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  23. <title>Stella Goh &lt;;</title>
  24. <link>/public/index.php?B_ID=3439</link>
  25. <dc:date>2006-11-06T12:01+08:00</dc:date>
  26. <dc:creator>antelope </dc:creator>
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  28. <description>
  29. 发送 :  2006年11月5日 19:51:47
  30. 收件人 :
  31. 主题 :  Great wall of China
  33. I am from singapore and i will be visiting great wall of china. i see from your wedsite there are various entrance to great wall of china. Simatai, Jiumenkou, Huangyag ……
  34. </description>
  35. <comments>/public/index.php?B_ID=3439#comment</comments>
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  38. <item>
  39. <title> 发件人 :  &lt;;</title>
  40. <link>/public/index.php?B_ID=3369</link>
  41. <dc:date>2006-10-26T18:22+08:00</dc:date>
  42. <dc:creator>antelope </dc:creator>
  43. <dc:subject>records</dc:subject>
  44. <description>发送 :  2006年10月26日 2:23:47
  45. 收件人 :  
  46. 主题 :  Thank you!
  48.  |  |  | 收件箱
  49. I am an educator in the U.S. soon to  be studying "The Great Wall" with my seventh graders.  We will all look into your web site to see your photographs and information.  T ……
  50. </description>
  51. <comments>/public/index.php?B_ID=3369#comment</comments>
  52. <guid>/public/index.php?B_ID=3369</guid>
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  54. <item>
  55. <title>simatai</title>
  56. <link>/public/index.php?B_ID=3365</link>
  57. <dc:date>2006-10-25T23:53+08:00</dc:date>
  58. <dc:creator>antelope </dc:creator>
  59. <dc:subject>records</dc:subject>
  60. <description>Friends;
  62. Somewhere I recall reading that there are 18 towers of the Simatai section of the wall, and Wang Jing Lou is number 16, so ... (unless the "eighteen" counts one on the west side of the reservoir) there should be two more past Wang Jing Lou .. ……
  63. </description>
  64. <comments>/public/index.php?B_ID=3365#comment</comments>
  65. <guid>/public/index.php?B_ID=3365</guid>
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  67. <item>
  68. <title>JaY LJ &lt;; ON OCT. 20</title>
  69. <link>/public/index.php?B_ID=3364</link>
  70. <dc:date>2006-10-25T23:39+08:00</dc:date>
  71. <dc:creator>antelope </dc:creator>
  72. <dc:subject>records</dc:subject>
  73. <description>Dear great wall
  74.   After I read some articles from the internet this morning, I think the great wall's vandalism and graffti problems are getting worse. The sections mainly for the tourists are preserved and repair(most near beijing). What about the oth ……
  75. </description>
  76. <comments>/public/index.php?B_ID=3364#comment</comments>
  77. <guid>/public/index.php?B_ID=3364</guid>
  78. </item>
  79. <item>
  80. <title>发件人 :  Brendan Fletcher &lt;;</title>
  81. <link>/public/index.php?B_ID=3254</link>
  82. <dc:date>2006-10-09T15:03+08:00</dc:date>
  83. <dc:creator>antelope </dc:creator>
  84. <dc:subject>records</dc:subject>
  85. <description>发件人 :  Brendan Fletcher  
  86. 发送 :  2006年10月6日 3:03:19
  87. 收件人 :  ""  
  88. 主题 :  Team of the Great Wall
  90.  |  |  | 收件箱
  91. Hello Team of the Great Wall,
  92. My name is Brendan Fletcher.  My wife, Emma Nicholas, and I are hiking along th ……
  93. </description>
  94. <comments>/public/index.php?B_ID=3254#comment</comments>
  95. <guid>/public/index.php?B_ID=3254</guid>
  96. </item>
  97. <item>
  98. <title>发件人 :  Patty &lt;;</title>
  99. <link>/public/index.php?B_ID=3222</link>
  100. <dc:date>2006-09-28T09:01+08:00</dc:date>
  101. <dc:creator>antelope </dc:creator>
  102. <dc:subject>records</dc:subject>
  103. <description>发件人 :  Patty  
  104. 答复地址 :  Patty  
  105. 发送 :  2006年9月21日 0:40:59
  106. 收件人 :
  107. 主题 :  great wall of china
  109.  |  |  | 收件箱
  110. Thank you very much for your wonderful web site on the Great Wall of China.  I have always been interested in it. ……
  111. </description>
  112. <comments>/public/index.php?B_ID=3222#comment</comments>
  113. <guid>/public/index.php?B_ID=3222</guid>
  114. </item>
  115. <item>
  116. <title>发件人 :  abhijit &lt;;</title>
  117. <link>/public/index.php?B_ID=3034</link>
  118. <dc:date>2006-08-28T22:33+08:00</dc:date>
  119. <dc:creator>antelope </dc:creator>
  120. <dc:subject>records</dc:subject>
  121. <description>发送 :  2006年8月28日 14:13:36
  122. 收件人 :
  123. 主题 :  HI !
  125.  |  |  | 收件箱
  126. Hi there,
  127. Trust this mail finds you in good health and Cheer!
  128. I would be in China from 6th September to 9th September 06. On return I am planning to vis ……
  129. </description>
  130. <comments>/public/index.php?B_ID=3034#comment</comments>
  131. <guid>/public/index.php?B_ID=3034</guid>
  132. </item>
  133. <item>
  134. <title>发件人 :  Knut Eirik Ballestad</title>
  135. <link>/public/index.php?B_ID=2636</link>
  136. <dc:date>2006-05-27T14:16+08:00</dc:date>
  137. <dc:creator>antelope </dc:creator>
  138. <dc:subject>records</dc:subject>
  139. <description>  
  140. 发送 :  2006年5月25日 23:36:12
  141. 收件人 :
  142. 主题 :  A new friend.
  144.  |  |  | 收件箱
  145. Hello, my name is Knut Eirik Ballestad, I am 43 year old and very interested in the Great Wall. I have for some years been searching for something  ……
  146. </description>
  147. <comments>/public/index.php?B_ID=2636#comment</comments>
  148. <guid>/public/index.php?B_ID=2636</guid>
  149. </item>
  150. <item>
  151. <title>David Salter &lt;;</title>
  152. <link>/public/index.php?B_ID=2290</link>
  153. <dc:date>2006-04-04T09:44+08:00</dc:date>
  154. <dc:creator>antelope </dc:creator>
  155. <dc:subject>records</dc:subject>
  156. <description>Hi,
  158. My name is David Salter.  I'm a Canadian student studying in Hong Kong for the semester.  This summer, I'm planning on travelling to Beijing and the surrounding areas, along with probably two other friends of mine from Canada.  I read about your g ……
  159. </description>
  160. <comments>/public/index.php?B_ID=2290#comment</comments>
  161. <guid>/public/index.php?B_ID=2290</guid>
  162. </item>
  163. <item>
  164. <title>发件人 :  Cathal Sands</title>
  165. <link>/public/index.php?B_ID=2163</link>
  166. <dc:date>2006-03-22T16:13+08:00</dc:date>
  167. <dc:creator>antelope </dc:creator>
  168. <dc:subject>records</dc:subject>
  169. <description>发件人 :  Cathal Sands  
  170. 发送 :  2006年3月6日 16:26:31
  171. 收件人 :
  172. 主题 :  Mortar in the Great Wall
  174.  |  |  | 收件箱
  175. Hello.
  176. I am very excited to be able to contact you with my question. I am very pleased that you have produced your ……
  177. </description>
  178. <comments>/public/index.php?B_ID=2163#comment</comments>
  179. <guid>/public/index.php?B_ID=2163</guid>
  180. </item>
  181. <item>
  182. <title>补充一个 主题 :  RE: Ming wall mortar</title>
  183. <link>/public/index.php?B_ID=844</link>
  184. <dc:date>2006-01-11T15:25+08:00</dc:date>
  185. <dc:creator>antelope </dc:creator>
  186. <dc:subject>records</dc:subject>
  187. <description>发件人 :  Dr Ian Law  
  188. 发送 :  2005年8月2日 7:58:16
  189. 收件人 :  "? ?"  
  190. 主题 :  RE: Ming wall mortar
  192. Dear Antelope
  193. Many thanks for the quick reply, and for your offer to check for information on the rice soup used in lime mortar. The web link that I found ……
  194. </description>
  195. <comments>/public/index.php?B_ID=844#comment</comments>
  196. <guid>/public/index.php?B_ID=844</guid>
  197. </item>
  198. <item>
  199. <title>主题 :  The GreatWall... Seemingly endless beauty request in</title>
  200. <link>/public/index.php?B_ID=842</link>
  201. <dc:date>2006-01-10T18:21+08:00</dc:date>
  202. <dc:creator>antelope </dc:creator>
  203. <dc:subject>records</dc:subject>
  204. <description> 发件人 :  
  205. 发送 :  2006年1月10日 3:14:49
  206. 收件人 :
  207. 主题 :  The GreatWall... Seemingly endless beauty request info pack
  209.                Hi, My name is Marshall. I live in Ohio, United States. I just want to say that the Great WAll of  ……
  210. </description>
  211. <comments>/public/index.php?B_ID=842#comment</comments>
  212. <guid>/public/index.php?B_ID=842</guid>
  213. </item>
  214. <item>
  215. <title>主题 :  Greetings ! I am planning to visit the Great Wall !</title>
  216. <link>/public/index.php?B_ID=841</link>
  217. <dc:date>2006-01-10T18:20+08:00</dc:date>
  218. <dc:creator>antelope </dc:creator>
  219. <dc:subject>records</dc:subject>
  220. <description>发件人 :  Swaminathan Palaniappan  
  221. 发送 :  2005年11月25日 7:45:23
  222. 收件人 :
  223. 主题 :  Greetings ! I am planning to visit the Great Wall !
  225.  |  |  | 收件箱
  226. Hello!
  228.   My name is Swaminathan. I am a Malaysian and I am currently a  ……
  229. </description>
  230. <comments>/public/index.php?B_ID=841#comment</comments>
  231. <guid>/public/index.php?B_ID=841</guid>
  232. </item>
  233. <item>
  234. <title>主题 :  RE: english version</title>
  235. <link>/public/index.php?B_ID=840</link>
  236. <dc:date>2006-01-10T18:18+08:00</dc:date>
  237. <dc:creator>antelope </dc:creator>
  238. <dc:subject>records</dc:subject>
  239. <description>发件人 :  yao hong  
  240. 发送 :  2005年9月25日 3:38:09
  241. 收件人 :
  242. 主题 :  RE: english version
  244.  |  |  | 收件箱
  245. 老羊兄 你好
  247. 我个人觉得beneath这个词让人感觉是埋在长城下面的土里。可以说是“长城边上的人家” 或者“长城脚下的人家” 那个“第一”在英语里让人觉得费解,可以不用翻出来。 可以说“Homes/Houses alongside the Grea ……
  248. </description>
  249. <comments>/public/index.php?B_ID=840#comment</comments>
  250. <guid>/public/index.php?B_ID=840</guid>
  251. </item>
  252. <item>
  253. <title>主题 :  great wall info</title>
  254. <link>/public/index.php?B_ID=839</link>
  255. <dc:date>2006-01-10T18:17+08:00</dc:date>
  256. <dc:creator>antelope </dc:creator>
  257. <dc:subject>records</dc:subject>
  258. <description> 发件人 :  Dave Gray  
  259. 发送 :  2005年6月26日 6:40:29
  260. 收件人 :
  261. 主题 :  great wall info
  262. Gday!
  263. my name is Dave Gray and i live in Australia on the gold coast....
  264. i have been interested in the Great wall for the past 10 years, best ……
  265. </description>
  266. <comments>/public/index.php?B_ID=839#comment</comments>
  267. <guid>/public/index.php?B_ID=839</guid>
  268. </item>
  269. <item>
  270. <title>主题 :  Great Wall of China</title>
  271. <link>/public/index.php?B_ID=838</link>
  272. <dc:date>2006-01-10T18:15+08:00</dc:date>
  273. <dc:creator>antelope </dc:creator>
  274. <dc:subject>records</dc:subject>
  275. <description>发件人 :  J  
  276. 发送 :  2005年6月23日 1:01:15
  277. 收件人 :  
  278. 主题 :  Great Wall of China
  281. For a school project I have to build a model of the wall.  I want to make
  282. obviously a scaled model of the entire wall.  However I need a map of the
  283. wall and the geograph ……
  284. </description>
  285. <comments>/public/index.php?B_ID=838#comment</comments>
  286. <guid>/public/index.php?B_ID=838</guid>
  287. </item>
  288. <item>
  289. <title>主题 :  The Great Wall of China</title>
  290. <link>/public/index.php?B_ID=837</link>
  291. <dc:date>2006-01-10T18:12+08:00</dc:date>
  292. <dc:creator>antelope </dc:creator>
  293. <dc:subject>records</dc:subject>
  294. <description>发件人 :  
  295. 发送 :  2005年6月21日 3:45:12
  296. 收件人 :
  297. 主题 :  Re: The Great Wall of China
  298. Thank you for your responses and for the web site with very complete information about The Great Wall and other travel options.  It will be very  ……
  299. </description>
  300. <comments>/public/index.php?B_ID=837#comment</comments>
  301. <guid>/public/index.php?B_ID=837</guid>
  302. </item>
  303. <item>
  304. <title>主题 :  great wall of china</title>
  305. <link>/public/index.php?B_ID=836</link>
  306. <dc:date>2006-01-10T18:10+08:00</dc:date>
  307. <dc:creator>antelope </dc:creator>
  308. <dc:subject>records</dc:subject>
  309. <description>发件人 :  Julia Blakely  
  310. 发送 :  2005年3月24日 15:20:34
  311. 收件人 :  
  312. 主题 :  great wall of china
  314. Hello,
  316. My friend told me that a man recently tried to walk through the great wall and got stuck inside it. He said that they have x-rayed the wall and c ……
  317. </description>
  318. <comments>/public/index.php?B_ID=836#comment</comments>
  319. <guid>/public/index.php?B_ID=836</guid>
  320. </item>
  321. <item>
  322. <title>Re: photos</title>
  323. <link>/public/index.php?B_ID=835</link>
  324. <dc:date>2006-01-10T18:06+08:00</dc:date>
  325. <dc:creator>antelope </dc:creator>
  326. <dc:subject>records</dc:subject>
  327. <description>发件人 :  Tracy Mayes  
  328. 发送 :  2005年3月18日 19:25:48
  329. 收件人 :  杨 胜  
  330. 主题 :  Re: photos
  332. The Great Wall Post
  333. If there is any information that you feel is typically overlooked about the Great Wall, please let me know. I would be thrilled to include info ……
  334. </description>
  335. <comments>/public/index.php?B_ID=835#comment</comments>
  336. <guid>/public/index.php?B_ID=835</guid>
  337. </item>
  338. <item>
  339. <title>主题 :  Great wall photo</title>
  340. <link>/public/index.php?B_ID=834</link>
  341. <dc:date>2006-01-10T17:40+08:00</dc:date>
  342. <dc:creator>antelope </dc:creator>
  343. <dc:subject>records</dc:subject>
  344. <description>发件人 :  amanda  
  345. 发送 :  2005年3月12日 7:23:49
  346. 收件人 :  
  347. 主题 :  Great wall photo
  349. Hello
  350. We are looking allover for pictues of great wall, big enough  for enlargement to 18 X 15 ft. Coloured, black and white, or faded effects would be great. Do you h ……
  351. </description>
  352. <comments>/public/index.php?B_ID=834#comment</comments>
  353. <guid>/public/index.php?B_ID=834</guid>
  354. </item>
  355. <item>
  356. <title>简要的</title>
  357. <link>/public/index.php?B_ID=833</link>
  358. <dc:date>2006-01-10T17:24+08:00</dc:date>
  359. <dc:creator>antelope </dc:creator>
  360. <dc:subject>records</dc:subject>
  361. <description>我的hotmail邮箱偶尔会收到一些来自国外长城爱好者的来信
  362. 有时我也会就我所知做一些简要的解答或提供一些资讯
  363. 但仅凭一己之力的事情多半是干不好的
  364. 甚至会出纰漏闹笑话
  366. 所有来信基本上都做过答复
  367. 政策上吃不准的也给火箭抄送过
  368. 不过因为我发的邮箱是他的老邮箱
  369. 估计他也都没收到
  371. records栏目里放的是这些来信的记录
  372. 我当时的回信有时候就没有保存
  373. hotmail30天就清空一次已发送邮件箱
  374. 好在本人E文丑陋
  375. 不存也罢
  376. 存下的就也一并放在一起 ……
  377. </description>
  378. <comments>/public/index.php?B_ID=833#comment</comments>
  379. <guid>/public/index.php?B_ID=833</guid>
  380. </item>
  381. </channel>
  382. </rss>
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