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  23. <title>Top Tech News: Free ChatGPT on Apple Devices Raises Security Concerns</title>
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  25. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Admin]]></dc:creator>
  26. <pubDate>Mon, 17 Jun 2024 07:49:50 +0000</pubDate>
  27. <category><![CDATA[Tech]]></category>
  28. <category><![CDATA[ChatGPT]]></category>
  29. <category><![CDATA[coinbase]]></category>
  30. <category><![CDATA[Crypto news]]></category>
  31. <category><![CDATA[Electronic Arts]]></category>
  32. <category><![CDATA[Tech News]]></category>
  33. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  35. <description><![CDATA[<p>Apple’s announcement that ChatGPT will likely be available for free on iPhones, iPads, and Macs has raised security concerns among certain groups regarding the potential risk of a serious security breach, according to Nick Ellsmore, the leader of Cybersecurity at Mantel Group. He mentions that the positive aspect is that companies, which are currently battling [&#8230;]</p>
  36. <p>The post <a href="">Top Tech News: Free ChatGPT on Apple Devices Raises Security Concerns</a> appeared first on <a href="">NY Times News Today</a>.</p>
  37. ]]></description>
  38. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p></p>
  39. <div style="color:#000" data-test-id="text">
  40. <p>Apple’s announcement that ChatGPT will likely be available for free on iPhones, iPads, and Macs has raised security concerns among certain groups regarding the potential risk of a serious security breach, according to Nick Ellsmore, the leader of Cybersecurity at Mantel Group.</p>
  41. <p>He mentions that the positive aspect is that companies, which are currently battling with external sources creating vulnerabilities in their cybersecurity, don&#8217;t have to worry about confidential data on Apple products becoming accessible to everyone unexpectedly.</p>
  42. <p>Electronic Arts is seeking a Financial Analyst for their office in Hyderabad. The duties and tasks involve examining the strategy and projections, and subsequently inputting the data after discussions with the company&#8217;s executives. The candidate is required to grasp the objectives related to Opex, present the Actuals in comparison to the plan or most recent forecast, and offer insights on significant differences.</p>
  43. </div>
  44. <p>The post <a href="">Top Tech News: Free ChatGPT on Apple Devices Raises Security Concerns</a> appeared first on <a href="">NY Times News Today</a>.</p>
  45. ]]></content:encoded>
  46. </item>
  47. <item>
  48. <title>How Google is tackling ad-blockers on its YouTube platform</title>
  49. <link></link>
  50. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Admin]]></dc:creator>
  51. <pubDate>Mon, 17 Jun 2024 07:29:11 +0000</pubDate>
  52. <category><![CDATA[Jobs]]></category>
  53. <category><![CDATA[Advertising & Media]]></category>
  54. <category><![CDATA[internet]]></category>
  55. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  57. <description><![CDATA[<p>Google has declared war on anyone using an ad-blocker on YouTube, violating the platform’s terms of use. Technically, Google is looking for ways to curb the use of these tools when users try to watch any of the platform’s videos. For several weeks, Google has been putting the squeeze on Internet users using ad-blocking software. [&#8230;]</p>
  58. <p>The post <a href="">How Google is tackling ad-blockers on its YouTube platform</a> appeared first on <a href="">NY Times News Today</a>.</p>
  59. ]]></description>
  60. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p></p>
  61. <div id="story-body">
  62.                <!-- Content data --></p>
  63. <p>Google has declared war on anyone using an ad-blocker on YouTube, violating the platform’s terms of use. Technically, Google is looking for ways to curb the use of these tools when users try to watch any of the platform’s videos.</p>
  64. <p>For several weeks, Google has been putting the squeeze on Internet users using ad-blocking software. These types of software generally take the form of a browser extension that enables users to bypass the (many) ads featured on YouTube. Google’s aim is to persuade users to accept a free model, but with advertising, or to switch to its paid YouTube Premium offer, for RM17.90 a month.</p>
  65. <p>On the web page about its policy on ads shown on YouTube, Google clearly explains that users must agree to view them in order to take advantage of its free offer, and warns those using ad-blocking software: “If you use ad-blockers, we’ll ask you to allow ads on YouTube or sign up for YouTube Premium. If you continue to use ad blockers, we may block your video playback.”</p>
  66. <p>On the same page, Google also explains how to authorise ad delivery, regardless of the blocker used – AdBlock, AdBlock Plus, uBlock Origin etc.</p>
  67. <p>Depending on the browser and extension installed, many users with ad-blockers have recently found themselves unable to play YouTube videos properly, as they instantly jump from beginning to end. Another “trick” found by Google to interfere with the viewing of its videos without going through the advertising process is the insertion of advertising sequences directly via YouTube’s servers into the main video stream.</p>
  68. <p>In any case, this is what more and more users are reporting on social networks, with the result that video timestamps are significantly altered. At the same time, other users are not reporting any noticeable interference. It seems that Google and the publishers of these ad-blocking tools are currently engaged in a merciless technological battle. – AFP Relaxnews</p>
  69. </p></div>
  70. <p>The post <a href="">How Google is tackling ad-blockers on its YouTube platform</a> appeared first on <a href="">NY Times News Today</a>.</p>
  71. ]]></content:encoded>
  72. </item>
  73. <item>
  74. <title>Google Integrates AI in Chrome History, Privacy Issues Arise</title>
  75. <link></link>
  76. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Admin]]></dc:creator>
  77. <pubDate>Mon, 17 Jun 2024 07:02:00 +0000</pubDate>
  78. <category><![CDATA[Jobs]]></category>
  79. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  81. <description><![CDATA[<p>Google is rolling out AI across all its products and Chrome is part of that. Recently they added AI to the browsing history feature in Chrome. This means AI will be used to help you find and retrieve websites you’ve visited before. But this has raised questions about how much AI should have access to [&#8230;]</p>
  82. <p>The post <a href="">Google Integrates AI in Chrome History, Privacy Issues Arise</a> appeared first on <a href="">NY Times News Today</a>.</p>
  83. ]]></description>
  84. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p></p>
  85. <div id="post-body">
  86. Google is rolling out AI across all its products and Chrome is part of that. Recently they added AI to the browsing history feature in Chrome. This means AI will be used to help you find and retrieve websites you’ve visited before. But this has raised questions about how much AI should have access to and learn from our browsing history and data.</p>
  87. <p>For example, paying for cloud backups is seen as an annoyance until you lose or have your device stolen and the backup saves your data. Similarly, AI in Chrome’s History Search will help you find web pages based on the content not just the page title or URL. Last week a research <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Leopeva64</a> discovered signs of this new AI feature but details were still unclear.</p>
  88. <p>Luckily Chrome is evolving and Google has updated the History Search feature. According to the update, you’ll soon be able to search your browsing history based on the actual content of web pages. This will make browsing history search much faster whether you’re browsing through the History page or searching directly from the address bar using &#8216;@history&#8217; followed by keywords.</p>
  89. <div>Despite the benefits, the AI in browsing history raises valid privacy concerns. Leopeva64’s discovery showed Google’s acknowledgement of this through a disclaimer. It says Google and its human reviewers may access certain data such as search terms, content from relevant web pages and AI-generated outputs. Google assures that this data is encrypted and stored locally on your device to support the History Search feature.</p>
  90. <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"></a></div>
  91. <p>While AI needs data to work, privacy conscious users will find these disclosures uncomfortable. Locally processing data on the device would be more private. This is similar to Microsoft’s Copilot AI’s Recall feature which was criticized and delayed due to similar privacy concerns.</p>
  92. <p>The acceptance of Chrome’s History Search feature will depend on if it’s an optional feature or a default one to speed up AI development. User reaction will be key since the feature is still under development by Google, so we have to watch and wait, for now.</p>
  93. <p>Read next: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Analyst Forecasts 58 Billion Queries from AI Overview by 2024, $17 Billion Ad Revenue by 2027</a></p>
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  439. <p>The post <a href="">Google Integrates AI in Chrome History, Privacy Issues Arise</a> appeared first on <a href="">NY Times News Today</a>.</p>
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  443. <title>Google&#8217;s new Camera app update elevates your photography just in time for summer</title>
  444. <link></link>
  445. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Admin]]></dc:creator>
  446. <pubDate>Mon, 17 Jun 2024 06:57:09 +0000</pubDate>
  447. <category><![CDATA[Jobs]]></category>
  448. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  450. <description><![CDATA[<p>Google&#8217;s June Pixel Feature Drop is bringing some exciting features to Pixel phones, like Gemini Nano, a fancier Pixel Recorder, and enhancements to the Pixel Camera app. The Pixel Feature Drop was released a few days ago, but it&#8217;s just now that users are getting the camera upgrades, as spotted by 9to5Google. It seems the [&#8230;]</p>
  451. <p>The post <a href="">Google&#8217;s new Camera app update elevates your photography just in time for summer</a> appeared first on <a href="">NY Times News Today</a>.</p>
  452. ]]></description>
  453. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p></p>
  454. <div>
  455. Google&#8217;s <a href="" class="internal" rel="">June Pixel Feature Drop</a> is bringing some exciting features to Pixel phones, like Gemini Nano, a fancier <a href="" class="internal" rel="">Pixel Recorder</a>, and enhancements to the Pixel Camera app. </p>
  456. <p>The Pixel Feature Drop was released a few days ago, but it&#8217;s just now that users are getting the camera upgrades, <a href="" class="external" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">as spotted by 9to5Google</a>. </p>
  457. <p>It seems the update hasn&#8217;t rolled out to all users just yet, and you&#8217;ll need to wait for Google to turn the update on server-side. </p>
  458. <div>The update brings very useful enhancements to the Camera app. With this update, you can manually select a lens (on Pro-branded Pixels and the <a class="automatic" href="" rel="">Pixel Fold</a>). This option gives you more control over how you want your picture to turn out. You can pick from UW, W, and T as options &#8211; respectively ultra-wide, wide, and telephoto. </div>
  459. <p>Also, there&#8217;s a new &#8220;Pro&#8221; settings tab giving you access to more advanced settings. You can set the lens selection from auto to manual, and you can choose between RAW and JPEG formats there. </p>
  460. <p>The update also brings an improved experience with HDR+. Thanks to this improvement, you will have fewer ruined images and more photos with everyone with open eyes and smiling. </p>
  461. <p>These small but frankly quite useful updates are coming just at the right time. We enter summer, the time for vacations, fun times at the beach, and long evenings. The Camera app will for sure be used to capture these sweet memories, and the new tweaks are going to make the experience even better. 
  462. </div>
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  469. <p>
  470. Izzy, a tech enthusiast and a key part of the PhoneArena team, specializes in delivering the latest mobile tech news and finding the best tech deals. Her interests extend to cybersecurity, phone design innovations, and camera capabilities. Outside her professional life, Izzy, a literature master&#8217;s degree holder, enjoys reading, painting, and learning languages. She&#8217;s also a personal growth advocate, believing in the power of experience and gratitude. Whether it&#8217;s walking her Chihuahua or singing her heart out, Izzy embraces life with passion and curiosity.
  471. </p>
  472. </div>
  473. </div>
  474. <p>The post <a href="">Google&#8217;s new Camera app update elevates your photography just in time for summer</a> appeared first on <a href="">NY Times News Today</a>.</p>
  475. ]]></content:encoded>
  476. </item>
  477. <item>
  478. <title>Most AI models are being trained on poor quality datasets: Rajeev Chandrasekhar</title>
  479. <link></link>
  480. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Admin]]></dc:creator>
  481. <pubDate>Mon, 17 Jun 2024 06:47:30 +0000</pubDate>
  482. <category><![CDATA[Tech]]></category>
  483. <category><![CDATA[AI]]></category>
  484. <category><![CDATA[AI models]]></category>
  485. <category><![CDATA[Artificial intellligence]]></category>
  486. <category><![CDATA[BJP . Rajeev Chandrashekar]]></category>
  487. <category><![CDATA[business news]]></category>
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  489. <category><![CDATA[Technology]]></category>
  490. <category><![CDATA[Zee Business]]></category>
  491. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  493. <description><![CDATA[<p>Most artificial intelligence (AI) models are being trained on datasets which are poorly designed which has undermined the quality of the end products, former Union minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar said on Monday. In a post on social media platform X, the former minister said large language models&#8217; (LLMs) &#8220;bullshit content&#8221; comes from most models being trained [&#8230;]</p>
  494. <p>The post <a href="">Most AI models are being trained on poor quality datasets: Rajeev Chandrasekhar</a> appeared first on <a href="">NY Times News Today</a>.</p>
  495. ]]></description>
  496. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p></p>
  497. <div property="content:encoded">
  498. <p>Most artificial intelligence (AI) models are being trained on datasets which are poorly designed which has undermined the quality of the end products, former Union minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar said on Monday.</p>
  499. <p>In a post on social media platform X, the former minister said large language models&#8217; (LLMs) &#8220;bullshit content&#8221; comes from most models being trained on content/datasets that are, “to politely use the phrase, not quality assured”.</p>
  500. <p>“That is why you have the embarrassing sight of billion-dollar Gemini/ChatGPT on many occasions spewing nonsense,” said Chandrasekhar.</p>
  501. <p>He was reacting to Ethan Mollick, Associate Professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in the US, who posted that the idea that “LLMs bullshit &#8211; produce content without regard to truth &#8211; is not new”.</p>
  502. <p>“But I don&#8217;t think it is that helpful a framework, since, in the end, LLMs may be more accurate than humans in many tasks,” said the professor.</p>
  503. <p>Chandrasekhar, former Minister of State for Electronics and IT, responded: “Garbage in, Garbage out is an old adage in programming especially if you are depending on scraping the internet”.</p>
  504. <p>An X user posted that AI machines needed to be fed information and not intelligent to deconstruct or articulate like a human. “End of the day, the human mind still decides what the machine has to say,” she added.</p>
  505. </div>
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  694. <p>The post <a href="">Most AI models are being trained on poor quality datasets: Rajeev Chandrasekhar</a> appeared first on <a href="">NY Times News Today</a>.</p>
  695. ]]></content:encoded>
  696. </item>
  697. <item>
  698. <title>How to Install Google Services in all Huawei smartphones</title>
  699. <link></link>
  700. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Admin]]></dc:creator>
  701. <pubDate>Mon, 17 Jun 2024 06:33:00 +0000</pubDate>
  702. <category><![CDATA[Jobs]]></category>
  703. <category><![CDATA[Android]]></category>
  704. <category><![CDATA[EMUI 14]]></category>
  705. <category><![CDATA[Google Play store]]></category>
  706. <category><![CDATA[Google services]]></category>
  707. <category><![CDATA[Huawei]]></category>
  708. <category><![CDATA[microG]]></category>
  709. <category><![CDATA[smartphone]]></category>
  710. <category><![CDATA[technology guide]]></category>
  711. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  713. <description><![CDATA[<p>While the challenges between the US and Huawei might be behind us (or not), users still face difficulties enjoying Huawei phones with Google Services out of the box. Many models, like the new Huawei Pura 70, do not come with Google Mobile Services (GMS), making it tough for users. Fortunately, Huawei now allows easy installation [&#8230;]</p>
  714. <p>The post <a href="">How to Install Google Services in all Huawei smartphones</a> appeared first on <a href="">NY Times News Today</a>.</p>
  715. ]]></description>
  716. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p></p>
  717. <div itemprop="articleBody">
  718. <p class="p1">While the challenges between the US and <a href="" data-wpel-link="internal" target="_self" rel="follow noopener noreferrer">Huawei</a> might be behind us (<a href="" data-wpel-link="external" target="_self" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">or not</a>), users still face difficulties enjoying Huawei phones with <strong>Google Services</strong> out of the box. Many models, like the new Huawei Pura 70, do not come with <a href="" data-wpel-link="external" target="_self" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Google Mobile Services</a> (GMS), making it tough for users. Fortunately, Huawei now allows easy installation of Google Play Services. Your device must be running EMUI 14, which will soon be available for older models.</p>
  719. <p class="p1">Due to restrictions imposed by the U.S. on Huawei, many users have found it challenging to access Google Play Services on their Huawei devices. However, with the right tools and steps, it is still possible to enjoy Google apps and services on Huawei smartphones. Here’s a <a href=";utm_medium=cpc&amp;utm_campaign=appusability" data-wpel-link="external" target="_self" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">simple guide</a> to get Google Services on your Huawei phone:</p>
  720. <p></p>
  721. <h2 class="p1"><b>Prerequisites</b></h2>
  722. <p class="p3">To start, your device must be running EMUI 14. If your device isn’t yet updated, check for the latest software updates. Huawei is rolling out EMUI 14 to many older models, so ensure your device is up-to-date.</p>
  723. <div class="a9f5197b512e5d3d75b7ad905ed39ef5" data-index="8" style="float: none; margin:10px 0 10px 0; text-align:center;">
  724. <h2>Gizchina News of the week</h2>
  725. <div class="youtube-embed" data-video_id="q-n5aZSV6uw"><iframe title="GizChina Articles of the week 68 - Weekly tech news for all" width="696" height="392" src=";enablejsapi=1" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>
  726. <p>&#13;<br />
  727. </iframe>
  728. </div>
  729. <h2 class="p1"><b>Installation Steps</b></h2>
  730. <p class="p3"><span class="s1"> 1. </span><b>Open Huawei AppGallery</b>: Search for Google applications and install microG via the pop up window. Alternatively, you can <strong><a href="" data-wpel-link="external" target="_self" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">download microG directly from a trusted source.</a></strong></p>
  731. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="aligncenter wp-image-460634 size-large" src="" alt="Google Services Huawei" width="1024" height="546" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 335w, 1200w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px"/></p>
  732. <h3 class="p3"><span class="s1"> 2. </span><b>Install MicroG</b>:</h3>
  733. <ul>
  734. <li class="p4">After the installation of <a href="" data-wpel-link="external" target="_self" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">MicroG</a>, log in to your Google account.</li>
  735. <li class="p4">Open the app and freely use it.</li>
  736. </ul>
  737. <h3 class="p3"><span class="s1"> 3. </span><b>Set Up MicroG</b>:</h3>
  738. <ul>
  739. <li class="p4">Download MicroG Services and MicroG Companion from a <a href="" data-wpel-link="external" target="_self" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">trusted site.</a></li>
  740. <li class="p4">Install them on your device.</li>
  741. <li class="p4">Go to device settings, select Users &amp; Accounts, and add a Google account.</li>
  742. </ul>
  743. <p>One thing we cannot install this way, is the Google Play Store. However, if we want to have it installed too, we just have to use <a href="" data-wpel-link="external" target="_self" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">GBox</a>:</p>
  744. <p class="p3"><span class="s1"> 4. </span><b>Install Google Play Store</b>:</p>
  745. <ul>
  746. <li class="p4">Use <a href="" data-wpel-link="external" target="_self" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">GBox</a> to run the Play Store.</li>
  747. <li class="p4">This ensures that apps do not install in the virtual space of GBox and do not run with emulation.</li>
  748. </ul>
  749. <p>Instead, they run directly from your device and can be found in your device settings.</p>
  750. <h3 class="p1"><b>Summary</b></h3>
  751. <p class="p5">By following these steps, you can enjoy Google Services on your Huawei device, ensuring access to Google Apps and the Play Store.</p>
  752. <div class="a9f5197b512e5d3d75b7ad905ed39ef5" data-index="10" style="float: none; margin:10px 0 10px 0; text-align:center;">
  753. <i><b>Disclaimer</b>: We may be compensated by some of the companies whose products we talk about, but our articles and reviews are always our honest opinions. For more details, you can check out our <a href="" data-wpel-link="internal" target="_self" rel="follow noopener noreferrer">editorial guidelines</a> and learn about how we use <a href="" data-wpel-link="internal" target="_self" rel="follow noopener noreferrer">affiliate links</a>.</i></p>
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  766. <p>The post <a href="">How to Install Google Services in all Huawei smartphones</a> appeared first on <a href="">NY Times News Today</a>.</p>
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  770. <title>Google Charts Out Map For Distributed Cloud</title>
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  773. <pubDate>Mon, 17 Jun 2024 06:29:25 +0000</pubDate>
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  779. <description><![CDATA[<p>This is the Fremont district with a sign that says welcome to the center of the universe, It also &#8230; [+] has signs pointing to other famous cities and how many miles it takes to get there. (Photo by: Joe Sohm/Visions of America/Universal Images Group via Getty Images) Universal Images Group via Getty Images Data [&#8230;]</p>
  780. <p>The post <a href="">Google Charts Out Map For Distributed Cloud</a> appeared first on <a href="">NY Times News Today</a>.</p>
  781. ]]></description>
  782. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p></p>
  783. <div>
  784. <figure class="embed-base image-embed embed-1" role="presentation"><figcaption><fbs-accordion class="expandable" current="-1"></p>
  785. <p class="color-body light-text">This is the Fremont district with a sign that says welcome to the center of the universe, It also <span class="plus" data-ga-track="caption expand">&#8230; [+]</span><span class="expanded-caption"> has signs pointing to other famous cities and how many miles it takes to get there. (Photo by: Joe Sohm/Visions of America/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)</span></p>
  786. <p></fbs-accordion><small>Universal Images Group via Getty Images</small></figcaption></figure>
  787. <p>Data is distributed. By its very nature, we work with enterprise-level data across different documents, applications, databases and deeper systems; the fact that we can distribute any single piece of information into a wider orchestrated data entity woven between different aspects of an IT stack is fundamental to how modern technology works.</p>
  788. <p>Cloud computing clouds are also distributed. A proportion of our cloud estate will always be located within the four walls of a business within its own datacenter and this will typically start with instances of private cloud. Clearly there are now major connection pipes to the public cloud and the technology layer that cloud services provider hyperscalers offer. Plus of course there’s the in-between world of hybrid cloud as well. But significantly for this discussion, there is also a burgeoning portion of cloud and data residing on the computing edge i.e. that space we defined as the Internet of Things (IoT), outside of traditional datacenters where it is sometimes only occaisonally connected to traditional cloud services.</p>
  789. <p>This diversified variegation of information, compute, storage and analytics allows us to now suggest that the distributed cloud is cementing itself as a normality. So, how do we explain this technology?</p>
  790. <h2 class="subhead-embed color-accent bg-base font-accent font-size text-align">What Is Distributed Cloud?</h2>
  791. <p>We might be forgiven for thinking that all cloud is distributed. After all, cloud services are generally created by drawing power from more than one single blade server in one single part of the hyperscaler’s datacenter &#8211; and some of those elements of cloud may be further distributed when they are delivered in hybrid cloud format via an organization’s own on-premises datacenter.</p>
  792. <p><fbs-ad position="inread" progressive="" ad-id="article-0-inread" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"/></p>
  793. <p>In fact, we call this type of cloud service not necessarily distributed, primarily because it shares the same centalized infrastructure layer.</p>
  794. <p>A distributed cloud on the other hand is more markedly characterized by the fact that the cloud control plane (the centrally managed cloud orchestration interface) is separated from the data storage layer itself. As<a href="" target="_self" class="color-link" title="" data-ga-track="InternalLink:" aria-label="explained here previously" rel="noopener"> explained here previously</a>, a cloud computing control plane makes decisions about distributing, provisioning, scheduling, maintaining and operating cloud workloads. When this cloud management function is separated from cloud data storage, that storage is able to reside in multiple locations… and that’s good news if we want to create more flexible interconnected applications. It’s also good news if we move computing resources around faster and it provides a boost in terms of its ability to facilitate resilience and redundancy.</p>
  795. <p>Google Cloud recognizes the benefits of distributed cloud. The company’s Google Distributed Cloud (GDC) is a fully managed hardware and software service that brings the power of Google&#8217;s AI services to the computing edge and datacenters (including air-gapped environments) where even the control plane and operations can be distributed.</p>
  796. <p>Designed to meet the specific needs of customers around digital sovereignty, latency or regulatory requirements and with AI and data-intensive workloads in mind, Google Cloud says that GDC enables organizations to take a pivotal step towards accelerating AI adoption into the business operations layer. Through the use of GDC, organizations can meet local requirements for cloud environments, accelerate AI adoption and foster an open and value-driven approach.</p>
  797. <h2 class="subhead-embed color-accent bg-base font-accent font-size text-align">Functions Of Distributed Cloud</h2>
  798. <p>Google Cloud positions its distributed cloud technology as a means of creating smarter networks. With GDC, customers will get an environment to run sensitive network data and AI workloads that some country regulators may require to be local or on-premises. From capacity planning to root cause analysis, there is automation of reporting, classification and analysis here.</p>
  799. <p>Companies like Orange (a GDC customer) will be able to run generative AI models on-premises in an environment that is integrated into similar Vertex AI services on Google Cloud. According to the Google Cloud team, Orange’s operations and customer service teams benefit from those AI models by getting the answers they need faster, while customers will experience a faster time-to-resolution and improved quality of service.</p>
  800. <p>Beyond the contact center, Orange has used AI and Google Cloud technology to deliver personalized recommendations for relevant phones, plans and services &#8211; all functions that the company says are aligned to improving customer lifetime value. GDC also allows generative AI-based speech recognition to occur in each Orange country, bringing these AI technologies even to countries without a Google Cloud region.</p>
  801. <h2 class="subhead-embed color-accent bg-base font-accent font-size text-align">What Distributed Does Dextrously</h2>
  802. <p>As <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" class="color-link" title="" data-ga-track="ExternalLink:" aria-label="Enrico Signoretti">Enrico Signoretti</a>, VP of product and partnerships at Cubbit <a href=",perimeter%20where%20their%20data%20resides." rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" class="color-link" title=",perimeter%20where%20their%20data%20resides." data-ga-track="ExternalLink:,perimeter%20where%20their%20data%20resides." aria-label="writes on TechRadar">writes on TechRadar</a>, “One of the distributed cloud&#8217;s paramount benefits is the unprecedented degree of control it offers. Indeed, the distributed model eradicates the common issue of vendor lock-in, while also allowing organizations to precisely dictate the geographical perimeter where their data resides. This could mean having parts of your data securely stored in France, Italy, Germany, or literally any place you want, offering unprecedented levels of redundancy while complying with data localization requirements. Beyond data sovereignty, distributed cloud storage facilitates comprehensive independence over all facets of data management, ensuring that organizations can comply with evolving regional, European and global regulations without relinquishing control to third-party providers and hyperscalers.”</p>
  803. <p>While this might sound like a European issue (given the example countries noted above) and with legal requirements differing on balance more that any state-by-state federal ruling across the USA, the action to separate and define in this way still has complete relevance for the North American market, especially where firms have an international presence. Regardless, data governance and digital sovereignty will remain increasingly pressing issues in all countries.</p>
  804. <p>“Google Distributed Cloud is delivering the capability customers need to run AI anywhere, keeping their data local and addressing latency, reliability, regulatory, or sovereignty needs,” said <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" class="color-link" title="" data-ga-track="ExternalLink:" aria-label="Sachin Gupta">Sachin Gupta</a>, vice president and general manager of the infrastructure and solutions group at Google Cloud. “From helping Orange manage data and AI needs across 26 countries to simplifying connected operations across tens of thousands of locations for McDonald&#8217;s and providing fully air-gapped cloud solutions to CSIT in Singapore, GDC extends Google&#8217;s leading AI, data and security capabilities to the customers and partners’ datacenters and edge.”</p>
  805. <p>As cloud computing continues to evolve, it is inevitably finessing services that align to more specific use cases, it is morphing to shape its services to suit the scale of particular needs and functions more closely… and it is extending itself to apply more precision-engineered management controls to every particular customer requirement. All of which generally explains what is happening here with distributed cloud services.</p>
  806. <p>Cloud and data are distributed, let’s share it out.</p>
  807. </div>
  808. <p>The post <a href="">Google Charts Out Map For Distributed Cloud</a> appeared first on <a href="">NY Times News Today</a>.</p>
  809. ]]></content:encoded>
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  812. <title>India TV Sports Wrap on June 17: Today&#8217;s top 10 trending news stories</title>
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  815. <pubDate>Mon, 17 Jun 2024 06:26:35 +0000</pubDate>
  816. <category><![CDATA[Sports]]></category>
  817. <category><![CDATA[Bangladesh vs Nepal]]></category>
  818. <category><![CDATA[ICC Men]]></category>
  819. <category><![CDATA[Nepal vs Bangladesh]]></category>
  820. <category><![CDATA[Netherlands vs Sri Lanka]]></category>
  821. <category><![CDATA[Sri Lanka vs Netherlands]]></category>
  822. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  824. <description><![CDATA[<p>Image Source : GETTY IMAGES India TV Sports Wrap. Bangladesh beat Nepal by 21 runs to qualify for the Super Eight stage of the ICC Men&#8217;s T20 World Cup 2024. The Bangla Tigers are a part of Group 1 which includes India, Australia and Afghanistan. On the other hand, England beat Serbia to kick-start their [&#8230;]</p>
  825. <p>The post <a href="">India TV Sports Wrap on June 17: Today&#8217;s top 10 trending news stories</a> appeared first on <a href="">NY Times News Today</a>.</p>
  826. ]]></description>
  827. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p></p>
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  829. <div class="atimgbign" id="story-featured-image" style="display: inline-block;">
  830. <figure class="artbigimg row"><figcaption><span class="author">Image Source : GETTY IMAGES</span> India TV Sports Wrap.</figcaption></figure>
  831. </p></div>
  832. <p class="artconfp">Bangladesh beat Nepal by 21 runs to qualify for the Super Eight stage of the ICC Men&#8217;s T20 World Cup 2024. The Bangla Tigers are a part of Group 1 which includes India, Australia and Afghanistan. On the other hand, England beat Serbia to kick-start their Euro 2024 campaign with a win. All of that and much more in today&#8217;s sports wrap.   <!-- /8323530/ITv_Desktop_VDO_1X1 -->
  833.  </p>
  834. <h4 class="rtecenter"><strong>Today&#8217;s Top 10 Trending Sports News Stories</strong></h4>
  835. <p><strong>Bangladesh beat Nepal to move into Super Eight</strong></p>
  836. <blockquote><p>&#13;</p>
  837. <p>Bangladesh defeated Nepal by 21 runs in the 37th match of the T20 World Cup to qualify for the Super Eight stage.</p>
  838. <p>&#13;
  839. </p></blockquote>
  840. <p><strong>Tanzim Hasan Sakib creates all-time ICC Men&#8217;s T20 World Cup record</strong></p>
  841. <blockquote><p>&#13;</p>
  842. <p>Tanzim bowled 21 dot balls in the game against Nepal to register the record for delivering the most dots in a T20 World Cup innings.</p>
  843. <p>&#13;
  844. </p></blockquote>
  845. <p><strong>Sri Lanka beat Netherlands in T20 World Cup</strong></p>
  846. <blockquote><p>&#13;</p>
  847. <p>Sri Lanka defeated Netherlands by 83 runs in the 38th match of the ICC Men&#8217;s T20 World Cup.</p>
  848. <p>&#13;
  849. </p></blockquote>
  850. <p><strong>Netherlands beat Poland in Euro 2024</strong></p>
  851. <blockquote><p>&#13;</p>
  852. <p>Netherlands defeated Poland 2-1 to get their Euro 2024 campaign off to a great start.</p>
  853. <p>&#13;
  854. </p></blockquote>
  855. <p><strong>Slovenia play out draw against Denmark</strong></p>
  856. <blockquote><p>&#13;</p>
  857. <p>Slovenia and Denmark played out a 1-1 draw in Euro 2024.</p>
  858. <p>&#13;
  859. </p></blockquote>
  860. <p><strong>England defeat Serbia in Euro 2024</strong></p>
  861. <blockquote><p>&#13;</p>
  862. <p>England scraped past Serbia 1-0 to win their Euro 2024 campaign opener.</p>
  863. <p>&#13;
  864. </p></blockquote>
  865. <p><strong>Team India reach Barbados for Super Eight stage</strong></p>
  866. <blockquote><p>&#13;</p>
  867. <p>Team India have landed in Barbados for their Super Eight matches of the T20 World Cup.</p>
  868. <p>&#13;
  869. </p></blockquote>
  870. <p><strong>Bangladesh join Group 1 of Super Eight in T20 World Cup</strong></p>
  871. <blockquote><p>&#13;</p>
  872. <p>Bangladesh have joined India, Afghanistan and Australia in Group 1 of the Super Eight stage.</p>
  873. <p>&#13;
  874. </p></blockquote>
  875. <p><strong>Romania to face Ukraine in Euro 2024</strong></p>
  876. <blockquote><p>&#13;</p>
  877. <p>Romania will lock horns with Ukraine in the Euro 2024 on Monday. </p>
  878. <p>&#13;
  879. </p></blockquote>
  880. <p><strong>New Zealand to square off against Papua New Guinea in T20 World Cup</strong></p>
  881. <blockquote><p>&#13;</p>
  882. <p>New Zealand will be up against Papua New Guinea in their last game of the ICC Men&#8217;s T20 World Cup on Monday.</p>
  883. <p>&#13;
  884. </p></blockquote>
  885. <p> </p>
  886. </p></div>
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  903. <p>The post <a href="">India TV Sports Wrap on June 17: Today&#8217;s top 10 trending news stories</a> appeared first on <a href="">NY Times News Today</a>.</p>
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  907. <title>Your Daily Horoscope for June 17, 2024</title>
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  910. <pubDate>Mon, 17 Jun 2024 06:15:56 +0000</pubDate>
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  920. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  922. <description><![CDATA[<p>Your Daily Horoscope for June 17, 2024 BIRTHDAY STAR: Actor Manish Dayal was born in Orangeburg, South Carolina, on this day in 1983. This birthday star portrayed Dr. Devon Pravesh on “The Resident” from 2018 to 2023. He’s also appeared on episodes of “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” “Halt and Catch Fire,” and “Law &#38; Order: SVU.” [&#8230;]</p>
  923. <p>The post <a href="">Your Daily Horoscope for June 17, 2024</a> appeared first on <a href="">NY Times News Today</a>.</p>
  924. ]]></description>
  925. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p></p>
  926. <div>
  927. <h2><strong>Your Daily Horoscope for June 17, 2024</strong></h2>
  928. <p><strong>BIRTHDAY STAR:</strong> Actor Manish Dayal was born in Orangeburg, South Carolina, on this day in 1983. This birthday star portrayed Dr. Devon Pravesh on “The Resident” from 2018 to 2023. He’s also appeared on episodes of “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” “Halt and Catch Fire,” and “Law &amp; Order: SVU.” On the big screen, Dayal’s film performances include roles in “Rise,” “Viceroy’s House,” and “I’m Obsessed with You (But You’ve Got to Leave Me Alone.)”</p>
  929. <p><strong>ARIES (March 21-April 19):</strong> Behind every smile is a beautiful story. Consider treading lightly as each person’s uniqueness can require special care. Bask in admiration without letting the compliments go to your head and inflate your ego.</p>
  930. <p><strong>TAURUS (April 20-May 20):</strong> Keep your eyes on the prize. A small adjustment in your finances might come up but it may be worth the time to implement. Think of it like this: catching one minor dilemma could help to prevent future ones.</p>
  931. <p><strong>GEMINI (May 21-June 20):</strong> Enjoy feeling optimistic and indulge your appetite for the good things in life. Focus your attention on being intentional with possessions and material items that help with your goals, instead of worrying about impressing others.</p>
  932. <p><strong>CANCER (June 21-July 22):</strong> Learning and growing is what makes life magical. Flip the script on criticism, learning from it is a great way to improve and better yourself in the long run. Feel free to be led by your charm and be your most wonderful self.</p>
  933. <p><strong>LEO (July 23-Aug. 22):</strong> The direction of your life may feel like it’s influenced by others so it could be refreshing to have people in your corner. You might benefit from remaining tactful and courteous, especially when dealing with confidential matters.</p>
  934. <p><strong>VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):</strong> Positivity and cheerfulness could outshine things that may be less than ideal. Be kind to others, and don’t be too hard on yourself. Breaking the ice with a lone wolf may lead to unexpected alliances or an unusual invitation.</p>
  935. <p><strong>LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22):</strong> Look beyond someone’s domineering exterior as there could be tender sentiments waiting to be discovered beneath the surface. You may have your doubts about someone, consider whether it’s from old trauma or current intuition.</p>
  936. <p><strong>SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):</strong> Your willingness to take on responsibilities may highlight your respect for loved ones and the importance of your deepest connections. You may become increasingly aware of how important your inner circle really is.</p>
  937. <p><strong>SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):</strong> Stay true to your promises, especially if you’ve taken on extra tasks and responsibilities. You might feel like avoiding issues or minor dramas, but enforcing your boundaries could lead to a positive outcome.</p>
  938. <p><strong>CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):</strong> You may encounter several charming individuals who might prefer casual social interactions but don’t lose sight of your routines and obligations. Consider utilizing both hard work and charm to your advantage.</p>
  939. <p><strong>AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):</strong> A lack of information or an uncertain direction may interfere with getting a handle on a financial situation. Consider waiting to finalize an important deal until all loose ends are tied up. Details may be difficult to clarify.</p>
  940. <p><strong>PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20):</strong> Focus your attention on what appears to be going right. Your genuine effort may result in applause from others despite the possibility of their demanding expectations. Don’t allow doubts to spoil your long-term plans.</p>
  941. <p><strong>IF JUNE 17 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY:</strong> Your executive abilities may be enhanced over the next three to four weeks, so it might be easier than usual to accomplish your goals. You could be distracted by a wild goose chase or caught up in romantic fantasies in late July. Be cautious, stay aware of possible time-wasting projects, and avoid being fooled by surface appearances. Consider letting your hair down in the first half of August when invitations could come rolling in and social gatherings could be on your calendar. You may be more ambitious than usual in late August and September, possibly making this a good time to put financial and career plans into action. You could possess the staying power and determination to make any project a success.</p>
  942. <p><a href="">View all daily horoscopes</a></p>
  943. <aside class="related right"/>
  944. <hr/>
  945. <p>Get a free personal astrology calendar: <a href=""></a><br />Use code <strong>FreeAstroCalendar</strong> See best &amp; worst days here: <a href=""></a></p>
  946. <p>©2024 Tribune Content Agency, LLC.</p>
  947. </div>
  948. <p>The post <a href="">Your Daily Horoscope for June 17, 2024</a> appeared first on <a href="">NY Times News Today</a>.</p>
  949. ]]></content:encoded>
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  952. <title>Bonfire and Google team up to showcase AI&#8217;s transformative impact on marketing</title>
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  955. <pubDate>Mon, 17 Jun 2024 06:15:52 +0000</pubDate>
  956. <category><![CDATA[Jobs]]></category>
  957. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  959. <description><![CDATA[<p>June 17 2024, 2:15 pm &#124; BY Adam Shaw &#124; No Comments In early June, performance marketing agency Bonfire hosted AI in Action, an event in collaboration with Google that drew over 200 of Perth’s top marketers for a detailed Bonfire hosted AI in Action, an event in exploration of AI’s future role in marketing. [&#8230;]</p>
  960. <p>The post <a href="">Bonfire and Google team up to showcase AI&#8217;s transformative impact on marketing</a> appeared first on <a href="">NY Times News Today</a>.</p>
  961. ]]></description>
  962. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p></p>
  963. <div id="content">
  964. <div class="post-header">
  965.    <span class="post-date">June 17 2024, 2:15 pm</span> | <span class="post-author">BY Adam Shaw</span> | <span class="post-comment-count"><a href="#comments">No Comments</a></span>
  966.    </div>
  967. <div class="wrap-images">
  969.        </div>
  970. <div class="wrap-copy">
  971. <h3>In early June, performance marketing agency Bonfire hosted AI in Action, an event in collaboration with Google that drew over 200 of Perth’s top marketers for a detailed Bonfire hosted AI in Action, an event in exploration of AI’s future role in marketing.</h3>
  972. <p> </p>
  973. <p>The event opened with a keynote presentation by Arshad Mirza, Head of Partners &amp; Agencies AUNZ from Google, who travelled from Sydney to share Google’s innovative AI strategies set for 2024. Emphasising that AI is here to stay, Mirza remarked, “AI is not going to do marketing for us. It’s an enabler. You are in the driver’s seat, creating real value for your customers.” He stressed that while AI will enhance marketers’ abilities, it will not replace the human element that is essential for understanding audiences and creating impactful campaigns.</p>
  974. <p>Mirza also introduced Google’s AI Business Maturity Pillars, a strategic framework designed to help brands assess their readiness to incorporate AI effectively. The pillars focus on critical areas such as willingness to change, desired outcomes, necessary skills, and existing technological infrastructure. “Look at these pillars and ask yourself these critical questions before you dive head-first into AI,” Mirza advised during the Q&amp;A session.</p>
  975. <p>Following Mirza’s presentation, Bonfire’s Matthew Elshaw took the stage to dive into Google’s highly anticipated Search Generative Experience (SGE), now known as AI Overviews. This feature is set to revolutionise search marketing by delivering AI- generated content summaries directly in search results, potentially changing user behaviour and how marketers measure search marketing success.</p>
  976. <p>Elshaw explained: “Understanding and preparing for AI Overviews is critical. It’s about evolving our strategies to engage users within the AI-generated results, not just driving website traffic.”</p>
  977. <p>Elshaw then showcased how the new AI Overviews feature integrates content from multiple sources to present a cohesive response, using structured data and content to determine what information to highlight.</p>
  978. <p>“The number one thing you can do is start reading and learning about SGE (AI Overviews), how it works, and get a bit more of an understanding,” Elshaw highlighted, underlining the importance of gaining familiarity with these new tools.</p>
  979. <p>Those who missed the event can learn more about how AI will affect the future of marketing in <a href="">Bonfire’s recap post.</a></p>
  980. </p></div>
  981. </p></div>
  982. <p>The post <a href="">Bonfire and Google team up to showcase AI&#8217;s transformative impact on marketing</a> appeared first on <a href="">NY Times News Today</a>.</p>
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