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  8. <title type="text">Better Than Dead</title>
  9. <subtitle type="text">Just another WordPress weblog</subtitle>
  11. <updated>2024-10-24T00:54:57Z</updated>
  13. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  14. <id></id>
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  17. <generator uri="" version="6.6.2">WordPress</generator>
  18. <entry>
  19. <author>
  20. <name>PJ</name>
  21. </author>
  23. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Cats]]></title>
  24. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  26. <id></id>
  27. <updated>2024-10-24T00:54:57Z</updated>
  28. <published>2024-10-24T00:54:57Z</published>
  29. <category scheme="" term="cats" /><category scheme="" term="quote of the day" />
  30. <summary type="html"><![CDATA[Random quote of the day: “Cats don’t give up their secrets easily. But the challenge is why I’m a cat person rather than a dog person. Dogs — they’re just like us! They present little mystery. Cats are the more cerebral companion. The fun is figuring them out.” —Farhad Manjoo, “I Can’t Stop Wondering What’s [&#8230;]]]></summary>
  32. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p><strong>Random quote of the day:</strong></p>
  33. <p>“Cats don’t give up their secrets easily. But the challenge is why I’m a cat person rather than a dog person. Dogs — they’re just like us! They present little mystery. Cats are the more cerebral companion. The fun is figuring them out.”</p>
  34. <p>—Farhad Manjoo, “I Can’t Stop Wondering What’s Going On Inside My Cat’s Head,” <em>The New York Times</em>, August 27, 2021</p>
  35. <p><center><a href=""><img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-7967" src="" alt="" width="564" height="425" srcset=" 564w, 300w, 150w" sizes="(max-width: 564px) 100vw, 564px" /></a></center></p>
  36. <p>Disclaimer: The views expressed in this random quote of the day do not necessarily reflect the views of the poster, her immediate family, Bert and Ernie, Celine Dion, or the Band of the Coldstream Guards. They do, however, sometimes reflect the views of the Cottingley Fairies.</p>
  37. ]]></content>
  38. <link rel="replies" type="text/html" href="" thr:count="0" />
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  40. <thr:total>0</thr:total>
  41. </entry>
  42. <entry>
  43. <author>
  44. <name>PJ</name>
  45. </author>
  47. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Trauma]]></title>
  48. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  50. <id></id>
  51. <updated>2024-10-17T22:08:45Z</updated>
  52. <published>2024-10-17T22:08:45Z</published>
  53. <category scheme="" term="memories" /><category scheme="" term="mind" /><category scheme="" term="quote of the day" /><category scheme="" term="trauma" />
  54. <summary type="html"><![CDATA[Random quote of the day: “Memories of traumatic experiences are a curious thing. Some are vivid; some are pale; pretty much all of them have been emended in some way, great or small. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to our curated reels. We remember the trivial and forget the exceptional. Our minds [&#8230;]]]></summary>
  56. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p><strong>Random quote of the day:</strong></p>
  57. <p>“Memories of traumatic experiences are a curious thing. Some are vivid; some are pale; pretty much all of them have been emended in some way, great or small. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to our curated reels. We remember the trivial and forget the exceptional. Our minds truly have minds of their own.”</p>
  58. <p>—Jennifer Senior, “What Bobby Mcilvaine Left Behind,” <em>The Atlantic</em>, September 2021</p>
  59. <p><center><a href=""><img decoding="async" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-7965" src="" alt="" width="573" height="330" srcset=" 573w, 300w, 150w" sizes="(max-width: 573px) 100vw, 573px" /></a></center></p>
  60. <p>Disclaimer: The views expressed in this random quote of the day do not necessarily reflect the views of the poster, her immediate family, Bert and Ernie, Celine Dion, or the Band of the Coldstream Guards. They do, however, sometimes reflect the views of the Cottingley Fairies.</p>
  61. ]]></content>
  62. <link rel="replies" type="text/html" href="" thr:count="0" />
  63. <link rel="replies" type="application/atom+xml" href=";p=7964" thr:count="0" />
  64. <thr:total>0</thr:total>
  65. </entry>
  66. <entry>
  67. <author>
  68. <name>PJ</name>
  69. </author>
  71. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Dying]]></title>
  72. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  74. <id></id>
  75. <updated>2024-10-07T00:29:06Z</updated>
  76. <published>2024-10-07T00:29:06Z</published>
  77. <category scheme="" term="death" /><category scheme="" term="quote of the day" />
  78. <summary type="html"><![CDATA[Random quote of the day: “A person doesn&#8217;t die when he should but when he can.” —Gabriel Garcia Marquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude Disclaimer: The views expressed in this random quote of the day do not necessarily reflect the views of the poster, her immediate family, Bert and Ernie, Celine Dion, or the Band [&#8230;]]]></summary>
  80. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p><strong>Random quote of the day:</strong></p>
  81. <p>“A person doesn&#8217;t die when he should but when he can.”</p>
  82. <p>—Gabriel Garcia Marquez, <em>One Hundred Years of Solitude</em></p>
  83. <p><center><a href=""><img decoding="async" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-7962" src="" alt="" width="567" height="384" srcset=" 567w, 300w, 150w" sizes="(max-width: 567px) 100vw, 567px" /></a></center></p>
  84. <p>Disclaimer: The views expressed in this random quote of the day do not necessarily reflect the views of the poster, her immediate family, Bert and Ernie, Celine Dion, or the Band of the Coldstream Guards. They do, however, sometimes reflect the views of the Cottingley Fairies.</p>
  85. ]]></content>
  86. <link rel="replies" type="text/html" href="" thr:count="0" />
  87. <link rel="replies" type="application/atom+xml" href=";p=7961" thr:count="0" />
  88. <thr:total>0</thr:total>
  89. </entry>
  90. <entry>
  91. <author>
  92. <name>PJ</name>
  93. </author>
  95. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Moments]]></title>
  96. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  98. <id></id>
  99. <updated>2024-10-01T00:37:56Z</updated>
  100. <published>2024-10-01T00:37:56Z</published>
  101. <category scheme="" term="quote of the day" /><category scheme="" term="the present" />
  102. <summary type="html"><![CDATA[Random quote of the day: “The longer you live, the harder it becomes. To grab them. Each little moment as it arrives. To be living in something other than the past or the future. To be actually here.” —Matt Haig, How to Stop Time Disclaimer: The views expressed in this random quote of the day [&#8230;]]]></summary>
  104. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p><strong>Random quote of the day:</strong></p>
  105. <p>“The longer you live, the harder it becomes. To grab them. Each little moment as it arrives. To be living in something other than the past or the future. To be actually here.”</p>
  106. <p>—Matt Haig, <em>How to Stop Time</em></p>
  107. <p><center><a href=""><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-7959" src="" alt="" width="562" height="383" srcset=" 562w, 300w, 150w" sizes="(max-width: 562px) 100vw, 562px" /></a></center></p>
  108. <p>Disclaimer: The views expressed in this random quote of the day do not necessarily reflect the views of the poster, her immediate family, Bert and Ernie, Celine Dion, or the Band of the Coldstream Guards. They do, however, sometimes reflect the views of the Cottingley Fairies.</p>
  109. ]]></content>
  110. <link rel="replies" type="text/html" href="" thr:count="0" />
  111. <link rel="replies" type="application/atom+xml" href=";p=7958" thr:count="0" />
  112. <thr:total>0</thr:total>
  113. </entry>
  114. <entry>
  115. <author>
  116. <name>PJ</name>
  117. </author>
  119. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Science-Art]]></title>
  120. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  122. <id></id>
  123. <updated>2024-09-26T23:46:06Z</updated>
  124. <published>2024-09-26T23:46:06Z</published>
  125. <category scheme="" term="art" /><category scheme="" term="quote of the day" /><category scheme="" term="science" /><category scheme="" term="truth" />
  126. <summary type="html"><![CDATA[Random quote of the day: “There are two kinds of truth: the truth that lights the way and the truth that warms the heart. The first of these is science, and the second is art. Neither is independent of the other or more important than the other. Without art, science would be as useless as [&#8230;]]]></summary>
  128. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p><strong>Random quote of the day:</strong></p>
  129. <p>“There are two kinds of truth: the truth that lights the way and the truth that warms the heart. The first of these is science, and the second is art. Neither is independent of the other or more important than the other. Without art, science would be as useless as a pair of high forceps in the hands of a plumber. Without science, art would become a crude mess of folklore and emotional quackery. The truth of art keeps science from becoming inhuman, and the truth of science keeps art from becoming ridiculous.”</p>
  130. <p>—Raymond Chandler, &#8220;Great Thought,&#8221; February 19, 1938, <em>The Notebooks of Raymond Chandler</em></p>
  131. <p><center><a href=""><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-7957" src="" alt="" width="456" height="455" srcset=" 456w, 300w, 150w" sizes="(max-width: 456px) 100vw, 456px" /></a></center></p>
  132. <p>Disclaimer: The views expressed in this random quote of the day do not necessarily reflect the views of the poster, her immediate family, Bert and Ernie, Celine Dion, or the Band of the Coldstream Guards. They do, however, sometimes reflect the views of the Cottingley Fairies.</p>
  133. ]]></content>
  134. <link rel="replies" type="text/html" href="" thr:count="0" />
  135. <link rel="replies" type="application/atom+xml" href=";p=7956" thr:count="0" />
  136. <thr:total>0</thr:total>
  137. </entry>
  138. <entry>
  139. <author>
  140. <name>PJ</name>
  141. </author>
  143. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Envy]]></title>
  144. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  146. <id></id>
  147. <updated>2024-09-22T00:34:57Z</updated>
  148. <published>2024-09-22T00:34:57Z</published>
  149. <category scheme="" term="happiness" /><category scheme="" term="jealousy" /><category scheme="" term="quote of the day" />
  150. <summary type="html"><![CDATA[Random quote of the day: “Our envy always lasts longer than the happiness of those we envy.” —Sherry Thomas, A Conspiracy in Belgravia Disclaimer: The views expressed in this random quote of the day do not necessarily reflect the views of the poster, her immediate family, Bert and Ernie, Celine Dion, or the Band of [&#8230;]]]></summary>
  152. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p><strong>Random quote of the day:</strong></p>
  153. <p>“Our envy always lasts longer than the happiness of those we envy.”</p>
  154. <p>—Sherry Thomas, <em>A Conspiracy in Belgravia</em></p>
  155. <p><center><a href=""><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-7954" src="" alt="" width="301" height="424" srcset=" 301w, 213w, 106w" sizes="(max-width: 301px) 100vw, 301px" /></a></center></p>
  156. <p>Disclaimer: The views expressed in this random quote of the day do not necessarily reflect the views of the poster, her immediate family, Bert and Ernie, Celine Dion, or the Band of the Coldstream Guards. They do, however, sometimes reflect the views of the Cottingley Fairies.</p>
  157. ]]></content>
  158. <link rel="replies" type="text/html" href="" thr:count="0" />
  159. <link rel="replies" type="application/atom+xml" href=";p=7953" thr:count="0" />
  160. <thr:total>0</thr:total>
  161. </entry>
  162. <entry>
  163. <author>
  164. <name>PJ</name>
  165. </author>
  167. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Jokes]]></title>
  168. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  170. <id></id>
  171. <updated>2024-09-18T23:44:47Z</updated>
  172. <published>2024-09-18T23:44:47Z</published>
  173. <category scheme="" term="humor" /><category scheme="" term="quote of the day" />
  174. <summary type="html"><![CDATA[Random quote of the day: “A difference of taste in jokes is a great strain on the affections.” —George Eliot, Daniel Deronda Disclaimer: The views expressed in this random quote of the day do not necessarily reflect the views of the poster, her immediate family, Bert and Ernie, Celine Dion, or the Band of the [&#8230;]]]></summary>
  176. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p><strong>Random quote of the day:</strong></p>
  177. <p>“A difference of taste in jokes is a great strain on the affections.”</p>
  178. <p>—George Eliot, <em>Daniel Deronda</em></p>
  179. <p><center><a href=""><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-7952" src="" alt="" width="526" height="396" srcset=" 526w, 300w, 150w" sizes="(max-width: 526px) 100vw, 526px" /></a></center></p>
  180. <p>Disclaimer: The views expressed in this random quote of the day do not necessarily reflect the views of the poster, her immediate family, Bert and Ernie, Celine Dion, or the Band of the Coldstream Guards. They do, however, sometimes reflect the views of the Cottingley Fairies.</p>
  181. ]]></content>
  182. <link rel="replies" type="text/html" href="" thr:count="0" />
  183. <link rel="replies" type="application/atom+xml" href=";p=7951" thr:count="0" />
  184. <thr:total>0</thr:total>
  185. </entry>
  186. <entry>
  187. <author>
  188. <name>PJ</name>
  189. </author>
  191. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Geography]]></title>
  192. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  194. <id></id>
  195. <updated>2024-09-10T22:18:05Z</updated>
  196. <published>2024-09-10T22:18:05Z</published>
  197. <category scheme="" term="place" /><category scheme="" term="quote of the day" />
  198. <summary type="html"><![CDATA[Random quote of the day: “The ripples of geography continue to be traced on our inner surfaces, even if our experience there was fleeting and seemed like nothing to us at the time. No matter how long ago the experience was, its power, its healing, sits in wait, sometimes very deep, other times just waiting [&#8230;]]]></summary>
  200. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p><strong>Random quote of the day:</strong></p>
  201. <p>“The ripples of geography continue to be traced on our inner surfaces, even if our experience there was fleeting and seemed like nothing to us at the time. No matter how long ago the experience was, its power, its healing, sits in wait, sometimes very deep, other times just waiting to be called back from within.”</p>
  202. <p>—Kerri ní Dochartaigh, <em>Thin Places</em></p>
  203. <p><center><a href=""><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-7949" src="" alt="" width="175" height="435" srcset=" 175w, 121w, 60w" sizes="(max-width: 175px) 100vw, 175px" /></a></center></p>
  204. <p>Disclaimer: The views expressed in this random quote of the day do not necessarily reflect the views of the poster, her immediate family, Bert and Ernie, Celine Dion, or the Band of the Coldstream Guards. They do, however, sometimes reflect the views of the Cottingley Fairies.</p>
  205. ]]></content>
  206. <link rel="replies" type="text/html" href="" thr:count="0" />
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  208. <thr:total>0</thr:total>
  209. </entry>
  210. <entry>
  211. <author>
  212. <name>PJ</name>
  213. </author>
  215. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Herself]]></title>
  216. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  218. <id></id>
  219. <updated>2024-09-05T23:41:29Z</updated>
  220. <published>2024-09-05T23:41:29Z</published>
  221. <category scheme="" term="becoming" /><category scheme="" term="quote of the day" />
  222. <summary type="html"><![CDATA[Random quote of the day: “In the male coming-of-age story, the boy creates himself. In the female coming-of-age story, the girl is created by forces around her. In the feminist coming-of-age story, the girl resists the forces and becomes herself.” —Carina Chocano, You Play the Girl Disclaimer: The views expressed in this random quote of [&#8230;]]]></summary>
  224. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p><strong>Random quote of the day:</strong></p>
  225. <p>“In the male coming-of-age story, the boy creates himself. In the female coming-of-age story, the girl is created by forces around her. In the feminist coming-of-age story, the girl resists the forces and becomes herself.”</p>
  226. <p>—Carina Chocano, <em>You Play the Girl</em></p>
  227. <p><center><a href=""><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-7947" src="" alt="" width="542" height="446" srcset=" 542w, 300w, 150w" sizes="(max-width: 542px) 100vw, 542px" /></a></center></p>
  228. <p>Disclaimer: The views expressed in this random quote of the day do not necessarily reflect the views of the poster, her immediate family, Bert and Ernie, Celine Dion, or the Band of the Coldstream Guards. They do, however, sometimes reflect the views of the Cottingley Fairies.</p>
  229. ]]></content>
  230. <link rel="replies" type="text/html" href="" thr:count="0" />
  231. <link rel="replies" type="application/atom+xml" href=";p=7946" thr:count="0" />
  232. <thr:total>0</thr:total>
  233. </entry>
  234. <entry>
  235. <author>
  236. <name>PJ</name>
  237. </author>
  239. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Understand]]></title>
  240. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  242. <id></id>
  243. <updated>2024-09-05T00:18:45Z</updated>
  244. <published>2024-09-05T00:18:18Z</published>
  245. <category scheme="" term="aphorisms" /><category scheme="" term="quote of the day" /><category scheme="" term="understanding" />
  246. <summary type="html"><![CDATA[Random quote of the day: “There doesn&#8217;t have to be anyone who understands you. There just has to be someone who wants to.” —Robert Brault, “Thoughts By the Sea,” The New Robert Brault Reader Disclaimer: The views expressed in this random quote of the day do not necessarily reflect the views of the poster, her [&#8230;]]]></summary>
  248. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p><strong>Random quote of the day:</strong></p>
  249. <p>“There doesn&#8217;t have to be anyone who understands you. There just has to be someone who wants to.”</p>
  250. <p>—Robert Brault, “Thoughts By the Sea,” <em>The New Robert Brault Reader</em></p>
  251. <p><center><a href=""><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-7945" src="" alt="" width="566" height="340" srcset=" 566w, 300w, 150w" sizes="(max-width: 566px) 100vw, 566px" /></a></center></p>
  252. <p>Disclaimer: The views expressed in this random quote of the day do not necessarily reflect the views of the poster, her immediate family, Bert and Ernie, Celine Dion, or the Band of the Coldstream Guards. They do, however, sometimes reflect the views of the Cottingley Fairies.</p>
  253. ]]></content>
  254. <link rel="replies" type="text/html" href="" thr:count="0" />
  255. <link rel="replies" type="application/atom+xml" href=";p=7944" thr:count="0" />
  256. <thr:total>0</thr:total>
  257. </entry>
  258. </feed>

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