
This feed does not validate.

In addition, interoperability with the widest range of feed readers could be improved by implementing the following recommendations.


  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <feed xmlns="">
  3. <title>HalsteadArt</title>
  4. <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href=""/>
  5. <updated>2024-07-27T01:56:08Z</updated>
  6. <author>
  7. <name>Ben Halstead</name>
  8. <email></email>
  9. <uri></uri>
  10. </author>
  11. <id></id>
  12. <entry>
  13. <title>Welcome to my website!</title>
  14. <link href="" />
  15. <id></id>
  16. <updated>2010-10-18T15:10:45Z</updated>
  17. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  18. <div xmlns="">
  19. Hello, and welcome to my artist website and blog. At the time of this writing I am just finishing some of the last elements of the site... such as this blog, for example. It seems to be working properly now so we'll get things started.
  21. Feel free to look around!
  23. - Ben
  24. </div>
  25. </content>
  26. </entry>
  27. <entry>
  28. <title>Ottawa!</title>
  29. <link href="" />
  30. <id></id>
  31. <updated>2010-10-18T16:03:00Z</updated>
  32. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  33. <div xmlns="">
  34. I'll be heading to the Ottawa International Animation Festival soon. Last year was my first time and it was a blast. This year will be even better!
  35. </div>
  36. </content>
  37. </entry>
  38. <entry>
  39. <title>Off to Ottawa!</title>
  40. <link href="" />
  41. <id></id>
  42. <updated>2010-10-21T16:08:28Z</updated>
  43. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  44. <div xmlns="">
  45. I have successfully gotten all areas of this site working properly. Feel free to browse! In the meantime, you should know that the "Sketches" section is currently filled with illustrations like the one below. I do have a collection of sketches and gesture drawings that I will upload later, which means I will probably have to make a new section for the illustrations.
  46. <br /><br />
  47. <img src="/sketches/sketch_1.jpg" id="image" alt="Life Drawing" />
  48. <br /><br />
  49. In other news, I am making progress in my short film, <i>The Nature of Craenids</i>, with plans to release it next spring. More updates on that to come!
  50. <br /><br />
  51. As for now... I'm off to the Ottawa International Animation Festival!
  52. </div>
  53. </content>
  54. </entry>
  55. <entry>
  56. <title>Back to the drawing board</title>
  57. <link href="" />
  58. <id></id>
  59. <updated>2010-11-02T11:39:24Z</updated>
  60. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  61. <div xmlns="">
  62. Well it's been a week since Ottawa and I'm back to schedule. I met a lot of interesting people there and I hope to contact them this week. Also I'm working on an animated mock TV series intro that will probably go into the <a href="">Animation section</a> when it's done.
  63. </div>
  64. </content>
  65. </entry>
  66. <entry>
  67. <title>Update: The Nature of Craenids</title>
  68. <link href="" />
  69. <id></id>
  70. <updated>2010-12-13T11:02:27Z</updated>
  71. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  72. <div xmlns="">
  73. This is an update on my traditionally animated film-in-progress, "The Nature of Craenids." The film is currently nearing completion of animation keyframes. I hope to get some finished backgrounds over Christmas break, so that the next five months can be spent in-betweening and cleaning up.
  74. <br /><br />
  75. Here is a glance at what I'd like the style of the film to resemble:
  76. <br /><img src="" />
  77. <br /><br />Also, I fixed the <a href="">Animation section</a> a bit, and also added my <a href="">Resume</a> to the <a href="">Contact section.</a> Stay in touch for more updates!
  78. </div>
  79. </content>
  80. </entry>
  81. <entry>
  82. <title>Winner of the Stratton Prize Scholarship!</title>
  83. <link href="" />
  84. <id></id>
  85. <updated>2012-09-12T18:43:23Z</updated>
  86. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  87. <div xmlns="">
  88. Many thanks to the Stratton Foundation for their selection of The Nature of Craenids as one of the winners of their scholarship prize!
  89. <p>
  90. Here is a look at the work in progress on this film. Some important changes that are taking place:
  91. <br />1) This is not the final music, and perhaps not the final narration, either.
  92. <br />2) Backgrounds are being colored and I expect to have all of them more or less finished in the next two weeks.
  93. <br />3) The shots you see that have little or no animation are either being drawn right now, or are going to be made using computer software in the next week or so.
  94. </p><p>
  95. <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data=";amp;hl=en_US" width="560" height="315"><param name="movie" value=";amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param></object></p>
  96. <p>Also, some slight improvements have been made to the site. For one thing, I am no longer hosting the videos on this server; it is easier and more reliable to use YouTube. Additionally, the illustrations and concept art sections have been combined into the Portfolio section. Now I just have to figure out what to put in the Sketches section...</p>
  97. </div>
  98. </content>
  99. </entry>
  100. <entry>
  101. <title>Ul'Koris: The Craenid homeworld</title>
  102. <link href="" />
  103. <id></id>
  104. <updated>2012-09-12T17:44:08Z</updated>
  105. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  106. <div xmlns="">
  107. I've been working on the shots involving stars and planets for my film. I started to get carried away with making a photo-realistic planet for the opening homeworld shot, so I had to stop myself. The end result is a fairly realistic planet... that is cel-shaded.
  108. <br />*shrug* I may or may not keep it like this.
  109. <br /><img alt="Ul_Koris.jpg" src="" />
  110. </div>
  111. </content>
  112. </entry>
  113. <entry>
  114. <title>Preview: Mara Morena</title>
  115. <link href="" />
  116. <id></id>
  117. <updated>2012-09-12T18:38:19Z</updated>
  118. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  119. <div xmlns="">
  120. <p>Here's an update on the lip-sync shot of the fashion designer from my short film. Remaining work is basically final line, color, and maybe another subtle movement at the end. Scroll down to see more of the work in progress from The Nature of Craenids!</p>
  121. <p>Also: YouTube seems to have stretched it a bit, and the audio is just a tiny bit off. These are formatting issues and will not be a problem in the final composite of the film.</p>
  122. <br />
  123. <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data=";amp;hl=en_US" width="420" height="315"><param name="movie" value=";amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param></object>
  124. </div>
  125. </content>
  126. </entry>
  127. <entry>
  128. <title>UPDATE: The Nature of Craenids</title>
  129. <link href="" />
  130. <id></id>
  131. <updated>2012-09-12T18:38:56Z</updated>
  132. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  133. <div xmlns="">
  134. Here's a look at the latest progress in my animated short, The Nature of Craenids. Most of the work that remains involves cleaning up and coloring the animation. This is the version of the film that was recently shown for my senior review at the College for Creative Studies in Detroit.<br />
  135. <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data=";amp;hl=en_US" width="560" height="315"><param name="movie" value=";amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param></object>
  136. </div>
  137. </content>
  138. </entry>
  139. <entry>
  140. <title>Update!</title>
  141. <link href="" />
  142. <id></id>
  143. <updated>2012-09-12T16:44:13Z</updated>
  144. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  145. <div xmlns="">
  146. Finally updating to say a few important things. Namely,
  147. <br />1) I graduated CCS
  148. <br />2) I moved to Glendale, California
  149. <br />3) I got a job!
  150. Things have changed rather quickly, but I am now working as an Assistant Animator with Mariposa Pictures. Additionally, I just recently started a blog with some other artists called "1 Hour to Life":
  151. <br /><a href=""><img alt="1 Hour to Life" src="/cargo/1H2L_header.jpg" /></a><br />
  152. I'll be posting short, rough animations there regularly, so check it out!
  153. </div>
  154. </content>
  155. </entry>
  156. <entry>
  157. <title>SIGGRAPH 2012</title>
  158. <link href="" />
  159. <id></id>
  160. <updated>2012-08-07T03:46:09Z</updated>
  161. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  162. <div xmlns="">
  163. Headed to Siggraph here in LA over the next few days! This is my first time going so it should be exciting.<br /><br />Also, welcome to the new face of my website! I thought I'd spend a few days redesigning the site with some ideas I've been meaning to implement. This is just the beginning - more improvements to come!<br /><br />Lastly, I have some brand new work so I'm going to be making fresh new demo reels. I'm also expanding into the realm of banner ads and interactive advertisements, so stay tuned, and thanks for visiting!
  164. </div>
  165. </content>
  166. </entry>
  167. <entry>
  168. <title>New 2D Demo Reel!</title>
  169. <link href="" />
  170. <id></id>
  171. <updated>2012-09-02T18:00:51Z</updated>
  172. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  173. <div xmlns="">
  174. So I've been pretty busy the past couple of months, and I wanted to show some of the animation I've done in a new reel. Well, here it is! Just click the pencil button at the top of this site to watch it. Speaking of which - more work will be done on the website shortly to make those links spiffy.<br /><br />
  175. The music in my new reel is by Pogo. You can check out his stuff at <a href=""></a>.<br /><br />
  176. Check back soon for more updates!
  177. </div>
  178. </content>
  179. </entry>
  180. <entry>
  181. <title>Testing!</title>
  182. <link href="" />
  183. <id></id>
  184. <updated>2012-09-10T02:02:12Z</updated>
  185. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  186. <div xmlns="">
  187. I am testing some blog scripting.
  188. </div>
  189. </content>
  190. </entry>
  191. <entry>
  192. <title>More testing...</title>
  193. <link href="" />
  194. <id></id>
  195. <updated>2012-09-10T02:41:41Z</updated>
  196. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  197. <div xmlns="">
  198. <img alt="bh_selfportrait_small.jpg" src="" /><br />Now testing the image uploader...
  199. <br />This should make it easier to upload images to the blog.
  200. </div>
  201. </content>
  202. </entry>
  203. <entry>
  204. <title>Testing Video Uploads</title>
  205. <link href="" />
  206. <id></id>
  207. <updated>2012-09-12T18:05:26Z</updated>
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  226. </object><br />Now checking the video upload. This was a short experiment I did for my <a href="">One Hour to Life</a> blog.
  227. <br />
  228. <br />Third time is a charm!
  229. </div>
  230. </content>
  231. </entry>
  232. <entry>
  233. <title>New ATOM feed for this site</title>
  234. <link href="" />
  235. <id></id>
  236. <updated>2012-09-12T17:52:38Z</updated>
  237. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  238. <div xmlns="">
  239. I believe I have this blog formatted into an Atom feed now, so you should be able to subscribe and follow my updates! I'll do some testing to see how it looks in various feed readers, and I'll put up a fancy link soon. For now, you can try this:
  240. <br />
  241. <br /><a name="HalsteadArt_Feed" href="/atom/index.php">HalsteadArt Feed</a>
  242. </div>
  243. </content>
  244. </entry>
  245. <entry>
  246. <title>New Welcome!</title>
  247. <link href="" />
  248. <id></id>
  249. <updated>2012-09-13T02:45:28Z</updated>
  250. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  251. <div xmlns="">
  252. I think all updates are complete, all holes are patched, and all functions are functional for this new iteration of my website. The feed is linked and ready for subscribing. So, in case you're a new visitor:
  253. <br />
  254. <br />Welcome to! I will be posting various doodles, sketches, and cartoons over the coming weeks while I work on updating my portfolio before the <a href="">CTN Animation Expo</a> in November. I hope you like what you see, and if you do, please <a href="/atom">subscribe</a> so you can stay up to date. Thanks for visiting!
  255. </div>
  256. </content>
  257. </entry>
  258. <entry>
  259. <title>Doodles</title>
  260. <link href="" />
  261. <id></id>
  262. <updated>2012-09-19T18:12:03Z</updated>
  263. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  264. <div xmlns="">
  265. <img alt="Doodles101.JPG" src="" /><br />Some sketches I've been doing. Trying to develop my character design. More to come.
  266. </div>
  267. </content>
  268. </entry>
  269. <entry>
  270. <title>New potential project</title>
  271. <link href="" />
  272. <id></id>
  273. <updated>2012-09-21T03:25:05Z</updated>
  274. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  275. <div xmlns="">
  276. <img alt="Vincentsketches01.JPG" src="" /><br />I've been in contact with somebody who is interested in commissioning a brief animated scene involving Dragon-style Kung Fu. These are some of the warm up sketches I've been doing today. I think my first hand pose was closer to Tiger style. Learning as I go.
  277. </div>
  278. </content>
  279. </entry>
  280. <entry>
  281. <title>Thumbnails</title>
  282. <link href="" />
  283. <id></id>
  284. <updated>2012-09-29T19:03:35Z</updated>
  285. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  286. <div xmlns="">
  287. <img alt="thumbnails_9-24.gif" src="" /><br />I'm continuing to work on my character design. I thought I'd try the strategy of scribbling a bunch of thumbnail silhouettes, and looking for character forms within those shapes. It was fun, and I think it's been helping me come up with interesting ideas. I'll be posting some of the finished designs shortly.
  288. </div>
  289. </content>
  290. </entry>
  291. <entry>
  292. <title>New Characters!</title>
  293. <link href="" />
  294. <id></id>
  295. <updated>2012-09-29T19:05:31Z</updated>
  296. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  297. <div xmlns="">
  298. <img alt="chars_01.jpg" src="" /><br />Here are some of the finished designs to come out of my thumbnails. Some of these may end up in my portfolio. Two more are on the way.
  299. </div>
  300. </content>
  301. </entry>
  302. <entry>
  303. <title>Late night idea</title>
  304. <link href="" />
  305. <id></id>
  306. <updated>2012-10-02T01:59:37Z</updated>
  307. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  308. <div xmlns="">
  309. <img alt="oldman01.JPG" src="" /><br />I'm considering character ideas for a new expression sheet. I'd been wanting to draw an old man in an angular style, for some reason.
  310. </div>
  311. </content>
  312. </entry>
  313. <entry>
  314. <title>A new character sheet</title>
  315. <link href="" />
  316. <id></id>
  317. <updated>2012-10-11T01:27:49Z</updated>
  318. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  319. <div xmlns="">
  320. <img alt="chardesign_newgirl_small.jpg" src="" /><br />I had a lot of fun designing and drawing this character. I may try animating her in the future. For now, Claire will be a new addition to my portfolio, which will be updated once I've done enough new artwork.
  321. <br />
  322. <br />Next up will probably be an expression sheet for that old man I was drawing earlier.
  323. </div>
  324. </content>
  325. </entry>
  326. <entry>
  327. <title>Grandpa Dale Expressions</title>
  328. <link href="" />
  329. <id></id>
  330. <updated>2012-10-15T18:23:19Z</updated>
  331. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  332. <div xmlns="">
  333. <img alt="grandpa_dale_blog.jpg" src="" /><br />Here's the finished expressions sheet for my angular old man character, named Grandpa Dale. He'll be joining Claire in my portfolio.
  334. <br />
  335. <br />Grandpa Dale's previous name had a slang connotation I was not aware of when I first posted. I think Dale is a safe alternative.
  336. </div>
  337. </content>
  338. </entry>
  339. <entry>
  340. <title>More portfolio artwork</title>
  341. <link href="" />
  342. <id></id>
  343. <updated>2012-10-16T00:09:31Z</updated>
  344. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  345. <div xmlns="">
  346. <img alt="Character_thumbs_blog.jpg" src="" /><br />All my recent work has been submitted for the CTN Expo's Recruiting and Portfolio Review, so now I just need to cross my fingers. Here's a finished collection of some of those thumbnails I was doing earlier. I'll have to update my portfolio here on HalsteadArt next.
  347. </div>
  348. </content>
  349. </entry>
  350. <entry>
  351. <title>CTN-X is over!</title>
  352. <link href="" />
  353. <id></id>
  354. <updated>2012-11-19T18:32:29Z</updated>
  355. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  356. <div xmlns="">
  357. Well, the CTN animation convention is done, and it was even more awesome than last year. I learned a great deal and have a new direction and enthusiasm for how to brand myself as an artist and animator.
  358. <br />
  359. <br />Expect more updates soon.
  360. </div>
  361. </content>
  362. </entry>
  363. <entry>
  364. <title>Update!</title>
  365. <link href="" />
  366. <id></id>
  367. <updated>2013-01-19T17:13:46Z</updated>
  368. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
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  386. </object><br />So it's past time for an update, though it's not for lack of animating. I've actually been hard at work for the past few months doing animated commissions over the internet. Turns out there's a bit of a market for things like animated icons and short videos of people's own personal characters.
  387. <br />
  388. <br />One thing I've noticed many times over the course of my life is the sheer abundance of creativity that's out there, bottled up inside the minds of ordinary people, unseen by anyone else. Your random everyday janitor, engineer, or accountant could have entire worlds constructed in their heads, with ages of history containing countless stories of heroes and adventures. These online commissions I'm doing are something of an intermission in my career while I look for more studio work, but still I take pride in giving people a chance to see their characters come to life before their eyes. It means a lot to a creator to see their creation, even if it's just for a 2-second animated pose.
  389. <br />
  390. <br />Here's just one recent example of this work. This character is not owned or copyrighted by me.
  391. </div>
  392. </content>
  393. </entry>
  394. <entry>
  395. <title>Beasts Fury game: Work so far</title>
  396. <link href="" />
  397. <id></id>
  398. <updated>2013-03-19T20:24:32Z</updated>
  399. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  400. <div xmlns="">
  401. Here's a test build with hitboxes for an indie game called Beast's Fury, which I've been working for on a freelance basis. I did all the animation here, and some which has not yet been added to the build.
  402. <br />It's my first foray into 2D fighting game animation, so a lot of things still need animation work and timing adjustments.
  403. <br />
  404. <br /><iframe width="853" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  405. </div>
  406. </content>
  407. </entry>
  408. <entry>
  409. <title>Recent commission</title>
  410. <link href="" />
  411. <id></id>
  412. <updated>2013-04-18T01:47:11Z</updated>
  413. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  414. <div xmlns="">
  415. Here's another commission I finished recently, which I got permission to post here. I'm proud of this one because it gave me a chance to combine some effects using Toon Boom. For example, the static texture on the scarf and other clothing (along the lines of Chowder or The Count of Monte Cristo), which can be accomplished in Toon Boom using a texture fill.
  416. <br />
  417. <br />This was also the first time I've ever animated anything in an anime style. I want to continue to expand the variety of styles that I can draw.
  418. <br />
  419. <br />
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  425. </div>
  426. </content>
  427. </entry>
  428. <entry>
  429. <title>11 Second Club in Progress</title>
  430. <link href="" />
  431. <id></id>
  432. <updated>2013-04-18T17:29:18Z</updated>
  433. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
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  451. </object><br />Early this month, I decided to give April's <a href="">11 Second Club</a> a shot. These were the character designs I settled on after a heartfelt period of scribbling, sketching, and studying Patrick Stewart's face. And the video is where I currently stand in my animation. I'm a little behind where I want to be, so it's time to pick up the pace!
  452. </div>
  453. </content>
  454. </entry>
  455. <entry>
  456. <title>11 Second Club Submitted!</title>
  457. <link href="" />
  458. <id></id>
  459. <updated>2013-05-01T20:03:15Z</updated>
  460. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
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  477.  <![endif]-->
  478. </object><br />It's done!
  479. <br />
  480. <br />Or at least as done as it's going to be. Last night I submitted the above video to <a href="">April's 11 Second Club</a> competition. Fingers crossed! Now to vote on all the other entries.
  481. <br />
  482. <br />Before I add this to my 2013 reel I may add a few more inbetweens and color it.
  483. </div>
  484. </content>
  485. </entry>
  486. <entry>
  487. <title>New Beast's Fury IndieGoGo</title>
  488. <link href="" />
  489. <id></id>
  490. <updated>2013-05-05T02:19:46Z</updated>
  491. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  492. <div xmlns="">
  493. The game I've been animating for has a new IndieGoGo! You can check it out at this link:
  494. <br /><a href=""></a>
  495. <br />
  496. <br />And you can follow the updates for the game at the new website, here:
  497. <br /><a href=""></a>
  498. <br />
  499. <br />Funding would really help this get off the ground so if you like what you see, please consider donating to the crowdfunding campaign. Here's the video from the indiegogo:
  500. <br /><iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  501. </div>
  502. </content>
  503. </entry>
  504. <entry>
  505. <title>Original Ralph Bakshi sketches!</title>
  506. <link href="" />
  507. <id></id>
  508. <updated>2013-05-15T19:20:19Z</updated>
  509. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  510. <div xmlns="">
  511. <img alt="BAKSHI_1_sm.jpg" src="" /><br /><img alt="BAKSHI_2_sm.jpg" src="" /><br />
  512. <br />
  513. <br />As thanks for contributing to legendary animator Ralph Bakshi's recent Kickstarter, <a href="">Last Days of Coney Island</a>, I received this complimentary original doodle with Bakshi's signature (first image) and a sticker with a Ralph Bakshi character (second image). Depending on your resolution, the images on your screen should be pretty much true to actual size.
  514. <br />
  515. <br />Personally, I've always had mixed feelings about Bakshi's material, but I also always respected him for his originality, and his courage to do things outside the "norm" with animation entertainment. That's why I'm eager to see what he'll come up with next!
  516. </div>
  517. </content>
  518. </entry>
  519. <entry>
  520. <title>Beast's Fury is going strong!</title>
  521. <link href="" />
  522. <id></id>
  523. <updated>2013-05-15T19:50:39Z</updated>
  524. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  525. <div xmlns="">
  526. The game I'm animating for has reached its first goal on the IndieGoGo fundraiser! Let's keep the momentum going... if we can reach $20,000, we'll have enough to complete a playable PC demo. Help spread the word!
  527. <br />
  528. <br /><a href=""></a>
  529. </div>
  530. </content>
  531. </entry>
  532. <entry>
  533. <title>We made it!!</title>
  534. <link href="" />
  535. <id></id>
  536. <updated>2013-06-20T02:27:44Z</updated>
  537. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  538. <div xmlns="">
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  543.  <param name="controller" value="true" />
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  545.  <!--[if gte IE 7]> <!-->
  546.  <object type="video/quicktime" data="" width="720" height="500">
  547.    <param name="controller" value="true" />
  548.    <param name="autoplay" value="true" />
  549.    alt : <a href=""></a>
  550.  </object>
  551.  <!--<![endif]-->
  552.  <!--[if lt IE 7]>
  553.    alt : <a href=""></a>
  554.  <![endif]-->
  555. </object><br />We reached our primary stretch goal for crowdfunding the game Beast's Fury: Over 20 grand to fund a playable PC Demo! Over the next few months we will be hard at work making animation and other assets to make this demo a reality. Above is the idle stance animation for the character Matilda. Below is the link to our IndieGoGo page that made this all possible.
  556. <br />
  557. <br /><a href=""></a>
  558. </div>
  559. </content>
  560. </entry>
  561. <entry>
  562. <title>A Long Overdue Update! CTN-X 2014!</title>
  563. <link href="" />
  564. <id></id>
  565. <updated>2014-11-26T03:37:31Z</updated>
  566. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  567. <div xmlns="">
  568. First and foremost: We are still hard at work on the Beast's Fury game demo, and are on track to finish it at about the end of December! Here are some of Vincent's special attack animations:
  569. <p><img src="/uploads/img/Vincent_Giga.gif" alt="Giga Tiamat Knuckle" /><br />
  570. <img src="/uploads/img/Vincent_Taunt.gif" alt="Taunt" /><br />
  571. <img src="/uploads/img/Vincent_LevKick.gif" alt="Leviathan Kick" /><br />
  572. </p>
  573. In other news, my wife and I (married just a couple months ago!) just got back from a weekend at the CTN Animation Expo here in Burbank! This was our fourth year going and it was awesome as always! To everyone I met there, or who may have picked up my business card, welcome to my website, and stay tuned because I'm about to expand this blog to all the big social networks. Also, I recently finished a gig as Toon Boom Animator for Laundry Design LLC, which was fantastic. It was great to meet everyone at that studio and I hope to be back there soon for more character animation work!
  574. <br /><br />
  575. CTN always gives me a big boost of enthusiasm for the art of 2D character animation, and I plan to keep the momentum going. Many updates to come!
  576. </div>
  577. </content>
  578. </entry>
  579. <entry>
  580. <title>ATTENTION! This feed is discontinued! More at</title>
  581. <link href="" />
  582. <id></id>
  583. <updated>2015-01-13T21:07:25Z</updated>
  584. <content type="xhtml" xml:lang="en" xml:base="">
  585. <div xmlns="">
  586. To anybody who may be following this feed: My art and animation website,, has just been upgraded... and this old feed is being discontinued! Visit <a href=""></a> to subscribe to my new and improved feed, or follow me on your favorite social media!<br /><br />The URL for my new RSS feed is: <a href=""></a>
  587. </div>
  588. </content>
  589. </entry>
  590. </feed>
Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda