
This feed does not validate.

In addition, interoperability with the widest range of feed readers could be improved by implementing the following recommendations.


  1. <rss version="2.0">
  2.   <channel>
  3.      <title>ksoft Newsletter</title>
  4.      <link></link>
  5.      <description>The ksoft newsletter contains all the news, tips, and downloads to make your life on the Internet easier.</description>
  6.      <language>en-us</language>
  7.      <image>
  8.      <url></url>
  9.      <title>ksoft</title>
  10.      <link></link>
  11.      <description>ksoft RSS Newsletter</description>
  12.      <width>144</width>
  13.      <height>79</height>
  14.      </image>
  15.      <item>
  16.         <title>Scripting with Easy Auto Refresh</title>
  17.         <link></link>
  18.         <description><![CDATA[There is a lot that <a href="" target="_blank">Easy Auto Refresh</a> can do, besides just refreshing the web page. Did you know you can execute JavaScript after each page refresh or at each countdown interval? Think of all the amazing things you can do!<br>
  19. <br>
  20. To run a script after a page refresh, follow the steps below.<br>
  21. <br>
  22. <b>How to Run a Script After a Refresh</b><br>
  23. <br>
  24. <ol>
  25. <li><a href="" target="_blank">Download</a> Easy Auto Refresh.</li>
  26. <li>Open Easy Auto Refresh and click <b>Advanced Options</b>.</li>
  27. <li>Checkmark the option <b>Refresh by clicking link or button</b>.</li>
  28. <li>In the textbox, enter the following code:
  29. <pre>
  30. document.querySelector('body');
  32. setTimeout(() => {
  33.  console.log('Hello World!')
  34. }, 1000);
  35. </pre>
  36. </li>
  37. <li>If you want the script to run after a page refresh, checkmark the option <b>Click element after page refresh</b>. If you want to run the script at each countdown interval (without an actual page refresh), leave the checkbox empty.</li>
  38. <li>Click the <b>Start</b> button to begin the countdown.
  39. </ol>
  40. <br>
  41. The above steps will run your script at each countdown interval. If you also checkmarked the option to <b>Click element after page refresh</b>, the page will first refresh, and then run your script.<br>
  42. <br>
  43. The key to running a script after a refresh is to include the line <i>document.querySelector('body');</i> followed by a <i>setTimeout()</i> which contains the code that you want to execute on the page. You can run any code that you like within the setTimeout() method to perform any number of actions, such as clicking advanced buttons or elements on the page, changing css styles, and much more.<br>
  44. <br>
  45. Here are a couple of <a href="" target="_blank">examples</a>.<br>
  46. <br>
  47. <h3>Hello World</h3>
  48. The following <a href="" target="_blank">script</a> prints "Hello Easy Auto Refresh!" to the browser console after each refresh.<br><br>
  49. <script src=""></script>
  50. <br>
  51. <b>Demo</b><br>
  52. <br>
  53. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  54. <br><br>
  55. <h3>Changing the Page Color</h3>
  56. The following <a href="" target="_blank">script</a> changes the web page background color after each countdown interval.<br>
  57. <br>
  58. <script src=""></script>
  59. <br>
  60. <b>Demo</b><br>
  61. <br>
  62. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  63. <br>
  64. <br>
  65. <h3>Animating a Map</h3>
  66. The following <a href="" target="_blank">script</a> automatically clicks the "Play" button on an animated weather <a href="" target="_blank">map</a>, after each page refresh.<br>
  67. <br>
  68. <br>
  69. <script src=""></script>
  70. <br>
  71. <b>Demo</b><br>
  72. <br>
  73. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  74. <br>
  75. <br>
  76. The advanced options are available in the <a href="" target="_blank">registered</a> version of Easy Auto Refresh. Unlock your copy today to harness the full scripting capabilities of automatic page refreshing in Chrome.
  77. ]]></description>
  78.         <pubDate>Thu, 16 Nov 2017 08:58:44 -0700</pubDate>
  79.         <guid></guid>
  80.      </item>
  81.      <item>
  82.         <title>Easy Auto Refresh: Random Intervals</title>
  83.         <link></link>
  84.         <description><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank">Easy Auto Refresh</a> for Chrome contains a lot of power for automatically refreshing web pages. One of the features is a random refresh interval. While most users want to refresh a web page after a specific number of seconds, this advanced option lets you refresh after a random number of seconds. Each time the page refreshes, the random interval will change.<br>
  85. <br>
  86. <img src="" alt="Easy Auto Refresh Random Interval" title="Easy Auto Refresh Random Interval" border="1" /><br>
  87. <br>
  88. Here's how it works.<br>
  89. <br>
  90. Open the <b>Advanced Options</b> panel and checkmark the option <b>Random interval</b>.<br>
  91. <br>
  92. The random interval is specified by entering a number to be used as the maximum random refresh value. The minimum value is always 10 seconds. The maximum value is configurable by entering the number.<br>
  93. <br>
  94. Easy Auto Refresh will append a <b>?</b> to your number to indicate that it's a random refresh value.<br>
  95. <br>
  96. For example:<br>
  97. <br>
  98. <b>20?</b> = random interval between 10 and 20 seconds.<br>
  99. <b>60?</b> = random interval between 10 and 60 seconds.<br>
  100. <b>100?</b> = random interval between 10 and 100 seconds.<br>
  101. <b>1800?</b> = random interval between 10 seconds and 30 minutes (1800 seconds).<br>
  102. <br>
  103. Each time the page refreshes, a new random interval will be used, up to the maximum value that you originally set. You'll see the number in the textbox change after each refresh, indicating the current interval for this refresh.<br>
  104. <br>
  105. To change the maximum random interval time, just change the number in the textbox, and click Start.<br>
  106. <br>
  107. To keep the interface as simple as possible, only a maximum value can be entered for the random refresh interval. Support for providing a minimum value may be added in the future. Until then, 10 seconds is the minimum random refresh period. If you want to ensure a longer refresh period during random refreshes, just provide a larger maximum value. In this way, you're more likely to have a longer number of seconds between random refreshes.<br>
  108. <br>
  109. So there are the nitty gritty details behind random refreshing with Easy Auto Refresh. Head on over and <a href="" target="_blank">download</a> Easy Auto Refresh from the Chrome store today!
  110. ]]></description>
  111.         <pubDate>Sun, 5 Feb 2017 08:58:44 -0700</pubDate>
  112.         <guid></guid>
  113.      </item>
  114.      <item>
  115.         <title>RSS Submit 5.921 Now Supports Chrome and Firefox Browsers</title>
  116.         <link></link>
  117.         <description><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank">RSS Submit 5</a> has been updated to now include support for submissions using Google Chrome as the web browser.
  118. <br><br>
  119. The recent update of Firefox 47 has created a compatibility <a href='' target='_blank'>issue</a> with the driver that RSS Submit 5 uses to perform submissions. While a fix is currently being worked on, we've decided to add support for submissions with Chrome as a work-around. It turns out, this is a great feature, because users now get the option of choosing between either of their favorite web browsers to perform submissions with RSS Submit 5!
  120. <br><br>
  121. <img src="" title="RSS Submit 5 Options Firefox and Chrome Submissions" />
  122. <br><br>
  123. By default, Chrome is now enabled as the main submission option. You can switch between Chrome or Firefox via the Options screen. Both browsers should perform submissions nearly identical, so you get to keep the power of RSS Submit 5 submissions with either browser. A fix for Firefox should be released in the coming weeks.
  124. <br><br>
  125. Registered users can download the latest version by clicking the "Upgrade" button in the software. If you're not registered, you can <a href="" target="_blank">download</a> a free trial of RSS Submit 5 to get started!
  126. ]]></description>
  127.         <pubDate>Tue, 30 Mar 2016 08:58:44 -0700</pubDate>
  128.         <guid></guid>
  129.      </item>
  130.      <item>
  131.         <title>RSS Submit 5.92 Updated to Support Firefox 45</title>
  132.         <link></link>
  133.         <description><![CDATA[<img src="" border="1" title="RSS Submit 5.92 Update for Firefox 45" alt="RSS Submit 5.92 Update for Firefox 45"/>
  134. <br><br>
  135. We've released a new version of <a href="" target="_blank">RSS Submit 5</a>, which includes updated driver support for Firefox 45. The latest version is now RSS Submit 5.92 / 4.1. This latest version includes a compatibility fix, where users may have experienced a time-out while beginning an RSS feed submission with the software. Click the upgrade button in the software to install the latest version.
  136. <br><br>
  137. As always, you can download a free trial of RSS Submit 5. It's the easiest and most powerful way to promote your web site by submitting RSS feeds to a large list of directories. <a href="" target="_blank">Download</a> the free trial to check it out!
  138. ]]></description>
  139.         <pubDate>Tue, 30 Mar 2016 08:58:44 -0700</pubDate>
  140.         <guid></guid>
  141.      </item>
  142.      <item>
  143.         <title>Easy Auto Refresh: Displaying a Longer Countdown</title>
  144.         <link></link>
  145.         <description><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank">Easy Auto Refresh</a> for Chrome lets you specify any number of seconds before refreshing the page. For example, you could refresh the web browser every couple of seconds, minutes, hours, or even once per day. A countdown timer is displayed on the icon in the url address bar, so you can easily tell when a refresh is about to occur. While the free version displays the final 10 seconds until it reaches zero and refreshes, the registered version shows much more.
  146. <br><br>
  147. The registered version of Easy Auto Refresh can display the countdown timer on the icon, all the way up to four digits. This means you can watch the countdown timer from a maximum of 9999 seconds (if, for some reason, you actually wanted to refresh once every two and a half days :)) all the way down to 0.
  148. <br><br>
  149. Just checkmark the advanced option "Show longer countdown" to enable this feature.
  150. <br><br>
  151. For example, you could set the refresh timer to 60 seconds, checkmark the option "Show longer countdown", and watch the countdown timer tick from 60, 59, 58, ... down to 0 before refreshing the page.
  152. <br><br>
  153. Here are some screenshots, showing the countdown timer in action.
  154. <br><br>
  155. <img src="" border="1" title="Easy Auto Refresh - Show Longer Countdown, Single Digits" />
  156. <br><br>
  157. The above screenshot shows the countdown timer displaying 7 seconds remaining before refresh. In the free version, if you set a timer higher than 10, only the final 10 seconds will display on the icon before a refresh. The registered version displays longer countdowns, up to 9999.
  158. <br><br>
  159. <img src="" border="1" title="Easy Auto Refresh - Show Longer Countdown, Two Digits" />
  160. <br><br>
  161. This screenshot shows 60 seconds remaining before a refresh. The countdown timer will tick down from 60, 59, 58, ... down to 0 before refreshing the page.
  162. <br><br>
  163. <img src="" border="1" title="Easy Auto Refresh - Show Longer Countdown, Three Digits" />
  164. <br><br>
  165. This screenshot shows 301 seconds remaining before a refresh (which is about 5 minutes).
  166. <br><br>
  167. <img src="" border="1" title="Easy Auto Refresh - Show Longer Countdown, Four Digits" />
  168. <br><br>
  169. This final screenshot shows 3600 seconds on the countdown timer (1 hour). The font size is a bit smaller, in order to fit on the icon.
  170. <br><br>
  171. As you can see, the countdown timer lets you know when a refresh is about to occur. The font size for the countdown timer adjusts automatically to fit on the icon. Since four digits is about the most that can be squeezed in, the max countdown timer that we can actually display is 9999 seconds.
  172. <br><br>
  173. You can always set an unlimited number of seconds for a refresh, in which case anything above 9999 remaining on the countdown will not be visually shown. Once the seconds can fit, they'll display on the icon.
  174. <br><br>
  175. That's probably more than you ever wanted to know about the Easy Auto Refresh countdown timer. It offers a lot of power! Head on over and <a href="" target="_blank">download</a> Easy Auto Refresh from the Chrome store today!
  176. ]]></description>
  177.         <pubDate>Tue, 1 Mar 2016 08:58:44 -0700</pubDate>
  178.         <guid></guid>
  179.      </item>
  180.      <item>
  181.         <title>RSS Submit 5.919 Update with New Driver Support</title>
  182.         <link></link>
  183.         <description><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank">RSS Submit 5</a> has been updated with new drivers, bringing the latest version to RSS Submit 5.919 / 3.5. This fixes a compatibility issue where users may have seen an error dialog upon starting the software. Be sure to click the upgrade button in the software to make sure you have the latest version.
  184. <br><br>
  185. Haven't tried RSS Submit 5? It's the easiest and most powerful way to promote your web site by submitting RSS feeds to a large list of directories. <a href="" target="_blank">Download</a> the free trial to get started!
  186. ]]></description>
  187.         <pubDate>Wed, 1 Oct 2015 08:58:44 -0700</pubDate>
  188.         <guid></guid>
  189.      </item>
  190.      <item>
  191.         <title>Auto-Refresh a Salesforce Dashboard in Chrome with Easy Auto Refresh</title>
  192.         <link></link>
  193.         <description><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank">Easy Auto Refresh</a> is handy for a lot of different uses. Did you know that it can be used to auto-refresh Salesforce dashboards and reports?
  194. <br><br>
  195. Salesforce dashboards have a refresh button that you can click to reload the dashboard data, without reloading the entire web page. You can tell Easy Auto Refresh to automatically click the refresh button with a couple of easy steps. Here's a video that demonstrates it:
  196. <br><br>
  197. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  198. <br><br>
  199. <b>How to Auto-Refresh a Salesforce Dashboard</b>
  200. <br>
  201. <ol>
  202. <li><a href="" target="_blank">Download</a> Easy Auto Refresh.</li>
  203. <li>Navigate to your Salesforce <a href="" target="_blank">dashboard</a> page that you'd like to auto-refresh or auto-reload.</li>
  204. <li>Find the "Refresh" button on the page. Right-click on the refresh button and select "Inspect element".</li>
  205. <li>In the Developer Tools window that displays, look at the highlighted piece of HTML (that represents your button) and find the "id=" fragment. Double-click the id inside the quotes and copy it. For example: fctRefreshBtn</li>
  206. <li>Open Easy Auto Refresh and click Advanced Options.</li>
  207. <li>Checkmark the option "Refresh by clicking link or button".</li>
  208. <li>In the textbox, paste the id that you copied from the steps above.</li>
  209. <li>In the front of the id, include a # sign. For example: #fctRefreshBtn</li>
  210. <li>You should see a green checkmark next to the textbox. This indicates that the id entered is valid.</li>
  211. <li>Click Start to begin refreshing. Easy Auto Refresh will automatically click the button when the countdown timer reaches zero.</li>
  212. </ol>
  213. <img src="" border="0" title="Auto-Refresh a Salesforce Dashboard with Easy Auto Refresh" />
  214. <br><br>
  215. On some Salesforce dashboards, the refresh button may be inside an iframe on the web page. In this case, the command that you enter in the textbox will be a little longer. It will look something like this (all on one line):
  216. <br><br>
  217. document.querySelector('#ext-comp-1006').contentDocument
  218. .getElementsByClassName('refreshListButton')[0]
  219. <br><br>
  220. For details on this, see this <a href="" target="_blank">post</a> and follow the 3rd example, "Example 3 - IFrame". Have fun!
  221. ]]></description>
  222.         <pubDate>Thu, 20 Jul 2015 08:58:44 -0700</pubDate>
  223.         <guid></guid>
  224.      </item>
  225.      <item>
  226.         <title>Easy Auto Refresh 3.5 for Chrome: Display Notifications</title>
  227.         <link></link>
  228.         <description><![CDATA[A long requested feature for our popular Chrome auto refresh extension, <a href="" target="_blank">Easy Auto Refresh</a>, has been to display a notification when a certain keyword appears in the web page. Well, now you've got it!
  229. <br><br>
  230. <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" title="Easy Auto Refresh Show Notification" border="1" /></a>
  231. <br><br>
  232. This brand new feature in Easy Auto Refresh 3.5 lets you enter a keyword and, after each refresh, Easy Auto Refresh will check the web page to see if the keyword exists. You can use a simple keyword, phrase, or even a regular expression. If the text is found, a notification displays and a sound effect is played.<br>
  233. <br>
  234. Here is what a notification looks like:<br>
  235. <br>
  236. <img src="" title="Easy Auto Refresh Chrome Notification" /><br>
  237. <br>
  238. <script>
  239. function playNotification(url) {
  240. var snd = new Audio(url); // buffers automatically when created
  242. }
  243. </script>
  244. <h3>Using a Notification</h3>
  245. <ol>
  246. <li>Open Chrome and visit the desired url that you want to refresh.</li>
  247. <li>Open Easy Auto Refresh, expand Advanced Options, and checkmark "Show notification".</li>
  248. <li>Enter a keyword or regular expression to find in the page after each refresh.</li>
  249. <li>Click Start.</li>
  250. </ol>
  251. <h3>Changing the Sound Effect</h3>
  252. The default <a href="#" onclick="playNotification(''); return false;">sound effect</a> can be changed to any custom sound that you like. To do this, enter a URL pointing to a sound file in MP3 or WAV format.<br>
  253. <br>
  254. The sound effect URL must be accessible from a web site, in order for the web browser to be able to access it. If you download an MP3 or WAV sound file, you will need to upload it to a web site and enter the URL pointing to the sound file into Easy Auto Refresh.<br>
  255. <br>
  256. For example, try entering the URL into Easy Auto Refresh under "Notification sound url" and click the "Play" button to <a href="#" onclick="playNotification(''); return false;">listen</a> to it.<br>
  257. <br>
  258. You can search for a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">variety</a> of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">sound</a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">effects</a> to download and host on a web site. You may also be able to find sound files already hosted on web sites that you can directly link to, although you will likely need to upload the mp3 or wav to a specific location for use.<br>
  259. <h3>Stopping Refresh After a Notification</h3>
  260. You can stop refreshing the page when a notification is found by checkmarking the option "Stop refresh", located under the "Show notification" area. When the target keyword is found in the page, and a notification displays, refresh will stop.<br>
  261. <br>
  262. Refresh will resume if you manually reload the page or navigate to the page in a new web browser session.
  263. <br>
  264. <h3>Notify When a Keyword is NOT Found</h3>
  265. To show a notification when a keyword is NOT found in the page, checkmark the option "Not Found".<br>
  266. <br>
  267. When this option is enabled, a notification will only display when the keyword is not found in the web page. This is useful for scenarios where you are not sure of the content on the page for the target refresh, but you DO know a specific keyword in the current page that will no longer be present.<br>
  268. <br>
  269. For example, consider an order page that asks you to wait 10 minutes before you can place an order. The page shows the message "Please wait 10 minutes..". You want to refresh the page every 10 seconds until you are able to place an order. For this scenario, you could enter a refresh interval of "10" seconds, enable the option "Show notification", enter the keyword "Please wait", enable the option "Stop refresh", and enable the option "Not found". The web page will now refresh every 10 seconds. After each refresh, the page will be checked to see if the keyword "Please wait" is no longer visible on the page. Once the text is not found, a notification will display and refresh will stop, allowing you to place the order.<br>
  270. <br>
  271. <h3>Notification Delay</h3>
  272. Depending on how fast the web page loads, you may want to check for the notification keyword only when you are certain that all web page content has loaded and displayed. To do this, you can choose to use a delay after the refresh, before the keyword is searched for within the page.<br>
  273. <br>
  274. This option is useful for cases where you enter a keyword and can see it in the page, but a notification is not displaying due to the web page taking longer than expected to fully display. By specifying a delay, you can give the web page enough time to fully load and show all content, before checking for the notification keyword.<br>
  275. <br>
  276. For example, enter "3" to wait 3 seconds after each refresh, before checking for the keyword in the page.<br>
  277. <br>
  278. <h3>Keyword Examples</h3>
  279. <B>Simple keyword match</b><br>
  280. <br>
  281. Google<br>
  282. <br>
  283. on sale<br>
  284. <br>
  285. <B>Regular expression keyword match</b><br>
  286. <br>
  287. article\d+<br>
  288. <br>
  289. \d+/\d+/\d{4}<br>
  290. <br>
  291. <i>This first example will match "article2" or "article21" or "article68".<br>
  292. The second example will match "12/16/2020" or "3/8/2021".<br></i>
  293. <br>
  294. <b>Multiple keywords using OR</b><br>
  295. <br>
  296. movies|videos<br>
  297. buttered popcorn|romance films<br>
  298. <br>
  299. <i>The first example will match the words "movies" or "videos".<br>
  300. The second example will match the words "buttered popcorn" or "romance films".<br></i>
  301. <br>
  302. <b>Keyword with a Wildcard</b><br>
  303. <br>
  304. Order.*Ready<br>
  305. <br>
  306. <i>This example would match "Order is Ready" or "Order Now Ready" or "Order should be Ready" or "Order anything can go here Ready".<br></i>
  307. <br>
  308. <B>Keyword match after a delay after refresh</b><br>
  309. <br>
  310. find this keyword after delay [3]<br>
  311. <br>
  312. Each time Easy Auto Refresh reloads the page, it will check the text and HTML of the page (document.body.innerHTML) for the keyword that you entered. The keyword is case-insensitive. If the keyword is found, a Chrome desktop notification will display.
  313. <br><br>
  314. <b>Checking for a Keyword in the Visible Text of the Page</b>
  315. <br><br>
  316. By default, Easy Auto Refresh searches for the keyword within the HTML of the page (document.body.innerHTML). This allows you to search through both visible text and HTML tags on the page. For example, you might want to show a notification when a certain DIV or IMG tag appears on the page. If you want to limit the search to just the visible text of the page (document.body.innerText), include the following at the end of your keyword: [TEXT]
  317. <br><br>
  318. For example:<br>
  319. hello [TEXT]
  320. <br><br>
  321. <b>Checking for a Keyword with a Delay After Page Load</b>
  322. <br><br>
  323. In the above keyword examples, the first two are simple keywords to find in the page. The third and fourth are regular expressions. The last one uses a timed-delay check.
  324. <br><br>
  325. In some cases, a page may take longer to load all of its content. For example, some sites use ajax, angularjs, ember, or other web page frameworks that dynamically load page content. For these sites, if you check for a keyword in the page immediately after a page-load, it will fail to find the keyword, since the content may not have fully loaded yet. To fix this, you can tell Easy Auto Refresh to wait a couple of seconds after page-load, before checking for the keyword.
  326. <br><br>
  327. To specify a delay, add the text [3] at the end of your keyword, where 3 represents the number of seconds to delay. For example:
  328. <br><br>
  329. tickets [5]<br>
  330. * This will wait 5 seconds after page-load and check for the keyword "tickets".
  331. <br><br>
  332. now available [3]<br>
  333. * This will wait 3 seconds after page-load and check for the keyword "now available".
  334. <br><br>
  335. There is a lot of flexibility with what you can do with this feature. In case you haven't installed Easy Auto Refresh yet, <a href="" target="_blank">download</a> it from the Chrome store today!
  336. ]]></description>
  337.         <pubDate>Thu, 9 Jul 2015 08:58:44 -0700</pubDate>
  338.         <guid></guid>
  339.      </item>
  340.      <item>
  341.         <title>Easy Auto Refresh 3.4 Now Supports Refreshing to Urls From a List</title>
  342.         <link></link>
  343.         <description><![CDATA[We've got a great new feature added to <a href="" target="_blank">Easy Auto Refresh</a>! Registered users can now enter a list of urls and tell Easy Auto Refresh to load a url from that list every time it refreshes.
  344. <br><br>
  345. <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="1" title="Easy Auto Refresh, Refresh to url from a list" /></a>
  346. <br><br>
  347. It's probably best explained with a video, so here's an example of how it works.
  348. <br><br>
  349. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  350. <br><br>
  351. To use this new feature to refresh through a list of urls, follow these steps:
  352. <br>
  353. <ol>
  354. <li>Open Chrome with a single tab and navigate to the starting url.</li>
  355. <li>Open Easy Auto Refresh, expand Advanced Options, and checkmark "Any page on"</li>
  356. <li>Checkmark "Refresh to url from a list".</li>
  357. <li>Paste in the list of urls into the textbox, 1 url per line.</li>
  358. <li>Click Start.</li>
  359. </ol>
  360. Each time the Easy Auto Refresh countdown timer reaches 0, Chrome will navigate to the next url in the list. Once it refreshes to the last url in the list, it will start all over again from the top.
  361. <br><br>
  362. There are some important tips to keep in mind with this feature. You will probably want to checkmark the advanced option "Any page on". This will keep Easy Auto Refresh active, refreshing through the list of urls, even if the web page redirects to a different page or has different parameters in the url.
  363. <br><br>
  364. Be sure to enter one url per line. I recommend using Notepad to create a text file, and pasting in 1 url per line. Save the text file so you have a backup. You can then select all urls in the file and paste them into the Easy Auto Refresh textbox.
  365. <br><br>
  366. There are probably lots of powerful things you can do with this feature. Have fun!
  367. <br><br>
  368. Don't have Easy Auto Refresh installed in Chrome yet? Head on over and <a href="" target="_blank">download</a> a copy. It's FREE!
  369. ]]></description>
  370.         <pubDate>Thu, 4 Jun 2015 08:58:44 -0700</pubDate>
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  374.         <title>Easy Auto Refresh 3.2 and New Advanced Options</title>
  375.         <link></link>
  376.         <description><![CDATA[A brand new version of our popular Chrome extension, <a href="" target="_blank">Easy Auto Refresh</a>, has been released. This update is a major version release and has some big new features packed in. For starters, it's been completely optimized for speed and memory! Even better, it's packed with two powerful new advanced options for registered users, which are detailed below.
  377. <h3>Refresh all tabs</h3>
  378. When you checkmark the new advanced option "Refresh all tabs", any time the current tab refreshes, it will also refresh all other tabs in the browser window. For example, suppose you have 3 tabs open. On the first tab, you checkmark the option "Refresh all tabs". Then you click "Start". When the first tab refreshes, it will also refresh tabs 2 and 3 at the same time. This feature is meant to be a time saver, allowing you to refresh multiple web pages, without having to explicitly turn refresh on for each url.
  379. <h3>Refresh by clicking link or button</h3>
  380. This is a powerful feature for automatic web page refreshing. By default, Easy Auto Refresh refreshes the web page in the same manner as clicking the standard Refresh button in the browser (or hitting F5 on the keyboard). By enabling this option, Easy Auto Refresh will automatically click a button, link, or an element on the web page to perform the refresh. This is the perfect feature for web pages that already have a refresh link that you typically click to refresh content. For example, you can tell Easy Auto Refresh to click the "Inbox" link on your email web page to have it refresh the content without refreshing the whole window. Or, you could tell it to refresh a stock ticker symbol, without refreshing the entire window. The possibilities are wide open!
  381. <br><br>
  382. <img src="" border='1' title='Easy Auto Refresh click button after refresh reload' /><br>
  383. <br>
  384. Since this is an advanced feature, meant primarily for technical users (knowledge of HTML or jquery is a plus), let's look at some examples that show how to use it.
  385. <br><br>
  386. <a name="easyautorefresh-autoclick-1"></a><b>Example 1 - Find the Element</b><br><br>
  387. The following steps show how to select an element on the web page to automatically click for refreshing. In this example, we're going to automatically click the button labeled, "refresh".
  389. <ol>
  390. <li>Expand the <b>Advanced Options</b>.</li>
  391. <li>Checkmark the option to <b>Refresh by clicking link or button</b>.</li>
  392. <li>Click the <b>Find</b> button to select a target element on the page to click.</li>
  393. <li>Click <b>Start</b> to begin refreshing.</li>
  394. </ol>
  395. Textbox value: <b>#refresh-button</b><br>
  396. <br>
  397. <img src="" border='1' title='Easy Auto Refresh Auto-Click a Button' width='505px' />
  398. <br><br><br>
  399. <a name="easyautorefresh-gmail-a"></a><b>Example 2 - Gmail</b><br>
  400. <br>
  401. For more advanced situations, you may need to manually find the element <b>id</b> or <b>class name</b> to auto-click. This can be done using the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Chrome Inspector</a> tool. <br>
  402. <br>
  403. Textbox value: <b>a[Title=Inbox]</b>
  404. <br><br>
  405. <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border='1' title='Easy Auto Refresh Auto-Click Gmail, Chrome Extension' width="505px" /></a>
  406. <br><br>
  407. You can automatically click the "Inbox" link to quickly refresh your email, without refreshing the entire browser page.
  408. <br><br>
  409. <!--<a href="#easyautorefresh-gmail-a" onclick="document.getElementById('easyautorefresh-gmail').style.display='block';">Show steps</a>
  410. <br><br>
  411. <div id="easyautorefresh-gmail" style="display: block;">-->
  412. <ol>
  413. <li>Navigate to your gmail account and verify your Inbox page is displayed.</li>
  414. <li>Right-click the link "Inbox" in the left-menu and select "Inspect element".</li>
  415. <li>Note the type of the HTML tag "a" and the title of the tag "Inbox". This is the tag that you click to refresh your email content.</li>
  416. <li>In Easy Auto Refresh, checkmark the option "Refresh by clicking link or button".</li>
  417. <li>In the textbox, enter the value: a[Title=Inbox]</li>
  418. <li>Verify a green checkmark displays next to the value. This indicates the value is a valid HTML element.</li>
  419. <li>Turn refresh on. The next time a refresh occurs, Easy Auto Refresh will click the "Inbox" link instead of refreshing the entire browser page. This will refresh just the email content, allowing you to have a much quicker and smoother refresh of your email!</li>
  420. </ol>
  421. <!--</div>-->
  422. <br>
  423. <a name="easyautorefresh-hotmail-a"></a><b>Example 3 - Hotmail</b><br>
  424. <br>
  425. Textbox value: <b>li[Title=Inbox]</b>
  426. <br><br>
  427. <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border='1' title='Easy Auto Refresh Auto-Click Hotmail, Chrome Extension' width="505px" /></a>
  428. <br><br>
  429. <!--<a href="#easyautorefresh-hotmail-a" onclick="document.getElementById('easyautorefresh-hotmail').style.display='block';">Show steps</a>
  430. <br><br>
  431. <div id="easyautorefresh-hotmail" style="display: block;">-->
  432. <ol>
  433. <li>Navigate to your hotmail account and verify your Inbox page is displayed.</li>
  434. <li>Hit F12 to open the Chrome Developer Tool.</li>
  435. <li>Click the element inspector tool (magnifying glass icon in the top-left of the Developer Tool window).</li>
  436. <li>On the web page, click on the "Inbox" link in the left menu.</li>
  437. <li>The Chrome Developer Tool will highlight the HTML associated with the link. Move your mouse up until it highlights the "li" HTML tag. This is the tag that you click to refresh your email content. Note the HTML tag type is "li" and the title property is "Inbox".</li>
  438. <li>In Easy Auto Refresh, checkmark the option "Refresh by clicking link or button".</li>
  439. <li>In the textbox, enter the value: li[Title=Inbox]</li>
  440. <li>Verify a green checkmark displays next to the value. This indicates the value is a valid HTML element.</li>
  441. <li>Turn refresh on. The next time a refresh occurs, Easy Auto Refresh will click the "Inbox" link instead of refreshing the entire browser page. This will refresh just the email content, allowing you to have a much quicker and smoother refresh of your email!</li>
  442. </ol>
  443. <!--</div>-->
  444. <br>
  445. <a name="easyautorefresh-hotmail-a"></a><b>Example 4 - IFrame</b><br>
  446. <br>
  447. Textbox value:<br>
  448. <span style="font-size: 10px;"><b>document.querySelector('iframe').contentDocument.getElementById('dropdownSearchBtn')</b></span>
  449. <br><br>
  450. <ol>
  451. <li>Navigate to <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></li>
  452. <li>In Easy Auto Refresh, checkmark the option "Refresh by clicking link or button".</li>
  453. <li>In the textbox, enter the value: <span style="font-size: 9px;">document.querySelector('iframe').contentDocument.getElementById('dropdownSearchBtn')</span></li>
  454. <li>Verify a green checkmark displays next to the value. This indicates the value is a valid HTML element.</li>
  455. <li>Turn refresh on. The next time a refresh occurs, Easy Auto Refresh will click the button inside the iframe, causing a dropdown menu to display and hide repeatedly.</li>
  456. </ol>
  457. <br>
  458. The steps are the same for any web page with a button or link to click for a refresh of partial content. You can use any HTML or jquery style selector. To click an element with an Id property, use the form "#name" without quotes. To click an element with a Class property, use the form ".class" without quotes.
  459. <br><br>
  460. You can also use a full document.querySelector(...) command to locate the desired HTML element to click. For example, document.querySelector('#myId') will select the element with the id "myId" to click. Also, as shown in Example 3 above, you can select a button inside an iframe with a query such as (all on 1 line):<br>
  461. document.querySelector('#iframeId').contentDocument<br>
  462. .getElementById('dropdownSearchBtn')
  463. <br><br>
  464. For some pages, it may be a little tricky to locate the correct id, class, or selector to use. If you enter an incorrect value, you'll see a red border around the input box, which indicates the element is not valid, or a refresh simply will not occur (ie., nothing was found to click on). In this case, you can try again with a different selector value, or just uncheckmark the option and allow Easy Auto Refresh to refresh the page in the standard way.
  465. <br>
  466. <h3>Auto-click After a Page Reload</h3>
  467. If you want to auto-click the element on the page <i>after</i> a standard page reload, you can checkmark the option <b>Click after page refresh</b>. When you begin refreshing, the page will first reload using a standard web browser refresh and then automatically click the button or link that you've selected.<br>
  468. <br>
  469. <b>Adding a Delay</b><br>
  470. <br>
  471. For instances where you need to wait a few seconds after a standard page reload before auto-clicking the button or link, you can enter a number for seconds in the <b>Delay</b> input box. For example, if you enter the value <b>3</b>, Easy Auto Refresh will first reload the web page with a standard refresh, wait 3 seconds after loading the page, and finally automatically click the selected button or link.<br>
  472. <br>
  473. Don't have Easy Auto Refresh installed in Chrome yet? Head on over and <a href="" target="_blank">download</a> a copy. It's FREE!]]></description>
  474.         <pubDate>Sun,  22 Mar 2015 08:58:44 -0700</pubDate>
  475.         <guid></guid>
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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda