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  18.   <title><![CDATA[26 July 2024 - today's press releases]]></title>
  19.   <link></link>
  20.   <description><![CDATA[CQC: entire NHS and care system needs fixing Cole-Hamilton: Fornethy women must be given the redress they deserve Scottish Liberal Democrats respond to fresh NHS buildings delay Stone 'thrilled' with Flow Country's World Heritage Status CQC: entire NHS and care system needs fixing Responding to the Health Secretary saying that the Care Quality Commission "is not fit for purpose", Liberal Democrat Health and Social Care spokesperson, Daisy Cooper MP said: In recent weeks countless people have told us harrowing stories about not being able to get the care they or their loved ones need leaving them feeling anxious and abandoned. ...]]></description>
  21.   <pubDate>Fri, 26 Jul 2024 23:00:26 +0100</pubDate>
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  24.   <title><![CDATA[Lib Dems push hard for extra rights at Westminster after huge jump in number of MPs]]></title>
  25.   <link></link>
  26.   <description><![CDATA[Embed from Getty ImagesFrom the Financial Times: The Liberal Democrats are pressing to clinch extra debate days and other parliamentary rights from the Conservatives, arguing that a reallocation is due following their record election result and the Tories slumping to become the smallest official opposition in recent times. Sir Ed Davey's party is set to petition both the parliamentary authorities and the government to reallocate various Commons rights and responsibilities that by convention are extended to the main opposition party. The paper quotes a Lib Dem official as saying:"The Conservatives have chosen the topics for each of these days and ...]]></description>
  27.   <pubDate>Fri, 26 Jul 2024 21:59:00 +0100</pubDate>
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  30.   <title><![CDATA[Good news about that derelict site close to Market Harborough market hall: A new public garden is planned]]></title>
  31.   <link></link>
  32.   <description><![CDATA[Harborough District Council, which is run by a Lib Dem, Green and Labour coalition, is planning to turn a derelict site in Market Harborough town centre into a friendship park. HFM News reports that the scheme:Would see new trees and shrubs planted, gravel walkways put down and benches installed. Signs would also be erected to encourage people to speak to someone if they are sitting alone.The overgrown site was once the garden of a long-vanished house, and the gateway in my photo below was used as a short cut to reach the equally vanished Symington's food factory. It was earmarked ...]]></description>
  33.   <pubDate>Fri, 26 Jul 2024 19:20:00 +0100</pubDate>
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  36.   <title><![CDATA[Maiden speech: Lisa Smart MP for Hazel Grove]]></title>
  37.   <link></link>
  38.   <description><![CDATA[Yesterday it was the turn of Lisa Smart to give her maiden speech. Thank you @Lisa_Smart for acknowledging our #DigitalInclusion work (and our fab neighbours) during your first speech. Being online is vital for everyone &amp; community orgs like ours in the @NDI_Network &amp; volunteers are at the heart of how we make this happen #hazelgrove #stockport &mdash; Starting Point SocEnt (@startpointsk6) July 25, 2024 The full text of her speech is below. It is an absolute honour to follow the hon. Member for Glasgow South (Gordon McKee). He spoke passionately about his constituency, and his love for his ...]]></description>
  39.   <pubDate>Fri, 26 Jul 2024 14:46:19 +0100</pubDate>
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  42.   <title><![CDATA[Eastbourne: Sun Trap of the South (1966)]]></title>
  43.   <link></link>
  44.   <description><![CDATA[The town's newly elected Liberal Democrat MP Josh Babarinde never misses a chance to repeat his claim that Eastbourne is the sunniest town in the UK. So it's a shame that Talking Pictures TV is showing the short film Eastbourne: Sun Trap of the South from 1966 at 4.40 tomorrow morning - an hour when, Lord Bonkers maintains, all new MPs should be in bed. The film will probably be available afterwards on the channel's catch-up service TPTV Encore. But in case it's not, I am posting Sun Trap of the South here for Josh and everyone else to enjoy. ...]]></description>
  45.   <pubDate>Fri, 26 Jul 2024 13:20:00 +0100</pubDate>
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  48.   <title><![CDATA[Actors and artists back the abolition of Voter ID]]></title>
  49.   <link></link>
  50.   <description><![CDATA[Voter ID was first introduced at the Local Elections in England in 2023. At the time Lib Dems expressed strong reservations about the scheme for two reasons: Experience in other countries has shown that the requirement for Voter ID amounts to voter suppression, and that it disproportionately affects certain groups, such as those living in poverty and ethnic minorities. Voter ID is a solution to a problem that barely exists &#8211; voter impersonation happens very rarely. At the time I wrote about my experience of telling at Woking &#8211; now proudly a Lib Dem run Council with a new Lib ...]]></description>
  51.   <pubDate>Fri, 26 Jul 2024 12:36:32 +0100</pubDate>
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  54.   <title><![CDATA[Journey to victory: the story behind 72 Lib Dem MPs (LDN #186)]]></title>
  55.   <link></link>
  56.   <description><![CDATA[How the best Liberal Democrat general election result for a century happened - and the lessons for the party's future.]]></description>
  57.   <pubDate>Fri, 26 Jul 2024 08:58:00 +0100</pubDate>
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  60.   <title><![CDATA[Maiden speech: Al Pinkerton MP for Surrey Heath]]></title>
  61.   <link></link>
  62.   <description><![CDATA[Al Pinkerton made his maiden speech on Wednesday. Madam Deputy Speaker, I am grateful to you for allowing me the opportunity to intervene in this important debate and, in so doing, to give my maiden speech. I also congratulate you on both of your recent election successes and welcome you to the Chair. It is a privilege to follow the hon. Member for Derby North (Catherine Atkinson). I was delighted in particular to hear about her recent abseiling exploits. I wondered whether she was giving a maiden speech or making a pitch to be the next Lib Dem party leader, ...]]></description>
  63.   <pubDate>Fri, 26 Jul 2024 08:47:38 +0100</pubDate>
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  66.   <title><![CDATA[Dundee Age Concern - Summer Fayre!]]></title>
  67.   <link></link>
  68.   <description><![CDATA[Fraser is the Vice-Chair of the Dundee Age Concern Board and would like to encourage residents to pop along to its Summer Fayre tomorrow - Saturday 27th July - at the Fiveways Centre at the bottom of Caird Avenue. It takes place between 10am and 2pm. Please support this worthwhile cause - and lots of entertainment too!]]></description>
  69.   <pubDate>Fri, 26 Jul 2024 07:00:00 +0100</pubDate>
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  72.   <title><![CDATA[Prisons in crisis]]></title>
  73.   <link></link>
  74.   <description><![CDATA[The Independent reports that Ministry of Justice (MoJ) figures have revealed that v.iolence and self-harm in Britain's prisons is soaring while drugs are readily available with almost a quarter of jails overcrowded. They say that the figures show self-harm rates in UK prisons are at their highest on record, with 73,804 incidents of self-harm in the past year, the equivalent of one prisoner hurting themselves every seven minutes, while assaults hit a post-pandemic high in the last year, with 28,292 violent assaults across the estate: The number of prisons deemed overcrowded shot up for the third year in a row, ...]]></description>
  75.   <pubDate>Fri, 26 Jul 2024 06:00:00 +0100</pubDate>
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