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  18. <description>Aspiering Podcaster</description>
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  25. <itunes:summary>I am not a very confident guy. I am introverted and don&#039;t really talk a lot. But i want to change that. This podcast is my way of overcoming my fears regarding this and to let people hear my voice. I have many complexions regarding my voice and by making this podcast i will try my best to overcome them one episode at the time.&lt;br /&gt;
  26. &lt;br /&gt;
  27. I also have aspergers syndrome and that is what my blog over at is about and what i will talk about on this podcast. But that will only be one of the things this podcast will be about. Most episodes will be about whatever i want to talk about at that time as well as stuff that is going on in my life. The goal of this podcast is not so much to educate people about aspergers as it is about pushing me to get out there and train my ability to speak in a language i don&#039;t normally speak in.</itunes:summary>
  28. <itunes:author>Aspiebloggen</itunes:author>
  29. <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
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  33. <itunes:email></itunes:email>
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  35. <podcast:medium>podcast</podcast:medium>
  36. <itunes:subtitle>The podcast about my journey to give me the confidence to let my voice be heard</itunes:subtitle>
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  38. <title>Aspiebloggen</title>
  39. <url></url>
  40. <link></link>
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  43. <itunes:category text="Personal Journals" />
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  55. <item>
  56. <title>ASP010: Podfading and this podcast goes on hiatus</title>
  57. <link></link>
  58. <pubDate>Sat, 28 Mar 2015 11:22:17 +0000</pubDate>
  59. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  60. <comments></comments>
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  62. <slash:comments>0</slash:comments>
  63. <category><![CDATA[Podcasts]]></category>
  64. <description>Hello and welcome to Aspiebloggen podcast episode 10. I am your host Tommy Eriksson. In todays episode I talk about podfading and how this podcast will go on hiatus. This is the podcast where I bring you my views on...&lt;br /&gt;&lt;a class=&quot;read-more-button&quot; href=&quot;;&gt;Read more&lt;/a&gt;</description>
  65. <enclosure url="" length="1515352" type="audio/mpeg" />
  66. <itunes:subtitle>Hello and welcome to Aspiebloggen podcast episode 10. I am your host Tommy Eriksson. In todays episode I talk about podfading and how this podcast will go on hiatus. This is the podcast where I bring you my views on...Read more</itunes:subtitle>
  67. <itunes:summary><![CDATA[<br />
  68. Hello and welcome to Aspiebloggen podcast episode 10. I am your host Tommy Eriksson. In todays episode I talk about podfading and how this podcast will go on hiatus.<br />
  69. This is the podcast where I bring you my views on things, in an attempt to let my voice be heard and to grow my confidence. For too long I have not voiced my opinions on the things that matter to me but that will all change now.<br />
  70. Some of what I will bring up will be about asperger and autism related stuff since that is what my blog is about, but most will be my opinions on things and what is going on in my life. My website is at There you will find the show notes for each episode as well my other blog posts. The blog itself is in Swedish but this podcast and the corresponding show notes will always be in English.<br />
  71. Now let&#8217;s get started.<br />
  72. Todays episode is brought to you by the letter G.<br />
  73. So what is podfading. Well as the name suggests it is when podcast episodes start to be released on later dates than they should and more time passes between them. Well I would like to add that the spirit to continue the podcast just isn&#8217;t there anymore and the quality of the episodes that do come out isn&#8217;t at the same level as older episodes. What does this have to do with this podcast I here you ask? Well I&#8217;ve never really had the drive needed when making this podcast and now I realize that it&#8217;s time I stop fooling myself. Basically what I&#8217;m saying is that if I can&#8217;t bring this podcast the passion it deserves then I shouldn&#8217;t podcast. It is better to wait until I can give it my best.<br />
  74. I will continue blogging but I wont write as big posts as the scripts for this show. I hope that I will be able to come back later in 2015 but until my disability pension is approved I don&#8217;t really have any energy for anything so I would rather spend the little energy I have on other stuff and hold off on this podcast until I have more energy. But unless something remarkable happens before this podcast goes live then I don&#8217;t have any audience that will miss me when I&#8217;m gone so no one starting to listen later will even notice it unless they look at the post dates. Yes I&#8217;m writing this on the same day as episode 8 which I should be finishing.<br />
  75. I will not delete anything and I hope that iTunes allows for podfading so I don&#8217;t get unlisted. But if that happens I&#8217;ll just reapply. It wasn&#8217;t hard the first time. I never did list the podcast in any other directory other that Blubrry&#8217;s so no worries there.<br />
  76. If you want to contact me then comment on my blog over at or use the feedback form. The shownotes for this episode will be at <a href=""></a>. And that will be all for now. Until next time, whenever that might be, take care.<br />]]></itunes:summary>
  77. <itunes:author>Tommy Eriksson</itunes:author>
  78. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  79. <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  80. <itunes:duration>2:56</itunes:duration>
  81. </item>
  82. <item>
  83. <title>Asp009: Desktop icons</title>
  84. <link></link>
  85. <pubDate>Sat, 21 Mar 2015 12:46:14 +0000</pubDate>
  86. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  87. <comments></comments>
  88. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  89. <slash:comments>0</slash:comments>
  90. <category><![CDATA[Podcasts]]></category>
  91. <description>Hello and welcome to Aspiebloggen podcast episode 9. I am your host Tommy Eriksson. In todays episode my view on desktop icons. This is the podcast where I bring you my views on things, in an attempt to let my...&lt;br /&gt;&lt;a class=&quot;read-more-button&quot; href=&quot;;&gt;Read more&lt;/a&gt;</description>
  92. <enclosure url="" length="2849190" type="audio/mpeg" />
  93. <itunes:subtitle>Hello and welcome to Aspiebloggen podcast episode 9. I am your host Tommy Eriksson. In todays episode my view on desktop icons. This is the podcast where I bring you my views on things, in an attempt to let my...Read more</itunes:subtitle>
  94. <itunes:summary><![CDATA[<br />
  95. Hello and welcome to Aspiebloggen podcast episode 9. I am your host Tommy Eriksson. In todays episode my view on desktop icons.<br />
  96. This is the podcast where I bring you my views on things, in an attempt to let my voice be heard and to grow my confidence. For too long I have not voiced my opinions on the things that matter to me but that will all change now.<br />
  97. Some of what I will bring up will be about asperger and autism related stuff since that is what my blog is about, but most will be my opinions on things and what is going on in my life. My website is at There you will find the show notes for each episode as well my other blog posts. The blog itself is in Swedish but this podcast and the corresponding show notes will always be in English.<br />
  98. Now let&#8217;s get started.<br />
  99. Todays episode is brought to you by the letter E.<br />
  100. This is actually the very first thing I talked about. Back before starting I made some test recordings to see if I really could do this, if my voice would work and if I could come up with stuff to talk about since I wasn&#8217;t planning on scripting the episodes. The subject I chose was desktop icons because that was the first thing I could think about that I wasn&#8217;t likely to actually make an episode about. This podcast was supposed to be about asperger and autism related stuff as my first intro says. Well then things changed and I realized after making a few episodes that this podcast would not only be about asperger since I couldn&#8217;t come up with enough material to fill a podcast about it so now I wanna return to this subject.<br />
  101. So what are your opinion on desktop icons. Me I think that they are great. I love having them on my desktop, others are of the opposite view and don&#8217;t want any icons at all. They want their desktops clean. Me I value the easy access that they bring, even though they do need to be managed or else chaos happens. And before you ask about why I don&#8217;t simply use panels, well I do. Since I use Mate as a desktop environment I can have panels both on the top of the screen and at the bottom. The lower one displays all open folders and running programs. The upper one have many shortcuts on it.<br />
  102. I have tried all desktop environments that can run Manjaro Linux, which is almost all of them, and none gave me the control and functionality that I wanted except for Mate. KDE comes close but has the annoying habit of opening a small, I don&#8217;t know how to describe it, a small process perhaps that showed up in the taskmanager every time I opened a mp3 and perhaps other files as well. Since I often begin listening to a song and then change to another this soon leads to a full taskmanager if only for a while. KDE is also resource heavy which is bad for my old computer. It has been nearly 2 years since last I tried out the various DE:s so maybe something has changed.<br />
  103. Anyway Cinnamon will not allow easy adding and removing shortcuts in the top panel and has a very large section in the middle where nothing can be altered. LXDE has desktop icons but like XFCE it doesn&#8217;t allow them to be moved around other than on a grid. Or am I remembering wrong. Openbox uses a thirdparty program for icons and if I remember correctly ordering them is not possible. Also, panels are third party and not easy to customize directly. If I remember correctly you have to edit files to get what you want. Gnome is a bloated piece of crap which looks awful and has that stupid sidebar to the left and other stuff. Or am I confusing it with Ubuntu?<br />
  104. Now I&#8217;m hardly puritan and have programs from both KDE and XFCE. I love K3B for burning discs and the file renamer from XFCE is the easiest one to use. I&#8217;m not trying to run a minimalistic installation so if I see a program that could do what I want then I install it even if it belongs to another DE.<br />
  105. The icons on the desktop does change a little depending on my interests....]]></itunes:summary>
  106. <itunes:author>Tommy Eriksson</itunes:author>
  107. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  108. <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  109. <itunes:duration>5:43</itunes:duration>
  110. </item>
  111. <item>
  112. <title>ASP008: Jordan Oven and his mental breakdown</title>
  113. <link></link>
  114. <pubDate>Sun, 15 Mar 2015 22:37:01 +0000</pubDate>
  115. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  116. <comments></comments>
  117. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  118. <slash:comments>0</slash:comments>
  119. <category><![CDATA[Podcasts]]></category>
  120. <description>While i never did an update episode about this i later learned that i should not be using Davis Aurini as a source or perhaps not Matt Forney either due to what went down after this episode was made, based...&lt;br /&gt;&lt;a class=&quot;read-more-button&quot; href=&quot;;&gt;Read more&lt;/a&gt;</description>
  121. <enclosure url="" length="3622205" type="audio/mpeg" />
  122. <itunes:subtitle>While i never did an update episode about this i later learned that i should not be using Davis Aurini as a source or perhaps not Matt Forney either due to what went down after this episode was made, based...Read more</itunes:subtitle>
  123. <itunes:summary><![CDATA[While i never did an update episode about this i later learned that i should not be using Davis Aurini as a source or perhaps not Matt Forney either due to what went down after this episode was made, based on a quick glance at the show notes most of this episode still seems accurate since it doesn&#8217;t really deal with their documentary which i have not seen.<br />
  124. <br />
  125. &nbsp;<br />
  126. Hello and welcome to Aspiebloggen podcast episode 8. I am your host Tommy Eriksson. In todays episode what I think about Jordan Owen and his resent mental breakdown.<br />
  127. This is the podcast where I bring you my views on things, in an attempt to let my voice be heard and to grow my confidence. For too long I have not voiced my opinions on the things that matter to me but that will all change now.<br />
  128. Some of what I will bring up will be about asperger and autism related stuff since that is what my blog is about, but most will be my opinions on things and what is going on in my life. My website is at There you will find the show notes for each episode as well my other blog posts. The blog itself is in Swedish but this podcast and the corresponding show notes will always be in English.<br />
  129. Now let&#8217;s get started.<br />
  130. Todays episode is brought to you by the letter U.<br />
  131. So I was listening to episode 75 of The Matt Forney show and the topic was about Jordan Owen, one of the two people working on a documentary called the Sarkeesian Effect, which is or I should say was about social justice warriors and how they use their professional victimhood for profit. The name comes from Anita Sarkeesian who has been very successful at scamming people with her lies about sexism in video games.<br />
  132. Well the documentary might never happen since Jordan had a breakdown and ditched the project. Why? Well because Davis Aurini who was the other man working on the video is friends with Roosh V, who runs the blog Return Of Kings and Jordan has issues regarding the content of that blog. Most of it seems to concern women and dating and Jordan&#8217;s problems in that area and also the subject called game.<br />
  133. Well Jordan feels that using game to coerce women into dating and of course sex is wrong and that it is basically like rape since the women are “tricked” into doing something they don&#8217;t really want. My game is non-existent but even I know that that is not what game is. Game is just a way to present yourself in as good way as possible to achieve the goals that when reached will be of benefit to both partners. The fact that many women end up regretting it has nothing to do with it. Regretting something after it has happened doesn&#8217;t change the fact that when it happened both parts agreed to it.<br />
  134. I don&#8217;t normally talk about dating due to my inexperience on the subject but after hearing his truly disturbing opinions I had to speak up. Like Jordan I&#8217;m a fat slob and for the reasons I talked about in the last episode I&#8217;m unable to change that. I know that going low carb and to the gym would work miracles on my physic but it is more than I am capable of doing right now.<br />
  135. Jordan thinks that women should flock to you regardless of how you look and that if they don&#8217;t then you deserve to die childless and alone and that nothing should ever be done to change womens opinion on you, IE get better looking and such. Well screw you Jordan. Now I would also like women to throw themselves in my arms but I do know how attraction work and realize that I&#8217;m not that attractive. Jordans opinion is that a man regardless of BMI should just wait for women to show up and if that doesn&#8217;t happen then that is OK. But you should never try to make yourself more attractive and learn how to talk to women, oh no that is creepy. Well I&#8217;ve tried the whole waiting thing and it is not working and I don&#8217;t expect it to work anytime soon. Fat people are not attractive to me nor most people and the way t...]]></itunes:summary>
  136. <itunes:author>Tommy Eriksson</itunes:author>
  137. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  138. <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  139. <itunes:duration>7:19</itunes:duration>
  140. </item>
  141. <item>
  142. <title>ASP007: Podcasting without passion</title>
  143. <link></link>
  144. <pubDate>Sat, 07 Mar 2015 22:14:48 +0000</pubDate>
  145. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  146. <comments></comments>
  147. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  148. <slash:comments>0</slash:comments>
  149. <category><![CDATA[Podcasts]]></category>
  150. <description>Hello and welcome to Aspiebloggen podcast episode 7. I am your host Tommy Eriksson. In todays episode it’s all about what it is like to podcast without passion. This is the podcast where I bring you my views on things,...&lt;br /&gt;&lt;a class=&quot;read-more-button&quot; href=&quot;;&gt;Read more&lt;/a&gt;</description>
  151. <enclosure url="" length="4375603" type="audio/mpeg" />
  152. <itunes:subtitle>Hello and welcome to Aspiebloggen podcast episode 7. I am your host Tommy Eriksson. In todays episode it’s all about what it is like to podcast without passion. This is the podcast where I bring you my views on things,...Read more</itunes:subtitle>
  153. <itunes:summary><![CDATA[<br />
  154. Hello and welcome to Aspiebloggen podcast episode 7. I am your host Tommy Eriksson. In todays episode it&#8217;s all about what it is like to podcast without passion. This is the podcast where I bring you my views on things, in an attempt to let my voice be heard and to grow my confidence. For too long I have not voiced my opinions on the things that matter to me but that will all change now.<br />
  155. Some of what I will bring up will be about asperger and autism related stuff since that is what my blog is about, but most will be my opinions on things and what is going on in my life. My website is at There you will find the show notes for each episode as well my other blog posts. The blog itself is in Swedish but this podcast and the corresponding show notes will always be in English.<br />
  156. Now let&#8217;s get started.<br />
  157. Todays episode is brought to you by the letter M.<br />
  158. So I&#8217;ve mentioned David Lewis who runs the podcast called The Audacity to Podcast before and how I find it inspiring. Well I might not have phrased it like that but yeah I like it. So one thing he has talked much about is POD or Passion, organization and dialog and how those are essential for podcasting. Well this episode will be all about what it&#8217;s like to podcast without any of that.<br />
  159. I&#8217;ve been watching a videoblog called EEVblog on youtube and I&#8217;m struck by how passionate the host Dave Jones is. I wish I could be like that but every time I try to read a script it sounds forced and not at all passionate. Well that is because I don&#8217;t really have any passion for things anymore. I have mentioned this before in some way but felt like revisiting the subject.<br />
  160. So what is causing my feelings of being down. I can&#8217;t find the script when I said it so it must have been in episode one which was not scripted. I just tried listening to it and couldn&#8217;t find the part and really didn&#8217;t want to listen to the whole episode. Man I sure hope I don&#8217;t loose too many listeners due to how crappy that episode is yet I don&#8217;t want to remove it and put a rerecording there. I want to show a possible progression of my capabilities as a podcaster.<br />
  161. So what&#8217;s going on is that 2 years ago I applied for disability pension. I wont go into the exact reason for it but since then all my days have been about waiting for a positive notice. Well the first instance turned it down so then I appealed it. The appeal was rejected as well. The was in 2013. Last year the case went to an administrative court or Förvaltningsrätten in Swedish. So more waiting for me. Last November it too got rejected. And now finally it is something called an administrative court of appeal or Kammarrätten in Swedish. Now that court is somewhat different. Before I know if it will even take on the case I have to get something called a probationary. At least that is what google translate called it. Anyway that is what I&#8217;m currently waiting for. If I get it then I might get an approval or appeal or whatever from the court, or I might not and if I don&#8217;t get it then case is closed.<br />
  162. So here I am sitting around waiting for time to pass so I can begin living. Because that is something that i&#8217;m not really doing at the moment. Living. Every day is just a way for me to occupy my mind until the day has passed so that a new day can begin and I might get a court appeal in the mail. Needless to say i hate weekends since there is no mail then. Now I have several things that interest me and that I want to get into but it is hard to find the will to do it. I mentioned the EEVblog before and I found it when I searched for Arduino stuff on youtube. I have seen some episode from it before which was about how stupid the idea of solar roadways are. The math in that episode made my head spin, I&#8217;m not an engineer, but you don&#8217;t have to be to know that solar roadways will never work.]]></itunes:summary>
  163. <itunes:author>Tommy Eriksson</itunes:author>
  164. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  165. <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  166. <itunes:duration>8:54</itunes:duration>
  167. </item>
  168. <item>
  169. <title>ASP006: Updates about twitter and my new hobbies</title>
  170. <link></link>
  171. <pubDate>Sun, 01 Mar 2015 12:51:27 +0000</pubDate>
  172. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  173. <comments></comments>
  174. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  175. <slash:comments>0</slash:comments>
  176. <category><![CDATA[Podcasts]]></category>
  177. <description>Hello and welcome to Aspiebloggen podcast episode 6. I am your host Tommy Eriksson. In todays episode, updates about twitter, iTunes and my new hobbies. This is the podcast where I bring you my views on things, in an attempt...&lt;br /&gt;&lt;a class=&quot;read-more-button&quot; href=&quot;;&gt;Read more&lt;/a&gt;</description>
  178. <enclosure url="" length="5173194" type="audio/mpeg" />
  179. <itunes:subtitle>Hello and welcome to Aspiebloggen podcast episode 6. I am your host Tommy Eriksson. In todays episode, updates about twitter, iTunes and my new hobbies. This is the podcast where I bring you my views on things, in an attempt...Read more</itunes:subtitle>
  180. <itunes:summary><![CDATA[<br />
  181. Hello and welcome to Aspiebloggen podcast episode 6. I am your host Tommy Eriksson. In todays episode, updates about twitter, iTunes and my new hobbies.<br />
  182. This is the podcast where I bring you my views on things, in an attempt to let my voice be heard and to grow my confidence. For too long I have not voiced my opinions on the things that matter to me but that will all change now.<br />
  183. Some of what I will bring up will be about asperger and autism related stuff since that is what my blog is about, but most will be my opinions on things and what is going on in my life. My website is at <a href=""></a>. There you will find the shownotes for each episode as well my other blog posts. The blog itself is in Swedish but this podcast and the corresponding show notes will always be in English.<br />
  184. Now let&#8217;s get started.<br />
  185. Todays episode is brought to you by the letter Å.<br />
  186. So another week has passed and it&#8217;s time to make a podcast. Last episode was special since it was prerecorded on last Wednesday since I was at a party last weekend. My niece turned 21. The only part I was really worried about was how I would create a short link using prettylink when<a title="ASP005: Lets finally talk about asperger" href=""> the page linked to</a> didn&#8217;t exist when the link was made. Thankfully it still worked even though the title ended up being page not found for a few days until I could fix it.<br />
  187. Another thing that happened about the time that I recorded the episode was that I applied for and got accepted into iTunes. I was going to say something about welcome all new listeners but if I read the stats right then there are non except for the iTunes team. But just in case I got it wrong, Welcome all new listeners to my podcast. Please leave a comment or review so I can get some feedback. Either way at least now I can add the<a href=""> iTunes subscriptions URL</a> to the blog so that people can find the show that way. BTW I only found the podcast through the link I got when I got accepted, I can&#8217;t find it while searching. Weird but hopefully that will change soon.<br />
  188. So about twitter. I know that it has only been a few weeks since I said that it might take months before I return and I still stand by that, but I still wanted to share what I feel about my twitter absence so far. Yes I do not regret giving up twitter. Just as with World Of Warcraft giving it up seemed hard but after I did it I found it to be easier than I had thought. I might still return to Twitter but so far I&#8217;m not missing it. It&#8217;s nice to not have to go through last nights tweets every morning. Since I am in Sweden and most of those I follow is in America I have a lot of tweets to read in what is morning here but might be night or at least afternoon in America. Timezones and all that.<br />
  189. And so the big reveal about what I have been doing for these past weeks that has taken so much time. That would be some new hobbies I plan to get into or in one case has.<br />
  190. When I was young my dad owned a model railroad. I wasn&#8217;t allowed to use it much and even after his passing I was afraid to harm it since it was fragile at least as far as derailing and crashing was concerned. After a while I lost interest in it and when we moved to a smaller house where there would be no room to build it, it ended up in boxes. While I might have had some wish to rebuild it, I don&#8217;t really remember, there was also that issue of building stuff for it. Gluing things is not for me, something that got very clear to me the 2 times I tried to get into Warhammer 40K. Yes twice with about a year apart and both times costing me lots of money that I didn&#8217;t fully recover even after selling most of the stuff. Oh well.<br />
  191. Even today the thought of having to glue buildings...]]></itunes:summary>
  192. <itunes:author>Tommy Eriksson</itunes:author>
  193. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  194. <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  195. <itunes:duration>10:33</itunes:duration>
  196. </item>
  197. <item>
  198. <title>ASP005: Lets finally talk about asperger</title>
  199. <link></link>
  200. <pubDate>Sat, 21 Feb 2015 14:07:23 +0000</pubDate>
  201. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  202. <comments></comments>
  203. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  204. <slash:comments>1</slash:comments>
  205. <category><![CDATA[Podcasts]]></category>
  206. <description>Hello and welcome to Aspiebloggen podcast episode 5. I am your host Tommy Eriksson. In todays episode I finally talk about aspergers syndrome and autism. This is the podcast where I bring you my views on things, in an attempt...&lt;br /&gt;&lt;a class=&quot;read-more-button&quot; href=&quot;;&gt;Read more&lt;/a&gt;</description>
  207. <enclosure url="" length="3595707" type="audio/mpeg" />
  208. <itunes:subtitle>Hello and welcome to Aspiebloggen podcast episode 5. I am your host Tommy Eriksson. In todays episode I finally talk about aspergers syndrome and autism. This is the podcast where I bring you my views on things, in an attempt...Read more</itunes:subtitle>
  209. <itunes:summary><![CDATA[<br />
  210. Hello and welcome to Aspiebloggen podcast episode 5. I am your host Tommy Eriksson. In todays episode I finally talk about aspergers syndrome and autism.<br />
  211. This is the podcast where I bring you my views on things, in an attempt to let my voice be heard and to grow my confidence. For too long I have not voiced my opinions on the things that matter to me but will all change now.<br />
  212. Some of what I will bring up will be about asperger and autism related stuff since that is what my blog is about, but most will be my opinions on things and what is going on in my life. <a href="">My website is at</a>. There you will find the shownotes for each episode as well my other blog posts. The blog itself is in swedish but this podcast and the corresponding shownotes will always be in english.<br />
  213. Now let&#8217;s get started.<br />
  214. Todays episode is brought to you by the letter Ö.<br />
  215. <a title="Asperger" href="">On my aspergers page</a> I have a quote from me saying that aspergers is like a computer that someone has ripped out all the cables from and then put them back in, it works just not the same. That, well is not the best thing I have ever written, but at the moment I think I will leave it in there.<br />
  216. Unlike some people like Mike Cernowich I don&#8217;t believe in changing my previous blogposts to reflect new opinions unless I wrote something that was way out of line. No I would rather just make a new post or now adays a podcast about how my opinions have changed. That is why I don&#8217;t necessarily agree with everything on this site and some things <a title="Kärleksblyghet – love shyness" href="">like the page about love shyness</a> makes me embarrassed, but I would like this blog to show how I have changed through the years and I can&#8217;t do that if I delete old content or change it to reflect my current views. I think I said in the very first episode that a part of this podcast will be about older blogposts and what I feel about them today. Maybe I really don&#8217;t like it anymore or more likely I still do. Still, the blog celebrated its 8th birthday this year so there is plenty of material.<br />
  217. Due to laziness I tend to write the script about an hour or so before recording, yet if I where to actually talk about what I have written before I will obviously have to read what I have written before and that would take a long time and remind me of a lot of things that I would rather forget so it might take awhile before I find the courage to do so.<br />
  218. So what is asperger. Some call it a disorder but I&#8217;m not so fond of that description. Others call it a disability or handicap but aspies like myself argue that from our perspective others are the handicapped ones. I mean sure our social interaction skills are different but can they truly be called a disability. That&#8217;s just a point of reference. Granted while how I chose to socialize or not fits better with the term introverted, something that not all aspies are. Yes unlike the pop-culture version you can have aspergers and still be extroverted.<br />
  219. Still, I do have some actual disabilities and they are all tied to my senses. All my senses are on high alert all the time. My vision is sensitive to light so while outdoors on sunny days I wear sunglasses. My nose is sensitive enough that I really don&#8217;t like being near smokers or people using lots of perfume. Interestingly those people tend to overlap. I remember back in school when the girls who smoked used to try to conceal the smell of smoke by using lots of perfume and deodorants. Everyone with a working sense of smell, IE non-smokers immediately recognized the futility of that endeavor. Oh well. And don&#8217;t even get me started on how public restrooms can smell.<br />
  220. My sense of touch is really sensitive as well. Slight pun intended.]]></itunes:summary>
  221. <itunes:author>Tommy Eriksson</itunes:author>
  222. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  223. <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  224. <itunes:duration>7:16</itunes:duration>
  225. </item>
  226. <item>
  227. <title>ASP004: Time management and should i use twitter</title>
  228. <link></link>
  229. <pubDate>Sat, 14 Feb 2015 22:53:23 +0000</pubDate>
  230. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  231. <comments></comments>
  232. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  233. <slash:comments>0</slash:comments>
  234. <category><![CDATA[Podcasts]]></category>
  235. <description>Edit I should point out that a few days ago i started using twitter again. Well now i don’t read the tweets from anyone unless they tag me. I just don’t have the time or energy to go through it...&lt;br /&gt;&lt;a class=&quot;read-more-button&quot; href=&quot;;&gt;Read more&lt;/a&gt;</description>
  236. <enclosure url="" length="4367739" type="audio/mpeg" />
  237. <itunes:subtitle>Edit I should point out that a few days ago i started using twitter again. Well now i don’t read the tweets from anyone unless they tag me. I just don’t have the time or energy to go through it...Read more</itunes:subtitle>
  238. <itunes:summary><![CDATA[<br />
  239. Edit<br />
  240. I should point out that a few days ago i started using twitter again. Well now i don&#8217;t read the tweets from anyone unless they tag me. I just don&#8217;t have the time or energy to go through it all. Yet i&#8217;ve seen comments from people that i missed so to avoid that i will keep an i on my tweets.<br />
  241. Also i no longer read manosphere blogs. I read all of Reaxxion until  i got to the post about it being shutdown but haven&#8217;t looked to see if it&#8217;s back. Man it has been so long since i recorded the episode that i had to read the show notes to remember what it was about. Hence all the notes for this episode.<br />
  242. &nbsp;<br />
  243. Hello and welcome to <a href="">Aspiebloggen podcast episode 4</a>. I am your host Tommy Eriksson. In todays episode I talk about how i feel there never seem to be enough time to get things done and the upsides and downsides to having a twitter account.<br />
  244. This is the podcast where I bring you my views on things, in an attempt to let my voice be heard and to grow my confidence. For too long my voice has not been heard and my views are mostly unknown, but not anymore.<br />
  245. Most of what I will bring up will be about asperger and autism related stuff, but other stuff will most certainly be discussed. <a href="">My website is at</a>. There you will find the shownotes for each episode as well my other blog posts. The blog itself is in swedish but this podcast and the corresponding shownotes will always be in english.<br />
  246. Now let&#8217;s get started.<br />
  247. Todays episode is brought to you by the letter B.<br />
  248. First I would want to apologies for not making a podcast last week. I have been preparing for a new hobby and that has meant a lot of reading. I spent so much time reading various websites about it that last week went by really fast and normally I like to at least have some thought on what I will talk about in an episode before I start writing a script and since I didn&#8217;t have time for that I opted to skip a week. But I wont do that again. Not doing an episode just made me question my ability to make podcasts and that&#8217;s not good.<br />
  249. Also remember how I talked about getting on iTunes. Well I kinda haven&#8217;t gotten around to it. I was going to but then ended up reading the options in Powerpress and realized that I have to write something good for the program subtitle and summary and then panicked slightly and then procrastination set in and I opted to not do it at that time and then time just flew away. I&#8217;m good at not getting things done.<br />
  250. But I really need to get on there and other directories, if only to get some stats. I tried getting stats from libsyn but that required a paid account and I thought the same about blubrry but it turns out I just missed the options to activate it. Ooops. Several weeks of possible downloads yet no stats to show for it other than AW stats which I don&#8217;t quite understand. Oh well I will just have to admit that this site sucks. Hopefully I will soon have the energy to fix it, but until that happens I will just have to continue pumping out a weekly podcast and possibly a blogpost every now and then. I will not however switch to more than one podcast a week or make it biweekly. That is just too complicated and not something I can manage.<br />
  251. So let&#8217;s finally talk about twitter. For the last two weeks which I spent reading up on the new crafts I will learn I took somewhat of a hiatus from twitter. What I noticed was that I could get a lot more done. If reading websites and creating a complicated spreadsheet about what to buy is what can be called getting things done.<br />
  252. Twitter is my main way of keeping track of what goes on in Gamergate so most tweets I get concerns that. But then there are the ones about the mannosphere. I read several blogs and one of them is <a href="http://www.dangerandplay.]]></itunes:summary>
  253. <itunes:author>Tommy Eriksson</itunes:author>
  254. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  255. <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  256. <itunes:duration>8:53</itunes:duration>
  257. </item>
  258. <item>
  259. <title>ASP003: What i forgot and hello iTunes</title>
  260. <link></link>
  261. <pubDate>Sun, 01 Feb 2015 20:46:33 +0000</pubDate>
  262. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  263. <comments></comments>
  264. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  265. <slash:comments>0</slash:comments>
  266. <category><![CDATA[Podcasts]]></category>
  267. <description>Edit made 2015/02/14 I’m so sorry but just noticed that i apparently forgot to link to the media file for this episode. It is fixed now.   Hello and welcome to Aspiebloggen podcast episode 3. I am your host Tommy...&lt;br /&gt;&lt;a class=&quot;read-more-button&quot; href=&quot;;&gt;Read more&lt;/a&gt;</description>
  268. <enclosure url="" length="4336629" type="audio/mpeg" />
  269. <itunes:subtitle>Edit made 2015/02/14 I’m so sorry but just noticed that i apparently forgot to link to the media file for this episode. It is fixed now.   Hello and welcome to Aspiebloggen podcast episode 3. I am your host Tommy...Read more</itunes:subtitle>
  270. <itunes:summary><![CDATA[<br />
  271. Edit made 2015/02/14<br />
  272. I&#8217;m so sorry but just noticed that i apparently forgot to link to the media file for this episode. It is fixed now.<br />
  273. &nbsp;<br />
  274. Hello and welcome to <a href="">Aspiebloggen podcast episode 3</a>. I am your host Tommy Eriksson. In todays episode, things that should have been in earlier episodes and also time for iTunes.<br />
  275. This is the podcast where i bring you my views on things, in an attempt to let my voice be heard and to grow my confidence. For too long my voice has not been heard and my views are mostly unknown, but not anymore.<br />
  276. Most of what i will bring up will be about asperger and autism related stuff, but other stuff will most certainly be discussed. <a href="">My website is at</a>. There you will find the show notes for each episode as well my other blog posts. The blog itself is in swedish but this podcast and the corresponding show notes will always be in english.<br />
  277. Now let&#8217;s get started.<br />
  278. Todays episode is brought to you by the letter A.<br />
  279. This podcast was supposed to come out yesterday but i heard about how iTunes and more specifically the iTunes player from libsyn doesn&#8217;t like variable bitrate. This is what my previous episodes was encoded in following the advice from the podcast The audacity to podcast. So for this podcast i had to change it to use iTunes instead. I didn&#8217;t notice much difference but at least it didn&#8217;t sound worse, and the test recording i did got smaller than the lame version so i&#8217;m sticking to this.<br />
  280. I always wondered after hearing the advice about using the lame mp3 encoder with the quality set to 5, why the other episodes has a bitrate at exactly 64 kb when my own episodes has a changing bitrate that never got that low. Well now i know why. Hopefully those of you using the libsyn player could at least listen to my previous episodes. From now on all mp3 encoding will be done in iTunes and not in lame.<br />
  281. This is the second recording of this episode. I did an earlier that didn&#8217;t have a script and realized about the one minute mark while editing that it was total and complete crap and that i would not continue editing a episode that at that time reached 22 minutes of mostly rambling. I did make some notes so i used them to make this script instead. Trust me when i say that regardless what you think about this recording, the other one was way worse. I realize now that i can not make unscripted podcasts and will therefor stop. I refuse to have a quality decline when there should be a rise instead.<br />
  282. Now it is time for a big step for me. After this podcast is published i will submit it to iTunes. I know that it is fully possible to do this after only one episode but i also know that unless you know what you are doing, and i for one are only getting started on that, submitting the first episode to iTunes risks getting the podcast denied due to insufficient quality. I don&#8217;t know what the quality requirements are but i have a feeling that my first episode was below it so i wanted to learn more. And considering the changes made during last episode that the change in encoding it sure is good i waited.<br />
  283. Now for things that should have been in earlier episodes but that i forgot to include. The first is an explanation regarding the cover art. My first cover art had a green background similar to my old website. I will also include it <a href="">in the shownotes at</a>. For those just listening this is what it looked like. Near the top left was the text asperger syndrome. This was one of 3 topics i considered covering. Below it was the text Lego, below that was the text Gaming and at the bottom was the url for my blog. At the lower right was a picture of me sorta looking up on those words.<br />
  284. <a href=""></a><br />
  285. ]]></itunes:summary>
  286. <itunes:author>Tommy Eriksson</itunes:author>
  287. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  288. <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  289. <itunes:duration>8:49</itunes:duration>
  290. </item>
  291. <item>
  292. <title>ASP002: Things i learned about starting a podcast</title>
  293. <link></link>
  294. <pubDate>Sat, 24 Jan 2015 20:00:30 +0000</pubDate>
  295. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  296. <comments></comments>
  297. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  298. <slash:comments>0</slash:comments>
  299. <category><![CDATA[Podcasts]]></category>
  300. <description>Hello and welcome to Aspiebloggen podcast. I am your host Tommy Eriksson. In todays episode: Things i learned about starting a podcast. This is the podcast where i bring you my views on things, in an attempt to let my...&lt;br /&gt;&lt;a class=&quot;read-more-button&quot; href=&quot;;&gt;Read more&lt;/a&gt;</description>
  301. <enclosure url="" length="3707138" type="audio/mpeg" />
  302. <itunes:subtitle>Hello and welcome to Aspiebloggen podcast. I am your host Tommy Eriksson. In todays episode: Things i learned about starting a podcast. This is the podcast where i bring you my views on things, in an attempt to let my...Read more</itunes:subtitle>
  303. <itunes:summary><![CDATA[<br />
  304. Hello and welcome to Aspiebloggen podcast. I am your host Tommy Eriksson. In todays episode: Things i learned about starting a podcast.<br />
  305. This is the podcast where i bring you my views on things, in an attempt to let my voice be heard and to grow my confidence. For too long my voice has not been heard and my views are mostly unknown, but not anymore.<br />
  306. Most of what i&#8217;ll bring up will be about asperger and autism related stuff, but other stuff will most certainly be discussed. <a href="">My website is at</a>. There you will find the show notes for each episode as well my other blog posts. The blog itself is in swedish but this podcast and the corresponding show notes will always be in english.<br />
  307. Now let&#8217;s get started.<br />
  308. Todays episode is brought to you by the letter L.<br />
  309. Wow one week has past since the first episode and not one day has gone by without me thinking about what i have gotten myself into. Anyways it feels good but still strange to finally be up and running. So much work had to be done but now all i have to do is to maintain it and that will be much easier.<br />
  310. But i&#8217;m not that fond of how the first episode turned out and while i didn&#8217;t really know how to fix it, here are some things that i learned while making it and later:<br />
  311. Take you time to prepare:<br />
  312. I wanted the episode to air last saturday since it would have been my fathers birthday. Had he been alive he would have been 74. Well i started late and finished editing after midnight hence why it appears to be from sunday but i still consider saturday the 17 to be the official launch day of the podcast. Might as well make it clear now for the sake of anniversaries.<br />
  313. Prepare your talking points:<br />
  314. Last time i did have a scripted beginning that has been slightly altered for this and future episodes but then i went unscripted for the rest. I&#8217;m not saying that unscripted is bad but i should have written down something more. This episode is entirely scripted but that might chance or future episodes. Now i know i forgot stuff but can&#8217;t for the moment remember what. If i remember after beginning recording i&#8217;ll put it in the show-notes. Well one thing came to me so that will be next point.<br />
  315. Swearing:<br />
  316. This podcast will not have swearing in it. The first version i posted claimed it would have that but after listening to episode 138 of TAP i realized that swearing might not be such a good idea and it certainly isn&#8217;t necessary for this podcast. I listen to a lot of youtube videos that have swearing in them so i&#8217;m not that sensitive to it and therefor didn&#8217;t mind including it. But having learned now at least one view on swearing and noticed that so far on 2 episodes i have only cursed twice, and that was all in the first episode, i now feel like keeping swearing out of this podcast wont be difficult and therefor i will strive to do it. It will probably turn out for the best in the long run. Should i see a need for profanity, for instance if some guest will be on the show that has a style of talking that does include a lot of profanity then i will mark that particular episode as explicit in some way. But otherwise this podcast will be clean.<br />
  317. This does mean that this episode has a new section to it. Thankfully, if that is the right word, i don&#8217;t think anyone has downloaded any episode so i rerecorded the part about swearing for this episode and will update the show notes that will also include the original shownotes. I also never deleted the work-files for audacity so i didn&#8217;t have to recompress the audio. I could just make a new file.<br />
  318. But i did have do that for the first episode. Due to the filesize i don&#8217;t keep the work-files, that&#8217;s the files called something.aup and the corresponding folder. So for episode one i had to edit the mp3 and then reupload it.]]></itunes:summary>
  319. <itunes:author>Tommy Eriksson</itunes:author>
  320. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  321. <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  322. <itunes:duration>6:22</itunes:duration>
  323. </item>
  324. <item>
  325. <title>ASP001: Introduction to aspiebloggen</title>
  326. <link></link>
  327. <pubDate>Sun, 18 Jan 2015 00:02:58 +0000</pubDate>
  328. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  329. <comments></comments>
  330. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  331. <slash:comments>0</slash:comments>
  332. <category><![CDATA[Podcasts]]></category>
  333. <description>This is the show notes for the very first episode of Aspiebloggen podcast. I don’t know what to include with it for now so here are some thoughts i had while editing. When i say leave a note in the...&lt;br /&gt;&lt;a class=&quot;read-more-button&quot; href=&quot;;&gt;Read more&lt;/a&gt;</description>
  334. <enclosure url="" length="7804646" type="audio/mpeg" />
  335. <itunes:subtitle>This is the show notes for the very first episode of Aspiebloggen podcast. I don’t know what to include with it for now so here are some thoughts i had while editing. When i say leave a note in the...Read more</itunes:subtitle>
  336. <itunes:summary><![CDATA[This is the show notes for the very first episode of <a href="">Aspiebloggen</a> podcast. I don&#8217;t know what to include with it for now so here are some thoughts i had while editing.<br />
  337. When i say leave a note in the show notes i of course mean comment. Also when i finished the recording the timer really was over 18 minutes. I then edited out several minutes and still didn&#8217;t get all the pauses i made. Yep i still have a lot to learn about recording podcasts. Oh well it could have gone worse. I will most certainly stick to shorter podcast, below 10 minutes. Way to much editing needed for longer podcasts.<br />
  338. BTW i&#8217;m writing these additional notes while editing the episode. I&#8217;m at the 13 minute mark now. Wow 5 minutes deleted and it all was either silence, me clearing my throat or me making a mistake and having to repeat myself. And it&#8217;s done. Time to go online.<br />
  339. Regardless of how much you read about podcasting, it&#8217;s only when you finally try to publish an episode that you discover just how much work is involved.<br />
  340. Edit:<br />
  341. This episode has been slightly altered to remove profanity and then reuploaded.<br />
  342. <br />]]></itunes:summary>
  343. <itunes:author>Tommy Eriksson</itunes:author>
  344. <itunes:episodeType>full</itunes:episodeType>
  345. <itunes:explicit>false</itunes:explicit>
  346. <itunes:duration>13:31</itunes:duration>
  347. </item>
  348. </channel>
  349. </rss>
Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda