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  53.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 415 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo speak with Evans Mirageas, the artistic director of the Cincinnati Opera, about the company’s decision to present “Paul McCartney’s Liverpool Oratorio” as a fully-staged opera during its 2024 Summer Festival. [The news segment runs from 2’12” to 9’30.” The interview with Evans follows.]</p>
  54. <p>The performances are July 18, 20, 21, 25 and 27, and the cast includes Andrew Owens as Shanty; Jacqueline Echols McCarley as Mary Dee; Kayleigh Decker as Miss Inkley, Chief Mourner and Nurse, and Kevin Short as Headmaster, Preacher and Mr. Dingle. The production is directed by Caroline Clegg, with sets and costumes by Leslie Travers. For more information:</p>
  55. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  56. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  57. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  58. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  59. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  60. <p>            Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     </p>
  61. <p>ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  62. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  63. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  64. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  65. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  66. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  67. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  68. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  69. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  70. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  71. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  72. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  73. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  74. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  75. ]]></description>
  76.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 415 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo speak with Evans Mirageas, the artistic director of the Cincinnati Opera, about the company’s decision to present “Paul McCartney’s Liverpool Oratorio” as a fully-staged opera during its 2024 Summer Festival. [The news segment runs from 2’12” to 9’30.” The interview with Evans follows.]</p>
  77. <p>The performances are July 18, 20, 21, 25 and 27, and the cast includes Andrew Owens as Shanty; Jacqueline Echols McCarley as Mary Dee; Kayleigh Decker as Miss Inkley, Chief Mourner and Nurse, and Kevin Short as Headmaster, Preacher and Mr. Dingle. The production is directed by Caroline Clegg, with sets and costumes by Leslie Travers. For more information:</p>
  78. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  79. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  80. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  81. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  82. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  83. <p>            Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     </p>
  84. <p>ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  85. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  86. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  87. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  88. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  89. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  90. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  91. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  92. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  93. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  94. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  95. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  96. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  97. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  98. ]]></content:encoded>
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  101.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In Episode 415 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo speak with Evans Mirageas, the artistic director of the Cincinnati Opera, about the company’s decision to present “Paul McCartney’s Liverpool Oratorio” as a fully-staged opera during its 2024 Summer Festival. [The news segment runs from 2’12” to 9’30.” The interview with Evans follows.]
  102. The performances are July 18, 20, 21, 25 and 27, and the cast includes Andrew Owens as Shanty; Jacqueline Echols McCarley as Mary Dee; Kayleigh Decker as Miss Inkley, Chief Mourner and Nurse, and Kevin Short as Headmaster, Preacher and Mr. Dingle. The production is directed by Caroline Clegg, with sets and costumes by Leslie Travers. For more information:
  103.             As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  104.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  105.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  106.             Our email address:
  107.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  108.             Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     
  109. ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  110.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  111.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  112.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  113.             The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel:
  114.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  115.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  116. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  117.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  118.             Ken's e-mail:
  119. Ken's Facebook Page:
  120. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  121.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  122. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
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  134.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 27 Jun 2024 10:58:41 -0300</pubDate>
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  136.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 414 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo discuss Paul McCartney’s “One Hand Clapping” – why and how he made it, back in 1974, and how the newly released version stands up. [The news segment runs from 4’43” to 22’10.” That is followed by Darren’s recap of his recent visit to England, with flybys of Friar Park and Hog Hill Mill. The discussion of “One Hand Clapping” begins at 32’05.”]</p>
  137. <p>During the news, Ken mentioned the Blu-ray reissue of “Born to Boogie,” Ringo’s film about Marc Bolan. Here is the link: <a href=''></a>  Darren also mentioned the evening that he and Dennis Elsas are hosting at Paul’s photo exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum (where Allan provides some of the recorded commentary) on July 11, a fundraiser for WFUV. The link: .</p>
  138. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  139. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  140. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  141. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  142. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  143. <p>            Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     </p>
  144. <p>ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  145. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  146. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  147. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  148. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  149. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  150. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  151. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  152. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  153. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  154. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  155. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  156. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  157. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  158. ]]></description>
  159.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 414 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo discuss Paul McCartney’s “One Hand Clapping” – why and how he made it, back in 1974, and how the newly released version stands up. [The news segment runs from 4’43” to 22’10.” That is followed by Darren’s recap of his recent visit to England, with flybys of Friar Park and Hog Hill Mill. The discussion of “One Hand Clapping” begins at 32’05.”]</p>
  160. <p>During the news, Ken mentioned the Blu-ray reissue of “Born to Boogie,” Ringo’s film about Marc Bolan. Here is the link: <a href=''></a>  Darren also mentioned the evening that he and Dennis Elsas are hosting at Paul’s photo exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum (where Allan provides some of the recorded commentary) on July 11, a fundraiser for WFUV. The link: .</p>
  161. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  162. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  163. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  164. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  165. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  166. <p>            Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     </p>
  167. <p>ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  168. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  169. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  170. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  171. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  172. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  173. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  174. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  175. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  176. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  177. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  178. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  179. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  180. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  181. ]]></content:encoded>
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  184.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In Episode 414 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo discuss Paul McCartney’s “One Hand Clapping” – why and how he made it, back in 1974, and how the newly released version stands up. [The news segment runs from 4’43” to 22’10.” That is followed by Darren’s recap of his recent visit to England, with flybys of Friar Park and Hog Hill Mill. The discussion of “One Hand Clapping” begins at 32’05.”]
  185. During the news, Ken mentioned the Blu-ray reissue of “Born to Boogie,” Ringo’s film about Marc Bolan. Here is the link:  Darren also mentioned the evening that he and Dennis Elsas are hosting at Paul’s photo exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum (where Allan provides some of the recorded commentary) on July 11, a fundraiser for WFUV. The link: .
  186.             As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  187.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  188.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  189.             Our email address:
  190.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  191.             Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     
  192. ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  193.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  194.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  195.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  196.             The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel:
  197.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  198.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  199. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  200.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  201.             Ken's e-mail:
  202. Ken's Facebook Page:
  203. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  204.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  205. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
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  213.    <item>
  214.        <title>Things We Said Today #413 – Fab Five</title>
  215.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #413 – Fab Five</itunes:title>
  216.        <link></link>
  217.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Mon, 10 Jun 2024 08:55:27 -0300</pubDate>
  218.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  219.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>             In Episode 412 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo adopt the “Fab Five” idea from Ken’s videocast, which involves each choosing five “go to” albums – one by the Beatles and one solo album each from John, Paul, George and Ringo. The rules state that these are not necessarily the “best” albums, or even our favorites – just the choices we’d make if we reaching for an album right now, and why. The “Fab Five” begins after the news segment, at 20’28”.</p>
  220. <p>             During the news, Ken mentioned a contest Ringo is holding to benefit his Lotus Foundation charity. Here’s the link for further details: <a href=''></a></p>
  221. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  222. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  223. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  224. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  225. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  226. <p>            Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     </p>
  227. <p>ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  228. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  229. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  230. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  231. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  232. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  233. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  234. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  235. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  236. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  237. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  238. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  239. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  240. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  241. ]]></description>
  242.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>             In Episode 412 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo adopt the “Fab Five” idea from Ken’s videocast, which involves each choosing five “go to” albums – one by the Beatles and one solo album each from John, Paul, George and Ringo. The rules state that these are not necessarily the “best” albums, or even our favorites – just the choices we’d make if we reaching for an album right now, and why. The “Fab Five” begins after the news segment, at 20’28”.</p>
  243. <p>             During the news, Ken mentioned a contest Ringo is holding to benefit his Lotus Foundation charity. Here’s the link for further details: <a href=''></a></p>
  244. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  245. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  246. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  247. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  248. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  249. <p>            Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     </p>
  250. <p>ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  251. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  252. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  253. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  254. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  255. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  256. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  257. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  258. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  259. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  260. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  261. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  262. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  263. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  264. ]]></content:encoded>
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  267.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[             In Episode 412 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo adopt the “Fab Five” idea from Ken’s videocast, which involves each choosing five “go to” albums – one by the Beatles and one solo album each from John, Paul, George and Ringo. The rules state that these are not necessarily the “best” albums, or even our favorites – just the choices we’d make if we reaching for an album right now, and why. The “Fab Five” begins after the news segment, at 20’28”.
  268.              During the news, Ken mentioned a contest Ringo is holding to benefit his Lotus Foundation charity. Here’s the link for further details:
  269.             As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  270.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  271.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  272.             Our email address:
  273.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  274.             Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     
  275. ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  276.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  277.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  278.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  279.             The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel:
  280.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  281.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  282. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  283.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  284.             Ken's e-mail:
  285. Ken's Facebook Page:
  286. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  287.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  288. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
  289.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
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  292.        <itunes:duration>01:34:17</itunes:duration>
  293.                <itunes:episode>413</itunes:episode>
  294.        <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  295.        <itunes:image href="" />    </item>
  296.    <item>
  297.        <title>Things We Said Today #412 – A Visit with Sir Michael Lindsay-Hogg</title>
  298.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #412 – A Visit with Sir Michael Lindsay-Hogg</itunes:title>
  299.        <link></link>
  300.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 23 May 2024 08:35:17 -0300</pubDate>
  301.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  302.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            In Episode 412 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo have a chat with Sir Michael Lindsay-Hogg about “Let It Be” – the original film as well as the newly remastered version. Since we did a show just last week, the News segment is fairly short; the interview begins at 9’05”.</p>
  303. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  304. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  305. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  306. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  307. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  308. <p>            Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     </p>
  309. <p>ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  310. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  311. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  312. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  313. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  314. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  315. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  316. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  317. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  318. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  319. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  320. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  321. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  322. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  323. ]]></description>
  324.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            In Episode 412 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo have a chat with Sir Michael Lindsay-Hogg about “Let It Be” – the original film as well as the newly remastered version. Since we did a show just last week, the News segment is fairly short; the interview begins at 9’05”.</p>
  325. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  326. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  327. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  328. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  329. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  330. <p>            Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     </p>
  331. <p>ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  332. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  333. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  334. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  335. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  336. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  337. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  338. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  339. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  340. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  341. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  342. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  343. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  344. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  345. ]]></content:encoded>
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  348.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            In Episode 412 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo have a chat with Sir Michael Lindsay-Hogg about “Let It Be” – the original film as well as the newly remastered version. Since we did a show just last week, the News segment is fairly short; the interview begins at 9’05”.
  349.             As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  350.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  351.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  352.             Our email address:
  353.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  354.             Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     
  355. ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  356.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  357.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  358.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  359.             The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel:
  360.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  361.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  362. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  363.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  364.             Ken's e-mail:
  365. Ken's Facebook Page:
  366. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  367.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  368. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
  369.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
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  372.        <itunes:duration>01:00:45</itunes:duration>
  373.                <itunes:episode>412</itunes:episode>
  374.        <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  375.        <itunes:image href="" />    </item>
  376.    <item>
  377.        <title>Things We Said Today #411 – The restored “Let It Be,” John’s “Mind Games,” Ringo’s virtual Q&amp;A</title>
  378.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #411 – The restored “Let It Be,” John’s “Mind Games,” Ringo’s virtual Q&amp;A</itunes:title>
  379.        <link></link>
  380.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 18 May 2024 07:26:02 -0300</pubDate>
  381.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  382.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 411 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo discuss the newly restored version of Michael Lindsay-Hogg’s 1970 “Let It Be,” and how it got its bad reputation, and how it looks now; the just announced “Mind Games” archival release, due in July, and Ringo Starr’s virtual press conference on May 15. [For listeners looking for specific topics, the first part of the show is devoted to the News, with “Let It Be” discussion starting at 33 minutes, the overview of the “Mind Games” reissue (and formats) beginning at 1 hour 33 minutes, and the report on Ringo’s press conference getting underway at 1 hour 52 minutes. Yeah, it’s a long one, but think of it as three shows in one!]</p>
  383. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  384. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  385. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  386. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  387. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  388. <p>            Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     </p>
  389. <p>ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  390. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  391. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  392. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  393. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  394. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  395. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  396. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  397. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  398. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  399. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  400. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  401. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  402. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  403. ]]></description>
  404.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 411 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo discuss the newly restored version of Michael Lindsay-Hogg’s 1970 “Let It Be,” and how it got its bad reputation, and how it looks now; the just announced “Mind Games” archival release, due in July, and Ringo Starr’s virtual press conference on May 15. [For listeners looking for specific topics, the first part of the show is devoted to the News, with “Let It Be” discussion starting at 33 minutes, the overview of the “Mind Games” reissue (and formats) beginning at 1 hour 33 minutes, and the report on Ringo’s press conference getting underway at 1 hour 52 minutes. Yeah, it’s a long one, but think of it as three shows in one!]</p>
  405. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  406. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  407. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  408. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  409. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  410. <p>            Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     </p>
  411. <p>ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  412. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  413. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  414. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  415. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  416. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  417. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  418. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  419. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  420. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  421. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  422. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  423. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  424. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  425. ]]></content:encoded>
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  428.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In Episode 411 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo discuss the newly restored version of Michael Lindsay-Hogg’s 1970 “Let It Be,” and how it got its bad reputation, and how it looks now; the just announced “Mind Games” archival release, due in July, and Ringo Starr’s virtual press conference on May 15. [For listeners looking for specific topics, the first part of the show is devoted to the News, with “Let It Be” discussion starting at 33 minutes, the overview of the “Mind Games” reissue (and formats) beginning at 1 hour 33 minutes, and the report on Ringo’s press conference getting underway at 1 hour 52 minutes. Yeah, it’s a long one, but think of it as three shows in one!]
  429.             As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  430.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  431.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  432.             Our email address:
  433.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  434.             Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     
  435. ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  436.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  437.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  438.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  439.             The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel:
  440.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  441.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  442. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  443.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  444.             Ken's e-mail:
  445. Ken's Facebook Page:
  446. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  447.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  448. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
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  452.        <itunes:duration>02:16:45</itunes:duration>
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  456.    <item>
  457.        <title>Things We Said Today #410 – Beatles Intros, Ringo’s “Crooked Boy” and Paul’s “One Hand Clapping”</title>
  458.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #410 – Beatles Intros, Ringo’s “Crooked Boy” and Paul’s “One Hand Clapping”</itunes:title>
  459.        <link></link>
  460.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 24 Apr 2024 13:11:14 -0300</pubDate>
  461.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  462.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            In Episode 410 of Things We Said Today, Darren Devivo, Ken Michaels and Allan Kozinn discuss the Beatles’ song intros, each selecting the 10 (or so) that grab them most, and explaining why they work so well. But the news section includes some discussion as well – an overview of Ringo Starr’s new EP, “Crooked Boy” and some other Record Store Day releases, as well as information about Paul’s “One Hand Clapping” release. For listeners looking for specific topics, the News section starts at 2’59”; Ringo’s EP is discussed from 3’57” to 25’23”; more Record Store Day releases at 25’25”; more News at 36’54”; “One Hand Clapping” at 41’01”; more News at 49’07” and the discussion of Beatles intros at 52”48”.  </p>
  463. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  464. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  465. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  466. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  467. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  468. <p>            Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     </p>
  469. <p>ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  470. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  471. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  472. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  473. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  474. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  475. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  476. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  477. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  478. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  479. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  480. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  481. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  482. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  483. ]]></description>
  484.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            In Episode 410 of Things We Said Today, Darren Devivo, Ken Michaels and Allan Kozinn discuss the Beatles’ song intros, each selecting the 10 (or so) that grab them most, and explaining why they work so well. But the news section includes some discussion as well – an overview of Ringo Starr’s new EP, “Crooked Boy” and some other Record Store Day releases, as well as information about Paul’s “One Hand Clapping” release. For listeners looking for specific topics, the News section starts at 2’59”; Ringo’s EP is discussed from 3’57” to 25’23”; more Record Store Day releases at 25’25”; more News at 36’54”; “One Hand Clapping” at 41’01”; more News at 49’07” and the discussion of Beatles intros at 52”48”.  </p>
  485. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  486. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  487. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  488. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  489. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  490. <p>            Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     </p>
  491. <p>ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  492. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  493. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  494. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  495. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  496. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  497. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  498. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  499. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  500. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  501. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  502. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  503. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  504. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  505. ]]></content:encoded>
  507.        <enclosure url="" length="89530806" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  508.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            In Episode 410 of Things We Said Today, Darren Devivo, Ken Michaels and Allan Kozinn discuss the Beatles’ song intros, each selecting the 10 (or so) that grab them most, and explaining why they work so well. But the news section includes some discussion as well – an overview of Ringo Starr’s new EP, “Crooked Boy” and some other Record Store Day releases, as well as information about Paul’s “One Hand Clapping” release. For listeners looking for specific topics, the News section starts at 2’59”; Ringo’s EP is discussed from 3’57” to 25’23”; more Record Store Day releases at 25’25”; more News at 36’54”; “One Hand Clapping” at 41’01”; more News at 49’07” and the discussion of Beatles intros at 52”48”.  
  509.             As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  510.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  511.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  512.             Our email address:
  513.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  514.             Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     
  515. ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  516.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  517.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  518.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  519.             The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel:
  520.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  521.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  522. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  523.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  524.             Ken's e-mail:
  525. Ken's Facebook Page:
  526. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  527.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  528. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
  529.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  530.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  531.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  532.        <itunes:duration>01:33:28</itunes:duration>
  533.                <itunes:episode>410</itunes:episode>
  534.        <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  535.        <itunes:image href="" />    </item>
  536.    <item>
  537.        <title>Things We Said Today #409 – Dana Klosner and Beatlemania Lives On</title>
  538.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #409 – Dana Klosner and Beatlemania Lives On</itunes:title>
  539.        <link></link>
  540.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 10 Apr 2024 03:32:20 -0300</pubDate>
  541.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  542.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            In Episode 409 of Things We Said Today, Darren Devivo, Ken Michaels and Allan Kozinn have a chat with Dana Klosner about her book “Beatlemania Lives On – Superfans in the 21st Century,” a fun read about the current state of Beatle fandom, based on interviews with everyone from Peter Asher and Laurence Juber to fans who have turned their onstage autographs into tattoos, with authors, DJs (Darren was among her interviewees) and Beatles tribute band musicians. For those who prefer to liten selectively, the news section begins at 3’00” and the interview with Dana starts at 26’30”.</p>
  543. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  544. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  545. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  546. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  547. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  548. <p>            Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     </p>
  549. <p>ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  550. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  551. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  552. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  553. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  554. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  555. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  556. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  557. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  558. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  559. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  560. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  561. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  562. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  563. ]]></description>
  564.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            In Episode 409 of Things We Said Today, Darren Devivo, Ken Michaels and Allan Kozinn have a chat with Dana Klosner about her book “Beatlemania Lives On – Superfans in the 21st Century,” a fun read about the current state of Beatle fandom, based on interviews with everyone from Peter Asher and Laurence Juber to fans who have turned their onstage autographs into tattoos, with authors, DJs (Darren was among her interviewees) and Beatles tribute band musicians. For those who prefer to liten selectively, the news section begins at 3’00” and the interview with Dana starts at 26’30”.</p>
  565. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  566. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  567. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  568. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  569. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  570. <p>            Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     </p>
  571. <p>ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  572. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  573. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  574. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  575. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  576. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  577. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  578. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  579. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  580. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  581. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  582. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  583. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  584. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  585. ]]></content:encoded>
  587.        <enclosure url="" length="98879946" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  588.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            In Episode 409 of Things We Said Today, Darren Devivo, Ken Michaels and Allan Kozinn have a chat with Dana Klosner about her book “Beatlemania Lives On – Superfans in the 21st Century,” a fun read about the current state of Beatle fandom, based on interviews with everyone from Peter Asher and Laurence Juber to fans who have turned their onstage autographs into tattoos, with authors, DJs (Darren was among her interviewees) and Beatles tribute band musicians. For those who prefer to liten selectively, the news section begins at 3’00” and the interview with Dana starts at 26’30”.
  589.             As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  590.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  591.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  592.             Our email address:
  593.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  594.             Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     
  595. ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  596.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  597.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  598.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  599.             The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel:
  600.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  601.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  602. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  603.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  604.             Ken's e-mail:
  605. Ken's Facebook Page:
  606. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  607.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  608. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
  609.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  610.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  611.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  612.        <itunes:duration>01:43:14</itunes:duration>
  613.                <itunes:episode>409</itunes:episode>
  614.        <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  615.        <itunes:image href="" />    </item>
  616.    <item>
  617.        <title>Things We Said Today #408 – Red, Blue and Underdubbed</title>
  618.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #408 – Red, Blue and Underdubbed</itunes:title>
  619.        <link></link>
  620.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 28 Mar 2024 10:17:07 -0300</pubDate>
  621.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  622.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            A number of correspondents have asked why the Beatles “Red” and “Blue” album reissues were not covered on Things We Said Today, so in episode 408, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo catch up with those releases, as well as the more recent “Underdubbed” version of Paul McCartney’s “Band on the Run.” (Allan also offers a preview of the new HMC bootleg release with earlier versions of the “Band on the Run” tracks.) For those who want to listen selectively, the news segment begins at 4’33” (yes, really), the “Red” and “Blue” discussion is at 35’, and the McCartney section is at 1’24”.</p>
  623. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  624. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  625. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  626. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  627. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  628. <p>            Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     </p>
  629. <p>ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  630. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  631. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  632. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  633. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  634. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  635. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  636. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  637. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  638. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  639. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  640. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  641. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  642. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  643. ]]></description>
  644.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            A number of correspondents have asked why the Beatles “Red” and “Blue” album reissues were not covered on Things We Said Today, so in episode 408, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo catch up with those releases, as well as the more recent “Underdubbed” version of Paul McCartney’s “Band on the Run.” (Allan also offers a preview of the new HMC bootleg release with earlier versions of the “Band on the Run” tracks.) For those who want to listen selectively, the news segment begins at 4’33” (yes, really), the “Red” and “Blue” discussion is at 35’, and the McCartney section is at 1’24”.</p>
  645. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  646. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  647. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  648. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  649. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  650. <p>            Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     </p>
  651. <p>ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  652. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  653. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  654. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  655. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  656. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  657. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  658. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  659. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  660. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  661. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  662. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  663. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  664. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  665. ]]></content:encoded>
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  668.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            A number of correspondents have asked why the Beatles “Red” and “Blue” album reissues were not covered on Things We Said Today, so in episode 408, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo catch up with those releases, as well as the more recent “Underdubbed” version of Paul McCartney’s “Band on the Run.” (Allan also offers a preview of the new HMC bootleg release with earlier versions of the “Band on the Run” tracks.) For those who want to listen selectively, the news segment begins at 4’33” (yes, really), the “Red” and “Blue” discussion is at 35’, and the McCartney section is at 1’24”.
  669.             As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  670.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  671.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  672.             Our email address:
  673.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  674.             Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     
  675. ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  676.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  677.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  678.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  679.             The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel:
  680.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  681.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  682. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  683.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  684.             Ken's e-mail:
  685. Ken's Facebook Page:
  686. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  687.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  688. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
  689.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  690.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  691.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  692.        <itunes:duration>02:39:45</itunes:duration>
  693.                <itunes:episode>408</itunes:episode>
  694.        <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  695.        <itunes:image href="" />    </item>
  696.    <item>
  697.        <title>Things We Said Today #407 – McCartney’s Mid-70s Recording Venues, with Adrian Sinclair</title>
  698.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #407 – McCartney’s Mid-70s Recording Venues, with Adrian Sinclair</itunes:title>
  699.        <link></link>
  700.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Mon, 18 Mar 2024 10:11:46 -0300</pubDate>
  701.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  702.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            This was the Things We Said Today panel at the Fest for Beatles Fans at the TWA Hotel, February 10, 2024. Ken Michaels, Darren Devivo and Allan Kozinn were joined by Allan’s McCartney Legacy co-author, Adrian Sinclair, to discuss Paul’s penchant in the mid-70s (i.e., the period covered in The McCartney Legacy Vols. 1 &amp; 2) for recording outside London.  [Thanks to Andy Nicholes of the Two Legs podcast for taping the session. Apologies for any sound issues - this was a live event.] </p>
  703. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  704. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  705. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  706. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  707. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  708. <p>            Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     </p>
  709. <p>ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  710. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  711. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  712. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  713. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  714. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  715. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  716. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  717. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  718. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  719. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  720. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  721. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  722. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  723. ]]></description>
  724.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            This was the Things We Said Today panel at the Fest for Beatles Fans at the TWA Hotel, February 10, 2024. Ken Michaels, Darren Devivo and Allan Kozinn were joined by Allan’s McCartney Legacy co-author, Adrian Sinclair, to discuss Paul’s penchant in the mid-70s (i.e., the period covered in The McCartney Legacy Vols. 1 &amp; 2) for recording outside London.  [Thanks to Andy Nicholes of the Two Legs podcast for taping the session. Apologies for any sound issues - this was a live event.] </p>
  725. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  726. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  727. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  728. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  729. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  730. <p>            Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     </p>
  731. <p>ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  732. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  733. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  734. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  735. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  736. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  737. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  738. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  739. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  740. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  741. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  742. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  743. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  744. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  745. ]]></content:encoded>
  747.        <enclosure url="" length="61349112" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  748.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            This was the Things We Said Today panel at the Fest for Beatles Fans at the TWA Hotel, February 10, 2024. Ken Michaels, Darren Devivo and Allan Kozinn were joined by Allan’s McCartney Legacy co-author, Adrian Sinclair, to discuss Paul’s penchant in the mid-70s (i.e., the period covered in The McCartney Legacy Vols. 1 &amp; 2) for recording outside London.  [Thanks to Andy Nicholes of the Two Legs podcast for taping the session. Apologies for any sound issues - this was a live event.] 
  749.             As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  750.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  751.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  752.             Our email address:
  753.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  754.             Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     
  755. ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  756.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  757.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  758.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  759.             The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel:
  760.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  761.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  762. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  763.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  764.             Ken's e-mail:
  765. Ken's Facebook Page:
  766. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  767.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  768. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
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  776.    <item>
  777.        <title>Things We Said Today #406 – Catching Up with the News</title>
  778.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #406 – Catching Up with the News</itunes:title>
  779.        <link></link>
  780.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Mon, 04 Mar 2024 08:27:01 -0400</pubDate>
  781.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  782.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            During our hiatus we missed a few relatively eventful weeks of news, so in Episode 406, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo catch up with all that, and discuss some recent news events and releases.</p>
  783. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  784. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  785. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  786. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  787. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  788. <p>            Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     </p>
  789. <p>ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  790. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  791. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  792. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  793. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  794. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  795. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  796. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  797. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  798. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  799. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  800. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  801. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  802. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  803. ]]></description>
  804.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            During our hiatus we missed a few relatively eventful weeks of news, so in Episode 406, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo catch up with all that, and discuss some recent news events and releases.</p>
  805. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  806. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  807. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  808. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  809. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  810. <p>            Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     </p>
  811. <p>ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  812. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  813. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  814. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  815. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  816. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  817. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  818. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  819. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  820. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  821. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  822. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  823. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  824. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  825. ]]></content:encoded>
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  828.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            During our hiatus we missed a few relatively eventful weeks of news, so in Episode 406, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo catch up with all that, and discuss some recent news events and releases.
  829.             As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  830.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  831.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  832.             Our email address:
  833.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  834.             Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     
  835. ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  836.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  837.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  838.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  839.             The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel:
  840.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  841.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  842. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  843.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  844.             Ken's e-mail:
  845. Ken's Facebook Page:
  846. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  847.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  848. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
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  855.        <itunes:image href="" />    </item>
  856.    <item>
  857.        <title>Things We Said Today #405 – The 60th Anniversary of the First US Visit, with Bruce Spizer &amp; Al Sussman</title>
  858.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #405 – The 60th Anniversary of the First US Visit, with Bruce Spizer &amp; Al Sussman</itunes:title>
  859.        <link></link>
  860.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 28 Feb 2024 13:46:08 -0400</pubDate>
  861.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  862.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            In Episode 405, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo welcome author Bruce Spizer and Beatlefan Executive Editor Al Sussman for a discussion of our time at the recent Fest for Beatles Fans at the TWA Hotel at Kennedy Airport [11:00 to 49:50] and our memories of the start of Beatlemania in the United States, 60 years ago this month [starting at 49:50]. Along the way, we challenge a few of the standard myths about the time and the Beatles’ visit. For fans of the news segment, we’ll catch up with the last couple of months of Beatles news in a second episode later in the week.</p>
  863. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  864. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  865. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  866. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  867. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  868. <p>            Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     </p>
  869. <p>ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  870. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  871. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  872. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  873. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  874. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  875. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  876. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  877. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  878. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  879. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  880. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  881. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  882. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  883. ]]></description>
  884.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            In Episode 405, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo welcome author Bruce Spizer and Beatlefan Executive Editor Al Sussman for a discussion of our time at the recent Fest for Beatles Fans at the TWA Hotel at Kennedy Airport [11:00 to 49:50] and our memories of the start of Beatlemania in the United States, 60 years ago this month [starting at 49:50]. Along the way, we challenge a few of the standard myths about the time and the Beatles’ visit. For fans of the news segment, we’ll catch up with the last couple of months of Beatles news in a second episode later in the week.</p>
  885. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  886. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  887. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  888. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  889. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  890. <p>            Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     </p>
  891. <p>ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  892. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  893. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  894. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  895. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  896. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  897. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  898. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  899. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  900. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  901. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  902. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  903. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  904. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  905. ]]></content:encoded>
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  908.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            In Episode 405, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo welcome author Bruce Spizer and Beatlefan Executive Editor Al Sussman for a discussion of our time at the recent Fest for Beatles Fans at the TWA Hotel at Kennedy Airport [11:00 to 49:50] and our memories of the start of Beatlemania in the United States, 60 years ago this month [starting at 49:50]. Along the way, we challenge a few of the standard myths about the time and the Beatles’ visit. For fans of the news segment, we’ll catch up with the last couple of months of Beatles news in a second episode later in the week.
  909.             As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  910.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  911.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  912.             Our email address:
  913.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  914.             Facebook:  Things We Said Today video podcast     
  915. ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  916.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  917.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  918.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  919.             The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel:
  920.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  921.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  922. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  923.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  924.             Ken's e-mail:
  925. Ken's Facebook Page:
  926. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  927.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  928. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
  929.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
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  935.        <itunes:image href="" />    </item>
  936.    <item>
  937.        <title>Things We Said Today #404 – Denny Laine Tribute &amp; the RPM School White Album Course</title>
  938.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #404 – Denny Laine Tribute &amp; the RPM School White Album Course</itunes:title>
  939.        <link></link>
  940.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Tue, 19 Dec 2023 13:42:34 -0400</pubDate>
  941.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  942.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            Episode 404 is our last Things We Said Today for 2023, and it’s a long one – and something different. Catching up with the news of the last few weeks, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo pay tribute to the late Denny Laine [04:00-33:00], followed by plenty more news [33:00-50:00], But for the main part of the show [at 50:00] we welcome the faculty of the RPM School – Walter Everett, author of the extraordinary “The Beatles As Musicians” two-volume set, Jack Petruzzelli, the multi-instrumentalist, producer and songwriter who many listeners will know as a member of the Fab Faux, and Cameron Greider, also a multi-instrumentalist and producer, who has worked with Sean Lennon and many others – who will give us a preview of their online course on the “White Album,” which starts on January 8.</p>
  943. <p>            Information about the RPM School can be found at <a href=''></a>. More information about the White Album course is here: <a href=''></a></p>
  944. <p>            Also check out our previous conversation with Walter Everett on show 264: <a href=''></a>.  And in one of the news items, Ken mentioned Gary Burr, who we spoke with on Episode 383: <a href=';t=3254s'>;t=3254s</a> </p>
  945. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  946. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  947. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  948. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  949. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  950. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  951. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  952. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  953. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  954. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  955. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  956. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  957. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  958. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  959. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  960. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  961. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  962. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  963. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  964. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  965. <p> </p>
  966. ]]></description>
  967.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            Episode 404 is our last Things We Said Today for 2023, and it’s a long one – and something different. Catching up with the news of the last few weeks, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo pay tribute to the late Denny Laine [04:00-33:00], followed by plenty more news [33:00-50:00], But for the main part of the show [at 50:00] we welcome the faculty of the RPM School – Walter Everett, author of the extraordinary “The Beatles As Musicians” two-volume set, Jack Petruzzelli, the multi-instrumentalist, producer and songwriter who many listeners will know as a member of the Fab Faux, and Cameron Greider, also a multi-instrumentalist and producer, who has worked with Sean Lennon and many others – who will give us a preview of their online course on the “White Album,” which starts on January 8.</p>
  968. <p>            Information about the RPM School can be found at <a href=''></a>. More information about the White Album course is here: <a href=''></a></p>
  969. <p>            Also check out our previous conversation with Walter Everett on show 264: <a href=''></a>.  And in one of the news items, Ken mentioned Gary Burr, who we spoke with on Episode 383: <a href=';t=3254s'>;t=3254s</a> </p>
  970. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  971. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  972. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  973. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  974. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  975. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  976. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  977. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  978. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  979. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  980. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  981. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  982. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  983. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  984. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  985. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  986. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  987. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  988. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  989. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  990. <p> </p>
  991. ]]></content:encoded>
  993.        <enclosure url="" length="139285161" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  994.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            Episode 404 is our last Things We Said Today for 2023, and it’s a long one – and something different. Catching up with the news of the last few weeks, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo pay tribute to the late Denny Laine [04:00-33:00], followed by plenty more news [33:00-50:00], But for the main part of the show [at 50:00] we welcome the faculty of the RPM School – Walter Everett, author of the extraordinary “The Beatles As Musicians” two-volume set, Jack Petruzzelli, the multi-instrumentalist, producer and songwriter who many listeners will know as a member of the Fab Faux, and Cameron Greider, also a multi-instrumentalist and producer, who has worked with Sean Lennon and many others – who will give us a preview of their online course on the “White Album,” which starts on January 8.
  995.             Information about the RPM School can be found at More information about the White Album course is here:
  996.             Also check out our previous conversation with Walter Everett on show 264:  And in one of the news items, Ken mentioned Gary Burr, who we spoke with on Episode 383:;t=3254s 
  997.             As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  998.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  999.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  1000.             Our email address:
  1001.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  1002.             Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans
  1003.             ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  1004.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  1005.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  1006.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  1007.             The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel:
  1008.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  1009.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  1010. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  1011.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  1012.             Ken's e-mail:
  1013. Ken's Facebook Page:
  1014. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  1015.             Darren o]]></itunes:summary>
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  1018.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  1019.        <itunes:duration>02:25:25</itunes:duration>
  1020.                <itunes:episode>404</itunes:episode>
  1021.        <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  1022.            </item>
  1023.    <item>
  1024.        <title>Things We Said Today #403 – Kenneth Womack &amp; Gary Evans on Mal Evans</title>
  1025.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #403 – Kenneth Womack &amp; Gary Evans on Mal Evans</itunes:title>
  1026.        <link></link>
  1027.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Mon, 04 Dec 2023 16:57:07 -0400</pubDate>
  1028.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  1029.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In episode 403 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo speak with the author Kenneth Womack about his excellent new book, “Living the Beatles Legend – The Untold Story of Mal Evans,” and to Mal’s son, Gary Evans.</p>
  1030. <p>            During the news segment, Ken noted the streaming version of the concert presented at the Troubadour to raise money for Denny Laine’s medical treatment. Here is the link: <a href=''></a></p>
  1031. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  1032. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  1033. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  1034. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  1035. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  1036. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  1037. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  1038. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  1039. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  1040. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  1041. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  1042. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  1043. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1044. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1045. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1046. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1047. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1048. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  1049. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  1050. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  1051. ]]></description>
  1052.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In episode 403 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo speak with the author Kenneth Womack about his excellent new book, “Living the Beatles Legend – The Untold Story of Mal Evans,” and to Mal’s son, Gary Evans.</p>
  1053. <p>            During the news segment, Ken noted the streaming version of the concert presented at the Troubadour to raise money for Denny Laine’s medical treatment. Here is the link: <a href=''></a></p>
  1054. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  1055. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  1056. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  1057. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  1058. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  1059. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  1060. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  1061. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  1062. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  1063. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  1064. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  1065. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  1066. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1067. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1068. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1069. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1070. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1071. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  1072. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  1073. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  1074. ]]></content:encoded>
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  1077.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In episode 403 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo speak with the author Kenneth Womack about his excellent new book, “Living the Beatles Legend – The Untold Story of Mal Evans,” and to Mal’s son, Gary Evans.
  1078.             During the news segment, Ken noted the streaming version of the concert presented at the Troubadour to raise money for Denny Laine’s medical treatment. Here is the link:
  1079.             As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  1080.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  1081.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  1082.             Our email address:
  1083.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  1084.             Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans
  1085.             ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  1086.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  1087.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  1088.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  1089.             The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel:
  1090.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  1091.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  1092. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  1093.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  1094.             Ken's e-mail:
  1095. Ken's Facebook Page:
  1096. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  1097.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  1098. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
  1099.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  1100.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  1101.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  1102.        <itunes:duration>01:42:44</itunes:duration>
  1103.                <itunes:episode>403</itunes:episode>
  1104.        <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  1105.            </item>
  1106.    <item>
  1107.        <title>Things We Said Today #402 – Vivek Tiwary and “The Fifth Beatle”</title>
  1108.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #402 – Vivek Tiwary and “The Fifth Beatle”</itunes:title>
  1109.        <link></link>
  1110.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 22 Nov 2023 08:25:51 -0400</pubDate>
  1111.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  1112.                      <description><![CDATA[<p> </p>
  1113. <p>In episode 402 of Things We Said Today, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo (Ken Michaels is taking a week off) speak with the author in impresario Vivek Tiwary about the 10th anniversary expanded reissue of “The Fifth Beatle,” his graphic (in the graphic novel sense) biography of Brian Epstein. We last spoke with Vivek in episode 241 (back in the audio-only days).</p>
  1114. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  1115. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  1116. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  1117. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  1118. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  1119. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  1120. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  1121. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  1122. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  1123. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  1124. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  1125. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  1126. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1127. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1128. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1129. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1130. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1131. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  1132. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  1133. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  1134. ]]></description>
  1135.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> </p>
  1136. <p>In episode 402 of Things We Said Today, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo (Ken Michaels is taking a week off) speak with the author in impresario Vivek Tiwary about the 10th anniversary expanded reissue of “The Fifth Beatle,” his graphic (in the graphic novel sense) biography of Brian Epstein. We last spoke with Vivek in episode 241 (back in the audio-only days).</p>
  1137. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  1138. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  1139. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  1140. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  1141. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  1142. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  1143. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  1144. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  1145. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  1146. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  1147. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  1148. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  1149. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1150. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1151. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1152. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1153. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1154. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  1155. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  1156. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  1157. ]]></content:encoded>
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  1160.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[ 
  1161. In episode 402 of Things We Said Today, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo (Ken Michaels is taking a week off) speak with the author in impresario Vivek Tiwary about the 10th anniversary expanded reissue of “The Fifth Beatle,” his graphic (in the graphic novel sense) biography of Brian Epstein. We last spoke with Vivek in episode 241 (back in the audio-only days).
  1162.             As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  1163.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  1164.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  1165.             Our email address:
  1166.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  1167.             Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans
  1168.             ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  1169.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  1170.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  1171.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  1172.             The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel:
  1173.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  1174.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  1175. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  1176.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  1177.             Ken's e-mail:
  1178. Ken's Facebook Page:
  1179. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  1180.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  1181. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
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  1185.        <itunes:duration>55:29</itunes:duration>
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  1189.    <item>
  1190.        <title>Things We Said Today #401 – Another Epic Chat With Peter Jackson</title>
  1191.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #401 – Another Epic Chat With Peter Jackson</itunes:title>
  1192.        <link></link>
  1193.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 18 Nov 2023 14:06:22 -0400</pubDate>
  1194.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  1195.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In episode 401 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo have another lengthy and enlightening discussion with the great director Peter Jackson about the “Now and Then” video – his debut as a music clip director – as well as an extraordinary demonstration of his MAL system and how it has been used to de-mix Beatles recordings to allow stereo (and Atmos) remixes with far more flexibility in placing instruments and voices in a stereo soundstage than has ever been possible before. We touch on other things as well – as in our previous encounter (if you haven’t seen it, check out episode 355, in which Peter discusses the making of his magnificent “Get Back” film), Peter was extraordinarily generous with his time and we’re thrilled to have a return appearance.</p>
  1196. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  1197. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  1198. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  1199. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  1200. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  1201. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  1202. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  1203. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  1204. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  1205. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  1206. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  1207. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  1208. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1209. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1210. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1211. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1212. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1213. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  1214. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  1215. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  1216. <p> </p>
  1217. ]]></description>
  1218.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In episode 401 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo have another lengthy and enlightening discussion with the great director Peter Jackson about the “Now and Then” video – his debut as a music clip director – as well as an extraordinary demonstration of his MAL system and how it has been used to de-mix Beatles recordings to allow stereo (and Atmos) remixes with far more flexibility in placing instruments and voices in a stereo soundstage than has ever been possible before. We touch on other things as well – as in our previous encounter (if you haven’t seen it, check out episode 355, in which Peter discusses the making of his magnificent “Get Back” film), Peter was extraordinarily generous with his time and we’re thrilled to have a return appearance.</p>
  1219. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  1220. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  1221. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  1222. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  1223. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  1224. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  1225. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  1226. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  1227. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  1228. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  1229. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  1230. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  1231. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1232. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1233. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1234. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1235. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1236. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  1237. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  1238. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  1239. <p> </p>
  1240. ]]></content:encoded>
  1242.        <enclosure url="" length="517922683" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1243.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In episode 401 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo have another lengthy and enlightening discussion with the great director Peter Jackson about the “Now and Then” video – his debut as a music clip director – as well as an extraordinary demonstration of his MAL system and how it has been used to de-mix Beatles recordings to allow stereo (and Atmos) remixes with far more flexibility in placing instruments and voices in a stereo soundstage than has ever been possible before. We touch on other things as well – as in our previous encounter (if you haven’t seen it, check out episode 355, in which Peter discusses the making of his magnificent “Get Back” film), Peter was extraordinarily generous with his time and we’re thrilled to have a return appearance.
  1244.             As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  1245.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  1246.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  1247.             Our email address:
  1248.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  1249.             Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans
  1250.             ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  1251.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  1252.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  1253.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  1254.             The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel:
  1255.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  1256.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  1257. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  1258.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  1259.             Ken's e-mail:
  1260. Ken's Facebook Page:
  1261. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  1262.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  1263. Darren’s email:
  1264.  ]]></itunes:summary>
  1265.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  1266.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  1267.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  1268.        <itunes:duration>03:35:48</itunes:duration>
  1269.                <itunes:episode>401</itunes:episode>
  1270.        <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  1271.            </item>
  1272.    <item>
  1273.        <title>Things We Said Today #400 – Our 400th show: Now &amp; Then, Red &amp; Blue and the Beatles Universe in 2023</title>
  1274.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #400 – Our 400th show: Now &amp; Then, Red &amp; Blue and the Beatles Universe in 2023</itunes:title>
  1275.        <link></link>
  1276.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Tue, 31 Oct 2023 11:26:46 -0300</pubDate>
  1277.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  1278.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>To celebrate our 400th episode, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo welcome back two past co-hosts, Steve Marinucci and Al Sussman, for a look back at some of the show’s history and a discussion of social media, podcasts and other ways of exploring the Beatles legacy, and its effect on the world of Beatles scholarship, fandom and the Beatles popularity in 2023.</p>
  1279. <p>Here are the links for several items that were mentioned in the news segment this time and in recent shows:</p>
  1280. <p>Denny Laine’s Go Fund Me page: <a href=';utm_medium=social&amp;utm_source=facebook'>;utm_medium=social&amp;utm_source=facebook</a></p>
  1281. <p>            Benefit Concert for Denny Laine, November 27 at the Troubadour in West Hollywood, CA:</p>
  1282. <p><a href=''></a></p>
  1283. <p>            Ken Womack’s event at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame: <a href=''></a></p>
  1284. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  1285. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  1286. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  1287. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  1288. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  1289. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  1290. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  1291. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  1292. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  1293. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  1294. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  1295. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  1296. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1297. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1298. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1299. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1300. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1301. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  1302. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  1303. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  1304. <p> </p>
  1305. ]]></description>
  1306.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>To celebrate our 400th episode, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo welcome back two past co-hosts, Steve Marinucci and Al Sussman, for a look back at some of the show’s history and a discussion of social media, podcasts and other ways of exploring the Beatles legacy, and its effect on the world of Beatles scholarship, fandom and the Beatles popularity in 2023.</p>
  1307. <p>Here are the links for several items that were mentioned in the news segment this time and in recent shows:</p>
  1308. <p>Denny Laine’s Go Fund Me page: <a href=';utm_medium=social&amp;utm_source=facebook'>;utm_medium=social&amp;utm_source=facebook</a></p>
  1309. <p>            Benefit Concert for Denny Laine, November 27 at the Troubadour in West Hollywood, CA:</p>
  1310. <p><a href=''></a></p>
  1311. <p>            Ken Womack’s event at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame: <a href=''></a></p>
  1312. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  1313. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  1314. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  1315. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  1316. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  1317. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  1318. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  1319. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  1320. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  1321. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  1322. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  1323. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  1324. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1325. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1326. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1327. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1328. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1329. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  1330. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  1331. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  1332. <p> </p>
  1333. ]]></content:encoded>
  1335.        <enclosure url="" length="151818930" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1336.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[To celebrate our 400th episode, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo welcome back two past co-hosts, Steve Marinucci and Al Sussman, for a look back at some of the show’s history and a discussion of social media, podcasts and other ways of exploring the Beatles legacy, and its effect on the world of Beatles scholarship, fandom and the Beatles popularity in 2023.
  1337. Here are the links for several items that were mentioned in the news segment this time and in recent shows:
  1338. Denny Laine’s Go Fund Me page:;utm_medium=social&amp;utm_source=facebook
  1339.             Benefit Concert for Denny Laine, November 27 at the Troubadour in West Hollywood, CA:
  1341.             Ken Womack’s event at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame:
  1342.             As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  1343.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  1344.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  1345.             Our email address:
  1346.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  1347.             Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans
  1348.             ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  1349.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  1350.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  1351.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  1352.             The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel:
  1353.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  1354.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  1355. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  1356.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  1357.             Ken's e-mail:
  1358. Ken's Facebook Page:
  1359. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  1360.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  1361. Darren’s email:
  1362.  ]]></itunes:summary>
  1363.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  1364.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  1365.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  1366.        <itunes:duration>02:38:30</itunes:duration>
  1367.                <itunes:episode>400</itunes:episode>
  1368.        <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  1369.            </item>
  1370.    <item>
  1371.        <title>Things We Said Today #399 – Ringo’s “Rewind Forward” Review &amp; Bruce Sugar interview</title>
  1372.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #399 – Ringo’s “Rewind Forward” Review &amp; Bruce Sugar interview</itunes:title>
  1373.        <link></link>
  1374.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 18 Oct 2023 13:00:57 -0300</pubDate>
  1375.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  1376.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In episode 399 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo have a chat with the producer, engineer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Bruce Sugar about his work with Ringo since “Ringo Rama,” and offer their reactions to Ringo’s new EP, “Rewind Forward.”</p>
  1377. <p>During the news segment of the show we promised links for Denny Laine’s Go Fund Me page as well as the ticket page for a benefit concert for Denny Laine. Here are the links:</p>
  1378. <p>Denny Laine: Go Fund Me page: <a href=';utm_medium=social&amp;utm_source=facebook'>;utm_medium=social&amp;utm_source=facebook</a></p>
  1379. <p>            Benefit Concert for Denny Laine, November 27 at the Troubadour in West Hollywood, CA:</p>
  1380. <p><a href=''></a></p>
  1381. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  1382. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  1383. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  1384. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  1385. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  1386. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  1387. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  1388. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  1389. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  1390. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  1391. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  1392. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  1393. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1394. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1395. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1396. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1397. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1398. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  1399. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  1400. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  1401. ]]></description>
  1402.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In episode 399 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo have a chat with the producer, engineer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Bruce Sugar about his work with Ringo since “Ringo Rama,” and offer their reactions to Ringo’s new EP, “Rewind Forward.”</p>
  1403. <p>During the news segment of the show we promised links for Denny Laine’s Go Fund Me page as well as the ticket page for a benefit concert for Denny Laine. Here are the links:</p>
  1404. <p>Denny Laine: Go Fund Me page: <a href=';utm_medium=social&amp;utm_source=facebook'>;utm_medium=social&amp;utm_source=facebook</a></p>
  1405. <p>            Benefit Concert for Denny Laine, November 27 at the Troubadour in West Hollywood, CA:</p>
  1406. <p><a href=''></a></p>
  1407. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  1408. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  1409. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  1410. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  1411. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  1412. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  1413. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  1414. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  1415. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  1416. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  1417. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  1418. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  1419. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1420. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1421. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1422. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1423. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1424. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  1425. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  1426. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  1427. ]]></content:encoded>
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  1430.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In episode 399 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo have a chat with the producer, engineer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Bruce Sugar about his work with Ringo since “Ringo Rama,” and offer their reactions to Ringo’s new EP, “Rewind Forward.”
  1431. During the news segment of the show we promised links for Denny Laine’s Go Fund Me page as well as the ticket page for a benefit concert for Denny Laine. Here are the links:
  1432. Denny Laine: Go Fund Me page:;utm_medium=social&amp;utm_source=facebook
  1433.             Benefit Concert for Denny Laine, November 27 at the Troubadour in West Hollywood, CA:
  1435. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  1436.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  1437.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  1438.             Our email address:
  1439.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  1440.             Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans
  1441.             ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  1442.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  1443.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  1444.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  1445.             The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel:
  1446.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  1447.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  1448. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  1449.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  1450.             Ken's e-mail:
  1451. Ken's Facebook Page:
  1452. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  1453.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  1454. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
  1455.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  1456.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  1457.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  1458.        <itunes:duration>01:56:13</itunes:duration>
  1459.                <itunes:episode>399</itunes:episode>
  1460.        <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  1461.            </item>
  1462.    <item>
  1463.        <title>Things We Said Today #399 – Ringo’s “Rewind Forward” Review &amp; Bruce Sugar interview</title>
  1464.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #399 – Ringo’s “Rewind Forward” Review &amp; Bruce Sugar interview</itunes:title>
  1465.        <link></link>
  1466.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 18 Oct 2023 12:55:04 -0300</pubDate>
  1467.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  1468.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In episode 399 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo have a chat with the producer, engineer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Bruce Sugar about his work with Ringo since “Ringo Rama,” and offer their reactions to Ringo’s new EP, “Rewind Forward.”</p>
  1469. <p>During the news segment of the show we promised links for Denny Laine’s Go Fund Me page as well as the ticket page for a benefit concert for Denny Laine. Here are the links:</p>
  1470. <p>Denny Laine: Go Fund Me page: <a href=';utm_medium=social&amp;utm_source=facebook'>;utm_medium=social&amp;utm_source=facebook</a></p>
  1471. <p>            Benefit Concert for Denny Laine, November 27 at the Troubadour in West Hollywood, CA:</p>
  1472. <p><a href=''></a></p>
  1473. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  1474. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  1475. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  1476. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  1477. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  1478. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  1479. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  1480. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  1481. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  1482. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  1483. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  1484. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  1485. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1486. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1487. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1488. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1489. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1490. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  1491. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  1492. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  1493. ]]></description>
  1494.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In episode 399 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo have a chat with the producer, engineer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Bruce Sugar about his work with Ringo since “Ringo Rama,” and offer their reactions to Ringo’s new EP, “Rewind Forward.”</p>
  1495. <p>During the news segment of the show we promised links for Denny Laine’s Go Fund Me page as well as the ticket page for a benefit concert for Denny Laine. Here are the links:</p>
  1496. <p>Denny Laine: Go Fund Me page: <a href=';utm_medium=social&amp;utm_source=facebook'>;utm_medium=social&amp;utm_source=facebook</a></p>
  1497. <p>            Benefit Concert for Denny Laine, November 27 at the Troubadour in West Hollywood, CA:</p>
  1498. <p><a href=''></a></p>
  1499. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  1500. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  1501. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  1502. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  1503. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  1504. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  1505. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  1506. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  1507. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  1508. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  1509. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  1510. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  1511. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1512. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1513. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1514. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1515. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1516. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  1517. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  1518. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  1519. ]]></content:encoded>
  1521.        <enclosure url="" length="111313218" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1522.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In episode 399 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo have a chat with the producer, engineer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Bruce Sugar about his work with Ringo since “Ringo Rama,” and offer their reactions to Ringo’s new EP, “Rewind Forward.”
  1523. During the news segment of the show we promised links for Denny Laine’s Go Fund Me page as well as the ticket page for a benefit concert for Denny Laine. Here are the links:
  1524. Denny Laine: Go Fund Me page:;utm_medium=social&amp;utm_source=facebook
  1525.             Benefit Concert for Denny Laine, November 27 at the Troubadour in West Hollywood, CA:
  1527. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  1528.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  1529.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  1530.             Our email address:
  1531.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  1532.             Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans
  1533.             ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  1534.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  1535.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  1536.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  1537.             The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel:
  1538.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  1539.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  1540. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  1541.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  1542.             Ken's e-mail:
  1543. Ken's Facebook Page:
  1544. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  1545.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  1546. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
  1547.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  1548.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  1549.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  1550.        <itunes:duration>01:56:13</itunes:duration>
  1551.                <itunes:episode>399</itunes:episode>
  1552.        <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  1553.            </item>
  1554.    <item>
  1555.        <title>Things We Said Today #398 – “Mind Games” @50 &amp; John Lennon’s Birthday</title>
  1556.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #398 – “Mind Games” @50 &amp; John Lennon’s Birthday</itunes:title>
  1557.        <link></link>
  1558.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Tue, 03 Oct 2023 10:50:15 -0300</pubDate>
  1559.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  1560.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In episode 398 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo take a look at John Lennon’s “Mind Games” album on the 50th anniversary of its release, and remember John on what would have been his 83rd birthday.</p>
  1561. <p>During the news segment of the show we promised links for Denny Laine’s Go Fund Me page and the All You Need Is Love Beatles Tribute Tour. Here they are:  </p>
  1562. <p>Denny Laine: Go Fund Me page: <a href=';utm_medium=social&amp;utm_source=facebook'>;utm_medium=social&amp;utm_source=facebook</a></p>
  1563. <p>            All You Need Is Love Beatles Tribute Tour:  </p>
  1564. <p>    <a href=''></a></p>
  1565. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  1566. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  1567. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  1568. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  1569. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  1570. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  1571. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  1572. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  1573. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  1574. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  1575. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  1576. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  1577. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1578. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1579. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1580. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1581. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1582. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  1583. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  1584. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  1585. ]]></description>
  1586.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In episode 398 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo take a look at John Lennon’s “Mind Games” album on the 50th anniversary of its release, and remember John on what would have been his 83rd birthday.</p>
  1587. <p>During the news segment of the show we promised links for Denny Laine’s Go Fund Me page and the All You Need Is Love Beatles Tribute Tour. Here they are:  </p>
  1588. <p>Denny Laine: Go Fund Me page: <a href=';utm_medium=social&amp;utm_source=facebook'>;utm_medium=social&amp;utm_source=facebook</a></p>
  1589. <p>            All You Need Is Love Beatles Tribute Tour:  </p>
  1590. <p>    <a href=''></a></p>
  1591. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  1592. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  1593. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  1594. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  1595. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  1596. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  1597. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  1598. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  1599. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  1600. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  1601. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  1602. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  1603. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1604. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1605. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1606. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1607. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1608. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  1609. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  1610. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  1611. ]]></content:encoded>
  1613.        <enclosure url="" length="69954741" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1614.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In episode 398 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo take a look at John Lennon’s “Mind Games” album on the 50th anniversary of its release, and remember John on what would have been his 83rd birthday.
  1615. During the news segment of the show we promised links for Denny Laine’s Go Fund Me page and the All You Need Is Love Beatles Tribute Tour. Here they are:  
  1616. Denny Laine: Go Fund Me page:;utm_medium=social&amp;utm_source=facebook
  1617.             All You Need Is Love Beatles Tribute Tour:  
  1619. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  1620.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  1621.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  1622.             Our email address:
  1623.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  1624.             Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans
  1625.             ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  1626.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  1627.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  1628.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  1629.             The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel:
  1630.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  1631.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  1632. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  1633.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  1634.             Ken's e-mail:
  1635. Ken's Facebook Page:
  1636. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  1637.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  1638. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
  1639.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  1640.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  1641.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  1642.        <itunes:duration>01:13:02</itunes:duration>
  1643.                <itunes:episode>398</itunes:episode>
  1644.        <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  1645.            </item>
  1646.    <item>
  1647.        <title>Things We Said Today #397 – Steve Matteo and “Act Naturally - The Beatles on Film”</title>
  1648.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #397 – Steve Matteo and “Act Naturally - The Beatles on Film”</itunes:title>
  1649.        <link></link>
  1650.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Tue, 19 Sep 2023 12:25:10 -0300</pubDate>
  1651.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  1652.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In episode 397 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo talk to Steve Matteo about his new book, “Act Naturally – The Beatles on Film.”</p>
  1653. <p>During the show we mention a few people or subjects we’ve also covered in other episodes, so if you missed those, here are the relevant links:</p>
  1654. <p>Episode 337:  Our interview with Dr. Bob Hieronymus &amp; Laura Cortner discuss their books about “Yellow Submarine,” – “Inside The Yellow Submarine” and “It’s All In the Mind – Inside the Beatles’ Yellow Submarine Vol. 2”: <a href=''></a>   Ken also did an interview with Dr. Bob and Laura on Ken Michaels Radio channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  1655. <p>Episode 355:  Our interview with Peter Jackson about “Get Back” and “Let It Be”:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1656. <p>Episode 277:  Our interview with Paul Rutan about the restoration of “Yellow Submarine” and other Beatles films. <a href=''></a></p>
  1657. <p>Also, check out Episode 319, our previous interview with Steve, about his book on “Let It Be”: <a href=''></a></p>
  1658. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  1659. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  1660. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  1661. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  1662. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  1663. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  1664. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  1665. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  1666. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  1667. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  1668. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  1669. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  1670. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1671. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1672. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1673. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1674. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1675. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  1676. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  1677. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  1678. ]]></description>
  1679.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In episode 397 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo talk to Steve Matteo about his new book, “Act Naturally – The Beatles on Film.”</p>
  1680. <p>During the show we mention a few people or subjects we’ve also covered in other episodes, so if you missed those, here are the relevant links:</p>
  1681. <p>Episode 337:  Our interview with Dr. Bob Hieronymus &amp; Laura Cortner discuss their books about “Yellow Submarine,” – “Inside The Yellow Submarine” and “It’s All In the Mind – Inside the Beatles’ Yellow Submarine Vol. 2”: <a href=''></a>   Ken also did an interview with Dr. Bob and Laura on Ken Michaels Radio channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  1682. <p>Episode 355:  Our interview with Peter Jackson about “Get Back” and “Let It Be”:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1683. <p>Episode 277:  Our interview with Paul Rutan about the restoration of “Yellow Submarine” and other Beatles films. <a href=''></a></p>
  1684. <p>Also, check out Episode 319, our previous interview with Steve, about his book on “Let It Be”: <a href=''></a></p>
  1685. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  1686. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  1687. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  1688. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  1689. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  1690. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  1691. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  1692. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  1693. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  1694. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  1695. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  1696. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  1697. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1698. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1699. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1700. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1701. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1702. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  1703. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  1704. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  1705. ]]></content:encoded>
  1707.        <enclosure url="" length="112063401" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1708.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In episode 397 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo talk to Steve Matteo about his new book, “Act Naturally – The Beatles on Film.”
  1709. During the show we mention a few people or subjects we’ve also covered in other episodes, so if you missed those, here are the relevant links:
  1710. Episode 337:  Our interview with Dr. Bob Hieronymus &amp; Laura Cortner discuss their books about “Yellow Submarine,” – “Inside The Yellow Submarine” and “It’s All In the Mind – Inside the Beatles’ Yellow Submarine Vol. 2”:   Ken also did an interview with Dr. Bob and Laura on Ken Michaels Radio channel:
  1711. Episode 355:  Our interview with Peter Jackson about “Get Back” and “Let It Be”:
  1712. Episode 277:  Our interview with Paul Rutan about the restoration of “Yellow Submarine” and other Beatles films.
  1713. Also, check out Episode 319, our previous interview with Steve, about his book on “Let It Be”:
  1714. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  1715.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  1716.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  1717.             Our email address:
  1718.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  1719.             Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans
  1720.             ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  1721.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  1722.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  1723.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  1724.             The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel:
  1725.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  1726.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  1727. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  1728.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  1729.             Ken's e-mail:
  1730. Ken's Facebook Page:
  1731. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  1732.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  1733. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
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  1742.        <title>Things We Said Today #396 – New Ringo, Dolly, Paul &amp; Ringo, Stowe, and Wrack Our Brains</title>
  1743.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #396 – New Ringo, Dolly, Paul &amp; Ringo, Stowe, and Wrack Our Brains</itunes:title>
  1744.        <link></link>
  1745.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Tue, 29 Aug 2023 14:07:04 -0300</pubDate>
  1746.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  1747.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 396 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo discuss Ringo’s new track, “Rewind Forward,” Dolly Parton’s new cover of “Let It Be” with Paul and Ringo, and the freshly liberated recording of the Beatles at Stowe, April 4, 1963 – and that’s just the news section. The rest of the show is Wrack Our Brains, an idea we borrowed from our colleagues at Talk More Talk, in which each co-host poses two opinion questions that the others haven’t heard in advance.</p>
  1748. <p>            If you haven’t heard Ringo’s “Rewind Forward,” you can find it here: <a href=''></a></p>
  1749. <p>            Dolly Parton’s new cover of “Let It Be” is here: <a href=''></a></p>
  1750. <p>            And here is the Stowe concert: <a href=''></a></p>
  1751. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  1752. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  1753. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  1754. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  1755. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  1756. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  1757. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  1758. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  1759. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  1760. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  1761. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  1762. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  1763. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1764. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1765. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1766. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1767. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1768. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  1769. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  1770. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  1771. ]]></description>
  1772.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 396 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo discuss Ringo’s new track, “Rewind Forward,” Dolly Parton’s new cover of “Let It Be” with Paul and Ringo, and the freshly liberated recording of the Beatles at Stowe, April 4, 1963 – and that’s just the news section. The rest of the show is Wrack Our Brains, an idea we borrowed from our colleagues at Talk More Talk, in which each co-host poses two opinion questions that the others haven’t heard in advance.</p>
  1773. <p>            If you haven’t heard Ringo’s “Rewind Forward,” you can find it here: <a href=''></a></p>
  1774. <p>            Dolly Parton’s new cover of “Let It Be” is here: <a href=''></a></p>
  1775. <p>            And here is the Stowe concert: <a href=''></a></p>
  1776. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  1777. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  1778. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  1779. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  1780. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  1781. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  1782. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  1783. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  1784. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  1785. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  1786. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  1787. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  1788. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1789. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1790. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1791. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1792. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1793. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  1794. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  1795. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  1796. ]]></content:encoded>
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  1799.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            In episode 396 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo discuss Ringo’s new track, “Rewind Forward,” Dolly Parton’s new cover of “Let It Be” with Paul and Ringo, and the freshly liberated recording of the Beatles at Stowe, April 4, 1963 – and that’s just the news section. The rest of the show is Wrack Our Brains, an idea we borrowed from our colleagues at Talk More Talk, in which each co-host poses two opinion questions that the others haven’t heard in advance.
  1800.             If you haven’t heard Ringo’s “Rewind Forward,” you can find it here:
  1801.             Dolly Parton’s new cover of “Let It Be” is here:
  1802.             And here is the Stowe concert:
  1803. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  1804.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  1805.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  1806.             Our email address:
  1807.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  1808.             Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans
  1809.             ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  1810.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  1811.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  1812.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  1813.             The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel:
  1814.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  1815.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  1816. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  1817.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  1818.             Ken's e-mail:
  1819. Ken's Facebook Page:
  1820. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  1821.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  1822. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
  1823.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
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  1831.        <title>Things We Said Today #395 – Faves &amp; Least Faves on Each UK Beatles LP</title>
  1832.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #395 – Faves &amp; Least Faves on Each UK Beatles LP</itunes:title>
  1833.        <link></link>
  1834.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Tue, 08 Aug 2023 10:44:37 -0300</pubDate>
  1835.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  1836.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 395 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo choose their favorite and least favorite tracks from each of the Beatles British albums. It was harder than we expected, particularly selecting “least favorite” tracks, since let’s face it, the Beatles were the zenith of Western Civ and there are no actual bad tracks. (Hey…I heard that. No. There aren’t.)</p>
  1837. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  1838. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  1839. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  1840. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  1841. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  1842. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  1843. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  1844. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  1845. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  1846. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  1847. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  1848. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  1849. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1850. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1851. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1852. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1853. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1854. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  1855. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  1856. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  1857. ]]></description>
  1858.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 395 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo choose their favorite and least favorite tracks from each of the Beatles British albums. It was harder than we expected, particularly selecting “least favorite” tracks, since let’s face it, the Beatles were the zenith of Western Civ and there are no actual <em>bad </em>tracks. (Hey…I heard that. No. There aren’t.)</p>
  1859. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  1860. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  1861. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  1862. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  1863. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  1864. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  1865. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  1866. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  1867. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  1868. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  1869. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  1870. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  1871. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1872. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1873. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1874. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1875. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1876. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  1877. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  1878. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  1879. ]]></content:encoded>
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  1882.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            In episode 395 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo choose their favorite and least favorite tracks from each of the Beatles British albums. It was harder than we expected, particularly selecting “least favorite” tracks, since let’s face it, the Beatles were the zenith of Western Civ and there are no actual bad tracks. (Hey…I heard that. No. There aren’t.)
  1883. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  1884.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  1885.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  1886.             Our email address:
  1887.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  1888.             Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans
  1889.             ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  1890.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  1891.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  1892.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  1893.             The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel:
  1894.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  1895.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  1896. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  1897.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  1898.             Ken's e-mail:
  1899. Ken's Facebook Page:
  1900. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  1901.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  1902. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
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  1911.        <title>Things We Said Today #395 – Faves &amp; Least Faves on Each UK Beatles LP</title>
  1912.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #395 – Faves &amp; Least Faves on Each UK Beatles LP</itunes:title>
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  1915.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  1916.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 395 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo choose their favorite and least favorite tracks from each of the Beatles British albums. It was harder than we expected, particularly selecting “least favorite” tracks, since let’s face it, the Beatles were the zenith of Western Civ and there are no actual bad tracks. (Hey…I heard that. No. There aren’t.)</p>
  1917. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  1918. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  1919. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  1920. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  1921. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  1922. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  1923. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  1924. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  1925. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  1926. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  1927. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  1928. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  1929. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1930. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1931. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1932. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1933. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1934. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  1935. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  1936. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  1937. ]]></description>
  1938.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 395 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo choose their favorite and least favorite tracks from each of the Beatles British albums. It was harder than we expected, particularly selecting “least favorite” tracks, since let’s face it, the Beatles were the zenith of Western Civ and there are no actual <em>bad </em>tracks. (Hey…I heard that. No. There aren’t.)</p>
  1939. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  1940. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  1941. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  1942. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  1943. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  1944. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  1945. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  1946. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  1947. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  1948. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  1949. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  1950. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  1951. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1952. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1953. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1954. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  1955. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  1956. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  1957. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  1958. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  1959. ]]></content:encoded>
  1961.        <enclosure url="" length="144940098" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  1962.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            In episode 395 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo choose their favorite and least favorite tracks from each of the Beatles British albums. It was harder than we expected, particularly selecting “least favorite” tracks, since let’s face it, the Beatles were the zenith of Western Civ and there are no actual bad tracks. (Hey…I heard that. No. There aren’t.)
  1963. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  1964.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  1965.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  1966.             Our email address:
  1967.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  1968.             Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans
  1969.             ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  1970.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  1971.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  1972.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  1973.             The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel:
  1974.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  1975.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  1976. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  1977.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  1978.             Ken's e-mail:
  1979. Ken's Facebook Page:
  1980. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  1981.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  1982. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
  1983.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
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  1986.        <itunes:duration>02:31:19</itunes:duration>
  1987.                <itunes:episode>395</itunes:episode>
  1988.        <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  1989.            </item>
  1990.    <item>
  1991.        <title>Things We Said Today #394 – Celebrating Ringo at 83: Mark Rivera interview, Part 2.</title>
  1992.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #394 – Celebrating Ringo at 83: Mark Rivera interview, Part 2.</itunes:title>
  1993.        <link></link>
  1994.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Tue, 18 Jul 2023 07:15:40 -0300</pubDate>
  1995.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  1996.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 394 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo reconvene for another chat with Mark Rivera, the saxophonist and multi-instrumentalist who has been the music director of Ringo Starr’s All-Starr Bands since the 1990s, as well as being a member of Billy Joel’s band since 1982, having worked with many other artists as well. This time we continue our discussion with Mark about working with Ringo, and also discuss with Mark the (mostly Beatles) tracks on which we find Ringo’s drumming at its most innovative.</p>
  1997. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  1998. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  1999. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  2000. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  2001. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  2002. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  2003. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  2004. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  2005. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  2006. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  2007. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  2008. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  2009. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2010. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2011. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2012. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2013. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2014. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  2015. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  2016. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  2017. <p> </p>
  2018. ]]></description>
  2019.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 394 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo reconvene for another chat with Mark Rivera, the saxophonist and multi-instrumentalist who has been the music director of Ringo Starr’s All-Starr Bands since the 1990s, as well as being a member of Billy Joel’s band since 1982, having worked with many other artists as well. This time we continue our discussion with Mark about working with Ringo, and also discuss with Mark the (mostly Beatles) tracks on which we find Ringo’s drumming at its most innovative.</p>
  2020. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  2021. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  2022. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  2023. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  2024. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  2025. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  2026. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  2027. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  2028. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  2029. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  2030. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  2031. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  2032. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2033. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2034. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2035. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2036. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2037. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  2038. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  2039. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  2040. <p> </p>
  2041. ]]></content:encoded>
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  2044.        <itunes:summary>In episode 394 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo reconvene for another chat with Mark Rivera, the saxophonist and multi-instrumentalist who has been the music director of Ringo Starr’s All-Starr Bands since the 1990s, as well as being a member of Billy Joel’s band since 1982, having worked with many other artists as well. This time we continue our discussion with Mark about working with Ringo, and also discuss with Mark the (mostly Beatles) tracks on which we find Ringo’s drumming at its most innovative.</itunes:summary>
  2045.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
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  2053.        <title>Things We Said Today #393 – Celebrating Ringo at 83: Mark Rivera interview, Part 1.</title>
  2054.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #393 – Celebrating Ringo at 83: Mark Rivera interview, Part 1.</itunes:title>
  2055.        <link></link>
  2056.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Fri, 14 Jul 2023 10:10:53 -0300</pubDate>
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  2058.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 393 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo have a chat with Mark Rivera, the saxophonist and multi-instrumentalist who has been the music director of Ringo Starr’s All-Starr Bands since the 1990s, as well as being a member of Billy Joel’s band since 1982, and having worked with many other artists. We had such a good time – but had so many questions left when we ran out of time – that we’ll be speaking with Mark again for our next show, so don’t miss that.</p>
  2059. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  2060. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  2061. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  2062. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  2063. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  2064. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  2065. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  2066. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  2067. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  2068. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  2069. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  2070. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  2071. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2072. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2073. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2074. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2075. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2076. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  2077. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  2078. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  2079. ]]></description>
  2080.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 393 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo have a chat with Mark Rivera, the saxophonist and multi-instrumentalist who has been the music director of Ringo Starr’s All-Starr Bands since the 1990s, as well as being a member of Billy Joel’s band since 1982, and having worked with many other artists. We had such a good time – but had so many questions left when we ran out of time – that we’ll be speaking with Mark again for our next show, so don’t miss that.</p>
  2081. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  2082. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  2083. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  2084. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  2085. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  2086. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  2087. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  2088. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  2089. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  2090. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  2091. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  2092. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  2093. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2094. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2095. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2096. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2097. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2098. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  2099. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  2100. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  2101. ]]></content:encoded>
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  2104.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            In episode 393 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo have a chat with Mark Rivera, the saxophonist and multi-instrumentalist who has been the music director of Ringo Starr’s All-Starr Bands since the 1990s, as well as being a member of Billy Joel’s band since 1982, and having worked with many other artists. We had such a good time – but had so many questions left when we ran out of time – that we’ll be speaking with Mark again for our next show, so don’t miss that.
  2105. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  2106.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  2107.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  2108.             Our email address:
  2109.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  2110.             Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans
  2111.             ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  2112.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  2113.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  2114.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  2115.             The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel:
  2116.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  2117.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  2118. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  2119.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  2120.             Ken's e-mail:
  2121. Ken's Facebook Page:
  2122. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  2123.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  2124. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
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  2132.    <item>
  2133.        <title>Things We Said Today #392 – Celebrating Paul McCartney’s 81st Birthday</title>
  2134.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #392 – Celebrating Paul McCartney’s 81st Birthday</itunes:title>
  2135.        <link></link>
  2136.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Tue, 13 Jun 2023 09:24:42 -0300</pubDate>
  2137.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  2138.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 392 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo celebrate Paul McCartney’s 81st birthday (on June 18) by choosing one favorite song of his from each decade he has been working – from the 1960s to the present.</p>
  2139. <p>            In the news segment, Ken noted the passing of Chas Newby, who played bass for the Beatles very briefly at the end of 1960. Here is a link to the Things We Said Today episode in which Ken and Steve Marinucci interviewed Mr. Newby:</p>
  2140. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  2141. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  2142. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  2143. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  2144. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  2145. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  2146. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  2147. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  2148. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  2149. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  2150. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  2151. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  2152. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2153. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2154. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2155. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2156. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2157. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  2158. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  2159. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  2160. ]]></description>
  2161.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 392 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo celebrate Paul McCartney’s 81st birthday (on June 18) by choosing one favorite song of his from each decade he has been working – from the 1960s to the present.</p>
  2162. <p>            In the news segment, Ken noted the passing of Chas Newby, who played bass for the Beatles very briefly at the end of 1960. Here is a link to the Things We Said Today episode in which Ken and Steve Marinucci interviewed Mr. Newby:</p>
  2163. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  2164. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  2165. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  2166. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  2167. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  2168. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  2169. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  2170. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  2171. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  2172. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  2173. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  2174. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  2175. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2176. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2177. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2178. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2179. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2180. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  2181. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  2182. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  2183. ]]></content:encoded>
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  2186.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            In episode 392 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo celebrate Paul McCartney’s 81st birthday (on June 18) by choosing one favorite song of his from each decade he has been working – from the 1960s to the present.
  2187.             In the news segment, Ken noted the passing of Chas Newby, who played bass for the Beatles very briefly at the end of 1960. Here is a link to the Things We Said Today episode in which Ken and Steve Marinucci interviewed Mr. Newby:
  2188. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  2189.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  2190.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  2191.             Our email address:
  2192.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  2193.             Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans
  2194.             ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  2195.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  2196.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  2197.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  2198.             The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel:
  2199.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  2200.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  2201. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  2202.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  2203.             Ken's e-mail:
  2204. Ken's Facebook Page:
  2205. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  2206.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  2207. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
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  2215.    <item>
  2216.        <title>Things We Said Today #391 – “Living in the Material World at 50” [CORRECTED]</title>
  2217.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #391 – “Living in the Material World at 50” [CORRECTED]</itunes:title>
  2218.        <link></link>
  2219.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Tue, 23 May 2023 16:25:24 -0300</pubDate>
  2220.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  2221.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 391 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo discuss George Harrison’s “Living in the Material World” album – Ken’s favorite album of all time – on its 50th anniversary (along with a quick overview of what George got from the “Bhagavad Gita,” and what he was telling us about it through the album).</p>
  2222. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  2223. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  2224. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  2225. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  2226. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  2227. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  2228. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  2229. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  2230. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  2231. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  2232. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  2233. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  2234. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2235. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2236. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2237. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2238. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2239. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  2240. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  2241. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  2242. ]]></description>
  2243.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 391 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo discuss George Harrison’s “Living in the Material World” album – Ken’s favorite album of all time – on its 50th anniversary (along with a quick overview of what George got from the “Bhagavad Gita,” and what he was telling us about it through the album).</p>
  2244. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  2245. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  2246. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  2247. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  2248. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  2249. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  2250. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  2251. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  2252. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  2253. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  2254. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  2255. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  2256. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2257. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2258. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2259. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2260. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2261. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  2262. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  2263. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  2264. ]]></content:encoded>
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  2267.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            In episode 391 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo discuss George Harrison’s “Living in the Material World” album – Ken’s favorite album of all time – on its 50th anniversary (along with a quick overview of what George got from the “Bhagavad Gita,” and what he was telling us about it through the album).
  2268. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  2269.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  2270.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  2271.             Our email address:
  2272.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  2273.             Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans
  2274.             ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  2275.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  2276.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  2277.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  2278.             The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel:
  2279.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  2280.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  2281. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  2282.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  2283.             Ken's e-mail:
  2284. Ken's Facebook Page:
  2285. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  2286.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  2287. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
  2288.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
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  2291.        <itunes:duration>01:28:14</itunes:duration>
  2292.                <itunes:episode>392</itunes:episode>
  2293.        <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
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  2296.        <title>Things We Said Today #390 – Reconsidering the “Red” and “Blue” Albums</title>
  2297.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #390 – Reconsidering the “Red” and “Blue” Albums</itunes:title>
  2298.        <link></link>
  2299.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Tue, 09 May 2023 09:51:53 -0300</pubDate>
  2300.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  2301.                      <description><![CDATA[<p> </p>
  2302. <p>            In episode 390 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo revisit “The Beatles 1962-1966” (the “Red” Album) and “1967-1970” (the “Blue” Album) on their 50th anniversary, each adding (and in some cases deleting) tracks to make updated 2023 versions.</p>
  2303. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  2304. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  2305. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  2306. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  2307. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  2308. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  2309. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  2310. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  2311. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  2312. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  2313. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  2314. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  2315. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2316. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2317. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2318. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2319. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2320. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  2321. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  2322. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  2323. ]]></description>
  2324.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> </p>
  2325. <p>            In episode 390 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo revisit “The Beatles 1962-1966” (the “Red” Album) and “1967-1970” (the “Blue” Album) on their 50th anniversary, each adding (and in some cases deleting) tracks to make updated 2023 versions.</p>
  2326. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  2327. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  2328. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  2329. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  2330. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  2331. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  2332. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  2333. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  2334. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  2335. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  2336. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  2337. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  2338. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2339. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2340. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2341. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2342. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2343. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  2344. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  2345. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  2346. ]]></content:encoded>
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  2349.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[ 
  2350.             In episode 390 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo revisit “The Beatles 1962-1966” (the “Red” Album) and “1967-1970” (the “Blue” Album) on their 50th anniversary, each adding (and in some cases deleting) tracks to make updated 2023 versions.
  2351. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  2352.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  2353.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  2354.             Our email address:
  2355.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  2356.             Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans
  2357.             ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  2358.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  2359.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  2360.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  2361.             The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel:
  2362.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  2363.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  2364. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  2365.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  2366.             Ken's e-mail:
  2367. Ken's Facebook Page:
  2368. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  2369.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  2370. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
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  2379.        <title>Things We Said Today #389 – A Talk With Denny Seiwell about Red Rose Speedway (and more)</title>
  2380.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #389 – A Talk With Denny Seiwell about Red Rose Speedway (and more)</itunes:title>
  2381.        <link></link>
  2382.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Fri, 28 Apr 2023 13:18:46 -0300</pubDate>
  2383.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  2384.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 389 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo speak with Denny Seiwell, who played drums on the RAM album and became the first drummer for Wings (1971-3). The subject is mostly Red Rose Speedway, released 50 years ago this month, but Denny discusses other aspects of his time with Wings as well.</p>
  2385. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  2386. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  2387. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  2388. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  2389. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  2390. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  2391. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  2392. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  2393. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  2394. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  2395. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  2396. <p> </p>
  2397. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  2398. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2399. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2400. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2401. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2402. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2403. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  2404. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  2405. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  2406. ]]></description>
  2407.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 389 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo speak with Denny Seiwell, who played drums on the RAM album and became the first drummer for Wings (1971-3). The subject is mostly Red Rose Speedway, released 50 years ago this month, but Denny discusses other aspects of his time with Wings as well.</p>
  2408. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  2409. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  2410. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  2411. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  2412. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  2413. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  2414. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  2415. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  2416. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  2417. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  2418. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  2419. <p> </p>
  2420. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  2421. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2422. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2423. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2424. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2425. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2426. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  2427. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  2428. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  2429. ]]></content:encoded>
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  2432.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            In episode 389 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo speak with Denny Seiwell, who played drums on the RAM album and became the first drummer for Wings (1971-3). The subject is mostly Red Rose Speedway, released 50 years ago this month, but Denny discusses other aspects of his time with Wings as well.
  2433.             As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  2434.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  2435.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  2436.             Our email address:
  2437.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  2438.             Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans
  2439.             ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  2440.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  2441.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  2442.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  2443.             The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel:
  2445.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  2446.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  2447. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  2448.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  2449.             Ken's e-mail:
  2450. Ken's Facebook Page:
  2451. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  2452.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  2453. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
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  2462.        <title>Things We Said Today #388 – The “Please Please Me” LP at 60</title>
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  2467.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 388 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo celebrate the 60th anniversary of the release of the Beatles first UK LP, “Please Please Me” by looking at various aspects of the album and its individual tracks. (Plus a rare cameo by Yoda, one of Allan’s cats.)</p>
  2468. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  2469. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  2470. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  2471. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  2472. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  2473. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  2474. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  2475. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  2476. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  2477. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  2478. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  2479. <p> </p>
  2480. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  2481. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2482. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2483. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2484. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2485. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2486. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  2487. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  2488. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  2489. ]]></description>
  2490.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 388 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo celebrate the 60th anniversary of the release of the Beatles first UK LP, “Please Please Me” by looking at various aspects of the album and its individual tracks. (Plus a rare cameo by Yoda, one of Allan’s cats.)</p>
  2491. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  2492. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  2493. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  2494. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  2495. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  2496. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  2497. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  2498. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  2499. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  2500. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  2501. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  2502. <p> </p>
  2503. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  2504. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2505. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2506. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2507. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2508. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2509. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  2510. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  2511. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  2512. ]]></content:encoded>
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  2515.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            In episode 388 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo celebrate the 60th anniversary of the release of the Beatles first UK LP, “Please Please Me” by looking at various aspects of the album and its individual tracks. (Plus a rare cameo by Yoda, one of Allan’s cats.)
  2516. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  2517.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  2518.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  2519.             Our email address:
  2520.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  2521.             Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans
  2522.             ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  2523.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  2524.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  2525.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  2526.             The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel:
  2528.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  2529.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  2530. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  2531.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  2532.             Ken's e-mail:
  2533. Ken's Facebook Page:
  2534. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  2535.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  2536. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
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  2540.        <itunes:duration>01:38:38</itunes:duration>
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  2543.            </item>
  2544.    <item>
  2545.        <title>Things We Said Today #387 – Albert Glinsky on Bob Moog, his Synthesizer &amp; the Beatles [CORRECTED]</title>
  2546.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #387 – Albert Glinsky on Bob Moog, his Synthesizer &amp; the Beatles [CORRECTED]</itunes:title>
  2547.        <link></link>
  2548.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Tue, 14 Mar 2023 23:16:07 -0300</pubDate>
  2549.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  2550.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 387 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo speak with the composer and author Albert Glinsky about his new book, “Switched On – Bob Moog and the Synthesizer Revolution,” and the use of the Moog by the Beatles, George Harrison, Paul McCartney and other pop musicians (and films and TV shows).</p>
  2551. <p>            At one point, Ken mentions an isolation of the Moog and string parts in “Here Comes the Sun.” Here is a link that clip: <a href=''></a></p>
  2552. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  2553. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  2554. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  2555. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  2556. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  2557. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  2558. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  2559. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  2560. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  2561. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  2562. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  2563. <p> </p>
  2564. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  2565. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2566. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2567. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2568. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2569. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2570. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  2571. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  2572. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  2573. ]]></description>
  2574.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 387 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo speak with the composer and author Albert Glinsky about his new book, “Switched On – Bob Moog and the Synthesizer Revolution,” and the use of the Moog by the Beatles, George Harrison, Paul McCartney and other pop musicians (and films and TV shows).</p>
  2575. <p>            At one point, Ken mentions an isolation of the Moog and string parts in “Here Comes the Sun.” Here is a link that clip: <a href=''></a></p>
  2576. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  2577. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  2578. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  2579. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  2580. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  2581. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  2582. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  2583. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  2584. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  2585. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  2586. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  2587. <p> </p>
  2588. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  2589. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2590. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2591. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2592. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2593. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2594. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  2595. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  2596. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  2597. ]]></content:encoded>
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  2600.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            In episode 387 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo speak with the composer and author Albert Glinsky about his new book, “Switched On – Bob Moog and the Synthesizer Revolution,” and the use of the Moog by the Beatles, George Harrison, Paul McCartney and other pop musicians (and films and TV shows).
  2601.             At one point, Ken mentions an isolation of the Moog and string parts in “Here Comes the Sun.” Here is a link that clip:
  2602. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  2603.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  2604.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  2605.             Our email address:
  2606.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  2607.             Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans
  2608.             ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  2609.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  2610.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  2611.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  2612.             The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel:
  2614.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  2615.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  2616. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  2617.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  2618.             Ken's e-mail:
  2619. Ken's Facebook Page:
  2620. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  2621.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  2622. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
  2623.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  2624.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
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  2626.        <itunes:duration>01:44:40</itunes:duration>
  2627.                <itunes:episode>388</itunes:episode>
  2628.        <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  2629.            </item>
  2630.    <item>
  2631.        <title>Things We Said Today #386 – Celebrating George Harrison’s 80th Birthday</title>
  2632.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #386 – Celebrating George Harrison’s 80th Birthday</itunes:title>
  2633.        <link></link>
  2634.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Tue, 28 Feb 2023 09:43:30 -0400</pubDate>
  2635.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  2636.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 386 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo celebrate what would have been George Harrison’s 80th birthday by each choosing five deep cuts – tracks that we feel should be better-known and better-appreciated than they are – as well as our top five Harrison albums (not counting “All Things Must Pass,” which we are assuming is at or near the top of everyone’s lists).</p>
  2637. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  2638. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  2639. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  2640. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  2641. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  2642. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  2643. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  2644. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  2645. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  2646. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  2647. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  2648. <p> </p>
  2649. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  2650. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2651. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2652. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2653. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2654. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2655. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  2656. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  2657. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  2658. ]]></description>
  2659.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 386 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo celebrate what would have been George Harrison’s 80th birthday by each choosing five deep cuts – tracks that we feel should be better-known and better-appreciated than they are – as well as our top five Harrison albums (not counting “All Things Must Pass,” which we are assuming is at or near the top of everyone’s lists).</p>
  2660. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  2661. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  2662. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  2663. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  2664. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  2665. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  2666. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  2667. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  2668. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  2669. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  2670. <p>            The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel: <a href=''></a></p>
  2671. <p> </p>
  2672. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  2673. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2674. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2675. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2676. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2677. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2678. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  2679. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  2680. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  2681. ]]></content:encoded>
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  2684.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            In episode 386 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo celebrate what would have been George Harrison’s 80th birthday by each choosing five deep cuts – tracks that we feel should be better-known and better-appreciated than they are – as well as our top five Harrison albums (not counting “All Things Must Pass,” which we are assuming is at or near the top of everyone’s lists).
  2685. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  2686.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  2687.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  2688.             Our email address:
  2689.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  2690.             Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans
  2691.             ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  2692.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  2693.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  2694.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  2695.             The McCartney Legacy YouTube channel:
  2697.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  2698.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  2699. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  2700.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  2701.             Ken's e-mail:
  2702. Ken's Facebook Page:
  2703. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  2704.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  2705. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
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  2714.        <title>Things We Said Today #385 – Yoko Ono’s 90th Birthday</title>
  2715.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #385 – Yoko Ono’s 90th Birthday</itunes:title>
  2716.        <link></link>
  2717.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 18 Feb 2023 07:51:48 -0400</pubDate>
  2718.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  2719.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 385 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo celebrate Yoko Ono’s 90th birthday with a discussion about her life and work with Dan Richter, the actor, author and longtime assistant to John and Yoko, and Madeline Bocaro, the author of the important new Yoko biography, “In Your Mind – The Infinite Universe of Yoko Ono.”</p>
  2720. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  2721. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  2722. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  2723. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  2724. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  2725. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  2726. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  2727. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  2728. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  2729. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  2730. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  2731. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2732. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2733. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2734. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2735. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2736. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  2737. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  2738. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  2739. ]]></description>
  2740.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 385 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo celebrate Yoko Ono’s 90th birthday with a discussion about her life and work with Dan Richter, the actor, author and longtime assistant to John and Yoko, and Madeline Bocaro, the author of the important new Yoko biography, “In Your Mind – The Infinite Universe of Yoko Ono.”</p>
  2741. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  2742. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  2743. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  2744. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  2745. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  2746. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  2747. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  2748. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  2749. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  2750. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  2751. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  2752. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2753. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2754. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2755. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2756. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2757. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  2758. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  2759. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  2760. ]]></content:encoded>
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  2763.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            In episode 385 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo celebrate Yoko Ono’s 90th birthday with a discussion about her life and work with Dan Richter, the actor, author and longtime assistant to John and Yoko, and Madeline Bocaro, the author of the important new Yoko biography, “In Your Mind – The Infinite Universe of Yoko Ono.”
  2764. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  2765.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  2766.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  2767.             Our email address:
  2768.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  2769.             Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans
  2770.             ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  2771.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  2772.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  2773.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  2774.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  2775.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  2776. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  2777.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  2778.             Ken's e-mail:
  2779. Ken's Facebook Page:
  2780. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  2781.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  2782. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
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  2791.        <title>Things We Said Today #384 – Beatle covers</title>
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  2794.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Tue, 07 Feb 2023 07:14:33 -0400</pubDate>
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  2796.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 384 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo each discuss some of their favorite covers of Beatles tracks by other artists – some of them rare, out-of-the-way tracks that you may not know, but should, because they’re inventive and fun.</p>
  2797. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  2798. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  2799. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  2800. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  2801. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  2802. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  2803. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  2804. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  2805. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  2806. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  2807. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  2808. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2809. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2810. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2811. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2812. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2813. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  2814. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  2815. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  2816. ]]></description>
  2817.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 384 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo each discuss some of their favorite covers of Beatles tracks by other artists – some of them rare, out-of-the-way tracks that you may not know, but should, because they’re inventive and fun.</p>
  2818. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  2819. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  2820. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  2821. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  2822. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  2823. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  2824. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  2825. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  2826. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  2827. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  2828. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  2829. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2830. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2831. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2832. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2833. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2834. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  2835. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  2836. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  2837. ]]></content:encoded>
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  2840.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            In episode 384 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo each discuss some of their favorite covers of Beatles tracks by other artists – some of them rare, out-of-the-way tracks that you may not know, but should, because they’re inventive and fun.
  2841. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  2842.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  2843.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  2844.             Our email address:
  2845.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  2846.             Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans
  2847.             ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  2848.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  2849.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  2850.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  2851.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  2852.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  2853. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  2854.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  2855.             Ken's e-mail:
  2856. Ken's Facebook Page:
  2857. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  2858.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  2859. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
  2860.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  2861.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
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  2863.        <itunes:duration>01:20:28</itunes:duration>
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  2868.        <title>Things We Said Today #383 – An Interview With Gary Burr</title>
  2869.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #383 – An Interview With Gary Burr</itunes:title>
  2870.        <link></link>
  2871.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Tue, 17 Jan 2023 09:26:52 -0400</pubDate>
  2872.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  2873.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 383 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo have a chat with Gary Burr, a songwriter and multi-instrumentalist who, besides having written hits for Juice Newton, Lady Antebellum, Garth Brooks and many others, collaborated with Ringo Starr on about three dozen songs over the past 20 years, and played guitar and bass as part of his recording (and occasional concert) band, the Roundheads.</p>
  2874. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  2875. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  2876. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  2877. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  2878. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  2879. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  2880. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  2881. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  2882. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  2883. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  2884. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  2885. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2886. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2887. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2888. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2889. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2890. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  2891. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  2892. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  2893. ]]></description>
  2894.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 383 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo have a chat with Gary Burr, a songwriter and multi-instrumentalist who, besides having written hits for Juice Newton, Lady Antebellum, Garth Brooks and many others, collaborated with Ringo Starr on about three dozen songs over the past 20 years, and played guitar and bass as part of his recording (and occasional concert) band, the Roundheads.</p>
  2895. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  2896. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  2897. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  2898. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  2899. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  2900. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  2901. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  2902. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  2903. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  2904. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  2905. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  2906. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2907. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2908. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2909. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2910. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2911. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  2912. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  2913. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  2914. ]]></content:encoded>
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  2917.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            In episode 383 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo have a chat with Gary Burr, a songwriter and multi-instrumentalist who, besides having written hits for Juice Newton, Lady Antebellum, Garth Brooks and many others, collaborated with Ringo Starr on about three dozen songs over the past 20 years, and played guitar and bass as part of his recording (and occasional concert) band, the Roundheads.
  2918. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  2919.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  2920.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  2921.             Our email address:
  2922.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  2923.             Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans
  2924.             ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  2925.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  2926.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  2927.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  2928.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  2929.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  2930. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  2931.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  2932.             Ken's e-mail:
  2933. Ken's Facebook Page:
  2934. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  2935.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  2936. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
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  2944.    <item>
  2945.        <title>Things We Said Today #382 – Songs the Beatles Gave Away</title>
  2946.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #382 – Songs the Beatles Gave Away</itunes:title>
  2947.        <link></link>
  2948.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 05 Jan 2023 09:35:23 -0400</pubDate>
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  2950.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 382 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo discuss their favorites among the songs the Beatles wrote (or simply gave) to other artists, both during the group’s active years and in the 53 years since they broke up.</p>
  2951. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  2952. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  2953. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  2954. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  2955. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  2956. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  2957. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  2958. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  2959. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  2960. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  2961. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  2962. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2963. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2964. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2965. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2966. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2967. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  2968. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  2969. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  2970. ]]></description>
  2971.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 382 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo discuss their favorites among the songs the Beatles wrote (or simply gave) to other artists, both during the group’s active years and in the 53 years since they broke up.</p>
  2972. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  2973. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  2974. <p>            MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:</p>
  2975. <p>            Our email address: <a href=''></a></p>
  2976. <p>            Twitter @thingswesaidfab</p>
  2977. <p>            Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans</p>
  2978. <p>            ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.</p>
  2979. <p>            Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn</p>
  2980. <p>            The McCartney Legacy’s website: <a href=''></a></p>
  2981. <p>            The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY</p>
  2982. <p>            KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio: <a href=''></a></p>
  2983. <p>            Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2984. <p>Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2985. <p>            Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2986. <p>            Ken's e-mail:  <a href=''></a></p>
  2987. <p>Ken's Facebook Page: <a href=''></a></p>
  2988. <p>DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.</p>
  2989. <p>            Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster</p>
  2990. <p>Darren’s email: <a href=''></a></p>
  2991. ]]></content:encoded>
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  2994.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            In episode 382 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo discuss their favorites among the songs the Beatles wrote (or simply gave) to other artists, both during the group’s active years and in the 53 years since they broke up.
  2995.             As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  2996.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  2997.             MANY MANY WAYS TO CONTACT US:
  2998.             Our email address:
  2999.             Twitter @thingswesaidfab
  3000.             Facebook:  Thins We Said Today or Things We Said Today Radio Fans
  3001.             ALLAN on Facebook: Allan Kozinn or Allan Kozinn Remixed.
  3002.             Allan’s Twitter feed: @kozinn
  3003.             The McCartney Legacy’s website:
  3004.             The McCartney Legacy on Facebook: McCartney Legacy, and on Twitter: @McCARTNEYLEGACY
  3005.             KEN’s YouTube Channel, Ken Michaels Radio:
  3006.             Ken's Website Beatles Trivia Page:
  3007. Ken’s other podcast, Talk  More Talk: A Solo-Beatles Videocast You Tube channel:
  3008.             Ken's Weekly Beatles radio show "Every Little Thing" On Demand:
  3009.             Ken's e-mail:
  3010. Ken's Facebook Page:
  3011. DARREN’s radio show can be heard 10pm to 2am Monday through Thursday and 1pm to 4pm Saturday on WFUV 90.7 FM (or 90.7 FM HD2), or at, or on the WFUV app.
  3012.             Darren on Facebook: Darren DeVivo, and Darren DeVivo: WFUV DJ and Beatles Podcaster
  3013. Darren’s email:]]></itunes:summary>
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  3021.    <item>
  3022.        <title>Things We Said Today #381 – Wrapping Up 2022, and Looking Ahead</title>
  3023.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #381 – Wrapping Up 2022, and Looking Ahead</itunes:title>
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  3025.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 21 Dec 2022 10:12:39 -0400</pubDate>
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  3027.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 381 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo review Mary McCartney’s documentary about the Abbey Road Studios, “If These Walls Could Sing,” and then each discuss their favorite Beatles releases and events from 2022, and look ahead to 2023.</p>
  3028. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3029. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  3030. <p>            You can find Ken Michaels’s “Every Little Thing” at WFDU, 89.1 FM, and on demand at <a href=''></a>.</p>
  3031. <p>            Darren DeVivo’s radio shows can be found at WFUV, 90.7 FM, and at</p>
  3032. <p>            And look for “The McCartney Legacy, Vol. 1 1969-1973” by Allan Kozinn and Adrian Sinclair at your favorite bookseller, or at Bull Moose Records (<a href=''></a>), Amazon (<a href=''></a>), Barnes & Noble (<a href=''></a>) – or Google it, it’s everywhere.</p>
  3033. ]]></description>
  3034.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 381 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo review Mary McCartney’s documentary about the Abbey Road Studios, “If These Walls Could Sing,” and then each discuss their favorite Beatles releases and events from 2022, and look ahead to 2023.</p>
  3035. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3036. <p>            Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, <a href=''></a>. The audio version can be found at Podbean: <a href=''></a> as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.</p>
  3037. <p>            You can find Ken Michaels’s “Every Little Thing” at WFDU, 89.1 FM, and on demand at <a href=''></a>.</p>
  3038. <p>            Darren DeVivo’s radio shows can be found at WFUV, 90.7 FM, and at</p>
  3039. <p>            And look for “The McCartney Legacy, Vol. 1 1969-1973” by Allan Kozinn and Adrian Sinclair at your favorite bookseller, or at Bull Moose Records (<a href=''></a>), Amazon (<a href=''></a>), Barnes & Noble (<a href=''></a>) – or Google it, it’s everywhere.</p>
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  3043.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            In episode 381 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren Devivo review Mary McCartney’s documentary about the Abbey Road Studios, “If These Walls Could Sing,” and then each discuss their favorite Beatles releases and events from 2022, and look ahead to 2023.
  3044. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  3045.             Be sure to check out the video version of Things We Said Today on our YouTube channel, The audio version can be found at Podbean: as well as at iHeart Radio, Apple podcasts and other distributors of fine podcasts.
  3046.             You can find Ken Michaels’s “Every Little Thing” at WFDU, 89.1 FM, and on demand at
  3047.             Darren DeVivo’s radio shows can be found at WFUV, 90.7 FM, and at
  3048.             And look for “The McCartney Legacy, Vol. 1 1969-1973” by Allan Kozinn and Adrian Sinclair at your favorite bookseller, or at Bull Moose Records (, Amazon (, Barnes & Noble ( – or Google it, it’s everywhere.]]></itunes:summary>
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  3052.        <itunes:duration>01:34:32</itunes:duration>
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  3057.        <title>Things We Said Today #380 – “The McCartney Legacy, Vol. 1, 1969-1973”</title>
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  3062.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 380 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels and Darren Devivo interview Allan Kozinn and Adrian Sinclair about their new book, “The McCartney Legacy, Vol. 1, 1969-1973,” the first in a projected four-volume series that offers an in-depth look at Paul McCartney’s post-Beatles life and art. The book is due on December 13, and on December 14, Allan and Adrian will be interviewed by Ken Womack at the Grammy Museum at the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ. The interview is at 7:30, but doors open at 6:30 and you can check out the museum’s Beatles exhibition.Tickets at – and you can get $5 off with the code BEATLES!</p>
  3063. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3064. ]]></description>
  3065.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 380 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels and Darren Devivo interview Allan Kozinn and Adrian Sinclair about their new book, “The McCartney Legacy, Vol. 1, 1969-1973,” the first in a projected four-volume series that offers an in-depth look at Paul McCartney’s post-Beatles life and art. The book is due on December 13, and on December 14, Allan and Adrian will be interviewed by Ken Womack at the Grammy Museum at the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ. The interview is at 7:30, but doors open at 6:30 and you can check out the museum’s Beatles exhibition.Tickets at – and you can get $5 off with the code BEATLES!</p>
  3066. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3067. ]]></content:encoded>
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  3070.        <itunes:summary>In episode 380 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels and Darren Devivo interview Allan Kozinn and Adrian Sinclair about their new book, “The McCartney Legacy, Vol. 1, 1969-1973,” the first in a projected four-volume series that offers an in-depth look at Paul McCartney’s post-Beatles life and art.</itunes:summary>
  3071.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  3072.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
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  3074.        <itunes:duration>02:02:59</itunes:duration>
  3075.                <itunes:episode>381</itunes:episode>
  3076.        <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  3077.            </item>
  3078.    <item>
  3079.        <title>Things We Said Today #379 – Our “Best of George Harrison” Compilations</title>
  3080.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #379 – Our “Best of George Harrison” Compilations</itunes:title>
  3081.        <link></link>
  3082.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 30 Nov 2022 10:47:20 -0400</pubDate>
  3083.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  3084.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 379 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo commemorate the 21st anniversary of the passing of George Harrison by each assembling a two CD compilation of what they consider his best or most essential work.</p>
  3085. <p>            At the end of the show, we mention a charity raffle to benefit Martin House Children's Hospice in Boston Spa, England. A £2 ticket buys you a chance to win one of three signed copies of “The McCartney Legacy, Vol. 1, 1969-1973.” Here are the details:
  3087. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3088. <p> </p>
  3089. ]]></description>
  3090.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 379 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo commemorate the 21st anniversary of the passing of George Harrison by each assembling a two CD compilation of what they consider his best or most essential work.</p>
  3091. <p>            At the end of the show, we mention a charity raffle to benefit Martin House Children's Hospice in Boston Spa, England. A £2 ticket buys you a chance to win one of three signed copies of “The McCartney Legacy, Vol. 1, 1969-1973.” Here are the details: <br>
  3093. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3094. <p> </p>
  3095. ]]></content:encoded>
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  3098.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            In episode 379 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo commemorate the 21st anniversary of the passing of George Harrison by each assembling a two CD compilation of what they consider his best or most essential work.
  3099.             At the end of the show, we mention a charity raffle to benefit Martin House Children's Hospice in Boston Spa, England. A £2 ticket buys you a chance to win one of three signed copies of “The McCartney Legacy, Vol. 1, 1969-1973.” Here are the details:
  3100. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  3101.  ]]></itunes:summary>
  3102.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
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  3105.        <itunes:duration>01:30:12</itunes:duration>
  3106.                <itunes:episode>380</itunes:episode>
  3107.        <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
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  3110.        <title>Things We Said Today #378 – “Revolver Special Edition,” Part 2 (The Remix)</title>
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  3115.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 378 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo look at the new Giles Martin-Sam Okell remix, as well as the surround mix, of “Revolver." (The outtakes were covered in the last edition.) Also lots of news, including some thoughts about Paul’s new singles box.</p>
  3116. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3117. <p> </p>
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  3119.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            In episode 378 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo look at the new Giles Martin-Sam Okell remix, as well as the surround mix, of “Revolver." (The outtakes were covered in the last edition.) Also lots of news, including some thoughts about Paul’s new singles box.</p>
  3120. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3121. <p> </p>
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  3124.        <enclosure url="" length="204337375" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3125.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            In episode 378 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo look at the new Giles Martin-Sam Okell remix, as well as the surround mix, of “Revolver." (The outtakes were covered in the last edition.) Also lots of news, including some thoughts about Paul’s new singles box.
  3126. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
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  3128.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  3129.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  3130.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  3131.        <itunes:duration>01:25:08</itunes:duration>
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  3136.        <title>Things We Said Today #377 – “Revolver Special Edition,” Part 1 (The Outtakes)</title>
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  3142. <p>            In episode 377 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo look at the outtakes and demos included in the new “Revolver Special Edition," and at the set generally. The new Giles Martin-Sam Okell remix will be covered in the next installment.</p>
  3143. <p>            In the news section, we mentioned that the first issue of the “Journal for Beatles Studies” is available online from the University of Liverpool. Here’s the link: <a href=''></a></p>
  3144. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3145. ]]></description>
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  3147. <p>            In episode 377 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo look at the outtakes and demos included in the new “Revolver Special Edition," and at the set generally. The new Giles Martin-Sam Okell remix will be covered in the next installment.</p>
  3148. <p>            In the news section, we mentioned that the first issue of the “Journal for Beatles Studies” is available online from the University of Liverpool. Here’s the link: <a href=''></a></p>
  3149. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3150. ]]></content:encoded>
  3152.        <enclosure url="" length="190447483" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3153.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[ 
  3154.             In episode 377 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo look at the outtakes and demos included in the new “Revolver Special Edition," and at the set generally. The new Giles Martin-Sam Okell remix will be covered in the next installment.
  3155.             In the news section, we mentioned that the first issue of the “Journal for Beatles Studies” is available online from the University of Liverpool. Here’s the link:
  3156. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  3158.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
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  3163.            </item>
  3164.    <item>
  3165.        <title>Things We Said Today #376 – Jay Bergen on the John Lennon-Morris Levy Lawsuits</title>
  3166.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #376 – Jay Bergen on the John Lennon-Morris Levy Lawsuits</itunes:title>
  3167.        <link></link>
  3168.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Tue, 11 Oct 2022 10:54:24 -0300</pubDate>
  3169.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  3170.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            In Episode 376 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo interview Jay Bergen, the lawyer who represented John Lennon in the lawsuits with Morris Levy over the “Roots” album. Mr. Bergen is the author of “Lennon, the Mobster & the Lawyer,” an excellent, richly detailed look at the lawsuits and trials, with plenty of material – including long stretches of Lennon’s testimony – from the trial transcripts.</p>
  3171. <p>            Keen-eared listeners will notice that in this episode, Ken’s news segment appears at the end instead of at the beginning. Here are links for further information about his final item, the George Harrison tribute: the George Harrison Tribute website is: <a href=''></a>  and their Facebook page is: <a href=''></a></p>
  3172. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3173. <p>  </p>
  3174. ]]></description>
  3175.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            In Episode 376 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo interview Jay Bergen, the lawyer who represented John Lennon in the lawsuits with Morris Levy over the “Roots” album. Mr. Bergen is the author of “Lennon, the Mobster & the Lawyer,” an excellent, richly detailed look at the lawsuits and trials, with plenty of material – including long stretches of Lennon’s testimony – from the trial transcripts.</p>
  3176. <p>            Keen-eared listeners will notice that in this episode, Ken’s news segment appears at the end instead of at the beginning. Here are links for further information about his final item, the George Harrison tribute: the George Harrison Tribute website is: <a href=''></a>  and their Facebook page is: <a href=''></a></p>
  3177. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3178. <p>  </p>
  3179. ]]></content:encoded>
  3181.        <enclosure url="" length="269980936" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3182.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            In Episode 376 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo interview Jay Bergen, the lawyer who represented John Lennon in the lawsuits with Morris Levy over the “Roots” album. Mr. Bergen is the author of “Lennon, the Mobster & the Lawyer,” an excellent, richly detailed look at the lawsuits and trials, with plenty of material – including long stretches of Lennon’s testimony – from the trial transcripts.
  3183.             Keen-eared listeners will notice that in this episode, Ken’s news segment appears at the end instead of at the beginning. Here are links for further information about his final item, the George Harrison tribute: the George Harrison Tribute website is:  and their Facebook page is:
  3184. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  3185.   ]]></itunes:summary>
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  3194.        <title>Things We Said Today #375 – Ringo’s new EP, &amp; Our Favorite Beatles UK Singles</title>
  3195.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #375 – Ringo’s new EP, &amp; Our Favorite Beatles UK Singles</itunes:title>
  3196.        <link></link>
  3197.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 28 Sep 2022 12:01:28 -0300</pubDate>
  3198.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  3199.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            Episode 375 of Things We Said Today is a double-header: In the first part, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss Ringo Starr’s new EP, “EP3.” In the second, they each choose their three favorites among the Beatles British singles – with an option for a fourth single from the American catalogue.</p>
  3200. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3201. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3202. <p>            And finally, of related interest: To listen to Ken's syndicated Beatles show "Every Little Thing"</p>
  3203. <p>on demand, you can hear the last two shows that aired on WFDU (Fairleigh Dickinson University's radio station) on their Recent Archives page off their website here: <a href=''></a>    Also, Canada's internet oldies station, FM108, will be broadcasting a 24-Hour marathon of "Every Little Thing" on John Lennon's birthday, Oct. 9. To stream the station, you can go to their website here: <a href=''></a></p>
  3204. ]]></description>
  3205.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            Episode 375 of Things We Said Today is a double-header: In the first part, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss Ringo Starr’s new EP, “EP3.” In the second, they each choose their three favorites among the Beatles British singles – with an option for a fourth single from the American catalogue.</p>
  3206. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3207. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3208. <p>            And finally, of related interest: To listen to Ken's syndicated Beatles show "Every Little Thing"</p>
  3209. <p>on demand, you can hear the last two shows that aired on WFDU (Fairleigh Dickinson University's radio station) on their Recent Archives page off their website here: <a href=''></a>    Also, Canada's internet oldies station, FM108, will be broadcasting a 24-Hour marathon of "Every Little Thing" on John Lennon's birthday, Oct. 9. To stream the station, you can go to their website here: <a href=''></a></p>
  3210. ]]></content:encoded>
  3212.        <enclosure url="" length="260212185" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3213.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            Episode 375 of Things We Said Today is a double-header: In the first part, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss Ringo Starr’s new EP, “EP3.” In the second, they each choose their three favorites among the Beatles British singles – with an option for a fourth single from the American catalogue.
  3214. NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.
  3215. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  3216.             And finally, of related interest: To listen to Ken's syndicated Beatles show "Every Little Thing"
  3217. on demand, you can hear the last two shows that aired on WFDU (Fairleigh Dickinson University's radio station) on their Recent Archives page off their website here:    Also, Canada's internet oldies station, FM108, will be broadcasting a 24-Hour marathon of "Every Little Thing" on John Lennon's birthday, Oct. 9. To stream the station, you can go to their website here:]]></itunes:summary>
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  3225.    <item>
  3226.        <title>Things We Said Today #374 – The Best Years for the Solo Beatles</title>
  3227.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #374 – The Best Years for the Solo Beatles</itunes:title>
  3228.        <link></link>
  3229.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 21 Sep 2022 15:20:05 -0300</pubDate>
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  3231.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            In Episode 374 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo each choose three years that were particularly important for the former Beatles and/or their work.</p>
  3232. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to subscribe to us! We also hope you will send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening, and for your continued support.</p>
  3233. <p>            And finally, of related interest: To listen to Ken's syndicated Beatles show "Every Little Thing"</p>
  3234. <p>on demand, you can hear the last two shows that aired on WFDU (Fairleigh Dickinson University's radio station) on their Recent Archives page off their website here: <a href=''></a>    Also, Canada's internet oldies station, FM108, will be broadcasting a 24-Hour marathon of "Every Little Thing" on John Lennon's birthday, Oct. 9. To stream the station, you can go to their website here: <a href=''></a></p>
  3235. <p> </p>
  3236. ]]></description>
  3237.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            In Episode 374 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo each choose three years that were particularly important for the former Beatles and/or their work.</p>
  3238. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to subscribe to us! We also hope you will send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening, and for your continued support.</p>
  3239. <p>            And finally, of related interest: To listen to Ken's syndicated Beatles show "Every Little Thing"</p>
  3240. <p>on demand, you can hear the last two shows that aired on WFDU (Fairleigh Dickinson University's radio station) on their Recent Archives page off their website here: <a href=''></a>    Also, Canada's internet oldies station, FM108, will be broadcasting a 24-Hour marathon of "Every Little Thing" on John Lennon's birthday, Oct. 9. To stream the station, you can go to their website here: <a href=''></a></p>
  3241. <p> </p>
  3242. ]]></content:encoded>
  3244.        <enclosure url="" length="221518474" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3245.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            In Episode 374 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo each choose three years that were particularly important for the former Beatles and/or their work.
  3246. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to subscribe to us! We also hope you will send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening, and for your continued support.
  3247.             And finally, of related interest: To listen to Ken's syndicated Beatles show "Every Little Thing"
  3248. on demand, you can hear the last two shows that aired on WFDU (Fairleigh Dickinson University's radio station) on their Recent Archives page off their website here:    Also, Canada's internet oldies station, FM108, will be broadcasting a 24-Hour marathon of "Every Little Thing" on John Lennon's birthday, Oct. 9. To stream the station, you can go to their website here:
  3249.  ]]></itunes:summary>
  3250.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  3251.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  3252.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  3253.        <itunes:duration>01:32:17</itunes:duration>
  3254.                <itunes:episode>375</itunes:episode>
  3255.        <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  3256.            </item>
  3257.    <item>
  3258.        <title>Things We Said Today #373 – Lennon &amp; McCartney – Similarities and Differences</title>
  3259.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #373 – Lennon &amp; McCartney – Similarities and Differences</itunes:title>
  3260.        <link></link>
  3261.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Tue, 30 Aug 2022 10:09:37 -0300</pubDate>
  3262.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  3263.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            In Episode 372 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo</p>
  3264. <p>discuss the similarities and differences, both personal and musical, between John Lennon and Paul McCartney. Were they really polar opposites, as some biographers have drawn them, or did they have more in common than it can seem on the surface?</p>
  3265. <p>            NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3266. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3267. ]]></description>
  3268.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            In Episode 372 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo</p>
  3269. <p>discuss the similarities and differences, both personal and musical, between John Lennon and Paul McCartney. Were they really polar opposites, as some biographers have drawn them, or did they have more in common than it can seem on the surface?</p>
  3270. <p>            NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3271. <p>            As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3272. ]]></content:encoded>
  3274.        <enclosure url="" length="226309426" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3275.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            In Episode 372 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo
  3276. discuss the similarities and differences, both personal and musical, between John Lennon and Paul McCartney. Were they really polar opposites, as some biographers have drawn them, or did they have more in common than it can seem on the surface?
  3277.             NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.
  3278.             As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  3293. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3294. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3295. <p> </p>
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  3298. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3299. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
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  3305. NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.
  3306. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
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  3316.        <title>Things We Said Today #371 – A Talk With Madeline Bocaro about her Yoko Ono book.</title>
  3317.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #371 – A Talk With Madeline Bocaro about her Yoko Ono book.</itunes:title>
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  3322. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3323. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3324. ]]></description>
  3325.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            In Episode 371 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo have a talk with Madeline Bocaro about her new book, “in your mind – the infinite universe of yoko ono,” a book that is both a biography and an annotated catalogue of Yoko Ono’s work in art, music and film.</p>
  3326. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3327. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3328. ]]></content:encoded>
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  3331.        <itunes:summary>In Episode 371 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo have a talk with Madeline Bocaro about her new book, “in your mind – the infinite universe of yoko ono,” a book that is both a biography and an annotated catalogue of Yoko Ono’s work in art, music and film.</itunes:summary>
  3332.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
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  3339.    <item>
  3340.        <title>Things We Said Today #370 – Deep Cuts for Ringo’s 82nd</title>
  3341.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #370 – Deep Cuts for Ringo’s 82nd</itunes:title>
  3342.        <link></link>
  3343.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 20 Jul 2022 08:45:16 -0300</pubDate>
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  3345.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            In Episode 370 of Things We Said Today, an 82nd birthday tribute to Ringo Starr, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss each choose five of his lesser-known tracks that deserve a fresh hearing.</p>
  3346. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3347. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3348. ]]></description>
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  3350. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3351. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
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  3355.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            In Episode 370 of Things We Said Today, an 82nd birthday tribute to Ringo Starr, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss each choose five of his lesser-known tracks that deserve a fresh hearing.
  3356. NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.
  3357. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  3361.        <itunes:duration>01:05:32</itunes:duration>
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  3366.        <title>Things We Said Today #369 – Paul McCartney at 80: MetLife, Glastonbury, Deep Tracks</title>
  3367.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #369 – Paul McCartney at 80: MetLife, Glastonbury, Deep Tracks</itunes:title>
  3368.        <link></link>
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  3372. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3373. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3374. <p> </p>
  3375. ]]></description>
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  3377. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3378. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3379. <p> </p>
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  3383.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            In Episode 369 of Things We Said Today, an 80th birthday tribute to Paul McCartney, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss the MetLife Stadium and Glastonbury concerts, and each choose five of his lesser-known tracks that deserve a fresh hearing.
  3384. NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.
  3385. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  3386.  ]]></itunes:summary>
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  3395.        <title>Things We Said Today #368 – “The Green Album”? A Solo Beatles Compilation</title>
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  3401. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3402. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3403. <p> </p>
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  3406. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3407. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3408. <p> </p>
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  3412.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[            In Episode 368 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo each assembled a compilation of solo recordings made before 1975 as a theoretical followup to the “Red” and “Blue” Beatles compilations.
  3413. NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.
  3414. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
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  3424.        <title>Things We Said Today #367 – Ringo &amp; His All-Starrs’ Press Conference</title>
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  3429.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>            Knowing how our listeners like to stay up-to-date with the latest Beatles news, Ken Michaels and Darren DeVivo attended (virtually) Ringo Starr’s press conference in Toronto on May 26th, and offer a recap touching on Ringo’s new tour, his next EP, what else he got up to during the lockdown years, and his memories of drummer Alan White, whose passing was announced shortly before the press conference.</p>
  3430. <p>            Special note – Ken had interviewed Alan White for his Ken Michaels Radio YouTube channel in July, 2021. Here’s a link:  <a href=''></a></p>
  3431. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3432. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3433. ]]></description>
  3434.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>            Knowing how our listeners like to stay up-to-date with the latest Beatles news, Ken Michaels and Darren DeVivo attended (virtually) Ringo Starr’s press conference in Toronto on May 26th, and offer a recap touching on Ringo’s new tour, his next EP, what else he got up to during the lockdown years, and his memories of drummer Alan White, whose passing was announced shortly before the press conference.</p>
  3435. <p>            Special note – Ken had interviewed Alan White for his Ken Michaels Radio YouTube channel in July, 2021. Here’s a link:  <a href=''></a></p>
  3436. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3437. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3438. ]]></content:encoded>
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  3441.        <itunes:summary>Things We Said Today #367 – Ringo &amp; His All-Starrs’ Press Conference
  3442. Knowing how our listeners like to stay up-to-date with the latest Beatles news, Ken Michaels and Darren DeVivo attended (virtually) Ringo Starr’s press conference in Toronto on May 26th, and offer a recap touching on Ringo’s new tour, his next EP, what else he got up to during the lockdown years, and his memories of drummer Alan White, whose passing was announced shortly before the press conference.
  3443. Special note – Ken had interviewed Alan White for his Ken Michaels Radio YouTube channel in July, 2021. Here’s a link:;t=312s</itunes:summary>
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  3448.                <itunes:episode>367</itunes:episode>
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  3450.            </item>
  3451.    <item>
  3452.        <title>Things We Said Today #366 – An Album Game</title>
  3453.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #366 – An Album Game</itunes:title>
  3454.        <link></link>
  3455.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 19 May 2022 09:30:43 -0300</pubDate>
  3456.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  3457.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 366 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo take up a listener’s suggestion for an unusual game: for each UK album, we each suggest one track that would have fit comfortably on the previous album, and one that would have fit comfortably on the next album. It’s not as easy as you might think – or at least, that’s what we found; your mileage may vary.</p>
  3458. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3459. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3460. ]]></description>
  3461.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 366 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo take up a listener’s suggestion for an unusual game: for each UK album, we each suggest one track that would have fit comfortably on the previous album, and one that would have fit comfortably on the next album. It’s not as easy as you might think – or at least, that’s what we found; your mileage may vary.</p>
  3462. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3463. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3464. ]]></content:encoded>
  3466.        <enclosure url="" length="289268771" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3467.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In Episode 366 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo take up a listener’s suggestion for an unusual game: for each UK album, we each suggest one track that would have fit comfortably on the previous album, and one that would have fit comfortably on the next album. It’s not as easy as you might think – or at least, that’s what we found; your mileage may vary.
  3468. NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.
  3469. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
  3470.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  3471.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
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  3473.        <itunes:duration>02:00:31</itunes:duration>
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  3476.            </item>
  3477.    <item>
  3478.        <title>Things We Said Today #365 – “Tug of War” at 40</title>
  3479.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #365 – “Tug of War” at 40</itunes:title>
  3480.        <link></link>
  3481.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 05 May 2022 10:06:23 -0300</pubDate>
  3482.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  3483.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 365 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo take a look at Paul McCartney’s 1982 “Tug of War” album – its strengths and weaknesses, its place in the McCartney discography, and how it has stood up over time – on the 40th anniversary of its release.</p>
  3484. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3485. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3486. ]]></description>
  3487.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 365 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo take a look at Paul McCartney’s 1982 “Tug of War” album – its strengths and weaknesses, its place in the McCartney discography, and how it has stood up over time – on the 40th anniversary of its release.</p>
  3488. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3489. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3490. ]]></content:encoded>
  3492.        <enclosure url="" length="230528724" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3493.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In Episode 365 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo take a look at Paul McCartney’s 1982 “Tug of War” album – its strengths and weaknesses, its place in the McCartney discography, and how it has stood up over time – on the 40th anniversary of its release.
  3494. NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.
  3495. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  3497.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
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  3504.        <title>Things We Said Today #364 – A Look at Wings</title>
  3505.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #364 – A Look at Wings</itunes:title>
  3506.        <link></link>
  3507.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Fri, 22 Apr 2022 10:55:59 -0300</pubDate>
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  3510. <p>In Episode 364 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo take a look at Paul McCartney’s post-Beatles band, Wings, discussing whether Wings was legitimately a band or just Paul’s backing group, and whether it deserves a place in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame – as well as ranking Wings’ seven studio albums, and choosing 10 favorite Wings tracks. </p>
  3511. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3512. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3513. <p> </p>
  3514. ]]></description>
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  3516. <p>In Episode 364 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo take a look at Paul McCartney’s post-Beatles band, Wings, discussing whether Wings was legitimately a band or just Paul’s backing group, and whether it deserves a place in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame – as well as ranking Wings’ seven studio albums, and choosing 10 favorite Wings tracks. </p>
  3517. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3518. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3519. <p> </p>
  3520. ]]></content:encoded>
  3522.        <enclosure url="" length="329273734" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3523.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[ 
  3524. In Episode 364 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo take a look at Paul McCartney’s post-Beatles band, Wings, discussing whether Wings was legitimately a band or just Paul’s backing group, and whether it deserves a place in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame – as well as ranking Wings’ seven studio albums, and choosing 10 favorite Wings tracks.
  3525. NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.
  3526. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
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  3536.        <title>Things We Said Today #363 – ‘The Beatles Get Back to Let It Be’ at the Rock &amp; Roll Hall of Fame</title>
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  3542. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3543. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3544. <p> </p>
  3545. ]]></description>
  3546.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 363 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo have a brief tour of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame’s new exhibition, “The Beatles Get Back to Let It Be’ with Nwaka Onwusa, the museum’s VP/chief curator, and talk to Greg Harris, President/CEO, about how the exhibition came together. The exhibition, which looks at the Beatles’ January, 1969 recording and filming sessions, includes some of the instruments, clothing, lyric sheets and other items from session, as well as film from Peter Jackson’s eight-hour documentary series, ‘The Beatles Get Back.’  </p>
  3547. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3548. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3549. <p> </p>
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  3553.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In Episode 363 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo have a brief tour of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame’s new exhibition, “The Beatles Get Back to Let It Be’ with Nwaka Onwusa, the museum’s VP/chief curator, and talk to Greg Harris, President/CEO, about how the exhibition came together. The exhibition, which looks at the Beatles’ January, 1969 recording and filming sessions, includes some of the instruments, clothing, lyric sheets and other items from session, as well as film from Peter Jackson’s eight-hour documentary series, ‘The Beatles Get Back.’  
  3554. NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.
  3555. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  3556.  ]]></itunes:summary>
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  3561.                <itunes:episode>363</itunes:episode>
  3562.        <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  3563.            </item>
  3564.    <item>
  3565.        <title>Things We Said Today #362 – Macca Dream Sets</title>
  3566.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #362 – Macca Dream Sets</itunes:title>
  3567.        <link></link>
  3568.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Tue, 01 Mar 2022 10:12:21 -0400</pubDate>
  3569.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  3570.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>With Paul McCartney about to undertake his “Got Back” Tour in the weeks before his 80th birthday, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo devote Episode 362 of Things We Said Today to assembling setlists that are a bit different from what he has traditionally done, or that include songs he has long neglected in concert.</p>
  3571. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3572. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3573. ]]></description>
  3574.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>With Paul McCartney about to undertake his “Got Back” Tour in the weeks before his 80th birthday, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo devote Episode 362 of Things We Said Today to assembling setlists that are a bit different from what he has traditionally done, or that include songs he has long neglected in concert.</p>
  3575. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3576. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3577. ]]></content:encoded>
  3579.        <enclosure url="" length="211118699" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3580.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[With Paul McCartney about to undertake his “Got Back” Tour in the weeks before his 80th birthday, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo devote Episode 362 of Things We Said Today to assembling setlists that are a bit different from what he has traditionally done, or that include songs he has long neglected in concert.
  3581. NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.
  3582. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
  3583.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  3584.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
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  3586.        <itunes:duration>01:27:57</itunes:duration>
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  3589.            </item>
  3590.    <item>
  3591.        <title>Things We Said Today #361 – Pete Compton and ‘The Beatles and India’</title>
  3592.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #361 – Pete Compton and ‘The Beatles and India’</itunes:title>
  3593.        <link></link>
  3594.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Tue, 22 Feb 2022 11:14:39 -0400</pubDate>
  3595.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  3596.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 361 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo speak with Pete Compton, who co-directed (with Ajoy Bose) the new film ‘The Beatles in India’ – an expansive look at the Beatles’ involvement with Indian music and spirituality, as well as the Beatles’ impact on India.  </p>
  3597. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3598. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3599. ]]></description>
  3600.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 361 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo speak with Pete Compton, who co-directed (with Ajoy Bose) the new film ‘The Beatles in India’ – an expansive look at the Beatles’ involvement with Indian music and spirituality, as well as the Beatles’ impact on India.  </p>
  3601. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3602. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3603. ]]></content:encoded>
  3605.        <enclosure url="" length="230851597" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3606.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In Episode 361 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo speak with Pete Compton, who co-directed (with Ajoy Bose) the new film ‘The Beatles in India’ – an expansive look at the Beatles’ involvement with Indian music and spirituality, as well as the Beatles’ impact on India.  
  3607. NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.
  3608. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
  3609.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  3610.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
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  3617.        <title>Things We Said Today #360 – Yellow Submarine album and Songtrack</title>
  3618.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #360 – Yellow Submarine album and Songtrack</itunes:title>
  3619.        <link></link>
  3620.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Fri, 04 Feb 2022 10:42:09 -0400</pubDate>
  3621.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  3622.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 360 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss the often-overlooked “Yellow Submarine” album and the 1999  “Yellow Submarine Songtrack” expanded remix. We also, in light of the delay in the release of “The Beatles: Get Back” DVD/Blu-ray, pass along Peter Jackson’s advice that we let Disney and Apple know that we want bonus material on such a release. Here are some relevant addresses, as well as a link to an online petition:</p>
  3623. <p>To email Disney:  TWDS.Global.Communications@<a href=''></a></p>
  3624. <p>To catch their attention on Twitter, include @DisneyPlus, @disney and @thebeatles in your Tweet. (Disney’s Facebook pages don’t allow for messages, public or private.)</p>
  3625. <p>In social media, use the hashtag <a href=''>#TheBeatlesGetBack</a>. </p>
  3626. <p>To send Apple snail mail, write to Jeff Jones, Apple Corps, 27 Ovington Square, London, England SWW3 1JL.</p>
  3627. <p>The petition: <a href=''></a></p>
  3628. <p>AND, for further discussion of Yellow Submarine, check out our interview with Dr. Bob Heironymus and Laura Cortner, authors of  “Inside the Yellow Submarine” and “It’s All in the Mind”:     <a href=''></a>. Ken also interviewed them on his Ken Michaels Radio YouTube channel: <a href=''></a> and he spoke with Bruce Spizer and Al Sussman about Bruce’s latest book, “Magical Mystery Tour and Yellow Submarine”: <a href=''></a> </p>
  3629. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3630. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3631. ]]></description>
  3632.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 360 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss the often-overlooked “Yellow Submarine” album and the 1999  “Yellow Submarine Songtrack” expanded remix. We also, in light of the delay in the release of “The Beatles: Get Back” DVD/Blu-ray, pass along Peter Jackson’s advice that we let Disney and Apple know that we want bonus material on such a release. Here are some relevant addresses, as well as a link to an online petition:</p>
  3633. <p>To email Disney:  TWDS.Global.Communications@<a href=''></a></p>
  3634. <p>To catch their attention on Twitter, include @DisneyPlus, @disney and @thebeatles in your Tweet. (Disney’s Facebook pages don’t allow for messages, public or private.)</p>
  3635. <p>In social media, use the hashtag <a href=''>#TheBeatlesGetBack</a>. </p>
  3636. <p>To send Apple snail mail, write to Jeff Jones, Apple Corps, 27 Ovington Square, London, England SWW3 1JL.</p>
  3637. <p>The petition: <a href=''></a></p>
  3638. <p>AND, for further discussion of Yellow Submarine, check out our interview with Dr. Bob Heironymus and Laura Cortner, authors of  “Inside the Yellow Submarine” and “It’s All in the Mind”:     <a href=''></a>. Ken also interviewed them on his Ken Michaels Radio YouTube channel: <a href=''></a> and he spoke with Bruce Spizer and Al Sussman about Bruce’s latest book, “Magical Mystery Tour and Yellow Submarine”: <a href=''></a> </p>
  3639. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3640. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
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  3644.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In Episode 360 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss the often-overlooked “Yellow Submarine” album and the 1999  “Yellow Submarine Songtrack” expanded remix. We also, in light of the delay in the release of “The Beatles: Get Back” DVD/Blu-ray, pass along Peter Jackson’s advice that we let Disney and Apple know that we want bonus material on such a release. Here are some relevant addresses, as well as a link to an online petition:
  3645. To email Disney:
  3646. To catch their attention on Twitter, include @DisneyPlus, @disney and @thebeatles in your Tweet. (Disney’s Facebook pages don’t allow for messages, public or private.)
  3647. In social media, use the hashtag #TheBeatlesGetBack. 
  3648. To send Apple snail mail, write to Jeff Jones, Apple Corps, 27 Ovington Square, London, England SWW3 1JL.
  3649. The petition:
  3650. AND, for further discussion of Yellow Submarine, check out our interview with Dr. Bob Heironymus and Laura Cortner, authors of  “Inside the Yellow Submarine” and “It’s All in the Mind”: Ken also interviewed them on his Ken Michaels Radio YouTube channel: and he spoke with Bruce Spizer and Al Sussman about Bruce’s latest book, “Magical Mystery Tour and Yellow Submarine”: 
  3651. NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.
  3652. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  3667. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3668. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3669. ]]></description>
  3670.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 359 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo look back at a few enduring misconceptions about the Beatles and their history.</p>
  3671. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3672. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3673. ]]></content:encoded>
  3675.        <enclosure url="" length="205415646" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3676.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In Episode 359 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo look back at a few enduring misconceptions about the Beatles and their history.
  3677. NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.
  3678. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
  3679.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
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  3693. <p>In Episode 358 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo look back at the audio, video and books released in 2021, and single out their favorites, before offering their hopes for 2022 Beatles and solo projects.</p>
  3694. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3695. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3696. ]]></description>
  3697.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Things We Said Today #358 – 2021 Year-End Review</p>
  3698. <p>In Episode 358 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo look back at the audio, video and books released in 2021, and single out their favorites, before offering their hopes for 2022 Beatles and solo projects.</p>
  3699. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3700. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
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  3705. In Episode 358 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo look back at the audio, video and books released in 2021, and single out their favorites, before offering their hopes for 2022 Beatles and solo projects.
  3706. NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.
  3707. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  3716.        <title>Things We Said Today #357 – Remembering George Harrison</title>
  3717.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #357 – Remembering George Harrison</itunes:title>
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  3721.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 357 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo commemorate the 20th anniversary of George Harrison’s passing with an overview of his musical contributions to the Beatles, and on his own, and a look at how he made some of his other interests part of the cultural conversation.</p>
  3722. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3723. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3724. ]]></description>
  3725.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 357 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo commemorate the 20th anniversary of George Harrison’s passing with an overview of his musical contributions to the Beatles, and on his own, and a look at how he made some of his other interests part of the cultural conversation.</p>
  3726. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3727. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3728. ]]></content:encoded>
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  3731.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In Episode 357 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo commemorate the 20th anniversary of George Harrison’s passing with an overview of his musical contributions to the Beatles, and on his own, and a look at how he made some of his other interests part of the cultural conversation.
  3732. NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.
  3733. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  3742.        <title>Things We Said Today #356 – “The Beatles: Get Back” review</title>
  3743.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #356 – “The Beatles: Get Back” review</itunes:title>
  3744.        <link></link>
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  3747.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 356 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo offer some impressions of “The Beatles: Get Back,” Peter Jackson’s extraordinary eight-hour exploration of the Get Back/Let It Be sessions.</p>
  3748. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3749. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3750. ]]></description>
  3751.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 356 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo offer some impressions of “The Beatles: Get Back,” Peter Jackson’s extraordinary eight-hour exploration of the Get Back/Let It Be sessions.</p>
  3752. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3753. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3754. ]]></content:encoded>
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  3757.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In Episode 356 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo offer some impressions of “The Beatles: Get Back,” Peter Jackson’s extraordinary eight-hour exploration of the Get Back/Let It Be sessions.
  3758. NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.
  3759. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  3768.        <title>Things We Said Today #355 – Some Quality Time With Peter Jackson</title>
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  3771.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 24 Nov 2021 06:36:38 -0400</pubDate>
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  3773.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 355 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo interview Peter Jackson, the director of “The Beatles: Get Back” – the most anticipated Beatles project since “The Beatles Anthology,” in 1995. Mr. Jackson is also, of course, the director of the “Lord of the Rings” and “Hobbit” trilogies, and the extraordinary World War I documentary, “They Shall Not Grow Old.” And true to form, the master of film epics spent no less than four hours with us. Included is lots of new information about the film and the techniques Mr. Jackson used to make it – including demonstrations of his new AI-based audio system (MAL), which goes far beyond spectral technology in separating layers of sound within a mono recording. Lots of talk as well about the Nagra tapes, Michael Lindsay-Hogg, the power dynamic within the Beatles during the making of “Let It Be,” and other topics – and a number of mysteries Mr. Jackson still wants to get to the bottom of. </p>
  3774. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3775. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3776. ]]></description>
  3777.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 355 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo interview Peter Jackson, the director of “The Beatles: Get Back” – the most anticipated Beatles project since “The Beatles Anthology,” in 1995. Mr. Jackson is also, of course, the director of the “Lord of the Rings” and “Hobbit” trilogies, and the extraordinary World War I documentary, “They Shall Not Grow Old.” And true to form, the master of film epics spent no less than <em>four hours</em> with us. Included is lots of new information about the film and the techniques Mr. Jackson used to make it – including demonstrations of his new AI-based audio system (MAL), which goes far beyond spectral technology in separating layers of sound within a mono recording. Lots of talk as well about the Nagra tapes, Michael Lindsay-Hogg, the power dynamic within the Beatles during the making of “Let It Be,” and other topics – and a number of mysteries Mr. Jackson still wants to get to the bottom of. </p>
  3778. <p>NOTE: This is an audio version of the podcast. There is also a video version on our YouTube page.</p>
  3779. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3780. ]]></content:encoded>
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  3783.        <itunes:summary>In Episode 355 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo interview Peter Jackson, the director of “The Beatles: Get Back” – the most anticipated Beatles project since “The Beatles Anthology,” in 1995. Mr. Jackson is also, of course, the director of the “Lord of the Rings” and “Hobbit” trilogies, and the extraordinary World War I documentary, “They Shall Not Grow Old.” And true to form, the master of film epics spent no less than four hours with us. Included is lots of new information about the film and the techniques Mr. Jackson used to make it – including demonstrations of his new AI-based audio system (MAL), which goes far beyond spectral technology in separating layers of sound within a mono recording. Lots of talk as well about the Nagra tapes, Michael Lindsay-Hogg, the power dynamic within the Beatles during the making of “Let It Be,” and other topics – and a number of mysteries Mr. Jackson still wants to get to the bottom of.</itunes:summary>
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  3792.        <title>Things We Said Today #354 – Paul McCartney’s “Lyrics” book</title>
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  3797.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 354 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo review “Lyrics,” the two-volume book by Paul McCartney (with help from the poet Paul Muldoon) has just been published. Is it really, as he has suggested, an autobiography, told through his song lyrics? How illuminating is it – and how accurate are his memories? What does it tell us – and what does it leave out? Is it a thrill or a disappointment? So many questions – but that’s what we do.</p>
  3798. <p>Note: This is the audio version of the podcast. There is a video version available on our <a href=''>YouTube</a> channel.</p>
  3799. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3800. ]]></description>
  3801.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 354 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo review “Lyrics,” the two-volume book by Paul McCartney (with help from the poet Paul Muldoon) has just been published. Is it really, as he has suggested, an autobiography, told through his song lyrics? How illuminating is it – and how accurate are his memories? What does it tell us – and what does it leave out? Is it a thrill or a disappointment? So many questions – but that’s what we do.</p>
  3802. <p>Note: This is the audio version of the podcast. There is a video version available on our <a href=''>YouTube</a> channel.</p>
  3803. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3804. ]]></content:encoded>
  3806.        <enclosure url="" length="256313671" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3807.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In Episode 354 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo review “Lyrics,” the two-volume book by Paul McCartney (with help from the poet Paul Muldoon) has just been published. Is it really, as he has suggested, an autobiography, told through his song lyrics? How illuminating is it – and how accurate are his memories? What does it tell us – and what does it leave out? Is it a thrill or a disappointment? So many questions – but that’s what we do.
  3808. Note: This is the audio version of the podcast. There is a video version available on our YouTube channel.
  3809. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
  3810.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  3811.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
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  3814.                <itunes:episode>354</itunes:episode>
  3815.        <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  3816.            </item>
  3817.    <item>
  3818.        <title>Things We Said Today #353 – Fan World: the “Here, There &amp; Everywhere” Film</title>
  3819.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #353 – Fan World: the “Here, There &amp; Everywhere” Film</itunes:title>
  3820.        <link></link>
  3821.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 03 Nov 2021 12:48:42 -0300</pubDate>
  3822.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  3823.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 353 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo interview Simon Weitzman and Andy Lee, the director and editor, respectively, of “Here, There & Everywhere,” a new film-in-progress about the universe of Beatles fandom, across generations and around the world, and taking in everything from collectors, convention attendees (and administrators), members of the Quarry Men and school friends of the Beatles themselves, and artists and performers whose work is inspired by the Beatles’ music. You can check out their trailer and donate to the project at:</p>
  3824. <p>Note: This is the audio version of the podcast. There is a video version available on our <a href=''>YouTube</a> channel.</p>
  3825. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3826. ]]></description>
  3827.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 353 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo interview Simon Weitzman and Andy Lee, the director and editor, respectively, of “Here, There & Everywhere,” a new film-in-progress about the universe of Beatles fandom, across generations and around the world, and taking in everything from collectors, convention attendees (and administrators), members of the Quarry Men and school friends of the Beatles themselves, and artists and performers whose work is inspired by the Beatles’ music. You can check out their trailer and donate to the project at:</p>
  3828. <p>Note: This is the audio version of the podcast. There is a video version available on our <a href=''>YouTube</a> channel.</p>
  3829. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3830. ]]></content:encoded>
  3832.        <enclosure url="" length="157178977" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3833.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In Episode 353 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo interview Simon Weitzman and Andy Lee, the director and editor, respectively, of “Here, There & Everywhere,” a new film-in-progress about the universe of Beatles fandom, across generations and around the world, and taking in everything from collectors, convention attendees (and administrators), members of the Quarry Men and school friends of the Beatles themselves, and artists and performers whose work is inspired by the Beatles’ music. You can check out their trailer and donate to the project at:
  3834. Note: This is the audio version of the podcast. There is a video version available on our YouTube channel.
  3835. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
  3836.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  3837.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  3838.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  3839.        <itunes:duration>01:05:29</itunes:duration>
  3840.                <itunes:episode>353</itunes:episode>
  3841.        <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  3842.            </item>
  3843.    <item>
  3844.        <title>Things We Said Today #352 – Ringo’s ”Change the World” EP &amp; the ”Get Back” book</title>
  3845.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #352 – Ringo’s ”Change the World” EP &amp; the ”Get Back” book</itunes:title>
  3846.        <link></link>
  3847.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 27 Oct 2021 18:25:44 -0300</pubDate>
  3848.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  3849.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 352 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo review Ringo Starr’s new EP, “Change the World,” and discuss “The Beatles: Get Back,” the new book of transcripts and photographs from the “Get Back/Let It Be” sessions that was just published to accompany the “Let It Be Special Edition” audio release and Peter Jackson’s six-hour Get Back documentary.</p>
  3850. <p>Note: This is the audio version of the podcast. There is a video version available on our <a href=''>YouTube</a> channel.</p>
  3851. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3852. ]]></description>
  3853.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 352 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo review Ringo Starr’s new EP, “Change the World,” and discuss “The Beatles: Get Back,” the new book of transcripts and photographs from the “Get Back/Let It Be” sessions that was just published to accompany the “Let It Be Special Edition” audio release and Peter Jackson’s six-hour Get Back documentary.</p>
  3854. <p>Note: This is the audio version of the podcast. There is a video version available on our <a href=''>YouTube</a> channel.</p>
  3855. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3856. ]]></content:encoded>
  3858.        <enclosure url="" length="248817573" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3859.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In Episode 352 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo review Ringo Starr’s new EP, “Change the World,” and discuss “The Beatles: Get Back,” the new book of transcripts and photographs from the “Get Back/Let It Be” sessions that was just published to accompany the “Let It Be Special Edition” audio release and Peter Jackson’s six-hour Get Back documentary.
  3860. Note: This is the audio version of the podcast. There is a video version available on our YouTube channel.
  3861. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
  3862.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  3863.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
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  3865.        <itunes:duration>01:43:40</itunes:duration>
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  3870.        <title>Things We Said Today #351 – Let It Be Special Edition Box</title>
  3871.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #351 – Let It Be Special Edition Box</itunes:title>
  3872.        <link></link>
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  3876. <p>Note: This is the audio version of the podcast. There is a video version available on our <a href=''>YouTube</a> channel.</p>
  3877. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3878. ]]></description>
  3879.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 351 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo review the new Let It Be Special Edition box – the audio component of a three-part reconsideration of Let It Be that also includes the Get Back book and Peter Jackson’s six-hour Get Back documentary.</p>
  3880. <p>Note: This is the audio version of the podcast. There is a video version available on our <a href=''>YouTube</a> channel.</p>
  3881. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3882. ]]></content:encoded>
  3884.        <enclosure url="" length="271768448" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3885.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In Episode 351 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo review the new Let It Be Special Edition box – the audio component of a three-part reconsideration of Let It Be that also includes the Get Back book and Peter Jackson’s six-hour Get Back documentary.
  3886. Note: This is the audio version of the podcast. There is a video version available on our YouTube channel.
  3887. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
  3888.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  3889.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  3890.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  3891.        <itunes:duration>02:21:32</itunes:duration>
  3892.                <itunes:episode>351</itunes:episode>
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  3895.    <item>
  3896.        <title>Things We Said Today #350 – Re-evaluating</title>
  3897.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #350 – Re-evaluating</itunes:title>
  3898.        <link></link>
  3899.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Tue, 21 Sep 2021 11:32:24 -0300</pubDate>
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  3901.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 350 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo each choose five tracks – Beatles and solo – that they hear differently now than when they were first released.</p>
  3902. <p>Note: This is the audio version of the podcast. There is a video version available on our <a href=''>YouTube</a> channel.</p>
  3903. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3904. ]]></description>
  3905.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 350 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo each choose five tracks – Beatles and solo – that they hear differently now than when they were first released.</p>
  3906. <p>Note: This is the audio version of the podcast. There is a video version available on our <a href=''>YouTube</a> channel.</p>
  3907. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3908. ]]></content:encoded>
  3910.        <enclosure url="" length="173268316" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3911.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In Episode 350 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo each choose five tracks – Beatles and solo – that they hear differently now than when they were first released.
  3912. Note: This is the audio version of the podcast. There is a video version available on our YouTube channel.
  3913. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
  3914.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  3915.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  3916.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  3917.        <itunes:duration>01:12:11</itunes:duration>
  3918.                <itunes:episode>350</itunes:episode>
  3919.        <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
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  3922.        <title>Things We Said Today #349 – Great Closers</title>
  3923.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #349 – Great Closers</itunes:title>
  3924.        <link></link>
  3925.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 08 Sep 2021 12:49:06 -0300</pubDate>
  3926.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  3927.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 349 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo focus on the tracks that close albums, and each identify the three best closing tracks from the Beatles canon, and their five favorite closers from all the solo albums – plus honorable mentions, so it’s really more like four or five Beatles tracks and 10 solo tracks. Note: This is the audio version of the podcast. There is a video version available on our <a href=''>YouTube</a> channel. </p>
  3928. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3929. ]]></description>
  3930.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 349 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo focus on the tracks that close albums, and each identify the three best closing tracks from the Beatles canon, and their five favorite closers from all the solo albums – plus honorable mentions, so it’s really more like four or five Beatles tracks and 10 solo tracks. Note: This is the audio version of the podcast. There is a video version available on our <a href=''>YouTube</a> channel. </p>
  3931. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
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  3935.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In Episode 349 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo focus on the tracks that close albums, and each identify the three best closing tracks from the Beatles canon, and their five favorite closers from all the solo albums – plus honorable mentions, so it’s really more like four or five Beatles tracks and 10 solo tracks. Note: This is the audio version of the podcast. There is a video version available on our YouTube channel.
  3936. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  3938.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
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  3945.        <title>Things We Said Today #348 – Kenneth Womack &amp; Jason Kruppa on their new book</title>
  3946.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #348 – Kenneth Womack &amp; Jason Kruppa on their new book</itunes:title>
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  3950.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 348 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo are joined by Kenneth Womack and Jason Kruppa, the authors of the new “All Things Must Pass Away – Harrison, Clapton and Other Assorted Love Songs” – an exploration of George Harrison’s “All Things Must Pass,” Derek and the Dominoes’ “Layla,” and the complicated relationship between the two guitarists.</p>
  3951. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3952. <p> </p>
  3953. ]]></description>
  3954.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 348 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo are joined by Kenneth Womack and Jason Kruppa, the authors of the new “All Things Must Pass Away – Harrison, Clapton and Other Assorted Love Songs” – an exploration of George Harrison’s “All Things Must Pass,” Derek and the Dominoes’ “Layla,” and the complicated relationship between the two guitarists.</p>
  3955. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3956. <p> </p>
  3957. ]]></content:encoded>
  3959.        <enclosure url="" length="247893883" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  3960.        <itunes:summary>In Episode 348 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo are joined by Kenneth Womack and Jason Kruppa, the authors of the new “All Things Must Pass Away – Harrison, Clapton and Other Assorted Love Songs” – an exploration of George Harrison’s “All Things Must Pass,” Derek and the Dominoes’ “Layla,” and the complicated relationship between the two guitarists.</itunes:summary>
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  3962.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  3963.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  3964.        <itunes:duration>01:43:17</itunes:duration>
  3965.                <itunes:episode>348</itunes:episode>
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  3969.        <title>Things We Said Today #347 – All Things Must Pass 50th Anniversary Edition</title>
  3970.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #347 – All Things Must Pass 50th Anniversary Edition</itunes:title>
  3971.        <link></link>
  3972.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 07 Aug 2021 10:20:20 -0300</pubDate>
  3973.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  3974.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>It’s been a busy week of George Harrison celebrations at Things We Said Today. Having started the week with a commemoration of The Concert for Bangla Desh, and then done a guest appearance to talk about “Gone Troppo” on the new P2 Podcast Blues: A George Harrison Solo Podcast, with Hudson Ranney and Martin Quibell (check it out!). And now, in Episode 347, the Things We Said Today crew – Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo – discuss the new reissue/remix of “All Things Must Pass,” an album we all love.</p>
  3975. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3976. <p> </p>
  3977. ]]></description>
  3978.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>It’s been a busy week of George Harrison celebrations at Things We Said Today. Having started the week with a commemoration of The Concert for Bangla Desh, and then done a guest appearance to talk about “Gone Troppo” on the new P2 Podcast Blues: A George Harrison Solo Podcast, with Hudson Ranney and Martin Quibell (check it out!). And now, in Episode 347, the Things We Said Today crew – Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo – discuss the new reissue/remix of “All Things Must Pass,” an album we all love.</p>
  3979. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  3980. <p> </p>
  3981. ]]></content:encoded>
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  3984.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[It’s been a busy week of George Harrison celebrations at Things We Said Today. Having started the week with a commemoration of The Concert for Bangla Desh, and then done a guest appearance to talk about “Gone Troppo” on the new P2 Podcast Blues: A George Harrison Solo Podcast, with Hudson Ranney and Martin Quibell (check it out!). And now, in Episode 347, the Things We Said Today crew – Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo – discuss the new reissue/remix of “All Things Must Pass,” an album we all love.
  3985. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
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  3995.        <title>Things We Said Today #346 – The Concert for Bangla Desh at 50</title>
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  4001. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4002. <p> </p>
  4003. ]]></description>
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  4005. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4006. <p> </p>
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  4010.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In Episode 346 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo commemorate the 50th anniversary of George Harrison’s Concert for Bangla Desh at Madison Square Garden in New York.
  4011. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  4012.  ]]></itunes:summary>
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  4021.        <title>Things We Said Today #345 – McCartney 321</title>
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  4026.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 345 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss McCartney 321, the six-part Hulu series in which Paul and Rick Rubin discuss Beatles and solo McCartney recordings, soloing tracks from the masters along the way.</p>
  4027. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4028. ]]></description>
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  4030. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4031. ]]></content:encoded>
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  4034.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In Episode 345 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss McCartney 321, the six-part Hulu series in which Paul and Rick Rubin discuss Beatles and solo McCartney recordings, soloing tracks from the masters along the way.
  4035. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  4044.        <title>Things We Said Today #344 – Archival Sets</title>
  4045.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #344 – Archival Sets</itunes:title>
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  4047.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Tue, 29 Jun 2021 09:07:20 -0300</pubDate>
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  4050. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
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  4053. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
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  4058. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  4067.        <title>Things We Said Today #343 – Paul McCartney Birthday Special</title>
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  4072.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 343 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo celebrate Paul McCartney’s 79th birthday by each selecting three favorites from among his post-Beatles albums and individual songs (not necessarily singles), and three examples of his best work with the Beatles. For perspective, they also look at their least favorite McCartney works in the same categories.</p>
  4073. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4074. ]]></description>
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  4076. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4077. ]]></content:encoded>
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  4080.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In Episode 343 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo celebrate Paul McCartney’s 79th birthday by each selecting three favorites from among his post-Beatles albums and individual songs (not necessarily singles), and three examples of his best work with the Beatles. For perspective, they also look at their least favorite McCartney works in the same categories.
  4081. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  4090.        <title>Things We Said Today #342 – RAM at 50</title>
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  4096. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4097. ]]></description>
  4098.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 342 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo celebrate the 50th anniversary of Paul McCartney’s RAM with a discussion of the album, as well as the RAM ON tribute album by Denny Seiwell (who played on the original) Fernando Perdomo and friends. In the course of the discussion, Allan offers a glimpse of the material he and Adrian Sinclair are including in McCartney Legacy Vol.1, the multi-volume biography and survey of Paul McCartney’s creative due from Dey Street/Harper Collins in 2022.</p>
  4099. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
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  4103.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In Episode 342 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo celebrate the 50th anniversary of Paul McCartney’s RAM with a discussion of the album, as well as the RAM ON tribute album by Denny Seiwell (who played on the original) Fernando Perdomo and friends. In the course of the discussion, Allan offers a glimpse of the material he and Adrian Sinclair are including in McCartney Legacy Vol.1, the multi-volume biography and survey of Paul McCartney’s creative due from Dey Street/Harper Collins in 2022.
  4104. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  4113.        <title>Things We Said Today #341 – Plastic Ono Band Box Set</title>
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  4119. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4120. ]]></description>
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  4122. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
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  4126.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In Episode 341 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo offer an overview of the Plastic Ono Band box set, a stunning project - six CDs, two Blu-rays and a hardbound book, as well as a larger book available separately - that shows how archival releases should be done.
  4127. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  4142. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4143. <p> </p>
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  4145.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 340 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo review McCartney III Imagined, Paul McCartney’s inventive remix-covers project, devoted to reworkings of songs from his recent McCartney III.</p>
  4146. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4147. <p> </p>
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  4152. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
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  4162.        <title>Things We Said Today #339 – Interview with Jerry Hammack</title>
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  4167.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 339 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo have an illuminating chat with Jerry Hammack, who recently published the fifth and final volume of his series, “The Beatles Recording Reference Manual.” Volume 5 covers “Let It Be” and “Abbey Road” albums, and part of the conversation centers on those albums, but we also have Jerry explain his approach to the series as a whole.</p>
  4168. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4169. <p> </p>
  4170. ]]></description>
  4171.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 339 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo have an illuminating chat with Jerry Hammack, who recently published the fifth and final volume of his series, “The Beatles Recording Reference Manual.” Volume 5 covers “Let It Be” and “Abbey Road” albums, and part of the conversation centers on those albums, but we also have Jerry explain his approach to the series as a whole.</p>
  4172. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4173. <p> </p>
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  4177.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In Episode 339 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo have an illuminating chat with Jerry Hammack, who recently published the fifth and final volume of his series, “The Beatles Recording Reference Manual.” Volume 5 covers “Let It Be” and “Abbey Road” albums, and part of the conversation centers on those albums, but we also have Jerry explain his approach to the series as a whole.
  4178. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
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  4188.        <title>Things We Said Today #338 – Ringo’s Zoom In EP, Dylan’s 1970</title>
  4189.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #338 – Ringo’s Zoom In EP, Dylan’s 1970</itunes:title>
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  4193.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 338 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo review Ringo Starr’s new EP, “Zoom In,” and look at the May 1, 1970 Bob Dylan session, on which George Harrison played guitar and contributed backing vocals.</p>
  4194. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4195. ]]></description>
  4196.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 338 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo review Ringo Starr’s new EP, “Zoom In,” and look at the May 1, 1970 Bob Dylan session, on which George Harrison played guitar and contributed backing vocals.</p>
  4197. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4198. ]]></content:encoded>
  4200.        <enclosure url="" length="51519973" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  4201.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In Episode 338 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo review Ringo Starr’s new EP, “Zoom In,” and look at the May 1, 1970 Bob Dylan session, on which George Harrison played guitar and contributed backing vocals.
  4202. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
  4203.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  4204.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
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  4206.        <itunes:duration>01:11:33</itunes:duration>
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  4209.            </item>
  4210.    <item>
  4211.        <title>Things We Said Today #337 – It’s All in the Mind, with Dr. Bob Hieronimus &amp; Laura Cortner</title>
  4212.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #337 – It’s All in the Mind, with Dr. Bob Hieronimus &amp; Laura Cortner</itunes:title>
  4213.        <link></link>
  4214.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 17 Mar 2021 18:22:27 -0300</pubDate>
  4215.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  4216.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 337 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo speak with Dr. Robert R. Hieronimus and Laura E. Cortner, the authors of the newly published “It’s All in the Mind – Inside the Beatles’ Yellow Submarine Vol. 2.” The book, along with its predecessor, “Inside The Yellow Submarine” (2002), cover pretty much everything you want to know about the Beatles’ great animated film, and in this discussion, Laura and Dr. Bob offer a fantastic sampling of the details and insights you’ll read in their books.</p>
  4217. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4218. ]]></description>
  4219.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 337 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo speak with Dr. Robert R. Hieronimus and Laura E. Cortner, the authors of the newly published “It’s All in the Mind – Inside the Beatles’ <em>Yellow Submarine</em> Vol. 2.” The book, along with its predecessor, “Inside The Yellow Submarine” (2002), cover pretty much everything you want to know about the Beatles’ great animated film, and in this discussion, Laura and Dr. Bob offer a fantastic sampling of the details and insights you’ll read in their books.</p>
  4220. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4221. ]]></content:encoded>
  4223.        <enclosure url="" length="60802742" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  4224.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In Episode 337 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo speak with Dr. Robert R. Hieronimus and Laura E. Cortner, the authors of the newly published “It’s All in the Mind – Inside the Beatles’ Yellow Submarine Vol. 2.” The book, along with its predecessor, “Inside The Yellow Submarine” (2002), cover pretty much everything you want to know about the Beatles’ great animated film, and in this discussion, Laura and Dr. Bob offer a fantastic sampling of the details and insights you’ll read in their books.
  4225. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  4234.        <title>Things We Said Today #336 – BBC Dream LP</title>
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  4237.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 03 Mar 2021 11:56:54 -0400</pubDate>
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  4239.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>For Episode 336 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo imagined that EMI, in early 1964, decided to compile an album of tracks the Beatles had been playing on the BBC over the previous year, and each provided a proposed tracklist. There were no rules, although for the purpose of the exercise, they used the two double-CD sets that EMI eventually released (rather than one of the far more complete bootleg compilations) as source material, and they focused on the songs the Beatles did not record for EMI. Since this was to be a British LP, they limited themselves to 14 tracks (well… except for Darren who chose 16 on the grounds that they were so short). Here are their tracklists, and the rationale for their choices. Plus a whole lotta news items.</p>
  4240. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4241. ]]></description>
  4242.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>For Episode 336 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo imagined that EMI, in early 1964, decided to compile an album of tracks the Beatles had been playing on the BBC over the previous year, and each provided a proposed tracklist. There were no rules, although for the purpose of the exercise, they used the two double-CD sets that EMI eventually released (rather than one of the far more complete bootleg compilations) as source material, and they focused on the songs the Beatles did not record for EMI. Since this was to be a British LP, they limited themselves to 14 tracks (well… except for Darren who chose 16 on the grounds that they were so short). Here are their tracklists, and the rationale for their choices. Plus a whole lotta news items.</p>
  4243. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4244. ]]></content:encoded>
  4246.        <enclosure url="" length="55091329" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  4247.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[For Episode 336 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo imagined that EMI, in early 1964, decided to compile an album of tracks the Beatles had been playing on the BBC over the previous year, and each provided a proposed tracklist. There were no rules, although for the purpose of the exercise, they used the two double-CD sets that EMI eventually released (rather than one of the far more complete bootleg compilations) as source material, and they focused on the songs the Beatles did not record for EMI. Since this was to be a British LP, they limited themselves to 14 tracks (well… except for Darren who chose 16 on the grounds that they were so short). Here are their tracklists, and the rationale for their choices. Plus a whole lotta news items.
  4248. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  4257.        <title>Things We Said Today #335 – David Bedford and “The Country of Liverpool”</title>
  4258.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #335 – David Bedford and “The Country of Liverpool”</itunes:title>
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  4260.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Fri, 19 Feb 2021 10:06:25 -0400</pubDate>
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  4262.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 335 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo speak with David Bedford, the author of several books on the Beatles, about his latest, “The Country of Liverpool.” A study of the popularity of country music in England, and particularly Liverpool (“Nashville of the North,” as it was known among British country fans), the book looks at the style’s appeal to British listeners, and its influence on the Beatles and their music. (A technical note: there is some unavoidable internet noise in the first several minutes of the show, but it eventually vanishes.)</p>
  4263. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4264. ]]></description>
  4265.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 335 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo speak with David Bedford, the author of several books on the Beatles, about his latest, “The Country of Liverpool.” A study of the popularity of country music in England, and particularly Liverpool (“Nashville of the North,” as it was known among British country fans), the book looks at the style’s appeal to British listeners, and its influence on the Beatles and their music. (A technical note: there is some unavoidable internet noise in the first several minutes of the show, but it eventually vanishes.)</p>
  4266. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4267. ]]></content:encoded>
  4269.        <enclosure url="" length="56711339" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  4270.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In Episode 335 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo speak with David Bedford, the author of several books on the Beatles, about his latest, “The Country of Liverpool.” A study of the popularity of country music in England, and particularly Liverpool (“Nashville of the North,” as it was known among British country fans), the book looks at the style’s appeal to British listeners, and its influence on the Beatles and their music. (A technical note: there is some unavoidable internet noise in the first several minutes of the show, but it eventually vanishes.)
  4271. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
  4272.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  4273.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
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  4280.        <title>Things We Said Today #334 – The Beatles’ Early vs Late Recordings</title>
  4281.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #334 – The Beatles’ Early vs Late Recordings</itunes:title>
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  4285.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 334 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss the potential reasons why the Beatles’ albums from Pepper onward still turn up on the charts, while the earlier albums do not. Along the way, we tussle (slightly) over where the line between “early” and “late” is best drawn.</p>
  4286. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4287. ]]></description>
  4288.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 334 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss the potential reasons why the Beatles’ albums from Pepper onward still turn up on the charts, while the earlier albums do not. Along the way, we tussle (slightly) over where the line between “early” and “late” is best drawn.</p>
  4289. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4290. ]]></content:encoded>
  4292.        <enclosure url="" length="46869968" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  4293.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In Episode 334 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss the potential reasons why the Beatles’ albums from Pepper onward still turn up on the charts, while the earlier albums do not. Along the way, we tussle (slightly) over where the line between “early” and “late” is best drawn.
  4294. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
  4295.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
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  4298.        <itunes:duration>01:05:05</itunes:duration>
  4299.                <itunes:episode>334</itunes:episode>
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  4303.        <title>Things We Said Today #333 – Phil Spector</title>
  4304.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #333 – Phil Spector</itunes:title>
  4305.        <link></link>
  4306.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 21 Jan 2021 12:31:27 -0400</pubDate>
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  4308.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 333 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo welcome back former co-host Al Sussman, the Executive Editor of Beatlefan, for a discussion about Phil Spector, the record producer and convicted murderer, about signature sound, and his work on recordings by the Beatles, John Lennon and George Harrison.</p>
  4309. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4310. <p> </p>
  4311. ]]></description>
  4312.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In Episode 333 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo welcome back former co-host Al Sussman, the Executive Editor of Beatlefan, for a discussion about Phil Spector, the record producer and convicted murderer, about signature sound, and his work on recordings by the Beatles, John Lennon and George Harrison.</p>
  4313. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4314. <p> </p>
  4315. ]]></content:encoded>
  4317.        <enclosure url="" length="64893204" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  4318.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In Episode 333 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo welcome back former co-host Al Sussman, the Executive Editor of Beatlefan, for a discussion about Phil Spector, the record producer and convicted murderer, about signature sound, and his work on recordings by the Beatles, John Lennon and George Harrison.
  4319. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  4320.  ]]></itunes:summary>
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  4325.                <itunes:episode>333</itunes:episode>
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  4329.        <title>Things We Said Today #332 – “Double Fantasy @40”</title>
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  4335. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4336. ]]></description>
  4337.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In Things We Said Today, episode 332, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo offer an appreciation of John Lennon’s and Yoko Ono’s “Double Fantasy” on its 40th anniversary. (Okay, okay, we're a couple of months late -- the show was first postponed when when Darren got Covid, and then because of "McCartney III").</p>
  4338. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4339. ]]></content:encoded>
  4341.        <enclosure url="" length="58744188" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  4342.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In Things We Said Today, episode 332, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo offer an appreciation of John Lennon’s and Yoko Ono’s “Double Fantasy” on its 40th anniversary. (Okay, okay, we're a couple of months late -- the show was first postponed when when Darren got Covid, and then because of "McCartney III").
  4343. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  4347.        <itunes:duration>01:21:35</itunes:duration>
  4348.                <itunes:episode>332</itunes:episode>
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  4352.        <title>Things We Said Today #331 – “McCartney III”</title>
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  4357.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In Things We Said Today, episode 331, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo first catch up with the flood of news that has broken over the last few weeks (we were off for a couple of weeks while Darren fought off Covid-19), and then review Paul McCartney’s latest, “McCartney III.”</p>
  4358. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4359. <p> </p>
  4360. ]]></description>
  4361.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In Things We Said Today, episode 331, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo first catch up with the flood of news that has broken over the last few weeks (we were off for a couple of weeks while Darren fought off Covid-19), and then review Paul McCartney’s latest, “McCartney III.”</p>
  4362. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4363. <p> </p>
  4364. ]]></content:encoded>
  4366.        <enclosure url="" length="98203401" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  4367.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In Things We Said Today, episode 331, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo first catch up with the flood of news that has broken over the last few weeks (we were off for a couple of weeks while Darren fought off Covid-19), and then review Paul McCartney’s latest, “McCartney III.”
  4368. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  4369.  ]]></itunes:summary>
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  4373.        <itunes:duration>02:16:23</itunes:duration>
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  4378.        <title>Things We Said Today #330 – All Things Must Pass 50th Anniversary</title>
  4379.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #330 – All Things Must Pass 50th Anniversary</itunes:title>
  4380.        <link></link>
  4381.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 25 Nov 2020 13:27:40 -0400</pubDate>
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  4383.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In episode 330 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo celebrate the 50th Anniversary of George Harrison's [conventional] LP solo debut, the three-disc "All Things Must Pass." Think of it as a companion piece to last week's interview with Ashley Khan, about "George Harrison on George Harrison: Interviews and Encounters." </p>
  4384. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4385. <p> </p>
  4386. ]]></description>
  4387.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In episode 330 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo celebrate the 50th Anniversary of George Harrison's [conventional] LP solo debut, the three-disc "All Things Must Pass." Think of it as a companion piece to last week's interview with Ashley Khan, about "George Harrison on George Harrison: Interviews and Encounters." </p>
  4388. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4389. <p> </p>
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  4394. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
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  4399.        <itunes:duration>01:31:16</itunes:duration>
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  4404.        <title>Things We Said Today #329 – Interview with Ashley Kahn editor &amp; compiler of “George Harrison on George Harrison”</title>
  4405.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #329 – Interview with Ashley Kahn editor &amp; compiler of “George Harrison on George Harrison”</itunes:title>
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  4409.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In episode 329 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo speak with Ashley Kahn about his latest book, “George Harrison on George Harrison – Interviews and Encounters,” an impressive, career-spanning compilation of interviews, speeches, statements and internet chats.</p>
  4410. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4411. ]]></description>
  4412.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In episode 329 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo speak with Ashley Kahn about his latest book, “George Harrison on George Harrison – Interviews and Encounters,” an impressive, career-spanning compilation of interviews, speeches, statements and internet chats.</p>
  4413. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4414. ]]></content:encoded>
  4416.        <enclosure url="" length="71019963" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  4417.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In episode 329 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo speak with Ashley Kahn about his latest book, “George Harrison on George Harrison – Interviews and Encounters,” an impressive, career-spanning compilation of interviews, speeches, statements and internet chats.
  4418. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  4427.        <title>Things We Said Today #328 – Interview with Kenneth Womack about his new book, “John Lennon 1980”</title>
  4428.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #328 – Interview with Kenneth Womack about his new book, “John Lennon 1980”</itunes:title>
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  4432.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In episode 328 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo have an illuminating chat with Kenneth Womack about his new book, “John Lennon 1980 – The Last Days in the Life.”</p>
  4433. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4434. ]]></description>
  4435.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In episode 328 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo have an illuminating chat with Kenneth Womack about his new book, “John Lennon 1980 – The Last Days in the Life.”</p>
  4436. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4437. ]]></content:encoded>
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  4440.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In episode 328 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo have an illuminating chat with Kenneth Womack about his new book, “John Lennon 1980 – The Last Days in the Life.”
  4441. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  4450.        <title>Things We Said Today #327 – John Lennon’s 80th Birthday</title>
  4451.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #327 – John Lennon’s 80th Birthday</itunes:title>
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  4455.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In episode 327 of Things We Said Today – Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo celebrate John Lennon’s 80th birthday (on October 9) by reflecting on how Lennon and his music influenced them.</p>
  4456. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4457. ]]></description>
  4458.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In episode 327 of Things We Said Today – Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo celebrate John Lennon’s 80th birthday (on October 9) by reflecting on how Lennon and his music influenced them.</p>
  4459. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4460. ]]></content:encoded>
  4462.        <enclosure url="" length="61571682" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  4463.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In episode 327 of Things We Said Today – Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo celebrate John Lennon’s 80th birthday (on October 9) by reflecting on how Lennon and his music influenced them.
  4464. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  4473.        <title>Things We Said Today #326 – What We Want from the Vaults</title>
  4474.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #326 – What We Want from the Vaults</itunes:title>
  4475.        <link></link>
  4476.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 03 Sep 2020 18:50:53 -0300</pubDate>
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  4478.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In episode 326 of Things We Said Today – the first of two collaborative podcasts with our friends at Two Legs – Tom Hunyadi and Andy Nicholes  join Ken Michaels and Darren DeVivo to discuss what we want in future archival releases from the Beatles, John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. (The next episode, on Three Legs’s turf, will discuss our wants from future Paul McCartney archival releases.) And yes, Allan is still on his leave of absence to complete “McCartney Legacy – Volume One: Beyond The Beatles, 1969-73 [working title]”).</p>
  4479. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4480. <p> </p>
  4481. ]]></description>
  4482.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In episode 326 of Things We Said Today – the first of two collaborative podcasts with our friends at Two Legs – Tom Hunyadi and Andy Nicholes  join Ken Michaels and Darren DeVivo to discuss what we want in future archival releases from the Beatles, John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. (The next episode, on Three Legs’s turf, will discuss our wants from future Paul McCartney archival releases.) And yes, Allan is still on his leave of absence to complete “McCartney Legacy – Volume One: Beyond The Beatles, 1969-73 [working title]”).</p>
  4483. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4484. <p> </p>
  4485. ]]></content:encoded>
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  4488.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In episode 326 of Things We Said Today – the first of two collaborative podcasts with our friends at Two Legs – Tom Hunyadi and Andy Nicholes  join Ken Michaels and Darren DeVivo to discuss what we want in future archival releases from the Beatles, John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. (The next episode, on Three Legs’s turf, will discuss our wants from future Paul McCartney archival releases.) And yes, Allan is still on his leave of absence to complete “McCartney Legacy – Volume One: Beyond The Beatles, 1969-73 [working title]”).
  4489. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  4490.  ]]></itunes:summary>
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  4499.        <title>Things We Said Today #325 – The Flaming Pie Archive Edition</title>
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  4504.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In episode 325 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels and Darren DeVivo discuss the new Archive Collection edition of Paul’s Flaming Pie. (Allan Kozinn is taking a leave of absence to complete “McCartney Legacy – Volume One: Beyond The Beatles, 1969-73 [working title]”).</p>
  4505. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4506. ]]></description>
  4507.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In episode 325 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels and Darren DeVivo discuss the new Archive Collection edition of Paul’s Flaming Pie. (Allan Kozinn is taking a leave of absence to complete “McCartney Legacy – Volume One: Beyond The Beatles, 1969-73 [working title]”).</p>
  4508. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4509. ]]></content:encoded>
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  4512.        <itunes:summary>In episode 325 of Things We Said Today, Ken Michaels and Darren DeVivo discuss the new Archive Collection edition of Paul’s Flaming Pie. (Allan Kozinn is taking a leave of absence to complete “McCartney Legacy – Volume  Volume One: Beyond The Beatles, 1969-73 [working title]”).</itunes:summary>
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  4527. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4528. <p> </p>
  4529. ]]></description>
  4530.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In earlier episodes, Allan has referred to some of his experiences interviewing people in the Beatles world during his years as the New York Times’ Beatles Desk, and Ken Michaels and Darren DeVivo occasionally joked that they should devote an episode to some of these. Perhaps hearing Allan’s Albert Goldman impression in episode 323 was what did it, but in any case, this turned out to be that show. With Ken and Darren prompting, Allan offers some memories of interviewing Paul, Ringo, Yoko, George Martin, Derek Taylor, Neil Aspinall and others.</p>
  4531. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
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  4537. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  4538.  ]]></itunes:summary>
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  4547.        <title>Things We Said Today #323 –  Dave Morrell on his new book ‘Run-Out Groove’</title>
  4548.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #323 –  Dave Morrell on his new book ‘Run-Out Groove’</itunes:title>
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  4552.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In this episode, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo speak with Dave Morrell about his new book, ‘Run-Out Groove – Inside Capitol’s 1980s Hits & Stiffs’ – the fourth volume in his memoirs of working in the record business. Dave has been a guest twice in the past, and always has interesting stories to tell.</p>
  4553. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4554. ]]></description>
  4555.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In this episode, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo speak with Dave Morrell about his new book, ‘Run-Out Groove – Inside Capitol’s 1980s Hits & Stiffs’ – the fourth volume in his memoirs of working in the record business. Dave has been a guest twice in the past, and always has interesting stories to tell.</p>
  4556. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4557. ]]></content:encoded>
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  4560.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In this episode, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo speak with Dave Morrell about his new book, ‘Run-Out Groove – Inside Capitol’s 1980s Hits & Stiffs’ – the fourth volume in his memoirs of working in the record business. Dave has been a guest twice in the past, and always has interesting stories to tell.
  4561. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  4563.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
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  4570.        <title>Things We Said Today #322 –  Ringo’s 80th Birthday</title>
  4571.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #322 –  Ringo’s 80th Birthday</itunes:title>
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  4576. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4577. ]]></description>
  4578.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In this episode, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo each choose their five favorite solo tracks – hits as well as deep tracks – as a tribute to the Ringster on his 80th birthday.</p>
  4579. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4580. ]]></content:encoded>
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  4583.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In this episode, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo each choose their five favorite solo tracks – hits as well as deep tracks – as a tribute to the Ringster on his 80th birthday.
  4584. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  4592.    <item>
  4593.        <title>Things We Said Today #321 –  A Chat With Chip Madinger</title>
  4594.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #321 –  A Chat With Chip Madinger</itunes:title>
  4595.        <link></link>
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  4598.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In this episode, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo speak with Chip Madinger, the co-author (with Mark Easter) of “Eight Arms to Hold You,” the indispensable guide to solo Beatles recordings up to 2000, and (with Scott Raille) the “Lennonology” series.</p>
  4599. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4600. ]]></description>
  4601.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In this episode, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo speak with Chip Madinger, the co-author (with Mark Easter) of “Eight Arms to Hold You,” the indispensable guide to solo Beatles recordings up to 2000, and (with Scott Raille) the “Lennonology” series.</p>
  4602. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4603. ]]></content:encoded>
  4605.        <enclosure url="" length="43115545" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  4606.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In this episode, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo speak with Chip Madinger, the co-author (with Mark Easter) of “Eight Arms to Hold You,” the indispensable guide to solo Beatles recordings up to 2000, and (with Scott Raille) the “Lennonology” series.
  4607. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  4609.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
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  4616.        <title>Things We Said Today #320 –  Ken’s 2000th Beatles Show, Our Least Favorite Beatles Tracks</title>
  4617.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #320 –  Ken’s 2000th Beatles Show, Our Least Favorite Beatles Tracks</itunes:title>
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  4621.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In this episode, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo celebrate Ken’s 2000th Beatles show – counting radio shows and podcasts. We then each discuss our 5 least favorite Beatles (as a group) tracks, and why. Tough job with a catalogue that’s the zenith of Western Civ, and it’s fair to say we were, in some cases, surprised by each other’s selections.</p>
  4622. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4623. ]]></description>
  4624.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In this episode, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo celebrate Ken’s 2000th Beatles show – counting radio shows and podcasts. We then each discuss our 5 least favorite Beatles (as a group) tracks, and why. Tough job with a catalogue that’s the zenith of Western Civ, and it’s fair to say we were, in some cases, surprised by each other’s selections.</p>
  4625. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4626. ]]></content:encoded>
  4628.        <enclosure url="" length="59916564" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  4629.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In this episode, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo celebrate Ken’s 2000th Beatles show – counting radio shows and podcasts. We then each discuss our 5 least favorite Beatles (as a group) tracks, and why. Tough job with a catalogue that’s the zenith of Western Civ, and it’s fair to say we were, in some cases, surprised by each other’s selections.
  4630. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  4645. ]]></description>
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  4665. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4666. ]]></description>
  4667.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In this episode, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo look at Paul McCartney’s debut album, <em>McCartney</em>, on the 50th anniversary of its release, taking into account the circumstances under which it was made and released, what it meant to us then and how we see it now.</p>
  4668. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4669. ]]></content:encoded>
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  4672.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In this episode, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo look at Paul McCartney’s debut album, McCartney, on the 50th anniversary of its release, taking into account the circumstances under which it was made and released, what it meant to us then and how we see it now.
  4673. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  4688. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
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  4692. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4693. <p> </p>
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  4706.        <title>Things We Said Today #316 – Solo Disappointments</title>
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  4711.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In this episode, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss aspects of the Beatles’ solo careers that have disappointed them – anything from particular albums or performances, to missed opportunities.</p>
  4712. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
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  4715. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
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  4719.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In this episode, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss aspects of the Beatles’ solo careers that have disappointed them – anything from particular albums or performances, to missed opportunities.
  4720. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  4729.        <title>Things We Said Today #315 – Laurence Juber on The Fab 4th and more</title>
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  4734.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In this episode, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo welcome back Laurence Juber – lead guitarist in the last incarnation of Wings and a superb fingerstyle guitarist whose latest album is “The Fab 4th,” his fourth collection of Beatles arrangements for solo guitar.</p>
  4735. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
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  4738. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
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  4742.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In this episode, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo welcome back Laurence Juber – lead guitarist in the last incarnation of Wings and a superb fingerstyle guitarist whose latest album is “The Fab 4th,” his fourth collection of Beatles arrangements for solo guitar.
  4743. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  4752.        <title>Things We Said Today #314 – John Montagna Returns: Paul as a Bassist Part 2</title>
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  4758. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
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  4762. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
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  4768. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
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  4778.        <title>Things We Said Today #313 - Birthday Tributes to Yoko Ono &amp; George Harrison </title>
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  4783.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In this episode, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo celebrateYoko Ono’s 87th birthday with a discussion of her importance in John Lennon’s life, and in the culture generally. And we  celebrate what would have been George Harrison’s 77th birthday by each choosing a single go-to Harrison album. </p>
  4784. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4785. ]]></description>
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  4787. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4788. ]]></content:encoded>
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  4791.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In this episode, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo celebrateYoko Ono’s 87th birthday with a discussion of her importance in John Lennon’s life, and in the culture generally. And we  celebrate what would have been George Harrison’s 77th birthday by each choosing a single go-to Harrison album. 
  4792. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  4807. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
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  4809.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In this episode, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo have an off-the-cuff back and forth about the different (and various) ways they listen to the Beatles music, group and solo, and how their approaches to listening to the music have changed over time.</p>
  4810. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4811. ]]></content:encoded>
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  4814.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In this episode, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo have an off-the-cuff back and forth about the different (and various) ways they listen to the Beatles music, group and solo, and how their approaches to listening to the music have changed over time.
  4815. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  4824.        <title>Things We Said Today #311 – Beatles Compilations  </title>
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  4829.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In this episode, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo look at the history of Beatles compilations, and discuss whether there’s much point to them, whether they were well done, what the Beatles’ attitude toward them was, and whether they have a future in the era of Spotify.</p>
  4830. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4831. ]]></description>
  4832.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In this episode, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo look at the history of Beatles compilations, and discuss whether there’s much point to them, whether they were well done, what the Beatles’ attitude toward them was, and whether they have a future in the era of Spotify.</p>
  4833. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4834. ]]></content:encoded>
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  4837.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In this episode, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo look at the history of Beatles compilations, and discuss whether there’s much point to them, whether they were well done, what the Beatles’ attitude toward them was, and whether they have a future in the era of Spotify.
  4838. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  4847.        <title>Things We Said Today #310 – Highlights of 2019, Wish Lists for 2020</title>
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  4853. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4854. ]]></description>
  4855.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In this first episode of 2020, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo look back at what they considered the Beatles-related highlights of 2019 and discuss what they hope to see in 2020.</p>
  4856. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
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  4860.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In this first episode of 2020, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo look back at what they considered the Beatles-related highlights of 2019 and discuss what they hope to see in 2020.
  4861. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  4870.        <title>Things We Said Today #309 – Peter Asher Interview</title>
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  4875.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In this final episode for 2019, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo talk to Peter Asher – mainly about his new book, “The Beatles A to Zed,” but also about his SiriusXM radio show, Peter & Gordon, the Beatles, Apple and his career as a producer these past 50-plus years. Wishing everyone Happy Holidays. </p>
  4876. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4877. ]]></description>
  4878.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In this final episode for 2019, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo talk to Peter Asher – mainly about his new book, “The Beatles A to Zed,” but also about his SiriusXM radio show, Peter & Gordon, the Beatles, Apple and his career as a producer these past 50-plus years. Wishing everyone Happy Holidays. </p>
  4879. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
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  4884. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  4893.        <title>Things We Said Today #308 – Solo Beatles – Our Favorite Year</title>
  4894.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #308 – Solo Beatles – Our Favorite Year</itunes:title>
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  4898.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>The assignment this week was to each select the best year – whether for recordings, live appearances or other aspects of their careers – collectively for two or more of the former Beatles. That is, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo each chose a single year that they regard as the best for the solo (former) Beatles. Which, as it turns out … well, hear for yourselves!</p>
  4899. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4900. ]]></description>
  4901.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>The assignment this week was to each select the best year – whether for recordings, live appearances or other aspects of their careers – collectively for two or more of the former Beatles. That is, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo each chose a single year that they regard as the best for the solo (former) Beatles. Which, as it turns out … well, hear for yourselves!</p>
  4902. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4903. ]]></content:encoded>
  4905.        <enclosure url="" length="47647685" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  4906.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[The assignment this week was to each select the best year – whether for recordings, live appearances or other aspects of their careers – collectively for two or more of the former Beatles. That is, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo each chose a single year that they regard as the best for the solo (former) Beatles. Which, as it turns out … well, hear for yourselves!
  4907. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  4916.        <title>Things We Said Today #307 - Ringo's "What's My Name" review</title>
  4917.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #307 - Ringo's "What's My Name" review</itunes:title>
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  4921.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo review Ringo Starr’s latest album, “What’s My Name.”</p>
  4922. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4923. ]]></description>
  4924.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo review Ringo Starr’s latest album, “What’s My Name.”</p>
  4925. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4926. ]]></content:encoded>
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  4929.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo review Ringo Starr’s latest album, “What’s My Name.”
  4930. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  4938.    <item>
  4939.        <title>Things We Said Today #306 – The Meeting Tape &amp; The End of the Beatles  </title>
  4940.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #306 – The Meeting Tape &amp; The End of the Beatles  </itunes:title>
  4941.        <link></link>
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  4944.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss the September 1969 meeting at which the Beatles planned a possible future – and at how and why everything unraveled less than two weeks later.</p>
  4945. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4946. ]]></description>
  4947.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss the September 1969 meeting at which the Beatles planned a possible future – and at how and why everything unraveled less than two weeks later.</p>
  4948. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4949. ]]></content:encoded>
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  4952.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss the September 1969 meeting at which the Beatles planned a possible future – and at how and why everything unraveled less than two weeks later.
  4953. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  4962.        <title>Things We Said Today #305 - Beatles Album Covers: Our Faves, &amp; an Interview with John Kosh</title>
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  4967.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss their favorite Beatles and solo album covers, and have a chat with John Kosh, who in 1969 was Apple’s creative director, and designed the front and back covers of “Abbey Road.”</p>
  4968. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4969. ]]></description>
  4970.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss their favorite Beatles and solo album covers, and have a chat with John Kosh, who in 1969 was Apple’s creative director, and designed the front and back covers of “Abbey Road.”</p>
  4971. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4972. ]]></content:encoded>
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  4975.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss their favorite Beatles and solo album covers, and have a chat with John Kosh, who in 1969 was Apple’s creative director, and designed the front and back covers of “Abbey Road.”
  4976. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  4985.        <title>Things We Said Today #304 – Reviewing the Abbey Road 50th Anniversary Edition</title>
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  4990.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo offer their impressions of the Abbey Road 50th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition, which is out on Sept. 27.  </p>
  4991. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  4992. ]]></description>
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  4994. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
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  4999. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  5008.        <title>Things We Said Today #303 – Albums We Appreciate Better Now (Than When They Were Released)</title>
  5009.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #303 – Albums We Appreciate Better Now (Than When They Were Released)</itunes:title>
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  5013.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo each pick a solo album that they had some reservations about – or in some cases, actively disliked – when it was released, but have come to appreciate over the years. Plus news, of course – and Darren’s overview of the Abbey Road listening session he attended in New York.</p>
  5014. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  5015. <p> </p>
  5016. ]]></description>
  5017.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo each pick a solo album that they had some reservations about – or in some cases, actively disliked – when it was released, but have come to appreciate over the years. Plus news, of course – and Darren’s overview of the Abbey Road listening session he attended in New York.</p>
  5018. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  5019. <p> </p>
  5020. ]]></content:encoded>
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  5023.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo each pick a solo album that they had some reservations about – or in some cases, actively disliked – when it was released, but have come to appreciate over the years. Plus news, of course – and Darren’s overview of the Abbey Road listening session he attended in New York.
  5024. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
  5025.  ]]></itunes:summary>
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  5034.        <title>Things We Said Today #302 – Ringo, Mark Hudson &amp; Beyond</title>
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  5040. <p>This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss Ringo’s post-1989 albums, and the differences between those produced by Mark Hudson, and those produced after Ringo and Mark parted ways (during the making of Liverpool 8) And of course, there’s plenty of Beatles news, including Ken’s and Darren’s impressions of Ringo concerts they both saw during the previous week.</p>
  5041. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  5042. ]]></description>
  5043.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> </p>
  5044. <p>This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss Ringo’s post-1989 albums, and the differences between those produced by Mark Hudson, and those produced after Ringo and Mark parted ways (during the making of Liverpool 8) And of course, there’s plenty of Beatles news, including Ken’s and Darren’s impressions of Ringo concerts they both saw during the previous week.</p>
  5045. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  5046. ]]></content:encoded>
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  5050. This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss Ringo’s post-1989 albums, and the differences between those produced by Mark Hudson, and those produced after Ringo and Mark parted ways (during the making of Liverpool 8) And of course, there’s plenty of Beatles news, including Ken’s and Darren’s impressions of Ringo concerts they both saw during the previous week.
  5051. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  5060.        <title>Things We Said Today #301 – Revolver at 53</title>
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  5066. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  5067. <p> </p>
  5068. ]]></description>
  5069.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo pay tribute to the Revolver album – and the seemingly perennial question of whether it was the Beatles’ best work – to commemorate the 53rd anniversary of its release. And of course, there’s plenty of Beatles news, including information about McCartney Legacy, the series of books Allan is writing with Adrian Sinclair.</p>
  5070. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  5071. <p> </p>
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  5076. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!
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  5081.        <itunes:duration>01:18:59</itunes:duration>
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  5086.        <title>Things We Said Today #300 – 300th Show Reunion, with Ken, Steve, Allan, Al &amp; Darren</title>
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  5092. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (positive, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  5093. ]]></description>
  5094.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo, as well as former hosts Steve Marinucci and Al Sussman, celebrate the show’s 300th episode with a discussion of a few of our favorite shows from among the first 299, as well as the Beatles experiences – group or solo – that have meant the most to us.</p>
  5095. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (positive, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  5096. ]]></content:encoded>
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  5100. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (positive, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  5109.        <title>Things We Said Today #299 – Interview with Terry Crain </title>
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  5115. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
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  5118. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
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  5123. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising, as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  5132.        <title>Things We Said Today #298 – Interview with Ken McNab</title>
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  5137.                      <description><![CDATA[<p class="Standard">This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo have a chat with Ken McNab about “And in the End: The Last Days of the Beatles,” his new book about 1969, the Beatles’ final year as a functioning band. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  5138. ]]></description>
  5139.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p class="Standard">This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo have a chat with Ken McNab about “And in the End: The Last Days of the Beatles,” his new book about 1969, the Beatles’ final year as a functioning band. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  5140. ]]></content:encoded>
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  5143.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo have a chat with Ken McNab about “And in the End: The Last Days of the Beatles,” his new book about 1969, the Beatles’ final year as a functioning band. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  5152.        <title>Things We Said Today #297 - How The Beatles Influenced Us</title>
  5153.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #297 - How The Beatles Influenced Us</itunes:title>
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  5157.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss the ways the Beatles influenced each of them -- not only musically, but also politically, socially and in matters of style -- when they were growing up and first came into contact with the Beatles and their work. And in the show's news section, they discuss Paul's next batch of reissues, and Ken brings some news about a new tour that will be of interest to many Beatles fans. </p>
  5158. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  5159. ]]></description>
  5160.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss the ways the Beatles influenced each of them -- not only musically, but also politically, socially and in matters of style -- when they were growing up and first came into contact with the Beatles and their work. And in the show's news section, they discuss Paul's next batch of reissues, and Ken brings some news about a new tour that will be of interest to many Beatles fans. </p>
  5161. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  5162. ]]></content:encoded>
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  5165.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss the ways the Beatles influenced each of them -- not only musically, but also politically, socially and in matters of style -- when they were growing up and first came into contact with the Beatles and their work. And in the show's news section, they discuss Paul's next batch of reissues, and Ken brings some news about a new tour that will be of interest to many Beatles fans. 
  5166. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  5175.        <title>Things We Said Today #296 – George’s Wonderwall Music</title>
  5176.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #296 – George’s Wonderwall Music</itunes:title>
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  5181. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  5182. ]]></description>
  5183.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo revisit George Harrison’s first solo project, the soundtrack score for <em>Wonderwall, </em>released in 1968 as his <em>Wonderwall </em>Music LP. </p>
  5184. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  5185. ]]></content:encoded>
  5187.        <enclosure url="" length="52356623" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  5188.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo revisit George Harrison’s first solo project, the soundtrack score for Wonderwall, released in 1968 as his Wonderwall Music LP. 
  5189. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
  5190.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  5191.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
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  5193.        <itunes:duration>01:12:43</itunes:duration>
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  5198.        <title>Things We Said Today #295 – Ringo’s Sentimental Journey </title>
  5199.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #295 – Ringo’s Sentimental Journey </itunes:title>
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  5201.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 02 May 2019 08:16:48 -0300</pubDate>
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  5203.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo revisit Ringo Starr’s debut solo album, the Standards collection Sentimental Journey.</p>
  5204. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  5205. ]]></description>
  5206.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo revisit Ringo Starr’s debut solo album, the Standards collection <em>Sentimental Journey.</em></p>
  5207. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  5208. ]]></content:encoded>
  5210.        <enclosure url="" length="48158327" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  5211.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo revisit Ringo Starr’s debut solo album, the Standards collection Sentimental Journey.
  5212. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
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  5221.        <title>Things We Said Today #294 – Standalone Singles</title>
  5222.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #294 – Standalone Singles</itunes:title>
  5223.        <link></link>
  5224.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 11 Apr 2019 07:23:54 -0300</pubDate>
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  5226.                      <description><![CDATA[<p class="Standard" style="text-indent:35.45pt;">This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss their favorite standalone singles – that is, songs the Beatles, as a group and individually, released independently from their latest albums. Also known as non-LP singles. (If they were later released on a compilation, they still count.)</p>
  5227. <p class="Standard" style="text-indent:35.45pt;">As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  5228. ]]></description>
  5229.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p class="Standard" style="text-indent:35.45pt;">This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss their favorite standalone singles – that is, songs the Beatles, as a group and individually, released independently from their latest albums. Also known as non-LP singles. (If they were later released on a compilation, they still count.)</p>
  5230. <p class="Standard" style="text-indent:35.45pt;">As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!</p>
  5231. ]]></content:encoded>
  5233.        <enclosure url="" length="75159953" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  5234.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss their favorite standalone singles – that is, songs the Beatles, as a group and individually, released independently from their latest albums. Also known as non-LP singles. (If they were later released on a compilation, they still count.)
  5235. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you. So we thank you very much for your support!]]></itunes:summary>
  5236.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  5237.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  5238.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  5239.        <itunes:duration>01:44:23</itunes:duration>
  5240.                <itunes:episode>295</itunes:episode>
  5241.        <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  5242.            </item>
  5243.    <item>
  5244.        <title>Things We Said Today #293 -  John and Yoko, Paul and Linda 50th Wedding Anniversaries</title>
  5245.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #293 -  John and Yoko, Paul and Linda 50th Wedding Anniversaries</itunes:title>
  5246.        <link></link>
  5247.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 20 Mar 2019 09:50:07 -0300</pubDate>
  5248.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  5249.                      <description><![CDATA[<p class="Standard" style="text-indent:35.45pt;">This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo commemorate the 50th wedding anniversaries of Paul and Linda (March 12, 1969) and John and Yoko (March 20, 1969), and ruminate on what Linda and Yoko – two uncommonly strong women - brought to the relationships.</p>
  5250. <p class="Standard" style="text-indent:35.45pt;">As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for your support.</p>
  5251. ]]></description>
  5252.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p class="Standard" style="text-indent:35.45pt;">This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo commemorate the 50th wedding anniversaries of Paul and Linda (March 12, 1969) and John and Yoko (March 20, 1969), and ruminate on what Linda and Yoko – two uncommonly strong women - brought to the relationships.</p>
  5253. <p class="Standard" style="text-indent:35.45pt;">As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for your support.</p>
  5254. ]]></content:encoded>
  5256.        <enclosure url="" length="54581043" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  5257.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo commemorate the 50th wedding anniversaries of Paul and Linda (March 12, 1969) and John and Yoko (March 20, 1969), and ruminate on what Linda and Yoko – two uncommonly strong women - brought to the relationships.
  5258. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for your support.]]></itunes:summary>
  5259.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  5260.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  5261.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  5262.        <itunes:duration>01:15:48</itunes:duration>
  5263.                <itunes:episode>294</itunes:episode>
  5264.        <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  5265.        <itunes:image href="" />    </item>
  5266.    <item>
  5267.        <title>Things We Said Today #292 - Brian Southall Interview - White Album book</title>
  5268.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #292 - Brian Southall Interview - White Album book</itunes:title>
  5269.        <link></link>
  5270.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Mon, 04 Mar 2019 12:27:07 -0400</pubDate>
  5271.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  5272.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken Michaels and Darren DeVivo (Allan Kozinn was off lecturing somewhere)  have a chat with Brian Southall about his new book, “The White Album – Revolution, Politics & Recording: The Beatles and the World in 1968.”</p>
  5273. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for your support.</p>
  5274. <p> </p>
  5275. ]]></description>
  5276.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken Michaels and Darren DeVivo (Allan Kozinn was off lecturing somewhere)  have a chat with Brian Southall about his new book, “The White Album – Revolution, Politics & Recording: The Beatles and the World in 1968.”</p>
  5277. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for your support.</p>
  5278. <p> </p>
  5279. ]]></content:encoded>
  5281.        <enclosure url="" length="75310418" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  5282.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Ken Michaels and Darren DeVivo (Allan Kozinn was off lecturing somewhere)  have a chat with Brian Southall about his new book, “The White Album – Revolution, Politics & Recording: The Beatles and the World in 1968.”
  5283. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for your support.
  5284.  ]]></itunes:summary>
  5285.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  5286.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  5287.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  5288.        <itunes:duration>01:44:35</itunes:duration>
  5289.                <itunes:episode>293</itunes:episode>
  5290.        <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  5291.            </item>
  5292.    <item>
  5293.        <title>Things We Said Today #291 - John Montagna Interview about Paul as a bassist</title>
  5294.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #291 - John Montagna Interview about Paul as a bassist</itunes:title>
  5295.        <link></link>
  5296.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 20 Feb 2019 15:07:13 -0400</pubDate>
  5297.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  5298.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo have a chat with bassist John Montagna (who, besides leading the John Montagna Band, has toured with the Alan Parsons Project and played with several Beatles tribute bands) about Paul’s work as a bassist John focuses particularly on Paul’s work on “Abbey Road,” which will be the subject of his presentation at the Fest for Beatles Fans at the end of March, but we prevail upon him to discuss – bass in hand – Paul’s earlier and later work as well. We also discuss Peter Jackson's new "Let It Be" project, and the "Traveling Edition" of "Egypt Station."</p>
  5299. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for your support.</p>
  5300. <p> </p>
  5301. ]]></description>
  5302.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo have a chat with bassist John Montagna (who, besides leading the John Montagna Band, has toured with the Alan Parsons Project and played with several Beatles tribute bands) about Paul’s work as a bassist John focuses particularly on Paul’s work on “Abbey Road,” which will be the subject of his presentation at the Fest for Beatles Fans at the end of March, but we prevail upon him to discuss – bass in hand – Paul’s earlier and later work as well. We also discuss Peter Jackson's new "Let It Be" project, and the "Traveling Edition" of "Egypt Station."</p>
  5303. <p>As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for your support.</p>
  5304. <p> </p>
  5305. ]]></content:encoded>
  5307.        <enclosure url="" length="78234461" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  5308.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo have a chat with bassist John Montagna (who, besides leading the John Montagna Band, has toured with the Alan Parsons Project and played with several Beatles tribute bands) about Paul’s work as a bassist John focuses particularly on Paul’s work on “Abbey Road,” which will be the subject of his presentation at the Fest for Beatles Fans at the end of March, but we prevail upon him to discuss – bass in hand – Paul’s earlier and later work as well. We also discuss Peter Jackson's new "Let It Be" project, and the "Traveling Edition" of "Egypt Station."
  5309. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for your support.
  5310.  ]]></itunes:summary>
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  5314.        <itunes:duration>01:48:39</itunes:duration>
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  5319.        <title>Things We Said Today #290 - 50th Anniversary of the Rooftop Concert: Interview with Ken Mansfied</title>
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  5323.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  5324.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Beatles’ Rooftop Concert with an interview with Ken Mansfield, who was one of the few attendees, and who wrote about the experience in his new book, “The Rooftop – The Beatles’ Final Concert” (Post Hill Press).  As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for your support.</p>
  5325. ]]></description>
  5326.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Beatles’ Rooftop Concert with an interview with Ken Mansfield, who was one of the few attendees, and who wrote about the experience in his new book, “The Rooftop – The Beatles’ Final Concert” (Post Hill Press).  As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for your support.</p>
  5327. ]]></content:encoded>
  5329.        <enclosure url="" length="48290925" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  5330.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Beatles’ Rooftop Concert with an interview with Ken Mansfield, who was one of the few attendees, and who wrote about the experience in his new book, “The Rooftop – The Beatles’ Final Concert” (Post Hill Press).  As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good, ideally!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for your support.]]></itunes:summary>
  5331.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  5332.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  5333.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  5334.        <itunes:duration>01:07:04</itunes:duration>
  5335.                <itunes:episode>291</itunes:episode>
  5336.        <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  5337.            </item>
  5338.    <item>
  5339.        <title>Things We Said Today #289 - Red Rose Speedway archival box set</title>
  5340.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #289 - Red Rose Speedway archival box set</itunes:title>
  5341.        <link></link>
  5342.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 24 Jan 2019 06:57:29 -0400</pubDate>
  5343.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  5344.                      <description><![CDATA[<p class="Standard">This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss the “Red Rose Speedway”archival box set. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for your support.</p>
  5345. ]]></description>
  5346.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p class="Standard">This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss the “Red Rose Speedway”archival box set. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for your support.</p>
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  5359.        <title>Things We Said Today #288 - 'Wild Life' Archival Box, Paul's New 'Get Enough'</title>
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  5364.                      <description><![CDATA[<p class="Standard">This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss Paul’s new song, “Get Enough,” and debate the merits the “Wild Life” archival reissue (and “Wild Life” in general). As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  5365. ]]></description>
  5366.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p class="Standard">This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss Paul’s new song, “Get Enough,” and debate the merits the “Wild Life” archival reissue (and “Wild Life” in general). As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  5367. ]]></content:encoded>
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  5370.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss Paul’s new song, “Get Enough,” and debate the merits the “Wild Life” archival reissue (and “Wild Life” in general). As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.]]></itunes:summary>
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  5379.        <title>Things We Said Today #287 - Bruce Spizer interview about his "The Beatles White Album &amp;amp; The Launch of Apple" book</title>
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  5385. ]]></description>
  5386.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p class="Standard">This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo welcome back the prolific Beatles author Bruce Spizer for a chat about his latest book, “The Beatles White Album and the Launch of Apple.” As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said To</a><a href=''>day Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  5387. ]]></content:encoded>
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  5390.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo welcome back the prolific Beatles author Bruce Spizer for a chat about his latest book, “The Beatles White Album and the Launch of Apple.” As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.]]></itunes:summary>
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  5399.        <title>Things We Said Today #286 - Reviewing the White Album, Pt. 2</title>
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  5404.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week,  Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo offer Part 2 of an expansive discussion of the White Album 50th anniversary box set, a release so packed with interesting things – the remix, the Esher demos, the outtakes, the 5.1 mix – that it can’t be covered in a single sitting. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  5405. ]]></description>
  5406.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week,  Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo offer Part 2 of an expansive discussion of the White Album 50th anniversary box set, a release so packed with interesting things – the remix, the Esher demos, the outtakes, the 5.1 mix – that it can’t be covered in a single sitting. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  5407. ]]></content:encoded>
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  5410.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week,  Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo offer Part 2 of an expansive discussion of the White Album 50th anniversary box set, a release so packed with interesting things – the remix, the Esher demos, the outtakes, the 5.1 mix – that it can’t be covered in a single sitting. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.]]></itunes:summary>
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  5419.        <title>Things We Said Today #285 - Reviewing the White Album Box Set, Part 1</title>
  5420.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #285 - Reviewing the White Album Box Set, Part 1</itunes:title>
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  5422.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 21 Nov 2018 12:58:31 -0400</pubDate>
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  5425. ]]></description>
  5426.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week,  Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo begin a multi-part discussion of the White Album 50th anniversary box set, a release so packed with interesting things – the remix, the Esher demos, the outtakes, the 5.1 mix – that we can’t cover it in a single sitting. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  5427. ]]></content:encoded>
  5429.        <enclosure url="" length="49792756" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  5430.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week,  Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo begin a multi-part discussion of the White Album 50th anniversary box set, a release so packed with interesting things – the remix, the Esher demos, the outtakes, the 5.1 mix – that we can’t cover it in a single sitting. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.]]></itunes:summary>
  5431.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
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  5439.        <title>Things We Said Today #284 - Live at the International White Album Symposium, Monmouth University - At their peak, or past it?</title>
  5440.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #284 - Live at the International White Album Symposium, Monmouth University - At their peak, or past it?</itunes:title>
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  5444.                      <description><![CDATA[<p class="Standard">This week’s episode is a live recording from the International White Album Symposium at Monmouth University, in New Jersey, where Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss whether the White Album was the Beatles at their peak – or past it. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  5445. ]]></description>
  5446.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p class="Standard">This week’s episode is a live recording from the International White Album Symposium at Monmouth University, in New Jersey, where Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss whether the White Album was the Beatles at their peak – or past it. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
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  5450.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week’s episode is a live recording from the International White Album Symposium at Monmouth University, in New Jersey, where Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss whether the White Album was the Beatles at their peak – or past it. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.]]></itunes:summary>
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  5459.        <title>Things We Said Today #283 - The Imagine-Gimme Some Truth Blu-ray, and the Imagine John Yoko book</title>
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  5464.                      <description><![CDATA[<p class="Standard">This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss the Imagine and Gimme Some Truth Blu-ray and DVD, and the "Imagine John Yoko" book. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  5465. ]]></description>
  5466.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p class="Standard">This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss the Imagine and Gimme Some Truth Blu-ray and DVD, and the "Imagine John Yoko" book. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  5467. ]]></content:encoded>
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  5470.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss the Imagine and Gimme Some Truth Blu-ray and DVD, and the "Imagine John Yoko" book. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear every two weeks. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.]]></itunes:summary>
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  5479.        <title>Things We Said Today #282 - Imagine Box Set, Geoff Emerick</title>
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  5485. ]]></description>
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  5487. ]]></content:encoded>
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  5490.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo remember the Beatles’ engineer Geoff Emerick, and take a look at the new "Imagine" boxed set. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.]]></itunes:summary>
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  5499.        <title>Things We Said Today #281 - From "Egypt Station" to the "White Album"</title>
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  5504.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss "Egypt Station" debuting at No. 1, Paul's "Freshen Up" tour, Ringo's NYC performance, the "Imagine" reissue and the announcement of the 50th anniversary editions of "The Beatles," aka "The White Album." As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  5505. ]]></description>
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  5507. ]]></content:encoded>
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  5510.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo discuss "Egypt Station" debuting at No. 1, Paul's "Freshen Up" tour, Ringo's NYC performance, the "Imagine" reissue and the announcement of the 50th anniversary editions of "The Beatles," aka "The White Album." As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.]]></itunes:summary>
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  5524.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken Michaels and Allan Kozinn welcome our new co-host, Darren DeVivo, and discuss Paul McCartney's new album, "Egypt Station," and all the events surrounding it, including Paul's "secret" concert at Grand Central Station in New York City. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  5525. ]]></description>
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  5527. ]]></content:encoded>
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  5530.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Ken Michaels and Allan Kozinn welcome our new co-host, Darren DeVivo, and discuss Paul McCartney's new album, "Egypt Station," and all the events surrounding it, including Paul's "secret" concert at Grand Central Station in New York City. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.]]></itunes:summary>
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  5539.        <title>279 - Jude Southerland Kessler on her new John Lennon Series book</title>
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  5544.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Steve Marinucci welcome author Jude Southerland Kessler, who talks about her brand new book, "Should Have Known Better," and the life of John Lennon. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  5545. ]]></description>
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  5550.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Steve Marinucci welcome author Jude Southerland Kessler, who talks about her brand new book, "Should Have Known Better," and the life of John Lennon. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.]]></itunes:summary>
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  5555.                <itunes:episode>280</itunes:episode>
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  5559.        <title>278 - Things We Said Today - Apple Records at 50!</title>
  5560.        <itunes:title>278 - Things We Said Today - Apple Records at 50!</itunes:title>
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  5564.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Allan Kozinn, Ken Michaels and Steve Marinucci discuss the history and significance of Apple Records on the label's 50th anniversary. The show was inspired, in part, by Allan Kozinn's article on the label for Beatlefan magazine. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  5565. ]]></description>
  5566.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Allan Kozinn, Ken Michaels and Steve Marinucci discuss the history and significance of Apple Records on the label's 50th anniversary. The show was inspired, in part, by Allan Kozinn's article on the label for Beatlefan magazine. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  5567. ]]></content:encoded>
  5569.        <enclosure url="" length="45581609" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  5570.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Allan Kozinn, Ken Michaels and Steve Marinucci discuss the history and significance of Apple Records on the label's 50th anniversary. The show was inspired, in part, by Allan Kozinn's article on the label for Beatlefan magazine. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.]]></itunes:summary>
  5571.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
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  5574.        <itunes:duration>01:03:18</itunes:duration>
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  5577.            </item>
  5578.    <item>
  5579.        <title>Things We Said Today #277 - Paul Rutan Jr. on restoring 'Yellow Submarine' and more</title>
  5580.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #277 - Paul Rutan Jr. on restoring 'Yellow Submarine' and more</itunes:title>
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  5584.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>Paul Rutan Jr. was the man in charge of the incredible restoration of the Beatles movie "Yellow Submarine" that you saw on the 2012 Blu-ray and DVD and in the theaters in 2018 for the film's 50th anniversary. This week, Steve Marinucci, Allan Kozinn and Ken Michaels talk to Rutan, who talks about the challenges that working on the film presented, his work additionally on "A Hard Day's Night," "Help!" and "Magical Mystery Tour" and why he believes "Let It Be" will be re-released. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  5585. ]]></description>
  5586.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Paul Rutan Jr. was the man in charge of the incredible restoration of the Beatles movie "Yellow Submarine" that you saw on the 2012 Blu-ray and DVD and in the theaters in 2018 for the film's 50th anniversary. This week, Steve Marinucci, Allan Kozinn and Ken Michaels talk to Rutan, who talks about the challenges that working on the film presented, his work additionally on "A Hard Day's Night," "Help!" and "Magical Mystery Tour" and why he believes "Let It Be" will be re-released. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  5587. ]]></content:encoded>
  5589.        <enclosure url="" length="37716035" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  5590.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Paul Rutan Jr. was the man in charge of the incredible restoration of the Beatles movie "Yellow Submarine" that you saw on the 2012 Blu-ray and DVD and in the theaters in 2018 for the film's 50th anniversary. This week, Steve Marinucci, Allan Kozinn and Ken Michaels talk to Rutan, who talks about the challenges that working on the film presented, his work additionally on "A Hard Day's Night," "Help!" and "Magical Mystery Tour" and why he believes "Let It Be" will be re-released. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.]]></itunes:summary>
  5591.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
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  5599.        <title>Things We Said Today #276 - Roag Best interview, new McCartney songs review</title>
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  5602.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 28 Jun 2018 22:49:27 -0300</pubDate>
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  5604.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, we add to our great collection of interviews as we talk with Roag Best, who's about to open the new Beatles Magical History Museum on Mathew Street in Liverpool. He talks about some of the items in the museum that came from his brother Pete Best, the Best family and his father, Neil Aspinall, plus we (and you) will hear some brand new breaking news about Pete. And the packed show also includes our news section with a review of Paul McCartney's two new songs and our report on his recent surprise appearance in Liverpool. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  5605. ]]></description>
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  5607. ]]></content:encoded>
  5609.        <enclosure url="" length="63871921" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  5610.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, we add to our great collection of interviews as we talk with Roag Best, who's about to open the new Beatles Magical History Museum on Mathew Street in Liverpool. He talks about some of the items in the museum that came from his brother Pete Best, the Best family and his father, Neil Aspinall, plus we (and you) will hear some brand new breaking news about Pete. And the packed show also includes our news section with a review of Paul McCartney's two new songs and our report on his recent surprise appearance in Liverpool. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a (good!) review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been continually rising each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.]]></itunes:summary>
  5611.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
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  5619.        <title>Things We Said Today #275 - Paul McCartney's Driving Rain</title>
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  5625. ]]></description>
  5626.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Allan Kozinn, Ken Michaels and Steve Marinucci tackle an analysis of Paul McCartney's "Driving Rain" album. The show also includes the latest news about Paul's visit to Liverpool (and an interview with tour guide Jackie Spencer on what it was like to have your tour group joined by McCartney and James Corden) and what the prospects might be for his next album. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  5627. ]]></content:encoded>
  5629.        <enclosure url="" length="66769841" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  5630.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Allan Kozinn, Ken Michaels and Steve Marinucci tackle an analysis of Paul McCartney's "Driving Rain" album. The show also includes the latest news about Paul's visit to Liverpool (and an interview with tour guide Jackie Spencer on what it was like to have your tour group joined by McCartney and James Corden) and what the prospects might be for his next album. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.]]></itunes:summary>
  5631.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  5632.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
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  5634.        <itunes:duration>01:09:33</itunes:duration>
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  5639.        <title>Things We Said Today #274 - George Harrison's songwriting in The Beatles</title>
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  5641.        <link></link>
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  5644.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Steve Marinucci, Ken Michaels and Allan Kozinn discuss how George Harrison's songwriting evolved from his earliest songs through the "Abbey Road" album. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  5645. ]]></description>
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  5659.        <title>Things We Said Today #273 - The Beatles' BBC songs that weren't on the original albums</title>
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  5664.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken, Allan and Steve take up the songs from the Beatles' BBC recordings that weren't originally released on their albums, such as "Too Much Monkey Business" and "Soldier of Love." As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  5665. ]]></description>
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  5667. ]]></content:encoded>
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  5670.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Ken, Allan and Steve take up the songs from the Beatles' BBC recordings that weren't originally released on their albums, such as "Too Much Monkey Business" and "Soldier of Love." As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.]]></itunes:summary>
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  5679.        <title>Things We Said Today #272 - The Beatles' Red and Blue albums</title>
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  5681.        <link></link>
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  5684.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, your Things We Said Today co-hosts Steve Marinucci, Ken Michaels and Allan Kozinn analyze the Beatles "1962-66" and "1967-70" (the Red and Blue) albums. We look at the track lists, how they work as compilations (and stack up to other Beatles compilations) and what should have been included that wasn't.  As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  5685. ]]></description>
  5686.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, your Things We Said Today co-hosts Steve Marinucci, Ken Michaels and Allan Kozinn analyze the Beatles "1962-66" and "1967-70" (the Red and Blue) albums. We look at the track lists, how they work as compilations (and stack up to other Beatles compilations) and what should have been included that wasn't.  As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean, </a>the Podbean app and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  5687. ]]></content:encoded>
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  5690.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, your Things We Said Today co-hosts Steve Marinucci, Ken Michaels and Allan Kozinn analyze the Beatles "1962-66" and "1967-70" (the Red and Blue) albums. We look at the track lists, how they work as compilations (and stack up to other Beatles compilations) and what should have been included that wasn't.  As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean, the Podbean app and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.]]></itunes:summary>
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  5699.        <title>Things We Said Today #271 - Kit O'Toole's overlooked Beatles songs, part 2 - the solo years</title>
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  5706.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Allan, Steve and Ken welcome back Kit O'Toole, author of the Deep Beatles column, for the second of two shows in which she gives her list of overlooked Beatles songs, this time from their solo work. And be sure to <a href=''>see the playlist for this show on our YouTube page </a>that includes some bonus song picks by Kit that aren't part of her list.  As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean </a>and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  5707. ]]></content:encoded>
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  5710.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Allan, Steve and Ken welcome back Kit O'Toole, author of the Deep Beatles column, for the second of two shows in which she gives her list of overlooked Beatles songs, this time from their solo work. And be sure to see the playlist for this show on our YouTube page that includes some bonus song picks by Kit that aren't part of her list.  As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.]]></itunes:summary>
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  5727. ]]></content:encoded>
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  5730.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Ken, Steve and Allan welcome back Kit O'Toole, author of the Deep Beatles column, for the first of two shows. This week, she'll reveal her list of overlooked Beatles songs. And watch for an upcoming show where she'll feature her picks for overlooked solo Beatles songs. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.]]></itunes:summary>
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  5739.        <title>269: Things We Said Today #269 - Analyzing Beatles For Sale</title>
  5740.        <itunes:title>269: Things We Said Today #269 - Analyzing Beatles For Sale</itunes:title>
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  5744.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken, Allan and Steve take a close look at the "Beatles For Sale" album, both the songs and the album itself and how it stands in the Beatles' canon. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean </a>and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. (Photo copyright Apple Corps Ltd.)
  5746. </p>
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  5748. ]]></description>
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  5766.        <title>268: Things We Said Today #268 - Elliot Mintz on John Lennon, Yoko Ono, The Lost Lennon Tapes and more</title>
  5767.        <itunes:title>268: Things We Said Today #268 - Elliot Mintz on John Lennon, Yoko Ono, The Lost Lennon Tapes and more</itunes:title>
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  5771.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>Our very special guest this week is Elliot Mintz, who is known, among his many accomplishments, for his long association with John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Sean Lennon and Julian Lennon and his hosting of the landmark "The Lost Lennon Tapes" series. He talks about all of that and much more in this show this week with Steve Marinucci, Ken Michaels and Allan Kozinn. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean </a>and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. </p>
  5772. <p> </p>
  5773. <p> </p>
  5774. ]]></description>
  5775.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Our very special guest this week is Elliot Mintz, who is known, among his many accomplishments, for his long association with John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Sean Lennon and Julian Lennon and his hosting of the landmark "The Lost Lennon Tapes" series. He talks about all of that and much more in this show this week with Steve Marinucci, Ken Michaels and Allan Kozinn. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean </a>and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. </p>
  5776. <p> </p>
  5777. <p> </p>
  5778. ]]></content:encoded>
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  5781.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Our very special guest this week is Elliot Mintz, who is known, among his many accomplishments, for his long association with John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Sean Lennon and Julian Lennon and his hosting of the landmark "The Lost Lennon Tapes" series. He talks about all of that and much more in this show this week with Steve Marinucci, Ken Michaels and Allan Kozinn. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. 
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  5792.        <title>267: Things We Said Today #267 - Our favorite George Harrison solo songs that weren't hits</title>
  5793.        <itunes:title>267: Things We Said Today #267 - Our favorite George Harrison solo songs that weren't hits</itunes:title>
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  5797.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, your Things We Said Today co-hosts Ken, Allan and Steve give their picks for their favorite George Harrison solo songs. (And be sure to check out the <a href=''>playlist on our YouTube page with our choices</a>.) And as we do every week, we look at the most recent Beatles news. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean </a>and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. </p>
  5798. <p></p>
  5799. <p> </p>
  5800. <p> </p>
  5801. ]]></description>
  5802.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, your Things We Said Today co-hosts Ken, Allan and Steve give their picks for their favorite George Harrison solo songs. (And be sure to check out the <a href=''>playlist on our YouTube page with our choices</a>.) And as we do every week, we look at the most recent Beatles news. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean </a>and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. </p>
  5803. <p></p>
  5804. <p> </p>
  5805. <p> </p>
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  5809.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, your Things We Said Today co-hosts Ken, Allan and Steve give their picks for their favorite George Harrison solo songs. (And be sure to check out the playlist on our YouTube page with our choices.) And as we do every week, we look at the most recent Beatles news. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. 
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  5821.        <title>266: Things We Said Today #266 - Randy Bachman interview, By George By Randy review, Fest For Beatles Fans report, more</title>
  5822.        <itunes:title>266: Things We Said Today #266 - Randy Bachman interview, By George By Randy review, Fest For Beatles Fans report, more</itunes:title>
  5823.        <link></link>
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  5827. <p></p>
  5828. <p> </p>
  5829. ]]></description>
  5830.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week on a very busy "Things We Said Today" show, Allan, Ken and Steve give their thoughts on "By George, By Randy," the recently released Randy Bachman George Harrison tribute. This show features segments of an interview Steve did with Randy Bachman. Ken discusses attending the recent Fest for Beatles Fans. And we present a roundup of the latest Beatles news.  As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean </a>and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. </p>
  5831. <p></p>
  5832. <p> </p>
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  5838.  ]]></itunes:summary>
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  5847.        <title>265: Things We Said Today #265 - Attorney Joey Self looks at some of the Beatles' best-known legal cases</title>
  5848.        <itunes:title>265: Things We Said Today #265 - Attorney Joey Self looks at some of the Beatles' best-known legal cases</itunes:title>
  5849.        <link></link>
  5850.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 08 Mar 2018 10:38:08 -0400</pubDate>
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  5853. <p></p>
  5854. <p> </p>
  5855. <p> </p>
  5856. ]]></description>
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  5858. <p></p>
  5859. <p> </p>
  5860. <p> </p>
  5861. ]]></content:encoded>
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  5864.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Steve Marinucci, Allan Kozinn and Ken Michaels welcome attorney Joey Self as their guest. If his name sounds familiar, it's because he wrote four lengthy essays on Beatles' court cases that were published on Steve Marinucci's Abbeyrd's Beatles Page site and elsewhere. He talks with us about several cases, including the George Harrison "My Sweet Lord"/"She's So Fine" suit and the John Lennon-Morris Levy "Roots" suit. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. 
  5867.  ]]></itunes:summary>
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  5876.        <title>264: Things We Said Today #264 - Musicologist Walter Everett on The Beatles as musicians</title>
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  5882. ]]></description>
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  5896.        <title>263: Things We Said Today #263 - Neil Innes! </title>
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  5901.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken, Allan and Steve welcome the great Neil Innes, who tells us some inside stories of his career with the Bonzo Dog Band and the Rutles, talks about his upcoming live appearances and also reveals some breaking news in the later part of the show. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean </a>and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  5902. <p></p>
  5903. <p> </p>
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  5906. <p></p>
  5907. <p> </p>
  5908. ]]></content:encoded>
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  5911.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Ken, Allan and Steve welcome the great Neil Innes, who tells us some inside stories of his career with the Bonzo Dog Band and the Rutles, talks about his upcoming live appearances and also reveals some breaking news in the later part of the show. As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.
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  5922.        <title>262: Things We Said Today #262 - A close look at John Lennon's 'Walls and Bridges' album</title>
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  5931. <p> </p>
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  5935.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Steve, Ken and Allan give their analysis of John Lennon's "Walls and Bridges" album and go into the album track-by-track. We also report on the latest Beatles news.  As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.
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  5944.    <item>
  5945.        <title>261: Things We Said Today #261 - The Beatles in stereo vs. mono, part 3 -- The White Album</title>
  5946.        <itunes:title>261: Things We Said Today #261 - The Beatles in stereo vs. mono, part 3 -- The White Album</itunes:title>
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  5951. <p></p>
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  5953. <p>  </p>
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  5957. <p></p>
  5958. <p> </p>
  5959. <p>  </p>
  5960. <p> </p>
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  5964.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Our discussion of the Beatles in stereo vs. mono comes to an end with this third show, which is mainly about the differences on the White Album. (You can hear the previous shows in this series as #257 and #260.) As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. We invite you to send your comments about this or any of our other shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. (Photo copyright Apple Corps Ltd.)
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  5977.        <title>260: Things We Said Today #260 -- The Beatles in stereo vs. mono, Part 2 </title>
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  5983. <p>  </p>
  5984. <p> </p>
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  5986.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Allan, Steve and Ken continue the discussion about the stereo vs. mono Beatles albums as we go from "Rubber Soul" through "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band." (Look for a show about The White Album and other tracks soon.) As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments to our show's email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean </a>and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. (Photo copyright Apple Corps Ltd.)</p>
  5987. <p>  </p>
  5988. <p> </p>
  5989. ]]></content:encoded>
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  5992.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Allan, Steve and Ken continue the discussion about the stereo vs. mono Beatles albums as we go from "Rubber Soul" through "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band." (Look for a show about The White Album and other tracks soon.) As always, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments to our show's email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. (Photo copyright Apple Corps Ltd.)
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  6003.        <title>259: Things We Said Today #259 - The history of Beatles fanzines with special guests Al Sussman and Charles Rosenay!!!</title>
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  6010. <p> </p>
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  6029.        <title>258: Things We Said Today #258 - Author Wally Podrazik on the Beatles book 'All Together Now' and its sequels</title>
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  6034.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken, Allan and Steve welcome our very special guest Wally Podrazik, the co-author (with Harry Castleman) of a pioneering set of Beatles discographies beginning with "All Together Now," followed up by "The Beatles Again?" and "The End of the Beatles?" Wally tells the fascinating story of the history of the books and how they were compiled and published at a time when computers were much less sophisticated than they are today. As we always do, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean </a>and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. </p>
  6035. <p> </p>
  6036. <p></p>
  6037. ]]></description>
  6038.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken, Allan and Steve welcome our very special guest Wally Podrazik, the co-author (with Harry Castleman) of a pioneering set of Beatles discographies beginning with "All Together Now," followed up by "The Beatles Again?" and "The End of the Beatles?" Wally tells the fascinating story of the history of the books and how they were compiled and published at a time when computers were much less sophisticated than they are today. As we always do, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean </a>and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. </p>
  6039. <p> </p>
  6040. <p></p>
  6041. ]]></content:encoded>
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  6044.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Ken, Allan and Steve welcome our very special guest Wally Podrazik, the co-author (with Harry Castleman) of a pioneering set of Beatles discographies beginning with "All Together Now," followed up by "The Beatles Again?" and "The End of the Beatles?" Wally tells the fascinating story of the history of the books and how they were compiled and published at a time when computers were much less sophisticated than they are today. As we always do, we welcome your thoughts about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get the first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. 
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  6055.        <title>257: Things We Said Today #257 - The Beatles in stereo vs. mono, Part 1 </title>
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  6061. <p></p>
  6062. ]]></description>
  6063.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Allan, Steve and Ken begin a comparison of the Beatles in stereo vs. mono, with a look at some of the more interesting differences in them. Plus, as we always do, we review the Beatles news of the week. As always, we welcome your thoughts about what you think about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean </a>and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. </p>
  6064. <p></p>
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  6068.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Allan, Steve and Ken begin a comparison of the Beatles in stereo vs. mono, with a look at some of the more interesting differences in them. Plus, as we always do, we review the Beatles news of the week. As always, we welcome your thoughts about what you think about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. 
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  6077.    <item>
  6078.        <title>Things We Said Today #256 - Goodbye 2017 and hello to 2018!!</title>
  6079.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #256 - Goodbye 2017 and hello to 2018!!</itunes:title>
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  6083.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Steve, Ken and Allan take a special look back at 2017 -- its ups and downs -- and give our fearless predictions for what will come ahead in 2018. As always, we welcome your thoughts about what you think about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean </a>and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. </p>
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  6087. <p></p>
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  6091.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Steve, Ken and Allan take a special look back at 2017 -- its ups and downs -- and give our fearless predictions for what will come ahead in 2018. As always, we welcome your thoughts about what you think about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. 
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  6101.        <title>255: Things We Said Today #255 - We examine George Harrison's "All Things Must Pass" album</title>
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  6104.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 14 Dec 2017 10:55:22 -0400</pubDate>
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  6106.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Allan, Ken and Steve take a look back at George Harrison's "All Things Must Pass" album, its music and history. We also take a look at some of the latest Beatles news. As always, we welcome your thoughts about what you think about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a> and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on <a href=''>Podbean </a>and <a href=''>iTunes</a> and stream us through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app and from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. (Photo copyright Apple Records.)</p>
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  6112. <p> </p>
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  6116.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Allan, Ken and Steve take a look back at George Harrison's "All Things Must Pass" album, its music and history. We also take a look at some of the latest Beatles news. As always, we welcome your thoughts about what you think about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page and comment there, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you very much for listening. You can hear and download our show on Podbean and iTunes and stream us through the Tune In Radio app and from our very own YouTube page.  Our shows appear just about every week. Please be sure and write a review of our show on our iTunes page. If you subscribe to any of our program providers, you'll get first word as soon as a new show is available. We don't want you to miss us. And thank you very much for your continued support. Our download numbers have been rising steadily each week as more people discover us and it's all because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. (Photo copyright Apple Records.)
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  6127.        <title>Things We Said Today #254 - Roll Up for the Magical Mystery Tour!</title>
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  6134. <p> </p>
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  6156.        <title>Things We Said Today #253 - All the Beatles news we can fit in a single show! </title>
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  6162. <p></p>
  6163. <p> </p>
  6164. ]]></description>
  6165.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>On the latest show, TWST's Ken, Allan, and Steve run down all of the Beatles news of the last few weeks that we can fit in a single show, including our thoughts on the upcoming release of the Beatles Christmas messages, Ringo Starr and the All-Starr Band's new video of "Yellow Submarine," the recent Record Store Day releases, the new Weeklings Christmas singles and David Cassidy's friendship with John and Yoko. As always, we welcome your thoughts about what you think about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. Subscribe to our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a> and please write a review. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get the first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising each week and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. </p>
  6166. <p></p>
  6167. <p> </p>
  6168. ]]></content:encoded>
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  6171.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[On the latest show, TWST's Ken, Allan, and Steve run down all of the Beatles news of the last few weeks that we can fit in a single show, including our thoughts on the upcoming release of the Beatles Christmas messages, Ringo Starr and the All-Starr Band's new video of "Yellow Submarine," the recent Record Store Day releases, the new Weeklings Christmas singles and David Cassidy's friendship with John and Yoko. As always, we welcome your thoughts about what you think about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our very own YouTube page. Subscribe to our show on our iTunes page and please write a review. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the Tune In Radio app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get the first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising each week and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. 
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  6188. <p> </p>
  6189. <p></p>
  6190. <p> </p>
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  6192.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>On this episode, Allan, Ken and Steve are very proud to present our special guest Mark Lewisohn on the occasion of the publication of the extended version of "The Beatles: All These Years: Tune In" in the United States. Mark discusses the writing and editing process that went into the book, some of the revelations in it and the upcoming books in the series.  Please be sure to let us know what you think about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. Subscribe to our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a> and please write a review. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising each week and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. </p>
  6193. <p> </p>
  6194. <p></p>
  6195. <p> </p>
  6196. ]]></content:encoded>
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  6199.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[On this episode, Allan, Ken and Steve are very proud to present our special guest Mark Lewisohn on the occasion of the publication of the extended version of "The Beatles: All These Years: Tune In" in the United States. Mark discusses the writing and editing process that went into the book, some of the revelations in it and the upcoming books in the series.  Please be sure to let us know what you think about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our very own YouTube page. Subscribe to our show on our iTunes page and please write a review. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the Tune In Radio app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising each week and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. 
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  6211.        <title>Things We Said Today #251 - Joey Molland on the music and story of Badfinger</title>
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  6216.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Steve, Ken and Allan welcome very special guest Joey Molland of Badfinger, who's currently doing a series of shows featuring playing the complete Badfinger "Straight Up" album. Joey talks the story of Badfinger, and working with George Harrison and Todd Rundgren on the "Straight Up" album, and much more. Please be sure to let us know what you think about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. Subscribe to our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a> and please write a review. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising each week and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. </p>
  6217. <p></p>
  6218. ]]></description>
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  6220. <p></p>
  6221. ]]></content:encoded>
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  6224.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Steve, Ken and Allan welcome very special guest Joey Molland of Badfinger, who's currently doing a series of shows featuring playing the complete Badfinger "Straight Up" album. Joey talks the story of Badfinger, and working with George Harrison and Todd Rundgren on the "Straight Up" album, and much more. Please be sure to let us know what you think about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our very own YouTube page. Subscribe to our show on our iTunes page and please write a review. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the Tune In Radio app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising each week and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. 
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  6234.        <title>Things We Said Today #250 - Beatles historian Bruce Spizer and a tribute to Fats Domino </title>
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  6239.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>Renowned Beatles historian Bruce Spizer joins your TWST hosts Allan Kozinn, Ken Michaels and Steve Marinucci to remember the late great Fats Domino, who was a big influence on the Beatles. Bruce, who is from New Orleans, talks about seeing Fats Domino in concert and the day the Beatles met their music idol. Please be sure to let us know what you think about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments directly to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. Subscribe to our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a> and please write a review. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising each week and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. </p>
  6240. <p></p>
  6241. <p> </p>
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  6243.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Renowned Beatles historian Bruce Spizer joins your TWST hosts Allan Kozinn, Ken Michaels and Steve Marinucci to remember the late great Fats Domino, who was a big influence on the Beatles. Bruce, who is from New Orleans, talks about seeing Fats Domino in concert and the day the Beatles met their music idol. Please be sure to let us know what you think about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments directly to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. Subscribe to our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a> and please write a review. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising each week and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. </p>
  6244. <p></p>
  6245. <p> </p>
  6246. ]]></content:encoded>
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  6249.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Renowned Beatles historian Bruce Spizer joins your TWST hosts Allan Kozinn, Ken Michaels and Steve Marinucci to remember the late great Fats Domino, who was a big influence on the Beatles. Bruce, who is from New Orleans, talks about seeing Fats Domino in concert and the day the Beatles met their music idol. Please be sure to let us know what you think about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments directly to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our very own YouTube page. Subscribe to our show on our iTunes page and please write a review. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the Tune In Radio app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising each week and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. 
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  6260.        <title>Things We Said Today #249 - Author David Bedford on 'Finding the Fourth Beatle'</title>
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  6266. <p></p>
  6267. <p> </p>
  6268. ]]></description>
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  6270. <p></p>
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  6277.  ]]></itunes:summary>
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  6281.        <itunes:duration>01:16:22</itunes:duration>
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  6286.        <title>Things We Said Today #248 - How well have the Beatles preserved their legacy as a group?</title>
  6287.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #248 - How well have the Beatles preserved their legacy as a group?</itunes:title>
  6288.        <link></link>
  6289.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 19 Oct 2017 02:34:13 -0300</pubDate>
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  6291.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, after tackling the legacies of the solo Beatles in TWSTs #245 and #246, your esteemed Things We Said Today hosts Steve Marinucci, Allan Kozinn and Ken Michaels turn their attention to the Beatles and how well they've preserved their legacy as a group. This week's show also has a tribute to Tom Petty, and our usual weekly report of other recent Beatles news. Please be sure to let us know what you think about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments directly to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. Subscribe to our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a> and please write a review. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising each week and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  6292. <p></p>
  6293. <p> </p>
  6294. <p> </p>
  6295. <p> </p>
  6296. ]]></description>
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  6298. <p></p>
  6299. <p> </p>
  6300. <p> </p>
  6301. <p> </p>
  6302. ]]></content:encoded>
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  6305.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, after tackling the legacies of the solo Beatles in TWSTs #245 and #246, your esteemed Things We Said Today hosts Steve Marinucci, Allan Kozinn and Ken Michaels turn their attention to the Beatles and how well they've preserved their legacy as a group. This week's show also has a tribute to Tom Petty, and our usual weekly report of other recent Beatles news. Please be sure to let us know what you think about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments directly to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our very own YouTube page. Subscribe to our show on our iTunes page and please write a review. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the Tune In Radio app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising each week and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.
  6309.  ]]></itunes:summary>
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  6316.            </item>
  6317.    <item>
  6318.        <title>Things We Said Today #247 - John Lennon birthday special - our five favorite John songs not singles</title>
  6319.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #247 - John Lennon birthday special - our five favorite John songs not singles</itunes:title>
  6320.        <link></link>
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  6322.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  6323.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, we pay a tribute to the Oct. 9 birthday of John Lennon with a special show in which the TWST lads Allan Kozinn, Ken Michaels and Steve Marinucci pick their favorite Lennon songs that weren't singles. (That means leaving out songs such as "Imagine," "Power to the People" and "#9 Dream.") What did we pick? Tune in and find out. We also talk about the passing of Tom Petty, which was a breaking news story while we were taping TWST #246, and go through some other Beatles news. And please be sure to let us know what you think about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments directly to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. Subscribe to our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a> and please write a review. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising each week and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. (Photo: Capitol Records)</p>
  6324. <p></p>
  6325. ]]></description>
  6326.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, we pay a tribute to the Oct. 9 birthday of John Lennon with a special show in which the TWST lads Allan Kozinn, Ken Michaels and Steve Marinucci pick their favorite Lennon songs that weren't singles. (That means leaving out songs such as "Imagine," "Power to the People" and "#9 Dream.") What did we pick? Tune in and find out. We also talk about the passing of Tom Petty, which was a breaking news story while we were taping TWST #246, and go through some other Beatles news. And please be sure to let us know what you think about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments directly to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. Subscribe to our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a> and please write a review. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising each week and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. (Photo: Capitol Records)</p>
  6327. <p></p>
  6328. ]]></content:encoded>
  6330.        <enclosure url="" length="61401991" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  6331.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, we pay a tribute to the Oct. 9 birthday of John Lennon with a special show in which the TWST lads Allan Kozinn, Ken Michaels and Steve Marinucci pick their favorite Lennon songs that weren't singles. (That means leaving out songs such as "Imagine," "Power to the People" and "#9 Dream.") What did we pick? Tune in and find out. We also talk about the passing of Tom Petty, which was a breaking news story while we were taping TWST #246, and go through some other Beatles news. And please be sure to let us know what you think about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments directly to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our very own YouTube page. Subscribe to our show on our iTunes page and please write a review. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the Tune In Radio app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising each week and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. (Photo: Capitol Records)
  6332. ]]></itunes:summary>
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  6341.        <title>Things We Said Today #246 - Preserving the Beatles legacy, part 2 -- George Harrison, Paul McCartney</title>
  6342.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #246 - Preserving the Beatles legacy, part 2 -- George Harrison, Paul McCartney</itunes:title>
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  6344.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 05 Oct 2017 13:33:48 -0300</pubDate>
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  6347. <p></p>
  6348. <p> </p>
  6349. ]]></description>
  6350.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In a follow-up to <a href=''><em>Things We Said Today </em>#245</a> in which we discussed how John and Ringo's solo Beatles legacies have been preserved, we turn to George Harrison and Paul McCartney in part 2. We also talk about the latest Beatles news, including the early reports on the day we taped the show about Tom Petty's health. Be sure to let us know what you think about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments directly to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. Subscribe to our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a> and please write a review. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising each week and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  6351. <p></p>
  6352. <p> </p>
  6353. ]]></content:encoded>
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  6356.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In a follow-up to Things We Said Today #245 in which we discussed how John and Ringo's solo Beatles legacies have been preserved, we turn to George Harrison and Paul McCartney in part 2. We also talk about the latest Beatles news, including the early reports on the day we taped the show about Tom Petty's health. Be sure to let us know what you think about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments directly to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our very own YouTube page. Subscribe to our show on our iTunes page and please write a review. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the Tune In Radio app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising each week and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.
  6358.  ]]></itunes:summary>
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  6364.        <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
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  6367.        <title>Things We Said Today #245 - Preserving the Beatles legacy, part 1 - John and Ringo</title>
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  6370.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 28 Sep 2017 14:59:47 -0300</pubDate>
  6371.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  6372.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Steve, Allan and Ken begin the first in a series of programs discussing how well the Beatles are preserving their legacy, both as a group and as solo artists, evaluating the releases of John Lennon and Ringo Starr. Plus we bring you up-to-date on the latest Beatles news from around the globe including our throughts on the "What Goes On" demo being sold on eBay and Ken reviews another Paul McCartney concert. Be sure to let us know what you think about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments directly to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. Subscribe to our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a> and please write a review. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising each week and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  6373. <p></p>
  6374. <p> </p>
  6375. ]]></description>
  6376.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Steve, Allan and Ken begin the first in a series of programs discussing how well the Beatles are preserving their legacy, both as a group and as solo artists, evaluating the releases of John Lennon and Ringo Starr. Plus we bring you up-to-date on the latest Beatles news from around the globe including our throughts on the "What Goes On" demo being sold on eBay and Ken reviews another Paul McCartney concert. Be sure to let us know what you think about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments directly to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. Subscribe to our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a> and please write a review. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising each week and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  6377. <p></p>
  6378. <p> </p>
  6379. ]]></content:encoded>
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  6382.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Steve, Allan and Ken begin the first in a series of programs discussing how well the Beatles are preserving their legacy, both as a group and as solo artists, evaluating the releases of John Lennon and Ringo Starr. Plus we bring you up-to-date on the latest Beatles news from around the globe including our throughts on the "What Goes On" demo being sold on eBay and Ken reviews another Paul McCartney concert. Be sure to let us know what you think about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments directly to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our very own YouTube page. Subscribe to our show on our iTunes page and please write a review. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the Tune In Radio app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising each week and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.
  6384.  ]]></itunes:summary>
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  6393.        <title>Things We Said Today #244 - Films about the Beatles part 1, McCartney concert report, What Goes On demo</title>
  6394.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #244 - Films about the Beatles part 1, McCartney concert report, What Goes On demo</itunes:title>
  6395.        <link></link>
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  6399. <p></p>
  6400. <p> </p>
  6401. ]]></description>
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  6403. <p></p>
  6404. <p> </p>
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  6418.    <item>
  6419.        <title>Things We Said Today #243 - We review Ringo's new "Give More Love" album, Giles Martin interview </title>
  6420.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #243 - We review Ringo's new "Give More Love" album, Giles Martin interview </itunes:title>
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  6424.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, your esteemed TWST hosts Steve, Allan and Ken give their reviews of Ringo's brand new "Give More Love" album. Also, this week, we feature clips of Steve's interview with Giles Martin about the recent "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" reissue in which Giles talks about the whole project and why "Carnival of Light" and "Only a Northern Song" weren't included. And we discuss some news items, including the unreleased George Harrison song just auctioned, the upcoming Dhani Harrison tour and the new "It Was 50 Years Ago Today" DVD just out. Be sure to let us know what you think about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments directly to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  6425. <p></p>
  6426. ]]></description>
  6427.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, your esteemed TWST hosts Steve, Allan and Ken give their reviews of Ringo's brand new "Give More Love" album. Also, this week, we feature clips of Steve's interview with Giles Martin about the recent "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" reissue in which Giles talks about the whole project and why "Carnival of Light" and "Only a Northern Song" weren't included. And we discuss some news items, including the unreleased George Harrison song just auctioned, the upcoming Dhani Harrison tour and the new "It Was 50 Years Ago Today" DVD just out. Be sure to let us know what you think about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments directly to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  6428. <p></p>
  6429. ]]></content:encoded>
  6431.        <enclosure url="" length="67316113" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  6432.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, your esteemed TWST hosts Steve, Allan and Ken give their reviews of Ringo's brand new "Give More Love" album. Also, this week, we feature clips of Steve's interview with Giles Martin about the recent "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" reissue in which Giles talks about the whole project and why "Carnival of Light" and "Only a Northern Song" weren't included. And we discuss some news items, including the unreleased George Harrison song just auctioned, the upcoming Dhani Harrison tour and the new "It Was 50 Years Ago Today" DVD just out. Be sure to let us know what you think about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments directly to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the Tune In Radio app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.
  6433. ]]></itunes:summary>
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  6437.        <itunes:duration>01:10:07</itunes:duration>
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  6442.        <title>Things We Said Today #242 - Kenneth Womack on the life of Sir George Martin</title>
  6443.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #242 - Kenneth Womack on the life of Sir George Martin</itunes:title>
  6444.        <link></link>
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  6448. <p></p>
  6449. ]]></description>
  6450.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, your TWST hosts Ken, Allan and Steve welcome Kenneth Womack, Dean of the Wayne D. McMurray School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Monmouth University, where he also serves as Professor of English. Ken is also the author of the first book in a multi-volume series on the life of Sir George Martin. The first book is titled "<em>Maximum Volume:</em> <em>The Life of Beatles Producer George Martin (The Early Years: 1926-1966)." </em>Be sure to let us know what you think about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments directly to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  6451. <p></p>
  6452. ]]></content:encoded>
  6454.        <enclosure url="" length="67686048" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  6455.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, your TWST hosts Ken, Allan and Steve welcome Kenneth Womack, Dean of the Wayne D. McMurray School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Monmouth University, where he also serves as Professor of English. Ken is also the author of the first book in a multi-volume series on the life of Sir George Martin. The first book is titled "Maximum Volume: The Life of Beatles Producer George Martin (The Early Years: 1926-1966)." Be sure to let us know what you think about this episode of the show or any other episode. You can send your comments directly to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the Tune In Radio app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.
  6456. ]]></itunes:summary>
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  6460.        <itunes:duration>01:10:30</itunes:duration>
  6461.                <itunes:episode>68</itunes:episode>
  6462.        <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  6463.            </item>
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  6465.        <title>Things We Said Today #241 - Vivek J. Tiwary on the life and legacy of Brian Epstein</title>
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  6468.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 30 Aug 2017 19:30:48 -0300</pubDate>
  6469.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  6470.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, your TWST hosts welcome their very special guest Vivek J. Tiwary, author of "The Fifth Beatle: The Brian Epstein Story," to discuss Brian Epstein, his life, both public and private, his legacy in the world of popular music, and the latest news about the limited-run TV series about Epstein he's involved with. As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this episode of the show or any other. You can send your comments directly to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. </p>
  6471. <p></p>
  6472. ]]></description>
  6473.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, your TWST hosts welcome their very special guest Vivek J. Tiwary, author of "The Fifth Beatle: The Brian Epstein Story," to discuss Brian Epstein, his life, both public and private, his legacy in the world of popular music, and the latest news about the limited-run TV series about Epstein he's involved with. As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this episode of the show or any other. You can send your comments directly to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at <em>@thingswesaidfab</em> or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. </p>
  6474. <p></p>
  6475. ]]></content:encoded>
  6477.        <enclosure url="" length="57390418" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  6478.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, your TWST hosts welcome their very special guest Vivek J. Tiwary, author of "The Fifth Beatle: The Brian Epstein Story," to discuss Brian Epstein, his life, both public and private, his legacy in the world of popular music, and the latest news about the limited-run TV series about Epstein he's involved with. As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this episode of the show or any other. You can send your comments directly to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the Tune In Radio app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. 
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  6487.    <item>
  6488.        <title>Things We Said Today #240 - Beatles connections to Jerry Lewis, Glen Campbell, other Beatles news</title>
  6489.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #240 - Beatles connections to Jerry Lewis, Glen Campbell, other Beatles news</itunes:title>
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  6493.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, the TWST guys Ken, Allan and Steve discuss the Beatles connections in the lives of Jerry Lewis and Glen Campbell. and also talk about other recent Beatles news. As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this episode of the show or any other. You can send your comments directly to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. </p>
  6494. <p></p>
  6495. <p> </p>
  6496. ]]></description>
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  6498. <p></p>
  6499. <p> </p>
  6500. ]]></content:encoded>
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  6503.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, the TWST guys Ken, Allan and Steve discuss the Beatles connections in the lives of Jerry Lewis and Glen Campbell. and also talk about other recent Beatles news. As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this episode of the show or any other. You can send your comments directly to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the Tune In Radio app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. 
  6505.  ]]></itunes:summary>
  6506.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
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  6514.        <title>Things We Said Today #239 - The Beatles and Bob Dylan with special guest author Harold Lepidus</title>
  6515.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #239 - The Beatles and Bob Dylan with special guest author Harold Lepidus</itunes:title>
  6516.        <link></link>
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  6520. <p></p>
  6521. ]]></description>
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  6537.        <title>Things We Said Today #238 - Beatles Not For Sale -- our favorite bootlegs</title>
  6538.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #238 - Beatles Not For Sale -- our favorite bootlegs</itunes:title>
  6539.        <link></link>
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  6542.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Allan, Steve and Ken give their choices for their favorite Beatles bootlegs and how some of them have been so significant in the Beatles world.  We also review some of the latest Beatles news.  As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this episode or any other. You can send your comments directly to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  6543. <p> </p>
  6544. <p></p>
  6545. ]]></description>
  6546.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Allan, Steve and Ken give their choices for their favorite Beatles bootlegs and how some of them have been so significant in the Beatles world.  We also review some of the latest Beatles news.  As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this episode or any other. You can send your comments directly to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at <em>@thingswesaidfab</em> or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  6547. <p> </p>
  6548. <p></p>
  6549. ]]></content:encoded>
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  6552.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Allan, Steve and Ken give their choices for their favorite Beatles bootlegs and how some of them have been so significant in the Beatles world.  We also review some of the latest Beatles news.  As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this episode or any other. You can send your comments directly to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the Tune In Radio app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.
  6554. ]]></itunes:summary>
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  6561.            </item>
  6562.    <item>
  6563.        <title>Things We Said Today #237 - Paul McCartney's music for movies</title>
  6564.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #237 - Paul McCartney's music for movies</itunes:title>
  6565.        <link></link>
  6566.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 19 Jul 2017 23:23:11 -0300</pubDate>
  6567.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  6568.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken, Allan and Steve look at the music Paul McCartney has written for films. These would include "The Family Way," "The Magic Christian" and many others. They also talk about some of the latest Beatles news.  As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this episode or any other. You can send your comments directly to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  6569. <p> </p>
  6570. <p></p>
  6571. ]]></description>
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  6573. <p> </p>
  6574. <p></p>
  6575. ]]></content:encoded>
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  6578.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Ken, Allan and Steve look at the music Paul McCartney has written for films. These would include "The Family Way," "The Magic Christian" and many others. They also talk about some of the latest Beatles news.  As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this episode or any other. You can send your comments directly to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the Tune In Radio app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.
  6580. ]]></itunes:summary>
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  6588.    <item>
  6589.        <title>Things We Said Today #236 - Lennon-McCartney meet 60 years ago, Ringo birthday and new album,  Paul on tour</title>
  6590.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #236 - Lennon-McCartney meet 60 years ago, Ringo birthday and new album,  Paul on tour</itunes:title>
  6591.        <link></link>
  6592.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 13 Jul 2017 02:44:06 -0300</pubDate>
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  6594.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Steve, Ken and Allan look back at the meeting of John Lennon and Paul McCartney that took place 60 years ago, its simplicity and significance. We also talk about Ringo celebrating his birthday and announcing his new album, and Paul going back on tour. As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this episode or any other. You can send your comments directly to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  6595. <p></p>
  6596. <p> </p>
  6597. ]]></description>
  6598.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Steve, Ken and Allan look back at the meeting of John Lennon and Paul McCartney that took place 60 years ago, its simplicity and significance. We also talk about Ringo celebrating his birthday and announcing his new album, and Paul going back on tour. As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this episode or any other. You can send your comments directly to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at <em>@thingswesaidfab</em> or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.</p>
  6599. <p></p>
  6600. <p> </p>
  6601. ]]></content:encoded>
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  6604.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Steve, Ken and Allan look back at the meeting of John Lennon and Paul McCartney that took place 60 years ago, its simplicity and significance. We also talk about Ringo celebrating his birthday and announcing his new album, and Paul going back on tour. As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this episode or any other. You can send your comments directly to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the Tune In Radio app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us.
  6606.  ]]></itunes:summary>
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  6613.            </item>
  6614.    <item>
  6615.        <title>Things We Said Today #235 - How Sgt. Pepper met Star Wars with Dan Amrich of Palette-Swap Ninja </title>
  6616.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #235 - How Sgt. Pepper met Star Wars with Dan Amrich of Palette-Swap Ninja </itunes:title>
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  6620.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Steve, Allan and Ken meet with Dan Amrich of Pallete-Swap Ninja, who, along with Jude Kelley and Katrin Auch created the incredibly hilarious album "Princess Leia's Stolen Death Star Plans" that spoofs "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" and "Star Wars." You can hear and see it on YouTube at <a href=''></a> and download at <a href=''></a>. As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this episode or any other. You can send your comments directly to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. (Photo courtesy Palette-Swap Ninja.)</p>
  6621. <p></p>
  6622. <p> </p>
  6623. ]]></description>
  6624.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Steve, Allan and Ken meet with Dan Amrich of Pallete-Swap Ninja, who, along with Jude Kelley and Katrin Auch created the incredibly hilarious album "Princess Leia's Stolen Death Star Plans" that spoofs "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" and "Star Wars." You can hear and see it on YouTube at <a href=''></a> and download at <a href=''></a>. As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this episode or any other. You can send your comments directly to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at <em>@thingswesaidfab</em> or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. (Photo courtesy Palette-Swap Ninja.)</p>
  6625. <p></p>
  6626. <p> </p>
  6627. ]]></content:encoded>
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  6630.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Steve, Allan and Ken meet with Dan Amrich of Pallete-Swap Ninja, who, along with Jude Kelley and Katrin Auch created the incredibly hilarious album "Princess Leia's Stolen Death Star Plans" that spoofs "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" and "Star Wars." You can hear and see it on YouTube at and download at As always, be sure to let us know what you think about this episode or any other. You can send your comments directly to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the Tune In Radio app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. And thanks for your support. Our download numbers have been rising and it's because of you! So we thank you very much for supporting us. (Photo courtesy Palette-Swap Ninja.)
  6632.  ]]></itunes:summary>
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  6641.        <title>Things We Said Today #234 -- Happy 75th birthday, Paul McCartney; Imagine Song of the Century and more</title>
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  6644.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 21 Jun 2017 20:39:03 -0300</pubDate>
  6645.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  6646.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken, Allan and Steve pay tribute to Paul McCartney's 75th birthday by looking at different phases of his career and evaluating them. We also discuss recent Beatles news, including John Lennon's "Imagine" winning the Centennial Song Award from the National Music Publishers Association. Be sure to let us know what you think about this episode or any other. You can send your comments directly to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. (Photo: MJ Kim/Copyright MPL Communications Ltd.)</p>
  6647. <p></p>
  6648. <p> </p>
  6649. ]]></description>
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  6651. <p></p>
  6652. <p> </p>
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  6658.  ]]></itunes:summary>
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  6663.                                    </item>
  6664.    <item>
  6665.        <title>Things We Said Today #233 - The PBS/BBC Sgt. Pepper special, Allan at the Paley Center, Ken at the Fab 4 Music Festival, more</title>
  6666.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #233 - The PBS/BBC Sgt. Pepper special, Allan at the Paley Center, Ken at the Fab 4 Music Festival, more</itunes:title>
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  6669.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  6670.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Steve, Allan and Ken review the recent "Sgt. Pepper's Musical Revolution" TV special that aired on PBS in the U.S. and the BBC in the UK. Allan also talks about his recent appearance as part of the "All You Need Is The Summer of Love" panel discussion at the Paley Center with Graham Nash, Michelle Phillips, Kenny Loggins and A.J. Pennebacker, while Ken talks about his appearance at the Fab 4 Music Festival in Connecticut put on by Charles Rosenay. Be sure to let us know what you think about this episode or any other. You can send your comments directly to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. (Photo courtesy of Apple Corps Ltd.)
  6672. </p>
  6673. <p> </p>
  6674. <p> </p>
  6675. ]]></description>
  6676.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Steve, Allan and Ken review the recent "Sgt. Pepper's Musical Revolution" TV special that aired on PBS in the U.S. and the BBC in the UK. Allan also talks about his recent appearance as part of the "All You Need Is The Summer of Love" panel discussion at the Paley Center with Graham Nash, Michelle Phillips, Kenny Loggins and A.J. Pennebacker, while Ken talks about his appearance at the Fab 4 Music Festival in Connecticut put on by Charles Rosenay. Be sure to let us know what you think about this episode or any other. You can send your comments directly to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at <em>@thingswesaidfab</em> or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. (Photo courtesy of Apple Corps Ltd.)<br>
  6677. <br>
  6678. </p>
  6679. <p> </p>
  6680. <p> </p>
  6681. ]]></content:encoded>
  6683.        <enclosure url="" length="60007679" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  6684.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Steve, Allan and Ken review the recent "Sgt. Pepper's Musical Revolution" TV special that aired on PBS in the U.S. and the BBC in the UK. Allan also talks about his recent appearance as part of the "All You Need Is The Summer of Love" panel discussion at the Paley Center with Graham Nash, Michelle Phillips, Kenny Loggins and A.J. Pennebacker, while Ken talks about his appearance at the Fab 4 Music Festival in Connecticut put on by Charles Rosenay. Be sure to let us know what you think about this episode or any other. You can send your comments directly to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the Tune In Radio app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. (Photo courtesy of Apple Corps Ltd.)
  6686.  ]]></itunes:summary>
  6687.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
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  6691.                                    </item>
  6692.    <item>
  6693.        <title>Things We Said Today #232 - Reviewing George Harrison's 'Brainwashed,' more on Pepper</title>
  6694.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #232 - Reviewing George Harrison's 'Brainwashed,' more on Pepper</itunes:title>
  6695.        <link></link>
  6696.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 07 Jun 2017 17:29:00 -0300</pubDate>
  6697.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  6698.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>Allen, Steve and Ken turn away from the Beatles (briefly) and give their opinions on George Harrison's "Brainwashed" album. Also, there is more discussion of the new Beatles "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" reissue, Paul McCartney in the new "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie, plus current Beatles happenings. Be sure to let us know what you think about this episode or any other. You can send your comments directly to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. (Photo copyright Dark Horse Records.</p>
  6699. <p></p>
  6700. ]]></description>
  6701.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Allen, Steve and Ken turn away from the Beatles (briefly) and give their opinions on George Harrison's "Brainwashed" album. Also, there is more discussion of the new Beatles "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" reissue, Paul McCartney in the new "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie, plus current Beatles happenings. Be sure to let us know what you think about this episode or any other. You can send your comments directly to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at <em>@thingswesaidfab</em> or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. (Photo copyright Dark Horse Records.</p>
  6702. <p></p>
  6703. ]]></content:encoded>
  6705.        <enclosure url="" length="58276492" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  6706.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Allen, Steve and Ken turn away from the Beatles (briefly) and give their opinions on George Harrison's "Brainwashed" album. Also, there is more discussion of the new Beatles "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" reissue, Paul McCartney in the new "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie, plus current Beatles happenings. Be sure to let us know what you think about this episode or any other. You can send your comments directly to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesaidfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the Tune In Radio app. Be sure to subscribe to one of our providers to get first word on when a new show is available. (Photo copyright Dark Horse Records.
  6707. ]]></itunes:summary>
  6708.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
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  6712.                                    </item>
  6713.    <item>
  6714.        <title>Things We Said Today #231 - Sgt. Pepper Box Set review, part 2</title>
  6715.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #231 - Sgt. Pepper Box Set review, part 2</itunes:title>
  6716.        <link></link>
  6717.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 01 Jun 2017 21:47:24 -0300</pubDate>
  6718.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  6719.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken, Allan and Steve go back into the Super Deluxe edition of the "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" 50th anniversary set for more comments on the music, and also the DVD and book included in the set. Be sure to let us know what you think about this episode and any other. You can send your comments to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. And be sure to subscribe to our providers to get first word on when a new show is available.</p>
  6720. <p></p>
  6721. <p> </p>
  6722. <p> </p>
  6723. <p> </p>
  6724. ]]></description>
  6725.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Ken, Allan and Steve go back into the Super Deluxe edition of the "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" 50th anniversary set for more comments on the music, and also the DVD and book included in the set. Be sure to let us know what you think about this episode and any other. You can send your comments to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. And be sure to subscribe to our providers to get first word on when a new show is available.</p>
  6726. <p></p>
  6727. <p> </p>
  6728. <p> </p>
  6729. <p> </p>
  6730. ]]></content:encoded>
  6732.        <enclosure url="" length="62636224" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  6733.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Ken, Allan and Steve go back into the Super Deluxe edition of the "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" 50th anniversary set for more comments on the music, and also the DVD and book included in the set. Be sure to let us know what you think about this episode and any other. You can send your comments to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the Tune In Radio app. And be sure to subscribe to our providers to get first word on when a new show is available.
  6737.  ]]></itunes:summary>
  6738.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  6739.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  6740.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  6741.        <itunes:duration>01:05:14</itunes:duration>
  6742.                                    </item>
  6743.    <item>
  6744.        <title>Things We Said Today #230 - Sgt. Pepper box set review, part 1, SiriusXM Beatles Channel debut</title>
  6745.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #230 - Sgt. Pepper box set review, part 1, SiriusXM Beatles Channel debut</itunes:title>
  6746.        <link></link>
  6747.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 25 May 2017 22:19:30 -0300</pubDate>
  6748.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  6749.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>In the first of two shows on the new Beatles' 2017 "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" remix, Steve, Ken and Allan open up the Super Deluxe Edition and discuss what music you'll be hearing. (The next show will discuss the DVDs/Blu-rays and the rest of the set and the packaging.) Be sure to let us know what you think about this episode and any other. You can send your comments to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. And be sure to subscribe to our providers to get first word on when a new show is available.</p>
  6750. <p></p>
  6751. <p> </p>
  6752. ]]></description>
  6753.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In the first of two shows on the new Beatles' 2017 "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" remix, Steve, Ken and Allan open up the Super Deluxe Edition and discuss what music you'll be hearing. (The next show will discuss the DVDs/Blu-rays and the rest of the set and the packaging.) Be sure to let us know what you think about this episode and any other. You can send your comments to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the <a href=''>Tune In Radio</a> app. And be sure to subscribe to our providers to get first word on when a new show is available.</p>
  6754. <p></p>
  6755. <p> </p>
  6756. ]]></content:encoded>
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  6759.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In the first of two shows on the new Beatles' 2017 "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" remix, Steve, Ken and Allan open up the Super Deluxe Edition and discuss what music you'll be hearing. (The next show will discuss the DVDs/Blu-rays and the rest of the set and the packaging.) Be sure to let us know what you think about this episode and any other. You can send your comments to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're now available through the Tune In Radio app. And be sure to subscribe to our providers to get first word on when a new show is available.
  6761.  ]]></itunes:summary>
  6762.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  6763.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
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  6765.        <itunes:duration>01:21:14</itunes:duration>
  6766.                                    </item>
  6767.    <item>
  6768.        <title>Things We Said Today #229 - Bruce Spizer on Beatles' Sgt. Pepper and his new book of fan memories of the album </title>
  6769.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #229 - Bruce Spizer on Beatles' Sgt. Pepper and his new book of fan memories of the album </itunes:title>
  6770.        <link></link>
  6771.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 11 May 2017 17:23:44 -0300</pubDate>
  6772.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  6773.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>Al, Ken, Allan and Steve welcome Beatles author Bruce Spizer, who talks about his new book about the Beatles "Sgt Pepper" album that chronicles what the album meant to fans. Also, we have a preview of the upcoming Beatles' "Sgt. Pepper" box set and talk about what's in it and what was left off. We also say goodbye to Al Sussman, who is making his last regular appearance on the show. Be sure to let us know what you think about this episode and any other. You can send your comments to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. Or better yet, subscribe to our iTunes, Podbean or YouTube pages and get notified when a new show is waiting for you.  </p>
  6774. <p></p>
  6775. <p> </p>
  6776. ]]></description>
  6777.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Al, Ken, Allan and Steve welcome Beatles author Bruce Spizer, who talks about his new book about the Beatles "Sgt Pepper" album that chronicles what the album meant to fans. Also, we have a preview of the upcoming Beatles' "Sgt. Pepper" box set and talk about what's in it and what was left off. We also say goodbye to Al Sussman, who is making his last regular appearance on the show. Be sure to let us know what you think about this episode and any other. You can send your comments to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. Or better yet, subscribe to our iTunes, Podbean or YouTube pages and get notified when a new show is waiting for you.  </p>
  6778. <p></p>
  6779. <p> </p>
  6780. ]]></content:encoded>
  6782.        <enclosure url="" length="70450012" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  6783.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Al, Ken, Allan and Steve welcome Beatles author Bruce Spizer, who talks about his new book about the Beatles "Sgt Pepper" album that chronicles what the album meant to fans. Also, we have a preview of the upcoming Beatles' "Sgt. Pepper" box set and talk about what's in it and what was left off. We also say goodbye to Al Sussman, who is making his last regular appearance on the show. Be sure to let us know what you think about this episode and any other. You can send your comments to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. Or better yet, subscribe to our iTunes, Podbean or YouTube pages and get notified when a new show is waiting for you.  
  6785.  ]]></itunes:summary>
  6786.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  6787.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
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  6789.        <itunes:duration>01:13:22</itunes:duration>
  6790.                                    </item>
  6791.    <item>
  6792.        <title>Things We Said Today #228 - Sgt. Pepper playback session, McCartney's new tour, Dhani, Julian</title>
  6793.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #228 - Sgt. Pepper playback session, McCartney's new tour, Dhani, Julian</itunes:title>
  6794.        <link></link>
  6795.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 03 May 2017 23:51:06 -0300</pubDate>
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  6797.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Steve, Ken and Allan (Al is absent, but he'll be back next week) discuss the available new "Sgt. Pepper" mixes and what people can expect. Ken Michaels attended the recent "Sgt. Pepper" listening session in New York and gives his report on what happened. Plus reports on Paul McCartney's new tour, Julian Lennon's book store appearance and Dhani at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ceremony to honor ELO. Be sure to let us know what you think about the show. You can send your comments to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. Or better yet, subscribe to our iTunes, Podbean or YouTube pages and get notified when a new show is waiting for you.  </p>
  6798. <p></p>
  6799. <p> </p>
  6800. ]]></description>
  6801.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Steve, Ken and Allan (Al is absent, but he'll be back next week) discuss the available new "Sgt. Pepper" mixes and what people can expect. Ken Michaels attended the recent "Sgt. Pepper" listening session in New York and gives his report on what happened. Plus reports on Paul McCartney's new tour, Julian Lennon's book store appearance and Dhani at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ceremony to honor ELO. Be sure to let us know what you think about the show. You can send your comments to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. Or better yet, subscribe to our iTunes, Podbean or YouTube pages and get notified when a new show is waiting for you.  </p>
  6802. <p></p>
  6803. <p> </p>
  6804. ]]></content:encoded>
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  6807.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Steve, Ken and Allan (Al is absent, but he'll be back next week) discuss the available new "Sgt. Pepper" mixes and what people can expect. Ken Michaels attended the recent "Sgt. Pepper" listening session in New York and gives his report on what happened. Plus reports on Paul McCartney's new tour, Julian Lennon's book store appearance and Dhani at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ceremony to honor ELO. Be sure to let us know what you think about the show. You can send your comments to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. Or better yet, subscribe to our iTunes, Podbean or YouTube pages and get notified when a new show is waiting for you.  
  6809.  ]]></itunes:summary>
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  6813.        <itunes:duration>55:29</itunes:duration>
  6814.                                    </item>
  6815.    <item>
  6816.        <title>Things We Said Today #227 - We dig through the new Paul McCartney 'Flowers in the Dirt' deluxe set, part 2</title>
  6817.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #227 - We dig through the new Paul McCartney 'Flowers in the Dirt' deluxe set, part 2</itunes:title>
  6818.        <link></link>
  6819.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 20 Apr 2017 06:37:00 -0300</pubDate>
  6820.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  6821.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>Allan, Ken, Al and Steve continue their excavation into the huge new Paul McCartney "Flowers in the Dirt" deluxe reissue. <a href=''>In Part 1 (listen here if you haven't already)</a>, we went through the album itself and the books in the set. This time, we look at the rest of the set, including the outtakes unveiled for the first time legitimately, along with the videos in the set. As we always do, we want to hear from you on what you think about the new set and the show. You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. Or better yet, subscribe to our iTunes, Podbean or YouTube pages and get notified when a new show is waiting for you. </p>
  6822. <p></p>
  6823. <p> </p>
  6824. ]]></description>
  6825.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Allan, Ken, Al and Steve continue their excavation into the huge new Paul McCartney "Flowers in the Dirt" deluxe reissue. <a href=''>In Part 1 (listen here if you haven't already)</a>, we went through the album itself and the books in the set. This time, we look at the rest of the set, including the outtakes unveiled for the first time legitimately, along with the videos in the set. As we always do, we want to hear from you on what you think about the new set and the show. You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. Or better yet, subscribe to our iTunes, Podbean or YouTube pages and get notified when a new show is waiting for you. </p>
  6826. <p></p>
  6827. <p> </p>
  6828. ]]></content:encoded>
  6830.        <enclosure url="" length="55767483" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  6831.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Allan, Ken, Al and Steve continue their excavation into the huge new Paul McCartney "Flowers in the Dirt" deluxe reissue. In Part 1 (listen here if you haven't already), we went through the album itself and the books in the set. This time, we look at the rest of the set, including the outtakes unveiled for the first time legitimately, along with the videos in the set. As we always do, we want to hear from you on what you think about the new set and the show. You can send them to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. Or better yet, subscribe to our iTunes, Podbean or YouTube pages and get notified when a new show is waiting for you. 
  6833.  ]]></itunes:summary>
  6834.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  6835.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  6836.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  6837.        <itunes:duration>58:05</itunes:duration>
  6838.                                    </item>
  6839.    <item>
  6840.        <title>Things We Said Today #226 - We open the new Paul McCartney 'Flowers in the Dirt' deluxe set, part 1</title>
  6841.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #226 - We open the new Paul McCartney 'Flowers in the Dirt' deluxe set, part 1</itunes:title>
  6842.        <link></link>
  6843.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 13 Apr 2017 14:05:01 -0300</pubDate>
  6844.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  6845.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>The TWST gang Ken, Al, Allan and Steve dig open the new Paul McCartney "Flowers in the Dirt" deluxe reissue that was recently released and we discuss what listeners can expect. And there's so much to cover that it took us two shows to cover it all and this is only the first one! As always, we want to hear from you on what you think about the new set and the show. You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. Or better yet, subscribe to our iTunes, Podbean or YouTube pages and get notified when a new show is waiting for you. 
  6847. </p>
  6848. <p></p>
  6849. ]]></description>
  6850.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>The TWST gang Ken, Al, Allan and Steve dig open the new Paul McCartney "Flowers in the Dirt" deluxe reissue that was recently released and we discuss what listeners can expect. And there's so much to cover that it took us two shows to cover it all and this is only the first one! As always, we want to hear from you on what you think about the new set and the show. You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. Or better yet, subscribe to our iTunes, Podbean or YouTube pages and get notified when a new show is waiting for you. <br>
  6851. <br>
  6852. </p>
  6853. <p></p>
  6854. ]]></content:encoded>
  6856.        <enclosure url="" length="51071712" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  6857.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[The TWST gang Ken, Al, Allan and Steve dig open the new Paul McCartney "Flowers in the Dirt" deluxe reissue that was recently released and we discuss what listeners can expect. And there's so much to cover that it took us two shows to cover it all and this is only the first one! As always, we want to hear from you on what you think about the new set and the show. You can send them to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. Or better yet, subscribe to our iTunes, Podbean or YouTube pages and get notified when a new show is waiting for you. 
  6858. ]]></itunes:summary>
  6859.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  6860.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  6861.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  6862.        <itunes:duration>53:11</itunes:duration>
  6863.                                    </item>
  6864.    <item>
  6865.        <title>Things We Said Today #225 -- The new 50th anniversary 'Sgt. Pepper' sets -- our first-day reactions!</title>
  6866.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #225 -- The new 50th anniversary 'Sgt. Pepper' sets -- our first-day reactions!</itunes:title>
  6867.        <link></link>
  6868.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Fri, 07 Apr 2017 00:13:39 -0300</pubDate>
  6869.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  6870.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>On the day the new "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" 50th anniversary sets were announced, Allan, Steve, Ken and Al got together and discussed their reactions to the big news. Did the Beatles did get it right this time? Listen and find out our thoughts. And we want to hear your thoughts on this show (or any others). You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. Or better yet, subscribe to our iTunes, Podbean or YouTube pages and get notified when a new show is waiting for you. </p>
  6871. <p> </p>
  6872. <p></p>
  6873. ]]></description>
  6874.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>On the day the new "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" 50th anniversary sets were announced, Allan, Steve, Ken and Al got together and discussed their reactions to the big news. Did the Beatles did get it right this time? Listen and find out our thoughts. And we want to hear your thoughts on this show (or any others). You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. Or better yet, subscribe to our iTunes, Podbean or YouTube pages and get notified when a new show is waiting for you. </p>
  6875. <p> </p>
  6876. <p></p>
  6877. ]]></content:encoded>
  6879.        <enclosure url="" length="57464815" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  6880.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[On the day the new "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" 50th anniversary sets were announced, Allan, Steve, Ken and Al got together and discussed their reactions to the big news. Did the Beatles did get it right this time? Listen and find out our thoughts. And we want to hear your thoughts on this show (or any others). You can send them to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. Or better yet, subscribe to our iTunes, Podbean or YouTube pages and get notified when a new show is waiting for you. 
  6882. ]]></itunes:summary>
  6883.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  6884.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  6885.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  6886.        <itunes:duration>59:51</itunes:duration>
  6887.                                    </item>
  6888.    <item>
  6889.        <title>Things We Said Today #224 - Laurence Juber, new Ringo tour, RIP Pete Shotton </title>
  6890.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #224 - Laurence Juber, new Ringo tour, RIP Pete Shotton </itunes:title>
  6891.        <link></link>
  6892.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 29 Mar 2017 22:24:53 -0300</pubDate>
  6893.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  6894.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Al, Steve, Allan and Ken welcome former Paul McCartney and Wings guitarist Laurence Juber, who discusses his new album, "LJ Can't Stop Playing the Beatles!," his guitar technique and working with Paul McCatney in a very revealing interview. Also this week, we discusses the news about Ringo's 2017 tour plans and the passing of John Lennon friend Pete Shotton. Be sure to tell us your thoughts on this show (or any others). You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. Or better yet, subscribe to our iTunes, Podbean or YouTube pages and get notified when a new show is waiting for you.
  6898. </p>
  6899. <p></p>
  6900. <p> </p>
  6901. ]]></description>
  6902.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Al, Steve, Allan and Ken welcome former Paul McCartney and Wings guitarist Laurence Juber, who discusses his new album, "LJ Can't Stop Playing the Beatles!," his guitar technique and working with Paul McCatney in a very revealing interview. Also this week, we discusses the news about Ringo's 2017 tour plans and the passing of John Lennon friend Pete Shotton. Be sure to tell us your thoughts on this show (or any others). You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. Or better yet, subscribe to our iTunes, Podbean or YouTube pages and get notified when a new show is waiting for you.<br>
  6903. <br>
  6904. <br>
  6905. <br>
  6906. </p>
  6907. <p></p>
  6908. <p> </p>
  6909. ]]></content:encoded>
  6911.        <enclosure url="" length="69364113" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  6912.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Al, Steve, Allan and Ken welcome former Paul McCartney and Wings guitarist Laurence Juber, who discusses his new album, "LJ Can't Stop Playing the Beatles!," his guitar technique and working with Paul McCatney in a very revealing interview. Also this week, we discusses the news about Ringo's 2017 tour plans and the passing of John Lennon friend Pete Shotton. Be sure to tell us your thoughts on this show (or any others). You can send them to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. Or better yet, subscribe to our iTunes, Podbean or YouTube pages and get notified when a new show is waiting for you.
  6914.  ]]></itunes:summary>
  6915.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  6916.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  6917.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  6918.        <itunes:duration>01:12:15</itunes:duration>
  6919.                                    </item>
  6920.    <item>
  6921.        <title>Things We Said Today #223 - Hail, Hail Chuck Berry (and Tommy LiPuma)!</title>
  6922.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #223 - Hail, Hail Chuck Berry (and Tommy LiPuma)!</itunes:title>
  6923.        <link></link>
  6924.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 22 Mar 2017 21:58:43 -0300</pubDate>
  6925.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  6926.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Allan, Steve, Al and Ken pay tribute to two music people with Beatles connections. One is Chuck Berry, whose influence on the Beatles (and many others) shaped rock 'n' roll. The other is Tommy LiPuma, the man who produced Paul McCartney's "Kisses On the Bottom," which won a Grammy Award. Be sure to tell us your thoughts on this show (or any others). You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. Or better yet, subscribe to our iTunes, Podbean or YouTube pages and get notified when a new show is waiting for you.</p>
  6927. <p></p>
  6928. <p> </p>
  6929. ]]></description>
  6930.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Allan, Steve, Al and Ken pay tribute to two music people with Beatles connections. One is Chuck Berry, whose influence on the Beatles (and many others) shaped rock 'n' roll. The other is Tommy LiPuma, the man who produced Paul McCartney's "Kisses On the Bottom," which won a Grammy Award. Be sure to tell us your thoughts on this show (or any others). You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. Or better yet, subscribe to our iTunes, Podbean or YouTube pages and get notified when a new show is waiting for you.</p>
  6931. <p></p>
  6932. <p> </p>
  6933. ]]></content:encoded>
  6935.        <enclosure url="" length="61654438" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  6936.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Allan, Steve, Al and Ken pay tribute to two music people with Beatles connections. One is Chuck Berry, whose influence on the Beatles (and many others) shaped rock 'n' roll. The other is Tommy LiPuma, the man who produced Paul McCartney's "Kisses On the Bottom," which won a Grammy Award. Be sure to tell us your thoughts on this show (or any others). You can send them to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. Be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. Or better yet, subscribe to our iTunes, Podbean or YouTube pages and get notified when a new show is waiting for you.
  6938.  ]]></itunes:summary>
  6939.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  6940.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  6941.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  6942.        <itunes:duration>01:04:13</itunes:duration>
  6943.                                    </item>
  6944.    <item>
  6945.        <title>Things We Said Today #222 -- Fest for Beatles Fans Wrap Up with Tom Frangione</title>
  6946.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #222 -- Fest for Beatles Fans Wrap Up with Tom Frangione</itunes:title>
  6947.        <link></link>
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  6951. <p></p>
  6952. <p> </p>
  6953. ]]></description>
  6954.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Al, Ken and Steve (minus an absent Allan) discuss the highlights of the just-completed Fest for Beatles Fans in Jersey City with special guest and friend of the show Tom Frangione. Tom and Al both worked at the Fest and talk about what happened (and who showed up as a surprise guest). And be sure to tell us your thoughts on this show (or any others). You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can also always stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. Be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. Or better yet, subscribe to our iTunes, Podbean or YouTube pages and get notified when a new show is waiting for you.</p>
  6955. <p></p>
  6956. <p> </p>
  6957. ]]></content:encoded>
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  6968.    <item>
  6969.        <title>Things We Said Today #221 - What is each Beatle's best solo career accomplishment? </title>
  6970.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #221 - What is each Beatle's best solo career accomplishment? </itunes:title>
  6971.        <link></link>
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  6973.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  6974.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, in answer to a listener request, Allan, Al, Steve and Ken give their views on what fans will best remember about each Beatle's solo career. It's not as easy a question as you might think. Come up with your own, then hear our answers on this week's show. And de sure to tell us your thoughts. You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. And be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. Or better yet, subscribe to our iTunes, Podbean or YouTube pages and get notified when a new show is waiting for you.  (Photo copyright Apple Corps. Ltd.)</p>
  6975. <p></p>
  6976. <p> </p>
  6977. ]]></description>
  6978.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, in answer to a listener request, Allan, Al, Steve and Ken give their views on what fans will best remember about each Beatle's solo career. It's not as easy a question as you might think. Come up with your own, then hear our answers on this week's show. And de sure to tell us your thoughts. You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. And be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. Or better yet, subscribe to our iTunes, Podbean or YouTube pages and get notified when a new show is waiting for you.  (Photo copyright Apple Corps. Ltd.)</p>
  6979. <p></p>
  6980. <p> </p>
  6981. ]]></content:encoded>
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  6984.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, in answer to a listener request, Allan, Al, Steve and Ken give their views on what fans will best remember about each Beatle's solo career. It's not as easy a question as you might think. Come up with your own, then hear our answers on this week's show. And de sure to tell us your thoughts. You can send them to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. And be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. Or better yet, subscribe to our iTunes, Podbean or YouTube pages and get notified when a new show is waiting for you.  (Photo copyright Apple Corps. Ltd.)
  6986.  ]]></itunes:summary>
  6987.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
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  6991.                                    </item>
  6992.    <item>
  6993.        <title>Things We Said Today #220 - Piers Hemmingsen, author of 'The Beatles in Canada'</title>
  6994.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #220 - Piers Hemmingsen, author of 'The Beatles in Canada'</itunes:title>
  6995.        <link></link>
  6996.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 22 Feb 2017 23:24:00 -0400</pubDate>
  6997.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  6998.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Steve, Allan, Al and Ken are joined by author Piers Hemmingsen, author of the first of a projected two-volume set of books called "The Beatles in Canada" that tells the complete story of the Beatles' record releases and popularity there. Be sure to tell us your thoughts on our show. You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. And be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. Or better yet, subscribe to our iTunes, Podbean or YouTube pages and get notified when a new show is waiting for you. </p>
  6999. <p></p>
  7000. <p> </p>
  7001. ]]></description>
  7002.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Steve, Allan, Al and Ken are joined by author Piers Hemmingsen, author of the first of a projected two-volume set of books called "The Beatles in Canada" that tells the complete story of the Beatles' record releases and popularity there. Be sure to tell us your thoughts on our show. You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. And be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. Or better yet, subscribe to our iTunes, Podbean or YouTube pages and get notified when a new show is waiting for you. </p>
  7003. <p></p>
  7004. <p> </p>
  7005. ]]></content:encoded>
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  7010.  ]]></itunes:summary>
  7011.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  7012.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
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  7016.    <item>
  7017.        <title>Things We Said Today #219 - Denny Seiwell</title>
  7018.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #219 - Denny Seiwell</itunes:title>
  7019.        <link></link>
  7020.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 15 Feb 2017 02:00:00 -0400</pubDate>
  7021.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7022.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Allan, Ken, Steve and Al welcome our very special guest Denny Seiwell, who talks about his years working with Paul McCartney and tells some very interesting stories you probably have never heard before. He'll be among those in attendance March 3 to 5 at the Fest for Beatles Fans at the Hyatt Regency Jersey City. Be sure to tell us your thoughts on our show. You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. And be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week.</p>
  7023. <p></p>
  7024. <p> </p>
  7025. ]]></description>
  7026.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Allan, Ken, Steve and Al welcome our very special guest Denny Seiwell, who talks about his years working with Paul McCartney and tells some very interesting stories you probably have never heard before. He'll be among those in attendance March 3 to 5 at the Fest for Beatles Fans at the Hyatt Regency Jersey City. Be sure to tell us your thoughts on our show. You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. And be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week.</p>
  7027. <p></p>
  7028. <p> </p>
  7029. ]]></content:encoded>
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  7032.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Allan, Ken, Steve and Al welcome our very special guest Denny Seiwell, who talks about his years working with Paul McCartney and tells some very interesting stories you probably have never heard before. He'll be among those in attendance March 3 to 5 at the Fest for Beatles Fans at the Hyatt Regency Jersey City. Be sure to tell us your thoughts on our show. You can send them to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. And be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week.
  7034.  ]]></itunes:summary>
  7035.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  7036.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
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  7038.        <itunes:duration>01:35:44</itunes:duration>
  7039.                                    </item>
  7040.    <item>
  7041.        <title>Things We Said Today #218 - Mark Lapidos of the Fest For Beatles Fans</title>
  7042.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #218 - Mark Lapidos of the Fest For Beatles Fans</itunes:title>
  7043.        <link></link>
  7044.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 09 Feb 2017 01:46:52 -0400</pubDate>
  7045.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7046.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Al, Ken, Allan and Steve welcome Mark Lapidos, founder and director of the Fest for Beatles Fans, who talks about the upcoming NY Metro show coming up March 3 to 5 at the Hyatt Regency Jersey City. Be sure to tell us your thoughts on our show. You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. And be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week.</p>
  7047. <p></p>
  7048. <p> </p>
  7049. ]]></description>
  7050.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Al, Ken, Allan and Steve welcome Mark Lapidos, founder and director of the Fest for Beatles Fans, who talks about the upcoming NY Metro show coming up March 3 to 5 at the Hyatt Regency Jersey City. Be sure to tell us your thoughts on our show. You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. And be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week.</p>
  7051. <p></p>
  7052. <p> </p>
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  7056.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Al, Ken, Allan and Steve welcome Mark Lapidos, founder and director of the Fest for Beatles Fans, who talks about the upcoming NY Metro show coming up March 3 to 5 at the Hyatt Regency Jersey City. Be sure to tell us your thoughts on our show. You can send them to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. And be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week.
  7058.  ]]></itunes:summary>
  7059.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  7060.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
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  7062.        <itunes:duration>01:11:35</itunes:duration>
  7063.                                    </item>
  7064.    <item>
  7065.        <title>Things We Said Today #217 - We take a trip 'Somewhere in England' and more  </title>
  7066.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #217 - We take a trip 'Somewhere in England' and more  </itunes:title>
  7067.        <link></link>
  7068.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 02 Feb 2017 00:01:34 -0400</pubDate>
  7069.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7070.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Al, Allan, Ken and Steve take a closer look at another Beatles solo album. This time it's "Somewhere In England," and on to join in on the discussion is Kit O'Toole.  Be sure to tell us your thoughts on our show. You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. And be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week.</p>
  7071. <p></p>
  7072. <p> </p>
  7073. ]]></description>
  7074.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Al, Allan, Ken and Steve take a closer look at another Beatles solo album. This time it's "Somewhere In England," and on to join in on the discussion is Kit O'Toole.  Be sure to tell us your thoughts on our show. You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. And be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week.</p>
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  7076. <p> </p>
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  7080.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Al, Allan, Ken and Steve take a closer look at another Beatles solo album. This time it's "Somewhere In England," and on to join in on the discussion is Kit O'Toole.  Be sure to tell us your thoughts on our show. You can send them to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. And be sure to check our Podbean page and on iTunes regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week.
  7082.  ]]></itunes:summary>
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  7084.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
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  7087.                                    </item>
  7088.    <item>
  7089.        <title>Things We Said Today #216 -- The Beatles' turning points, McCartney lawsuit</title>
  7090.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #216 -- The Beatles' turning points, McCartney lawsuit</itunes:title>
  7091.        <link></link>
  7092.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 25 Jan 2017 18:48:10 -0400</pubDate>
  7093.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7094.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>Allan, Al, Steve and Ken are joined by special guest Kit O'Toole in discussing the Beatles' turning points, both career and musical. Also discussed is the news about Paul McCartney's lawsuit against Sony/ATV. Be sure to tell us your thoughts on our show. You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. And be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're giving away copies of the single-disc Blu-ray of "The Beatles: Eight Days a Week: The Touring Years" to three lucky listeners. Send your name and address to our gmail address above. (If you entered the earlier contest and didn't win, you're already in this one.) Deadline for entries is Jan. 31. </p>
  7095. <p></p>
  7096. <p> </p>
  7097. ]]></description>
  7098.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Allan, Al, Steve and Ken are joined by special guest Kit O'Toole in discussing the Beatles' turning points, both career and musical. Also discussed is the news about Paul McCartney's lawsuit against Sony/ATV. Be sure to tell us your thoughts on our show. You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. And be sure to check <a href=''>our Podbean page</a> and <a href=''>on iTunes</a> regularly for our latest shows, which usually appear each week. And we're giving away copies of the single-disc Blu-ray of "The Beatles: Eight Days a Week: The Touring Years" to three lucky listeners. Send your name and address to our gmail address above. (If you entered the earlier contest and didn't win, you're already in this one.) Deadline for entries is Jan. 31. </p>
  7099. <p></p>
  7100. <p> </p>
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  7113.        <title>Things We Said Today #215 - The best Beatles books and the death of Magic Alex with special guest Brad Hundt   </title>
  7114.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #215 - The best Beatles books and the death of Magic Alex with special guest Brad Hundt   </itunes:title>
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  7118.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>The TWST guys Allan, Steve, Al and Ken are joined by Brad Hundt in discussing their choices for the best Beatles books. Also this week, we discuss the death of Alexis Mardas, aka Magic Alex. We want to hear your thoughts on our show. You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. </p>
  7119. <p></p>
  7120. <p> </p>
  7121. ]]></description>
  7122.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>The TWST guys Allan, Steve, Al and Ken are joined by Brad Hundt in discussing their choices for the best Beatles books. Also this week, we discuss the death of Alexis Mardas, aka Magic Alex. We want to hear your thoughts on our show. You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. </p>
  7123. <p></p>
  7124. <p> </p>
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  7128.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[The TWST guys Allan, Steve, Al and Ken are joined by Brad Hundt in discussing their choices for the best Beatles books. Also this week, we discuss the death of Alexis Mardas, aka Magic Alex. We want to hear your thoughts on our show. You can send them to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. 
  7130.  ]]></itunes:summary>
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  7136.    <item>
  7137.        <title>Things We Said Today #214: We choose the best of the Beatles singles records</title>
  7138.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #214: We choose the best of the Beatles singles records</itunes:title>
  7139.        <link></link>
  7140.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 11 Jan 2017 20:04:15 -0400</pubDate>
  7141.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7142.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Allan, Ken, Al and Steve give their picks of the very best Beatles singles and the reasons why for their choices. Also, we announce the two winners of the deluxe Blu-rays of "The Beatles: Eight Days a Week: The Touring Years" and ... we announce a new contest!</p>
  7143. <p>As always, we want to hear your thoughts on our show. You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. </p>
  7144. <p></p>
  7145. <p> </p>
  7146. <p> </p>
  7147. ]]></description>
  7148.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Allan, Ken, Al and Steve give their picks of the very best Beatles singles and the reasons why for their choices. Also, we announce the two winners of the deluxe Blu-rays of "The Beatles: Eight Days a Week: The Touring Years" and ... we announce a new contest!</p>
  7149. <p>As always, we want to hear your thoughts on our show. You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. </p>
  7150. <p></p>
  7151. <p> </p>
  7152. <p> </p>
  7153. ]]></content:encoded>
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  7156.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Allan, Ken, Al and Steve give their picks of the very best Beatles singles and the reasons why for their choices. Also, we announce the two winners of the deluxe Blu-rays of "The Beatles: Eight Days a Week: The Touring Years" and ... we announce a new contest!
  7157. As always, we want to hear your thoughts on our show. You can send them to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. 
  7160.  ]]></itunes:summary>
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  7166.    <item>
  7167.        <title>Things We Said Today #213 - Beginning the New Year 2017</title>
  7168.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #213 - Beginning the New Year 2017</itunes:title>
  7169.        <link></link>
  7170.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Fri, 06 Jan 2017 23:02:40 -0400</pubDate>
  7171.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7172.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, the TWST guys kick off 2017 with a look at those who left us in 2016, including, most recently, Allan Williams and Sam Leach, and also look ahead to 2017 with Paul McCartney's first concert dates. </p>
  7173. <p>As always, we want to hear your thoughts on our show. You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. </p>
  7174. <p></p>
  7175. ]]></description>
  7176.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, the TWST guys kick off 2017 with a look at those who left us in 2016, including, most recently, Allan Williams and Sam Leach, and also look ahead to 2017 with Paul McCartney's first concert dates. </p>
  7177. <p>As always, we want to hear your thoughts on our show. You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. </p>
  7178. <p></p>
  7179. ]]></content:encoded>
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  7183. As always, we want to hear your thoughts on our show. You can send them to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. 
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  7190.    <item>
  7191.        <title>Things We Said Today #212 - The best Beatles stuff of the year and wishlist for next year with special guest Kit O'Toole</title>
  7192.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #212 - The best Beatles stuff of the year and wishlist for next year with special guest Kit O'Toole</itunes:title>
  7193.        <link></link>
  7194.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 21 Dec 2016 18:50:39 -0400</pubDate>
  7195.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7196.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>Allan, Ken, Al and Steve are joined by Kit O'Toole in our annual rundown of the best Beatles items of the year and a wishlist for 2017. We also remind you that the deadline for the Christmas contest to win one of two copies of the deluxe Blu-ray of "The Beatles: Eight Days a Week: The Touring Years" is Dec. 25. So get those entries in. (U.S. addresses only, please.) </p>
  7197. <p>And we want to hear your thoughts on this or any of our other shows. You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. </p>
  7198. <p> </p>
  7199. <p></p>
  7200. ]]></description>
  7201.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Allan, Ken, Al and Steve are joined by Kit O'Toole in our annual rundown of the best Beatles items of the year and a wishlist for 2017. We also remind you that the deadline for the Christmas contest to win one of two copies of the deluxe Blu-ray of "The Beatles: Eight Days a Week: The Touring Years" is Dec. 25. So get those entries in. (U.S. addresses only, please.) </p>
  7202. <p>And we want to hear your thoughts on this or any of our other shows. You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. </p>
  7203. <p> </p>
  7204. <p></p>
  7205. ]]></content:encoded>
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  7208.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Allan, Ken, Al and Steve are joined by Kit O'Toole in our annual rundown of the best Beatles items of the year and a wishlist for 2017. We also remind you that the deadline for the Christmas contest to win one of two copies of the deluxe Blu-ray of "The Beatles: Eight Days a Week: The Touring Years" is Dec. 25. So get those entries in. (U.S. addresses only, please.) 
  7209. And we want to hear your thoughts on this or any of our other shows. You can send them to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. Don't forget, you can stream the show from our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. 
  7211. ]]></itunes:summary>
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  7216.                                    </item>
  7217.    <item>
  7218.        <title>Things We Said Today #211 - Were the Beatles musical innovators after Sgt. Pepper? </title>
  7219.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #211 - Were the Beatles musical innovators after Sgt. Pepper? </itunes:title>
  7220.        <link></link>
  7221.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 14 Dec 2016 21:11:30 -0400</pubDate>
  7222.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7223.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>The TWST gang returns this week to debate a topic of whether the Beatles, who it's acknowledged were musically innovative up to the "Revolver" and "Sgt. Pepper" albums, kept that innovation up on the later albums. We also discuss some news, including the death of another musician, Greg Lake.</p>
  7224. <p>And be sure and stay tuned to the end of the show for a very special announcement on how you can win one of two copies of the Deluxe Blu-ray edition of "The Beatles: Eight Days a Week: The Touring Years."</p>
  7225. <p>As we always do, we want to hear your thoughts on this or any of our other shows. You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. You can also stream the show on our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. </p>
  7226. <p></p>
  7227. <p> </p>
  7228. ]]></description>
  7229.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>The TWST gang returns this week to debate a topic of whether the Beatles, who it's acknowledged were musically innovative up to the "Revolver" and "Sgt. Pepper" albums, kept that innovation up on the later albums. We also discuss some news, including the death of another musician, Greg Lake.</p>
  7230. <p>And be sure and stay tuned to the end of the show for a very special announcement on how you can win one of two copies of the Deluxe Blu-ray edition of "The Beatles: Eight Days a Week: The Touring Years."</p>
  7231. <p>As we always do, we want to hear your thoughts on this or any of our other shows. You can send them to our email address <a href=''></a>, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. You can also stream the show on our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. </p>
  7232. <p></p>
  7233. <p> </p>
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  7238. And be sure and stay tuned to the end of the show for a very special announcement on how you can win one of two copies of the Deluxe Blu-ray edition of "The Beatles: Eight Days a Week: The Touring Years."
  7239. As we always do, we want to hear your thoughts on this or any of our other shows. You can send them to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. You can also stream the show on our very own YouTube page. And we invite you to write a review of our show on our iTunes page. 
  7241.  ]]></itunes:summary>
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  7247.    <item>
  7248.        <title>Things We Said Today #210 - Remembering George Harrison</title>
  7249.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #210 - Remembering George Harrison</itunes:title>
  7250.        <link></link>
  7251.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 30 Nov 2016 11:54:11 -0400</pubDate>
  7252.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7253.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>On this edition of "Things We Said Today," Allan, Steve, Al and Ken look back at the career of George Harrison for the 15th anniversary of his passing. Steve also brings you up-to-date on some Beatles news. As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts on this or any of our other shows. You can send them to our email address, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. You can also stream the show on our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>.</p>
  7254. <p></p>
  7255. <p> </p>
  7256. <p> </p>
  7257. <p> </p>
  7258. ]]></description>
  7259.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>On this edition of "Things We Said Today," Allan, Steve, Al and Ken look back at the career of George Harrison for the 15th anniversary of his passing. Steve also brings you up-to-date on some Beatles news. As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts on this or any of our other shows. You can send them to our email address, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening. You can also stream the show on our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And we invite you to write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>.</p>
  7260. <p></p>
  7261. <p> </p>
  7262. <p> </p>
  7263. <p> </p>
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  7271.  ]]></itunes:summary>
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  7277.    <item>
  7278.        <title>Things We Said Today #209 - We review the brand new The Beatles: Eight Days a Week DVD with special guest Tom Frangione</title>
  7279.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #209 - We review the brand new The Beatles: Eight Days a Week DVD with special guest Tom Frangione</itunes:title>
  7280.        <link></link>
  7281.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 23 Nov 2016 19:16:07 -0400</pubDate>
  7282.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7283.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Al, Allan, Steve and Ken are joined by Tom Frangione of Beatle Brunch, a frequent show guest, to give a full analysis of the new "The Beatles: Eight Days a Week: The Touring Years" DVD, both the movie and the special features included on the deluxe edition. Please be sure to send your thoughts on this or any of our shows to our email address, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening to us and being so loyal. And you can also stream the show on our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>.</p>
  7284. <p></p>
  7285. <p> </p>
  7286. ]]></description>
  7287.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Al, Allan, Steve and Ken are joined by Tom Frangione of Beatle Brunch, a frequent show guest, to give a full analysis of the new "The Beatles: Eight Days a Week: The Touring Years" DVD, both the movie and the special features included on the deluxe edition. Please be sure to send your thoughts on this or any of our shows to our email address, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening to us and being so loyal. And you can also stream the show on our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>.</p>
  7288. <p></p>
  7289. <p> </p>
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  7293.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Al, Allan, Steve and Ken are joined by Tom Frangione of Beatle Brunch, a frequent show guest, to give a full analysis of the new "The Beatles: Eight Days a Week: The Touring Years" DVD, both the movie and the special features included on the deluxe edition. Please be sure to send your thoughts on this or any of our shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening to us and being so loyal. And you can also stream the show on our very own YouTube page. And please write a review of our show on our iTunes page.
  7295.  ]]></itunes:summary>
  7296.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  7297.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  7298.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  7299.        <itunes:duration>01:30:27</itunes:duration>
  7300.                                    </item>
  7301.    <item>
  7302.        <title>Things We Said Today #208 - What has Apple Corps done right/Leon Russell</title>
  7303.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #208 - What has Apple Corps done right/Leon Russell</itunes:title>
  7304.        <link></link>
  7305.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 17 Nov 2016 12:03:35 -0400</pubDate>
  7306.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7307.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, Steve, Ken, Al and Allan are joined by author Kit O'Toole as we discuss what the Beatles' Apple Corps has done right through the years. We also pay tribute to the great Leon Russell. Please be sure to send your thoughts on this or any of our shows to our email address, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening to us and being so loyal. And you can also stream the show on our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>.</p>
  7308. <p> </p>
  7309. <p></p>
  7310. ]]></description>
  7311.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, Steve, Ken, Al and Allan are joined by author Kit O'Toole as we discuss what the Beatles' Apple Corps has done right through the years. We also pay tribute to the great Leon Russell. Please be sure to send your thoughts on this or any of our shows to our email address, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening to us and being so loyal. And you can also stream the show on our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>.</p>
  7312. <p> </p>
  7313. <p></p>
  7314. ]]></content:encoded>
  7316.        <enclosure url="" length="70606706" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  7317.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Steve, Ken, Al and Allan are joined by author Kit O'Toole as we discuss what the Beatles' Apple Corps has done right through the years. We also pay tribute to the great Leon Russell. Please be sure to send your thoughts on this or any of our shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening to us and being so loyal. And you can also stream the show on our very own YouTube page. And please write a review of our show on our iTunes page.
  7319. ]]></itunes:summary>
  7320.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  7321.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  7322.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  7323.        <itunes:duration>01:13:32</itunes:duration>
  7324.                                    </item>
  7325.    <item>
  7326.        <title>Things We Said Today #207 - A look back at John Lennon's Imagine album with Lennonology author Chip Madinger -- and a big book announcement!</title>
  7327.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #207 - A look back at John Lennon's Imagine album with Lennonology author Chip Madinger -- and a big book announcement!</itunes:title>
  7328.        <link></link>
  7329.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 09 Nov 2016 21:22:37 -0400</pubDate>
  7330.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7331.                      <description><![CDATA[<p>This week, we look back at the recording of John Lennon's "Imagine" album with Chip Madinger, author of the Lennon solo music project "Lennonology - Strange Days Indeed" and the Beatles solo compendium "Eight Arms To Hold You." The show also features the first announcement by Madinger and Allan Kozinn of a brand new book series on the music of Paul McCartney. Madinger and Kozinn discuss the book in an interview <a href=''>on Beatles News Insider</a>.  Please send your thoughts on this or any of our shows to our email address, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening to us and being so loyal. And you can also stream the show on our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. (Cover photo copyright Apple Corps Ltd.)</p>
  7332. <p> </p>
  7333. <p></p>
  7334. <p> </p>
  7335. <p> </p>
  7336. ]]></description>
  7337.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>This week, we look back at the recording of John Lennon's "Imagine" album with Chip Madinger, author of the Lennon solo music project "Lennonology - Strange Days Indeed" and the Beatles solo compendium "Eight Arms To Hold You." The show also features the first announcement by Madinger and Allan Kozinn of a brand new book series on the music of Paul McCartney. Madinger and Kozinn discuss the book in an interview <a href=''>on Beatles News Insider</a>.  Please send your thoughts on this or any of our shows to our email address, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening to us and being so loyal. And you can also stream the show on our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. (Cover photo copyright Apple Corps Ltd.)</p>
  7338. <p> </p>
  7339. <p></p>
  7340. <p> </p>
  7341. <p> </p>
  7342. ]]></content:encoded>
  7344.        <enclosure url="" length="57501178" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  7345.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, we look back at the recording of John Lennon's "Imagine" album with Chip Madinger, author of the Lennon solo music project "Lennonology - Strange Days Indeed" and the Beatles solo compendium "Eight Arms To Hold You." The show also features the first announcement by Madinger and Allan Kozinn of a brand new book series on the music of Paul McCartney. Madinger and Kozinn discuss the book in an interview on Beatles News Insider.  Please send your thoughts on this or any of our shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening to us and being so loyal. And you can also stream the show on our very own YouTube page. And please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. (Cover photo copyright Apple Corps Ltd.)
  7349.  ]]></itunes:summary>
  7350.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  7351.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  7352.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  7353.        <itunes:duration>59:54</itunes:duration>
  7354.                                    </item>
  7355.    <item>
  7356.        <title>Things We Said Today #206 - The Beatles and politics, new Paul McCartney song</title>
  7357.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #206 - The Beatles and politics, new Paul McCartney song</itunes:title>
  7358.        <link></link>
  7359.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 03 Nov 2016 00:16:15 -0300</pubDate>
  7360.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7361.                      <description><![CDATA[This week, in a timely topic we look at the Beatles and their brushes with politics through the years both as a group and as solo artists. Also, this week, we review Paul McCartney's new song "In the Blink of An Eye" which was done for the forthcoming soundtrack of "Ethel & Ernest."  As always, you can send your thoughts on this or any of our shows to our email address, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening to us and being so loyal. And you can also stream the show on our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. It helps give the show more visibility.   
  7363. ]]></description>
  7364.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[This week, in a timely topic we look at the Beatles and their brushes with politics through the years both as a group and as solo artists. Also, this week, we review Paul McCartney's new song "In the Blink of An Eye" which was done for the forthcoming soundtrack of "Ethel & Ernest."  As always, you can send your thoughts on this or any of our shows to our email address, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening to us and being so loyal. And you can also stream the show on our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And please write a review of our show on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>. It helps give the show more visibility.   
  7365. <br>
  7366. ]]></content:encoded>
  7368.        <enclosure url="" length="60909635" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  7369.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, in a timely topic we look at the Beatles and their brushes with politics through the years both as a group and as solo artists. Also, this week, we review Paul McCartney's new song "In the Blink of An Eye" which was done for the forthcoming soundtrack of "Ethel & Ernest."  As always, you can send your thoughts on this or any of our shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening to us and being so loyal. And you can also stream the show on our very own YouTube page. And please write a review of our show on our iTunes page. It helps give the show more visibility.   
  7370. ]]></itunes:summary>
  7371.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  7372.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  7373.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  7374.        <itunes:duration>01:03:26</itunes:duration>
  7375.                                    </item>
  7376.    <item>
  7377.        <title>Things We Said Today #205 - Desert Trip report with Rick Glover, also Bobby Vee, Bob Dylan, Russian Ringo's Greatest Hits</title>
  7378.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #205 - Desert Trip report with Rick Glover, also Bobby Vee, Bob Dylan, Russian Ringo's Greatest Hits</itunes:title>
  7379.        <link></link>
  7380.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 26 Oct 2016 22:27:29 -0300</pubDate>
  7381.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7382.                      <description><![CDATA[We have a full plate on the show this week, starting with special guest Rick Glover on his experience at Desert Trip 1 when Paul McCartney, Bob Dylan, Roger Waters, The Who, The Rolling Stones and Neil Young performed. Also on the bill: the passing of Bobby Vee, the Russian "Ringo Greatest Hits" album; and Bob Dylan's Nobel Prize. Send your thoughts on this or any of our shows to our email address, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening to us and being so loyal. And you can also stream the show on our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And please rate us on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>.  
  7386.  ]]></description>
  7387.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[We have a full plate on the show this week, starting with special guest Rick Glover on his experience at Desert Trip 1 when Paul McCartney, Bob Dylan, Roger Waters, The Who, The Rolling Stones and Neil Young performed. Also on the bill: the passing of Bobby Vee, the Russian "Ringo Greatest Hits" album; and Bob Dylan's Nobel Prize. Send your thoughts on this or any of our shows to our email address, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening to us and being so loyal. And you can also stream the show on our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And please rate us on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>.  
  7388. <br>
  7390. <br>
  7391.  ]]></content:encoded>
  7393.        <enclosure url="" length="70750066" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  7394.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[We have a full plate on the show this week, starting with special guest Rick Glover on his experience at Desert Trip 1 when Paul McCartney, Bob Dylan, Roger Waters, The Who, The Rolling Stones and Neil Young performed. Also on the bill: the passing of Bobby Vee, the Russian "Ringo Greatest Hits" album; and Bob Dylan's Nobel Prize. Send your thoughts on this or any of our shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening to us and being so loyal. And you can also stream the show on our very own YouTube page. And please rate us on our iTunes page.  
  7396.  ]]></itunes:summary>
  7397.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  7398.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  7399.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  7400.        <itunes:duration>01:13:42</itunes:duration>
  7401.                                    </item>
  7402.    <item>
  7403.        <title>Things We Said Today #204 - Lefty and Zeek from the Weeklings talk about their brand new Studio 2 album</title>
  7404.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #204 - Lefty and Zeek from the Weeklings talk about their brand new Studio 2 album</itunes:title>
  7405.        <link></link>
  7406.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Tue, 18 Oct 2016 20:56:10 -0300</pubDate>
  7407.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7408.                      <description><![CDATA[This week, Ken, Allan, Al and Steve welcome Glen Burtnik and Bob Burger, Lefty and Zeek respectively from the Weeklings. The guys discuss their brand new soon-to-be released second album, "Studio 2," which was recorded in Studio 2 at Abbey Road Studios. The album includes four Beatles songs -- one from the Decca sessions and three they never released commercially. The recording sessions included some of the same equipment used by the Beatles. Send your thoughts on this or any of our shows to our email address, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening to us and being so loyal. And you can also stream the show on our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And please rate us on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>.  
  7410. ]]></description>
  7411.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[This week, Ken, Allan, Al and Steve welcome Glen Burtnik and Bob Burger, Lefty and Zeek respectively from the Weeklings. The guys discuss their brand new soon-to-be released second album, "Studio 2," which was recorded in Studio 2 at Abbey Road Studios. The album includes four Beatles songs -- one from the Decca sessions and three they never released commercially. The recording sessions included some of the same equipment used by the Beatles. Send your thoughts on this or any of our shows to our email address, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening to us and being so loyal. And you can also stream the show on our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page. And please rate us on <a href=''>our iTunes page</a>.  
  7412. <br>
  7413. ]]></content:encoded>
  7415.        <enclosure url="" length="56333400" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  7416.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Ken, Allan, Al and Steve welcome Glen Burtnik and Bob Burger, Lefty and Zeek respectively from the Weeklings. The guys discuss their brand new soon-to-be released second album, "Studio 2," which was recorded in Studio 2 at Abbey Road Studios. The album includes four Beatles songs -- one from the Decca sessions and three they never released commercially. The recording sessions included some of the same equipment used by the Beatles. Send your thoughts on this or any of our shows to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening to us and being so loyal. And you can also stream the show on our very own YouTube page. And please rate us on our iTunes page.  
  7417. ]]></itunes:summary>
  7418.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  7419.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  7420.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  7421.        <itunes:duration>58:41</itunes:duration>
  7422.                                    </item>
  7423.    <item>
  7424.        <title>Things We Said Today #203 - George Harrison in the 80s, 'The Lennon Report' review</title>
  7425.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #203 - George Harrison in the 80s, 'The Lennon Report' review</itunes:title>
  7426.        <link></link>
  7427.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 13 Oct 2016 09:52:24 -0300</pubDate>
  7428.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7429.                      <description><![CDATA[This week, Steve, Allan, Ken and Al welcome special guest Kit O'Toole to discuss how George Harrison reinvented himself in the '80s. And Steve gives a review of the new movie "The Lennon Report," about the reactions of police, journalists and hospital workers the night Lennon was killed. We want to hear your comments about our show, both this one and others. Send your thoughts to our email address, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening to us and being so loyal. And you can also stream the show on our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.
  7431.   ]]></description>
  7432.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[This week, Steve, Allan, Ken and Al welcome special guest Kit O'Toole to discuss how George Harrison reinvented himself in the '80s. And Steve gives a review of the new movie "The Lennon Report," about the reactions of police, journalists and hospital workers the night Lennon was killed. We want to hear your comments about our show, both this one and others. Send your thoughts to our email address, join <a href=''>our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page</a>, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening to us and being so loyal. And you can also stream the show on our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.
  7433. <br>
  7434.   ]]></content:encoded>
  7436.        <enclosure url="" length="72410659" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  7437.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Steve, Allan, Ken and Al welcome special guest Kit O'Toole to discuss how George Harrison reinvented himself in the '80s. And Steve gives a review of the new movie "The Lennon Report," about the reactions of police, journalists and hospital workers the night Lennon was killed. We want to hear your comments about our show, both this one and others. Send your thoughts to our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening to us and being so loyal. And you can also stream the show on our very own YouTube page.
  7438.   ]]></itunes:summary>
  7439.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  7440.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  7441.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  7442.        <itunes:duration>01:15:26</itunes:duration>
  7443.                                    </item>
  7444.    <item>
  7445.        <title>Things We Said Today #202 -- Celebrating 200 shows with four great moments from the past!!!</title>
  7446.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #202 -- Celebrating 200 shows with four great moments from the past!!!</itunes:title>
  7447.        <link></link>
  7448.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 06 Oct 2016 01:42:46 -0300</pubDate>
  7449.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7450.                      <description><![CDATA[
  7451. This week's show is a very special one as we celebrate our 200th show with a look back at some of our favorites picked by Ken, Steve, Allan and Al. As usual, we'd love to hear from you at our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening to us and being so loyal. Stream us on our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.)  
  7455. ]]></description>
  7456.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[
  7457. This week's show is a very special one as we celebrate our 200th show with a look back at some of our favorites picked by Ken, Steve, Allan and Al. As usual, we'd love to hear from you at our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening to us and being so loyal. Stream us on our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.)  
  7459. <br>
  7461. ]]></content:encoded>
  7463.        <enclosure url="" length="81506245" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  7464.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[
  7465. This week's show is a very special one as we celebrate our 200th show with a look back at some of our favorites picked by Ken, Steve, Allan and Al. As usual, we'd love to hear from you at our email address, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page, tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. And we thank you for listening to us and being so loyal. Stream us on our very own YouTube page.)  
  7468. ]]></itunes:summary>
  7469.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  7470.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  7471.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  7472.        <itunes:duration>01:24:55</itunes:duration>
  7473.                                    </item>
  7474.    <item>
  7475.        <title>Things We Said Today #201 - Nigel Sinclair and Paul Crowder of the film 'The Beatles: Eight Days a Week: The Touring Years'</title>
  7476.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #201 - Nigel Sinclair and Paul Crowder of the film 'The Beatles: Eight Days a Week: The Touring Years'</itunes:title>
  7477.        <link></link>
  7478.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 29 Sep 2016 12:27:22 -0300</pubDate>
  7479.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7480.                      <description><![CDATA[
  7481. <p>This week, Steve, Allan, Al and Ken welcome two very special guests to Things We Said Today -- Nigel Sinclair and Paul Crowder, producer and editor, respectively, of the Beatles' film "The Beatles: Eight Days a Week: The Touring Years." The two men tell some interesting and revealing stories about the making of the film that you'll absolutely love. Be sure and write to us at, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page or tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. Thanks for listening!! (We're also heard on Fab4radio, WCPR1 and Pure Pop Radio and you can stream us on our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.)  </p>
  7482. <p style="font-family:Arial, Verdana;font-size:10pt;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;text-align:center;"></p>
  7483. ]]></description>
  7484.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[
  7485. <p>This week, Steve, Allan, Al and Ken welcome two very special guests to Things We Said Today -- Nigel Sinclair and Paul Crowder, producer and editor, respectively, of the Beatles' film "The Beatles: Eight Days a Week: The Touring Years." The two men tell some interesting and revealing stories about the making of the film that you'll absolutely love. Be sure and write to us at, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page or tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. Thanks for listening!! (We're also heard on Fab4radio, WCPR1 and Pure Pop Radio and you can stream us on our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.)  </p>
  7486. <p style="font-family:Arial, Verdana;font-size:10pt;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;text-align:center;"></p>
  7487. ]]></content:encoded>
  7489.        <enclosure url="" length="65966146" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  7490.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[
  7491. This week, Steve, Allan, Al and Ken welcome two very special guests to Things We Said Today -- Nigel Sinclair and Paul Crowder, producer and editor, respectively, of the Beatles' film "The Beatles: Eight Days a Week: The Touring Years." The two men tell some interesting and revealing stories about the making of the film that you'll absolutely love. Be sure and write to us at, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page or tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. Thanks for listening!! (We're also heard on Fab4radio, WCPR1 and Pure Pop Radio and you can stream us on our very own YouTube page.)  
  7492. ]]></itunes:summary>
  7493.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  7494.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  7495.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  7496.        <itunes:duration>01:08:43</itunes:duration>
  7497.                                    </item>
  7498.    <item>
  7499.        <title>Things We Said Today #200 -- "The Beatles: Eight Days a Week: The Touring Years"</title>
  7500.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #200 -- "The Beatles: Eight Days a Week: The Touring Years"</itunes:title>
  7501.        <link></link>
  7502.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 22 Sep 2016 01:42:06 -0300</pubDate>
  7503.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7504.                      <description><![CDATA[
  7505. <p>This week, Ken, Al, Allan and Steve talk about "The Beatles: Eight Days a Week: The Touring Years" and also discuss "The Beatles at Shea Stadium" featurette shown only in theaters. Be sure and write to us at, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page or tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. Thanks for listening!! (We're also heard on Fab4radio, WCPR1 and Pure Pop Radio and you can stream us on our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.) </p>
  7519. ]]></description>
  7520.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[
  7521. <p>This week, Ken, Al, Allan and Steve talk about "The Beatles: Eight Days a Week: The Touring Years" and also discuss "The Beatles at Shea Stadium" featurette shown only in theaters. Be sure and write to us at, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page or tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. Thanks for listening!! (We're also heard on Fab4radio, WCPR1 and Pure Pop Radio and you can stream us on our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.) </p>
  7525. <br>
  7528. <br>
  7531. <br>
  7534. <br>
  7535. ]]></content:encoded>
  7537.        <enclosure url="" length="69463169" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  7538.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[
  7539. This week, Ken, Al, Allan and Steve talk about "The Beatles: Eight Days a Week: The Touring Years" and also discuss "The Beatles at Shea Stadium" featurette shown only in theaters. Be sure and write to us at, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page or tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. Thanks for listening!! (We're also heard on Fab4radio, WCPR1 and Pure Pop Radio and you can stream us on our very own YouTube page.) 
  7549. ]]></itunes:summary>
  7550.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  7551.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  7552.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  7553.        <itunes:duration>01:12:22</itunes:duration>
  7554.                                    </item>
  7555.    <item>
  7556.        <title>Things We Said Today #199 -- Beatles Live at the Hollywood Bowl reissue reviewed!</title>
  7557.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #199 -- Beatles Live at the Hollywood Bowl reissue reviewed!</itunes:title>
  7558.        <link></link>
  7559.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 07 Sep 2016 03:08:05 -0300</pubDate>
  7560.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7561.                      <description><![CDATA[
  7562. <p>The TWST crew goes inside the new Beatles "Live at the Hollywood Bowl" album previewing what you'll hear, how it's different from the '77 release, and gives the definitive word on just how good it is. Be sure and write to us at, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page or tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. Thanks for listening!! (We're also heard on Fab4radio, WCPR1 and Pure Pop Radio and you can stream us on our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.) </p>
  7563. <p style="font-family:Arial, Verdana;font-size:10pt;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;text-align:center;"> </p>
  7564. <p style="font-family:Arial, Verdana;font-size:10pt;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;">
  7566. </p>
  7567. ]]></description>
  7568.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[
  7569. <p>The TWST crew goes inside the new Beatles "Live at the Hollywood Bowl" album previewing what you'll hear, how it's different from the '77 release, and gives the definitive word on just how good it is. Be sure and write to us at, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page or tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. Thanks for listening!! (We're also heard on Fab4radio, WCPR1 and Pure Pop Radio and you can stream us on our<a href=''> very own YouTube</a> page.) </p>
  7570. <p style="font-family:Arial, Verdana;font-size:10pt;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;text-align:center;"> </p>
  7571. <p style="font-family:Arial, Verdana;font-size:10pt;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;">
  7572. <br>
  7573. </p>
  7574. ]]></content:encoded>
  7576.        <enclosure url="" length="65449131" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  7577.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[
  7578. The TWST crew goes inside the new Beatles "Live at the Hollywood Bowl" album previewing what you'll hear, how it's different from the '77 release, and gives the definitive word on just how good it is. Be sure and write to us at, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page or tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook and give us your thoughts. Thanks for listening!! (We're also heard on Fab4radio, WCPR1 and Pure Pop Radio and you can stream us on our very own YouTube page.) 
  7581. ]]></itunes:summary>
  7582.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  7583.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  7584.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  7585.        <itunes:duration>01:08:11</itunes:duration>
  7586.                                    </item>
  7587.    <item>
  7588.        <title>Things We Said Today #198, Press To Play, Beatles Candlestick anniversary, more</title>
  7589.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #198, Press To Play, Beatles Candlestick anniversary, more</itunes:title>
  7590.        <link></link>
  7591.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 31 Aug 2016 19:08:16 -0300</pubDate>
  7592.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7593.                      <description><![CDATA[
  7594. <p style="font-size:10pt;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;font-family:Arial, Verdana;"></p>
  7595. <p>This week, the four TWST co-hosts go deep on a discussion of Paul McCartney's "Press to Play" with Dr. Kit O'Toole, author of the "Deep Beatles" column and the book "Songs We Were Singing." Also on the docket this week: the 50th anniversary of the Beatles' last concert at Candlestick Park in San Francisco and a review of a live performance of the Claypool-Lennon Delirium by Ken Michaels. You can write to us at, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page or tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook. Thanks for listening!! (We're also heard on Fab4radio, WCPR1 and Pure Pop Radio.) 
  7597. </p>
  7598. <p style="font-size:10pt;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;font-family:Arial, Verdana;">
  7600. </p>
  7606. ]]></description>
  7607.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[
  7608. <p style="font-size:10pt;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;font-family:Arial, Verdana;"></p>
  7609. <p>This week, the four TWST co-hosts go deep on a discussion of Paul McCartney's "Press to Play" with Dr. Kit O'Toole, author of the "Deep Beatles" column and the book "Songs We Were Singing." Also on the docket this week: the 50th anniversary of the Beatles' last concert at Candlestick Park in San Francisco and a review of a live performance of the Claypool-Lennon Delirium by Ken Michaels. You can write to us at, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page or tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook. Thanks for listening!! (We're also heard on Fab4radio, WCPR1 and Pure Pop Radio.) 
  7610. <br>
  7611. </p>
  7612. <p style="font-size:10pt;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;font-family:Arial, Verdana;">
  7613. <br>
  7614. </p>
  7616. <br>
  7619. <br>
  7620. ]]></content:encoded>
  7622.        <enclosure url="" length="82773498" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  7623.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[
  7625. This week, the four TWST co-hosts go deep on a discussion of Paul McCartney's "Press to Play" with Dr. Kit O'Toole, author of the "Deep Beatles" column and the book "Songs We Were Singing." Also on the docket this week: the 50th anniversary of the Beatles' last concert at Candlestick Park in San Francisco and a review of a live performance of the Claypool-Lennon Delirium by Ken Michaels. You can write to us at, join our "Things We Said Today Beatles Fans" Facebook page or tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook. Thanks for listening!! (We're also heard on Fab4radio, WCPR1 and Pure Pop Radio.) 
  7631. ]]></itunes:summary>
  7632.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  7633.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  7634.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  7635.        <itunes:duration>01:26:14</itunes:duration>
  7636.                                    </item>
  7637.    <item>
  7638.        <title>Things We Said Today #197 - The Fest, Hollywood Bowl CD thoughts and more</title>
  7639.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #197 - The Fest, Hollywood Bowl CD thoughts and more</itunes:title>
  7640.        <link></link>
  7641.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 17 Aug 2016 21:40:19 -0300</pubDate>
  7642.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7643.                      <description><![CDATA[
  7644. This week, Al Sussman talks about the just concluded Chicago Fest for Beatles Fans that featured appearances by Klaus Voormann and others. Allan Kozinn and Steve Marinucci preview the upcoming "Live at the Hollywood Bowl" CD, which they've heard. And the guys discuss the recent Paul McCartney interviews in Rolling Stone and the New York Times. As always, we want to hear from you. Write to us at, join our Facebook page or tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook. We want to hear from you! Thanks for listening!! (We're also heard on Fab4radio, WCPR1 and Pure Pop Radio.) (Photo courtesy MPL Communications.)
  7648. ]]></description>
  7649.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[
  7650. This week, Al Sussman talks about the just concluded Chicago Fest for Beatles Fans that featured appearances by Klaus Voormann and others. Allan Kozinn and Steve Marinucci preview the upcoming "Live at the Hollywood Bowl" CD, which they've heard. And the guys discuss the recent Paul McCartney interviews in Rolling Stone and the New York Times. As always, we want to hear from you. Write to us at, join our Facebook page or tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook. We want to hear from you! Thanks for listening!! (We're also heard on Fab4radio, WCPR1 and Pure Pop Radio.) (Photo courtesy MPL Communications.)
  7651. <br>
  7652. <br>
  7654. ]]></content:encoded>
  7656.        <enclosure url="" length="61517765" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  7657.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[
  7658. This week, Al Sussman talks about the just concluded Chicago Fest for Beatles Fans that featured appearances by Klaus Voormann and others. Allan Kozinn and Steve Marinucci preview the upcoming "Live at the Hollywood Bowl" CD, which they've heard. And the guys discuss the recent Paul McCartney interviews in Rolling Stone and the New York Times. As always, we want to hear from you. Write to us at, join our Facebook page or tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook. We want to hear from you! Thanks for listening!! (We're also heard on Fab4radio, WCPR1 and Pure Pop Radio.) (Photo courtesy MPL Communications.)
  7660. ]]></itunes:summary>
  7661.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  7662.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  7663.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  7664.        <itunes:duration>01:04:05</itunes:duration>
  7665.                                    </item>
  7666.    <item>
  7667.        <title>Things We Said Today #196 - The 50th anniversary of 'Revolver'</title>
  7668.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #196 - The 50th anniversary of 'Revolver'</itunes:title>
  7669.        <link></link>
  7670.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 10 Aug 2016 20:54:07 -0300</pubDate>
  7671.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7672.                      <description><![CDATA[
  7673. <p>This week, Ken, Allan, Al and Steve talk about the Beatles "Revolver," its 50th anniversary and, of course, the music. As always, we want to hear from you. Write to us at, join our Facebook page or tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook. We want to hear from you! Thanks for listening!! (We're also heard on Fab4radio, WCPR1 and Pure Pop Radio.)</p>
  7674. <p style="text-align:center;"></p>
  7675. <p>
  7677. </p>
  7678. ]]></description>
  7679.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[
  7680. <p>This week, Ken, Allan, Al and Steve talk about the Beatles "Revolver," its 50th anniversary and, of course, the music. As always, we want to hear from you. Write to us at, join our Facebook page or tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook. We want to hear from you! Thanks for listening!! (We're also heard on Fab4radio, WCPR1 and Pure Pop Radio.)</p>
  7681. <p style="text-align:center;"></p>
  7682. <p>
  7683. <br>
  7684. </p>
  7685. ]]></content:encoded>
  7687.        <enclosure url="" length="64228231" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  7688.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[
  7689. This week, Ken, Allan, Al and Steve talk about the Beatles "Revolver," its 50th anniversary and, of course, the music. As always, we want to hear from you. Write to us at, join our Facebook page or tweet us at @thingswesadfab or catch us each on Facebook. We want to hear from you! Thanks for listening!! (We're also heard on Fab4radio, WCPR1 and Pure Pop Radio.)
  7692. ]]></itunes:summary>
  7693.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  7694.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  7695.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  7696.        <itunes:duration>01:06:55</itunes:duration>
  7697.                                    </item>
  7698.    <item>
  7699.        <title>Things We Said Today #195 - Tom Frangione, Shea and Hollywood Bowl news</title>
  7700.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #195 - Tom Frangione, Shea and Hollywood Bowl news</itunes:title>
  7701.        <link></link>
  7702.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 03 Aug 2016 17:38:00 -0300</pubDate>
  7703.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7704.                      <description><![CDATA[This week, we have a full house plus as Tom Frangione joins Allan, Al, Ken and Steve as we take apart the news that the Shea Stadium Beatles footage will be in theaters with the Ron Howard "Eight Days a Week" movie and also look further into the news of the Beatles Hollywood Bowl release. As always, we want to hear from you. Write to us at, join our Facebook page or tweet us at @thingswesadfab. Or catch us each on Facebook. We want to hear from you! Thanks for listening!! (We're also heard on Fab4radio, WCPR1 and Pure Pop Radio.)
  7706. ]]></description>
  7707.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[This week, we have a full house plus as Tom Frangione joins Allan, Al, Ken and Steve as we take apart the news that the Shea Stadium Beatles footage will be in theaters with the Ron Howard "Eight Days a Week" movie and also look further into the news of the Beatles Hollywood Bowl release. As always, we want to hear from you. Write to us at, join our Facebook page or tweet us at @thingswesadfab. Or catch us each on Facebook. We want to hear from you! Thanks for listening!! (We're also heard on Fab4radio, WCPR1 and Pure Pop Radio.)
  7708. <br>
  7709. ]]></content:encoded>
  7711.        <enclosure url="" length="72463281" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  7712.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, we have a full house plus as Tom Frangione joins Allan, Al, Ken and Steve as we take apart the news that the Shea Stadium Beatles footage will be in theaters with the Ron Howard "Eight Days a Week" movie and also look further into the news of the Beatles Hollywood Bowl release. As always, we want to hear from you. Write to us at, join our Facebook page or tweet us at @thingswesadfab. Or catch us each on Facebook. We want to hear from you! Thanks for listening!! (We're also heard on Fab4radio, WCPR1 and Pure Pop Radio.)
  7713. ]]></itunes:summary>
  7714.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  7715.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  7716.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  7717.        <itunes:duration>01:15:29</itunes:duration>
  7718.                                    </item>
  7719.    <item>
  7720.        <title>Things We Said Today #194 - Kit O'Toole, Hollywood Bowl LP, more Beatles LOVE</title>
  7721.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #194 - Kit O'Toole, Hollywood Bowl LP, more Beatles LOVE</itunes:title>
  7722.        <link></link>
  7723.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 27 Jul 2016 01:53:07 -0300</pubDate>
  7724.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7725.                      <description><![CDATA[Kit O'Toole, author of "Songs We Were Singing," a in-depth study of Beatles songs, joins Steve, Ken and Al (Allan is away) to talk about how John and Yoko used advertising practices in selling peace. We also discuss the announcement of the new Beatles Hollywood Bowl album, and talk more on the Beatles LOVE 10th anniversary in Las Vegas. 
  7729. ]]></description>
  7730.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Kit O'Toole, author of "Songs We Were Singing," a in-depth study of Beatles songs, joins Steve, Ken and Al (Allan is away) to talk about how John and Yoko used advertising practices in selling peace. We also discuss the announcement of the new Beatles Hollywood Bowl album, and talk more on the Beatles LOVE 10th anniversary in Las Vegas. 
  7731. <br>
  7733. <br>
  7734. ]]></content:encoded>
  7736.        <enclosure url="" length="62652943" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  7737.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Kit O'Toole, author of "Songs We Were Singing," a in-depth study of Beatles songs, joins Steve, Ken and Al (Allan is away) to talk about how John and Yoko used advertising practices in selling peace. We also discuss the announcement of the new Beatles Hollywood Bowl album, and talk more on the Beatles LOVE 10th anniversary in Las Vegas. 
  7739. ]]></itunes:summary>
  7740.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  7741.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  7742.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  7743.        <itunes:duration>01:05:16</itunes:duration>
  7744.                                    </item>
  7745.    <item>
  7746.        <title>Things We Said Today #193 - LOVE 10th Anniversary in Las Vegas, Paul's Fenway Park concert</title>
  7747.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #193 - LOVE 10th Anniversary in Las Vegas, Paul's Fenway Park concert</itunes:title>
  7748.        <link></link>
  7749.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 21 Jul 2016 22:01:54 -0300</pubDate>
  7750.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7751.                      <description><![CDATA[On this week's show, Allan and Steve talk about the events at the 10th anniversary festivities for the Beatles' LOVE show at the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas on July 14, and Ken talks about seeing Paul McCartney in Boston at Fenway Park on July 16. 
  7753. ]]></description>
  7754.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[On this week's show, Allan and Steve talk about the events at the 10th anniversary festivities for the Beatles' LOVE show at the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas on July 14, and Ken talks about seeing Paul McCartney in Boston at Fenway Park on July 16. 
  7755. <br>
  7756. ]]></content:encoded>
  7758.        <enclosure url="" length="66059929" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  7759.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[On this week's show, Allan and Steve talk about the events at the 10th anniversary festivities for the Beatles' LOVE show at the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas on July 14, and Ken talks about seeing Paul McCartney in Boston at Fenway Park on July 16. 
  7760. ]]></itunes:summary>
  7761.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  7762.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  7763.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  7764.        <itunes:duration>01:08:48</itunes:duration>
  7765.                                    </item>
  7766.    <item>
  7767.        <title>Things We Said Today #192 - Pure Pop Radio's Alan Haber</title>
  7768.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #192 - Pure Pop Radio's Alan Haber</itunes:title>
  7769.        <link></link>
  7770.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 13 Jul 2016 03:13:30 -0300</pubDate>
  7771.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7772.                      <description><![CDATA[Alan Haber, the man behind the station Pure Pop Radio (one of the affiliates of Things We Said Today) talks about his unique station and the music it features. ]]></description>
  7773.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Alan Haber, the man behind the station Pure Pop Radio (one of the affiliates of Things We Said Today) talks about his unique station and the music it features. ]]></content:encoded>
  7775.        <enclosure url="" length="58282009" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  7776.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Alan Haber, the man behind the station Pure Pop Radio (one of the affiliates of Things We Said Today) talks about his unique station and the music it features. ]]></itunes:summary>
  7777.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  7778.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  7779.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
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  7783.        <title>Things We Said Today #191 - Chuck Gunderson interview, passing of Scotty Moore</title>
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  7788.                      <description><![CDATA[This week, Al, Ken, Allan and Steve are joined by author Chuck Gunderson ("Some Fun Tonight!"), who discusses the Beatles' American tour of 1966 and how things had changed from 1964 and 1965 for them. Also on the docket is the passing of Elvis Presley guitarist Scotty Moore and how Moore and Elvis Presley's work influenced the Beatles. Send us your thoughts on this show at  We'd love to hear from you. And you can find the show on podbean, YouTube and iTunes. 
  7792. ]]></description>
  7793.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[This week, Al, Ken, Allan and Steve are joined by author Chuck Gunderson ("Some Fun Tonight!"), who discusses the Beatles' American tour of 1966 and how things had changed from 1964 and 1965 for them. Also on the docket is the passing of Elvis Presley guitarist Scotty Moore and how Moore and Elvis Presley's work influenced the Beatles. Send us your thoughts on this show at  We'd love to hear from you. And you can find the show on podbean, YouTube and iTunes. 
  7794. <br>
  7796. <br>
  7797. ]]></content:encoded>
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  7808.    <item>
  7809.        <title>Things We Said Today #190 - Paul's aging voice; the Beatles' inner circle and more </title>
  7810.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #190 - Paul's aging voice; the Beatles' inner circle and more </itunes:title>
  7811.        <link></link>
  7812.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 29 Jun 2016 19:26:22 -0300</pubDate>
  7813.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7814.                      <description><![CDATA[This week, Al, Steve, Allan and Ken tackle several subjects including the debate on whether age has done too much damage to Paul McCartney's voice. And we remember the Beatles' inner circle. As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas. Write to us at, or visit our pages on Facebook. And remember that besides iTunes and podbean, you can stream our show on YouTube. 
  7816. ]]></description>
  7817.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[This week, Al, Steve, Allan and Ken tackle several subjects including the debate on whether age has done too much damage to Paul McCartney's voice. And we remember the Beatles' inner circle. As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas. Write to us at, or visit our pages on Facebook. And remember that besides iTunes and podbean, you can stream our show on YouTube. 
  7818. <br>
  7819. ]]></content:encoded>
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  7822.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Al, Steve, Allan and Ken tackle several subjects including the debate on whether age has done too much damage to Paul McCartney's voice. And we remember the Beatles' inner circle. As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas. Write to us at, or visit our pages on Facebook. And remember that besides iTunes and podbean, you can stream our show on YouTube. 
  7823. ]]></itunes:summary>
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  7828.                                    </item>
  7829.    <item>
  7830.        <title>Things We Said Today #189 - The Beatles' "Eight Days a Week," RIP Henry McCullough, Chips Moman, more</title>
  7831.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #189 - The Beatles' "Eight Days a Week," RIP Henry McCullough, Chips Moman, more</itunes:title>
  7832.        <link></link>
  7833.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 22 Jun 2016 12:27:23 -0300</pubDate>
  7834.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7835.                      <description><![CDATA[
  7836. This week, Allan, Ken, Al and Steve talk about the announcement and first trailer of the long-awaited Beatles/Ron Howard film "Eight Days a Week: The Touring Years," the recent passings of Wings guitarist Henry McCullough and record producer Chips Moman and anything else Beatles that crosses their minds. Be sure and download or listen to this show and send your comments to And join us every week for more Beatles talk. (Photo courtesy Apple Corps Ltd.)
  7838. ]]></description>
  7839.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[
  7840. This week, Allan, Ken, Al and Steve talk about the announcement and first trailer of the long-awaited Beatles/Ron Howard film "Eight Days a Week: The Touring Years," the recent passings of Wings guitarist Henry McCullough and record producer Chips Moman and anything else Beatles that crosses their minds. Be sure and download or listen to this show and send your comments to And join us every week for more Beatles talk. (Photo courtesy Apple Corps Ltd.)
  7841. <br>
  7842. ]]></content:encoded>
  7844.        <enclosure url="" length="74213694" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  7845.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[
  7846. This week, Allan, Ken, Al and Steve talk about the announcement and first trailer of the long-awaited Beatles/Ron Howard film "Eight Days a Week: The Touring Years," the recent passings of Wings guitarist Henry McCullough and record producer Chips Moman and anything else Beatles that crosses their minds. Be sure and download or listen to this show and send your comments to And join us every week for more Beatles talk. (Photo courtesy Apple Corps Ltd.)
  7847. ]]></itunes:summary>
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  7852.                                    </item>
  7853.    <item>
  7854.        <title>Things We Said Today #188 - Monkeemania With Fred Velez</title>
  7855.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #188 - Monkeemania With Fred Velez</itunes:title>
  7856.        <link></link>
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  7858.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7859.                      <description><![CDATA[
  7864. Steve, Allan, Al and Ken devote this week's show to the Monkees connection to the Beatles with special guest Fred Velez, author of the book "A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You: The Monkees From a Fan's Perspective." The show talks about the history of the group, their musical evolution and the critically acclaimed new album, "Good Times!" Steve Marinucci is also author of a Monkees book, "Meet a Monkee: Davy Jones," about his two interviews with him. As always, we'd love to hear what you think about the show. Send your thoughts to (Pictured: The cover of the Monkees' "Good Times" album. Courtesy Rhino Records.)
  7868. ]]></description>
  7869.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[
  7871. <br>
  7874. Steve, Allan, Al and Ken devote this week's show to the Monkees connection to the Beatles with special guest Fred Velez, author of the book "A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You: The Monkees From a Fan's Perspective." The show talks about the history of the group, their musical evolution and the critically acclaimed new album, "Good Times!" Steve Marinucci is also author of a Monkees book, "Meet a Monkee: Davy Jones," about his two interviews with him. As always, we'd love to hear what you think about the show. Send your thoughts to (Pictured: The cover of the Monkees' "Good Times" album. Courtesy Rhino Records.)
  7876. <br>
  7878. ]]></content:encoded>
  7880.        <enclosure url="" length="67014347" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  7881.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[
  7885. Steve, Allan, Al and Ken devote this week's show to the Monkees connection to the Beatles with special guest Fred Velez, author of the book "A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You: The Monkees From a Fan's Perspective." The show talks about the history of the group, their musical evolution and the critically acclaimed new album, "Good Times!" Steve Marinucci is also author of a Monkees book, "Meet a Monkee: Davy Jones," about his two interviews with him. As always, we'd love to hear what you think about the show. Send your thoughts to (Pictured: The cover of the Monkees' "Good Times" album. Courtesy Rhino Records.)
  7888. ]]></itunes:summary>
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  7892.        <itunes:duration>01:09:49</itunes:duration>
  7893.                                    </item>
  7894.    <item>
  7895.        <title>Things We Said Today #187 - Ringo back on tour, Muhammad Ali and the Beatles, more</title>
  7896.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #187 - Ringo back on tour, Muhammad Ali and the Beatles, more</itunes:title>
  7897.        <link></link>
  7898.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 08 Jun 2016 12:33:15 -0300</pubDate>
  7899.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7900.                      <description><![CDATA[This week, Al, Allan, Steve and Ken react to the news and discuss the opening of Ringo's summer All-Starr Band tour, the death of Muhammad Ali and his connection to the Beatles, and more. Be sure to send us your comments because we'd love to hear them at 
  7902. ]]></description>
  7903.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[This week, Al, Allan, Steve and Ken react to the news and discuss the opening of Ringo's summer All-Starr Band tour, the death of Muhammad Ali and his connection to the Beatles, and more. Be sure to send us your comments because we'd love to hear them at 
  7904. <br>
  7905. ]]></content:encoded>
  7907.        <enclosure url="" length="57058977" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  7908.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Al, Allan, Steve and Ken react to the news and discuss the opening of Ringo's summer All-Starr Band tour, the death of Muhammad Ali and his connection to the Beatles, and more. Be sure to send us your comments because we'd love to hear them at 
  7909. ]]></itunes:summary>
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  7914.                                    </item>
  7915.    <item>
  7916.        <title>Things We Said Today #186 - Wings Over America anniversary, McCartney Mastertapes interview</title>
  7917.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #186 - Wings Over America anniversary, McCartney Mastertapes interview</itunes:title>
  7918.        <link></link>
  7919.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 01 Jun 2016 11:17:00 -0300</pubDate>
  7920.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7921.                      <description><![CDATA[Ken, Steve, Al and Allan discuss the Wings Over America tour, which marked its 40th anniversary this year. Also on the docket for discussion in this episode: the Paul McCartney Mastertapes interview on the BBC and what Paul really said in it. As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts at And thanks for listening.
  7924. ]]></description>
  7925.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Ken, Steve, Al and Allan discuss the Wings Over America tour, which marked its 40th anniversary this year. Also on the docket for discussion in this episode: the Paul McCartney Mastertapes interview on the BBC and what Paul really said in it. As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts at And thanks for listening.
  7926. <br>
  7927. <br>
  7928. ]]></content:encoded>
  7930.        <enclosure url="" length="80519862" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  7931.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Ken, Steve, Al and Allan discuss the Wings Over America tour, which marked its 40th anniversary this year. Also on the docket for discussion in this episode: the Paul McCartney Mastertapes interview on the BBC and what Paul really said in it. As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts at And thanks for listening.
  7932. ]]></itunes:summary>
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  7937.                                    </item>
  7938.    <item>
  7939.        <title>Things We Said Today #185 - McCartney, Dylan, Brian Wilson, Mark Lewisohn</title>
  7940.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #185 - McCartney, Dylan, Brian Wilson, Mark Lewisohn</itunes:title>
  7941.        <link></link>
  7942.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 26 May 2016 11:45:00 -0300</pubDate>
  7943.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7944.                      <description><![CDATA[Allan, Ken, Al and Steve begin this week's episode by following up on last week's interview with Philip Norman and giving opinions about the book "McCartney: The Life," then give some thoughts about the Mark Lewisohn - Conan O'Brien interview, and the connections of Bob Dylan and Brian Wilson with the Beatles. As always, we'd love to hear from you at 
  7946. ]]></description>
  7947.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Allan, Ken, Al and Steve begin this week's episode by following up on last week's interview with Philip Norman and giving opinions about the book "McCartney: The Life," then give some thoughts about the Mark Lewisohn - Conan O'Brien interview, and the connections of Bob Dylan and Brian Wilson with the Beatles. As always, we'd love to hear from you at 
  7948. <br>
  7949. ]]></content:encoded>
  7951.        <enclosure url="" length="61949935" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  7952.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Allan, Ken, Al and Steve begin this week's episode by following up on last week's interview with Philip Norman and giving opinions about the book "McCartney: The Life," then give some thoughts about the Mark Lewisohn - Conan O'Brien interview, and the connections of Bob Dylan and Brian Wilson with the Beatles. As always, we'd love to hear from you at 
  7953. ]]></itunes:summary>
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  7958.                                    </item>
  7959.    <item>
  7960.        <title>Things We Said Today #184 - Author Philip Norman</title>
  7961.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #184 - Author Philip Norman</itunes:title>
  7962.        <link></link>
  7963.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 19 May 2016 18:06:21 -0300</pubDate>
  7964.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7965.                      <description><![CDATA[This week, Allan, Al, Ken and Steve talk to Philip Norman, author of the newly published "Paul McCartney: The Life," who talks about his new book and looks at McCartney's life and career. (And don' forget you can hear the show Thursdays and Fridays on WCPR1, Saturdays and Sundays on <a href=''>Fab4Radio</a> and also on <a href=''>PowerPopRadio</a>, plus YouTube and iTunes.)
  7972. <a href=''></a>]]></description>
  7973.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[This week, Allan, Al, Ken and Steve talk to Philip Norman, author of the newly published "Paul McCartney: The Life," who talks about his new book and looks at McCartney's life and career. (And don' forget you can hear the show Thursdays and Fridays on WCPR1, Saturdays and Sundays on <a href=''>Fab4Radio</a> and also on <a href=''>PowerPopRadio</a>, plus YouTube and iTunes.)
  7974. <br>
  7976. <br>
  7978. <br>
  7980. <a href=''></a>]]></content:encoded>
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  7983.        <itunes:summary>Things We Said Today is a weekly discussion of the hottest Beatles news topics and interviews of Beatles personalities by an experienced group of Beatles writers and broadcasters -- Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Darren DeVivo</itunes:summary>
  7984.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
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  7989.    <item>
  7990.        <title>Things We Said Today #183 - Gary Jacob of Abbey Road on the River</title>
  7991.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #183 - Gary Jacob of Abbey Road on the River</itunes:title>
  7992.        <link></link>
  7993.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Thu, 12 May 2016 22:06:48 -0300</pubDate>
  7994.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  7995.                      <description><![CDATA[This week, Steve, Allan, Al and Ken welcome Gary Jacob, organizer and producer of the Abbey Road on the River Beatles festival making his first appearance on "Things We Said Today." Gary talks about the history of the event and gives some great behind-the-scenes insight into how it works. And with this week's show, we're adding a new affiliate WCPR. (Their website is On WCPR, you can hear the show for the first time at 9 p.m. ET Thursdays, then repeating 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. Fridays, live on iTunes and on demand beginning on Saturdays. We're also on and 
  7997. ]]></description>
  7998.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[This week, Steve, Allan, Al and Ken welcome Gary Jacob, organizer and producer of the Abbey Road on the River Beatles festival making his first appearance on "Things We Said Today." Gary talks about the history of the event and gives some great behind-the-scenes insight into how it works. And with this week's show, we're adding a new affiliate WCPR. (Their website is On WCPR, you can hear the show for the first time at 9 p.m. ET Thursdays, then repeating 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. Fridays, live on iTunes and on demand beginning on Saturdays. We're also on and 
  7999. <br>
  8000. ]]></content:encoded>
  8002.        <enclosure url="" length="62846040" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  8003.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Steve, Allan, Al and Ken welcome Gary Jacob, organizer and producer of the Abbey Road on the River Beatles festival making his first appearance on "Things We Said Today." Gary talks about the history of the event and gives some great behind-the-scenes insight into how it works. And with this week's show, we're adding a new affiliate WCPR. (Their website is On WCPR, you can hear the show for the first time at 9 p.m. ET Thursdays, then repeating 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. Fridays, live on iTunes and on demand beginning on Saturdays. We're also on and 
  8004. ]]></itunes:summary>
  8005.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
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  8009.                                    </item>
  8010.    <item>
  8011.        <title>Things We Said Today #182 - "Kisses on the Bottom," the death of Prince</title>
  8012.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #182 - "Kisses on the Bottom," the death of Prince</itunes:title>
  8013.        <link></link>
  8014.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 30 Apr 2016 10:00:00 -0300</pubDate>
  8015.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8016.                      <description><![CDATA[
  8017. <p>On this week's show, Al, Allan, Ken and Steve first discuss the news of the deaths of three famous musical talents, Prince, Lonnie Mack and Billy Paul, and their relationship to the Beatles. The guys also spar about whether their opinions have changed about Paul McCartney's "Kisses on the Bottom," released in 2012. As always, we we'd love to hear what you think. Send your comments and suggestions for future shows to We love hearing from you. And thanks for making us part of your week. </p>
  8021. ]]></description>
  8022.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[
  8023. <p>On this week's show, Al, Allan, Ken and Steve first discuss the news of the deaths of three famous musical talents, Prince, Lonnie Mack and Billy Paul, and their relationship to the Beatles. The guys also spar about whether their opinions have changed about Paul McCartney's "Kisses on the Bottom," released in 2012. As always, we we'd love to hear what you think. Send your comments and suggestions for future shows to We love hearing from you. And thanks for making us part of your week. </p>
  8025. <br>
  8027. ]]></content:encoded>
  8029.        <enclosure url="" length="151032711" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  8030.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[
  8031. On this week's show, Al, Allan, Ken and Steve first discuss the news of the deaths of three famous musical talents, Prince, Lonnie Mack and Billy Paul, and their relationship to the Beatles. The guys also spar about whether their opinions have changed about Paul McCartney's "Kisses on the Bottom," released in 2012. As always, we we'd love to hear what you think. Send your comments and suggestions for future shows to We love hearing from you. And thanks for making us part of your week. 
  8034. ]]></itunes:summary>
  8035.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  8036.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  8037.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  8038.        <itunes:duration>01:02:55</itunes:duration>
  8039.                                    </item>
  8040.    <item>
  8041.        <title>Things We Said Today #181 - McCartney Starts One On One Tour plus Wilburys, The Fest and more </title>
  8042.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #181 - McCartney Starts One On One Tour plus Wilburys, The Fest and more </itunes:title>
  8043.        <link></link>
  8044.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 23 Apr 2016 10:00:00 -0300</pubDate>
  8045.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8046.                      <description><![CDATA[This week, Allan, Al, Ken and Steve look at the beginning of Paul McCartney's One On One Tour with a report from Steve, who saw the first show in Fresno, California. Plus we talk about the new Traveling Wilburys streaming and other news items. We'd love to hear what you think. Send your comments and suggestions about future shows to We love hearing from you. And thanks for making us part of your week. (Image copyright MPL Communications Ltd.)
  8048. ]]></description>
  8049.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[This week, Allan, Al, Ken and Steve look at the beginning of Paul McCartney's One On One Tour with a report from Steve, who saw the first show in Fresno, California. Plus we talk about the new Traveling Wilburys streaming and other news items. We'd love to hear what you think. Send your comments and suggestions about future shows to We love hearing from you. And thanks for making us part of your week. (Image copyright MPL Communications Ltd.)
  8050. <br>
  8051. ]]></content:encoded>
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  8067.                      <description><![CDATA[This week, Allan, Ken, Al and Steve discuss the forthcoming release of "Pure McCartney" and how stands against the rest of Paul McCartney's catalog. (Photo courtesy Hear Music.)
  8072. ]]></description>
  8073.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[This week, Allan, Ken, Al and Steve discuss the forthcoming release of "Pure McCartney" and how stands against the rest of Paul McCartney's catalog. (Photo courtesy Hear Music.)
  8074. <br>
  8076. <br>
  8078. ]]></content:encoded>
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  8081.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Allan, Ken, Al and Steve discuss the forthcoming release of "Pure McCartney" and how stands against the rest of Paul McCartney's catalog. (Photo courtesy Hear Music.)
  8084. ]]></itunes:summary>
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  8091.        <title>Things We Said Today #179 - Bruce Spizer on the Beatles albums for Capitol Records</title>
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  8093.        <link></link>
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  8095.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8096.                      <description><![CDATA[Our guest this week is renowned Beatles author Bruce Spizer who talks about the Beatles' history on Capitol Records. Bruce has just published a digital version of "The Beatles Story on Capitol Records, Part 2: The Albums." It's available through his website <a href=''></a>. Bruce will also be a guest at the upcoming NY Metro Fest for Beatles Fans. 
  8105. ]]></description>
  8106.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Our guest this week is renowned Beatles author Bruce Spizer who talks about the Beatles' history on Capitol Records. Bruce has just published a digital version of "The Beatles Story on Capitol Records, Part 2: The Albums." It's available through his website <a href=''></a>. Bruce will also be a guest at the upcoming NY Metro Fest for Beatles Fans. 
  8107. <br>
  8110. <br>
  8114. <br>
  8115. ]]></content:encoded>
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  8118.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Our guest this week is renowned Beatles author Bruce Spizer who talks about the Beatles' history on Capitol Records. Bruce has just published a digital version of "The Beatles Story on Capitol Records, Part 2: The Albums." It's available through his website Bruce will also be a guest at the upcoming NY Metro Fest for Beatles Fans. 
  8124. ]]></itunes:summary>
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  8128.        <itunes:duration>01:03:36</itunes:duration>
  8129.                                    </item>
  8130.    <item>
  8131.        <title>Things We Said Today #178 - Mark Lapidos of the Fest for Beatles Fans returns to TWST!</title>
  8132.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #178 - Mark Lapidos of the Fest for Beatles Fans returns to TWST!</itunes:title>
  8133.        <link></link>
  8134.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 02 Apr 2016 11:00:00 -0300</pubDate>
  8135.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8136.                      <description><![CDATA[On this week's show, Al, Ken, Allan and Steve talk with Fest for Beatles Fans founder Mark Lapidos, who discusses the upcoming Fest April 15-17 at the Hilton Westchester in Rye Brook, New York, tells a few stories you may not have heard about past Fests and how John Lennon inspired him to do them. Tell us how much you like the show by emailing us at or on our pages on Facebook. And thanks for listening!
  8138. ]]></description>
  8139.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[On this week's show, Al, Ken, Allan and Steve talk with Fest for Beatles Fans founder Mark Lapidos, who discusses the upcoming Fest April 15-17 at the Hilton Westchester in Rye Brook, New York, tells a few stories you may not have heard about past Fests and how John Lennon inspired him to do them. Tell us how much you like the show by emailing us at or on our pages on Facebook. And thanks for listening!
  8140. <br>
  8141. ]]></content:encoded>
  8143.        <enclosure url="" length="59601841" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  8144.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[On this week's show, Al, Ken, Allan and Steve talk with Fest for Beatles Fans founder Mark Lapidos, who discusses the upcoming Fest April 15-17 at the Hilton Westchester in Rye Brook, New York, tells a few stories you may not have heard about past Fests and how John Lennon inspired him to do them. Tell us how much you like the show by emailing us at or on our pages on Facebook. And thanks for listening!
  8145. ]]></itunes:summary>
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  8151.    <item>
  8152.        <title>Things We Said Today #177 -- Recent news; Surprise Question Game</title>
  8153.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #177 -- Recent news; Surprise Question Game</itunes:title>
  8154.        <link></link>
  8155.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 26 Mar 2016 13:26:10 -0300</pubDate>
  8156.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8157.                      <description><![CDATA[There are two parts to this week's show. In the first, Steve, Allan, Ken and Al discuss recent news events, including Paul's reported attempt to get back some of his copyrights. In part 2, we play "Surprise Questions", as three of us spring a question about the Beatles the others don't know in advance. Tell us how much you like the show by emailing or on our pages on Facebook. And thanks for listening!
  8167. ]]></description>
  8168.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[There are two parts to this week's show. In the first, Steve, Allan, Ken and Al discuss recent news events, including Paul's reported attempt to get back some of his copyrights. In part 2, we play "Surprise Questions", as three of us spring a question about the Beatles the others don't know in advance. Tell us how much you like the show by emailing or on our pages on Facebook. And thanks for listening!
  8170. <br>
  8173. <br>
  8177. <br>
  8178. ]]></content:encoded>
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  8181.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[There are two parts to this week's show. In the first, Steve, Allan, Ken and Al discuss recent news events, including Paul's reported attempt to get back some of his copyrights. In part 2, we play "Surprise Questions", as three of us spring a question about the Beatles the others don't know in advance. Tell us how much you like the show by emailing or on our pages on Facebook. And thanks for listening!
  8188. ]]></itunes:summary>
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  8193.                                    </item>
  8194.    <item>
  8195.        <title>Things We Said Today #176 - Billy J. Kramer</title>
  8196.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #176 - Billy J. Kramer</itunes:title>
  8197.        <link></link>
  8198.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 19 Mar 2016 11:08:00 -0300</pubDate>
  8199.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8200.                      <description><![CDATA[This week's special guest is Billy J. Kramer, who talks about his forthcoming autobiography, his relationship with the Beatles in the '60s, working with manager Brian Epstein, and much much more in a packed hourlong discussion with Ken, Allan, Al and Steve. Tell us how much you like the show by emailing 
  8206. ]]></description>
  8207.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[This week's special guest is Billy J. Kramer, who talks about his forthcoming autobiography, his relationship with the Beatles in the '60s, working with manager Brian Epstein, and much much more in a packed hourlong discussion with Ken, Allan, Al and Steve. Tell us how much you like the show by emailing 
  8208. <br>
  8211. <br>
  8213. ]]></content:encoded>
  8215.        <enclosure url="" length="58031986" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  8216.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week's special guest is Billy J. Kramer, who talks about his forthcoming autobiography, his relationship with the Beatles in the '60s, working with manager Brian Epstein, and much much more in a packed hourlong discussion with Ken, Allan, Al and Steve. Tell us how much you like the show by emailing 
  8220. ]]></itunes:summary>
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  8226.    <item>
  8227.        <title>Things We Said Today #175 - Jude Southerland Kessler, author of the John Lennon Series</title>
  8228.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #175 - Jude Southerland Kessler, author of the John Lennon Series</itunes:title>
  8229.        <link></link>
  8230.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 12 Mar 2016 10:00:00 -0400</pubDate>
  8231.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8232.                      <description><![CDATA[
  8233. This week, author Jude Southerland Kessler makes her very first appearance on "Things We Said Today. Steve, Ken, Allan and Al talk to Jude about her biography series on John Lennon and the upcoming Beatles symposium she is participating in. We'd love to hear your comments about this show or any of our shows. You can email us or post them on our Facebook group page. And as always, our shows can also be found on iTunes and YouTube (search Things We Said Today Beatles show there). And thanks for listening and have a great Things We Said Today day!
  8255. ]]></description>
  8256.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[
  8257. This week, author Jude Southerland Kessler makes her very first appearance on "Things We Said Today. Steve, Ken, Allan and Al talk to Jude about her biography series on John Lennon and the upcoming Beatles symposium she is participating in. We'd love to hear your comments about this show or any of our shows. You can email us or post them on our Facebook group page. And as always, our shows can also be found on iTunes and YouTube (search Things We Said Today Beatles show there). And thanks for listening and have a great Things We Said Today day!
  8259. <br>
  8263. <br>
  8266. <br>
  8269. <br>
  8272. <br>
  8275. <br>
  8278. <br>
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  8283. This week, author Jude Southerland Kessler makes her very first appearance on "Things We Said Today. Steve, Ken, Allan and Al talk to Jude about her biography series on John Lennon and the upcoming Beatles symposium she is participating in. We'd love to hear your comments about this show or any of our shows. You can email us or post them on our Facebook group page. And as always, our shows can also be found on iTunes and YouTube (search Things We Said Today Beatles show there). And thanks for listening and have a great Things We Said Today day!
  8298. ]]></itunes:summary>
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  8304.    <item>
  8305.        <title>Things We Said Today #174 - Fantasy show, part 2 -- Who should Paul McCartney work with? </title>
  8306.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #174 - Fantasy show, part 2 -- Who should Paul McCartney work with? </itunes:title>
  8307.        <link></link>
  8308.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 05 Mar 2016 10:00:00 -0400</pubDate>
  8309.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8310.                      <description><![CDATA[
  8314. We pick up where we left off in <a href=''>Things We Said Today #173</a> (which you can listen to before you listen to this show) as Al, Allan, Ken and Steve exchange ideas on who they would like to see Paul McCartney, the only Beatle we didn't discuss on the previous show, work with. Got an idea of your own or a comment on our show? Send it to As always, you can always find this show on iTunes and YouTube. (On YouTube, search "Things We Said Today Beatles Radio"). Have a great Things We Said Today day! ]]></description>
  8315.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[
  8318. <br>
  8319. We pick up where we left off in <a href=''>Things We Said Today #173</a> (which you can listen to before you listen to this show) as Al, Allan, Ken and Steve exchange ideas on who they would like to see Paul McCartney, the only Beatle we didn't discuss on the previous show, work with. Got an idea of your own or a comment on our show? Send it to As always, you can always find this show on iTunes and YouTube. (On YouTube, search "Things We Said Today Beatles Radio"). Have a great Things We Said Today day! ]]></content:encoded>
  8321.        <enclosure url="" length="31320853" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  8322.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[
  8325. We pick up where we left off in Things We Said Today #173 (which you can listen to before you listen to this show) as Al, Allan, Ken and Steve exchange ideas on who they would like to see Paul McCartney, the only Beatle we didn't discuss on the previous show, work with. Got an idea of your own or a comment on our show? Send it to As always, you can always find this show on iTunes and YouTube. (On YouTube, search "Things We Said Today Beatles Radio"). Have a great Things We Said Today day! ]]></itunes:summary>
  8326.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
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  8332.        <title>Things We Said Today #173 - Fantasy Show -- Who the Beatles should work with, part 1 </title>
  8333.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #173 - Fantasy Show -- Who the Beatles should work with, part 1 </itunes:title>
  8334.        <link></link>
  8335.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 27 Feb 2016 10:53:00 -0400</pubDate>
  8336.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8337.                      <description><![CDATA[In the first of two shows, Al, Allan, Ken and Steve give their ideas on who they would like to see the Beatles work with. In this show, we discuss our choices for John Lennon, Ringo Starr and George Harrison. Got an idea of your own or a comment on our show? Send it to And you can always find this show on iTunes and YouTube. (On YouTube, search "Things We Said Today Beatles Radio") 
  8341. ]]></description>
  8342.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[In the first of two shows, Al, Allan, Ken and Steve give their ideas on who they would like to see the Beatles work with. In this show, we discuss our choices for John Lennon, Ringo Starr and George Harrison. Got an idea of your own or a comment on our show? Send it to And you can always find this show on iTunes and YouTube. (On YouTube, search "Things We Said Today Beatles Radio") 
  8344. <br>
  8346. ]]></content:encoded>
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  8349.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In the first of two shows, Al, Allan, Ken and Steve give their ideas on who they would like to see the Beatles work with. In this show, we discuss our choices for John Lennon, Ringo Starr and George Harrison. Got an idea of your own or a comment on our show? Send it to And you can always find this show on iTunes and YouTube. (On YouTube, search "Things We Said Today Beatles Radio") 
  8352. ]]></itunes:summary>
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  8358.    <item>
  8359.        <title>Things We Said Today #172 -  What's in the future for the Beatles?</title>
  8360.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #172 -  What's in the future for the Beatles?</itunes:title>
  8361.        <link></link>
  8362.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 20 Feb 2016 09:30:00 -0400</pubDate>
  8363.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8364.                      <description><![CDATA[This week, Steve, Ken, Al and Allan examine what's in the future for the Beatles -- how the Beatles will be regarded in years to come and what possible things can we expect to be done with their music? Want to join in the discussion? Send your comments to And don't forget you can also hear this show anytime on <a href=''>Podbean</a> and <a href=''>iTunes</a>. 
  8367. ]]></description>
  8368.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[This week, Steve, Ken, Al and Allan examine what's in the future for the Beatles -- how the Beatles will be regarded in years to come and what possible things can we expect to be done with their music? Want to join in the discussion? Send your comments to And don't forget you can also hear this show anytime on <a href=''>Podbean</a> and <a href=''>iTunes</a>. <br>
  8369. <br>
  8370.  <br>
  8371. ]]></content:encoded>
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  8374.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Steve, Ken, Al and Allan examine what's in the future for the Beatles -- how the Beatles will be regarded in years to come and what possible things can we expect to be done with their music? Want to join in the discussion? Send your comments to And don't forget you can also hear this show anytime on Podbean and iTunes.  ]]></itunes:summary>
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  8380.    <item>
  8381.        <title>Things We Said Today #171 - The best Beatles covers (and no Mrs. Miller!)</title>
  8382.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #171 - The best Beatles covers (and no Mrs. Miller!)</itunes:title>
  8383.        <link></link>
  8384.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 13 Feb 2016 09:21:00 -0400</pubDate>
  8385.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8386.                      <description><![CDATA[This week, Al, Ken, Allan and Steve give their picks for their favorite Beatles covers, both on individual songs and albums. If you know the guys (and we do!), you won't be surprised that some of the choices are eclectic and, well, very interesting. And we promise they aren't Mrs. Miller. Want to join in the discussion? Send your favorite Beatles covers to You can also hear this show on <a href=''>Podbean</a> and <a href=''>iTunes</a>.
  8387.  ]]></description>
  8388.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[This week, Al, Ken, Allan and Steve give their picks for their favorite Beatles covers, both on individual songs and albums. If you know the guys (and we do!), you won't be surprised that some of the choices are eclectic and, well, very interesting. And we promise they aren't Mrs. Miller. Want to join in the discussion? Send your favorite Beatles covers to You can also hear this show on <a href=''>Podbean</a> and <a href=''>iTunes</a>.<br>
  8389.  ]]></content:encoded>
  8391.        <enclosure url="" length="49698130" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  8392.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Al, Ken, Allan and Steve give their picks for their favorite Beatles covers, both on individual songs and albums. If you know the guys (and we do!), you won't be surprised that some of the choices are eclectic and, well, very interesting. And we promise they aren't Mrs. Miller. Want to join in the discussion? Send your favorite Beatles covers to You can also hear this show on Podbean and iTunes. ]]></itunes:summary>
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  8396.        <itunes:duration>01:09:02</itunes:duration>
  8397.                                    </item>
  8398.    <item>
  8399.        <title>Things We Said Today #170 - Paul McCartney's "Choba B CCCP" vs "Run Devil Run"</title>
  8400.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #170 - Paul McCartney's "Choba B CCCP" vs "Run Devil Run"</itunes:title>
  8401.        <link></link>
  8402.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 06 Feb 2016 09:26:00 -0400</pubDate>
  8403.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8404.                      <description><![CDATA[This week, your "Things We Said Today" co-hosts Steve, Allan, Ken and Al compare Paul McCartney's two "back to the roots" albums: "Choba B CCCP (The Russian Album)" and "Run Devil Run." Which one is better? We'd love to hear your choice. Be sure to send your comments to 
  8405. ]]></description>
  8406.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[This week, your "Things We Said Today" co-hosts Steve, Allan, Ken and Al compare Paul McCartney's two "back to the roots" albums: "Choba B CCCP (The Russian Album)" and "Run Devil Run." Which one is better? We'd love to hear your choice. Be sure to send your comments to <br>
  8407. ]]></content:encoded>
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  8410.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, your "Things We Said Today" co-hosts Steve, Allan, Ken and Al compare Paul McCartney's two "back to the roots" albums: "Choba B CCCP (The Russian Album)" and "Run Devil Run." Which one is better? We'd love to hear your choice. Be sure to send your comments to ]]></itunes:summary>
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  8415.                                    </item>
  8416.    <item>
  8417.        <title>Things We Said Today #169 - Our favorite Beatlesque songs and groups</title>
  8418.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #169 - Our favorite Beatlesque songs and groups</itunes:title>
  8419.        <link></link>
  8420.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 30 Jan 2016 08:45:00 -0400</pubDate>
  8421.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8422.                      <description><![CDATA[This week, Ken, Steve, Allan and Al discuss Beatlesesque music and groups through the years like Badfinger. (By agreement, we didn't mention Badfinger because their inclusion was so obvious. But we mention a lot of others.) Got any you want to add? Email us at We'd love to hear yours. 
  8423. ]]></description>
  8424.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[This week, Ken, Steve, Allan and Al discuss Beatlesesque music and groups through the years like Badfinger. (By agreement, we didn't mention Badfinger because their inclusion was so obvious. But we mention a lot of others.) Got any you want to add? Email us at We'd love to hear yours. <br>
  8425. ]]></content:encoded>
  8427.        <enclosure url="" length="47375907" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  8428.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Ken, Steve, Allan and Al discuss Beatlesesque music and groups through the years like Badfinger. (By agreement, we didn't mention Badfinger because their inclusion was so obvious. But we mention a lot of others.) Got any you want to add? Email us at We'd love to hear yours. ]]></itunes:summary>
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  8433.                                    </item>
  8434.    <item>
  8435.        <title>Things We Said Today #168 - Black artists' influence on the Beatles </title>
  8436.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #168 - Black artists' influence on the Beatles </itunes:title>
  8437.        <link></link>
  8438.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 23 Jan 2016 08:42:00 -0400</pubDate>
  8439.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8440.                      <description><![CDATA[
  8442. This week, Ken, Alan, Al and Steve discuss how Beatles music was influenced by black musicians like Fats Domino and Chuck Berry. We'd love to hear your comments. Please email them to or you can post them <a href=''>on our YouTube page</a>. And thanks for listening!]]></description>
  8443.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<br>
  8444. <br>
  8445. This week, Ken, Alan, Al and Steve discuss how Beatles music was influenced by black musicians like Fats Domino and Chuck Berry. We'd love to hear your comments. Please email them to or you can post them <a href=''>on our YouTube page</a>. And thanks for listening!]]></content:encoded>
  8447.        <enclosure url="" length="46760922" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  8448.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Ken, Alan, Al and Steve discuss how Beatles music was influenced by black musicians like Fats Domino and Chuck Berry. We'd love to hear your comments. Please email them to or you can post them on our YouTube page. And thanks for listening!]]></itunes:summary>
  8449.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  8450.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  8451.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  8452.        <itunes:duration>01:04:56</itunes:duration>
  8453.                                    </item>
  8454.    <item>
  8455.        <title>Things We Said Today #167 - Author Anthony Robustelli / David Bowie</title>
  8456.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #167 - Author Anthony Robustelli / David Bowie</itunes:title>
  8457.        <link></link>
  8458.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 16 Jan 2016 09:57:00 -0400</pubDate>
  8459.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8460.                      <description><![CDATA[On this week's "Things We Said Today," Steve, Ken, Allan and Al welcome their special guest, author Anthony Robustelli, who talks about his book, "I Want to Tell You: The Definitive Guide to the Music of the Beatles, Volume 1: 1962 - 1963." We also discuss the breaking news that day of the death of David Bowie and his connections to the Beatles. We'd love to hear your comments. Please email them to or you can post them <a href=''>on our YouTube page</a>. And thanks for listening!
  8461. ]]></description>
  8462.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[On this week's "Things We Said Today," Steve, Ken, Allan and Al welcome their special guest, author Anthony Robustelli, who talks about his book, "I Want to Tell You: The Definitive Guide to the Music of the Beatles, Volume 1: 1962 - 1963." We also discuss the breaking news that day of the death of David Bowie and his connections to the Beatles. We'd love to hear your comments. Please email them to or you can post them <a href=''>on our YouTube page</a>. And thanks for listening!<br>
  8463. ]]></content:encoded>
  8465.        <enclosure url="" length="42490215" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  8466.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[On this week's "Things We Said Today," Steve, Ken, Allan and Al welcome their special guest, author Anthony Robustelli, who talks about his book, "I Want to Tell You: The Definitive Guide to the Music of the Beatles, Volume 1: 1962 - 1963." We also discuss the breaking news that day of the death of David Bowie and his connections to the Beatles. We'd love to hear your comments. Please email them to or you can post them on our YouTube page. And thanks for listening!]]></itunes:summary>
  8467.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  8468.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  8469.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  8470.        <itunes:duration>59:00</itunes:duration>
  8471.                                    </item>
  8472.    <item>
  8473.        <title>Things We Said Today #166 - "Gone Troppo," The Beatles and Elvis, Robert Stigwood</title>
  8474.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #166 - "Gone Troppo," The Beatles and Elvis, Robert Stigwood</itunes:title>
  8475.        <link></link>
  8476.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 09 Jan 2016 09:36:00 -0400</pubDate>
  8477.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8478.                      <description><![CDATA[On this week's very full show, Alan, Ken, Al and Steve compare the careers of the Beatles and Elvis Presley, review George Harrison's album "Gone Troppo" and discuss the news of the death of Robert Stigwood and his connection with the Beatles. We'd love to hear your comments. Email 
  8481. ]]></description>
  8482.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[On this week's very full show, Alan, Ken, Al and Steve compare the careers of the Beatles and Elvis Presley, review George Harrison's album "Gone Troppo" and discuss the news of the death of Robert Stigwood and his connection with the Beatles. We'd love to hear your comments. Email <br>
  8483. <br>
  8484. <br>
  8485. ]]></content:encoded>
  8487.        <enclosure url="" length="48664580" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  8488.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[On this week's very full show, Alan, Ken, Al and Steve compare the careers of the Beatles and Elvis Presley, review George Harrison's album "Gone Troppo" and discuss the news of the death of Robert Stigwood and his connection with the Beatles. We'd love to hear your comments. Email ]]></itunes:summary>
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  8490.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
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  8493.                                    </item>
  8494.    <item>
  8495.        <title>Things We Said Today #165 - George Martin's 90th birthday, Beatles now on streaming services</title>
  8496.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #165 - George Martin's 90th birthday, Beatles now on streaming services</itunes:title>
  8497.        <link></link>
  8498.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 02 Jan 2016 09:00:00 -0400</pubDate>
  8499.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8500.                      <description><![CDATA[This week, Allan, Steve, Ken and Al pay tribute to George Martin's 90th birthday on Jan. 3 and talk about his work with the Beatles, both with the group and solo. Also, a discussion of the Beatles music arriving at the streaming services such as Spotify and Amazon Prime and what it all means. We'd love to hear your comments on our show. Send them to 
  8502. ]]></description>
  8503.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[This week, Allan, Steve, Ken and Al pay tribute to George Martin's 90th birthday on Jan. 3 and talk about his work with the Beatles, both with the group and solo. Also, a discussion of the Beatles music arriving at the streaming services such as Spotify and Amazon Prime and what it all means. We'd love to hear your comments on our show. Send them to <br>
  8504.  <br>
  8505. ]]></content:encoded>
  8507.        <enclosure url="" length="53732440" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  8508.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Allan, Steve, Ken and Al pay tribute to George Martin's 90th birthday on Jan. 3 and talk about his work with the Beatles, both with the group and solo. Also, a discussion of the Beatles music arriving at the streaming services such as Spotify and Amazon Prime and what it all means. We'd love to hear your comments on our show. Send them to  ]]></itunes:summary>
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  8510.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  8511.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  8512.        <itunes:duration>01:14:38</itunes:duration>
  8513.                                    </item>
  8514.    <item>
  8515.        <title>Things We Said Today #164 - The Year in Review with Darren DeVivo</title>
  8516.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #164 - The Year in Review with Darren DeVivo</itunes:title>
  8517.        <link></link>
  8518.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 26 Dec 2015 10:00:00 -0400</pubDate>
  8519.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8520.                      <description><![CDATA[Ken, Al, Allan and Steve discuss the biggest events in Beatles year 2015 with special guest Darren DeVivo. What were your highlights of the year and what would you like to see in 2016? Email us at 
  8525. ]]></description>
  8526.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Ken, Al, Allan and Steve discuss the biggest events in Beatles year 2015 with special guest Darren DeVivo. What were your highlights of the year and what would you like to see in 2016? Email us at <br>
  8527. <br>
  8528. <br>
  8529. <br>
  8530. <br>
  8531. ]]></content:encoded>
  8533.        <enclosure url="" length="58616293" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  8534.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Ken, Al, Allan and Steve discuss the biggest events in Beatles year 2015 with special guest Darren DeVivo. What were your highlights of the year and what would you like to see in 2016? Email us at ]]></itunes:summary>
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  8536.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
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  8539.                                    </item>
  8540.    <item>
  8541.        <title>Things We Said Today #163 - The Beatles celebrate Christmas</title>
  8542.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #163 - The Beatles celebrate Christmas</itunes:title>
  8543.        <link></link>
  8544.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 19 Dec 2015 10:00:00 -0400</pubDate>
  8545.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8546.                      <description><![CDATA[On this holiday show, Ken, Al, Allan and Steve discuss the music of the Beatles made for the Christmas season, including the Beatles Christmas messages. 
  8547. ]]></description>
  8548.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[On this holiday show, Ken, Al, Allan and Steve discuss the music of the Beatles made for the Christmas season, including the Beatles Christmas messages. <br>
  8549. ]]></content:encoded>
  8551.        <enclosure url="" length="50285530" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  8552.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[On this holiday show, Ken, Al, Allan and Steve discuss the music of the Beatles made for the Christmas season, including the Beatles Christmas messages. ]]></itunes:summary>
  8553.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  8554.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  8555.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  8556.        <itunes:duration>01:09:51</itunes:duration>
  8557.                                    </item>
  8558.    <item>
  8559.        <title>Things We Said Today #162 - The 50th anniversary of "Rubber Soul" with special guest author Candy Leonard ("Beatleness")</title>
  8560.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #162 - The 50th anniversary of "Rubber Soul" with special guest author Candy Leonard ("Beatleness")</itunes:title>
  8561.        <link></link>
  8562.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 12 Dec 2015 10:00:00 -0400</pubDate>
  8563.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8564.                      <description><![CDATA[Allan, Al and Steve (Ken absent) talk about the 50th anniversary of "Rubber Soul" with our very special guest author Candy Leonard ("Beatleness").  Send your thoughts and comments to
  8565.  ]]></description>
  8566.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Allan, Al and Steve (Ken absent) talk about the 50th anniversary of "Rubber Soul" with our very special guest author Candy Leonard ("Beatleness").  Send your thoughts and comments to<br>
  8567.  ]]></content:encoded>
  8569.        <enclosure url="" length="54524851" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  8570.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Allan, Al and Steve (Ken absent) talk about the 50th anniversary of "Rubber Soul" with our very special guest author Candy Leonard ("Beatleness").  Send your thoughts and comments to ]]></itunes:summary>
  8571.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  8572.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  8573.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  8574.        <itunes:duration>56:34</itunes:duration>
  8575.                                    </item>
  8576.    <item>
  8577.        <title>Things We Said Today #161 - Author Dave Morrell goes inside the record business</title>
  8578.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #161 - Author Dave Morrell goes inside the record business</itunes:title>
  8579.        <link></link>
  8580.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 05 Dec 2015 09:56:00 -0400</pubDate>
  8581.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8582.                      <description><![CDATA[Author Dave Morrell joins Steve, Al and Allan in talking about the latest volume of his memoirs, "1974: The Promotion Man New York City," with stories about the record business from the inside about John Lennon, Ringo Starr and others. 
  8583. ]]></description>
  8584.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Author Dave Morrell joins Steve, Al and Allan in talking about the latest volume of his memoirs, "1974: The Promotion Man New York City," with stories about the record business from the inside about John Lennon, Ringo Starr and others. <br>
  8585. ]]></content:encoded>
  8587.        <enclosure url="" length="73315917" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  8588.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Author Dave Morrell joins Steve, Al and Allan in talking about the latest volume of his memoirs, "1974: The Promotion Man New York City," with stories about the record business from the inside about John Lennon, Ringo Starr and others. ]]></itunes:summary>
  8589.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
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  8591.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  8592.        <itunes:duration>01:16:23</itunes:duration>
  8593.                                    </item>
  8594.    <item>
  8595.        <title>Things We Said Today #160 - The 20th anniversary of The Beatles Anthology</title>
  8596.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #160 - The 20th anniversary of The Beatles Anthology</itunes:title>
  8597.        <link></link>
  8598.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 28 Nov 2015 09:00:00 -0400</pubDate>
  8599.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8600.                      <description><![CDATA[Ken, Al, Allan and Steve celebrate the 20th anniversary of "The Beatles Anthology"  TV broadcast by looking back at the TV show, the book and the CDs. 
  8601. ]]></description>
  8602.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Ken, Al, Allan and Steve celebrate the 20th anniversary of "The Beatles Anthology"  TV broadcast by looking back at the TV show, the book and the CDs. <br>
  8603. ]]></content:encoded>
  8605.        <enclosure url="" length="69739900" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  8606.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Ken, Al, Allan and Steve celebrate the 20th anniversary of "The Beatles Anthology"  TV broadcast by looking back at the TV show, the book and the CDs. ]]></itunes:summary>
  8607.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  8608.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
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  8610.        <itunes:duration>01:12:38</itunes:duration>
  8611.                                    </item>
  8612.    <item>
  8613.        <title>Things We Said Today #159 - Remembering Andy White and more on 'Beatles +1 with Tom Frangione</title>
  8614.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #159 - Remembering Andy White and more on 'Beatles +1 with Tom Frangione</itunes:title>
  8615.        <link></link>
  8616.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 21 Nov 2015 09:30:00 -0400</pubDate>
  8617.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8618.                      <description><![CDATA[Tom Frangione joins Al, Steve and Ken this week for a remembrance of drummer Andy White, who subbed for Ringo on some early tracks, including "Love Me Do," and who Tom knew through appearances at past Beatles fan events. We also talk a little more about the new "Beatles +1" DVD and CD. 
  8621. ]]></description>
  8622.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Tom Frangione joins Al, Steve and Ken this week for a remembrance of drummer Andy White, who subbed for Ringo on some early tracks, including "Love Me Do," and who Tom knew through appearances at past Beatles fan events. We also talk a little more about the new "Beatles +1" DVD and CD. <br>
  8623. <br>
  8624. <br>
  8625. ]]></content:encoded>
  8627.        <enclosure url="" length="63459186" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  8628.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Tom Frangione joins Al, Steve and Ken this week for a remembrance of drummer Andy White, who subbed for Ringo on some early tracks, including "Love Me Do," and who Tom knew through appearances at past Beatles fan events. We also talk a little more about the new "Beatles +1" DVD and CD. ]]></itunes:summary>
  8629.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  8630.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  8631.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  8632.        <itunes:duration>01:06:06</itunes:duration>
  8633.                                    </item>
  8634.    <item>
  8635.        <title>Things We Said Today #158 - "Beatles 1+"  -- analysis and opinion</title>
  8636.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #158 - "Beatles 1+"  -- analysis and opinion</itunes:title>
  8637.        <link></link>
  8638.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 14 Nov 2015 09:36:00 -0400</pubDate>
  8639.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8640.                      <description><![CDATA[Allan, Al, Ken and Steve discuss and analyze the new "Beatles 1+" release, with our opinions on the quality of the videos the and the new mixes (and details on just what new sounds can be heard). 
  8643. ]]></description>
  8644.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Allan, Al, Ken and Steve discuss and analyze the new "Beatles 1+" release, with our opinions on the quality of the videos the and the new mixes (and details on just what new sounds can be heard). <br>
  8645. <br>
  8646. <br>
  8647. ]]></content:encoded>
  8649.        <enclosure url="" length="59950418" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  8650.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Allan, Al, Ken and Steve discuss and analyze the new "Beatles 1+" release, with our opinions on the quality of the videos the and the new mixes (and details on just what new sounds can be heard). ]]></itunes:summary>
  8651.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  8652.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  8653.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  8654.        <itunes:duration>01:02:26</itunes:duration>
  8655.                                    </item>
  8656.    <item>
  8657.        <title>Things We Said Today #157 - Listening to the Beatles on the radio</title>
  8658.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #157 - Listening to the Beatles on the radio</itunes:title>
  8659.        <link></link>
  8660.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 07 Nov 2015 10:25:00 -0400</pubDate>
  8661.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8662.                      <description><![CDATA[Steve, Allan, Al and Ken remember the days when the Beatles were on the radio and how it helped make their success in America 
  8663. ]]></description>
  8664.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Steve, Allan, Al and Ken remember the days when the Beatles were on the radio and how it helped make their success in America <br>
  8665. ]]></content:encoded>
  8667.        <enclosure url="" length="65429445" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  8668.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Steve, Allan, Al and Ken remember the days when the Beatles were on the radio and how it helped make their success in America ]]></itunes:summary>
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  8674.    <item>
  8675.        <title>Things We Said Today 156 - "Lennonology" With Chip Madinger</title>
  8676.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today 156 - "Lennonology" With Chip Madinger</itunes:title>
  8677.        <link></link>
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  8680.                      <description><![CDATA[This week, Allan, Steve, Ken and Al talk with Chip Madinger, author of "Lennonology," an exhaustive resource on the lives of John Lennon and Yoko Ono that has just released its first of three volumes. 
  8681. ]]></description>
  8682.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[This week, Allan, Steve, Ken and Al talk with Chip Madinger, author of "Lennonology," an exhaustive resource on the lives of John Lennon and Yoko Ono that has just released its first of three volumes. <br>
  8683. ]]></content:encoded>
  8685.        <enclosure url="" length="53880815" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  8686.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Allan, Steve, Ken and Al talk with Chip Madinger, author of "Lennonology," an exhaustive resource on the lives of John Lennon and Yoko Ono that has just released its first of three volumes. ]]></itunes:summary>
  8687.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
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  8690.        <itunes:duration>56:08</itunes:duration>
  8691.                                    </item>
  8692.    <item>
  8693.        <title>Things We Said Today #155 - The McCartney reissues "Tug of War" and "Pipes of Peace"</title>
  8694.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #155 - The McCartney reissues "Tug of War" and "Pipes of Peace"</itunes:title>
  8695.        <link></link>
  8696.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 24 Oct 2015 11:05:00 -0300</pubDate>
  8697.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8698.                      <description><![CDATA[Allan Kozinn, Al Sussman, Ken Michaels, Steve Marinucci and special guest Tom Frangione analyze the brand new Paul McCartney reissues "Tug of War" and "Pipes of Peace," what's in them and what not and should have been and how good are they? Send your comments to 
  8701. ]]></description>
  8702.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Allan Kozinn, Al Sussman, Ken Michaels, Steve Marinucci and special guest Tom Frangione analyze the brand new Paul McCartney reissues "Tug of War" and "Pipes of Peace," what's in them and what not and should have been and how good are they? Send your comments to <br>
  8703. <br>
  8704. <br>
  8705. ]]></content:encoded>
  8707.        <enclosure url="" length="80770637" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  8708.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Allan Kozinn, Al Sussman, Ken Michaels, Steve Marinucci and special guest Tom Frangione analyze the brand new Paul McCartney reissues "Tug of War" and "Pipes of Peace," what's in them and what not and should have been and how good are they? Send your comments to ]]></itunes:summary>
  8709.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
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  8712.        <itunes:duration>01:24:09</itunes:duration>
  8713.                                    </item>
  8714.    <item>
  8715.        <title>Things We Said Today #154 - Lennon tributes, new Mark Lewisohn interview, more </title>
  8716.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #154 - Lennon tributes, new Mark Lewisohn interview, more </itunes:title>
  8717.        <link></link>
  8718.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 17 Oct 2015 11:19:00 -0300</pubDate>
  8719.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8720.                      <description><![CDATA[Ken, Allan, Al and Steve discuss the latest Beatles news with reports on the events for John Lennon's birthday, Mark Lewisohn's new interview and more. Send your comments to  ]]></description>
  8721.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Ken, Allan, Al and Steve discuss the latest Beatles news with reports on the events for John Lennon's birthday, Mark Lewisohn's new interview and more. Send your comments to  ]]></content:encoded>
  8723.        <enclosure url="" length="51034095" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  8724.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Ken, Allan, Al and Steve discuss the latest Beatles news with reports on the events for John Lennon's birthday, Mark Lewisohn's new interview and more. Send your comments to  ]]></itunes:summary>
  8725.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
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  8729.                                    </item>
  8730.    <item>
  8731.        <title>Things We Said Today #153 - Kit O'Toole, author of "The Songs We Were Singing"</title>
  8732.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #153 - Kit O'Toole, author of "The Songs We Were Singing"</itunes:title>
  8733.        <link></link>
  8734.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 10 Oct 2015 11:30:00 -0300</pubDate>
  8735.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8736.                      <description><![CDATA[Kit O'Toole talks with Allan, Al, Ken and Steve about her new book, "Songs We Were Singing: Guided Tours Through the Beatles' Lesser Known Tracks."
  8737.  ]]></description>
  8738.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Kit O'Toole talks with Allan, Al, Ken and Steve about her new book, "Songs We Were Singing: Guided Tours Through the Beatles' Lesser Known Tracks."<br>
  8739.  ]]></content:encoded>
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  8742.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Kit O'Toole talks with Allan, Al, Ken and Steve about her new book, "Songs We Were Singing: Guided Tours Through the Beatles' Lesser Known Tracks." ]]></itunes:summary>
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  8745.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  8746.        <itunes:duration>01:06:51</itunes:duration>
  8747.                                    </item>
  8748.    <item>
  8749.        <title>Things We Said Today #152 - Chuck Gunderson, author of "Some Fun Tonight!" </title>
  8750.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #152 - Chuck Gunderson, author of "Some Fun Tonight!" </itunes:title>
  8751.        <link></link>
  8752.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 30 Sep 2015 21:04:35 -0300</pubDate>
  8753.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8754.                      <description><![CDATA[Steve, Al, Ken and Allan talk to Chuck Gunderson, author of the incredible "Some Fun Tonight!," about the Beatles U.S. tours especially the ones 50 years ago in 1965. We'd love to have your comments. Email us at <p>  </p>
  8758. ]]></description>
  8759.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Steve, Al, Ken and Allan talk to Chuck Gunderson, author of the incredible "Some Fun Tonight!," about the Beatles U.S. tours especially the ones 50 years ago in 1965. We'd love to have your comments. Email us at <p>  </p>
  8760. <br>
  8761. <br>
  8762. <br>
  8763. ]]></content:encoded>
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  8766.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Steve, Al, Ken and Allan talk to Chuck Gunderson, author of the incredible "Some Fun Tonight!," about the Beatles U.S. tours especially the ones 50 years ago in 1965. We'd love to have your comments. Email us at   ]]></itunes:summary>
  8767.        <itunes:author>Al Sussman, Allan Kozinn, Steve Marinucci and Ken Michaels.</itunes:author>
  8768.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  8769.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  8770.        <itunes:duration>59:46</itunes:duration>
  8771.                                    </item>
  8772.    <item>
  8773.        <title>Things We Said Today #151 - The Beatles greatest miracles</title>
  8774.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #151 - The Beatles greatest miracles</itunes:title>
  8775.        <link></link>
  8776.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 26 Sep 2015 11:04:00 -0300</pubDate>
  8777.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8778.                      <description><![CDATA[Allan, Ken, Al and Steve make their picks for the best musical miracles done by the Beatles in their years as a group. Got one of your own? Email it to 
  8779. ]]></description>
  8780.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Allan, Ken, Al and Steve make their picks for the best musical miracles done by the Beatles in their years as a group. Got one of your own? Email it to <br>
  8781. ]]></content:encoded>
  8783.        <enclosure url="" length="52565393" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  8784.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Allan, Ken, Al and Steve make their picks for the best musical miracles done by the Beatles in their years as a group. Got one of your own? Email it to ]]></itunes:summary>
  8785.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  8786.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
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  8788.        <itunes:duration>01:13:01</itunes:duration>
  8789.                                    </item>
  8790.    <item>
  8791.        <title>Things We Said Today #150 - The new Beatles "1" DVD</title>
  8792.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #150 - The new Beatles "1" DVD</itunes:title>
  8793.        <link></link>
  8794.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 19 Sep 2015 11:00:00 -0300</pubDate>
  8795.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8796.                      <description><![CDATA[Al, Allan, Ken and Steve discuss the big news of the new Beatles "1" DVD and the remastered/remixed Beatles "1" CD, their initial reaction on the day the news was announced and what it all means. 
  8801. ]]></description>
  8802.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Al, Allan, Ken and Steve discuss the big news of the new Beatles "1" DVD and the remastered/remixed Beatles "1" CD, their initial reaction on the day the news was announced and what it all means. <br>
  8803. <br>
  8804.  <br>
  8805. <br>
  8806. <br>
  8807. ]]></content:encoded>
  8809.        <enclosure url="" length="55099584" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  8810.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Al, Allan, Ken and Steve discuss the big news of the new Beatles "1" DVD and the remastered/remixed Beatles "1" CD, their initial reaction on the day the news was announced and what it all means.  ]]></itunes:summary>
  8811.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  8812.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  8813.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  8814.        <itunes:duration>57:23</itunes:duration>
  8815.                                    </item>
  8816.    <item>
  8817.        <title>Things We Said Today #149 - Looking over Ringo Starr's career, part 1</title>
  8818.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #149 - Looking over Ringo Starr's career, part 1</itunes:title>
  8819.        <link></link>
  8820.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 05 Sep 2015 11:45:00 -0300</pubDate>
  8821.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8822.                      <description><![CDATA[Allan, Ken and Steve (no Al this week) look at the early part of Ringo Starr's solo career and evaluate his albums though "Vertical Man."
  8823. ]]></description>
  8824.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Allan, Ken and Steve (no Al this week) look at the early part of Ringo Starr's solo career and evaluate his albums though "Vertical Man."<br>
  8825. ]]></content:encoded>
  8827.        <enclosure url="" length="72313233" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  8828.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Allan, Ken and Steve (no Al this week) look at the early part of Ringo Starr's solo career and evaluate his albums though "Vertical Man."]]></itunes:summary>
  8829.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  8830.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  8831.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  8832.        <itunes:duration>01:15:20</itunes:duration>
  8833.                                    </item>
  8834.    <item>
  8835.        <title>Things We Said Today #148 - George Harrison's Dark Horse album and should McCartney announce his concerts differently?</title>
  8836.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #148 - George Harrison's Dark Horse album and should McCartney announce his concerts differently?</itunes:title>
  8837.        <link></link>
  8838.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 29 Aug 2015 11:10:00 -0300</pubDate>
  8839.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8840.                      <description><![CDATA[
  8841. This week, Ken, Allan, Al and Steve analyze George Harrison's "Dark Horse" album and the news of new McCartney concerts -- is the few-at-a-time announcement of new shows in the interest of fans?
  8845.  ]]></description>
  8846.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[<br>
  8847. This week, Ken, Allan, Al and Steve analyze George Harrison's "Dark Horse" album and the news of new McCartney concerts -- is the few-at-a-time announcement of new shows in the interest of fans?<br>
  8848. <br>
  8849. <br>
  8850. <br>
  8851.  ]]></content:encoded>
  8853.        <enclosure url="" length="53105919" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  8854.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This week, Ken, Allan, Al and Steve analyze George Harrison's "Dark Horse" album and the news of new McCartney concerts -- is the few-at-a-time announcement of new shows in the interest of fans? ]]></itunes:summary>
  8855.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  8856.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  8857.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  8858.        <itunes:duration>55:20</itunes:duration>
  8859.                                    </item>
  8860.    <item>
  8861.        <title>Things We Said Today #147 - Roundup: Shea Stadium anniversary and stereo tracks, The Fest, Danbury Fields</title>
  8862.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #147 - Roundup: Shea Stadium anniversary and stereo tracks, The Fest, Danbury Fields</itunes:title>
  8863.        <link></link>
  8864.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 22 Aug 2015 11:14:00 -0300</pubDate>
  8865.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8866.                      <description><![CDATA[Steve, Ken, Allan and Al discuss the Shea Stadium anniversary and the stereo tracks that just surfaced, the lack of a 50th anniversary release, plus summaries of The Fest For Beatles Fans and Danbury Fields Forever. To send a comment, write or tweet @thingswesaidfab. ]]></description>
  8867.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Steve, Ken, Allan and Al discuss the Shea Stadium anniversary and the stereo tracks that just surfaced, the lack of a 50th anniversary release, plus summaries of The Fest For Beatles Fans and Danbury Fields Forever. To send a comment, write or tweet @thingswesaidfab. ]]></content:encoded>
  8869.        <enclosure url="" length="66438817" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  8870.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Steve, Ken, Allan and Al discuss the Shea Stadium anniversary and the stereo tracks that just surfaced, the lack of a 50th anniversary release, plus summaries of The Fest For Beatles Fans and Danbury Fields Forever. To send a comment, write or tweet @thingswesaidfab. ]]></itunes:summary>
  8871.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  8872.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  8873.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  8874.        <itunes:duration>01:09:12</itunes:duration>
  8875.                                    </item>
  8876.    <item>
  8877.        <title>Things We Said Today #146 - Keith Richards/Stones vs. Beatles (with Michael Lynch)</title>
  8878.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #146 - Keith Richards/Stones vs. Beatles (with Michael Lynch)</itunes:title>
  8879.        <link></link>
  8880.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 15 Aug 2015 11:20:00 -0300</pubDate>
  8881.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8882.                      <description><![CDATA[Keith Richards' statement about Sgt. Pepper being "rubbish" along with a comparison of the Stones' whole career to that of the Beatles is discussed in a cage match with Stones (and Beatles) fan Michael Lynch and co-hosts Steve Marinucci, Allan Kozinn, Al Sussman and Ken Michaels. Will Michael survive? Talk to us at 
  8883. ]]></description>
  8884.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Keith Richards' statement about Sgt. Pepper being "rubbish" along with a comparison of the Stones' whole career to that of the Beatles is discussed in a cage match with Stones (and Beatles) fan Michael Lynch and co-hosts Steve Marinucci, Allan Kozinn, Al Sussman and Ken Michaels. Will Michael survive? Talk to us at <br>
  8885. ]]></content:encoded>
  8887.        <enclosure url="" length="58007744" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  8888.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Keith Richards' statement about Sgt. Pepper being "rubbish" along with a comparison of the Stones' whole career to that of the Beatles is discussed in a cage match with Stones (and Beatles) fan Michael Lynch and co-hosts Steve Marinucci, Allan Kozinn, Al Sussman and Ken Michaels. Will Michael survive? Talk to us at ]]></itunes:summary>
  8889.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  8890.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  8891.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  8892.        <itunes:duration>01:00:25</itunes:duration>
  8893.                                    </item>
  8894.    <item>
  8895.        <title>Things We Said Today #145 - Charles Rosenay on 2015 Danbury Fields Forever</title>
  8896.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #145 - Charles Rosenay on 2015 Danbury Fields Forever</itunes:title>
  8897.        <link></link>
  8898.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 08 Aug 2015 11:54:00 -0300</pubDate>
  8899.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8900.                      <description><![CDATA[Special guest Charles Rosenay talks about the upcoming Danbury Fields Forever 2015 on August 15 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Beatles at Shea Stadium, and also discusses the best moments of his past Beatles tours. 
  8906. ]]></description>
  8907.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Special guest Charles Rosenay talks about the upcoming Danbury Fields Forever 2015 on August 15 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Beatles at Shea Stadium, and also discusses the best moments of his past Beatles tours. <br>
  8908. <br>
  8909. <br>
  8910. <br>
  8911. <br>
  8912. <br>
  8913. ]]></content:encoded>
  8915.        <enclosure url="" length="54448404" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  8916.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Special guest Charles Rosenay talks about the upcoming Danbury Fields Forever 2015 on August 15 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Beatles at Shea Stadium, and also discusses the best moments of his past Beatles tours. ]]></itunes:summary>
  8917.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  8918.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  8919.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
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  8921.                                    </item>
  8922.    <item>
  8923.        <title>Things We Said Today #144 - Cilla Black/Will there be another Beatles?</title>
  8924.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #144 - Cilla Black/Will there be another Beatles?</itunes:title>
  8925.        <link></link>
  8926.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 08 Aug 2015 10:54:00 -0300</pubDate>
  8927.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8928.                      <description><![CDATA[Al, Ken, Allan and Steve talk about the passing of Cilla Black and her significance to the Beatles story, plus discuss the question of whether there ever could be another Beatles. 
  8929. ]]></description>
  8930.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Al, Ken, Allan and Steve talk about the passing of Cilla Black and her significance to the Beatles story, plus discuss the question of whether there ever could be another Beatles. <br>
  8931. ]]></content:encoded>
  8933.        <enclosure url="" length="44369109" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  8934.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Al, Ken, Allan and Steve talk about the passing of Cilla Black and her significance to the Beatles story, plus discuss the question of whether there ever could be another Beatles. ]]></itunes:summary>
  8935.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  8936.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
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  8939.                                    </item>
  8940.    <item>
  8941.        <title>Things We Said Today #143 - Mark Lapidos</title>
  8942.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #143 - Mark Lapidos</itunes:title>
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  8947.  ]]></description>
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  8949.  ]]></content:encoded>
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  8952.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Steve, Ken, Al and Allan talk with Mark Lapidos, founder of the Fest for Beatles Fans about the upcoming Chicago Fest and highlights of past fests, including a few stories you may not be aware of. Send your comments to ]]></itunes:summary>
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  8961.        <link></link>
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  8964.                      <description><![CDATA[Dave Schwensen, author of "The Beatles at Shea Stadium" and "The Beatles in Cleveland," talks with Allan Kozinn, Ken Michaels,, Al Sussman and Steve Marinucci about the 1965 concert that is celebrating its 50th anniversary and reveals some little known facts about it he's uncovered. Send comments about the show by writing
  8965. ]]></description>
  8966.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Dave Schwensen, author of "The Beatles at Shea Stadium" and "The Beatles in Cleveland," talks with Allan Kozinn, Ken Michaels,, Al Sussman and Steve Marinucci about the 1965 concert that is celebrating its 50th anniversary and reveals some little known facts about it he's uncovered. Send comments about the show by writing<br>
  8967. ]]></content:encoded>
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  8970.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Dave Schwensen, author of "The Beatles at Shea Stadium" and "The Beatles in Cleveland," talks with Allan Kozinn, Ken Michaels,, Al Sussman and Steve Marinucci about the 1965 concert that is celebrating its 50th anniversary and reveals some little known facts about it he's uncovered. Send comments about the show by writing]]></itunes:summary>
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  8976.    <item>
  8977.        <title>Things We Said Today #141 -- Ringo's 75th birthday, Paul's Esquire interview and more</title>
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  8981.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  8982.                      <description><![CDATA[Ken, Al, Allan and Steve discuss Ringo's recent 75th birthday event and Paul McCartney's cover interview in Esquire where he talked about several topics, including how people have looked at John Lennon since his death. ]]></description>
  8983.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Ken, Al, Allan and Steve discuss Ringo's recent 75th birthday event and Paul McCartney's cover interview in Esquire where he talked about several topics, including how people have looked at John Lennon since his death. ]]></content:encoded>
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  8986.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Ken, Al, Allan and Steve discuss Ringo's recent 75th birthday event and Paul McCartney's cover interview in Esquire where he talked about several topics, including how people have looked at John Lennon since his death. ]]></itunes:summary>
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  8992.    <item>
  8993.        <title>Things We Said Today #140 - Andrew Grant Jackson and why 1965 was music's best year</title>
  8994.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #140 - Andrew Grant Jackson and why 1965 was music's best year</itunes:title>
  8995.        <link></link>
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  8998.                      <description><![CDATA[Author Andrew Grant Jackson talks with Al Sussman, Ken Michaels and Steve Marinucci about why 1965 was such a landmark year for rock 'n' roll and the Beatles.
  9001. ]]></description>
  9002.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Author Andrew Grant Jackson talks with Al Sussman, Ken Michaels and Steve Marinucci about why 1965 was such a landmark year for rock 'n' roll and the Beatles.<br>
  9003.  <br>
  9004. <br>
  9005. ]]></content:encoded>
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  9014.    <item>
  9015.        <title>Things We Said Today #139 - Rick Glover on stage with Paul McCartney</title>
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  9017.        <link></link>
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  9020.                      <description><![CDATA[Rick "Fans on the Run" Glover talks about what it's like being on stage with Paul McCartney, as he was in Columbia, South Carolina on June 25. You can read more about it <a href=''>on Beatles Examiner</a>. We really want to hear from you! Send your comments on the show to <a href=''></a>.  (Photo by Jennie Swenton.)
  9021. ]]></description>
  9022.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Rick "Fans on the Run" Glover talks about what it's like being on stage with Paul McCartney, as he was in Columbia, South Carolina on June 25. You can read more about it <a href=''>on Beatles Examiner</a>. We really want to hear from you! Send your comments on the show to <a href=''></a>.  (Photo by Jennie Swenton.)<br>
  9023. ]]></content:encoded>
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  9026.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Rick "Fans on the Run" Glover talks about what it's like being on stage with Paul McCartney, as he was in Columbia, South Carolina on June 25. You can read more about it on Beatles Examiner. We really want to hear from you! Send your comments on the show to  (Photo by Jennie Swenton.)]]></itunes:summary>
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  9032.    <item>
  9033.        <title>Things We Said Today #138 - Best Paul and George albums</title>
  9034.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #138 - Best Paul and George albums</itunes:title>
  9035.        <link></link>
  9036.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 20 Jun 2015 11:40:00 -0300</pubDate>
  9037.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  9038.                      <description><![CDATA[Allan Kozinn, Al Sussman, Steve Marinucci and Ken Michaels, plus regular guest Darren DeVivo give their rundown for the best solo albums by Paul McCartney and George Harrison. 
  9042.   ]]></description>
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  9044.  <br>
  9045. <br>
  9046. <br>
  9047.   ]]></content:encoded>
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  9050.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Allan Kozinn, Al Sussman, Steve Marinucci and Ken Michaels, plus regular guest Darren DeVivo give their rundown for the best solo albums by Paul McCartney and George Harrison.    ]]></itunes:summary>
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  9056.    <item>
  9057.        <title>Things We Said Today #137 - Favorite John-Ringo albums, Dennis Ferrante tribute</title>
  9058.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #137 - Favorite John-Ringo albums, Dennis Ferrante tribute</itunes:title>
  9059.        <link></link>
  9060.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 13 Jun 2015 11:31:00 -0300</pubDate>
  9061.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  9062.                      <description><![CDATA[Ken, Allan, Al, Steve and regular guest Darren DeVivo give their favorite John and Ringo solo albums, plus we do a tribute to Lennon engineer Dennis Ferrante. 
  9063. ]]></description>
  9064.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Ken, Allan, Al, Steve and regular guest Darren DeVivo give their favorite John and Ringo solo albums, plus we do a tribute to Lennon engineer Dennis Ferrante. <br>
  9065. ]]></content:encoded>
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  9068.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Ken, Allan, Al, Steve and regular guest Darren DeVivo give their favorite John and Ringo solo albums, plus we do a tribute to Lennon engineer Dennis Ferrante. ]]></itunes:summary>
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  9074.    <item>
  9075.        <title>Things We Said Today #136 - We just can't "Let It Be" ...</title>
  9076.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #136 - We just can't "Let It Be" ...</itunes:title>
  9077.        <link></link>
  9078.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Fri, 05 Jun 2015 11:01:00 -0300</pubDate>
  9079.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  9080.                      <description><![CDATA[For the 45th anniversary of the release of "Let It Be," Al Sussman, Steve Marinucci, Ken Michaels and Allan Kozinn discuss the album, the movie, the legacy of the movie and the album, and how the film should be released on DVD.
  9082.  ]]></description>
  9083.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[For the 45th anniversary of the release of "Let It Be," Al Sussman, Steve Marinucci, Ken Michaels and Allan Kozinn discuss the album, the movie, the legacy of the movie and the album, and how the film should be released on DVD.<br>
  9084. <br>
  9085.  ]]></content:encoded>
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  9088.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[For the 45th anniversary of the release of "Let It Be," Al Sussman, Steve Marinucci, Ken Michaels and Allan Kozinn discuss the album, the movie, the legacy of the movie and the album, and how the film should be released on DVD. ]]></itunes:summary>
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  9094.    <item>
  9095.        <title>Things We Said Today #135 - Laurence Juber!!!</title>
  9096.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #135 - Laurence Juber!!!</itunes:title>
  9097.        <link></link>
  9098.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 30 May 2015 11:21:00 -0300</pubDate>
  9099.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  9100.                      <description><![CDATA[In a very special interview, Al Sussman, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Steve Marinucci talk to former Paul McCartney and Wings guitarist Laurence Juber about his latest album, "Fingerboard Road." Laurence also gives some insight into his guitar techniques. 
  9103. ]]></description>
  9104.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[In a very special interview, Al Sussman, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Steve Marinucci talk to former Paul McCartney and Wings guitarist Laurence Juber about his latest album, "Fingerboard Road." Laurence also gives some insight into his guitar techniques. <br>
  9105. <br>
  9106. <br>
  9107. ]]></content:encoded>
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  9110.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[In a very special interview, Al Sussman, Ken Michaels, Allan Kozinn and Steve Marinucci talk to former Paul McCartney and Wings guitarist Laurence Juber about his latest album, "Fingerboard Road." Laurence also gives some insight into his guitar techniques. ]]></itunes:summary>
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  9116.    <item>
  9117.        <title>Things We Said Today #134 - The Beatles at the Star Club</title>
  9118.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #134 - The Beatles at the Star Club</itunes:title>
  9119.        <link></link>
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  9121.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  9122.                      <description><![CDATA[Steve Marinucci, Ken Michaels and Allan Kozinn (no Al Sussman this week) discuss the controversial Beatles' Star Club tapes, including the recently "Zu Laut" bootleg. 
  9123.  ]]></description>
  9124.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Steve Marinucci, Ken Michaels and Allan Kozinn (no Al Sussman this week) discuss the controversial Beatles' Star Club tapes, including the recently "Zu Laut" bootleg. <br>
  9125.  ]]></content:encoded>
  9127.        <enclosure url="" length="10984788" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  9128.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Steve Marinucci, Ken Michaels and Allan Kozinn (no Al Sussman this week) discuss the controversial Beatles' Star Club tapes, including the recently "Zu Laut" bootleg.  ]]></itunes:summary>
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  9134.    <item>
  9135.        <title>Things We Said Today #133 - Analyzing McCartney's "Tug of War"</title>
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  9137.        <link></link>
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  9139.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  9140.                      <description><![CDATA[Steve, Al, Allan and Ken plus regular contributor Tom Frangione take a hard look at the Paul McCartney album "Tug of War." Just how good is it?
  9141. ]]></description>
  9142.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Steve, Al, Allan and Ken plus regular contributor Tom Frangione take a hard look at the Paul McCartney album "Tug of War." Just how good is it?<br>
  9143. ]]></content:encoded>
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  9146.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Steve, Al, Allan and Ken plus regular contributor Tom Frangione take a hard look at the Paul McCartney album "Tug of War." Just how good is it?]]></itunes:summary>
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  9152.    <item>
  9153.        <title>Things We Said Today #132 - The Beatles' Capitol Albums</title>
  9154.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #132 - The Beatles' Capitol Albums</itunes:title>
  9155.        <link></link>
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  9158.                      <description><![CDATA[Do the U.S. Capitol Beatles albums make any sense at all after all these years? Ken, Steve, Allan and Al give their opinions in this week's show. 
  9159.  ]]></description>
  9160.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Do the U.S. Capitol Beatles albums make any sense at all after all these years? Ken, Steve, Allan and Al give their opinions in this week's show. <br>
  9161.  ]]></content:encoded>
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  9164.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Do the U.S. Capitol Beatles albums make any sense at all after all these years? Ken, Steve, Allan and Al give their opinions in this week's show.  ]]></itunes:summary>
  9165.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
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  9170.    <item>
  9171.        <title>Things We Said Today #131 - Ringo Starr is finally in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame</title>
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  9173.        <link></link>
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  9175.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  9176.                      <description><![CDATA[Steve Marinucci, Al Sussman, Ken Michaels and Darren DeVivo discuss Ringo Starr's entry into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and what it all means.]]></description>
  9177.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Steve Marinucci, Al Sussman, Ken Michaels and Darren DeVivo discuss Ringo Starr's entry into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and what it all means.]]></content:encoded>
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  9180.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Steve Marinucci, Al Sussman, Ken Michaels and Darren DeVivo discuss Ringo Starr's entry into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and what it all means.]]></itunes:summary>
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  9186.    <item>
  9187.        <title>Things We Said Today #130 - John Lennon's "Mind Games" </title>
  9188.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #130 - John Lennon's "Mind Games" </itunes:title>
  9189.        <link></link>
  9190.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 18 Apr 2015 12:23:00 -0300</pubDate>
  9191.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  9192.                      <description><![CDATA[Allan Kozinn, Steve Marinucci, Ken Michaels and Al Sussman plus Darren DeVivo review John Lennon's "Mind Games" album. 
  9193. ]]></description>
  9194.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Allan Kozinn, Steve Marinucci, Ken Michaels and Al Sussman plus Darren DeVivo review John Lennon's "Mind Games" album. <br>
  9195. ]]></content:encoded>
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  9198.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Allan Kozinn, Steve Marinucci, Ken Michaels and Al Sussman plus Darren DeVivo review John Lennon's "Mind Games" album. ]]></itunes:summary>
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  9204.    <item>
  9205.        <title>Things We Said Today 129 - Postcards From Paradise</title>
  9206.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today 129 - Postcards From Paradise</itunes:title>
  9207.        <link></link>
  9208.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 11 Apr 2015 11:35:00 -0300</pubDate>
  9209.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  9210.                      <description><![CDATA[Allan Kozinn, Al Sussman, Steve Marinucci, Ken Michaels and Tom Frangione review Ringo Starr's new album "Postcards From Paradise." The show also includes clips of Ken's interview with Ringo and Steve's interview with Ringo recording engineer Bruce Sugar. 
  9211. ]]></description>
  9212.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Allan Kozinn, Al Sussman, Steve Marinucci, Ken Michaels and Tom Frangione review Ringo Starr's new album "Postcards From Paradise." The show also includes clips of Ken's interview with Ringo and Steve's interview with Ringo recording engineer Bruce Sugar. <br>
  9213. ]]></content:encoded>
  9215.        <enclosure url="" length="14848908" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  9216.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Allan Kozinn, Al Sussman, Steve Marinucci, Ken Michaels and Tom Frangione review Ringo Starr's new album "Postcards From Paradise." The show also includes clips of Ken's interview with Ringo and Steve's interview with Ringo recording engineer Bruce Sugar. ]]></itunes:summary>
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  9218.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
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  9220.        <itunes:duration>01:22:30</itunes:duration>
  9221.                                    </item>
  9222.    <item>
  9223.        <title>Things We Said Today #128 - News roundup - Ringo and Paul interviews, Albert Maysles, Cynthia Lennon deaths</title>
  9224.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #128 - News roundup - Ringo and Paul interviews, Albert Maysles, Cynthia Lennon deaths</itunes:title>
  9225.        <link></link>
  9226.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 04 Apr 2015 11:15:00 -0300</pubDate>
  9227.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  9228.                      <description><![CDATA[A rundown of recent Beatles news, including two new magazine interviews and the passings of two people whose lives helped shape Beatles history.
  9229.  ]]></description>
  9230.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[A rundown of recent Beatles news, including two new magazine interviews and the passings of two people whose lives helped shape Beatles history.<br>
  9231.  ]]></content:encoded>
  9233.        <enclosure url="" length="57038064" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  9234.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[A rundown of recent Beatles news, including two new magazine interviews and the passings of two people whose lives helped shape Beatles history. ]]></itunes:summary>
  9235.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  9236.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  9237.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  9238.        <itunes:duration>59:24</itunes:duration>
  9239.                                    </item>
  9240.    <item>
  9241.        <title>TWST Extra - Cynthia Lennon memorial</title>
  9242.        <itunes:title>TWST Extra - Cynthia Lennon memorial</itunes:title>
  9243.        <link></link>
  9244.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Wed, 01 Apr 2015 17:42:31 -0300</pubDate>
  9245.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  9246.                      <description><![CDATA[A special edition of "Things We Said Today" in which Allan, Ken, Al and Steve discuss the sad news about the passing of Cynthia Lennon. 
  9247. ]]></description>
  9248.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[A special edition of "Things We Said Today" in which Allan, Ken, Al and Steve discuss the sad news about the passing of Cynthia Lennon. <br>
  9249. ]]></content:encoded>
  9251.        <enclosure url="" length="7258268" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  9252.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[A special edition of "Things We Said Today" in which Allan, Ken, Al and Steve discuss the sad news about the passing of Cynthia Lennon. ]]></itunes:summary>
  9253.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  9254.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  9255.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  9256.        <itunes:duration>17:17</itunes:duration>
  9257.                                    </item>
  9258.    <item>
  9259.        <title>Things We Said Today #127 - NY Metro Fest for Beatles Fans review</title>
  9260.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #127 - NY Metro Fest for Beatles Fans review</itunes:title>
  9261.        <link></link>
  9262.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 28 Mar 2015 10:45:00 -0300</pubDate>
  9263.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  9264.                      <description><![CDATA[Beatlefan's Al Sussman and Ken Michaels, host of "Every Little Thing," discuss with Beatles Examiner Steve Marinucci their thoughts on the just completed N.Y. Metro Fest for Beatles Fans in Rye Brook, N.Y. ]]></description>
  9265.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Beatlefan's Al Sussman and Ken Michaels, host of "Every Little Thing," discuss with Beatles Examiner Steve Marinucci their thoughts on the just completed N.Y. Metro Fest for Beatles Fans in Rye Brook, N.Y. ]]></content:encoded>
  9267.        <enclosure url="" length="19364484" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  9268.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Beatlefan's Al Sussman and Ken Michaels, host of "Every Little Thing," discuss with Beatles Examiner Steve Marinucci their thoughts on the just completed N.Y. Metro Fest for Beatles Fans in Rye Brook, N.Y. ]]></itunes:summary>
  9269.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  9270.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  9271.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  9272.        <itunes:duration>01:20:41</itunes:duration>
  9273.                                    </item>
  9274.    <item>
  9275.        <title>Things We Said Today #126 - Mistakes the Beatles made</title>
  9276.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #126 - Mistakes the Beatles made</itunes:title>
  9277.        <link></link>
  9278.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 21 Mar 2015 11:01:00 -0300</pubDate>
  9279.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  9280.                      <description><![CDATA[Ken, Allan, Al and Steve have an interesting discussion on what each thinks were mistakes made by the Beatles. The answers might surprise you. 
  9281. ]]></description>
  9282.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Ken, Allan, Al and Steve have an interesting discussion on what each thinks were mistakes made by the Beatles. The answers might surprise you. <br>
  9283. ]]></content:encoded>
  9285.        <enclosure url="" length="49811251" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  9286.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Ken, Allan, Al and Steve have an interesting discussion on what each thinks were mistakes made by the Beatles. The answers might surprise you. ]]></itunes:summary>
  9287.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  9288.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  9289.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  9290.        <itunes:duration>01:09:10</itunes:duration>
  9291.                                    </item>
  9292.    <item>
  9293.        <title>Things We Said Today #125 - Glen Burtnik of the Weeklings </title>
  9294.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #125 - Glen Burtnik of the Weeklings </itunes:title>
  9295.        <link></link>
  9296.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 14 Mar 2015 11:00:00 -0300</pubDate>
  9297.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  9298.                      <description><![CDATA[Ken, Allan, Al and Steve talk to Glen Burtnik of the Weeklings, who have just released a very Beatley album called (!!) "The Weeklings" and will be performing at the upcoming Fest for Beatles Fans in Westchester, N.Y.  The show includes a song from the album.
  9300.  ]]></description>
  9301.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Ken, Allan, Al and Steve talk to Glen Burtnik of the Weeklings, who have just released a very Beatley album called (!!) "The Weeklings" and will be performing at the upcoming Fest for Beatles Fans in Westchester, N.Y.  The show includes a song from the album.
  9303.  ]]></content:encoded>
  9305.        <enclosure url="" length="73511522" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  9306.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Ken, Allan, Al and Steve talk to Glen Burtnik of the Weeklings, who have just released a very Beatley album called (!!) "The Weeklings" and will be performing at the upcoming Fest for Beatles Fans in Westchester, N.Y.  The show includes a song from the album.
  9308.  ]]></itunes:summary>
  9309.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  9310.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  9311.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  9312.        <itunes:duration>01:16:33</itunes:duration>
  9313.                                    </item>
  9314.    <item>
  9315.        <title>Things We Said Today #124 - British Invasion tour, Epstein tribute concert, Paul's new song with Kanye West</title>
  9316.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #124 - British Invasion tour, Epstein tribute concert, Paul's new song with Kanye West</itunes:title>
  9317.        <link></link>
  9318.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 07 Mar 2015 10:54:00 -0400</pubDate>
  9319.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  9320.                      <description><![CDATA[On this all-news show, TWST regulars Al Sussman, Allan Kozinn, Ken Michaels and Steve Marinucci discuss the current tour of British Invasion musicians that includes Peter Asher of Peter & Gordon and Denny Laine from Paul McCartney and Wings that Ken recently attended, plus the recent Statue4Eppy tribute concert and the new Kanye West song that includes vocals by Paul McCartney. 
  9321. ]]></description>
  9322.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[On this all-news show, TWST regulars Al Sussman, Allan Kozinn, Ken Michaels and Steve Marinucci discuss the current tour of British Invasion musicians that includes Peter Asher of Peter & Gordon and Denny Laine from Paul McCartney and Wings that Ken recently attended, plus the recent Statue4Eppy tribute concert and the new Kanye West song that includes vocals by Paul McCartney. <br>
  9323. ]]></content:encoded>
  9325.        <enclosure url="" length="22876435" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  9326.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[On this all-news show, TWST regulars Al Sussman, Allan Kozinn, Ken Michaels and Steve Marinucci discuss the current tour of British Invasion musicians that includes Peter Asher of Peter & Gordon and Denny Laine from Paul McCartney and Wings that Ken recently attended, plus the recent Statue4Eppy tribute concert and the new Kanye West song that includes vocals by Paul McCartney. ]]></itunes:summary>
  9327.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  9328.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  9329.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  9330.        <itunes:duration>31:46</itunes:duration>
  9331.                                    </item>
  9332.    <item>
  9333.        <title>Things We Said Today 123 - Traveling Wilburys (with guest Darren DeVivo)</title>
  9334.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today 123 - Traveling Wilburys (with guest Darren DeVivo)</itunes:title>
  9335.        <link></link>
  9336.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 28 Feb 2015 10:12:00 -0400</pubDate>
  9337.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  9338.                      <description><![CDATA[For George Harrison's birthday, the TWST crew (Steve, Al, Allan and Ken) and special guest Darren DeVivo discuss the Traveling Wilburys, both the group and their albums.
  9339. ]]></description>
  9340.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[For George Harrison's birthday, the TWST crew (Steve, Al, Allan and Ken) and special guest Darren DeVivo discuss the Traveling Wilburys, both the group and their albums.<br>
  9341. ]]></content:encoded>
  9343.        <enclosure url="" length="42446915" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  9344.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[For George Harrison's birthday, the TWST crew (Steve, Al, Allan and Ken) and special guest Darren DeVivo discuss the Traveling Wilburys, both the group and their albums.]]></itunes:summary>
  9345.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  9346.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  9347.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  9348.        <itunes:duration>58:57</itunes:duration>
  9349.                                    </item>
  9350.    <item>
  9351.        <title>Things We Said Today #122 - McCartney Irving Plaza eyewitness report, McCartney on SNL40  </title>
  9352.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #122 - McCartney Irving Plaza eyewitness report, McCartney on SNL40  </itunes:title>
  9353.        <link></link>
  9354.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 21 Feb 2015 10:20:00 -0400</pubDate>
  9355.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  9356.                      <description><![CDATA[It's Paul McCartney week as Tom Frangione, who was at the Paul McCartney's not-so-secret (if you read Beatles Examiner) show at Irving Plaza tells what it was like being there. And Allan, Ken, Al, Steve and Tom give their opinions of Paul's performance on SNL40. 
  9358. ]]></description>
  9359.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[It's Paul McCartney week as Tom Frangione, who was at the Paul McCartney's not-so-secret (if you read Beatles Examiner) show at Irving Plaza tells what it was like being there. And Allan, Ken, Al, Steve and Tom give their opinions of Paul's performance on SNL40. <br>
  9360. <br>
  9361. ]]></content:encoded>
  9363.        <enclosure url="" length="46672482" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  9364.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[It's Paul McCartney week as Tom Frangione, who was at the Paul McCartney's not-so-secret (if you read Beatles Examiner) show at Irving Plaza tells what it was like being there. And Allan, Ken, Al, Steve and Tom give their opinions of Paul's performance on SNL40. ]]></itunes:summary>
  9365.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  9366.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  9367.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  9368.        <itunes:duration>01:04:49</itunes:duration>
  9369.                                    </item>
  9370.    <item>
  9371.        <title>Things We Said Today #121 -- Ripping up the Grammy Awards/The Beatles Best Year</title>
  9372.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #121 -- Ripping up the Grammy Awards/The Beatles Best Year</itunes:title>
  9373.        <link></link>
  9374.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 14 Feb 2015 10:30:00 -0400</pubDate>
  9375.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  9376.                      <description><![CDATA[Steve, Al, Ken and special guest Darren DeVivo take apart "The 57th Annual Grammy Awards," especially Paul McCartney's performance with Kanye West and Rihanna. Plus the guys give their opinions of what they think was the Beatles' best year. ]]></description>
  9377.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Steve, Al, Ken and special guest Darren DeVivo take apart "The 57th Annual Grammy Awards," especially Paul McCartney's performance with Kanye West and Rihanna. Plus the guys give their opinions of what they think was the Beatles' best year. ]]></content:encoded>
  9379.        <enclosure url="" length="53130892" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  9380.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Steve, Al, Ken and special guest Darren DeVivo take apart "The 57th Annual Grammy Awards," especially Paul McCartney's performance with Kanye West and Rihanna. Plus the guys give their opinions of what they think was the Beatles' best year. ]]></itunes:summary>
  9381.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  9382.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  9383.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  9384.        <itunes:duration>01:13:47</itunes:duration>
  9385.                                    </item>
  9386.    <item>
  9387.        <title>Things We Said Today #120 - Pattie Boyd, Ringo's new album</title>
  9388.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #120 - Pattie Boyd, Ringo's new album</itunes:title>
  9389.        <link></link>
  9390.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 07 Feb 2015 10:18:00 -0400</pubDate>
  9391.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  9392.                      <description><![CDATA[Steve, Ken, Al and Allan are joined by very special guest Pattie Boyd, who talks about her upcoming photography exhibit in San Francisco and her life with George Harrison. The guys also discuss the news of Ringo's new album. 
  9393. ]]></description>
  9394.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Steve, Ken, Al and Allan are joined by very special guest Pattie Boyd, who talks about her upcoming photography exhibit in San Francisco and her life with George Harrison. The guys also discuss the news of Ringo's new album. <br>
  9395. ]]></content:encoded>
  9397.        <enclosure url="" length="48886621" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  9398.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Steve, Ken, Al and Allan are joined by very special guest Pattie Boyd, who talks about her upcoming photography exhibit in San Francisco and her life with George Harrison. The guys also discuss the news of Ringo's new album. ]]></itunes:summary>
  9399.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  9400.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  9401.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  9402.        <itunes:duration>50:55</itunes:duration>
  9403.                                    </item>
  9404.    <item>
  9405.        <title>Things We Said Today #119 - Beatles songs that are underrated or underappreciated </title>
  9406.        <itunes:title>Things We Said Today #119 - Beatles songs that are underrated or underappreciated </itunes:title>
  9407.        <link></link>
  9408.                    <comments></comments>        <pubDate>Sat, 31 Jan 2015 10:11:00 -0400</pubDate>
  9409.        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  9410.                      <description><![CDATA[The "Things We Said Today" guys and special guest Darren DeVivo give their picks of Beatles songs they feel are underappreciated or underrated. Send us your thoughts at 
  9413. ]]></description>
  9414.                      <content:encoded><![CDATA[The "Things We Said Today" guys and special guest Darren DeVivo give their picks of Beatles songs they feel are underappreciated or underrated. Send us your thoughts at <br>
  9415. <br>
  9416. <br>
  9417. ]]></content:encoded>
  9419.        <enclosure url="" length="67077458" type="audio/mpeg"/>
  9420.        <itunes:summary><![CDATA[The "Things We Said Today" guys and special guest Darren DeVivo give their picks of Beatles songs they feel are underappreciated or underrated. Send us your thoughts at ]]></itunes:summary>
  9421.        <itunes:author>Things We Said Today</itunes:author>
  9422.        <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  9423.        <itunes:block>No</itunes:block>
  9424.        <itunes:duration>01:09:52</itunes:duration>
  9425.                                    </item>
  9426. </channel>
  9427. </rss>
Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda