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  3. <title> Hottest Titles</title>
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  5. <description>The Largest RPG Download Store!</description>
  6. <language>en-us</language>
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  8. <title><![CDATA[Solo RPG GME - Fantasy]]></title>
  9. <link><![CDATA[]]></link>
  10. <pubDate>Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:26:18 CDT</pubDate>
  11. <description><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="Solo RPG GME - Fantasy" title="Solo RPG GME - Fantasy" align="left" hspace="3" vspace="3" /><b>Publisher</b>: Wilona and #039;s Cave Games<br /><p>Master the art of solo adventuring with Solo RPG GME - Fantasy.</p>
  12. <p></p>
  13. <p>Journey into a world of endless adventure and mystery with Solo RPG GME - Fantasy – a dynamic Game Master Emulator designed specifically for solo RPG enthusiasts. Whether you're a seasoned role-player or new to the solo experience, this comprehensive guide offers many key aspects you need to craft thrilling narratives and uncover hidden secrets in your own fantastical realms.</p>
  14. <p></p>
  15. <p><strong>Key Features:</strong></p>
  16. <p></p>
  17. <p><strong>- Easy  and amp; Dynamic Oracle:</strong> Make decisive game choices with ease using our streamlined Oracle system, guiding you through every twist and turn of your solo adventure.</p>
  18. <p><strong>- NPC Conversation Generator:</strong> Help bring your characters to life with dynamic dialogue prompts, creating engaging and interesting interactions with every NPC you encounter.</p>
  19. <p><strong>- Tarot Card System:</strong> Add a mystical layer to your gameplay with our Tarot Card System, providing unique insights and guiding your narrative with the draw of each card.</p>
  20. <p><strong>- Random Event Generators:</strong> Keep your story unpredictable and exciting with our extensive list of random events, ensuring that no two adventures are ever the same.</p>
  21. <p><strong>- Dynamic Clue Dice System:</strong> Roll for unexpected discoveries and keep the excitement alive with our intuitive Clue Dice mechanism, ensuring every session is filled with surprises.</p>
  22. <p><strong>- Random Tables:</strong> Featuring numerous Random Tables, this system provides endless possibilities for players to build their adventure and encounter unexpected twists.</p>
  23. <p><strong>- Layered Revelations:</strong> Engage with a multi-step process for uncovering secrets, helping make each discovery feel earned and impactful.</p>
  24. <p><strong>- Versatile and Adaptable:</strong> Perfect for any fantasy setting, Solo RPG GME - Fantasy can be integrated into your favorite TTRPG systems, providing endless possibilities for solo campaigns.</p>
  25. <p></p>
  26. <p>Even though this supplement is meant for solo roleplaying, it can be used as an aid for a GM in a group session, help a writer craft their fantasy-based book, and it is versatile enough to be used with most fantasy-based systems.</p>
  27. <p></p>
  28. <p>With Solo RPG GME - Fantasy, the power to create epic stories and unforgettable adventures lies in your hands. Transform your solo RPG sessions into captivating journeys where every roll of the dice reveals a new twist. Are you ready to uncover the mysteries that await?</p>
  29. <p></p>
  30. <p>Embark on your solo adventure today with Solo RPG GME - Fantasy – your gateway to a world of endless possibilities.</p>]]></description>
  31. <price></price>
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  34. <title><![CDATA[The Chamax Plague]]></title>
  35. <link><![CDATA[]]></link>
  36. <pubDate>Fri, 26 Jul 2024 08:05:59 CDT</pubDate>
  37. <description><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="The Chamax Plague" title="The Chamax Plague" align="left" hspace="3" vspace="3" /><b>Publisher</b>: Mongoose<br /><p>A lifeless world.</p>
  38. <p>A missing survey team.</p>
  39. <p>Reluctantly loaning his free trader, <i>Mudshark</i>, to the search, Captain Gael Agafon’s only interest is in making a few Credits on the side and leaving Chamax as quickly as possible. But on finding the survey ship derelict and mysteriously abandoned by its crew, Gael and his team are forced to confront the darkest secrets of Chamax.</p>
  40. <p>Because this world has not always been dead.</p>
  41. <p>This short story comes in MOBI, ePub and PDF formats.</p>]]></description>
  42. <price></price>
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  45. <title><![CDATA[Delta Green: God's Eye]]></title>
  46. <link><![CDATA[]]></link>
  47. <pubDate>Sat, 20 Jul 2024 13:38:17 CDT</pubDate>
  48. <description><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="Delta Green: God's Eye" title="Delta Green: God's Eye" align="left" hspace="3" vspace="3" /><b>Publisher</b>: Arc Dream Publishing<br /><div>
  49. <div>
  50. <div>
  51. <h1><span>WE LIVE AND WE DIE BENEATH THE ALL-SEEING EYE</span></h1>
  52. </div>
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  58. <p><span>A mathematician inexplicably vanishes from a secretive company in Reno, a company that specializes in the software that allows high-flying drones to spy on every inch of the city. She is only the first. Can the Agents recognize a pattern of killings and disappearances in time? Or will they be next to fall under the unblinking gaze of a pitiless power?</span></p>
  59. <p><span>In </span><span><em>Delta Green: God’s Eye,</em> </span><span>the Agents confront an inexorable government panopticon, unnatural revelations unleashed by the death of privacy, and the violence of desperate revenge.</span></p>
  60. <p><span>God’s Eye </span><span>is playable with </span><em>Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game, </em><span>available from Arc Dream Publishing. Optionally, it makes a perfect companion to the acclaimed campaign </span><span><em>Delta Green: God’s Teeth.</em> </span><span>Learn more at</span></p>
  61. </div>
  62. </div>
  63. </div>]]></description>
  64. <price></price>
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  67. <title><![CDATA[D20 Random Tables - Fantasy]]></title>
  68. <link><![CDATA[]]></link>
  69. <pubDate>Tue, 23 Jul 2024 17:51:19 CDT</pubDate>
  70. <description><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="D20 Random Tables - Fantasy" title="D20 Random Tables - Fantasy" align="left" hspace="3" vspace="3" /><b>Publisher</b>: Wilona and #039;s Cave Games<br /><p>Discover the Ultimate Tool for TTRPG Game Masters: D20 Random Tables - Fantasy!</p>
  71. <p></p>
  72. <p>Unlock endless possibilities and elevate your tabletop role-playing game with this comprehensive supplement, <strong>packed with over 570 D20 tables spanning 400 pages of 36 chapters.</strong> Whether you’re a seasoned GM or a newcomer, D20 Random Tables - Fantasy offers an unparalleled resource to inspire creativity, streamline game preparation, and enhance your storytelling.</p>
  73. <p></p>
  74. <p><strong>What's Inside:</strong></p>
  75. <p></p>
  76. <p><strong>- Chapter 1: Books</strong> - Generate ancient tomes, spellbooks, and mysterious manuscripts to add depth and intrigue to your game world.</p>
  77. <p><strong>- Chapter 2: Characters and Personalities</strong> - Create compelling NPCs with unique traits and backstories to bring your world to life.</p>
  78. <p><strong>- Chapter 3: Combat and Conflict</strong> - Craft dynamic and thrilling combat encounters with a variety of twists and challenges.</p>
  79. <p><strong>- Chapter 4: Critical Rolls</strong> - Add drama and excitement with critical hit and miss outcomes that keep players on their toes.</p>
  80. <p><strong>- Chapter 5: Dungeons and Dark Places</strong> - Populate your dungeons with hazards, treasures, and lore to captivate your players.</p>
  81. <p><strong>- Chapter 6: Dungeon Rooms</strong> - Fill every corner of your labyrinthine lairs with unique and engaging rooms.</p>
  82. <p><strong>- Chapter 7: Encounters, Jobs, and Rumors</strong> - Provide endless quests and adventures with intriguing encounters and compelling rumors.</p>
  83. <p><strong>- Chapter 8: Food</strong> - Enhance your world's culture and economy with detailed food items and culinary delights.</p>
  84. <p><strong>- Chapter 9: Items and Things</strong> - Equip your adventurers with a wide array of items, from the mundane to the magical.</p>
  85. <p><strong>- Chapter 10: Kingdoms</strong> - Build entire kingdoms complete with governments, cultures, and conflicts.</p>
  86. <p></p>
  87. <p><strong>And Much More:</strong></p>
  88. <p></p>
  89. <p><strong>- Magic and Arcane Wonders</strong> - Unleash powerful spells and mystical artifacts.</p>
  90. <p><strong>- Pirates and Life at Sea</strong> - Set sail on epic maritime adventures.</p>
  91. <p><strong>- Potions</strong> - Brew potent potions and elixirs for every occasion.</p>
  92. <p><strong>- Quests and Adventures</strong> - Embark on heroic journeys with ready-made quests.</p>
  93. <p><strong>- Taverns and Strongholds</strong> - Design bustling taverns and imposing strongholds.</p>
  94. <p><strong>- Wilderness and Natural Features</strong> - Explore the untamed wilds with diverse landscapes and creatures.</p>
  95. <p><strong>- Mystical Phenomena</strong> - Infuse your world with enigmatic and awe-inspiring phenomena.</p>
  96. <p><strong>- Dark Magic</strong> - Confront the forces of darkness with sinister spells and cursed artifacts.</p>
  97. <p></p>
  98. <p> <strong>Why Choose D20 Random Tables - Fantasy?</strong></p>
  99. <p></p>
  100. <p><strong>- Versatility:</strong> Perfect for any fantasy setting, these tables can be adapted to fit a wide range of TTRPG systems.</p>
  101. <p><strong>- Ease of Use:</strong> Streamline your game preparation with ready-to-use tables that save time and spark creativity.</p>
  102. <p><strong>- Endless Inspiration:</strong> With over <strong>570 tables</strong>, you’ll never run out of ideas for your campaigns, ensuring each session is fresh and exciting.</p>
  103. <p><strong>- Comprehensive Coverage:</strong> From dungeon crawls to political intrigue, from bustling cities to wild frontiers, this supplement has it all.</p>
  104. <p></p>
  105. <p><strong>Live Document:</strong></p>
  106. <p></p>
  107. <p><strong>This is a Live Document!</strong> I will be periodically updating and adding more D20 tables to ensure it remains an invaluable and evolving resource for your gaming needs. Stay tuned for new content and enhancements that will keep your adventures ever-changing and full of surprises.</p>
  108. <p></p>
  109. <p>Take your tabletop adventures to the next level with D20 Random Tables - Fantasy. Dive into a treasure trove of inspiration and watch your game world come to life like never before.</p>
  110. <p></p>
  111. <p>Get your copy today and unlock a universe of endless possibilities!</p>]]></description>
  112. <price></price>
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  115. <title><![CDATA[Trinity Continuum: Aether]]></title>
  116. <link><![CDATA[]]></link>
  117. <pubDate>Wed, 24 Jul 2024 06:05:02 CDT</pubDate>
  118. <description><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="Trinity Continuum: Aether" title="Trinity Continuum: Aether" align="left" hspace="3" vspace="3" /><b>Publisher</b>: Onyx Path Publishing<br /><p><img src="" alt="Aether_Spread_01.jpg" width="550" /></p>
  119. <p><i><br /></i></p>
  120. <p><i>Call it what it was: hubris, arrogance, a collective delusion of grandeur… We thought we were the only beings in this universe and that with our grand intellect and glorious empires we were the best humanity would ever be.<span> </span></i></p>
  121. <p><i>And then came Aether.<span> </span></i></p>
  122. <p><i>And along with Aether came mental expansion, form mutation, matter warping, time manipulation, and the discovery of new worlds, new peoples, new and terrifying possibilities.</i></p>
  123. <p><i>And with Aether came the doom of humankind. Aether brought the Martians to our world, and the unravelling of the reality we knew. <span>   </span></i></p>
  124. <p><i><span><br /></span></i></p>
  125. <p><img src="" alt="Aether_Spread_02.jpg" width="550" /></p>
  126. <p>Aether is a full rule and setting expansion for the Trinity Continuum line of games, set in the year 1895, at a time when humanity has conquered its own world, and now seeks to conquer the limitations imposed on us by the laws of all the sciences known to our kind.</p>
  127. <p>Inside, you will find:</p>
  128. <ul><li>A complete Victorian-era setting to explore and Paths for characters to embark upon.</li>
  129. <li>Aether powers allowing you manipulate fate, space, time, and even your own bodies in wondrous and horrifying ways.</li>
  130. <li>Societies both lawful and rogue, looking to leave their imprint on the world, from those in league with Mina Harker to those affiliated with Dr. Jekyll and Moriarty.</li>
  131. <li>Storyguide advice, secrets, hooks, and plots, to enable you to start your game of Aether off with a bang.</li>
  132. </ul><div></div>
  133. <div><img src="" alt="Aether_Spread_03.jpg" width="550" /></div>
  134. <p></p>
  135. <hr></hr><p></p>
  136. <p>Also available now from Onyx Path Publishing:</p>
  137. <h3><a href=""><img src="" width="140" height="200" alt="Rat in a Burning Cage" style="float:right;" />Rat in a Burning Cage</a></h3>
  138. <p><span>Porvenir should be a sanctuary for those who dwell in the Shadow; a place for assassins to hide out, retire, and wile away their autumn years.<span>  </span>This jungle town is far from the utopia it’s purported to be.<span> </span>Someone has crossed a line in Porvenir, and it’s for your assassins to pick up the pieces, even as every member of this Shadow community guns for you.</span></p>
  139. <p><strong>Rat in a Burning Cage</strong> is an introductory scenario for <strong>Trinity Continuum: Assassins</strong> designed to make its play easy and fun at in-person and virtual tabletops.<span> </span><strong>Trinity Continuum: Assassins</strong> uses the Storypath System, provided in the pages of this book!<span> </span></p>
  140. <p><strong>Rat in a Burning Cage</strong> includes:<span> </span></p>
  141. <ul><li>Five playable characters complete with character sheets.<span> </span></li>
  142. <li>A story in three acts, perfect for a virtual tabletop one-shot or convention play.<span> </span></li>
  143. <li>Maps (both gridded and non gridded) and handouts for use in your virtual games.<span> </span></li>
  144. <li><span>Incidental sounds and music</span></li>
  145. <li>Printable battlemap and handouts.</li>
  146. <li><span>The complete TC Assassins Token set along with the 5 RMCs.</span></li>
  147. <li>All the Masteries, Edges, and Storypath system mechanics you<span> need.</span></li>
  148. </ul>]]></description>
  149. <price></price>
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  152. <title><![CDATA[GorgeWorld]]></title>
  153. <link><![CDATA[]]></link>
  154. <pubDate>Wed, 10 Jul 2024 14:11:23 CDT</pubDate>
  155. <description><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="GorgeWorld" title="GorgeWorld" align="left" hspace="3" vspace="3" /><b>Publisher</b>: PhealGud Creations<br /><p>WELCOME TO GORGEWORLD<br /><br />Where someone's immense appetite doesn't just apply to adventure.  GorgeWorld is a 'fat fur' themed table top RPG that is a setting agnostic system meant to replicate all your favorite plus sized scenarios in anthropamorphic fashion.<br /><br />From getting stuck in doorways, to belly bumping a robot into a spiked wall.  GorgeWorld is there to make your mass matter.  GorgeWorld's system and various add on rules allow you to not only eat your heart out, but cast spells, travel the globe, or even go to space with its three included starter settings which add new genre specific rules, like magic, or space combat.<br /><br />So join in, as you burst belts, throw your weight around, and out eat the competition in the biggest adventure you could imagine.<br /><br />Inside the book contains over 65 stunning pieces of art created by over 20 different artists.  A players guide, a GMing guide, and three quick start settings for a fantasy, modern, and sci-fi campaign.  Along with additional rules for other expansive shenanigains.<br /><br />This includes the Cover Art by: Inklsplot (Twitter @InksplotTweets and<br /><br />And amazing additional art by: Batspid, BLITE, Bourbon D. Crow, Cursed Corvidae, DaBubby, Double, Elpida, Envy, Fawxen, Floots, GhostBellies, Javanshir, Jim Harrigan, Josephine Dragon, MorbidlyChubese, Neigh  and amp; Whinny, Omnicomm, Pencil Guy, Phanto, ppPlante, Razzek, Skie, SaltyPantz, Terra-soft, TheSpacePone3, VolkenFox</p>
  156. <p>((NOTE: This is a niche product depicting plus sized individuals, if that isn't your thing, thats alright, this book is probably not for you.  If your curious, check the previews.))</p>]]></description>
  157. <price></price>
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  160. <title><![CDATA[Benighted Betrothal]]></title>
  161. <link><![CDATA[]]></link>
  162. <pubDate>Fri, 26 Jul 2024 06:44:42 CDT</pubDate>
  163. <description><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="Benighted Betrothal" title="Benighted Betrothal" align="left" hspace="3" vspace="3" /><b>Publisher</b>: Melsonian Arts Council<br /><div>
  164. <p><span>Benighted Betrothal is an old-school adventure for 3rd-level parties of wandering adventurers, compatible with the Basic and Expert editions of D and amp;D, and any modern simulacra such as <em>Old-School Essentials</em>, <em>Basic Fantasy RPG</em>, and <em>Labyrinth Lord</em>.</span></p>
  165. <p><span>The players are outsiders from beyond the fjords, visitors to Gnupr, but are welcomed to Jarl Olaf Gunnbjörn's feast. The Jarl's daughter is celebrating her betrothal into an ambitious rival clan, it should be a joyous time! Yet there are forces working against the union, and without the players' intervention there will soon be blood on the ice.</span></p>
  166. <p><span><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Inside this handsome hardback book you'll find</span></strong></span></p>
  167. <ul><li><span>1 old-school D and amp;D adventure, easily inserted into ongoing campaigns,</span></li>
  168. <li><span>A story of familial drama and old curses,</span></li>
  169. <li><span>17 fleshed-out and interactive NPCs with conflicting desires and secrets to be uncovered,</span></li>
  170. <li><span>20 different hired swords ready to join the party,</span></li>
  171. <li><span>a table of old-school random wilderness encounters,</span></li>
  172. <li><span>A dark and evil curse,</span></li>
  173. <li><span>Enchanted weapons,</span></li>
  174. <li><span>6 key locations to investigate,</span></li>
  175. <li><span>Ample no-violent solutions for savvy players,</span></li>
  176. <li><span>A dungeon AND a dragon!</span></li>
  177. </ul><p> </p>
  178. <p><span>Written by Sándor Gebei, illustrated by L.F.OSR, Odysseus Jones,  and amp; coloured by Peter Onyschuk</span></p>
  179. </div>]]></description>
  180. <price></price>
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  183. <title><![CDATA[S.M.A.S.H. Revised Core Rulebook]]></title>
  184. <link><![CDATA[]]></link>
  185. <pubDate>Fri, 26 Jul 2024 07:18:50 CDT</pubDate>
  186. <description><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="S.M.A.S.H. Revised Core Rulebook" title="S.M.A.S.H. Revised Core Rulebook" align="left" hspace="3" vspace="3" /><b>Publisher</b>: The Black Orifice<br /><p><strong>S.M.A.S.H.</strong> is the latest game from the creative minds that brought you ENnie-nominated <em>Etherscope</em>. Bringing the concept of asymmetrical games design to the superhero genre,<strong> S.M.A.S.H.</strong> is a game where each character has its own unique rules and systems, and every hero is genuinely <em>super</em>.</p>
  187. <p><strong>S.M.A.S.H.</strong> is a paradigm shift in superhero roleplaying games, bringing the concept of asymmetrical gaming to the genre. In asymmetrical gaming, each character interacts with the mechanics of the game in fundamental different ways. Let's have a look at how this works in<strong> S.M.A.S.H.</strong>:</p>
  188. <h2>What makes a hero?</h2>
  189. <p>The first key component to the game is the idea of splitting up what makes up a superhero into two main aspects: a Power Source and an Archetype. Whilst the archetype was possibly the most obvious option, basically covering what the superhero does, by separating that from how they get their powers - their power source - S.M.A.S.H. is able to reduce the number of archetypes needed. For example, a power suit hero like Iron Man, who basically flies around blasting stuff, could be a Blaster in the same way as the Human Torch, who also flies around blasting stuff. This method also maximises the total number of options by multiplying out the different combinations. With eight archetypes and eleven different power source options, there are a total of eighty eight different combinations for building characters. There’s also a third, somewhat lesser, building block to your character: your alter ego, which determines your skills and what you can do outside of your superpowered abilities.</p>
  190. <p>Another key concept for all characters is Stats. <strong>S.M.A.S.H.</strong>, like many roleplaying games, has stats that are used to determine your character’s basic capabilities: Defence (DEF), Power (POW) and Skill (SKL). Defence determines your defensive capabilities, whether it represents agility or toughness, Power represents the strength of your superpowers, and Skill is used to both determine your ability to use different skills, but also highlighting the difference between those heroes who focused on the skill of how they apply their powers rather than the raw power they wielded. Think about the difference between Captain America and Superman.</p>
  191. <p>Let’s have a look at each of these areas in more detail:</p>
  192. <h3>Alter Egos</h3>
  193. <p>The idea of an alter ego playing an important part in your character build comes out of the “big picture” of how the game works. The superhero stuff is largely something you only use in fights, but most of the actual roleplaying would come out of the bits between the fights, where your super powers matter little. <br />The mechanics for alter egos are super-(if you’ll excuse the pun)-simple, so that they don’t get in the way of roleplaying. The core idea here is that you want to very rarely actually want to require the use of a skill. So what do you need to use skills for? There are basically two main ways in which skills can be used: to discover the clues that led you to uncovering the supervillain’s nefarious schemes, and to overcome some of the obstacles that get put in your way. As such, the clues are largely focused on the different ways in which you might discover clues - things like interrogating people, searching an area, following tracks or performing some science experiment. Each archetype basically gets a different number of these skills, at slightly different values, and can pick from slightly different lists.</p>
  194. <p>That wasn’t quite the end of the story, though, because asymmetry is involved at every stage of the game: each alter ego also has its own special rule, focused on collecting clues, but managing it in a very different way. Some alter egos also have different formulas for calculating their levels in each skill, adding further diversity.</p>
  195. <h3>Building a Superhero</h3>
  196. <p>Power Sources and Archetypes were designed pretty much together. Whilst splitting these two aspects up makes for a good choice in a lot of ways, it creates a bit of a design bottleneck when it comes to asymmetry - there needs to be a standard interface that the power source and archetype both connect to, or it wouldn’t work. That interface was Power Points. Basically, your Power Source determines how many power points you get, and how regularly they regenerate, and your archetype tells you how you can spend these points to achieve your desired mechanical impact on the game. Given this, each archetype and power source needs to be truly different to really make the asymmetry of the game “sing”.</p>
  197. <p>Let’s start by having a quick look at power sources, then we’ll come back to archetypes…</p>
  198. <h3>Power Sources</h3>
  199. <p>Power sources are a fairly simple beast. It only really covers factors, mechanically speaking: how many power points did you get, and how quickly do you recover them. Add in a few special rules where needed and the job is done. Let’s have a quick look at some of the key ones:</p>
  200. <ul><li>Alphabetically superior is <strong>Absorption</strong>, used for those heroes who power themselves up from being attacked. They start with only a small number of points, but have the ability to generate them as they take damage.</li>
  201. <li>Next up is “<strong>Blessing</strong>”. This represents those heroes who had a fairly consistent supply of power, but had the ability to have their powers turned off, such as with Superman and Kryptonite. Blessing has a moderate power supply that refreshes every turn.</li>
  202. <li><strong>Innate</strong>, used for characters like mutants, ignore Power Points entirely, and use low-level powers for free. However, if they want to use big effects they will need to exert themselves, essentially meaning they damage themselves to do it.</li>
  203. <li>At the other end of the spectrum comes the <strong>Summoners</strong>, who can hold a large amount of power, but can only refresh that power when they take an action to summon more power points.</li>
  204. <li>Next comes the sort of heroes who aren’t actually superpowered - Batman, Iron Man and the like. These will basically fall into one of three categories: <strong>power suits</strong>, <strong>gadgets</strong> and those who are trained to replicate superpowers through a special <strong>technique</strong> (like a spellcaster, for example). Power suits gain a power source that refreshes each turn, but can be reduced as your suit got damaged, gadgeteers have to pre-pay for their powers in gadgets, and “technique” users needed to make a dice roll to see if their power could successfully go off.</li>
  205. <li>Finally, there's the <strong>transformation</strong> for charaers like the hulk that metamorpohsise into a powered-up form. They get to have two different stat lines, for their human and superpowered form, but also choose another power source to determine their power points from Absoption, Blessing, Innate or Summoning. However, their power level is somewhat limited to compensate for their better stats in superpowered form.</li>
  206. </ul><h3>Hero Archetypes</h3>
  207. <p>For combat to work smoothly, the archetypes need a standard interface for how they interact with each other. This comes down to an initiative for determining turn order, Hit Points and damage, and a handful of condition effects to represent the different ways in which people interact with each other. The first two of these are handled by a trio of calculated stats: Initiative (INIT), Hit Points (HP) and basic attack (ATK). As <strong>S.M.A.S.H.</strong> is all about asymmetry, these stats are calculated differently for each archetype. This allows characters to focus on the core stats that were most applicable to that archetype. Bricks, for example, will be better with a high Defence, whilst Blasters will benefit from a high Power stat and Martial Artists from a high Skill.</p>
  208. <p>As <strong>S.M.A.S.H.</strong> uses a short list of archetypes to cover a vast array of superhero concepts, each needs a host of options to pick from, so that you can create a range of characters from a single archetype. Each archetype provides a selection of Power Moves, which make up the main mechanical block of superpower power effect, and then each of these can be assigned Upgrades. The Asymmetry comes not only from what these powers actually do, but also from how each archetype would get to select their power moves and upgrades. Each archetype also has its own special rules that change a variety of things about the archetype’s approach to the game.</p>
  209. <p>Let’s have a look through each archetype to see how we achieved this asymmetry:</p>
  210. <ul><li><strong>Blasters:</strong> Blasters gain a special rule that sees them rolling dice for damage. Their calculated stats favour Power above all others. Their power moves tend to have a variable power point cost, and come with a scaling effect as a result. Every blaster gains the Blast power move, and then they can choose from other powers and upgrades, being able to apply any known upgrade without it affecting the cost.</li>
  211. <li><strong>Brick:</strong> Bricks have special rules that allow them to respond to enemies, moving and getting stronger as enemies attack them, and soaking damage for the team. Their calculated stats favour Defence, and to a lesser extent, Power. Bricks get to choose upgrades for their power moves without costing them choices, but instead it increases the cost to use that power.</li>
  212. <li><strong>Controller:</strong> Controllers’ powers work by controlling objects or creatures, called Thralls, and getting them to do their bidding. Their calculated stats favour Power and Skill over Defence. As with Blasters, Controllers all get the Summon Thrall power move, but this is actually the only power move the class has. Instead they have a large suite of upgrades for this power to choose from that modify the strength and utility of their Thralls.</li>
  213. <li><strong>Every Hero:</strong> The Every Hero is a themed superhero - Spiderman is a great example. When creating an every hero you choose three keywords to define your theme, which then determine what powers you can buy. They prefer a balance of stats in their calculated stats. Every heroes buy power moves and upgrades in a similar manner to Bricks (upgrades don’t cost them options but increase the power point cost), but in addition each power move has a list of keywords, and the more keyword matches you have, the fewer of your choices it will cost you to learn that power move. As a result they have probably the broadest range of powers as an archetype, but lacking the right keywords will reduce this list for each individual build. Every hero is by far the most versatile of the archetypes at character creation.</li>
  214. <li><strong>Martial Artist:</strong> The martial artist’s special rules all revolve around how their powers work. Every martial artist power move is a reaction to something else, often another of your power moves, allowing them to chain together combos of power effects. As a result they can choose a special combat Stance, which affects some of their power moves, and a rule that determines how many moves they can chain together at a time. Their calculated stats heavily favour Skill.</li>
  215. <li><strong>Mimic:</strong> Mimics copy the powers from other superheroes. They have a special rule that determines who they can copy, and then they can choose their powers each round, rather than choosing them at character creation. The archetype of the hero or villain that they are mimicking, however, restricts what powers they are able to use in the same round. That said, they do have a special rule called “Sticky Powers” that allows them to have powers that they always have access to, a bit like Rogue’s super strength and flight abilities.</li>
  216. <li><strong>Shapeshifters:</strong> The shapeshifter archetype was basically designed to combine together two common superhero archetypes: those that transform between different forms, like Ant Man and Beast Boy, and those who stretch and warp their body to achieve different effects, like Mr Fantastic. As a result, one of their special rules, Mastered Forms, allows them to pre-pick a collection of different powers and activate them together. Their calculated stats prefer Power and Defence over Skill. When a Shapeshifter learns a new power move, they automatically learn all the upgrades associated with it. Each power move has a variable cost and scaling effect (similar to Blasters), but they get to choose to apply a number of upgrades based on the points that they spent on the effect itself.</li>
  217. <li><strong>Speedsters:</strong> The Speedster’s special rule allows them to activate multiple times in the round, in reaction to enemy activations. This allows the speedster to keep moving and attacking throughout the round. Their calculated stats favour Power and, to a lesser extent, skill. Speedsters, like Shapeshifters, learn any upgrades with they learn a new power move, but, unlike shapeshifters, they have to spend extra power points to use them, and are limited to using one per activation - their power comes from being able to act several times, so their powers are individually a bit weaker than other archetypes.</li>
  218. </ul><p>Hopefully now I’ve given you a flavour of how the game works and whet your appetite for this amazing game.</p>
  219. <h3>New revised edition</h3>
  220. <p>This new revised edition has been created to both respond to some criticism of the original edition in terms of clarity and the use of AI art, and to include a bunch of new rules that we’ve developed as we’ve been playing it regularly over the last year. For those of you who already have the original, here’s what’s new:</p>
  221. <ul><li>Improved clarity to the core rules and terminology used in the game</li>
  222. <li>Removal or all AI-generated art</li>
  223. <li>A bunch of new character options, including new powers, upgrades, skills, story hooks, and expanded options within the archetype special rules.</li>
  224. <li>The addition of the “Power Splash” rule to allow characters to add a dash of out-of-archetype flavour to their hero build</li>
  225. </ul>]]></description>
  226. <price></price>
  227. </item>
  228. <item>
  229. <title><![CDATA[Magic Companion]]></title>
  230. <link><![CDATA[]]></link>
  231. <pubDate>Sat, 20 Jul 2024 07:07:39 CDT</pubDate>
  232. <description><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="Magic Companion" title="Magic Companion" align="left" hspace="3" vspace="3" /><b>Publisher</b>: Arion Games<br /><p style="text-align:center;"><strong>Wizards and Sorcerers and Mages of all kinds…</strong></p>
  233. <p style="text-align:center;"><br />Magic is an integral part of almost every Advanced Fighting Fantasy game, and this book provides plenty of new magical options for Players and Director alike!<br /><br />• Nine new Special Skills and Twelve new Talents</p>
  234. <p style="text-align:center;"><br />• New and Optional Magic rules</p>
  235. <p style="text-align:center;"><br />• New Oops and Critical tables</p>
  236. <p style="text-align:center;"><br />• Nine new Magical styles</p>
  237. <p style="text-align:center;"><br />• Thirty Seven new Wizardry Spells</p>
  238. <p style="text-align:center;"><br />• Four new Sorcery Spells</p>
  239. <p style="text-align:center;"><br />• Fourteen new Minor Magic cantrips</p>
  240. <p style="text-align:center;"><br />• Four new Enchantments</p>
  241. <p style="text-align:center;"><br /><br />Requires the Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2e Rulebook</p>]]></description>
  242. <price></price>
  243. </item>
  244. <item>
  245. <title><![CDATA[Shadowrun: Final Bets (Campaign Book)]]></title>
  246. <link><![CDATA[]]></link>
  247. <pubDate>Wed, 24 Jul 2024 06:05:02 CDT</pubDate>
  248. <description><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="Shadowrun: Final Bets (Campaign Book)" title="Shadowrun: Final Bets (Campaign Book)" align="left" hspace="3" vspace="3" /><b>Publisher</b>: Catalyst Game Labs<br /><h1>C’est La Guerre</h1>
  249. <p><em>“Paris is not a city; it’s a world.”</em></p>
  250. <p>The vastness of Paris beckons. A world of plots, schemes, money, power, and beauty. A world shadowrunners could get lost in—permanently, if they’re not careful.</p>
  251. <p>With alliances shifting and plots forming in the most elite parts of the city, Paris is a hotbed of shadow action. Final Bets gives players a chance to show that they can handle it—and maybe shape the fate of the world.</p>
  252. <p><em><strong>Final Bets</strong></em> is a campaign book for use with <em><strong>Shadowrun, Sixth World</strong></em>.</p>]]></description>
  253. <price></price>
  254. </item>
  255. <item>
  256. <title><![CDATA[Al-Azif Unearthed: Fragments - A Classic-Era Scenario for Call of Cthulhu]]></title>
  257. <link><![CDATA[]]></link>
  258. <pubDate>Wed, 24 Jul 2024 23:53:18 CDT</pubDate>
  259. <description><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="Al-Azif Unearthed: Fragments - A Classic-Era Scenario for Call of Cthulhu" title="Al-Azif Unearthed: Fragments - A Classic-Era Scenario for Call of Cthulhu" align="left" hspace="3" vspace="3" /><b>Publisher</b>: Chaosium<br /><h2 style="text-align:center;">AL-AZIF UNEARTHED: FRAGMENTS</h2>
  260. <h3 style="text-align:center;">The sequel to the best-selling <em>Al-Azif Unearthed: The Unraveling</em></h3>
  261. <p>****************</p>
  262. <p>Fall 1925. It has been several weeks since the upper floors of a downtown Boston hotel collapsed, leaving many dead and injured and survivors telling wild tales. Reports say that a fuel oil explosion caused the collapse and hallucinations, but Fire Marshal Julian Freeland isn’t so sure. Seeking to interview survivors, Freeland hopes that they might be able to help him shed more light on what happened. Whether the investigators are new or veterans of the first scenario, they begin to realize the horror at the Ackerley House Hotel may have just been the beginning. Following leads across Eastern Massachusetts, can they find a way to avert disaster?</p>
  263. <p><i>Fragments</i> is the second scenario in Al-Azif Unearthed, a serialized campaign uncovering an ancient artifact with connections to the dreaded <i>Necronomicon</i>. Expanding on the events of <i>The Unraveling, </i>this is well suited for 3-5 players over four or more sessions. The scenario can be played either as a continuation of <i>The Unraveling</i> or on its own for entirely new investigators. <i>You do not need a copy of The Unraveling</i> <i>to play this scenario. </i>However, combined with the original, the pair form a mini-campaign with high replay value for Keepers. </p>
  264. <p><b><i>Important: If you already own The Unraveling, purchasing the Bundle gives you a 25% discount off the list price. Follow this link to the Bundle to get a discount!</i></b></p>
  265. <p><a href=""></a></p>
  266. <h2><span style="font-size:1.5em;">Feature Highlights:</span></h2>
  267. <ul><li><span>A 100-page </span>“draining-hourglass” style scenario that pits a sandbox approach with an escalating series of events, allowing Investigators greater flexibility in their investigation, but a ticking clock that makes their progression increasingly hazardous.</li>
  268. <li><span></span>Fantastic original artwork from veteran Lovecraftian artist Paul Carrick </li>
  269. <li><span></span>Character artwork from Meg Fanning.</li>
  270. <li><span></span>Edited by Leslie "XP Lovecat" Horn.</li>
  271. <li><span></span>Original stylized full-color maps of New England and Boston in 1925.</li>
  272. <li><span></span>Detailed interior maps of two critical locations. </li>
  273. <li><span></span>Three mythos tomes and two artifacts.</li>
  274. <li><span></span>Fifteen full-color player handouts to immerse the investigators into the scenario.</li>
  275. <li><span></span>A colorful array of ten characters, both valued allies and dangerous antagonists.</li>
  276. <li><span></span>Three new monsters.</li>
  277. <li><span></span>Players may use their own investigators, pre-generated characters from the previous adventure,  or use one of six pre-generated investigators provided for this scenario. </li>
  278. </ul><h3>Extra Downloads: </h3>
  279. <ul><li><span></span>Printer-friendly version</li>
  280. <li><span></span>Pre-generated character sheets in PDF form.</li>
  281. <li><span></span>Individual player handouts formatted for ease of printing or use in digital formats.</li>
  282. </ul><p><i>Note: A fully supported Roll20 Version of this scenario will be released by September 2024, with detailed maps and bonus content unique to that release.</i></p>
  283. <h3>Upcoming Bonus Content</h3>
  284. <p>I will be adding and updating<span> additional content over the next several weeks that will include but is not limited </span></p>
  285. <ul><li><span></span>Character/Monster/Artifact Art Cards</li>
  286. <li><span></span>Maps and Support for VTT platforms in addition to the official Roll20 version.</li>
  287. <li><span></span>NPC and Monster Tokens for VTT platforms</li>
  288. </ul>]]></description>
  289. <price></price>
  290. </item>
  291. <item>
  292. <title><![CDATA[Heroic Maps - Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: Great Hall]]></title>
  293. <link><![CDATA[]]></link>
  294. <pubDate>Sun, 07 Jul 2024 15:26:18 CDT</pubDate>
  295. <description><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="Heroic Maps - Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: Great Hall" title="Heroic Maps - Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: Great Hall" align="left" hspace="3" vspace="3" /><b>Publisher</b>: Heroic Maps<br /><h1></h1>
  296. <h1 style="text-align:center;"></h1>
  297. <h2 style="text-align:center;">Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: Great Hall</h2>
  298. <p style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><i>Rubble and bones strew the floor of this once-grand hall</i></span></p>
  299. <p style="text-align:center;"></p>
  300. <p style="text-align:center;"></p>
  301. <div style="text-align:center;"> </div>
  302. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;">A printable battlemap compatible with any RPG/Dungeon-Crawl game. Use as a standalone gameboard, or combine with any same-scale tileset.</span></div>
  303. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  304. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><strong>Contents</strong>: A 20x30 battlemap depicting an abandoned and ruined Dwarven Hold hall</span></div>
  305. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  306. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;">This map can also be used as Level 2 of the Journey Through the Dwarven Hold Megadungeon</span></div>
  307. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  308. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  309. <div style="text-align:center;">
  310. <p><strong>Included:</strong></p>
  311. <p>A pdf with 300dpi tiles ready for A4 printing</p>
  312. <p>A set of 300dpi full size <strong>jpeg</strong> files, for poster printing</p>
  313. <p>A set of 72dpi (140x140px) jpeg for Roll20  and amp; other VTTs</p>
  314. </div>
  315. <div> </div>
  316. <div></div>
  317. <div></div>
  318. <div></div>
  319. <div style="text-align:center;"><img src="" style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;" alt="Preview1.jpg" width="500" height="750" /></div>
  320. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  321. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  322. <div>-</div>
  323. <div></div>
  324. <div></div>
  325. <div style="text-align:center;"><hr></hr></div>
  326. <h2 style="text-align:center;">This map can be used as a standalone location, but also forms Level 2 of an 8-level Megadungeon, Journey Through The Dwarven Hold.</h2>
  327. <h2 style="text-align:center;"></h2>
  328. <h2 style="text-align:center;">Grab the bundle of all eight maps!</h2>
  329. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  330. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  331. <div style="text-align:center;"><img src="" alt="HarshmoorDepths_Full-Small.jpg" width="752" height="899" /></div>
  332. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  333. <div style="text-align:center;"><img src="" width="900" height="628" alt="Journey_Layout.jpg" /></div>
  334. <div style="text-align:center;">-</div>]]></description>
  335. <price></price>
  336. </item>
  337. <item>
  338. <title><![CDATA[Heroic Maps - Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: The Mines]]></title>
  339. <link><![CDATA[]]></link>
  340. <pubDate>Sun, 07 Jul 2024 15:26:21 CDT</pubDate>
  341. <description><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="Heroic Maps - Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: The Mines" title="Heroic Maps - Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: The Mines" align="left" hspace="3" vspace="3" /><b>Publisher</b>: Heroic Maps<br /><h1></h1>
  342. <h1 style="text-align:center;"></h1>
  343. <h2 style="text-align:center;">Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: The Mines</h2>
  344. <p style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><i>Rubble chokes the tunnels of this once-productive mine</i></span></p>
  345. <p style="text-align:center;"></p>
  346. <p style="text-align:center;"></p>
  347. <div style="text-align:center;"> </div>
  348. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;">A printable battlemap compatible with any RPG/Dungeon-Crawl game. Use as a standalone gameboard, or combine with any same-scale tileset.</span></div>
  349. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  350. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><strong>Contents</strong>: A 30x60 battlemap depicting an abandoned and ruined Dwarven mine</span></div>
  351. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  352. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;">This map can also be used as Level 6 of the Journey Through the Dwarven Hold Megadungeon</span></div>
  353. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  354. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  355. <div style="text-align:center;">
  356. <p><strong>Included:</strong></p>
  357. <p>A pdf with 300dpi tiles ready for A4 printing</p>
  358. <p>A set of 300dpi full size <strong>jpeg</strong> files, for poster printing</p>
  359. <p>A set of 72dpi (140x140px) jpeg for Roll20  and amp; other VTTs</p>
  360. </div>
  361. <div> </div>
  362. <div></div>
  363. <div></div>
  364. <div></div>
  365. <div style="text-align:center;"><img src="" style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;" alt="Preview1.jpg" width="500" height="750" /></div>
  366. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  367. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  368. <div>-</div>
  369. <div></div>
  370. <div></div>
  371. <div style="text-align:center;"><hr></hr></div>
  372. <h2 style="text-align:center;">This map can be used as a standalone location, but also forms Level 6 of an 8-level Megadungeon, Journey Through The Dwarven Hold.</h2>
  373. <h2 style="text-align:center;"></h2>
  374. <h2 style="text-align:center;">Grab the bundle of all eight maps!</h2>
  375. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  376. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  377. <div style="text-align:center;"><img src="" alt="HarshmoorDepths_Full-Small.jpg" width="752" height="899" /></div>
  378. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  379. <div style="text-align:center;"><img src="" width="900" height="628" alt="Journey_Layout.jpg" /></div>
  380. <div style="text-align:center;">-</div>]]></description>
  381. <price></price>
  382. </item>
  383. <item>
  384. <title><![CDATA[Heroic Maps - Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: Crypt of the Ancestors]]></title>
  385. <link><![CDATA[]]></link>
  386. <pubDate>Sun, 07 Jul 2024 15:26:19 CDT</pubDate>
  387. <description><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="Heroic Maps - Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: Crypt of the Ancestors" title="Heroic Maps - Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: Crypt of the Ancestors" align="left" hspace="3" vspace="3" /><b>Publisher</b>: Heroic Maps<br /><h1></h1>
  388. <h1 style="text-align:center;"></h1>
  389. <h2 style="text-align:center;">Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: Crypt of the Ancestors</h2>
  390. <p style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><i>Hallowed halls that serve as the resting place of noble dwarves</i></span></p>
  391. <p style="text-align:center;"></p>
  392. <p style="text-align:center;"></p>
  393. <div style="text-align:center;"> </div>
  394. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;">A printable battlemap compatible with any RPG/Dungeon-Crawl game. Use as a standalone gameboard, or combine with any same-scale tileset.</span></div>
  395. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  396. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><strong>Contents</strong>: A 30x30 battlemap depicting an abandoned and ruined Dwarven crypt tomb complex</span></div>
  397. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  398. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;">This map can also be used as Level 4 of the Journey Through the Dwarven Hold Megadungeon</span></div>
  399. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  400. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  401. <div style="text-align:center;">
  402. <p><strong>Included:</strong></p>
  403. <p>A pdf with 300dpi tiles ready for A4 printing</p>
  404. <p>A set of 300dpi full size <strong>jpeg</strong> files, for poster printing</p>
  405. <p>A set of 72dpi (140x140px) jpeg for Roll20  and amp; other VTTs</p>
  406. </div>
  407. <div> </div>
  408. <div></div>
  409. <div></div>
  410. <div></div>
  411. <div style="text-align:center;"><img src="" style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;" alt="Preview1.jpg" width="500" height="556" /></div>
  412. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  413. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  414. <div>-</div>
  415. <div></div>
  416. <div></div>
  417. <div style="text-align:center;"><hr></hr></div>
  418. <h2 style="text-align:center;">This map can be used as a standalone location, but also forms Level 4 of an 8-level Megadungeon, Journey Through The Dwarven Hold.</h2>
  419. <h2 style="text-align:center;"></h2>
  420. <h2 style="text-align:center;">Grab the bundle of all eight maps!</h2>
  421. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  422. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  423. <div style="text-align:center;"><img src="" alt="HarshmoorDepths_Full-Small.jpg" width="752" height="899" /></div>
  424. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  425. <div style="text-align:center;"><img src="" width="900" height="628" alt="Journey_Layout.jpg" /></div>
  426. <div style="text-align:center;">-</div>]]></description>
  427. <price></price>
  428. </item>
  429. <item>
  430. <title><![CDATA[Heroic Maps - Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: Mountain Entrance]]></title>
  431. <link><![CDATA[]]></link>
  432. <pubDate>Sun, 07 Jul 2024 15:26:16 CDT</pubDate>
  433. <description><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="Heroic Maps - Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: Mountain Entrance" title="Heroic Maps - Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: Mountain Entrance" align="left" hspace="3" vspace="3" /><b>Publisher</b>: Heroic Maps<br /><h1></h1>
  434. <h1 style="text-align:center;"></h1>
  435. <h2 style="text-align:center;">Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: Mountain Entrance</h2>
  436. <p style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><i>A grand bridge that leads to the Dwarven Hold</i></span></p>
  437. <p style="text-align:center;"></p>
  438. <p style="text-align:center;"></p>
  439. <div style="text-align:center;"> </div>
  440. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;">A printable battlemap compatible with any RPG/Dungeon-Crawl game. Use as a standalone gameboard, or combine with any same-scale tileset.</span></div>
  441. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  442. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><strong>Contents</strong>: A 20x50 battlemap depicting an ancient bridge crossing a chasm before passing between two colossal Dwarven Statues and entering a Dwarven Hold.</span></div>
  443. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  444. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;">This map can also be used as Level 1 of the Journey Through the Dwarven Hold Megadungeon</span></div>
  445. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  446. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  447. <div style="text-align:center;">
  448. <p><strong>Included:</strong></p>
  449. <p>A pdf with 300dpi tiles ready for A4 printing</p>
  450. <p>A set of 300dpi full size <strong>jpeg</strong> files, for poster printing</p>
  451. <p>A set of 72dpi (140x140px) jpeg for Roll20  and amp; other VTTs</p>
  452. </div>
  453. <div> </div>
  454. <div></div>
  455. <div></div>
  456. <div></div>
  457. <div style="text-align:center;"><img src="" style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;" alt="Preview1.jpg" width="500" height="750" /></div>
  458. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  459. <div style="text-align:center;"><img src="" width="500" height="750" alt="20x30Preview_copy2.jpg" /></div>
  460. <div>-</div>
  461. <div></div>
  462. <div></div>
  463. <div style="text-align:center;"><hr></hr></div>
  464. <h2 style="text-align:center;">This map can be used as a standalone location, but also forms Level 1 of an 8-level Megadungeon, Journey Through The Dwarven Hold.</h2>
  465. <h2 style="text-align:center;"></h2>
  466. <h2 style="text-align:center;">Grab the bundle of all eight maps!</h2>
  467. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  468. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  469. <div style="text-align:center;"><img src="" alt="HarshmoorDepths_Full-Small.jpg" width="752" height="899" /></div>
  470. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  471. <div style="text-align:center;"><img src="" width="900" height="628" alt="Journey_Layout.jpg" /></div>
  472. <div style="text-align:center;">-</div>]]></description>
  473. <price></price>
  474. </item>
  475. <item>
  476. <title><![CDATA[Heroic Maps - Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: Upper Hold]]></title>
  477. <link><![CDATA[]]></link>
  478. <pubDate>Sun, 07 Jul 2024 15:26:17 CDT</pubDate>
  479. <description><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="Heroic Maps - Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: Upper Hold" title="Heroic Maps - Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: Upper Hold" align="left" hspace="3" vspace="3" /><b>Publisher</b>: Heroic Maps<br /><h1></h1>
  480. <h1 style="text-align:center;"></h1>
  481. <h2 style="text-align:center;">Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: Upper Hold</h2>
  482. <p style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><i>Once these halls echoed with the sound of laughter</i></span></p>
  483. <p style="text-align:center;"></p>
  484. <p style="text-align:center;"></p>
  485. <div style="text-align:center;"> </div>
  486. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;">A printable battlemap compatible with any RPG/Dungeon-Crawl game. Use as a standalone gameboard, or combine with any same-scale tileset.</span></div>
  487. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  488. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><strong>Contents</strong>: A 30x40 battlemap depicting an abandoned and ruined Dwarven Hold</span></div>
  489. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  490. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;">This map can also be used as Level 3 of the Journey Through the Dwarven Hold Megadungeon</span></div>
  491. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  492. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  493. <div style="text-align:center;">
  494. <p><strong>Included:</strong></p>
  495. <p>A pdf with 300dpi tiles ready for A4 printing</p>
  496. <p>A set of 300dpi full size <strong>jpeg</strong> files, for poster printing</p>
  497. <p>A set of 72dpi (140x140px) jpeg for Roll20  and amp; other VTTs</p>
  498. </div>
  499. <div> </div>
  500. <div></div>
  501. <div></div>
  502. <div></div>
  503. <div style="text-align:center;"><img src="" style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;" alt="Preview1.jpg" width="500" height="750" /></div>
  504. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  505. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  506. <div>-</div>
  507. <div></div>
  508. <div></div>
  509. <div style="text-align:center;"><hr></hr></div>
  510. <h2 style="text-align:center;">This map can be used as a standalone location, but also forms Level 3 of an 8-level Megadungeon, Journey Through The Dwarven Hold.</h2>
  511. <h2 style="text-align:center;"></h2>
  512. <h2 style="text-align:center;">Grab the bundle of all eight maps!</h2>
  513. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  514. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  515. <div style="text-align:center;"><img src="" alt="HarshmoorDepths_Full-Small.jpg" width="752" height="899" /></div>
  516. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  517. <div style="text-align:center;"><img src="" width="900" height="628" alt="Journey_Layout.jpg" /></div>
  518. <div style="text-align:center;">-</div>]]></description>
  519. <price></price>
  520. </item>
  521. <item>
  522. <title><![CDATA[Heroic Maps - Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: Lower Gate]]></title>
  523. <link><![CDATA[]]></link>
  524. <pubDate>Sun, 07 Jul 2024 15:26:24 CDT</pubDate>
  525. <description><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="Heroic Maps - Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: Lower Gate" title="Heroic Maps - Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: Lower Gate" align="left" hspace="3" vspace="3" /><b>Publisher</b>: Heroic Maps<br /><h1></h1>
  526. <h1 style="text-align:center;"></h1>
  527. <h2 style="text-align:center;">Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: Lower Gate</h2>
  528. <p style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><i>A ruined entrance hall and exit for the dwarven hold</i></span></p>
  529. <p style="text-align:center;"></p>
  530. <p style="text-align:center;"></p>
  531. <div style="text-align:center;"> </div>
  532. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;">A printable battlemap compatible with any RPG/Dungeon-Crawl game. Use as a standalone gameboard, or combine with any same-scale tileset.</span></div>
  533. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  534. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><strong>Contents</strong>: A 20x30 battlemap depicting an abandoned and ruined Dwarven Hold entrance</span></div>
  535. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  536. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;">This map can also be used as Level 8 of the Journey Through the Dwarven Hold Megadungeon</span></div>
  537. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  538. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  539. <div style="text-align:center;">
  540. <p><strong>Included:</strong></p>
  541. <p>A pdf with 300dpi tiles ready for A4 printing</p>
  542. <p>A set of 300dpi full size <strong>jpeg</strong> files, for poster printing</p>
  543. <p>A set of 72dpi (140x140px) jpeg for Roll20  and amp; other VTTs</p>
  544. </div>
  545. <div> </div>
  546. <div></div>
  547. <div></div>
  548. <div></div>
  549. <div style="text-align:center;"><img src="" style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;" alt="Preview1.jpg" width="500" height="750" /></div>
  550. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  551. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  552. <div>-</div>
  553. <div></div>
  554. <div></div>
  555. <div style="text-align:center;"><hr></hr></div>
  556. <h2 style="text-align:center;">This map can be used as a standalone location, but also forms Level 8 of an 8-level Megadungeon, Journey Through The Dwarven Hold.</h2>
  557. <h2 style="text-align:center;"></h2>
  558. <h2 style="text-align:center;">Grab the bundle of all eight maps!</h2>
  559. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  560. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  561. <div style="text-align:center;"><img src="" alt="HarshmoorDepths_Full-Small.jpg" width="752" height="899" /></div>
  562. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  563. <div style="text-align:center;"><img src="" width="900" height="628" alt="Journey_Layout.jpg" /></div>
  564. <div style="text-align:center;">-</div>]]></description>
  565. <price></price>
  566. </item>
  567. <item>
  568. <title><![CDATA[Heroic Maps - Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: The Narrow Bridge]]></title>
  569. <link><![CDATA[]]></link>
  570. <pubDate>Sun, 07 Jul 2024 15:26:23 CDT</pubDate>
  571. <description><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="Heroic Maps - Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: The Narrow Bridge" title="Heroic Maps - Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: The Narrow Bridge" align="left" hspace="3" vspace="3" /><b>Publisher</b>: Heroic Maps<br /><h1></h1>
  572. <h1 style="text-align:center;"></h1>
  573. <h2 style="text-align:center;">Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: The Narrow Bridge</h2>
  574. <p style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><i>Spanning a seemingly bottomless chasm, the bridge still stands firm</i></span></p>
  575. <p style="text-align:center;"></p>
  576. <p style="text-align:center;"></p>
  577. <div style="text-align:center;"> </div>
  578. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;">A printable battlemap compatible with any RPG/Dungeon-Crawl game. Use as a standalone gameboard, or combine with any same-scale tileset.</span></div>
  579. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  580. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><strong>Contents</strong>: A 30x40 battlemap depicting a narrow bridge over a chasm in a ruined dwarven hold</span></div>
  581. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  582. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;">This map can also be used as Level 7 of the Journey Through the Dwarven Hold Megadungeon</span></div>
  583. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  584. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  585. <div style="text-align:center;">
  586. <p><strong>Included:</strong></p>
  587. <p>A pdf with 300dpi tiles ready for A4 printing</p>
  588. <p>A set of 300dpi full size <strong>jpeg</strong> files, for poster printing</p>
  589. <p>A set of 72dpi (140x140px) jpeg for Roll20  and amp; other VTTs</p>
  590. </div>
  591. <div> </div>
  592. <div></div>
  593. <div></div>
  594. <div></div>
  595. <div style="text-align:center;"><img src="" style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;" alt="Preview1.jpg" width="500" height="750" /></div>
  596. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  597. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  598. <div>-</div>
  599. <div></div>
  600. <div></div>
  601. <div style="text-align:center;"><hr></hr></div>
  602. <h2 style="text-align:center;">This map can be used as a standalone location, but also forms Level 7 of an 8-level Megadungeon, Journey Through The Dwarven Hold.</h2>
  603. <h2 style="text-align:center;"></h2>
  604. <h2 style="text-align:center;">Grab the bundle of all eight maps!</h2>
  605. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  606. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  607. <div style="text-align:center;"><img src="" alt="HarshmoorDepths_Full-Small.jpg" width="752" height="899" /></div>
  608. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  609. <div style="text-align:center;"><img src="" width="900" height="628" alt="Journey_Layout.jpg" /></div>
  610. <div style="text-align:center;">-</div>]]></description>
  611. <price></price>
  612. </item>
  613. <item>
  614. <title><![CDATA[Heroic Maps - Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: The Forge]]></title>
  615. <link><![CDATA[]]></link>
  616. <pubDate>Sun, 07 Jul 2024 15:26:20 CDT</pubDate>
  617. <description><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="Heroic Maps - Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: The Forge" title="Heroic Maps - Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: The Forge" align="left" hspace="3" vspace="3" /><b>Publisher</b>: Heroic Maps<br /><h1></h1>
  618. <h1 style="text-align:center;"></h1>
  619. <h2 style="text-align:center;">Journey Through the Dwarven Hold: The Forge</h2>
  620. <p style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><i>Once ringing with the sound of hammers and anvils, the forge is now silent</i></span></p>
  621. <p style="text-align:center;"></p>
  622. <p style="text-align:center;"></p>
  623. <div style="text-align:center;"> </div>
  624. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;">A printable battlemap compatible with any RPG/Dungeon-Crawl game. Use as a standalone gameboard, or combine with any same-scale tileset.</span></div>
  625. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  626. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><strong>Contents</strong>: A 30x30 battlemap depicting an abandoned and ruined Dwarven forge and smithy</span></div>
  627. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  628. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;">This map can also be used as Level 5 of the Journey Through the Dwarven Hold Megadungeon</span></div>
  629. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  630. <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div>
  631. <div style="text-align:center;">
  632. <p><strong>Included:</strong></p>
  633. <p>A pdf with 300dpi tiles ready for A4 printing</p>
  634. <p>A set of 300dpi full size <strong>jpeg</strong> files, for poster printing</p>
  635. <p>A set of 72dpi (140x140px) jpeg for Roll20  and amp; other VTTs</p>
  636. </div>
  637. <div> </div>
  638. <div></div>
  639. <div></div>
  640. <div></div>
  641. <div style="text-align:center;"><img src="" style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;" alt="Preview1.jpg" width="500" height="556" /></div>
  642. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  643. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  644. <div>-</div>
  645. <div></div>
  646. <div></div>
  647. <div style="text-align:center;"><hr></hr></div>
  648. <h2 style="text-align:center;">This map can be used as a standalone location, but also forms Level 5 of an 8-level Megadungeon, Journey Through The Dwarven Hold.</h2>
  649. <h2 style="text-align:center;"></h2>
  650. <h2 style="text-align:center;">Grab the bundle of all eight maps!</h2>
  651. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  652. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  653. <div style="text-align:center;"><img src="" alt="HarshmoorDepths_Full-Small.jpg" width="752" height="899" /></div>
  654. <div style="text-align:center;"></div>
  655. <div style="text-align:center;"><img src="" width="900" height="628" alt="Journey_Layout.jpg" /></div>
  656. <div style="text-align:center;">-</div>]]></description>
  657. <price></price>
  658. </item>
  659. <item>
  660. <title><![CDATA[Sol System: Sourcebook for The Expanse RPG]]></title>
  661. <link><![CDATA[]]></link>
  662. <pubDate>Thu, 11 Jul 2024 06:05:02 CDT</pubDate>
  663. <description><![CDATA[<img src="" alt="Sol System: Sourcebook for The Expanse RPG" title="Sol System: Sourcebook for The Expanse RPG" align="left" hspace="3" vspace="3" /><b>Publisher</b>: Green Ronin Publishing<br /><h2 style="text-align:center;">There's No Place Like Home.</h2>
  664. <p style="text-align:center;"><img src="" width="500" height="292" alt="sol1.png" /></p>
  665. <p>The Sol System—humanity’s cradle. The discovery of the protomolecule has changed everything, and tensions between Earth, Mars, and the Belt are white hot. The pressure rises as the exodus through the Ring gate escalates, and war seems inevitable. Opportunities abound for shrewd crews willing to take risks.</p>
  666. <p><em>Sol System</em> provides information on the governments, corporations, and organizations that vie for power within the star system that birthed humanity. Details on trade between the planets and stations of the solar system and beyond lie within, along with an in-depth overview of the layout, operations, and people of two of the most important locations in the Belt, Tycho and Ceres stations. Sol System also offers a comprehensive guide to running planetside stories, either as a prequel or a campaign, as well as rules for creating and running corporations, media outlets, security firms, or religious groups that jockey for money and influence between Earth, Mars and the Belt.</p>
  667. <p><em>Sol System</em> explores bold new ways to tell <em>your</em> stories in <a href="">The Expanse Roleplaying Game</a>.</p>
  668. <h2 style="text-align:center;">Welcome home.</h2>
  669. <p style="text-align:center;"><img src="" width="461" height="600" alt="sol2.png" /></p>]]></description>
  670. <price></price>
  671. </item>
  672. </channel>
  673. </rss>
Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda