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  26.      <title></title>
  27.      <link></link>
  28.      <pubDate>Fri, 26 Jul 2024 06:58:00 GMT</pubDate>
  29.      <description><![CDATA[
  30. <p class="boost">RT <a href=
  31. "">karlemilnikka</a>:</p>
  32. <blockquote>
  33. <p>Apple just released a Chromium/Safari version of Apple Maps. I wonder if
  34. they are planning on making a web version as well.</p>
  35. <p><a class="mention hashtag" href=
  36. "" rel=
  37. "nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>Firefox</span></a>
  38. <a class="mention hashtag" href=""
  39. rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>Mozilla</span></a>
  40. <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  41. "" rel=
  42. "nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>AppleMaps</span></a></p>
  43. </blockquote>
  44. <p class="blosxomMedia">
  45. <img src="/album/bblog/202x/2024-07/a68f248b4c796928.png" title="Firefox on macOS showing the error message “your current browser isn&apos;t supported”."><br>
  46. </p>
  47. ]]></description>
  48.    </item>
  50.    <item>
  51.      <title></title>
  52.      <link></link>
  53.      <pubDate>Tue, 23 Jul 2024 23:04:00 GMT</pubDate>
  54.      <description><![CDATA[
  55. <p>Tagging <span class="h-card"><a class="u-url mention" href=
  56. "">@<span>karlauerbach</span></a></span> for
  57. his ICANN insights</p>
  58. <p class="blosxomMedia">
  59. </p>
  60. ]]></description>
  61.    </item>
  63.    <item>
  64.      <title></title>
  65.      <link></link>
  66.      <pubDate>Mon, 22 Jul 2024 18:02:00 GMT</pubDate>
  67.      <description><![CDATA[
  68. <p class="boost">RT <a href=
  69. "">wayneswiss</a>:</p>
  70. <blockquote>
  71. <p>Ein Microsoft-Ausfall führte zu weltweiten Störungen. Decathlon nutzte dies
  72. für eine &#8220;Get Out&#8221;-Kampagne im Digital Out-of-Home-Bereich. Die kreative
  73. Werbung zeigt, wie das Unternehmen innovative Marketingstrategien einsetzt und
  74. aus einer Krise eine… <a href="" rel=
  75. "nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><span class=
  76. "invisible">http://</span><span class=""></span></a></p>
  77. </blockquote>
  78. <p class="blosxomMedia">
  79. <img src="/album/bblog/202x/2024-07/aa7d85bffefebd18.jpeg"><br>
  80. </p>
  81. ]]></description>
  82.    </item>
  84.    <item>
  85.      <title></title>
  86.      <link></link>
  87.      <pubDate>Mon, 22 Jul 2024 14:51:00 GMT</pubDate>
  88.      <description><![CDATA[
  89. <p class="boost">RT <a href=
  90. "">anneregulakeller</a>:</p>
  91. <blockquote>
  92. <p>Bitte lesen und verbreiten!<br />
  93. Versprechen und Realität – das Déjà-vu mit Nestlé (Kaffee-Sklaven!!) -
  94. infosperber <a href=
  95. ""
  96. rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><span class=
  97. "invisible">https://www.</span><span class=
  98. "ellipsis"></span><span class=
  99. "invisible">erne/versprechen-und-realitaet-das-deja-vu-mit-nestle/</span></a></p>
  100. </blockquote>
  101. <p class="blosxomMedia">
  102. </p>
  103. ]]></description>
  104.    </item>
  106.    <item>
  107.      <title></title>
  108.      <link></link>
  109.      <pubDate>Mon, 22 Jul 2024 06:48:00 GMT</pubDate>
  110.      <description><![CDATA[
  111. <p class="boost">RT <a href=
  112. "">rsalz</a>:</p>
  113. <blockquote>
  114. <p>And so we begin. We are opening QuicTLS (a fork that *enables* QUIC, doesn&#8217;t
  115. *implement* it) to outside contributors. If we get to be as succesful as I
  116. hope, we&#8217;ll try to become a new Apache TLS project.</p>
  117. <p>If you disagree with OpenSSL&#8217;s current primary focus on implementing QUIC,
  118. and wouid like to see other things done, please get in touch.</p>
  119. <p>Four slide summary and invite is here : <a href=
  120. ""
  121. rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><span class=
  122. "invisible">https://</span><span class=
  123. "ellipsis"></span><span class=
  124. "invisible">20/materials/slides-120-hotrfc-sessa-06-the-quictls-project</span></a></p>
  125. <p>Please forward for reach &#8212; the bigger dev community we can build the better
  126. &#8212; and also to the Twitter/X.</p>
  127. </blockquote>
  128. <p class="blosxomMedia">
  129. </p>
  130. ]]></description>
  131.    </item>
  133.    <item>
  134.      <title></title>
  135.      <link></link>
  136.      <pubDate>Sun, 21 Jul 2024 17:36:00 GMT</pubDate>
  137.      <description><![CDATA[
  138. <p class="boost">RT <a href=
  139. "">johnmacintosh</a>:</p>
  140. <blockquote>
  141. <p>Reading to children is always a good idea <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  142. "" rel="tag">#<span>Fantasy</span></a>
  143. <a class="mention hashtag" href="" rel=
  144. "tag">#<span>Reading</span></a></p>
  145. </blockquote>
  146. <p class="blosxomMedia">
  147. <img src="/album/bblog/202x/2024-07/563b73a4a088e5a1.jpeg"><br>
  148. </p>
  149. ]]></description>
  150.    </item>
  152.    <item>
  153.      <title></title>
  154.      <link></link>
  155.      <pubDate>Fri, 19 Jul 2024 13:39:00 GMT</pubDate>
  156.      <description><![CDATA[
  157. <p class="boost">RT <a href=
  158. "">bagder</a>:</p>
  159. <blockquote>
  160. <p>Thank you Crowdstrike for helping to illustrate that Open Source is not the
  161. problem.</p>
  162. </blockquote>
  163. <p class="blosxomMedia">
  164. </p>
  165. ]]></description>
  166.    </item>
  168.    <item>
  169.      <title></title>
  170.      <link></link>
  171.      <pubDate>Fri, 19 Jul 2024 11:16:00 GMT</pubDate>
  172.      <description><![CDATA[
  173. <p class="boost">RT <a href=
  174. "">0xabad1dea</a>:</p>
  175. <blockquote>
  176. <p>This is my current fan theory: that the Microsoft Azure outage several hours
  177. ago caused a script at Crowdstrike to insert nulls or error text at an exciting
  178. spot in what was supposed to be a routine delta update file, and the driver has
  179. an exciting parse failure</p>
  180. </blockquote>
  181. <p class="blosxomMedia">
  182. </p>
  183. ]]></description>
  184.    </item>
  186.    <item>
  187.      <title></title>
  188.      <link></link>
  189.      <pubDate>Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:56:00 GMT</pubDate>
  190.      <description><![CDATA[
  191. <p class="boost">RT <a href=
  192. "">adfichter</a>:</p>
  193. <blockquote>
  194. <p>zur Causa &#8220;Adrienne versus Alibaba, Microsoft, Amazon, Oracle und IBM&#8221;.</p>
  195. <p>Der Fall geht nun an den EDÖB.</p>
  196. <p><a class="mention hashtag" href="" rel=
  197. "nofollow noopener noreferrer" target=
  198. "_blank">#<span>publiccloud</span></a><br />
  199. <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  200. "" rel=
  201. "nofollow noopener noreferrer" target=
  202. "_blank">#<span>democracydiesindarkness</span></a></p>
  203. </blockquote>
  204. <p class="blosxomMedia">
  205. <img src="/album/bblog/202x/2024-07/e941f3ee4091d390.png" title="Vor einem Jahr (!) habe ich als erste Person in der Schweiz die Rahmenverträge zu den 5 Public Cloud-Anbietern der Schweizer Bundesverwaltung angefordert. Mittels des Öffentlichkeitsgesetzes BGÖ. Bekannt ist ja: die Bundesämter können seit über einem Jahr Public Cloud-Leistungen bei den Konzernen AliBaba, Microsoft, Amazon, IBM und Oracle beziehen. Das bedeutet im Umkehrschluss: die Daten von uns Schweizer EinwohnerInnen können je nachdem in diesen 5 Clouds landen.
  207. Die Bundeskanzlei hat nun 1 Jahr lang mit den amerikanischen und chinesischen Big Tech-Riesen verhandelt, was die Herausgabe der Vertragsdokumente an mich angeht. Sie teilte mir vor Kurzem mit dass sie eine geschwärzte Version nun parat habe für mich.
  209. Heute hab ich erfahren: 3 Cloud-Anbieter haben nun Einsprache erhoben, selbst gegen die geschwärzte Version der Vertragsdokumente.
  211. Es wird eine Schlichtungssitzung beim EDÖD geben.
  212. I keep you posted.
  213. Wir sollten nie vergessen: Democracy dies in Darkness. Wenn amerikanische und chinesische Big Tech-Konzerne keine Transparenz geben wollen über die Datenverarbeitung von uns Schweizer BürgerInnen, wird das Vertrauen in die Digitalisierung des Bundes noch mehr sinken."><br>
  214. </p>
  215. ]]></description>
  216.    </item>
  218.    <item>
  219.      <title></title>
  220.      <link></link>
  221.      <pubDate>Thu, 18 Jul 2024 09:47:00 GMT</pubDate>
  222.      <description><![CDATA[
  223. <p class="boost">RT <a href=
  224. "">marcel</a>:</p>
  225. <blockquote>
  226. <p>There is one organization in the world that is by far the best in getting at
  227. unreadable data: The <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  228. "" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target=
  229. "_blank">#<span>NSA</span></a>.</p>
  230. <p>However, it claims even it has trouble to get a historic 1982 video off a
  231. historic tape. Some amateurs claim they can handle it, but the NSA is refusing
  232. help, because there might be a few sentences in that 90 minute lecture it might
  233. want to censor.</p>
  234. <p>A talk by <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  235. "" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"
  236. target="_blank">#<span>GraceHopper</span></a>, the person who documented the
  237. first computer bug, hidden away by old formats.<br />
  238. <a href=
  239. ""
  240. rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><span class=
  241. "invisible">https://www.</span><span class=
  242. "ellipsis"></span><span class=
  243. "invisible">4/jul/10/grace-hopper-lost-lecture-found-nsa/</span></a></p>
  244. </blockquote>
  245. <p class="blosxomMedia">
  246. </p>
  247. ]]></description>
  248.    </item>
  250.    <item>
  251.      <title></title>
  252.      <link></link>
  253.      <pubDate>Tue, 16 Jul 2024 22:07:00 GMT</pubDate>
  254.      <description><![CDATA[
  255. <p class="boost">RT <a href=
  256. "">didib</a>:</p>
  257. <blockquote>
  258. <p><a class="mention hashtag" href="" rel=
  259. "tag">#<span>Provence</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  260. "" rel="tag">#<span>Frankreich</span></a>
  261. <a class="mention hashtag" href="" rel=
  262. "tag">#<span>France</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  263. "" rel=
  264. "tag">#<span>francetourisme</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  265. "" rel=
  266. "tag">#<span>alpshauteprovence</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  267. "" rel=
  268. "tag">#<span>Entrevennes</span></a></p>
  269. <p><span class="h-card"><a class="u-url mention" href=
  270. "">@<span>leica_camera</span></a></span></p>
  271. <p><a class="mention hashtag" href="" rel=
  272. "tag">#<span>leica</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  273. "" rel=
  274. "tag">#<span>leicacameraDE</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  275. "" rel=
  276. "tag">#<span>leicacommunity</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  277. "" rel="tag">#<span>lfimagazine</span></a>
  278. <a class="mention hashtag" href="" rel=
  279. "tag">#<span>lfigallery</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  280. "" rel="tag">#<span>LFIblog</span></a>
  281. <a class="mention hashtag" href=""
  282. rel="tag">#<span>leicacamerablog</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  283. "" rel="tag">#<span>leicablog</span></a>
  284. <a class="mention hashtag" href="" rel=
  285. "tag">#<span>leica_club</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  286. "" rel=
  287. "tag">#<span>leicacameraCH</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  288. "" rel="tag">#<span>leicaM</span></a> <a class=
  289. "mention hashtag" href="" rel=
  290. "tag">#<span>fotografie</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  291. "" rel="tag">#<span>photography</span></a>
  292. <a class="mention hashtag" href="" rel=
  293. "tag">#<span>landschaft</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  294. "" rel=
  295. "tag">#<span>landschaftsfotografie</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  296. "" rel="tag">#<span>landscape</span></a>
  297. <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  298. "" rel=
  299. "tag">#<span>landscapephotography</span></a></p>
  300. <p><a class="mention hashtag" href=""
  301. rel="tag">#<span>Milchstrasse</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  302. "" rel="tag">#<span>milkyway</span></a>
  303. <a class="mention hashtag" href="" rel=
  304. "tag">#<span>Lavendel</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  305. "" rel="tag">#<span>lavender</span></a>
  306. <a class="mention hashtag" href="" rel=
  307. "tag">#<span>lavende</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  308. "" rel="tag">#<span>Weltraum</span></a>
  309. <a class="mention hashtag" href="" rel=
  310. "tag">#<span>Universum</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  311. "" rel=
  312. "tag">#<span>Astrofotografie</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  313. "" rel="tag">#<span>Sterne</span></a> <a class=
  314. "mention hashtag" href="" rel=
  315. "tag">#<span>Space</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  316. "" rel="tag">#<span>Universe</span></a>
  317. <a class="mention hashtag" href=""
  318. rel="tag">#<span>Astrophotography</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  319. "" rel="tag">#<span>Stars</span></a></p>
  320. </blockquote>
  321. <p class="blosxomMedia">
  322. <img src="/album/bblog/202x/2024-07/4a0c61a35a31deee.jpeg"><br>
  323. </p>
  324. ]]></description>
  325.    </item>
  327.    <item>
  328.      <title></title>
  329.      <link></link>
  330.      <pubDate>Tue, 16 Jul 2024 06:27:00 GMT</pubDate>
  331.      <description><![CDATA[
  332. <p class="boost">RT <a href=
  333. "">skaverat</a>:</p>
  334. <blockquote><span class="reply-to">Antwort auf <a href=
  335. "">@frederic</a></span>
  336. <p><span class="h-card"><a class="u-url mention" href=
  337. "" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target=
  338. "_blank">@<span>frederic</span></a></span> <span class="h-card"><a class=
  339. "u-url mention" href="" rel=
  340. "nofollow noopener noreferrer" target=
  341. "_blank">@<span>ubahnverleih</span></a></span></p>
  342. </blockquote>
  343. <p class="blosxomMedia">
  344. <img src="/album/bblog/202x/2024-07/b13096a81dd2d2b1.png" title="Firefox logo, aber mit einem Mozarella Ball anstatt Erde. Und Tomatenscheiben drumherum"><br>
  345. </p>
  346. ]]></description>
  347.    </item>
  349.    <item>
  350.      <title></title>
  351.      <link></link>
  352.      <pubDate>Sun, 14 Jul 2024 12:17:00 GMT</pubDate>
  353.      <description><![CDATA[
  354. <p class="boost">RT <a href=
  355. "">bagder</a>:</p>
  356. <blockquote>
  357. <p>Unchecked in <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  358. "" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"
  359. target="_blank">#<span>Firefox</span></a> 128.</p>
  360. </blockquote>
  361. <p class="blosxomMedia">
  362. <img src="/album/bblog/202x/2024-07/6203cc55144e7df8.png" title="checkbox for &quot;Allow websites to perform privacy-preserving ad measurement&quot;"><br>
  363. </p>
  364. ]]></description>
  365.    </item>
  367.    <item>
  368.      <title></title>
  369.      <link></link>
  370.      <pubDate>Sat, 13 Jul 2024 19:09:00 GMT</pubDate>
  371.      <description><![CDATA[
  372. <p class="boost">RT <a href=
  373. "">rabbit</a>:</p>
  374. <blockquote>
  375. <p>I’m annoyed that we’ve found a way to spend 100 times more electricity over
  376. standard search to have computers confidently provide wrong answers to
  377. questions.</p>
  378. </blockquote>
  379. <p class="blosxomMedia">
  380. </p>
  381. ]]></description>
  382.    </item>
  384.    <item>
  385.      <title></title>
  386.      <link></link>
  387.      <pubDate>Sat, 13 Jul 2024 06:04:00 GMT</pubDate>
  388.      <description><![CDATA[
  389. <p class="boost">RT <a href=
  390. "">dotjayne</a>:</p>
  391. <blockquote>
  392. <p>if you have to make your feature opt-out because people wouldn&#8217;t opt-in then
  393. you shouldn&#8217;t be making that feature</p>
  394. </blockquote>
  395. <p class="blosxomMedia">
  396. </p>
  397. ]]></description>
  398.    </item>
  400.    <item>
  401.      <title></title>
  402.      <link></link>
  403.      <pubDate>Sat, 13 Jul 2024 06:03:00 GMT</pubDate>
  404.      <description><![CDATA[
  405. <p class="boost">RT <a href=
  406. "">zwangseinweisung</a>:</p>
  407. <blockquote>
  408. <p><a class="mention hashtag" href="" rel=
  409. "nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>Netzfund</span></a></p>
  410. </blockquote>
  411. <p class="blosxomMedia">
  412. <video controls src="/album/bblog/202x/2024-07/9b5f314ac41be004.mp4"><br>
  413. </p>
  414. ]]></description>
  415.    </item>
  417.    <item>
  418.      <title></title>
  419.      <link></link>
  420.      <pubDate>Sat, 13 Jul 2024 05:54:00 GMT</pubDate>
  421.      <description><![CDATA[
  422. <p class="boost">RT <a href=
  423. "">breadbin</a>:</p>
  424. <blockquote><span class="reply-to">Antwort auf <a href=
  425. "">@potch</a></span>
  426. <p><span class="h-card"><a class="u-url mention" href=
  427. "" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target=
  428. "_blank">@<span>potch</span></a></span> Too many will import thousands of lines
  429. of poorly supported code they have no real idea of what it does to avoid
  430. writing 2-100 lines of code:(</p>
  431. </blockquote>
  432. <p class="blosxomMedia">
  433. </p>
  434. ]]></description>
  435.    </item>
  437.    <item>
  438.      <title></title>
  439.      <link></link>
  440.      <pubDate>Sat, 13 Jul 2024 05:54:00 GMT</pubDate>
  441.      <description><![CDATA[
  442. <p class="boost">RT <a href=
  443. "">potch</a>:</p>
  444. <blockquote>
  445. <p>engineers will write 200 lines of code to avoid writing a single line of
  446. code twice</p>
  447. </blockquote>
  448. <p class="blosxomMedia">
  449. </p>
  450. ]]></description>
  451.    </item>
  453.    <item>
  454.      <title></title>
  455.      <link></link>
  456.      <pubDate>Fri, 12 Jul 2024 23:18:00 GMT</pubDate>
  457.      <description><![CDATA[
  458. <p class="boost">RT <a href=
  459. "">didib</a>:</p>
  460. <blockquote>
  461. <p>In der <a class="mention hashtag" href=""
  462. rel="tag">#<span>Provence</span></a> in <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  463. "" rel=
  464. "tag">#<span>Frankreich</span></a>.<br />
  465. <a class="mention hashtag" href="" rel=
  466. "tag">#<span>France</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  467. "" rel=
  468. "tag">#<span>francetourisme</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  469. "" rel=
  470. "tag">#<span>alpshauteprovence</span></a></p>
  471. <p><span class="h-card"><a class="u-url mention" href=
  472. "">@<span>leica_camera</span></a></span></p>
  473. <p><a class="mention hashtag" href=
  474. "" rel=
  475. "tag">#<span>destinationluberon</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
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  477. "mention hashtag" href="" rel=
  478. "tag">#<span>leicacameraDE</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
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  480. "tag">#<span>leicacommunity</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
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  483. "tag">#<span>lfigallery</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  484. "" rel="tag">#<span>LFIblog</span></a>
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  487. "" rel="tag">#<span>leicablog</span></a>
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  489. "tag">#<span>leica_club</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
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  491. "tag">#<span>leicacameraCH</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  492. "" rel="tag">#<span>leicaM</span></a> <a class=
  493. "mention hashtag" href="" rel=
  494. "tag">#<span>fotografie</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  495. "" rel="tag">#<span>photography</span></a>
  496. <a class="mention hashtag" href="" rel=
  497. "tag">#<span>blackandwhite</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  498. "" rel=
  499. "tag">#<span>schwarzweiss</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  500. "" rel="tag">#<span>tiere</span></a> <a class=
  501. "mention hashtag" href="" rel=
  502. "tag">#<span>animals</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  503. "" rel="tag">#<span>Schnecke</span></a>
  504. <a class="mention hashtag" href="" rel=
  505. "tag">#<span>snail</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
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  507. "tag">#<span>naturephotography</span></a> <a class="mention hashtag" href=
  508. "" rel="tag">#<span>Natur</span></a> <a class=
  509. "mention hashtag" href="" rel=
  510. "tag">#<span>nature</span></a></p>
  511. </blockquote>
  512. <p class="blosxomMedia">
  513. <img src="/album/bblog/202x/2024-07/b766af9a33303d59.jpeg"><br>
  514. <img src="/album/bblog/202x/2024-07/b40244e81ca94548.jpeg"><br>
  515. </p>
  516. ]]></description>
  517.    </item>
  519.    <item>
  520.      <title></title>
  521.      <link></link>
  522.      <pubDate>Fri, 12 Jul 2024 09:42:00 GMT</pubDate>
  523.      <description><![CDATA[
  524. <p class="boost">RT <a href=
  525. "">crowgirl</a>:</p>
  526. <blockquote>
  527. <p>I successfully removed Copilot from my Windows 11 OEM PC!</p>
  528. <p>Here&#8217;s what I did&#8230;</p>
  529. <p>Uninstall using PowerShell Command<br />
  530. Step 1: Open Terminal (Admin) by right-click on the Windows logo key.</p>
  531. <p>Step 2: Use the following command to uninstall:</p>
  532. <p>Get-AppxPackage | Where-Object {$_.Name -Like &#8216;*Microsoft.Copilot*&#8217;} |
  533. Remove-AppxPackage -ErrorAction Continue</p>
  534. <p>When I searched for Copilot on my PC afterwards, all I got was a link that
  535. opens in Edge that leads to &#8220;download Copilot.&#8221; <a class="mention hashtag"
  536. href="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"
  537. target="_blank">#<span>Copilot</span></a></p>
  538. <p>😂🤣😎</p>
  539. </blockquote>
  540. <p class="blosxomMedia">
  541. </p>
  542. ]]></description>
  543.    </item>
  545.  </channel>
  546. </rss>
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