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  31. <title>Holland and Barrett CBD Oil Review</title>
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  34. <dc:creator><![CDATA[weenoit]]></dc:creator>
  35. <pubDate>Mon, 23 Sep 2024 10:40:46 +0000</pubDate>
  36. <category><![CDATA[CBD Blog]]></category>
  37. <category><![CDATA[cbd oil]]></category>
  38. <category><![CDATA[cbd oil review]]></category>
  39. <category><![CDATA[four five cbd]]></category>
  40. <category><![CDATA[holland and barrett cbd oil]]></category>
  41. <category><![CDATA[jacob hooy]]></category>
  42. <category><![CDATA[love hemp]]></category>
  43. <category><![CDATA[reakiro]]></category>
  44. <category><![CDATA[trip cbd]]></category>
  45. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  47. <description><![CDATA[Holland and Barrett CBD Oil All of the brands within this Holland and Barrett CBD oil review are reputable and well-established companies, and their products are included on the FSA’s list of novel food products. This article is based upon personal opinions and experience, and there may be some bias and subjective views within the [&#8230;]]]></description>
  48. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<h2 class="wp-block-heading">Holland and Barrett CBD Oil</h2><p>All of the brands within this Holland and Barrett CBD oil review are reputable and well-established companies, and their products are included on the FSA’s list of novel food products. This article is based upon personal opinions and experience, and there may be some bias and subjective views within the contents. </p><p>I believe that we are able to have an opinion as a result of <a href="">Love CBD’s</a> ten years of trading history within the CBD industry, though we would welcome you contacting us if you disagree with anything in this article. We have also only reviewed a selection of the Holland and Barrett CBD oil brands, though believe that the brands featured are a fair reflection of the Holland and Barrett CBD oil category.</p><figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" width="1024" height="355" src="" alt="holland and barrett cbd oil" class="wp-image-459922" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 60w, 110w, 600w, 64w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /><figcaption>Holland and Barrett CBD Oil Review 1</figcaption></figure><p><strong>Lab Testing of Holland and Barrett CBD Oil<br></strong>Whilst this is not necessarily a reflection upon the brands listed in this article, it is unfortunate that Holland and Barrett CBD oils do not include lab results on their site. This should be a key factor for any CBD oil purchase decision, and whilst many of the brands have up to date testing data, it would be more convenient if it could be obtained from the Holland and Barrett website directly.</p><figure class="wp-block-image size-full"><img decoding="async" width="1000" height="667" src="" alt="holland and barrett cbd oil" class="wp-image-459923" srcset=" 1000w, 300w, 768w, 60w, 110w, 600w, 64w" sizes="(max-width: 1000px) 100vw, 1000px" /><figcaption>Holland and Barrett CBD Oil Review 2</figcaption></figure><p><strong>Love Hemp<br></strong>Love Hemp have been around nearly as long as Love CBD, and are one of the most recognisable and well-known brands within the CBD space. They have had grand ambitions, perhaps to grand, with sponsorship deals with the Ultimate Fighting Championship and boxer Anthony Joshua.</p><p>Love Hemp use a broad-spectrum extract within their range CBD oils which will elevate the quality of their products amongst some of their peers who use a CBD isolate.  </p><p>Unfortunately, their CBD capsules do contain CBD isolate, which in our view is a negative, as our opinion of CBD isolate products is low. Their capsules ingredients state that they contain a hemp extract, and in no way inform the customer that it is a CBD isolate capsule. However, once you open a capsule, it becomes apparent when white powder falls out.</p><p>Love Hemp supply generally up to date batch specific certificates of analysis for their products on their website to review.</p><p>Despite Love Hemp’s financial troubles over the last few years, they remain a significant industry player. We do however wish that they could have come up with something more original when deciding upon their brand name.</p><p><strong>Reakiro<br></strong>Reakiro manufacture their products in Poland, and are another well-established CBD brand within the UK and EU. As well as having the Reakiro brand, they also have SOOL, which is a prominent CBD brand on Amazon. I’m not entirely sure what differentiates the SOOL and own brand products, though it is a good way to keep Holland and Barrett happy, as Amazon will inevitably undercut all their other retailers.</p><p>Their products contain a range of cannabinoids and other beneficial plant compounds and from this perspective their products get a thumbs up. One negative with their products is that their CBD gummies and CBD capsules are made with animal fat. Although I am not a vegetarian, the thought of eating animal fat in this kind of product I find a bit gross, especially when there are vegetarian options available.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Reakiro use Eurofins to test their products which is also a thumbs up. One thing I noticed though was that they are claiming that their products are in some cases full spectrum. In my opinion, this is a bit of a stetch, and I think they should be labelled as broad spectrum. </p><p>The full vs broad spectrum labelling issue is debatable, but I would suggest that there should be at least trace levels (within a legal range) of THC for this to be legitimately considered full spectrum. Full and broad-spectrum terminology have become in some cases, more marketing than fact, and it is sometimes difficult to differentiate broad spectrum and full spectrum CBD products.</p><p>Though I haven’t tried a Reakiro products for a few years, my memory of their CBD oils was that they were the worst tasting that I had experienced to date. This is a personal opinion, and I am sure that many of their customers love the taste, just not for me. There is the old adage that anything good for you generally tastes bad, which may work in their favour. It is also possible that they have since refined the taste of their CBD oils.</p><p><strong>Four Five CBD<br></strong>This company I know the least about of all 5 companies in this article. What I do know is that they are popular in the rugby and sporting world due to their owner’s background.</p><p>Whilst some people may find CBD isolate helps them, my personal experience and thousands of customers I have spoken to in the last decade have reinforced my opinion that CBD isolate is not as beneficial or effective as broad or full spectrum CBD products. Four Five CBD offerings are all CBD isolate based and whilst I am sure they use quality ingredients, it won’t change my broader opinion on this type of CBD product.</p><p>However, given that they are targeting athletes or potentially professional sports men and women, it makes sense that they would use CBD isolate due to potential concerns that their customers may have with drugs testing.</p><p>Four Five also supply batch specific lab results on their website for all of their products, though many of their COA’s are over a year old.</p><p>Four Five have expanded their range beyond CBD and also sell mushrooms, vitamins, minerals etc. I can’t comment on the quality of these products, so you will have to try them for yourself.</p><p><strong>Trip CBD<br></strong>As a result of Trip CBD drinks, they have become probably the most well-known CBD brand, and their CBD drinks are available in most of the large chain supermarkets. </p><p>Trip CBD have done a fantastic job in creating their lifestyle brand, and their marketing is perhaps the best in the industry. However, Trip CBD oil and CBD drinks products, all use CBD isolate, and whilst I don’t wish to repeat myself, CBD isolate products in my opinion are inferior to broad and full spectrum CBD products.</p><p>I would also argue that the products that Trip CBD and companies like Reakiro sell are fundamentally different, and maybe not apples and pears, but certainly not apples and apples. For a start, a full or broad-spectrum CBD extract like Reakiro use, is considerably more expensive an ingredient than the CBD isolate that goes into a Trip CBD oil. This probably should be no surprise, as CBD isolate products are often cheaper and appear to be better value.</p><p><strong>Jacob Hooy<br></strong>Jacob Hooy were the first CBD oil product to be listed in the Holland and Barrett CBD oil category. They were at one time, the best-selling UK CBD oil, though I believe this is no longer the case, and their market share has diminished. This may in part be due to Jacob Hooy’s limited range and having no stronger products than a 5% CBD oil.</p><p>Unlike brands like Trip CBD, their marketing in my opinion is more rudimentary and budget looking. It would not be a consideration for me, and I would choose Jacob Hooy product over a Trip CBD oil every time, but for some people a nicely packaged product is a selling point.</p><p>Jacon Hooy products are slightly different to the other Holland and Barret CBD oil options, as their ingredients states hemp leaf paste. This may be more of a compliance consideration due to them being a Dutch company, but no other brand states hemp leaf paste within their list of ingredients. Their products are pretty good value, especially with the regular Holland and Barrett CBD oil promotions, though they are mass produced which helps their margins.</p><p></p><p><strong>Final thoughts on Holland and Barrett CBD Oil<br></strong>I wouldn’t personally choose to buy a Holland and Barrett CBD oil product, as in my opinion, there are better CBD products available to buy in the UK. However, If I had to choose one, it would probably be the Love Hemp CBD oil. The CBD isolate based products like the Trip CBD oil are a definite no, and whilst taste is a far less important issue for me, my experience with the Reakiro CBD oil before was not to my taste. I have not been able to find lab reports for the Jacob Hooy CBD oil, so cannot verify what&#8217;s in it.</p><p>However, I generally favour CBD capsules despite the bio availability issue, and both Love Hemp and Four Five capsules contain isolate, with Reakiro’s capsules being made with animal fat. Unfortunately, in my opinion, there doesn’t appear to be a good <a href="">CBD capsules</a> available to buy within the Holland and Barrett CBD oil category. Obviously, I am biased, but the <a href="">Love CBD Entourage Capsules</a> would make a fantastic addition to the Holland and Barret CBD oil range. They not only contain a broad-spectrum cannabis extract, but are vegan friendly and available in up to 30mg per <a href="">CBD capsule</a> strengths.</p><p>We hope that you found our Holland and Barret CBD oil review useful. For similar articles to our review of Holland and Barrett CBD oils, please click this <a href="">link</a></p><p></p>]]></content:encoded>
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  53. <title>8 Best CBD Oils in the UK for 2024</title>
  54. <link></link>
  55. <comments></comments>
  56. <dc:creator><![CDATA[weenoit]]></dc:creator>
  57. <pubDate>Wed, 26 Jun 2024 09:49:14 +0000</pubDate>
  58. <category><![CDATA[CBD Blog]]></category>
  59. <category><![CDATA[best cbd oil]]></category>
  60. <category><![CDATA[best cbd uk]]></category>
  61. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  63. <description><![CDATA[Product reviews like the 8 best CBD oils in the UK for 2024 are all over the internet. As a transparent and honest company, we believe that you should be informed that these types of product reviews are often paid for, and in some cases even written by the companies who&#8217;s products are being reviewed. [&#8230;]]]></description>
  64. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Product reviews like the 8 best CBD oils in the UK for 2024 are all over the internet. As a transparent and honest company, we believe that you should be informed that these types of product reviews are often paid for, and in some cases even written by the companies who&#8217;s products are being reviewed.</p><p>Before Readers Digest recently went into administration, we had agreed to become a brand partner. As a result of their financial issues, this sadly did not happen.&nbsp; However, the CBD company that was partnering with them (mentioning no names) before us, had written an article titled ‘The 8 best CBD oils in the UK for 2024 (tested)’. This article strongly suggested that the CBD oil sold by this companies two brands where tested and reviewed, and awarded the top two best <a href="">CBD oils</a> in the UK. This article is still live.</p><p>In our opinion this is dishonest and disingenuous, how can you trust a brand that behaves in this manner, what else are they being dishonest about?</p><p>Sadly, there are many CBD product reviews of this nature online, and companies that are happy to, in our opinion, trick the public into believing they are genuine reviews.</p><p>Therefore, instead of compiling a bogus list of the 8 best CBD oils, from brands that have paid to be &#8216;The best CBD oils in the UK’, here are 8 reasons why we believe that our Love CBD oils are the best!</p><figure class="wp-block-image size-full"><img decoding="async" width="768" height="513" src="" alt="best cbd oils" class="wp-image-456856" srcset=" 768w, 600w, 64w, 300w, 60w, 110w" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px" /><figcaption>8 Best CBD Oils in the UK for 2024 3</figcaption></figure><h4 class="wp-block-heading">1. We only use high-quality ingredients in our CBD Oils</h4><p>Our <a href="">CBD oils</a> are made with ethically sourced, supply chain verified ingredients. The cannabis extracts which are the core ingredient within our CBD oils are hand harvested and grown indoors to reduce the risk from pollution, which can be an issue with hemp that is grown outside.</p><p>Hemp has phytoremediation properties. This means that it can remove toxins including heavy metals, pesticides and herbicides from the soil. This can be a really useful application, but poses a risk to CBD oil consumers if the hemp used in the CBD oil has been grown in polluted soil. CBD oil derived from Chinese hemp has in past been grown in soil which has been contaminated. Hemp was also planted around Chernobyl, in order to clean the soil after the nuclear energy station disaster.</p><p>Our cannabis extracts undergo full panel analysis from a UKAS accredited facility to ensure that there are no pollutants, heavy metals or micro biological nasties in our finished products.</p><p>We use both full and broad spectrum cannabis extracts within our product which have been grown to have high terpene concentrations. Terpenes are responsible for the distinctive aroma that comes from cannabis, but also have their own health beneficial properties.</p><p>If you would like to <a href="">learn more about Cannabis Terpenes</a>, click the link.</p><p>There is a misconception that CBD is the only valuable compound, this is not true. There are over 100 minor cannabinoids in cannabis, including CBD, THC, CBG, CBDa, CBN etc. All of these cannabinoids have their own properties and potential health benefits, but that also combine to produce what is known as the Entourage Effect.</p><p>If you would like to <a href="">learn more about The Entourage Effect</a>, click the link.</p><p>The extracts that go into our finished products contain a wide range of these beneficial cannabis compounds, not just CBD!</p><figure class="wp-block-image size-full is-style-default"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1000" height="667" src="" alt="Love CBD UKAS Accredited Testing" class="wp-image-456842" srcset=" 1000w, 600w, 64w, 300w, 768w, 60w, 110w" sizes="(max-width: 1000px) 100vw, 1000px" /><figcaption>8 Best CBD Oils in the UK for 2024 4</figcaption></figure><h4 class="wp-block-heading">2.&nbsp;&nbsp; We have been manufacturing and selling CBD oil since 2014</h4><p>Love CBD have been manufacturing and selling <a href="">CBD oils</a> longer than almost any other UK CBD company. We are a founder member of the UK’s largest hemp trade association, and we have been involved in the majority of significant CBD industry developments.</p><p>Unlike many of the CBD oils sold in the UK, which are outsourced by the brand to a handful of manufacturers to make, we have complete control over our products and supply chain, and can guarantee the quality of our products.</p><p>We have spent the last ten years developing and improving our CBD oils. As a result of our decade of experience, we have been able to fine tune and craft what we believe to be the most effective and best CBD oils in the UK.</p><h4 class="wp-block-heading">3. We have over 5000 reviews on Trustpilot with an average score of 4.9/5</h4><p>We are extremely proud to say that Love CBD has more positive feedback than any other UK CBD brand.</p><p>When looking to find a CBD company that you can trust, and that sells CBD oils that work, there is no better source than an independently verified customer review site, and Trustpilot is the largest in the UK.</p><figure class="wp-block-image size-full is-resized"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1000" height="563" src="" alt="Unique CBD Oils" class="wp-image-456844" style="width:500px" srcset=" 1000w, 600w, 64w, 300w, 768w, 60w, 110w" sizes="(max-width: 1000px) 100vw, 1000px" /><figcaption>8 Best CBD Oils in the UK for 2024 5</figcaption></figure><h4 class="wp-block-heading">4.&nbsp;&nbsp; Our CBD oils are unique</h4><p>Unlike most of the CBD oils in the UK which are generic, with the only differences being the flavouring, label, and branding, ours are unique.</p><p>They are unique because not only do we manufacture and formulate our products, but due to our close supplier partnerships, the cannabis extracts that go into our CBD oils are exclusively used by Love CBD. Therefore, no other CBD oils in the UK have our cannabinoid, terpene and other cannabis compounds profile.</p><p>If you are finding that your brand doesn’t work for you anymore, and you have built up a tolerance, trying a unique product maybe the answer.</p><figure class="wp-block-image size-full is-resized"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1000" height="379" src="" alt="Love CBD Lab" class="wp-image-456845" style="width:600px" srcset=" 1000w, 600w, 64w, 300w, 768w, 60w, 110w" sizes="(max-width: 1000px) 100vw, 1000px" /><figcaption>8 Best CBD Oils in the UK for 2024 6</figcaption></figure><h4 class="wp-block-heading">5.&nbsp;&nbsp; All Love CBD oils are tested by UKAS accredited lab</h4><p>At Love CBD, we batch test our <a href="">CBD oils</a> at a third party, UKAS accredited laboratory, and publish the reports on our website for our customers to read.</p><h4 class="wp-block-heading">6.&nbsp;&nbsp; We don’t use CBD isolate in our CBD oils</h4><p>You may have wondered why some CBD oil are so much cheaper than others. This is usually because they contain CBD isolate, and not a full or broad-spectrum extract. CBD isolate costs the manufacturer about 5x less to buy than a proper cannabis extract does. Therefore, as the old saying goes, ‘you get what you pay for’.</p><p>CBD isolate is a commodity, and although there are better quality CBD isolates, they are largely the same, regardless of the manufacturer. However, a full or broad-spectrum extract is a far more complex ingredient, with near infinite combinations/ ratios of compounds.</p><p>Studies have shown that people are more likely to build a tolerance to CBD isolate, as a result of its simple chemical structure.</p><h4 class="wp-block-heading">7.&nbsp;&nbsp; Our CBD oils are FSA approved</h4><p>All of Love CBD oils are included on the FSA’s <a href=";row-limit=10&amp;search=love+cbd" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">list of approved CBD products</a>. Any food supplement products containing CBD that are not included on this list, are not regulated or permitted to be sold in the UK.</p><h4 class="wp-block-heading">8.&nbsp;&nbsp; Offer a low cost (£5 including delivery) sample pack</h4><p>Although we are confident that we make the best <a href="">CBD oils</a> in the UK, we don’t expect you to take our word for it. Therefore, we offer potential customers an opportunity to try our CBD products for themselves.</p><p>Our CBD sample pack cost £5 including delivery and contains CBD oil, <a href="">CBD capsules</a>, CBD balm and a bag of our hemp tea, which is perfect before bedtime as it is free from caffeine and contains chamomile.</p><h4 class="wp-block-heading">A bit more about Love CBD</h4><figure class="wp-block-image size-full is-resized"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="900" height="577" src="" alt="mobile header cropped" class="wp-image-2472" style="width:700px" srcset=" 900w, 600w, 64w, 300w, 768w, 60w, 110w" sizes="(max-width: 900px) 100vw, 900px" /><figcaption>8 Best CBD Oils in the UK for 2024 7</figcaption></figure><p>Love CBD are a family-run business that has been manufacturing and selling high quality CBD and hemp products since 2014. Unlike the majority of the CBD industry, which unfortunately sell generic CBD products, with little but branding to differentiate themselves, Love CBD products are uniquely formulated and manufactured using cannabis extracts that are exclusive to Love CBD.</p><p>Sadly, not all CBD companies in the UK are transparent and can be trusted. Love CBD has over 5000 positive reviews on Trustpilot with an average score of 4.9/5.&nbsp; All of our CBD oils, capsules, CBD patches and other CBD products are lab tested by a third party, UKAS accredited facility, and available to read on their website.</p><p>Our range of CBD products includes all of the core CBD products, but unlike many other brands, it is not so extensive to be confusing. Our CBD range includes <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">CBD oils</a>, <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">CBD capsules</a>, <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">CBD patches</a>, <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">CBD balm</a> and <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">hemp tea</a>.&nbsp; All of our CBD oils, and vegan friendly CBD capsules use full and broad-spectrum extracts, sourced from indoor grown, hand harvested hemp plants.</p><p>We also offer a <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">CBD sample pack</a> intended for both new to CBD, and new to Love CBD users, costing only £5 including delivery. This is a great way to get a tester of their products or try CBD for the first time.</p><p>We offer <strong>free delivery on all CBD oils</strong> and have a generous point scheme which gives 16% off future orders.&nbsp; Joining the points program is easy and takes less than 30 seconds to do.</p><p>If you&#8217;re looking for a unique range of high-quality CBD oils, from a well-established, UK CBD brand that can be trusted, then please check out <a href="">Love CBD</a>.</p><h4 class="wp-block-heading">What is CBD oil, and what does it do?</h4><p>CBD, or Cannabidiol, is a plant extract and one of the Phyto-cannabinoids found in the cannabis Sativa plant. Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the other most well-known compound, CBD is not psychoactive, so it won&#8217;t get you high. Instead, it comes with a raft of supposed health benefits for symptoms. We say supposedly because the science is still ongoing. Taken from a recent CBD guide published by the<em> Evening Standard</em>: “The World Health Organisation claims that CBD oil is “generally well tolerated with a good safety profile”.</p><p>As for what CBD oil actually is? It&#8217;s extracted from the hemp plant, generally from the flowers and leaves, which are ground down. The hemp CBD oil is then filtered out for human use. You might hear CBD oil referred to as cannabis oil. This is valid as there is a fair distinction between CBD oil made from Isolate and containing only CBD, and full-spectrum products containing a full range of cannabinoids. It could be argued that a full or broad-spectrum CBD oil is closer to cannabis oil than CBD oil.</p><h4 class="wp-block-heading">Is CBD oil legal in the UK?</h4><p>CBD products are entirely legal, as long as they are derived from hemp plants that contain less than 0.2% THC content and the finished product contains legal levels of controlled cannabinoids. CBD products must contain no more than 1mg of controlled substances which includes THC, CBN and THCV. CBD based food products must be sold as a health/food supplement (and not a medicine, unless they have a licence from the MHRA). CBD brands in the UK must also comply with Novel Food regulations, and companies must be present on the public FSA list in order to remain legally on the market.</p><p>For further information about <a href="">CBD oil and the law in the UK</a>, please click the link.</p><h4 class="wp-block-heading">Does CBD show up in drug tests?</h4><p>It’s important to understand that CBD content is not tested for in most conventional drug tests. However, some drug tests may flag up even the smallest levels of cannabinoids in your body.</p><p>Because CBD products either contain either non detectable levels of THC or very low levels, it won&#8217;t show up on your routine THC drug tests, as long as the product you&#8217;ve bought is legitimate. Most CBD oils come with a carrier oil such as MCT oil, olive oil or hemp seed oil to help with the taste and improve the bio-availability.</p><h4 class="wp-block-heading">How do I use CBD?</h4><p>If you look hard enough, you can find any kind of product with CBD infused in it. Topical creams (for skincare), drinks, vape pens, e-liquids, even gimmicky stuff like bath bombs.</p><p>However, the four most common methods and forms of CBD are as follows:</p><p>●&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>CBD oil: </strong>This is a CBD extract suspended in a fat-based liquid like MCT oil and taken sublingually by use of a dropper or spray. Love CBD only supplies CBD oil in a spray format because they are more convenient, less fiddly, and far better and delivering an accurate dose. CBD oils are usually available in 10ml and 20ml per bottle sizes.</p><p>●&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>Edibles: </strong>Edibles are things like cookies and gummies. Word of caution, the majority of CBD gummy products are not healthy, and contain large quantities of sugar, glucose syrup and processed chemicals. In our informed opinion, CBD gummies contradict the purpose of CBD food supplements.</p><p>Secondly, the manufacturing process for CBD gummies can often be dubious and sometimes involves spraying bought sweets with a CBD isolate solution. This can result in a haphazard product at best, which will deliver a random dose.</p><p>●&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>Capsules:</strong> A convenient and easy way to get an accurate dose without any taste, which for some people is a problem.&nbsp; Not all CBD capsules are created equal, if they are filled with powder, you might want to look for a better-quality product.</p><p>Love CBD capsules are individually filled using both broad and full spectrum extracts and a high-quality organic coconut oil to boost absorption. </p><p>Love CBD capsules unlike soft gel capsules are vegan friendly and made with vegetable cellulose. Soft gel CBD capsules are often made from cow or pig fat.</p><p>●&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>Vapes or e-liquids:</strong> Taken like any other e-liquid. CBD vapes are fast acting, enabling the user to get the benefits from using CBD quickly. However, getting the required dosage can be tough, and the long-term effects, like all vaping products, are potentially concerning. Therefore, we would recommend that CBD vapes are used as a complement to CBD oil or CBD capsules type product and only used when a fast-acting CBD product is required.</p><p>If you would like to <a href="">learn more about the different ways to consume CBD</a> please click the link.</p><p>We hope that you enjoyed reading our 8 best CBD oils in the UK article, even if it was not what you were expecting.</p>]]></content:encoded>
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  69. <title>CBD Capsules are better than CBD Gummies, and here is why&#8230;</title>
  70. <link></link>
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  72. <dc:creator><![CDATA[ecommercemanager]]></dc:creator>
  73. <pubDate>Wed, 19 Jun 2024 11:26:16 +0000</pubDate>
  74. <category><![CDATA[CBD Blog]]></category>
  75. <category><![CDATA[best cbd gummies]]></category>
  76. <category><![CDATA[cbd gummies]]></category>
  77. <category><![CDATA[cbd gummies for pain]]></category>
  78. <category><![CDATA[cbd gummy bears]]></category>
  79. <category><![CDATA[cbd sweets]]></category>
  80. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  82. <description><![CDATA[CBD gummies are a popular and convenient way to consume CBD. However, they are often full of unhealthy ingredients, can be manufactured in a way that does not produce a product that offers consistent dosing, and generally contain CBD isolate, a far cheaper ingredient (as much as 5x times cheaper) than a broad or full [&#8230;]]]></description>
  83. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>CBD gummies are a popular and convenient way to consume CBD. However, they are often full of unhealthy ingredients, can be manufactured in a way that does not produce a product that offers consistent dosing, and generally contain CBD isolate, a far cheaper ingredient (as much as 5x times cheaper) than a broad or full spectrum cannabis extract.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>On the other hand, <a href="">CBD capsules</a> as a result of not needing to be flavour based, do not need to include ingredients which only purpose is to improve the flavour. CBD capsule manufacturers can focus on producing CBD products that are solely intended to support good health and wellness.&nbsp;</p><figure class="wp-block-gallery has-nested-images columns-default is-cropped wp-block-gallery-1 is-layout-flex wp-block-gallery-is-layout-flex"><figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1024" height="576" data-id="456230" src="" alt="CBD Gummies" class="wp-image-456230" srcset=" 1024w, 600w, 64w, 300w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 60w, 110w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /><figcaption>CBD Capsules are better than CBD Gummies, and here is why... 8</figcaption></figure></figure><h4 class="wp-block-heading">How CBD Gummies are made</h4><p>The best way to make CBD gummies involves adding CBD to a flavoured gummy mixture, before being moulded into shapes and left to cool. Unfortunately, another common and cheaper method for creating CBD gummies, is by spraying pre bought sweets with a CBD isolate solution. This often results in products with inconsistent amounts of CBD, as this process can be haphazard at best. Irregular dosed CBD products are a problem because to get the best out of CBD, a consistent dosage routine is essential.</p><h4 class="wp-block-heading">How Love CBD capsules are made</h4><p>Each vegan friendly capsule is individually filled with a unique full spectrum cannabis extract and organic coconut oil formulation. This enables Love CBD capsules to deliver a precise dose of CBD, and other beneficial cannabis compounds within each capsule.</p><h4 class="wp-block-heading">CBD gummy ingredients</h4><p>This is where gummies really fall short. The majority of CBD gummies in the UK unfortunately contain large quantities of sugar, glucose syrup, artificial chemicals and are no better than sweets. CBD products are intended to improve health and wellness, and it is hard to see that any product containing these ingredients, could be considered healthy.&nbsp;</p><figure class="wp-block-gallery has-nested-images columns-default is-cropped wp-block-gallery-2 is-layout-flex wp-block-gallery-is-layout-flex"><figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1000" height="667" data-id="456234" src="" alt="cbd gummies" class="wp-image-456234" srcset=" 1000w, 600w, 64w, 300w, 768w, 60w, 110w" sizes="(max-width: 1000px) 100vw, 1000px" /><figcaption>CBD Capsules are better than CBD Gummies, and here is why... 9</figcaption></figure></figure><h4 class="wp-block-heading">Love CBD capsules ingredients</h4><p>Unlike CBD gummies, the Love<a href=""> CBD capsules</a> contain only a handful of natural, plant-based ingredients.  A high-quality cannabis extract, organic extra virgin coconut oil, terpenes and gum arabic, in a vegetable based, vegan friendly capsule shell.</p><h4 class="wp-block-heading">Made with CBD isolate</h4><p>CBD gummies generally contain CBD isolate. CBD isolate will always be inferior to both broad spectrum and full spectrum extracts, which is not surprising given that CBD isolate is a much cheaper ingredient than full or broad-spectrum extracts.</p><h4 class="wp-block-heading">Made with full spectrum cannabis extract</h4><p>Love <a href="">CBD capsules</a> contain a full spectrum cannabis extract with a wide range of cannabis compounds, including cannabinoids like CBD, terpenes and flavonoids. Although CBD has many health benefits, the cannabis plant contains many cannabinoids and compounds which have their own health properties. Additionally, these compounds work together to produce the scientifically termed ‘Entourage Effect’. This term describes how these compounds work together to produce an effect that is greater than the sum of its part. Only broad or full spectrum CBD products are able to produce this effect, because they are far more complex, and contain hundreds of compounds.</p><h4 class="wp-block-heading">Conclusion</h4><p>As with any type of product, some are better than others. There are also undoubtedly some poor-quality CBD capsules available to buy in the UK, some of which contain CBD isolate.  However, it is not hard to look at the ingredients on a pack of gummies and quickly decide that a product potentially full of sugar, sweeteners and other unhealthy chemical ingredients are unlikely to provide the claimed wellness benefits.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>If you are new to CBD or are currently taking CBD gummies, we would recommend trying CBD capsules as a healthier and equally convenient alternative. Additionally, parents need not be as concerned that they are going to look appetising to their children.</p><figure class="wp-block-image size-full"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="300" height="300" src="" alt="dutch cbd capsules 300x300 1" class="wp-image-455667" srcset=" 300w, 100w, 64w, 150w, 60w, 110w, 50w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /><figcaption>CBD Capsules are better than CBD Gummies, and here is why... 10</figcaption></figure><h4 class="wp-block-heading">More about Love CBD</h4><p><a href="">Love CBD</a> has been manufacturing high quality CBD products since 2014 and currently has over 5000 Trustpilot reviews with an average rating of 4.9 out of 5.&nbsp;</p><p>Love CBD are so confident in the quality of their products, that they offer a low-cost sample pack for anyone interested in trying them. The <a href="" data-type="product" data-id="2561">sample pack</a> includes their popular Entourage Capsules, Dutch Oil, <a href="">CBD balm</a> and <a href="">Hemp tea</a>, all for £5.00 including delivery.</p>]]></content:encoded>
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  88. <title>CBD Oil for Dogs</title>
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  90. <dc:creator><![CDATA[ecommercemanager]]></dc:creator>
  91. <pubDate>Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:27:55 +0000</pubDate>
  92. <category><![CDATA[CBD Blog]]></category>
  93. <category><![CDATA[cbd for dogs]]></category>
  94. <category><![CDATA[cbd oil for dogs]]></category>
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  97. <description><![CDATA[CBD Oil for Dogs products have increased in recent years due to their potential health benefits for humans and our furry friends. As pet owners seek alternative ways to help their dog’s well-being, CBD oil has emerged as a topic of interest. In many cases, individuals who have had success using CBD oil decide to [&#8230;]]]></description>
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  103. <p><span style="font-weight: 400;"><a title="CBD Oil" href="">CBD Oil</a> for Dogs products have increased in recent years due to their potential health benefits for humans and our furry friends. As pet owners seek alternative ways to help their dog’s well-being, <a title="CBD oil" href="">CBD oil</a> has emerged as a topic of interest. In many cases, individuals who have had success using CBD oil decide to try it on their pet.</span></p><h3>CBD oil for Dogs Regulations</h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">However, the current regulations, despite numerous products targeted towards dog owners in particular, do not permit CBD products to be marketed with pets as the intended user. The Veterinary Medicine Directorate (VMD), a government department, has long believed that dogs do not need nutritional supplements and that CBD products marketed for animal use would be considered medicine. Therefore, any products would need medical authorisation, and currently, no <a title="CBD products" href="">CBD products</a> in the UK have the required VMD approval. It is an expensive, time-consuming process that is unobtainable for most UK CBD brands.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Despite the regulatory position, this has not stopped many pet owners from using <a title="CBD products" href="">CBD products</a> on their animals, and it is a growing market. Some of the brands selling these types of products are based outside the UK, and at the moment, little enforcement is being undertaken on these companies flouting the rules.</span></p><p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-451142" src="" alt="cbd oil for dogs" width="300" height="201" srcset=" 300w, 600w, 64w, 768w, 60w, 110w, 1000w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /></p><h3>Our stance on CBD oil for Dogs</h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">At <a title="Love CBD" href="">Love CBD</a>, we are commonly asked questions from individuals interested in, or already giving our CBD products to their pets, and whilst we cannot stop them from doing so, we always provide them with a standard reply which is that &#8216;we cannot advise or recommend our CBD oil for dogs&#8217;. We would love to be able to give more information and sell our products to pet owners, but unfortunately, this is not currently possible.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Because dogs and cats are mammals, we share many of the same biological functions and anatomy, and it makes sense that because we have so much in common, that what works for one, should work for the other. Both people and dogs have an endocannabinoid system and though a lot of research is needed to understand the extent and influence of this system, it is generally recognised as playing significant role in a variety of physiological functions.</span></p><h3>Do your Research &amp; Consult with your Vet</h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">It is important to always do your research, and we would advise that companies blatantly breaking the rules about pet products are likely to be non-compliant in other ways, and probably are not brands that should be trusted. It is also the case that a CBD product with a dog picture on the label is probably no different to any other <a title="CBD product" href="">CBD product</a> apart from its marketing. Just like for humans, what matters is not a pretty label, but the quality of the product contained inside the bottle. </span></p><h3>CBD Oil Dosage for Dogs</h3><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">If you still decide that you would like to give your dog CBD oil, it is important to remember that correct dosage is essential. In most cases, your dog will require a significantly lower dose of <a href="">CBD oil</a> than you. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The same principles apply with regards to the slow introduction to cannabinoids, and gradually increasing the dosage till you find a level that appears to be working. This is obviously more tricky with a dog that is unable to tell you how they are feeling, though if the dogs behaviour is different, this should be a good indicator. I have heard stories of dogs being given to strong an initial dose and being lethargic and sleepy, though this passes once the effect of the CBD has worn off. </span></p><p>If you found this articles about CBD oil for dogs useful, here are some other <a title="blog articles" href="">blog articles</a> to read.</p> </div>
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  110. <title>CBD Capsules Guide</title>
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  112. <dc:creator><![CDATA[ecommercemanager]]></dc:creator>
  113. <pubDate>Fri, 24 Nov 2023 18:40:11 +0000</pubDate>
  114. <category><![CDATA[CBD Blog]]></category>
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  122. <description><![CDATA[CBD Capsules Guide CBD capsules are a popular way to consume your daily dose of CBD for a number of reasons.  Here is a easy to understand CBD capsules guide which we hope you will find useful. CBD capsules are a more convenient and discreet way to add CBD, and in some cases other cannabinoids [&#8230;]]]></description>
  123. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<h2>CBD Capsules Guide</h2>
  124. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignleft wp-image-449342 size-medium" src="" alt="CBD Capsules guide" width="400" height="267" /></p>
  125. <p><a title="CBD capsules" href="">CBD capsules</a> are a popular way to consume your daily dose of CBD for a number of reasons.  Here is a easy to understand CBD capsules guide which we hope you will find useful.</p>
  126. <p><a title="CBD capsules" href="">CBD capsules</a> are a more convenient and discreet way to add CBD, and in some cases other cannabinoids and beneficial cannabis plant compounds into your daily health and wellness routines.</p>
  127. <h3>The Advantages of CBD Capsules</h3>
  128. <p>CBD capsule shells are either two pieces and have the filling put into the capsule or gel capsules where CBD is added when the capsule is formed. Two-piece capsules have an intrinsic advantage in that there is more scope to vary the capsule&#8217;s content, though the manufacturing process is not as easily scalable.</p>
  129. <p>One of the big advantages of <a title="CBD capsules" href="">CBD capsules</a>, as opposed to the more commonly consumed <a title="CBD oil products" href="">CBD oil products</a>, is the ease of dosing. Getting <strong>accurate dosing is really important with CBD products</strong>, and having a fiddly dropper with no markings is not helpful.</p>
  130. <p>CBD capsules are also great for individuals looking for <strong>a taste-free alternative to CBD oil</strong>, which can sometimes be an acquired taste or sometimes downright unpleasant.</p>
  131. <p>A criticism which is commonly aired about CBD capsules is that they have a lower absorption rate. Although this may be true, adding additional ingredients like coconut oil (Love<a title="CBD capsules" href=""> CBD capsules</a> all do) improves absorption.</p>
  132. <p>Cannabinoids are fat soluble and incorporating fats in conjunction with CBD use is definitely recommended. Milk chocolate is my favourite.</p>
  133. <h3>Vegan Capsules</h3>
  134. <p>Some CBD capsules are vegan-friendly and made with vegetable cellulose, however many of the gel capsules are made from bovine and as such are unsuitable for a vegan diet. Love <a title="CBD capsules" href="">CBD capsules</a> are vegan-friendly, like our popular Dutch CBD Range below, which is we recommend to first time users of CBD.</p>
  135. <h3>Types of Love CBD Capsules</h3>
  136. <p>There are various types of CBD capsules available to buy, and though the marketing of these can sometimes be unclear, deliberately in some cases, we hope that this article will help you to decide when making a purchase.</p>
  137. <p>Full-spectrum <a title="CBD capsules" href="">CBD capsules</a> contain a full range of cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids and other beneficial compounds that are found in the hemp plant. This is the principle behind the &#8220;Entourage Effect&#8221; which has been the basis for the <a title="Love CBD Entourage Capsules" href="">Love CBD Entourage Capsules</a>.</p>
  138. <p>It is worth noting that UK regulations on controlled substances are strict, and full-spectrum CBD capsules in some cases may not comply.  All of Love CBD products are lab-tested to guarantee legal compliance and the reports are visible on our website.</p>
  139. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignleft wp-image-365384 size-medium" src="" alt="beginner cbd capsules " width="300" height="267" /></p>
  140. <p>Broad-spectrum CBD capsules also contain a range of beneficial cannabis compounds, though they have been through a THC removal process. Low strength broad spectrum CBD capsules will have non-detectable levels of THC and CBN and are ideal for individuals who undergo routine drugs test.</p>
  141. <p>However, THC may be detected with stronger CBD capsule products and be found on reputable lab reports.</p>
  142. <p>Good quality <a title="broad-spectrum CBD oils" href="">broad-spectrum CBD oils</a> and capsules should present a range of cannabinoids on a lab report, and broad-spectrum products which do not may be no better than a CBD isolate-based product.</p>
  143. <p>CBD isolate-based capsules contain pure CBD without other cannabinoids or beneficial compounds from the hemp plant. CBD isolate is a much cheaper ingredient than full and broad-spectrum extracts as it is mass produced.</p>
  144. <p>Unlike full or broad-spectrum extracts, which are inherently different from each other depending upon the variety of plants used, CBD isolate products are generic, with the only difference being any additional ingredients.</p>
  145. <p>CBD isolate also costs about 5x cheaper for a manufacturer to buy than a broad or full spectrum extract, and this CBD capsules guide would be doing a disservice to anyone reading this article and not point this out.</p>
  146. <p>Manufacturing with CBD isolate is easier and is able to incorporate a flavouring better as the isolate imparts very little of its own flavour.</p>
  147. <p>It is fair to say that my opinion of CBD isolate products is very low, and I would never personally use them. Comparing a full/ broad spectrum product to an isolate product is also not a direct comparison in many ways; as cannabis extracts are complex and contain many compounds, CBD isolate does not.</p>
  148. <h3>Stay Clear of CBD Isolate and false claims</h3>
  149. <p>CBD isolate products are commodities and mass-produced and the only reason to buy isolate-based CBD capsules is that they are often cheaper. Whilst Love CBD capsule may be slightly more expensive, than some other brands, we <strong>only use high-quality ingredients</strong> which is reflected in the price.</p>
  150. <p>As discussed in this CBD capsules guide, broad-spectrum and full-spectrum CBD capsules contain many more beneficial compounds and are generally recommended over an isolate-type CBD capsule product. However, not all extracts are created equal and some brands claim to be selling full spectrum products when the lab reports don’t reflect this claim.</p>
  151. <p>The same can be said for broad-spectrum CBD capsules which contain no other compounds. Lab reports are key and should ideally be less than 12 months old. Not all sellers in this space are completely honest and it is well worth doing some research before buying.</p>
  152. <p>We hope that you found this CBD capsules guide useful. If you are interested to learn more about other CBD related topics, please read some of our other <a title="blog articles" href="">blog articles</a>.</p>
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  156. <title>CBD Oil Benefits</title>
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  158. <dc:creator><![CDATA[ecommercemanager]]></dc:creator>
  159. <pubDate>Fri, 24 Nov 2023 15:24:30 +0000</pubDate>
  160. <category><![CDATA[CBD Blog]]></category>
  161. <category><![CDATA[cbd]]></category>
  162. <category><![CDATA[cbd oil]]></category>
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  168. <description><![CDATA[CBD Oil Benefits CBD (cannabidiol) oil has become increasingly popular and almost mainstream since Love CBD began manufacturing CBD products in 2014.  This article will discuss CBD oil benefits that have been reported to us by our loyal and valued customers. CBD is extracted from the hemp plant and is a non-psychoactive compound that can [&#8230;]]]></description>
  169. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<h2>CBD Oil Benefits</h2>
  170. <p>CBD (cannabidiol) oil has become increasingly popular and almost mainstream since Love CBD began manufacturing CBD products in 2014.  This article will discuss <a title="CBD oil benefits" href="">CBD oil benefits</a> that have been reported to us by our loyal and valued customers.</p>
  171. <p>CBD is extracted from the hemp plant and is a non-psychoactive compound that can provide health and well-being benefits without the &#8220;high&#8221; that is produced by arguably the most well-known cannabinoid, THC.</p>
  172. <p>While research on CBD is still in its infancy, anecdotal evidence suggests and supports the potential benefits of incorporating CBD oil into your wellness routines.</p>
  173. <h2>The Benefits</h2>
  174. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-452074" src="" alt="cbd oil benefits" width="522" height="348" srcset=" 300w, 600w, 64w, 768w, 60w, 110w, 1000w" sizes="(max-width: 522px) 100vw, 522px" /></p>
  175. <h4>Promoting relaxation</h4>
  176. <p>CBD is often used to promote relaxation and reduce the stresses of our sometimes chaotic lifestyles. Some users of CBD report feeling a sense of calm and improved mood after using CBD, especially if used in conjunction with relaxation techniques like meditation and a healthy, balanced diet.</p>
  177. <p><a title="CBD oil" href="">CBD oil</a> when incorporated into a meditation and mindfulness routine can also contribute towards a feeling of calmness as is often reported.</p>
  178. <h4>Sleep Support</h4>
  179. <p>Getting a good night&#8217;s sleep is crucial for your overall health and well-being. Disruptions in your sleep pattern can significantly impact an individual’s mental and physical health. <a title="CBD oil" href="">CBD oil</a> may help improve sleep quality by promoting a sense of relaxation and a routine at bedtime.</p>
  180. <p>We would also recommend trying our <a title="Love CBD Hemp Tea." href="">Love CBD Hemp Tea.</a> Our hemp tea contains chamomile, that is proven to support a restful night sleep and is is caffeine free. Our Hemp tea makes for a great bedtime drink to help you to unwind after a busy day.</p>
  181. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone  wp-image-452075" src="" alt="cbd oil benefits" width="515" height="343" srcset=" 300w, 600w, 64w, 768w, 60w, 110w, 1000w" sizes="(max-width: 515px) 100vw, 515px" /></p>
  182. <h4>Skin Care</h4>
  183. <p>CBD is becoming increasingly popular as an ingredient in the cosmetic industry. Many products only incorporate CBD to jump on the latest fad; however, CBD has several useful cosmetic functions.</p>
  184. <p>A very interesting use case is its anti-sebum properties, which may benefit individuals with problematic skin conditions like acne. CBD also has anti-inflammatory properties, which may contribute towards healthier and improved skin tone.</p>
  185. <h4>Joint and Muscle Support</h4>
  186. <p>Athletes and individuals with active lifestyles commonly use <a title="CBD oil" href="">CBD oil</a>. A popular application is before or after high-intensity activity, as it may help recover more quickly. Topical CBD products like our <a title="CBD balm" href="">CBD balm</a> are also popular as a massage aid when applied to tied or achy muscles.</p>
  187. <h4>Managing Your Mood</h4>
  188. <p>CBD may positively affect our mood and emotional well-being and promote a balanced state of mind. It is, however, important to remember that CBD is not a replacement for professional mental health care, and anyone with significant mood-related concerns should speak to a qualified professional.</p>
  189. <h4>Cognitive Well-Being</h4>
  190. <p>Cognitive health, which includes memory, focus and mental clarity, is vital for our overall health and well-being. It is thought that the interaction between CBD and our endocannabinoid system may contribute towards this.</p>
  191. <p>As people take greater control and personal responsibility for their health, both physical and mental, incorporating <a title="CBD oil" href="">CBD oil</a> and other alternative health options is getting more and more popular.</p>
  192. <p>Younger generations are growing less satisfied with conventional medicine and seeking lifestyle changes that they believe will keep them healthier for longer and avoid the need for pharmaceutical drugs. While many users report positive <a title="CBD oil" href="">CBD oil</a> benefits across various aspects of well-being,</p>
  193. <p>Incorporating CBD into your wellness routine is a unique personal journey and, for some, very rewarding and worthwhile.</p>
  194. <p>We have thousands of reviews on Trust Pilot, where the user of Love <a title="CBD products" href="">CBD products</a> showcases their personal experiences and the <a title="CBD oil benefits" href="">CBD oil benefits</a> they have gained using this remarkable cannabinoid.</p>
  195. <p>We hope that you found this article about CBD oil benefits useful. If you are interested in reading other articles follow this link to our <a title="CBD blog" href="">CBD blog </a>page.</p>
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  199. <title>What is CBD?</title>
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  201. <dc:creator><![CDATA[ecommercemanager]]></dc:creator>
  202. <pubDate>Fri, 03 Mar 2023 14:04:48 +0000</pubDate>
  203. <category><![CDATA[CBD Blog]]></category>
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  206. <category><![CDATA[what is cbd]]></category>
  207. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  209. <description><![CDATA[What is CBD? Whether you closely follow the latest health trends or have just noticed all the adverts on TV these days, one thing is for sure: CBD is a term you will have heard of by now. Here is an article discussing &#8216;what is CBD&#8217; that we hope that you will find interesting. Which [&#8230;]]]></description>
  210. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<h2>What is CBD?</h2>
  211. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone  wp-image-451145" src="" alt="what is cbd" width="615" height="246" srcset=" 300w, 600w, 64w, 768w, 60w, 110w, 1000w" sizes="(max-width: 615px) 100vw, 615px" /></p>
  212. <p>Whether you closely follow the latest health trends or have just noticed all the adverts on TV these days, one thing is for sure: CBD is a term you will have heard of by now. Here is an article discussing &#8216;what is CBD&#8217; that we hope that you will find interesting.</p>
  213. <p>Which begs the question: what is CBD?</p>
  214. <p>CBD is short for &#8220;cannabidiol&#8221;. But we usually just say &#8220;CBD&#8221; as it&#8217;s easier to pronounce.</p>
  215. <p>CBD belongs to a family of compounds known as &#8220;cannabinoids&#8221;. There are more than 100 of these cannabinoids in the flowers of the cannabis sativa plant. Among certain strains of the cannabis plant, CBD is the most prevalent cannabinoid of all.</p>
  216. <p>Several of these cannabinoids have been proven to have significant positive effects on our overall wellness and health. This is the primary reason for the great worldwide interest in CBD over the last decade.</p>
  217. <p>We are, after all, a people looking for natural alternatives and plant therapies wherever possible. Now more so than ever. And cannabis affords us a new, exciting avenue of exploration &#8211; not least because these cannabis-based compounds are exclusive to the cannabis plant. A plant that for so long was legally restricted.</p>
  218. <p>Now that things are changing, we can finally take advantage of what cannabinoids offer us&#8230; first and foremost: better health.</p>
  219. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-452814 size-full" src="" alt="what is cbd oil" width="300" height="300" srcset=" 300w, 100w, 64w, 150w, 60w, 110w, 50w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /></p>
  220. <p><strong>The Endocannabinoid System</strong></p>
  221. <p>So there are these compounds called cannabinoids that are found in cannabis flowers. One of the two most common cannabinoids is CBD. But to experience the benefits of CBD, our bodies would need a way to process it &#8211; and we do have a way, fortunately. It is called the &#8220;Endocannabinoid System&#8221;.</p>
  222. <p>The Endocannabinoid System was discovered by scientists in the 1980&#8217;s. They reasoned that if CBD and THC had such a strong effect on us, we might also produce natural versions of these compounds, and therefore might have a system to regulate these chemicals.</p>
  223. <p>This reasoning was proven correct: the scientists discovered that our bodies produce chemicals called endocannabinoids.</p>
  224. <p>We all have cannabinoid receptors throughout our bodies &#8211; in every single organ. These allow cannabinoids &#8211; both exogenous and plant-based cannabinoids &#8211; to interact with us, and affect profound changes within the body.</p>
  225. <p>Crucially, these receptors are known to be responsible for the regulation of systems in our body that support general health and well-being.</p>
  226. <p>There are two types of cannabinoid receptors inside us: CB1 and CB2. The CB1 receptors generally interact with the neurological pathways in the brain and central nervous system whilst the CB2 receptor supports the immune system and organs elsewhere in the body.</p>
  227. <p>Therefore, through the use of the CB1 receptor the mind can be impacted. Through the CB2 receptor the organs around the body can be impacted.</p>
  228. <p>The big picture, though, is this: The Endocannabinoid System is an evolutionary mechanism designed to keep our organism in balance. This balance &#8211; or &#8220;homeostasis&#8221; &#8211; is vital to the long-term prosperity of the body. There are lots of specific ways of using cannabis &#8211; for body and/or mind &#8211; to help yourself and ease particular complaints, but the ultimate goal is homeostasis.</p>
  229. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-452815 size-full" src="" alt="what is cbd " width="300" height="300" srcset=" 300w, 100w, 64w, 150w, 60w, 110w, 50w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /></p>
  230. <p><strong>The Entourage Effect</strong></p>
  231. <p>Right, so there are cannabinoids made by the cannabis plant and by the human body. We have receptors throughout our body which interact with these cannabinoids, generating desirable effects that aid the well-being of the individual.</p>
  232. <p>But are there ways to maximise this potentially revolutionary scientific breakthrough? Yes, absolutely. We can deploy something called &#8220;<a title="The Entourage Effect" href="">The Entourage Effect</a>&#8220;.</p>
  233. <p>I mentioned earlier that there are more than 100 cannabinoids found in the flowers of the cannabis plant, and that these compounds interact in various ways with the Endocannabinoid System. And this produces a wide array of effects for body and mind.</p>
  234. <p>But on top of this wide diversity of effects produced by 100+ different cannabinoids, other components of the plant also factor in. One of these are a family of compounds known as &#8220;terpenes&#8221;. Terpenes are the perfume of cannabis.</p>
  235. <p>There are dozens of primary terpenes in cannabis. Depending on the specific strain of cannabis, a wide array of aromas can be produced &#8211; from lemon to pineapple to skunk (unfortunately).</p>
  236. <p>Not only do terpenes affect the smell of the cannabis plant, they also change the effects of cannabinoids within the human body. Terpenes magnify and modify the impact of cannabinoids.</p>
  237. <p>And this is why a true cannabis extract is something we will always choose over a CBD isolate powder.</p>
  238. <p>Why restrict yourself to one beneficial compound when the plant is jammed with other beneficial compounds? Especially when they produce stronger effects in unison than isolated?</p>
  239. <p>This is why here at Love CBD we like to use cannabis oil rather than isolated CBD powder to make our <a title="CBD products" href="">CBD products</a>. We know that when CBD is paired with other cannabinoids and <a title="terpenes" href="">terpenes</a> it will prove more effective. We know that The Entourage Effect works and it would be foolish to not utilise this powerful knowledge.</p>
  240. <p>We called ourselves <a title="Love CBD" href="">Love CBD</a> because of our obvious love for CBD. But we love the cannabis plant as a whole, and we understand that to get the most from CBD we must use the whole plant and not just extract one element from it.</p>
  241. <p>This is our motivation. It is why we created The <a title="Entourage Oil" href="">Entourage Oil</a>. And it is why nearly 10 years after we did so we remain a major name in the UK CBD market when others have long since come and gone.</p>
  242. <p>We hope that you liked our what is CBD blog. Click the link to read similar <a title="CBD and hemp blogs" href="">CBD and hemp blogs</a> to what is CBD.</p>
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  246. <title>Hemp is Nature&#8217;s Miracle Plant</title>
  247. <link></link>
  248. <dc:creator><![CDATA[ecommercemanager]]></dc:creator>
  249. <pubDate>Fri, 03 Feb 2023 10:12:06 +0000</pubDate>
  250. <category><![CDATA[CBD Blog]]></category>
  251. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  253. <description><![CDATA[The Hemp Plant? Hemp is a truly incredible plant when you understand the huge scope of uses, environmental benefits, and properties of the plant. The plant can be used to make clothing, as an alternative fuel source, as animal feed, as seed oil, as medicine, and even as housing material such as hempcrete. it is [&#8230;]]]></description>
  254. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<h2>The Hemp Plant?</h2>
  255. <p>Hemp is a truly incredible plant when you understand the huge scope of uses, environmental benefits, and properties of the plant.</p>
  256. <p>The plant can be used to make clothing, as an alternative fuel source, as animal feed, as seed oil, as medicine, and even as housing material such as hempcrete. it is also of course also used in the production of CBD products including <a title="CBD oils" href="">CBD oils</a>, <a title="CBD capsules" href="">CBD capsules</a>, cosmetics, and <a title="CBD e-liquids" href="">CBD e-liquids</a> using extracts from the flowers.</p>
  257. <p>It is believed to have first been cultivated around three thousand years ago when it was primarily used for making clothing, rope, animal food, and pressed into seed oil. An interesting fact about the plant is that it was made law by Henry V111 that a portion of land had to be used to grow hemp in order to supply the Royal Navy with fibre to make the sails used in their fleet of ships.</p>
  258. <p>There is some confusion about Hemp and Cannabis because they are essentially 2 Genera of the same plant. The most common being Cannabis Sativa L and Cannabis Indica. Cannabis <a title="Sativa" href="">Sativa</a> plants are generally taller with long stems and leaves which have longer blades whereas Cannabis <a title="Indica" href="">Indica</a> plants don’t grow as tall and are generally wider with shorter leaves.</p>
  259. <p>Hemp is legal and approved strain of Cannabis Sativa L which have less than 0.2% THC in the EU, though this may be changing soon or 0.3% THC in the US. The flowers which are used to make CBD products contain many cannabinoids including CBD, CBDA, CBG, CBC, CBN, and THC, which is the psychoactive ingredient that can make us feel &#8216;high&#8217; or ‘stoned’. A broad spectrum of full-spectrum extract will also contain flavonoids that produce the cannabis taste and terpenes including beta-caryophyllene (in itself a cannabinoid), myrcene, limonene, linalool, etc, which are responsible for the characteristic cannabis smell.</p>
  260. <p>Hemp is also able to sequester significantly more CO2 from the atmosphere than almost any other plant and as a result, produces significant potential environmental benefits. Love CBD estimates that in the last year, the hemp grown that goes into our products has sequestered about 70 tonnes of CO2. This is based on the acreage used, and the average amount of C02 hemp sequesters per acre. This is the equivalent of 35 cars&#8217; annual C02 output.</p>
  261. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-451151" src="" alt="what is hemp" width="300" height="246" srcset=" 300w, 600w, 64w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 60w, 110w, 1900w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /></p>
  262. <h2>What is Hemp Oil?</h2>
  263. <p>It&#8217;s made from the plants seeds which are cold-pressed into an oil. It is commonly used in cooking and is packed with nutrients and vitamins including vitamin c, calcium, iron, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. Hemp is a rare food source that has an equal ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 which is considered to be very beneficial to supporting good health and well-being. Having high levels of omega 6 commonly found in fish oils though beneficial in moderation is not recommended in a high dose.</p>
  264. <p>Hemp seed oil as well as being used in food is also found in cosmetic products like our <a title="Love CBD Balm" href="">Love CBD Balm</a> and adds skin nourishment properties.</p>
  265. <h2>Is Hemp Oil the Same as CBD Oil?</h2>
  266. <p>The short answer is NO! Hemp seed oil is made from the seeds of the hemp plant, which contain very few cannabinoids compared to the flowering tops of the plant which are used to produce CBD oil.</p>
  267. <p>The confusion arises because the plant is used to produce both hemp seed oil and CBD oil. The main difference between the two oils is the part of the hemp plant that is used and the extraction process required to produce the oil. Hemp oil is traditionally produced by cold pressing the seeds which is a very simple and old technique of making oil. CBD oil has a few methods in which the oil is produced, the two most common being CO2 and solvent extraction. Solvent extraction using a food-grade solvent is the most common method as CO2 methods are unable to remove controlled cannabinoids including THC and CBN from the extract and are therefore likely to be illegal within the UK. This is due to the strict and unreasonably low levels required of the CBD industry with no basis on safety or scientific evidence!</p>
  268. <p>Although hemp seed oil contains very little CBD, it is packed with other vitamins and minerals which is the main reason why they are used in cooking and eaten as a snack.</p>
  269. <p>It is also important to note that cold-pressed CBD products which are available to buy in the UK are often misleading and in order to contain any significant levels of CBD have to add it in usually with CBD isolate.</p>
  270. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-451154" src="" alt="hemp plant uses" width="300" height="300" srcset=" 300w, 330w, 100w, 64w, 150w, 60w, 110w, 50w, 512w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /></p>
  271. <h2>What are the uses for Hemp?</h2>
  272. <p>As you can see the hemp plant has a huge amount of uses and is a very versatile yet under-utilized plant.</p>
  273. <p>Industrial hemp can be used to make rope, clothes, as an alternative to plastic, and even building materials with great fire-resistant and heat-retaining properties.</p>
  274. <p>The seeds can be used in cooking and as a part of a healthy eating regime as they are packed with vitamins, and omega oils and are a great source of fibre.</p>
  275. <p>Hemp is able to improve the quality of soil which in many parts of the world is a big problem due to intensive farming with harmful chemicals and fertilizers and minimal crop rotations. The plant is able to draw out the impurities within the soil which makes it a very useful tool for farmers. However, for this reason, it is very important that hemp extracts are tested for pesticides and heavy metals which can be found in the plant and as a result can also end up in CBD products from less scrupulous companies who have poor control over their supply chain.</p>
  276. <p>The Cannabis Sativa strain of hemp is of course also used to make CBD products including the Love CBD range of CBD oils and CBD capsules and if you are reading this then you probably have a good idea about all the health and wellness benefits that CBD can deliver.</p>
  277. <p>Here is a link to <a title="cbd blogs" href="">other blog articles</a> you may be interested in.</p>
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  281. <title>CBD and the Winter Blues</title>
  282. <link></link>
  283. <dc:creator><![CDATA[ecommercemanager]]></dc:creator>
  284. <pubDate>Wed, 11 Jan 2023 16:22:53 +0000</pubDate>
  285. <category><![CDATA[CBD Blog]]></category>
  286. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  288. <description><![CDATA[CBD and the Winter Blues Relaxing and unwinding It is a well-known fact that we can feel down and sad during the cold and dark winter months. A lack of sunshine, being stuck inside and a cold north wind, can make those hazy days of summer seem a distant dream. But can the benefits of [&#8230;]]]></description>
  289. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<h1>CBD and the Winter Blues</h1>
  290. <h2>Relaxing and unwinding</h2>
  291. <p>It is a well-known fact that we can feel down and sad during the cold and dark winter months. A lack of sunshine, being stuck inside and a cold north wind, can make those hazy days of summer seem a distant dream. But can the benefits of <a title="CBD Oils" href="">CBD Oils</a> and other legal cannabis products like <a title="CBD topicals" href="">CBD topicals</a> or hemp tea help us beat those winter blues?</p>
  292. <p>A warm cup of the <a title="Love CBD hemp tea" href="">Love CBD hemp tea</a> (which contains chamomile) or a hot chocolate made with warm milk might help us get a good night&#8217;s sleep. It is worth noting that CBD is fat soluble so it is better taken with food that has a high fat content and a hot chocolate made with full fat milk would deliver greater bio-availability.</p>
  293. <h2>The value of exercise for good health</h2>
  294. <p>We should all be incorporating exercise into our weekly schedule. As well as helping to keep you fit and healthy, it can also produce positive feelings and improve our overall outlook and mood over the winter months. Exercise releases endorphins, a hormone that regulates and effects our feelings of happiness. Exercise can also reduce cortisol levels, a stress hormone that in high levels can induce weight gain. Therefore, a work out or even a short walk can improve our outlook on life and make us feel a little less stressed and a little happier.</p>
  295. <p>Comfort eating can be an issue during the winter months and with people generally moving less and having a less positive outlook on life, we can easily pile on the pounds. Pounding the road on a cold January night or working out in a gym can be a little soul destroying, but many believe exercise is good for your mental health as well as your waistline. Of course, it&#8217;s when you stop for the evening that you suddenly feel the aches and pains of muscles that have been hill climbing or lifting weights in a gym. This is where CBD topicals can be useful and may help with muscle recovery and easing the stresses and strains that can occur during exercising.</p>
  296. <h2>Sports or a relaxing massage</h2>
  297. <p>Massaging after exercise is a good way to help relax tight and tired muscles. After any strenuous exercise, incorporating a massage into the routine is a great post work out activity. This may have the added benefit of helping you to relax, leading to a better night&#8217;s sleep. As well as being used for cosmetic purposes, the <a title="Love CBD balm" href="">Love CBD balm</a> is also a great CBD massage oil that can be used in a sports context or in a more relaxing even sensual setting. Regular massaging may help reduce stress and any associated ill health as a result of stressful and frantic lifestyles.</p>
  298. <h2>Mindfulness and getting away from it all</h2>
  299. <p>Being able to take your mind off the stresses of life and reset your thought processes is a valuable tool and is a skill that needs to be learned and honed over time. It takes practice and time to learn mindfulness, but if you are willing to put in the effort then it can have a profound effect on your life and ability to cope with work and stresses that we all experience at various times in our lives. Some people find that using music or different frequency tones can get them to a place of calm and stillness more easily, others need to create an environment and atmosphere that is conducive. For example, the use of essential oils and aromatherapy are a popular way to help with relaxation and stress reduction. Herbal teas are also often used as a means of cleansing the body of toxins as a healthy mind needs a healthy body. The Love CBD Hemp Tea bags contains chamomile which has a long history of use as a sleep and relaxation aid and ginger that is commonly used to help with digestion.</p>
  300. <h2>The importance of a healthy diet</h2>
  301. <p>A healthy diet is essential to help fight the negative emotions and feeling that are commonly experienced during the winter. A nutrient rich diet is the basis for health and well being and a diet that is varied and contains all the vitamins and minerals your body needs to stay healthy are vital to maintain a positive outlook. Food supplements can play a part in your overall health, but are not a replacement for good wholesome and nutritious food.  Cannabinoids found in hemp are misunderstood but are widely becoming recognised as an essential nutrient that has long been consumed and part of the human diet.</p>
  302. <h2>Why are cannabinoids important to your health</h2>
  303. <p>The Endocannabinoid system is a cell signalling system of receptors which scientists say helps regulate functions such as sleep, mood, immune response and appetite, as well as a myriad of other things. Our Endocannabinoid System plays an integral part in bringing balance and ensuring our health and well-being. The system is active in our bodies and plant based phyto-cannabinoids naturally key into this system as if by design. It is understood that deficiencies within the Endocannabinoid System can lead to poor health and there is growing scientific evidence to support this. Plant based cannabinoids found in both full spectrum and broad-spectrum cannabis extracts are therefore a great way to boost or in some case kick start the Endo-Cannabinoid System if lying dormant.</p>
  304. <h2>CBD products in Summary</h2>
  305. <p>So, we can see that CBD products like the <a title="Love CBD Capsules" href="">Love CBD Capsules</a> and <a title="Gold Oil" href="">Gold Oil</a> can be used to help us through these cold, dark winter months and it is definitely worth considering as part of your routine to maintain good health and a feeling of wellbeing. At least until the sun starts shining again or you take that long overdue vacation to the Seychelles.</p>
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  309. <title>CBD Mocktail &#8211; Blow The Cobwebs Away (CBD Drink)</title>
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  311. <dc:creator><![CDATA[ecommercemanager]]></dc:creator>
  312. <pubDate>Fri, 28 Oct 2022 09:35:44 +0000</pubDate>
  313. <category><![CDATA[CBD Blog]]></category>
  314. <category><![CDATA[cbd cocktail]]></category>
  315. <category><![CDATA[cbd drink recipe]]></category>
  316. <category><![CDATA[cbd mocktail]]></category>
  317. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  319. <description><![CDATA[CBD Mocktail Recipe (Halloween CBD drink) It&#8217;s that time of year again, when ghosts and ghoulies and long-legged creatures go bump in the night, so to celebrate Halloween, we here at Love CBD have created a special mocktail for you to try. It&#8217;s perfect for Halloween as not only is it alcohol free, but it [&#8230;]]]></description>
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  325. <strong>CBD Mocktail Recipe (Halloween CBD drink)</strong>
  327. It&#8217;s that time of year again, when ghosts and ghoulies and long-legged creatures go bump in the night, so to celebrate Halloween, we here at Love CBD have created a special mocktail for you to try.
  329. It&#8217;s perfect for Halloween as not only is it alcohol free, but it also contains an extra bite in the shape of a few shots from our <a title="Love CBD Gold range" href="">Love CBD Gold range</a>.
  331. So if you&#8217;re Tricking, why not Treat yourself to our special Love CBD Halloween mocktail.
  333. Happy Haunting!!
  335. <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-458363" src="" alt="cbd mocktail" width="201" height="300" srcset=" 201w, 64w, 60w, 110w, 335w" sizes="(max-width: 201px) 100vw, 201px" />
  337. A perfect CBD drink following a night out!
  339. For this you will need:
  341. <strong>CBD Mocktail ingredients</strong>
  343. 2 mint leaves
  345. 125 ml freshly squeezed orange juice
  347. A squirt of lemon juice
  349. A squirt of lime juice
  351. Half a teaspoon of fresh ground ginger
  353. A handful of crushed ice.
  355. 1 spray of <a title="Love CBD Gold Oil" href="">Love CBD Gold Oil</a> per serving.
  357. We hope that you enjoy our CBD mocktail recipe. Why not also try our <a href="">Hemp ice tea</a> recipe. </div>
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