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  30. <item>
  31. <title>El Niño makes an exit, but La Niña could bring dry conditions back to California</title>
  32. <link>;utm_medium=rss&#038;utm_campaign=el-nino-makes-an-exit-but-la-nina-could-bring-dry-conditions-back-to-california</link>
  33. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Hayley Smith]]></dc:creator>
  34. <pubDate>Fri, 14 Jun 2024 23:01:33 +0000</pubDate>
  35. <category><![CDATA[Article]]></category>
  36. <category><![CDATA[World News]]></category>
  37. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  39. <description><![CDATA[<p>There is a 65% chance that La Niña conditions will develop between July and September. The climate pattern is associated with dry weather in Southern California.  Read More </p>
  40. <p>The post <a href="">El Niño makes an exit, but La Niña could bring dry conditions back to California</a> appeared first on <a href="">Drudge Report</a>.</p>
  41. ]]></description>
  42. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>There is a 65% chance that La Niña conditions will develop between July and September. The climate pattern is associated with dry weather in Southern California.</p>
  43. <p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="feedzy-rss-link-icon" rel="noopener">Read More</a> </p><p>The post <a href="">El Niño makes an exit, but La Niña could bring dry conditions back to California</a> appeared first on <a href="">Drudge Report</a>.</p>
  44. ]]></content:encoded>
  45. </item>
  46. <item>
  47. <title>Van Nuys woman who lost arm in dog attack gets $7.5 million from city of L.A.</title>
  48. <link>;utm_medium=rss&#038;utm_campaign=van-nuys-woman-who-lost-arm-in-dog-attack-gets-7-5-million-from-city-of-l-a</link>
  49. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Dakota Smith]]></dc:creator>
  50. <pubDate>Fri, 14 Jun 2024 23:01:33 +0000</pubDate>
  51. <category><![CDATA[Article]]></category>
  52. <category><![CDATA[World News]]></category>
  53. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  55. <description><![CDATA[<p>A lawsuit alleged that L.A. city shelter staff failed to provide the woman&#8217;s son with written notice of the dog&#8217;s bite history before he adopted the dog.  Read More </p>
  56. <p>The post <a href="">Van Nuys woman who lost arm in dog attack gets $7.5 million from city of L.A.</a> appeared first on <a href="">Drudge Report</a>.</p>
  57. ]]></description>
  58. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>A lawsuit alleged that L.A. city shelter staff failed to provide the woman&#8217;s son with written notice of the dog&#8217;s bite history before he adopted the dog.</p>
  59. <p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="feedzy-rss-link-icon" rel="noopener">Read More</a> </p><p>The post <a href="">Van Nuys woman who lost arm in dog attack gets $7.5 million from city of L.A.</a> appeared first on <a href="">Drudge Report</a>.</p>
  60. ]]></content:encoded>
  61. </item>
  62. <item>
  63. <title>Second American goes missing in Greek isles, say police</title>
  64. <link>;utm_medium=rss&#038;utm_campaign=second-american-goes-missing-in-greek-isles-say-police</link>
  65. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Josh Marcus]]></dc:creator>
  66. <pubDate>Fri, 14 Jun 2024 23:01:31 +0000</pubDate>
  67. <category><![CDATA[Article]]></category>
  68. <category><![CDATA[Flash News]]></category>
  69. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  71. <description><![CDATA[<p>Disappearances come as Greece faces unprecedented early summer heatwave Read More </p>
  72. <p>The post <a href="">Second American goes missing in Greek isles, say police</a> appeared first on <a href="">Drudge Report</a>.</p>
  73. ]]></description>
  74. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Disappearances come as Greece faces unprecedented early summer heatwave </p>
  75. <p><a href="" target="_blank" class="feedzy-rss-link-icon" rel="noopener">Read More</a> </p><p>The post <a href="">Second American goes missing in Greek isles, say police</a> appeared first on <a href="">Drudge Report</a>.</p>
  76. ]]></content:encoded>
  77. </item>
  78. <item>
  79. <title>Anti-woke brigade are losing their minds about Disney’s new ride inspired by The Princess and the Frog</title>
  80. <link>;utm_medium=rss&#038;utm_campaign=anti-woke-brigade-are-losing-their-minds-about-disneys-new-ride-inspired-by-the-princess-and-the-frog</link>
  81. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Katie Hawkinson]]></dc:creator>
  82. <pubDate>Fri, 14 Jun 2024 23:01:30 +0000</pubDate>
  83. <category><![CDATA[Article]]></category>
  84. <category><![CDATA[Flash News]]></category>
  85. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  87. <description><![CDATA[<p>Disney is replacing the ride with Tiana’s Bayou Adventure, based on the film ‘The Princess and the Frog’ Read More </p>
  88. <p>The post <a href="">Anti-woke brigade are losing their minds about Disney’s new ride inspired by The Princess and the Frog</a> appeared first on <a href="">Drudge Report</a>.</p>
  89. ]]></description>
  90. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Disney is replacing the ride with Tiana’s Bayou Adventure, based on the film ‘The Princess and the Frog’ </p>
  91. <p><a href="" target="_blank" class="feedzy-rss-link-icon" rel="noopener">Read More</a> </p><p>The post <a href="">Anti-woke brigade are losing their minds about Disney’s new ride inspired by The Princess and the Frog</a> appeared first on <a href="">Drudge Report</a>.</p>
  92. ]]></content:encoded>
  93. </item>
  94. <item>
  95. <title>Cyril Ramaphosa re-elected as South Africa’s president</title>
  96. <link>;utm_medium=rss&#038;utm_campaign=cyril-ramaphosa-re-elected-as-south-africas-president</link>
  97. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Rachel Savage in Johannesburg]]></dc:creator>
  98. <pubDate>Fri, 14 Jun 2024 23:01:30 +0000</pubDate>
  99. <category><![CDATA[Article]]></category>
  100. <category><![CDATA[Flash News]]></category>
  101. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  103. <description><![CDATA[<p>Leader gets second term after winning vote just hours after ANC and Democratic Alliance agreed coalition deal South Africa’s president Cyril Ramaphosa has been reelected by lawmakers for a second term, hours after his African National Congress and the Democratic Alliance (DA) agreed to form a coalition, setting aside their rivalry in a historic governance ... <a title="Cyril Ramaphosa re-elected as South Africa’s president" class="read-more" href="" aria-label="Read more about Cyril Ramaphosa re-elected as South Africa’s president">Read more</a></p>
  104. <p>The post <a href="">Cyril Ramaphosa re-elected as South Africa’s president</a> appeared first on <a href="">Drudge Report</a>.</p>
  105. ]]></description>
  106. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Leader gets second term after winning vote just hours after ANC and Democratic Alliance agreed coalition deal  </p>
  107. <p>South Africa’s president <a href="">Cyril Ramaphosa</a> has been reelected by lawmakers for a second term, hours after his <a href="">African National Congress</a> and the <a href="">Democratic Alliance (DA) agreed to form a coalition</a>, setting aside their rivalry in a historic governance pact.</p>
  108. <p>Ramaphosa won the late Friday vote against Julius Malema, leader of the far-left Economic Freedom Fighters, winning 283 votes to Malema’s 44.</p>
  109. <p> <a href="">Continue reading&#8230;</a><a href="" target="_blank" class="feedzy-rss-link-icon" rel="noopener">Read More</a> </p><p>The post <a href="">Cyril Ramaphosa re-elected as South Africa’s president</a> appeared first on <a href="">Drudge Report</a>.</p>
  110. ]]></content:encoded>
  111. </item>
  112. <item>
  113. <title>Man on stag-do locked up in Vietnam for a month as family begs for answers</title>
  114. <link>;utm_medium=rss&#038;utm_campaign=man-on-stag-do-locked-up-in-vietnam-for-a-month-as-family-begs-for-answers</link>
  115. <dc:creator><![CDATA[ (Mariam Khan)]]></dc:creator>
  116. <pubDate>Fri, 14 Jun 2024 23:01:29 +0000</pubDate>
  117. <category><![CDATA[Article]]></category>
  118. <category><![CDATA[Flash News]]></category>
  119. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  121. <description><![CDATA[<p>The family filed a missing persons report on May 20 and, after not hearing any updates for 10 days, were notified by the British embassy that James was detained pending an investigationRead More </p>
  122. <p>The post <a href="">Man on stag-do locked up in Vietnam for a month as family begs for answers</a> appeared first on <a href="">Drudge Report</a>.</p>
  123. ]]></description>
  124. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>The family filed a missing persons report on May 20 and, after not hearing any updates for 10 days, were notified by the British embassy that James was detained pending an investigation<a href="" target="_blank" class="feedzy-rss-link-icon" rel="noopener">Read More</a> </p><p>The post <a href="">Man on stag-do locked up in Vietnam for a month as family begs for answers</a> appeared first on <a href="">Drudge Report</a>.</p>
  125. ]]></content:encoded>
  126. </item>
  127. <item>
  128. <title>Team preview: Yamal, Rodri key to Spain championship charge at Euro 2024</title>
  129. <link>;utm_medium=rss&#038;utm_campaign=team-preview-yamal-rodri-key-to-spain-championship-charge-at-euro-2024</link>
  130. <dc:creator><![CDATA[]]></dc:creator>
  131. <pubDate>Fri, 14 Jun 2024 22:01:35 +0000</pubDate>
  132. <category><![CDATA[Article]]></category>
  133. <category><![CDATA[World News]]></category>
  134. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  136. <description><![CDATA[<p>Spain will unleash a young team at Euro 2024 with Barca teenager Lamine Yamal expected to have a breakout tournament. Read More </p>
  137. <p>The post <a href="">Team preview: Yamal, Rodri key to Spain championship charge at Euro 2024</a> appeared first on <a href="">Drudge Report</a>.</p>
  138. ]]></description>
  139. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Spain will unleash a young team at Euro 2024 with Barca teenager Lamine Yamal expected to have a breakout tournament. <a href="" target="_blank" class="feedzy-rss-link-icon" rel="noopener">Read More</a> </p><p>The post <a href="">Team preview: Yamal, Rodri key to Spain championship charge at Euro 2024</a> appeared first on <a href="">Drudge Report</a>.</p>
  140. ]]></content:encoded>
  141. </item>
  142. <item>
  143. <title>‘Absolute priority’: UN agencies must work unhindered in Gaza, G7 says</title>
  144. <link>;utm_medium=rss&#038;utm_campaign=absolute-priority-un-agencies-must-work-unhindered-in-gaza-g7-says</link>
  145. <dc:creator><![CDATA[]]></dc:creator>
  146. <pubDate>Fri, 14 Jun 2024 22:01:34 +0000</pubDate>
  147. <category><![CDATA[Article]]></category>
  148. <category><![CDATA[World News]]></category>
  149. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  151. <description><![CDATA[<p>Israel must end occupation and its G7 allies must &#8216;move from words to action. The time for talking is done,&#8217; Oxfam says. Read More </p>
  152. <p>The post <a href="">‘Absolute priority’: UN agencies must work unhindered in Gaza, G7 says</a> appeared first on <a href="">Drudge Report</a>.</p>
  153. ]]></description>
  154. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Israel must end occupation and its G7 allies must &#8216;move from words to action. The time for talking is done,&#8217; Oxfam says. <a href="" target="_blank" class="feedzy-rss-link-icon" rel="noopener">Read More</a> </p><p>The post <a href="">‘Absolute priority’: UN agencies must work unhindered in Gaza, G7 says</a> appeared first on <a href="">Drudge Report</a>.</p>
  155. ]]></content:encoded>
  156. </item>
  157. <item>
  158. <title>Team preview: Can Italy repeat as European champions at Euro 2024?</title>
  159. <link>;utm_medium=rss&#038;utm_campaign=team-preview-can-italy-repeat-as-european-champions-at-euro-2024</link>
  160. <dc:creator><![CDATA[]]></dc:creator>
  161. <pubDate>Fri, 14 Jun 2024 22:01:34 +0000</pubDate>
  162. <category><![CDATA[Article]]></category>
  163. <category><![CDATA[World News]]></category>
  164. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  166. <description><![CDATA[<p>Championship holders Italy believe a great defence can win them back-to-back trophies at Euro 2024 in Germany. Read More </p>
  167. <p>The post <a href="">Team preview: Can Italy repeat as European champions at Euro 2024?</a> appeared first on <a href="">Drudge Report</a>.</p>
  168. ]]></description>
  169. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Championship holders Italy believe a great defence can win them back-to-back trophies at Euro 2024 in Germany. <a href="" target="_blank" class="feedzy-rss-link-icon" rel="noopener">Read More</a> </p><p>The post <a href="">Team preview: Can Italy repeat as European champions at Euro 2024?</a> appeared first on <a href="">Drudge Report</a>.</p>
  170. ]]></content:encoded>
  171. </item>
  172. <item>
  173. <title>Las Vegas massacre survivor rips Supreme Court’s bump-stock ruling: ‘It’s disgusting’</title>
  174. <link>;utm_medium=rss&#038;utm_campaign=las-vegas-massacre-survivor-rips-supreme-courts-bump-stock-ruling-its-disgusting</link>
  175. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Kelly Rissman]]></dc:creator>
  176. <pubDate>Fri, 14 Jun 2024 22:01:30 +0000</pubDate>
  177. <category><![CDATA[Article]]></category>
  178. <category><![CDATA[Flash News]]></category>
  179. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  181. <description><![CDATA[<p>A bartender working on the night of the deadliest mass shooting in US history slammed the court’s decision Read More </p>
  182. <p>The post <a href="">Las Vegas massacre survivor rips Supreme Court’s bump-stock ruling: ‘It’s disgusting’</a> appeared first on <a href="">Drudge Report</a>.</p>
  183. ]]></description>
  184. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>A bartender working on the night of the deadliest mass shooting in US history slammed the court’s decision </p>
  185. <p><a href="" target="_blank" class="feedzy-rss-link-icon" rel="noopener">Read More</a> </p><p>The post <a href="">Las Vegas massacre survivor rips Supreme Court’s bump-stock ruling: ‘It’s disgusting’</a> appeared first on <a href="">Drudge Report</a>.</p>
  186. ]]></content:encoded>
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