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  7. <title> ANS - Agenzia iNfo Salesiana</title>
  8. <description><![CDATA[ANS - Agenzia Info Salesiana. Periodico plurisettimanale telematico, organo di comunicazione della Congregazione Salesiana]]></description>
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  15. <title>RMG – “Shaping Tomorrow”: how to avoid the risks of “oversharing”</title>
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  18. <description><![CDATA[<div class="K2FeedImage"><img src="" alt="RMG – “Shaping Tomorrow”: how to avoid the risks of “oversharing”" /></div><div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p><strong>(ANS &ndash; Rome)&nbsp;</strong>&ndash; In a hyper-connected world where &lsquo;sharing&rsquo; takes on new and different meanings from time to time, the danger of exposing oneself too much or too badly, with negative consequences for&nbsp; self and the institution one represents, is a real risk. This is why this topic cannot fail to be the focus of attention of the Sector for Social Communication, which is preparing for the Communication 2024 Conference &lsquo;SHAPING TOMORROW&rsquo;, in just over two months time - from 1 to 7 August 2024, at the facilities of the Pontifical Salesian University (UPS) in Rome. So let us explore this topic more deeply.</p></div><div class="K2FeedFullText"><p>Each of us has boundaries that we try not to cross and do not want others to violate. Our privacy is of great importance to us, even in the digital world. Nevertheless, for various reasons, these boundaries sometimes blur or even dissolve like fog. We start to reveal too many personal details from our lives and share them on social media. We cross these boundaries and encourage others to cross them as well.</p>
  19. <p>Oversharing is a relatively new phenomenon in the digital world. It involves excessively disclosing facts about one's private life on digital platforms. Usually, these are photos, videos, and textual information about family, health, finances, and emotions. This behaviour is driven by several factors, is linked to digital narcissism, and is a contemporary phenomenon of digital culture. People are often tempted to share confidential aspects of their lives, ranging from ordinary daily events to their most intimate thoughts and feelings.</p>
  20. <p>This behaviour shares many similarities with the characteristics of people with borderline personality disorder, but in a digital version. Such individuals are particularly sensitive to the judgment of others, feel a constant need for reassurance from friends about their feelings, struggle with the fear of rejection, have unstable interpersonal relationships, are overly dependent on others, and have unstable self-esteem.</p>
  21. <p>One reason for oversharing is the desire for attention and the need to gain recognition from others. Sharing personal information can be an attempt to integrate one's emotions. Some people over-disclose private details, seeking validation and support from their network and online community. This is often accompanied by a lack of awareness of the consequences and the constant pressure present on social media. Oversharing can result in a loss of privacy and can also lead to psychological distress. Figuratively speaking, oversharing is handing others the keys to our emotional vaults; it is scattering the seeds of one's emotions on the uncertain soil of the Internet; it is a private emotional press agency.</p>
  22. <p>In a globalised world where social media weaves us like spider webs, the phenomenon of oversharing is growing. Considering this, the need to protect online privacy becomes urgent. Education on safe internet use and awareness of the consequences of oversharing are like a shield, protecting us from the dangers of today's digital world.</p>
  23. <p>&ldquo;<a href="">We invite you to the Communication Conference, which will be held from August 1-7, 2024, in Rome</a>&rdquo; is the exhortation coming from the Sector for Social Communication.</p>
  24. <p>Ahead of the conference, the <a href="">Facebook</a> page and <a href="">Instagram</a> profile of &lsquo;Shaping Tomorrow&rsquo; are already active.</p></div><div class="K2FeedTags"><ul><li>RMG CASA GENERALIZIA</li><li>Comunicazione Sociale</li><li>EVENTI 2</li><li>Convegno Comunicazione 2024</li><ul></div>]]></description>
  25. <author> (Gian Francesco Romano)</author>
  26. <category>NEWS</category>
  27. <pubDate>Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200</pubDate>
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  30. <title>Italy – Refitting of the Don Bosco Museum in Chieri</title>
  31. <link></link>
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  33. <description><![CDATA[<div class="K2FeedImage"><img src="" alt="Italy – Refitting of the Don Bosco Museum in Chieri" /></div><div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p><strong>(ANS &ndash; Chieri)&nbsp;</strong>&ndash; Partial refurbishment work has been completed on the Don Bosco visitors centre, the exhibition space located in one of the wings of the first floor of the San Filippo di Chieri Complex, which since 2011 has been dedicated to presenting the figure of Don Bosco to citizens, tourists and pilgrims who come to the city from all over the world.</p></div><div class="K2FeedFullText"><p>This space is located in one of the most significant historical places in the life of John Bosco: the dormitory at the seminary, where the saint lived for a few years in his youth and where he befriended many companions and formators with whom he remained connected for many years of his life.</p>
  34. <p>The San Filippo Complex is a significant architectural asset in the historic heart of Chieri (in via Vittorio Emanuele II, 63) and presents itself as a point of welcome and in-depth study for tourists and citizens. It comprises the Baroque church of San Filippo Neri and the annexed former seminary of the Archdiocese of Turin, and is a strategic place for the development of many tourist projects. It is also the starting point of some historical-artistic city tours, as well as being an important stage of the "Cammino Don Bosco", a route for hikers and for all those who wish to know the spirit and history of the places crossed by John Bosco.</p>
  35. <p>In order to offer an engaging experience to visitors, the Municipality of Chieri has considered it necessary to adapt the museum layout to contemporary needs, to make the experience more enriching and enjoyable.</p>
  36. <p><strong>The first intervention is the change of name</strong> from the current name "Don Bosco Visitor Centre" to "Don Bosco Chieri Museum". The heart of the process is to make this place perceived as a "Museum", for a cultural experience closely linked to the community, and not as a "Visitors Centre", which presents the idea of being a stage on the way, not very significant from a cultural point of view.</p>
  37. <p><strong>A new signage system was then created</strong>, designed with the primary objective of providing a clear and accessible guide for visitors to reach the Museum and to find their way around the building. This signage system has been designed and developed following the new graphic lines and the coordinated image of the Museum, in order to create a coherent link between the visual elements of the museum experience.</p>
  38. <p><strong>In addition, a restyling process was carried out</strong> in the four rooms and in the adjacent corridor, the starting and ending point of the visit experience. At the beginning, visitors will be able to enjoy an informative totem and an introduction video to the visit. In the four rooms of the exhibition, the furnishings have been integrated with new set-up proposals, characterised by material and chromatic uniformity, and with large photographic prints. It was also decided to reduce the number of panels, proposing rewriting of the type of content proposed, but at the same time more agile for visitors. And all the interventions, in general, have been designed to offer visitors a more integrated and engaging visual experience.</p>
  39. <p><strong>Finally, the renovation concerned the narrative path in the four exhibition halls</strong>, which proposes a harmonious interaction between the different communication tools, with several films, made from scratch, and curated by the director Luca Olivieri, with the narrating voices of Danilo Bruni (John Bosco) and Diego Casale (John Baptist Lemoyne).</p>
  40. <p>It begins with the story of Chieri in the first half of the nineteenth century, where a young John Bosco arrived from the countryside (Room 1), later focusing on the work carried out by John Bosco in the early years to maintain his studies, and on significant life experiences, such as the foundation of the Society for a Good Time (Societ&agrave; di Allegria) in which he revealed his unmistakable style bringing young people together that characterised him throughout his life (Room 2).</p>
  41. <p>Room 3 is dedicated to the years John Bosco spent in the seminary, a story that allows us to highlight figures and places of the Chieri Church. We speak in particular of his friend Luigi Comollo who died early, leaving a deep wound in John's heart.</p>
  42. <p>Finally, Room 4 captures the suggestion of the departure of John Bosco from Chieri to reach other places and other people, connecting ideally withDon Bosco's journey from then on. The new large wall projection enhances the vision of images made by drone over Chieri, inspiring visitors to continue the visit through knowledge of the territory.</p>
  43. <p>After leaving the fourth room, visitors find an evoctive "fifth scene" with a landscape that characterises the territory around Chieri, which invites you to capture the moment by taking a photograph. And at the end of the <em>tour</em>, all visitors have the opportunity to participate in a didactic/thematic quiz to evaluate what they have learned.</p>
  44. <p>All the films in the exhibition are presented in Italian, English, Spanish and in the national sign language (LIS).</p></div><div class="K2FeedTags"><ul><li>Italia</li><li>Musei</li><li>Luoghi Salesiani</li><li>ICP ITALIA CIRCOSCRIZIONE SPECIALE PIEMONTE E VALLE D'AOSTA</li><li>SALESIANI 2</li><ul></div>]]></description>
  45. <author> (Gian Francesco Romano)</author>
  46. <category>NEWS</category>
  47. <pubDate>Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200</pubDate>
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  50. <title>RMG – Restoration of the decorative palimpsest of St Cecilia’s crypt: rediscovering &quot;the roots of Christian hope&quot;</title>
  51. <link></link>
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  53. <description><![CDATA[<div class="K2FeedImage"><img src="" alt="RMG – Restoration of the decorative palimpsest of St Cecilia’s crypt: rediscovering "the roots of Christian hope"" /></div><div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p><strong>(ANS - Rome)&nbsp;</strong>- As scheduled, on the afternoon of Wednesday, 29 May, the presentation of the restoration results of the decorative palimpsest in the crypt of Saint Cecilia took place at the Catacombs of San Callisto in Rome. These catacombs have been under the care of the Sons of Don Bosco since 1930. "Beauty and sacredness" were the two guiding themes of the event, which repeatedly surfaced in the various speeches delivered by the guests attending the occasion.</p></div><div class="K2FeedFullText"><p>In front of a large and distinguished audience, Monsignor Pasquale Iacobone, President of the Pontifical Commission for Sacred Archaeology, was the first to speak. He discussed the work of the institution he leads and highlighted the significance of the catacombs complex, describing it as "a treasure not only of art and archaeology but also of contents and messages." Referring to the theme of hope, which will accompany next year&rsquo;s Jubilee, he noted, "The roots of Christian hope can be traced right here, in the Catacombs."</p>
  54. <p>Continuing on the theme of the restoration, Archbishop Iacobone stressed the importance of this recovery, which enhances "the heart" of the Catacombs of St. Callistus. He expressed the "profound joy" of the occasion: "joy in encountering the message, in encountering the art, in encountering this nature so well cared for by our Salesian friends. This is a place we want to be as welcoming as possible." He also proposed the idea of further events during the Holy Year of 2025.</p>
  55. <p>For his part, Fr. Saimy Ezhanikatt, Rector of the Salesian Institute &lsquo;San Callisto&rsquo;, welcomed all those present and emphasised the value of the Salesian custodianship of the catacombs. He shared, "Pope Pius XI, who had known Don Bosco and recognised the good that the Salesian Congregation could do by welcoming pilgrims and visitors to this place of great importance to the early Church, decided to entrust the custody of the Catacombs of St. Callistus to the Salesians of Don Bosco."</p>
  56. <p>Turning to the present day, he added: "We strive to offer both a tourist visit that is attentive to the historical and cultural dimensions, and, above all, a true spiritual itinerary. This involves engaging with the faith of the first Christian generations through the illustration of the symbols, tombs, and martyr testimonies of this place."</p>
  57. <p>Prof. Vincenzo Ruggieri, President of the &lsquo;Paola Droghetti Onlus Foundation&rsquo;, the organisation that financed the restoration of the palimpsest, spoke on the subject of restoration. After illustrating the figure of Saint Cecilia and her role as the patron saint of sacred music, he cited the archaeologist Paola Droghetti, after whom the foundation is named, to explain the difficulties involved in the work. "Restoration in the catacombs is particularly complicated due to the nature of the site itself: damp conditions, cramped, poorly lit and poorly ventilated spaces... all things that require specific tools, careful planning, special skills and a careful and delicate approach," she reported.</p>
  58. <p>The event then continued with the projection of a quarter-hour video that gave a detailed account of the work accomplished.</p>
  59. <p>Lastly, Dr. Barbara Mazzei, from the Pontifical Commission for Sacred Archaeology and Director of Works, took the floor. She thanked the restorers, Maria Gigliola Patrizi and Giovanna Prestipino, as well as the team led by Loredana Luvidi from the National Research Centre&rsquo;s Institute of Sciences of Cultural Heritage, who accompanied the project.</p>
  60. <p>The event concluded with the opportunity for everyone to enter the catacombs and admire the newly restored palimpsest, and finally with a moment of fraternal agape.</p>
  61. <p><a href="">The video of the event is available on the ANS YouTube channel</a></p>
  62. <p><strong>{gallery}Evento Catacombe 2024{/gallery}</strong></p></div><div class="K2FeedTags"><ul><li>Italia</li><li>RMG CASA GENERALIZIA</li><li>Catacombe</li><li>Arte e Cultura</li><li>EVENTI 2</li><ul></div>]]></description>
  63. <author> (Gian Francesco Romano)</author>
  64. <category>NEWS</category>
  65. <pubDate>Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200</pubDate>
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  68. <title>RMG – Testimonies of life from senior Salesians: Fr Luis Chamizo Fajardo's words</title>
  69. <link></link>
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  71. <description><![CDATA[<div class="K2FeedImage"><img src="" alt="RMG – Testimonies of life from senior Salesians: Fr Luis Chamizo Fajardo's words" /></div><div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p><strong>(ANS &ndash; Rome)&nbsp;</strong>&ndash; 91 years of age &ndash; 92 on 10 September &ndash; Spanish Salesian Fr Luis Chamizo Fajardo was the oldest of the participants in the "Return to the Sources" course run by the Missions Sector to bring long-term missionaries who have now reached old age back to the "source" of their vocation. Yet, Fr Chamizo witnessed and passed on a childlike joy and enthusiasm to everyone, demonstrating how a heart fully rooted in the Salesian charism can be young at all ages.</p></div><div class="K2FeedFullText"><p>When little Luis was born in 1932, Spain was almost close to the ruinous civil war that would tear the country apart. The Chamizo Fajardo family could be considered a small workshop for conciliation and dialogue, if you consider that their father was a communist, while their mother was a Catholic.</p>
  72. <p>At seven years of age, the future Salesian had already tasted war and two movements &ndash; from Madrid to Albacete and back &ndash; since his father, an aeronautical mechanic, was first a commander in the Castilian city, but then with the arrival of the National Forces, had to return to Madrid to work in different companies as a freelancer.</p>
  73. <p>Once again in the capital, Luis began to attend the Salesian oratory at the Ronda de Atocha, and at the age of 15, together with three other friends who served as catechists, he began a new oratory, which today is the Domingo Savio school in the district of San Blas (at the time Cerro de la Vaca).</p>
  74. <p>It was at that time that he felt the vocation to serve young people in education and evangelisation through the style of Don Bosco. The first time he expressed his desire to follow this path to his father, his father did not take it well: &ldquo;After a deep silence, he said to me: &lsquo;If you ask me again, then get out by the window.&rsquo; And at that time we lived on the fourth floor..." says the 91-year-old Salesian.</p>
  75. <p>For some years he waited: at the age of 22 he went into military service, and stayed there for 19 months. Then, at the end of his military service, in 1955, he made a retreat with the students of theology and finally took the big step by entering the novitiate in Mohernando, in Guadalajara, in 1956, having Fr R&oacute;mulo Pi&ntilde;ol as his godfather, confessor and spiritual director.</p>
  76. <p>The story of this senior Salesian then quickened pace: after three years of Philosophy, he obtained a dispensation to do a single year of practical training, and was ordained a priest in 1967. After his priestly ordination, he spent three years as head of studies at the Brothers aspirantate in Madrid, "San Fernando". From there he became Provincial Delegate for Vocations, a position he also held for three years.</p>
  77. <p>Later, while Fr Chamizo carried out the different teaching assignments from his Provincial, his missionary vocation grew in him. Yet his superiors continued to assign him other obediences. A decision was finally made: during a trip to Salamanca, he and another Salesian, Fr Antonio D&iacute;as del Pozo, wrote a letter directly to the Rector Major, at the time Fr Egidio Vigan&ograve;, asking to be able to go to Bolivia. 15 days passed and the answer arrived, granting him the obedience to leave for the Andean country.</p>
  78. <p>For 37 years now Fr Chamizo has been resident and active in the Our Lady of Copacabana Province of Bolivia (BOL), where he has served in numerous communities: in three works in Cochabamba, in La Paz and finally also in Santa Cruz, where he still resides. He was Rector of several of these houses and accompanied&nbsp; groups of the Salesian Family:&nbsp; Salesian Cooperators and Past Pupils as Provincial Delegate.</p>
  79. <p>Wherever he has worked, he has brought his dedicated and attentive service to those most in need, especially young people. "Among the things of which I am most proud" he said again in his sharing "was having contributed to the foundation of the Don Bosco Popular Schools", a network that today has several profoundly Salesian works scattered throughout the country and aimed at the education of thousands of boys and girls among the most needy.</p>
  80. <p>Fr Chamizo smiles, saying: "We started it, the rest was all the work of Divine Providence".</p>
  81. <p><strong>{gallery}RMG - Don Chamizo Fajardo 2024{/gallery}</strong></p></div><div class="K2FeedTags"><ul><li>RMG CASA GENERALIZIA</li><li>SALESIANI 2</li><li>Missioni</li><li>Anziani</li><ul></div>]]></description>
  82. <author> (Gian Francesco Romano)</author>
  83. <category>NEWS</category>
  84. <pubDate>Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200</pubDate>
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  87. <title>Ghana – Fostering worship and community life: a new roof for two churches in the North of the Country</title>
  88. <link></link>
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  90. <description><![CDATA[<div class="K2FeedImage"><img src="" alt="Ghana – Fostering worship and community life: a new roof for two churches in the North of the Country" /></div><div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p><strong>(ANS &ndash; Tatale)&nbsp;</strong>&ndash; Unibaldo and Dawando are two villages located in the Tatale-Sanguli District in the northern region of Ghana, bordering Togo. The population consists mainly of subsistence farmers, peasants who depend on the produce of the land to survive. The area's climate is characterised by six months of dry season and six months of rainy season, a situation not favourable to farmers who would need a regular water supply.</p></div><div class="K2FeedFullText"><p>Unfortunately, the soil is not fertile and agricultural yields are not encouraging; despite this, agriculture employs about 91 percent of the population, while services and sales occupy 3.5 percent. The main crops produced include millet, sorghum, beans, maize, rice, and peanuts, to a lesser extent cassava, yam, and vegetables such as ochre, tomatoes, and peppers.</p>
  91. <p>In Unibaldo and Dawando there are also two chapels dependent on the Salesian parish dedicated to Saints Peter and Paul, a community started in 2022 and now belonging to the Southern West Africa Province (AOS). These are simply two missionary outposts where communities from the two villages gather for various activities, particularly catechism and the many Sunday services.</p>
  92. <p>Since these chapels are currently two humble rooms and have open canopies, their use is very inconvenient. &ldquo;During the rainy season it is always very difficult to manage, the rain is very heavy and forces us to stop the activities often&rdquo; the Tatale missionaries report.</p>
  93. <p>Therefore the Salesian Mission Office in Turin, <em>Missioni Don Bosco</em> has decided to take up and spread the appeal of the Salesians in the region and to work to allow thought to renovate the two churches, valuable places of worship for the two communities, places where children and youth can attend catechism classes and play.</p>
  94. <p>The project includes the need to purchase sheet metal for the roof and then proceed with fixing; once the renovations are done, regular and periodic maintenance activities will be planned to ensure their durability and functionality. &ldquo;A better-equipped and safer church will be able to welcome more people, such as residents of adjacent villages, and foster community life&rdquo; the Salesians conclude.</p>
  95. <p>For further information see the website: <a href=""></a>&nbsp;</p></div><div class="K2FeedTags"><ul><li>Ghana</li><li>AOS Africa Occidentale Sud</li><li>SOCIALE</li><li>Solidarietà</li><li>Missioni</li><li>Missioni Don Bosco</li><li>Procure Missionarie</li><ul></div>]]></description>
  96. <author> (Gian Francesco Romano)</author>
  97. <category>NEWS</category>
  98. <pubDate>Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200</pubDate>
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  101. <title>Italy – The 32nd International Salesian Youth Games ended in Genoa</title>
  102. <link></link>
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  104. <description><![CDATA[<div class="K2FeedImage"><img src="" alt="Italy – The 32nd International Salesian Youth Games ended in Genoa" /></div><div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p><strong>(ANS &ndash; Genoa)&nbsp;</strong>&ndash; The 32nd edition of the International Salesian Youth Games was held in Genoa, Italy From 25-29 May 2024, an event of healthy sports competition and an opportunity for cultural exchange, confrontation, friendship, and respect, under the banner of the values that distinguish &ldquo;PGS International&rdquo; (PGSI), the international organisation that brings together Salesian Youth Sports Groups (PGS).</p></div><div class="K2FeedFullText"><p>More than 800 boys and girls between the ages of 14 and 18, in 60 teams and from all regions of Italy and 10 other nations - Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Ukraine and Hungary - gathered to give their best by competing in basketball, volleyball, five-a-side soccer, table tennis and other sports. But not only that.</p>
  105. <p>The experiences in the Games program are tailor-made for young people and alternate between moments of sports and moments of educational recreation - from city tours to convivial evenings - with the &ldquo;PGS Village&rdquo; as a focal point for sharing and socialising. The PGS Village was hosted by &ldquo;Music for Peace,&rdquo; a humanitarian organisation dedicated to raising public awareness and providing concrete help to support people in need in Italy and abroad, located just a few steps away from the Genoa Lantern, a symbol of the city.</p>
  106. <p>Sunday 25th was the most special day, with Mass at the Cathedral of San Lorenzo, presided over by Archbishop Marco Tasca, Archbishop of Genoa, and the opening ceremony at the Old Port in the presence of many civil and Salesian authorities, as part of the 20th Sports Festival. &ldquo;It is an atmosphere of celebration, of sport, in a significant place because we are within &lsquo;Music for Peace&rsquo; and we will instead do &lsquo;sport for Peace&rsquo; over these days, and I like to emphasise the representation of many, many young people: sport can be a vehicle for peace, an alley of education, a vehicle for a better world,&rdquo; said Fr. Francesco Preite, president of &ldquo;Salesians for Social APS.&rdquo;</p>
  107. <p>Then off to the competitions, in the sixteen fields used within nine sports facilities, from Ponente to Levante in the city of Genoa.</p>
  108. <p>&ldquo;The Salesian Youth International Games are back after five years and I am really happy about this restart in a wonderful city, much appreciated by all the delegations. We had sunny days and witnessed beautiful competitions in the various facilities provided by the Organising Committee after an opening ceremony set in the heart of Genoa&rdquo; said George Leibold, President of &lsquo;PGSI International.&rsquo;</p>
  109. <p>&ldquo;We invaded Genoa in all its facilities to allow many youngsters to play. We succeeded in our intent by grasping many appreciations from coaches and chaperones as well&rdquo; added Ciro Bisogno, president of PGS Italy. &ldquo;The Organising Committee was close to the boys: I am grateful to Genoa for welcoming them and to the institutions for feeling the duty and sensitivity to stand by us.&rdquo;</p>
  110. <p>The spirit of the event was encapsulated in a simple and topical slogan: &ldquo;We Are All Stars&rdquo; A universal message, an invitation, to believe in oneself, in one's own abilities, and - for adults and educators - to recognise and value the unique characteristics of each young person, in the wake of the Salesian tradition and in the footsteps of Don Bosco.&nbsp;</p>
  111. <p>The event was realised thanks to the contribution of the Department for Sport at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the City of Genoa, and was included in the calendar of events of &ldquo;Genoa 2024 - European Capital of Sport&rdquo;, recognition awarded for the year 2024 by ACES Europe, Federation of European Capitals and Cities of Sport.</p></div><div class="K2FeedTags"><ul><li>Italia</li><li>Sport</li><li>GIOVANI 2</li><li>PGSI</li><li>PGS Polisportive Giovanili Salesiane</li><li>ICC ITALIA CIRCOSCRIZIONE CENTRALE</li><ul></div>]]></description>
  112. <author> (Gian Francesco Romano)</author>
  113. <category>NEWS</category>
  114. <pubDate>Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200</pubDate>
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  117. <title>Brazil – The Nation United for Rio Grande do Sul: Donations Arrive Daily at the “Dom Bosco” Institute in Porto Alegre</title>
  118. <link></link>
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  120. <description><![CDATA[<div class="K2FeedImage"><img src="" alt="Brazil – The Nation United for Rio Grande do Sul: Donations Arrive Daily at the “Dom Bosco” Institute in Porto Alegre" /></div><div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p><strong>(ANS &ndash; Porto Alegre)</strong>&nbsp;&ndash; In recent days, it has become commonplace to hear different accents in the courtyard of the &ldquo;Dom Bosco&rdquo; Institute school in Porto Alegre. Truck drivers and volunteers from various locations such as Rondon&oacute;polis in Mato Grosso or Lauro de Freitas in the state of Bahia are arriving. While donations are being unloaded by volunteer groups, the drivers are welcomed, can rest and enjoy a pleasant meal, while preparing to return to their home destinations.</p></div><div class="K2FeedFullText"><p>Trucks arrive loaded with water, food, clothing, blankets, mattresses... These are donations collected from various regions of the country since the tragedy in Rio Grande do Sul raised awareness in other Brazilian states.</p>
  121. <p>Ivanir de Souza was responsible for transporting the load from Bahia. The driver, accustomed to the North-East-South-East route, was visiting the deep south of the country for the first time. &ldquo;I always knew that Rio Grande do Sul was a wonderful place to visit. It&rsquo;s a shame that my visit is under these calamitous circumstances,&rdquo; he said. &ldquo;The journey was undertaken as an emergency to deliver aid as quickly as possible,&rdquo; he concluded.</p>
  122. <p>Just a few days earlier, the &ldquo;Dom Bosco&rdquo; Institute had received an aid consignment from outside, this time from Curitiba. &ldquo;Thanks to an agreement made by a relative of one of our employees, we got in touch with an entrepreneur from Paran&aacute; who, along with three other companies in the fertiliser sector, managed to send a large delivery to our school,&rdquo; says Maria Elvira Jardim Menegassi, Executive Director of the &ldquo;Dom Bosco&rdquo; Institute in Porto Alegre and responsible for organising the school as a distribution centre.</p>
  123. <p>This convoy, containing over 40 tonnes of food, was joyfully received by all the volunteers who, working on an assembly line, unloaded every kilo of the products sent: rice, sugar, coffee, flour, and oil. The donations were tranferred to food baskets, which were distributed the next day to the displaced people.</p>
  124. <p>Members of the National Security Force from the state of Tocantins also visited the &ldquo;Dom Bosco&rdquo; Institute in Porto Alegre, where they were welcomed by the Salesian Provincial of the &ldquo;San Pio X&rdquo; Province of Brazil-Porto Alegre (BPA), Fr. Ademir Ricardo Cwendrych. The group, residing between Palmas and Bras&iacute;lia, toured the school and the class rooms used for sorting the donations collected for the emergency and praised the organisation of the work carried out at the school.</p>
  125. <p><em>Source</em>: <a href="">BPA Province</a></p>
  126. <p><strong>{gallery}BPA - Soccorsi perduranti 30 05 2024{/gallery}&nbsp;</strong></p></div><div class="K2FeedTags"><ul><li>Brasile</li><li>BPA BRASILE PORTO ALEGRE</li><li>SOCIALE</li><li>Disastri e Calamità Naturali</li><li>Solidarietà</li><ul></div>]]></description>
  127. <author> (Gian Francesco Romano)</author>
  128. <category>NEWS</category>
  129. <pubDate>Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200</pubDate>
  130. </item>
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  132. <title>RMG – Testimonies of life from senior Salesians: Don Segundo Manuel Cabrera Arevalo speaks from the ‘Source Course</title>
  133. <link></link>
  134. <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  135. <description><![CDATA[<div class="K2FeedImage"><img src="" alt="RMG – Testimonies of life from senior Salesians: Don Segundo Manuel Cabrera Arevalo speaks from the ‘Source Course" /></div><div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p><strong>(ANS &ndash; Rome)&nbsp;</strong>&ndash; The second &lsquo;senior&rsquo; Salesian who shared his story and missionary experience with the other elderly missionaries, as part of the &lsquo;Return to the Sources Course&rsquo; organised by the Missions Sector in this month of May 2024, was Fr Segundo Manuel Cabrera Arevalo. 84 years of age, 66 years of Salesian life and 44 as a priest, Fr Cabrera is originally from Ecuador and is one of the few missionaries who has served in his own country, as he has worked with the indigenous communities there.</p></div><div class="K2FeedFullText"><p>Fr Cabrera, young in spirit and with great enthusiasm even in spite of his age, came from a very humble family: his mother was a housewife and his father worked as a miner. &lsquo;With this work he managed to buy a piece of land and built a house on it,&rsquo; he gratefully shared.</p>
  136. <p>His vocation emergedn when he was still a child, a fifth-grader at the Salesian school in the city of Lim&oacute;n. &lsquo;It was the Salesians who took the initiative to invite me to the experience of being a Salesian aspirant. And my father gave his assent&rsquo; he recalled many years later.</p>
  137. <p>&lsquo;My mission field was in the context of the indigenous peoples, especially among the Achuar and Schuar. My service among the indigenous peoples has been varied and has involved both the first evangelisation of certain groups, and catechesis and oratories,' he recounted. He has been Director of several missionary works - Zambagua, Sevilla Don Bosco, Bomboiza and Taisha - and is still parish priest at the Sevilla Don Bosco work.</p>
  138. <p>For him, as for everyone, the religious and missionary life has not spared unforeseen events and difficulties, which in his case showed up especially in the initial phase, during his studies: it took him nine years to be ordained a priest, but in the end he overcame everything and managed to complete his studies.</p>
  139. <p>At the same time, there were also many joys: education and evangelisation of children and indigenous communities; as well as the profound ones of seeing the causes of beatification open for four missionaries who worked in Ecuador, including Blessed Sister Maria Troncatti, Daughter of Mary Help of Christians, an Italian missionary originally from Brescia, who was also active as a nurse in the communities where she served.</p>
  140. <p>Without forgetting the past that brought him so far, Fr Cabrera still has the energy of someone who looks ahead and plans for the future: in his community he works with his confreres to start experimenting with the initiatives proposed by Pope Francis through the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation &lsquo;<em>Querida Amazonia</em>&rsquo;, to instruct and educate people and pastoral workers to understand and accept the challenge of the synodal Church: a challenge that starts first of all with listening and dialogue.</p>
  141. <p><strong>{gallery}Don Segundo Manuel Cabrera Arevalo 2024{/gallery}</strong></p></div><div class="K2FeedTags"><ul><li>RMG CASA GENERALIZIA</li><li>Missioni</li><li>SALESIANI 2</li><li>Ecuador</li><li>Indigeni</li><li>Anziani</li><ul></div>]]></description>
  142. <author> (Gian Francesco Romano)</author>
  143. <category>NEWS</category>
  144. <pubDate>Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200</pubDate>
  145. </item>
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  147. <title>El Salvador – The Extraordinary Visitation to the Salesian Province of Central America concludes</title>
  148. <link></link>
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  150. <description><![CDATA[<div class="K2FeedImage"><img src="" alt="El Salvador – The Extraordinary Visitation to the Salesian Province of Central America concludes" /></div><div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p><strong>(ANS &ndash; Ayagualo)</strong>&nbsp;&ndash; After almost 100 days spent visiting Salesian works in the six countries that make up the Divine Saviour Province of Central America (CAM) &ndash; specifically: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama &ndash; Fr Walter Jara, SDB, has concluded his Extraordinary Visitation to the Province, carried out by mandate and on behalf of Cardinal &Aacute;ngel Fern&aacute;ndez Artime, Rector Major of the Salesians of Don Bosco.</p></div><div class="K2FeedFullText"><p>Fr Jara, former Provincial of the Province of C&oacute;rdoba Argentina (1997-2023) and Paraguay (2006-2021), arrived in Central America at the end of last February, and thus began his mission of getting to know, sharing, evaluation and exhortation regarding the work that is carried out by Salesians and their lay collaborators in each of the 24 works of the Province.</p>
  151. <p>Fr Jara concluded his visit convinced that the CAM Province is a small areas, but with immense room for the Salesian vocation. He also said that "the meeting with young people is always very significant: there are many children and young people in love with Don Bosco, Salesian spirituality, the missionary territories of the Province and the works that are among the poorest... They are certainly very valuable.&rdquo;</p>
  152. <p>At the same time, the Visitor underlined the deep-rooted Salesian identity of the CAM Province, which he defined as "an area strongly identified with the Salesian spirit. There are very significant works, Salesian presences that have positively marked a Salesian area that is relevant for its history and also today."</p>
  153. <p>At the end of the Extraordinary Visitation, Fr Jara held a final meeting with the CAM Provincial Council and presented his final report. He also presented his conclusions to the participants in the Provincial Chapter and to the Salesians of El Salvador. "I have witnessed the work of God during all these months and I believe that the Salesians of Central America can live happily, gratefully, sowing and dreaming of an even better future", the Visitor concluded.</p>
  154. <p>The closing date of Fr Jara's visit coincided with the beginning of the 2024 Provincial Chapter. Fr Jara presided at the opening Eucharist asking God for the gift of discernment for Chapter members.</p>
  155. <p><strong>{gallery}CAM - Fine Visita Jara 2024{/gallery}</strong></p></div><div class="K2FeedTags"><ul><li>El Salvador</li><li>CAM CENTRO AMERICA</li><li>Visita Straordinaria</li><li>SALESIANI 2</li><ul></div>]]></description>
  156. <author> (Gian Francesco Romano)</author>
  157. <category>NEWS</category>
  158. <pubDate>Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200</pubDate>
  159. </item>
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  161. <title>India – Another Salesian Parish Opened in Shillong Archdiocese</title>
  162. <link></link>
  163. <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>
  164. <description><![CDATA[<div class="K2FeedImage"><img src="" alt="India – Another Salesian Parish Opened in Shillong Archdiocese" /></div><div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p><strong>(ANS &ndash; Shillong)&nbsp;</strong>&ndash; Dedicated to Mary Help of Christians, on 26 May 2024, the solemnity of the feast of the Holy Trinity, Archbishop Victor Lyngdoh opened the Salesian Parish of Mary Help of Christians at Mawpdang and appointed Father Sebastian Tirkey SDB as its first Parish Priest during a solemn Holy Mass.</p></div><div class="K2FeedFullText"><p>The Holy Mass was concelebrated by Father Richard Majaw, the Vicar General of the Archdiocese, Father John Zosiama SDB, the Salesian Provincial, Father Sebastian Tirkey SDB, the Parish Priest, Father Barnes Mawrie, the assistant parish priest, Father Paul O Lyngkot, the former Provincial, parish priests of neighbouring parishes, 32 other priests, religious men and women, and thousands of parishioners and other faithful who had come from various parishes of the Archdiocese. The event was also attended by many political leaders.</p>
  165. <p>In his homily, Archbishop Victor emphasized the importance of unity, love, forgiveness, and dedication, drawing parallels with the Holy Family. "God is love&mdash;the best name of God is LOVE," said the Archbishop. "This parish will flourish if you follow the example of the Holy Trinity. Although we may not fully understand the essence of the Holy Trinity, it is enough to have faith," he continued, illustrating with a story from the life of St. Augustine.</p>
  166. <p>After the homily, Archbishop Victor proceeded with the rite of appointment of the parish priest according to canon law, during which the new Parish Priest, Father Sebastian Tirkey, made the Profession of Faith and signed various church documents witnessed by the faithful who had gathered in large numbers for the inauguration of the parish. The Holy Mass was enriched by melodious hymns sung by the choir.</p>
  167. <p>In the afternoon, there was Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament followed by various cultural programs to express gratitude, felicitate, and acknowledge the various individuals responsible for the success of the opening of the new Parish.</p>
  168. <p><strong>{gallery}INS - Nuova parrocchia 2024{/gallery}</strong></p></div><div class="K2FeedTags"><ul><li>India</li><li>INS INDIA SHILLONG</li><li>Parrocchie</li><li>SALESIANI 2</li><ul></div>]]></description>
  169. <author> (Gian Francesco Romano)</author>
  170. <category>NEWS</category>
  171. <pubDate>Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200</pubDate>
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