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Please complete them.","inputCarretErrorA":"Input should not be less than the minimum value:","inputCarretErrorB":"Input should not be greater than the maximum value:","invalidTime":"Enter a valid time","justSoldOut":"Just Sold Out","lessThan":"Your score should be less than or equal to","maxCharactersError":"The number of characters should not be more than the maximum value:","maxDigitsError":"The maximum digits allowed is","maxFileSize_infoMessage":"Max. file size","maxSelectionsError":"The maximum number of selections allowed is ","minCharactersError":"The number of characters should not be less than the minimum value:","minSelectionsError":"The minimum required number of selections is ","multipleError":"There are {count} errors on this page. Please correct them before moving on.","multipleFileUploads_emptyError":"{file} is empty, please select files again without it.","multipleFileUploads_fileLimitError":"Only {fileLimit} file uploads allowed.","multipleFileUploads_minSizeError":"{file} is too small, minimum file size is {minSizeLimit}.","multipleFileUploads_onLeave":"The files are being uploaded, if you leave now the upload will be cancelled.","multipleFileUploads_sizeError":"{file} is too large, maximum file size is {sizeLimit}.","multipleFileUploads_typeError":"{file} has invalid extension. Only {extensions} are allowed.","multipleFileUploads_uploadFailed":"File upload failed, please remove it and upload the file again.","nextButtonText":"Next","noSlotsAvailable":"No slots available","notEnoughStock":"Not enough stock for the current selection","notEnoughStock_remainedItems":"Not enough stock for the current selection ({count} items left)","noUploadExtensions":"File has no extension file type (e.g. .txt, .png, .jpeg)","numeric":"This field can only contain numeric values","oneError":"There is {count} error on this page. Please correct it before moving on.","pastDatesDisallowed":"Date must not be in the past.","pleaseWait":"Please wait...","prevButtonText":"Previous","progressMiddleText":"of","required":"This field is required.","requiredLegend":"All fields marked with * are required and must be filled.","requireEveryCell":"Every cell is required.","requireEveryRow":"Every row is required.","requireOne":"At least one field required.","restrictedDomain":"This domain is not allowed","reviewBackText":"Back to Form","reviewSubmitText":"Review and Submit","seeAllText":"See All","seeErrorsButton":"See Errors","selectedTime":"Selected Time","selectionSoldOut":"Selection Sold Out","slotUnavailable":"{time} on {date} has been selected is unavailable. Please select another slot.","soldOut":"Sold Out","startButtonText":"START","submissionLimit":"Sorry! Only one entry is allowed. 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  69.            <p>A higher domain ranking means search engines are more likely to prioritize your website in search results. This can lead to increased organic traffic as more users discover your site through search engines like Google, Bing, etc.Websites with higher domain authority are often perceived as more credible and trustworthy by users. This can result in higher engagement rates, longer time spent on your site, and ultimately more conversions.</p>
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