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  30. <title>How to see tolls on Google maps &#124; Easy Guide</title>
  31. <link></link>
  32. <dc:creator><![CDATA[akbarnoire]]></dc:creator>
  33. <pubDate>Fri, 26 Jul 2024 19:01:43 +0000</pubDate>
  34. <category><![CDATA[App]]></category>
  35. <category><![CDATA[google maps]]></category>
  36. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  38. <description><![CDATA[Whether you want to save a few minutes when you arrive at your destination or you want to avoid spending extra money, you will be interested to know how to see tolls on Google Maps. Our busy schedules can often become hell, so we have to do everything we can to save time. Those interested ... <a title="How to see tolls on Google maps &#124; Easy Guide" class="read-more" href="" aria-label="Read more about How to see tolls on Google maps &#124; Easy Guide">Read more</a><div class='yarpp yarpp-related yarpp-related-rss yarpp-template-list'>
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  53. ]]></description>
  54. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Whether you want to save a few minutes when you arrive at your destination or you want to avoid spending extra money, you will be interested to know how to see tolls on Google Maps.</span></p>
  55. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Our busy schedules can often become hell, so we have to do everything we can to save time. Those interested in knowing how to view tolls on Google Maps to know routes to save a few minutes, but no money, can activate this feature quickly and easily through the application.</span></p>
  56. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">To start, we enter a route on the map to indicate the way and Google Maps offers us the fastest option at no extra cost. If we want to find out if we have the option to use any tools, we just have to click on the icon with the three dots that we will find at the top right and disable the option &#8216;Avoid tolls&#8217;.</span></p>
  57. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">In this way, the application will show us the alternative with toll with which we can save some minutes. </span></p>
  58. <h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">How to configure google maps to avoid tolls</span></h2>
  59. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">However, tolls are not always the most practical option, especially for our pocket, so it is interesting to know how to configure Google Maps to avoid tolls. In this way, we can avoid having to go through one of these toll roads, which sometimes do not make as much difference as you might expect.</span></p>
  60. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">To avoid having to clarify every time we look for a route that we do not want to see the tolls, we can modify our data in the settings. When you open the application, press on the icon of your Google account that you will find at the top right of the screen and access &#8216;Settings&#8217;.</span></p>
  61. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Then, a menu will appear in which we will have to scroll down until we find the option &#8216;Navigation settings&#8217;. There we can modify our preferences for using Google Maps, and if we scroll to the bottom we can see the option &#8216;Avoid tolls&#8217;. We activate this tab and all the searches we do from now on will appear without the alternatives with tolls. </span></p>
  62. <h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">How to use google maps without highways</span></h2>
  63. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">If we have the feeling that the main roads may be overflowing with traffic or we have heard on the radio that there is a considerable traffic jam, we can find out how to use Google Maps without highways. This is perhaps one of the most unknown tools of the application but at the same time one of the most useful.</span></p>
  64. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">There are two ways to disable the search for highways and freeways. The first, as we indicated in the case of tolls, is available once we have searched for a route on the map. We click on the icon with the three dots and activate the option &#8216;Avoid highways&#8217;, to see if we have any secondary alternative. Maybe it will be a little long, but in those terrifying mornings of traffic that usually occur from time to time, it can save us to get to work on time.</span></p>
  65. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The other option is to enter through the settings. The procedure is again similar to the one explained above. We enter our user menu by clicking on our Google avatar and enter &#8216;Settings&#8217;. We scroll down until we find the &#8216;Navigation settings&#8217; and again we scroll down a bit. In the same section as the tolls, we can activate the &#8216;Avoid highways&#8217; tab, so that the default settings do not show us any more main roads.</span></p>
  66. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Both options will leave already configured your application in this way, so if you want to make punctual use, do not forget to disable the option to avoid highways or you will always be offered longer secondary routes.</span></p>
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  82. ]]></content:encoded>
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  85. <title>Trump&#8217;s Potential Bitcoin (BTC) Strategic Reserve Sparks Debate</title>
  86. <link></link>
  87. <dc:creator><![CDATA[akbarnoire]]></dc:creator>
  88. <pubDate>Fri, 26 Jul 2024 16:59:42 +0000</pubDate>
  89. <category><![CDATA[Useful info]]></category>
  90. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  92. <description><![CDATA[&#13; &#13; &#13; Alvin Lang&#13; Jul 26, 2024 12:54&#13; &#13; Rumors suggest Trump may propose Bitcoin as a strategic reserve asset, impacting global crypto regulation and policy, according to Bitfinex. &#13; &#13; &#13; &#13; Rumors are circulating that former President Donald Trump may announce his intention to make Bitcoin a strategic reserve asset for the ... <a title="Trump&#8217;s Potential Bitcoin (BTC) Strategic Reserve Sparks Debate" class="read-more" href="" aria-label="Read more about Trump&#8217;s Potential Bitcoin (BTC) Strategic Reserve Sparks Debate">Read more</a><div class='yarpp yarpp-related yarpp-related-rss yarpp-template-list'>
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  107. ]]></description>
  108. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> <br />
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  111. <figure class="figure mt-2">&#13;<br />
  112.                                &#13;</p>
  113. <p>&#13;<br />
  114.                                    <a href="" rel="noopener">Alvin Lang</a>&#13;<br />
  115.                                    <span class="publication-date ml-2"> Jul 26, 2024 12:54</span>&#13;
  116.                                </p>
  117. <p>&#13;</p>
  118. <p class="lead">Rumors suggest Trump may propose Bitcoin as a strategic reserve asset, impacting global crypto regulation and policy, according to Bitfinex.</p>
  119. <p>&#13;<br />
  120.                                <a href="" rel="noopener">&#13;<br />
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  122.                                </a>&#13;<br />
  123.                            </figure>
  124. <p>Rumors are circulating that former President Donald Trump may announce his intention to make Bitcoin a strategic reserve asset for the United States, a move that could significantly impact the cryptocurrency landscape. According to <a rel="nofollow noopener" href="">Bitfinex</a>, this potential decision, which may be revealed at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference in Nashville, has the crypto community buzzing. The idea is to position the US as a leader in cryptocurrency adoption and regulation, using Bitcoin’s decentralized and finite nature to enhance economic resilience and stability.</p>
  125. <h2>Implications for Global Crypto Regulation</h2>
  126. <p>The adoption of Bitcoin as a strategic reserve asset by the US could have profound implications for global crypto regulation, policy, and perception. It would likely drive other nations to create more supportive regulatory frameworks, recognizing the economic and geopolitical advantages of embracing digital assets. This move could legitimize Bitcoin on an international scale, prompting other countries to incorporate it into their reserves and potentially leading to a competitive accumulation of Bitcoin among nation-states. In addition, it could be the spark that leads to the expansion of mining operations worldwide, enhancing the decentralization and security of the Bitcoin network while fostering economic and technological advancements across the globe.</p>
  127. <h2>Challenges and Risks</h2>
  128. <p>However, there are substantial challenges and risks associated with this move. Implementing such a policy would require navigating a complex regulatory landscape and gaining approval from various government bodies, including Congress and the Federal Reserve, or introducing a new and updated set of rules for the industry. There are also concerns about the volatility of Bitcoin and its suitability as a reserve asset. Another key consideration is that securely managing and storing large amounts of Bitcoin would pose technical challenges and require robust security measures to prevent theft and loss.</p>
  129. <h2>Market Speculation and Reactions</h2>
  130. <p>The market’s anticipation of Trump’s possible announcement has already stirred significant interest and speculation within the crypto industry, with options volume surging ahead of the conference. If Trump does announce his intention to adopt Bitcoin as a strategic reserve asset, it could reshape the crypto landscape, potentially leading to more favorable regulatory frameworks and accelerating mainstream adoption. Regardless of the outcome, the mere possibility of such a move underscores the growing importance of cryptocurrencies in the global financial system and the dynamic interplay between politics and digital assets.</p>
  131. <h2>Broader Market Impact</h2>
  132. <p>Adopting Bitcoin as a strategic reserve asset by the United States could trigger a significant surge in demand for Bitcoin, driving its price higher. The endorsement from one of the world’s largest economies would instill confidence in Bitcoin’s long-term value proposition, potentially leading to a rapid influx of institutional and retail investors. This could result in a new bull market for Bitcoin, marked by heightened volatility as the market adjusts to the increased demand and the strategic shift in US financial policy.</p>
  133. <p>The broader cryptocurrency market would also experience substantial changes. The US adopting Bitcoin as a reserve asset would signal a strong endorsement of the cryptocurrency as a legitimate and valuable financial instrument, encouraging other countries to consider similar moves. This international ripple effect could lead to a more widespread adoption of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, enhancing their global liquidity and stability. The heightened demand for Bitcoin could spill over into other digital assets, such as Ethereum and similar Web3-focused chains, boosting their prices and market capitalizations.</p>
  134. <h2>Financial Products and User Benefits</h2>
  135. <p>The legitimization of Bitcoin as a strategic reserve asset would also drive the development and approval of more crypto-based financial products, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs. These financial instruments could provide investors with a regulated and convenient way to gain exposure to cryptocurrencies without directly holding them. The increased legitimacy of Bitcoin would likely expedite the approval process for these ETFs by regulatory bodies, encouraging a broader range of institutional investors to enter the market.</p>
  136. <p>For crypto users themselves, the adoption of Bitcoin as a strategic reserve asset could bring several benefits and opportunities. It would enhance the security and stability of Bitcoin investments, as government backing would reduce the perceived risk associated with holding digital assets. This could lead to increased adoption of Bitcoin for everyday transactions, as more merchants and businesses would be willing to accept it as a form of payment. The broader acceptance and integration of cryptocurrencies into the financial system would likely lead to the development of more user-friendly wallets, exchanges, and crypto-fintech hybrid financial services, making it easier for individuals to manage and use their digital assets.</p>
  137. <h2>Geopolitical Impact</h2>
  138. <p>The adoption of Bitcoin as a strategic reserve asset by the United States would likely create significant shifts in crypto regulation and policy beyond its borders. Other nations would be compelled to reassess their stance on cryptocurrencies, leading to more formalized and favorable regulatory frameworks. Countries that have been cautious towards cryptocurrencies might reconsider their positions, recognizing the potential economic and geopolitical advantages of embracing digital assets. This shift could result in a wave of regulatory clarity and support for the crypto industry, fostering innovation and growth while ensuring robust investor protections and financial stability.</p>
  139. <p>Geopolitically, the US’s move could elevate Bitcoin to a new level of global importance, positioning it alongside traditional reserve assets like gold and foreign currencies. Such a development would likely prompt international financial institutions and policymakers to incorporate Bitcoin into their strategic discussions and economic policies. The recognition of Bitcoin by a major global power would signal its acceptance as a legitimate and valuable asset, reducing the stigma and skepticism that have often surrounded cryptocurrencies. This shift in perception could lead to a more integrated global financial system where digital assets play a central role, facilitating cross-border transactions and enhancing financial inclusion.</p>
  140. <p>The US’s adoption of Bitcoin could also inspire other nation-states to follow suit, leading to a domino effect of further adoption and integration of cryptocurrencies into national reserves. Countries with economic challenges or those seeking to hedge against inflation and currency devaluation might find Bitcoin an attractive addition to their reserves. This could result in a competitive race among nations to accumulate Bitcoin, driving up demand and solidifying its status as a global reserve asset. Additionally, smaller and emerging economies might leverage Bitcoin to gain a foothold in the global financial landscape, using it as a tool to attract foreign investment and boost economic growth.</p>
  141. <p>The strategic reserve status of Bitcoin could accelerate the establishment and expansion of mining operations worldwide. Nations would likely invest in domestic mining capabilities to ensure a stable and sovereign supply of Bitcoin. This could lead to increased geopolitical significance of countries rich in natural resources and renewable energy, as they could provide the necessary power for sustainable mining operations. Countries with favorable regulatory environments and technological infrastructure would become attractive hubs for mining activities, fostering technological advancements and creating economic opportunities.</p>
  142. <p><span><i>Image source: Shutterstock</i></span></p>
  143. <p>                            <!-- Divider --></p>
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  164. <item>
  165. <title>How to Know Who Stalks me on Instagram in 2024</title>
  166. <link></link>
  167. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Alina]]></dc:creator>
  168. <pubDate>Fri, 26 Jul 2024 16:39:19 +0000</pubDate>
  169. <category><![CDATA[Useful info]]></category>
  170. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  172. <description><![CDATA[Instagram does not officially support or allow users to see who views their profile. However, here are some detailed methods and tips that might give you some insights: Instagram Stories Instagram Stories provide a feature where you can see who has viewed your stories, offering some insight into who might be frequently checking your profile. ... <a title="How to Know Who Stalks me on Instagram in 2024" class="read-more" href="" aria-label="Read more about How to Know Who Stalks me on Instagram in 2024">Read more</a><div class='yarpp yarpp-related yarpp-related-rss yarpp-template-list'>
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  187. ]]></description>
  188. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Instagram does not officially support or allow users to see who views their profile. However, here are some detailed methods and tips that might give you some insights:</p>
  189. <p><img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" width="736" height="494" onerror="this.src=&#039;;" class="wp-image-19841" src=";ssl=1" alt="word image 19839 2" title="How to Know Who Stalks me on Instagram in 2024 6" srcset=";ssl=1 736w,;ssl=1 300w,;ssl=1 600w" sizes="(max-width: 736px) 100vw, 736px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></p>
  190. <h1>Instagram Stories</h1>
  191. <p>Instagram Stories provide a feature where you can see who has viewed your stories, offering some insight into who might be frequently checking your profile. Here&#8217;s how to use Instagram Stories to see who views your content:</p>
  192. <p><strong>Step-by-Step Guide to Using Instagram Stories for Viewer Insights</strong></p>
  193. <ul>
  194. <li>
  195. <ul>
  196. <li>Post a Story
  197. <ul>
  198. <li><strong>Open Instagram</strong>: Launch the Instagram app on your device.</li>
  199. <li><strong>Create a Story</strong>: Tap on your profile picture at the top left corner of the home screen or swipe right to open the story camera. Capture a photo or video, or upload one from your gallery.</li>
  200. <li><strong>Add Elements</strong>: Enhance your story with text, stickers, filters, or other interactive elements if desired.</li>
  201. <li><strong>Share the Story</strong>: Once you&#8217;re satisfied, tap &#8220;Your Story&#8221; to post it.</li>
  202. </ul>
  203. </li>
  204. </ul>
  205. </li>
  206. </ul>
  207. <h2>View Story Insights</h2>
  208. <ul>
  209. <li>
  210. <ul>
  211. <li>
  212. <ul>
  213. <li><strong>Open Your Story</strong>: Tap on your profile picture to view the story you just posted.</li>
  214. <li><strong>Swipe Up</strong>: Swipe up on the story screen. This action will reveal a list of users who have viewed your story.</li>
  215. <li><strong>Viewer List</strong>: The list shows all accounts that have viewed your story, sorted by the order in which they viewed it (most recent viewers at the top).</li>
  216. </ul>
  217. </li>
  218. </ul>
  219. </li>
  220. </ul>
  221. <p><strong>Additional Tips for Using Stories to Track Engagement</strong></p>
  222. <h2>Use Story Highlights</h2>
  223. <ul>
  224. <li>
  225. <ul>
  226. <li>
  227. <ul>
  228. <li><strong>Create Highlights</strong>: Save your stories to Highlights, which are displayed on your profile permanently until you remove them. This allows you to track views over a longer period.</li>
  229. <li><strong>Monitor Highlights Views</strong>: You can periodically check who views your Highlights using the same swipe-up method.</li>
  230. </ul>
  231. </li>
  232. </ul>
  233. </li>
  234. </ul>
  235. <h2>Interactive Elements</h2>
  236. <ul>
  237. <li>
  238. <ul>
  239. <li>
  240. <ul>
  241. <li><strong>Polls, Questions, and Quizzes</strong>: Use interactive elements in your stories. Users who frequently participate in these may be more engaged with your profile.</li>
  242. <li><strong>Sticker Views</strong>: Note who interacts with your stickers, such as polls or question boxes, to get further insights into your audience.</li>
  243. </ul>
  244. </li>
  245. </ul>
  246. </li>
  247. </ul>
  248. <h2>Privacy Settings</h2>
  249. <ul>
  250. <li>
  251. <ul>
  252. <li>
  253. <ul>
  254. <li><strong>Close Friends List</strong>: Post stories to your Close Friends list if you want to see how a select group interacts with your stories.</li>
  255. <li><strong>Story Settings</strong>: Adjust your story settings to control who can see your stories, reply to them, and more.</li>
  256. </ul>
  257. </li>
  258. </ul>
  259. </li>
  260. </ul>
  261. <p><img decoding="async" width="533" height="343" onerror="this.src=&#039;;" class="wp-image-19842" src=";ssl=1" alt="word image 19839 3" title="How to Know Who Stalks me on Instagram in 2024 7" srcset=";ssl=1 533w,;ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 533px) 100vw, 533px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></p>
  262. <h1>Likes and Comments</h1>
  263. <p>Using likes and comments on Instagram can provide insights into who might be frequently visiting your profile. Here’s a detailed guide on how to analyze likes and comments for this purpose:</p>
  264. <p><strong>Step-by-Step Guide to Using Likes and Comments for Viewer Insights</strong></p>
  265. <ul>
  266. <li>
  267. <ul>
  268. <li>Monitor Likes
  269. <ul>
  270. <li><strong>Track Frequent Likers</strong>: Pay attention to users who regularly like your posts. Consistent likes from the same accounts indicate that they are frequently checking your profile.</li>
  271. </ul>
  272. </li>
  273. </ul>
  274. </li>
  275. </ul>
  276. <p><strong>Use Instagram Insights (for Business/Creator Accounts)</strong>:</p>
  277. <ul>
  278. <li>
  279. <ul>
  280. <li>
  281. <ul>
  282. <li><strong>Access Insights</strong>: Go to your profile, tap the menu (three horizontal lines), and select &#8220;Insights.&#8221;</li>
  283. <li><strong>Content Interactions</strong>: Look at the &#8220;Content Interactions&#8221; section to see which posts have received the most likes and who the frequent likers are.</li>
  284. <li><strong>Engagement Data</strong>: Analyze the engagement data to identify patterns and frequent engagers.</li>
  285. </ul>
  286. </li>
  287. </ul>
  288. </li>
  289. </ul>
  290. <h2>Analyze Comments</h2>
  291. <ul>
  292. <li>
  293. <ul>
  294. <li>
  295. <ul>
  296. <li><strong>Frequent Commenters</strong>: Identify users who regularly comment on your posts. Engaging comments, especially those that show familiarity with your content, can be a sign that the commenter often visits your profile.</li>
  297. <li><strong>Content of Comments</strong>: Analyze the content of the comments.</li>
  298. </ul>
  299. </li>
  300. </ul>
  301. </li>
  302. </ul>
  303. <p>Users who leave meaningful or detailed comments are likely following your posts closely.</p>
  304. <h2>Engagement Patterns</h2>
  305. <ul>
  306. <li>
  307. <ul>
  308. <li>
  309. <ul>
  310. <li><strong>Patterns andTrendS</strong>: Look for patterns in likes and comments. For example, if a user likes and comments on every post, it suggests they frequently check your profile.</li>
  311. <li><strong>New Engagers</strong>: Pay attention to new users who start liking or</li>
  312. </ul>
  313. </li>
  314. </ul>
  315. </li>
  316. </ul>
  317. <p>commenting regularly. This can indicate new followers who are actively engaging with your content.</p>
  318. <p><img decoding="async" width="706" height="464" onerror="this.src=&#039;;" class="wp-image-19843" src=";ssl=1" alt="word image 19839 4" title="How to Know Who Stalks me on Instagram in 2024 8" srcset=";ssl=1 706w,;ssl=1 300w,;ssl=1 600w" sizes="(max-width: 706px) 100vw, 706px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></p>
  319. <h1>Instagram Insights (Business or Creator Accounts</h1>
  320. <p>Instagram Insights is a powerful tool available to users with business or creator accounts, providing valuable data about followers and engagement. Here&#8217;s a detailed guide on how to use Instagram Insights to understand who might be frequently visiting your profile:</p>
  321. <p><strong>Setting Up a Business or Creator Account</strong></p>
  322. <h2>Switch to Business or Creator Account:</h2>
  323. <ul>
  324. <li>
  325. <ul>
  326. <li>
  327. <ul>
  328. <li>Go to your profile and tap the menu (three horizontal lines).</li>
  329. <li>Select &#8220;Settings&#8221; &gt; &#8220;Account&#8221; &gt; &#8220;Switch to Professional Account.&#8221;</li>
  330. <li>Choose either &#8220;Business&#8221; or &#8220;Creator&#8221; and follow the prompts to complete the setup.</li>
  331. </ul>
  332. </li>
  333. </ul>
  334. </li>
  335. </ul>
  336. <p><strong>Using Instagram Insights</strong></p>
  337. <h2>Accessing Insights</h2>
  338. <ul>
  339. <li>
  340. <ul>
  341. <li>
  342. <ul>
  343. <li><strong>Navigate to Insights</strong>: Go to your profile, tap the menu (three horizontal lines), and select &#8220;Insights.&#8221;</li>
  344. <li><strong>Overview</strong>: The Insights dashboard provides an overview of your account&#8217;s performance, including data on your audience, content, and activity.</li>
  345. </ul>
  346. </li>
  347. </ul>
  348. </li>
  349. </ul>
  350. <h2>Audience Insights</h2>
  351. <ul>
  352. <li>
  353. <ul>
  354. <li>
  355. <ul>
  356. <li><strong>Followers</strong>: View data on your followers, including demographics (age, gender, location) and when they are most active.</li>
  357. <li><strong>Growth</strong>: Track changes in your follower count over time,</li>
  358. </ul>
  359. </li>
  360. </ul>
  361. </li>
  362. </ul>
  363. <p>including new followers and unfollows.</p>
  364. <h2>Content Insights</h2>
  365. <ul>
  366. <li>
  367. <ul>
  368. <li>
  369. <ul>
  370. <li><strong>Posts</strong>: Analyze engagement metrics for individual posts, such as likes, comments, saves, and shares.</li>
  371. <li><strong>Stories</strong>: See who viewed your stories and track engagement metrics like replies and exits.</li>
  372. <li><strong>IGTV and Reels</strong>: Get data on views, likes, comments, and shares for your IGTV videos and Reels.</li>
  373. </ul>
  374. </li>
  375. </ul>
  376. </li>
  377. </ul>
  378. <h2>Activity Insights</h2>
  379. <ul>
  380. <li>
  381. <ul>
  382. <li>
  383. <ul>
  384. <li><strong>Interactions</strong>: Track profile visits, website clicks, and call/email button clicks.</li>
  385. <li><strong>Discovery</strong>: Understand how people found your content, including reach and impressions.</li>
  386. </ul>
  387. </li>
  388. </ul>
  389. </li>
  390. </ul>
  391. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="700" height="436" onerror="this.src=&#039;;" class="wp-image-19844" src=";ssl=1" alt="word image 19839 5" title="How to Know Who Stalks me on Instagram in 2024 9" srcset=";ssl=1 700w,;ssl=1 300w,;ssl=1 600w" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></p>
  392. <h1>Direct Messages (DMs)</h1>
  393. <p>Direct Messages (DMs) on Instagram can provide indirect insights into who might be frequently visiting your profile. Here&#8217;s a detailed guide on how to use DMs to understand engagement:</p>
  394. <p><strong>Using Direct Messages for Viewer Insights</strong></p>
  395. <h2>Frequent Messaging</h2>
  396. <ul>
  397. <li>
  398. <ul>
  399. <li>
  400. <ul>
  401. <li><strong>Regular Initiators</strong>: Identify users who regularly initiate conversations with you. Frequent DMs can indicate that these users are often checking your profile.</li>
  402. <li><strong>Replies to Stories</strong>: Users who frequently reply to your stories</li>
  403. </ul>
  404. </li>
  405. </ul>
  406. </li>
  407. </ul>
  408. <p>might be regularly viewing your content.</p>
  409. <h2>Content of Messages</h2>
  410. <ul>
  411. <li>
  412. <ul>
  413. <li>
  414. <ul>
  415. <li><strong>Engagement with Posts</strong>: Pay attention to DMs related to your posts. Users who comment on or discuss your posts in DMs are likely following your profile closely.</li>
  416. <li><strong>Detailed Conversations</strong>: Look for users who engage in</li>
  417. </ul>
  418. </li>
  419. </ul>
  420. </li>
  421. </ul>
  422. <p>detailed or meaningful conversations, showing a higher level of interest in your content.</p>
  423. <p><strong>Step-by-Step Guide to Using DMs for Insights</strong></p>
  424. <h2>Tracking Frequent DMs</h2>
  425. <ul>
  426. <li>
  427. <ul>
  428. <li>
  429. <ul>
  430. <li><strong>Open DMs</strong>: Go to the Instagram home screen and tap the paper airplane icon to open your direct messages.</li>
  431. <li><strong>Identify Frequent Contacts</strong>: Note which users are consistently at the top of your DM list. Instagram typically sorts DMs by recent activity, so frequent contacts will appear higher up.</li>
  432. </ul>
  433. </li>
  434. </ul>
  435. </li>
  436. </ul>
  437. <h2>Engagement with Stories</h2>
  438. <ul>
  439. <li>
  440. <ul>
  441. <li>
  442. <ul>
  443. <li><strong>Check Story Replies</strong>: Swipe up on your stories to see who has viewed them and responded via DMs.</li>
  444. <li><strong>Monitor Interactions</strong>: Users who regularly reply to your stories are likely engaging with your profile more often.</li>
  445. </ul>
  446. </li>
  447. </ul>
  448. </li>
  449. </ul>
  450. <h2>Analyzing Message Content</h2>
  451. <ul>
  452. <li>
  453. <ul>
  454. <li>
  455. <ul>
  456. <li><strong>Engagement with Posts</strong>: Review DMs where users discuss your posts. These conversations can give you clues about which posts are attracting more attention.</li>
  457. <li><strong>Feedback and Questions</strong>: Users who provide feedback or ask</li>
  458. </ul>
  459. </li>
  460. </ul>
  461. </li>
  462. </ul>
  463. <p>questions about your content might be more engaged with your profile.</p>
  464. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="697" height="630" onerror="this.src=&#039;;" class="wp-image-19845" src=";ssl=1" alt="word image 19839 6" title="How to Know Who Stalks me on Instagram in 2024 10" srcset=";ssl=1 697w,;ssl=1 300w,;ssl=1 600w" sizes="(max-width: 697px) 100vw, 697px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></p>
  465. <h1>Live Videos</h1>
  466. <p>Instagram Live Videos offer another way to understand who is engaging with your content and potentially frequently visiting your profile. Here’s a detailed guide on how to use live videos to gain insights into your audience engagement:</p>
  467. <p><strong>Using Instagram Live Videos for Viewer Insights</strong></p>
  468. <h2>Starting a Live Video</h2>
  469. <ul>
  470. <li>
  471. <ul>
  472. <li>
  473. <ul>
  474. <li><strong>Open Instagram</strong>: Launch the Instagram app and swipe right to access the camera.</li>
  475. <li><strong>Select Live</strong>: Scroll to the &#8220;Live&#8221; option at the bottom of the screen.</li>
  476. <li><strong>Start Live Video</strong>: Tap the circular button to start broadcasting live.</li>
  477. </ul>
  478. </li>
  479. </ul>
  480. </li>
  481. </ul>
  482. <h2>During the Live Video</h2>
  483. <ul>
  484. <li>
  485. <ul>
  486. <li>
  487. <ul>
  488. <li><strong>Viewer List</strong>: As soon as you go live, you can see a list of people who join your live session. This list appears at the bottom of the screen.</li>
  489. <li><strong>Real-time Interaction</strong>: Engage with viewers who join your live</li>
  490. </ul>
  491. </li>
  492. </ul>
  493. </li>
  494. </ul>
  495. <p>video by addressing them by name and responding to their comments and questions.</p>
  496. <h2>Engagement and Interaction</h2>
  497. <ul>
  498. <li>
  499. <ul>
  500. <li>
  501. <ul>
  502. <li><strong>Comments and Questions</strong>: Monitor the comments section during your live video. Viewers who actively comment or ask questions are likely more engaged with your profile.</li>
  503. <li><strong>Likes</strong>: Viewers can tap the heart icon to like your live video.</li>
  504. </ul>
  505. </li>
  506. </ul>
  507. </li>
  508. </ul>
  509. <p>Frequent likes indicate higher engagement.</p>
  510. <ul>
  511. <li>
  512. <ul>
  513. <li>
  514. <ul>
  515. <li><strong>Viewers List</strong>: Swipe up on your screen during the live session to see the list of viewers. Note who joins and stays throughout the session.</li>
  516. </ul>
  517. </li>
  518. </ul>
  519. </li>
  520. </ul>
  521. <h2>Post-Live Analysis</h2>
  522. <ul>
  523. <li>
  524. <ul>
  525. <li>
  526. <ul>
  527. <li><strong>End the Live Video</strong>: When you finish your live session, tap the &#8220;End&#8221; button at the top right corner and then confirm by tapping &#8220;End Now.&#8221;</li>
  528. <li><strong>View Insights</strong>: After ending the live video, Instagram provides</li>
  529. </ul>
  530. </li>
  531. </ul>
  532. </li>
  533. </ul>
  534. <p>insights into your live session. Tap the &#8220;View Insights&#8221; button to see data such as the number of viewers, engagement metrics, and viewer retention.</p>
  535. <h1>Manual Tracking</h1>
  536. <p>Manual tracking involves personally monitoring and recording interactions on your Instagram profile to identify users who frequently engage with your content. While this method is more labor-intensive than using automated tools, it can provide valuable insights. Here’s a detailed guide on how to manually track engagement on Instagram:</p>
  537. <p><strong>Steps for Manual Tracking</strong></p>
  538. <ul>
  539. <li>
  540. <ul>
  541. <li>Setting Up a Tracking System
  542. <ul>
  543. <li><strong>Spreadsheet or Notebook</strong>: Create a spreadsheet or use a notebook to record interactions. Include columns for usernames, dates, types of interactions (likes, comments, DMs, story views), and any notes.</li>
  544. </ul>
  545. </li>
  546. </ul>
  547. </li>
  548. </ul>
  549. <h2>Monitoring Posts</h2>
  550. <ul>
  551. <li>
  552. <ul>
  553. <li>
  554. <ul>
  555. <li><strong>Likes</strong>: Regularly check who likes your posts. Record the usernames of frequent likers.</li>
  556. <li><strong>Comments</strong>: Note who comments on your posts. Include the content of the comments if relevant.</li>
  557. </ul>
  558. </li>
  559. </ul>
  560. </li>
  561. </ul>
  562. <h2>Tracking Story Engagement</h2>
  563. <ul>
  564. <li>
  565. <ul>
  566. <li>
  567. <ul>
  568. <li><strong>Story Views</strong>: After posting a story, swipe up to see who viewed it. Record the usernames of frequent viewers.</li>
  569. <li><strong>Replies</strong>: Note users who frequently reply to your stories.</li>
  570. </ul>
  571. </li>
  572. </ul>
  573. </li>
  574. </ul>
  575. <h2>Analyzing Direct Messages (DMs)</h2>
  576. <ul>
  577. <li>
  578. <ul>
  579. <li>
  580. <ul>
  581. <li><strong>Frequent Contacts</strong>: Record users who regularly send you DMs or reply to your stories.</li>
  582. <li><strong>Content of Messages</strong>: Note the type of engagement (e.g., comments on posts, questions, feedback).</li>
  583. </ul>
  584. </li>
  585. </ul>
  586. </li>
  587. </ul>
  588. <p>Instagram does not provide a direct method to see who views your profile. However, you can use indirect methods like monitoring story viewers, frequent likers, commenters, and direct message interactions. Business or creator accounts offer additional insights through Instagram Insights, providing data on engagement and audience demographics.</p>
  589. <p>While third-party apps claim to track profile viewers, they often violate Instagram’s terms and pose security risks. By consistently analyzing engagement patterns, you can get a sense of who is most interested in your content. Always prioritize privacy and respect in your tracking efforts.</p>
  590. <p>&nbsp;</p>
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  606. ]]></content:encoded>
  607. </item>
  608. <item>
  609. <title>Bitfarms Adopts New Shareholder Rights Plan Amid Tribunal Decision</title>
  610. <link></link>
  611. <dc:creator><![CDATA[akbarnoire]]></dc:creator>
  612. <pubDate>Thu, 25 Jul 2024 16:59:04 +0000</pubDate>
  613. <category><![CDATA[Useful info]]></category>
  614. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  616. <description><![CDATA[&#13; &#13; &#13; Joerg Hiller&#13; Jul 25, 2024 04:11&#13; &#13; Bitfarms Ltd. has adopted a new shareholder rights plan following a decision by the Ontario Securities Commission&#8217;s Tribunal to cease trade the former plan. &#13; &#13; &#13; &#13; Bitfarms Ltd. (Nasdaq/TSX: BITF), a global Bitcoin data center company, has announced the adoption of a new ... <a title="Bitfarms Adopts New Shareholder Rights Plan Amid Tribunal Decision" class="read-more" href="" aria-label="Read more about Bitfarms Adopts New Shareholder Rights Plan Amid Tribunal Decision">Read more</a><div class='yarpp yarpp-related yarpp-related-rss yarpp-template-list'>
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  631. ]]></description>
  632. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> <br />
  633. </p>
  634. <div>
  635. <figure class="figure mt-2">&#13;<br />
  636.                                &#13;</p>
  637. <p>&#13;<br />
  638.                                    <a href="" rel="noopener">Joerg Hiller</a>&#13;<br />
  639.                                    <span class="publication-date ml-2"> Jul 25, 2024 04:11</span>&#13;
  640.                                </p>
  641. <p>&#13;</p>
  642. <p class="lead">Bitfarms Ltd. has adopted a new shareholder rights plan following a decision by the Ontario Securities Commission&#8217;s Tribunal to cease trade the former plan.</p>
  643. <p>&#13;<br />
  644.                                <a href="" rel="noopener">&#13;<br />
  645.                                    &#13;<br />
  646.                                </a>&#13;<br />
  647.                            </figure>
  648. <p>Bitfarms Ltd. (Nasdaq/TSX: BITF), a global Bitcoin data center company, has announced the adoption of a new shareholder rights plan following a decision by the Capital Markets Tribunal of the Ontario Securities Commission to cease trade the company&#8217;s previous rights plan, according to <a rel="nofollow noopener" href="">GlobeNewswire</a>.</p>
  649. <h2>Tribunal Decision</h2>
  650. <p>The Tribunal&#8217;s verdict came after hearings on July 22 and 23, 2024. The decision effectively terminates Bitfarms&#8217; former shareholder rights plan, which was initially put in place to preserve the integrity of the independent Special Committee’s strategic review process amid attempts by Riot Platforms, Inc. to acquire the company.</p>
  651. <h2>New Shareholder Rights Plan</h2>
  652. <p>In response to this development, Bitfarms&#8217; Board of Directors has unanimously approved a new shareholder rights plan. The plan, effective from July 24, 2024, aims to ensure fair and equal treatment of all shareholders in connection with any unsolicited take-over bid or acquisition of control of the company. The new plan also provides protection against &#8216;creeping bids,&#8217; where an entity accumulates 20% or more of the company&#8217;s shares through exempt purchases from Canadian take-over bid rules.</p>
  653. <p>“The Tribunal has decided to cease trade Bitfarms&#8217; Rights Plan, which effectively terminates the plan. In light of this decision, the Bitfarms Board has adopted the New Rights Plan to ensure the interests of all shareholders are protected,” said Brian Howlett, Lead Director of the Bitfarms Board.</p>
  654. <h2>Provisions and Effectiveness</h2>
  655. <p>The new rights plan stipulates that one right will be issued and attached to each common share outstanding as of August 6, 2024. These rights will become exercisable if any person, together with related persons, acquires or announces the intention to acquire 20% or more of the company&#8217;s common shares without complying with the &#8216;Permitted Bid&#8217; provisions. A &#8216;Permitted Bid&#8217; is defined as a take-over bid that meets specific conditions, including being open for 105 days and no shares being taken up unless more than 50% of shares held by independent shareholders are tendered.</p>
  656. <p>The new plan is subject to shareholder ratification within six months. If ratified, it will have an initial term of three years. The plan also requires acceptance by the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX), which may defer its consideration pending satisfaction that no further intervention by the securities commission will occur.</p>
  657. <h2>Company Overview and Future Prospects</h2>
  658. <p>Founded in 2017, Bitfarms operates 12 data centers and is developing two more across four countries. The company is committed to using sustainable energy, primarily hydro-electric power. Despite the Tribunal&#8217;s decision, the Board emphasized that it remains committed to maximizing value for shareholders and achieving the best possible outcomes for the company.</p>
  659. <p>Bitfarms has engaged Moelis &amp; Company LLC as its financial advisor, with legal advice provided by Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher &amp; Flom LLP, Peterson McVicar LLP, and McMillan LLP. Strategic advice and proxy solicitation support are being provided by Innisfree M&amp;A Incorporated and Laurel Hill Advisory Group.</p>
  660. <p>The new rights plan is seen as a measure to protect shareholder interests amid potential acquisition attempts, ensuring that any such bids are conducted fairly and transparently.</p>
  661. <p><span><i>Image source: Shutterstock</i></span></p>
  662. <p>                            <!-- Divider --></p>
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  684. <title>How Many Complaints does it Take to Delete a Twitter Account?</title>
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  686. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Alina]]></dc:creator>
  687. <pubDate>Thu, 25 Jul 2024 15:00:34 +0000</pubDate>
  688. <category><![CDATA[Useful info]]></category>
  689. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  691. <description><![CDATA[Twitter does not have a strict, publicly available threshold for the number of complaints required to delete an account. The process is more nuanced and involves several factors: Types of Violations Twitter assesses the content and behavior reported. Violations include harassment, hate speech, spam, threats, and other activities that breach Twitter&#8217;s policies.Here are the main ... <a title="How Many Complaints does it Take to Delete a Twitter Account?" class="read-more" href="" aria-label="Read more about How Many Complaints does it Take to Delete a Twitter Account?">Read more</a><div class='yarpp yarpp-related yarpp-related-rss yarpp-template-list'>
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  706. ]]></description>
  707. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Twitter does not have a strict, publicly available threshold for the number of complaints required to delete an account. The process is more nuanced and involves several factors:</p>
  708. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="735" height="490" onerror="this.src=&#039;;" class="wp-image-19819" src=";ssl=1" alt="word image 19817 2" title="How Many Complaints does it Take to Delete a Twitter Account? 16" srcset=";ssl=1 735w,;ssl=1 300w,;ssl=1 600w" sizes="(max-width: 735px) 100vw, 735px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></p>
  709. <h1>Types of Violations</h1>
  710. <p>Twitter assesses the content and behavior reported. Violations include harassment, hate speech, spam, threats, and other activities that breach Twitter&#8217;s policies.Here are the main types of violations that can lead to actions such as suspension or deletion of a Twitter account:</p>
  711. <h2>Harassment and Abusive Behavior:</h2>
  712. <ul>
  713. <li>
  714. <ul>
  715. <li>
  716. <ul>
  717. <li>Targeted harassment, threats, or abusive language.</li>
  718. <li>Stalking or inciting others to harm individuals.</li>
  719. </ul>
  720. </li>
  721. </ul>
  722. </li>
  723. </ul>
  724. <h2>Hate Speech:</h2>
  725. <ul>
  726. <li>
  727. <ul>
  728. <li>
  729. <ul>
  730. <li>Content that incites violence or hatred against individuals or groups based on race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or other protected attributes.</li>
  731. </ul>
  732. </li>
  733. </ul>
  734. </li>
  735. </ul>
  736. <h2>Misinformation:</h2>
  737. <ul>
  738. <li>
  739. <ul>
  740. <li>
  741. <ul>
  742. <li>Disseminating false or misleading information, particularly if it has the potential to cause harm or interfere with public safety or</li>
  743. </ul>
  744. </li>
  745. </ul>
  746. </li>
  747. </ul>
  748. <p>democratic processes (e.g., misinformation about elections or public health).</p>
  749. <h2>Spam and Manipulative Behavior:</h2>
  750. <ul>
  751. <li>
  752. <ul>
  753. <li>
  754. <ul>
  755. <li>Automated or manipulative activities, including spamming, phishing, or using bots to artificially inflate engagement or spread misinformation.</li>
  756. </ul>
  757. </li>
  758. </ul>
  759. </li>
  760. </ul>
  761. <h2>Sensitive Media:</h2>
  762. <ul>
  763. <li>
  764. <ul>
  765. <li>
  766. <ul>
  767. <li>Posting excessively graphic or violent content without proper warnings or context.</li>
  768. <li>Sharing adult content without appropriate content warnings or in violation of Twitter’s media policies.</li>
  769. </ul>
  770. </li>
  771. </ul>
  772. </li>
  773. </ul>
  774. <h2>Impersonation:</h2>
  775. <ul>
  776. <li>
  777. <ul>
  778. <li>
  779. <ul>
  780. <li>Creating accounts that impersonate other individuals, especially public figures, in a misleading or deceptive manner.</li>
  781. </ul>
  782. </li>
  783. </ul>
  784. </li>
  785. </ul>
  786. <h2>Self-Harm:</h2>
  787. <ul>
  788. <li>
  789. <ul>
  790. <li>
  791. <ul>
  792. <li>Content that promotes or encourages self-harm, suicide, or other forms of self-injury.</li>
  793. </ul>
  794. </li>
  795. </ul>
  796. </li>
  797. </ul>
  798. <h2>Illegal Activities:</h2>
  799. <ul>
  800. <li>
  801. <ul>
  802. <li>
  803. <ul>
  804. <li>Content that promotes or facilitates illegal activities, such as drug trafficking, terrorism, or human trafficking.</li>
  805. </ul>
  806. </li>
  807. </ul>
  808. </li>
  809. </ul>
  810. <h2>Privacy Violations:</h2>
  811. <ul>
  812. <li>
  813. <ul>
  814. <li>
  815. <ul>
  816. <li>Sharing private or confidential information about others without their consent, such as personal addresses, phone numbers, or other sensitive data.</li>
  817. </ul>
  818. </li>
  819. </ul>
  820. </li>
  821. </ul>
  822. <h2>Account Security:</h2>
  823. <ul>
  824. <li>
  825. <ul>
  826. <li>
  827. <ul>
  828. <li>Activities that compromise account security, including attempts to hack or gain unauthorized access to other accounts.</li>
  829. </ul>
  830. </li>
  831. </ul>
  832. </li>
  833. </ul>
  834. <p>These types of violations are assessed based on Twitter’s community guidelines and policies, and enforcement actions vary depending on the severity of the violation and the account’s history.</p>
  835. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="735" height="386" onerror="this.src=&#039;;" class="wp-image-19820" src=";ssl=1" alt="word image 19817 3" title="How Many Complaints does it Take to Delete a Twitter Account? 17" srcset=";ssl=1 735w,;ssl=1 300w,;ssl=1 600w" sizes="(max-width: 735px) 100vw, 735px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></p>
  836. <h1>Severity of Violations</h1>
  837. <p>A single severe violation (e.g., credible threats of violence) can lead to immediate suspension or deletion. Minor or less severe violations may require multiple complaints before action is taken.</p>
  838. <p>Severity of violations can be categorized based on the impact and nature of the violation. Here&#8217;s a common framework:</p>
  839. <h2>Minor Violations:</h2>
  840. <ul>
  841. <li>
  842. <ul>
  843. <li>
  844. <ul>
  845. <li>Minor infractions with little to no impact.</li>
  846. <li>Examples: Minor delays in paperwork, slight breaches of non-critical protocols.</li>
  847. </ul>
  848. </li>
  849. </ul>
  850. </li>
  851. </ul>
  852. <h2>Moderate Violations:</h2>
  853. <ul>
  854. <li>
  855. <ul>
  856. <li>
  857. <ul>
  858. <li>Violations that have a noticeable but not critical impact.</li>
  859. <li>Examples: Missed deadlines that cause some disruption, repeated non-compliance with secondary policies.</li>
  860. </ul>
  861. </li>
  862. </ul>
  863. </li>
  864. </ul>
  865. <h2>Severe Violations:</h2>
  866. <ul>
  867. <li>
  868. <ul>
  869. <li>
  870. <ul>
  871. <li>Significant breaches with substantial impact.</li>
  872. <li>Examples: Major safety protocol violations, breaches that result in significant financial loss or legal implications.</li>
  873. </ul>
  874. </li>
  875. </ul>
  876. </li>
  877. </ul>
  878. <h2>Critical Violations:</h2>
  879. <ul>
  880. <li>
  881. <ul>
  882. <li>
  883. <ul>
  884. <li>Extreme breaches with critical impact.</li>
  885. <li>Examples: Violations leading to severe harm or danger to individuals, massive financial losses, or severe legal consequences.</li>
  886. </ul>
  887. </li>
  888. </ul>
  889. </li>
  890. </ul>
  891. <p>Severity can vary based on context, industry, and specific circumstances surrounding the violation.</p>
  892. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="736" height="491" onerror="this.src=&#039;;" class="wp-image-19821" src=";ssl=1" alt="word image 19817 4" title="How Many Complaints does it Take to Delete a Twitter Account? 18" srcset=";ssl=1 736w,;ssl=1 300w,;ssl=1 600w" sizes="(max-width: 736px) 100vw, 736px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></p>
  893. <h1>History of Behavior</h1>
  894. <p>The history of behavior refers to the record of actions, conduct, and compliance (or lack thereof) of an individual, organization, or entity over a period of time. This record is often used to assess patterns, predict future</p>
  895. <p>behavior, and determine appropriate responses or interventions. Here are key components typically included in a history of behavior:</p>
  896. <h2>Past Violations:</h2>
  897. <ul>
  898. <li>
  899. <ul>
  900. <li>
  901. <ul>
  902. <li>Documentation of any previous violations, including dates, nature of the violations, and consequences imposed.</li>
  903. </ul>
  904. </li>
  905. </ul>
  906. </li>
  907. </ul>
  908. <h2>Compliance Record:</h2>
  909. <ul>
  910. <li>
  911. <ul>
  912. <li>
  913. <ul>
  914. <li>Records showing adherence to rules, regulations, and policies. This includes any audits, inspections, or reviews that indicate compliance.</li>
  915. </ul>
  916. </li>
  917. </ul>
  918. </li>
  919. </ul>
  920. <h2>Patterns of Behavior:</h2>
  921. <ul>
  922. <li>
  923. <ul>
  924. <li>
  925. <ul>
  926. <li>Analysis of recurring behaviors, whether positive or negative. For instance, repeated infractions or consistent compliance.</li>
  927. </ul>
  928. </li>
  929. </ul>
  930. </li>
  931. </ul>
  932. <h2>Response to Interventions:</h2>
  933. <ul>
  934. <li>
  935. <ul>
  936. <li>
  937. <ul>
  938. <li>Records of any corrective actions taken and the response to those actions. This includes training, warnings, or disciplinary measures.</li>
  939. </ul>
  940. </li>
  941. </ul>
  942. </li>
  943. </ul>
  944. <h2>Feedback and Evaluations:</h2>
  945. <ul>
  946. <li>
  947. <ul>
  948. <li>
  949. <ul>
  950. <li>Reports or evaluations from supervisors, auditors, or other relevant authorities. Feedback from peers or clients may also be included.</li>
  951. </ul>
  952. </li>
  953. </ul>
  954. </li>
  955. </ul>
  956. <h2>Improvement or Deterioration:</h2>
  957. <ul>
  958. <li>
  959. <ul>
  960. <li>
  961. <ul>
  962. <li>Trends indicating whether behavior has improved or worsened over time.</li>
  963. </ul>
  964. </li>
  965. </ul>
  966. </li>
  967. </ul>
  968. <h2>Contextual Factors:</h2>
  969. <ul>
  970. <li>
  971. <ul>
  972. <li>
  973. <ul>
  974. <li>Consideration of any external factors that may have influenced behavior, such as changes in leadership, policy, or environment.</li>
  975. </ul>
  976. </li>
  977. </ul>
  978. </li>
  979. </ul>
  980. <p>A comprehensive history of behavior provides a detailed overview that can inform decisions about promotions, disciplinary actions, or policy changes.</p>
  981. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="735" height="386" onerror="this.src=&#039;;" class="wp-image-19822" src=";ssl=1" alt="word image 19817 5" title="How Many Complaints does it Take to Delete a Twitter Account? 19" srcset=";ssl=1 735w,;ssl=1 300w,;ssl=1 600w" sizes="(max-width: 735px) 100vw, 735px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></p>
  982. <h1>Review Process</h1>
  983. <p>The review process is a systematic approach used to evaluate performance, compliance, or outcomes against set standards or criteria. This process is essential for ensuring quality, accountability, and continuous improvement. Here are the key steps typically involved in a review process:</p>
  984. <h2>Preparation:</h2>
  985. <ul>
  986. <li>
  987. <ul>
  988. <li>
  989. <ul>
  990. <li><strong>Define Objectives</strong>: Clearly outline the goals and objectives of the review.</li>
  991. <li><strong>Select Criteria</strong>: Determine the standards or benchmarks against which performance will be measured.</li>
  992. <li><strong>Gather Documentation</strong>: Collect all relevant documents, records, and data needed for the review.</li>
  993. </ul>
  994. </li>
  995. </ul>
  996. </li>
  997. </ul>
  998. <h2>Review Team Selection:</h2>
  999. <ul>
  1000. <li>
  1001. <ul>
  1002. <li>
  1003. <ul>
  1004. <li><strong>Assemble Team</strong>: Choose individuals with the necessary expertise and impartiality to conduct the review.</li>
  1005. <li><strong>Assign Roles</strong>: Define specific roles and responsibilities for each team member.</li>
  1006. </ul>
  1007. </li>
  1008. </ul>
  1009. </li>
  1010. </ul>
  1011. <h2>Review Execution:</h2>
  1012. <ul>
  1013. <li>
  1014. <ul>
  1015. <li>
  1016. <ul>
  1017. <li><strong>Conduct Initial Meeting</strong>: Hold a kickoff meeting to clarify objectives, process, and timelines.</li>
  1018. <li><strong>Perform Evaluation</strong>: Systematically review documents, conduct interviews, and observe processes as needed.</li>
  1019. <li><strong>Use Checklists and Tools</strong>: Utilize standardized checklists, forms, and tools to ensure consistency and thoroughness.</li>
  1020. </ul>
  1021. </li>
  1022. </ul>
  1023. </li>
  1024. </ul>
  1025. <h2>Analysis and Assessment:</h2>
  1026. <ul>
  1027. <li>
  1028. <ul>
  1029. <li>
  1030. <ul>
  1031. <li><strong>Compare Against Criteria</strong>: Assess findings against the predefined criteria or standards.</li>
  1032. <li><strong>Identify Strengths and Weaknesses</strong>: Highlight areas of excellence and areas needing improvement.</li>
  1033. <li><strong>Document Findings</strong>: Record all observations, evidence, and assessments in a structured manner.</li>
  1034. </ul>
  1035. </li>
  1036. </ul>
  1037. </li>
  1038. </ul>
  1039. <h2>Reporting:</h2>
  1040. <ul>
  1041. <li>
  1042. <ul>
  1043. <li>
  1044. <ul>
  1045. <li><strong>Draft Report</strong>: Prepare a comprehensive report summarizing the findings, analysis, and recommendations.</li>
  1046. <li><strong>Review and Revise</strong>: Allow stakeholders to review the draft and provide feedback.</li>
  1047. <li><strong>Finalize Report</strong>: Incorporate feedback and finalize the report for dissemination.</li>
  1048. </ul>
  1049. </li>
  1050. </ul>
  1051. </li>
  1052. </ul>
  1053. <h2>Feedback and Follow-up:</h2>
  1054. <ul>
  1055. <li>
  1056. <ul>
  1057. <li>
  1058. <ul>
  1059. <li><strong>Disseminate Report</strong>: Share the final report with relevant stakeholders.</li>
  1060. <li><strong>Hold Review Meeting</strong>: Conduct a meeting to discuss the findings, recommendations, and next steps.</li>
  1061. <li><strong>Develop Action Plan</strong>: Create a detailed plan to address recommendations and improve performance.</li>
  1062. </ul>
  1063. </li>
  1064. </ul>
  1065. </li>
  1066. </ul>
  1067. <h2>Implementation and Monitoring:</h2>
  1068. <ul>
  1069. <li>
  1070. <ul>
  1071. <li>
  1072. <ul>
  1073. <li><strong>Implement Changes</strong>: Execute the action plan and make necessary changes or improvements.</li>
  1074. <li><strong>Monitor Progress</strong>: Continuously monitor progress and ensure that improvements are sustained over time.</li>
  1075. </ul>
  1076. </li>
  1077. </ul>
  1078. </li>
  1079. </ul>
  1080. <h2>Continuous Improvement:</h2>
  1081. <ul>
  1082. <li>
  1083. <ul>
  1084. <li>
  1085. <ul>
  1086. <li><strong>Periodic Reviews</strong>: Schedule regular reviews to ensure ongoing compliance and improvement.</li>
  1087. <li><strong>Update Criteria</strong>: Revise standards and criteria as needed to reflect changes in regulations, best practices, or organizational goals.</li>
  1088. </ul>
  1089. </li>
  1090. </ul>
  1091. </li>
  1092. </ul>
  1093. <p>By following these steps, the review process ensures a thorough and objective evaluation that supports accountability, improvement, and excellence</p>
  1094. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="735" height="386" onerror="this.src=&#039;;" class="wp-image-19823" src=";ssl=1" alt="word image 19817 6" title="How Many Complaints does it Take to Delete a Twitter Account? 20" srcset=";ssl=1 735w,;ssl=1 300w,;ssl=1 600w" sizes="(max-width: 735px) 100vw, 735px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></p>
  1095. <h1>Actions Taken</h1>
  1096. <p>The &#8220;Actions Taken&#8221; section details the steps or measures implemented in response to identified issues, findings, or performance evaluations. These actions can be corrective, preventive, or developmental and are critical for addressing problems, mitigating risks, and fostering continuous improvement. Here are key elements typically included in the &#8220;Actions Taken&#8221; section:</p>
  1097. <h2>Identification of Issues:</h2>
  1098. <ul>
  1099. <li>
  1100. <ul>
  1101. <li>
  1102. <ul>
  1103. <li><strong>Summary of Findings</strong>: Concisely describe the issues or deficiencies identified during the review or evaluation process.</li>
  1104. </ul>
  1105. </li>
  1106. </ul>
  1107. </li>
  1108. </ul>
  1109. <h2>Action Planning:</h2>
  1110. <ul>
  1111. <li>
  1112. <ul>
  1113. <li>
  1114. <ul>
  1115. <li><strong>Action Plan Development</strong>: Outline the specific steps or measures planned to address the identified issues.</li>
  1116. <li><strong>Responsibility Assignment</strong>: Assign individuals or teams responsible for implementing each action.</li>
  1117. <li><strong>Timeline and Milestones</strong>: Set deadlines and key milestones for the completion of actions.</li>
  1118. </ul>
  1119. </li>
  1120. </ul>
  1121. </li>
  1122. </ul>
  1123. <h2>Implementation of Actions:</h2>
  1124. <ul>
  1125. <li>
  1126. <ul>
  1127. <li>
  1128. <ul>
  1129. <li><strong>Execution of Plan</strong>: Document the steps taken to implement the action plan, including any immediate corrective actions and longer-term preventive measures.</li>
  1130. <li><strong>Resource Allocation</strong>: Note any resources allocated, such as budget, personnel, or tools required to implement the actions.</li>
  1131. </ul>
  1132. </li>
  1133. </ul>
  1134. </li>
  1135. </ul>
  1136. <h2>Monitoring and Follow-up:</h2>
  1137. <ul>
  1138. <li>
  1139. <ul>
  1140. <li>
  1141. <ul>
  1142. <li><strong>Progress Tracking</strong>: Regularly monitor and record the progress of action implementation against the set timeline and milestones.</li>
  1143. <li><strong>Adjustments and Revisions</strong>: Document any adjustments or changes made to the action plan based on feedback or new information.</li>
  1144. </ul>
  1145. </li>
  1146. </ul>
  1147. </li>
  1148. </ul>
  1149. <h2>Evaluation of Effectiveness:</h2>
  1150. <ul>
  1151. <li>
  1152. <ul>
  1153. <li>
  1154. <ul>
  1155. <li><strong>Outcome Assessment</strong>: Evaluate the effectiveness of the actions taken in resolving the identified issues or improving performance.</li>
  1156. <li><strong>Feedback Collection</strong>: Gather feedback from relevant stakeholders on the impact and efficacy of the actions.</li>
  1157. </ul>
  1158. </li>
  1159. </ul>
  1160. </li>
  1161. </ul>
  1162. <h2>Reporting and Documentation:</h2>
  1163. <ul>
  1164. <li>
  1165. <ul>
  1166. <li>
  1167. <ul>
  1168. <li><strong>Action Taken Report</strong>: Prepare a detailed report summarizing all actions taken, including timelines, responsible parties, and outcomes.</li>
  1169. <li><strong>Documentation</strong>: Maintain comprehensive records of all actions, progress updates, and evaluations for future reference.</li>
  1170. </ul>
  1171. </li>
  1172. </ul>
  1173. </li>
  1174. </ul>
  1175. <h2>Continuous Improvement:</h2>
  1176. <ul>
  1177. <li>
  1178. <ul>
  1179. <li>
  1180. <ul>
  1181. <li><strong>Lessons Learned</strong>: Identify and document any lessons learned during the process to inform future actions and prevent recurrence.</li>
  1182. <li><strong>Policy and Procedure Updates</strong>: Update relevant policies, procedures, or standards based on the findings and outcomes.</li>
  1183. </ul>
  1184. </li>
  1185. </ul>
  1186. </li>
  1187. </ul>
  1188. <h2>Communication:</h2>
  1189. <ul>
  1190. <li>
  1191. <ul>
  1192. <li>
  1193. <ul>
  1194. <li><strong>Stakeholder Notification</strong>: Communicate the actions taken and their outcomes to all relevant stakeholders.</li>
  1195. <li><strong>Transparency</strong>: Ensure transparency in reporting actions and outcomes to build trust and accountability.</li>
  1196. </ul>
  1197. </li>
  1198. </ul>
  1199. </li>
  1200. </ul>
  1201. <p>By detailing the actions taken in response to issues or evaluations, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to addressing problems, improving processes, and achieving better outcomes.</p>
  1202. <p>The number of complaints required to delete a Twitter account isn&#8217;t fixed; it depends on the nature and severity of the reported violations. Twitter assesses complaints based on its guidelines, focusing on issues like harassment, threats, or spam.</p>
  1203. <p>A single, well-substantiated complaint of a serious violation can lead to swift action, including account suspension or deletion. Conversely, multiple complaints about minor issues might not result in deletion but could prompt warnings or temporary suspensions. Ultimately, Twitter evaluates each case individually to determine the appropriate response.</p>
  1204. <p>&nbsp;</p>
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  1222. <item>
  1223. <title>How to get all these google workspace features for free</title>
  1224. <link></link>
  1225. <dc:creator><![CDATA[akbarnoire]]></dc:creator>
  1226. <pubDate>Thu, 25 Jul 2024 07:21:42 +0000</pubDate>
  1227. <category><![CDATA[Sites]]></category>
  1228. <category><![CDATA[Google]]></category>
  1229. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  1231. <description><![CDATA[Here&#8217;s how to activate the free Google Workspace features for all users with a Google account. If you want to know how to get all these Google Workspace features for free and why they will make your day-to-day life easier, especially at work, we tell you in this article. In addition, this Google service is, ... <a title="How to get all these google workspace features for free" class="read-more" href="" aria-label="Read more about How to get all these google workspace features for free">Read more</a><div class='yarpp yarpp-related yarpp-related-rss yarpp-template-list'>
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  1246. ]]></description>
  1247. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Here&#8217;s how to activate the free Google Workspace features for all users with a Google account.</span></p>
  1248. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">If you want to know how to get all these Google Workspace features for free and why they will make your day-to-day life easier, especially at work, we tell you in this article. In addition, this Google service is, from now on, free for anyone who has a Google account.</span></p>
  1249. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">A workspace is a tool that Google introduced in 2020, whose peculiarity was that is united in one place tools such as the Gmail email account, Google Drive, Google Meet, or Google Docs. Some of the Workspace functions that were initially paid for are now available at zero cost, according to the company&#8217;s announcement.</span></p>
  1250. <h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">What is google workspace free?</span></h2>
  1251. <p></p>
  1252. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">If you use Gmail daily, you&#8217;ll want to know what Google Workspace is for free before you activate it in your account. It is a Google feature, previously called G Suite, which had, among other peculiarities, the possibility of having a personalized business email, video conferencing up to 100 participants, a greater storage capacity, or greater security controls.</span></p>
  1253. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">By opening this option to all users, Google aims to make it easier &#8220;for people to stay connected, get organized and get more things done together, whether it&#8217;s promoting a cause, planning a family meeting, communicating with the PTA or deciding on the next book for the book club&#8221;; thus expanding its range beyond the business environment.</span></p>
  1254. <h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">How to activate free google workspace features for everyone</span></h2>
  1255. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Before you consider how to activate the free Google Workspace features for everyone, the first thing to do, if you haven&#8217;t already done so, is to create an account in Gmail.</span></p>
  1256. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Then go to the settings option, and click on &#8220;view all settings&#8221;.</span></p>
  1257. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Select the &#8220;Chat and Meet&#8221; options and activate both features in the dropdown that will appear below.</span></p>
  1258. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Clicking &#8220;accept&#8221; will automatically load Workspace for free and you will be able to start using it.</span></p>
  1259. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">On the left side of your Gmail account, you will see that there are some changes, now the dropdown is divided into chat, rooms, and meetings.</span></p>
  1260. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Once you know how to activate the free Google Workspace features for everyone, you should note that mail, chat and video calls will be unified in one place; in addition, you will be able to share content, documents, task lists, etc. with your coworkers, family or friends through chats, as well as make group video calls of up to 100 people.</span></p>
  1261. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The company has also explained that soon the &#8220;rooms&#8221; will become &#8220;Spaces&#8221;, with a more &#8220;agile and flexible&#8221; interface, which will allow you to create real workspaces but online, with &#8220;new features, such as online conversation threads, attendance indicators, individual statuses, reactions or shared files and tasks&#8221;.</span></p>
  1262. <h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Google workspace individual</span></h2>
  1263. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Google has also announced that it will soon launch Google Workspace Individual, a version designed for small businesses and freelancers to facilitate their daily work and allow them to give a more professional image, activating some of the functions of the paid Workspace versions, &#8220;such as scheduling appointments and sending emails to clients&#8221;.</span></p>
  1264. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">At the moment it is not known when this feature will be launched, but what Google has said is that the markets of the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, and Japan will be the first. Europe will have to wait&#8230;</span></p>
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  1281. <media:content url="" medium="video">
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  1283. <media:title type="plain">How to get all these google workspace features for free</media:title>
  1284. <media:description type="html"><![CDATA[Here's how to activate the free Google Workspace features for all users with a Google account.]]></media:description>
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  1289. <item>
  1290. <title>I get the no GPS signal message on Waze, how to fix it?</title>
  1291. <link></link>
  1292. <dc:creator><![CDATA[akbarnoire]]></dc:creator>
  1293. <pubDate>Wed, 24 Jul 2024 19:16:08 +0000</pubDate>
  1294. <category><![CDATA[App]]></category>
  1295. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  1297. <description><![CDATA[Here&#8217;s how to fix the no GPS signal message in Waze. Waze is one of the most used mobile applications to move around the city by car. If you are a user of the platform you may have ever been in this situation: I get the message with no GPS signal in Waze, how to ... <a title="I get the no GPS signal message on Waze, how to fix it?" class="read-more" href="" aria-label="Read more about I get the no GPS signal message on Waze, how to fix it?">Read more</a><div class='yarpp yarpp-related yarpp-related-rss yarpp-template-list'>
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  1313. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Here&#8217;s how to fix the no GPS signal message in Waze.</span></p>
  1314. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Waze is one of the most used mobile applications to move around the city by car. If you are a user of the platform you may have ever been in this situation: I get the message with no GPS signal in Waze, how to solve it? We give you the answer.</span></p>
  1315. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">With more than 50 million monthly active users Waze is one of the best applications for travel because it serves to know what is happening in real-time on the road.  The users themselves report incidents such as road works, accidents, etc. If there are traffic jams, the app offers alternative routes. This platform was created in Israel in 2008 and years later it was bought by Google.</span></p>
  1316. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Waze also has additional functions that allow you to play other music applications or podcasts or find out the fuel prices at gas stations along the route without leaving the app. If you have a vehicle with Android Auto or Apple Car Play you can use it on the car screen.</span></p>
  1317. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">It may happen that when using the application it does not work properly. Regarding this failure some users expose the following question: &#8220;I get the message without GPS signal in Waze how to fix it?&#8221;. We tell you what to do.</span></p>
  1318. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" onerror="this.src=&#039;;" class="wp-image-9213 aligncenter" src=";ssl=1" alt="Capture 449" width="792" height="280" title="I get the no GPS signal message on Waze, how to fix it? 22" srcset=";ssl=1 300w,;ssl=1 768w,;ssl=1 150w,;ssl=1 784w" sizes="(max-width: 792px) 100vw, 792px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></p>
  1319. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The first thing you should do is check that you have coverage and data. It is also essential that you check that you have not changed the location permissions of Waze. For the app to work properly you must allow Waze to get your location.</span></p>
  1320. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The second solution you can apply is to completely close the app and restart the phone. To do this if you have an Android phone, press the square button at the bottom of the screen and then click on the circle with a cross inside. On iOS from the home screen slide your finger from the bottom to the center of the screen to display the open apps. Then swipe up to close them.</span></p>
  1321. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">You also need to test the GPS with another app such as Google Maps to rule out that it is a bug in the phone. Open Maps and click on the arrow icon to show you the current location to see if it works for you.</span></p>
  1322. <h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Waze says no GPS signal</span></h2>
  1323. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">If you have had the situation that when you open Waze it says no GPS signal, there may have been a problem due to the following causes:</span></p>
  1324. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">One of the causes of no signal is that you have not given the GPS location permission to the Waze application or you may not have data for some reason on your phone.</span></p>
  1325. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">There may also be external causes such as interference from power grids or problems caused by the weather, for example, if there are storms in the area where you are. The compass may be out of adjustment so you will have to recalibrate it from Google Maps.</span></p>
  1326. <h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">why doesn&#8217;t the map load in Waze</span></h2>
  1327. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">We have already answered the question: &#8220;I get the message &#8220;No GPS signal in Waze&#8221;, how to fix it? But maybe your problem is related to the map not loading in Waze.</span></p>
  1328. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Among the reasons why the map is not showing up is the connection status. You may not have enough coverage for it. It may also be that you don&#8217;t have the latest Waze update. Check in the App Store or Play Store.</span></p>
  1329. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Another reason why the map does not appear may be due to a problem in the Waze application cache so it is best to clear the cache, ie temporary data of the application.</span></p>
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  1369. </div>
  1370. ]]></description>
  1371. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Removing shuffle mode on Spotify mobile without a Premium subscription isn&#8217;t officially supported as Spotify enforces shuffle mode for free users on playlists and albums with more than 15 songs. However, there are a few workarounds you can try:</p>
  1372. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="584" height="720" onerror="this.src=&#039;;" class="wp-image-19797" src=";ssl=1" alt="word image 19795 2" title="How to Remove Shuffle Mode on Spotify on Mobile without Premium in 2024 28" srcset=";ssl=1 584w,;ssl=1 243w,;ssl=1 526w" sizes="(max-width: 584px) 100vw, 584px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></p>
  1373. <h1>Create Shorter Playlists</h1>
  1374. <p>Creating shorter playlists with fewer than 15 songs can help you avoid the shuffle mode restriction on Spotify for free users. Here’s how you can do it:</p>
  1375. <h3>Open Spotify</h3>
  1376. <ul>
  1377. <li>
  1378. <ul>
  1379. <li>
  1380. <ul>
  1381. <li>Launch the Spotify app on your mobile device.</li>
  1382. </ul>
  1383. </li>
  1384. </ul>
  1385. </li>
  1386. </ul>
  1387. <h3>Create a New Playlist</h3>
  1388. <ul>
  1389. <li>
  1390. <ul>
  1391. <li>
  1392. <ul>
  1393. <li>Tap on the “Your Library” tab at the bottom of the screen.</li>
  1394. <li>Tap on the “Create Playlist” button.</li>
  1395. <li>Give your playlist a name and tap “Create.”</li>
  1396. </ul>
  1397. </li>
  1398. </ul>
  1399. </li>
  1400. </ul>
  1401. <h3>Add Songs to the Playlist</h3>
  1402. <ul>
  1403. <li>
  1404. <ul>
  1405. <li>
  1406. <ul>
  1407. <li>Search for the songs you want to add by tapping the “Search” tab and entering the song title, artist, or album.</li>
  1408. <li>Once you find a song you like, tap the three dots next to it.</li>
  1409. <li>Select “Add to Playlist” and choose the playlist you just created.</li>
  1410. <li>Repeat this process until you have added up to 15 songs to your playlist.</li>
  1411. </ul>
  1412. </li>
  1413. </ul>
  1414. </li>
  1415. </ul>
  1416. <h3>Play the Playlist</h3>
  1417. <ul>
  1418. <li>
  1419. <ul>
  1420. <li>
  1421. <ul>
  1422. <li>Go to “Your Library” and select the playlist you created.</li>
  1423. <li>Tap on the first song to start playing it.</li>
  1424. <li>With fewer than 15 songs, Spotify often allows you to play them in order without shuffle.</li>
  1425. </ul>
  1426. </li>
  1427. </ul>
  1428. </li>
  1429. </ul>
  1430. <p>By keeping your playlist short, you might be able to bypass the shuffle mode restriction and enjoy your music in the order you prefer.</p>
  1431. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="735" height="570" onerror="this.src=&#039;;" class="wp-image-19798" src=";ssl=1" alt="word image 19795 3" title="How to Remove Shuffle Mode on Spotify on Mobile without Premium in 2024 29" srcset=";ssl=1 735w,;ssl=1 300w,;ssl=1 600w" sizes="(max-width: 735px) 100vw, 735px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></p>
  1432. <h1>Listen to Specific Playlists</h1>
  1433. <p>To listen to specific playlists on Spotify that might not enforce shuffle mode for free users, you can try using some of Spotify&#8217;s curated playlists. Here’s how to find and play these playlists on your mobile device:</p>
  1434. <h2>Discover Weekly</h2>
  1435. <h3>Open Spotify:</h3>
  1436. <ul>
  1437. <li>
  1438. <ul>
  1439. <li>
  1440. <ul>
  1441. <li>Launch the Spotify app on your mobile device.</li>
  1442. </ul>
  1443. </li>
  1444. </ul>
  1445. </li>
  1446. </ul>
  1447. <h3>Go to Home:</h3>
  1448. <ul>
  1449. <li>
  1450. <ul>
  1451. <li>
  1452. <ul>
  1453. <li>Tap on the “Home” tab at the bottom of the screen.</li>
  1454. </ul>
  1455. </li>
  1456. </ul>
  1457. </li>
  1458. </ul>
  1459. <h3>Find Discover Weekly:</h3>
  1460. <ul>
  1461. <li>
  1462. <ul>
  1463. <li>
  1464. <ul>
  1465. <li>Scroll down to find the “Discover Weekly” playlist.</li>
  1466. </ul>
  1467. </li>
  1468. </ul>
  1469. </li>
  1470. </ul>
  1471. <h3>Play the Playlist:</h3>
  1472. <ul>
  1473. <li>
  1474. <ul>
  1475. <li>
  1476. <ul>
  1477. <li>Tap on the playlist and then tap the play button to start listening.</li>
  1478. </ul>
  1479. </li>
  1480. </ul>
  1481. </li>
  1482. </ul>
  1483. <h2>Release Radar</h2>
  1484. <h3>Open Spotify:</h3>
  1485. <ul>
  1486. <li>
  1487. <ul>
  1488. <li>
  1489. <ul>
  1490. <li>Launch the Spotify app on your mobile device.</li>
  1491. </ul>
  1492. </li>
  1493. </ul>
  1494. </li>
  1495. </ul>
  1496. <h3>Go to Search:</h3>
  1497. <ul>
  1498. <li>
  1499. <ul>
  1500. <li>
  1501. <ul>
  1502. <li>Tap on the “Search” tab at the bottom.</li>
  1503. </ul>
  1504. </li>
  1505. </ul>
  1506. </li>
  1507. </ul>
  1508. <h3>Search for Release Radar:</h3>
  1509. <ul>
  1510. <li>
  1511. <ul>
  1512. <li>
  1513. <ul>
  1514. <li>Type “Release Radar” in the search bar.</li>
  1515. </ul>
  1516. </li>
  1517. </ul>
  1518. </li>
  1519. </ul>
  1520. <h3>Play the Playlist:</h3>
  1521. <ul>
  1522. <li>
  1523. <ul>
  1524. <li>
  1525. <ul>
  1526. <li>Tap on the “Release Radar” playlist and then tap the play button.</li>
  1527. </ul>
  1528. </li>
  1529. </ul>
  1530. </li>
  1531. </ul>
  1532. <h2>Daily Mixes</h2>
  1533. <h3>Open Spotify:</h3>
  1534. <ul>
  1535. <li>
  1536. <ul>
  1537. <li>
  1538. <ul>
  1539. <li>Launch the Spotify app on your mobile device.</li>
  1540. </ul>
  1541. </li>
  1542. </ul>
  1543. </li>
  1544. </ul>
  1545. <h3>Go to Home:</h3>
  1546. <ul>
  1547. <li>
  1548. <ul>
  1549. <li>
  1550. <ul>
  1551. <li>Tap on the “Home” tab at the bottom of the screen.</li>
  1552. </ul>
  1553. </li>
  1554. </ul>
  1555. </li>
  1556. </ul>
  1557. <h3>Find Your Daily Mixes:</h3>
  1558. <ul>
  1559. <li>
  1560. <ul>
  1561. <li>
  1562. <ul>
  1563. <li>Scroll down to find “Your Daily Mixes.”</li>
  1564. </ul>
  1565. </li>
  1566. </ul>
  1567. </li>
  1568. </ul>
  1569. <h3>Play a Daily Mix:</h3>
  1570. <ul>
  1571. <li>
  1572. <ul>
  1573. <li>
  1574. <ul>
  1575. <li>Tap on any Daily Mix and then tap the play button.</li>
  1576. </ul>
  1577. </li>
  1578. </ul>
  1579. </li>
  1580. </ul>
  1581. <h2>Made for You</h2>
  1582. <h3>Open Spotify:</h3>
  1583. <ul>
  1584. <li>
  1585. <ul>
  1586. <li>
  1587. <ul>
  1588. <li>Launch the Spotify app on your mobile device.</li>
  1589. </ul>
  1590. </li>
  1591. </ul>
  1592. </li>
  1593. </ul>
  1594. <h3>Go to Search:</h3>
  1595. <ul>
  1596. <li>
  1597. <ul>
  1598. <li>
  1599. <ul>
  1600. <li>Tap on the “Search” tab at the bottom.</li>
  1601. </ul>
  1602. </li>
  1603. </ul>
  1604. </li>
  1605. </ul>
  1606. <h3>Search for Made for You:</h3>
  1607. <ul>
  1608. <li>
  1609. <ul>
  1610. <li>
  1611. <ul>
  1612. <li>Type “Made for You” in the search bar.</li>
  1613. </ul>
  1614. </li>
  1615. </ul>
  1616. </li>
  1617. </ul>
  1618. <h3>Select a Playlist:</h3>
  1619. <ul>
  1620. <li>
  1621. <ul>
  1622. <li>
  1623. <ul>
  1624. <li>Select the “Made for You” hub and choose any playlist from there.</li>
  1625. </ul>
  1626. </li>
  1627. </ul>
  1628. </li>
  1629. </ul>
  1630. <h3>Play the Playlist:</h3>
  1631. <ul>
  1632. <li>
  1633. <ul>
  1634. <li>
  1635. <ul>
  1636. <li>Tap on the playlist and then tap the play button.</li>
  1637. </ul>
  1638. </li>
  1639. </ul>
  1640. </li>
  1641. </ul>
  1642. <h2>Top Hits</h2>
  1643. <h3>Open Spotify:</h3>
  1644. <ul>
  1645. <li>
  1646. <ul>
  1647. <li>
  1648. <ul>
  1649. <li>Launch the Spotify app on your mobile device.</li>
  1650. </ul>
  1651. </li>
  1652. </ul>
  1653. </li>
  1654. </ul>
  1655. <h3>Go to Search:</h3>
  1656. <ul>
  1657. <li>
  1658. <ul>
  1659. <li>
  1660. <ul>
  1661. <li>Tap on the “Search” tab at the bottom.</li>
  1662. </ul>
  1663. </li>
  1664. </ul>
  1665. </li>
  1666. </ul>
  1667. <h3>Browse or Search for Top Hits:</h3>
  1668. <ul>
  1669. <li>
  1670. <ul>
  1671. <li>
  1672. <ul>
  1673. <li>Browse the “Charts” section or search for popular playlists like “Today’s Top Hits.”</li>
  1674. </ul>
  1675. </li>
  1676. </ul>
  1677. </li>
  1678. </ul>
  1679. <h3>Play the Playlist:</h3>
  1680. <ul>
  1681. <li>
  1682. <ul>
  1683. <li>
  1684. <ul>
  1685. <li>Tap on the playlist and then tap the play button.</li>
  1686. </ul>
  1687. </li>
  1688. </ul>
  1689. </li>
  1690. </ul>
  1691. <p>By using these curated playlists, you might find that some of them allow you to listen without enforcing shuffle mode, even on a free account.</p>
  1692. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="555" height="544" onerror="this.src=&#039;;" class="wp-image-19799" src=";ssl=1" alt="word image 19795 4" title="How to Remove Shuffle Mode on Spotify on Mobile without Premium in 2024 30" srcset=";ssl=1 555w,;ssl=1 300w,;ssl=1 24w,;ssl=1 48w" sizes="(max-width: 555px) 100vw, 555px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></p>
  1693. <h1>Play Specific Songs</h1>
  1694. <p>Search for and play specific songs directly. While this won&#8217;t let you disable shuffle for entire playlists or albums, you can listen to individual songs in order.To play specific songs on Spotify without using shuffle mode as a free user, follow these steps:</p>
  1695. <h2>Open Spotify</h2>
  1696. <h3>Search for a Specific Song:</h3>
  1697. <ul>
  1698. <li>
  1699. <ul>
  1700. <li>
  1701. <ul>
  1702. <li>Tap on the “Search” tab at the bottom.</li>
  1703. <li>Type the name of the song, artist, or album you want to listen to in the search bar.</li>
  1704. <li>Select the song from the search results.</li>
  1705. </ul>
  1706. </li>
  1707. </ul>
  1708. </li>
  1709. </ul>
  1710. <h3>Play the Song:</h3>
  1711. <ul>
  1712. <li>
  1713. <ul>
  1714. <li>
  1715. <ul>
  1716. <li>Tap on the song to start playing it directly.</li>
  1717. </ul>
  1718. </li>
  1719. </ul>
  1720. </li>
  1721. </ul>
  1722. <h2>Example Walkthrough</h2>
  1723. <h3>Open Spotify:</h3>
  1724. <ul>
  1725. <li>
  1726. <ul>
  1727. <li>
  1728. <ul>
  1729. <li>Open the Spotify app on your mobile device.</li>
  1730. </ul>
  1731. </li>
  1732. </ul>
  1733. </li>
  1734. </ul>
  1735. <h3>Search for the Song:</h3>
  1736. <ul>
  1737. <li>
  1738. <ul>
  1739. <li>
  1740. <ul>
  1741. <li>Tap on the “Search” icon at the bottom of the screen.</li>
  1742. <li>Type in the song title, for example, &#8220;Blinding Lights&#8221; by The Weeknd.</li>
  1743. <li>Look through the search results and tap on the specific song you want.</li>
  1744. </ul>
  1745. </li>
  1746. </ul>
  1747. </li>
  1748. </ul>
  1749. <h3>Play the Song:</h3>
  1750. <ul>
  1751. <li>
  1752. <ul>
  1753. <li>
  1754. <ul>
  1755. <li>Tap the play button next to the song title.</li>
  1756. <li>The song should start playing directly.</li>
  1757. </ul>
  1758. </li>
  1759. </ul>
  1760. </li>
  1761. </ul>
  1762. <h2>Tips to Enhance Your Experience</h2>
  1763. <h3>Add to Playlist:</h3>
  1764. <ul>
  1765. <li>
  1766. <ul>
  1767. <li>
  1768. <ul>
  1769. <li>If you find you can play a song directly, consider adding it to a custom playlist with fewer than 15 songs for easier access.</li>
  1770. </ul>
  1771. </li>
  1772. </ul>
  1773. </li>
  1774. </ul>
  1775. <h3>Create a Shortcut:</h3>
  1776. <ul>
  1777. <li>
  1778. <ul>
  1779. <li>
  1780. <ul>
  1781. <li>Add your frequently played songs to your favorites or a specific playlist for quick access.</li>
  1782. </ul>
  1783. </li>
  1784. </ul>
  1785. </li>
  1786. </ul>
  1787. <h3>Use Voice Commands:</h3>
  1788. <ul>
  1789. <li>
  1790. <ul>
  1791. <li>
  1792. <ul>
  1793. <li>If you have a voice assistant (like Google Assistant or Siri), you can use voice commands to play specific songs on Spotify.</li>
  1794. </ul>
  1795. </li>
  1796. </ul>
  1797. </li>
  1798. </ul>
  1799. <p>By following these steps, you can enjoy specific songs without being forced into shuffle mode. This method doesn&#8217;t completely remove shuffle for playlists, but it allows for more direct control over individual tracks.</p>
  1800. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="736" height="624" onerror="this.src=&#039;;" class="wp-image-19800" src=";ssl=1" alt="word image 19795 5" title="How to Remove Shuffle Mode on Spotify on Mobile without Premium in 2024 31" srcset=";ssl=1 736w,;ssl=1 300w,;ssl=1 600w" sizes="(max-width: 736px) 100vw, 736px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></p>
  1801. <h1>Use Third-Party Apps</h1>
  1802. <p>There are third-party apps and tools that claim to offer more control over Spotify playback. Be cautious with these as they might violate Spotify&#8217;s terms of service or compromise your account security.</p>
  1803. <h3>Using third-party apps to add music to your WhatsApp status involves the following steps:</h3>
  1804. <p>Select one of the video editing apps mentioned earlier, like InShot or Kinemaster.</p>
  1805. <h3>Create or Edit Your Video:</h3>
  1806. <ul>
  1807. <li>
  1808. <ul>
  1809. <li>
  1810. <ul>
  1811. <li>Open the app and start a new project.</li>
  1812. <li>Import the video you want to use for your WhatsApp status.</li>
  1813. <li>Add the music you want to the video. Most apps let you choose from their library or import your own tracks.</li>
  1814. </ul>
  1815. </li>
  1816. </ul>
  1817. </li>
  1818. </ul>
  1819. <h3>Edit Your Video:</h3>
  1820. <ul>
  1821. <li>
  1822. <ul>
  1823. <li>
  1824. <ul>
  1825. <li>Adjust the music’s length and position to fit your video.</li>
  1826. <li>Use additional features like filters, text, or transitions if desired.</li>
  1827. </ul>
  1828. </li>
  1829. </ul>
  1830. </li>
  1831. </ul>
  1832. <h3>Export the Video:</h3>
  1833. <ul>
  1834. <li>
  1835. <ul>
  1836. <li>
  1837. <ul>
  1838. <li>Once you&#8217;re satisfied with the video, export it in a format supported by WhatsApp (usually MP4).</li>
  1839. </ul>
  1840. </li>
  1841. </ul>
  1842. </li>
  1843. </ul>
  1844. <h3>Upload to WhatsApp:</h3>
  1845. <ul>
  1846. <li>
  1847. <ul>
  1848. <li>
  1849. <ul>
  1850. <li>Open WhatsApp and go to the Status tab.</li>
  1851. <li>Tap on the “My Status” button to upload your newly edited video.</li>
  1852. <li>This way, you can customize your WhatsApp status with the music and style you prefer!</li>
  1853. </ul>
  1854. </li>
  1855. </ul>
  1856. </li>
  1857. </ul>
  1858. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="736" height="552" onerror="this.src=&#039;;" class="wp-image-19801" src=";ssl=1" alt="word image 19795 6" title="How to Remove Shuffle Mode on Spotify on Mobile without Premium in 2024 32" srcset=";ssl=1 736w,;ssl=1 300w,;ssl=1 600w" sizes="(max-width: 736px) 100vw, 736px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></p>
  1859. <h1>Update the App</h1>
  1860. <p>Ensure your Spotify app is updated to the latest version as sometimes features and restrictions may change with updates. Ultimately, subscribing to Spotify Premium is the most reliable way to gain full control over playback, including disabling shuffle mode.</p>
  1861. <h3>Here’s how to update Spotify on your device:</h3>
  1862. <ul>
  1863. <li>
  1864. <ul>
  1865. <li><strong>For iOS (iPhone/iPad):</strong>
  1866. <ul>
  1867. <li>Open the App Store.</li>
  1868. <li>Tap your profile icon at the top right.</li>
  1869. <li>Scroll down to find Spotify under &#8220;Available Updates.&#8221;</li>
  1870. <li>Tap &#8220;Update&#8221; next to Spotify.</li>
  1871. </ul>
  1872. </li>
  1873. </ul>
  1874. </li>
  1875. </ul>
  1876. <h3>For Android:</h3>
  1877. <ul>
  1878. <li>
  1879. <ul>
  1880. <li>
  1881. <ul>
  1882. <li>Open the Google Play Store.</li>
  1883. <li>Tap the three horizontal lines (menu) in the top left corner.</li>
  1884. <li>Tap &#8220;My apps &amp; games.&#8221;Find Spotify in the list and tap &#8220;Update&#8221; next to it.</li>
  1885. </ul>
  1886. </li>
  1887. </ul>
  1888. </li>
  1889. </ul>
  1890. <h3>For Windows/Mac:</h3>
  1891. <ul>
  1892. <li>
  1893. <ul>
  1894. <li>
  1895. <ul>
  1896. <li>Open the Spotify app.</li>
  1897. <li>Click on your profile name in the top-right corner.</li>
  1898. <li>Select &#8220;About Spotify.&#8221;</li>
  1899. <li>If an update is available, you’ll see a prompt to install it. Follow the instructions to complete the update.</li>
  1900. </ul>
  1901. </li>
  1902. </ul>
  1903. </li>
  1904. </ul>
  1905. <p>In 2022, to remove shuffle mode on Spotify without a premium subscription, you would need to manually disable it each time you start playing a song.</p>
  1906. <p>On mobile, open the playlist or album you want to listen to, and once it starts playing, tap the &#8220;Shuffle&#8221; button (it looks like two crossing arrows) to turn it off.</p>
  1907. <p>This action only affects the current session, and you will need to repeat it every time you start a new playlist or album. Without a premium account, you can&#8217;t lock shuffle mode off permanently; it’s a limitation of the free tier.</p>
  1908. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  1909. <div class='yarpp yarpp-related yarpp-related-rss yarpp-template-list'>
  1910. <!-- YARPP List -->
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  1923. </div>
  1924. ]]></content:encoded>
  1925. </item>
  1926. <item>
  1927. <title>Injective (INJ) Integrates Mountain Protocol to Introduce Tokenized T-Bills</title>
  1928. <link></link>
  1929. <dc:creator><![CDATA[akbarnoire]]></dc:creator>
  1930. <pubDate>Wed, 24 Jul 2024 16:57:41 +0000</pubDate>
  1931. <category><![CDATA[Useful info]]></category>
  1932. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  1934. <description><![CDATA[&#13; &#13; &#13; Ted Hisokawa&#13; Jul 24, 2024 16:28&#13; &#13; Injective (INJ)has integrated with Mountain Protocol to launch USDM, a yield-bearing stablecoin, enhancing the DeFi ecosystem with tokenized treasury bills. &#13; &#13; &#13; &#13; Injective (INJ)has announced its integration with Mountain Protocol, introducing the first native yield-bearing stablecoin, USDM, into its ecosystem. This collaboration aims ... <a title="Injective (INJ) Integrates Mountain Protocol to Introduce Tokenized T-Bills" class="read-more" href="" aria-label="Read more about Injective (INJ) Integrates Mountain Protocol to Introduce Tokenized T-Bills">Read more</a><div class='yarpp yarpp-related yarpp-related-rss yarpp-template-list'>
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  1949. ]]></description>
  1950. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> <br />
  1951. </p>
  1952. <div>
  1953. <figure class="figure mt-2">&#13;<br />
  1954.                                &#13;</p>
  1955. <p>&#13;<br />
  1956.                                    <a href="" rel="noopener">Ted Hisokawa</a>&#13;<br />
  1957.                                    <span class="publication-date ml-2"> Jul 24, 2024 16:28</span>&#13;
  1958.                                </p>
  1959. <p>&#13;</p>
  1960. <p class="lead">Injective  (INJ)has integrated with Mountain Protocol to launch USDM, a yield-bearing stablecoin, enhancing the DeFi ecosystem with tokenized treasury bills.</p>
  1961. <p>&#13;<br />
  1962.                                <a href="" rel="noopener">&#13;<br />
  1963.                                    &#13;<br />
  1964.                                </a>&#13;<br />
  1965.                            </figure>
  1966. <p>Injective  (INJ)has announced its integration with Mountain Protocol, introducing the first native yield-bearing stablecoin, USDM, into its ecosystem. This collaboration aims to enhance the decentralized finance (DeFi) landscape by offering users the ability to leverage USDM in various decentralized applications (dApps) while earning yield from treasury bills, according to the <a rel="nofollow noopener" href="">Injective Blog</a>.</p>
  1967. <h2>What is Mountain Protocol?</h2>
  1968. <p>Mountain Protocol, the issuer of USDM, is supported by prominent investors such as Multicoin Capital, Coinbase Ventures, and Castle Island Ventures. Launched in 2023, Mountain Protocol aims to enable stablecoin holders to benefit from a secure, regulated, enterprise-grade product that provides the “risk-free rate” to users.</p>
  1969. <h2>Historical Context</h2>
  1970. <p>Stablecoins are typically designed to maintain a stable value relative to a specific asset, often backed by reserves of fiat currency or other low-risk, liquid assets such as treasury bills. Traditionally, the yield from these assets is retained by the stablecoin issuer. However, Mountain Protocol’s USDM turns this model on its head by offering the yield back to the users. Currently, USDM provides a 5% yield on the principal.</p>
  1971. <h2>What is USDM?</h2>
  1972. <p>USDM is a stablecoin backed by treasury bills, allowing users to earn and retain daily interest on their holdings. Users holding USDM in their wallets receive a 5% yield through a process called rebasing.</p>
  1973. <h2>How does USDM work on Injective?</h2>
  1974. <p>USDM will be introduced into the Injective ecosystem as wUSDM, a wrapped version that reflects the current USDM price and includes the yield. This approach ensures a seamless experience for end users, with wUSDM’s value incrementally increasing by 5% annually, providing the same consistent yield as USDM.</p>
  1975. <p>Users on Injective can also unwrap their wUSDM to convert it back to USDM, receiving the stablecoin along with the accrued yield.</p>
  1976. <h2>Powering New Tokenized Use Cases on Injective</h2>
  1977. <p>The integration of Mountain Protocol with Injective unlocks several innovative use cases. For instance, USDM can be used as margin for trading derivatives on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) built on Injective, allowing traders to earn yield while trading. This is the first time USDM can be used as margin for derivatives trading.</p>
  1978. <p>Such use cases enhance capital efficiency and passive yield generation for users. Utilizing USDM on Injective can potentially reduce opportunity costs, improve risk management by offsetting potential losses with yield, and boost market liquidity and stability.</p>
  1979. <h2>RWAs on Injective</h2>
  1980. <p>The integration marks a significant milestone in the evolution of asset tokenization on Injective. This collaboration bridges the gap between traditional and on-chain finance, creating a seamless pathway for users to interact with both models. The availability of a regulated, yield-bearing stablecoin like USDM within the Injective ecosystem enhances tokenized offerings on Injective, solidifying its position as a blockchain built for finance.</p>
  1981. <p>The integration of Mountain Protocol and Injective, along with the introduction of USDM, heralds a new era of innovation and convergence in the financial world. As traditional finance (TradFi) and decentralized finance (DeFi) continue to merge, Injective will play a crucial role in shaping the future of finance.</p>
  1982. <p><span><i>Image source: Shutterstock</i></span></p>
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  1985.                            <!-- Divider --></p></div>
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  2012. <description><![CDATA[&#13; &#13; &#13; Terrill Dicki&#13; Jul 23, 2024 16:28&#13; &#13; Bitfinex argues that tokenisation is a crucial innovation for modernising financial markets, countering skepticism from traditional finance. &#13; &#13; &#13; &#13; Bitfinex has recently asserted that tokenisation is not a threat but rather a necessary evolution for traditional financial markets, according to a comprehensive article ... <a title="Tokenisation: A Future-Ready Solution for Financial Markets, Says Bitfinex" class="read-more" href="" aria-label="Read more about Tokenisation: A Future-Ready Solution for Financial Markets, Says Bitfinex">Read more</a><div class='yarpp yarpp-related yarpp-related-rss yarpp-template-list'>
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  2031. <figure class="figure mt-2">&#13;<br />
  2032.                                &#13;</p>
  2033. <p>&#13;<br />
  2034.                                    <a href="" rel="noopener">Terrill Dicki</a>&#13;<br />
  2035.                                    <span class="publication-date ml-2"> Jul 23, 2024 16:28</span>&#13;
  2036.                                </p>
  2037. <p>&#13;</p>
  2038. <p class="lead">Bitfinex argues that tokenisation is a crucial innovation for modernising financial markets, countering skepticism from traditional finance.</p>
  2039. <p>&#13;<br />
  2040.                                <a href="" rel="noopener">&#13;<br />
  2041.                                    &#13;<br />
  2042.                                </a>&#13;<br />
  2043.                            </figure>
  2044. <p>Bitfinex has recently asserted that tokenisation is not a threat but rather a necessary evolution for traditional financial markets, according to a comprehensive article on their blog. This statement comes in response to skepticism from segments of the traditional financial sector.</p>
  2045. <h2>Tokenisation and its Critics</h2>
  2046. <p>The debate over tokenisation has intensified following an opinion piece by the <a rel="nofollow noopener" href="">Financial Times</a> that voiced concerns about the integration of public-permissionless blockchains in real-world asset (RWA) tokenisation. The article suggested that existing markets are already efficient enough and that blockchain technology might introduce unnecessary complexities.</p>
  2047. <p>Bitfinex counters this viewpoint by emphasizing the transformative potential of blockchain technology, arguing that it can modernize outdated financial systems. They highlight that no technological system is perfect, including the existing financial infrastructure, which they describe as cumbersome and in need of innovation.</p>
  2048. <h2>Blockchain vs. Crypto</h2>
  2049. <p>One of the key points Bitfinex makes is the distinction between blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. While crypto assets are known for their volatility, blockchain technology itself offers significant benefits such as enhanced transparency, security, and the elimination of intermediaries in financial transactions.</p>
  2050. <p>Bitfinex points to the <a rel="nofollow noopener" href="">Liquid Network</a> as an example of how blockchain can be used to improve financial transactions. This Bitcoin sidechain allows for encrypted transactions, ensuring that details are only visible to involved parties, thus maintaining privacy while providing security.</p>
  2051. <h2>Future-Proofing Capital Markets</h2>
  2052. <p>Traditional capital markets have been slow to adopt internet-era technological changes, according to Bitfinex. They argue that tokenisation can bring real-time settlement, 24/7 trading, and the ability to self-custody assets, which are significant improvements over the current system that relies on delayed settlements and limited trading hours.</p>
  2053. <p>With the recent shift to T+1 settlement cycles in the US, Canada, and Mexico, the need for faster and more efficient financial infrastructure is more pressing than ever. Bitfinex notes that even Swift, a symbol of traditional finance, is experimenting with blockchain technology, indicating its growing acceptance.</p>
  2054. <h2>Financial Inclusion</h2>
  2055. <p>Beyond efficiency, Bitfinex highlights the potential of tokenisation to enhance financial inclusion, especially in developing countries. Traditional capital markets often overlook smaller businesses in emerging markets due to high costs and limited access to capital. Tokenisation can bypass traditional financial intermediaries, allowing these businesses to raise capital more easily and at a lower cost.</p>
  2056. <h2>Embracing Innovation</h2>
  2057. <p>Bitfinex concludes that global capital markets are at a crossroads. The choice is between sticking with legacy systems or embracing blockchain technology to unlock new opportunities. They argue that permissionless public blockchains can offer the scalability, efficiency, and privacy controls needed to fully leverage the benefits of tokenisation.</p>
  2058. <p>The status quo bias, as exemplified by the Financial Times article, risks stifling much-needed innovation. Bitfinex urges financial markets, regulators, and policymakers to embrace new technologies as they pave the way for the future of finance.</p>
  2059. <p><span><i>Image source: Shutterstock</i></span></p>
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