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0-6.12-6.113 6.117 6.117 0 0 0-6.12 6.113 6.117 6.117 0 0 0 6.12 6.114Z" fill="#F7931A"></path><path d="M464.706 308.432v-69.61" stroke="#444" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"></path><path d="M464.706 248.666c5.443 0 9.854-4.407 9.854-9.844 0-5.436-4.411-9.843-9.854-9.843-5.442 0-9.854 4.407-9.854 9.843 0 5.437 4.412 9.844 9.854 9.844ZM445.298 277.797c-14.234 21.805-10.334 49.539-10.334 49.539s26.979-7.62 41.213-29.425c14.235-21.805 10.334-49.539 10.334-49.539s-26.978 7.62-41.213 29.425Z" fill="#444"></path><path d="M434.889 327.082s-.347-.055-.985-.184a62.875 62.875 0 0 1-2.064-.453c-7.646-1.8-27.972-7.887-41.262-23.891-16.633-20.039-15.932-48.036-15.932-48.036s25.432 4.128 42.19 22.123a51.12 51.12 0 0 1 2.12 2.405c14.473 17.436 15.822 40.896 15.929 46.696.015.869.004 1.34.004 1.34Z" fill="#167F8D"></path><path d="M424.63 277.797c14.235 21.805 10.334 49.539 10.334 49.539s-26.978-7.62-41.212-29.425c-14.235-21.805-10.335-49.539-10.335-49.539s26.979 7.62 41.213 29.425Z" 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22.296-9.972 22.296-22.272 0-12.301-9.982-22.272-22.296-22.272-12.313 0-22.296 9.971-22.296 22.272 0 12.3 9.983 22.272 22.296 22.272Z" fill="#167F8D"></path><path d="M39.185 326.931V286.53" stroke="#444" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"></path><path d="M39.185 292.244a5.716 5.716 0 0 0 5.72-5.713 5.717 5.717 0 0 0-5.72-5.714 5.717 5.717 0 0 0-5.72 5.714 5.716 5.716 0 0 0 5.72 5.713ZM39.186 311.43s-.817-17.554-17.567-15.514l17.567 15.514Z" fill="#444"></path><path d="M123.76 327.214V192.458" stroke="#444" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"></path><path d="M123.76 198.107a5.717 5.717 0 0 0 5.72-5.713 5.717 5.717 0 0 0-5.72-5.713 5.716 5.716 0 0 0-5.719 5.713 5.716 5.716 0 0 0 5.719 5.713ZM106.193 295.604a5.716 5.716 0 0 0 5.719-5.713 5.716 5.716 0 0 0-5.719-5.713 5.716 5.716 0 0 0-5.719 5.713 5.716 5.716 0 0 0 5.719 5.713ZM123.76 221.577s-.817-17.554-17.567-15.514l17.567 15.514ZM123.76 271.341s-.817-17.554-17.567-15.514l17.567 15.514Z" fill="#444"></path><path d="M123.76 325.643s3.677-34.12-17.567-35.752" stroke="#444" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"></path><path d="M141.329 295.604a5.716 5.716 0 0 0 5.719-5.713 5.716 5.716 0 0 0-5.719-5.713 5.717 5.717 0 0 0-5.72 5.713 5.717 5.717 0 0 0 5.72 5.713Z" fill="#444"></path><path d="M123.763 325.643s-3.677-34.12 17.566-35.752" stroke="#444" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"></path><path d="M141.677 242.012a5.717 5.717 0 0 0 5.72-5.713 5.717 5.717 0 0 0-5.72-5.713 5.716 5.716 0 0 0-5.719 5.713 5.716 5.716 0 0 0 5.719 5.713Z" fill="#444"></path><path d="M124.111 270.232s-3.676-32.301 17.567-33.933M85.87 327.024v-82.256" stroke="#444" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"></path><path d="M85.869 250.481a5.716 5.716 0 0 0 5.72-5.713 5.716 5.716 0 0 0-5.72-5.713 5.716 5.716 0 0 0-5.72 5.713 5.716 5.716 0 0 0 5.72 5.713ZM85.868 268.035s-.817-17.554-17.566-15.514l17.566 15.514Z" fill="#444"></path><path d="M85.868 325.453s3.677-33.756-17.566-35.389" stroke="#444" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"></path><path d="M68.302 295.778a5.716 5.716 0 0 0 5.72-5.713 5.716 5.716 0 0 0-5.72-5.713 5.716 5.716 0 0 0-5.719 5.713 5.716 5.716 0 0 0 5.72 5.713Z" fill="#444"></path><path d="M399.944 202.058c5.187 0 9.392-4.2 9.392-9.382 0-5.182-4.205-9.382-9.392-9.382-5.187 0-9.392 4.2-9.392 9.382 0 5.182 4.205 9.382 9.392 9.382Z" fill="#F2F2F2"></path><path opacity="0.1" d="M300.558 261.113c-11.98 5.441-27.409 5.056-27.409 5.056h-16.698v-3.185c6.804-1.897 16.212-3.07 26.612-3.07 5.853-.021 11.7.38 17.495 1.199Z" fill="#000"></path><path opacity="0.1" d="M320.632 270.338c0 5.76-16.822 10.424-37.569 10.424-20.746 0-37.569-4.664-37.569-10.424 0-2.872 4.185-5.473 10.958-7.354v3.184h16.697s15.43.386 27.41-5.056c11.933 1.741 20.073 5.218 20.073 9.226Z" fill="#000"></path><path d="M287.861 205.43h-15.985v15.996h15.985V205.43Z" fill="#2F2E41"></path><path d="M277.821 216.742s1.323 4.626-.992 4.956a9.046 9.046 0 0 0-3.97 1.652l4.301 5.617h7.938l4.962-4.956s-6.616-4.956-5.293-7.93c1.324-2.974-6.946.661-6.946.661Z" fill="#FFB9B9"></path><path opacity="0.1" d="M277.821 216.742s1.323 4.626-.992 4.956a9.046 9.046 0 0 0-3.97 1.652l4.301 5.617h7.938l4.962-4.956s-6.616-4.956-5.293-7.93c1.324-2.974-6.946.661-6.946.661Z" fill="#000"></path><path d="m279.806 274.235 7.608 2.644 5.292.33-.331-4.626-10.915-3.225-1.654 4.877Z" fill="#FFB9B9"></path><path d="M289.564 273.244s0 4.626.661 4.626c.662 0 9.593-.992 12.239 0 2.646.991 6.616-2.644 4.631-4.626-1.985-1.983-5.222-4.956-7.242-4.296-2.02.661-10.29 2.313-10.29 2.313l.001 1.983ZM265.251 268.948s-3.969 7.93-1.323 8.591c2.646.661 5.624-.33 5.954-.661.331-.33 4.962-1.652 5.624-.991.661.661.661-2.643.661-2.643l-10.916-4.296Z" fill="#2F2E41"></path><path d="M268.559 258.045s-6.284 8.591-1.654 10.904c4.631 2.313 26.794 2.313 28.448 0s2.315-9.582 0-10.243c-2.316-.661-26.794-.661-26.794-.661Z" fill="#2F2E41"></path><path opacity="0.2" d="M268.559 258.045s-6.284 8.591-1.654 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3.639-.331.662.661 8.931-4.956 8.931-4.956l2.316-3.965Z" fill="#2F2E41"></path><path opacity="0.2" d="M302.96 255.731s-2.977 1.322-3.969 2.313c-.993.992-5.293 2.644-5.293 2.644" stroke="#000" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"></path><path d="m270.544 224.011-1.985-.66s-7.277 7.599-4.962 9.582c2.316 1.982 3.639 2.643 4.301 3.304.661.661 3.969.991 3.969.991l-1.323-13.217ZM294.69 225.663l2.978.661s2.315 4.956 2.977 5.617c.661.661-.993.331-1.985 1.652-.992 1.322-1.985 3.635-3.97 3.635-1.984 0-4.63-3.304-4.63-3.304l4.63-8.261Z" fill="#167F8D"></path><path d="M269.221 259.697s-12.57-8.921-16.87-2.313c-4.3 6.608 18.524 15.53 21.831 16.851 3.308 1.322 6.285 2.644 6.285 2.644s2.977-7.269 2.977-8.591c0-1.322-2.315-1.322-2.977-1.322-.661 0-3.638-.661-4.3-1.652-.662-.991-6.946-5.617-6.946-5.617Z" fill="#2F2E41"></path><path opacity="0.2" d="M262.274 257.384s3.308 2.643 6.285 3.304c2.977.661 3.97 2.313 3.97 2.313" stroke="#000" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"></path><path d="m266.939 244.96.264 13.99a1.753 1.753 0 0 0 1.773 1.719l26.063-.293a1.755 1.755 0 0 0 1.731-1.65l.791-13.698a1.75 1.75 0 0 0-1.056-1.709 1.768 1.768 0 0 0-.695-.143h-27.118a1.759 1.759 0 0 0-1.252.524 1.765 1.765 0 0 0-.501 1.26Z" fill="#555"></path><path d="M263.924 223.434c.71-1.565 1.664-3.033 2.118-4.69.545-1.986.333-4.087.268-6.145-.103-1.82.052-3.646.461-5.422a9.326 9.326 0 0 1 2.684-4.667c3.466-3.091 9.81-3.313 14.043-2.026 1.669.507 3.446 1.473 3.86 1.26 1.638 2.057 2.103 3.279.603 1.579-.326 3.297-.448 4.983-.141 1.969.827 3.828 1.782 5.556.568 1.027 1.158 2.121 1.102 3.293a4.165 4.165 0 0 1-.57 1.815 6.931 6.931 0 0 1-5.821 3.334 3.653 3.653 0 0 1-2.181-.515c-1.033-.71-1.335-2.141-1.12-3.375.215-1.234.842-2.351 1.334-3.503.15-.354.286-.714.412-1.077a7.394 7.394 0 0 0 3.374-8.912 7.402 7.402 0 0 0-8.22-4.834 7.41 7.41 0 0 0-4.411 2.511 7.391 7.391 0 0 0 4.374 12.062 9.998 9.998 0 0 1-.485 5.569 21.077 21.077 0 0 1-2.341 4.078 5.626 5.626 0 0 1-1.492 1.667 5.295 5.295 0 0 1-1.27.542c-1.869.6-3.836 1.083-5.78.813-1.944-.27-3.869-1.441-4.532-3.286-.58-1.617-.114-3.425.596-4.989Z" fill="#2F2E41"></path><path d="M280.098 211.759c4.46 0 8.074-2.046 8.074-4.571 0-2.524-3.614-4.57-8.074-4.57-4.459 0-8.074 2.046-8.074 4.57 0 2.525 3.615 4.571 8.074 4.571Z" fill="#2F2E41"></path><path opacity="0.3" d="M403.455 193.221a1.395 1.395 0 0 0-.638-.708 2.236 2.236 0 0 0-.578-.235c.137-.066.262-.153.371-.258.162-.151.283-.339.354-.548.066-.214.093-.439.08-.663a2.02 2.02 0 0 0-.3-1.053 1.888 1.888 0 0 0-.855-.635 3.128 3.128 0 0 0-1.034-.209v-1.502l-.909.588v.917h-.728v-.964l-.932-.541v1.505h-1.979l.636 1.128a.998.998 0 0 1 .398.054.307.307 0 0 1 .148.141c. 1.128h1.977v1.505h.932v-1.505h.727v1.505h.91v-1.514c.46-.008.916-.09 1.35-.242a2.218 2.218 0 0 0 1.016-.741c.227-.361.351-.777.359-1.203a2.731 2.731 0 0 0-.123-1.02Zm-4.239-3.037v-.031h.636c.357 0 1.549-.124 1.569.883.02 1.006-1.569.965-1.569.965h-.636V190.184Zm0 2.868h.727c.148 0 .656.023.841.032a.757.757 0 0 1 .3.071c. 0 0 1 .162.157c. 0 0 1 .033.252.837.837 0 0 1-.113.463 1.076 1.076 0 0 1-.491.418 3.05 3.05 0 0 1-1.194.228h-.727v-2.115Z" fill="#F7931A"></path><path d="M33.646 234.895c5.187 0 9.392-4.201 9.392-9.382 0-5.182-4.205-9.382-9.392-9.382-5.187 0-9.392 4.2-9.392 9.382 0 5.181 4.205 9.382 9.392 9.382Z" fill="#F2F2F2"></path><path opacity="0.3" d="M37.157 226.058a1.394 1.394 0 0 0-.638-.708 2.225 2.225 0 0 0-.578-.235c.137-.066.262-.153.37-.258.163-.151.285-.339.355-.548.067-.215.094-.439.08-.663a2.02 2.02 0 0 0-.3-1.053 1.877 1.877 0 0 0-.855-.635 3.13 3.13 0 0 0-1.034-.209v-1.502l-.91.588v.916h-.727v-.963l-.931-.541v1.504h-1.98l.636 1.129c.135-. 0 0 1 .148.141c. 1.128h1.977v1.505h.932v-1.505h.728v1.505h.909v-1.514c.46-.008.916-.09 1.35-.242a2.219 2.219 0 0 0 1.016-.741c.227-.361.351-.777.36-1.203a2.733 2.733 0 0 0-.123-1.02Zm-4.239-3.037v-.032h.636c.358 0 1.55-.123 1.569.884.02 1.006-1.569.965-1.569.965h-.636V223.021Zm0 2.867h.728c.147 0 .656.024.84.032a.798.798 0 0 1 .3.072c. 0 0 1 .162.158c. 0 0 1-.114.463 1.075 1.075 0 0 1-.49.418 3.073 3.073 0 0 1-1.194.228h-.728v-2.116Z" fill="#F7931A"></path></g><defs><clipPath id="header-image_svg__a"><path fill="#fff" d="M0 0h487v328H0z"></path></clipPath></defs></svg></div></div><div class="flex flex-col justify-center items-center mt-16 md:mt-28" id="calculate"><h2 class="text-lg md:text-xl font-bold">How does this cryptocurrency trade work?</h2><div class="grid w-full mt-14 text-white gap-8 md:gap-14 md:grid-cols-3"><div class="bg-cyan py-3 md:py-5 px-8 md:px-9 w-full rounded relative"><span class="absolute w-[30px] h-[30px] md:w-[40px] md:h-[40px] font-bold bg-gray text-lg md:text-xl flex items-center justify-center -left-[8px] -top-[1px] md:-left-[20px] md:top-0 rounded-full">1</span><h3 class="text-lg md:text-xl">Get Rate</h3><p class="leading-6 mt-2 md:mt-3">Calculate the best exchange rate for your Bitcoin.</p></div><div class="bg-cyan py-3 md:py-5 px-8 md:px-9 w-full rounded relative"><span class="absolute 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4.6-.078.998-.284 1.975-.572 3.017L57 23.6c.259-.937.415-1.714.474-2.456.083-1.06-.026-2.137-.435-3.578l-.01-.033-.007-.034Zm-21 0c-.34-1.45-.552-2.574-.518-3.804.026-.951.196-1.902.487-3.062l2.91.732c-.267 1.06-.381 1.77-.4 2.412-.021.814.108 1.616.433 3.004.479 1.696.647 3.126.53 4.6-.078.998-.284 1.975-.572 3.017L36 23.6c.259-.937.415-1.714.474-2.456.083-1.06-.026-2.137-.435-3.578l-.01-.033-.007-.034Z" fill="#167F8D"></path><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M77 66H20V43h57v23Zm-3-3V46H23v17h51Z" fill="#444"></path><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M75.5 56h-53v-3h53v3Z" fill="#444"></path><path d="M28.5 54.5h39v-21h-39v21Z" fill="#fff"></path><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M69 56H27V32h42v24Zm-3-3V35H30v18h36Z" fill="#444"></path><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M54 44.5a5.5 5.5 0 1 1-11 0 5.5 5.5 0 0 1 11 0Z" fill="#444"></path></svg><h3 class="text-cyan text-lg font-bold mt-5">Fast payouts</h3><p class="font-normal text-base text-center font-light">Fast cryptocurrency payouts - no more waiting time</p></div><div class="flex flex-col items-center gap-2"><svg width="96" height="72" fill="none" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M72.482 46 48 67.496 23.518 46h48.964Z" fill="#167F8D"></path><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M27.5 6.5h41v28h7L48 58.5l-27.5-24h7v-28Z" fill="#fff"></path><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M26 5h44v28h9.5L48 60.49 16.5 33H26V5Zm3 3v28h-4.5L48 56.51 71.5 36H67V8H29Z" fill="#444"></path><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M40.5 15a2.5 2.5 0 1 0 0 5 2.5 2.5 0 0 0 0-5ZM35 17.5a5.5 5.5 0 1 1 11 0 5.5 5.5 0 0 1-11 0Zm14 14a5.5 5.5 0 1 1 11 0 5.5 5.5 0 0 1-11 0Zm-11.56.94 18-18 2.12 2.12-18 18-2.12-2.12Z" fill="#444"></path></svg><h3 class="text-cyan text-lg font-bold mt-5">Best commissions available</h3><p class="font-normal text-base text-center font-light">Great commission structure for all transactions with no 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0-10 5 5 0 0 0 0 10Z" fill="#167F8D"></path><path d="M49 48a4 4 0 1 0 0-8 4 4 0 0 0 0 8Z" fill="#444" stroke="#444" stroke-width="2"></path><path d="M51 21a3 3 0 1 0 0-6 3 3 0 0 0 0 6Z" fill="#167F8D"></path><path d="M61 26a6 6 0 1 0 0-12 6 6 0 0 0 0 12Z" fill="#444" stroke="#444" stroke-width="2"></path><path d="M75 27a5 5 0 1 0 0-10 5 5 0 0 0 0 10ZM63 34a6 6 0 1 0 0-12 6 6 0 0 0 0 12Z" fill="#167F8D"></path><path d="M59 37.5a4.5 4.5 0 1 0 0-9 4.5 4.5 0 0 0 0 9ZM71 38.5a6.5 6.5 0 1 0 0-13 6.5 6.5 0 0 0 0 13Z" fill="#fff" stroke="#444" stroke-width="3"></path><path d="M77 40a3 3 0 1 0 0-6 3 3 0 0 0 0 6Z" fill="#167F8D"></path><path d="M84 18.5a1.5 1.5 0 1 0 0-3 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 3Z" fill="#fff" stroke="#444" stroke-width="3"></path><path d="M74 57a6 6 0 1 0 0-12 6 6 0 0 0 0 12ZM52.5 45a5.5 5.5 0 1 0 0-11 5.5 5.5 0 0 0 0 11Z" fill="#167F8D"></path><path d="M45 40.5a3.5 3.5 0 1 0 0-7 3.5 3.5 0 0 0 0 7ZM51 52.5a1.5 1.5 0 1 0 0-3 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 3Z" fill="#fff" stroke="#444" stroke-width="3"></path></svg><h3 class="text-cyan text-lg font-bold mt-5">Global payments</h3><p class="font-normal text-base text-center font-light">We accept payments from nearly anywhere, as we support 180+ countries</p></div><div class="flex flex-col items-center gap-2"><svg width="96" height="72" fill="none" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M30 42c-5.523 0-10 4.477-10 10s4.477 10 10 10 10-4.477 10-10-4.477-10-10-10ZM17 52c0-7.18 5.82-13 13-13s13 5.82 13 13-5.82 13-13 13-13-5.82-13-13Z" fill="#444"></path><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="m29 52.88 5.94-5.94 2.12 2.122L29 57.12l-5.06-5.06 2.12-2.123L29 52.88Z" fill="#167F8D"></path><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="m52.94 27.94 16-16 2.12 2.12-16 16-2.12-2.12Z" fill="#444"></path><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="m42.9 16.142 23.334 23.335-8.485 8.485-23.335-23.335 8.486-8.485Zm0 4.243-4.243 4.242L57.75 43.72l4.242-4.242-19.09-19.093Z" fill="#444"></path><path 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.378.715ZM12.474 3.06l-.011.003a.57.57 0 0 1-.724-.359L11.19 1.02c.364-.135.74-.258 1.114-.364l.548 1.689a.57.57 0 0 1-.378.714ZM17 2.357a.586.586 0 0 1-.586-.587V.018a9.64 9.64 0 0 1 1.172 0V1.77a.586.586 0 0 1-.586.587ZM17 31.644c.324 0 .587.262.587.586v1.753a9.661 9.661 0 0 1-1.173 0V32.23c0-.324.262-.586.586-.586ZM31.296 22.261l1.684.549c.135-.364.258-.74.364-1.114l-1.689-.548a.57.57 0 0 0-.716.378l-.003.012a.57.57 0 0 0 .36.723ZM30.937 12.463l.003.01a.571.571 0 0 0 .715.379l1.687-.548c-.106-.375-.229-.75-.364-1.114l-1.685.549a.57.57 0 0 0-.356.723ZM28.966 26.422l1.43 1.036c.251-.305.48-.621.697-.944l-1.435-1.045a.569.569 0 0 0-.795.132l-.014.019a.57.57 0 0 0 .117.802ZM28.849 8.383l.013.018a.569.569 0 0 0 .795.132l1.435-1.047a11.852 11.852 0 0 0-.698-.944l-1.429 1.036a.57.57 0 0 0-.116.805ZM31.644 17c0 .324.262.587.586.587h1.753a9.661 9.661 0 0 0 0-1.173H32.23a.586.586 0 0 0-.586.586ZM25.47 29.657l1.045 1.435c.322-.217.639-.445.943-.697l-1.036-1.43a.57.57 0 0 0-.802-.117l-.019.014a.568.568 0 0 0-.132.795ZM25.601 5.137l.019.014a.57.57 0 0 0 .802-.118l1.036-1.428c-.305-.252-.621-.48-.944-.698L25.47 4.342a.568.568 0 0 0 .132.795ZM21.148 31.656l.548 1.686c.375-.105.75-.228 1.113-.363l-.548-1.685a.57.57 0 0 0-.723-.358l-.012.003a.57.57 0 0 0-.378.717ZM21.526 3.06l.011.003a.57.57 0 0 0 .724-.359l.548-1.684a14.519 14.519 0 0 0-1.114-.364l-.547 1.689a.57.57 0 0 0 .378.714Z" fill="#2980BA"></path><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M26.966 15.241v3.518c0 2.59-2.1 4.69-4.69 4.69h-10.99a.586.586 0 0 1-.571-.717l.267-1.172a.586.586 0 0 1 .571-.456h10.723a2.345 2.345 0 0 0 2.345-2.345V15.24a2.345 2.345 0 0 0-2.345-2.344h-8.592a.586.586 0 0 1-.572-.717l.267-1.172a.586.586 0 0 1 .573-.456h8.324c2.59 0 4.69 2.1 4.69 4.69Z" fill="#fff"></path><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="m15.579 16.542-.264 1.173a.586.586 0 0 1-.572.457H7.767a.586.586 0 0 1-.572-.715l.264-1.173a.586.586 0 0 1 .572-.457h6.976a.586.586 0 0 1 .572.715Z" fill="#fff"></path></svg><div class="flex flex-col flex-1"><div class="flex items-start justify-between"><div class="flex flex-col"><h3 class="text-xl">Dash</h3><span class="text-xl font-light">AED </span></div></div></div></div></div><div class="border border-gray-100 py-5 px-3 rounded"><div class="flex gap-2"><svg width="34" height="34" fill="none" xmlns=""><g clip-path="url(#monero_svg__a)"><path d="M17 34c9.389 0 17-7.611 17-17S26.389 0 17 0 0 7.611 0 17s7.611 17 17 17Z" fill="#F0EFEB"></path><path d="M24.185 26.108h7.17C28.34 30.852 23.038 34 17 34c-6.037 0-11.34-3.148-14.355-7.892h7.17v-9.02L17 24.269l7.185-7.181v9.02Z" fill="#4C4C4C"></path><path d="M34 17c0 1.899-.312 3.725-.886 5.43H27.97V8.138L17 18.997 6.03 8.136v14.294H.885A16.981 16.981 0 0 1 0 17C0 7.61 7.611 0 17 0s17 7.611 17 17Z" fill="#F60"></path></g><defs><clipPath id="monero_svg__a"><path fill="#fff" d="M0 0h34v34H0z"></path></clipPath></defs></svg><div class="flex flex-col flex-1"><div class="flex items-start justify-between"><div class="flex flex-col"><h3 class="text-xl">Monero</h3><span class="text-xl font-light">AED </span></div></div></div></div></div><div class="border border-gray-100 py-5 px-3 rounded"><div class="flex gap-2"><svg width="34" height="34" fill="none" xmlns=""><g clip-path="url(#ripple_svg__a)"><path d="M17 33.806c9.282 0 16.806-7.524 16.806-16.806C33.806 7.72 26.282.194 17 .194 7.72.194 17 .194 26.282 7.72 33.806 17 33.806Z" fill="#0F72E5"></path><path d="M17 30.379c7.389 0 13.379-5.99 13.379-13.379 0-7.389-5.99-13.379-13.379-13.379C9.611 3.621 3.621 9.611 3.621 17c0 7.389 5.99 13.379 13.379 13.379Z" fill="#0B56AC"></path><path d="M22.932 9.96h1.386a.353.353 0 0 1 .252.599l-4.363 4.455a4.498 4.498 0 0 1-6.474 0l-4.354-4.455a.353.353 0 0 1 .253-.598h1.386a.355.355 0 0 1 .253.106l3.648 3.74a2.85 2.85 0 0 0 4.101 0l3.66-3.74a.35.35 0 0 1 .252-.106ZM11.019 24.043h-1.39a.354.354 0 0 1-.253-.598l4.383-4.497a4.498 4.498 0 0 1 6.474 0l4.383 4.497a.354.354 0 0 1-.253.598h-1.38a.355.355 0 0 1-.253-.107l-3.679-3.773a2.85 2.85 0 0 0-4.101 0l-3.678 3.773a.355.355 0 0 1-.253.107Z" fill="#F4F4F4"></path><path d="M27.666 7.198a.862.862 0 1 0 0-1.724.862.862 0 0 0 0 1.724ZM6.336 7.198a.862.862 0 1 0 0-1.724.862.862 0 0 0 0 1.724ZM6.336 28.528a.862.862 0 1 0 0-1.724.862.862 0 0 0 0 1.724ZM27.666 28.528a.862.862 0 1 0 0-1.724.862.862 0 0 0 0 1.724Z" fill="#0B56AC"></path><path d="M16.97 16.565a4.671 4.671 0 0 1-3.367-1.43l-4.359-4.46a.531.531 0 0 1 .38-.902h1.387a.531.531 0 0 1 .38.16l3.653 3.745a2.676 2.676 0 0 0 3.851 0l3.663-3.745a.532.532 0 0 1 .38-.16h1.387a.532.532 0 0 1 .378.902l-4.367 4.46a4.669 4.669 0 0 1-3.367 1.43Zm-7.346-6.438a.176.176 0 0 0-.128.3l4.358 4.46a4.324 4.324 0 0 0 6.228 0l4.369-4.46a.177.177 0 0 0-.127-.302h-1.386a.18.18 0 0 0-.127.053l-3.662 3.744a3.03 3.03 0 0 1-4.36 0l-3.651-3.744a.178.178 0 0 0-.127-.053l-1.387.002ZM24.377 24.227h-1.389a.53.53 0 0 1-.38-.16l-3.683-3.778a2.68 2.68 0 0 0-3.851 0l-3.682 3.777a.532.532 0 0 1-.38.16h-1.39a.53.53 0 0 1-.38-.9l4.39-4.501a4.678 4.678 0 0 1 6.734 0l4.39 4.5a.53.53 0 0 1-.38.901v.001ZM17 19.117a3.027 3.027 0 0 1 2.18.925l3.681 3.778a.176.176 0 0 0 .127.053h1.389a.178.178 0 0 0 .173-.208.177.177 0 0 0-.047-.09l-4.389-4.502a4.327 4.327 0 0 0-6.228 0l-4.39 4.501a.177.177 0 0 0 .126.3h1.388a.179.179 0 0 0 .127-.053l3.682-3.777a3.023 3.023 0 0 1 2.18-.926ZM27.676 7.364a1.04 1.04 0 1 1 0-2.079 1.04 1.04 0 0 1 0 2.079Zm0-1.727a.686.686 0 1 0 0 1.373.686.686 0 0 0 0-1.373ZM6.324 7.363a1.04 1.04 0 1 1-.002-2.08 1.04 1.04 0 0 1 .002 2.08Zm0-1.726a.686.686 0 1 0 .004 1.37.686.686 0 0 0-.004-1.37ZM6.324 28.715a1.04 1.04 0 1 1 0-2.08 1.04 1.04 0 0 1 0 2.08Zm0-1.727a.682.682 0 0 0-.684.617.686.686 0 1 0 .684-.617ZM27.676 28.715a1.038 1.038 0 1 1 .004-2.075 1.038 1.038 0 0 1-.004 2.075Zm0-1.726a.685.685 0 1 0 .004 1.365.685.685 0 0 0-.004-1.363v-.002Z" fill="#231F20"></path><path d="M17 34a16.9 16.9 0 0 1-6.582- 0 0 1-.056-.29.176.176 0 0 1 .193-.037A16.557 16.557 0 0 0 17 33.646c9.179 0 16.646-7.467 16.646-16.646C33.646 7.821 26.18.354 17 .354 7.821.354.354 7.82.354 17a16.598 16.598 0 0 0 7.61 13.983.177.177 0 0 1-.194.294A16.953 16.953 0 0 1 0 17C0 7.626 7.626 0 17 0c9.374 0 17 7.626 17 17 0 9.374-7.626 17-17 17Z" fill="#231F20"></path><path d="M17 30.57C9.517 30.57 3.43 24.483 3.43 17A13.597 13.597 0 0 1 6.433 8.49a.177.177 0 1 1 .275.222 13.243 13.243 0 0 0-2.922 8.29c0 7.287 5.929 13.214 13.215 13.214S30.215 24.286 30.215 17 24.288 3.785 17 3.785A13.241 13.241 0 0 0 8.68 6.734a.177.177 0 0 1-.223-.275A13.595 13.595 0 0 1 17 3.43c7.483 0 13.57 6.086 13.57 13.57 0 7.482-6.087 13.569-13.57 13.569Z" fill="#231F20"></path></g><defs><clipPath id="ripple_svg__a"><path fill="#fff" d="M0 0h34v34H0z"></path></clipPath></defs></svg><div class="flex flex-col flex-1"><div class="flex items-start justify-between"><div class="flex flex-col"><h3 class="text-xl">Ripple</h3><span class="text-xl font-light">AED </span></div></div></div></div></div><div class="border border-gray-100 py-5 px-3 rounded"><div class="flex gap-2"><svg width="34" height="34" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M18 34.313c9.01 0 16.313-7.304 16.313-16.313 0-9.01-7.304-16.313-16.313-16.313C8.99 1.688 1.687 8.992 1.687 18c0 9.01 7.304 16.313 16.313 16.313Z" fill="#FFEB3B"></path><path d="M18 32.063c7.767 0 14.063-6.297 14.063-14.063 0-7.767-6.297-14.063-14.063-14.063-7.767 0-14.063 6.296-14.063 14.063S10.233 32.063 18 32.063Z" fill="#FDD835"></path><path d="M18 1.125A16.875 16.875 0 1 0 34.875 18 16.894 16.894 0 0 0 18 1.125ZM18 31.5A13.5 13.5 0 1 1 31.5 18 13.516 13.516 0 0 1 18 31.5Zm12.933-20.318.975-.562c.471.882.856 1.808 1.15 2.764l-1.087.29a14.506 14.506 0 0 0-1.038-2.492Zm-.563-.973a14.675 14.675 0 0 0-1.643-2.137l.795-.795a15.84 15.84 0 0 1 1.823 2.371l-.974.561Zm-2.439-2.934a14.684 14.684 0 0 0-2.137-1.643l.563-.975c.846.531 1.64 1.142 2.371 1.823l-.797.795Zm-3.114-2.208c-.796-.423-1.63-.77-2.49-1.038l.29-1.087c.956.294 1.881.679 2.764 1.15l-.564.975ZM21.24 3.741a14.61 14.61 0 0 0-2.677-.352V2.264c1 .035 1.993.166 2.968.39l-.291 1.087Zm-3.802-.352a14.61 14.61 0 0 0-2.676.352l-.29-1.087a15.715 15.715 0 0 1 2.966-.39V3.39Zm-3.763.64c-.861.268-1.695.615-2.492 1.038l-.562-.975a15.65 15.65 0 0 1 2.763-1.15l.29 1.087Zm-3.465 1.603a14.681 14.681 0 0 0-2.137 1.643l-.797-.795a15.839 15.839 0 0 1 2.372-1.823l.562.975ZM7.275 8.07a14.68 14.68 0 0 0-1.643 2.137l-.975-.562A15.839 15.839 0 0 1 6.48 7.274l.795.797Zm-2.208 3.111c-.423.797-.77 1.63-1.038 2.492l-1.087-.291c.294-.956.679-1.881 1.15-2.764l.975.563Zm-1.326 3.58c-.2.878-.318 1.774-.352 2.675H2.264c.035-.999.166-1.992.39-2.967l1.087.291Zm-.352 3.8c.034.902.152 1.797.352 2.677l-1.087.29a15.714 15.714 0 0 1-.39-2.966H3.39Zm.64 3.764c.268.861.615 1.695 1.038 2.491l-.975.563a15.65 15.65 0 0 1-1.15-2.763l1.087-.29Zm1.603 3.465a14.678 14.678 0 0 0 1.643 2.137l-.795.797a15.834 15.834 0 0 1-1.823-2.372l.975-.562Zm2.439 2.934c.66.612 1.376 1.162 2.137 1.643l-.562.975a15.84 15.84 0 0 1-2.372-1.823l.797-.795Zm3.111 2.208c.797.423 1.63.77 2.492 1.038l-.291 1.087a15.644 15.644 0 0 1-2.764-1.15l.563-.975Zm3.58 1.326c.878.2 1.774.318 2.675.352v1.125c-.999-.035-1.992-.166-2.967-.39l.291-1.087Zm3.8.352a14.609 14.609 0 0 0 2.677-.352l.29 1.087c-.974.224-1.967.355-2.966.39V32.61Zm3.764-.64c.861-.268 1.695-.615 2.491-1.038l.563.975c-.882.471-1.808.856-2.764 1.15l-.29-1.087Zm3.465-1.603a14.673 14.673 0 0 0 2.137-1.643l.796.795a15.837 15.837 0 0 1-2.372 1.823l-.561-.975Zm2.934-2.439a14.682 14.682 0 0 0 1.643-2.137l.975.562a15.837 15.837 0 0 1-1.823 2.372l-.795-.797Zm2.208-3.111c.423-.797.77-1.63 1.038-2.492l1.087.291a15.644 15.644 0 0 1-1.15 2.764l-.975-.564Zm1.326-3.58c.2-.878.318-1.774.352-2.675h1.125c-.035.999-.166 1.992-.39 2.967l-1.087-.291Zm.352-3.8a14.609 14.609 0 0 0-.352-2.677l1.087-.29c.224.974.355 1.967.39 2.966H32.61Z" fill="#FBC02E"></path><path d="m10.046 15.61 2.386 2.387-2.386 2.386-2.387-2.386 2.387-2.387ZM18 15.61l2.387 2.386L18 20.382l-2.386-2.386L18 15.609ZM25.953 15.608l2.387 2.387-2.387 2.386-2.386-2.386 2.386-2.387Z" fill="#FFF59D"></path><path d="m18 7.658 6.364 6.364-2.387 2.387L18 12.432l-3.978 3.977-2.386-2.387L18 7.658ZM18 28.342l-6.364-6.364 2.386-2.387L18 23.568l3.977-3.977 2.387 2.386L18 28.343Z" fill="#FFF59D"></path></svg><div class="flex flex-col flex-1"><div class="flex items-start justify-between"><div class="flex flex-col"><h3 class="text-xl">BNB</h3><span class="text-xl font-light">AED </span></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="mt-20 flex flex-col items-center"><h2 class="text-lg md:text-2xl font-bold">How to Buy Bitcoin in dubai with Cash or Card</h2><div class="w-full mt-14"><div class="swiper"><div class="swiper-wrapper"><div class="swiper-slide px-3 md:px-32"><span class="font-bold text-lg md:text-xl">Getting Started</span><p class="text-lg mt-2 leading-8 font-light">Welcome to Bitcoin Trading, the one-stop-shop for all your cryptocurrency (and digital currency) needs. Here is a short guide on how to Buy USDT with cash in Dubai with Cash or Card:</p><ul class="list-disc text-lg font-light flex flex-col gap-3 mt-2"><li>1st Step: Create a Bitcoin wallet if You Don’t Have One—we suggest using Binance.</li><li>2nd Step: Visit One of 800Crypto Shop in Dubai.</li><li>3rd Step: Provide Your Bitcoin Address and Payment To The Teller.</li><li>4rth Step: Congratulation You Have Received Your Bitcoin.</li></ul><p class="text-lg mt-2 leading-8 font-light">The whole process takes 15 minutes (or less) to complete. To learn more about buying Bitcoin, swipe to the next step.</p></div><div class="swiper-slide px-3 md:px-32"><span class="font-bold text-lg md:text-xl">What is Bitcoin and How Does it Work?</span><p class="text-lg mt-2 leading-8 font-light">Since its creation in 2009, Bitcoin has become the most prominent method to store and exchange value across the web:</p><ul class="list-disc text-lg font-light flex flex-col gap-3 mt-2"><li>You can buy and send Bitcoin all over the world at all times.</li><li>Transfers are cheaper and much faster than bank transfers.</li><li>Bitcoin is fairly private, and it is not controlled by 3rd parties.</li><li>Furthermore, Bitcoin has a limited supply of 21 million coins.</li></ul><p class="text-lg mt-2 leading-8 font-light">Thanks to all of this, Bitcoin’s value tends to appreciate over time.</p></div><div class="swiper-slide px-3 md:px-32"><span class="font-bold text-lg md:text-xl">Why use a Bank Card to Buy Bitcoin?</span><p class="text-lg mt-2 leading-8 font-light">Credit and debit cards are the most popular payment method when buying goods and services worldwide. That’s also the reason why people favor bank cards over other payment methods. Therefore, when looking for the best option to buy Bitcoin instantly, look no further—choose debit cards or credit cards. They are the fastest and most secure way to buy BTC instantaneously in your local currency.</p></div><div class="swiper-slide px-3 md:px-32"><span class="font-bold text-lg md:text-xl">Choosing a Bitcoin Wallet</span><p class="text-lg mt-2 leading-8 font-light">To buy Bitcoin with debit card or credit card, you will need to create a Bitcoin wallet, and here are your options:</p><ul class="list-disc text-lg font-light flex flex-col gap-3 mt-2"><li>Desktop wallet - Easy to use and very secure. The most popular option is<!-- --> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">Binance</a>.</li><li>Hardware wallet - Outstanding security. The most popular option is Ledger.</li><li>Online wallet - Very convenient.</li><li>Paper wallet - Budget option that’s also secure.</li></ul><p class="text-lg mt-2 leading-8 font-light">In short, the best wallet to buy Bitcoin instantly is Electrum because it’s safe and takes just a minute to create.</p></div></div><div class="swiper-button-prev"></div><div class="swiper-button-next"></div></div></div></div></div><div class="mt-20 bg-cyan py-11"><div class="container h-full mx-auto max-w-7xl"><div class="grid gap-10 px-3 md:px-0 md:gap-0 md:grid-cols-2 h-full items-center text-white"><div class="flex flex-col gap-2"><h2 class="text-xl md:text-3xl">Why people trust 800crypto</h2><h2 class="text-2xl md:text-4xl">Buy bitcoin in dubai with cash</h2></div><div><link rel="preload" href="" as="image"/><article class="yt-lite " data-title="800crypto" style="background-image:url(;--aspect-ratio:56.25%"><button class="lty-playbtn" aria-label="Watch 800crypto"></button></article></div></div></div></div><div class="container h-full mx-auto mt-24 max-w-7xl px-3 md:px-0"><div class="grid grid-cols-2 md:grid-cols-4 justify-center gap-8 md:gap-20 font-normal"><div class="flex flex-col items-center text-center gap-5"><svg width="36" height="36" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M18 0C8.075 0 0 8.075 0 18s8.075 18 18 18 18-8.075 18-18S27.925 0 18 0Zm10.06 13.263L16.556 24.677a1.77 1.77 0 0 1-2.48.045l-6.091-5.55a1.83 1.83 0 0 1-.135-2.525 1.785 1.785 0 0 1 2.526-.09l4.827 4.42 10.286-10.285a1.797 1.797 0 0 1 2.571 0c.722.722.722 1.85 0 2.571Z" fill="#167F8D"></path></svg><span class="text-xl md:text-2xl">No hidden fees</span></div><div class="flex flex-col items-center text-center gap-5"><svg width="36" height="36" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M18 0C8.075 0 0 8.075 0 18s8.075 18 18 18 18-8.075 18-18S27.925 0 18 0Zm10.06 13.263L16.556 24.677a1.77 1.77 0 0 1-2.48.045l-6.091-5.55a1.83 1.83 0 0 1-.135-2.525 1.785 1.785 0 0 1 2.526-.09l4.827 4.42 10.286-10.285a1.797 1.797 0 0 1 2.571 0c.722.722.722 1.85 0 2.571Z" fill="#167F8D"></path></svg><span class="text-xl md:text-2xl">Verification in less than 5 minutes</span></div><div class="flex flex-col items-center text-center gap-5"><svg width="36" height="36" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M18 0C8.075 0 0 8.075 0 18s8.075 18 18 18 18-8.075 18-18S27.925 0 18 0Zm10.06 13.263L16.556 24.677a1.77 1.77 0 0 1-2.48.045l-6.091-5.55a1.83 1.83 0 0 1-.135-2.525 1.785 1.785 0 0 1 2.526-.09l4.827 4.42 10.286-10.285a1.797 1.797 0 0 1 2.571 0c.722.722.722 1.85 0 2.571Z" fill="#167F8D"></path></svg><span class="text-xl md:text-2xl">Licenses Payment Service Providers</span></div><div class="flex flex-col items-center text-center gap-5"><svg width="36" height="36" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M18 0C8.075 0 0 8.075 0 18s8.075 18 18 18 18-8.075 18-18S27.925 0 18 0Zm10.06 13.263L16.556 24.677a1.77 1.77 0 0 1-2.48.045l-6.091-5.55a1.83 1.83 0 0 1-.135-2.525 1.785 1.785 0 0 1 2.526-.09l4.827 4.42 10.286-10.285a1.797 1.797 0 0 1 2.571 0c.722.722.722 1.85 0 2.571Z" fill="#167F8D"></path></svg><span class="text-xl md:text-2xl">24/7/365 live customer support</span></div></div><h2 class="text-xl md:text-2xl mt-32 font-bold text-center">Why buy bitcoin in Dubai using 800crypto Company.</h2><p class="font-light mt-8 text-justify leading-8">Bitcoin exchange in Dubai has become very popular since 2017 when the price of bitcoin was quadrupled. trading is a one-stop-shop for all your digital and cryptocurrency needs. You can use cash or a credit card either to buy bitcoin in Dubai or exchange bitcoin easily. It is a very efficient method to have value over the web. One of the advantages of bitcoin exchange over other asset exchanges is that is faster than other bank transfers and it can be sent all over the world. Bitcoin transfers are private and are not controlled by any third parties so you do not have to worry about security. The main thing is that bitcoin has a limited supply of 21 million bitcoins which means it has to be dealt with carefully. Ever since bitcoin was released in the year 2009, it has been a big investment opportunity for people. It is a business in which people can Buy bitcoin in Dubai or exchange bitcoin for other assets. But it is very important to know where to trade your bitcoins because you can be scammed easily as there are a lot of frauds online. offers you a safe trading place for all your bitcoin exchanges with 24/7 live support, faster and secure payments.</p><blockquote class="font-light mt-8 text-justify leading-8">800crypto is a leading over the counter Bitcoin shop where you can buy Bitcoin in Dubai with cash instantly and safely along with free cryptocurrency consultation service. Buy your Bitcoin today with the currency of your choosing! Buy Bitcoin (BTC) at the lowest possible price in Dubai UAE. 800CRYPTO works on the principle of peer-to-peer finance that enables you to buy BTC with as little as 500USD. You can buy directly from 800CRYPTO without banks or corporations. The best part? LOW fees when you purchase Bitcoin on 800CRYPTO. That means you get more crypto for your money. Thanks to nearly 40 payment methods available on the branch, you can turn your cash into Bitcoin instantly. You can also trade other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum for Bitcoin, or even get crypto debit card and top-up with Bitcoin. 800CRYPTO is protected with vault-level security and regulated. The marketplace is strictly monitored by our army of analysts and users are verified to ensure a safe trading environment.</blockquote><div class="grid grid-cols-3 md:grid-cols-6 justify-center mt-28 gap-8 font-normal"><div class="flex flex-col items-center text-center gap-5"><svg width="32" height="32" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M23.073 10.923a1.25 1.25 0 0 1 0 1.768l-8.386 8.386a1.25 1.25 0 0 1-1.768 0l-3.992-3.992a1.25 1.25 0 1 1 1.768-1.768l3.108 3.108 7.502-7.502a1.25 1.25 0 0 1 1.768 0ZM32 16c0 8.844-7.157 16-16 16-8.844 0-16-7.157-16-16C0 7.156 7.157 0 16 0c8.844 0 16 7.157 16 16Zm-2.5 0c0-7.462-6.039-13.5-13.5-13.5C8.538 2.5 2.5 8.539 2.5 16c0 7.462 6.039 13.5 13.5 13.5 7.462 0 13.5-6.039 13.5-13.5Z" fill="#444"></path></svg><span class="text-base">40-person team with expertise and experience</span></div><div class="flex flex-col items-center text-center gap-5"><svg width="32" height="32" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M23.073 10.923a1.25 1.25 0 0 1 0 1.768l-8.386 8.386a1.25 1.25 0 0 1-1.768 0l-3.992-3.992a1.25 1.25 0 1 1 1.768-1.768l3.108 3.108 7.502-7.502a1.25 1.25 0 0 1 1.768 0ZM32 16c0 8.844-7.157 16-16 16-8.844 0-16-7.157-16-16C0 7.156 7.157 0 16 0c8.844 0 16 7.157 16 16Zm-2.5 0c0-7.462-6.039-13.5-13.5-13.5C8.538 2.5 2.5 8.539 2.5 16c0 7.462 6.039 13.5 13.5 13.5 7.462 0 13.5-6.039 13.5-13.5Z" fill="#444"></path></svg><span class="text-base">More than $170,000,000 in annual transactions</span></div><div class="flex flex-col items-center text-center gap-5"><svg width="32" height="32" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M23.073 10.923a1.25 1.25 0 0 1 0 1.768l-8.386 8.386a1.25 1.25 0 0 1-1.768 0l-3.992-3.992a1.25 1.25 0 1 1 1.768-1.768l3.108 3.108 7.502-7.502a1.25 1.25 0 0 1 1.768 0ZM32 16c0 8.844-7.157 16-16 16-8.844 0-16-7.157-16-16C0 7.156 7.157 0 16 0c8.844 0 16 7.157 16 16Zm-2.5 0c0-7.462-6.039-13.5-13.5-13.5C8.538 2.5 2.5 8.539 2.5 16c0 7.462 6.039 13.5 13.5 13.5 7.462 0 13.5-6.039 13.5-13.5Z" fill="#444"></path></svg><span class="text-base">Instant cryptocurrency payouts</span></div><div class="flex flex-col items-center text-center gap-5"><svg width="32" height="32" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M23.073 10.923a1.25 1.25 0 0 1 0 1.768l-8.386 8.386a1.25 1.25 0 0 1-1.768 0l-3.992-3.992a1.25 1.25 0 1 1 1.768-1.768l3.108 3.108 7.502-7.502a1.25 1.25 0 0 1 1.768 0ZM32 16c0 8.844-7.157 16-16 16-8.844 0-16-7.157-16-16C0 7.156 7.157 0 16 0c8.844 0 16 7.157 16 16Zm-2.5 0c0-7.462-6.039-13.5-13.5-13.5C8.538 2.5 2.5 8.539 2.5 16c0 7.462 6.039 13.5 13.5 13.5 7.462 0 13.5-6.039 13.5-13.5Z" fill="#444"></path></svg><span class="text-base">Lowest fees on the market</span></div><div class="flex flex-col items-center text-center gap-5"><svg width="32" height="32" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M23.073 10.923a1.25 1.25 0 0 1 0 1.768l-8.386 8.386a1.25 1.25 0 0 1-1.768 0l-3.992-3.992a1.25 1.25 0 1 1 1.768-1.768l3.108 3.108 7.502-7.502a1.25 1.25 0 0 1 1.768 0ZM32 16c0 8.844-7.157 16-16 16-8.844 0-16-7.157-16-16C0 7.156 7.157 0 16 0c8.844 0 16 7.157 16 16Zm-2.5 0c0-7.462-6.039-13.5-13.5-13.5C8.538 2.5 2.5 8.539 2.5 16c0 7.462 6.039 13.5 13.5 13.5 7.462 0 13.5-6.039 13.5-13.5Z" fill="#444"></path></svg><span class="text-base">Excellent option for beginners and pros</span></div><div class="flex flex-col items-center text-center gap-5"><svg width="32" height="32" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M23.073 10.923a1.25 1.25 0 0 1 0 1.768l-8.386 8.386a1.25 1.25 0 0 1-1.768 0l-3.992-3.992a1.25 1.25 0 1 1 1.768-1.768l3.108 3.108 7.502-7.502a1.25 1.25 0 0 1 1.768 0ZM32 16c0 8.844-7.157 16-16 16-8.844 0-16-7.157-16-16C0 7.156 7.157 0 16 0c8.844 0 16 7.157 16 16Zm-2.5 0c0-7.462-6.039-13.5-13.5-13.5C8.538 2.5 2.5 8.539 2.5 16c0 7.462 6.039 13.5 13.5 13.5 7.462 0 13.5-6.039 13.5-13.5Z" fill="#444"></path></svg><span class="text-base">Serving 180+ countries</span></div></div><div class="mt-32 flex flex-col items-center"><h2 class="text-xl text-center md:text-2xl font-bold">FAQ about buying BTC (Bitcoin) in 800crypto Dubai</h2><div class="w-full flex flex-col gap-6 mt-10"><div class="bg-gray-200 relative h-[55px] md:h-[50px] overflow-hidden py-5 pr-5 pl-14 custom-shadow cursor-pointer transition-all"><div class="absolute left-4 top-5"><svg width="20" height="20" fill="#666666" xmlns=""><path d="M17.163 6.343a.312.312 0 0 0-.288-.19H3.125a.313.313 0 0 0-.224.53l6.875 7.071a.313.313 0 0 0 .448 0l6.875-7.071a.313.313 0 0 0 .064-.34Z"></path></svg></div><h3 class="font-bold">This is my first time. Can you help me?</h3><p class="mt-6">Yes, of course. Visit our office, and our employees will be happy to assist you with your transaction.</p></div><div class="bg-gray-200 relative h-[55px] md:h-[50px] overflow-hidden py-5 pr-5 pl-14 custom-shadow cursor-pointer transition-all"><div class="absolute left-4 top-5"><svg width="20" height="20" fill="#666666" xmlns=""><path d="M17.163 6.343a.312.312 0 0 0-.288-.19H3.125a.313.313 0 0 0-.224.53l6.875 7.071a.313.313 0 0 0 .448 0l6.875-7.071a.313.313 0 0 0 .064-.34Z"></path></svg></div><h3 class="font-bold">What is the min/max amount that I can buy?</h3><p class="mt-6">Our Minimum Transaction Amount is 0.001 BTC and Maximum 4M BTC Per Person Per Day</p></div><div class="bg-gray-200 relative h-[55px] md:h-[50px] overflow-hidden py-5 pr-5 pl-14 custom-shadow cursor-pointer transition-all"><div class="absolute left-4 top-5"><svg width="20" height="20" fill="#666666" xmlns=""><path d="M17.163 6.343a.312.312 0 0 0-.288-.19H3.125a.313.313 0 0 0-.224.53l6.875 7.071a.313.313 0 0 0 .448 0l6.875-7.071a.313.313 0 0 0 .064-.34Z"></path></svg></div><h3 class="font-bold">How long does it take to buy Bitcoin in 800crypto Dubai?</h3><p class="mt-6">The exchange takes around 5 to 10 minutes. We want our service to be convenient, and we try to take care of your needs as quickly as possible.</p></div><div class="bg-gray-200 relative h-[55px] md:h-[50px] overflow-hidden py-5 pr-5 pl-14 custom-shadow cursor-pointer transition-all"><div class="absolute left-4 top-5"><svg width="20" height="20" fill="#666666" xmlns=""><path d="M17.163 6.343a.312.312 0 0 0-.288-.19H3.125a.313.313 0 0 0-.224.53l6.875 7.071a.313.313 0 0 0 .448 0l6.875-7.071a.313.313 0 0 0 .064-.34Z"></path></svg></div><h3 class="font-bold">What are the opening and closing hours of the Dubai office?</h3><p class="mt-6">Monday to Saturday 10 A.M. to 7 P.M., Sunday closed.</p></div><div class="bg-gray-200 relative h-[55px] md:h-[50px] overflow-hidden py-5 pr-5 pl-14 custom-shadow cursor-pointer transition-all"><div class="absolute left-4 top-5"><svg width="20" height="20" fill="#666666" xmlns=""><path d="M17.163 6.343a.312.312 0 0 0-.288-.19H3.125a.313.313 0 0 0-.224.53l6.875 7.071a.313.313 0 0 0 .448 0l6.875-7.071a.313.313 0 0 0 .064-.34Z"></path></svg></div><h3 class="font-bold">How many branches do you have in Dubai?</h3><p class="mt-6">We have Few Branches in Dubai. But The Most convenient Branch is Located at Marasi Drive Business Bay P4 Floor Office P401 and P402 The Binary By Omniyat - Dubai - UAE</p></div><div class="bg-gray-200 relative h-[55px] md:h-[50px] overflow-hidden py-5 pr-5 pl-14 custom-shadow cursor-pointer transition-all"><div class="absolute left-4 top-5"><svg width="20" height="20" fill="#666666" xmlns=""><path d="M17.163 6.343a.312.312 0 0 0-.288-.19H3.125a.313.313 0 0 0-.224.53l6.875 7.071a.313.313 0 0 0 .448 0l6.875-7.071a.313.313 0 0 0 .064-.34Z"></path></svg></div><h3 class="font-bold">Can I Pay USD or Euro Instead of AED?</h3><p class="mt-6">Yes You Can Pay Via USD or Euro :)</p></div><div class="bg-gray-200 relative h-[55px] md:h-[50px] overflow-hidden py-5 pr-5 pl-14 custom-shadow cursor-pointer transition-all"><div class="absolute left-4 top-5"><svg width="20" height="20" fill="#666666" xmlns=""><path d="M17.163 6.343a.312.312 0 0 0-.288-.19H3.125a.313.313 0 0 0-.224.53l6.875 7.071a.313.313 0 0 0 .448 0l6.875-7.071a.313.313 0 0 0 .064-.34Z"></path></svg></div><h3 class="font-bold">Can I buy Bitcoin (BTC) online?</h3><p class="mt-6">Yes You Can Buy Online And Get Cash Or Bank Transfer By Visiting The Buy Page, Also Available on Our OTC (Over the Counter) exchange.</p></div><div class="bg-gray-200 relative h-[55px] md:h-[50px] overflow-hidden py-5 pr-5 pl-14 custom-shadow cursor-pointer transition-all"><div class="absolute left-4 top-5"><svg width="20" height="20" fill="#666666" xmlns=""><path d="M17.163 6.343a.312.312 0 0 0-.288-.19H3.125a.313.313 0 0 0-.224.53l6.875 7.071a.313.313 0 0 0 .448 0l6.875-7.071a.313.313 0 0 0 .064-.34Z"></path></svg></div><h3 class="font-bold">Do you have an app?</h3><p class="mt-6">Yes We Do Have an App, You Can Download From Apple Store Or Google Play.</p></div><div class="bg-gray-200 relative h-[55px] md:h-[50px] overflow-hidden py-5 pr-5 pl-14 custom-shadow cursor-pointer transition-all"><div class="absolute left-4 top-5"><svg width="20" height="20" fill="#666666" xmlns=""><path d="M17.163 6.343a.312.312 0 0 0-.288-.19H3.125a.313.313 0 0 0-.224.53l6.875 7.071a.313.313 0 0 0 .448 0l6.875-7.071a.313.313 0 0 0 .064-.34Z"></path></svg></div><h3 class="font-bold">Do you provide receipt when i buy my btc in your Dubai store?</h3><p class="mt-6">Yes we do provide an official receipt for any transaction.</p></div></div></div></div><iframe class="mt-32" title="800crypto location" loading="lazy" src="!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d3610.464508323351!2d55.26461691500926!3d25.18755308390056!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x3e5f69b5de569073%3A0x96b1342dcb3f2b78!2sBuy%20Bitcoin%20Dubai%20%7C%20Palladium%20Payment%20Services%20LLC!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sae!4v1611132995769!5m2!1sen!2sae" width="100%" height="250" allowfullscreen=""></iframe><div class="bg-gray-500"><div class="container h-full mx-auto max-w-7xl py-10 text-white"><h3 class="text-lg md:text-2xl leading-10 font-light text-center"> is the best place to buy Bitcoin in Dubai UAE instantly. Now you can buy bitcoin and other cryptos in Dubai easily and securely with</h3></div></div><div class="bg-gray-600"><div class="container h-full mx-auto max-w-7xl py-2 text-white px-3 md:px-0"><span class="text-sm md:text-base leading-10 font-light text-center">By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to accept our<!-- --> <a class="font-medium" href="/privacy"> Privacy Policy </a>and<a class="font-medium" href="/agreement"> Terms of Service </a>.</span></div></div><div class="fixed bottom-3 left-3 md:bottom-5 md:left-5 flex flex-col gap-1 md:gap-2 z-20"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" aria-label="WhatsApp"><svg height="48" viewBox="0 0 64 64" width="48" xmlns=""><circle cx="32" cy="32" r="30" fill="#fff"></circle><g fill="#67d449" fill-rule="evenodd"><path d="M39.826 37.522c-.33.926-1.914 1.77-2.676 1.884-.682.102-1.546.144-2.496-.156a23.092 23.092 0 0 1-2.258-.836c-3.976-1.716-6.574-5.718-6.772-5.982s-1.618-2.148-1.618-4.098 1.024-2.91 1.388-3.306c.362-.396.792-.496 1.056-.496s.528.002.76.014c.244.012.57-.092.892.68.33.794 1.122 2.744 1.222 2.942. 1.694 2.204 2.744c1.514 1.35 2.792 1.768 3.188 1.968.396.198.628.164.858-.1.232-.264.992-1.156 1.256-1.554.264-.396.528-.33.892-.198.362.132 2.312 1.09 2.708 1.29.396. 1.884m-7.754-18.844c-7.272 0-13.188 5.912-13.19 13.178 0 2.49.696 4.916 2.016 7.014l.314.498-1.332 4.864 4.99-1.308.48.284a13.145 13.145 0 0 0 6.71 1.838h.006c7.266 0 13.18-5.912 13.184-13.18a13.1 13.1 0 0 0-3.858-9.324 13.097 13.097 0 0 0-9.32-3.864"></path><path d="M32.066 47.724h-.006c-2.656 0-5.264-.666-7.58-1.93L16.07 48l2.252-8.218a15.814 15.814 0 0 1-2.118-7.928C16.208 23.112 23.322 16 32.066 16a15.75 15.75 0 0 1 11.22 4.65 15.757 15.757 0 0 1 4.642 11.218c-.004 8.742-7.12 15.856-15.862 15.856M32 0C14.326 0 0 14.326 0 32c0 17.672 14.326 32 32 32 17.672 0 32-14.328 32-32C64 14.326 49.672 0 32 0"></path></g></svg></a><a href="tel:800279786" aria-label="Tel"><svg height="48" viewBox="0 0 32 32" width="48" xmlns=""><circle cx="16" cy="16" r="15" fill="#fff"></circle><path d="M16 1a15 15 0 1 0 15 15A15 15 0 0 0 16 1zm.643 9.214a5.149 5.149 0 0 1 5.143 5.143H20.5a3.861 3.861 0 0 0-3.857-3.857zM20.808 25c-.039 0-3.9-.066-8.865-4.943C7.066 15.094 7 11.231 7 11.192 7 10.711 10 7 10.663 7c.23 0 .409.156.605.39.472.562 2.559 3.856 2.463 4.405-.046.258-.265.454-.893.981a7.416 7.416 0 0 0-.866.8 6.906 6.906 0 0 0 .566 1.526 9.435 9.435 0 0 0 4.362 4.36 6.906 6.906 0 0 0 1.526.566 7.416 7.416 0 0 0 .8-.866c.527-.628.723-.847.981-.893.549-.1 3.843 1.991 4.405 2.463. 22 21.289 25 20.808 25zm2.906-9.643a7.079 7.079 0 0 0-7.071-7.071V7A8.367 8.367 0 0 1 25 15.357z" fill="#DD3636"></path></svg></a></div></div><script id="__NEXT_DATA__" type="application/json">{"props":{"pageProps":{}},"page":"/","query":{},"buildId":"fgestrDMvdvau-dTZLlX7","nextExport":true,"autoExport":true,"isFallback":false,"scriptLoader":[]}</script><script src="/cdn-cgi/scripts/7d0fa10a/cloudflare-static/rocket-loader.min.js" data-cf-settings="9c4d5a14d04469c67f4ffd20-|49" defer></script></body></html>
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