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  26. <pubDate>Thu, 13 Jun 2024 21:10:51 +0000</pubDate>
  27. <category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category>
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  30. <description><![CDATA[Renovating Your Kitchen and Bath: A Comprehensive Guide When it comes to renovating your kitchen and bath, it&#8217;s essential to approach the project with a clear understanding of the process and what to expect. With so many options and decisions to make, it&#8217;s easy to feel overwhelmed. In this comprehensive guide, we&#8217;ll walk you through [&#8230;]]]></description>
  31. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a style="margin:1em" href=""><img decoding="async" src="" style="width:309px;float:right;margin:1em" /></a>Renovating Your Kitchen and Bath: A Comprehensive Guide</p>
  32. <p>When it comes to renovating your kitchen and bath, it&#8217;s essential to approach the project with a clear understanding of the process and what to expect. With so many options and decisions to make, it&#8217;s easy to feel overwhelmed. In this comprehensive guide, we&#8217;ll walk you through the steps to ensure a successful and stress-free renovation.</p>
  33. <p>Before You Begin</p>
  34. <p>Before starting your kitchen and bath renovation, it&#8217;s crucial to define your goals and priorities. What do you want to achieve with your renovation? Do you want to increase the value of your home, improve functionality, or enhance the aesthetic appeal? Identifying your goals will help you make informed decisions throughout the process.</p>
  35. <p>Assessing Your Space</p>
  36. <p>Take stock of your current kitchen and bath layout, paying attention to the following:</p>
  37. <p>1. Functionality: Are there any bottlenecks or inefficiencies in the layout?<br />
  38. 2. Storage: Are there adequate storage solutions in place?<br />
  39. 3. Lighting: Is the lighting sufficient, and are there any areas that could benefit from additional lighting?<br />
  40. 4. Materials: Are the materials used in the current design outdated or worn out?<br />
  41. 5. Flow: Does the current layout promote a smooth flow, or are there any obstacles or bottlenecks?</p>
  42. <p>Defining Your Budget</p>
  43. <p>Establishing a realistic budget is vital to a successful renovation. Consider the following:</p>
  44. <p>1. Materials: What materials will you use for the renovation, and how much will they cost?<br />
  45. 2. Labor: Will you hire professionals or DIY the renovation?<br />
  46. 3. Permits: Are there any necessary permits required for the renovation?<br />
  47. 4. Contingency fund: Set aside a portion of your budget for unexpected expenses.</p>
  48. <p>Designing Your Space</p>
  49. <p>With your goals, budget, and assessment in place, it&#8217;s time to start designing your new kitchen and bath. Consider the following:</p>
  50. <p>1. Style: What style or aesthetic are you aiming for?<br />
  51. 2. Layout: Will you keep the same layout or make significant changes?<br />
  52. 3. Materials: What materials will you use for the renovation, and how will they impact the overall look and feel?<br />
  53. 4. Functionality: How will you incorporate functionality into the design?</p>
  54. <p>Selecting Materials</p>
  55. <p>Choosing the right materials for your kitchen and bath renovation is crucial. Consider the following:</p>
  56. <p>1. Durability: Will the materials withstand daily use and cleaning?<br />
  57. 2. Maintenance: Are the materials easy to clean and maintain?<br />
  58. 3. Aesthetics: How will the materials impact the overall look and feel of the space?<br />
  59. 4. Budget: Will the materials fit within your budget?</p>
  60. <p>Hiring Professionals</p>
  61. <p>If you&#8217;re not experienced in renovation projects, it&#8217;s recommended to hire professionals to help with the renovation. Consider the following:</p>
  62. <p>1. Contractors: Will you hire a general contractor or individual contractors for specific tasks?<br />
  63. 2. Designers: Will you work with a designer to create a custom design or use a pre-designed plan?<br />
  64. 3. Permits: Will you handle the permitting process yourself or hire a professional to do so?</p>
  65. <p>Permitting and Inspections</p>
  66. <p>Before starting the renovation, ensure you have the necessary permits in place. Consider the following:</p>
  67. <p>1. Permits: What permits are required for your renovation, and how will you obtain them?<br />
  68. 2. Inspections: Will you need to schedule inspections during the renovation, and how will you ensure compliance with local building codes?</p>
  69. <p>Timeline and Scheduling</p>
  70. <p>Create a realistic timeline for your renovation, considering the following:</p>
  71. <p>1. Phasing: Will you phase the renovation to minimize disruption, or complete it in one stage?<br />
  72. 2. Scheduling: Will you schedule specific tasks or phases of the renovation, and how will you ensure timely completion?</p>
  73. <p>Final Touches</p>
  74. <p>Once the renovation is complete, it&#8217;s essential to add the final touches. Consider the following:</p>
  75. <p>1. Cleaning: Will you hire a professional to clean the space, or take care of it yourself?<br />
  76. 2. Touch-ups: Will you need to make any final adjustments or repairs?<br />
  77. 3. Maintenance: How will you maintain the newly renovated space to ensure it remains in good condition?</p>
  78. <p>Conclusion</p>
  79. <p>Renovating your kitchen and bath requires careful planning, attention to detail, and a clear understanding of the process. By following this comprehensive guide, you&#8217;ll be well-equipped to tackle your renovation with confidence. Remember to define your goals, assess your space, and prioritize your budget. With the right materials, professionals, and permits in place, you&#8217;ll be well on your way to a successful and stress-free renovation.</p>
  80. <p><a href="">Case Study: My Experience With </a></p>
  81. <p><a href=" ">Interesting Research on &#8211; Things You Probably Never Knew</a></p>
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  85. <title>6 Facts About  Everyone Thinks Are True</title>
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  87. <dc:creator><![CDATA[aebi]]></dc:creator>
  88. <pubDate>Sun, 09 Jun 2024 15:34:13 +0000</pubDate>
  89. <category><![CDATA[Employment]]></category>
  90. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  92. <description><![CDATA[The Importance of Regular Drain Clog Service in Bozeman, MT As a homeowner in Bozeman, MT, you&#8217;re likely no stranger to the frustration and inconvenience of a clogged drain. Whether it&#8217;s a slow-draining sink, a backed-up toilet, or a clogged shower drain, a clogged drain can quickly become a major headache. But did you know [&#8230;]]]></description>
  93. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img decoding="async" src="" style="width:159px;float:right;margin:1em" />The Importance of Regular Drain Clog Service in Bozeman, MT</p>
  94. <p>As a homeowner in Bozeman, MT, you&#8217;re likely no stranger to the frustration and inconvenience of a clogged drain. Whether it&#8217;s a slow-draining sink, a backed-up toilet, or a clogged shower drain, a clogged drain can quickly become a major headache. But did you know that regular drain clog service can help prevent these issues from arising in the first place? In this article, we&#8217;ll explore the importance of regular drain clog service in Bozeman, MT, and provide tips on how to keep your drains flowing freely.</p>
  95. <p>The Consequences of Ignoring Drain Clogs</p>
  96. <p>When a drain becomes clogged, it can cause a range of problems, from slow drainage to complete blockages. But the consequences of ignoring a drain clog can be far more severe. For example, a clogged drain can lead to water damage, mold growth, and even structural damage to your home. In extreme cases, a clogged drain can even cause sewage backups, which can lead to serious health risks. By ignoring a drain clog, you&#8217;re putting your home and your health at risk.</p>
  97. <p>The Benefits of Regular Drain Clog Service</p>
  98. <p>So, what can you do to prevent these issues from arising? The answer is simple: regular drain clog service. By scheduling regular drain maintenance with a professional plumber, you can identify and address potential issues before they become major problems. Regular drain clog service can help prevent clogs from forming in the first place, saving you time, money, and stress in the long run.</p>
  99. <p>How Often Should You Schedule Drain Clog Service?</p>
  100. <p>So, how often should you schedule drain clog service? The frequency of service will depend on a range of factors, including the size and complexity of your plumbing system, the number of users in your household, and the type of fixtures and appliances you have. As a general rule of thumb, it&#8217;s recommended to schedule drain clog service every 6-12 months. However, if you notice any signs of a clog or slow drainage, it&#8217;s best to schedule service as soon as possible.</p>
  101. <p>What to Expect During a Drain Clog Service</p>
  102. <p>So, what can you expect during a drain clog service? During a typical service, a professional plumber will inspect your drains using specialized equipment to identify any potential issues. They may also use a drain snake or hydro-jetter to clear any blockages. Depending on the severity of the issue, they may also recommend repairs or replacements to prevent future clogs.</p>
  103. <p>Common Causes of Drain Clogs</p>
  104. <p>So, what causes drain clogs in the first place? There are a range of factors that can contribute to a clogged drain, including:</p>
  105. <p>* Hair and soap scum buildup<br />
  106. * Grease and food particles<br />
  107. * Tree roots and other debris<br />
  108. * Poorly maintained or damaged pipes<br />
  109. * Incorrect installation or sizing of pipes</p>
  110. <p>By understanding the common causes of drain clogs, you can take steps to prevent them from arising in the first place.</p>
  111. <p>Preventing Drain Clogs: Tips and Tricks</p>
  112. <p>So, how can you prevent drain clogs from forming in the first place? Here are a few tips and tricks to keep your drains flowing freely:</p>
  113. <p>* Be mindful of what you put down your drains. Avoid pouring grease, food scraps, and other debris down your drains.<br />
  114. * Use a drain screen or filter to catch hair and other debris before they enter your pipes.<br />
  115. * Run hot water through your drains regularly to clear out any buildup.<br />
  116. * Consider using a drain maintenance product to help break down any buildup.<br />
  117. * Schedule regular drain clog service with a professional plumber to identify and address any potential issues.</p>
  118. <p>Conclusion</p>
  119. <p>In conclusion, regular drain clog service is an essential part of maintaining your home&#8217;s plumbing system. By scheduling regular service with a professional plumber, you can identify and address potential issues before they become major problems. By understanding the common causes of drain clogs and taking steps to prevent them from arising in the first place, you can keep your drains flowing freely and avoid the frustration and inconvenience of a clogged drain. Remember, prevention is key when it comes to drain clogs. By taking proactive steps to maintain your drains, you can save time, money, and stress in the long run.</p>
  120. <p><a href="">: 10 Mistakes that Most People Make</a></p>
  121. <p><a href=" ">The Beginner&#8217;s Guide to </a></p>
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  125. <title>Learning The &#8220;Secrets&#8221; of</title>
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  127. <dc:creator><![CDATA[aebi]]></dc:creator>
  128. <pubDate>Sun, 09 Jun 2024 15:34:03 +0000</pubDate>
  129. <category><![CDATA[Real Estate]]></category>
  130. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  132. <description><![CDATA[Reliable and Efficient Professional Maid Services in Cornelius, NC As a homeowner in Cornelius, North Carolina, maintaining a clean and tidy home can be quite a challenge. With busy schedules and demanding lifestyles, it&#8217;s effortless to fall into the trap of letting household chores slide. This is where professional maid services come in &#8211; to [&#8230;]]]></description>
  133. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a style="margin:1em" href=""><img decoding="async" src=";cs=tinysrgb&amp;fit=max&amp;fm=jpg&amp;ixid=MnwzNjUyOXwwfDF8c2VhcmNofDJ8fGJsdWV8ZW58MHx8fHwxNjcxNDYyMzkx&amp;ixlib=rb-4.0.3&amp;q=80&amp;w=1080" style="width:185px;float:right;margin:1em" /></a>Reliable and Efficient Professional Maid Services in Cornelius, NC</p>
  134. <p>As a homeowner in Cornelius, North Carolina, maintaining a clean and tidy home can be quite a challenge. With busy schedules and demanding lifestyles, it&#8217;s effortless to fall into the trap of letting household chores slide. This is where professional maid services come in &#8211; to help you regain control over your living space and enjoy a sense of calm and relaxation. In this article, we&#8217;ll explore the benefits of hiring a professional maid service in Cornelius, NC, and what to look for in a reliable and efficient cleaning service.</p>
  135. <p>Before we dive deeper into the importance of professional maid services, let&#8217;s first explore why maintaining a clean home is essential. Our homes are not just physical structures; they are also sanctuaries where we spend most of our lives. A clean home not only boosts your mental and emotional well-being but also contributes to a healthier environment. A clean home is free from allergens, dust, and other pollutants that can aggravate respiratory issues, exacerbate stress, and negatively impact your overall quality of life.</p>
  136. <p>So, why should you consider hiring a professional maid service in Cornelius, NC? The answer is simple: time-management. As a homeowner in Cornelius, you&#8217;re probably busy juggling work, family, and other obligations. With a professional maid service, you can outsource your household chores to professionals who can take care of the cleaning while you focus on more pressing matters. Additionally, professional maid services in Cornelius, NC, are equipped with the necessary cleaning solutions, equipment, and expertise to get the job done efficiently and effectively.</p>
  137. <p>One of the significant advantages of hiring a professional maid service in Cornelius, NC, is the level of competence and attention to detail that comes with it. Professional maids are trained to tackle even the toughest cleaning tasks, from dusting ceiling fans to sanitizing high-touch areas. They will also pay attention to the smallest details, ensuring that your home is sparkling clean from top to bottom. With a professional maid service, you can rest assured that your home will be maintained to the highest standards, freeing up your time to focus on more enjoyable activities.</p>
  138. <p>In Cornelius, NC, where the climate can be quite humid and wet, keeping your home clean and free from mold and mildew is crucial. Professional maid services in Cornelius, NC, understand the unique challenges that come with living in this region. They will employ specialized cleaning techniques and equipment designed specifically for tackling humid and wet environments.</p>
  139. <p>Before hiring a professional maid service in Cornelius, NC, it&#8217;s essential to do your research. Look for a reputable and reliable cleaning service that has a track record of providing excellent customer service, attention to detail, and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability. Check online reviews, ask for references, and assess the cleaning service&#8217;s reputation in your community. Additionally, ensure that any cleaning service you hire is fully insured and bonded, providing an added layer of protection for your property and belongings.</p>
  140. <p>In conclusion, hiring a professional maid service in Cornelius, NC, can be a game-changer for homeowners who value their time, prioritize comfort, and seek a cleaner, healthier living environment. With their expertise, training, and specialized cleaning equipment, professional maid services in Cornelius, NC, can help maintain your home to the highest standards, freeing up your time and providing a sense of ease and relaxation.</p>
  141. <p><a href="">A Beginners Guide To </a></p>
  142. <p><a href=" ">Questions About You Must Know the Answers To</a></p>
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  146. <title>Getting Creative With  Advice</title>
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  148. <dc:creator><![CDATA[aebi]]></dc:creator>
  149. <pubDate>Sun, 09 Jun 2024 15:32:43 +0000</pubDate>
  150. <category><![CDATA[Health Care & Medical]]></category>
  151. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  153. <description><![CDATA[The Importance of Regular House Washing in Annapolis As a homeowner in Annapolis, you take great pride in the appearance of your property. You spend hours maintaining the lawn, trimming the bushes, and repainting the trim. However, one crucial aspect of home maintenance often gets overlooked: regular house washing. Dirt, grime, and mildew can quickly [&#8230;]]]></description>
  154. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a style="margin:1em" href=""><img decoding="async" src="" style="width:342px;float:left;margin:1em" /></a>The Importance of Regular House Washing in Annapolis</p>
  155. <p>As a homeowner in Annapolis, you take great pride in the appearance of your property. You spend hours maintaining the lawn, trimming the bushes, and repainting the trim. However, one crucial aspect of home maintenance often gets overlooked: regular house washing. Dirt, grime, and mildew can quickly accumulate on your home&#8217;s exterior, causing it to look dull and worn out. In this article, we&#8217;ll explore the importance of regular house washing in Annapolis and provide you with the necessary guidance to keep your home looking its best.</p>
  156. <p>Regular house washing is essential for maintaining the appearance of your home. Dirt and grime can quickly accumulate on your home&#8217;s exterior, causing it to look dull and worn out. In Annapolis, where the humid climate and saltwater air can be harsh on your home&#8217;s exterior, regular washing is crucial. Dirt and grime can also damage your home&#8217;s siding, windows, and doors, leading to costly repairs down the line.</p>
  157. <p>In addition to maintaining your home&#8217;s appearance, regular house washing can also improve its durability. Dirt and grime can erode the protective coating on your home&#8217;s siding, leaving it vulnerable to damage from the elements. By washing your home regularly, you can prevent damage and extend its lifespan. In Annapolis, where the coastal climate can be harsh on homes, regular washing is especially important.</p>
  158. <p>So, how often should you wash your home? The frequency of washing depends on several factors, including the type of siding on your home, the local climate, and the amount of foot traffic in the area. As a general rule, it&#8217;s recommended to wash your home at least once a year, but this can vary depending on your specific situation. In Annapolis, where the humid climate and saltwater air can be harsh on your home&#8217;s exterior, it&#8217;s recommended to wash your home every 6-12 months.</p>
  159. <p>When it comes to washing your home, it&#8217;s essential to use the right cleaning products and techniques. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, as these can damage your home&#8217;s siding and windows. Instead, opt for a mild detergent and a soft-bristled brush to gently scrub away dirt and grime. Be sure to rinse your home thoroughly to prevent streaks and water spots.</p>
  160. <p>In addition to regular washing, there are several other steps you can take to maintain your home&#8217;s exterior. Trim back trees and shrubs to prevent branches from scratching your home&#8217;s siding. Install gutter guards to prevent debris from accumulating in your gutters. And, of course, perform regular inspections to identify and address any damage or wear and tear on your home&#8217;s exterior.</p>
  161. <p>In Annapolis, where the humid climate and saltwater air can be harsh on your home&#8217;s exterior, regular maintenance is crucial. By washing your home regularly, you can prevent damage and extend its lifespan. In addition to regular washing, be sure to trim back trees and shrubs, install gutter guards, and perform regular inspections to maintain your home&#8217;s exterior.</p>
  162. <p>In conclusion, regular house washing is essential for maintaining the appearance and durability of your home. In Annapolis, where the humid climate and saltwater air can be harsh on your home&#8217;s exterior, regular washing is crucial. By washing your home regularly, you can prevent damage and extend its lifespan. Remember to use the right cleaning products and techniques, and don&#8217;t forget to trim back trees and shrubs, install gutter guards, and perform regular inspections to maintain your home&#8217;s exterior.</p>
  163. <p>In addition to regular washing, there are several other steps you can take to maintain your home&#8217;s exterior. Consider hiring a professional to inspect and clean your home&#8217;s exterior, especially if you&#8217;re not comfortable with heights or don&#8217;t have the necessary equipment. And, of course, be sure to address any damage or wear and tear on your home&#8217;s exterior as soon as possible to prevent further damage.</p>
  164. <p>In Annapolis, where the humid climate and saltwater air can be harsh on your home&#8217;s exterior, regular maintenance is crucial. By washing your home regularly, trimming back trees and shrubs, installing gutter guards, and performing regular inspections, you can maintain your home&#8217;s exterior and prevent costly repairs down the line. Remember, regular house washing is essential for maintaining the appearance and durability of your home.</p>
  165. <p><a href="">On : My Experience Explained</a></p>
  166. <p><a href=" ">A Simple Plan: </a></p>
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  170. <title>How I Became An Expert on</title>
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  172. <dc:creator><![CDATA[aebi]]></dc:creator>
  173. <pubDate>Sun, 09 Jun 2024 15:32:41 +0000</pubDate>
  174. <category><![CDATA[Clothing & Fashion]]></category>
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  177. <description><![CDATA[Window Treatments in NJ: A Guide to Enhancing Your Home&#8217;s Aesthetic and Functionality As a homeowner in New Jersey, you understand the importance of creating a comfortable and inviting living space. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by incorporating window treatments into your home&#8217;s design. Not only do window treatments enhance [&#8230;]]]></description>
  178. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a style="margin:1em" href=""><img decoding="async" src="" style="width:253px;float:left;margin:1em" /></a>Window Treatments in NJ: A Guide to Enhancing Your Home&#8217;s Aesthetic and Functionality</p>
  179. <p>As a homeowner in New Jersey, you understand the importance of creating a comfortable and inviting living space. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by incorporating window treatments into your home&#8217;s design. Not only do window treatments enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home, but they also provide functionality and energy efficiency. In this article, we will explore the world of window treatments in NJ, discussing the various options available, their benefits, and how to choose the perfect solution for your home.</p>
  180. <p>Window Treatments: A Brief Overview</p>
  181. <p>Window treatments are a crucial aspect of home design, serving multiple purposes. They can be used to control the amount of natural light entering your home, provide insulation, and even add a touch of elegance to your interior decor. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right window treatment for your NJ home. Let&#8217;s take a closer look at the different types of window treatments and their benefits.</p>
  182. <p>Types of Window Treatments</p>
  183. <p>1. Blinds: Blinds are a popular choice for window treatments in NJ. They come in various materials, such as aluminum, wood, or vinyl, and can be customized to fit your window size and style. Blinds are easy to operate, providing a simple way to control the amount of light entering your home.</p>
  184. <p>2. Shades: Shades are another popular option for window treatments in NJ. They come in a range of materials, including fabric, wood, or metal, and can be customized to fit your window size and style. Shades are known for their ability to block out harsh sunlight, reducing glare and providing a more comfortable living space.</p>
  185. <p>3. Curtains: Curtains are a timeless choice for window treatments in NJ. They can be made from a variety of materials, such as cotton, silk, or velvet, and come in a range of colors and patterns. Curtains are a great way to add a touch of elegance to your home&#8217;s interior design.</p>
  186. <p>4. Shutters: Shutters are a popular choice for window treatments in NJ, providing a classic and timeless look. They can be made from various materials, such as wood or vinyl, and come in a range of colors and styles. Shutters are known for their ability to provide insulation and block out harsh sunlight.</p>
  187. <p>Choosing the Right Window Treatment for Your NJ Home</p>
  188. <p>When choosing the right window treatment for your NJ home, there are several factors to consider. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:</p>
  189. <p>1. Consider the style of your home: The style of your home should be taken into account when choosing a window treatment. For example, if you have a modern home, you may want to choose a more contemporary window treatment, such as a sleek and minimalist blind.</p>
  190. <p>2. Think about the function you want to achieve: What do you want to achieve with your window treatment? Do you want to block out sunlight, provide insulation, or add a touch of elegance to your home&#8217;s interior design? Knowing what you want to achieve will help you choose the right window treatment for your NJ home.</p>
  191. <p>3. Consider the size and shape of your windows: The size and shape of your windows should also be taken into account when choosing a window treatment. For example, if you have large windows, you may want to choose a window treatment that can accommodate their size, such as a floor-to-ceiling blind.</p>
  192. <p>4. Think about your budget: Finally, consider your budget when choosing a window treatment. Window treatments can range in price from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars, depending on the type and quality of the treatment.</p>
  193. <p>Conclusion</p>
  194. <p>Window treatments are an essential aspect of home design, providing functionality, energy efficiency, and aesthetic appeal. With so many options available, choosing the right window treatment for your NJ home can be overwhelming. By considering the style of your home, the function you want to achieve, the size and shape of your windows, and your budget, you can choose the perfect window treatment for your NJ home. Whether you choose blinds, shades, curtains, or shutters, the right window treatment can enhance the beauty and functionality of your home.</p>
  195. <p><a href="">6 Facts About Everyone Thinks Are True</a></p>
  196. <p><a href=" ">Practical and Helpful Tips: </a></p>
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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda