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  12. <title>Ask MetaFilter</title>
  13. <link></link>
  14. <description>The past 24 hours of questions at Ask MetaFilter</description>
  15. <pubDate>Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:18:13 GMT</pubDate>
  16. <lastBuildDate>Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:18:13 GMT</lastBuildDate>
  17. <language>en-us</language>
  18. <docs></docs>
  19. <ttl>60</ttl>
  20. <atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
  21. <item>
  22. <title>Looking for an old comic about the Automat</title>
  23. <description><![CDATA[This is a long shot, but: I'm looking for an old comic about the Automat. It is almost definitely from the 1970s or before, and may have been in Mad Magazine and/or a Mad compilation paperback.<br/><br/>As far as I recall, this was a single-panel, black and white pen/ink comic. It showed the front of the Automat with people getting food out of the compartments. There may have been a sign saying "Everything is Automated" or something like that. Behind the scenes, the comic showed people (in chef uniforms?) frantically shoving replacement food into the compartments.<br>
  24. <br>
  25. My memory of the comic doesn't give me strong Don Martin or Al Jaffee vibes, but who knows if I've got that right. I probably saw it in a mass-market paperback compilation of Mad Magazine cartoons - but again, who knows?<br>
  26. <br>
  27. Bonus question, in case nobody can find this: I'd also be interested in your recommendations of single-panel comics on similar themes that are online and can be easily linked to.]]></description>
  28. <link></link>
  29. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.381207</guid>
  30. <pubDate>Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:18:13 GMT</pubDate>
  31. <dc:creator>expialidocious</dc:creator>
  32. <category>automat</category>
  33. <category>comic</category>
  34. <category>madmagazine</category>
  35. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  36. </item> <item>
  37. <title>Can I swap a plastic for aluminum in this ribbon microphone design?</title>
  38. <description><![CDATA[I want follow a <a href="">youtube ribbon mic tutorial</a>, but I don't want to do the fussy metalwork. Will replacing the aluminum part with plastic reduce the humbucking/shielding effect?<br/><br/>5 pic imgur gallery of tutorial snapshots if you don't want to watch a video: <a href=""></a><br>
  39. <br>
  40. If I apply the copper tape as illustrated in the tutorial, will I achieve a similar effect? Or is the aluminum frame necessary for either the shielding to really have an effect, or is it necessary for the operation of the microphone just because of how it affects the magnetic field?]]></description>
  41. <link></link>
  42. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.381206</guid>
  43. <pubDate>Sat, 27 Jul 2024 00:24:29 GMT</pubDate>
  44. <dc:creator>Jack Karaoke</dc:creator>
  45. <category>audio</category>
  46. <category>DIY</category>
  47. <category>microphone</category>
  48. <category>ribbonmicrophone</category>
  49. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  50. </item> <item>
  51. <title>What is the best site to watch Olympic sports without commentary?</title>
  52. <description><![CDATA[I'm in the US, but equipped with a computer and a VPN.  The constant babbling and cutaways to athletes overcoming childhood traumas has prevented me from watching the Olympics in the past.  Now, there are a lot of legal watching options: do any of them just let me watch sports without commentary?]]></description>
  53. <link></link>
  54. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.381205</guid>
  55. <pubDate>Fri, 26 Jul 2024 23:20:07 GMT</pubDate>
  56. <dc:creator>SunSnork</dc:creator>
  57. <category>NoComment</category>
  58. <category>olympics</category>
  59. <category>sports</category>
  60. <category>streaming</category>
  61. <category>tv</category>
  62. <category>vpn</category>
  63. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  64. </item> <item>
  65. <title>Mystery Medical Problem</title>
  66. <description><![CDATA[Please help me solve a medical mystery. Unfortunately, the details are quite long.<br/><br/>Background: I am a 71 year old male, overweight and with type II diabetes but otherwise relatively healthy. I have no history of heart or lung problems. My father died of congestive heart failure, but not until he was 85.<br>
  67. <br>
  68. A few weeks ago, I got a bad headache which persisted, and then a few days later started having pain in my chest, to the point where it was really painful to take a deep breath - but no loss of mobility or difficulty performing everyday tasks. I drove myself to the clinic attached to my doctor's office, and they performed some tests, including an EKG (which I believe they botched because they couldn't get all the electrodes to attach to my overly hairy body). They showed the results to my doc (who in general I have a lot of faith in), and he wanted me to go to the emergency ward of a nearby hospital to be checked out further. Not just go, he insisted I take an ambulance because he was worried about me having a heart attack on the way.<br>
  69. <br>
  70. I spent the afternoon at the hospital, getting blood taken and getting a new EKG and other tests. Eventually the doc in charge came to tell me that they'd ruled out everything major. My heart was fine, my lungs were fine, etc. I asked him what was causing the pain and he said he didn't know, but it wasn't anything major. I went home. The pain went away after a couple of days without any treatment on my part.<br>
  71. <br>
  72. Now the pain is back, though slightly worse. Slight headache, but it's the pain in my chest which is problematic. This time I've having to take Tylenol (1000mg), which works for a few hours but then the pain returns. What should I do?<br>
  73. <ol><br>
  74. <li>Wait for it to get better on its own again. But it's already taken longer than it did last time, so I don't feel really sanguine about that.<br>
  75. <li>Return to the clinic. But if they didn't know what it was the first time, how will they know now?<br>
  76. <li>Something else? If so, what?<br>
  77. </li></li></li></ol><br>
  78. This is complicated by the fact that I have some prostate surgery scheduled for next Wednesday, and I really don't want to cancel it because I've been waiting for three months. I had a pre-op checkup (same clinic) and was passed for surgery, but I wasn't having the pain then.<br>
  79. <br>
  80. One last piece of data: an internist acquaintance of mine told me he was certain it was sleep apnea causing both the headache and the pain, and he wanted to try me on a CPAP machine, but unfortunately he left the country before we could get together. He will not be back in time for the prostate surgery. If it IS apnea, that's fine, because I don't think that will be a concern for my surgeon.<br>
  81. <br>
  82. So, dear mefites, what do you think I should do? I will thread-sit for a bit, in case you need details I haven't supplied. Thanks for your input.]]></description>
  83. <link></link>
  84. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.381204</guid>
  85. <pubDate>Fri, 26 Jul 2024 20:43:38 GMT</pubDate>
  86. <dc:creator>ubiquity</dc:creator>
  87. <category>ChestPain</category>
  88. <category>medical</category>
  89. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  90. </item> <item>
  91. <title>Where to go? What to do? (US Midwest edition)</title>
  92. <description><![CDATA[After posting <a href="">this</a> question about how to celebrate milestone birthdays, we've locked down just a few events and are looking for further ideas about where to go and what to do on this Midwest US roadtrip we'll be taking. No idea too wacky! Weird art museum? Okay. World's Largest Ball of Twine? Sure. Anything goes. We want the trip to be memorable and include things we wouldn't otherwise think to do. Details within.<br/><br/>We'll be setting out from Chicago in late September (exact date tbd) and will end our trip with an <a href="">art fair</a> in St. Louis on October 5 and a <a href="">Trae Crowder</a> show in Columbia MO on October 6. That's all we have planned so far.<br>
  93. <br>
  94. There are a number of cities we could visit - Little Rock, Kansas City, Wichita, Omaha, Des Moines, Nashville, Memphis, etc. - as well as points in between. Obviously we won't/can't go to all of them, but right now have no reason to choose one direction over the other. Although we've both lived in the Midwest most of our lives, I've never been to Omaha or Nashville and haven't spent more than a day or so in any of the others so they're all pretty unfamiliar. Those of you who know these places and the vicinity, please clue me in about what's intriguing or unusual about them. If there are any must-visit restaurants, tell me about those too!<br>
  95. <br>
  96. We're happy to spend a fair amount of time driving and don't mind spending just a day or two in one place before moving on if that's what works out to be best. Oh, and we're bringing our dog with us as well, so some dog-friendly activities are definitely welcome.]]></description>
  97. <link></link>
  98. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.381203</guid>
  99. <pubDate>Fri, 26 Jul 2024 19:38:19 GMT</pubDate>
  100. <dc:creator>DrGail</dc:creator>
  101. <category>midwest</category>
  102. <category>travel</category>
  103. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  104. </item> <item>
  105. <title>Trends in YA and Middle Grade publishing </title>
  106. <description><![CDATA[Some years ago I read an article about the history of the YA novel which posited that YA is a marketing term. (Example: The Outsiders probably would have been marketed as a YA novel today but the category didn't exist then). I'm looking for historical information about YA and middle grade novels.<br/><br/>Specifically:<br>
  107. - when did the YA novel come to be?<br>
  108. - what were (or are) the "boom times" for YA novels in terms of sales? In terms of readership <br>
  109. - when did the middle grade novel come to be?<br>
  110. - what were (or are) the "boom times" for middle grade novels?<br>
  111. This is for a professional development day for educators as background information on reading and culture of reading.]]></description>
  112. <link></link>
  113. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.381202</guid>
  114. <pubDate>Fri, 26 Jul 2024 18:36:55 GMT</pubDate>
  115. <dc:creator>CMcG</dc:creator>
  116. <category>Books</category>
  117. <category>Education</category>
  118. <category>MiddleGradeBooks</category>
  119. <category>Reading</category>
  120. <category>YABooks</category>
  121. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  122. </item> <item>
  123. <title>Advantages/disadvantages of email vs. slack or something else?</title>
  124. <description><![CDATA[We are a small non-profit who don't get a lot of face-to-face time. What are the advantages and disadvantages of email vs. other platforms?<br/><br/>We all do jobs that are a mix of organizational administration, operations, and other stuff. Most of us have roles that keep us away from our computers for most of our work time. We have some overlapping spheres of responsibility, but the majority of our work is autonomous and involves many, many day-to-day decisions that each worker is trusted to make on their own. Our workplace is non-hierarchical. We currently collaborate via email and a once-a-week all-team meeting, plus various informal conversations when we can squeeze them in.<br>
  125. <br>
  126. I've heard people say that email is not the best way to coordinate tasks and communicate in a workplace but it's hard to for me visualize how other platforms would offer advantages. If you have an opinion about using slack or other platforms, what do you see as the advantages or disadvantages compared to email, or compared to other platforms?]]></description>
  127. <link></link>
  128. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.381201</guid>
  129. <pubDate>Fri, 26 Jul 2024 18:34:45 GMT</pubDate>
  130. <dc:creator>mai</dc:creator>
  131. <category>communication</category>
  132. <category>email</category>
  133. <category>platform</category>
  134. <category>slack</category>
  135. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  136. </item> <item>
  137. <title>Early Fat Acceptance blogger whose lung cancer was nearly missed</title>
  138. <description><![CDATA[Back in when Fat Acceptance was beginning to see an upswell in discourse (blogging etc), probably early 2010s or so, there was a blogger who wrote about her experience nearly dying from lung cancer.<br/><br/>The cancer had progressed to an extremely late stage, and could easily have been caught earlier. Her actual diagnosis after years of doctors giving her the standard "have you tried not being so fat?" treatment and essentially failing to investigate any of her actual symptoms. Who was this? Bonus: is she still blogging?]]></description>
  139. <link></link>
  140. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.381200</guid>
  141. <pubDate>Fri, 26 Jul 2024 18:04:59 GMT</pubDate>
  142. <dc:creator>The Master and Margarita Mix</dc:creator>
  143. <category>cancer</category>
  144. <category>FatAcceptance</category>
  145. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  146. </item> <item>
  147. <title>I&apos;m vegan and I love chewy balls</title>
  148. <description><![CDATA[I love <a href="">these chewy vegan balls</a> made from Glucomannan.  I'm trying to replicate them at home, but all I get is goop.  Halp?<br/><br/>These are my favorite things ever.  Chewing them is like chewing a hard rubber ball (this is good). I've tried to make these same things at home using close to the listed ingredients on the package, but all I ever end up with is glop.  Is there some secret to getting the GLucomannan/Konjac to harden?  This happens any time I try to get creative w/ konjac flour.  I would switch to using Agar Agar, but the texture just isn't the same.  What am I missing?]]></description>
  149. <link></link>
  150. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.381199</guid>
  151. <pubDate>Fri, 26 Jul 2024 14:35:57 GMT</pubDate>
  152. <dc:creator>Cat Pie Hurts</dc:creator>
  153. <category>balls</category>
  154. <category>konjac</category>
  155. <category>vegan</category>
  156. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  157. </item> <item>
  158. <title>Eggplant dishes for the freezer</title>
  159. <description><![CDATA[We have an abundance of eggplants coming out of the garden right now, both Italian and Asian varieties. We usually preserve these for the winter by grilling them in slices or grilling them whole and peeling, then freezing. I would like to additionally freeze a few eggplant-heavy main dishes that can expedite dinner this winter. Can you recommend  some things that freeze well and are amenable to batch-cooking?<br/><br/>We eat everything, and generally have an abundance of ground beef from our meat CSA.  Kidpangolin prefers no chiles, so I need to be able to remove those from a recipe (adultpangolins will add hot sauce or chile oil later.)]]></description>
  160. <link></link>
  161. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.381198</guid>
  162. <pubDate>Fri, 26 Jul 2024 14:21:54 GMT</pubDate>
  163. <dc:creator>juliapangolin</dc:creator>
  164. <category>eggplant</category>
  165. <category>FreezerMeals</category>
  166. <category>MealPrep</category>
  167. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  168. </item> <item>
  169. <title>Journalism and Quote Farm usage</title>
  170. <description><![CDATA[I read this <a href="">comment</a> * on BlueSky in a thread about NY Times poll voter quote from a low-key infamous disreputable source explaining that according to an insider that bad sources often come from "quote farm agencies" and I am wondering if anyone could provide some insights into this practice.<br/><br/>When I search using the now degraded Google Search all I get is endless Farmers Insurance links.<br>
  171. <br>
  172. * <blockquote><em>Asked a dear friend of several decades, who is a former NYT reporter, how this could happen. Reply: "things like this happen when media uses quote farm agencies or press releases from those groups. fuck."<br>
  173. <br>
  174. Me: "How often does the New York Times do this, I wonder."</em></blockquote>]]></description>
  175. <link></link>
  176. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.381197</guid>
  177. <pubDate>Fri, 26 Jul 2024 13:24:56 GMT</pubDate>
  178. <dc:creator>srboisvert</dc:creator>
  179. <category>journalism</category>
  180. <category>news</category>
  181. <category>newyorktimes</category>
  182. <category>NYT</category>
  183. <category>NYTimes</category>
  184. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  185. </item> <item>
  186. <title>What am I missing about The Bridge of San Luis Rey?</title>
  187. <description><![CDATA[I'm in the middle of this highly acclaimed novel ... and I don't think it's very good at all. Am I being dense, here, or is this book just overrated?<br/><br/>Caveats! There's no accounting for taste; the literary qualities that I like may not be the same as those you like; etc. Still, though, I feel like this is a discussion worth having.<br>
  188. <br>
  189. I recently decided that I'd read Thornton Wilder's <em>The Bridge of San Luis Rey</em> to plug that particular gap in my reading. I've never read anything else by Wilder.<br>
  190. <br>
  191. As I say, I'm halfway through it, and do intend to finish this rather short book, but I'm not particularly impressed, engaged, or interested in it, for the following reasons:<br>
  192. <br>
  193. - The language reads like the author is trying too hard to be "poetic." It's overly florid, especially in the many instances in which Wilder is clearly trying to "ennoble" his "humble" characters. He's <em>really</em> pushing the idea that These People's Lives Possess Dignity, and it feels both paternalistic and insincere. It's also just hokey.<br>
  194. <br>
  195. - Wilder describes most of the action <em>passively</em>. This really drives me nuts; it's my most strongly felt criticism of the book. Rare are the passages in which characters actually DO things. Most events are described as having taken place; they are <em>referred to</em> but they don't <em>happen</em>. It's like reading a crop report or something.<br>
  196. <br>
  197. - The structure of the book is, to me, laughably simple and unintentionally funny. In each chapter, Wilder goes through the mundane-yet-meaningful occurrences in his characters' lives ... then caps off the chapter with a short paragraph that says, basically, "And then they died when the bridge collapsed." It's so ham-handed and even a little juvenile. And it's certainly simplistic.<br>
  198. <br>
  199. - Related to the first criticism: the book is just trying so hard to be a Meaningful Parable about Human Existence that it loses sight of, you know, engaging the reader.<br>
  200. <br>
  201. So maybe I'm just not a Thornton Wilder aficionado. Can't like 'em all, and I'm ok with that. But I guess what I'm asking is: <br>
  202. <br>
  203. Am I being too harsh? Am I missing something? Has this book just aged poorly, or has it succeeded, for a century, in getting many readers, including those on the 1928 Pulitzer committee, to believe that it's better and more significant than it actually is? To me, the book reads like the hundred-year-old literary equivalent of Oscar bait, but maybe I'm just a cynical asshole. <br>
  204. <br>
  205. I've read some of the (largely enthusiastic) literary opinions of the book, and must say that I disagree with them. But I'm open to the possibility that there's something here that I'm not grasping. Is there? If so, what is it??]]></description>
  206. <link></link>
  207. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.381196</guid>
  208. <pubDate>Fri, 26 Jul 2024 05:25:55 GMT</pubDate>
  209. <dc:creator>Dr. Wu</dc:creator>
  210. <category>LiteraryCriticism</category>
  211. <category>literature</category>
  212. <category>naysaying</category>
  213. <category>novel</category>
  214. <category>TheBridgeOfSanLuisRey</category>
  215. <category>ThorntonWilder</category>
  216. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  217. </item>
  218. </channel>
  219. </rss>

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