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  1. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><?xml-stylesheet href="" type="text/css"?><feed xmlns='' xmlns:openSearch='' xmlns:blogger='' xmlns:georss='' xmlns:gd="" xmlns:thr=''><id>,1999:blog-7825957372675897778</id><updated>2025-02-10T04:03:33.852-08:00</updated><category term="home heating"/><category term="economics"/><category term="renewable energy"/><category term="home energy"/><category term="transport"/><category term="water"/><category term="solar"/><category term="food"/><category term="energy storage"/><category term="heat pumps"/><category term="business"/><category term="energy security"/><category term="leisure"/><category term="recycling"/><category term="wind"/><category term="carbon storage"/><category term="smart meters"/><category term="lighting"/><category term="construction"/><category term="fracking"/><category term="kitchen"/><category term="christmas"/><category term="nuclear"/><category term="over-heating"/><category term="plastic"/><category term="computers"/><category term="hydrogen"/><category term="clothing"/><category term="personal"/><category term="EVs"/><category term="GGR"/><category term="biochar"/><title type='text'>Energy Thoughts and Surprises</title><subtitle type='html'>As I discovered while writing my book - &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Energy and carbon emissions: the way we live today&lt;/a&gt; - it isn&#39;t always obvious how our everyday choices add up in terms of energy use and carbon emissions. This blog aims to paint you an objective picture - and sometimes surprise you.</subtitle><link rel='' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href=''/><link rel='hub' href=''/><link rel='next' type='application/atom+xml' href=';start-index=26&amp;max-results=25'/><author><name>Nicola</name><uri></uri><email></email><gd:image rel='' width='30' height='32' src='//'/></author><generator version='7.00' uri=''>Blogger</generator><openSearch:totalResults>414</openSearch:totalResults><openSearch:startIndex>1</openSearch:startIndex><openSearch:itemsPerPage>25</openSearch:itemsPerPage><entry><id>,</id><published>2025-01-02T03:37:00.000-08:00</published><updated>2025-01-02T03:37:20.623-08:00</updated><category scheme="" term="clothing"/><category scheme="" term="home heating"/><title type='text'>How cold can you go? Is 16°C reasonable?</title><summary type="text">As we enter a cold snap, and energy prices have risen again, we are more worried about how to manage our home heating. The easiest way to reduce bills is to turn down the thermostat. Do we really need 20°C or higher at home? Perhaps this is merely a social convention. David MacKay published ‘Sustainable Energy Without the Hot Air’ in 2009, in which he proposed turning down the thermostat at home </summary><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml' href='' title='Post Comments'/><link rel='replies' type='text/html' href='' title='2 Comments'/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='' title='How cold can you go? Is 16°C reasonable?'/><author><name>Nicola</name><uri></uri><email></email><gd:image rel='' width='30' height='32' src='//'/></author><thr:total>2</thr:total></entry><entry><id>,</id><published>2024-11-06T08:51:00.000-08:00</published><updated>2024-11-10T03:22:22.669-08:00</updated><category scheme="" term="economics"/><title type='text'>How much to disconnect your gas supply?</title><summary type="text">&amp;nbsp;When you decarbonise your home by going electric, you can save more money by going off gas completely so as to avoid the standing charge (the fixed annual charge). In my region, this can save up to £115/year but in some places you can save twice as much [1].To avoid the standing charge you have to get your meter removed. The meter is owned by the supplier and you have to get them to do this</summary><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml' href='' title='Post Comments'/><link rel='replies' type='text/html' href='' title='2 Comments'/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='' title='How much to disconnect your gas supply?'/><author><name>Nicola</name><uri></uri><email></email><gd:image rel='' width='30' height='32' src='//'/></author><media:thumbnail xmlns:media="" url="" height="72" width="72"/><thr:total>2</thr:total></entry><entry><id>,</id><published>2024-09-04T02:28:00.000-07:00</published><updated>2024-09-04T02:28:12.972-07:00</updated><category scheme="" term="home energy"/><title type='text'> Solving under-occupancy with ‘adjustable housing’</title><summary type="text">One of the best ways to save energy is to move to a smaller house. Heating a larger house takes a larger amount of energy – floor area accounts for 70% of variation in space heating demand, as modelled by the CHM [1]. According to the Bedroom Standard (see below), 4.4% of homes are over-crowded but 69% are under-occupied [2]. If you allow one spare room then that number reduces to about 36% but </summary><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml' href='' title='Post Comments'/><link rel='replies' type='text/html' href='' title='0 Comments'/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='' title=' Solving under-occupancy with ‘adjustable housing’'/><author><name>Nicola</name><uri></uri><email></email><gd:image rel='' width='30' height='32' src='//'/></author><media:thumbnail xmlns:media="" url="" height="72" width="72"/><thr:total>0</thr:total></entry><entry><id>,</id><published>2024-08-21T04:48:00.000-07:00</published><updated>2024-08-21T09:04:27.883-07:00</updated><category scheme="" term="water"/><title type='text'> What’s wrong with water softeners?</title><summary type="text">Cambridge has hard water and it scales up our appliances. Some of them we can clean with a bit of effort, but some are not so easy. You can clean the heating element in your kettle just by soaking in hot dilute vinegar – but getting at the heat exchanger in your hot water cylinder is a tricky job. The obvious answer is a water softener.&amp;nbsp;There are two problems.Water softeners use extra water </summary><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml' href='' title='Post Comments'/><link rel='replies' type='text/html' href='' title='1 Comments'/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='' title=' What’s wrong with water softeners?'/><author><name>Nicola</name><uri></uri><email></email><gd:image rel='' width='30' height='32' src='//'/></author><thr:total>1</thr:total></entry><entry><id>,</id><published>2024-07-21T06:25:00.000-07:00</published><updated>2024-07-22T00:57:09.171-07:00</updated><title type='text'> Learnings from monitoring the solar hot water system</title><summary type="text">For reasons too complicated to explain (best summarised – if I was you I would not start from here) my beloved has implemented a controller for our solar thermal pump. This is for a solar thermal panel, rather than a solar electricity panel. The pump circulates hot water (with glycol) from the panel to the hot water cylinder and back. Knowing my love of data he added some monitoring into this </summary><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml' href='' title='Post Comments'/><link rel='replies' type='text/html' href='' title='1 Comments'/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='' title=' Learnings from monitoring the solar hot water system'/><author><name>Nicola</name><uri></uri><email></email><gd:image rel='' width='30' height='32' src='//'/></author><media:thumbnail xmlns:media="" url="" height="72" width="72"/><thr:total>1</thr:total></entry><entry><id>,</id><published>2024-04-28T09:10:00.000-07:00</published><updated>2024-04-28T09:20:42.649-07:00</updated><category scheme="" term="transport"/><title type='text'>Travel emissions per hour</title><summary type="text">How do you think of travel distances in your head? People often think in terms of the time taken to get there rather than the actual distance. One hour (each way) is not unusual for regular commute by car and for a weekend excursion you might think three hours was reasonable. By air you can get quite a long way in three hours. Here I compare GHG emissions for various travel modes by km and by </summary><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml' href='' title='Post Comments'/><link rel='replies' type='text/html' href='' title='2 Comments'/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='' title='Travel emissions per hour'/><author><name>Nicola</name><uri></uri><email></email><gd:image rel='' width='30' height='32' src='//'/></author><media:thumbnail xmlns:media="" url="" height="72" width="72"/><thr:total>2</thr:total></entry><entry><id>,</id><published>2024-04-13T05:03:00.000-07:00</published><updated>2024-04-14T08:26:12.382-07:00</updated><category scheme="" term="food"/><title type='text'>How to grow climate friendly food at home</title><summary type="text">Were you as shocked as I was to hear that growing your own food at home has six times the GHG emissions as conventional agriculture? Surely it does not have to be like this? I looked at the study behind the news [1]. (It came out in January and I do not understand why it has hit the news again now.) The good news is, the main sources of emissions from home grown produce are easily avoided, with a</summary><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml' href='' title='Post Comments'/><link rel='replies' type='text/html' href='' title='1 Comments'/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='' title='How to grow climate friendly food at home'/><author><name>Nicola</name><uri></uri><email></email><gd:image rel='' width='30' height='32' src='//'/></author><media:thumbnail xmlns:media="" url="" height="72" width="72"/><thr:total>1</thr:total></entry><entry><id>,</id><published>2024-04-02T10:15:00.000-07:00</published><updated>2024-04-03T09:38:04.306-07:00</updated><title type='text'>Temperatures in my youth and now</title><summary type="text">How have external temperatures changed in my lifetime? I have been playing with graphs that show current X (e.g. temperature) as a line versus historic X as typical ranges. Here is one showing temperature in East Anglia in my youth (age 0 to 21) versus the last six whole years. The shaded areas show the range of temperatures seen from 1963 to 1984, with green and blue being below the median while</summary><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml' href='' title='Post Comments'/><link rel='replies' type='text/html' href='' title='0 Comments'/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='' title='Temperatures in my youth and now'/><author><name>Nicola</name><uri></uri><email></email><gd:image rel='' width='30' height='32' src='//'/></author><media:thumbnail xmlns:media="" url="" height="72" width="72"/><thr:total>0</thr:total></entry><entry><id>,</id><published>2024-02-19T04:30:00.000-08:00</published><updated>2024-02-19T04:30:29.863-08:00</updated><category scheme="" term="heat pumps"/><title type='text'>A whole street of heat pumps - noise levels</title><summary type="text">Heat pumps make noises, of course they do. The question is, will their noise be a nuisance if every house on the street has one? The short answer is - not usually. Here I explain why we are not disturbed by ours, and why a whole street of heat pumps does not sound much louder than a couple. In urban areas, other noises are much more noticeable. In rural areas, you might be disturbed by yours but </summary><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml' href='' title='Post Comments'/><link rel='replies' type='text/html' href='' title='5 Comments'/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='' title='A whole street of heat pumps - noise levels'/><author><name>Nicola</name><uri></uri><email></email><gd:image rel='' width='30' height='32' src='//'/></author><media:thumbnail xmlns:media="" url="" height="72" width="72"/><thr:total>5</thr:total></entry><entry><id>,</id><published>2024-02-10T08:28:00.000-08:00</published><updated>2024-02-10T08:28:52.758-08:00</updated><category scheme="" term="water"/><title type='text'> Rainwater harvesting: dammed by regulation</title><summary type="text">For the whole of the East of England water supply is an increasing problem. Here in Cambridge we need to reduce the amount we take from our aquifers by about half in order to protect the chalk streams. This will be achieved with a combination of reducing leakage, reducing demand and increasing supply (by building large reservoirs). One way to reduce demand is to harvest rainwater for use where it</summary><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml' href='' title='Post Comments'/><link rel='replies' type='text/html' href='' title='4 Comments'/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='' title=' Rainwater harvesting: dammed by regulation'/><author><name>Nicola</name><uri></uri><email></email><gd:image rel='' width='30' height='32' src='//'/></author><media:thumbnail xmlns:media="" url="" height="72" width="72"/><thr:total>4</thr:total></entry><entry><id>,</id><published>2024-01-09T02:09:00.000-08:00</published><updated>2024-01-09T02:09:41.339-08:00</updated><category scheme="" term="economics"/><category scheme="" term="heat pumps"/><title type='text'>Shifting policy costs on energy bills - revisited</title><summary type="text">As I said in a previous blog post, the current price ratio between electricity and gas means that switching to heat pumps often means bills increase - a major deterrent to many households considering taking on low carbon heating. Part of the problem is because of the way &#39;policy costs&#39; are loaded mainly onto electricity bills instead of gas so when you switch to a heat pump you end up paying far </summary><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml' href='' title='Post Comments'/><link rel='replies' type='text/html' href='' title='2 Comments'/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='' title='Shifting policy costs on energy bills - revisited'/><author><name>Nicola</name><uri></uri><email></email><gd:image rel='' width='30' height='32' src='//'/></author><media:thumbnail xmlns:media="" url="" height="72" width="72"/><thr:total>2</thr:total></entry><entry><id>,</id><published>2023-12-28T04:54:00.000-08:00</published><updated>2023-12-28T23:27:59.306-08:00</updated><category scheme="" term="transport"/><title type='text'> A New Year wish – autonomous cars.</title><summary type="text">Driverless vehicles are in the news again. (Driverless cars: Tech possible for UK motorways by 2026, transport secretary says).&amp;nbsp;The usual justification given for needing driverless cars is safety because most car accidents are caused by human error. I disagree because it seems unlikely driverless cars will ever be demonstrably and significantly more safe than cars driven by humans. However, </summary><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml' href='' title='Post Comments'/><link rel='replies' type='text/html' href='' title='2 Comments'/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='' title=' A New Year wish – autonomous cars.'/><author><name>Nicola</name><uri></uri><email></email><gd:image rel='' width='30' height='32' src='//'/></author><media:thumbnail xmlns:media="" url="" height="72" width="72"/><thr:total>2</thr:total></entry><entry><id>,</id><published>2023-11-21T03:11:00.000-08:00</published><updated>2023-11-22T03:57:23.608-08:00</updated><category scheme="" term="economics"/><category scheme="" term="heat pumps"/><title type='text'>Should we shift energy taxes to make heat pumps cheaper to run?</title><summary type="text">Tariffs vary but averaged across the country, under the current OFGEM price caps, electricity costs four times gas per kWh. This means that by my estimate [1] unless you go off gas completely (hence avoiding the fixed daily charge) you need a heat pump efficiency (SCOP) of 360% to get similar costs. This is not unknown but considerably better than average. If you do go off gas completely, you </summary><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml' href='' title='Post Comments'/><link rel='replies' type='text/html' href='' title='0 Comments'/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='' title='Should we shift energy taxes to make heat pumps cheaper to run?'/><author><name>Nicola</name><uri></uri><email></email><gd:image rel='' width='30' height='32' src='//'/></author><media:thumbnail xmlns:media="" url="" height="72" width="72"/><thr:total>0</thr:total></entry><entry><id>,</id><published>2023-10-31T09:06:00.001-07:00</published><updated>2023-10-31T09:06:22.301-07:00</updated><title type='text'>Understanding the costs and savings on your EPC recommendations</title><summary type="text">On your home energy performance certificate (EPC) you may find a list of recommendations for energy saving measures you can make. For each one, there is a range given for ‘typical’ installation cost and a value for ‘typical’ annual savings. However, looking at a sample of EPCs I was shocked to find that the ‘typical’ cost of each measure is the same regardless of the size or type of house. On the</summary><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml' href='' title='Post Comments'/><link rel='replies' type='text/html' href='' title='0 Comments'/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='' title='Understanding the costs and savings on your EPC recommendations'/><author><name>Nicola</name><uri></uri><email></email><gd:image rel='' width='30' height='32' src='//'/></author><thr:total>0</thr:total></entry><entry><id>,</id><published>2023-09-30T05:30:00.001-07:00</published><updated>2023-10-09T02:20:00.707-07:00</updated><title type='text'> How much can you save from solar PV and battery with a heat pump?</title><summary type="text">You can substantially reduce your electricity bills if you have solar panels and a battery. What about if you have a heat pump? It certainly does make a difference but most of your heating demand is in the winter and most of your PV generation is in the summer. You would need an enormous battery to save enough in summer to use in winter. Suppose you put in enough solar panels to match your annual</summary><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml' href='' title='Post Comments'/><link rel='replies' type='text/html' href='' title='0 Comments'/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='' title=' How much can you save from solar PV and battery with a heat pump?'/><author><name>Nicola</name><uri></uri><email></email><gd:image rel='' width='30' height='32' src='//'/></author><media:thumbnail xmlns:media="" url="" height="72" width="72"/><thr:total>0</thr:total></entry><entry><id>,</id><published>2023-09-10T06:10:00.002-07:00</published><updated>2023-09-11T02:15:22.290-07:00</updated><category scheme="" term="heat pumps"/><category scheme="" term="home heating"/><title type='text'> Are hybrid heat pumps a good thing?</title><summary type="text">A hybrid heat pump is normally a combination of a gas boiler and an air source heat pump (HP). The simplest arrangement runs either one or the other at any one time. For example, you can use the boiler (possibly your existing boiler) for space heating when it is cheaper to run, thus reducing your bills. This typically means using the boiler when the outside temperature is low. You might also use </summary><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml' href='' title='Post Comments'/><link rel='replies' type='text/html' href='' title='0 Comments'/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='' title=' Are hybrid heat pumps a good thing?'/><author><name>Nicola</name><uri></uri><email></email><gd:image rel='' width='30' height='32' src='//'/></author><thr:total>0</thr:total></entry><entry><id>,</id><published>2023-08-06T10:09:00.003-07:00</published><updated>2023-08-06T10:09:50.872-07:00</updated><category scheme="" term="carbon storage"/><title type='text'>What happens to the wood we grow?</title><summary type="text">A recent article in New Scientist, and the peer reviewed paper behind it [1], opened my eyes to the staggering amount of wood from managed forests that goes up in smoke, if not immediately then after quite a short lifetime as something useful. This is a shame, given the potential for using wood to store carbon. The article includes a rather fine flow digram of what happens to the wood we cut at </summary><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml' href='' title='Post Comments'/><link rel='replies' type='text/html' href='' title='1 Comments'/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='' title='What happens to the wood we grow?'/><author><name>Nicola</name><uri></uri><email></email><gd:image rel='' width='30' height='32' src='//'/></author><media:thumbnail xmlns:media="" url="" height="72" width="72"/><thr:total>1</thr:total></entry><entry><id>,</id><published>2023-07-15T05:22:00.001-07:00</published><updated>2023-07-15T05:22:12.497-07:00</updated><category scheme="" term="water"/><title type='text'> Smart meter for detecting water leaks </title><summary type="text">Many of us now have smart meters for electricity and gas, but we are starting to see smart meters for water too. They may help you with reducing water use – which is very important because of climate warming as well as the growing population. However, one of the key benefits is going to be detecting leaks – for water companies and for consumers. We had a water leak a few years ago and we would </summary><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml' href='' title='Post Comments'/><link rel='replies' type='text/html' href='' title='0 Comments'/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='' title=' Smart meter for detecting water leaks '/><author><name>Nicola</name><uri></uri><email></email><gd:image rel='' width='30' height='32' src='//'/></author><media:thumbnail xmlns:media="" url="" height="72" width="72"/><thr:total>0</thr:total></entry><entry><id>,</id><published>2023-06-30T02:22:00.001-07:00</published><updated>2023-06-30T02:22:49.984-07:00</updated><title type='text'>On 15 minute neighbourhoods</title><summary type="text">15 (or 20) minute neighbourhoods are an immensely good idea. The goal is to reduce the need for use of cars by ensuring that routine daily activities are in range of walking, cycling or possibly public transport. This encourages active travel, with associated health benefits, as well as reducing GHG emissions. There is no single accepted definition of what this actually means in terms of distance</summary><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml' href='' title='Post Comments'/><link rel='replies' type='text/html' href='' title='1 Comments'/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='' title='On 15 minute neighbourhoods'/><author><name>Nicola</name><uri></uri><email></email><gd:image rel='' width='30' height='32' src='//'/></author><media:thumbnail xmlns:media="" url="" height="72" width="72"/><thr:total>1</thr:total></entry><entry><id>,</id><published>2023-05-18T04:13:00.003-07:00</published><updated>2023-10-06T02:24:18.802-07:00</updated><category scheme="" term="heat pumps"/><category scheme="" term="personal"/><title type='text'>Why my heat pump performed worse this winter</title><summary type="text">Over the first winter my heat pump (space heating only) gave me an average COP (efficiency) of 3.1 which was higher than I had been told to expect. I was moderately pleased. This winter it was only 2.9 which was a great disappointment.The difference is due to the weather. The mean COP for one year is not necessarily a guide to the next. The mean temperature is part of it but colder days require </summary><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml' href='' title='Post Comments'/><link rel='replies' type='text/html' href='' title='0 Comments'/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='' title='Why my heat pump performed worse this winter'/><author><name>Nicola</name><uri></uri><email></email><gd:image rel='' width='30' height='32' src='//'/></author><media:thumbnail xmlns:media="" url="" height="72" width="72"/><thr:total>0</thr:total></entry><entry><id>,</id><published>2023-04-15T09:50:00.002-07:00</published><updated>2023-04-15T09:50:44.061-07:00</updated><category scheme="" term="heat pumps"/><category scheme="" term="over-heating"/><title type='text'>Air source heat pumps heat the outside air even when heating your home</title><summary type="text">Standing in front of a heat pump when it is working hard you will feel an arctic blast of cold air. So you would think that if every house has one the outside air will get colder. After all, we know that cooling buildings with air conditioning (A/C) adds to the urban heat island effect. Since cooling our homes makes the outside air warm, you would think that heating our homes would make the </summary><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml' href='' title='Post Comments'/><link rel='replies' type='text/html' href='' title='0 Comments'/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='' title='Air source heat pumps heat the outside air even when heating your home'/><author><name>Nicola</name><uri></uri><email></email><gd:image rel='' width='30' height='32' src='//'/></author><media:thumbnail xmlns:media="" url="" height="72" width="72"/><thr:total>0</thr:total></entry><entry><id>,</id><published>2023-04-04T04:29:00.004-07:00</published><updated>2023-04-05T03:59:48.180-07:00</updated><category scheme="" term="heat pumps"/><title type='text'> Why do heat pumps get less efficient in warm weather?</title><summary type="text">This post has been modified 5/April/23 after discussion on twitter with @AR_Clark convinced me that the reason for the continuing decline in efficiency in warm weather is due to increasing use of the immersion heater for hot water heating. This is hopefully less common now, as heat pumps can provide all the hot water necessary except for sterilisation cycles, and sometimes even then.We know that </summary><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml' href='' title='Post Comments'/><link rel='replies' type='text/html' href='' title='3 Comments'/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='' title=' Why do heat pumps get less efficient in warm weather?'/><author><name>Nicola</name><uri></uri><email></email><gd:image rel='' width='30' height='32' src='//'/></author><media:thumbnail xmlns:media="" url="" height="72" width="72"/><thr:total>3</thr:total></entry><entry><id>,</id><published>2023-02-14T07:53:00.000-08:00</published><updated>2023-02-14T07:53:36.470-08:00</updated><category scheme="" term="home energy"/><title type='text'>Avoiding the rated power fallacy</title><summary type="text">How much energy does an oven use? Today I have seen examples both on the BBC Food Programme and on the Uswitch website [1] where this question was answered by multiplying rated power by hours of use. This is totally wrong because ovens have thermostats. They turn the power off when they are up to heat. The power of the oven is mainly used during the initial heating phase. After that it turns down</summary><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml' href='' title='Post Comments'/><link rel='replies' type='text/html' href='' title='0 Comments'/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='' title='Avoiding the rated power fallacy'/><author><name>Nicola</name><uri></uri><email></email><gd:image rel='' width='30' height='32' src='//'/></author><media:thumbnail xmlns:media="" url="" height="72" width="72"/><thr:total>0</thr:total></entry><entry><id>,</id><published>2023-02-05T04:24:00.001-08:00</published><updated>2023-02-05T09:09:20.749-08:00</updated><category scheme="" term="economics"/><category scheme="" term="home heating"/><title type='text'> How long can we rely on cheap rate electricity?</title><summary type="text">A number of my friends are considering or have already installed a Tepeo zero emissions boiler (ZEB) with storage as a low carbon heating solution for their home. This is less disruptive than installing a heat pump but it is only 100% efficient compared to 300% or so for a heat pump. It relies on cheap electricity to keep energy bills at a sensible level – either economy 7 overnight, or similar, </summary><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml' href='' title='Post Comments'/><link rel='replies' type='text/html' href='' title='0 Comments'/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='' title=' How long can we rely on cheap rate electricity?'/><author><name>Nicola</name><uri></uri><email></email><gd:image rel='' width='30' height='32' src='//'/></author><thr:total>0</thr:total></entry><entry><id>,</id><published>2023-01-10T02:47:00.001-08:00</published><updated>2023-01-10T02:48:28.601-08:00</updated><category scheme="" term="biochar"/><category scheme="" term="GGR"/><title type='text'> Greenhouse Gas Removal – and checking it works</title><summary type="text">According to the Climate Change Committee (CCC) balanced pathway to net zero, we should be capturing and storing 58 MtCO2e/year by 2050 [1]. This is called greenhouse gas removals (GGR) or sometimes carbon dioxide removals (CDR). It is hard to see how we can get to net zero without some GGR, but there is very little of this happening right now. There are several strategies likely to be deployed. </summary><link rel='replies' type='application/atom+xml' href='' title='Post Comments'/><link rel='replies' type='text/html' href='' title='1 Comments'/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='' title=' Greenhouse Gas Removal – and checking it works'/><author><name>Nicola</name><uri></uri><email></email><gd:image rel='' width='30' height='32' src='//'/></author><media:thumbnail xmlns:media="" url="" height="72" width="72"/><thr:total>1</thr:total></entry></feed>

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