Erhan was on time in a clean vehicle and was very friendly with the kids. It completely sorted the panic moment in streamline fashion.<br>Thanks again</p>
  634. <figure>U</figure>
  635. <h4>Umayr Azam</h4>
  636. <h5>3 hafta önce</h5>
  637. </div>
  638. </div>
  641. <div class="item">
  642. <div class="indi-review">
  643. <div class="stars">★★★★★</div>
  644. <p>Amazing response<br>Quick and timely Sevice<br>Reasonable<br>Your taxi and tour guide in antalya<br>Very happy</p>
  645. <figure>A</figure>
  646. <h4>Albaza Art</h4>
  647. <h5>3 hafta önce</h5>
  648. </div>
  649. </div>
  651. <div class="item">
  652. <div class="indi-review">
  653. <div class="stars">★★★★★</div>
  654. <p>Great service and very professional. They were able to accommodate our last-minute request with no issues. Our driver arrived on time for the pickup and return trip. The vehicle was spacious, clean, and very comfortable. The ride was smooth and we arrived back to the airport with no delays. On  the way back We were 20 minutes late but the driver was very professional and he waited for us. The price is very competitive and would definitely recommend the service to international travelers. Thank you</p>
  655. <figure>Y</figure>
  656. <h4>Yasir Loai</h4>
  657. <h5>1 ay önce</h5>
  658. </div>
  659. </div>
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  662. <div class="indi-review">
  663. <div class="stars">★★★★★</div>
  664. <p>The service i recieved was the very best, nothing was too much trouble. They go above and beyon, and with short notice was very accomendating and value for money. Thanks again..</p>
  665. <figure>J</figure>
  666. <h4>John Frankland</h4>
  667. <h5>1 ay önce</h5>
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