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  5. <title>Blog Aggregate</title>
  6. <link></link>
  7. <description>This is an aggregate of the other blogs on this site.</description>
  8. <language>en-UK</language>
  9. <docs></docs>
  10. <admin:generatorAgent rdf:resource=""/>
  11. <ttl>360</ttl>
  12. <item>
  13. <title>Just One Damned Thing After Another - Jodi Taylor</title>
  14. <link>;more=1&amp;c=1&amp;tb=1&amp;pb=1</link>
  15. <pubDate>Sun, 07 Jul 2024 13:12:55 +0000</pubDate>
  16. <category domain="main">Books</category>
  17. <category domain="alt">Science Fiction</category> <guid isPermaLink="false">1619@</guid>
  18. <description>
  20. Just One Damned Thing After Another
  21. Jodi Taylor</description>
  22. <content:encoded><![CDATA[ <p><img src=" One Damned Thing After Another - Jodi Taylor.jpg" alt="Just One Damned Thing After Another - Jodi Taylor" title="Just One Damned Thing After Another - Jodi Taylor" /></p>
  23. <p>Just One Damned Thing After Another<br />
  24. Jodi Taylor
  25. </p>
  26. ]]></content:encoded>
  27. <comments>;c=1&amp;tb=1&amp;pb=1#comments</comments>
  28. </item>
  29. <item>
  30. <title>Labyrinth - Kate Mosse</title>
  31. <link>;more=1&amp;c=1&amp;tb=1&amp;pb=1</link>
  32. <pubDate>Sun, 23 Jun 2024 13:11:43 +0000</pubDate>
  33. <category domain="main">Books</category>
  34. <category domain="alt">Thriller</category>
  35. <category domain="alt">Fantasy</category>
  36. <category domain="alt">Historical</category> <guid isPermaLink="false">1618@</guid>
  37. <description>
  39. Labyrinth
  40. Kate Mosse</description>
  41. <content:encoded><![CDATA[ <p><img src=" - Kate Mosse.jpg" alt="Labyrinth - Kate Mosse" title="Labyrinth - Kate Mosse" /></p>
  42. <p>Labyrinth<br />
  43. Kate Mosse
  44. </p>
  45. ]]></content:encoded>
  46. <comments>;c=1&amp;tb=1&amp;pb=1#comments</comments>
  47. </item>
  48. <item>
  49. <title>The Mystery Guest - Nita Prose</title>
  50. <link>;more=1&amp;c=1&amp;tb=1&amp;pb=1</link>
  51. <pubDate>Wed, 05 Jun 2024 06:54:22 +0000</pubDate>
  52. <category domain="main">Books</category>
  53. <category domain="alt">Crime</category> <guid isPermaLink="false">1617@</guid>
  54. <description>
  56. The Mystery Guest
  57. Nita Prose</description>
  58. <content:encoded><![CDATA[ <p><img src=" Mystery Guest - Nita Prose.jpg" alt="The Mystery Guest - Nita Prose" title="The Mystery Guest - Nita Prose" /></p>
  59. <p>The Mystery Guest<br />
  60. Nita Prose
  61. </p>
  62. ]]></content:encoded>
  63. <comments>;c=1&amp;tb=1&amp;pb=1#comments</comments>
  64. </item>
  65. <item>
  66. <title>Ubik - Philip K. Dick</title>
  67. <link>;more=1&amp;c=1&amp;tb=1&amp;pb=1</link>
  68. <pubDate>Thu, 16 May 2024 06:53:33 +0000</pubDate>
  69. <category domain="main">Books</category>
  70. <category domain="alt">Science Fiction</category> <guid isPermaLink="false">1616@</guid>
  71. <description>
  73. Ubik
  74. Philip K. Dick</description>
  75. <content:encoded><![CDATA[ <p><img src=" - Philip K. Dick.jpg" alt="Ubik - Philip K. Dick" title="Ubik - Philip K. Dick" /></p>
  76. <p>Ubik<br />
  77. Philip K. Dick
  78. </p>
  79. ]]></content:encoded>
  80. <comments>;c=1&amp;tb=1&amp;pb=1#comments</comments>
  81. </item>
  82. <item>
  83. <title>Bridges to Burn - Marion Todd</title>
  84. <link>;more=1&amp;c=1&amp;tb=1&amp;pb=1</link>
  85. <pubDate>Mon, 06 May 2024 09:14:51 +0000</pubDate>
  86. <category domain="main">Books</category>
  87. <category domain="alt">Crime</category> <guid isPermaLink="false">1615@</guid>
  88. <description>
  90. Bridges to Burn
  91. Marion Todd</description>
  92. <content:encoded><![CDATA[ <p><img src=" to Burn - Marion Todd.jpg" alt="Bridges to Burn - Marion Todd" title="Bridges to Burn - Marion Todd" /></p>
  93. <p>Bridges to Burn<br />
  94. Marion Todd
  95. </p>
  96. ]]></content:encoded>
  97. <comments>;c=1&amp;tb=1&amp;pb=1#comments</comments>
  98. </item>
  99. </channel>
  100. </rss>

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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda