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  14. <description>All about Kids &#38; parenting</description>
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  23. <title>Embracing the Latest Trends in Baby Care: A Guide for Indian Mothers</title>
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  27. <pubDate>Fri, 29 Sep 2023 10:59:16 +0000</pubDate>
  28. <category><![CDATA[Child Care]]></category>
  29. <category><![CDATA[Getting Pregnant]]></category>
  30. <category><![CDATA[new born care]]></category>
  31. <category><![CDATA[trends in baby care]]></category>
  32. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  34. <description><![CDATA[Becoming a mother is a beautiful and transformative journey, filled with joy and new responsibilities. As we step into a new era, the world of baby care is evolving, embracing innovative practices and products to make parenting an even more fulfilling experience. In this article, we&#8217;ll explore the latest trends in baby care in India, [&#8230;]]]></description>
  35. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div id="dslc-theme-content"><div id="dslc-theme-content-inner"><p>Becoming a mother is a beautiful and transformative journey, filled with joy and new responsibilities. As we step into a new era, the world of baby care is evolving, embracing innovative practices and products to make parenting an even more fulfilling experience. In this article, we&#8217;ll explore the latest trends in baby care in India, designed to keep your little one happy, healthy, and thriving.</p>
  36. <p><strong>1. Natural and Organic Baby Products:</strong> One of the most significant trends in recent years is the shift toward natural and organic baby products. Indian mothers are increasingly opting for products that are gentle on their baby&#8217;s delicate skin and free from harmful chemicals. Look for organic baby skincare, shampoos, and diapers that prioritize natural ingredients.</p>
  37. <p><strong><img decoding="async" class="size-full wp-image-451 alignleft" src="" alt="" width="400" height="400" srcset=" 400w, 300w, 150w" sizes="(max-width: 400px) 100vw, 400px" />2. Baby-Led Weaning (BLW):</strong> Baby-led weaning is gaining popularity among Indian mothers as an alternative to traditional weaning practices. This approach encourages babies to feed themselves, promoting independence and a healthy relationship with food. It&#8217;s important to ensure age-appropriate foods and supervise mealtime to prevent choking hazards.</p>
  38. <p><strong>3. Sustainable Parenting:</strong> Sustainability is a global movement, and Indian mothers are no exception. Eco-friendly diapers, cloth diapering, and sustainable baby clothing made from organic materials are on the rise. Mothers are also embracing eco-conscious practices like making their own baby food to reduce packaging waste.</p>
  39. <p><strong>4. Breastfeeding Support:</strong> Breastfeeding continues to be a cornerstone of infant nutrition. However, Indian mothers are now seeking more support and resources to make breastfeeding a successful and comfortable experience. Lactation consultants, breastfeeding support groups, and breastfeeding-friendly workplaces are on the rise.</p>
  40. <p><strong>5. Tech-Savvy Parenting:</strong> Technology is playing an increasingly significant role in baby care. Smartphone apps and wearable devices help mothers track their baby&#8217;s feeding, sleeping patterns, and developmental milestones. These tools provide valuable insights and support in managing a baby&#8217;s routine.</p>
  41. <p><strong>6. Mindful Parenting Practices:</strong> Indian mothers are embracing mindful parenting practices, which focus on being present and attentive to a baby&#8217;s needs. This includes practices like baby massage, baby yoga, and baby-wearing, which promote bonding and overall well-being.</p>
  42. <p><strong>7. Allergen Introduction and Food Diversity:</strong> The latest guidelines suggest introducing allergenic foods like peanuts, eggs, and dairy to babies early to reduce the risk of allergies. Indian mothers are diversifying their baby&#8217;s diets, incorporating a wide range of nutritious foods from a young age.</p>
  43. <p><strong>8. Mental Health and Self-Care:</strong> Caring for a baby is a demanding task, and Indian mothers are recognizing the importance of self-care and mental health. Seeking support from family, friends, or professionals and taking time for self-care activities like meditation or exercise is increasingly common.</p>
  44. <p><strong>9. Gender-Neutral Parenting:</strong> Modern Indian parents are adopting gender-neutral parenting practices, encouraging their children to explore interests and express themselves freely, regardless of traditional gender roles.</p>
  45. <p><strong>10. Natural Remedies and Ayurveda:</strong> Many Indian mothers are turning to traditional remedies and Ayurveda for baby care. Natural remedies like homeopathic medicines and Ayurvedic products are becoming a part of the baby care routine for some families.</p>
  46. <p>In this evolving landscape of baby care in India, the key is to choose practices and products that align with your values and the needs of your baby. Remember that every child is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Seek advice from trusted sources, consult with healthcare professionals, and trust your instincts as a mother.</p>
  47. <p>As you embark on this beautiful journey of motherhood, the latest trends in baby care offer exciting opportunities to make the experience even more enriching and enjoyable. Embrace the changes, stay informed, and savor every moment with your little one. After all, being a mother is not just about keeping up with trends; it&#8217;s about nurturing a beautiful bond that will last a lifetime.</p>
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  53. <title>7 Habits That Must be Developed In Kids Early On</title>
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  57. <pubDate>Tue, 13 Mar 2018 10:57:23 +0000</pubDate>
  58. <category><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
  59. <category><![CDATA[7 habits]]></category>
  60. <category><![CDATA[good habits]]></category>
  61. <category><![CDATA[kids habits]]></category>
  62. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  64. <description><![CDATA[Parenting is all about experimentation. Everybody seems to have an opinion on what’s good or bad for your kids. So, while there might be a long list of habits that you think your kids need to develop, here is a list of 7 that are a complete must have. Whenever we come across misguided or [&#8230;]]]></description>
  65. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div id="dslc-theme-content"><div id="dslc-theme-content-inner"><p>Parenting is all about experimentation. Everybody seems to have an opinion on what’s good or bad for your kids. So, while there might be a long list of habits that you think your kids need to develop, here is a list of 7 that are a complete must have.</p>
  66. <p>Whenever we come across misguided or imprudent adults, we invariably end up blaming their up-bringing. And you as parents are forever cautious with respect to what can be taught to your kids so that they do not falter in their lives as grown-ups. Although the list can go-on, read on to know the 7most desirable habits that if instilled in your child today, guarantee him a better tomorrow.</p>
  67. <p>1. Leading a Healthy Lifestyle:</p>
  68. <p>Leading a healthy lifestyle is possibly the most desirable trait that you can inculcate in your child during his early years of growth. If your child knows what is healthy and what isn’t, choosing between his meal options and his leisure time would come easy to him. Another aspect to be careful in this regard is making sure that your kid understands the difference between remaining physically thin and being healthy. So, while most kids grow-up with the idea that they must eat to remain thin (emulating their parents, of course) what they often miss out is that it’s more desirable to have a balanced diet to remain healthy. Remember, you might need to stop using phrases such a “going on a diet” before your kids.</p>
  69. <p>2. Self Help:</p>
  70. <p>In their over enthusiasm to do the best for their kid, parents often refuse to let their child do anything on his own. So, every time you are goaded to help your child in his assignments or even routine work – stop and think …. “Will this help my child become independent?” Go ahead only if the answer is in affirmative. It could be as simple a task as cleaning his cupboard or doing his holiday homework. If you cannot teach him the lesson on self-help you are raising a ‘liability’ who will go hunting for help every time he faces an issue in life rather than looking for solutions within.</p>
  71. <p>3.Reading<br />Books, well; these are your child’s second set of parents and friends and a whole lot of other relationships that will help your child sail through the trickiest times of his life. Thankfully, we have books – we don’t have to experience everything that the world has gone through. We can learn about<br />them by merely reading. Just make sure you select his first set of books wisely.</p>
  72. <p>4.Money Matters<br />The sooner your child understands the value of money, the better. Breakthe myth that money comes from the ATMs that readily dole out as much as one wants. Make sure your child understands that he needs to chose<br />and prioritize his wants. But, also ensure you do not infuse beliefs such as ‘Money is bad’ or ‘Money is difficult to be earn<a href=""><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-57654" src="" alt="" width="300" height="225" /></a>ed’. Remember, beliefs become thoughts and thoughts become reality.</p>
  73. <p>5.Self Worth:<br />Make sure you constantly remind your child about his strengths. Encourage what he is good at and keep reminding him how proud he makes you.</p>
  74. <p>These steps would not just help your kid grow into a confident adult, but would also help him stay away from abusive relationships in future.</p>
  75. <p>6.Believing in Dreams<br />What is a human without dreams? Much like laughter without joy!! So, while we all love dreaming, we tend to lose faith in our dreams and start believing that they aren’t meant to turn true. It’s for you, as parents, to keep their hope in their dreams alive and teach them the power of manifestation. For it’s these dreams that turn into thoughts and thoughts become things in future.</p>
  76. <p>7.Expressing Gratitude<br />We have all heard that the universe conspires to give us what we wish and dream for. But it doesn’t come unless we are thankful for what we already have. So, teach your kids to express their profound gratitude for every good that has happened to them. It might be a wonderful idea to encourage them to maintain a dream diary in which they could also jot down their daily gratitude too.</p>
  77. <p>Like they say – “It’s never too early to develop good habits in your kids”. If you are convinced of the benefits that these habits might usher, the right time to instill them and make sure they become a part of your kid’s life is – NOW…!</p>
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  83. <title>Crying Baby? Find out reasons and ways to calm them</title>
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  86. <dc:creator><![CDATA[admin]]></dc:creator>
  87. <pubDate>Tue, 29 Nov 2016 06:38:47 +0000</pubDate>
  88. <category><![CDATA[Child Care]]></category>
  89. <category><![CDATA[baby in pain]]></category>
  90. <category><![CDATA[Child care]]></category>
  91. <category><![CDATA[soothe a crying baby]]></category>
  92. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  94. <description><![CDATA[Babies cry a lot. And this is perfectly natural. Crying is an act of getting attention as babies cannot tell what they want. Many times you will know the reason behind crying, be it wet nappy, hunger, tiredness, etc. But there might be occasions when crying will not stop even after adopting numerous pacifying tactics. [&#8230;]]]></description>
  95. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div id="dslc-theme-content"><div id="dslc-theme-content-inner"><p>Babies cry a lot. And this is perfectly natural. Crying is an act of getting attention as babies cannot tell what they want. Many times you will know the reason behind crying, be it wet nappy, hunger, tiredness, etc. But there might be occasions when crying will not stop even after adopting numerous pacifying tactics. This is obviously a moment of anxiousness for parents and care takers. Here are few reasons why baby cries:</p>
  96. <p>Breastfeed or bottle-feed the baby</p>
  97. <p><strong>I am thirsty:</strong></p>
  98. <p>Make him/her drink water from spoon or bottle.</p>
  99. <p><strong>I am not comfortable:</strong></p>
  100. <p>Some babies are very sensitive and will protest if their clothes are too tight or if a soiled nappy is bothering them. Check if his/her nappy is clean and dry. By doing this you will also get an opportunity to check that a nappy tab isn&#8217;t too tight or that there isn&#8217;t something else about the clothing making them uncomfortable.</p>
  101. <p><strong>I am in pain:</strong></p>
  102. <p>Carefully listen to the tone in which baby cries. The baby often cries in a different tone than usual cry, to demonstrate urgency.</p>
  103. <p>Look out for allergies or infection with health care provider. Try massaging baby’s stomach. Offer baby breast milk or change baby’s position. Giving few drops of infant colic aid like gripe water will help sometimes. Sing to baby, your voice will soothe him/her.</p>
  104. <p>You can pick baby up and walk about with him/her &#8211; a sling can be helpful. Rocking gently up and down may calm baby. Call doctor if your baby has difficulty breathing through the crying, or if the crying is accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation.</p>
  105. <p><strong>Too much or too little milk:</strong></p>
  106. <p>Too much and too little milk may distress baby. Express little amount before feed and in later case meet your health care provider.</p>
  107. <p><strong>I am feeling sleepy but can&#8217;t sleep</strong></p>
  108. <p>Get your baby in quieter room and sing softly to him/her. Most babies love to be gently rocked. Pick up baby and walk around in the room or sit in a rocking chair. You can take baby in lighter or darker room. Some babies’ gets soothe in a very quiet background noises. You could try playing gentle music or singing a lullaby. A massage or a gentle rub on his/her back or tummy can also help.</p>
  109. <p>Some babies get calmed when they are kept in baby sling. Special baby swings can soothe some babies, while others are comforted by being in rather faster motion and drop off almost as soon as they&#8217;re driven somewhere in a car.</p>
  110. <p><strong>Warning:</strong></p>
  111. <p>Treat baby gently, sometimes in frustration or anger one shakes baby to make him/her stop crying. Remember babies have weak neck muscles and shaking your baby out of sheer frustration may have devastating consequences such as blindness, seizures, paralysis and developmental delays. Severe shaking may be life-threatening or even fatal.</p>
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  117. <title>Pregnant Moms &#8211; Learn the Art of Self Massage</title>
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  120. <dc:creator><![CDATA[admin]]></dc:creator>
  121. <pubDate>Mon, 28 Nov 2016 05:32:47 +0000</pubDate>
  122. <category><![CDATA[Expecting]]></category>
  123. <category><![CDATA[Health & Fitness]]></category>
  124. <category><![CDATA[benefits of oil massage]]></category>
  125. <category><![CDATA[Oil massage during pregnancy]]></category>
  126. <category><![CDATA[Self Massage]]></category>
  127. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  129. <description><![CDATA[One must seek a nurturing touch throughout pregnancy. Whether it is from your partner, family members, friends or a professional massage therapist, a massage can be emotionally uplifting. However, there are cases and occasions when no one is available. In such cases, a self massage can bestow similar benefits. An oil massage followed by a [&#8230;]]]></description>
  130. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div id="dslc-theme-content"><div id="dslc-theme-content-inner"><p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="size-full wp-image-353 alignleft" src="" alt="pregnant-moms-learn-the-art-of-self-massage" width="224" height="225" /></p>
  131. <p>One must seek a nurturing touch throughout pregnancy. Whether it is from your partner, family members, friends or a professional massage therapist, a massage can be emotionally uplifting.</p>
  132. <p>However, there are cases and occasions when no one is available. In such cases, a self massage can bestow similar benefits.</p>
  133. <p>An oil massage followed by a warm aromatherapy bath before going to bed can be the best thing. It not just rejuvenates you but also helps tackle insomnia, a common problem witnessed during pregnancy.</p>
  134. <p><strong>Here are a few tips:</strong></p>
  135. <p><strong>Warmer and heavier oils</strong> – Seasme, walnut, almond</p>
  136. <p><strong>Cooler oils –</strong> Coconut, olive, avocado</p>
  137. <p><strong>Lighter oils</strong> – Sunflower, mustard seed, safflower</p>
  138. <p><strong>Self Massage</strong></p>
  139. <p>Try the following procedure before and after bath daily.</p>
  140. <p>Time: 5 to ten minutes</p>
  141. <ul>
  142. <li>Warm up the oil under hot water.</li>
  143. <li>Pour small amount of oil in hands and massage your scalp with fingertips in small, circular motion. Close your eyes and enjoy the sensation.</li>
  144. <li>Gently massage area behind the ear as it holds the connecting points for numerous nerves. A soft massage gives a real soothing feeling.</li>
  145. <li>Pour some more oil and in circular motion massage temple, forehead, eyebrows, nose, cheeks, jaws, mouth and chin. Do massage the front and back side of neck.</li>
  146. <li>Next massage your arm with strong circular motion on joints and back and forth motion on long bones.</li>
  147. <li>Be gentle over your trunk. With long circular motion massage your breast, belly and lower abdomen.</li>
  148. <li>Massage your legs and feet with exactly the same way you did to your arms, circular motion on joints and back and forth on long bones.</li>
  149. </ul>
  150. <p>Let the oil seep into your body. This thin layer of oil will also nourish and protect your skin. Take a shower after the massage, wash with mild soap.</p>
  151. <p>&nbsp;</p>
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  157. <title>Water for Infants</title>
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  160. <dc:creator><![CDATA[admin]]></dc:creator>
  161. <pubDate>Mon, 28 Nov 2016 05:16:02 +0000</pubDate>
  162. <category><![CDATA[Child Care]]></category>
  163. <category><![CDATA[Food]]></category>
  164. <category><![CDATA[feeding water to kids]]></category>
  165. <category><![CDATA[water at 6 months]]></category>
  166. <category><![CDATA[Water for Infants]]></category>
  167. <category><![CDATA[water intake in infants]]></category>
  168. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  170. <description><![CDATA[Water is an important element of human well being but giving water to young babies can make some undesirable things happen and can suppress other good things. For example, in the first few days after birth, drinking water has been found to increase the severity of newborn jaundice. Babies who are breast feeding well don’t [&#8230;]]]></description>
  171. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div id="dslc-theme-content"><div id="dslc-theme-content-inner"><p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="size-full wp-image-349 alignleft" src="" alt="water-for-infants" width="275" height="183" /></p>
  172. <p>Water is an important element of human well being but giving water to young babies can make some undesirable things happen and can suppress other good things. For example, in the first few days after birth, drinking water has been found to increase the severity of newborn jaundice. Babies who are breast feeding well don’t have much problem with jaundice, but those who are given water as well will become more jaundiced, and makes them sleepy and lethargic.</p>
  173. <p>Giving water in the early weeks can also interfere with breast feeding. A baby who has a tummy full of water will drink less milk at his feedings, and his mother’s breasts will decrease milk production in response.</p>
  174. <p>As a result, baby will get less milk, and may not grow as well. In addition, if the water is given in a bottle, the baby’s sucking technique may become confused.</p>
  175. <p>Research shows that babies don’t normally need extra water. In the summer, when the baby might be a little more thirsty, the breast milk will be a slightly more watery.</p>
  176. <p>Similarly, in the winters, a baby receives more creamy milk. Of course, nursing mothers should be prepared to drink extra water during hot months.</p>
  177. <p>Doctors suggest that it is alright to give water to babies around six or seven months of age, when the baby is sitting up well and has started eating solid foods.</p>
  178. <p>Once your baby is beginning to drink from a cup, water is usually a better choice than juice. It’s the best drink for satisfying thirst, and doesn’t have all the sugar that fruit juices do.</p>
  179. <p>But until your baby’s diet includes a variety of foods, she/he will get all the water she/he needs from the breast milk.</p>
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  186. <title>Mommy Dear And Teething Troubles</title>
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  189. <dc:creator><![CDATA[admin]]></dc:creator>
  190. <pubDate>Fri, 25 Nov 2016 05:15:03 +0000</pubDate>
  191. <category><![CDATA[Child Care]]></category>
  192. <category><![CDATA[rearing child]]></category>
  193. <category><![CDATA[teething troubles]]></category>
  194. <category><![CDATA[tips to handle a baby]]></category>
  195. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  197. <description><![CDATA[‘Teething troubles’ is a phrase I find quite apt, as both the literal and symbolic senses of it gel with ‘motherhood’ so well, just the hand in glove way. ‘ Amin right from the day your baby comes in your life , with every step of the way where you get stuck, the words, “oh…these [&#8230;]]]></description>
  198. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div id="dslc-theme-content"><div id="dslc-theme-content-inner"><p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="size-full wp-image-346 alignleft" src="" alt="mommy-dear-and-teething-troubles" width="276" height="182" /></p>
  199. <p>‘Teething troubles’ is a phrase I find quite apt, as both the literal and symbolic senses of it gel with ‘motherhood’ so well, just the hand in glove way. ‘ Amin right from the day your baby comes in your life , with every step of the way where you get stuck, the words, “oh…these are just teething troubles darling..” are thrown in your face by whosoever finds you stuck and whosoever is or is not able to help.</p>
  200. <p>The troubles you face however, keep multiplying to move on much beyond the actual teething days of your child, right till the days your own teeth become one of the extinct varieties.</p>
  201. <p>Teeth, motherhood and kids are what we are going to talk about today. You must be wondering why I am so obsessed with teeth this time. Well no prizes for the right guess for, it’s as simple as it can be – my younger one is teething! And believe me, because I for one, am a completely bruised and harassed mom with all my lovely crochet pieces being chewed apart and I, myself am being inflicted with those skin piercing bites, every time the irritation sets in.</p>
  202. <p>It was after one such attack from my baby, which almost drew a shriek out of me that I realized our struggle with teeth is lifelong. Remember the day you got your piece of good news. Along with it was also the piece of advice that said – “take care of your teeth and gums”</p>
  203. <p>Well all through the pregnancy you can actually feel your gums going loose and if it’s the second time around, expect half your enamel coated set to be full of cavities if nothing else. You pray all along that your child doesn’t get your bad teeth genes, almost scrubbing and cleaning them well each night and each morning, to somehow slow down the damaging effects of pregnancy hormones on your dental health. Needless to say you end up with at least one crown, by the time your pregnancy ends in the &#8216;teeth wrenching&#8217; labor and your baby arrives.</p>
  204. <p>From then on it’s the teeth(your&#8217;s), teethers (baby&#8217;s) and calcium supplements(for both), which become centre stage discussion topics in the house. Sometimes its you loosing a tooth and the baby getting one and then you getting a tooth (an artificial one of course!) and the baby loosing one (the milk tooth of course!).</p>
  205. <p>Since we are talking of teeth, how can I forget to mention the numerous free flow of advises, one contradicting the other, suggesting the path one should follow as far as calcium supplements for both mom and baby’s teeth are concerned. Some suggest taking a regular dose of calcium to make teeth and bones of babies strong, while there are others suggesting calcium intake only in food form. No extra supplements – “that would make the milk teeth so strong, they wouldn’t budge for the permanent ones to come!”</p>
  206. <p>For me however, the discussion ended when my dentist told me that teeth absorb calcium only for the first four years of our lives. I knew then, it was too late for my teeth anyhow and if it’s a matter of four years only, then just the right time for my kids’, finally putting an end to the confusion.</p>
  207. <p>I guess as my children grow my set of teething troubles would keep changing until finally they have their set of permanent teeth in place and I have my set of artificial ones all fixed up well.</p>
  208. <p>As of now, I’m enjoying my son’s two toothed bunny smile.</p>
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  215. <title>Feeding tips for 6 months old</title>
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  218. <dc:creator><![CDATA[admin]]></dc:creator>
  219. <pubDate>Fri, 25 Nov 2016 05:10:10 +0000</pubDate>
  220. <category><![CDATA[Child Care]]></category>
  221. <category><![CDATA[Food]]></category>
  222. <category><![CDATA[Feeding schedule before age 1]]></category>
  223. <category><![CDATA[Feeding tips]]></category>
  224. <category><![CDATA[Feeding tips for 6 months old]]></category>
  225. <category><![CDATA[Feeding tips for infants]]></category>
  226. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  228. <description><![CDATA[At the age of six months, your baby is now old enough to recognize his/her surroundings and the also people around him. The senses of a baby are well developed and the baby tends to try and hold everything which comes into his/her grasp. By this time the social relationship of the baby may include [&#8230;]]]></description>
  229. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div id="dslc-theme-content"><div id="dslc-theme-content-inner"><p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="size-full wp-image-342 alignleft" src="" alt="feeding-tips-for-6-months-old" width="275" height="183" /></p>
  230. <p>At the age of six months, your baby is now old enough to recognize his/her surroundings and the also people around him. The senses of a baby are well developed and the baby tends to try and hold everything which comes into his/her grasp.</p>
  231. <p>By this time the social relationship of the baby may include games involving touch, sights and sounds. Usually parents play sound games with the baby in which they make cooing and babbling sounds of the infant. The infant, in return, mimics these voices in a manner which amuses the parents.</p>
  232. <p>Other activities include simple social games with the infant in which the parent holds the infant and gently turns or swings him/her. The reaction of the infant to this behavior is to firmly grasp or to hold on to the parent.</p>
  233. <p>This is the stage wherein the infant reacts to everything and every behavior carried out in front of him/her. Visual interactions at this age include movement observations by the infant or simple games as peek-a-boo by the parents. Therefore, by the time an infant reaches his/her sixth month, sense of touch, smell and hearing are almost fully developed.</p>
  234. <p>From about four months onwards, the baby can made to taste different foods and flavors. Though milk still remains the main nourishment, but cereals, vegetables and fruits slowly start to take centre stage.</p>
  235. <p>These foods will gradually add calories, minerals, vitamins and fibre to his diet.</p>
  236. <p>However, it is advisable to avoid hard foods until the child takes out of few teeth as this will take care of the choking risk. Till then it better to mash the food to form a smooth and thick paste so that the child can swallow easily. While ready to eat baby foods are available over-the-counter, but using fresh fruits and vegetables to prepare your child’s meal is more nourishing.</p>
  237. <p>Avoid very salty, highly spiced or greasy food for the infant. Introduce new foods only one at a time, and only a teaspoonful at first. Egg should be introduced only once the child turns 9 months.</p>
  238. <p>&nbsp;</p>
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  244. <title>The Birth &#8211; Understanding Labor</title>
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  247. <dc:creator><![CDATA[admin]]></dc:creator>
  248. <pubDate>Wed, 23 Nov 2016 05:19:20 +0000</pubDate>
  249. <category><![CDATA[Birth]]></category>
  250. <category><![CDATA[Expecting]]></category>
  251. <category><![CDATA[Birth of child]]></category>
  252. <category><![CDATA[delivering the placenta]]></category>
  253. <category><![CDATA[Dilation]]></category>
  254. <category><![CDATA[expulsion]]></category>
  255. <category><![CDATA[uncomplicated labor]]></category>
  256. <category><![CDATA[understanding labour]]></category>
  257. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  259. <description><![CDATA[Pregnancy and child birth are the two natural physiological functions that hold paramount importance for women. Most women approach pregnancy and birth with a mixture of joy and apprehension. This is particularly true for first time mothers. Every mother-to-be expects an easy pregnancy, an uncomplicated labor and to deliver a healthy child. Thus, the preparation [&#8230;]]]></description>
  260. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div id="dslc-theme-content"><div id="dslc-theme-content-inner"><p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="size-full wp-image-338 alignleft" src="" alt="the-birth-understanding-labour" width="275" height="183" /></p>
  261. <p>Pregnancy and child birth are the two natural physiological functions that hold paramount importance for women.</p>
  262. <p>Most women approach pregnancy and birth with a mixture of joy and apprehension. This is particularly true for first time mothers. Every mother-to-be expects an easy pregnancy, an uncomplicated labor and to deliver a healthy child.</p>
  263. <p>Thus, the preparation for the birth of the child begins early in pregnancy. Help, support and suggestions flows in from all corners.</p>
  264. <p>Mental attitude, positive grooming and adequate preparation bestow optimism in the mother-to-be. A mother-to-be who is understand her body changes and mentally and emotionally fit to handle them is sure to enjoy a beautiful motherhood.</p>
  265. <p>Unending support from husband, in-laws and parents go a long way in delivering and raising a healthy child. This preparation can even begin before the child is conceived.</p>
  266. <p><strong>Understanding Labor</strong></p>
  267. <p>The birth process is both rewarding and challenging. It is in all regards a new leash of life for the mother and child. The birth process is divided into three different stages. The three steps together are called the Labor Process:</p>
  268. <p><strong>Dilation</strong>&#8211; The first stage of labor involves the thinning and widening of the cervix. The cervix is the opening of the uterus at the end of the vaginal canal and is composed of muscle and fibrous tissue. This thinning process occurs when the contractions or labor pain starts. At this stage the contractions are usually 20-30 seconds in duration and about two to three minutes apart. With each contraction, the baby moves further down the birth canal.</p>
  269. <p><strong>Expulsion-</strong> The second stage begins when the cervix is completely dilated at ten centimeters and ends when the child is born. At this stage, the contractions are usually at 60 to 70 seconds in duration and about happen much quicker than in dilation. The length of contractions may last up to 90 seconds.</p>
  270. <p>With each contraction, the baby is pushed down further. The actual birth of the baby occurs rather quickly after the widest part of the infants head becomes visible.</p>
  271. <p><strong>Delivery of the Placenta</strong>&#8211; The third and last stage of labor is the delivery of the placenta. There is seldom any pain associated with the expulsion of the afterbirth. The new mother is now allowed to see and hold her baby before leaving the delivery room.</p>
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  277. <title>Episiotomy &#8211; Benefits and Risks</title>
  278. <link></link>
  279. <comments></comments>
  280. <dc:creator><![CDATA[admin]]></dc:creator>
  281. <pubDate>Wed, 23 Nov 2016 04:52:08 +0000</pubDate>
  282. <category><![CDATA[Birth]]></category>
  283. <category><![CDATA[Expecting]]></category>
  284. <category><![CDATA[benefits of Episiotomy]]></category>
  285. <category><![CDATA[Episiotomy]]></category>
  286. <category><![CDATA[pregnancy and Episiotomy]]></category>
  287. <category><![CDATA[risks of Episiotomy]]></category>
  288. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  290. <description><![CDATA[Particularly used during vaginal births, an episiotomy is a surgical incision (cut) made in the perineum &#8211; the area between the vagina and the anus &#8211; to enlarge the vaginal opening of the mother just before a baby is born. The incision is either carried out after administering a local anesthesia to numb the tissues, [&#8230;]]]></description>
  291. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div id="dslc-theme-content"><div id="dslc-theme-content-inner"><p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="size-medium wp-image-335 alignleft" src="" alt="episiotomy-benefits-and-risks" width="300" height="157" /></p>
  292. <p>Particularly used during vaginal births, an episiotomy is a surgical incision (cut) made in the perineum &#8211; the area between the vagina and the anus &#8211; to enlarge the vaginal opening of the mother just before a baby is born.</p>
  293. <p>The incision is either carried out after administering a local anesthesia to numb the tissues, or at the height of a contraction so that the pain cannot be felt.</p>
  294. <p><strong>Why is it done?</strong></p>
  295. <p>Usually performed during the second stage of labor, episiotomies help speed deliveries and prevent any serious tears to the mother&#8217;s vagina. It is also believed that episiotomy protects the pelvic muscles and helps the woman maintain normal function of the muscles later in life.</p>
  296. <p><strong>Recovery</strong></p>
  297. <p>Quite uncomfortable initially, the incision normally heals in about a week or ten days.</p>
  298. <ul>
  299. <li>Ice packs are believed to be helpful in relieving pain in the first 24 hours, followed by hot soaks that speed up the healing process.<br />
  300. • Change pads frequently and keep the area around the stitches dry.<br />
  301. • Normal post-partum constipation experienced at this time can prove very painful for the stitches while passing stool. Take stool softeners and eat lots of fiber to prevent constipation.<br />
  302. • Take pain killers and other anti-inflammatory medicines to help relieve pain.</li>
  303. </ul>
  304. <p>It’s important to note that while in some women the discomfort might last a few weeks after delivery it’s advisable to go in for a checkup if the pain doesn’t subside even a month after birth.</p>
  305. <p><strong>What are the risks?</strong><br />
  306. Like any other surgical procedure, an episiotomy also carries a risk of blood loss, problem in wound healing and infection.</p>
  307. <p>To minimize the risk of increased blood loss, an episiotomy is stitched as soon as possible.</p>
  308. <p>In case the episiotomy doesn’t heal and the incision becomes infectious the sutures are removed to drain the wound and help it dry completely. Later the perineum is stitched again.</p>
  309. <p>The first signs of infection propping in the incision include a raised body temperature and continuous pain and discomfort in the area of stitches.</p>
  310. <p>&nbsp;</p>
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  315. <item>
  316. <title>Quick Guide for Do’s and Don’ts for Would-be-Fathers</title>
  317. <link></link>
  318. <comments></comments>
  319. <dc:creator><![CDATA[admin]]></dc:creator>
  320. <pubDate>Tue, 22 Nov 2016 04:59:26 +0000</pubDate>
  321. <category><![CDATA[Expecting]]></category>
  322. <category><![CDATA[Health & Fitness]]></category>
  323. <category><![CDATA[do’s for Would-be-Fathers]]></category>
  324. <category><![CDATA[Don’ts for Would-be-Fathers]]></category>
  325. <category><![CDATA[tips for Would-be-Fathers]]></category>
  326. <category><![CDATA[Would-be-Father]]></category>
  327. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  329. <description><![CDATA[Pregnancy is a beautiful, yet challenging, phase. Like mothers, fathers too need to learn to accommodate and adjust. It is important to understand that the mother-to-be would be a different person now than what she was before pregnancy. With two souls growing and grooming in one body, things are sure to change. Also, it is [&#8230;]]]></description>
  330. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div id="dslc-theme-content"><div id="dslc-theme-content-inner"><p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="size-full wp-image-332 alignleft" src="’s-and-Don’ts-for-Would-be-Fathers.jpg" alt="quick-guide-for-dos-and-donts-for-would-be-fathers" width="297" height="170" />Pregnancy is a beautiful, yet challenging, phase. Like mothers, fathers too need to learn to accommodate and adjust. It is important to understand that the mother-to-be would be a different person now than what she was before pregnancy. With two souls growing and grooming in one body, things are sure to change. Also, it is a recognized fact that individuals react and respond differently when they are under stress than what they do when they are comfortable, safe and secure. Similarly, stress is quite natural during times of rapid change, and the time of pregnancy is one of such period.</p>
  331. <p>Here are few suggestions for the would-be-father. These simple tips are sure to nurture the couple for a new beginning:</p>
  332. <ol>
  333. <li>Avoid showing concern towards your partner’s changing body shape. Giving remarks such as ‘I think you have put up too much weight’ will have negative effect on her and the unborn baby. In turn, express your appreciation for her beautiful pregnant body knowing fully well that she will return to her normal shape post delivery.</li>
  334. </ol>
  335. <p>2. In case your partner expresses concern about her stretch marks, increasing breast and belly size, reassure her that they will improve after the baby is born. Be supportive; don’t suggest that you have been worrying about the same.</p>
  336. <p>3. Sexual appetite of women during such time fluctuates. During the first trimester women usually have no desire or very less desire to have sex. This is primarily due to a combination of physical and emotional factors. The urge for sex comes back during second trimester. During this time you can try different positions that do not place uncomfortable pressure on her womb.</p>
  337. <p>4. Remember that everything may not unfold as you have planned. When she has to go for her regular check-ups, go along with her. Pre-plan your appointments and leave enough time so that she is not late due to unanticipated delays.</p>
  338. <p>5. Do not plan any out-of-town trips especially when she is approaching her D Day.</p>
  339. <p>6. Through little gestures and words let your partner know that being there for her is your foremost priority.</p>
  340. <p>7. Establish good relationship with your spouse’s health care provider and ask him or her questions you have in your mind.</p>
  341. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  342. <p>&nbsp;</p>
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