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  31. <title>Every Bill Skarsgrd Horror Movie &#038; TV Show, Ranked</title>
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  34. <dc:creator><![CDATA[John Smith]]></dc:creator>
  35. <pubDate>Sun, 02 Jun 2024 09:44:45 +0000</pubDate>
  36. <category><![CDATA[HARDWARE]]></category>
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  45. <description><![CDATA[Summary Bill Skarsgård excels in horror projects, outpacing...]]></description>
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  51. <h3 class="title icon i-list">Summary</h3>
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  53. <ul>
  54. <li> Bill Skarsgård excels in horror projects, outpacing his talented family in Hollywood.</li>
  55. <li> Skarsgård’s diverse horror roles showcase his versatility and range as an actor.</li>
  56. <li> From playing Pennywise to embodying nuanced characters, Skarsgård is a rising horror legend.</li>
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  61. <p> <strong>Bill Skarsgård</strong> is rapidly proving his talents for starring in horror projects with a growing number of iconic horror roles. Skarsgård hails from a family of incredibly talented individuals who have become incredibly popular and well known in Hollywood. While his father, Stellan Skarsgård, currently stands as potentially the most recognizable actor within the family for his roles in <em>Thor</em>, <em>Dune</em>, <em>Mamma Mia</em>, and more, Bill has rapidly outpaced his siblings, Alexander and Gustaf. However, Bill is also establishing his career within a niche that the rest of his family have yet to break into; horror.</p>
  62. <p> From the age of 10, Bill has been appearing in TV and films in European productions, before breaking into American and English-speaking roles. However, his big break came when he landed the lead role of the terrifying Pennywise the Clown in 2017s <em>It</em>. From that moment, Skarsgård’s path into becoming a horror legend has been ongoing. Now, he is set to star in several more iconic horror remakes, with <em>The Crow</em> and <em>Nosferatu</em>, both of which he plays the titular lead in. However, Skarsgård has already amassed several other horror credits to his name, which are all worthy entries within the genre.</p>
  63. <h2 id="assassination-nation-2018"><span class="item-num">7 </span><span> Assassination Nation (2018) </span></h2>
  64. <p> In 2018, Skarsgård landed a small supporting role in <em>Assassination Nation</em>, following on from his major success in <em>It</em>. The film generally received positive reviews, although it didn’t gain widespread popularity. As an independent production, the release was pretty small, but it stands up as a solid satirical comedy horror film. The story follows a group of people from the town of Salem, who become targets in a series of cyberattacks that expose their secrets to the world.</p>
  65. <p> While some major figures in the town are initially attacked, and it leads to their tragic and shocking demise, the hacker soon turns on students like Lily, exposing their cheating and lewd behavior. Skarsgård plays Mark, Lily’s unwitting boyfriend who turns on her once the secrets of her disloyalty are revealed, and he further spreads the information, leading to her being disgraced and viciously attacked. Skarsgård does a great job despite his minor role, but this is also one of his smallest roles in a horror pic to date.</p>
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  77. <p class="display-card-excerpt">Using tropes can be a pitfall for genre movies like Horrors, but modern takes on the classics show why certain horror rules are still utilized.</p>
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  80. <h2 id="villains-2019"><span class="item-num">6 </span><span> Villains (2019) </span></h2>
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  86. <p> <em>Villains</em> is a black comedy horror movie which stars Skarsgård as the leading man, Mickey. The film was first released at the 2019 South by Southwest festival before receiving a wider public release later in the same year. The film follows two young people who rob a gas station and set off to make a new life for themselves in another state. However, on the way, they run into car trouble, and approach an isolated home in order to seek help.</p>
  87. <p> Where the movie breaks off and becomes incredibly unique and exciting is the idea of pitting a group of criminals against another set of criminals, and playing into the silly and funny nature of the film. Mickey and his girlfriend rob a gas station at gunpoint, but when they uncover a couple’s dark secret, they are horrified and attempt to make things right. As a black comedy, the film then leans heavily into the ridiculous and comical moments of these characters fighting it out. Skarsgård does an incredible job playing a nuanced and layered character that proves he is more than just another villain.</p>
  88. <h2 id="it-chapter-two-2019"><span class="item-num">5 </span><span> It: Chapter Two (2019) </span></h2>
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  91. <figure><picture><source media="(min-width: 1024px)" data-srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=825&amp;dpr=1" srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=825&amp;dpr=1"/><source media="(min-width: 768px)" data-srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=825&amp;dpr=1" srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=825&amp;dpr=1"/><source media="(min-width: 481px)" data-srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=800&amp;dpr=1" srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=800&amp;dpr=1"/><source media="(min-width: 0px)" data-srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=500&amp;dpr=2" srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=500&amp;dpr=2"/><img width="1400" height="700" loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="Bill Skarsgard's Pennywise reaches out in It Chapter 2" src="" style="display:block;height:auto;max-width:100%;" title="Every Bill Skarsgrd Horror Movie &amp; TV Show, Ranked 4"/> </picture></figure>
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  94. <p> Also in 2019, Skarsgård returned to his breakout role, playing Pennywise on his second outing in <em>It: Chapter Two</em>. The films, which are based on the incredible novel by horror legend Stephen King, was broken up into two movies in order to capture the full scale of the story which plays out across multiple decades. Where the first film mostly explored the kids fighting the evil entity in Derry, the sequel jumped forward in time to see the children fully grown, returning to their childhood homes in order to confront the evil that they believed they had overcome as kids.</p>
  95. <p> The film is notably less powerful than the original, as it has the difficult job of tying up the loose ends and jumping between times to provide a satisfying and meaningful resolution to the story. While the first movie could focus on one aspect and refine the quality overall. However, Skarsgård stands out for his impeccable performance in both. His ability to transform and fully become a monster that could only exist in the imagination is incredible and brings justice to a character that felt impossible to adequately adapt to. From his voice to his facial expressions, Skarsgård excels as Pennywise.</p>
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  107. <p class="display-card-excerpt">Horror has accrued notable stereotyped characters over the years and these are the most common of them all.</p>
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  110. <h2 id="hemlock-grove-2013-2015"><span class="item-num">4 </span><span> Hemlock Grove (2013-2015) </span></h2>
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  116. <p> Earlier in his career, before fully breaking into Hollywood, Skarsgård had a leading role in the popular Netflix horror series, <em>Hemlock Grove</em>. The series explores the events which occur in a small community in Pennsylvania which appears to be shrouded in mystery and misfortune. Hemlock Grove is plagued with murders, monsters, and massive disparity. The town is also largely run by the wealthy Godfrey family, who appear to be involved in everything that happens there. Skarsgård plays the heir to the Godfrey empire and fortune, Roman, and he befriends a newcomer to the town by the name of Peter Rumancek.</p>
  117. <p> Together, Roman and Peter set out to uncover what is really going on in the town, whilst also trying to maintain their own dark secrets. While these characters are the heroic protagonists of the story, they each have a dark side, with Roman being an Upir, which is closely related to the more commonly known vampires, and Peter is a werewolf. Once again, Skarsgård proves his talents and his range in a role that required a lot of him, and he did a great job leading the series throughout it’s limited three-season run.</p>
  118. <h2 id="barbarian-2022"><span class="item-num">3 </span><span> Barbarian (2022) </span></h2>
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  124. <p> <em>Barbarian</em> is a wild and intense horror thriller by writer and director Zach Cregger that initially played at the 2022 San Diego Comic Con before being released in theaters later that year. The film stars Skarsgård alongside Georgina Campbell and veteran horror star, Justin Long. The film is dark and intense, with a compelling story that engages viewers and keeps them guessing at what happens next until the very end.</p>
  125. <p> Skarsgård plays Keith, a man who books into a rental home, but soon finds himself joined by a woman who appears to have been sold the booking as well. The pair become comfortable with each other quickly and agree to share the accommodation, with Keith staying on the couch, but then things take a turn. This is one of the few roles where Skarsgård plays a genuinely good and innocent character, as opposed to the films where he is often a villain or anti-hero. However, Skarsgård’s versatility sees him play the role to perfection.</p>
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  140. <h2 id="castle-rock-2018-2019"><span class="item-num">2 </span><span> Castle Rock (2018-2019) </span></h2>
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  146. <p> Another horror television series that Skarsgård had a leading role in was <em>Castle Rock</em>, which aired between 2018 and 2019 on Hulu. Fittingly, the story is based on a combination of elements from the imagination of Stephen King, and it aired between Skarsgård appearing in the first and second <em>It</em> films. <em>Castle Rock</em> is an anthology style series, with the first and second seasons being mostly independent of one another, despite having some small crossovers and connections. The show is largely a psychological horror with mystery and thriller elements incorporated throughout.</p>
  147. <p> Skarsgård was actually present in both seasons, with a major role in season 1, and a minor return in the second and final seasons. He plays a mysterious and tragic character known as The Kid, who appears to wreak havoc and chaos wherever he goes. He spent decades trapped in a prison alone, with his previous security guard believing him to be the devil. The Kid is a pivotal figure in the show around which many of the mysteries revolve and Skarsgård does a fantastic job playing a conflicted and dangerous figure shrouded in mystery.</p>
  148. <h2 id="it-2017"><span class="item-num">1 </span><span> It (2017) </span></h2>
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  151. <figure><picture><source media="(min-width: 1024px)" data-srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=825&amp;dpr=1" srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=825&amp;dpr=1"/><source media="(min-width: 768px)" data-srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=825&amp;dpr=1" srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=825&amp;dpr=1"/><source media="(min-width: 481px)" data-srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=800&amp;dpr=1" srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=800&amp;dpr=1"/><source media="(min-width: 0px)" data-srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=500&amp;dpr=2" srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=500&amp;dpr=2"/><img width="1400" height="700" loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="Bill Skarsgård as Pennywise smiling in the shadows of the drain in the 2017 horror movie It" src="" style="display:block;height:auto;max-width:100%;" title="Every Bill Skarsgrd Horror Movie &amp; TV Show, Ranked 10"/> </picture></figure>
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  154. <p> Finally, Skarsgård’s best and most remarkable performance in a horror project to date remains the one that established him as a notable figure within that space. Playing Pennywise in the 2017 <em>It</em> movie, Skarsgård became an immediate sensation for his exceptional talent and the ability to become a monster, with the aid of some practical costuming and computer-generated horrors. Pennywise is one of the most terrifying creatures in modern horror, and Skarsgård embodies the role in a way that feels impossible to replicate. From the contortions of his facial expressions, to the creepy movements he utilizes in his performance, it’s equally terrifying and admirable.</p>
  155. <p> The first movie introduces and establishes the supernatural horror that plagues the city of Derry. An air of anger, hatred and violence that permeates the city and appears to poison the citizens towards horrific and cruel acts. And at the center of it all, there is one unknowable creature that embodies fear, shapeshifts to torment the community, and reveals a dark and monstrous side to the citizens. Pennywise is truly <strong>Bill Skarsgård’s</strong> most incredible performance to date, but with so many great titles on the horizon, he is sure to create more brilliant and terrifying characters in the near future.</p>
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  168. <pubDate>Sun, 02 Jun 2024 09:38:47 +0000</pubDate>
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  181. <description><![CDATA[Noughties pop sensation Alesha Dixon returned to the...]]></description>
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  189. </div><figcaption>Noughties pop sensation Alesha Dixon returned to the stage this weekend (Picture: Redferns)</figcaption></figure>
  190. <p>She’s best known as a judge on <a data-track="inline-tag-auto-link_article" href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Britain’s Got Talent</a> these days – butnoughties pop icon <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Alesha Dixon</a> made her triumphant return to the stage in a surprise appearance at the Mighty Hoopla festival this weekend.</p>
  191. <p>Held in Brockwell Park in <a data-track="inline-tag-auto-link_article" href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">London</a>, the Mighty Hoopla music festival was home to revelers this weekend, all packed in to see pop acts such as <a data-track="inline-tag-auto-link_article" href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Rita Ora</a>, B*Witched, Alison Goldfrapp and Bananarama.</p>
  192. <p>Not advertised on the line-up was singer Alesha Dixon, 45, who took to the stage <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">alongside X Factor star Cher Lloyd</a> and headliner Nelly Furtardo.</p>
  193. <p>Dressed in a cropped denim jacket and shorts with a wrap skirt, the star performed her new single Ransom – which was released earlier this week.</p>
  194. <p>Alesha shared a clip of her performance on Instagram afterwards, captioned: ‘Surprise, it’s Alesha Dixon.</p>
  195. <p>‘A quick trip to do a surprise performance at @mightyhoopla has been the icing on the cake this weekend,’ she added.</p>
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  199. <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="540" height="360" data-rsz="shrink" src=";strip=all&amp;zoom=1&amp;resize=540%2C360" alt="Alesha Dixon on stage at Mighty Hoopla" class="wp-image-20955520"/>
  200. </div><figcaption>Alesha’s Mighty Hoopla appearance is the next stage in her singing comeback (Picture: Redferns)</figcaption></figure>
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  204. <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="540" height="719" data-rsz="shrink" src=";strip=all&amp;zoom=1&amp;resize=540%2C719" alt="Alesha Dixon on stage at Mighty Hoopla" class="wp-image-20955521"/>
  205. </div><figcaption>The star performed her new single, Ransom (Picture: Getty)</figcaption></figure>
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  209. <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="540" height="811" data-rsz="shrink" src=";strip=all&amp;zoom=1&amp;resize=540%2C811" alt="LONDON, ENGLAND - JUNE 01: Alesha Dixon performs on Day 1 at Mighty Hoopla 2024 at Brockwell Park on June 01, 2024 in London, England. (Photo by Joseph Okpako/WireImage)" class="wp-image-20955522"/>
  210. </div><figcaption>Alesha’s performance came as a surprise to fans (Picture: WireImage)</figcaption></figure>
  211. <p>Her dancer husband, Azuka Ononye, 43, was waiting in the wings to support his wife. The pair have been married since 2017, having first met during a tour in 2006.</p>
  212. <p>Alesha’s Mighty Hoopla appearance marks the latest stage in her singing comeback, after also performing at the Britain’s Got Talent live semi-final on Friday.</p>
  213. <p>Ransom comes nine years after the release of her last album, Do It For Love, and six years on from her last live performance -Solihull Summer Fest in August 2018.</p>
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  217. <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="540" height="364" data-rsz="shrink" src=";strip=all&amp;zoom=1&amp;resize=540%2C364" alt="Azuka Ononyeat Hoopla Festival" class="wp-image-20955518"/>
  218. </div><figcaption>Alesha’s husband, Azuka Ononye was there to support his wife (Picture: Splash News)</figcaption></figure>
  219. <p>The song, which features a sample from Jamaican reggae artist Ini Kamoze and his track Here Comes The Hotstepper, pays homage to Alesha’s roots.</p>
  220. <p>The music video was shot in Port Antonio and Kingston in Jamaica, where her father Melvin is from. </p>
  221. <p>Alesha rose to fame in the early noughties as a member of the R&amp;B and hip-hop band Mis-Teeq before striking out on her own and launching a solo career in 2005 when the group disbanded.</p>
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  225. <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="540" height="411" data-rsz="shrink" src=";strip=all&amp;zoom=1&amp;resize=540%2C411" alt="Alesha Dixon in Mis-Teeq" class="wp-image-20955621"/>
  226. </div><figcaption>Alesha started out as a member of the group Mis-Teeq (Picture: Telstar)</figcaption></figure>
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  230. <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="540" height="363" data-rsz="shrink" src=";strip=all&amp;zoom=1&amp;resize=540%2C363" alt="Bruno Tonioli, Alesha Dixon, Amanda Holden and Simon Cowell at 'Britain's Got Talent' TV Show photocall" class="wp-image-20955613"/>
  231. </div><figcaption>Alesha is a judge on Britain’s Got Talent (Picture: David Fisher/Shutterstock)</figcaption></figure>
  232. <p>Her debut solo album, Fired Up, released in 2006, which she followed with The Alesha Show in 2008, The Entertainer in 2010, and Do It For Love in 2015.</p>
  233. <p>Her singles from her second album, The Boy Does Nothing and Breathe Slow both topped the chart, with the latter earning her a Brit Award nomination.</p>
  234. <p>Alesha’s shift to television personality came in 2009, after she became a judge on <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Strictly Come Dancing</a> – which she quit four years later, to take her chair on the Britain’s Got Talent panel.</p>
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  238. <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="540" height="960" data-rsz="shrink" src=";strip=all&amp;zoom=1&amp;resize=540%2C960" alt="Katie Price at Hoopla Festival" class="wp-image-20955576"/>
  239. </div><figcaption>Katie Price also popped up at this weekend’s festival (Picture: Katie Price/Instagram)</figcaption></figure>
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  243. <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="540" height="664" data-rsz="shrink" src=";strip=all&amp;zoom=1&amp;resize=540%2C664" alt="Katie Price at Hoopla Festival" class="wp-image-20955578"/>
  244. </div><figcaption>Katie performed her song I Got U: (Picture: Alison Butlin/Instagram)</figcaption></figure>
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  253. <p>Alesha’s comeback performance wasn’t the only surprise in store for Hoopla attendees this weekend – with <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Katie Price</a> also taking to the stage with a rendition of her 2017 song I Got U.</p>
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  258. <p>The former glamour model, TV star and singer (really) shared a series of clips taken by fans to her Instagram story, revealing a set drenched in high camp and featuring inflatable rainbows, leopard print, and the unique vocal stylings of Katie Price.</p>
  259. <p>Katie, 46, was previously scheduled to appear at the Mighty Hoopla in 2017 but <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">pulled out of her musical performance at the last minute</a> after her, uh, horse fell ill.</p>
  260. <p>Beloved horse Wallis, 21,made a full recovery but was allegedly seized by bailiffs earlier this year as a result of her ongoing financial woes. </p>
  261. <p class="has-text-align-center"><strong>Got a story?</strong></p>
  262. <p class="has-text-align-center">If you’ve got a celebrity story, video or pictures get in touch with the <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"></a> entertainment team by emailing us, calling 020 3615 2145 or by visiting our <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Submit Stuff</a> page – we’d love to hear from you.</p>
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  264. <span class="mor-link" data-track-module="mor-link_article"><br />
  265. MORE : <a href="" class="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Britain&#8217;s Got Talent viewers slam Amanda Holden for &#8216;creepy&#8217; comments</a><br />
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  270. MORE : <a href="" class="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Two more Britain&#8217;s Got Talent 2024 finalists revealed after rowdy fourth semi-final</a><br />
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  356. <title>Five men arrested after ripping off Apple for $12 million by exchanging fake iPhones for real ones</title>
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  359. <dc:creator><![CDATA[miranda cosgrove]]></dc:creator>
  360. <pubDate>Sun, 02 Jun 2024 09:37:38 +0000</pubDate>
  361. <category><![CDATA[TECHNOLOGY]]></category>
  362. <category><![CDATA[APPLE]]></category>
  363. <category><![CDATA[Arrested]]></category>
  364. <category><![CDATA[exchanging]]></category>
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  373. <description><![CDATA[A criminal ring involved in ripping off Apple...]]></description>
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  377. <div>A criminal ring involved in ripping off <a href="" class="internal" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Apple</a> for $12.3 million has been busted leading to the arrests of five men who now face serious prison time. The men brought 16,000 counterfeit iPhone and iPad units to various Apple Store locations and the fake devices were so realistic looking that the Apple Store employees would exchange them for real iPhone and iPad units. </div>
  378. <p>The fake iPhone and iPad devices were non-functional and after they were exchanged by Apple Store employees for real iPhones and iPads, the genuine Apple products were shipped out of the country. United States Attorney Martin Estrada said, &#8220;The defendants are accused of taking advantage of Apple&#8217;s customer-service policies to steal more than $12 million in merchandise. Companies should not be victimized and defrauded for being responsive to customer needs, and these federal charges send a message that our office will take decisive action to uncover and prosecute those who perpetrate fraud.&#8221;</p>
  379. <p>The five men, all Chinese nationals, were taken into custody this past Thursday. Yang Song, Junwei Jiang, Zhengxuan Hu, Yushan Lin, and Shuyi Xing will face charges of aggravated identity theft, conspiracy to traffic in counterfeit goods, and conspiracy to commit wire fraud and mail fraud. The accused face 20 years in prison for each of the conspiracy to commit fraud charges, and up to two years in prison for identity theft. If found guilty of conspiracy to traffic counterfeit goods, the five could each end up facing 10 years in prison.</p>
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  383. <picture style="padding-top: 56.25%"><source media="(max-width: 350px)" srcset=""><source media="(min-width: 351px) and (max-width: 500px)" srcset=""><source media="(min-width: 501px) and (max-width: 800px)" srcset=""><img decoding="async" src="" alt="The counterfeit iPhone and iPad units were exchanged at various southern California Apple Stores for genuine Apple products - Five men arrested after ripping off Apple for $12 million by exchanging fake iPhones for real ones"/></source></source></source></picture>
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  385. <p>The counterfeit iPhone and iPad units were exchanged at various southern California Apple Stores for genuine Apple products</p>
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  388. <p>To make this plan work, the five conspired with other members of the ring located in China to have the non-working counterfeit iPhone and iPad units shipped to various locations in southern California. You&#8217;re probably wondering how this scam wasn&#8217;t caught by Apple Store employees. The fake devices had identification numbers matching real Apple products owned by U.S. consumers that are still under warranty.</p>
  389. <p>The defendants returned the fake devices to more than 10 Apple Stores in southern California including those in areas such as Beverly Hills, Northridge, and Rancho Cucamonga. On some days, the ring would visit more than 10 southern California Apple Stores in order to swap out the fake models for real ones.</p>
  390. </div>
  391. <p><br />
  392. <br /><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Source Link Website</a></p>
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  398. <title>How to Build a Custom Email Assistant With ChatGPT</title>
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  401. <dc:creator><![CDATA[lisa nichols]]></dc:creator>
  402. <pubDate>Sun, 02 Jun 2024 09:28:37 +0000</pubDate>
  403. <category><![CDATA[BREAKING NEWS]]></category>
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  411. <description><![CDATA[In today’s fast-paced business environment, managing the ever-growing...]]></description>
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  415. <p></p>
  416. <p>In today’s fast-paced business environment, managing the ever-growing volume of emails can be a daunting task. As your business expands, so does the number of emails you receive, leading to potential inefficiencies and decreased productivity. To tackle this challenge, you can create a custom AI email assistant powered by ChatGPT and the no-code automation tool Make. This assistant is designed to efficiently manage and respond to emails, particularly for businesses dealing with repetitive inquiries. The video below from Better Creating shows us how we can create this AI-powered email assistant.</p>
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  419. </div>
  420. <h2>Understanding Email Overwhelm</h2>
  421. <ul>
  422. <li>Email overload is a common problem faced by businesses of all sizes</li>
  423. <li>As the volume of emails increases, it becomes difficult to manage them effectively</li>
  424. <li>Inefficient email management can lead to decreased productivity and missed opportunities</li>
  425. </ul>
  426. <h2>Building Your Custom AI Email Assistant</h2>
  427. <p>To address the issue of email overwhelm, you can develop a custom AI email assistant. This assistant, powered by ChatGPT, can classify and respond to emails automatically, streamlining your email management process. Here’s how you can build your own custom email assistant:</p>
  428. <h3>Step 1: Identify and Categorize Emails</h3>
  429. <p>The first step in creating your email assistant is to identify the types of emails you receive regularly. Categorize these emails based on their content and urgency. This step is essential for training the AI to understand and respond appropriately to different types of inquiries.</p>
  430. <h3>Step 2: Train ChatGPT</h3>
  431. <p>Once you have categorized your emails, it’s time to train ChatGPT. Feed the AI with various email samples from each category and teach it how to classify and respond to different types of inquiries. This training process is crucial for ensuring that your assistant can handle emails accurately and efficiently.</p>
  432. <h3>Step 3: Automate with Make</h3>
  433. <p>Make is a powerful no-code automation tool that simplifies the process of creating workflows. Use Make to automate the email management process by integrating it with ChatGPT and your email provider, such as Gmail. Make offers pre-built templates and workflows, making it easy to set up and use, even without any coding knowledge.</p>
  434. <h2>Planning Your Workflow</h2>
  435. <p>Before diving into the automation process, it’s essential to plan your workflow. Use a tool like FigJam to visualize the entire process, from email categorization to automated responses. This visualization helps ensure that every step is clear and well-organized, making the implementation process smoother.</p>
  436. <h2>Implementing the Automation in Make</h2>
  437. <p>Now that you have planned your workflow, it’s time to build the automation in Make. Follow these steps to set up your custom email assistant:</p>
  438. <h3>Step 1: Integrate Gmail with ChatGPT</h3>
  439. <p>Start by integrating your Gmail account with ChatGPT through Make. This integration allows the AI to access your emails and respond accordingly. Make provides a seamless way to connect these tools, making the integration process straightforward.</p>
  440. <h3>Step 2: Set Up Filters and Labels</h3>
  441. <p>In Gmail, set up filters and labels to categorize incoming emails automatically. These filters help the AI identify the type of email and respond appropriately. By organizing your emails into specific categories, you can ensure that your assistant handles each inquiry efficiently.</p>
  442. <h3>Step 3: Create and Link Modules</h3>
  443. <p>In Make, create modules that link Gmail with ChatGPT. These modules automate the process of reading, classifying, and responding to emails. By linking these tools, you can create a seamless workflow that handles your email management tasks automatically.</p>
  444. <h2>Designing Your Custom GPT Assistant</h2>
  445. <p>When creating your custom GPT assistant, it’s important to consider both human-facing and bot-facing interfaces. Your assistant should be designed to interact seamlessly with both, providing a smooth user experience. Here are some key points to keep in mind:</p>
  446. <ul>
  447. <li>Provide specific instructions to your GPT assistant to guide it in handling different types of emails effectively</li>
  448. <li>Use example emails to train your assistant, helping it learn and improve its responses over time</li>
  449. <li>Consider enhancing your assistant to draft responses, further streamlining your email management process</li>
  450. </ul>
  451. <h2>Cost-Effective and Efficient</h2>
  452. <p>Using GPT-3.5 for your custom AI assistant is a cost-effective solution. The pay-per-use model ensures that you only pay for what you use, making it an economical choice for businesses of all sizes. By automating your email management process, you can save time and resources, allowing you to focus on more critical tasks.</p>
  453. <h2>Continuous Improvement</h2>
  454. <p>As you implement your custom email assistant, it’s essential to continuously monitor and improve its performance. Experiment with different workflows in Make and gather feedback from your team to identify areas for improvement. By iteratively refining your assistant, you can ensure that it remains effective and adapts to your business’s evolving needs.</p>
  455. <h2>Conclusion</h2>
  456. <p>In conclusion, building a custom AI email assistant with ChatGPT and Make can significantly enhance your email management workflow. By automating repetitive tasks and efficiently handling inquiries, you can boost productivity and focus on growing your business. Explore these powerful tools and consider integrating them into your email management system to streamline your processes and stay ahead in today’s competitive landscape.</p>
  457. <p>Source &amp; Image Credit: Better Creating</p>
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  498. <pubDate>Sun, 02 Jun 2024 09:21:40 +0000</pubDate>
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  509. <description><![CDATA[Acclaimed cinematographer Hoyte van Hoytema disagrees with Netflix...]]></description>
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  524. <p>Acclaimed cinematographer <strong>Hoyte van Hoytema</strong> disagrees with Netflix CEO <strong>Ted Sarandos</strong>&#8216; stance that movies can be fully appreciated on a streamer/phone in the same way as on the big screen.</p>
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  528. <p>ICYMI, Ted faced online ridicule for saying his son watched the 1962 classic &#8220;Lawrence of Arabia&#8221; on his phone, and also singled out last year&#8217;s &#8220;Oppenheimer,&#8221; for which Hoyte won an Oscar, as a film that would be equally enjoyed away from the big screen.</p>
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  542. <p>Hoyte makes it clear to TMZ &#8230; while he has no ill will toward Ted, he believes a pocket-sized screen doesn&#8217;t hold a candle to the traditional theatrical experience.</p>
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  547. <p>He&#8217;s all about the special magic of catching a film in cinema &#8217;cause the experience is expertly curated by filmmakers and artists. By contrast, he thinks watching films on platforms like Netflix feels more like being subjected to the streamer&#8217;s whim.</p>
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  561. <p>The subject matter hits close to Hoyte&#8217;s heart &#8212; he tells us he pours his soul into creating big-screen cinematic moments .. and folks who think they might as well watch his movies on a tiny mobile device, sacrificing resolution and color depth, disrespect his hard work.</p>
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  565. <p>Nonetheless, he&#8217;s not trying to come off as a hypocrite &#8217;cause he&#8217;s also watched movies on a mobile device &#8212; acknowledging it’s not up to him on how people should watch films.</p>
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  572. <p>Sarandos told the <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank"><strong>New York Times</strong></a> Hoyte&#8217;s &#8220;Oppenheimer&#8221; and its same-day-rival release &#8220;Barbie&#8221; would&#8217;ve been just as big if they were dropped on Netflix.</p>
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  582. <title>Benedict Cumberbatch&#8217;s New Netflix Show Completely Flips His Sherlock Role</title>
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  585. <dc:creator><![CDATA[John Smith]]></dc:creator>
  586. <pubDate>Sun, 02 Jun 2024 08:43:37 +0000</pubDate>
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  598. <description><![CDATA[Warning: Minor spoilers ahead for Eric episodes 1-6...]]></description>
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  602. <p> <span class="article-alert">Warning: Minor spoilers ahead for Eric episodes 1-6 on Netflix.</span></p>
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  605. <h3 class="title icon i-list">Summary</h3>
  606. <div class="custom_block-content key-points">
  607. <ul>
  608. <li> Vincent in<br /><em>Eric </em><br />is no clever detective like Sherlock Holmes; his sloppy search for his son is far from the usual Sherlock standards.</li>
  609. <li> Detective Ledroit in Eric takes on the role of the impressive detective, making him more similar to Benedict Cumberbatch’s<br /><em>Sherlock </em><br />character.</li>
  610. <li> Fans of mystery elements and Cumberbatch’s acting should check out<br /><em>Sherlock </em><br />after watching<br /><em>Eric</em><br />.</li>
  611. </ul>
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  613. </div>
  614. </section>
  615. <p> Benedict Cumberbatch’s new TV show, <em><strong>Eric</strong></em>, is officially streaming on Netflix — and<strong> the series flips his <em>Sherlock </em>role in an intriguing way</strong>. <em>Eric </em>is set in 1980s New York, and the Netflix series chronicles the disappearance of nine-year-old Edgar Anderson. Cumberbatch plays Eric’s father, Vincent Anderson, who has a tense relationship with his son when the series opens. Vincent is a puppet maker, and he’s haunted by one of Edgar’s designs after he disappears. Ultimately, <em>Eric</em>‘s titular puppet does help bring Edgar home. But much more happens before Edgar and his father reunite.</p>
  616. <p> Also headlining <em>Eric</em>‘s<em> </em>cast is McKinley Belcher III, who plays Detective Michael Ledroit, the man assigned to Edgar’s case. In terms of personality, Ledroit is far different from Vincent, and he also plays a major role in getting Edgar back to his family. With Ledroit working the cast, Netflix puts the perfect spin on Cumberbatch’s Sherlock Holmes role.</p>
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  618. <p> <span data-field="label" class="article-card-label">Related</span></p>
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  620. <h5 class="display-card-title "> Is Netflix’s Eric Based On A True Story?</h5>
  621. <p class="display-card-excerpt">Eric’s realistic 1980s setting and gritty true crime elements make it feel like a true story, but how much of the Netflix series is based in reality?</p>
  622. </div>
  623. </div>
  624. <h2 id="eric-perfectly-reverses-benedict-cumberbatch-39-s-sherlock-role"> Eric Perfectly Reverses Benedict Cumberbatch’s Sherlock Role</h2>
  625. <h3 id="benedict-cumberbatch-isn-39-t-the-clever-detective-this-time"> Benedict Cumberbatch Isn’t The Clever Detective This Time</h3>
  626. <p> Although Cumberbatch’s character searches for his son in <em>Eric, </em><strong>he’s no longer playing the clever detective role he takes on in Netflix’s </strong><em><strong>Sherlock</strong>. </em>In fact, Vincent’s efforts to find his son are sloppy by <em>Sherlock </em>standards. While he’s right about Edgar’s map and where it leads, it takes a long time for him to get there. He’s too busy trying to get his son’s puppet on TV, and he also spends much of the series inebriated. Even when he follows Eric’s map, he misses him. His character may have cockiness in common with Sherlock Holmes, but that’s where the similarities end.</p>
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  628. <div class="emaki-custom pullquote" id="custom_block_9">
  629. <div class="custom_block-content pullquote">
  630. <p> His character may have cockiness in common with Sherlock Holmes, but that’s where the similarities end.</p>
  631. </div>
  632. </div>
  633. </section>
  634. <p> <strong>Ledroit is more like Sherlock in Netflix’s </strong><em><strong>Eric</strong>, </em>as he’s the one tasked with solving the mystery of Edgar’s disappearance. Believing it could be connected to a previous case, Ledroit becomes obsessed with determining what happened to Edgar and Marlon Rochelle. Despite interference, he eventually pieces both cases together, proving he’s an impressive detective. His sleuthing is far more on par with Sherlock’s than Vincent’s.</p>
  635. <h2 id="why-eric-is-a-great-tv-show-for-sherlock-fans"> Why Eric Is A Great TV Show For Sherlock Fans</h2>
  636. <h3 id="the-mystery-elements-will-appeal-to-them"> The Mystery Elements Will Appeal To Them</h3>
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  639. <figure><picture><source media="(min-width: 1024px)" data-srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=825&amp;dpr=2" srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=825&amp;dpr=2"/><source media="(min-width: 768px)" data-srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=825&amp;dpr=2" srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=825&amp;dpr=2"/><source media="(min-width: 481px)" data-srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=800&amp;dpr=2" srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=800&amp;dpr=2"/><source media="(min-width: 0px)" data-srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=500&amp;dpr=2" srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=500&amp;dpr=2"/> </picture><figcaption class="body-img-caption">Custom Image by Yeider Chacon</figcaption></figure>
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  642. <p> <em>Eric </em>has a very different tone from Netflix’s <em>Sherlock, </em>but those who enjoy the mystery elements of the series — and Cumberbatch’s acting — will likely appreciate the other show. <strong><em>Sherlock </em>offers the opportunity to follow more intriguing cases </strong>and see the actor play a completely different type of character. It may not be up every <em>Eric </em>fan’s alley, but it’s worth giving it a shot. And the timing couldn’t be better. <em>Sherlock </em>has a new streaming home, with the series dropping on Hulu this March, years after its departure from Netflix. It’s the perfect chance to pick it up after watching <em><strong>Eric</strong></em>.</p>
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  653. <h5 class="display-card-title "> Eric (2024)</h5>
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  661. <p class="display-card-description">A gripping psychological drama set in the turbulent 1980s New York City, following Vincent, a talented puppeteer whose life is shattered by the mysterious disappearance of his son, Edgar. As Vincent spirals into a world of despair and obsession, he channels his anguish into his puppet, Eric. Eric becomes more than a mere creation, serving as a conduit for Vincent’s pain and a guide through the shadows of his troubled mind. As Vincent delves deeper into the city’s underbelly in search of his son, the line between reality and delusion blurs, uncovering dark secrets and testing his grip on sanity</p>
  662. <div class="w-display-card-info">
  663. <dl>
  664. <p><dt><strong>Cast</strong></dt>
  665. <dd><span>Benedict Cumberbatch , Gaby Hoffman , Jeff Hephner , McKinley Belcher III , Amy Louise Pemberton , Donald Sage Mackay , Erika Soto , John Doman </span></dd>
  666. </p>
  667. <dt><strong>Release Date</strong></dt>
  668. <dd><span> May 30, 2024 </span></dd>
  669. <dt><strong>Seasons</strong></dt>
  670. <dd><span> 1 </span></dd>
  671. <dt><strong>Creator(s)</strong></dt>
  672. <dd><span> Abi Morgan </span></dd>
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  704. <description><![CDATA[South Africa is still battling its apartheid scars(Picture:...]]></description>
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  712. </div><figcaption>South Africa is still battling its apartheid scars(Picture: Getty)</figcaption></figure>
  713. <p>When she was just 13 years old, Zukiswa Qezo was shot five times. </p>
  714. <p>‘They left me for dead,’ Zukiswa, now 51, tells </p>
  715. <p><em>They</em>, she says, were soldiers and police. Their battlefield was a 1985 classroom and their enemy were unarmed and helpless children.</p>
  716. <p>The reason for the violent clash, was because Zukiswa, then a teen, and her fellow students had been protesting about the standard of education in her tiny <a data-track="inline-tag-auto-link_article" href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">school</a> in Indwe, <a data-track="inline-tag-auto-link_article" href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">South Africa</a>, which had been segregated specifically for Black Africans during apartheid. </p>
  717. <p>‘They had sjamboks (a heavy leather whip), they shot us with bullets – not rubber bullets,’ she remembers. </p>
  718. <p>Pointing to the back of her head, Zukiswa has a scar from the first bullet that hit her. ‘Another was fired into my shoulder, one went to my stomach, one to my thigh and the fifth went to my leg.’ </p>
  719. <p>Zukiswa had to crawl for her life, before being treated at a faraway hospital the next day. </p>
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  723. <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="540" height="360" data-rsz="shrink" src=";strip=all&amp;zoom=1&amp;resize=540%2C360" alt="Zukiswa Qezo at a Unite Behind march." class="wp-image-20794273"/>
  724. </div><figcaption>Zukiswa Qezo today, campaigning for #UniteBehind (Picture: UniteBehind Facebook)</figcaption></figure>
  725. <p>637 miles away, teenager Phelisa Dlangamandla was living in similar circumstances. She was born in Gugulethu, a segregated black township in Cape Town, in 1971. </p>
  726. <p>‘We were very scared of white people,’ Phelisa, now 52, tells ‘You didn’t know what they wanted to do to you.’ </p>
  727. <p>Although South Africans had been living with white domination since the start of Dutch colonialism in 1652, it was until 1948 that apartheid officially began and South Africans were split into four groups: Black, White, Coloured and Indian. A flood of legislation prevented the four groups from interacting with each other. </p>
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  731. <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="540" height="361" data-rsz="shrink" src=";strip=all&amp;zoom=1&amp;resize=540%2C361" alt="South African police arrest a Zulu man suspected of being a sniper, a few weeks before South Africa's free elections of April 1994. Severe conflicts between the Zulu Inkatha Freedom Party and the African National Congress broke out during preparations for the election (Photo by David Turnley/Corbis/VCG via Getty Images)" class="wp-image-20786720"/>
  732. </div><figcaption>South African police arrest a Zulu man suspected of being a sniper, a few weeks before South Africa’s free elections of April 1994 (Picture: David Turnley/Corbis/VCG via Getty Images)</figcaption></figure>
  733. <div class="metro-factbox" data-colour="pink" data-track-module="factbox_article">
  734. <h2 class="metro-factbox-title pink exclamation">
  735. <i class="icon icon-exclaim"><br />
  736. </i><br />
  737. Apartheid laws </h2>
  738. <div class="metro-factbox-content pink">
  739. <ul>
  740. <li>
  741. <strong>Immorality Amendment Act of 1950</strong>: Sex between white and black people was prohibited.</li>
  742. <li>
  743. <strong>The Group Areas Act of 1950</strong>: Segregated groups on where they could live and work.</li>
  744. <li>
  745. <strong>The Bantu Authorities Act of 1951</strong>: Banned Black people permanently from urban areas.</li>
  746. </ul>
  747. </div>
  748. </div>
  749. <p>There were areas designated for each group, which saw the Blacks, Coloureds and Indians forced to move to townships often made up of plastic shacks, while their children often attended missionary schools which didn’t provide a high standard of learning. </p>
  750. <p>Growing up as a non-white child under its shadow wasn’t easy, <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">writer</a> Dr Nadia Kamies tells</p>
  751. <p>‘Apartheid was very sophisticated. The whole idea was to divide people,’ she explains. </p>
  752. <p>Born in 1962, Nadia’s family was confined to a ‘coloured-only’ area in Cape Town. </p>
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  756. <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="540" height="381" data-rsz="shrink" src=";strip=all&amp;zoom=1&amp;resize=540%2C381" alt="Two children at the Cape Town docks in ablack and white picture from the 1960s." class="wp-image-20794431"/>
  757. </div><figcaption>Dr Nadia Kamies and her brother at the Cape Town docks in 1965 (Picture: Dr Nadia Kamies)</figcaption></figure>
  758. <p>‘If you were white, you went to the best school. If you were coloured, then you had a lot less access and rights but you had a little bit more than if you were Indian or Black,’ she remembers.</p>
  759. <p>However, it was in 1990 that the tide slowly began to change. </p>
  760. <p>That year, Nelson Mandela was finally released from prison having served a 27-year sentence for sabotage after oposing the apartheid system, while 25 countries, including the UK, had placed extreme sanctions on South Africa. </p>
  761. <p>In 1991, apartheid legislation was finally repealed and a democratic election was held on April 21 1994. </p>
  762. <p>86.87% of the country went to the voting booths, for many, it was their first time and the African National Congress (ANC) was voted in, with Nelson Mandela inaugurated on May 10 1994 as South Africa’s first black president. </p>
  763. <p>Now, after 30 years of power, the ANC’s stronghold has crumbled. The party received just 40% of votes in this week’s general election and their reign has come to an end. Now, there are talks of coalitions and what comes next.</p>
  764. <p>Zukiswa remembers the excitement of helping bring the party to power in 1994. Then 22, she remembers: ‘We didn’t sleep because we were waiting to go and vote for the first time. I was so excited I woke up at midnight. There was already a long queue at 2am.’ </p>
  765. <p>Meanwhile, Nadia went with a white Afrikaaner friend. ‘It was extra special going to cast a vote with them. There was a lot of hope that day,’ she remembers. ‘We both had babies and thought they would grow up in a free country at last,’ she recalls. </p>
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  769. <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="540" height="378" data-rsz="shrink" src=";strip=all&amp;zoom=1&amp;resize=540%2C378" alt="Dr Nadia Kamies and her white friend Fiona after the vote" class="wp-image-20794162"/>
  770. </div><figcaption>Dr Nadia Kamies and her white Afrikaaner friend after voting with their children (Picture: Dr Nadia Kamies)</figcaption></figure>
  771. <p>However, Mandela had inherited a country riddled with crime, unemployment, poor sanitation, dire education, and unequal water and electricity access. Some people lived in shacks and many communities were displaced.</p>
  772. <p>‘Our country is in a mess,’ the ANC’s 1994 manifesto declared at the time, and a lengthy reconstruction and development programme was created, declaring water, housing, sanitation and electricity a human right. </p>
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  776. <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="540" height="358" data-rsz="shrink" src=";strip=all&amp;zoom=1&amp;resize=540%2C358" alt="Nelson Mandela visits Hlengiwe School to encourage students to learn in the 1990s" class="wp-image-20786712"/>
  777. </div><figcaption>Johannesburg, South Africa: Nelson Mandela visits Hlengiwe School to encourage students to learn (Picture: Louise Gubb Provider, Getty, Corbis Historical)</figcaption></figure>
  778. <p>And, three decades on there was no doubt a lot had changed.</p>
  779. <p>‘We can eat in restaurants, use flushing toilets and have electricity,’ Zukiswa explains, while Phelisa adds; ‘You can take your child to any school and they can go to any university.’  </p>
  780. <p>The death penalty has also been abolished and interracial relationships are no longer illegal.</p>
  781. <p>Yet, despite these progressions, Phelisa and Zukiswa were still forced to campaign for equality.</p>
  782. <p>Both are activists for <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">#UniteBehind</a>, a group formed in 2017 calling for a just and equal South Africa where everyone shares the country’s wealth. They would rather be spending their time with their grandkids, they say, but they refuse to sit idly by when true equality is yet to be achieved.</p>
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  786. <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="540" height="334" data-rsz="shrink" src=";strip=all&amp;zoom=1&amp;resize=540%2C334" alt="People campaigning for Unite Behind in South Africa." class="wp-image-20794287"/>
  787. </div><figcaption>Phelisa Dlangamandla campaigning for #UniteBehind wearing black (Picture: UniteBehind Facebook)</figcaption></figure>
  788. <p>Dr Kamies adds that one of the big issues is that it’s clear segregation very much still exists – just not legally. ‘Apartheid is definitely economic,’ she explains. ‘If you’re educated you are more likely to see that your child is educated.’</p>
  789. <p>In 2018, a report by the South African Human Rights Commission found that South Africa’s poor was comprised of 64% blacks, 41% coloureds, 6% Indians and 1% of whites. The discovery was later backed up in 2022, when South Africa was deemed the most unequal country in the world, according to <a href=",countries%20except%20Lesotho%2C%20exceeded%2050." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">The World Bank</a>. </p>
  790. <p>It highlighted a cruel Catch 22 scenario. To get out of poverty, the poor need to have money – which requires an education and training. However, due to the low standard of apartheid schooling and job limitations, most oppressed groups haven’t been highly educated, meaning that inequality in the quality of life of different groups still exists. </p>
  791. <p>‘We’re looked upon as people who belong to a certain area unless we have money,’ explains Phelisa.  ‘Even if you stay in an area with them, you’ll sometimes find that you’re not being accepted yet. If something wrong happens, you’re the first suspect because you’re black.’ </p>
  792. <p>28-year-old Adam Thomas-James is part of the first generation of South Africans not to know some sort of white domination in centuries. Even so, when he introduces himself, he calls himself coloured, despite apartheid ending two years before he was born.</p>
  793. <p>‘I know coloured is quite a negative term in the States but in South Africa, it’s more of identity,’ he tells </p>
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  797. <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="540" height="588" data-rsz="shrink" src=";strip=all&amp;zoom=1&amp;resize=540%2C588" alt="a man - Adam Thomas-James - wearing a turquoise, purple and grey hooded jumper." class="wp-image-20794309"/>
  798. </div><figcaption>Adam Thomas-James was born and raised in Cape Town (Picture: Adam Thomas-James)</figcaption></figure>
  799. <p>Adam went to a ‘posh’ private school and noticed how the schools tried to ‘correct’ people’s non-English accents.  </p>
  800. <p>‘You needed to pronounce things a certain way,’ he remembers. ‘I think a lot of people who did go to white institutions growing up are resentful that a part of their culture was taken away from them.’</p>
  801. <p>He has never known a government that legally restricts people from living in a certain area. Yet as an esports consultant working with schools, Adam still sees segregated communities and notes that just like apartheid, some are worse off than others. </p>
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  805. <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="540" height="360" data-rsz="shrink" src=";strip=all&amp;zoom=1&amp;resize=540%2C360" alt="Shacks in Khayelitsha, Cape Town" class="wp-image-20794356"/>
  806. </div><figcaption>Khayelitsha, Cape Town (Picture: Jonathan C. Katzenellenbogen/Getty Images)</figcaption></figure>
  807. <p>‘A coloured poor area has gangsterism. It has some poor service delivery (distribution of basic supplies such as water). A black poor community could at this point still be shacks. At least in the coloured community, there would be physical housing,’ he explains.</p>
  808. <p>‘If you lived in a black poor community in the 1980s or 60s and you still live there now, there hasn’t been a lot done to get out of there.’</p>
  809. <p>This is despite Mandela’s manifesto promising ‘a programme of affirmative action’. Also included in their pledge was access to clean water resources – another promise yet to be fulfilled.</p>
  810. <div class="metro-factbox" data-colour="grey" data-track-module="factbox_article">
  811. <h2 class="metro-factbox-title grey exclamation">
  812. <i class="icon icon-exclaim"><br />
  813. </i><br />
  814. What did the ANC&#8217;s manifesto in 1994 promise? </h2>
  815. <div class="metro-factbox-content grey">
  816. <ul>
  817. <li>Electricity for all.</li>
  818. <li>Every person to have their basic nutritional requirements within three years.</li>
  819. <li>To give all households a clean, safe water supply of 20 – 30 litres per capita per day.</li>
  820. <li>Housing to all that provides ‘protection from weather, a durable structure, and reasonable living space and privacy.’ </li>
  821. </ul>
  822. </div>
  823. </div>
  824. <p>In 2017 Cape Town experienced the worst drought in more than a century. Residents were limited to <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">13 gallons</a> (3.7 litres) a day and people across the country feared of Day Zero, a day when the taps would run dry.  </p>
  825. <p>Zukiswa visibly shudders when she remembers that time. Living in Khayelitsha, a slum designated for Blacks during apartheid, it still has a <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">99.49% Black population</a>. She raised her children there alongside her husband in a shack.</p>
  826. <figure class=" img-container shareable-item wp-caption" style="max-width:540px">
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  828. <a id="share-item-20794369-875" class="anchor"/><br />
  829. <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="540" height="360" data-rsz="shrink" src=";strip=all&amp;zoom=1&amp;resize=540%2C360" alt="A resident carrying a bucket in Khayelitsha, Cape Town." class="wp-image-20794369"/>
  830. </div><figcaption>A resident carries a plastic container filled with waterback to her home in the Khayelitsha township, Cape Town, South Africa, in 2018 (Picture: Waldo Swiegers/Bloomberg via Getty Images)</figcaption></figure>
  831. <p>‘In the informal settlement, they don’t have any type of taps. They don’t have water trucks. We were struggling,’ she explains. </p>
  832. <p>‘If the water comes early in the morning, you must collect it in buckets. You put it in your house and use that water for five days. You must wash, cook – do everything with it. After you bathe, you put the water aside to flush the toilet.’ </p>
  833. <figure class=" img-container shareable-item wp-caption" style="max-width:540px">
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  835. <a id="share-item-20794382-518" class="anchor"/><br />
  836. <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="540" height="360" data-rsz="shrink" src=";strip=all&amp;zoom=1&amp;resize=540%2C360" alt="Communal toilets in Khayelitsha, Cape Town" class="wp-image-20794382"/>
  837. </div><figcaption>Residents in Khayelitsha have to use communal toilets that are unsafe, Zukiswa says (Picture: Alessandro Iovino/AFP/ Getty Images)</figcaption></figure>
  838. <p>Meanwhile, loadshedding, where electricity is turned off across the country for two to four hours due to a lack of resources, is another issue yet to be addressed. </p>
  839. <p>‘People have lost their businesses. Children can’t study at night. Loadshedding comes with crime,’ Phelisa says. ‘It’s so dark outside and criminals know there won’t be any electricity for two hours. They can come inside your house and do whatever.’</p>
  840. <p>Many higher-income areas are reportedly not receiving the same harsh rolling blackouts as other lower-income areas, according to data firm <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Intelligence Fusion</a>.</p>
  841. <p>‘It just shows the inequalities that we still experience even today, before apartheid and after apartheid,’ she adds. </p>
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  844. <a id="share-item-20794515-405" class="anchor"/><br />
  845. <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="540" height="360" data-rsz="shrink" src=";strip=all&amp;zoom=1&amp;resize=540%2C360" alt="A woman stood on the road side in South Africa looking at election posters." class="wp-image-20794515"/>
  846. </div><figcaption>People are not so sure about the ANC anymore (Picture: Olympia de Maismont/AFP via Getty Images)</figcaption></figure>
  847. <p>After decades of hope and many broken promises, many who voted in the recent general election felt enough was enough. </p>
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  852. <p>‘People were promised housing, education, sanitation and water, but it hasn’t been delivered’ Adam explains. ‘There’s a lot of upset. After 30 years, people’s patience has run out. Realistically, it isn’t a short amount of time, but we’re also looking at almost 400 years of racial, spatial and social issues.’ </p>
  853. <p>It’s a sentiment that Dr Kamies can relate to. ‘We seem to be no nearer to recognising each other as simply human,’ she says. </p>
  854. <p>However, she also believes things can still change.’The youth gives me hope. There’s always things happening and people trying to make things better. </p>
  855. <p>‘We’ve always been a country where people come together when there is a crisis.’</p>
  856. <p>
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  968. <description><![CDATA[This weeks AI news has been filled with...]]></description>
  969. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><br />
  970. </p>
  971. <div>
  972. <p></p>
  973. <p>This weeks AI news has been filled with significant events and developments in the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence. <strong>Major players like OpenAI, Google, and Elon Musk have been at the forefront</strong>, driving conversations and shaping the trajectory of AI. From leadership changes and partnerships to misuse concerns and the introduction of new AI-powered features, the AI landscape has been buzzing with activity.  Matt Wolfe has created a fantastic roundup video of all the latest AI news this week.</p>
  974. <h2>AI News This Week</h2>
  975. <p>OpenAI, one of the leading AI research organizations, has taken steps to address the growing concerns surrounding the potential misuse of AI. The company has established a new <strong>Safety and Security board</strong> to oversee its AI initiatives and ensure responsible development and deployment. However, OpenAI’s CEO, Sam Altman, has faced scrutiny over his leadership and past affiliations with Y Combinator, raising questions about the company’s direction.</p>
  976. <p>Reports have emerged about the misuse of ChatGPT, OpenAI’s popular language model, by actors in Russia, China, Iran, and Israel to spread misinformation. This highlights the need for robust safeguards and responsible use of AI technologies. Despite these challenges, OpenAI has forged partnerships with major media companies such as News Corp, VOX Media, and The Atlantic, showcasing the growing interest in AI-powered content creation. Rumors also suggest a potential collaboration between OpenAI and Apple, further expanding the reach of AI in various industries. In a move to enhance the user experience, OpenAI has introduced new features for free users of ChatGPT, including:</p>
  977. <ul>
  978. <li>Data analytics capabilities</li>
  979. <li>Vision functionalities</li>
  980. <li>Memory enhancements</li>
  981. </ul>
  982. <p>These additions aim to make ChatGPT more versatile and valuable for a wider range of applications.</p>
  983. <p>Google, another tech giant heavily invested in AI, has faced criticism for inaccuracies in its AI-generated responses. The company is actively working to improve its AI overviews and address data voids to enhance the reliability and trustworthiness of AI-generated information. Google recognizes the importance of providing accurate and reliable information to its users and is committed to refining its AI systems.</p>
  984. <div class="lyte-wrapper" style="width:640px;max-width:100%;margin:5px auto;">
  985. <div class="lyMe hidef" id="WYL_ttcTRXMQtCE"><noscript><img decoding="async" src="" alt="" width="640" height="340"/></noscript></div>
  986. </div>
  987. <h2>Elon Musk : AGI By 2025</h2>
  988. <p>Elon Musk, known for his bold predictions and ambitious projects, has stirred up the AI community with his forecast of <strong>Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) arriving by 2025</strong>. Musk’s vision of AGI, a hypothetical machine capable of performing any intellectual task that a human can, has sparked debates and discussions among experts. A public dispute between Musk and Yann LeCun, a prominent AI researcher, on X (formerly Twitter) has further fueled the conversation around the feasibility and implications of AGI.</p>
  989. <p>Musk’s company, X.AI, has secured a staggering $6 billion in funding for a supercomputer project aimed at advancing AI capabilities. This investment underscores the growing interest and resources being poured into AI research and development.</p>
  990. <h2>Microsoft and AI Advancements</h2>
  991. <p>Microsoft, a key player in the AI space, has made notable strides in integrating AI into various platforms. The company has integrated its Co-Pilot AI assistant into Telegram, enhancing the user experience and providing intelligent assistance within the popular messaging app. Additionally, updates to Anthropic’s Claude, an AI model, have improved tool usage, making it more efficient and effective for a wide range of applications.</p>
  992. <p>The AI ecosystem continues to expand with the introduction of new tools and features. InstaDrag, a groundbreaking tool for image editing, has been launched, empowering users to manipulate images with ease. SignLLM, an AI-powered sign language generator, has the potential to revolutionize communication accessibility by generating sign language animations. Canva, a popular design platform, has introduced new AI features to streamline the design process and assist users in creating visually appealing content.</p>
  993. <p>Google DeepMind, a leading AI research lab, has demonstrated a video model that promises to transform video analysis. This breakthrough could have far-reaching implications across various domains, from entertainment to surveillance and beyond.</p>
  994. <h2>AI Headphones</h2>
  995. <p>In the realm of AI gadgets, the University of Washington has developed AI headphones that can isolate voices in crowded environments, enhancing audio clarity and improving communication in noisy settings. IO IO has introduced generative AI earbuds, offering advanced audio experiences powered by AI algorithms. However, not all AI gadgets have been well-received. The Rabbit R1 device has faced criticism for its limited functionality, highlighting the need for careful evaluation and refinement of AI-powered consumer products.</p>
  996. <p>Google has also been making strides in integrating AI into its Chromebooks, adding AI-powered features to enhance usability and productivity. These advancements demonstrate the growing presence of AI in everyday computing devices.</p>
  997. <h2>Looking Ahead</h2>
  998. <p>As we look towards the future, the AI community is eagerly anticipating the release of <strong>Stable Diffusion 3</strong>, a highly anticipated update to the popular image generation model. The upcoming Cisco Live and Computex events are expected to feature AI-focused announcements, promising further advancements and innovations in the field.</p>
  999. <p>The world of AI continues to evolve at a rapid pace, with major players driving innovation, partnerships, and societal impact. As we navigate the complexities and challenges associated with AI, it is crucial to foster responsible development, address concerns, and harness the potential of AI for the betterment of society. The coming weeks and months are sure to bring more exciting developments and thought-provoking discussions in the AI realm.</p>
  1000. <p>Video Credit: Matt Wolfe</p>
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  1041. <pubDate>Sun, 02 Jun 2024 08:20:34 +0000</pubDate>
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  1071. <p>&#8220;MILF Manor&#8221; star <strong>Kelle Mortensen</strong> is following in the footsteps of some of Hollywood&#8217;s hottest moms &#8230; but even she can&#8217;t rival the likes of <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><strong>Kris Jenner</strong></a>.</p>
  1072. </section>
  1073. <p><!--/#cb-e39ef19fa74a8cfeb7c49d41167b6e9a--></p>
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  1075. <p>TMZ caught up with the reality star in Los Angeles, where we asked who she&#8217;d consider the MILF GOAT.</p>
  1076. </section>
  1077. <p><!--/#cb-9e5002c8a4f801a7202f28d12f4f5d5a--></p>
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  1082. <p>                        <img decoding="async" width="728" height="546" class="img-fluid image-block__img-fluid img-aspect-auto" src="" loading="lazy" alt="kris jenner and kim kardashian sub"/>
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  1089. <p>According to Kelle, she respects the KarJenner matriarch as a MILF idol &#8230; noting Kris&#8217; daughter, <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><strong>Kim Kardashian</strong></a>,  as well &#8212; since she&#8217;s a hot mama in her own right.</p>
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  1091. <p><!--/#cb-d0cd6ac3f28c6c0dda3057ad65830381--><br />
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  1094. <p>She adds &#8230; &#8220;The whole Kardashian family &#8212; all MILFs. Aren&#8217;t we all obsessed with them right now???&#8221;</p>
  1095. </section>
  1096. <p><!--/#cb-17b9f4237ac0a77ffd1a56cdd3d5bf95--></p>
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  1100.                  <img decoding="async" width="728" height="546" class="img-fluid gallery-block__img-fluid img-aspect-4by3" src="" alt="Kardashian Hot Shots Of 2023" loading="lazy"/></p>
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  1106. <p>We aren&#8217;t surprised Kelle selected Kris and Kim as her favs &#8230; as the famed momager has been dating a man 25 years younger than her for years and the SKIMS founder famously starred in the music video for <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><strong>Fergie</strong></a>&#8216;s &#8220;M.I.L.F. $.&#8221;</p>
  1107. </section>
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  1113. <p>As for Kelle, she just returned for season 2 of &#8220;MILF Manor&#8221; &#8212; this time without her son, <strong>Joey</strong>.</p>
  1114. </section>
  1115. <p><!--/#cb-493c6f0a756607d29e038c9c1b7ad929--></p>
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  1120. <p>                        <img decoding="async" width="728" height="546" class="img-fluid image-block__img-fluid img-aspect-auto" src="" loading="lazy" alt="Joey and Kelle sub"/>
  1121.                </div>
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  1127. <p>Remember, season 1 featured a group of MILFs looking for love among a group of 8 single men &#8212; not knowing before filming that their own sons were in the mix.</p>
  1128. </section>
  1129. <p><!--/#cb-00d1ff6d2af45081cbfb1049badf1fa7--></p>
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  1131. <p>For season 2, the show mixed things up, allowing the men to bring their dads along &#8212; adding a whole new layer to the already complicated show.</p>
  1132. </section>
  1133. <p><!--/#cb-b248aa7578f9cd632c3f31d4c8f27177--></p>
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  1137.                  <img decoding="async" width="728" height="546" class="img-fluid gallery-block__img-fluid img-aspect-4by3" src="" alt="Kelle Mortensen Hot Shots" loading="lazy"/></p>
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  1141. <p><!--/#cb-5fda0a3c24432e0d0ab82aaae99eb09c--></p>
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  1143. <p>While Kelle admits last season got a little awkward for herself and Joey, she notes his absence this time around didn&#8217;t make things any easier.</p>
  1144. </section>
  1145. <p><!--/#cb-ba577e390f2c0d3c8e45aecc27c5a643--></p>
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  1147. <p>She says &#8230; &#8220;Well, there is a Joey on the show that kind of looks like my Joey and we kind of make out in the hot tub.&#8221;</p>
  1148. </section>
  1149. <p><!--/#cb-9e2514f76c6c6facac0e2f3f4fe4b923--></p>
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  1152. <p><!--/#cb-17bbf5849bbbc05ef1b71a6ee30e0a98--></p>
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  1154. <p>As for how Joey feels about his mom&#8217;s hot tub make-out sesh? Kelle confirms her son does watch the show, but hasn&#8217;t commented on the steamy smooch.</p>
  1155. </section>
  1156. <p><!--/#cb-cd9c6d9d512f51f5ef83af989c9ae51e--></p>
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  1158. <p>We don&#8217;t blame him, FWIW.</p>
  1159. </section>
  1160. <p><!--/#cb-4c3434674fdfbb31bfbe117295dc0061--></p>
  1161. <section id="cb-276438be9c82d81102cc05041945df38" class="canvas-block canvas-block-permalink canvas-text-block canvas-text-block-permalink canvas-text-block--default  canvas-block-is-last " data-context="{&quot;section&quot;:&quot;permalink&quot;,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;text_block&quot;}">
  1162. <p>New episodes of MILF Manor air on TLC and Max on Sundays.</p>
  1163. </section>
  1164. <p><!--/#cb-276438be9c82d81102cc05041945df38--></p></div>
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  1176. <pubDate>Sun, 02 Jun 2024 07:42:36 +0000</pubDate>
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  1187. <description><![CDATA[Summary Penelope and Colin’s romance faces a new...]]></description>
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  1193. <h3 class="title icon i-list">Summary</h3>
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  1195. <ul>
  1196. <li> Penelope and Colin’s romance faces a new threat in part 2 of Bridgerton season 3 from a villainous adversary’s blackmail scheme.</li>
  1197. <li> Foreshadowing in season 3 part 1 hints at Cressida’s plan to expose Penelope as Lady Whistledown, putting her relationship at risk.</li>
  1198. <li> Cressida’s blackmail storyline unfolds throughout part 2, pushing Penelope and Colin to confront her true colors and overcome their hurdles.</li>
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  1203. <p> <span class="article-alert">Warning: Potential SPOILERS for Bridgerton season 3 part 2!</span></p>
  1204. <p> <strong><em>Bridgerton</em></strong> season 3 part 1 came and went almost too quickly, but not before dropping hints about what may occur once part 2 hits Netflix. The streaming service dropped the first four episodes of <em>Bridgerton </em>season 3 last month, providing a taste of another Bridgerton family member’s romantic pursuit in the ton of Regency London. After its first two seasons, following the love stories of Daphne and Anthony Bridgerton, <strong>the series finally touched on the family’s third-eldest sibling, Colin, and his highly anticipated romance with fan-favorite franchise character and Featherington bachelorette, Penelope</strong>.</p>
  1205. <p> <em>Bridgerton</em> season 3 part 1 proved their romance wouldn’t be a cakewalk, though, and the two grappled with societal pressures and potential suitors, among other things, before choosing each other. While self-proclaimed Polin fans luckily saw Colin and Penelope seal the deal by the end of <em>Bridgerton</em> season 3 part 1, <strong>the couple still have much to endure before their happily ever after</strong>, including the bitter agenda of a future adversary. Fortunately, in the wait for part 2, Julia Quinn’s<em> </em>novel series and a small clue from season 3 part 1 can provide great insight into what will happen next.</p>
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  1207. <p> <span data-field="label" class="article-card-label">Related</span></p>
  1208. <div class="w-display-card-content regular article-block">
  1209. <h5 class="display-card-title "> How Long You Have To Wait For Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2</h5>
  1210. <p class="display-card-excerpt">Netflix has a new release schedule for Bridgerton this year, premiering season 3 in 2 parts, with the first coming out in May, and the second in June.</p>
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  1213. <h2 id="bridgerton-season-3-episode-4-teases-cressida-39-s-blackmailing-story"> Bridgerton Season 3, Episode 4 Teases Cressida’s Blackmailing Story</h2>
  1214. <h3 id="catch-the-small-foreshadowing-at-the-beginning-of-episode-4"> Catch The Small Foreshadowing At The Beginning Of Episode 4</h3>
  1215. <p> In the novel and TV series, Cressida Cowper (Jessica Madsen) is a seemingly cruel debutante, often taking her bitterness out on Penelope. Between snide remarks and instances of underhandedness, however, <em>Bridgerton </em>season 3 part 1 appeared to redeem Cressida’s worse qualities, with some characters and even viewers going so far as to come to Cressida’s defense. Yet, as Quinn’s novel series and a short season 3 part 1 foreshadowing indicates, <strong>Cressida may be beyond redemption, as she is in the works to blackmail Penelope in one of <em>Bridgerton’s </em>biggest villain stories to date</strong>.</p>
  1216. <p> According to Quinn’s novel <em>Romancing Mr. Bridgerton,</em> for which season 3 is adapted, Cressida will learn of Penelope’s secret identity as Lady Whistledown and use it as fuel for blackmail. <em>Bridgerton </em>season 3 subtly teases this big villain twist in episode 4 when Lord Debling calls on Penelope, and her sisters insist that she must have blackmailed him for his affection. It appears to be an insignificant dig, but the wisecrack could also foreshadow the considerable shift in Penelope’s season 3 part 2 story when <strong>Cressida’s blackmail plan endangers Penelope’s relationship with Colin and status in the ton</strong>.</p>
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  1221. <em>Bridgerton </em><br />season 3 part 2 will premiere on Netflix on Thursday, June 13.</p>
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  1225. <h2 id="when-will-cressida-39-s-blackmail-story-happen-in-bridgerton"> When Will Cressida’s Blackmail Story Happen In Bridgerton?</h2>
  1226. <h3 id="cressida-39-s-blackmail-story-is-likely-to-occur-throughout-season-3-part-2"> Cressida’s Blackmail Story Is Likely To Occur Throughout Season 3 Part 2</h3>
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  1229. <figure><picture><source media="(min-width: 1024px)" data-srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=825&amp;dpr=2" srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=825&amp;dpr=2"/><source media="(min-width: 768px)" data-srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=825&amp;dpr=2" srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=825&amp;dpr=2"/><source media="(min-width: 481px)" data-srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=800&amp;dpr=2" srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=800&amp;dpr=2"/><source media="(min-width: 0px)" data-srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=500&amp;dpr=2" srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=500&amp;dpr=2"/> </picture></figure>
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  1232. <p> Because <em>Bridgerton</em> season 3 follows <em>Romancing Mr. Bridgerton </em>quite closely, <strong>Cressida’s blackmail storyline should theoretically take place at some point in part 2</strong> if the series doesn’t divert from Quinn’s canon. Per <em>Romancing Mr. Bridgerton</em>, Cressida demands a large sum of money from Penelope in exchange for keeping quiet about Lady Whistledown’s identity. The vile plan then pushes Colin and Penelope’s relationship to the limit as they attempt to balance their feelings for one another with how to deal with Cressida’s threat.</p>
  1233. <p> Seeing as Cressida’s blackmail plan gives rise to a string of consequences, such as Colin discovering Lady Whistledown’s true identity, <strong>it’s likely that this storyline will occur rather early in <em>Bridgerton</em> season 3 part 2 and unravel throughout the course of it</strong>. <em>Bridgerton </em>has been setting up Cressida’s villain arc for a while now, particularly in that she’s never been the most agreeable character in the series. Come <strong><em>Bridgerton</em></strong> season 3 past 2, Cressida’s true colors could finally be revealed as Penelope and Colin’s last true hurdle before their happily ever after.</p>
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  1238. <figure><picture><source media="(min-width: 1024px)" data-srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=480&amp;dpr=2" srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=480&amp;dpr=2"/><source media="(min-width: 768px)" data-srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=320&amp;dpr=2" srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=320&amp;dpr=2"/><source media="(min-width: 481px)" data-srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=400&amp;dpr=2" srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=400&amp;dpr=2"/><source media="(min-width: 0px)" data-srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=300&amp;dpr=2" srcset=";fit=crop&amp;w=300&amp;dpr=2"/><img width="1000" height="1500" loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="Bridgerton Season 3 Poster Showing Penelope Featherington Looking into a Mirror" src="" style="display:block;height:auto;max-width:100%;" title="Bridgerton Season 3 Secretly Foreshadows Its Biggest Villain Story 3"/> </picture></figure>
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  1244. <h5 class="display-card-title "> Bridgerton</h5>
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  1252. <p>From Shondaland and creator Chris Van Dusen, Netflix’s <em>Bridgerton</em> is based on the romance novels of the same name by author Julia Quinn. The series follows the eight Bridgerton siblings, Anthony, Benedict, Colin, Daphne, Eloise, Francesca, Gregory, and Hyacinth, as they search for love during the social season and navigate life in Regency-era England.</p>
  1253. <div class="w-display-card-info">
  1254. <dl>
  1255. <p><dt><strong>Cast</strong></dt>
  1256. <dd><span> Will Tilston , Rege-Jean Page , Ruth Gemmell , Luke Thompson , Isabella Cortese , Martins Imhangbe , Julie Andrews , Phoebe Dynevor , Ruby Stokes , Ruby Barker , Claudia Jessie , Adjoa Andoh , Nicola Coughlan , Golda Rosheuvel , Charithra Chandran , Ben Miller , Jonathan Bailey , Florence Hunt , Polly Walker , Shelley Conn , Joanna Bobin , Luke Newton , Simone Ashley </span></dd>
  1257. </p>
  1258. <dt><strong>Release Date</strong></dt>
  1259. <dd><span> December 25, 2020 </span></dd>
  1260. <dt><strong>Seasons</strong></dt>
  1261. <dd><span> 3 </span></dd>
  1262. <dt><strong>Writers</strong></dt>
  1263. <dd><span> Julia Quinn , Chris Van Dusen , Jess Brownell , Abby McDonald , Joy C. Mitchell </span></dd>
  1264. <dt><strong>Directors</strong></dt>
  1265. <dd><span> Tom Verica , Tricia Brock </span></dd>
  1266. <dt><strong>Creator(s)</strong></dt>
  1267. <dd><span> Chris Van Dusen </span></dd>
  1268. </dl>
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