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  28.                        <title>Particle Network Animations in Javascript</title>
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  30.                        <pubDate>Tue, 30 Apr 2024 10:58:00 +0000</pubDate>
  31.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  32.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  33.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-8294 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | particles2" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="8294"></p>What are particle animations? Particle network animations in JavaScript typically involve creating visual representations of particles (often small dots or shapes) that move around in a defined space, interacting with each other based on predefined rules or behaviors. These animations are commonly used for visual effects on websites, data visualization, or interactive demos. Solutions Particle [&#8230;]]]></description>
  34.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-8294 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | particles2" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="8294"></p>What are particle animations? Particle network animations in JavaScript typically involve creating visual representations of particles (often small dots or shapes) that move around in a defined space, interacting with each other based on predefined rules or behaviors. These animations are commonly used for visual effects on websites, data visualization, or interactive demos. Solutions Particle [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
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  37.                        <title>B&#038;B / Hotel Booking Solutions for WordPress &#124; 2024</title>
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  39.                        <pubDate>Tue, 02 Apr 2024 09:24:00 +0000</pubDate>
  40.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
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  42.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-11283 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | hotel booking wp" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="11283"></p>BOOKING SOLUTIONS 202x This is my take on a subset of booking, appointment, PMS or reservation solutions for WordPress. Update 02.04.2024Moving down the rabbit hole again :) Will be diving a bit deeper into some the solutions and their feature-sets. Might split this up into multiple posts :) Will see, which of the developers are [&#8230;]]]></description>
  43.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-11283 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | hotel booking wp" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="11283"></p>BOOKING SOLUTIONS 202x This is my take on a subset of booking, appointment, PMS or reservation solutions for WordPress. Update 02.04.2024Moving down the rabbit hole again :) Will be diving a bit deeper into some the solutions and their feature-sets. Might split this up into multiple posts :) Will see, which of the developers are [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
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  46.                        <title>WordPress Cron + WP-CLI + Ntfy</title>
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  48.                        <pubDate>Mon, 19 Feb 2024 12:42:37 +0000</pubDate>
  49.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
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  51.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-13105 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | keep it simple" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="13105"></p>THE GOAL Create a system cron for WordPress, that is accessible and can be easily tweaked to provide more details. Here some basic information about crons and the tools I am going to use &#8230; WordPress CRON In WordPress, the term &#8220;cron&#8221; refers to the system used for scheduling tasks to be executed at predefined [&#8230;]]]></description>
  52.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-13105 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | keep it simple" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="13105"></p>THE GOAL Create a system cron for WordPress, that is accessible and can be easily tweaked to provide more details. Here some basic information about crons and the tools I am going to use &#8230; WordPress CRON In WordPress, the term &#8220;cron&#8221; refers to the system used for scheduling tasks to be executed at predefined [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
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  55.                        <title>2024 is here and now :)</title>
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  57.                        <pubDate>Tue, 09 Jan 2024 08:58:10 +0000</pubDate>
  58.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
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  60.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-13058 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | 2024 is here" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="13058"></p>2024, what&#8217;s cooking? Slowly getting into the 2024 spirit. 3 projects coming to a close this month and looking forward to a couple of new smaller projects in between. Redoing my whole website this year, so will slowly transition and move content &#8230; A couple of docker projects &#8230; &#8230; im currently testdriving or expanding [&#8230;]]]></description>
  61.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-13058 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | 2024 is here" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="13058"></p>2024, what&#8217;s cooking? Slowly getting into the 2024 spirit. 3 projects coming to a close this month and looking forward to a couple of new smaller projects in between. Redoing my whole website this year, so will slowly transition and move content &#8230; A couple of docker projects &#8230; &#8230; im currently testdriving or expanding [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
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  64.                        <title>2023 ends and whats next !</title>
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  66.                        <pubDate>Fri, 22 Dec 2023 11:24:00 +0000</pubDate>
  67.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  68.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  69.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-13051 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | 2023 2024" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="13051"></p>Short look back at 2023 This has been a busy and interesting year. I am always looking forward to new challenges and this year really had some nice puzzles to solve ;) 2023 has brought us &#8220;AI&#8221; in all its glory, for content creation and in many development areas. There is no way around it [&#8230;]]]></description>
  70.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-13051 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | 2023 2024" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="13051"></p>Short look back at 2023 This has been a busy and interesting year. I am always looking forward to new challenges and this year really had some nice puzzles to solve ;) 2023 has brought us &#8220;AI&#8221; in all its glory, for content creation and in many development areas. There is no way around it [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
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  73.                        <title>cubicFUSION Grid Tweaker &#8211; Elementor Grid made easy.</title>
  74.                        <link></link>
  75.                        <pubDate>Thu, 23 Nov 2023 09:02:46 +0000</pubDate>
  76.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  77.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  78.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-13039 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | cubicfusion grid tweaker" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="13039"></p>Elementor Pro provides grid containers as an experimental feature. The options provided are limited, when it comes to native controls. The fine-tuning of the grid container items need to be done using Advanced CSS. If you are looking for a simpler way without using Advanced CSS, I started building out a Grid Tweaker for Elementor. [&#8230;]]]></description>
  79.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-13039 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | cubicfusion grid tweaker" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="13039"></p>Elementor Pro provides grid containers as an experimental feature. The options provided are limited, when it comes to native controls. The fine-tuning of the grid container items need to be done using Advanced CSS. If you are looking for a simpler way without using Advanced CSS, I started building out a Grid Tweaker for Elementor. [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
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  81.                        <item>
  82.                        <title>Archaeology Travel Booth &#8211; Travel Innovation Summit 2023</title>
  83.                        <link></link>
  84.                        <pubDate>Wed, 25 Oct 2023 15:33:04 +0000</pubDate>
  85.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  86.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  87.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-13022 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | portfolio 2023 TIS" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="13022"></p>Archaeology Travel is an online travel guide for people who enjoy exploring the world’s pasts. Inspiration for where to go and what to see. Information and tips on how to get there and what tickets to buy. Making it possible for everyone to find or create their adventures in archaeology and history, from humanity’s earliest [&#8230;]]]></description>
  88.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-13022 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | portfolio 2023 TIS" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="13022"></p>Archaeology Travel is an online travel guide for people who enjoy exploring the world’s pasts. Inspiration for where to go and what to see. Information and tips on how to get there and what tickets to buy. Making it possible for everyone to find or create their adventures in archaeology and history, from humanity’s earliest [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
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  90.                        <item>
  91.                        <title>Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way we interact with images</title>
  92.                        <link></link>
  93.                        <pubDate>Wed, 25 Oct 2023 08:42:19 +0000</pubDate>
  94.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  95.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  96.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-13015 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | ai image generation" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="13015"></p>Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way we interact with images, and the current AI image solutions are a testament to this. AI image solutions are applications of AI that can identify, classify, and manipulate images with remarkable accuracy and speed. With the rise of deep learning and computer vision, AI image solutions have become [&#8230;]]]></description>
  97.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-13015 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | ai image generation" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="13015"></p>Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way we interact with images, and the current AI image solutions are a testament to this. AI image solutions are applications of AI that can identify, classify, and manipulate images with remarkable accuracy and speed. With the rise of deep learning and computer vision, AI image solutions have become [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  98.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  99.                        <item>
  100.                        <title>Travel Innovation Summit Seville 2023</title>
  101.                        <link></link>
  102.                        <pubDate>Tue, 24 Oct 2023 21:22:30 +0000</pubDate>
  103.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  104.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  105.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-13011 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | archaeology travel tis 2023 seville" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="13011"></p>Archaeology Travel I had the chance this year to meetup with my client Thomas Dowson from &#8220;Archaeology Travel Media&#8221; at the Travel Innovation Summit in Seville. Over the past 2 years we have been revamping all the content from and integrated a sophisticated travel itinerary builder system into the mix. We are almost feature [&#8230;]]]></description>
  106.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-13011 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | archaeology travel tis 2023 seville" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="13011"></p>Archaeology Travel I had the chance this year to meetup with my client Thomas Dowson from &#8220;Archaeology Travel Media&#8221; at the Travel Innovation Summit in Seville. Over the past 2 years we have been revamping all the content from and integrated a sophisticated travel itinerary builder system into the mix. We are almost feature [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
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  108.                        <item>
  109.                        <title>WordPress: Caching MO-files &#8230; Does it make any  sense!</title>
  110.                        <link></link>
  111.                        <pubDate>Mon, 17 Jul 2023 08:17:26 +0000</pubDate>
  112.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  113.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  114.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12921 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | 2023 wordpress speedup mo files" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12921"></p>First a bit of context :) What is Gettext? Translation within WordPress is based of Gettext. Gettext is a software internationalization and localization (i18n) framework used in many programming languages to facilitate the translation of software applications into different languages. It provides a set of tools and libraries for managing multilingual strings and translating them [&#8230;]]]></description>
  115.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12921 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | 2023 wordpress speedup mo files" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12921"></p>First a bit of context :) What is Gettext? Translation within WordPress is based of Gettext. Gettext is a software internationalization and localization (i18n) framework used in many programming languages to facilitate the translation of software applications into different languages. It provides a set of tools and libraries for managing multilingual strings and translating them [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  116.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
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  118.                        <title>iPanorama 360 &#8211; Events / API</title>
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  120.                        <pubDate>Mon, 22 May 2023 17:39:03 +0000</pubDate>
  121.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  122.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  123.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12836 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | ipanorama 360 api" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12836"></p>Extending iPanorama 360 can be a challenge, as none of the events are documented. You can talk to the developer or ask for support to get things done. You can also read up on the core assets used: ipanorama.min.js jquery.ipanorama.min.js. You can easily search for the events and figure out the parameters passed. Here a [&#8230;]]]></description>
  124.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12836 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | ipanorama 360 api" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12836"></p>Extending iPanorama 360 can be a challenge, as none of the events are documented. You can talk to the developer or ask for support to get things done. You can also read up on the core assets used: ipanorama.min.js jquery.ipanorama.min.js. You can easily search for the events and figure out the parameters passed. Here a [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  125.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  126.                        <item>
  127.                        <title>Extending iPanorama 360 with an arial / floor &#8211; map</title>
  128.                        <link></link>
  129.                        <pubDate>Mon, 22 May 2023 14:45:06 +0000</pubDate>
  130.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  131.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  132.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12818 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | cubicfusion hotspot" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12818"></p>WHAT IS IPANORAMA 360? iPanorama 360 for WordPress is a specialized plugin that enables users to create and display interactive 360-degree virtual tours or panoramic images on WordPress websites. It extends the functionality of the WordPress content management system by providing a user-friendly interface and a range of features specifically tailored for creating and showcasing [&#8230;]]]></description>
  133.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12818 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | cubicfusion hotspot" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12818"></p>WHAT IS IPANORAMA 360? iPanorama 360 for WordPress is a specialized plugin that enables users to create and display interactive 360-degree virtual tours or panoramic images on WordPress websites. It extends the functionality of the WordPress content management system by providing a user-friendly interface and a range of features specifically tailored for creating and showcasing [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
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  135.                        <item>
  136.                        <title>Day 2: Typebot Chatbots – 7 Days of Docker</title>
  137.                        <link></link>
  138.                        <pubDate>Sat, 06 May 2023 15:24:36 +0000</pubDate>
  139.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  140.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  141.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12846 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | typebot docker" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12846"></p>Chatbots Typebot is a free and open-source platform that lets you create conversational apps and forms, which can be embedded anywhere on your website or mobile apps. It provides various features like text, image, and video bubble messages, input fields for various data types, native integrations, conditional branching, URL redirections, beautiful animations, and customizable themes. [&#8230;]]]></description>
  142.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12846 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | typebot docker" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12846"></p>Chatbots Typebot is a free and open-source platform that lets you create conversational apps and forms, which can be embedded anywhere on your website or mobile apps. It provides various features like text, image, and video bubble messages, input fields for various data types, native integrations, conditional branching, URL redirections, beautiful animations, and customizable themes. [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  143.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  144.                        <item>
  145.                        <title>Day 1: IT-Tools &#8211; 7 Days of Docker</title>
  146.                        <link></link>
  147.                        <pubDate>Fri, 05 May 2023 09:03:33 +0000</pubDate>
  148.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  149.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  150.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12843 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | it tools docker 1" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12843"></p>Developer Tools IT Tools is an amazing docker image that gives you access to a ton of developer tools for different categories. All these are nicely wrapped into an intuitive web-interface. The online tools can perform different functions. These include generating tokens, hashing text, generating UUIDs, encrypting and decrypting text, generating BIP39 passphrases, converting dates [&#8230;]]]></description>
  151.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12843 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | it tools docker 1" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12843"></p>Developer Tools IT Tools is an amazing docker image that gives you access to a ton of developer tools for different categories. All these are nicely wrapped into an intuitive web-interface. The online tools can perform different functions. These include generating tokens, hashing text, generating UUIDs, encrypting and decrypting text, generating BIP39 passphrases, converting dates [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  152.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  153.                        <item>
  154.                        <title>7 Days of Docker</title>
  155.                        <link></link>
  156.                        <pubDate>Tue, 02 May 2023 12:14:43 +0000</pubDate>
  157.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  158.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  159.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12849 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | 7 days docker" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12849"></p>I am a huge Docker fan and run my own home and cloud server with it. What is Docker? &#8220;Docker is a platform that allows developers to create, deploy, and run applications in containers. Containers are lightweight, portable, and self-sufficient environments that can run an application and all its dependencies, making it easier to manage [&#8230;]]]></description>
  160.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12849 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | 7 days docker" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12849"></p>I am a huge Docker fan and run my own home and cloud server with it. What is Docker? &#8220;Docker is a platform that allows developers to create, deploy, and run applications in containers. Containers are lightweight, portable, and self-sufficient environments that can run an application and all its dependencies, making it easier to manage [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  161.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  162.                        <item>
  163.                        <title>Pearlsmile</title>
  164.                        <link></link>
  165.                        <pubDate>Sat, 29 Apr 2023 14:04:16 +0000</pubDate>
  166.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  167.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  168.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-13028 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | pearlsmile consulting" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="13028"></p>Did consulting / optimisation &#38; custom coding work for Pearlsmile® over the past few months.Also helped with salvaging a bad server move, restoring the file / database and domain setup. &#8220;For over 10 years Pearlsmile®&#160;has been offering cosmetic tooth whitening, dental and oral care products for home use. The company has also specialised in developing [&#8230;]]]></description>
  169.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-13028 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | pearlsmile consulting" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="13028"></p>Did consulting / optimisation &#38; custom coding work for Pearlsmile® over the past few months.Also helped with salvaging a bad server move, restoring the file / database and domain setup. &#8220;For over 10 years Pearlsmile®&#160;has been offering cosmetic tooth whitening, dental and oral care products for home use. The company has also specialised in developing [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  170.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  171.                        <item>
  172.                        <title>Archaeology Travel 2023 &#8211; Adventures in Archaeology &#038; History for Everyone</title>
  173.                        <link></link>
  174.                        <pubDate>Tue, 14 Mar 2023 18:11:00 +0000</pubDate>
  175.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  176.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  177.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12726 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | archaeology travel com 2023" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12726"></p>Archaeology Travel is an online travel guide for people who enjoy exploring the world’s pasts. Inspiration for where to go and what to see. Information and tips on how to get there and what tickets to buy. Making it possible for everyone to find or create their adventures in archaeology and history, from humanity’s earliest [&#8230;]]]></description>
  178.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12726 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | archaeology travel com 2023" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12726"></p>Archaeology Travel is an online travel guide for people who enjoy exploring the world’s pasts. Inspiration for where to go and what to see. Information and tips on how to get there and what tickets to buy. Making it possible for everyone to find or create their adventures in archaeology and history, from humanity’s earliest [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  179.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  180.                        <item>
  181.                        <title>Bookstack: Embed local CSV files</title>
  182.                        <link></link>
  183.                        <pubDate>Fri, 03 Mar 2023 14:23:21 +0000</pubDate>
  184.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  185.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  186.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12702 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | bookstack csv parsing grid" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12702"></p>What is Bookstack BookStack is an open-source, web-based platform for organizing, storing, and sharing knowledge and documentation. It was developed to provide a user-friendly and intuitive interface for creating and managing knowledge bases, wikis, and other types of structured content. BookStack allows users to create books, chapters, and pages, and to organize them hierarchically. Users [&#8230;]]]></description>
  187.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12702 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | bookstack csv parsing grid" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12702"></p>What is Bookstack BookStack is an open-source, web-based platform for organizing, storing, and sharing knowledge and documentation. It was developed to provide a user-friendly and intuitive interface for creating and managing knowledge bases, wikis, and other types of structured content. BookStack allows users to create books, chapters, and pages, and to organize them hierarchically. Users [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  188.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  189.                        <item>
  190.                        <title>SEO 2023: From  EAT to EEAT ?</title>
  191.                        <link></link>
  192.                        <pubDate>Tue, 21 Feb 2023 17:23:03 +0000</pubDate>
  193.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  194.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  195.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12684 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | seo 2023 eeat eat content" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12684"></p>EAT what does that stand for? In SEO (Search Engine Optimization), there is a concept called &#8220;E-A-T&#8221; which stands for &#8220;Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness&#8221;. Google uses E-A-T as one of its many ranking factors to evaluate the quality of content on the web. Websites that consistently produce high-quality content that meets the E-A-T criteria are [&#8230;]]]></description>
  196.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12684 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | seo 2023 eeat eat content" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12684"></p>EAT what does that stand for? In SEO (Search Engine Optimization), there is a concept called &#8220;E-A-T&#8221; which stands for &#8220;Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness&#8221;. Google uses E-A-T as one of its many ranking factors to evaluate the quality of content on the web. Websites that consistently produce high-quality content that meets the E-A-T criteria are [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  197.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  198.                        <item>
  199.                        <title>Übersicht &#8211; Using your Desktop for more !</title>
  200.                        <link></link>
  201.                        <pubDate>Sat, 14 Jan 2023 09:41:39 +0000</pubDate>
  202.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  203.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  204.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12596 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | desktop enhancements" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12596"></p>What is Übersicht? &#8220;Übersicht&#8221; is a German word that means &#8220;overview&#8221; or &#8220;summary&#8221; in English. The name of the software was chosen because it allows users to have a quick overview of various information on their desktop. It&#8217;s also a play on words, because in German the name of the software can be translated as [&#8230;]]]></description>
  205.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12596 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | desktop enhancements" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12596"></p>What is Übersicht? &#8220;Übersicht&#8221; is a German word that means &#8220;overview&#8221; or &#8220;summary&#8221; in English. The name of the software was chosen because it allows users to have a quick overview of various information on their desktop. It&#8217;s also a play on words, because in German the name of the software can be translated as [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  206.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  207.                        <item>
  208.                        <title>Top Productivity Tools 2023</title>
  209.                        <link></link>
  210.                        <pubDate>Wed, 11 Jan 2023 17:30:59 +0000</pubDate>
  211.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  212.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  213.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12524 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | productivity solutions" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12524"></p>Productivity tools are software applications that help individuals and teams to manage their time and tasks more effectively. These tools can range from simple time tracking and task management apps to more advanced project management software. The goal of productivity tools is to increase efficiency, organization, and accountability, allowing users to accomplish more in less [&#8230;]]]></description>
  214.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12524 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | productivity solutions" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12524"></p>Productivity tools are software applications that help individuals and teams to manage their time and tasks more effectively. These tools can range from simple time tracking and task management apps to more advanced project management software. The goal of productivity tools is to increase efficiency, organization, and accountability, allowing users to accomplish more in less [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  215.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  216.                        <item>
  217.                        <title>Git Tweaks &#038; Workarounds 2023</title>
  218.                        <link></link>
  219.                        <pubDate>Tue, 10 Jan 2023 20:06:30 +0000</pubDate>
  220.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  221.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  222.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12519 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | git solutions" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12519"></p>&#8220;Git is&#160;a DevOps tool used for source code management. It is a free and open-source version control system used to handle small to very large projects efficiently. Git is used to tracking changes in the source code, enabling multiple developers to work together on non-linear development.&#8221; Many use Github to host remote Git repositories, but [&#8230;]]]></description>
  223.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12519 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | git solutions" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12519"></p>&#8220;Git is&#160;a DevOps tool used for source code management. It is a free and open-source version control system used to handle small to very large projects efficiently. Git is used to tracking changes in the source code, enabling multiple developers to work together on non-linear development.&#8221; Many use Github to host remote Git repositories, but [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  224.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  225.                        <item>
  226.                        <title>You might not need jQuery or Javascript!</title>
  227.                        <link></link>
  228.                        <pubDate>Mon, 02 Jan 2023 19:06:53 +0000</pubDate>
  229.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  230.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  231.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12497 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | simple solutions jquery" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12497"></p>Transition jQuery has provided easy access to complicated core Javascript solutions in the past and has been shielding us from difficult workarounds for legacy browsers. But times have changed and many of those things can be done as easily using Javascript directly. jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes interactions with [&#8230;]]]></description>
  232.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12497 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | simple solutions jquery" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12497"></p>Transition jQuery has provided easy access to complicated core Javascript solutions in the past and has been shielding us from difficult workarounds for legacy browsers. But times have changed and many of those things can be done as easily using Javascript directly. jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes interactions with [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  233.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  234.                        <item>
  235.                        <title>What is a fullstack developer &#8230;</title>
  236.                        <link></link>
  237.                        <pubDate>Sat, 03 Dec 2022 19:07:20 +0000</pubDate>
  238.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  239.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  240.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12490 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | fullstack dev" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12490"></p>THE PREMISE A fullstack developer is a software engineer who has expertise in all layers of a web application&#8217;s stack. This includes both the frontend, which is the user-facing part of the application, and the backend, which is the server-side portion of the application. THE ROAD TO &#8230; To become a fullstack developer, one must [&#8230;]]]></description>
  241.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12490 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | fullstack dev" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12490"></p>THE PREMISE A fullstack developer is a software engineer who has expertise in all layers of a web application&#8217;s stack. This includes both the frontend, which is the user-facing part of the application, and the backend, which is the server-side portion of the application. THE ROAD TO &#8230; To become a fullstack developer, one must [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  242.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  243.                        <item>
  244.                        <title>Solutions: Facebook Gray Accounts + rescue of connected pages</title>
  245.                        <link></link>
  246.                        <pubDate>Tue, 11 Oct 2022 10:25:13 +0000</pubDate>
  247.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  248.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  249.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12469 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | solution pages facebook" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12469"></p>Facebook sucks &#8230;. and now how to solve saving pages connected to a gray account! Might not work for everyone, but it solved it for me. What are Gray accounts? &#8220;A gray account is an account used to log into Facebook that is not associated with a personal profile or account. People used to be [&#8230;]]]></description>
  250.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12469 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | solution pages facebook" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12469"></p>Facebook sucks &#8230;. and now how to solve saving pages connected to a gray account! Might not work for everyone, but it solved it for me. What are Gray accounts? &#8220;A gray account is an account used to log into Facebook that is not associated with a personal profile or account. People used to be [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  251.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  252.                        <item>
  253.                        <title>Solutions: WordPress + MultiSite + WPML + Simplied folder structure</title>
  254.                        <link></link>
  255.                        <pubDate>Thu, 06 Oct 2022 17:35:36 +0000</pubDate>
  256.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  257.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  258.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12397 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | multisite solution wpml" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12397"></p>THE QUESTION A while back a potential customer asked me, if it is possible to restructure a WordPress Multisite setup and WPML with a more simplified and custom url structure? THE ROUGH IDEA 1 . (with possibly different languages) 2. Languages would normally be added like this: The customer [&#8230;]]]></description>
  259.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12397 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | multisite solution wpml" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12397"></p>THE QUESTION A while back a potential customer asked me, if it is possible to restructure a WordPress Multisite setup and WPML with a more simplified and custom url structure? THE ROUGH IDEA 1 . (with possibly different languages) 2. Languages would normally be added like this: The customer [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  260.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  261.                        <item>
  262.                        <title>The fear of the Google Helpful Content algorithm update!</title>
  263.                        <link></link>
  264.                        <pubDate>Thu, 25 Aug 2022 12:41:49 +0000</pubDate>
  265.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  266.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  267.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12257 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | google Helpful Content is happening" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12257"></p>When you look at Youtube, Twitter, certain Facebook groups and even some software companies, they are all building up fear for the upcoming / in-progress Google &#8220;Helpful Content&#8221; algorithm update. WHAT IS IT? &#8211; Our “helpful content update” launching next week will better surface original, helpful content made by people, for people, rather than content [&#8230;]]]></description>
  268.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12257 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | google Helpful Content is happening" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12257"></p>When you look at Youtube, Twitter, certain Facebook groups and even some software companies, they are all building up fear for the upcoming / in-progress Google &#8220;Helpful Content&#8221; algorithm update. WHAT IS IT? &#8211; Our “helpful content update” launching next week will better surface original, helpful content made by people, for people, rather than content [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  269.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  270.                        <item>
  271.                        <title>KAIAKOO® Bildungsgruppe</title>
  272.                        <link></link>
  273.                        <pubDate>Thu, 25 Aug 2022 07:27:00 +0000</pubDate>
  274.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  275.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  276.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12455 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | kaiakoo 2022" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12455"></p>Custom multisite setup for an educational institution website. &#8220;The KAIAKOO® education group is a recognized education provider based in Speyer. Our services are tested, certified and eligible for funding in accordance with the Accreditation and Licensing Ordinance (AZAV). Our consulting cosmos includes in particular the topics of PROFESSION, CAREER &#38; FOUNDING.&#8221; WordPress Multisite Backend (3 [&#8230;]]]></description>
  277.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12455 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | kaiakoo 2022" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12455"></p>Custom multisite setup for an educational institution website. &#8220;The KAIAKOO® education group is a recognized education provider based in Speyer. Our services are tested, certified and eligible for funding in accordance with the Accreditation and Licensing Ordinance (AZAV). Our consulting cosmos includes in particular the topics of PROFESSION, CAREER &#38; FOUNDING.&#8221; WordPress Multisite Backend (3 [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  278.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  279.                        <item>
  280.                        <title>Nacht der Sterne 2022 &#8211; TYPEMYKNIFE®</title>
  281.                        <link></link>
  282.                        <pubDate>Wed, 25 May 2022 11:11:13 +0000</pubDate>
  283.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  284.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  285.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="720" src="" class=" wp-image-12209 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | nacht der sterne 2022 typemyknife" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12209"></p>Ich hatte dieses Jahr die Möglichkeit, über meinen Kunden TYPEMYKNIFE®, an der &#8220;Nacht der Sterne&#8221; in Stuttgart, im Mercedes-Benz Museum, teilzunehmen. Auf der Gala kommen mehr als 800 Gäste aus Gastronomie, Hotellerie, Politik, Kultur und Wirtschaft zusammen.&#160; NACHT DER STERNE / ahgz Sterne Award 2022 Es war ein klasse Abend, auf dem nicht nur die [&#8230;]]]></description>
  286.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="720" src="" class=" wp-image-12209 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | nacht der sterne 2022 typemyknife" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12209"></p>Ich hatte dieses Jahr die Möglichkeit, über meinen Kunden TYPEMYKNIFE®, an der &#8220;Nacht der Sterne&#8221; in Stuttgart, im Mercedes-Benz Museum, teilzunehmen. Auf der Gala kommen mehr als 800 Gäste aus Gastronomie, Hotellerie, Politik, Kultur und Wirtschaft zusammen.&#160; NACHT DER STERNE / ahgz Sterne Award 2022 Es war ein klasse Abend, auf dem nicht nur die [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  287.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="720" />                </item>
  288.                        <item>
  289.                        <title>Visual House &#124; 3D Visualisierung &#8211; 2022</title>
  290.                        <link></link>
  291.                        <pubDate>Sun, 30 Jan 2022 12:30:00 +0000</pubDate>
  292.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  293.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  294.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-11757 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | portfolio visual haus 2020" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="11757"></p>&#8220;Visual House erstellt realistische 3D Video-Animationen, Panoramatouren, Außen- und Innen Ansichten für Ihr Bauvorhaben.&#8221; &#8220;Visual House creates realistic 3D video animations, panorama tours, exterior and interior views for your construction project.&#8221; This is a simple portfolio website, that will be expanded upon in the future. The client wants to edit and maintain the website himself. [&#8230;]]]></description>
  295.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-11757 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | portfolio visual haus 2020" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="11757"></p>&#8220;Visual House erstellt realistische 3D Video-Animationen, Panoramatouren, Außen- und Innen Ansichten für Ihr Bauvorhaben.&#8221; &#8220;Visual House creates realistic 3D video animations, panorama tours, exterior and interior views for your construction project.&#8221; This is a simple portfolio website, that will be expanded upon in the future. The client wants to edit and maintain the website himself. [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  296.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  297.                        <item>
  298.                        <title>3D Messer Gravur Konfigurator &#8211; TYPEMYKNIFE® &#124; 2022</title>
  299.                        <link></link>
  300.                        <pubDate>Tue, 25 Jan 2022 19:53:46 +0000</pubDate>
  301.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  302.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  303.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-11746 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | typemyknife 3d messer konfigurator" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="11746"></p>TYPEMYKNIFE® &#8211; allows you to laser ingrave your knife using a unique 3D configurator. I redesigned their 3D knife configurator and helped to optimise the overall integration. The core backend functionality of the configurator was not created by me, I only helped debug and tweak the old &#38; new functionality. Complete redesign of the old [&#8230;]]]></description>
  304.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-11746 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | typemyknife 3d messer konfigurator" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="11746"></p>TYPEMYKNIFE® &#8211; allows you to laser ingrave your knife using a unique 3D configurator. I redesigned their 3D knife configurator and helped to optimise the overall integration. The core backend functionality of the configurator was not created by me, I only helped debug and tweak the old &#38; new functionality. Complete redesign of the old [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  305.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  306.                        <item>
  307.                        <title>Display Calibration / Spyder / Mac M1</title>
  308.                        <link></link>
  309.                        <pubDate>Sat, 13 Nov 2021 15:24:09 +0000</pubDate>
  310.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  311.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  312.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-11731 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | color calibration" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="11731"></p>Why? Color correction is important to me and to the projects I do. Regularly calibrating your monitor is essential in order to create prints that accurately represents what you see on your monitor.&#160; I have color-profiles (ICC &#8211; International Color Consortium) for different light conditions and I do recalibrate every few months, as the light [&#8230;]]]></description>
  313.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-11731 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | color calibration" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="11731"></p>Why? Color correction is important to me and to the projects I do. Regularly calibrating your monitor is essential in order to create prints that accurately represents what you see on your monitor.&#160; I have color-profiles (ICC &#8211; International Color Consortium) for different light conditions and I do recalibrate every few months, as the light [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  314.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  315.                        <item>
  316.                        <title>Hosting MP3 files on Google Drive + HTML5 Audio Player</title>
  317.                        <link></link>
  318.                        <pubDate>Mon, 01 Nov 2021 08:27:00 +0000</pubDate>
  319.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  320.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  321.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-11709 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | hosting mp3" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="11709"></p>What Google Drive Sharing offers us! I am doing a Podcast on portalZINE.TV since last year and always host a backup of the MP3 episodes on Google Drive. The link that you create, when enabling file sharing on Google Drive, can not be used to actually embed it on your website. The link looks something [&#8230;]]]></description>
  322.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-11709 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | hosting mp3" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="11709"></p>What Google Drive Sharing offers us! I am doing a Podcast on portalZINE.TV since last year and always host a backup of the MP3 episodes on Google Drive. The link that you create, when enabling file sharing on Google Drive, can not be used to actually embed it on your website. The link looks something [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  323.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  324.                        <item>
  325.                        <title>Importing CSV files with HTML5 and Papa Parse!</title>
  326.                        <link></link>
  327.                        <pubDate>Sun, 31 Oct 2021 17:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
  328.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  329.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  330.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-11679 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | parsing csv in js" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="11679"></p>PAPA PARSE Papa Parse is a powerful, in-browser CSV parser for the big boys and girls :)If you do need easy CSV parsing and conversion back to CSV, take a look at it! SIMPLE TESTDRIVE ABOUT Papa Parse is the&#160;fastest&#160;in-browser CSV (or delimited text) parser for JavaScript. It is reliable and correct according to&#160;RFC 4180, [&#8230;]]]></description>
  331.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-11679 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | parsing csv in js" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="11679"></p>PAPA PARSE Papa Parse is a powerful, in-browser CSV parser for the big boys and girls :)If you do need easy CSV parsing and conversion back to CSV, take a look at it! SIMPLE TESTDRIVE ABOUT Papa Parse is the&#160;fastest&#160;in-browser CSV (or delimited text) parser for JavaScript. It is reliable and correct according to&#160;RFC 4180, [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  332.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  333.                        <item>
  334.                        <title>5 auf einen Streich &#8211; Folge 104</title>
  335.                        <link></link>
  336.                        <pubDate>Mon, 18 Oct 2021 18:22:44 +0000</pubDate>
  337.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  338.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  339.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="720" src="" class=" wp-image-11645 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | 5aes104" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="11645"></p>Die erste Folge nach einer langen Pause ;) Folge 104]]></description>
  340.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="720" src="" class=" wp-image-11645 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | 5aes104" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="11645"></p>Die erste Folge nach einer langen Pause ;) Folge 104]]></content:encoded>
  341.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="720" />                </item>
  342.                        <item>
  343.                        <title>Podcast &#8211; 5 auf einen Streich</title>
  344.                        <link></link>
  345.                        <pubDate>Sun, 17 Oct 2021 14:34:35 +0000</pubDate>
  346.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  347.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  348.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-11453 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | 5aes" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="11453"></p>UMZUG Moin! Im Juni hatte ich den Umbau von portalZINE TV angekündigt und kündige jetzt den Umzug des Podcasts &#8211; 5 auf einen Streich &#8211; an. 5 auf einen Streich findet man jetzt hier. Durch die Themen werde ich weiterhin rotieren, aber den Fokus stärker auf Entwicklung &#38; Design setzen. Mal sehen, wie sich das [&#8230;]]]></description>
  349.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-11453 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | 5aes" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="11453"></p>UMZUG Moin! Im Juni hatte ich den Umbau von portalZINE TV angekündigt und kündige jetzt den Umzug des Podcasts &#8211; 5 auf einen Streich &#8211; an. 5 auf einen Streich findet man jetzt hier. Durch die Themen werde ich weiterhin rotieren, aber den Fokus stärker auf Entwicklung &#38; Design setzen. Mal sehen, wie sich das [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  350.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  351.                        <item>
  352.                        <title>TYPEMYKNIFE® &#8211; We Type Your Knife &#124; 2021</title>
  353.                        <link></link>
  354.                        <pubDate>Fri, 01 Oct 2021 10:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
  355.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  356.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  357.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-11078 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | typeyourknife wetypeyourknife" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="11078"></p>TYPEMYKNIFE® &#8211; allows you to laser engrave your knife using a unique 3D configurator. Their shop provides a vast amount of knives from different known knife manufactures (Burgvogel, Chambriard, Claude Dozorme, DICK, Giesser, Güde &#8230;), while also offering their own (TYPEMYKNIFE® Messermanufaktur). Founders / CompanyClaus Ermlich &#38; Thomas Raschke GbR StatusIt has been a pleasure [&#8230;]]]></description>
  358.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-11078 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | typeyourknife wetypeyourknife" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="11078"></p>TYPEMYKNIFE® &#8211; allows you to laser engrave your knife using a unique 3D configurator. Their shop provides a vast amount of knives from different known knife manufactures (Burgvogel, Chambriard, Claude Dozorme, DICK, Giesser, Güde &#8230;), while also offering their own (TYPEMYKNIFE® Messermanufaktur). Founders / CompanyClaus Ermlich &#38; Thomas Raschke GbR StatusIt has been a pleasure [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  359.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  360.                        <item>
  361.                        <title>Destination Youtube: Sync WooCommerce Products &#038; Youtube Videos</title>
  362.                        <link></link>
  363.                        <pubDate>Thu, 09 Sep 2021 16:26:41 +0000</pubDate>
  364.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  365.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  366.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-11161 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | destination youtube data api" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="11161"></p>INTRODUCTION This is not a tutorial, but more like sharing a nice geeky road-trip ;) I have a pretty good understanding of the Youtube Data API, as I have actively used it on portalZINE TV in the past, to upload videos and dynamically link them to my local post-types. For one of my latest customer [&#8230;]]]></description>
  367.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-11161 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | destination youtube data api" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="11161"></p>INTRODUCTION This is not a tutorial, but more like sharing a nice geeky road-trip ;) I have a pretty good understanding of the Youtube Data API, as I have actively used it on portalZINE TV in the past, to upload videos and dynamically link them to my local post-types. For one of my latest customer [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  368.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  369.                        <item>
  370.                        <title>WPML &#8211; Going multilingual with WordPress</title>
  371.                        <link></link>
  372.                        <pubDate>Sun, 29 Aug 2021 15:04:13 +0000</pubDate>
  373.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  374.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  375.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-11115 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | wpml break the language barrier" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="11115"></p>Getting started &#8220;WPML (WordPress Multilingual) makes it easy to build multilingual sites and run them. It’s powerful enough for corporate sites, yet simple for blogs.&#8221; &#8211; WPML I have been running and setting up multilingual websites for more than 12 years. WordPress and related integrations have gladly come a long way to make our life&#8217;s [&#8230;]]]></description>
  376.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-11115 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | wpml break the language barrier" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="11115"></p>Getting started &#8220;WPML (WordPress Multilingual) makes it easy to build multilingual sites and run them. It’s powerful enough for corporate sites, yet simple for blogs.&#8221; &#8211; WPML I have been running and setting up multilingual websites for more than 12 years. WordPress and related integrations have gladly come a long way to make our life&#8217;s [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  377.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  378.                        <item>
  379.                        <title>How &#038; Where can I help?</title>
  380.                        <link></link>
  381.                        <pubDate>Thu, 08 Jul 2021 10:10:27 +0000</pubDate>
  382.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  383.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  384.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-11021 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | together" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="11021"></p>FINDING A COMMON GROUND! The first contact is always critical in order to define a possible project or future collaboration. I always have some time during the week to talk to potential customers about possible solutions. In a casual first conversation, you can clarify what both sides need.Either the chemistry is right or not :) [&#8230;]]]></description>
  385.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-11021 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | together" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="11021"></p>FINDING A COMMON GROUND! The first contact is always critical in order to define a possible project or future collaboration. I always have some time during the week to talk to potential customers about possible solutions. In a casual first conversation, you can clarify what both sides need.Either the chemistry is right or not :) [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  386.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  387.                        <item>
  388.                        <title>Gutenberg Grids &#038; Timber ++ Some CSS Grid Magic!</title>
  389.                        <link></link>
  390.                        <pubDate>Thu, 01 Jul 2021 17:59:13 +0000</pubDate>
  391.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  392.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  393.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10724 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | css grid" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10724"></p>A grid mystery Somehow the Grids Layout Builder for Gutenberg ist not pushing styles to the footer within a Timber theme. At least not for me. Somehow the wp_footer action within the Grids plugin is not being executed and no grid styles are added to the footer. I am not getting any errors, but will [&#8230;]]]></description>
  394.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10724 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | css grid" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10724"></p>A grid mystery Somehow the Grids Layout Builder for Gutenberg ist not pushing styles to the footer within a Timber theme. At least not for me. Somehow the wp_footer action within the Grids plugin is not being executed and no grid styles are added to the footer. I am not getting any errors, but will [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  395.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  396.                        <item>
  397.                        <title>portalZINE TV &#8211; Moving forward</title>
  398.                        <link></link>
  399.                        <pubDate>Tue, 29 Jun 2021 17:17:58 +0000</pubDate>
  400.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  401.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  402.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10641 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | something new" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10641"></p>portalZINE TV was my / our youtube review channel till 2014 ( purely in German). We also shared our magazine via a live satellite broadcast every month. I continued doing a short podcast series (5 auf einen Streich) until 2019 and it has been waiting for something new since then. I kept it in a [&#8230;]]]></description>
  403.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10641 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | something new" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10641"></p>portalZINE TV was my / our youtube review channel till 2014 ( purely in German). We also shared our magazine via a live satellite broadcast every month. I continued doing a short podcast series (5 auf einen Streich) until 2019 and it has been waiting for something new since then. I kept it in a [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  404.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  405.                        <item>
  406.                        <title>Elektro Scherer GmbH in Ludwigshafen</title>
  407.                        <link></link>
  408.                        <pubDate>Tue, 27 Apr 2021 10:24:00 +0000</pubDate>
  409.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  410.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  411.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="853" src="" class=" wp-image-8930 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | elektro scherer" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="8930"></p>Elekro Scherer &#8211; offers electric services &#38; installations of all kinds WordPress Fresh new design ( GREENTONIC &#8211; Agentur Speyer ) Twig &#38; Timber based custom theme / templates Responsive Styling with SASS DSGVO integration Server Configuration &#38; Optimisation SSL Tweaks Update 04/2021Micro-Shop to help during the corona lockdown. Listing of products available for sale [&#8230;]]]></description>
  412.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="853" src="" class=" wp-image-8930 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | elektro scherer" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="8930"></p>Elekro Scherer &#8211; offers electric services &#38; installations of all kinds WordPress Fresh new design ( GREENTONIC &#8211; Agentur Speyer ) Twig &#38; Timber based custom theme / templates Responsive Styling with SASS DSGVO integration Server Configuration &#38; Optimisation SSL Tweaks Update 04/2021Micro-Shop to help during the corona lockdown. Listing of products available for sale [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  413.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="853" />                </item>
  414.                        <item>
  415.                        <title>Older WACOM Pen Tablets under Windows 10</title>
  416.                        <link></link>
  417.                        <pubDate>Sat, 10 Apr 2021 15:57:21 +0000</pubDate>
  418.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  419.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  420.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10581 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | neat solutions" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10581"></p>The issue WACOM is known for stopping support for their pen tablets after some years, especially for the cheaper consumer pen tablets. The WACOM Bamboo (in my case the CTH-461) is a pretty popular pen tablet and the latest driver wont install natively under Windows 10. Really frustrating for hardware that is still in perfect [&#8230;]]]></description>
  421.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10581 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | neat solutions" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10581"></p>The issue WACOM is known for stopping support for their pen tablets after some years, especially for the cheaper consumer pen tablets. The WACOM Bamboo (in my case the CTH-461) is a pretty popular pen tablet and the latest driver wont install natively under Windows 10. Really frustrating for hardware that is still in perfect [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  422.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  423.                        <item>
  424.                        <title>VR is here! Are you already infected?</title>
  425.                        <link></link>
  426.                        <pubDate>Fri, 09 Apr 2021 10:34:56 +0000</pubDate>
  427.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  428.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  429.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10455 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | vr is coming" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10455"></p>Watching from the sidelines VR has not just arrived, but it finally arrived for me and the masses ;) I have been watching VR evolving from the sidelines for the past few years. Its been a fun ride, from the first prototypes to what we have now. The biggest problem in the past, has been [&#8230;]]]></description>
  430.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10455 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | vr is coming" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10455"></p>Watching from the sidelines VR has not just arrived, but it finally arrived for me and the masses ;) I have been watching VR evolving from the sidelines for the past few years. Its been a fun ride, from the first prototypes to what we have now. The biggest problem in the past, has been [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  431.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  432.                        <item>
  433.                        <title>Frohe Ostern / Happy Easter</title>
  434.                        <link></link>
  435.                        <pubDate>Thu, 01 Apr 2021 14:59:09 +0000</pubDate>
  436.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  437.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  438.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10538 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | happy easter 2021" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10538"></p>Frohe Ostern aus dem Norden. Da an Urlaub dieses Jahr nicht wirklich zu denken ist, ist Kreatives gefragt! Wie wäre es mit dem Eiertrullern (geht auch im Garten oder in der Sandkiste )Auf den Ostfriesischen Inseln &#8211; speziell auf Norderney &#8211; spielen Einheimische und Touristen das Eiertrullern traditionell in den Dünen. Die Mitwirkenden stellen sich dabei auf [&#8230;]]]></description>
  439.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10538 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | happy easter 2021" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10538"></p>Frohe Ostern aus dem Norden. Da an Urlaub dieses Jahr nicht wirklich zu denken ist, ist Kreatives gefragt! Wie wäre es mit dem Eiertrullern (geht auch im Garten oder in der Sandkiste )Auf den Ostfriesischen Inseln &#8211; speziell auf Norderney &#8211; spielen Einheimische und Touristen das Eiertrullern traditionell in den Dünen. Die Mitwirkenden stellen sich dabei auf [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  440.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  441.                        <item>
  442.                        <title>VIKTUALIA &#124; HOFEINKAUF</title>
  443.                        <link></link>
  444.                        <pubDate>Sun, 28 Mar 2021 09:05:00 +0000</pubDate>
  445.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  446.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  447.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="840" src="" class=" wp-image-10387 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | viktualia hofeinkauf" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10387"></p>&#8220;Viktualia liefert an Abholstationen im Raum Heidelberg.Viktualia bündelt für dich das Angebot kleiner und kleinster Höfe aus der Region. Das Ergebnis: Die ganze Vielfalt dessen, was ausgewählte Erzeuger zu bieten haben. Einfach im Onlineshop Brot, Eier, Fleisch, Käse, Joghurt, Gemüse und vieles mehr bestellen und die Einkäufe entspannt auf dem Heimweg an einer Abholstation mitnehmen.&#8221; [&#8230;]]]></description>
  448.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="840" src="" class=" wp-image-10387 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | viktualia hofeinkauf" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10387"></p>&#8220;Viktualia liefert an Abholstationen im Raum Heidelberg.Viktualia bündelt für dich das Angebot kleiner und kleinster Höfe aus der Region. Das Ergebnis: Die ganze Vielfalt dessen, was ausgewählte Erzeuger zu bieten haben. Einfach im Onlineshop Brot, Eier, Fleisch, Käse, Joghurt, Gemüse und vieles mehr bestellen und die Einkäufe entspannt auf dem Heimweg an einer Abholstation mitnehmen.&#8221; [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  449.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="840" />                </item>
  450.                        <item>
  451.                        <title>Tracking your body in VR</title>
  452.                        <link></link>
  453.                        <pubDate>Fri, 26 Mar 2021 11:15:35 +0000</pubDate>
  454.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  455.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  456.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10504 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | tracking in vr" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10504"></p>A new passion! VR is a new passion of mine, that I play with in my freetime, but also explore as a developer and tech enthusiast. As video quality has evolved a lot in the past 2 years, the big topic now is full body immersion. What needs to be tracked in VR? The following [&#8230;]]]></description>
  457.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10504 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | tracking in vr" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10504"></p>A new passion! VR is a new passion of mine, that I play with in my freetime, but also explore as a developer and tech enthusiast. As video quality has evolved a lot in the past 2 years, the big topic now is full body immersion. What needs to be tracked in VR? The following [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  458.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  459.                        <item>
  460.                        <title>Verein 3.0 &#8211; WerteWissenWandel</title>
  461.                        <link></link>
  462.                        <pubDate>Fri, 12 Mar 2021 11:33:00 +0000</pubDate>
  463.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  464.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  465.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="853" src="" class=" wp-image-9581 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | Verein 3.0" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9581"></p>Verein 3.0 is an e-Learning platform, that is meant to assist people in the creation of new clubs in Germany. Germany has a vivid club culture, but many people are afraid to start their own, due to new legal requirements or too little knowledge of what is actually required. Verein 3.0 offers educational videos, download [&#8230;]]]></description>
  466.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="853" src="" class=" wp-image-9581 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | Verein 3.0" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9581"></p>Verein 3.0 is an e-Learning platform, that is meant to assist people in the creation of new clubs in Germany. Germany has a vivid club culture, but many people are afraid to start their own, due to new legal requirements or too little knowledge of what is actually required. Verein 3.0 offers educational videos, download [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  467.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="853" />                </item>
  468.                        <item>
  469.                        <title>cubicFUSION Themes for Klaro!</title>
  470.                        <link></link>
  471.                        <pubDate>Wed, 02 Dec 2020 17:33:37 +0000</pubDate>
  472.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  473.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  474.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10440 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | klaro themes" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10440"></p>&#8220;Klaro [klɛro] is a simple consent management platform (CMP) and privacy tool that helps you to be transparent about the third-party applications on your website. It is designed to be extremely simple, intuitive and easy to use while allowing you to be compliant with all relevant regulations (notably GDPR and ePrivacy).&#8221; The tool is developed [&#8230;]]]></description>
  475.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10440 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | klaro themes" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10440"></p>&#8220;Klaro [klɛro] is a simple consent management platform (CMP) and privacy tool that helps you to be transparent about the third-party applications on your website. It is designed to be extremely simple, intuitive and easy to use while allowing you to be compliant with all relevant regulations (notably GDPR and ePrivacy).&#8221; The tool is developed [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  476.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  477.                        <item>
  478.                        <title>Kaiakoo Persönlichkeits &#8211; Architektur &#124; seit 2017</title>
  479.                        <link></link>
  480.                        <pubDate>Tue, 24 Nov 2020 18:47:58 +0000</pubDate>
  481.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  482.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  483.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10422 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | kaiakoo 2020" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10422"></p>Custom theme and integration for a coaching website. WordPress Backend Custom website design, all designed in house. Vectorization and cleanup of logo Custom template based theme (TWIG / TIMBER / GULP / SASS) Custom plugin for internal functionality Analytics SEO AMP Social Integration (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) Hosting &#38; Maintenance Custom eCommerce integration Newsletter Update 2020: [&#8230;]]]></description>
  484.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10422 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | kaiakoo 2020" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10422"></p>Custom theme and integration for a coaching website. WordPress Backend Custom website design, all designed in house. Vectorization and cleanup of logo Custom template based theme (TWIG / TIMBER / GULP / SASS) Custom plugin for internal functionality Analytics SEO AMP Social Integration (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) Hosting &#38; Maintenance Custom eCommerce integration Newsletter Update 2020: [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  485.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  486.                        <item>
  487.                        <title>Willen Logistics &#124; Business Cards</title>
  488.                        <link></link>
  489.                        <pubDate>Tue, 10 Nov 2020 17:26:07 +0000</pubDate>
  490.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  491.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  492.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10403 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | willen logistic loeningen" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10403"></p>I designed a fresh set of business cards for Willen Logistics last year, this is a small iteration with a QR-Code on the back. The business cards feature a partial varnish on the logo and QR-Code. I updated their different logos last year, to streamline their main corporate colors. &#8220;Seit mehr als 50 Jahren ist [&#8230;]]]></description>
  493.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10403 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | willen logistic loeningen" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10403"></p>I designed a fresh set of business cards for Willen Logistics last year, this is a small iteration with a QR-Code on the back. The business cards feature a partial varnish on the logo and QR-Code. I updated their different logos last year, to streamline their main corporate colors. &#8220;Seit mehr als 50 Jahren ist [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  494.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  495.                        <item>
  496.                        <title>Lernkarten &#038; Apps für angehende Handelsfachwirte &#8211; Lernkarten Verlag &#124; seit 2018</title>
  497.                        <link></link>
  498.                        <pubDate>Tue, 10 Nov 2020 11:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
  499.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  500.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  501.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10409 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | lernkarten 2020" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10409"></p> &#8211; Offers specialized learning tools for the German certified master of trade/commerce exam (Handelsfachwirt Prüfung IHK). This includes printed learning materials and an App for Android / iOS. The website also provides updated information about changes in the curriculum and new requirements.&#160; Maintenance SEO &#8211; OnePage Optimization SEA &#8211; Search Engine Advertising (Adwords) Google [&#8230;]]]></description>
  502.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10409 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | lernkarten 2020" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10409"></p> &#8211; Offers specialized learning tools for the German certified master of trade/commerce exam (Handelsfachwirt Prüfung IHK). This includes printed learning materials and an App for Android / iOS. The website also provides updated information about changes in the curriculum and new requirements.&#160; Maintenance SEO &#8211; OnePage Optimization SEA &#8211; Search Engine Advertising (Adwords) Google [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  503.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  504.                        <item>
  505.                        <title>Welcome Dashboard with Gutenberg &#8211; cubicFUSION Admin Enhancer 0.2.5</title>
  506.                        <link></link>
  507.                        <pubDate>Fri, 06 Nov 2020 19:25:00 +0000</pubDate>
  508.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  509.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  510.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10283 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | cubicfusion admin enhancer 02" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10283"></p>What&#8217;s new / What changed ? Admin Enhancer&#160;is the first free plugin released under the cubicFUSION brand. The plugin is still work in progress, but a tool that is already used within some of my client projects.&#160;I am using this&#160; plugin to centralise things I love &#38; need, when sending out a finished website or [&#8230;]]]></description>
  511.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10283 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | cubicfusion admin enhancer 02" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10283"></p>What&#8217;s new / What changed ? Admin Enhancer&#160;is the first free plugin released under the cubicFUSION brand. The plugin is still work in progress, but a tool that is already used within some of my client projects.&#160;I am using this&#160; plugin to centralise things I love &#38; need, when sending out a finished website or [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  512.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  513.                        <item>
  514.                        <title>VIBRONET®-GRÄF GMBH &#038; CO. KG &#124; since 2012</title>
  515.                        <link></link>
  516.                        <pubDate>Sat, 19 Sep 2020 11:48:52 +0000</pubDate>
  517.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  518.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  519.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12754 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | vibronet 2023" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12754"></p>vibronet® is a passion project of mine, as the company belongs to my family. My sister, Sylvia, runs the company together with my parents. The core website had not been updated for the past 8 years. It was really time for a complete rewrite and redesign :) Ii does not only feel like a quantum [&#8230;]]]></description>
  520.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12754 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | vibronet 2023" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12754"></p>vibronet® is a passion project of mine, as the company belongs to my family. My sister, Sylvia, runs the company together with my parents. The core website had not been updated for the past 8 years. It was really time for a complete rewrite and redesign :) Ii does not only feel like a quantum [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  521.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  522.                        <item>
  523.                        <title>NEUKUNDEN STUDIO &#124; 2020</title>
  524.                        <link></link>
  525.                        <pubDate>Sat, 11 Jul 2020 06:16:39 +0000</pubDate>
  526.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  527.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  528.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10413 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | neukunden studio" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10413"></p>A customer asked for a simple text based logo. I delivered 5 vector-based variations and a favicon.]]></description>
  529.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10413 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | neukunden studio" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10413"></p>A customer asked for a simple text based logo. I delivered 5 vector-based variations and a favicon.]]></content:encoded>
  530.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  531.                        <item>
  532.                        <title>How to access Gutenberg Block Text-Selections / Text-Formats and other Mysteries</title>
  533.                        <link></link>
  534.                        <pubDate>Sat, 13 Jun 2020 09:10:06 +0000</pubDate>
  535.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  536.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  537.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10303 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | wordpress gutenberg" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10303"></p>Gutenberg Documentation While Gutenberg is becoming more stable with each release, documentation is only growing slowly. Many parts are outdated, superficial or completely undocumented. For more complex or individual requirements you have to dive deep. Gladly the browser console allows you to easily checkout what is driving the editor. Open your browser developer console and [&#8230;]]]></description>
  538.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10303 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | wordpress gutenberg" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10303"></p>Gutenberg Documentation While Gutenberg is becoming more stable with each release, documentation is only growing slowly. Many parts are outdated, superficial or completely undocumented. For more complex or individual requirements you have to dive deep. Gladly the browser console allows you to easily checkout what is driving the editor. Open your browser developer console and [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  539.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  540.                        <item>
  541.                        <title>2020: WordPress Admin White Label Solutions ( Personal Favorites )</title>
  542.                        <link></link>
  543.                        <pubDate>Thu, 14 May 2020 12:26:01 +0000</pubDate>
  544.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  545.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  546.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10256 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | white label" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10256"></p>I am always looking for easy ways to white label the WordPress administration for myself and my clients. A nice personal touch for each project and an easy way to declutter the interface. These are my personal favorites, that I use on a regular basis. Admin Themes / Login Page There are a lot of [&#8230;]]]></description>
  547.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10256 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | white label" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10256"></p>I am always looking for easy ways to white label the WordPress administration for myself and my clients. A nice personal touch for each project and an easy way to declutter the interface. These are my personal favorites, that I use on a regular basis. Admin Themes / Login Page There are a lot of [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  548.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  549.                        <item>
  550.                        <title>White Label Dashboards with cubicFUSION Admin Enhancer for WordPress!</title>
  551.                        <link></link>
  552.                        <pubDate>Wed, 13 May 2020 16:39:47 +0000</pubDate>
  553.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  554.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  555.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10236 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | cubicfusion admin enhancer 2020 1" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10236"></p>cubicFUSION cubicFUSION is my personal development playground. I always planned to make many of my projects public, but time is limited and running customer projects&#160;a priority. I am still doing a big cleanup of my toolset and will see what I can actually share or reuse. Some of these might be useful, inspiration or just [&#8230;]]]></description>
  556.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10236 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | cubicfusion admin enhancer 2020 1" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10236"></p>cubicFUSION cubicFUSION is my personal development playground. I always planned to make many of my projects public, but time is limited and running customer projects&#160;a priority. I am still doing a big cleanup of my toolset and will see what I can actually share or reuse. Some of these might be useful, inspiration or just [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  557.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  558.                        <item>
  559.                        <title>Easy Webinars with Nextcloud Talk</title>
  560.                        <link></link>
  561.                        <pubDate>Sun, 29 Mar 2020 11:34:16 +0000</pubDate>
  562.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  563.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  564.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10160 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity |" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10160"></p>1. Build your own little cloud Everybody seems to be searching for ways to integrate digital communication into their home-office environments or client/customer workflows. But many are not willing to pay huge monthly fees or rely on services like Skype, Zoom, Microsoft Teams or Slack. For smaller teams meetings, or webinars for people up to [&#8230;]]]></description>
  565.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10160 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity |" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10160"></p>1. Build your own little cloud Everybody seems to be searching for ways to integrate digital communication into their home-office environments or client/customer workflows. But many are not willing to pay huge monthly fees or rely on services like Skype, Zoom, Microsoft Teams or Slack. For smaller teams meetings, or webinars for people up to [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  566.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  567.                        <item>
  568.                        <title>Heidelpay Academy &#8211; Certified Agencies</title>
  569.                        <link></link>
  570.                        <pubDate>Sun, 22 Mar 2020 12:15:45 +0000</pubDate>
  571.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  572.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  573.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10134 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | heidelpay academy" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10134"></p>Heidelpay ENGLISH: The heidelpay Group is one of the fastest growing German tech companies for international payment transactions. Founded by Mirko Hüllemann in 2003, the company relies on its own innovative solutions such as the secured invoice purchase, purchase by instalments, direct debit and online bank transfers. In addition, heidelpay also cooperates with more than [&#8230;]]]></description>
  574.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10134 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | heidelpay academy" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10134"></p>Heidelpay ENGLISH: The heidelpay Group is one of the fastest growing German tech companies for international payment transactions. Founded by Mirko Hüllemann in 2003, the company relies on its own innovative solutions such as the secured invoice purchase, purchase by instalments, direct debit and online bank transfers. In addition, heidelpay also cooperates with more than [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  575.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  576.                        <item>
  577.                        <title>AD Performance &#8211; Online Marketing Agentur Berlin</title>
  578.                        <link></link>
  579.                        <pubDate>Wed, 22 Jan 2020 18:54:36 +0000</pubDate>
  580.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  581.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  582.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="853" src="" class=" wp-image-10090 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | adperformance" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10090"></p>AD Performance is your agency for professional web design, highly profitable online marketing &#38; sales consulting. I helped redesign and shape the new look &#38; feel. Lars Haupt knows his way around Elementor, that is why it was used to build out the complete website. Logo was designed by me, Videos and Images optimized and [&#8230;]]]></description>
  583.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="853" src="" class=" wp-image-10090 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | adperformance" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10090"></p>AD Performance is your agency for professional web design, highly profitable online marketing &#38; sales consulting. I helped redesign and shape the new look &#38; feel. Lars Haupt knows his way around Elementor, that is why it was used to build out the complete website. Logo was designed by me, Videos and Images optimized and [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  584.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="853" />                </item>
  585.                        <item>
  586.                        <title>Merry Christmas</title>
  587.                        <link></link>
  588.                        <pubDate>Sat, 21 Dec 2019 17:08:00 +0000</pubDate>
  589.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  590.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  591.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10079 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | merry 2019" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10079"></p>Time to slow down and enjoy some time with family &#38; friends. I heard the bells on Christmas Day Their old, familiar carols play, And wild and sweet The words repeat Of peace on earth, good-will to men! “Christmas Bells” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow All the best wishes.]]></description>
  592.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10079 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | merry 2019" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10079"></p>Time to slow down and enjoy some time with family &#38; friends. I heard the bells on Christmas Day Their old, familiar carols play, And wild and sweet The words repeat Of peace on earth, good-will to men! “Christmas Bells” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow All the best wishes.]]></content:encoded>
  593.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  594.                        <item>
  595.                        <title>Structured Data &#8211; I love it!</title>
  596.                        <link></link>
  597.                        <pubDate>Mon, 18 Nov 2019 09:09:11 +0000</pubDate>
  598.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  599.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  600.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10017 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | structured data" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10017"></p>You might have heard about Structured Data, and JSON-LD. &#160; Search engines read structured data and use it to enhance search engine results.&#160;Structured data helps search engines to understand and categorize page content. Example This structured data, in JSON-LD format, describes a simple Article. is a collaborative, community activity with a mission to [&#8230;]]]></description>
  601.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10017 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | structured data" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10017"></p>You might have heard about Structured Data, and JSON-LD. &#160; Search engines read structured data and use it to enhance search engine results.&#160;Structured data helps search engines to understand and categorize page content. Example This structured data, in JSON-LD format, describes a simple Article. is a collaborative, community activity with a mission to [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  602.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  603.                        <item>
  604.                        <title>Building Low Carbon Websites</title>
  605.                        <link></link>
  606.                        <pubDate>Sat, 16 Nov 2019 09:56:46 +0000</pubDate>
  607.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  608.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  609.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10009 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | low carbon websites" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10009"></p>I signed the Sustainable Web Manifesto a couple of weeks ago. The manifesto perfectly reflects how I have been handling my business and my projects. I created a special &#8220;GO GREEN&#8221; subsection to talk about the topic in more detail and give you some more context about the areas I can help you with. We [&#8230;]]]></description>
  610.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-10009 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | low carbon websites" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="10009"></p>I signed the Sustainable Web Manifesto a couple of weeks ago. The manifesto perfectly reflects how I have been handling my business and my projects. I created a special &#8220;GO GREEN&#8221; subsection to talk about the topic in more detail and give you some more context about the areas I can help you with. We [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  611.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  612.                        <item>
  613.                        <title>ConCoquo &#8211; Kochschule Klaus Walter</title>
  614.                        <link></link>
  615.                        <pubDate>Mon, 11 Nov 2019 14:24:56 +0000</pubDate>
  616.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  617.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  618.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="853" src="" class=" wp-image-9922 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | concoquo" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9922"></p>ConCoquo is a local cooking &#8211; school. Klaus Walter is a dedicated chef, who has been teaching for more than 15 yeas. Anyone can book one of the courses for himself, as a gift or for a group of people. I helped update the websites design for 2020, updated the course listing and booking / [&#8230;]]]></description>
  619.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="853" src="" class=" wp-image-9922 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | concoquo" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9922"></p>ConCoquo is a local cooking &#8211; school. Klaus Walter is a dedicated chef, who has been teaching for more than 15 yeas. Anyone can book one of the courses for himself, as a gift or for a group of people. I helped update the websites design for 2020, updated the course listing and booking / [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  620.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="853" />                </item>
  621.                        <item>
  622.                        <title>GREENTONIC – Nachhaltigkeit / Grüne Website</title>
  623.                        <link></link>
  624.                        <pubDate>Fri, 11 Oct 2019 19:00:44 +0000</pubDate>
  625.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  626.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  627.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="853" src="" class=" wp-image-9935 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | greentonic" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9935"></p>The most important aspect of a modern website, beside its unique design, is size &#38; speed, as most of the traffic is consumed by mobile visitors. GREENTONIC and I help customers to build modern websites, that are slim, fast, sustainable, while still integrating all that the modern web has to offer. GREENTONIC&#8216;s key concept is [&#8230;]]]></description>
  628.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="853" src="" class=" wp-image-9935 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | greentonic" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9935"></p>The most important aspect of a modern website, beside its unique design, is size &#38; speed, as most of the traffic is consumed by mobile visitors. GREENTONIC and I help customers to build modern websites, that are slim, fast, sustainable, while still integrating all that the modern web has to offer. GREENTONIC&#8216;s key concept is [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  629.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="853" />                </item>
  630.                        <item>
  631.                        <title>Finally! GreenApe Shop goes live!</title>
  632.                        <link></link>
  633.                        <pubDate>Fri, 06 Sep 2019 18:02:29 +0000</pubDate>
  634.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  635.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  636.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-9757 wp-post-image" alt="greenape makesyourlifebetter kaffee tee whisky rum single malt sortenrein single origin store shop kaufen angebot online open release ecommerce" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9757" /></p>Together with my partners in crime (Dorit &#38; Micha), we have finally opened our own personal online store. We have been selling our single origin coffees (1st Single Malt Whisky Coffee, Basic &#8211; Single Origin Arabica, Kill me Quick Espresso -Single Origin Robusta), teas (Kräuterschorle &#8211; Kräutertee, Feuerkieker &#8211; Schwarztee) and rum (Fortune Teller &#8211; [&#8230;]]]></description>
  637.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-9757 wp-post-image" alt="greenape makesyourlifebetter kaffee tee whisky rum single malt sortenrein single origin store shop kaufen angebot online open release ecommerce" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9757" /></p>Together with my partners in crime (Dorit &#38; Micha), we have finally opened our own personal online store. We have been selling our single origin coffees (1st Single Malt Whisky Coffee, Basic &#8211; Single Origin Arabica, Kill me Quick Espresso -Single Origin Robusta), teas (Kräuterschorle &#8211; Kräutertee, Feuerkieker &#8211; Schwarztee) and rum (Fortune Teller &#8211; [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  638.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  639.                        <item>
  640.                        <title>Germann / Gartengestaltung &#038; PlanG</title>
  641.                        <link></link>
  642.                        <pubDate>Fri, 06 Sep 2019 07:57:08 +0000</pubDate>
  643.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  644.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  645.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1500" height="1000" src="" class=" wp-image-9953 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | germann" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9953"></p>These are 2 OnePagers announcing the upcoming redesign for 2020. The current site runs on GetSimple CMS. Design by GREENTONIC. I created a separate template for the introduction pages, keeping the rest of the website completely untouched. More to come next year! Gartengestaltung GermannPlan Germann]]></description>
  646.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1500" height="1000" src="" class=" wp-image-9953 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | germann" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9953"></p>These are 2 OnePagers announcing the upcoming redesign for 2020. The current site runs on GetSimple CMS. Design by GREENTONIC. I created a separate template for the introduction pages, keeping the rest of the website completely untouched. More to come next year! Gartengestaltung GermannPlan Germann]]></content:encoded>
  647.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1500" height="1000" />                </item>
  648.                        <item>
  649.                        <title>Keeping Development Credentials Secure</title>
  650.                        <link></link>
  651.                        <pubDate>Sat, 17 Aug 2019 09:56:41 +0000</pubDate>
  652.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  653.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  654.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-9634 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | security tools" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9634"></p>Development today relies on multiple teams, services, and environments all working in unison. A topic that always comes up, when setting up a new development environment: How do we secure important credentials, while not making it too complicated for the rest of the team? The key when working with version control systems like Git, is [&#8230;]]]></description>
  655.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-9634 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | security tools" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9634"></p>Development today relies on multiple teams, services, and environments all working in unison. A topic that always comes up, when setting up a new development environment: How do we secure important credentials, while not making it too complicated for the rest of the team? The key when working with version control systems like Git, is [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  656.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  657.                        <item>
  658.                        <title>GreenApe &#8211; Makes Your Life Better &#8211; Shop</title>
  659.                        <link></link>
  660.                        <pubDate>Wed, 14 Aug 2019 07:35:55 +0000</pubDate>
  661.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  662.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  663.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1500" height="1000" src="" class=" wp-image-9949 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | greenape shop" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9949"></p>Together with my partners in crime (Dorit &#38; Micha), we have finally opened our own personal online store. We have been selling our single origin coffees (1st Single Malt Whisky Coffee, Basic &#8211; Single Origin Arabica, Kill me Quick Espresso -Single Origin Robusta), teas (Kräuterschorle &#8211; Kräutertee, Feuerkieker &#8211; Schwarztee) and rum (Fortune Teller &#8211; [&#8230;]]]></description>
  664.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1500" height="1000" src="" class=" wp-image-9949 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | greenape shop" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9949"></p>Together with my partners in crime (Dorit &#38; Micha), we have finally opened our own personal online store. We have been selling our single origin coffees (1st Single Malt Whisky Coffee, Basic &#8211; Single Origin Arabica, Kill me Quick Espresso -Single Origin Robusta), teas (Kräuterschorle &#8211; Kräutertee, Feuerkieker &#8211; Schwarztee) and rum (Fortune Teller &#8211; [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  665.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1500" height="1000" />                </item>
  666.                        <item>
  667.                        <title>PROTECT &#8211; Mediensucht Selbsttest für Eltern / Jugendliche</title>
  668.                        <link></link>
  669.                        <pubDate>Sat, 20 Jul 2019 13:36:46 +0000</pubDate>
  670.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  671.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  672.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="853" src="" class=" wp-image-9927 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | protect" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9927"></p>I helped integrate a media addiction questionaire for parents and children. &#8220;When children and adolescents use excessive media, parents often experience feelings of helplessness and powerlessness. This is usually accompanied by tendencies towards passivity and withdrawal, which lead to a weakening of the parental presence. Recapturing a strong parental presence can be helpful in breaking [&#8230;]]]></description>
  673.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="853" src="" class=" wp-image-9927 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | protect" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9927"></p>I helped integrate a media addiction questionaire for parents and children. &#8220;When children and adolescents use excessive media, parents often experience feelings of helplessness and powerlessness. This is usually accompanied by tendencies towards passivity and withdrawal, which lead to a weakening of the parental presence. Recapturing a strong parental presence can be helpful in breaking [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  674.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="853" />                </item>
  675.                        <item>
  676.                        <title>Cron / Crontab Tips Collection</title>
  677.                        <link></link>
  678.                        <pubDate>Tue, 04 Jun 2019 15:11:49 +0000</pubDate>
  679.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  680.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  681.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-9603 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | crontab" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9603"></p>I will use this article to collect interesting tips and tricks about using the Linux cron. This is not so much about setting up a cron, but about little things I use or discovered! What is a cron ? The cron daemon is a long-running process that executes commands at specific dates and times. You [&#8230;]]]></description>
  682.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-9603 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | crontab" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9603"></p>I will use this article to collect interesting tips and tricks about using the Linux cron. This is not so much about setting up a cron, but about little things I use or discovered! What is a cron ? The cron daemon is a long-running process that executes commands at specific dates and times. You [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  683.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  684.                        <item>
  685.                        <title>Have you heard of GatsbyJS?</title>
  686.                        <link></link>
  687.                        <pubDate>Thu, 30 May 2019 19:25:03 +0000</pubDate>
  688.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  689.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  690.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-9586 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | gatsbyJS" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9586"></p>Gatsby is a free and open source framework based on React that helps developers build blazing fast&#160;websites&#160;and&#160;apps. What they have to say &#8230; Go Beyond Static Websites.&#160;Get all the benefits of static websites with none of the limitations. Gatsby sites are fully functional React apps so you can create high-quality, dynamic web apps, from blogs [&#8230;]]]></description>
  691.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-9586 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | gatsbyJS" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9586"></p>Gatsby is a free and open source framework based on React that helps developers build blazing fast&#160;websites&#160;and&#160;apps. What they have to say &#8230; Go Beyond Static Websites.&#160;Get all the benefits of static websites with none of the limitations. Gatsby sites are fully functional React apps so you can create high-quality, dynamic web apps, from blogs [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  692.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  693.                        <item>
  694.                        <title>PsySH &#8211; PHP Debug Console</title>
  695.                        <link></link>
  696.                        <pubDate>Mon, 20 May 2019 17:55:20 +0000</pubDate>
  697.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  698.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  699.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-9571 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | debug" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9571"></p>A runtime developer console, interactive debugger and&#160;REPL&#160;for PHP. PsySH can be used as an interactive debugger, much like JavaScript&#8217;s debugger statement, saving you from endless var_dump() and die() iterations. Just drop this line in where you&#8217;d like to have a breakpoint: eval(\Psy\sh()); PsySH has tab completion for variable names, functions, classes, methods, properties, and even [&#8230;]]]></description>
  700.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-9571 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | debug" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9571"></p>A runtime developer console, interactive debugger and&#160;REPL&#160;for PHP. PsySH can be used as an interactive debugger, much like JavaScript&#8217;s debugger statement, saving you from endless var_dump() and die() iterations. Just drop this line in where you&#8217;d like to have a breakpoint: eval(\Psy\sh()); PsySH has tab completion for variable names, functions, classes, methods, properties, and even [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  701.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  702.                        <item>
  703.                        <title>Screenshot Service with Node.js</title>
  704.                        <link></link>
  705.                        <pubDate>Sat, 18 May 2019 16:09:51 +0000</pubDate>
  706.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  707.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  708.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-9565 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | capture magic" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9565"></p>Manet is a REST API server which allows capturing screenshots of websites using various parameters. The Node.js server can use SlimerJS or PhantomJS as headless browser engines. I have build similar with CasperJS, but this is far better for those that want a simple straight solution. @GitHub]]></description>
  709.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-9565 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | capture magic" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9565"></p>Manet is a REST API server which allows capturing screenshots of websites using various parameters. The Node.js server can use SlimerJS or PhantomJS as headless browser engines. I have build similar with CasperJS, but this is far better for those that want a simple straight solution. @GitHub]]></content:encoded>
  710.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  711.                        <item>
  712.                        <title>CSS3 Animations with Special Effects.</title>
  713.                        <link></link>
  714.                        <pubDate>Fri, 17 May 2019 18:56:01 +0000</pubDate>
  715.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  716.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  717.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-9561 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | magic animations" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9561"></p>A nice set of CSS3 Animations that can be easily used to spice up your design. The animations can be triggered through Javascript, jQuery and the timings can be tweaked through pure CSS. The package also provides gulp, so that you can tweak every aspect easily. DemoGithub]]></description>
  718.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-9561 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | magic animations" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9561"></p>A nice set of CSS3 Animations that can be easily used to spice up your design. The animations can be triggered through Javascript, jQuery and the timings can be tweaked through pure CSS. The package also provides gulp, so that you can tweak every aspect easily. DemoGithub]]></content:encoded>
  719.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  720.                        <item>
  721.                        <title>A Helping Hand for Image &#038; CSS Sprites</title>
  722.                        <link></link>
  723.                        <pubDate>Wed, 15 May 2019 19:11:03 +0000</pubDate>
  724.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  725.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  726.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-9553 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | finding tools" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9553"></p>SPRITEOWL is a Photoshop extension that takes over the boring part of working with sprite images and CSS.Retrieves x, y, width and height info of all sprite elements Exports retina ready PNG files and required media queries of your Photoshop sprite fileSupports preprocessors LESS, SASS/SCSS &#38; StylusSpriteowl CSSOWL is a mixin library that works with [&#8230;]]]></description>
  727.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-9553 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | finding tools" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9553"></p>SPRITEOWL is a Photoshop extension that takes over the boring part of working with sprite images and CSS.Retrieves x, y, width and height info of all sprite elements Exports retina ready PNG files and required media queries of your Photoshop sprite fileSupports preprocessors LESS, SASS/SCSS &#38; StylusSpriteowl CSSOWL is a mixin library that works with [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  728.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  729.                        <item>
  730.                        <title>ZombieLoad Attack</title>
  731.                        <link></link>
  732.                        <pubDate>Wed, 15 May 2019 18:43:15 +0000</pubDate>
  733.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  734.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  735.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-9548 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | zombieload" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9548"></p>&#8220;After Meltdown, Spectre, and Foreshadow, we discovered more critical vulnerabilities in modern processors. The ZombieLoad attack allows stealing sensitive data and keys while the computer accesses them. While programs normally only see their own data, a malicious program can exploit the fill buffers to get hold of secrets currently processed by other running programs. These [&#8230;]]]></description>
  736.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-9548 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | zombieload" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9548"></p>&#8220;After Meltdown, Spectre, and Foreshadow, we discovered more critical vulnerabilities in modern processors. The ZombieLoad attack allows stealing sensitive data and keys while the computer accesses them. While programs normally only see their own data, a malicious program can exploit the fill buffers to get hold of secrets currently processed by other running programs. These [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  737.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  738.                        <item>
  739.                        <title>portalZINE goes Multi-Language</title>
  740.                        <link></link>
  741.                        <pubDate>Sat, 11 May 2019 10:32:28 +0000</pubDate>
  742.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  743.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  744.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-9523 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | multilang" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9523"></p>Since I started in 2002, all iterations of portalZINE have been pure english content websites. You can read about the why on my services page. I had potential customers in Germany complain about that a lot over the past few years. But your own website often suffers, while your customers get all the attention. That [&#8230;]]]></description>
  745.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-9523 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | multilang" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9523"></p>Since I started in 2002, all iterations of portalZINE have been pure english content websites. You can read about the why on my services page. I had potential customers in Germany complain about that a lot over the past few years. But your own website often suffers, while your customers get all the attention. That [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  746.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  747.                        <item>
  748.                        <title>Composercat &#8211; a GUI for composer</title>
  749.                        <link></link>
  750.                        <pubDate>Fri, 10 May 2019 15:45:47 +0000</pubDate>
  751.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  752.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  753.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-9520 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | composercat gui 1" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9520"></p>Composercat is a comprehensive GUI for the Composer package manager, designed both for professionals and people taking their first steps with Composer. A nice entry point for everyone that is afraid of the console. The GUI application is currently in beta and available for Windows, MacOS and Linux. &#8220;Composer is a tool for dependency management [&#8230;]]]></description>
  754.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-9520 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | composercat gui 1" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9520"></p>Composercat is a comprehensive GUI for the Composer package manager, designed both for professionals and people taking their first steps with Composer. A nice entry point for everyone that is afraid of the console. The GUI application is currently in beta and available for Windows, MacOS and Linux. &#8220;Composer is a tool for dependency management [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  755.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  756.                        <item>
  757.                        <title>Happy Easter 2019</title>
  758.                        <link></link>
  759.                        <pubDate>Fri, 19 Apr 2019 13:29:48 +0000</pubDate>
  760.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  761.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  762.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1920" height="1280" src="" class=" wp-image-9234 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | easter 2019" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9234"></p>I am taking a small easter break to join up with family and friends. We will have perfect weather up here in the north for the coming days. I wish you all Happy Easter and many lovely days away from routine business life. EnjoyAlex]]></description>
  763.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1920" height="1280" src="" class=" wp-image-9234 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | easter 2019" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9234"></p>I am taking a small easter break to join up with family and friends. We will have perfect weather up here in the north for the coming days. I wish you all Happy Easter and many lovely days away from routine business life. EnjoyAlex]]></content:encoded>
  764.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1920" height="1280" />                </item>
  765.                        <item>
  766.                        <title>VisBug &#8211; Hover inspect in the browser</title>
  767.                        <link></link>
  768.                        <pubDate>Tue, 26 Feb 2019 12:26:35 +0000</pubDate>
  769.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  770.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  771.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-9220 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | visbug browser design tool" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9220"></p>Visbug is an amazing new browser extension that allows you to do a visual inspection of your website in development. What they have to say about their tool and capabilities Point, click &#38; tinker Edit or style&#160;any page, in&#160;any state, like it&#8217;s an artboard Hover inspect&#160;styles, accessibility and alignment Nitpick&#160;layouts &#38; content,&#160;in the real end [&#8230;]]]></description>
  772.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-9220 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | visbug browser design tool" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9220"></p>Visbug is an amazing new browser extension that allows you to do a visual inspection of your website in development. What they have to say about their tool and capabilities Point, click &#38; tinker Edit or style&#160;any page, in&#160;any state, like it&#8217;s an artboard Hover inspect&#160;styles, accessibility and alignment Nitpick&#160;layouts &#38; content,&#160;in the real end [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  773.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  774.                        <item>
  775.                        <title>Advanced Custom Fields &#8211; Free Your Gutenberg Blocks Data</title>
  776.                        <link></link>
  777.                        <pubDate>Sun, 10 Feb 2019 17:32:35 +0000</pubDate>
  778.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  779.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  780.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-9207 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | acf fun" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9207"></p>Updated 25.03. : Some function names changed in the latest beta version. IN BETA ACF 5.8 Beta introduced an easy way to create your custom Gutenberg blocks. I am already using it heavily for a current project, to easily organize content and media assets. Really powerful, when combined with Timber as well, which has been [&#8230;]]]></description>
  781.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-9207 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | acf fun" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9207"></p>Updated 25.03. : Some function names changed in the latest beta version. IN BETA ACF 5.8 Beta introduced an easy way to create your custom Gutenberg blocks. I am already using it heavily for a current project, to easily organize content and media assets. Really powerful, when combined with Timber as well, which has been [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  782.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  783.                        <item>
  784.                        <title>SVG Cleaner &#8211; streamline your vectors</title>
  785.                        <link></link>
  786.                        <pubDate>Tue, 05 Feb 2019 15:47:09 +0000</pubDate>
  787.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  788.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  789.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-9190 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | svg cleanup" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9190"></p>svgcleaner&#160;has been around for some time and is constantly being optimized! It helps you clean up your SVG files, keeping them free from unnecessary data. Temporary data used by the vector editing application Non-optimal SVG structure representation Unused and invisible graphical elements Github project. The GUI application adds batch file processing, decompression &#38; compression and [&#8230;]]]></description>
  790.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-9190 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | svg cleanup" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="9190"></p>svgcleaner&#160;has been around for some time and is constantly being optimized! It helps you clean up your SVG files, keeping them free from unnecessary data. Temporary data used by the vector editing application Non-optimal SVG structure representation Unused and invisible graphical elements Github project. The GUI application adds batch file processing, decompression &#38; compression and [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  791.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  792.                        <item>
  793.                        <title>GREENTONIC &#8211; Agency for design &#038; consulting</title>
  794.                        <link></link>
  795.                        <pubDate>Wed, 23 Jan 2019 10:17:28 +0000</pubDate>
  796.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  797.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  798.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="853" src="" class=" wp-image-8987 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | greentonic 2019" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="8987"></p>GREENTONICs key concept is sustainability, which encompasses consulting, concept, design and implementation. I have a close relationship with the agency and have done a couple of projects with and for them. WordPress Backend Custom template based theme (TWIG / TIMBER / SASS / Turbolinks &#38; Prefetch) Custom plugin for internal functionality Detailed Product Presentation Analytics [&#8230;]]]></description>
  799.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="853" src="" class=" wp-image-8987 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | greentonic 2019" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="8987"></p>GREENTONICs key concept is sustainability, which encompasses consulting, concept, design and implementation. I have a close relationship with the agency and have done a couple of projects with and for them. WordPress Backend Custom template based theme (TWIG / TIMBER / SASS / Turbolinks &#38; Prefetch) Custom plugin for internal functionality Detailed Product Presentation Analytics [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  800.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="853" />                </item>
  801.                        <item>
  802.                        <title>Villa Anna Speyer &#8211; Bed &#038; Breakfast 2.0</title>
  803.                        <link></link>
  804.                        <pubDate>Wed, 23 Jan 2019 10:02:01 +0000</pubDate>
  805.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  806.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  807.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12757 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | villa anna 2023" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12757"></p>Villa Anna Speyer &#8211; Classic Bed &#38; Breakfast offering, with 3 double rooms &#38; bathroom. Villa Anna Speyer&#160;]]></description>
  808.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-12757 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | villa anna 2023" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="12757"></p>Villa Anna Speyer &#8211; Classic Bed &#38; Breakfast offering, with 3 double rooms &#38; bathroom. Villa Anna Speyer&#160;]]></content:encoded>
  809.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  810.                        <item>
  811.                        <title>Merry Christmas</title>
  812.                        <link></link>
  813.                        <pubDate>Fri, 21 Dec 2018 07:37:26 +0000</pubDate>
  814.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  815.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  816.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-8972 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | meryy christmas" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="8972"></p>Merry Christmas, enjoy your off-time with friends and family, as well as the transition into the new year. Looking forward to our work together in 2019. Even during this small holiday break, I will be keeping an eye on things :) Kind regards Alex ps. During the christmas holidays,  baked apples are a must-have for me. [&#8230;]]]></description>
  817.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-8972 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | meryy christmas" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="8972"></p>Merry Christmas, enjoy your off-time with friends and family, as well as the transition into the new year. Looking forward to our work together in 2019. Even during this small holiday break, I will be keeping an eye on things :) Kind regards Alex ps. During the christmas holidays,  baked apples are a must-have for me. [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  818.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  819.                        <item>
  820.                        <title>Youtube iFrame API and Cookieless Domain solution (GDPR / DSGVO)</title>
  821.                        <link></link>
  822.                        <pubDate>Thu, 07 Jun 2018 09:16:22 +0000</pubDate>
  823.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  824.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  825.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="720" src="" class=" wp-image-8949 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | youtube iframe api gdpr dsgvo" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="8949"></p>GDPR / DSGVO REQUIREMENTS The GDPR makes us jump through a lot of hoops to cleanup our websites and make all our code compliant. Many aspects of the GDPR are far from completely defined yet and there is a great uncertainty what is required, what can stay and what needs to be adjusted right now. [&#8230;]]]></description>
  826.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="720" src="" class=" wp-image-8949 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | youtube iframe api gdpr dsgvo" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="8949"></p>GDPR / DSGVO REQUIREMENTS The GDPR makes us jump through a lot of hoops to cleanup our websites and make all our code compliant. Many aspects of the GDPR are far from completely defined yet and there is a great uncertainty what is required, what can stay and what needs to be adjusted right now. [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  827.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="720" />                </item>
  828.                        <item>
  829.                        <title>Pimp my Log &#8211; Log viewer for your web server</title>
  830.                        <link></link>
  831.                        <pubDate>Sat, 21 Apr 2018 14:47:33 +0000</pubDate>
  832.                        <dc:creator>Alex</dc:creator>
  833.                        <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  834.                        <description><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-8918 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | pimpmylog" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="8918"></p>Pimp my Log is a web app written in PHP. It displays server logs friendly. By default, Pimp My Log supports : Apache web server NGINX web server IIS web server PHP log files Key features: Display any text and multi-line logs in your web browser Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IE9+, Opera are supported Be notified on your desktop as soon as a new log line is [&#8230;]]]></description>
  835.                        <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img width="1280" height="800" src="" class=" wp-image-8918 wp-post-image" alt="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | pimpmylog" title="portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity" decoding="async" data-mwl-img-id="8918"></p>Pimp my Log is a web app written in PHP. It displays server logs friendly. By default, Pimp My Log supports : Apache web server NGINX web server IIS web server PHP log files Key features: Display any text and multi-line logs in your web browser Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IE9+, Opera are supported Be notified on your desktop as soon as a new log line is [&#8230;]]]></content:encoded>
  836.                                                <media:content medium="image" url="" width="1280" height="800" />                </item>
  837.        </channel>
  838. </rss>

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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda