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  31. <title>Nabanna Scholarship Online Apply Full Process</title>
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  33. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Satyabrata Jana]]></dc:creator>
  34. <pubDate>Thu, 13 Jun 2024 11:47:18 +0000</pubDate>
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  38. <description><![CDATA[Please read the following instructions carefully before proceeding further How to Apply? Students seeking ... <p class="read-more-container"><a title="Nabanna Scholarship Online Apply Full Process" class="read-more button" href="" aria-label="More on Nabanna Scholarship Online Apply Full Process">Read more</a></p>]]></description>
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  44. <div class="panel-heading"><span id="ContentPlaceHolder1_lblHead">Please read the following instructions carefully before proceeding further</span></div>
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  48. <p>How to Apply?</p>
  49. <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p>
  50. <p>Students seeking assistance need to &#8220;Apply&#8221; on the portal by providing correct and authenticated information as printed on their documents.</p>
  51. <p>Before initiating registration process, applicants / students are advised to keep the following details and documents handy:</p>
  52. </div>
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  58. <li>Student name (as per 10<sup>th</sup> standard Exam Admit)</li>
  59. <li>Guardian&#8217;s Name</li>
  60. <li>Age</li>
  61. <li>10<sup>th</sup> standard Roll No. and Year</li>
  62. <li>Full address with PIN</li>
  63. <li>Mobile number and keep the mobile within your reach while applying</li>
  64. <li>e-mail ID (optional)</li>
  65. <li>Bank details (Account No., IFS Code, Bank Name and Branch) of applicant’s active savings bank account</li>
  66. </ul>
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  73. <li>Prayer addressed to the Hon’ble Chief Minister for financial assistance duly signed by the applicant. Complete address, mobile number and e-mail ID (if any) should be mentioned in the prayer.</li>
  74. <li>Recommendation to the Hon’ble Chief Minister from local MLA / MP.</li>
  75. <li>Family Income Certificate issued by competent authority (Minister-in-Charge / Minister of State / DM / SDO / BDO / Joint BDO/Executive Officer in case of Municipality Area/Officer in the rank of Deputy Commissioner and above in case of Municipal Corporation area)</li>
  76. <li>Self-Declaration by the student under his/her own signature stating the present course of study along with year/semester and receipt of any Govt. / Non-Govt. Scholarship / Stipend. This declaration should be countersigned by the head of the present institution with stamp / seal</li>
  77. <li>Admit Card of 10<sup>th</sup> standard examination</li>
  78. <li>Mark Sheet of qualifying examination (for assistance in H.S. Level the qualifying examination is Madhyamik or equivalent; for assistance in U.G. Level the qualifying examination is H.S. or equivalent and for assistance in P.G. Level the qualifying examination is Graduation)</li>
  79. <li>Rank card of the entrance examination for professional courses like Diploma Eng. / B.E. / B.Tech. / MBBS / Law / Nursing / Pharmacy</li>
  80. <li>Allotment letter for admission in above said professional courses</li>
  81. <li>First page of Pass Book of applicant’s active savings Bank Account where A/c. No., IFSC No. and Account Holder’s Name is clearly visible</li>
  82. <li>Admission receipt for current academic year / semester</li>
  83. </ul>
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  116. <title>wb govt calendar 2024</title>
  117. <link></link>
  118. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Satyabrata Jana]]></dc:creator>
  119. <pubDate>Mon, 10 Jun 2024 05:08:46 +0000</pubDate>
  120. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  121. <category><![CDATA[wb govt calendar 2024]]></category>
  122. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  124. <description><![CDATA[Government of West Bengal Finance (Audit) Department “NABANNA” 325, Sarat Chatterjee Road Howrah – 711 ... <p class="read-more-container"><a title="wb govt calendar 2024" class="read-more button" href="" aria-label="More on wb govt calendar 2024">Read more</a></p>]]></description>
  125. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" class="aligncenter wp-image-6913 size-full" src=";ssl=1" alt="" width="1214" height="1776" srcset=";ssl=1 1751w,;ssl=1 1051w,;ssl=1 1401w" sizes="(max-width: 1214px) 100vw, 1214px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></p>
  126. <p class="has-text-align-center">Government of West Bengal<br />
  127. Finance (Audit) Department<br />
  128. “NABANNA”<br />
  129. 325, Sarat Chatterjee Road<br />
  130. Howrah – 711 102</p>
  131. <p>No. 6112-F(P2) Howrah, the 9th November, 2023</p>
  132. <p class="has-text-align-center">NOTIFICATION</p>
  133. <p>In exercise of the power conferred by the explanation to Section 25 of the Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881 (XXVI of 1881), read with Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Notification No. 20/25/56-pub(l) dated the 8th June, 1957, the Governor is pleased to declare the days as specified at List I below to be Public Holidays during the year 2024.</p>
  134. <p>2. The Governor is also pleased to notify that the offices under the Government of West Bengal with the exception of the offices of the Registrar of Assurances, Kolkata and Collector of the Stamp Revenue, Kolkata shall be closed on the days as specified at List II below which are not declared to be public holidays, during the year 2024.</p>
  135. <p>3. Further, the Governor is pleased to declare that the days as specified at List III may be observed as Sectional Holidays in the year 2024 for the employees of different communities mentioned against the day.</p>
  136. <p class="has-text-align-center">List-I (Public Holidays in 2024 under the N. I. Act)</p>
  137. <figure class="wp-block-table">
  138. <table>
  139. <tbody>
  140. <tr>
  141. <td>Birth Day of Swami Vivekananda</td>
  142. <td>12th January, Friday</td>
  143. </tr>
  144. <tr>
  145. <td>Netaji’s Birth Day</td>
  146. <td>23rd January, Tuesday</td>
  147. </tr>
  148. <tr>
  149. <td>Republic Day</td>
  150. <td>26th January, Friday</td>
  151. </tr>
  152. <tr>
  153. <td>Saraswati Puja [Sree Panchami]</td>
  154. <td>14th February, Wednesday</td>
  155. </tr>
  156. <tr>
  157. <td>Doljatra</td>
  158. <td>25th March, Monday</td>
  159. </tr>
  160. <tr>
  161. <td>Good Friday</td>
  162. <td>29th March, Friday</td>
  163. </tr>
  164. <tr>
  165. <td>Eid-UI-Fitr</td>
  166. <td>11th April, Thursday</td>
  167. </tr>
  168. <tr>
  169. <td>May Day</td>
  170. <td>1st May, Wednesday</td>
  171. </tr>
  172. <tr>
  173. <td>Birth Day of Rabindranath Tagore</td>
  174. <td>8th May, Wednesday</td>
  175. </tr>
  176. <tr>
  177. <td>Buddha Purnima</td>
  178. <td>23rd May, Thursday</td>
  179. </tr>
  180. <tr>
  181. <td>Id-Ud-Zoha (Bakrid)</td>
  182. <td>17th June, Monday</td>
  183. </tr>
  184. <tr>
  185. <td>Muharram</td>
  186. <td>17th July, Wednesday</td>
  187. </tr>
  188. <tr>
  189. <td>Independence Day</td>
  190. <td>15th August, Thursday</td>
  191. </tr>
  192. <tr>
  193. <td>Birth Day of Gandhiji</td>
  194. <td>2nd October, Wednesday</td>
  195. </tr>
  196. <tr>
  197. <td>Mahalaya</td>
  198. <td>2nd October, Wednesday</td>
  199. </tr>
  200. <tr>
  201. <td>Durga Puja, Maha Saptami</td>
  202. <td>10th October, Thursday</td>
  203. </tr>
  204. <tr>
  205. <td>Durga Puja, Maha Astami and Maha Nabami</td>
  206. <td>11th October, Friday</td>
  207. </tr>
  208. <tr>
  209. <td>(**) Durga Puja, Dasami</td>
  210. <td>12th October, Saturday</td>
  211. </tr>
  212. <tr>
  213. <td>Lakshmi Puja</td>
  214. <td>16th October, Wednesday</td>
  215. </tr>
  216. <tr>
  217. <td>Kali Puja</td>
  218. <td>31st October, Thursday</td>
  219. </tr>
  220. <tr>
  221. <td>Birth Day of Guru Nanak</td>
  222. <td>15th November, Friday</td>
  223. </tr>
  224. <tr>
  225. <td>Christmas Day</td>
  226. <td>25th December, Wednesday</td>
  227. </tr>
  228. <tr>
  229. <td>Yearly Closing of Bank Account</td>
  230. <td>1st April (Monday) (for Banks only).</td>
  231. </tr>
  232. </tbody>
  233. </table>
  234. </figure>
  235. <p class="has-text-align-center">List-II (Holidays under the order of State Government in 2024)</p>
  236. <figure class="wp-block-table">
  237. <table>
  238. <tbody>
  239. <tr>
  240. <td>New Year’s Day</td>
  241. <td>1st January, Monday</td>
  242. </tr>
  243. <tr>
  244. <td>Day before Saraswati Puja</td>
  245. <td>13th February, Tuesday</td>
  246. </tr>
  247. <tr>
  248. <td>Shab-e-Barat</td>
  249. <td>26th February, Monday</td>
  250. </tr>
  251. <tr>
  252. <td>Shivaratri</td>
  253. <td>8th March, Friday</td>
  254. </tr>
  255. <tr>
  256. <td>Day after Doljatra</td>
  257. <td>26th March, Tuesday</td>
  258. </tr>
  259. <tr>
  260. <td>(**) Birth Day of Shri Shri Harichand Thakur (Madhu Krishna Troyodashi Tithi)</td>
  261. <td>6th April, Saturday</td>
  262. </tr>
  263. <tr>
  264. <td>Day before Eid-UI-Fitr</td>
  265. <td>10th April, Wednesday</td>
  266. </tr>
  267. <tr>
  268. <td>(**) Birth Day of Poet Bhanu Bhakt for Darjeeling &amp; Kalimpong District only</td>
  269. <td>13th July, Saturday</td>
  270. </tr>
  271. <tr>
  272. <td>Rakhi Bandhan</td>
  273. <td>19th August, Monday</td>
  274. </tr>
  275. <tr>
  276. <td>Janmastami</td>
  277. <td>26th August, Monday</td>
  278. </tr>
  279. <tr>
  280. <td>Fateha-Dwaz-Daham</td>
  281. <td>16th September, Monday</td>
  282. </tr>
  283. <tr>
  284. <td>Durga Puja, Maha Chaturthi</td>
  285. <td>7th October, Monday</td>
  286. </tr>
  287. <tr>
  288. <td>Durga Puja, Maha Panchami</td>
  289. <td>8th October, Tuesday</td>
  290. </tr>
  291. <tr>
  292. <td>Durga Puja, Maha Shashthi</td>
  293. <td>9th October, Wednesday</td>
  294. </tr>
  295. <tr>
  296. <td>Additional Day for Durga Puja</td>
  297. <td>14th October, Monday</td>
  298. </tr>
  299. <tr>
  300. <td>Additional Day for Durga Puja</td>
  301. <td>15th October, Tuesday</td>
  302. </tr>
  303. <tr>
  304. <td>Additional Day for Lakshmi Puja</td>
  305. <td>17th October, Thursday</td>
  306. </tr>
  307. <tr>
  308. <td>Additional Day for Lakshmi Puja</td>
  309. <td>18th October, Friday</td>
  310. </tr>
  311. <tr>
  312. <td>Additional Day for Kali Puja</td>
  313. <td>1st November, Friday</td>
  314. </tr>
  315. <tr>
  316. <td>Day after Bhratridwitiya</td>
  317. <td>4th November, Monday</td>
  318. </tr>
  319. <tr>
  320. <td>Chhat Puja</td>
  321. <td>7th November, Thursday</td>
  322. </tr>
  323. <tr>
  324. <td>Additional Day for Chhat Puja</td>
  325. <td>8th November, Friday</td>
  326. </tr>
  327. <tr>
  328. <td>Karam Puja</td>
  329. <td>To be notified later on</td>
  330. </tr>
  331. </tbody>
  332. </table>
  333. </figure>
  334. <p>(#) Birth Day of Thakur Panchanan Barma falls on 14th February, Wednesday, which is a holiday under N. I. Act and therefore has not been shown separately in List-ll.</p>
  335. <p>(##) Birth Day of Pandit Raghunath Murmu falls on 23rd May, Thursday, which is a holiday under N. I. Act and therefore has not been shown separately in List-ll.</p>
  336. <p>(###) Birth Day of Birsa Munda falls on 15th November, Friday which is a holiday under N.l. Act and therefore has not been shown separately in List-ll.</p>
  337. <p>(####) Parshwanath’s Rathajatra falls on 15th November, Friday which is a holiday under N. I. Act and therefore has not been shown separately in List-ll.</p>
  338. <p>(#####) This year Doljatra and Holi fall on same day so ‘Holi’ is not shown separately in List II.</p>
  339. <p class="has-text-align-center">List-III (Sectional Holidays in 2024)</p>
  340. <figure class="wp-block-table">
  341. <table>
  342. <tbody>
  343. <tr>
  344. <td>(**) Birthday of Guru Rabidas(for the followers of Guru Rabidas)</td>
  345. <td>24th February, Saturday</td>
  346. </tr>
  347. <tr>
  348. <td>(**) Easter Saturday</td>
  349. <td>30th March (Saturday) [for Christians only]</td>
  350. </tr>
  351. </tbody>
  352. </table>
  353. </figure>
  354. <p>($$) Hul Diwas, Sectional Holiday [for Adivasi (Santhal) only] on 30th June falls on Sunday which is a holiday under N.l. Act &amp; therefore not shown separately in List III.</p>
  355. <p><strong>Note:</strong></p>
  356. <ol>
  357. <li>Sundays are holidays under the Negotiable Instrument Act.</li>
  358. <li>In the year 2024, the following festivals/occasions fall on Sundays which are public Holidays under N. I. Act and hence have not been included in lists:</li>
  359. </ol>
  360. <figure class="wp-block-table">
  361. <table>
  362. <tbody>
  363. <tr>
  364. <td>i)</td>
  365. <td>Bengali New Year’s Day (Nababarsha)</td>
  366. <td>14th April, Sunday</td>
  367. </tr>
  368. <tr>
  369. <td>ii)</td>
  370. <td>Birth Day of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar</td>
  371. <td>14th April, Sunday</td>
  372. </tr>
  373. <tr>
  374. <td>iii)</td>
  375. <td>Mahavir Jayanti</td>
  376. <td>21st April, Sunday</td>
  377. </tr>
  378. <tr>
  379. <td>iv)</td>
  380. <td>Rathayatra</td>
  381. <td>7th July, Sunday</td>
  382. </tr>
  383. <tr>
  384. <td>v)</td>
  385. <td>Bhratridwitiya</td>
  386. <td>3rd November, Sunday</td>
  387. </tr>
  388. </tbody>
  389. </table>
  390. </figure>
  391. <ol start="3">
  392. <li>The holiday with double asterisk marks i.e. (**) is applicable to those Government Offices only where Saturdays are not observed as full holiday.</li>
  393. <li>General instructions as laid down hereunder are to be followed in case of Muslim festivals.</li>
  394. </ol>
  396. <p>1) No substitute holiday shall be allowed if any of the festival – holidays initially notified subsequently happens to fall on a weekly off or any other non-working day or in the event of more than one festival falling on the same day.</p>
  397. <p>2) If there is any change in the date of Eid-Ul-Fitr, Id-Ud-Zoha, Muharram, Fateha-Dwaz-Daham, Shab-e-Barat depending upon the sighting of the moon, holiday will be declared by a separate order for the date on which the festival would be actually observed in lieu of the date originally notified as holiday for this festival.</p>
  398. <p>3) It may happen that the change of date of above mentioned occasions has to be notified at a very short notice. In such a situation, announcement would be made through T.V. / A.I.R. / News Papers and Heads of Department / Offices of the State Government may take action according to such announcements without waiting for formal order about the change of date.</p>
  399. <p class="has-text-align-right">By order of the Governor,</p>
  400. <p class="has-text-align-right">Sd/- Dr. Manoj Pant<br />
  401. Additional Chief Secretary<br />
  402. to the Government of West Bengal</p>
  403. <p>No. 6112-F dated 09.11.2023,</p>
  404. <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" data-type="link" data-id="">Source</a></p>
  405. ]]></content:encoded>
  406. </item>
  407. <item>
  408. <title>HS Semester System syllabus 2024 in West Bengal &#8211; pdf</title>
  409. <link></link>
  410. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Satyabrata Jana]]></dc:creator>
  411. <pubDate>Mon, 29 Apr 2024 15:39:57 +0000</pubDate>
  412. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
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  414. <category><![CDATA[hs semester syllabus 2024]]></category>
  415. <category><![CDATA[HS Semester System syllabus 2024 in West Bengal]]></category>
  416. <category><![CDATA[syllabus 2024 in West Bengal]]></category>
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  419. <description><![CDATA[West Bengal HS Syllabus 2024, Check Class 12 Syllabus PDF hs semester syllabus 2024 in ... <p class="read-more-container"><a title="HS Semester System syllabus 2024 in West Bengal &#8211; pdf" class="read-more button" href="" aria-label="More on HS Semester System syllabus 2024 in West Bengal &#8211; pdf">Read more</a></p>]]></description>
  420. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<h1 class="gb-headline gb-headline-fc8af4f2 gb-headline-text">West Bengal HS Syllabus 2024, Check Class 12 Syllabus PDF</h1>
  421. <p>hs semester syllabus 2024 in West Bengal All PDF</p>
  422. <table>
  423. <tbody>
  424. <tr>
  425. <td>Name of Education Board</td>
  426. <td>WBCHSE</td>
  427. </tr>
  428. <tr>
  429. <td>Class</td>
  430. <td>Class 12</td>
  431. </tr>
  432. </tbody>
  433. </table>
  434. <table width="929">
  435. <tbody>
  436. <tr>
  437. <td width="929">উচ্চ মাধ্যমিকে সেমিস্টার পদ্ধতি চালু করুন<br />
  438. তারিখ-২৯শে এপ্রিল,২০২৪কাউন্সিল 2024-2025 সালের একাডেমিক সেশনের জন্য একাদশ শ্রেণির জন্য উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক পরীক্ষায় এবং 2025-2026 শিক্ষাবর্ষ থেকে দ্বাদশ শ্রেণির জন্য SED, পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকারের অনুমোদনের ভিত্তিতে এবং রাজ্য শিক্ষা নীতির সাথে সঙ্গতি রেখে সেমিস্টার সিস্টেম চালু করতে চলেছে। . সেমিস্টার সিস্টেমের জন্য পরীক্ষার পদ্ধতি, সিলেবাস এবং আপডেট খবর ডাউনলোড করুন।উচ্চ মাধ্যমিকে সেমিস্টার পদ্ধতির বিজ্ঞপ্তি<br />
  439. সভাপতি, ডব্লিউবি কাউন্সিল অফ এইচএস এডুকেশন</p>
  440. <p>নম্বর L/PR/176/2024 তারিখ: 18.04.2024</p>
  441. <p>এটি সমস্ত প্রতিষ্ঠানের প্রধান, শিক্ষক, শিক্ষকতা স্টাফ, ছাত্র, অভিভাবক এবং অন্যান্য স্টেকহোল্ডারদের তথ্যের জন্য যে আমাদের পূর্ববর্তী বিজ্ঞপ্তি অনুসারে মেমো নং L/PR/133/2024 তারিখ 06.03.2024,  WBCHSE  (ওয়েস্ট বেঙ্গল কাউন্সিল অফ উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক শিক্ষা) পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকারের স্কুল শিক্ষা বিভাগের অনুমোদনের ভিত্তিতে এবং রাজ্য শিক্ষার সাথে সঙ্গতি রেখে 2024-2025 সালের একাডেমিক সেশনের জন্য 2025-2026 অ্যাকাডেমিক সেশন থেকে XI শ্রেনীর জন্য এবং XII শ্রেণীর জন্য সেমিস্টার সিস্টেম চালু করতে চলেছে। নীতি.</p>
  442. <p>সেমিস্টার সিস্টেমের প্রধান বৈশিষ্ট্যগুলি এখানে দেওয়া হল<br />
  443. 1.অধ্যয়নের কোর্স<br />
  444. উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক (সিনিয়র সেকেন্ডারি) বা 10+2 কোর্সে চারটি অংশ থাকবে, যেমন সেমিস্টার-I, সেমিস্টার-II, সেমিস্টার-III এবং সেমিস্টার-IV।</p>
  445. <p>(a) ক্লাস XI কে সেমিস্টার-I এবং সেমিস্টার-II হিসাবে পুনরায় ডিজাইন করা হয়েছে এবং XII কে সেমিস্টার-III এবং সেমিস্টার-IV হিসাবে নতুনভাবে ডিজাইন করা হয়েছে।</p>
  446. <p>(b) সেমিস্টার-I, সেমিস্টার-II, সেমিস্টার-III এবং সেমিস্টার-IV এর পাঠ্যক্রমের মধ্যে থাকবে:</p>
  447. <p>(i) তফসিল-২ এ উল্লিখিত ভাষা গ্রুপ থেকে দুটি ভাষার বিষয়, প্রথম ভাষা এবং দ্বিতীয় ভাষা থেকে একটি করে বিষয়,</p>
  448. <p>(ii) তফসিল-II-এ উল্লিখিত বিষয়ের তিনটি সেটের যেকোনো একটি থেকে তিনটি বাধ্যতামূলক ঐচ্ছিক বিষয় বেছে নিতে হবে।</p>
  449. <p>(iii) একটি ঐচ্ছিক ঐচ্ছিক বিষয়, যদি ইচ্ছা হয়, মনোনীত সেট থেকে বাছাই করা যেতে পারে যেখান থেকে ইতিমধ্যে তিনটি বাধ্যতামূলক ঐচ্ছিক বিষয় বাছাই করা হয়েছে বা কাউন্সিলের দেওয়া বৃত্তিমূলক বিষয়গুলির তালিকা থেকে।</p>
  450. <p>(c) রাজ্যের শিক্ষা নীতি (2023) এর 3,6,2 ধারা অনুসারে,   উচ্চ শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠানের সাথে গ্রীষ্মকালীন প্রকল্পগুলিতে নিযুক্ত থাকা চ্যালেঞ্জিং কোর্সের কাজগুলি, পাঠ্য বহির্ভূত ক্রিয়াকলাপগুলিতে অংশ নেওয়ার জন্য স্কুলগুলি শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য নির্দেশিকা এবং সুযোগ প্রদান করবে৷</p>
  451. <p>(d) রাজ্য শিক্ষা নীতি (2023) এর 3,6,5 ধারা অনুসারে, উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক কোর্সের ছাত্রদের তাদের পছন্দের বিষয়গুলির সাথে সম্পর্কিত গ্রীষ্মকালীন ছুটির সময় ইন্টার্নশিপ প্রোগ্রাম এবং প্রকল্পগুলিতে নিযুক্ত করা উচিত। মিডিয়া হাউস, কর্পোরেট ফার্ম, পাবলিশিং হাউস এবং উচ্চশিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠানের সাথে প্রয়োজনীয় টাই আপ করা উচিত এবং এই বিষয়ে প্রতিষ্ঠানের প্রধানদের দ্বারা তৈরি করা উচিত।</p>
  452. <p>2. একাডেমিক সেশন<br />
  453. সেমিস্টার-১ এবং সেমিস্টার-৩-এর একাডেমিক সেশন মে মাস থেকে শুরু হবে এবং সংশ্লিষ্ট বছরের সরকারি ছুটির সময়সূচি অনুযায়ী অক্টোবর মাস পর্যন্ত চলবে। পরবর্তীতে, সেমিস্টার-২ এবং সেমিস্টার-৪ নভেম্বর মাস থেকে শুরু হবে এবং সংশ্লিষ্ট বছরের সরকারি ছুটির সময়সূচী অনুযায়ী এপ্রিল মাস পর্যন্ত চলবে।</p>
  454. <p>3.ভর্তি<br />
  455. (ক) একজন শিক্ষার্থী, যিনি মাধ্যমিক পরীক্ষা  বা সমমানের পাবলিক পরীক্ষায় উত্তীর্ণ হয়েছেন  , প্রতি বছর মে মাসের মাঝামাঝি সময়ে সেমিস্টার-১-এ ভর্তি হতে পারেন যাতে ফলাফল প্রকাশের পরপরই সেমিস্টার-১-এর ক্লাস শুরু হতে পারে।</p>
  456. <p>(b) একজন ছাত্র, যিনি সেমিস্টার-১-এ ভর্তি হয়েছেন এবং নিবন্ধন করেছেন তিনি প্রতি বছর ৩০শে অক্টোবরের মধ্যে সেমিস্টার-২-এ উন্নীত হওয়ার জন্য যোগ্য হবেন যাতে প্রতি বছর নভেম্বরের ১ম সপ্তাহ থেকে সেমিস্টার-২-এর শ্রেণী দেখতে পাওয়া যায়। .</p>
  457. <p>(গ) একজন শিক্ষার্থী, যিনি একাদশ শ্রেণির সেমিস্টার-১ এবং দ্বিতীয় সেমিস্টারে উত্তীর্ণ হয়েছেন, প্রতি বছর 30 এপ্রিলের মধ্যে সেমিস্টার-3-এ ভর্তি হতে পারেন যাতে সেমিস্টার-3-এর শ্রেণী 1ম সপ্তাহ থেকে শুরু করা যেতে পারে। মে.</p>
  458. <p>(d) একজন শিক্ষার্থী, যিনি সেমিস্টার-III-এ ভর্তি হয়েছেন এবং নথিভুক্ত হয়েছেন তিনি প্রতি বছর 31শে অক্টোবরের মধ্যে সেমিস্টার-4-এ পদোন্নতির জন্য যোগ্য হবেন যাতে প্রতি বছর নভেম্বরের 1ম সপ্তাহ থেকে সেমিস্টার-4-এর ক্লাস শুরু করা যায়। .</p>
  459. <p>(ঙ) এখানে, পরবর্তী উচ্চতর সেমিস্টারে ভর্তির জন্য উপস্থিত হওয়ার যোগ্যতার জন্য পূর্ববর্তী সেমিস্টারে উপস্থিতির ন্যূনতম শতাংশ এবং কাউন্সিল দ্বারা নির্ধারিত সমস্ত বকেয়া ছাড়পত্র প্রয়োজন। বিস্তারিত ভর্তি, পরীক্ষা এবং সংশ্লিষ্ট বিষয় প্রবিধানে দেওয়া হবে যা শীঘ্রই প্রকাশিত হবে।</p>
  460. <p>4. নিবন্ধন<br />
  461. (ক) কাউন্সিলের বিজ্ঞপ্তি অনুযায়ী সেমিস্টার-১-এ কাউন্সিলের সাথে নিবন্ধিত না হওয়া পর্যন্ত কোনো শিক্ষার্থীকে কোনো সেমিস্টারে উপস্থিত হতে দেওয়া হবে না।</p>
  462. <p>(খ) একজন বৈধ প্রার্থী, যিনি একটি স্বীকৃত প্রতিষ্ঠানের সেমিস্টার-১-এ ভর্তি হয়েছেন, ভর্তির বছরের ৩০ জুনের মধ্যে কাউন্সিলে নিবন্ধনের জন্য আবেদন করতে হবে এবং/অথবা   সংশ্লিষ্টদের মাধ্যমে কাউন্সিলের বিজ্ঞপ্তি অনুযায়ী অনলাইন পোর্টালের মাধ্যমে প্রতিষ্ঠানের প্রধান প্রয়োজনীয় রেজিস্ট্রেশন ফি এবং অন্যান্য সমস্ত প্রয়োজনীয় ফি যা সময়ে সময়ে কাউন্সিল দ্বারা নির্ধারিত হতে পারে।</p>
  463. <p>(গ) ফলাফল প্রকাশের বছর সহ মাধ্যমিক পরীক্ষা বা সমমানের পরীক্ষার ফলাফল প্রকাশের তারিখ থেকে পরপর তিন বছরের মধ্যে ছাত্রদের কাউন্সিলের সাথে নিবন্ধন করার অনুমতি দেওয়া হবে।</p>
  464. <p>5. একাদশ শ্রেণির সেমিস্টার-১ এবং সেমিস্টার-২-এর পরীক্ষা<br />
  465. (ক) একাদশ শ্রেণির সেমিস্টার-১ পরীক্ষা সেপ্টেম্বরে অনুষ্ঠিত হবে বা কাউন্সিল কর্তৃক জারি করা বিজ্ঞপ্তি অনুসারে, পরবর্তীতে, একাদশ শ্রেণির সেমিস্টার-২ পরীক্ষা প্রতি বছর মার্চ মাসের মধ্যে অনুষ্ঠিত হবে এবং একই সময়ে চলবে। পরবর্তী বিজ্ঞপ্তি পর্যন্ত চক্র.</p>
  466. <p>(b) পরীক্ষা পরিচালনা এবং  OMR /উত্তর স্ক্রিপ্টের মূল্যায়ন সংশ্লিষ্ট প্রতিষ্ঠানগুলিকে করতে হবে।</p>
  467. <p>(গ) সেমিস্টার-১-এর পরীক্ষা একাধিক পছন্দের প্রশ্নগুলির উপর ভিত্তি করে হবে (এরপরে  MCQ  হিসাবে উল্লেখ করা হয়েছে এবং সেমিস্টার-II হবে সংক্ষিপ্ত উত্তরের প্রকার প্রশ্ন (এখন থেকে SAQ হিসাবে উল্লেখ করা হয়েছে) এবং বর্ণনামূলক প্রশ্ন (এর পরে DQ হিসাবে উল্লেখ করা হয়েছে))।</p>
  468. <p>(d) সেমিস্টার-1 এবং সেমিস্টার-2-এর প্রশ্নপত্রগুলি সংশ্লিষ্ট প্রতিষ্ঠানগুলি দ্বারা সেট এবং সরবরাহ করতে হবে। সেমিস্টার-I এবং সেমিস্টার-II-এর জন্য খালি OMR/ কালো উত্তর স্ক্রিপ্টগুলি সংশ্লিষ্ট প্রতিষ্ঠানগুলিকে প্রদান করতে হবে।</p>
  469. <p>(ঙ) প্রতিষ্ঠানগুলি কাউন্সিলের প্রদত্ত নির্দেশিকা এবং সময়সীমার উপর ভিত্তি করে বার্ষিক ভিত্তিতে সেমিস্টার-২ সমাপ্তির মধ্যে ব্যবহারিক এবং প্রকল্প পরীক্ষাগুলি পরিচালনা করার জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণ করবে। এই উদ্দেশ্যে প্রশ্নপত্র এবং খালি উত্তরের স্ক্রিপ্টগুলি প্রতিষ্ঠানগুলি সরবরাহ করবে।</p>
  470. <p>(f) প্রতিষ্ঠানগুলি ওএমআর/লিখিত উত্তর স্ক্রিপ্ট, ব্যবহারিক এবং প্রকল্প পরীক্ষার মূল্যায়নের জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণ করবে এবং সেই অনুযায়ী শিক্ষার্থীদের ফলাফল প্রকাশ করবে।</p>
  471. <p>(g) সেমিস্টার-I এবং সেমিস্টার-II, প্রকল্প এবং ব্যবহারিক ফলাফলগুলি কাউন্সিল কর্তৃক জারি করা নিয়ম এবং বিজ্ঞপ্তি অনুসারে একটি নির্দিষ্ট সময়ের মধ্যে কাউন্সিলের পোর্টালে প্রতিষ্ঠানগুলিকে আপলোড করতে হবে।</p>
  472. <p>(জ) একজন ছাত্রকে একাদশ শ্রেণিতে পাস করা হবে, যদি সে/সেমিস্টার-১ এবং সেমিস্টার-২-এর পাঁচটি তত্ত্বের যে কোনো একটিতে ন্যূনতম ত্রিশ শতাংশ নম্বর পায় এবং ব্যবহারিক/তে ন্যূনতম ত্রিশ শতাংশ নম্বর পায়। আলাদাভাবে সংশ্লিষ্ট বিষয়ের প্রকল্প। তবে ভাষার প্রতিটি বিষয়ে পাস করা বাধ্যতামূলক।</p>
  473. <p>(i) পাঁচটি বিষয়ে প্রাপ্ত উচ্চতর নম্বর বিবেচনা করে গ্র্যান্ড টোটাল গণনা করা হবে।</p>
  474. <p>(j) যেসকল ছাত্র-ছাত্রীরা সেমিস্টার-১-এ উত্তীর্ণ হবে না তাদেরকে কাউন্সিলের সময়সূচী অনুসারে একই সেশনে সেমিস্টার-২ পরীক্ষার সময় ব্যাকলগ বিষয়গুলিতে (পরিপূরক বিষয়) পুনরায় উপস্থিত হতে দেওয়া হবে (এখানে এই পরীক্ষার নাম দেওয়া হয়েছে একাদশ শ্রেণির সম্পূরক পরীক্ষা), পরীক্ষা, ভর্তি এবং সংশ্লিষ্ট বিষয়ে বিশদ নির্দেশিকা দেওয়া হবে যা শীঘ্রই প্রকাশিত হবে।</p>
  475. <p>(ট) যে সমস্ত ছাত্রছাত্রী সম্পূরক পরীক্ষায় সেমিস্টার-২ এর কোনো বিষয়ে এবং সেমিস্টার-১-এর ব্যাকলগ বিষয়(গুলি) (যদি থাকে) পাস করতে পারবে না, তাদের সেমিস্টার-১ এবং সেমিস্টার-এর পুনরাবৃত্তি করতে হবে। পরবর্তী শিক্ষাবর্ষে নতুন করে।</p>
  476. <p>6. তালিকাভুক্তি<br />
  477. একজন নিবন্ধিত এবং বাস্তবসম্মত ছাত্র যিনি ব্যবহারিক/প্রকল্পের কাগজপত্র সহ সেমিস্টার-I এবং সেমিস্টার-2 উভয়ই আলাদাভাবে পাস করেছেন, শুধুমাত্র 30 তারিখের মধ্যে সেমিস্টার (অর্থাৎ সেমিস্টার-III এবং সেমিস্টার-IV) উভয়ের জন্য নিজেকে নথিভুক্ত করার যোগ্য হবেন। জুন বা কাউন্সিল কর্তৃক জারি করা বিজ্ঞপ্তি অনুযায়ী।</p>
  478. <p>7. দ্বাদশ শ্রেণির সেমিস্টার-III এবং সেমিস্টার-4-এর পরীক্ষা (এইচএস পরীক্ষা)<br />
  479. (ক) দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর সেমিস্টার-III পরীক্ষা সেপ্টেম্বর মাসের মধ্যে বা কাউন্সিল দ্বারা জারি করা বিজ্ঞপ্তি অনুসারে পরিচালিত হবে। পরবর্তীকালে, দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর সেমিস্টার-IV পরীক্ষা প্রতি বছর এপ্রিল মাসের মধ্যে বা কাউন্সিলের বিজ্ঞপ্তি অনুসারে পরিচালিত হবে এবং পরবর্তী বিজ্ঞপ্তি না হওয়া পর্যন্ত একই চক্রে চলবে।</p>
  480. <p>(b) সেমিস্টার-III এবং সেমিস্টার-4-এর পরীক্ষা কাউন্সিল দ্বারা পরিচালিত হবে।</p>
  481. <p>(c) সেমিস্টার-III MCQ ভিত্তিক হবে এবং সেমিস্টার-IV হবে SAQ এবং DQ এর উপর ভিত্তি করে।</p>
  482. <p>(d) প্রশ্নপত্রগুলি কাউন্সিল দ্বারা সেট এবং সরবরাহ করতে হবে। এই উদ্দেশ্যে ওএমআর এবং ফাঁকা উত্তর স্ক্রিপ্টগুলিও কাউন্সিল দ্বারা সরবরাহ করা হবে।</p>
  483. <p>(ঙ) কাউন্সিল তার কঠোর তত্ত্বাবধানে OMR এবং লিখিত উত্তর স্ক্রিপ্ট মূল্যায়নের জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণ করবে এবং সেমিস্টার-III এবং সেমিস্টার-IV-এর ফলাফল প্রকাশ করবে।</p>
  484. <p>(f) ব্যবহারিক প্রশ্নপত্র এবং খালি উত্তরের স্ক্রিপ্ট কাউন্সিল সরবরাহ করবে।</p>
  485. <p>(ছ) সংস্থাগুলি পরিষদ কর্তৃক প্রদত্ত সময়সীমা অনুসারে বার্ষিক ভিত্তিতে প্রকল্প এবং ব্যবহারিক পরীক্ষা পরিচালনা ও মূল্যায়নের জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণ করবে।</p>
  486. <p>(h) প্রতিষ্ঠানগুলি কাউন্সিল কর্তৃক জারি করা নিয়ম এবং বিজ্ঞপ্তি অনুসারে একটি নির্দিষ্ট সময়ের মধ্যে কাউন্সিলের পোর্টালে প্রতিটি নথিভুক্ত শিক্ষার্থীর প্রকল্প এবং ব্যবহারিক নম্বর আপলোড করবে।</p>
  487. <p>(i) একজন শিক্ষার্থীকে দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীতে উত্তীর্ণ ঘোষণা করা হবে, যদি সে/তিনি সেমিস্টার-III এবং সেমিস্টার-4-এর পাঁচটি তত্ত্বের যেকোনো একটি প্রশ্নপত্রে ন্যূনতম ত্রিশ শতাংশ নম্বর পান এবং ব্যবহারিক/প্রকল্পে ন্যূনতম ত্রিশ শতাংশ নম্বর পান। আলাদাভাবে সংশ্লিষ্ট বিষয়ের। তবে ভাষার প্রতিটি বিষয়ে পাস করা বাধ্যতামূলক।</p>
  488. <p>(j) যেসকল ছাত্র-ছাত্রীরা সেমিস্টার-III-এ উত্তীর্ণ হবে না, তাদেরকে কাউন্সিলের সময়সূচী অনুযায়ী একই সেশনে সেমিস্টার-IV পরীক্ষার সময় ব্যাকলগ বিষয়ে (পরিপূরক বিষয়) পুনরায় উপস্থিত হতে দেওয়া হবে (এখানে এই পরীক্ষাটি রয়েছে দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর পরিপূরক পরীক্ষা হিসাবে নামকরণ করা হয়েছে)। পরীক্ষা, ভর্তি এবং সংশ্লিষ্ট বিষয়ে প্রবিধানে বিস্তারিত নির্দেশিকা দেওয়া হবে যা শীঘ্রই প্রকাশিত হবে।</p>
  489. <p>(k) গ্র্যান্ড টোটাল গণনা করা হবে যে কোনো পাঁচটি বিষয়ে প্রাপ্ত সর্বোচ্চ নম্বর বিবেচনা করে।</p>
  490. <p>(l) শিক্ষার্থীদের উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক পরীক্ষার ফলাফল দ্বাদশ শ্রেণিতে অর্থাৎ সেমিস্টার-III, সেমিস্টার-IV এবং ব্যবহারিক/প্রকল্পে প্রাপ্ত নম্বর অনুসারে ঘোষণা করা হবে। মার্কশিট এবং পাস সার্টিফিকেট সেই অনুযায়ী জারি করা হবে।</p>
  491. <p>(m) প্রত্যেক প্রার্থীকে রেজিস্ট্রেশনের বছর থেকে (রেজিস্ট্রেশনের বছর সহ) সাত বছরের মধ্যে ব্যবহারিক এবং প্রকল্প সহ সমস্ত সেমিস্টারে (যেমন সেমিস্টার-I, সেমিস্টার-II, সেমিস্টার-III এবং সেমিস্টার-IV) পাস করতে হবে। , অন্যথায় তার নিবন্ধন বাতিল করা হবে এবং কোনো সেমিস্টারে আরও ভর্তি/রেজিস্ট্রেশন/নথিভুক্তির অনুমতি দেওয়া হবে না।</p>
  492. <p>8. পরিপূরক পরীক্ষা<br />
  493. (ক) একাদশ শ্রেণির সম্পূরক পরীক্ষা</p>
  494. <p>(i) যে শিক্ষার্থী সেমিস্টার-১-এর কোনো বিষয়(গুলি) পাশ করতে পারবে না, তাকে একই শিক্ষাবর্ষে সেমিস্টার-২-এর সাথে একটি সম্পূরক পরীক্ষায় বসতে দেওয়া হবে।</p>
  495. <p>(ii) (i) তে উল্লিখিত এই পরিপূরক পরীক্ষায় উপস্থিত হওয়ার পরে, যদি শিক্ষার্থী এখনও সেমিস্টার-১-এর কোনো বিষয়(গুলি) পরিষ্কার করতে সক্ষম না হয় এবং/অথবা যদি শিক্ষার্থীর সেমিস্টার-এ কোনো ব্যাকলগ পেপার থাকে। II, তারপরে তাকে নতুন প্রার্থীর মতো পরবর্তী শিক্ষাবর্ষে সেমিস্টার-১ এবং সেমিস্টার-২-এর সমস্ত বিষয়ে উপস্থিত হতে হবে। সেক্ষেত্রে তিনি একাদশ শ্রেণিতে সদ্য ভর্তি হওয়া প্রার্থীর মতো একই সুযোগ পাবেন।</p>
  496. <p>(iii) যতক্ষণ না শিক্ষার্থী একাদশ শ্রেণির সেমিস্টার-১ এবং সেমিস্টার-২-এর সমস্ত কাগজপত্র পরিষ্কার করতে সক্ষম হবে ততক্ষণ পর্যন্ত এই ব্যবস্থা অব্যাহত থাকবে, তবে এই শর্তে যে শিক্ষার্থীকে সর্বোচ্চ সাত বছরের মধ্যে উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক পরীক্ষায় উত্তীর্ণ হতে হবে। রেজিস্ট্রেশনের বছর থেকে বছর (নিবন্ধনের বছর সহ) ব্যর্থ হলে তার নিবন্ধন বাতিল হয়ে যাবে।</p>
  497. <p>(iv) এই সম্পূরক পরীক্ষা সংশ্লিষ্ট প্রতিষ্ঠান দ্বারা পরিচালিত হবে।</p>
  498. <p>(b) দ্বাদশ শ্রেণির সম্পূরক পরীক্ষা</p>
  499. <p>(i) যে শিক্ষার্থী সেমিস্টার-III-এর কোনো বিষয়(গুলি) পাশ করতে পারবে না, তাকে একই শিক্ষাবর্ষে সেমিস্টার-IV-এর সাথে একটি সম্পূরক পরীক্ষায় বসতে দেওয়া হবে।</p>
  500. <p>(ii) (i) তে উল্লিখিত এই পরিপূরক পরীক্ষায় অংশগ্রহণ করার পর, শিক্ষার্থী যদি এখনও কোনো বিষয়(গুলি) ক্লিয়ার করতে সক্ষম না হয়, তাহলে তাকে পরবর্তী একাডেমিক-তে সেমিস্টার-III-এর সাথে সেই বিষয়গুলি(গুলি) দিতে হবে। বছর</p>
  501. <p>(iii) (ii) উল্লিখিত পরবর্তী শিক্ষাবর্ষে সেমিস্টার-III পরীক্ষায় অংশগ্রহণের পর, শিক্ষার্থী যদি এখনও কোনো বিষয় (গুলি) পাশ করতে সক্ষম না হয়, তাহলে তাকে সেই বিষয়গুলির জন্য সম্পূরক পরীক্ষায় অংশগ্রহণ করতে হবে। s) একই শিক্ষাবর্ষে সেমিস্টার-IV সহ।</p>
  502. <p>(iv) চক্রটি চলতে থাকবে এবং শিক্ষার্থীরা নিবন্ধনের বছর থেকে (নিবন্ধনের বছর সহ) সর্বোচ্চ সাত বছরের মধ্যে তাদের ব্যাকলগ কাগজপত্রগুলি সাফ করার সুযোগ পাবে তাতে ব্যর্থ হলে তার নিবন্ধন বাতিল করা হবে।</p>
  503. <p>(v) পরিপূরক পরীক্ষা কাউন্সিল দ্বারা পরিচালিত হবে।</p>
  504. <p>(vi) যে শিক্ষার্থী সেমিস্টার-IV-এর কোনো বিষয়(গুলি) ক্লিয়ার করতে পারবে না, তাকে পরবর্তী শিক্ষাবর্ষে সেমিস্টার-IV পরীক্ষার সাথে সাথে তাদের সংশ্লিষ্ট ব্যাকলগ পেপার (গুলি) সাফ করতে হবে।</p>
  505. <p>(vii) এটি চলতে থাকবে (vi-তে উল্লিখিত হিসাবে) যতক্ষণ না শিক্ষার্থীরা সমস্ত ব্যাকলগ কাগজপত্র পরিষ্কার না করে বা নিবন্ধন মেয়াদের বৈধতা পর্যন্ত যেটি আগে হয়।</p>
  506. <p>9. বাধ্যতামূলক ঐচ্ছিক বিষয় ইত্যাদি হিসাবে বাধ্যতামূলক ঐচ্ছিক বিষয় পরিবর্তন করার বিকল্প।<br />
  507. (1) যদি একজন প্রার্থী পূর্ণ নম্বরের পাঁচ শতাংশের কম ঘাটতির কারণে বাধ্যতামূলক কোনো বিষয়ে ন্যূনতম পাস নম্বর পেতে ব্যর্থ হন, তবে তাকে বাধ্যতামূলক বিষয়ে ঘাটতি পূরণ করার জন্য ক্রেডিট দেওয়া হবে। একটি বাধ্যতামূলক বিষয়ে তার দ্বারা প্রাপ্ত উচ্চ নম্বর থেকে নম্বর স্থানান্তরের মাধ্যমে।</p>
  508. <p>(২) একজন প্রার্থী যাকে তার কারণে পরীক্ষায় উত্তীর্ণ ঘোষণা করা যাবে না-</p>
  509. <p>(i) একটি বাধ্যতামূলক ঐচ্ছিক বিষয়ের পরীক্ষায় উপস্থিত না হওয়া, বা</p>
  510. <p>(ii) একটি বাধ্যতামূলক ঐচ্ছিক বিষয়ে ন্যূনতম পাস নম্বর প্রাপ্তিতে ব্যর্থ, কিন্তু ঐচ্ছিক ঐচ্ছিক বিষয়ে ন্যূনতম পাস নম্বর অর্জন করেছে, তাকে বাধ্যতামূলক ঐচ্ছিক বিষয়কে ঐচ্ছিক বিষয় হিসাবে পরিবর্তন করার সুবিধা প্রদান করে পাশ ঘোষণা করা হবে। বিষয় এবং তদ্বিপরীত।</p>
  511. <p>তবে শর্ত থাকে যে, কোনো প্রার্থী যদি কোনো কারণে বিষয় পরিবর্তনের সুবিধা নিতে না চান, তাহলে তিনি তার প্রতিষ্ঠান প্রধানের মাধ্যমে তার অভিপ্রায়কে অবহিত করবেন এবং তার নম্বর সমর্পণ করবেন। ফলাফল প্রকাশের তারিখ থেকে ত্রিশ দিনের মধ্যে কাউন্সিলের কাছে প্রয়োজনীয় সংশোধনের জন্য শীট।</p>
  512. <p>(৩) একজন প্রার্থী পাবেন-</p>
  513. <p>(i) সুবিধা 9(1) প্রথমে, যদি এটি তার জন্য প্রযোজ্য হয়।<br />
  514. (ii) যদি 9(1) প্রযোজ্য না হয়, তাহলে তিনি 9(2) সুবিধা পেতে পারেন, যদি তার জন্য প্রযোজ্য হয়।<br />
  515. (iii) কোনো প্রার্থী একই সময়ে উভয় সুবিধা পাবেন না।</p>
  516. <p>10. পরীক্ষার সময়সূচী<br />
  517. (ক) তত্ত্ব, ব্যবহারিক এবং প্রকল্প সহ সমস্ত সেমিস্টারের পরীক্ষার সময়সূচী/টাইমলাইন কাউন্সিল দ্বারা প্রস্তুত ও অবহিত করা হবে।</p>
  518. <p>(b) কাউন্সিল সেমিস্টার-III এবং সেমিস্টার-IV পরীক্ষার কেন্দ্র এবং স্থান নির্ধারণ করবে। তবে সেমিস্টার-১ এবং সেমিস্টার-২ হোম ভেন্যুতে অর্থাৎ মা/নিজস্ব প্রতিষ্ঠানে পরিচালিত হবে।</p>
  519. <p>(গ) কাউন্সিল, প্রয়োজন মনে করলে, সংশ্লিষ্ট সকলকে পূর্ব বিজ্ঞপ্তি দিয়ে সেমিস্টার-III এবং সেমিস্টার-4-এর পরীক্ষার কেন্দ্র/ভেন্যু পরিবর্তন করতে পারে।</p>
  520. <p>11. সেমিস্টার অনুসারে নম্বর এবং পরীক্ষার সময়কালের বিভাজন<br />
  521. বিষয় সেমিস্টার-I এবং সেমিস্টার-III প্রতিটি বিষয়ের প্রতি থিওরি মার্ক সেমিস্টার-I এবং সেমিস্টার-III প্রতিটি পরীক্ষার সময়কাল সেমিস্টার-২ এবং সেমিস্টার-৪-এ প্রতিটি বিষয়ের প্রতি থিওরি মার্ক সেমিস্টার-II এবং সেমিস্টার-IV প্রতিটি পরীক্ষার সময়কাল  একাদশ এবং দ্বাদশ শ্রেণির প্রতিটির জন্য বার্ষিক ভিত্তিতে একীভূত পদ্ধতিতে প্রকল্প / ব্যবহারিক চিহ্ন<br />
  522. থিওরি-80 প্রজেক্ট-20 এর মার্কস ব্রেকআপ সহ প্রকল্প ভিত্তিক বিষয় 40 01 ঘন্টা 15 মিনিট 40 02 ঘন্টা 20<br />
  523. থিওরি-70 এর ব্রেকআপ মার্ক সহ ব্যবহারিক ভিত্তিক বিষয়<br />
  524. ব্যবহারিক-30</p>
  525. <p>35 01 ঘন্টা 15 মিনিট  35  02 ঘন্টা  30<br />
  526. থিওরি-৫০ এর মার্কস ব্রেকআপ সহ ব্যবহারিক ভিত্তিক বিষয়<br />
  527. ব্যবহারিক-50</p>
  528. <p>20 45 মিনিট  30  01 ঘন্টা 15 মিনিট  50<br />
  529. # থিওরি-30 এর মার্কস ব্রেকআপ সহ ভোকেশনাল সাবজেক্ট<br />
  530. ব্যবহারিক-70</p>
  531. <p># 15 (30 নম্বরের মধ্যে পরীক্ষা নেওয়া হবে) 45 মিনিট   # 15 (30 নম্বরের মধ্যে পরীক্ষা নেওয়া হবে)   01 ঘন্টা 15 মিনিট  70<br />
  532. # প্রতিটি সেমিস্টারে ভোকেশনাল বিষয়ের পরীক্ষা 30 নম্বরের মধ্যে পরিচালিত হবে এবং এটি 2 দ্বারা 15 নম্বর ডাইভিংয়ে রূপান্তরিত হবে। এই মার্কগুলিকে তারপর যে কোনও সেমিস্টারের জন্য চূড়ান্ত নম্বর হিসাবে বিবেচনা করা হবে।</p>
  533. <p>12. একাদশ শ্রেণির পরীক্ষা 2024-এর অকৃতকার্য/অনুপস্থিত শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য বিধান<br />
  534. যে সমস্ত ছাত্র/ছাত্রীরা 2023-2024 শিক্ষাবর্ষ পর্যন্ত একাদশ শ্রেণির পরীক্ষায় অকৃতকার্য/উপস্থিত হয়নি, তাদের অবশ্যই 2024-2025 শিক্ষাবর্ষ থেকে নতুন চালু হওয়া সেমিস্টার সিস্টেমের সাথে একাদশ শ্রেণির পরীক্ষা চালিয়ে যেতে হবে।</p>
  535. <p>13.সূচি II<br />
  536. ভাষা গ্রুপ</p>
  537. <p>প্রথম ভাষা দ্বিতীয় ভাষা<br />
  538. ইংরেজি-A (ENGA) ইংরেজি-B (BNGB) বা হিন্দি-B (HINB) বা বিকল্প ইংরেজি (ALTE) বা নেপালি-B (NEPB)<br />
  539. বাংলা-এ (বিএনজিএ) বা হিন্দি-এ (হিনা) বা নেপালি-এ (নেপা) বা উর্দু (ইউআরডিইউ) বা সাঁথালি (সান্ট) বা ওডিয়া (ওডিয়া) বা<br />
  540. তেলুগু (AXIS)</p>
  541. <p>ইংরেজি-B (ENGB)<br />
  542. ঐচ্ছিক বিষয়ের পছন্দ নিম্নলিখিত বিষয়গুলির যে কোনো একটিতে সীমাবদ্ধ থাকতে হবে:</p>
  543. <p>সেট-I<br />
  544. পদার্থবিদ্যা (PHYS) বা পুষ্টি (NUTN)<br />
  545. রসায়ন (CHEM) বা ভূগোল (GEGR)<br />
  546. অর্থনীতি (ECON) বা নৃবিজ্ঞান (ANTH)<br />
  547. গণিত (MATH) বা কৃষি (AGRI)<br />
  548. জীববিজ্ঞান (BIOS)<br />
  549. পরিসংখ্যান (STAT) বা মনোবিজ্ঞান (PSYC) বা সুস্থতার বিজ্ঞান (SOWB)<br />
  550. কম্পিউটার সায়েন্স (COMS) বা এনভায়রনমেন্ট স্টাডিজ (ENVS) বা স্বাস্থ্য ও শারীরিক শিক্ষা (HPED)<br />
  551. সাইবার সিকিউরিটি (CBST) বা কৃত্রিম বুদ্ধিমত্তা (ARTI) বা ডেটা সায়েন্স (DTSC)<br />
  552. কাউন্সিল কর্তৃক প্রদত্ত একটি বৃত্তিমূলক বিষয়, যা শুধুমাত্র ঐচ্ছিক ঐচ্ছিক বিষয় হিসাবে নির্বাচিত হতে পারে<br />
  553. সেট-২<br />
  554. হিসাববিজ্ঞান (ACCT)<br />
  555. বিজনেস স্টাডিজ (BSTD)<br />
  556. কমার্শিয়াল ল অ্যান্ড প্রিলিমিনারি অফ অডিটিং (CLPA) বা পরিসংখ্যান (STAT)<br />
  557. খরচ এবং ট্যাক্সেশন (CSTX)<br />
  558. অর্থনীতি (ECON)<br />
  559. আধুনিক কম্পিউটার অ্যাপ্লিকেশন (COMA) বা এনভায়রনমেন্ট স্টাডিজ (ENVS) বা ফলিত কৃত্রিম বুদ্ধিমত্তা (APAI) বা স্বাস্থ্য ও শারীরিক শিক্ষা (HPED)<br />
  560. গণিত (MATH)<br />
  561. কাউন্সিল কর্তৃক প্রদত্ত একটি বৃত্তিমূলক বিষয়, যা শুধুমাত্র ঐচ্ছিক ঐচ্ছিক বিষয় হিসাবে নির্বাচিত হতে পারে<br />
  562. সেট-III<br />
  563. রাষ্ট্রবিজ্ঞান (POLS) বা জীববিজ্ঞান (BIOS)<br />
  564. শিক্ষা (EDCN) বা পুষ্টি (NUTN)<br />
  565. সাংবাদিকতা ও গণযোগাযোগ (JMCN) বা সংস্কৃত (SNSK) বা ফার্সি (PRSN) বা আরবি (ARBC) বা গণিত (MATH) বা কৃষি (AGRI)<br />
  566. অর্থনীতি (ECON) বা নৃবিজ্ঞান (ANTH)<br />
  567. দর্শন (পিএইচআইএল)<br />
  568. সমাজবিজ্ঞান (SOCG)<br />
  569. ইতিহাস (HIST) বা মনোবিজ্ঞান (PSYC) বা পরিসংখ্যান (STAT) বা সুস্থতার বিজ্ঞান (SOWB)<br />
  570. ভূগোল (GEGR) বা মানব উন্নয়ন ও সম্পদ ব্যবস্থাপনা (HDRM)<br />
  571. সঙ্গীত (MUSC) বা ভিজ্যুয়াল আর্টস (VISA) বা স্বাস্থ্য ও শারীরিক শিক্ষা বা পরিবেশ অধ্যয়ন (HPED) বা আধুনিক কম্পিউটার অ্যাপ্লিকেশন (COMA) বা ফলিত কৃত্রিম বুদ্ধিমত্তা (APAI)<br />
  572. কাউন্সিল কর্তৃক প্রদত্ত একটি বৃত্তিমূলক বিষয়, যা শুধুমাত্র ঐচ্ছিক ঐচ্ছিক বিষয় হিসাবে নির্বাচিত হতে পারে<br />
  573. বৃত্তিমূলক বিষয়<br />
  574. (1) IT এবং ITeS (ITEV) (2) সংগঠিত খুচরা বিক্রয় (ORTV) (3) স্বাস্থ্য পরিচর্যা (HLCV) (4) পর্যটন ও হাসপাতাল (THLV) (5) নির্মাণ (CNSV) (6) সৌন্দর্য ও সুস্থতা (BWLV) (7) পাওয়ার (POWV) (8) অটোমোবাইল (ATMV) (9) নিরাপত্তা (SEUV) (10) ইলেকট্রনিক্স (ELTV) (11) প্লাম্বিং (PLBV) (12) পোশাক (APLV) (13) কৃষি (AGLV) ( 14) ব্যাংকিং, আর্থিক পরিষেবা এবং বীমা (BSIV) (15) খাদ্য প্রক্রিয়াকরণ (FDPV) (16) টেলিকম (TELV)।</p>
  575. <p>শিক্ষার্থীদের একসাথে নিম্নলিখিত বিষয়গুলি বেছে নেওয়ার অনুমতি দেওয়া হবে না: –<br />
  576. যেকোনো বৃত্তিমূলক বিষয়, সঙ্গীত (MUSC) এবং ভিজ্যুয়াল আর্টস (VISA)।<br />
  577. ভোকেশনাল বিষয়ের কৃষি (AGRI) এবং কৃষি (AGLV)।</p>
  578. <p>14. রাষ্ট্রপতির বিবেচনামূলক ক্ষমতা<br />
  579. এই বিজ্ঞপ্তির সাথে সম্পর্কিত যেকোন মোকদ্দমা, যদি উদ্ভূত হয়, কাউন্সিল চূড়ান্ত ব্যাখ্যা দেওয়ার ক্ষমতা সংরক্ষণ করে এবং প্রয়োজনে, পশ্চিমবঙ্গ উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক শিক্ষা আইন 1975-এর ধারা 22 অনুযায়ী বিজ্ঞপ্তিটিকে পরিবর্তন বা/এবং সংশোধন করার ক্ষমতা রাখে৷</p>
  580. <p>সংশ্লিষ্ট সকলকে আরও জানানো হয় যে, সেমিস্টার সিস্টেমের সুষ্ঠু বাস্তবায়নের জন্য সমস্ত স্টেক হোল্ডারদের গাইড করার জন্য পরীক্ষা, ভর্তি এবং সংশ্লিষ্ট বিষয়গুলির উপর একটি বিশদ প্রবিধান শীঘ্রই প্রকাশিত হবে। প্রক্রিয়াটির আপডেট এবং উন্নতির জন্য কাউন্সিল প্রতিষ্ঠানের প্রধান এবং শিক্ষকদের জন্য জেলাভিত্তিক অনলাইন/অফলাইন সংবেদনশীলতা প্রোগ্রামের ব্যবস্থা করবে।</p>
  581. <p>Sd/- Prof. (Dr.) Chiranjib Bhattacharjee</p>
  582. <p>তারিখ: 18.04.2024</p>
  583. <p>রাষ্ট্রপতি</p>
  584. <p>এইচএস শিক্ষার WB কাউন্সিল</p>
  585. <p>………………………………….</p>
  586. <p>উচ্চ মাধ্যমিকে সেমিস্টার পদ্ধতির সিলেবাস<br />
  587. 2024-2025 সালের একাডেমিক সেশনের জন্য একাদশ শ্রেণির জন্য এবং 2025-2026 সালের একাডেমিক সেশন থেকে দ্বাদশ শ্রেণির জন্য উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক পরীক্ষায় সেমিস্টার সিস্টেমের সিলেবাস। সেমিস্টার সিস্টেম 2024 এর সিলেবাসের পিডিএফ ডাউনলোড করুন।</p>
  588. <p>ক্রম না বিষয়/সিলেবাস  PDF ডাউনলোড করুন<br />
  589. 1. সমস্ত বিষয় এক পিডিএফ-এ চ সমস্ত বিষয়<br />
  590. 2. একাদশ শ্রেণির জন্য বাংলা পাঠ্য বই বাংলা পাঠ্য<br />
  591. 3. ইংরেজি-বি / বিষয় কোড: ENGB ইংরেজি<br />
  592. 4. একাদশ শ্রেণির জন্য ইংরেজি-বি পাঠ্য বই ইংরেজি পাঠ্য<br />
  593. 5. ইংরেজি-বি বিষয় ENGB<br />
  594. 6. ইতিহাস /বিষয় কোড: HIST ইতিহাস<br />
  595. ক্রম না বিষয়/সিলেবাস  PDF ডাউনলোড করুন<br />
  596. 7. পুষ্টি/বিষয় কোড: NUTN পুষ্টি<br />
  597. …………………………………….​</p>
  598. <p>উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক পরীক্ষায় সেমিস্টার সিস্টেমের আপডেট খবর<br />
  599. একাডেমিক সেশন 2024-2025 এবং 2025-2026 অ্যাকাডেমিক সেশন থেকে দ্বাদশ শ্রেণির জন্য উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক পরীক্ষায় সেমিস্টার সিস্টেমের আপডেট করা খবর। উচ্চ মাধ্যমিকে সেমিস্টার সিস্টেমের জন্য বিজ্ঞপ্তি/আদেশ/পরিপত্র/স্মারকলিপির পিডিএফ ডাউনলোড করুন।</p>
  600. <p>ক্রম না বিজ্ঞপ্তি/সার্কুলার/আদেশ  PDF ডাউনলোড করুন<br />
  601. 1. উচ্চ মাধ্যমিকে সেমিস্টার পদ্ধতি চালু করুন<br />
  602. নম্বর L/PR/176/2024 তারিখ: 18.04.2024</p>
  603. <p>সেমিস্টার সিস্টেম<br />
  604. 18.04.2024</p>
  605. <p>2. উচ্চ মাধ্যমিকে সেমিস্টার সিস্টেম এইচএস-এ সেমিস্টার<br />
  606. 3. বিষয়ের নাম/বিষয় কোডের পরিবর্তন<br />
  607. নম্বর L/PR/162/2024 তারিখ: 07.04.2024</p>
  608. <p>বিজ্ঞপ্তি<br />
  609. ০৭.০৪.২০২৪<br />
  610. 4. বিজ্ঞপ্তি সংশোধন<br />
  611. নম্বর DS/ACA/263/2024 তারিখ: 19.04.2024</p>
  612. <p>সংশোধন করা<br />
  613. পাঠ্য বই সেমিস্টার-১</p>
  614. <p>5.<br />
  615. ……………………………….</td>
  616. </tr>
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  618. </table>
  619. <p>HS Semester System syllabus 2024</p>
  620. <table width="929">
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  623. <td width="929">  Introduce Semester System in Higher Secondary<br />
  624. Date-29th april,2024Council is going to introduce Semester System in Higher Secondary Examination for Class XI for academic Session 2024-2025 and for Class XII from academic Session 2025-2026 based upon the approval of the SED, Government of West Bengal and in line with the State Education Policy. download Examination procedure, Syllabus and updated news for Semester System.Notification for Semester System in Higher Secondary<br />
  625. The President, W.B. Council of H.S. Education</p>
  626. <p>No. L/PR/176/2024 Date: 18.04.2024</p>
  627. <p>This is for information to all the Heads of Institutions, Teachers, Teaching Staff, Students, Guardians and other stakeholders that as per our earlier Notification vide Memo No. L/PR/133/2024 dated 06.03.2024, WBCHSE (West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education) is going to introduce Semester System for Class XI for Academic Session 2024-2025 and for Class XII from Academic Session 2025-2026 based upon the approval of the School Education Department, Government of West Bengal and in line with the State Education Policy.</p>
  628. <p>Salient features of the Semester System are given hereunder<br />
  629. 1.Course of Study<br />
  630. The Higher Secondary (Senior Secondary) or 10+2 Course will consist of four parts, i.e. Semester-I, Semester-II, Semester-III and Semester-IV.</p>
  631. <p>(a) Class XI has been redesigned as Semester-I and Semester-II, and Class XII has been redesigned as Semester-III and Semester-IV.</p>
  632. <p>(b) The curriculum of the Semester-I, Semester-II, Semester-III and Semester-IV shall consist of :</p>
  633. <p>(i) Two language subjects from the Language Group as mentioned in Schedule-II, one subject each from First Language and Second Language,</p>
  634. <p>(ii) Three compulsory elective subjects are to be chosen from any of the three sets of subjects as mentioned in Schedule-II.</p>
  635. <p>(iii) One optional elective subject, if desired, may be chosen from the designated set from where three compulsory elective subjects have already been chosen or from the lists of vocational subjects offered by the Council.</p>
  636. <p>(c) As per clause 3,6,2 of State Education Policy (2023), schools should provide guidance and scope for the students for taking challenging course works, participating in extracurricular activities, engaged in Summer Projects with Higher Educational Institutions.</p>
  637. <p>(d) As per clause 3,6,5 of State Education Policy (2023), students of Higher Secondary course should be engaged in internship programmes and projects during Summer Vacation related to the subjects of their choice. Necessary tie ups with Media Houses, Corporate Firms, Publishing Houses and Higher Education Institutes should be initiated and made by the Head of the Institutions in this regard.</p>
  638. <p>2.The Academic Session<br />
  639. The academic session of Semester-I and Semester-III will start from the month of May and will continue till the month of October as per Government holidays schedule of the respective year. Subsequently, Semester-II and Semester-IV will start from the month of November and will continue till the month of April as per Government holiday schedule of the respective year.</p>
  640. <p>3.Admission<br />
  641. (a) A student, who has passed the Madhyamik Pariksha or equivalent public examination, may be admitted into Semester-I within mid of May every year so that the class of Semester-I could commence immediately post publication of results.</p>
  642. <p>(b) A student, who has got admitted and register in Semester-I will be eligible for promotion to Semester-II within the 30th October every year so that the Class of Semester-II can be stared from the 1st week of November every year.</p>
  643. <p>(c) A student, who has passed Semester-I and Semester-II of Class XI, can be admitted into Semester-III with the 30th of April every year so that the Class of Semester-III can be started from the 1st week of May.</p>
  644. <p>(d) A student, who has got admitted and enrolled in Semester-III will be eligible for promotion to Semester-IV within 31st of October every year so that the Class of Semester-IV can be started from the 1st week of November every year.</p>
  645. <p>(e) Here, the eligibility to appear for admission in the next superior Semester requires a minimum percentage of attendance in the previous Semester and clearance of all dues as fixed by the Council. Details will be given in the Admission, Examination and allied matters Regulations which will be published shortly.</p>
  646. <p>4.Registration<br />
  647. (a)  No student shall be allowed to appear in any Semester unless he/she is registered with the Council in Semester-I as per the notification of the Council.</p>
  648. <p>(b) A valid candidate, who has been admitted into Semester-I of a recognized Institution, should apply for registration with the Council within the 30th of June of the year of admission and/or as per the notification of the Council through the concerned Head of the Institution through online portal along with the requisite registration fees and all other necessary fees as may be determined by the Council from time to time.</p>
  649. <p>(c) Students shall be permitted to register with the Council within three consecutive years from the date of publication of his/her result of the Madhyamik Pariksha or equivalent examination, including the year of publication of results.</p>
  650. <p>5. Examinations of Semester-I and Semester-II of Class XI<br />
  651. (a) Semester-I Examination of Class XI will be conducted in September or as per the notification issued by the Council, Subsequently, Semester-II Examination of Class XI will be conducted within the month of March every year and will continue on the same cycle until further notification.</p>
  652. <p>(b) Conducting the examination and evaluation of OMR/ Answer Scripts are to be made by the concerned Institutions.</p>
  653. <p>(c) Examination of Semester-I will be based on Multiple Choice Questions (hereinafter referred as MCQ and Semester-II will be based on Short Answer Type Question (hereinafter referred as SAQ) and Descriptive Question (hereinafter referred as DQ).</p>
  654. <p>(d) The question papers of Semester-I and Semester-II are to be set and supplied by the concerned Institutions. Blank OMR/ black answer scripts for Semester-I and Semester-II are to be provided by the concerned Institutions.</p>
  655. <p>(e) Institutions will take necessary measures to conduct the Practical and Project Examinations within the completion of Semester-II in a consolidated manner on annual basis based upon guidelines and timelines provided by the Council. Question papers and blank answer scripts for this purpose will be provided by the Institutions.</p>
  656. <p>(f) The Institutions will take necessary measures for evaluation of OMR/ written answer scripts, Practical and Project Examinations and will publish the results of the students accordingly.</p>
  657. <p>(g) The results of Semester-I and Semester-II, Project and Practical have to be uploaded by the Institutions in the Council’s Portal within a specified time period as per the norms and notification issued by the Council.</p>
  658. <p>(h) A students will be declared passed in Class XI, if he/she obtains minimum thirty per centum marks in any of five theory papers of Semester-I and Semester-II independently, and also secures minimum thirty per centum marks in practical/project of the respective subjects separately. However, passing in each of language subjects is mandatory.</p>
  659. <p>(i) The Grand Total will be calculated by considering the higher marks obtained in five subjects.</p>
  660. <p>(j) The students who will not pass in Semester-I will be allowed to re-appear in the backlog subjects (Supplementary subjects) during Semester-II examination in the same session as per schedule of the Council (Herein this examination is named as Supplementary Examination of Class XI), Detailed guideline will be given in the Regulation on Examination, Admission and Allied matters which will be published soon.</p>
  661. <p>(k) The students who will not be able to pass in any of the subjects of Semester-II and the backlog subject(s) (if any) of Semester-I in the Supplementary Examination, should repeat the Semester-I and Semester-II afresh in the next academic session.</p>
  662. <p>6.Enrolment<br />
  663. A registered and bonafide student who has passed both Semester-I and Semester-II including practical /project papers separately, shall only be eligible to enroll himself/ herself for both the Semester (i.e. Semester-III and Semester-IV) within the 30th of June or as per notification issued by the Council.</p>
  664. <p>7. Examinations of Semester-III &amp; Semester-IV of Class XII (H.S. Examination)<br />
  665. (a) Semester-III Examination of Class XII will be conducted within the month of September or as per notification, issued by the Council. Subsequently, Semester-IV Examination of Class XII will be conducted within the month of April every year or as per the notification of the Council and will continue on the same cycle until further notification.</p>
  666. <p>(b) The examination of Semester-III and Semester-IV will be conducted by the Council.</p>
  667. <p>(c) Semester-III will be based on MCQ and Semester-IV will be based on SAQ and DQ.</p>
  668. <p>(d) The question papers are to be set and supplied by the Council. OMR and blank answer scripts for this purpose will also to be provide by the Council.</p>
  669. <p>(e) The Council will take necessary measures for evaluation of OMR and written answer scripts under its strict supervision and will publish the result of Semester-III and Semester-IV.</p>
  670. <p>(f) The Practical Question Papers and Blank Answer Scripts will be supplied by the Council.</p>
  671. <p>(g) The Institutions will take necessary arrangement for conducting and evaluation of the Project and Practical Examination in a consolidated manner on annual basis as per the timelines given by the Council.</p>
  672. <p>(h) The Institutions will upload the Project and Practical marks of every enrolled student in the Council’s Portal within a specified time period as per norms and notification issued by the Council.</p>
  673. <p>(i) A student will be declared passed in Class XII, if he/she obtains minimum thirty per centum marks in any of five theory papers of Semester-III and Semester-IV independently and also secures minimum thirty per centum marks in practical/project of the respective subjects separately. However, passing in each of the language subjects is mandatory.</p>
  674. <p>(j) The students, who will not pass in Semester-III, will be allowed to re-appear in the backlog subjects (supplementary subjects) during Semester-IV examination in the same session as per the schedule of Council (Herein this examination is named as Supplementary Examination of Class XII). Detailed guideline will be given in the Regulation on Examination, Admission and Allied matters which will be published soon.</p>
  675. <p>(k) The Grand Total will be calculated by considering the highest marks obtained in any five subjects.</p>
  676. <p>(l) The Result of Higher Secondary Examination of the students will be declared as per the marks obtained in Class XII i.e. in Semester-III, Semester-IV and in practical /project. Mark Sheet and Pass Certificate will be issued accordingly.</p>
  677. <p>(m) Every candidate should have to pass in all the Semester (i.e. Semester-I, Semester-II, Semester-III and Semester-IV) including practical and project within seven years from the year of registration (including the year of registration), otherwise his/her registration will be cancelled and further admission /registration /enrolment in any semester will not be permitted.</p>
  678. <p>8.Supplementary Examinations<br />
  679. (a) Supplementary Examination of Class XI</p>
  680. <p>(i) A student who not be able to clear any of the subject(s) in Semester-I, will be allowed to appear for a Supplementary Examination along with Semester-II in the same academic year.</p>
  681. <p>(ii) After appearing this Supplementary Examination as mentioned in (i), if the student is still not be able to clear any of the subject(s) of Semester-I and /or if the student is having any backlog papers in Semester-II, then he/she needs to appear all the subjects of Semester-I and Semester-II in the next academic year like a fresh candidate. In that case he/she gets the same opportunity like a freshly admitted candidate in Class XI.</p>
  682. <p>(iii) This arrangement will continue till the student will be able to clear all the papers of Semester-I and Semester-II of Class XI, but with the condition that the student needs to pass the Higher Secondary Examination within a maximum period of seven years from the year of registration (including the year of registration) failing which his/her registration will be cancelled.</p>
  683. <p>(iv) This Supplementary Examination will be conducted by the concerned Institutions.</p>
  684. <p>(b) Supplementary Examination of Class XII</p>
  685. <p>(i) A student who will not be able to clear any of the subject(s) in Semester-III will be allowed to appear for a Supplementary Examination along with Semester-IV in the same academic year.</p>
  686. <p>(ii) After appearing this Supplementary Examination as mentioned in (i), if the student is still not be able to clear any subject(s), he/she has to appear those subject(s) with Semester-III in the next academic year.</p>
  687. <p>(iii) After appearing Semester-III Examination in the next academic year as mentioned in (ii), if the student is still not be able to clear any subject(s), he/she has to appear the Supplementary Examination for those subject(s) with Semester-IV in the same academic year.</p>
  688. <p>(iv) The cycle will continue and the students will get the opportunity to clear their backlog papers within a maximum period of seven years from the year of registration (including the year of registration) failing which his/her registration will be cancelled.</p>
  689. <p>(v) The Supplementary Examination will be conducted by the Council.</p>
  690. <p>(vi) The student who will not be able to clear any of the subject(s) of Semester-IV, will have to clear their corresponding backlog paper(s) in the next academic year along with the Semester-IV Examination.</p>
  691. <p>(vii) This will continue (as mentioned in vi) till the students will clear all the backlog papers or till the validity of registration period whichever is earlier.</p>
  692. <p>9.Option of changing compulsory elective subject as compulsory optional subject etc.<br />
  693. (1) If a candidate fails to obtain minimum pass marks in any of the compulsory subjects for the reasons of deficiency of less than five per centum of full marks, he/she to make up the deficiency in the compulsory subject, shall be given credit by transfer of marks from the higher marks obtained by him/her in a compulsory subject.</p>
  694. <p>(2) A candidate who cannot be declared passed in the examination by reason of his/her-</p>
  695. <p>(i) not appearing in the examination of a compulsory elective subject, or</p>
  696. <p>(ii) failure in obtaining the minimum pass marks in a compulsory elective subject, but has obtained the minimum pass marks in the optional elective subject, shall be declared passed by giving him/her the benefit of interchanging the compulsory elective subject as the optional elective subject and vice versa.</p>
  697. <p>Provided that if a candidate does not, for any reason, intend to take the benefit of interchanging the subjects, he/she shall, through his/her Head of the institution, intimate his/her intention as such, and surrender his/her marks sheet for necessary correction therein, to the Council within thirty days from the date of publication of results.</p>
  698. <p>(3) A candidate will get-</p>
  699. <p>(i) the benefit 9(1) first, if it is applicable to him/her.<br />
  700. (ii) if 9(1) is not applicable, then he/she may get the benefit 9(2), if is applicable to him/her.<br />
  701. (iii) No candidate will get both the benefit at a time.</p>
  702. <p>10.Schedule of Examination<br />
  703. (a) The schedules/timelines of examinations for all semester including theory, practical and project shall be prepared and notified by the Council.</p>
  704. <p>(b) The Council will decide the Centres and Venues for Semester-III and Semester-IV Examinations. However, Semester-I and Semester-II will be conducted at home venue i.e. at the mother/own institution.</p>
  705. <p>(c) The Council may, if it considers necessary, can change the centre/venue for examination of Semester-III and Semester-IV with prior notice to all concerned.</p>
  706. <p>11. Semester wise breakup of marks and duration of examinations<br />
  707. Subjects Theory marks per subject in Semester-I &amp; Semester-III each Duration of Semester-I &amp; Semester-III examinations each Theory marks per subject in Semester-II &amp; Semester-IV each Duration of  Semester-II &amp; Semester-IV examinations each  Project/ Practical marks in consolidated manner on annual basis for Class XI and Class XII each<br />
  708. Project based subjects with marks breakup of Theory-80 Project-20 40 01 Hour 15 Minutes 40 02 Hours 20<br />
  709. Practical based subjects with marks of breakup of Theory-70<br />
  710. Practical-30</p>
  711. <p>35 01 Hour 15 Minutes  35  02 Hours  30<br />
  712. Practical based subjects with marks breakup of Theory-50<br />
  713. Practical-50</p>
  714. <p>20 45 Minutes  30  01 Hour 15 Minutes  50<br />
  715. # Vocational Subjects with marks breakup of Theory-30<br />
  716. Practical-70</p>
  717. <p># 15 (Examinations will be conducted out of 30 marks) 45 Minutes   # 15 (Examinations will be conducted out of 30 marks)   01 Hour 15 Minutes  70<br />
  718. # Examinations of Vocational Subjects in each Semester will be conducted out of 30 marks and that will be converted into 15 marks diving by 2. This marks then be taken into account as final marks for any semester.</p>
  719. <p>12.Provision for unsuccessful /absent students of Class XI Examination 2024<br />
  720. All the students who are unsuccessful/have not appeared in Class XI examination till the academic session 2023-2024, must continue Class XI examination with newly introduced Semester System from the academic session 2024-2025.</p>
  721. <p>13.Schedule II<br />
  722. Language Group</p>
  723. <p>First Language Second Language<br />
  724. English-A (ENGA) English-B (BNGB) or Hindi-B (HINB) or Alternative English (ALTE) or Nepali-B (NEPB)<br />
  725. Bengali-A (BNGA) or Hindi-A (HINA) or Nepali-A (NEPA) or Urdu (URDU) or Santhali (SANT) or Odia (ODIA) or<br />
  726. Telugu (AXIS)</p>
  727. <p>English-B (ENGB)<br />
  728. The choice of elective subjects must be confined to any one of the following sets of subjects:</p>
  729. <p>Set-I<br />
  730. Physics (PHYS) or Nutrition (NUTN)<br />
  731. Chemistry (CHEM) or Geography (GEGR)<br />
  732. Economics (ECON) or Anthropology (ANTH)<br />
  733. Mathematics (MATH) or Agriculture (AGRI)<br />
  734. Biological Science (BIOS)<br />
  735. Statistics (STAT) or Psychology (PSYC) or Science of Well Being (SOWB)<br />
  736. Computer Science (COMS) or Environment Studies (ENVS) or Health &amp; Physical Education (HPED)<br />
  737. Cyber Security (CBST) or Artificial Intelligence (ARTI) or Data Science (DTSC)<br />
  738. One vocational subject offered by Council, which may be selected as optional elective subject only<br />
  739. Set-II<br />
  740. Accountancy (ACCT)<br />
  741. Business Studies (BSTD)<br />
  742. Commercial Law and Preliminaries of Auditing (CLPA) or Statistics (STAT)<br />
  743. Costing and Taxation (CSTX)<br />
  744. Economics (ECON)<br />
  745. Modern Computer Application (COMA) or Environment Studies (ENVS) or Applied Artificial Intelligence (APAI) or Health &amp; Physical Education (HPED)<br />
  746. Mathematics (MATH)<br />
  747. One vocational subject offered by Council, which may be selected as optional elective subject only<br />
  748. Set-III<br />
  749. Political Science (POLS) or Biological Science (BIOS)<br />
  750. Education (EDCN) or Nutrition (NUTN)<br />
  751. Journalism &amp; Mass Communication (JMCN) or Sanskrit (SNSK) or Persian (PRSN) or Arabic (ARBC) or Mathematics (MATH) or Agriculture (AGRI)<br />
  752. Economics (ECON) or Anthropology (ANTH)<br />
  753. Philosophy (PHIL)<br />
  754. Sociology (SOCG)<br />
  755. History (HIST) or Psychology (PSYC) or Statistics (STAT) or Science of Well Being (SOWB)<br />
  756. Geography (GEGR) or Human Development &amp; Resource Management (HDRM)<br />
  757. Music (MUSC) or Visual Arts (VISA) or Health &amp; Physical Education or Environment Studies (HPED) or Modern Computer Application (COMA) or Applied Artificial Intelligence (APAI)<br />
  758. One vocational subject offered by Council, which may be selected as optional elective subject only<br />
  759. Vocational Subjects<br />
  760. (1) IT and ITeS (ITEV) (2) Organised Retailing (ORTV) (3) Health Care (HLCV) (4) Tourism &amp; Hospital (THLV) (5) Construction (CNSV) (6) Beauty &amp; Wellness (BWLV) (7) Power (POWV) (8) Automobile (ATMV) (9) Security (SEUV) (10) Electronics (ELTV) (11) Plumbing (PLBV) (12) Apparel (APLV) (13) Agriculture (AGLV) (14) Banking, Financial Service and Insurance (BSIV) (15) Food Processing (FDPV) (16) Telecom (TELV).</p>
  761. <p>The students will not be allowed to opt the following subjects together: –<br />
  762. Any vocational subjects, Music (MUSC) and Visual Arts (VISA).<br />
  763. Agriculture (AGRI) and Agriculture (AGLV) of Vocational Subject.</p>
  764. <p>14.Discretionary Power of the President<br />
  765. Any litigation related to this notification, if arises, the Council reserves the power to give the final explanation and if necessary, change or /and modify the notification as per the Section 22 of the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education Act 1975.</p>
  766. <p>All concerned are further informed that a detailed Regulation on Examination, Admission and Allied Matters will be published soon to guide all the stake holders for smooth implementation of the Semester System. The Council will also arrange for district wise Online/Offline Sensitization Programme for the Head of Institutions and teachers for updation and betterment of the process.</p>
  767. <p>Sd/- Prof. (Dr.) Chiranjib Bhattacharjee</p>
  768. <p>Date: 18.04.2024</p>
  769. <p>President</p>
  770. <p>W.B. Council of H.S. Education</p>
  771. <p>………………………………….</p>
  772. <p>Syllabus of Semester System in Higher Secondary<br />
  773. Syllabus of Semester System in Higher Secondary Examination for Class XI for academic Session 2024-2025 and for Class XII from academic Session 2025-2026. download pdf of Syllabus for Semester System 2024.</p>
  774. <p>Sl. No Subjects/Syllabus  Download PDF<br />
  775. 1. All Subjects in one PDF f All Subjects<br />
  776. 2. Bengali Text Book for Class XI Bengali Text<br />
  777. 3. English-B /Subject Code: ENGB English<br />
  778. 4. English-B Text Book for Class XI English Text<br />
  779. 5. English-B Subject ENGB<br />
  780. 6. History /Subject Code: HIST History<br />
  781. Sl. No Subjects/Syllabus  Download PDF<br />
  782. 7. Nutrition /Subject Code: NUTN Nutrition<br />
  783. …………………………………</p>
  784. <p>Updated news of Semester System in Higher Secondary Examination<br />
  785. Updated news of Semester System in Higher Secondary Examination for Class XI for academic Session 2024-2025 and for Class XII from academic Session 2025-2026. download pdf of Notification/Order/Circular/Memorandum for Semester System in Higher Secondary.</p>
  786. <p>Sl. No Notification/Circular/Order  Download PDF<br />
  787. 1. Introduce Semester System in Higher Secondary<br />
  788. No. L/PR/176/2024 Date: 18.04.2024</p>
  789. <p>Semester System<br />
  790. 18.04.2024</p>
  791. <p>2. Semester System in Higher Secondary Semester in H.S.<br />
  792. 3. Change of Subject Name/Subject Code<br />
  793. No. L/PR/162/2024 Date: 07.04.2024</p>
  794. <p>Notification<br />
  795. 07.04.2024<br />
  796. 4. Correction to Notification<br />
  797. No. DS/ACA/263/2024 Date: 19.04.2024</p>
  798. <p>To be corrected<br />
  799. Text Book Semester-I</p>
  800. <p>5.<br />
  801. …………………………………</td>
  802. </tr>
  803. </tbody>
  804. </table>
  805. ]]></content:encoded>
  806. </item>
  807. <item>
  808. <title>Best Air Cooler</title>
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  810. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Satyabrata Jana]]></dc:creator>
  811. <pubDate>Mon, 22 Apr 2024 15:02:50 +0000</pubDate>
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  815. <description><![CDATA[Buy Now Bajaj PMH 25 DLX 24L Personal Air Cooler for home&#124; DuraMarine Pump&#124; 3-Yr ... <p class="read-more-container"><a title="Best Air Cooler" class="read-more button" href="" aria-label="More on Best Air Cooler">Read more</a></p>]]></description>
  816. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Buy Now <a href=";dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.A-9sbt_lVYIMqo0E6kWQCrPb-Cgq3-ELPCy95u9xSpjyxIyEyHIilXI9O-RmoazEp7VCddJhCS8oeJfpPpWYYqh0atWVsyp9ixYkLJhOKbZezEU6wr7T81v5vGl3aMKNUW2bIgOt8H6zEhThnsA_tJ8XnlYih_coo79ZazspvPzNQwF2EH_mqp1BI5oCB3CNdbwZXGKWBnaIf7D1rJDhNmSdYGcDVczcpv4VAzZOc8g.1j8PQFhfvSsB-Gh_b5QEcYPTYjYz-BumERqXwF8ERko&#038;dib_tag=se&#038;ext_vrnc=hi&#038;gclid=Cj0KCQjwlZixBhCoARIsAIC745Dv7HXimYtti-Xkm8zblxLbKSU9kyuiVPZXCJ8FZDXYYwY0Qgvs0dEaApcCEALw_wcB&#038;hvadid=397715977335&#038;hvdev=c&#038;hvlocphy=9300251&#038;hvnetw=g&#038;hvqmt=b&#038;hvrand=16403242945480350986&#038;hvtargid=kwd-10094731&#038;hydadcr=16182_1994045&#038;keywords=coolers&#038;qid=1713797446&#038;sr=8-4&#038;th=1&#038;linkCode=ll1&#038;tag=reflectu-21&#038;linkId=10a55eddee0a533b4d426a0110c105eb&#038;language=en_IN&#038;ref_=as_li_ss_tl" class="su-button su-button-style-3d" style="color:#24369e;background-color:#da9bd6;border-color:#af7cac;border-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="color:#24369e;padding:6px 16px;font-size:13px;line-height:20px;border-color:#e6b9e3;border-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px;text-shadow:none;-moz-text-shadow:none;-webkit-text-shadow:none"><i class="sui sui-bullhorn" style="font-size:13px;color:#FFFFFF"></i> Buy Now</span></a>
  817. <p><img decoding="async" class="aligncenter wp-image-6861 size-full" src=";ssl=1" alt="" width="1214" height="665" data-recalc-dims="1" /></p>
  818. <p id="title" class="a-size-large a-spacing-none"><span id="productTitle" class="a-size-large product-title-word-break">Bajaj PMH 25 DLX 24L Personal Air Cooler for home| DuraMarine Pump| 3-Yr Warranty| Anti-Bacterial Hexacool Master| TurboFan Technology| 3-Speed Control| Portable AC| White Cooler for Room</span></p>
  819. <p>Buy Now <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p>
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  822. <p id="title" class="a-size-large a-spacing-none"><span id="productTitle" class="a-size-large product-title-word-break">MiNi CoOlEr FoR RoOm CoOlInG MiNi CoOlEr AiR CoOlEr PoRtAbLe AiR CoNdItIoNeRs FoR HoMe OfFiCe ArTiC CoOlEr 3 In 1 CoNdItIoNeR MiNi CoOlEr HOMe</span></p>
  823. <p>Buy Now <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p>
  824. <p>&nbsp;</p>
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  826. </item>
  827. <item>
  828. <title>dra certificate download</title>
  829. <link></link>
  830. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Satyabrata Jana]]></dc:creator>
  831. <pubDate>Mon, 22 Apr 2024 14:49:29 +0000</pubDate>
  832. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  833. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  835. <description><![CDATA[Download DRA Certificate Name of Post:- DEBT Recovery Agent 2024 Note: • Candidate can download ... <p class="read-more-container"><a title="dra certificate download" class="read-more button" href="" aria-label="More on dra certificate download">Read more</a></p>]]></description>
  836. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Download DRA Certificate <a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-3d" style="color:#24369e;background-color:#da9bd6;border-color:#af7cac;border-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="color:#24369e;padding:6px 16px;font-size:13px;line-height:20px;border-color:#e6b9e3;border-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px;text-shadow:none;-moz-text-shadow:none;-webkit-text-shadow:none"><i class="sui sui-bullhorn" style="font-size:13px;color:#FFFFFF"></i> DRA Certificate Download</span></a>
  837. <div class="box-header with-border ">
  838. <table class="has-background">
  839. <tbody>
  840. <tr>
  841. <td class="has-text-align-center" data-align="center"><span class="tadv-color">Name of Post:-</span></td>
  842. <td><strong>DEBT Recovery Agent 2024</strong></td>
  843. </tr>
  844. </tbody>
  845. </table>
  846. <h3 class="box-title">Note:</h3>
  847. </div>
  848. <div class="box-body blue_bg">
  849. <div class="form-group">
  850. <div class="col-sm-12">
  851. <ol>
  852. <li>• Candidate can download copy of e-certificate only after the e-certificate is processed, digitally signed and emailed by the Institute.</li>
  853. <li>• E-certificate wont be available for download in case of any discrepancy found in processing (e.g. photo/signature etc.).</li>
  854. <li>• For any query click on the link <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a> and submit your Query.<br />
  855. (Query Category: &#8216;Examination&#8217; , Query Sub-Category: &#8216;Non receipt of Final Certificate&#8217;).</li>
  856. <li>• After download candidate are advised to preserve the e-certificate file.</li>
  857. <li>• Candidate can not download e-certificate more than 3 times.</li>
  858. <li>• Kindly refer to the below link on steps to verify this digitally signed certificate.<br />
  859. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></li>
  860. </ol>
  861. <p class="content">Institute issues duplicate certificates for examinations to the candidates based on their request.</p>
  862. <p class="content"><b>With effect from September 9, 2015, only online request with online payment for duplicate certificate will be accepted by the Institute.</b></p>
  863. <p class="content">Please click <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Apply for Duplicate Certificate</a> link under &#8220;Exam Related&#8221; Menu.</p>
  864. <p>IIBF</p>
  865. <section class="content-header">
  866. <h1 class="register">Application for Duplicate Certificate in e-format (Not applicable for Examinations held after 1st Oct 2019)</h1>
  867. </section>
  868. <div class="col-md-12">
  869. <div class="row">
  870. <div class="box box-info">
  871. <div class="box-header with-border ">
  872. <h3 class="box-title">Note:</h3>
  873. </div>
  874. <div class="box-body blue_bg">
  875. <div class="form-group">
  876. <div class="col-sm-12">
  877. <ol>
  878. <li>• Application for Duplicate Certificate in e-format (Not applicable for Examinations held after 1st Oct 2019).</li>
  879. <li>• The candidate requesting for a Duplicate e-certificate needs to pay one-time conversion fee Rs.200/- + GST.</li>
  880. <li>• The candidates who have received certificate in e-certificate format earlier need not apply for the Duplicate e-certificate again.</li>
  881. <li>• Such candidates send an e-mail to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> </a>requesting for copy of e-certificate with subject line “Copy of e-Certificate” giving member/registration no, exam name etc.</li>
  882. <li>• Candidate will receive duplicate certificate in e-format from the e-mail <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></li>
  883. <li>• If the candidate wishes to change e-mail id they can do so by editing their profile or e-mail to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></li>
  884. <li>• e-certificate will be emailed within one month after submission of application.</li>
  885. <li>• The Paper Certificate (Duplicate) presently issued by the Institute has been discontinued.</li>
  886. </ol>
  887. <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p>
  888. <h2>Passed Candidate Details</h2>
  889. <form class="feedbackform" action="" method="post">The list of candidates whose Final Certificates are sent through Registered/Speed Post, returned to us by the Postal Authorities and still lying with us is available here. Candidates who are in this list may contact / send the mail with their MEMBERSHIP / REGISTRATION NO., NAME, COMPLETE ADDRESS with PIN CODE and EXAMINATION NAME, MOBILE NO. to the Institute&#8217;s Corporate Office at the following Address, on receiving the details within 15 days the certificate will be dispatched through Registered/Speed Post. Candidates also can arrange to collect the same in person or through his representative with authority letter on any working day between 10 AM to 5 PM except on 2nd and 4th Saturdays, Sundays and Public holidays.</p>
  890. <p><b>E-mail &#8211;</b></p>
  894. TOWER-I, 2ND &amp; 3RD FLOOR<br />
  895. KIROL ROAD, OFF- L. B. S. MARG<br />
  896. KURLA (WEST), MUMBAI-400070</p>
  897. <p>Tel: 022-25039746 / 25039604 / 25039907</p>
  898. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  899. </form>
  900. </div>
  901. </div>
  902. </div>
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  909. ]]></content:encoded>
  910. </item>
  911. <item>
  912. <title>wb govt employee holiday list 2024</title>
  913. <link></link>
  914. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Satyabrata Jana]]></dc:creator>
  915. <pubDate>Sat, 13 Apr 2024 15:13:05 +0000</pubDate>
  916. <category><![CDATA[west bengal update]]></category>
  917. <category><![CDATA[2024 holiday calendar west bengal]]></category>
  918. <category><![CDATA[Primary School Holiday List in West Bengal for 2024]]></category>
  919. <category><![CDATA[rh holiday rules]]></category>
  920. <category><![CDATA[wb govt employee holiday list 2024]]></category>
  921. <category><![CDATA[wb govt holiday list 2024]]></category>
  922. <category><![CDATA[wb holiday list 2024]]></category>
  923. <category><![CDATA[west bengal govt holiday list 2024]]></category>
  924. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  926. <description><![CDATA[west bengal govt holiday list 2024 / wb govt holiday list 2024 WB HOLIDAY LIST ... <p class="read-more-container"><a title="wb govt employee holiday list 2024" class="read-more button" href="" aria-label="More on wb govt employee holiday list 2024">Read more</a></p>]]></description>
  927. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>west bengal govt holiday list 2024 / wb govt holiday list 2024</p>
  928. <p>WB HOLIDAY LIST 2024 , wb school holiday list 2024</p>
  929. <table width="64">
  930. <tbody>
  931. <tr>
  932. <td rowspan="2" width="64"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">WB GOVT HOLIDAY LIST-2024</a></td>
  933. </tr>
  934. <tr>
  935. <td rowspan="2" width="64"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">RAMKRISHNA MATH CALENDER-2024</a></td>
  936. </tr>
  937. <tr>
  938. <td rowspan="2" width="64"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">WBBPE HOLIDAY LIST -2024 (BENG )</a></td>
  939. </tr>
  940. <tr>
  941. <td rowspan="2" width="64"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">BANGIYO GRAMIN VIKASH  BANK CALENDER-2024</a></td>
  942. </tr>
  943. <tr>
  944. <td rowspan="2" width="64"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">WBBPE HOLIDAY LIST -2024 (ENG )</a></td>
  945. </tr>
  946. <tr>
  947. <td rowspan="2" width="64"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">WB GOVT HD CALENDER-2024</a></td>
  948. </tr>
  949. <tr>
  950. <td rowspan="2" width="64"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">WBBPE HOLIDAY CALENDER-2024 </a></td>
  951. </tr>
  952. <tr>
  953. <td rowspan="2" width="64"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">S 24 DPSC HOLIDAY LIST</a></td>
  954. </tr>
  955. <tr>
  956. <td rowspan="2" width="64"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">WB GOVT TABLE CALENDER-2024</a></td>
  957. </tr>
  958. <tr>
  959. <td rowspan="2" width="64"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">NADIA DPSC HOLIDAY LIST-2024</a></td>
  960. </tr>
  961. <tr>
  962. <td rowspan="2" width="64"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> N 24 PGS HOLIDAY LIST-2024</a></td>
  963. </tr>
  964. <tr>
  965. <td rowspan="2" width="64"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">WB GOVT HOLIDAY CALENDER-2024</a></td>
  966. </tr>
  967. </tbody>
  968. </table>
  969. <p class="has-text-align-center">List-I (Public Holidays in 2024 under the N. I. Act)wb govt employee holiday list 2024</p>
  970. <figure class="wp-block-table">
  971. <table>
  972. <tbody>
  973. <tr>
  974. <td>Birth Day of Swami Vivekananda</td>
  975. <td>12th January, Friday</td>
  976. </tr>
  977. <tr>
  978. <td>Netaji’s Birth Day</td>
  979. <td>23rd January, Tuesday</td>
  980. </tr>
  981. <tr>
  982. <td>Republic Day</td>
  983. <td>26th January, Friday</td>
  984. </tr>
  985. <tr>
  986. <td>Saraswati Puja [Sree Panchami]</td>
  987. <td>14th February, Wednesday</td>
  988. </tr>
  989. <tr>
  990. <td>Doljatra</td>
  991. <td>25th March, Monday</td>
  992. </tr>
  993. <tr>
  994. <td>Good Friday</td>
  995. <td>29th March, Friday</td>
  996. </tr>
  997. <tr>
  998. <td>Eid-UI-Fitr</td>
  999. <td>11th April, Thursday</td>
  1000. </tr>
  1001. <tr>
  1002. <td>May Day</td>
  1003. <td>1st May, Wednesday</td>
  1004. </tr>
  1005. <tr>
  1006. <td>Birth Day of Rabindranath Tagore</td>
  1007. <td>8th May, Wednesday</td>
  1008. </tr>
  1009. <tr>
  1010. <td>Buddha Purnima</td>
  1011. <td>23rd May, Thursday</td>
  1012. </tr>
  1013. <tr>
  1014. <td>Id-Ud-Zoha (Bakrid)</td>
  1015. <td>17th June, Monday</td>
  1016. </tr>
  1017. <tr>
  1018. <td>Muharram</td>
  1019. <td>17th July, Wednesday</td>
  1020. </tr>
  1021. <tr>
  1022. <td>Independence Day</td>
  1023. <td>15th August, Thursday</td>
  1024. </tr>
  1025. <tr>
  1026. <td>Birth Day of Gandhiji</td>
  1027. <td>2nd October, Wednesday</td>
  1028. </tr>
  1029. <tr>
  1030. <td>Mahalaya</td>
  1031. <td>2nd October, Wednesday</td>
  1032. </tr>
  1033. <tr>
  1034. <td>Durga Puja, Maha Saptami</td>
  1035. <td>10th October, Thursday</td>
  1036. </tr>
  1037. <tr>
  1038. <td>Durga Puja, Maha Astami and Maha Nabami</td>
  1039. <td>11th October, Friday</td>
  1040. </tr>
  1041. <tr>
  1042. <td>(**) Durga Puja, Dasami</td>
  1043. <td>12th October, Saturday</td>
  1044. </tr>
  1045. <tr>
  1046. <td>Lakshmi Puja</td>
  1047. <td>16th October, Wednesday</td>
  1048. </tr>
  1049. <tr>
  1050. <td>Kali Puja</td>
  1051. <td>31st October, Thursday</td>
  1052. </tr>
  1053. <tr>
  1054. <td>Birth Day of Guru Nanak</td>
  1055. <td>15th November, Friday</td>
  1056. </tr>
  1057. <tr>
  1058. <td>Christmas Day</td>
  1059. <td>25th December, Wednesday</td>
  1060. </tr>
  1061. <tr>
  1062. <td>Yearly Closing of Bank Account</td>
  1063. <td>1st April (Monday) (for Banks only).</td>
  1064. </tr>
  1065. </tbody>
  1066. </table>
  1067. </figure>
  1068. <p class="has-text-align-center">List-II (Holidays under the order of State Government in 2024) wb govt holiday list 2024</p>
  1069. <figure class="wp-block-table">
  1070. <table>
  1071. <tbody>
  1072. <tr>
  1073. <td>New Year’s Day</td>
  1074. <td>1st January, Monday</td>
  1075. </tr>
  1076. <tr>
  1077. <td>Day before Saraswati Puja</td>
  1078. <td>13th February, Tuesday</td>
  1079. </tr>
  1080. <tr>
  1081. <td>Shab-e-Barat</td>
  1082. <td>26th February, Monday</td>
  1083. </tr>
  1084. <tr>
  1085. <td>Shivaratri</td>
  1086. <td>8th March, Friday</td>
  1087. </tr>
  1088. <tr>
  1089. <td>Day after Doljatra</td>
  1090. <td>26th March, Tuesday</td>
  1091. </tr>
  1092. <tr>
  1093. <td>(**) Birth Day of Shri Shri Harichand Thakur (Madhu Krishna Troyodashi Tithi)</td>
  1094. <td>6th April, Saturday</td>
  1095. </tr>
  1096. <tr>
  1097. <td>Day before Eid-UI-Fitr</td>
  1098. <td>10th April, Wednesday</td>
  1099. </tr>
  1100. <tr>
  1101. <td>(**) Birth Day of Poet Bhanu Bhakt for Darjeeling &amp; Kalimpong District only</td>
  1102. <td>13th July, Saturday</td>
  1103. </tr>
  1104. <tr>
  1105. <td>Rakhi Bandhan</td>
  1106. <td>19th August, Monday</td>
  1107. </tr>
  1108. <tr>
  1109. <td>Janmastami</td>
  1110. <td>26th August, Monday</td>
  1111. </tr>
  1112. <tr>
  1113. <td>Fateha-Dwaz-Daham</td>
  1114. <td>16th September, Monday</td>
  1115. </tr>
  1116. <tr>
  1117. <td>Durga Puja, Maha Chaturthi</td>
  1118. <td>7th October, Monday</td>
  1119. </tr>
  1120. <tr>
  1121. <td>Durga Puja, Maha Panchami</td>
  1122. <td>8th October, Tuesday</td>
  1123. </tr>
  1124. <tr>
  1125. <td>Durga Puja, Maha Shashthi</td>
  1126. <td>9th October, Wednesday</td>
  1127. </tr>
  1128. <tr>
  1129. <td>Additional Day for Durga Puja</td>
  1130. <td>14th October, Monday</td>
  1131. </tr>
  1132. <tr>
  1133. <td>Additional Day for Durga Puja</td>
  1134. <td>15th October, Tuesday</td>
  1135. </tr>
  1136. <tr>
  1137. <td>Additional Day for Lakshmi Puja</td>
  1138. <td>17th October, Thursday</td>
  1139. </tr>
  1140. <tr>
  1141. <td>Additional Day for Lakshmi Puja</td>
  1142. <td>18th October, Friday</td>
  1143. </tr>
  1144. <tr>
  1145. <td>Additional Day for Kali Puja</td>
  1146. <td>1st November, Friday</td>
  1147. </tr>
  1148. <tr>
  1149. <td>Day after Bhratridwitiya</td>
  1150. <td>4th November, Monday</td>
  1151. </tr>
  1152. <tr>
  1153. <td>Chhat Puja</td>
  1154. <td>7th November, Thursday</td>
  1155. </tr>
  1156. <tr>
  1157. <td>Additional Day for Chhat Puja</td>
  1158. <td>8th November, Friday</td>
  1159. </tr>
  1160. <tr>
  1161. <td>Karam Puja</td>
  1162. <td>To be notified later on</td>
  1163. </tr>
  1164. </tbody>
  1165. </table>
  1166. <p>wb govt holiday list 2024</figure>
  1167. <p>(#) Birth Day of Thakur Panchanan Barma falls on 14th February, Wednesday, which is a holiday under N. I. Act and therefore has not been shown separately in List-ll.</p>
  1168. <p>(##) Birth Day of Pandit Raghunath Murmu falls on 23rd May, Thursday, which is a holiday under N. I. Act and therefore has not been shown separately in List-ll.</p>
  1169. <p>(###) Birth Day of Birsa Munda falls on 15th November, Friday which is a holiday under N.l. Act and therefore has not been shown separately in List-ll.</p>
  1170. <p>(####) Parshwanath’s Rathajatra falls on 15th November, Friday which is a holiday under N. I. Act and therefore has not been shown separately in List-ll.</p>
  1171. <p>(#####) This year Doljatra and Holi fall on same day so ‘Holi’ is not shown separately in List II.</p>
  1172. <p class="has-text-align-center">List-III (Sectional Holidays in 2024) wb govt holiday list 2024</p>
  1173. <figure class="wp-block-table">
  1174. <table>
  1175. <tbody>
  1176. <tr>
  1177. <td>(**) Birthday of Guru Rabidas(for the followers of Guru Rabidas)</td>
  1178. <td>24th February, Saturday</td>
  1179. </tr>
  1180. <tr>
  1181. <td>(**) Easter Saturday</td>
  1182. <td>30th March (Saturday) [for Christians only]</td>
  1183. </tr>
  1184. </tbody>
  1185. </table>
  1186. </figure>
  1187. <p>($$) Hul Diwas, Sectional Holiday [for Adivasi (Santhal) only] on 30th June falls on Sunday which is a holiday under N.l. Act &amp; therefore not shown separately in List III.</p>
  1188. <p><strong>Note: west bengal govt holiday list 2024 / WB HOLIDAY LIST 2024</strong></p>
  1189. <ol>
  1190. <li>Sundays are holidays under the Negotiable Instrument Act.</li>
  1191. <li>In the year 2024, the following festivals/occasions fall on Sundays which are public Holidays under N. I. Act and hence have not been included in lists:</li>
  1192. </ol>
  1193. <figure class="wp-block-table">
  1194. <table>
  1195. <tbody>
  1196. <tr>
  1197. <td>i)</td>
  1198. <td>Bengali New Year’s Day (Nababarsha)</td>
  1199. <td>14th April, Sunday</td>
  1200. </tr>
  1201. <tr>
  1202. <td>ii)</td>
  1203. <td>Birth Day of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar</td>
  1204. <td>14th April, Sunday</td>
  1205. </tr>
  1206. <tr>
  1207. <td>iii)</td>
  1208. <td>Mahavir Jayanti</td>
  1209. <td>21st April, Sunday</td>
  1210. </tr>
  1211. <tr>
  1212. <td>iv)</td>
  1213. <td>Rathayatra</td>
  1214. <td>7th July, Sunday</td>
  1215. </tr>
  1216. <tr>
  1217. <td>v)</td>
  1218. <td>Bhratridwitiya</td>
  1219. <td>3rd November, Sunday</td>
  1220. </tr>
  1221. </tbody>
  1222. </table>
  1223. </figure>
  1224. <ol start="3">
  1225. <li>The holiday with double asterisk marks i.e. (**) is applicable to those Government Offices only where Saturdays are not observed as full holiday.</li>
  1226. <li>General instructions as laid down hereunder are to be followed in case of Muslim festivals.</li>
  1227. <li>west bengal govt holiday list 2024</li>
  1228. </ol>
  1229. ]]></content:encoded>
  1230. </item>
  1231. <item>
  1232. <title>iibf exam new registration process</title>
  1233. <link></link>
  1234. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Satyabrata Jana]]></dc:creator>
  1235. <pubDate>Mon, 08 Apr 2024 14:11:53 +0000</pubDate>
  1236. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  1237. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  1239. <description><![CDATA[Process Flow of IIBF ( BC/BF) Exam Registration through CSCs EXAM APPLY LINK  ... <p class="read-more-container"><a title="iibf exam new registration process" class="read-more button" href="" aria-label="More on iibf exam new registration process">Read more</a></p>]]></description>
  1240. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Process Flow of IIBF ( BC/BF) Exam Registration through CSCs</p>
  1241. <p>EXAM APPLY LINK <a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-3d" style="color:#FFFFFF;background-color:#2D89EF;border-color:#246ec0;border-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="color:#FFFFFF;padding:6px 16px;font-size:13px;line-height:20px;border-color:#6cadf4;border-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px;text-shadow:none;-moz-text-shadow:none;-webkit-text-shadow:none"><i class="sui sui-search" style="font-size:13px;color:#FFFFFF"></i> APPLY NOW</span></a>
  1242. <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p>
  1243. <p><iframe src="" width="640" height="680"><span data-mce-type="bookmark" style="display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;" class="mce_SELRES_start"></span></iframe></p>
  1244. <p>About IIBF BC/BF REGISTRATION &amp; TRAINING</p>
  1245. <p> Training of BC Agents (BCA) has been mandated by RBI before appearing for<br />
  1246. the BC Certification Examination.</p>
  1247. <p>BC Agents must undergo 28 hours of training for the Basic Certification and 42<br />
  1248. hours of training for the Advanced certification.</p>
  1249. <p> The following Institutes have been identified to conduct the training for BC/BF:</p>
  1250. <p>i. Bankers Institute of Rural Development (BIRD)<br />
  1251. ii. National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development.<br />
  1252. (NIESBUD).<br />
  1253. iii. Indian Institute of Bank Management (IIBM) .<br />
  1254. iv. The Banks, at their discretion may also provide mandatory training to BCAs<br />
  1255. duly adhering to the training structure/modules designed by the<br />
  1256. Coordination Committee.</p>
  1257. <p>After completion of training from any of the<br />
  1258. Institute given above,<br />
  1259. Training ID will be generated . Then only<br />
  1260. candidate can register for BC/BF Examination<br />
  1261. through CSC VLE point.</p>
  1262. ]]></content:encoded>
  1263. </item>
  1264. <item>
  1265. <title>wb ration card update</title>
  1266. <link></link>
  1267. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Satyabrata Jana]]></dc:creator>
  1268. <pubDate>Mon, 08 Apr 2024 02:53:46 +0000</pubDate>
  1269. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  1270. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  1272. <description><![CDATA[বাড়িতে বসে মোবাইল এর সাহায্যে কি ভাবে রেশন কার্ড আপডেট করাবেন। Citizen goes to the ... <p class="read-more-container"><a title="wb ration card update" class="read-more button" href="" aria-label="More on wb ration card update">Read more</a></p>]]></description>
  1273. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div class="container-fluid mt-2">
  1274. <div id="dynamic_html" class="inner_content_area">
  1275. <div>
  1276. <div class="pageWrapper">
  1277. <div class="row justify-content-center">
  1278. <div class="col-md-7 mb-5">
  1279. <div class="card">
  1280. <div class="card-body py-0">
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  1282. <div class="col-auto">
  1283. <div></div>
  1284. </div>
  1285. <div class="col-auto">
  1286. <h1>বাড়িতে বসে মোবাইল এর সাহায্যে কি ভাবে রেশন কার্ড আপডেট করাবেন।</h1>
  1287. <p>Citizen goes to the “” and selects menu “Citizen’s Home” and then selects “Rectify your Name,<br />
  1288. Age &amp; Gender as per Aadhaar”. Then he/she enters the Ration card number and clicks on “Search” button .</p>
  1289. <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a><br />
  1290.  System displays the Ration Card details and asks him/her “What do you want to update?”<br />
  1291.  He/she selects Name or Age or Gender or All of them as per his/her requirement.<br />
  1292.  System will then ask him/her to give consent by clicking on the radio button.<br />
  1293.  System will also show his/her Aadhaar (Masked) and inform that OTP will be sent to the Aadhaar linked Mobile<br />
  1294. Number.</p>
  1295. <p>After giving the consent by clicking on the radio button incumbent has to click on the “SEND OTP” Button</p>
  1296. <p>Then the incumbent has to enter the OTP received on his/her Aadhaar Linked Mobile Number.</p>
  1297. <p>Aadhar details will be shown as below. Incumbent has to click on “Verify and Submit” to proceed. If<br />
  1298. he/she selects the cancel button system will return to the previous page.</p>
  1299. <p>As soon as “Verify and Submit button” is selected details fetched from Aadhaar shall be shown &amp;<br />
  1300. applicant shall be asked to proceed.</p>
  1301. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  1302. <h1>Citizen&#8217;s Home</h1>
  1303. </div>
  1304. </div>
  1305. </div>
  1306. </div>
  1307. </div>
  1308. </div>
  1309. <div class="row">
  1310. <div class="col-md-4 ">
  1311. <div class="card card text-white bg-info h-100">
  1312. <div class="card-header">Ration Card</div>
  1313. <div class="card-body ">
  1314. <div class="row">
  1315. <div class="col-3">
  1316. <div class="icon"></div>
  1317. </div>
  1318. <div class="col-9">
  1319. <h5 class="card-title">Ration Card Related Cornerরেশন কার্ড সম্পর্কিত কর্নার</h5>
  1320. <p>This section offers essential services for managing ration cards.এই বিভাগ রেশন কার্ড পরিচালনার জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় পরিষেবা প্রদান করে।</p>
  1321. </div>
  1322. </div>
  1323. </div>
  1324. <div class="card-footer bg-white border-info"><button class="btn btn-info btn-sm w-100" type="button"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Click To Know More/বিশদ জানতে ক্লিক করুন</a></button></div>
  1325. </div>
  1326. </div>
  1327. <div class="col-md-4 ">
  1328. <div class="card card text-white bg-secondary h-100">
  1329. <div class="card-header">Enquiry</div>
  1330. <div class="card-body ">
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  1333. <div class="icon"></div>
  1334. </div>
  1335. <div class="col-9">
  1336. <h5 class="card-title">Enquiryঅনুসন্ধান</h5>
  1337. <p>This section provides assistance and information on various queries, ensuring clarity and support for your requirements.এই বিভাগ আপনার প্রয়োজনের সহায়তা নিশ্চিত করে এবং বিভিন্ন বিষয়ে তথ্য প্রদান করে।</p>
  1338. </div>
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  1340. </div>
  1341. <div class="card-footer bg-white border-secondary"><button class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm w-100" type="button"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Click To Know More/বিশদ জানতে ক্লিক করুন</a></button></div>
  1342. </div>
  1343. </div>
  1344. <div class="col-md-4 ">
  1345. <div class="card card text-white success-dark h-100">
  1346. <div class="card-header">Grievance</div>
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  1350. <div class="icon"></div>
  1351. </div>
  1352. <div class="col-9">
  1353. <h5 class="card-title">Grievanceঅভিযোগ</h5>
  1354. <p>This section addresses complaints, ensuring issues are resolved promptly and fairly.এই বিভাগ অভিযোগ এবং সমস্যাগুলি অবিলম্বে এবং ন্যায্যভাবে সমাধান করা নিশ্চিত করে।</p>
  1355. </div>
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  1358. <div class="card-footer bg-white border-success-dark"><button class="btn btn-success-dark btn-sm w-100" type="button"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Click To Know More/বিশদ জানতে ক্লিক করুন</a></button></div>
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  1378. <div class="col-auto"></div>
  1379. <div class="col-auto">
  1380. <h1>Ration Card Related Corner</h1>
  1381. </div>
  1382. </div>
  1383. </div>
  1384. </div>
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  1397. <h5 class="card-title">Self Service through Aadhaarআধারের মাধ্যমে স্ব-সেবা</h5>
  1398. <p>This section enables citizens to avail services themselves through OTP in mobile numbers linked with Aadhaar. This does not require any approval from office.এই বিভাগ নাগরিকদের আধারের সাথে সংযুক্ত মোবাইল নম্বরে OTP-এর মাধ্যমে পরিষেবাগুলি পেতে সক্ষম করে৷ এর জন্য অফিস থেকে কোনও অনুমোদনের প্রয়োজন নেই৷</p>
  1399. </div>
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  1402. <div class="card-footer bg-white border-info"><button class="btn btn-info btn-sm w-100" type="button"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Click To Know More/বিশদ জানতে ক্লিক করুন</a></button></div>
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  1406. <div class="card card text-white bg-secondary h-100">
  1407. <div class="card-header">Service through office</div>
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  1414. <h5 class="card-title">Services Requiring Office Approvalঅফিস অনুমোদন প্রয়োজন পরিষেবা</h5>
  1415. <p>This section provides services to citizens through office. Some of these services mandatorily require office approval. Also those citizens who are not able to access facilities given in “self service through Aadhaar “can access the same services through this section but would need office approval and will take some time.এই বিভাগ, অফিসের মাধ্যমে নাগরিকদের পরিষেবা প্রদান করে। কিছু পরিষেবাগুলিতে বাধ্যতামূলকভাবে অফিসের অনুমোদনের প্রয়োজন। এছাড়াও যে সমস্ত নাগরিকরা &#8220;আধারের মাধ্যমে স্ব-সেবা&#8221;-এ দেওয়া সুবিধাগুলি নিতে সক্ষম নন, এই বিভাগের মাধ্যমে একই পরিষেবা পেতে পারেন তবে অফিসের অনুমোদনের প্রয়োজন হবে এবং কিছু সময় লাগবে।</p>
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  1441. <h1>Self Service Through Aadhaar</h1>
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  1451. <div class="card-header">Surrender</div>
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  1453. <h5 class="card-title">Convert your subsidised Ration Card to Non Subsidised Ration Cardআপনার ভর্তুকিযুক্ত রেশন কার্ডকে ভর্তুকিহীন রেশন কার্ডে রূপান্তর করুন</h5>
  1454. <p>Help a really poor and needy family by surrendering your subsidized Ration Card. If you need Ration Card but do not need food grains then convert the subsidized (AAY/PHH/SPHH/RKSY I/RKSY II) card to non – subsidized (GEN) ration card from this linkআপনার ভর্তুকিযুক্ত রেশন কার্ড সমর্পণ করে একটি দরিদ্র এবং অভাবী পরিবারকে সাহায্য করুন। আপনার যদি রেশন কার্ডের প্রয়োজন হয় কিন্তু খাদ্যশস্যের প্রয়োজন না হয় তবে এই লিঙ্ক থেকে আপনার ভর্তুকিযুক্ত (AAY/PHH/SPHH/RKSY I/RKSY II) কার্ড কে ভর্তুকিহীন (GEN) রেশন কার্ডে রূপান্তরিত করুনI</p>
  1455. <p><a class="btn btn-warning btn-wrap-text" href="" type="button" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Click here to Convert/রেশন কার্ড রূপান্তর এর জন্য ক্লিক করুন</a></p>
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  1465. <h5 class="card-title">Ration Card surrenderরেশন কার্ড সমর্পণ</h5>
  1466. <p>Surrender card/s from this link if anyone in your family has expired or you want to surrender cards voluntarilyযদি আপনার পরিবারের কেউ গত হন, বা আপনি স্বেচ্ছায় কার্ড সমর্পণ করতে চাইলে এই লিঙ্ক থেকে কার্ড/গুলি সমর্পণ করুন</p>
  1467. <p><a class="btn btn-warning btn-wrap-text" href="" type="button" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Click Here to Surrender/রেশন কার্ড সমর্পনের জন্য ক্লিক করুন</a></p>
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  1473. <div class="card-header">e-KYC</div>
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  1475. <h5 class="card-title">Link Aadhaar to activate the Ration Cardরেশন কার্ড সক্রিয় করতে আধার লিঙ্ক করুন</h5>
  1476. <p class="card-text">Link your Aadhaar with your ration Card through OTP in Aadhaar linked Mobile Numberআধার লিঙ্কযুক্ত মোবাইল নম্বরে OTP-এর মাধ্যমে আপনার রেশন কার্ডের সাথে আপনার আধার লিঙ্ক করুন</p>
  1477. <p><button class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-reverse" type="button"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Click Here</a></button></p>
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  1483. <div class="card-header">Download</div>
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  1485. <h5 class="card-title">e-RC /Surrender Certificate</h5>
  1486. <p class="card-text">Download e RC or Surrender Certificatee RC বা Surrender Certificate ডাউনলোড করুন</p>
  1487. <p><button class="btn btn-outline-secondary btn-reverse" type="button"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Click Here</a></button></p>
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  1493. <div class="card-header">Rectify</div>
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  1495. <h5 class="card-title">Rectify /Update</h5>
  1496. <p class="card-text">Rectify your Ration Card Detailsআপনার রেশন কার্ডের তথ্য সংশোধন করুন</p>
  1497. <p><button class="btn btn-outline-uv btn-reverse" type="button"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Click Here</a></button></p>
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  1503. <div class="card-header">Change FPS</div>
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  1505. <h5 class="card-title">Change Your FPS</h5>
  1506. <p class="card-text">Change Ration Shop of your familyআপনার পরিবারের রেশন দোকান পরিবর্তন করুন</p>
  1507. <p><button class="btn btn-outline-danger btn-reverse" type="button"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Click Here</a></button></p>
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  1515. <h5 class="card-title">Link/Delink Mobile</h5>
  1516. <p class="card-text">Link/Delink Mobile from your Ration Cardআপনার রেশন কার্ড থেকে মোবাইল লিঙ্ক/ডিলিঙ্ক করুন</p>
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  1584. <description><![CDATA[STEP &#8211; 1 ( STUDY ) &#160; STEP &#8211; 2 (EXAM APPLY) IIBF CERTIFICATE DOWNLOAD ... <p class="read-more-container"><a title="iibf new update and news ( csc iibf bc/ bf exam )" class="read-more button" href="" aria-label="More on iibf new update and news ( csc iibf bc/ bf exam )">Read more</a></p>]]></description>
  1585. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<table style="height: 424px;" width="365">
  1586. <tbody>
  1587. <tr>
  1588. <td style="text-align: center;" width="267"><span style="color: #0000ff;"><strong>STEP &#8211; 1 ( STUDY )</strong></span></td>
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  1592. <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-3d" style="color:#0b1014;background-color:#a9ef2d;border-color:#88c024;border-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="color:#0b1014;padding:6px 16px;font-size:13px;line-height:20px;border-color:#c3f46c;border-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px;text-shadow:none;-moz-text-shadow:none;-webkit-text-shadow:none"><i class="sui sui-bullhorn" style="font-size:13px;color:#FFFFFF"></i> IIBF BC Advanced Certification (NIESBUD)</span></a>
  1593. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  1594. <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-3d" style="color:#0b1014;background-color:#a9ef2d;border-color:#88c024;border-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="color:#0b1014;padding:6px 16px;font-size:13px;line-height:20px;border-color:#c3f46c;border-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px;text-shadow:none;-moz-text-shadow:none;-webkit-text-shadow:none"><i class="sui sui-bullhorn" style="font-size:13px;color:#FFFFFF"></i> IIBF BC Advanced Certification (IIBM)</span></a>
  1595. </td>
  1596. </tr>
  1597. <tr>
  1598. <td style="text-align: center;"><a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-3d" style="color:#0b1014;background-color:#a9ef2d;border-color:#88c024;border-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="color:#0b1014;padding:6px 16px;font-size:13px;line-height:20px;border-color:#c3f46c;border-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px;text-shadow:none;-moz-text-shadow:none;-webkit-text-shadow:none"><i class="sui sui-bullhorn" style="font-size:13px;color:#FFFFFF"></i> IIBF BC Basic Certification (NIESBUD)</span></a></td>
  1599. </tr>
  1600. <tr>
  1601. <td style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #0000ff;"><strong>STEP &#8211; 2 (EXAM APPLY)</strong></span></td>
  1602. </tr>
  1603. <tr>
  1604. <td style="text-align: center;"><a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-3d" style="color:#09498b;background-color:#deef2d;border-color:#b2c024;border-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="color:#09498b;padding:6px 16px;font-size:13px;line-height:20px;border-color:#e8f46c;border-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px;text-shadow:none;-moz-text-shadow:none;-webkit-text-shadow:none"><i class="sui sui-bullhorn" style="font-size:13px;color:#FFFFFF"></i> IIBF EXAM APPLY</span></a></td>
  1605. </tr>
  1606. <tr>
  1607. <td style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #0000ff;"><strong>IIBF CERTIFICATE DOWNLOAD</strong></span></td>
  1608. </tr>
  1609. <tr>
  1610. <td style="text-align: center;"><a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-3d" style="color:#24369e;background-color:#da9bd6;border-color:#af7cac;border-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="color:#24369e;padding:6px 16px;font-size:13px;line-height:20px;border-color:#e6b9e3;border-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px;text-shadow:none;-moz-text-shadow:none;-webkit-text-shadow:none"><i class="sui sui-bullhorn" style="font-size:13px;color:#FFFFFF"></i> IIBf Certificate Download</span></a></td>
  1611. </tr>
  1612. <tr>
  1613. <td style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #0000ff;"><strong>IIBF ALL TRAINING CENTER LIST</strong></span></td>
  1614. </tr>
  1615. <tr>
  1616. <td style="text-align: center;"><a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-3d" style="color:#832640;background-color:#2defdf;border-color:#24c0b3;border-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="color:#832640;padding:6px 16px;font-size:13px;line-height:20px;border-color:#6cf4e9;border-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px;text-shadow:none;-moz-text-shadow:none;-webkit-text-shadow:none"><i class="sui sui-bullhorn" style="font-size:13px;color:#FFFFFF"></i> IIBF ALL TRAINING CENTER LIST</span></a></td>
  1617. </tr>
  1618. <tr>
  1619. <td style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #0000ff;"><strong>IIBF DEMO QUESTION &amp; ANSWER</strong></span></td>
  1620. </tr>
  1621. <tr>
  1622. <td style="text-align: center;"><a href="" class="su-button su-button-style-3d" style="color:#27030d;background-color:#efaf2d;border-color:#c08c24;border-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span style="color:#27030d;padding:6px 16px;font-size:13px;line-height:20px;border-color:#f4c76c;border-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px;text-shadow:none;-moz-text-shadow:none;-webkit-text-shadow:none"><i class="sui sui-bullhorn" style="font-size:13px;color:#FFFFFF"></i> IIBf Question and Answer</span></a></td>
  1623. </tr>
  1624. </tbody>
  1625. </table>
  1626. <p><iframe title="YouTube video player" src="" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p>
  1627. <p class="description">**  The BC candidates will be required to pass the examination in three attempts within a period of nine months from the date of completion of training. Candidates not able to pass examination within the stipulated time, shall be required to re-enroll themselves for the BC training. After satisfactorily completing the training, they can enroll a fresh for the examination.</p>
  1628. <h3>**Based on the recommendations of IBA, it has now been decided that there will be two levels of certifications of the BCs namely:</h3>
  1629. <p class="description"><b>(a) Basic Certification: </b>This certification is to be undertaken by the BCs who handle only basic transactions like deposit, payment transitions, cash-in cash-out, remittances, etc. The basic certification will also be applicable to the BCs of the Payments Banks.</p>
  1630. <p class="description"><b>(b) Advance Certifications:</b> This certification is to be undertaken by BCs who will be action as full-fledged BCs/ managing CSPs covering all the activities as prescribed by the regulator.</p>
  1631. <p class="description"><i class="bi bi-journal-richtext"></i> Basic certification is not mandatory for the advance certification.</p>
  1632. <h3>Procedure for Registration of Basic/Advance Certification</h3>
  1633. <p>Step 01 Visit<br />
  1634. Step 02 Visit IIBF – BC programme Dashboard<br />
  1635. Step 03 Forthcoming training programme calendar uploaded on Website<br />
  1636. Step 04 Register as per your choice of date of training<br />
  1637. Step 05 Fill up the Registration Details<br />
  1638. Step 06 You will get an OTP for verification<br />
  1639. Step 07 You will be directed to the payment gateway after OTP verification<br />
  1640. Step 08 Make Payment through payment gateway<br />
  1641. Step 09 You will receive Acknowledgement of payment with reference id<br />
  1642. Step 10 You are registered for the training as per date proposed by you<br />
  1643. Step 11 You will get a Zoom link within 02 days before the start of training<br />
  1644. Step 12 Kindly Join the programme as per schedule date &amp; time on the link<br />
  1645. sent to you by NIESBUD on the date proposed by you<br />
  1646. Step 13 For further details –please whatsapp-7011164241, 8700622362<br />
  1647. Step 14 The candidates are requested to appear for examination through<br />
  1648. <strong>IIBF website after completion of the programme</strong></p>
  1649. <table width="738">
  1650. <tbody>
  1651. <tr>
  1652. <td colspan="5" width="738"><strong>Session Plan -BC/BF Basic Certification (Basic)</strong></td>
  1653. </tr>
  1654. <tr>
  1655. <td width="56">Day 1</td>
  1656. <td width="73">Session</td>
  1657. <td width="412">Topic</td>
  1658. <td width="89">Duration<br />
  1659. (In minutes)</td>
  1660. <td width="108"></td>
  1661. </tr>
  1662. <tr>
  1663. <td rowspan="4">1</td>
  1664. <td width="73">I</td>
  1665. <td width="412">Structure of Indian Banking and types of Banks</td>
  1666. <td>90</td>
  1667. <td width="108"></td>
  1668. </tr>
  1669. <tr>
  1670. <td width="73">II</td>
  1671. <td width="412">Various Deposit Schemes and Other services</td>
  1672. <td>120</td>
  1673. <td width="108"></td>
  1674. </tr>
  1675. <tr>
  1676. <td width="73">III</td>
  1677. <td width="412">Accounts Opening on-Boarding Process, KYC mechanism and operations</td>
  1678. <td>120</td>
  1679. <td width="108"></td>
  1680. </tr>
  1681. <tr>
  1682. <td width="73">IV</td>
  1683. <td width="412">Grievance Redressal Mechanisn in Balks and Integrated Ombudsman Scheme</td>
  1684. <td>90</td>
  1685. <td width="108"></td>
  1686. </tr>
  1687. <tr>
  1688. <td width="56"></td>
  1689. <td width="73"></td>
  1690. <td width="412"></td>
  1691. <td width="89"></td>
  1692. <td width="108"></td>
  1693. </tr>
  1694. <tr>
  1695. <td rowspan="4">2</td>
  1696. <td width="73">I</td>
  1697. <td width="412">Principals Inclusion-Banking for the Unbanked</td>
  1698. <td>90</td>
  1699. <td width="108"></td>
  1700. </tr>
  1701. <tr>
  1702. <td width="73">II</td>
  1703. <td width="412">BC. and BF Model: A vehicle for Financial Inclusion</td>
  1704. <td>120</td>
  1705. <td width="108"></td>
  1706. </tr>
  1707. <tr>
  1708. <td width="73">III</td>
  1709. <td width="412">Risk and Fraud Management</td>
  1710. <td>90</td>
  1711. <td width="108"></td>
  1712. </tr>
  1713. <tr>
  1714. <td width="73">IV</td>
  1715. <td width="412">PMJDY, PMJJBY, PMSBY AND APY</td>
  1716. <td>120</td>
  1717. <td width="108"></td>
  1718. </tr>
  1719. <tr>
  1720. <td width="56"></td>
  1721. <td width="73"></td>
  1722. <td width="412"></td>
  1723. <td width="89"></td>
  1724. <td width="108"></td>
  1725. </tr>
  1726. <tr>
  1727. <td rowspan="3">3</td>
  1728. <td width="73">I</td>
  1729. <td width="412">Basic Technical (handling Micro-ATMs Biometric and other Devices, Basic Connectivity Issues</td>
  1730. <td>120</td>
  1731. <td width="108"></td>
  1732. </tr>
  1733. <tr>
  1734. <td width="73">II</td>
  1735. <td width="412">Digital Banking Product</td>
  1736. <td>120</td>
  1737. <td width="108"></td>
  1738. </tr>
  1739. <tr>
  1740. <td width="73">III</td>
  1741. <td width="412">Communication and Financial Counselling (Including Financial and Financial education)</td>
  1742. <td>180</td>
  1743. <td width="108">Including role play of 60<br />
  1744. mins</td>
  1745. </tr>
  1746. <tr>
  1747. <td width="56"></td>
  1748. <td width="73"></td>
  1749. <td width="412"></td>
  1750. <td width="89"></td>
  1751. <td width="108"></td>
  1752. </tr>
  1753. <tr>
  1754. <td rowspan="4">4</td>
  1755. <td width="73">I</td>
  1756. <td width="412">How to Deal with Different Types of Customers?</td>
  1757. <td>180</td>
  1758. <td width="108">Including role play of 60<br />
  1759. mins</td>
  1760. </tr>
  1761. <tr>
  1762. <td width="73">II Demo Session</td>
  1763. <td width="412">Filling Deposit application forms</td>
  1764. <td>60</td>
  1765. <td width="108"></td>
  1766. </tr>
  1767. <tr>
  1768. <td width="73">III Demo session</td>
  1769. <td width="412">Digital Banking-operational handholding of hand-held devices</td>
  1770. <td>120</td>
  1771. <td width="108"></td>
  1772. </tr>
  1773. <tr>
  1774. <td width="73">IV</td>
  1775. <td width="412">Mock Test and Summing up</td>
  1776. <td>60</td>
  1777. <td width="108"></td>
  1778. </tr>
  1779. <tr>
  1780. <td width="56"></td>
  1781. <td width="73"></td>
  1782. <td width="412"></td>
  1783. <td width="89"></td>
  1784. <td width="108"></td>
  1785. </tr>
  1786. <tr>
  1787. <td width="56"></td>
  1788. <td width="73"></td>
  1789. <td width="412">Total</td>
  1790. <td>1680</td>
  1791. <td width="108">Minutes</td>
  1792. </tr>
  1793. <tr>
  1794. <td width="56"></td>
  1795. <td width="73"></td>
  1796. <td width="412"></td>
  1797. <td>28</td>
  1798. <td width="108">Hours</td>
  1799. </tr>
  1800. <tr>
  1801. <td width="56"></td>
  1802. <td width="73"></td>
  1803. <td width="412"></td>
  1804. <td>7</td>
  1805. <td width="108">Hours per<br />
  1806. day</td>
  1807. </tr>
  1808. <tr>
  1809. <td width="56"></td>
  1810. <td width="73"></td>
  1811. <td width="412"></td>
  1812. <td>4</td>
  1813. <td width="108">Days</td>
  1814. </tr>
  1815. <tr>
  1816. <td></td>
  1817. <td></td>
  1818. <td></td>
  1819. <td></td>
  1820. <td></td>
  1821. </tr>
  1822. </tbody>
  1823. </table>
  1824. <p><strong>Session Plan-BC/BF Advance Certification</strong></p>
  1825. <table width="631">
  1826. <tbody>
  1827. <tr>
  1828. <td width="56">Day 1</td>
  1829. <td width="79">Session</td>
  1830. <td width="407">Topic</td>
  1831. <td width="89">Duration<br />
  1832. (In minutes)</td>
  1833. </tr>
  1834. <tr>
  1835. <td rowspan="4">1</td>
  1836. <td width="79">I</td>
  1837. <td width="407">Structure of Indian Banking and types of Banks</td>
  1838. <td>90</td>
  1839. </tr>
  1840. <tr>
  1841. <td width="79">II</td>
  1842. <td width="407">Various Deposit Schemes and Other services</td>
  1843. <td>120</td>
  1844. </tr>
  1845. <tr>
  1846. <td width="79">III</td>
  1847. <td width="407">Accounts Opening on-Boarding Process, KYC mechanism and operations</td>
  1848. <td>120</td>
  1849. </tr>
  1850. <tr>
  1851. <td width="79">IV</td>
  1852. <td width="407">Accounting, Finance and Operations</td>
  1853. <td>90</td>
  1854. </tr>
  1855. <tr>
  1856. <td width="56"></td>
  1857. <td width="79"></td>
  1858. <td width="407"></td>
  1859. <td width="89"></td>
  1860. </tr>
  1861. <tr>
  1862. <td rowspan="4">2</td>
  1863. <td width="79">I</td>
  1864. <td width="407">Principals of Sounds Lending</td>
  1865. <td>90</td>
  1866. </tr>
  1867. <tr>
  1868. <td width="79">II</td>
  1869. <td width="407">Loans and Advances with special focus on Retail Lending</td>
  1870. <td>120</td>
  1871. </tr>
  1872. <tr>
  1873. <td width="79">III</td>
  1874. <td width="407">Asset Classification and methods of Recovery</td>
  1875. <td>120</td>
  1876. </tr>
  1877. <tr>
  1878. <td width="79">IV</td>
  1879. <td width="407">Grievance Redressal Mechanism and Integrated Ombudsman Scheme</td>
  1880. <td>90</td>
  1881. </tr>
  1882. <tr>
  1883. <td width="56"></td>
  1884. <td width="79"></td>
  1885. <td width="407"></td>
  1886. <td width="89"></td>
  1887. </tr>
  1888. <tr>
  1889. <td rowspan="4">3</td>
  1890. <td width="79">I</td>
  1891. <td width="407">Overview of the Financial Market</td>
  1892. <td>90</td>
  1893. </tr>
  1894. <tr>
  1895. <td width="79">II</td>
  1896. <td width="407">Financial Inclusion</td>
  1897. <td>120</td>
  1898. </tr>
  1899. <tr>
  1900. <td width="79">III</td>
  1901. <td width="407">Financial Education and Financial Counseling</td>
  1902. <td>90</td>
  1903. </tr>
  1904. <tr>
  1905. <td width="79">IV</td>
  1906. <td width="407">Government Schemes for promoting Financial Inclusion</td>
  1907. <td>120</td>
  1908. </tr>
  1909. <tr>
  1910. <td width="56"></td>
  1911. <td width="79"></td>
  1912. <td width="407"></td>
  1913. <td width="89"></td>
  1914. </tr>
  1915. <tr>
  1916. <td rowspan="4">4</td>
  1917. <td width="79">I</td>
  1918. <td width="407">Risk and Fraud Management</td>
  1919. <td>90</td>
  1920. </tr>
  1921. <tr>
  1922. <td width="79">II</td>
  1923. <td width="407">Basic Technical Skills (handling Micro-ATMs, Biometric and other Devises, Basic Connectivity Issues</td>
  1924. <td>120</td>
  1925. </tr>
  1926. <tr>
  1927. <td width="79">III</td>
  1928. <td width="407">Digital Banking Products</td>
  1929. <td>120</td>
  1930. </tr>
  1931. <tr>
  1932. <td width="79">IV</td>
  1933. <td width="407">Recent Development in Digital Banking</td>
  1934. <td>90</td>
  1935. </tr>
  1936. <tr>
  1937. <td width="56"></td>
  1938. <td width="79"></td>
  1939. <td width="407"></td>
  1940. <td width="89"></td>
  1941. </tr>
  1942. <tr>
  1943. <td rowspan="3">5</td>
  1944. <td width="79">I</td>
  1945. <td width="407">Basic Skill requirement for BCs</td>
  1946. <td width="89">180 (Including role play of 60<br />
  1947. mins)</td>
  1948. </tr>
  1949. <tr>
  1950. <td width="79">II</td>
  1951. <td width="407">Dealing with various types of Customers</td>
  1952. <td width="89">180 (Including role<br />
  1953. play of 60 mins)</td>
  1954. </tr>
  1955. <tr>
  1956. <td width="79">III</td>
  1957. <td width="407">Filling Deposit application forms</td>
  1958. <td>60</td>
  1959. </tr>
  1960. <tr>
  1961. <td width="56"></td>
  1962. <td width="79"></td>
  1963. <td width="407"></td>
  1964. <td width="89"></td>
  1965. </tr>
  1966. <tr>
  1967. <td rowspan="4">6</td>
  1968. <td width="79">I</td>
  1969. <td width="407">Strategies for Recovery of Loans</td>
  1970. <td>150</td>
  1971. </tr>
  1972. <tr>
  1973. <td width="79">II</td>
  1974. <td width="407">Digital Banking-operational handholding of hand held devices</td>
  1975. <td>120</td>
  1976. </tr>
  1977. <tr>
  1978. <td width="79">III</td>
  1979. <td width="407">Filling Loan application forms</td>
  1980. <td>60</td>
  1981. </tr>
  1982. <tr>
  1983. <td width="79">IV</td>
  1984. <td width="407">Mock Test and Summing up</td>
  1985. <td>90</td>
  1986. </tr>
  1987. <tr>
  1988. <td width="56"></td>
  1989. <td width="79"></td>
  1990. <td width="407"></td>
  1991. <td width="89"></td>
  1992. </tr>
  1993. <tr>
  1994. <td width="56"></td>
  1995. <td width="79"></td>
  1996. <td width="407"></td>
  1997. <td>2520 Minutes</td>
  1998. </tr>
  1999. <tr>
  2000. <td width="56"></td>
  2001. <td width="79"></td>
  2002. <td width="407"></td>
  2003. <td>42 Hours</td>
  2004. </tr>
  2005. <tr>
  2006. <td width="56"></td>
  2007. <td width="79"></td>
  2008. <td width="407"></td>
  2009. <td width="89">7 Hours per<br />
  2010. day</td>
  2011. </tr>
  2012. <tr>
  2013. <td width="56"></td>
  2014. <td width="79"></td>
  2015. <td width="407"></td>
  2016. <td>6 Days</td>
  2017. </tr>
  2018. </tbody>
  2019. </table>
  2021. <p>“A Centre of Excellence in the Service of Banks, FIs and their Customers”<br />
  2022. (An Institute sponsored by RBI, NABARD and six PSU Banks)<br />
  2023. Training Programme for BC Certification<br />
  2024. About IIBM<br />
  2025. Indian Institute of Bank Management (IIBM), Guwahati is an accredited institution for<br />
  2026. imparting BC Certification training. It is a National level Bank Training Institute sponsored,<br />
  2027. governed and managed primarily by Reserve Bank of India. The other co-sponsors are<br />
  2028. NABARD, SBI, Union Bank, Indian Bank, UCO Bank, Central Bank of India and Punjab<br />
  2029. National Bank. Dr. M. D. Patra, Dy. Governor of RBI is Chairman of the Governing Board<br />
  2030. of IIBM, Guwahati and Shri Eugene E. Karthak, former Executive Director, RBI is IIBM’s<br />
  2031. Director.<br />
  2032. Introduction<br />
  2033. In order to ensure financial inclusion, several initiatives have been taken by Government<br />
  2034. of India and Reserve Bank of India. Business Correspondents (BCs) play an important role<br />
  2035. ion financial inclusion. In order to enable the BCs to be more effective, they need to be<br />
  2036. imparted the desired level of knowledge. In this context the certificate examination of IIBF<br />
  2037. for BCs has the following objective. IIBM has been identified as one of the empanelled<br />
  2038. Institute to undertake the training of BCs.<br />
  2039. Objective:<br />
  2040. • This course is aimed at providing the knowledge and skill sets to BCs. The structure<br />
  2041. of the course is to provide basic knowledge in banking operations and help the BCs<br />
  2042. in developing an overall understanding of the subject.<br />
  2043. For Whom:<br />
  2044. • Basic Certification: This certification is to be undertaken by the BC Agents who<br />
  2045. handle transactions like payment transactions, cash-in-out, remittances, etc.<br />
  2046. • Advanced Certification: This certification is to be undertaken by BC Agents who<br />
  2047. will be acting as full-fledged BCs covering all the activities as prescribed by the<br />
  2048. regulator.<br />
  2049. Mode &amp; Duration of Training:<br />
  2050. • Basic Certification: The training will be for 28 hours to be covered in minimum 4<br />
  2051. working days and maximum 15 working days.<br />
  2052. • Advanced Course: The training will be for 42 hours to be covered in minimum 6<br />
  2053. working days and maximum 21 working days.</p>
  2054. <p>Fees:<br />
  2055. • Basic Certification: Online Training at ₹1800/- plus GST and Offline at ₹2,700/- plus<br />
  2056. GST.<br />
  2057. • Advanced Certification: Online Training at ₹2,700/- plus GST and Offline at ₹4000/-<br />
  2058. plus GST.<br />
  2059. Eligibility Criteria:<br />
  2060. • Candidate must have completed 18 years of age on the date of application for<br />
  2061. training.<br />
  2062. • The candidate should be minimum Class X passed.</p>
  2063. <p>Validity:<br />
  2064. The candidates can make maximum three attempts to clear the Final Exam conducted by<br />
  2065. IIBF within a maximum period of nine month from the date of completion certificate.<br />
  2066. For more details kindly, contact the undersigned:<br />
  2067. Contact person:<br />
  2068. Programme Associate<br />
  2069. Ms. Monisha Thapa<br />
  2070. Ph. No. +91 93659 73843<br />
  2071.<br />
  2072. NB: Tentative date of training:<br />
  2073. • Online Advanced Certification Training scheduled from April 29, 2024 (Monday)<br />
  2074. to May 4th, 2024 (Saturday)<br />
  2075. • Interested participants may register through<br />
  2076. on or before 19th April 2024</p>
  2077. <h3 style="text-align: center;"><div class="su-heading su-heading-style-default su-heading-align-center" id="" style="font-size:13px;margin-bottom:20px"><div class="su-heading-inner">IIBF All Notification / Updates</div></div></h3>
  2078. <p>In order to simplify the course contents of BC certification, the s&#8217;ame has been, now<br />
  2079. divided into two distinct levels (mutually exclusive) as under:</p>
  2080. <p>1) Basic Certification: This certification to be undertaken by the BC Agents who handle<br />
  2081. only basic transactions like payment transactions, cash-in cash-out, remittances, etc.</p>
  2082. <p>2)Advanced Certification.: This certification to be undertaken by BC Agents who will<br />
  2083. be acting as full-fledged BCs covering all the activiti6s as prescribed by the regulator.</p>
  2084. <p>PLs note the total marks for BC/BF examination<br />
  2085. 1) Candidates who will take up Basic course: BC/BF exam total marks 50 and pass marks is 25<br />
  2086. 2) Candidates who will take up Advanced course: BC/BF exam total marks 100 and pass marks is 50</p>
  2087. <p>Candidates are generally recommended to take up Advanced course.</p>
  2088. <p>Dear All There is slight change in the registration process for exam in IIBF which is done by our IIBF exam centers. We will share the manual very soon.</p>
  2089. <p>In training process , if any candidate comes to your center please give them the training institute&#8217;s name and contact numbers of the concerned person. Candidates will directly contact them and get themselves registered for training.</p>
  2090. <p>IIBF-এ পরীক্ষার জন্য নিবন্ধন প্রক্রিয়ায় সামান্য পরিবর্তন রয়েছে যা আমাদের IIBF পরীক্ষা কেন্দ্রগুলি করে। আমরা খুব শীঘ্রই ম্যানুয়াল শেয়ার করব।</p>
  2091. <p>প্রশিক্ষণ প্রক্রিয়ায়, যদি কোনো প্রার্থী আপনার কেন্দ্রে আসেন তাহলে অনুগ্রহ করে তাদের প্রশিক্ষণ ইনস্টিটিউটের নাম এবং সংশ্লিষ্ট ব্যক্তির যোগাযোগ নম্বর দিন। প্রার্থীরা সরাসরি তাদের সাথে যোগাযোগ করবে এবং প্রশিক্ষণের জন্য নিজেদের নিবন্ধিত করবে।</p>
  2092. <p>Dear Team,<br />
  2093. The names of Institue&#8217;s where candidates can register for BCBF training are as below,</p>
  2094. <p>a. Bankers&#8217; Institute of Rural Development (BIRD);<br />
  2095. b. The National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD), Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MoSDE);<br />
  2096. c. National Institute of Bank Management (NIBM);<br />
  2097. d. Indian Institute of Bank Management (IIBM); and<br />
  2098. e. The Banks, at their discretion may also provide mandatory training to BCAs duly adhering to the training structure/ modules designed by the Coordination Committee.</p>
  2099. <p>Apply IIBF BC Advanced Certification Programme  <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p>
  2100. <p>Apply IIBF BC Basic Certification Programme : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p>
  2101. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  2102. <table class="table table-bordered table-hover">
  2103. <thead>
  2104. <tr>
  2105. <th>
  2106. <h5 style="text-align: left;">Name Of Programme</h5>
  2107. </th>
  2108. <th class="text-center">
  2109. <h5 style="text-align: left;">Mode of Prog.</h5>
  2110. </th>
  2111. <th class="text-center" style="text-align: left;">
  2112. <h5>Duration</h5>
  2113. </th>
  2114. <th class="text-center" style="text-align: left;">
  2115. <h5>Fee</h5>
  2116. </th>
  2117. <th class="text-center" style="text-align: left;"></th>
  2118. <th class="text-center">
  2119. <h5 style="text-align: left;"></h5>
  2120. </th>
  2121. </tr>
  2122. </thead>
  2123. <tbody>
  2124. <tr>
  2125. <td style="text-align: left;" align="center" width="300px" height="70px">IIBF BC Basic Certification Programme  <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Apply Link</a></td>
  2126. <td style="text-align: left;" align="center" width="200px" height="70px">Online</td>
  2127. <td style="text-align: left;" align="center" width="200px" height="70px">04 Days</td>
  2128. <td style="text-align: left;" align="center" width="200px" height="70px">Rs.2124</td>
  2129. </tr>
  2130. <tr>
  2131. <td style="text-align: left;" align="center" width="300px" height="70px">IIBF BC Advanced Certification Programme  <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Apply Link</a></td>
  2132. <td style="text-align: left;" align="center" width="200px" height="70px">Online</td>
  2133. <td style="text-align: left;" align="center" width="200px" height="70px">06 Days</td>
  2134. <td style="text-align: left;" align="center" width="200px" height="70px">Rs.3186</td>
  2135. </tr>
  2136. <tr>
  2137. <td style="text-align: left;" align="center" width="300px" height="70px">IIBF BC Basic Certification Programme</p>
  2138. <p>( Update Soon )</td>
  2139. <td style="text-align: left;" align="center" width="200px" height="70px">Offline</td>
  2140. <td style="text-align: left;" align="center" width="200px" height="70px">04 Days</td>
  2141. <td style="text-align: left;" align="center" width="200px" height="70px">Rs.3186</td>
  2142. </tr>
  2143. <tr>
  2144. <td style="text-align: left;" align="center" width="300px" height="70px">IIBF BC Advanced Certification Programme ( Update Soon )</td>
  2145. <td style="text-align: left;" align="center" width="200px" height="70px">Offline</td>
  2146. <td style="text-align: left;" align="center" width="200px" height="70px">06 Days</td>
  2147. <td style="text-align: left;" align="center" width="200px" height="70px">Rs.4720</td>
  2148. </tr>
  2149. </tbody>
  2150. </table>
  2151. <h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong>IIBF Notice</strong></h2>
  2152. <p>Effective April 2024, Training of BC Agents (BCA) has been mandated by RBI before appearing for the BC Certification Examination. BC Agents will now have to undergo 28 hours of training for the Basic Certification and 42 hours of training for the Advanced certification, as the case may be. Only those candidates who have successfully completed the training will be eligible to appear for the BC/BF examination.</p>
  2153. <p>The following Institutes have been identified to conduct the training for BC/BF:</p>
  2154. <ul>
  2155. <li>Bankers Institute of Rural Development (BIRD)</li>
  2156. <li>National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development. (NIESBUD). Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MoSDE)</li>
  2157. <li>Indian Institute of Bank Management (IIBM); and</li>
  2158. <li>The Banks, at their discretion may also provide mandatory training to BCAs duly adhering to the training structure/modules designed by the Coordination Committee.</li>
  2159. </ul>
  2160. <p>Other than the above named Institutes, no other Institute or organization is permitted to impart training to BC’s/BF’s.</p>
  2161. <p><u>Contact Details of Training Institutes:</u></p>
  2162. <p><strong>Single Point of Contact (SPOC) of BIRD in connection with the training of BCs/ BFs :</strong></p>
  2163. <p>Name of the Officer: Mrs. Anukampa Jha</p>
  2164. <p>Designation: Deputy General Manager</p>
  2165. <p>Email Id: <a href=""></a></p>
  2166. <p>Contact Number: 9431771458/ 0522 2425834</p>
  2167. <p>Working Hours/Availability: 09:45 am to 05:30 pm</p>
  2168. <p><strong>Single Point of Contact (SPOC) of NIESBUD in connection with the training of BCs/ BFs :</strong></p>
  2169. <p>Name of the Officer: Shri P.K.Arora</p>
  2170. <p>Designation: Senior  Advisor</p>
  2171. <p>Email Id: <a href=""></a></p>
  2172. <p>Contact Number: 9720447744</p>
  2173. <p>Working Hours/Availability: 09:45 am to 05:30 pm</p>
  2174. <p><strong>Single Point of Contact (SPOC) of IIBM in connection with the training of BCs/ BFs :</strong></p>
  2175. <p>Name of the Officer: Dr. Abhijit Sharma</p>
  2176. <p>Designation: Professor, IIBM</p>
  2177. <p>Email Id: <a href=""></a>;  <a href=""></a></p>
  2178. <p>Contact Number: 9365973843</p>
  2179. <p>Working Hours/Availability: 09:30 am to 05:30 pm</p>
  2180. <h2>Mandatory Training of BCs/ BFs About BIRD, Lucknow</h2>
  2181. <p>Bankers Institute of Rural Development (BIRD), a National level Premier Training<br />
  2182. Institution was established by National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development<br />
  2183. (NABARD) in 1983 to strengthen the Rural Financial Institutions through training and<br />
  2184. capacity building, research, and consultancy, etc. particularly in the areas of agriculture,<br />
  2185. rural development, rural development banking, micro finance, financial inclusion, etc.<br />
  2186. The institute focuses on capacity building and skill development of the personnel of<br />
  2187. Commercial Banks, Regional Rural Banks, Co-operative Banks, Small Finance Banks,<br />
  2188. MFIs, Farmer Producer Organisations, Non-Government Organisations, Government of<br />
  2189. India, State Governments and International organizations including financial institutions<br />
  2190. and developmental agencies.<br />
  2191. The faculty members of BIRD have rich experience in Rural Banking, Planning,<br />
  2192. Development and Human Resources Management.<br />
  2193. Mandatory Training of BCs/ BFs before Certification-BIRD as empanelled<br />
  2194. Training Institute<br />
  2195.  Training mandatory before appearing for BC Certification examination.<br />
  2196.  IIBF &#8211; sole certifying agency.<br />
  2197.  Bankers Institute of Rural Development (BIRD), Lucknow- One of the three<br />
  2198. Empanelled Training Institutes.<br />
  2199. Two Courses for Certification:<br />
  2200.  Basic Certification: This certification is to be undertaken by the BC/BF Agents<br />
  2201. who handle only basic transactions like payment transactions, cash-in cash-out,<br />
  2202. remittances, etc.<br />
  2203.  Advanced Certification: This certification is to be undertaken. by BC/BF<br />
  2204. Agents who will be acting as full-fledged BCs covering all the activities as<br />
  2205. prescribed by the regulator.<br />
  2206. Training by BIRD<br />
  2207.  Training programmes will be conducted in two modules, Basic and Advanced.<br />
  2208. Session plans, duration of training programmes and course fee for both the courses<br />
  2209. have been standardized and approved by IBA.<br />
  2210.  BIRD, Lucknow would provide ONLINE training in two languages, viz. Hindi and<br />
  2211. English. The Course material for Basic and Advanced Courses have been prepared<br />
  2212. by IIBF.<br />
  2213.  Duration of Training:<br />
  2214. Basic &#8211; 28 Hours [(4 days (min) to 15 days (max)].<br />
  2215. Advanced &#8211; 42 Hours [(6 days (min) to 21 days (max)].<br />
  2216.  The Course books, published by IIBF, will form basis of training. The prescribed<br />
  2217. course books for Basic and Advanced Courses, published by IIBF, under Taxmann<br />
  2218. Publications, are:<br />
  2219. i. Inclusive Banking Through Business Correspondents (Basic Course)<br />
  2220. ii. Inclusive Banking Through Business Correspondents (Advanced Course)<br />
  2221.  Books to be purchased by the candidates from bookstores.<br />
  2222.  Training Completion Certificate (TCC) will be issued to all candidates who have<br />
  2223. successfully completed the training with at least 75% attendance.<br />
  2224.  75% attendance mandatory for candidates to get the completion certificate.<br />
  2225.  Fee details:<br />
  2226. Particular Basic Course Advanced Course<br />
  2227. Course Fee (per candidate)<br />
  2228. Online Rs 1800 plus GST = Rs 2124 Rs 2700 plus GST = Rs 3186<br />
  2229.  The above Course Fee is for attending one training programme only. No refund in<br />
  2230. the case of non attendance of training programme.<br />
  2231.  The dates of conduct of training programmes will be announced shortly.<br />
  2232. Contact Details for BC/BF Training<br />
  2233. Email Id:<br />
  2234. Contact Number: 0522 &#8211; 2421006 (between 0945 hrs to 1730 hrs on<br />
  2235. working days)<br />
  2236. website:</p>
  2237. ]]></content:encoded>
  2238. </item>
  2239. <item>
  2241. <link></link>
  2242. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Satyabrata Jana]]></dc:creator>
  2243. <pubDate>Wed, 27 Mar 2024 14:23:58 +0000</pubDate>
  2244. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  2245. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  2247. <description><![CDATA[IIBF EXAM CENTER LIST IN WEST BENGAL The names of Institue&#8217;s where candidates can register ... <p class="read-more-container"><a title="IIBF EXAM CENTER LIST IN WEST BENGAL" class="read-more button" href="" aria-label="More on IIBF EXAM CENTER LIST IN WEST BENGAL">Read more</a></p>]]></description>
  2248. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<h3>IIBF EXAM CENTER LIST IN WEST BENGAL</h3>
  2249. <p>The names of Institue&#8217;s where candidates can register for BCBF training are as below,</p>
  2250. <p>a. Bankers&#8217; Institute of Rural Development (BIRD);<br />
  2251. b. The National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD), Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MoSDE);<br />
  2252. c. National Institute of Bank Management (NIBM);<br />
  2253. d. Indian Institute of Bank Management (IIBM); and<br />
  2254. e. The Banks, at their discretion may also provide mandatory training to BCAs duly adhering to the training structure/ modules designed by the Coordination Committee.</p>
  2255. <p>More Details visit : <a href=""></a></p>
  2256. <p>IIBF CERTIFICATE DOWNLOAD : <a href=""></a></p>
  2257. <p>IIBF QUESTION ANSWER : <a href=""></a></p>
  2258. <ul>
  2259. <li>PURBA MEDINIPUR</li>
  2260. </ul>
  2261. <table id="listitems2" class="table table-bordered table-striped dataTables-example">
  2262. <thead>
  2263. <tr>
  2264. <th id="srNo">S.No.</th>
  2265. <th id="centername">Venue Code</th>
  2266. <th id="ststus">Venue Name</th>
  2267. <th id="name">Venue Address</th>
  2268. <th id="centertype">Venue Pincode</th>
  2269. </tr>
  2270. </thead>
  2271. <tbody id="list" class="no-bd-y">
  2272. <tr>
  2273. <td>1</td>
  2274. <td>129486</td>
  2275. <td>APEX INSTITUTE</td>
  2276. <td>SATYABRATAA JANA Vill-Bathuary,Egra,Purba Medinipur,Pin-721422 Purba medinipur West Bengal 9635842871</td>
  2277. <td>721422</td>
  2278. </tr>
  2279. <tr>
  2280. <td>2</td>
  2281. <td>463812</td>
  2282. <td>CSC Academy of ATANU BHAKTA</td>
  2283. <td>ATANU BHAKTA VILL &#8211; SAORABERIA JALPAI, P.O &#8211; JALPAI, P.S &#8211; NANDAKUMAR, DIST &#8211; PURBA MEDINIPUR, WEST BENGAL, PIN &#8211; 721652 Purba medinipur West Bengal</td>
  2284. <td>721652</td>
  2285. </tr>
  2286. <tr>
  2287. <td>3</td>
  2288. <td>583216</td>
  2289. <td>Cgit Solutions Private Ltd.</td>
  2290. <td>janmenjay das Haldia, Purba Medinipur, pin-721657 Purba medinipur West Bengal</td>
  2291. <td>721657</td>
  2292. </tr>
  2293. <tr>
  2294. <td>4</td>
  2295. <td>658271</td>
  2296. <td>MOYNA CSC ACADEMY</td>
  2297. <td>SANTANA MAITY Garsafat, Moyna, Purba Medinipur Purba medinipur West Bengal</td>
  2298. <td>721629</td>
  2299. </tr>
  2300. <tr>
  2301. <td>5</td>
  2302. <td>583469</td>
  2303. <td>CSC ACADEMY</td>
  2305. <td>721645</td>
  2306. </tr>
  2307. <tr>
  2308. <td>6</td>
  2309. <td>864371</td>
  2310. <td>CSC Academy of ANIRBAN SAINIK</td>
  2311. <td>ANIRBAN SAINIK Chapbasan. Kelomal, Tamluk, urban medinipur, 721627 Purba medinipur West Bengal</td>
  2312. <td>721627</td>
  2313. </tr>
  2314. <tr>
  2315. <td>7</td>
  2316. <td>356274</td>
  2317. <td>CSC GEONKHALI</td>
  2319. <td>721603</td>
  2320. </tr>
  2321. <tr>
  2322. <td>8</td>
  2323. <td>638512</td>
  2326. <td>721458</td>
  2327. </tr>
  2328. <tr>
  2329. <td>9</td>
  2330. <td>358276</td>
  2332. <td>SK ABU KALAM VILL &amp; PO -HENRIA , P.S -KHEJURI , DIST &#8211; PURBA MEDINIPUR. WEST BENGAL -721430 Purba medinipur West Bengal</td>
  2333. <td>721430</td>
  2334. </tr>
  2335. <tr>
  2336. <td>10</td>
  2337. <td>986725</td>
  2338. <td>CSC Academy of ANUP KUMAR MANDAL</td>
  2339. <td>VILL &#8211; BAHARGRAM, P.O. &#8211; PANSKURA R.S., @VILL &#8211; BA, Block-PANSKURA I 0 Purba medinipur West Bengal</td>
  2340. <td>234567</td>
  2341. </tr>
  2342. <tr>
  2343. <td>11</td>
  2344. <td>625194</td>
  2345. <td>Panskura National Board Of Compurer Education</td>
  2346. <td>SUDARSHAN DHARA J.K.Market, Kanakpur, Panskura, Near Charulata Cinema Hall, Purba Medinipur, 721152 Purba medinipur West Bengal</td>
  2347. <td>721152</td>
  2348. </tr>
  2349. </tbody>
  2350. </table>
  2351. <ul>
  2352. <li>KOLKATA</li>
  2353. </ul>
  2354. <table id="listitems2" class="table table-bordered table-striped dataTables-example">
  2355. <thead>
  2356. <tr>
  2357. <th id="srNo">S.No.</th>
  2358. <th id="centername">Venue Code</th>
  2359. <th id="ststus">Venue Name</th>
  2360. <th id="name">Venue Address</th>
  2361. <th id="centertype">Venue Pincode</th>
  2362. </tr>
  2363. </thead>
  2364. <tbody id="list" class="no-bd-y">
  2365. <tr>
  2366. <td>1</td>
  2367. <td>791653</td>
  2368. <td>CSC Academy of NIKHIL KUMAR SHAH</td>
  2370. <td>700020</td>
  2371. </tr>
  2372. <tr>
  2373. <td>2</td>
  2374. <td>857136</td>
  2375. <td>CSC Academy-Vikash Agarwal</td>
  2376. <td>Vikash Agarwal 213 TODI CHAMBERS2 LAL BAZAR STREETKOLKATA 700001 Kolkata West Bengal 7003797450</td>
  2377. <td>700001</td>
  2378. </tr>
  2379. </tbody>
  2380. </table>
  2381. <ul>
  2382. <li>PURULIYA</li>
  2383. </ul>
  2384. <table id="listitems2" class="table table-bordered table-striped dataTables-example">
  2385. <thead>
  2386. <tr>
  2387. <th id="srNo">S.No.</th>
  2388. <th id="centername">Venue Code</th>
  2389. <th id="ststus">Venue Name</th>
  2390. <th id="name">Venue Address</th>
  2391. <th id="centertype">Venue Pincode</th>
  2392. </tr>
  2393. </thead>
  2394. <tbody id="list" class="no-bd-y">
  2395. <tr>
  2396. <td>1</td>
  2397. <td>986215</td>
  2398. <td>CSC Academy of UJJWAL MAHATO</td>
  2399. <td>UJJWAL MAHATO Indrabil gourangdih kashipur purulia Puruliya West Bengal 9749683233</td>
  2400. <td>723121</td>
  2401. </tr>
  2402. <tr>
  2403. <td>2</td>
  2404. <td>286579</td>
  2406. <td>SHIBNATH RAJOWAR VILL-JITUJURI, P.O-JITUJURI, P.S-MANBAZAR, DIST-PURULIA, PIN-723128 Puruliya West Bengal 9800981662</td>
  2407. <td>723128</td>
  2408. </tr>
  2409. <tr>
  2410. <td>3</td>
  2411. <td>856913</td>
  2412. <td>CSC Academy BHOLA NATH MAHATO</td>
  2413. <td>CSC Academy BHOLA NATH MAHATO VILLAGE POST-BELKURI,P.S-PURULIA,MF,District Purulia 723149 Puruliya West Bengal 9732310873</td>
  2414. <td>723149</td>
  2415. </tr>
  2416. <tr>
  2417. <td>4</td>
  2418. <td>375298</td>
  2419. <td>Uttam Roy</td>
  2420. <td>Uttam Roy Vill-Gowaladih PO-Jiudaru PS-Kotshila Dist-Purulia PIN-723213 , Near Kotshila Girls High School Puruliya West Bengal 9932756248</td>
  2421. <td>723213</td>
  2422. </tr>
  2423. <tr>
  2424. <td>5</td>
  2425. <td>879365</td>
  2426. <td>PRANAB MAHATO</td>
  2427. <td>PRANAB MAHATO AT -NADIYARA PO -NADIYARA , PS- PURULIA MFSL DIST PURULIA-723149 Puruliya West Bengal 9831522227</td>
  2428. <td>723149</td>
  2429. </tr>
  2430. <tr>
  2431. <td>6</td>
  2432. <td>325498</td>
  2433. <td>SOUREN BANERJEE</td>
  2434. <td>SOUREN BANERJEE RAGHUNATHPUR-II BLOCK CAMPUS-CHELYAMA , Near-Block ofc-723146 Puruliya West Bengal 9002794707</td>
  2435. <td>723146</td>
  2436. </tr>
  2437. </tbody>
  2438. </table>
  2439. <ul>
  2440. <li>BANKURA</li>
  2441. </ul>
  2442. <table id="listitems2" class="table table-bordered table-striped dataTables-example">
  2443. <thead>
  2444. <tr>
  2445. <th id="srNo">S.No.</th>
  2446. <th id="centername">Venue Code</th>
  2447. <th id="ststus">Venue Name</th>
  2448. <th id="name">Venue Address</th>
  2449. <th id="centertype">Venue Pincode</th>
  2450. </tr>
  2451. </thead>
  2452. <tbody id="list" class="no-bd-y">
  2453. <tr>
  2454. <td>1</td>
  2455. <td>561497</td>
  2457. <td>Arindam Diger Vill+P.O &#8211; Shashpur, P.S &#8211; Indas, Dist- Bankura, Pin- 722205. Bankura West Bengal 9933983252</td>
  2458. <td>722205</td>
  2459. </tr>
  2460. <tr>
  2461. <td>2</td>
  2462. <td>154263</td>
  2463. <td>TATHYA MITRA KENDRA, DURLAVPUR (Near Mejia Thermal Power Station)</td>
  2464. <td>ARIJIT MUKHERJEE Vill &amp; Post &#8211; Durlavpur, PS &#8211; Gangajalghati, Bankura, West Bengal Bankura West Bengal 8001975224</td>
  2465. <td>722133</td>
  2466. </tr>
  2467. <tr>
  2468. <td>3</td>
  2469. <td>179632</td>
  2471. <td>SYED ANISUR RAHAMAN VILL PO RASULPUR PS PATRASAYER DIST BANKURA PIN 722205 WBMOB 8609544045 Bankura West Bengal 8609544045</td>
  2472. <td>722205</td>
  2473. </tr>
  2474. <tr>
  2475. <td>4</td>
  2476. <td>475683</td>
  2479. <td>722151</td>
  2480. </tr>
  2481. <tr>
  2482. <td>5</td>
  2483. <td>712945</td>
  2484. <td>Onda Block CSC Center</td>
  2486. <td>722152</td>
  2487. </tr>
  2488. <tr>
  2489. <td>6</td>
  2490. <td>724689</td>
  2491. <td>Mirzapur CSC Academy</td>
  2493. <td>722154</td>
  2494. </tr>
  2495. <tr>
  2496. <td>7</td>
  2497. <td>986523</td>
  2498. <td>JOYPUR CSC ACADEMY</td>
  2499. <td>KRIPA SINDHU NANDI Vill-Chatramore,P.o.-Galia,P.s.-Joypur,PIN-722154 Bankura West Bengal 9635734735</td>
  2500. <td>722154</td>
  2501. </tr>
  2502. <tr>
  2503. <td>8</td>
  2504. <td>264895</td>
  2505. <td>STARLIGHT COMPUTER</td>
  2506. <td>SATYANARAYAN DEY STARLIGHT COMPUTER, VILL+POST+P.S+BLOCK &#8211; BARJORA, DISTRICT &#8211; BANKURA, PIN-722202, WEST BENGAL. Bankura West Bengal 9732008628</td>
  2507. <td>722202</td>
  2508. </tr>
  2509. <tr>
  2510. <td>9</td>
  2511. <td>921648</td>
  2512. <td>Arindam Bid</td>
  2513. <td>Vill- Gurepara , Post &#8211; Gangnala, P.S &#8211; Sarenga , Dist &#8211; Bankura , Pin- 722150 Bankura West Bengal 9635892111</td>
  2514. <td>722150</td>
  2515. </tr>
  2516. </tbody>
  2517. </table>
  2518. <ul>
  2519. <li>SOUTH 24 PARGANAS</li>
  2520. </ul>
  2521. <table id="listitems2" class="table table-bordered table-striped dataTables-example">
  2522. <thead>
  2523. <tr>
  2524. <th id="srNo">S.No.</th>
  2525. <th id="centername">Venue Code</th>
  2526. <th id="ststus">Venue Name</th>
  2527. <th id="name">Venue Address</th>
  2528. <th id="centertype">Venue Pincode</th>
  2529. </tr>
  2530. </thead>
  2531. <tbody id="list" class="no-bd-y">
  2532. <tr>
  2533. <td>1</td>
  2534. <td>495872</td>
  2536. <td>ABHIK BHOWMIK N.D. ROAD,VILL-KHASTIKA,RAIPURMORE P.O-BAKHRAHAT P.S-BISHNUPUR South 24 parganas West Bengal 9230695262</td>
  2537. <td>743377</td>
  2538. </tr>
  2539. <tr>
  2540. <td>2</td>
  2541. <td>184936</td>
  2543. <td>ASK SOLUTION KALYANASIS HALDER Vill. &#8211; Gabberia, PO &#8211; Dosatina, PS &#8211; Bishnupur South 24 parganas West Bengal 9836472877</td>
  2544. <td>743503</td>
  2545. </tr>
  2546. <tr>
  2547. <td>3</td>
  2548. <td>192673</td>
  2549. <td>Jamtala Youth Computer Traning Center</td>
  2550. <td>Jamtala Youth Computer Traning Center Chandan Kumar Mondal Jamtala Youth Computer Traning Center, Jamtala Bus Stand, PO-Jamtala, PS-Kultali, PIN-743338 South 24 parganas West Bengal 9732818201</td>
  2551. <td>743338</td>
  2552. </tr>
  2553. <tr>
  2554. <td>4</td>
  2555. <td>982157</td>
  2557. <td>MADHUSHREE DASH VILL &#8211; UTTAR CHANDANPIRI, P.O &#8211; CHANDANPIRI, P.S &#8211; NAMKHANA, DIST &#8211; SOUTH 24 PGS, PIN &#8211; 743357 South 24 parganas West Bengal 9775122612</td>
  2558. <td>743357</td>
  2559. </tr>
  2560. <tr>
  2561. <td>5</td>
  2562. <td>653712</td>
  2563. <td>JCC TECHNO SOCIETY</td>
  2564. <td>SWARNAPADA NASKAR SAHAJADAPUR,DAKSHIN BIJOYNAGAR,BAKULTALA(JOYNAGAR),SOUTH 24 PGS,743338,WB South 24 parganas West Bengal 9093216065</td>
  2565. <td>743338</td>
  2566. </tr>
  2567. <tr>
  2568. <td>6</td>
  2569. <td>674925</td>
  2571. <td>KRISHAN HALDER VILL+PO-SRIKRISHNANAGAR. PS-JOYNAGAR. DIST-SOUTH 24 PARGANAS. PIN-743372. WEST BENGAL South 24 parganas West Bengal 8016466651</td>
  2572. <td>743372</td>
  2573. </tr>
  2574. <tr>
  2575. <td>7</td>
  2576. <td>396842</td>
  2577. <td>CSC Academy of Avilash Halder</td>
  2578. <td>Avilash Halder VILL-KRISHNADEBPUR@P.O. P.S.-MANDIR BAZAR, Block-Mandirbazar South 24 parganas West Bengal 9126474522</td>
  2579. <td>743395</td>
  2580. </tr>
  2581. <tr>
  2582. <td>8</td>
  2583. <td>685342</td>
  2584. <td>SAHANI ONLINE SOLUTION (CSC Academy) Md Yusuf Ali Gharami</td>
  2585. <td>Md Yusuf Ali Gharami SAHANI ONLINE SOLUTION , Daria Bazar , PO-Thakuraniberia , PS-Canning , Dist-South Twenty Four Parganas , West Bengal , 743376 South 24 parganas West Bengal 9734653366</td>
  2586. <td>743376</td>
  2587. </tr>
  2588. <tr>
  2589. <td>9</td>
  2590. <td>518746</td>
  2591. <td>CSC Academy of Basanti Block ,THATYA MITRA KENDEA,AJIJUL SARKAR</td>
  2592. <td>AJIJUL SARKAR vill-Filmalancha gp office, Panikhali bazar,p.o-Khalisakhali,p.o-Basanti,Dist-24 parganas south,pin -743329,west bengal South 24 parganas West Bengal 9732449422</td>
  2593. <td>743329</td>
  2594. </tr>
  2595. <tr>
  2596. <td>10</td>
  2597. <td>279465</td>
  2599. <td>ROSONARA KHATUN VILL+PO-CHANDANESWAR, PS-BHANGAR, DIST-SOUTH 24 PGS, South 24 parganas West Bengal 9153716975</td>
  2600. <td>743330</td>
  2601. </tr>
  2602. <tr>
  2603. <td>11</td>
  2604. <td>843961</td>
  2605. <td>TISA ACADEMY</td>
  2607. <td>700145</td>
  2608. </tr>
  2609. <tr>
  2610. <td>12</td>
  2611. <td>854931</td>
  2612. <td>Bera Cyber Zone</td>
  2614. <td>743349</td>
  2615. </tr>
  2616. <tr>
  2617. <td>13</td>
  2618. <td>941563</td>
  2619. <td>Anubhav Computer</td>
  2620. <td>ANUP KUMAR GIRI Vill po Narayani Abad South 24 parganas West Bengal 9748008899</td>
  2621. <td>743373</td>
  2622. </tr>
  2623. <tr>
  2624. <td>14</td>
  2625. <td>498251</td>
  2626. <td>CSC Academy of DEBASISH MAITI</td>
  2627. <td>DEBASISH MAITI kakdwipPin-743347 South 24 parganas West Bengal 9734270560</td>
  2628. <td>743347</td>
  2629. </tr>
  2630. <tr>
  2631. <td>15</td>
  2632. <td>732196</td>
  2633. <td>EDUCARE</td>
  2634. <td>Bhola Gayen SUNDIA MORE (BUS STOP), P.S.- BHANGORE, P.O.- BODRA, PIN-743330 South 24 parganas West Bengal 9874643422</td>
  2635. <td>743502</td>
  2636. </tr>
  2637. <tr>
  2638. <td>16</td>
  2639. <td>674132</td>
  2640. <td>KRIPASINDHU PURKAIT</td>
  2641. <td>KRIPASINDHU PURKAIT vill+p.o &#8211; DAKSHIN DURGAPUR. P.S- KULTALI. DIST.- SOUTH 24 PARAGANAS. PIN- 743349 South 24 parganas West Bengal 9093204971</td>
  2642. <td>743349</td>
  2643. </tr>
  2644. <tr>
  2645. <td>17</td>
  2646. <td>751329</td>
  2647. <td>CSC Academy of SANAWAJ ALI MOLLA</td>
  2648. <td>SANAWAJ ALI MOLLA VILL-GOBINDAPUR, P.O- B.GOBINDAPUR, P.S-BHANGAR, DIST-24 PARGANAS(SOUTH), PIN-743502 South 24 parganas West Bengal 9775346105</td>
  2649. <td>743502</td>
  2650. </tr>
  2651. <tr>
  2652. <td>18</td>
  2653. <td>218547</td>
  2654. <td>CSC Academy of ASIM MAITY</td>
  2655. <td>ASIM MAITY RAMGANGA,PATHARPRATIMA,SOUTH 24 PARGANAS,743371 South 24 parganas West Bengal 7797271732</td>
  2656. <td>743371</td>
  2657. </tr>
  2658. <tr>
  2659. <td>19</td>
  2660. <td>316984</td>
  2661. <td>CSC ACADEMY DH 2</td>
  2662. <td>SURAJIT JATI VILL KANKJOLE PASCHIM ,MAHESWRA, RAMNAGAR. DIST- SOUTH 24PGS, RAMNAGAR, PIN 743368 South 24 parganas West Bengal 9002365149</td>
  2663. <td>743368</td>
  2664. </tr>
  2665. <tr>
  2666. <td>20</td>
  2667. <td>157236</td>
  2668. <td>DISHA EDUCATIONAL HUB (CSC)</td>
  2670. <td>743375</td>
  2671. </tr>
  2672. <tr>
  2673. <td>21</td>
  2674. <td>532869</td>
  2676. <td>MD AKBAR SANTOSHPUR, PADIRHATI ,P.O-BIDHANGARH, PS- RABINDRANAGAR,MAHESHTALA, SOUTH 24 PARGANAS-700066 South 24 parganas West Bengal 8240530860</td>
  2677. <td>700066</td>
  2678. </tr>
  2679. <tr>
  2680. <td>22</td>
  2681. <td>348165</td>
  2682. <td>CSC Academy of BISWAJIT BAIRAGI</td>
  2683. <td>BISWAJIT BAIRAGI VILL-ATASURA P.O-MAITERHAT@P.S-MAGRAHAT BLOCK-MAGR, Block-Magrahat &#8211; ii South 24 parganas West Bengal 9832735733</td>
  2684. <td>743355</td>
  2685. </tr>
  2686. <tr>
  2687. <td>23</td>
  2688. <td>825197</td>
  2689. <td>CSC Academy-SANTANU MANDAL</td>
  2690. <td>Water Tank Para, Roy Nagar@Diamond Harbour, Ward N,Block-Diamond harbour &#8211; i 0 South 24 parganas West Bengal 9153070856</td>
  2691. <td>234567</td>
  2692. </tr>
  2693. <tr>
  2694. <td>24</td>
  2695. <td>928714</td>
  2696. <td>RAJDEEP SANTRA</td>
  2697. <td>RAJDEEP SANTRA 250@ M.G. ROAD,P.O. AND P.S.- BUDGE BUDGE-700137 South 24 parganas West Bengal 9831263494</td>
  2698. <td>700137</td>
  2699. </tr>
  2700. <tr>
  2701. <td>25</td>
  2702. <td>572948</td>
  2703. <td>ABUL HASAN MOLLA</td>
  2704. <td>ABUL HASAN MOLLA VILL PO-DEULI@ PS-JIBANTALA, DIST-SOUTH 24 PARGANAS-743502 South 24 parganas West Bengal 8436472870</td>
  2705. <td>743502</td>
  2706. </tr>
  2707. </tbody>
  2708. </table>
  2709. <ul>
  2710. <li>NORTH 24 PARGANAS</li>
  2711. </ul>
  2712. <table id="listitems2" class="table table-bordered table-striped dataTables-example">
  2713. <thead>
  2714. <tr>
  2715. <th id="srNo">S.No.</th>
  2716. <th id="centername">Venue Code</th>
  2717. <th id="ststus">Venue Name</th>
  2718. <th id="name">Venue Address</th>
  2719. <th id="centertype">Venue Pincode</th>
  2720. </tr>
  2721. </thead>
  2722. <tbody id="list" class="no-bd-y">
  2723. <tr>
  2724. <td>1</td>
  2725. <td>653987</td>
  2726. <td>TATHYA MITRA KENDRA</td>
  2727. <td>SUKANTA DUTTA UTTAR KOWGACHI FEEDER ROAD,PO-SHYAMNAGAR,NORTH 24 PARGANAS,743127 North 24 parganas West Bengal 9062464642</td>
  2728. <td>743127</td>
  2729. </tr>
  2730. <tr>
  2731. <td>2</td>
  2732. <td>865941</td>
  2733. <td>CSC BENKI BAZAR, SK ABDULLA</td>
  2734. <td>SK ABDULLA BENKI BAZAR, PO- SRINAGAR, PS- BASIRHAT, NORTH 24 PARGANAS, PIN- 7432428 North 24 parganas West Bengal 9932775981</td>
  2735. <td>743428</td>
  2736. </tr>
  2737. <tr>
  2738. <td>3</td>
  2739. <td>863945</td>
  2740. <td>TATHYAMITRA KENDRA (CSC)</td>
  2741. <td>HASAN MOLLA Dhamakhali Arsadmiyar Bazar, Rampur, Pin-743329 North 24 parganas West Bengal 8768357104</td>
  2742. <td>743329</td>
  2743. </tr>
  2744. <tr>
  2745. <td>4</td>
  2746. <td>932451</td>
  2747. <td>Subodh Kumar Gupta</td>
  2748. <td>Gupta Jan Seva Kendra HARI MOHAN CHATTERJEE ROAD, AGARPARA P.O.KAMARHATI KOLKATA 700058 North 24 parganas West Bengal 7980550495</td>
  2749. <td>700058</td>
  2750. </tr>
  2751. <tr>
  2752. <td>5</td>
  2753. <td>187625</td>
  2754. <td>CSC Academy of Abhijit Saha</td>
  2755. <td>Abhijit Saha 1 NO, BIJAYNAGAR NAIHATI 74365(W.B)P.O-NAIHATI DIST- NORTH 24 PARGANAS North 24 parganas West Bengal 9062488940</td>
  2756. <td>743165</td>
  2757. </tr>
  2758. <tr>
  2759. <td>6</td>
  2760. <td>384657</td>
  2761. <td>CSC Academy of Rajan Bhattacharjee</td>
  2762. <td>Rajan Bhattacharjee Kalikapur Taki Road Barasat Kolkata 700124 North 24 parganas West Bengal 8296431200</td>
  2763. <td>700124</td>
  2764. </tr>
  2765. <tr>
  2766. <td>7</td>
  2767. <td>365984</td>
  2768. <td>CSC Academy of MADAN MOHAN BISWAS</td>
  2769. <td>MADAN MOHAN BISWAS VILL+PO+PS- BAGDAH, DSIT- NORTH 24 PARGANAS, PIN &#8211; 743232, W.B. North 24 parganas West Bengal 9933991767</td>
  2770. <td>743232</td>
  2771. </tr>
  2772. <tr>
  2773. <td>8</td>
  2774. <td>493782</td>
  2775. <td>CSC Academy of Sanjib Dey</td>
  2776. <td>Sanjib Dey VILL- Gopalnagar high school para, PO+PS- Gopalnagar, DIS- North 24 PGS, 743262 North 24 parganas West Bengal 9332425709</td>
  2777. <td>743262</td>
  2778. </tr>
  2779. <tr>
  2780. <td>9</td>
  2781. <td>459623</td>
  2782. <td>CSC Academy of OWASI AHAMED</td>
  2783. <td>OWASI AHAMED VILL EKRULLYA P.O BELIAGHATA BRIDGE P.S DEGANGA DIST NORTH 24 PARGANAS PIN 743423 North 24 parganas West Bengal 9153501539</td>
  2784. <td>743423</td>
  2785. </tr>
  2786. <tr>
  2787. <td>10</td>
  2788. <td>581463</td>
  2789. <td>CSC ACADEMY</td>
  2790. <td>ASHWINI KUMAR JAISWAL DENOVO INSTITUTE, Tegharia Loknath Mandir Jhawtala Road, Kolkata North 24 parganas West Bengal 8444842284</td>
  2791. <td>700157</td>
  2792. </tr>
  2793. <tr>
  2794. <td>11</td>
  2795. <td>721439</td>
  2796. <td>TANUSHKA INFOTECH</td>
  2797. <td>Tuhin Sinha NORTH NATAGARH, PO-PANSILA VIA SODEPUR, PS-GHOLAPIN-700112 North 24 parganas West Bengal 9830075018</td>
  2798. <td>700109</td>
  2799. </tr>
  2800. <tr>
  2801. <td>12</td>
  2802. <td>281439</td>
  2803. <td>CSC ACADEMY</td>
  2805. <td>743145</td>
  2806. </tr>
  2807. <tr>
  2808. <td>13</td>
  2809. <td>728563</td>
  2811. <td>JAHANGIR GAZI Vill PO Dhuchnikhali PS sandeshkhali Dist North 24 Parganas Pin 743446 North 24 parganas West Bengal 8001252297</td>
  2812. <td>743446</td>
  2813. </tr>
  2814. <tr>
  2815. <td>14</td>
  2816. <td>395682</td>
  2817. <td>RAJBARI CSC CENTRE</td>
  2818. <td>BISWAJIT DAS RAJBARI AGARHATI NAZAT NORTH 24 PARGANAS 743329 North 24 parganas West Bengal 8346963690</td>
  2819. <td>743329</td>
  2820. </tr>
  2821. <tr>
  2822. <td>15</td>
  2823. <td>918276</td>
  2824. <td>CSC Academy of SAHID ALI MOLLA</td>
  2825. <td>SAHID ALI MOLLA VILL-CHHAYANI,PO-BAMANPIKUR,PS-MINAKHAN,DIST-NORTH 24 PGS,PIN743425 North 24 parganas West Bengal 9734768313</td>
  2826. <td>743425</td>
  2827. </tr>
  2828. <tr>
  2829. <td>16</td>
  2830. <td>786425</td>
  2833. <td>743425</td>
  2834. </tr>
  2835. <tr>
  2836. <td>17</td>
  2837. <td>819653</td>
  2838. <td>ECAREER INSTITUTE</td>
  2839. <td>BISWAJIT DAS I want to register CSC Academy. North 24 parganas West Bengal 9231876646</td>
  2840. <td>743136</td>
  2841. </tr>
  2842. <tr>
  2843. <td>18</td>
  2844. <td>143567</td>
  2846. <td>PRONAY ROY VILL + P.O &#8211; JADURHATI, P.S &#8211; BADURIA, PIN &#8211; 743293 North 24 parganas West Bengal 9647357920</td>
  2847. <td>743293</td>
  2848. </tr>
  2849. <tr>
  2850. <td>19</td>
  2851. <td>389541</td>
  2852. <td>HM COMPUTER &amp; TECHNICAL CENTRE ?</td>
  2853. <td>Samim Iqbal AMINPUR BAZAR, VILL.- PALTADANGA, P.O.- SONDALIA, P.S.- SHASAN North 24 parganas West Bengal 9800174700</td>
  2854. <td>743423</td>
  2855. </tr>
  2856. <tr>
  2857. <td>20</td>
  2858. <td>368924</td>
  2859. <td>Aadrika Computer School</td>
  2860. <td>LOKNATH DAS Barasat Sadar, C/O- Aadrika Computer School under Digital Cafe Loknath,Pro.- Loknath Das, Taki Road, Ghola Kazipara, 66/1 Ghola Kachari Road ,P.o- Barasat, North 24 Pgs, WB, 700125, Mob-7003123069 North 24 parganas West Bengal 7003123069</td>
  2861. <td>700124</td>
  2862. </tr>
  2863. <tr>
  2864. <td>21</td>
  2865. <td>289437</td>
  2868. <td>743429</td>
  2869. </tr>
  2870. <tr>
  2871. <td>22</td>
  2872. <td>375614</td>
  2873. <td>IIK- Infotech Institute of Knowledge</td>
  2874. <td>SK MOSTAFA AHMED Haroa, North 24 Parganas, Pin-743425, West Bengal, India.(Near Haroa S. A. Girl&#8217;s High School) North 24 parganas West Bengal 8926572032</td>
  2875. <td>743425</td>
  2876. </tr>
  2877. <tr>
  2878. <td>23</td>
  2879. <td>492813</td>
  2880. <td>CSC Academy of PRITAM BHATTACHARYA</td>
  2881. <td>PRITAM BHATTACHARYA HASNABAD,TAKI@HASNABAD, Block-Hasnabad North 24 parganas West Bengal 9933694694</td>
  2882. <td>743426</td>
  2883. </tr>
  2884. <tr>
  2885. <td>24</td>
  2886. <td>281657</td>
  2887. <td>USHA EDUCATION</td>
  2888. <td>Prabir Chatterjee PRABIR CHATTERJEE, VILL+PO-KALUPUR,PS-BONGAON,PIN-743235 NORTH 24 PGS West Bengal 8001850353</td>
  2889. <td>743235</td>
  2890. </tr>
  2891. <tr>
  2892. <td>25</td>
  2893. <td>247913</td>
  2894. <td>EVERGREEN ONLINE</td>
  2895. <td>PAPIYA DALAL BASIRHAT ,MIRZAPUR CHOWRACHAR,PIN-743422 North 24 parganas West Bengal 9315887329</td>
  2896. <td>743422</td>
  2897. </tr>
  2898. </tbody>
  2899. </table>
  2900. <ul>
  2901. <li>HAORA</li>
  2902. </ul>
  2903. <table id="listitems2" class="table table-bordered table-striped dataTables-example">
  2904. <thead>
  2905. <tr>
  2906. <th id="srNo">S.No.</th>
  2907. <th id="centername">Venue Code</th>
  2908. <th id="ststus">Venue Name</th>
  2909. <th id="name">Venue Address</th>
  2910. <th id="centertype">Venue Pincode</th>
  2911. </tr>
  2912. </thead>
  2913. <tbody id="list" class="no-bd-y">
  2914. <tr>
  2915. <td>1</td>
  2916. <td>512739</td>
  2917. <td>Common Services Centre(CSC), Amta</td>
  2918. <td>PANKAJ KUMAR GAYEN ICDS Office Building, Beside Amta Co-Operative Bank, Amta, Howrah Haora West Bengal 9733832714</td>
  2919. <td>711401</td>
  2920. </tr>
  2921. <tr>
  2922. <td>2</td>
  2923. <td>476593</td>
  2924. <td>GTI</td>
  2925. <td>GANESH MONDAL Deulti Station Road(N), Deulti, Bagnan Haora West Bengal 9932745679</td>
  2926. <td>711325</td>
  2927. </tr>
  2928. <tr>
  2929. <td>3</td>
  2930. <td>386915</td>
  2931. <td>CSC Academy BISWAJIT DAS</td>
  2932. <td>CSC Academy BISWAJIT DAS ULUBERIA HOWRAH Haora West Bengal 9038585835</td>
  2933. <td>711315</td>
  2934. </tr>
  2935. <tr>
  2936. <td>4</td>
  2937. <td>917526</td>
  2938. <td>CSC Academy of SOURAV NAYAK</td>
  2939. <td>SOURAV NAYAK VILL P.O-KHALISANI@ULUBERIA, Block-Uluberia &#8211; ii Haora West Bengal 9007585127</td>
  2940. <td>711307</td>
  2941. </tr>
  2942. </tbody>
  2943. </table>
  2944. <ul>
  2945. <li>ALIPURDUAR</li>
  2946. </ul>
  2947. <table id="listitems2" class="table table-bordered table-striped dataTables-example">
  2948. <thead>
  2949. <tr>
  2950. <th id="srNo">S.No.</th>
  2951. <th id="centername">Venue Code</th>
  2952. <th id="ststus">Venue Name</th>
  2953. <th id="name">Venue Address</th>
  2954. <th id="centertype">Venue Pincode</th>
  2955. </tr>
  2956. </thead>
  2957. <tbody id="list" class="no-bd-y">
  2958. <tr>
  2959. <td>1</td>
  2960. <td>179435</td>
  2961. <td>DAS DIGITAL CENTER</td>
  2963. <td>736121</td>
  2964. </tr>
  2965. <tr>
  2966. <td>2</td>
  2967. <td>752384</td>
  2969. <td>ITECH COMPUTER EDUCATION Subashpally,Falakata,Alipurduar.735211 ALIPURDUAR West Bengal 9832430496</td>
  2970. <td>735211</td>
  2971. </tr>
  2972. <tr>
  2973. <td>3</td>
  2974. <td>516923</td>
  2975. <td>CSC TATHYA MITRA KENDRA</td>
  2976. <td>K.G ROAD, BAROBISHA, ALIPURDUAR, PIN-736207 0 ALIPURDUAR West Bengal 9800954439</td>
  2977. <td>234567</td>
  2978. </tr>
  2979. </tbody>
  2980. </table>
  2981. <ul>
  2982. <li>MEDINIPUR</li>
  2983. </ul>
  2984. <table id="listitems2" class="table table-bordered table-striped dataTables-example">
  2985. <thead>
  2986. <tr>
  2987. <th id="srNo">S.No.</th>
  2988. <th id="centername">Venue Code</th>
  2989. <th id="ststus">Venue Name</th>
  2990. <th id="name">Venue Address</th>
  2991. <th id="centertype">Venue Pincode</th>
  2992. </tr>
  2993. </thead>
  2994. <tbody id="list" class="no-bd-y">
  2995. <tr>
  2996. <td>1</td>
  2997. <td>863752</td>
  2998. <td>SANKRAIL CSC ACADEMY</td>
  2999. <td>ASHOK KUMAR BERA SANKRAIL CSC,KESHIAPATA,SANKRAIL,JHARGRAM,721135 Medinipur West Bengal 9153362576</td>
  3000. <td>721135</td>
  3001. </tr>
  3002. <tr>
  3003. <td>2</td>
  3004. <td>592468</td>
  3005. <td>CSC Academy of AMAL DAS</td>
  3006. <td>AMAL DAS KAKDIHI , MECHED PIN &#8211; 721137 Medinipur West Bengal 9735325297</td>
  3007. <td>721137</td>
  3008. </tr>
  3009. <tr>
  3010. <td>3</td>
  3011. <td>897356</td>
  3012. <td>CSC Academy of MRINAL DE</td>
  3014. <td>721133</td>
  3015. </tr>
  3016. <tr>
  3017. <td>4</td>
  3018. <td>679138</td>
  3021. <td>721424</td>
  3022. </tr>
  3023. </tbody>
  3024. </table>
  3025. <ul>
  3026. <li>BURDWAN</li>
  3027. </ul>
  3028. <table id="listitems2" class="table table-bordered table-striped dataTables-example">
  3029. <thead>
  3030. <tr>
  3031. <th id="srNo">S.No.</th>
  3032. <th id="centername">Venue Code</th>
  3033. <th id="ststus">Venue Name</th>
  3034. <th id="name">Venue Address</th>
  3035. <th id="centertype">Venue Pincode</th>
  3036. </tr>
  3037. </thead>
  3038. <tbody id="list" class="no-bd-y">
  3039. <tr>
  3040. <td>1</td>
  3041. <td>325948</td>
  3042. <td>SK ASHIK</td>
  3043. <td>SK ASHIK 1st Floor Punjab National Bank Berenda Branch,Kalidaha,P.O-Berenda,P.S-Ausgram,Dist-Purba Bardhaman,Pin-713126,West Bengal Burdwan West Bengal 7908661166</td>
  3044. <td>713126</td>
  3045. </tr>
  3046. <tr>
  3047. <td>2</td>
  3048. <td>146583</td>
  3050. <td>RAJIB LOCHAN SADHU Domohani Youth Computer Training Centre, Vill+PO &#8211; Domohani Bazar, Subdivision- Asansol, Dist Paschim Bardhaman,WB, Pin713334 Burdwan West Bengal 9733062456</td>
  3051. <td>713334</td>
  3052. </tr>
  3053. <tr>
  3054. <td>3</td>
  3055. <td>197386</td>
  3056. <td>BEAUTY DIGITAL POINT</td>
  3057. <td>ISMAIL UDDIN VILL- KANDRA, P.O- KANDRA, P.S- KETUGRAM, DIST- BURDWAN, PIN 713129, WEST BENGAL Burdwan West Bengal 7384204436</td>
  3058. <td>713129</td>
  3059. </tr>
  3060. <tr>
  3061. <td>4</td>
  3062. <td>163479</td>
  3063. <td>CSC Academy of Asit Kumar Dey</td>
  3064. <td>Asit Kumar Dey Vill &#8211; Kopa, P.O. &#8211; Barapurulia, P.S &#8211; Ketugram, Dist &#8211; Purba Bardhaman, Pin &#8211; 713140 Burdwan West Bengal 9933143830</td>
  3065. <td>713140</td>
  3066. </tr>
  3067. <tr>
  3068. <td>5</td>
  3069. <td>895746</td>
  3070. <td>SKYLINE CSC</td>
  3072. <td>713502</td>
  3073. </tr>
  3074. <tr>
  3075. <td>6</td>
  3076. <td>384719</td>
  3077. <td>Common Service Centre</td>
  3078. <td>HABIB SK village- khanpur, post office- maldanga, p.s- monteswar, district- purba bardhaman, pin no- 713145 Burdwan West Bengal 9635280936</td>
  3079. <td>713145</td>
  3080. </tr>
  3081. <tr>
  3082. <td>7</td>
  3083. <td>463521</td>
  3086. <td>713381</td>
  3087. </tr>
  3088. <tr>
  3089. <td>8</td>
  3090. <td>423617</td>
  3091. <td>CSC Academy of SOUMEN ROY</td>
  3093. <td>713143</td>
  3094. </tr>
  3095. <tr>
  3096. <td>9</td>
  3097. <td>723945</td>
  3098. <td>CSC Academy of SADDAM HOSSEIN</td>
  3099. <td>SADDAM HOSSEIN vill+po-singerkone,p.s-kalna Burdwan West Bengal 9800005442</td>
  3100. <td>713170</td>
  3101. </tr>
  3102. <tr>
  3103. <td>10</td>
  3104. <td>491756</td>
  3107. <td>713403</td>
  3108. </tr>
  3109. <tr>
  3110. <td>11</td>
  3111. <td>147856</td>
  3112. <td>CSC Academy of Guru gobinda kundu</td>
  3113. <td>Guru gobinda kundu at memari . p.p+p.s-memari .dist-purba bardhaman . pin-713146state -wb Burdwan West Bengal 9333392534</td>
  3114. <td>713146</td>
  3115. </tr>
  3116. <tr>
  3117. <td>12</td>
  3118. <td>986172</td>
  3119. <td>WEB WORLD INFOTECH</td>
  3121. <td>713363</td>
  3122. </tr>
  3123. <tr>
  3124. <td>13</td>
  3125. <td>749856</td>
  3126. <td>Sen Oven Center</td>
  3127. <td>SOMNATH SEN VILL PARASE. PO PARASEA. UCO BANK ROAD Paschim Bardhaman 713384 Burdwan West Bengal 8101870243</td>
  3128. <td>713384</td>
  3129. </tr>
  3130. <tr>
  3131. <td>14</td>
  3132. <td>452178</td>
  3133. <td>SABNAM ENTERPRISE &amp; CSC</td>
  3134. <td>RAJIBUL MOLLAH VILL+P.O- MEDGACHI, P.S- KALNA, DIST.- PURBA BARDHAMAN,713405 Burdwan West Bengal 7001202105</td>
  3135. <td>713405</td>
  3136. </tr>
  3137. <tr>
  3138. <td>15</td>
  3139. <td>631245</td>
  3140. <td>CHINMAY SAHA</td>
  3141. <td>CHOTONILPUR AMBAGAN NUTAN COLONY SRIPALLY BURDWAN 713103 Burdwan West Bengal 9734752618</td>
  3142. <td>713103</td>
  3143. </tr>
  3144. </tbody>
  3145. </table>
  3146. <ul>
  3147. <li>BIRBHUM</li>
  3148. </ul>
  3149. <table id="listitems2" class="table table-bordered table-striped dataTables-example">
  3150. <thead>
  3151. <tr>
  3152. <th id="srNo">S.No.</th>
  3153. <th id="centername">Venue Code</th>
  3154. <th id="ststus">Venue Name</th>
  3155. <th id="name">Venue Address</th>
  3156. <th id="centertype">Venue Pincode</th>
  3157. </tr>
  3158. </thead>
  3159. <tbody id="list" class="no-bd-y">
  3160. <tr>
  3161. <td>1</td>
  3162. <td>852137</td>
  3163. <td>MD MOHIDUL ISLAM</td>
  3164. <td>MD MOHIDUL ISLAM LABPUR COLLEGE MORE, PO LABPUR BIRBHUM Birbhum West Bengal 9474448889</td>
  3165. <td>731303</td>
  3166. </tr>
  3167. <tr>
  3168. <td>2</td>
  3169. <td>876231</td>
  3170. <td>NALHATI WEB CSC CENTRE</td>
  3171. <td>TOUSHIF AHMED NALHATI THANAPARA, P.O. NALHATI T.S Birbhum West Bengal 7001730583</td>
  3172. <td>731243</td>
  3173. </tr>
  3174. <tr>
  3175. <td>3</td>
  3176. <td>143968</td>
  3177. <td>CSC MGNY</td>
  3178. <td>SUDIPTA MONDAL Dubrajpur-birbhum Birbhum West Bengal 9875457271</td>
  3179. <td>731123</td>
  3180. </tr>
  3181. <tr>
  3182. <td>4</td>
  3183. <td>258134</td>
  3184. <td>CSC Academy of ANIRBAN GHOSHAL</td>
  3185. <td>ANIRBAN GHOSHAL vill+po indas, birbhum,ps labpur, pin 731303 Birbhum West Bengal 9732071535</td>
  3186. <td>731303</td>
  3187. </tr>
  3188. <tr>
  3189. <td>5</td>
  3190. <td>841652</td>
  3191. <td>CSC CENTER</td>
  3192. <td>SALAHAR KHATUN BEGUM Vill + Post &#8211; Bandar Uchkaran G.P. Building P.S. &#8211; Nanoor Dist- Birbhum Pin- 731215 Birbhum West Bengal 9474307886</td>
  3193. <td>731215</td>
  3194. </tr>
  3195. <tr>
  3196. <td>6</td>
  3197. <td>324167</td>
  3199. <td>Bappadit Modal vill pahanapost dakshingram pin 731245 Birbhum West Bengal 9476253023</td>
  3200. <td>731245</td>
  3201. </tr>
  3202. <tr>
  3203. <td>7</td>
  3204. <td>625948</td>
  3205. <td>CSC Academy of SAIDUL HAQUE</td>
  3206. <td>SAIDUL HAQUE pakurtala more, nalhati, birbhum Birbhum West Bengal 9232724664</td>
  3207. <td>731243</td>
  3208. </tr>
  3209. <tr>
  3210. <td>8</td>
  3211. <td>697138</td>
  3212. <td>CSC Academy of BIPU BHUIMALI</td>
  3213. <td>BIPU BHUIMALI VILL+P.O-BRAHMANBAHARA, MAYURESWAR, DIST-BIRBHUM Birbhum West Bengal 9732264932</td>
  3214. <td>731213</td>
  3215. </tr>
  3216. <tr>
  3217. <td>9</td>
  3218. <td>214367</td>
  3219. <td>Tantipara CSC Academy</td>
  3220. <td>GIRIDHARI DAS CSC Academy, Tantipara, Birbhum Birbhum West Bengal 7001272774</td>
  3221. <td>731126</td>
  3222. </tr>
  3223. <tr>
  3224. <td>10</td>
  3225. <td>135487</td>
  3226. <td>RAJIB CSC ACADEMY</td>
  3227. <td>VILL &amp; P.O. &#8211; BIRCHANDRAPUR,DIST &#8211; BIRBHUM,PIN &#8211; 731245WEST BENGAL Birbhum West Bengal 9679186192</td>
  3228. <td>731245</td>
  3229. </tr>
  3230. <tr>
  3231. <td>11</td>
  3232. <td>289167</td>
  3233. <td>WASIM AKRAM</td>
  3234. <td>VILL-KAPSUNDI,PO-KUNIARA,PS-LABPUR Birbhum West Bengal 7430059051</td>
  3235. <td>731303</td>
  3236. </tr>
  3237. <tr>
  3238. <td>12</td>
  3239. <td>842653</td>
  3240. <td>CSC Academy-SUJIT MAJUMDER</td>
  3241. <td>vill nurpur po supur ps bolpur dist birbhum Birbhum West Bengal 9126596149</td>
  3242. <td>731204</td>
  3243. </tr>
  3244. <tr>
  3245. <td>13</td>
  3246. <td>648391</td>
  3247. <td>CSC Academy-BINOD KUMAR KAR`</td>
  3248. <td>VILL+P.O+P.S &#8211; KHOYRASOLE, DIST-BIRBHUM, PIN-731125, W.B 0 Birbhum West Bengal 8001657141</td>
  3249. <td>234567</td>
  3250. </tr>
  3251. <tr>
  3252. <td>14</td>
  3253. <td>483956</td>
  3254. <td>CSC Academy of Dipak Kumar Mondal</td>
  3255. <td>VILL MD BAZAR,NEAR BHANDHAN BANK,PO &amp; PS MD BAZAR,PIN -731127 0 Birbhum West Bengal 9614443678</td>
  3256. <td>731127</td>
  3257. </tr>
  3258. </tbody>
  3259. </table>
  3260. <ul>
  3261. <li>PASCHIM MEDINIPUR</li>
  3262. </ul>
  3263. <table id="listitems2" class="table table-bordered table-striped dataTables-example">
  3264. <thead>
  3265. <tr>
  3266. <th id="srNo">S.No.</th>
  3267. <th id="centername">Venue Code</th>
  3268. <th id="ststus">Venue Name</th>
  3269. <th id="name">Venue Address</th>
  3270. <th id="centertype">Venue Pincode</th>
  3271. </tr>
  3272. </thead>
  3273. <tbody id="list" class="no-bd-y">
  3274. <tr>
  3275. <td>1</td>
  3276. <td>217564</td>
  3277. <td>CSC Academy of JAGADISH MAHATA</td>
  3278. <td>JAGADISH MAHATA VILL+PO -PIRAKATA ,PS -SALBONI , DIST- PASCHIM MEDINIPUR, PIN-721516 Paschim medinipur West Bengal 9732614082</td>
  3279. <td>721516</td>
  3280. </tr>
  3281. <tr>
  3282. <td>2</td>
  3283. <td>891675</td>
  3284. <td>West Bengal Computer Academy</td>
  3285. <td>SANJAY NAYAK CHARPADA, BALIGERIA, NAYAGRAM, PASCHIM MEDINIPPUR Paschim medinipur West Bengal 9609427428</td>
  3286. <td>721125</td>
  3287. </tr>
  3288. <tr>
  3289. <td>3</td>
  3290. <td>374856</td>
  3292. <td>PABITRA GIRI VILL + P.O &#8211; CHICHRA P.S- JAMBONI DIST- JHARGRAMPIN &#8211; 721503 Paschim medinipur West Bengal 9933332310</td>
  3293. <td>721503</td>
  3294. </tr>
  3295. <tr>
  3296. <td>4</td>
  3297. <td>162547</td>
  3298. <td>CSC ACADEMY GHATAL</td>
  3299. <td>KAUSHIK SAMANTA Ghatal, Paschim Medinipur, 721212 Paschim medinipur West Bengal 7866971421</td>
  3300. <td>721212</td>
  3301. </tr>
  3302. <tr>
  3303. <td>5</td>
  3304. <td>967143</td>
  3306. <td>MAKHAN DEY VILL+P.O- AMARDA, P.S- MOHANPUR, DIST- PASCHIM MEDINIPUR, PIN- 721436 Paschim medinipur West Bengal 7586094975</td>
  3307. <td>721436</td>
  3308. </tr>
  3309. <tr>
  3310. <td>6</td>
  3311. <td>975236</td>
  3312. <td>CSC Academy of Gourkrishna Chanda</td>
  3313. <td>GOURKRISHNA CHANDA Near hansiburi Mandir,Palsandapur Dantan, Paschim medinipur, Infront of AG Traders, Palsandapur, West Bengal 721451 Paschim medinipur West Bengal 7602517907</td>
  3314. <td>721426</td>
  3315. </tr>
  3316. <tr>
  3317. <td>7</td>
  3318. <td>196528</td>
  3319. <td>CSC Academy of Avijit Jana ONKARNATH ONLINE FILLING STATION.</td>
  3320. <td>Avijit Jana VILL-BILKUA,P.O-KOLANDA,P.S-SABANG,DIST-PASCHIM MEDINIPUR,PIN-721467 Paschim medinipur West Bengal 9564549573</td>
  3321. <td>721467</td>
  3322. </tr>
  3323. <tr>
  3324. <td>8</td>
  3325. <td>157426</td>
  3326. <td>CSC Academy of ARIF KHAN</td>
  3327. <td>ARIF KHAN Vill-Kanchratore Po-Manglapur Ps-Goaltore Gp-9 no Piyasala Dist-Paschim Medinipur Pin-721121 Paschim medinipur West Bengal 9732327392</td>
  3328. <td>721121</td>
  3329. </tr>
  3330. <tr>
  3331. <td>9</td>
  3332. <td>675829</td>
  3333. <td>CSC Academy-SK MUSTAK ALI</td>
  3334. <td>SK MUSTAK ALI VILL-CHHUTERGERIA, PO-KALAGRAM, PS-KESHPUR, DIST-PASCHIM MEDINIPUR, PIN-721150 Paschim medinipur West Bengal 7076608138</td>
  3335. <td>721150</td>
  3336. </tr>
  3337. <tr>
  3338. <td>10</td>
  3339. <td>128736</td>
  3341. <td>CSC Academy LAKHSMINARAYAN KAR chaipat Paschim medinipur West Bengal 9932796905</td>
  3342. <td>721148</td>
  3343. </tr>
  3344. <tr>
  3345. <td>11</td>
  3346. <td>572891</td>
  3347. <td>CSC Academy of SHANTO GIRI</td>
  3348. <td>SHANTO GIRI RAGHUNATHPUR, JHARGRAM@JHARGRAM, Block-JHARGRAM MUNICIPALITY Paschim medinipur West Bengal 9933915750</td>
  3349. <td>721507</td>
  3350. </tr>
  3351. <tr>
  3352. <td>12</td>
  3353. <td>127358</td>
  3355. <td>VILL+POST-AGUIBANI , P/S-JHARGRAM , DIST-JHARGRAM , PIN-721517 JHARGRAM West Bengal 9800469002</td>
  3356. <td>721517</td>
  3357. </tr>
  3358. <tr>
  3359. <td>13</td>
  3360. <td>362451</td>
  3361. <td>CSC Academy PranKrishna Dolai</td>
  3362. <td>Birsa Chok@Po-Asanboni,PS-Gopiballavpur, Dis. Jhargram 721506 0 Paschim medinipur West Bengal 8123436018</td>
  3363. <td>721506</td>
  3364. </tr>
  3365. <tr>
  3366. <td>14</td>
  3367. <td>739862</td>
  3368. <td>I Land Education</td>
  3369. <td>DEBAJYOTI GHOSH VILL + P.O-GARHBETA ,PS- GARHBETA ,DIST- PASCHIM MEDINIPUR, PIN-721127 Paschim medinipur West Bengal 9836927643</td>
  3370. <td>721127</td>
  3371. </tr>
  3372. <tr>
  3373. <td>15</td>
  3374. <td>738452</td>
  3375. <td>CSC Academy Kharagpur</td>
  3376. <td>SUJATA MITRA Dr J N Dutta Arcade 2nd floor,PO &#8211; INDA.PS- KHARAGPUR TOWN,PIN- 721305, Opposite Inda Bazaar Paschim medinipur West Bengal 9800002440</td>
  3377. <td>721305</td>
  3378. </tr>
  3379. </tbody>
  3380. </table>
  3381. <ul>
  3382. <li>MURSHIDABAD</li>
  3383. </ul>
  3384. <table id="listitems2" class="table table-bordered table-striped dataTables-example">
  3385. <thead>
  3386. <tr>
  3387. <th id="srNo">S.No.</th>
  3388. <th id="centername">Venue Code</th>
  3389. <th id="ststus">Venue Name</th>
  3390. <th id="name">Venue Address</th>
  3391. <th id="centertype">Venue Pincode</th>
  3392. </tr>
  3393. </thead>
  3394. <tbody id="list" class="no-bd-y">
  3395. <tr>
  3396. <td>1</td>
  3397. <td>153287</td>
  3398. <td>SONA COMPUTER</td>
  3399. <td>TANUSHREE SHIL SAHA PO&amp;PS:ISLAMPUR,DIST:MURSHIDABAD,PIN-742304 Murshidabad West Bengal 9046019438</td>
  3400. <td>742304</td>
  3401. </tr>
  3402. <tr>
  3403. <td>2</td>
  3404. <td>239518</td>
  3405. <td>JAYRAMPUR CSC</td>
  3407. <td>742202</td>
  3408. </tr>
  3409. <tr>
  3410. <td>3</td>
  3411. <td>246158</td>
  3412. <td>Raghunathganj 2 CSC Centre (Tamannna infotech)</td>
  3413. <td>MD MOSTAFA Vill Pananagar Po Ramdevpur Ps Raghunathganj Dist Murshidabad Murshidabad West Bengal 7407929611</td>
  3414. <td>742213</td>
  3415. </tr>
  3416. <tr>
  3417. <td>4</td>
  3418. <td>763192</td>
  3419. <td>SAGARDIGHI SCS</td>
  3420. <td>MOTIUR RAHAMAN VillI+Po+Ps- SAGARDIGHI, DIST- MURSHIDABAD, PIN 742226 (W.B) Murshidabad West Bengal 9734514596</td>
  3421. <td>742226</td>
  3422. </tr>
  3423. <tr>
  3424. <td>5</td>
  3425. <td>941286</td>
  3426. <td>JIBANTI CSC</td>
  3427. <td>ANIBRATA MITRA VILL-JIBANTI,PO-JIBANTI,P.S-KANDI,DIST-MURSHIDABADPIN-742136, Murshidabad West Bengal 9434442364</td>
  3428. <td>742136</td>
  3429. </tr>
  3430. <tr>
  3431. <td>6</td>
  3432. <td>316794</td>
  3433. <td>AZAHAR CSC</td>
  3434. <td>AZAHAR ALI VILL+ P.o &#8211; Sabaldaha . P.S- KHARGRAM. P.O- SABALDAHA. DIST- MURSHIDABAD. PIN- 742159 Murshidabad West Bengal 9679369914</td>
  3435. <td>742159</td>
  3436. </tr>
  3437. <tr>
  3438. <td>7</td>
  3439. <td>978514</td>
  3440. <td>CSC Academy of IKBAL HOSSAIN</td>
  3441. <td>IKBAL HOSSAIN VILL+P.O.+P.S. &#8211; REJINAGAR,DIST.- MURSHIDABAD,PIN- 742189 Murshidabad West Bengal 9153295693</td>
  3442. <td>742189</td>
  3443. </tr>
  3444. <tr>
  3445. <td>8</td>
  3446. <td>167438</td>
  3447. <td>CSC Academy of MAFIKUL ISLAM</td>
  3449. <td>742308</td>
  3450. </tr>
  3451. <tr>
  3452. <td>9</td>
  3453. <td>512967</td>
  3454. <td>CSC Academy of SAMIM MOHAMMAD</td>
  3456. <td>742136</td>
  3457. </tr>
  3458. <tr>
  3459. <td>10</td>
  3460. <td>493516</td>
  3462. <td>Mozaffor Ahmed VILL SEKHPARA BAZAR, PO SEKHPARA, PS RANINAGAR, DIST MURSHIDABAD, PIN 742308 Murshidabad West Bengal 9732536666</td>
  3463. <td>742308</td>
  3464. </tr>
  3465. <tr>
  3466. <td>11</td>
  3467. <td>579231</td>
  3468. <td>DHULIAN ALLAHABAD CSP</td>
  3469. <td>NILUFA NASRIN KHANAM NATUN AURANGABAD Murshidabad West Bengal 7001261096</td>
  3470. <td>742223</td>
  3471. </tr>
  3472. <tr>
  3473. <td>12</td>
  3474. <td>918673</td>
  3475. <td>CSC Academy of ABDUL LATIF SARKAR</td>
  3476. <td>ABDUL LATIF SARKAR VILL PO BALI GOKULPUR PS DIST MURSHIDABAD PIN 742302 Murshidabad West Bengal 9733989014</td>
  3477. <td>742302</td>
  3478. </tr>
  3479. <tr>
  3480. <td>13</td>
  3481. <td>241753</td>
  3482. <td>CSC Academy of E R M ALFASSANI</td>
  3483. <td>E R M ALFASSANI VILL+P.O-RAMNA SEKHDIGHI ,P.S-SAGARDIGHI ,DIST MURSHIDABAD ,PIN -742227,STATE &#8211; WB . Murshidabad West Bengal 9851190769</td>
  3484. <td>742227</td>
  3485. </tr>
  3486. <tr>
  3487. <td>14</td>
  3488. <td>954827</td>
  3489. <td>CSC Academy of MD MOTAHAR ALI</td>
  3491. <td>742202</td>
  3492. </tr>
  3493. <tr>
  3494. <td>15</td>
  3495. <td>215348</td>
  3496. <td>GAZIPUR CSC CENTRE</td>
  3498. <td>742224</td>
  3499. </tr>
  3500. <tr>
  3501. <td>16</td>
  3502. <td>938256</td>
  3504. <td>MD IMRAN KHAN VILL MADHUPUR PO DAFAHAT PS SUTI DIST MURSHIDABAD Murshidabad West Bengal 9734303310</td>
  3505. <td>742224</td>
  3506. </tr>
  3507. <tr>
  3508. <td>17</td>
  3509. <td>456912</td>
  3510. <td>Smaart Zone</td>
  3512. <td>742166</td>
  3513. </tr>
  3514. <tr>
  3515. <td>18</td>
  3516. <td>469271</td>
  3517. <td>CSC Academy of BARKAT KADIR HOSSAIN</td>
  3518. <td>BARKAT KADIR HOSSAIN Village Post Harua ps suti Dist Murshidabad pin 731221 West Bengal Murshidabad West Bengal 9932838245</td>
  3519. <td>731221</td>
  3520. </tr>
  3521. <tr>
  3522. <td>19</td>
  3523. <td>457681</td>
  3524. <td>CSC Academy of AMIT SARKAR</td>
  3525. <td>AMIT SARKAR VILL- BASUDEVPURP.O- CHACHANDAP.S- SAMSERGANJDIST- MURSHIDABADPIN-742224 Murshidabad West Bengal 9851043668</td>
  3526. <td>742224</td>
  3527. </tr>
  3528. <tr>
  3529. <td>20</td>
  3530. <td>319246</td>
  3531. <td>CSC NET CLUB</td>
  3533. <td>742202</td>
  3534. </tr>
  3535. <tr>
  3536. <td>21</td>
  3537. <td>649213</td>
  3538. <td>CSC Academy</td>
  3539. <td>ATAHAR SAIKH VILL- NAPARA P.O- DOGACHI P.S- SAMSERGANJ DIST- MURSHIDABAD PIN 742202 WEST BENAGL Murshidabad West Bengal 9932258198</td>
  3540. <td>742202</td>
  3541. </tr>
  3542. <tr>
  3543. <td>22</td>
  3544. <td>512387</td>
  3545. <td>Panchketia Computer Computer</td>
  3546. <td>Nibir Mondal VILL PANCHKETA POST DOPUKURIA DIST MURSHIDABAD PIN 742163 Murshidabad West Bengal 8348246630</td>
  3547. <td>742163</td>
  3548. </tr>
  3549. <tr>
  3550. <td>23</td>
  3551. <td>968231</td>
  3552. <td>Lalgola Computer Training Centre</td>
  3553. <td>ALAMGIR CHOUDHURY Vill Chuapukur Po Sagia Ps Lalgola Dist Murshidabad Pin 742151 Murshidabad West Bengal 9932861546</td>
  3554. <td>742148</td>
  3555. </tr>
  3556. <tr>
  3557. <td>24</td>
  3558. <td>461983</td>
  3559. <td>MD DALIM SAIKH</td>
  3561. <td>742202</td>
  3562. </tr>
  3563. <tr>
  3564. <td>25</td>
  3565. <td>481639</td>
  3566. <td>SHAHBAZ DIGITAL SEVA</td>
  3567. <td>VILL-MADHAIPUR, P.O-MALIHATI, P.S-SALARDIST-MURSHIDABAD, PIN-742401 (WB) Murshidabad West Bengal 8926605809</td>
  3568. <td>742401</td>
  3569. </tr>
  3570. <tr>
  3571. <td>26</td>
  3572. <td>698375</td>
  3573. <td>CSC Academy of RAKIB SEKH</td>
  3574. <td>BALARAMPUR, KOLAN RADHAKANTAPUR, BHAGWANGOLA-I, 742123 Murshidabad West Bengal 8900114219</td>
  3575. <td>742123</td>
  3576. </tr>
  3577. <tr>
  3578. <td>27</td>
  3579. <td>453681</td>
  3581. <td>VILL AMLAI PO AMLAI PS BHARATPUR, MURSHIDABAD PIN- 742301 (NEAR AMLAI BAZAR) W.B 9932424484, 8145109692 (PWD ENABLED) Murshidabad West Bengal 9932424484</td>
  3582. <td>742301</td>
  3583. </tr>
  3584. <tr>
  3585. <td>28</td>
  3586. <td>354968</td>
  3587. <td>PATAUDI KHAN</td>
  3588. <td>VILL+PO=KHARERA PS =SALAR DIST =MURSHIDABAD Murshidabad West Bengal 9733526952</td>
  3589. <td>742401</td>
  3590. </tr>
  3591. </tbody>
  3592. </table>
  3593. <ul>
  3594. <li>HUGLI</li>
  3595. </ul>
  3596. <table id="listitems2" class="table table-bordered table-striped dataTables-example">
  3597. <thead>
  3598. <tr>
  3599. <th id="srNo">S.No.</th>
  3600. <th id="centername">Venue Code</th>
  3601. <th id="ststus">Venue Name</th>
  3602. <th id="name">Venue Address</th>
  3603. <th id="centertype">Venue Pincode</th>
  3604. </tr>
  3605. </thead>
  3606. <tbody id="list" class="no-bd-y">
  3607. <tr>
  3608. <td>1</td>
  3609. <td>627318</td>
  3610. <td>The Phoenix</td>
  3611. <td>CSC Academy RANAJIT SASMAL Baradongal, Arambagh, Land Mark:- Near High Hugli West Bengal 9733594162</td>
  3612. <td>712617</td>
  3613. </tr>
  3614. <tr>
  3615. <td>2</td>
  3616. <td>749651</td>
  3617. <td>MAHAPROVU CYBER CAFE</td>
  3618. <td>PRITAM MONDAL MAHAPROVU CYBER CAFE, NEAR KHANPUR POS OFFICE, VILL &#8211; KHANPUR, P.O. &#8211; KHANPUR, P.S. &#8211; GURAP, BLOCK &#8211; DHANIAKHALI, PIN &#8211; 712308 Hugli West Bengal 8145145090</td>
  3619. <td>712308</td>
  3620. </tr>
  3621. <tr>
  3622. <td>3</td>
  3623. <td>135784</td>
  3624. <td>SABINA YEASMIN</td>
  3626. <td>712304</td>
  3627. </tr>
  3628. <tr>
  3629. <td>4</td>
  3630. <td>278163</td>
  3631. <td>SUMIT MUKHERJEE</td>
  3632. <td>&#8220;18B, SARAT CHATTERJEE ROAD,\ PO- NABAGRAM\ PS &#8211; UTTARPARA\ DIST &#8211; HOOGHLY&#8221; 0 Hooghly West Bengal 9830055399</td>
  3633. <td>712246</td>
  3634. </tr>
  3635. <tr>
  3636. <td>5</td>
  3637. <td>641892</td>
  3638. <td>RCK CYBER POINT</td>
  3639. <td>SAURYA KARMAKAR VILL-PO- RAGPUR,P.S-ARAMBAGH, DIST-HOOGHLY,PIN-712415 Hooghly West Bengal 8348929151</td>
  3640. <td>712415</td>
  3641. </tr>
  3642. </tbody>
  3643. </table>
  3644. <ul>
  3645. <li>COOCHBEHAR</li>
  3646. </ul>
  3647. <table id="listitems2" class="table table-bordered table-striped dataTables-example">
  3648. <thead>
  3649. <tr>
  3650. <th id="srNo">S.No.</th>
  3651. <th id="centername">Venue Code</th>
  3652. <th id="ststus">Venue Name</th>
  3653. <th id="name">Venue Address</th>
  3654. <th id="centertype">Venue Pincode</th>
  3655. </tr>
  3656. </thead>
  3657. <tbody id="list" class="no-bd-y">
  3658. <tr>
  3659. <td>1</td>
  3660. <td>256493</td>
  3661. <td>PRANAY SAHA</td>
  3663. <td>736179</td>
  3664. </tr>
  3665. <tr>
  3666. <td>2</td>
  3667. <td>762159</td>
  3668. <td>CSC Academy of DIPANKAR BARMAN</td>
  3669. <td>DIPANKAR BARMAN MAIN ROAD DINHATA@NEAR OLD BUS STAND, Block-Dinhata I Coochbehar West Bengal 9932307925</td>
  3670. <td>736135</td>
  3671. </tr>
  3672. <tr>
  3673. <td>3</td>
  3674. <td>395186</td>
  3675. <td>CSC Academy of AJAY DEBNATH</td>
  3676. <td>AJAY DEBNATH Bakla,Boxirhat, Cooch Behar, 736131 Coochbehar West Bengal 9832115325</td>
  3677. <td>736131</td>
  3678. </tr>
  3679. <tr>
  3680. <td>4</td>
  3681. <td>384926</td>
  3682. <td>CSC Academy of Sukanta Sarkar</td>
  3683. <td>Sukanta Sarkar Village Ghughumari, Dist Coochbehar Coochbehar West Bengal 9873237207</td>
  3684. <td>736170</td>
  3685. </tr>
  3686. <tr>
  3687. <td>5</td>
  3688. <td>364958</td>
  3689. <td>CSC Academy of HARE KRISHNA BARMAN</td>
  3691. <td>736172</td>
  3692. </tr>
  3693. <tr>
  3694. <td>6</td>
  3695. <td>539267</td>
  3697. <td>NASIRA YESMIN Rongpur Road Dinhata Coochbehar Coochbehar West Bengal 9635542951</td>
  3698. <td>736135</td>
  3699. </tr>
  3700. <tr>
  3701. <td>7</td>
  3702. <td>352974</td>
  3703. <td>CHAYAN MODAK</td>
  3705. <td>736157</td>
  3706. </tr>
  3707. <tr>
  3708. <td>8</td>
  3709. <td>794526</td>
  3711. <td>ABHI ADHIKARY VILL+PO-SHIKARPUR,NEAR POST &amp; G.P OFFICE,PS-MATHABHANGA, PIN-736146 Coochbehar West Bengal 9749500484</td>
  3712. <td>736146</td>
  3713. </tr>
  3714. <tr>
  3715. <td>9</td>
  3716. <td>724958</td>
  3717. <td>CSC Academy of MANTI SAHA</td>
  3718. <td>SITALKUCHI@SITALKUCHI 0 Coochbehar West Bengal 9733167014</td>
  3719. <td>234567</td>
  3720. </tr>
  3721. <tr>
  3722. <td>10</td>
  3723. <td>836275</td>
  3724. <td>CSC Academy of ARINDAM ROY CHOWDHURY</td>
  3725. <td>NAGAR SITAI@SITAI HAT 0 Coochbehar West Bengal 9851151050</td>
  3726. <td>234567</td>
  3727. </tr>
  3728. <tr>
  3729. <td>11</td>
  3730. <td>579628</td>
  3731. <td>CSC CENRER</td>
  3732. <td>Vill+Po+Ps : sitalkuchi Dist : Coochbehar Pin 736158 0 Coochbehar West Bengal 9832604345</td>
  3733. <td>736158</td>
  3734. </tr>
  3735. </tbody>
  3736. </table>
  3737. <ul>
  3738. <li>MALDAH</li>
  3739. </ul>
  3740. <table id="listitems2" class="table table-bordered table-striped dataTables-example">
  3741. <thead>
  3742. <tr>
  3743. <th id="srNo">S.No.</th>
  3744. <th id="centername">Venue Code</th>
  3745. <th id="ststus">Venue Name</th>
  3746. <th id="name">Venue Address</th>
  3747. <th id="centertype">Venue Pincode</th>
  3748. </tr>
  3749. </thead>
  3750. <tbody id="list" class="no-bd-y">
  3751. <tr>
  3752. <td>1</td>
  3753. <td>752361</td>
  3755. <td>DIBAS MANDAL Shankarpur (Mukti Palace), Gazole, Malda Maldah West Bengal 7407771141</td>
  3756. <td>732124</td>
  3757. </tr>
  3758. <tr>
  3759. <td>2</td>
  3760. <td>396152</td>
  3761. <td>BISWAS COMPUTER CSC ( Computer Centre)</td>
  3762. <td>MD RAMJAN ALI VILL+P.O+P.S-Mothabari,dist-malda,pin-732207 Maldah West Bengal 7031261250</td>
  3763. <td>732207</td>
  3764. </tr>
  3765. <tr>
  3766. <td>3</td>
  3767. <td>398547</td>
  3768. <td>NC COMPUTER POINT</td>
  3770. <td>732205</td>
  3771. </tr>
  3772. <tr>
  3773. <td>4</td>
  3774. <td>761249</td>
  3777. <td>732125</td>
  3778. </tr>
  3779. <tr>
  3780. <td>5</td>
  3781. <td>793421</td>
  3782. <td>CSC Academy of Shekhar Sarkar</td>
  3783. <td>SHEKHAR SARKAR VIll+PO- LAKSHMIPUR, PS- BAISHNABNAGAR, DIST- MALDA, PIN-732210 Maldah West Bengal 7602365280</td>
  3784. <td>732210</td>
  3785. </tr>
  3786. <tr>
  3787. <td>6</td>
  3788. <td>726543</td>
  3789. <td>CSC Academy of SANTOSH KR SINGHA</td>
  3790. <td>SANTOSH KR SINGHA Village- Dakshin Chandpur, Po- Gouramari, PS- Hbibpur, Dist- Malda Maldah West Bengal 8967017663</td>
  3791. <td>732121</td>
  3792. </tr>
  3793. <tr>
  3794. <td>7</td>
  3795. <td>482359</td>
  3796. <td>CSC Academy of MD HARUN AL RASHID</td>
  3797. <td>MD HARUN AL RASHID VILLAGE &#8211; BORAIL, P.O. &#8211; KUMARGANJ, P.S. &#8211; PUKHURIA, DIST. &#8211; MALDA, STATE &#8211; WEST BENGAL, PIN CODE &#8211; 732102 Maldah West Bengal 9647796162</td>
  3798. <td>732102</td>
  3799. </tr>
  3800. <tr>
  3801. <td>8</td>
  3802. <td>421879</td>
  3803. <td>CSC Academy of MD SABIR ALI</td>
  3804. <td>MD SABIR ALI MANIKCHAK BAZAR, MANIKCHAK, MALDA, 732202 Maldah West Bengal 9733261665</td>
  3805. <td>732202</td>
  3806. </tr>
  3807. <tr>
  3808. <td>9</td>
  3809. <td>984165</td>
  3810. <td>CSC Academy-ANUP SINGHA</td>
  3811. <td>ANUP SINGHA VILLAGE &#8211; NASAR PUR , POST &#8211; RAMSHIMUL , PS &#8211; HARISHCHANDRAPUR , BLOCK &#8211; HARISHCHANDRAPUR-I , GP &#8211; KUSHIDA , DIST &#8211; MALDA , 732140 Maldah West Bengal 8944973222</td>
  3812. <td>732140</td>
  3813. </tr>
  3814. <tr>
  3815. <td>10</td>
  3816. <td>587216</td>
  3817. <td>CSC Academy Sabir Ali</td>
  3818. <td>CSC Academy Sabir Ali Village- jamtala po- jogdala ps- bamangola dist- malda pin- 732138 Maldah West Bengal 9733101760</td>
  3819. <td>732138</td>
  3820. </tr>
  3821. <tr>
  3822. <td>11</td>
  3823. <td>615974</td>
  3824. <td>Common Service Centres (CSC) A TO Z COMPUTER WORLD</td>
  3826. <td>732206</td>
  3827. </tr>
  3828. <tr>
  3829. <td>12</td>
  3830. <td>215748</td>
  3831. <td>MD RASED ALI</td>
  3832. <td>MD RASED ALI bakharpur, sujapur, malda, 732206 Maldah West Bengal 9681268161</td>
  3833. <td>732206</td>
  3834. </tr>
  3835. <tr>
  3836. <td>13</td>
  3837. <td>872413</td>
  3838. <td>SAMBALPUR CSC ACADEMY</td>
  3839. <td>Md Anarul Islam VILL+PO- SAMBALPUR TAL, PS- PUKHURIA. DIST- MALDA, PIN- 732102 Maldah West Bengal 7557089520</td>
  3840. <td>732102</td>
  3841. </tr>
  3842. <tr>
  3843. <td>14</td>
  3844. <td>967832</td>
  3845. <td>CSC Academy of UTPAL MANDAL</td>
  3846. <td>VILL-SEKENDAR PUR, P.O.- AMRITY, P.S.- ENGLISH BAZAR, DIST.- MALDA, STATE- WEST BENGAL, PIN-732208. Maldah West Bengal 9933798713</td>
  3847. <td>732208</td>
  3848. </tr>
  3849. <tr>
  3850. <td>15</td>
  3851. <td>812675</td>
  3852. <td>Nityananda Sarkar</td>
  3853. <td>Vill-Jotbhairab PO-Katikandar PS-Gazole Dist-Malda PIN-732124 Maldah West Bengal 8116863291</td>
  3854. <td>732124</td>
  3855. </tr>
  3856. <tr>
  3857. <td>16</td>
  3858. <td>785413</td>
  3859. <td>MD ARMAN SK</td>
  3860. <td>MD ARMAN SK ZILA PARISAD BUILDING,KALIACHAK ,MALDA,732201 Maldah West Bengal 8768212647</td>
  3861. <td>732201</td>
  3862. </tr>
  3863. </tbody>
  3864. </table>
  3865. <ul>
  3866. <li>DARJEELING</li>
  3867. </ul>
  3868. <table id="listitems2" class="table table-bordered table-striped dataTables-example">
  3869. <thead>
  3870. <tr>
  3871. <th id="srNo">S.No.</th>
  3872. <th id="centername">Venue Code</th>
  3873. <th id="ststus">Venue Name</th>
  3874. <th id="name">Venue Address</th>
  3875. <th id="centertype">Venue Pincode</th>
  3876. </tr>
  3877. </thead>
  3878. <tbody id="list" class="no-bd-y">
  3879. <tr>
  3880. <td>1</td>
  3881. <td>297815</td>
  3882. <td>Rangli Rangliot Online Service</td>
  3883. <td>PANIL BHUJEL Teesta Valley Tea Garden,Rangli Rangliot,Darjeeling. Darjeeling West Bengal 8900321889</td>
  3884. <td>734226</td>
  3885. </tr>
  3886. <tr>
  3887. <td>2</td>
  3888. <td>832157</td>
  3889. <td>C.S. INFOCOM SERVICES</td>
  3890. <td>SUJAY SUTRADHAR Pritilata Road, 1 No Dabgram, Siliguri, Ward No 23, Surya Nagar Darjeeling West Bengal 9933070004</td>
  3891. <td>734006</td>
  3892. </tr>
  3893. <tr>
  3894. <td>3</td>
  3895. <td>214876</td>
  3898. <td>734434</td>
  3899. </tr>
  3900. <tr>
  3901. <td>4</td>
  3902. <td>159784</td>
  3903. <td>NEXT ROUTE KENDRA</td>
  3904. <td>RAHUL KUMAR SHARMA BAGDHARA PRIMTAM ROAD, WARD NO. 13, PO/PS KALIMPONG, DIST &#8211; DARJEELING Darjeeling West Bengal 9577788887</td>
  3905. <td>734301</td>
  3906. </tr>
  3907. <tr>
  3908. <td>5</td>
  3909. <td>769451</td>
  3910. <td>CSC Academy-MANOJ KUMAR SAHU</td>
  3911. <td>MANOJ KUMAR SAHU GHOKLAJOTE NEAR HOLDI MILL . MATIGARA Darjeeling West Bengal 9749322041</td>
  3912. <td>734010</td>
  3913. </tr>
  3914. <tr>
  3915. <td>6</td>
  3916. <td>574316</td>
  3917. <td>CSC Academy Shyam Kumar Hansda</td>
  3918. <td>CSC Academy Shyam Kumar Hansda HATIGHISA GRAM PANCHAYAT OFFICE, VILL./PO HATIGHISA, PS NAXALBARI, DIST. DARJEELING, WB, 734429 Darjeeling West Bengal 7001040275</td>
  3919. <td>734429</td>
  3920. </tr>
  3921. <tr>
  3922. <td>7</td>
  3923. <td>179438</td>
  3924. <td>SPC COMPUTER CENTRE</td>
  3926. <td>234567</td>
  3927. </tr>
  3928. <tr>
  3929. <td>8</td>
  3930. <td>712493</td>
  3931. <td>CSC OnePoint Solution</td>
  3932. <td>CSC OnePoint Solution, Village Mal Busty,Gorubathan,P.O. Fagu, PS Gorubathan District Kalimpong 735231 0 Darjeeling West Bengal 9775276773</td>
  3933. <td>735231</td>
  3934. </tr>
  3935. </tbody>
  3936. </table>
  3937. <ul>
  3938. <li>NADIA</li>
  3939. </ul>
  3940. <table id="listitems2" class="table table-bordered table-striped dataTables-example">
  3941. <thead>
  3942. <tr>
  3943. <th id="srNo">S.No.</th>
  3944. <th id="centername">Venue Code</th>
  3945. <th id="ststus">Venue Name</th>
  3946. <th id="name">Venue Address</th>
  3947. <th id="centertype">Venue Pincode</th>
  3948. </tr>
  3949. </thead>
  3950. <tbody id="list" class="no-bd-y">
  3951. <tr>
  3952. <td>1</td>
  3953. <td>936721</td>
  3954. <td>Bachchu Rahaman</td>
  3955. <td>BACHCH RAHAMAN CHAND SARAK PARA, ALEF SK LANEKRISHNAGAR, NADIA, PIN 741101, WB Nadia West Bengal 9232359940</td>
  3956. <td>741101</td>
  3957. </tr>
  3958. <tr>
  3959. <td>2</td>
  3960. <td>241639</td>
  3961. <td>Chakdaha Ray Institute of Computer Science</td>
  3962. <td>Biswadip Ray Lalpur(Baganbari), Chakdaha, NadiaWest Bengal, PIN-741222 Nadia West Bengal 8001777752</td>
  3963. <td>741222</td>
  3964. </tr>
  3965. <tr>
  3966. <td>3</td>
  3967. <td>248395</td>
  3968. <td>CSC Academy of CHANDRA NATH SAHA</td>
  3969. <td>CHANDRA NATH SAHA vill &amp; po akanda beria, block kaliganj Nadia West Bengal 9831950171</td>
  3970. <td>741137</td>
  3971. </tr>
  3972. <tr>
  3973. <td>4</td>
  3974. <td>163985</td>
  3975. <td>CSC Academy of INDRAJIT MAJUMDAR</td>
  3977. <td>741102</td>
  3978. </tr>
  3979. <tr>
  3980. <td>5</td>
  3981. <td>519836</td>
  3983. <td>ABUTAHER SEKH BAREYA TEHATTA NADIA KRISHNANAGAR Nadia West Bengal 8016348284</td>
  3984. <td>741156</td>
  3985. </tr>
  3986. <tr>
  3987. <td>6</td>
  3988. <td>712658</td>
  3989. <td>CSC Academy of SHIB SHANKAR DAS</td>
  3991. <td>741301</td>
  3992. </tr>
  3993. <tr>
  3994. <td>7</td>
  3995. <td>946127</td>
  3996. <td>PRITAM SADHU &#8211; IIBF CENTRE</td>
  3997. <td>pritam sadhu ENTERBEAR ONLINE CENTRE, PRITAM SADHU, HABIBPUR, HABIBPUR, RANAGHAT,NADIA 741402(MOBILE &#8211; 8609403025/9563076202) Nadia West Bengal 8609403025</td>
  3998. <td>741402</td>
  3999. </tr>
  4000. <tr>
  4001. <td>8</td>
  4002. <td>258713</td>
  4003. <td>Om Infotech Computer Centre</td>
  4004. <td>PRIYADEB PRAMANIK PO-MADANPUR, VILL-PURBAPARA, PS- CHAKDAHA, PIN-741245. Nadia West Bengal 9749330400</td>
  4005. <td>741245</td>
  4006. </tr>
  4007. <tr>
  4008. <td>9</td>
  4009. <td>165874</td>
  4011. <td>VILL-MAHESHER PARA, P.O- BAGCHI JAMSHERPUR, P.S- HOGALBARIA, BLOCK &#8211; KARIMPUR-1, PIN-741122 Nadia West Bengal 9563133638</td>
  4012. <td>741122</td>
  4013. </tr>
  4014. <tr>
  4015. <td>10</td>
  4016. <td>132657</td>
  4017. <td>BHASKAR BARMAN</td>
  4018. <td>VILL-PRIYANAGAR(KALIGANJ BAZAR),P.O.-B.S.ASRAM.PIN-741248 Nadia West Bengal 9231134256</td>
  4019. <td>741248</td>
  4020. </tr>
  4021. <tr>
  4022. <td>11</td>
  4023. <td>264589</td>
  4024. <td>Abdul Wadud Samim Dafadar</td>
  4025. <td>Digital Seva Kendra CSC Barnia , Vill+P.o &#8211; Barnia,P.s &#8211; Palashipara, Dist &#8211; Nadia , West Bengal , Pin &#8211; 741156 Nadia West Bengal 9932896712</td>
  4026. <td>741156</td>
  4027. </tr>
  4028. <tr>
  4029. <td>12</td>
  4030. <td>917584</td>
  4031. <td>Ratan Kumar Karmakar</td>
  4032. <td>Ratan Kumar Karmakar VILL MAHESHERPARA,P.O. BAGCHI JAMSHERPUR, P.S. HOGALBARIA, PIN 741122 Nadia West Bengal 9800922991</td>
  4033. <td>741122</td>
  4034. </tr>
  4035. </tbody>
  4036. </table>
  4037. <ul>
  4038. <li>DAKSHIN DINAJPUR</li>
  4039. </ul>
  4040. <table id="listitems2" class="table table-bordered table-striped dataTables-example">
  4041. <thead>
  4042. <tr>
  4043. <th id="srNo">S.No.</th>
  4044. <th id="centername">Venue Code</th>
  4045. <th id="ststus">Venue Name</th>
  4046. <th id="name">Venue Address</th>
  4047. <th id="centertype">Venue Pincode</th>
  4048. </tr>
  4049. </thead>
  4050. <tbody id="list" class="no-bd-y">
  4051. <tr>
  4052. <td>1</td>
  4053. <td>582649</td>
  4056. <td>733133</td>
  4057. </tr>
  4058. <tr>
  4059. <td>2</td>
  4060. <td>614257</td>
  4061. <td>Partha Das</td>
  4062. <td>Partha Das Rainagar, Hili, Dakshin Dinajpur, Pin-733126 Dakshin dinajpur West Bengal 9932688797</td>
  4063. <td>733126</td>
  4064. </tr>
  4065. <tr>
  4066. <td>3</td>
  4067. <td>739145</td>
  4069. <td>DEBANGSHU MANDAL paranpur Bidaypur Balurghat Dakshin Dinajpur 733103 Dakshin dinajpur West Bengal 8759484847</td>
  4070. <td>733103</td>
  4071. </tr>
  4072. <tr>
  4073. <td>4</td>
  4074. <td>861359</td>
  4075. <td>CSC Academy of SUKANTA LAHA</td>
  4076. <td>SUKANTA LAHA Vill-kasba,po+ps-tapan dist-dakshin dinajpur Dakshin dinajpur West Bengal 8640960004</td>
  4077. <td>733127</td>
  4078. </tr>
  4079. <tr>
  4080. <td>5</td>
  4081. <td>376218</td>
  4083. <td>SAHAJAN SARKAR Vill+P.O+P.S &#8211; HARIRAMPUR (FRONT OF PETROL PUMP) Dakshin dinajpur West Bengal 7001586939</td>
  4084. <td>733125</td>
  4085. </tr>
  4086. <tr>
  4087. <td>6</td>
  4088. <td>945836</td>
  4089. <td>CSC Academy-DIPAK CHAKRABORTY</td>
  4090. <td>DIPAK CHAKRABORTY SARAI NALPUKUR(14 NO WORD), BUNIADPUR,DAKSHIN DINAJPUR, WEST BENGAL ,INDIA, PIN-733121 Dakshin dinajpur West Bengal 9614242492</td>
  4091. <td>733121</td>
  4092. </tr>
  4093. <tr>
  4094. <td>7</td>
  4095. <td>736849</td>
  4096. <td>TANMOY MOHANTA</td>
  4097. <td>VILL-PATIRAM TALTALA P.O PATIRAM P.S BALURGHAT Dakshin dinajpur West Bengal 8759068413</td>
  4098. <td>733133</td>
  4099. </tr>
  4100. </tbody>
  4101. </table>
  4102. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  4103. ]]></content:encoded>
  4104. </item>
  4105. </channel>
  4106. </rss>
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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda